#Our HIGHLY Sophisticated Nubian Fante Asafo Technocracy [FAT] Empires of Telepathic Atlantis [THEBES]
harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ when I Lay Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Down 2 Sleep [Die]… I Automatically Open My 1st Coptic Egyptian iEye of HERU [HARRELL] MELanin that Auto Pixilate My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] VISIONS 2 JAH Witness Our Magnificent Mystical Afro [MA] Afterlife Realms of the Dead [Immortal]… now Allow Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] 2 Illustrate My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] ANCESTORS that Still Telepathically Talk 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] After Physical Death ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ I know a lot about Our Native… Nubian Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Vili + Yombe + Beembe + Bwende + Woyo Tribes of Kongo Afterlife [KA] Kingdom Ancestors [KA]… ‘cause They BEE [Thebes] Telepathically Talkin’ 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Cryptically Freestyle Our HIGHLY Sophisticated Gullah Ebonic [G.E. = GREEK] Slang I Learnt from My Ancient [MA] Afro Louisiana Afterlife [L.A.] American Mother of African [MA] Atlantis that Genetically BEE My Mama of Cairo Atlantis [CA] ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Our Native Nubian Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Vili + Yombe + Beembe + Bwende + Woyo Tribes of Kongo Afterlife [KA] Kingdom Ancestors [KA]#Our HIGHLY Sophisticated Nubian Fante Asafo Technocracy [FAT] Empires of Telepathic Atlantis [THEBES]#Golden Black Egyptian Thebes [E.T.] Magick of Cairo Atlantis [CA]#Golden Black African Hyperion Mothership Intel… from Telepathic Atlantis [THEBES]#My Ancient [MA] Afro Louisiana Afterlife [L.A.] American Mother of African [MA] Atlantis#My Mama of Cairo Atlantis [CA]#Queen Tiye's MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] NEW WORLDWIDE ORDER [NWO] ILLUMINATI#Mama Hatshepsut’s [MH’s] 1st Hebrew Egyptian [HE = JAH] Son [Sun] ENERGIES that BEE So DRACONIAN#Magical Afterlife Mother of Atlantis [MAMA]#Monarchy of Hathor [MH = MAMA] Energies#Pre Historic U.S. Egyptian Monarch of Hathor [MH = JAH] Energies to Celestial Atlantis [CA]#My New Worldwide Order [NWO] Musick of Hathor [MH]#My Heuristic [MH] Monarchy of Hathor [MH = MAMA] Intel#Ancient Black American Typhonian [BAT] Indians of Pre Physical Black Bloodlines from Orion's Matriarchal Empire of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Church Monarchies [Hedonism Monasteries] of Hathor’s Matriarchal Atlantis [MA] Energies#My Afro [MA] Louisiana American [L.A.] Afterlife Ancestors of Cairo Atlantis [CA]#Untold U.S. Black & Gold Occult History of California#U.S. Black & Gold California State Melanin Energies#Numerical Aperture iEye of Optical Gold & Black California Afterlife [CA] Visions#Compton’s Most Wanted Archangel [M.W.A.] Michael
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ My Indigenous Black Country [B.C.] Kinfolk of Mississippi River Bloodlines that Ancestrally Link UP 2 My ILLUMINATED Nubian Afterlife Ancestors of PREHISTORIC Afro Louisiana American [L.A.] Indian Bloodlines who Already JAH Witnessed My 1st… Mental Alkhemical [MA] Metamorphosis 2 Atlantis [MA]… ‘cause They BEE [Thebes] Religiously Studyin’ My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] MUSICK of Us [U.S. = ABORIGINAL] Reincarnated Black Christ [B.C.] Immortals of MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] GOD [GENUIS] ENERGIES ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Meroitic Hieroglyphic [MH] Monarch#My Indigenous Black Country [B.C.] Kinfolk of Mississippi River Bloodlines#My ILLUMINATED Nubian Afterlife Ancestors of PREHISTORIC Afro Louisiana American [L.A.] Indian Bloodlines#Primordial Dark Matter [Shadow] Realm of Afterlife [RA] Ancestors#My Cosmic Afterlife [CA] Body of Magical Afroasiatic [MA] Genetic MELanin that Produce Many Golden Black Shadow Apparition [SA] Spirits#Shadow Genetics#Golden Black African Hyperion Mothership Intel… from Telepathic Atlantis [THEBES]#Our HIGHLY Sophisticated Nubian Fante Asafo Technocracy [FAT] Empires of Telepathic Atlantis [THEBES]#Golden Black Egyptian Thebes [E.T.] Magick of Cairo Atlantis [CA]#My New Worldwide Order [NWO] GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER MAGICK#U.S. Black Ecclesiastical Magisterium of Black Esoteric Theologies#Original Black Senātus Populusque Rōmānus [SPQR = The Roman Senate & People] Government of Atlantis [GA = ROME]#Original Black Wall Street Senate of Black Currency Treasuries#Reincarnated Nubian Mansa Musa Root Magick of Atlantis [MA]#Infinite Egyptian Nile River Cosmos of Many Golden Afterlife [GA = ROMAN] Soul Energies#U.S. Egyptian Nile River Families of Golden Black Genetic Bloodlines#NUBIAN JAH [JUPITER = JEHOVAH] MAGICK of RAMESES AFTERLIFE [RA] ENERGY INTEL#NUBIAN JAH [JUPITER = JEHOVAH] MAGICK of AFTERLIFE [MA] ATLANTIS#Our PREHISTORIC Nubian Egyptian Temple [E.T.] Energies of Heavenly JAH [Jehovah = JUPITER]
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ My HIGHLY Elaborate Egyptian Voodoo Vocabulary of Magical Hieroglyphic [MH] Intel that Auto Identify [A.I.] My Own [MO’ = Personal] Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Energies BEE So Multi EThnic [E.T.] 2 My INNER Black Electron Soul [BES = MESSIANIC] BLOODLINES of SPIRITUAL SATAN [SATURN]… now Spiritually Observe Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Quote from Our Infamous Black Ancestral Book of the Dead… ‘cause They BEE [Thebes] Talkin’ 2 ME [King TUT] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ I Already Cosmically + Ancestrally [CA] Established Myself as My Heavenly [MH = Empyreal] Father’s 1st Born Congo Afrikkan [CA] American FREEMASON of ATLANTIS [FA = FANTE ASAFO]… that Magically Enforce [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Own [MO’ = Personal] Political + Religious [HOLY] Roman Empire Militia of Golden Black Afterlife Form Ancestor [FA = FANG] SPIRITS from Our HIGHLY Sophisticated Nubian Fante Asafo Technocracy [FAT] Empires of Telepathic Atlantis [THEBES] ♀
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