#Other SNS Artworks
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Honkai: Star Rail CN | "About Robin: Hide and Seek" From Pom-Pom's Favorites
Artist: _人间失連_ Download: Google Drive
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deductivisms · 9 months
having distanced myself from "fandom" spaces -- and really art-centered communities as a whole -- it really is strange to me how there's this perception that posting content automatically means that you're trying to grow an audience / want to become something like an influencer
i'm not trying to make a "living" off of being a content creator so it's not really important to me whether or not a piece gets a lot of visibility or not - i'm just drawing and posting what i like and if other people happen to like it or see it that's a nice bonus!! but i think personally i've kind of checked out of the idea of being an Artist On The Internet
i also just don't like the culture surrounding online art-centered spaces because it caused me to develop a very weird relationship with my work; i wasn't drawing to improve or because i wanted to, i was basically burning myself out trying to get "just good enough" to where people wouldn't judge me anymore for being "bad" which was like ?!?#?#?@#
it's nice to be treated not as someone's "art [sns] mutual" but as just a friend who may also happen to draw and that's why i've felt a lot more comfortable with the people i'm surrounded by now vs previously, where it always felt like my art was a factor into whether or not i was even given baseline respect nod nod
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amaretto-mp4 · 3 months
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Ahh I just had to re-type this 3 times since tumblr desktop doesn't seem to be saving my drafts despite all my attempts;; regardless this one vibes more with the themes of my worldbuilding project, Crosswind Landings. Lotsa negative space I would have better utilised, but I was super pressed for time and had to get these printed for an art event I'm attending this weekend!
Edit: I’ve decided to tweak things a bit more —I’ll share the finalized design when I do a re-print in the future x)
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noco3n-com · 1 year
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My name is "noco". I am a flower photographer and digital artist. My job is to convey the charm of flowers in various ways."noco's artwork" is operated as a simple portfolio site. I hope that my work will be a little bit of energy and healing for you.
Below are links to my other sites. Please take a look.
1. Official online store ( You can purchase the products of the brand that I built. )
2. Twitter( This is the SNS where I am most active.)
3. Instagram( You can enjoy the work with a different expression from Twitter. )
4. Mastodon( It is an SNS that I started to have more people enjoy my work. )
Please contact the following e-mail address for work requests and exhibition invitations.
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whitmoon · 9 months
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💛 「… 」
「OH…..Don't mind me. Keep doing what you're doing, I just scribble things around. 」 ----------------
After reading the HS interview
I think K'sante may sketch and draw his band members sometimes, to warm up his hand, and search for ideas and inspiration.
( PS. Yes, I open for your imagination that which member he's drawing right now ) 🤭💕 I base his clothes on HEARTSTEEL Promo artwork! and I use this photo as a reference picture to practice drawing. ---------------- 🌟 Silly Bonus about What other band members think with K'Sante's Drawing in my HC ( Keep reading below)
🧡Sett - Keep asking if K'sante could draw him the 100th flexing pose drawing like a GREEK STATUE for him again
💙Aphelios - Scan, and take a photo of K'sante's drawing to post on SNS without any permission. And the fans like it.
💚Ez - is the one who enjoys and cherishes everything that K'Sante draws even if it's just a stickman. Will show off the drawing to everyone and the fans, and praise nonstop.
💜Kayn - Pretend to ignore at first but always make an excuse to jam and scribble in K'sante Sketchbook.
❤️Yone - Silent admirer. For him, it's hard to praise a thing or person with words but totally appreciates the drawing of all the band members and tries to capture them with his phone. (and EZ is happy to help!)
However, he found many sketches of him in K'sante's sketchbook.
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chihiyro · 2 years
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It's them, your honor. ---------------------
Art © Chihiyro
You can see more artwork on my other SNS.
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amngtheflowers · 3 months
Hello, I would like to address some things recently that have bothered me:
Please don't ask me for art requests. Unless I ask for suggestions on what to draw, normally no, I won't do it. Even if you don't necessarily have ill intent/aren't forceful about it and ask nicely, it's rude and unbecoming for a stranger to go around begging random artists for free artwork. You either learn to commission others for their hard work, or learn to put the pencil in your hands.
I don't allow usage of my artwork on profiles, even with credit. You're fine to use them as desktop backgrounds, etc - places that don't involve printing them out or reuploading them. It makes me deeply uncomfortable to see my artwork being used to 'identify' one's self on SNS if that makes sense, of course there are exceptions: Like if I drew certain artwork for them, and I'm aware I can't entirely prevent this as long as my artwork is on the internet, and as long as people simply don't care about my feelings, but to the ones that do have the capacity to understand: Please refrain from doing so. Also, credit should not be used as a free card for you to do what you want with others' intellectual property unless they gave you the ok - unauthorized use even with credit, is still unauthorized use.
This is more specific and might offend and upset people which I apologize for in advance but please do not make my Lucilius art about other characters and ships when they're not mentioned or necessarily being alluded to... and especially when there's no indication of me enjoying the ship on my blog at all. Please also don't say stuff along the vein of 'Lucilius wouldn't do this in canon but (compliments anyway as if it cancels out the previous unwarranted statement)' on my ship art. I find it rather rude and upsetting. I read my tags even when I don't seem to be reactive or responsive. I see this stuff. It's disheartening. It makes me feel bad. I should be allowed a space where I can freely be deluded and draw what I want even if it doesn't directly align with others' view of canon, if it upsets people, they have the necessary means to avoid and ignore my work. What I draw isn't intended to be an accurate representation of lore. That's why I refer to them as delusions or draw them under the premise of an alternative world where things have occurred differently. I recognize that the tags I saw also weren't carrying ill intent at all and perhaps thought they were being playful, but they still left a bad flavor in my mouth. There are just some comments better kept to oneself. And besides, there's already a lot of fanwork for other ships for you to enjoy out there.
That is all. Thank you for your love and kind words towards my drawings.
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stellacaerulea · 6 months
Paper announced a new Nikki figurine, and I'd like to make a not-so-short rant on the subject - feel free to state your views on the matter afterwards
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Disclaimer: this entire text is my opinion on the matter and in no way an irrefutable statement
This week another SN figurine was announced, with Nikki in an unknown Cloud-style outfit. I mentioned that before in other occasions in the community at large, but why is it that only Nikki gets anything outside of the game?
People constantly come to the quick conclusion that, well, Nikki is the protagonist and all so it's only natural that she gets most of the attention, but there's a noticeable difference between getting most of the attention and getting all of it. The only character to get anything at all outside the game - applies to both Love Nikki and Shining Nikki - is Nikki and, by proxy, Momo.
Earlier I heard in my server that "she is the protagonist, so she's the game's selling point" - fact is, Nikki alone isn't strong enough of a selling point. Anyone somewhat familiar with long-running gacha RPGs knows the other characters are often just as, if not more, important as the protagonist and appropriately, they get a share of the spotlight outside their games.
Think about other games in this segment I know which one you're gonna think about. While the protagonist's story is the driving motor of the game, what we actually hear/read most is the stories of the people surrounding the protagonist, and as a result the game becomes more of a collection of stories of interesting people, and said interesting people gets just as much attention as part of the game as a product as the protagonist does, to the point that often the protagonist is ignored.
Of course we don't want Nikki to be ignored, even though I personally have been finding her a bit flat as a character as of late. But consider: when was the last time we saw artwork of other characters in their birthdays or other big events outside the game (say, holidays) that weren't reflection arts or concepts? To be honest I've seen it around 5 times ever since TW SN was released - April 2019.
Likewise, I made that survey a few months ago, asking if you were interested in merchandise from anyone other than Nikki, to which the crushing majority said yes. And I know for a fact, half the community would be fighting tooth and nail for a Lilith figurine with a sparkly silver dress, or maybe Loen in some action pose [edit: my gf arrived as I was typing and added she'd kill for a figurine of the Goddess of Desire]. We could have gotten a short animation (even if it was live2D mostly) of Ashley's past which is a very popular story and honestly how most people even heard of Shining Nikki to begin with or some slice of life about Aeon and Marina taking care of the personality mirrors in the Ark. But instead, anything that isn't Nikki herself is neglected and treated as secondary even if in practice they are most of what makes the game.
In short, my point with all this is to express my disappointment with how a world meant to be rich and attractive is neglected and the game is treated as if it were only pretty clothes on a silly (affectionate) pink-haired girl. Of course the game would decline as it has been lately. We can have a dress-up with pretty clothes anywhere. Just ask Archosaur.
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sueske · 10 months
Nostalgia is one heck of a drug because it will mess with your memories and make everything seem great.
For example, I first read through Naruto when I was 11 and the manga was still actively coming out. Albeit near the latter half but still. I was a super big team 7 fan, loved Naruto, loved Sasuke, loved Sakura, loved Kakashi, sai, Yamato etc etc. I was like this is THE perfect team and they compliment each other so well. Thought Sakura was genuinely an amazing character who was misunderstood.
Imagine my reaction when seeing some Naruto artwork pop up in my feed, making me feel nostalgic and wanting to read all the great moments with my favorite characters, because hey, what could go wrong? And when reading through of Naruto I realize oh….. Sakura kinda sorta really heckin sucks big time and so does Kakashi. And oh wait, Sasuke and Naruto’s bond is a lot stronger and more prevalent than I remember it being…? There’s also a bit of romantic undertones?
Long story short, my reading of Naruto from the ages of 11 vs 23 has changed vastly and I am able to understand more complexities within the story than I was as a preteen. Kinda sucks to realize how horrible the dynamic of my favorite team was, it REALLY sucked to read through and see how terrible Kakashi’s and Sakura’s characters are but like… at the end of day I was able to see and understand more of Sasuke and Naruto’s dynamic and now I’m kind of a shipper? Never been super into shipping but I think Sasuke and Naruto’s story is just so…. Present that you can’t help but really appreciate their whole dynamic.
Sorry for the long ask. Ever since my reread of Naruto and now really understanding Naruto and Sasuke’s dynamic and really liking it, I’ve been looking through a bunch of sns accounts. I think all of you peeps who are really great and analyzing stories that seem so straightforward and yet have so many nuances and hidden meanings that people like me at first reading didn’t even notice!
Hope you have a good day :) love reading your stuff. (Also I tried my best not to curse. I’m sorry if you see h*ck as a bad word.)
I actually had a similar experience, I watched naruto in like three chunks over ~10 years. when I was a kid I loved sakura and shipped ss… even wrote fanfics for them lol. when I picked it up again some years later I forgot some stuff, and had a lingering fondness for her from childhood. then I finally finished it as an adult and was like oh 😄 I’ve seen others as well who shipped ss/nh as kids but then dropped them once they got older too. and thank you for your kind words.
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cubur · 2 years
Excuse me, may I ask you a question?
I was really wondering how you are still friends with the artist named snow124? They are so talented and high amount of sasunarusasu community loves their art but once i saw their very rude and unsympathetic behavior because of my reposting their fan work on instagram, but that was one year ago. As far as i know you were friends with this artist even back then and i wonder if they've ever been rude to you? How you can still tolerate that person?
You can ignore my question if i caused you discomfort by my words
Hello there! Hmmm ok I've been looking at your ask for a while and just thinking how to answer it… "should I answer in one sentence or the length of a novel?" And then I just thought i couldn't describe myself in one sentence. So here we go…
Warning!This is a long post, sorry.
First of all, I have a few things to say before answering your questions. And these things about me, if you don't mind. Okay so, I really have no idea what i look like through someone else's eyes, but i don't like to talk to people often in my real life. In most cases, creature called "human" acts only for its own benefit… This is purely my personal opinion and I won't say all, but 95% of people are like that even if they don't admit it. I don't like selfish, liars, two faced people. So can we say that I am as lonely as Sasuke? Yes I am. (I've already said that i feel close to Sasuke's character during the insta Q&A thing) but anyways… That's why there are very few people around me that I truly trust. And Snow is one of them.
Now coming back to your questions… Well…… Firstly i didn't like you calling her "the artist named snow124". I mean, what does that mean !? Many people in the sns community don't think of more than one person when Snow124 is mentioned, right (?) but everyone thinks of only one artist. So I would understand if you only say Snow124. (Just felt like you were trying to marginalize her or something, and this bothered me)! Secondly, have you ever thought of turning the mirror at yourself before calling someone rude, unsympathetic, stupid, idiot etc? When there's a disagreement, do you really think it's always the other person's fault ? …You know what, I asked Snow first before answering your ask just because her name is mentioned here. And if she had said "don't answer", I wouldn't have answered. But why did I do that? After all, this is my ask box, my account, so why am i asking her? But actually the real question is, why do you post her artwork that she spends her hours maybe days on your own account without even asking her permission, while I get permission from her just because her name was mentioned in a question that came to me? Can you see the difference between these two examples i gave? Well, if you still can't see it, i'll explain in one word. This is "respect"!
Is that your commission? No. Is it your work? No. Is it your idea, design, collab or something? No. So then, who gave you the right to post someone else's work for just a few likes and followers? And what kind of reaction do you expect the artist to react to your disrespect towards their work? Think about it a little……
It's not the first time I've seen people call Snow rude. And maybe others are right in their own way but her attitude or words were never rude to me… I think it's wrong to expect everyone to give the same reaction when faced with a problem or something!For example; I'm not good at controlling myself emotionally …not that professional yet. On the other hand, I see that Snow is able to keep her emotional side more controlled and stronger than me. But do you think that means she's callous? I know many people don't even care about empathy. But just for once, have you ever thought about this repost issue from an artist's perspective? I don't know if you are aware but many artists even deleted their accounts for this reason!So you can't say you saw their rude (as you call it) behavior as if you were the only right side!
"I wonder if they've ever been rude to you? How you can still tolerate that person?"
Snow124 herself always says she's as cold as snow. Not rude but she is aware that she has a cold personality. So maybe "No." sounds very rude to you but it's just a simple no to her, you never know. And before I talk to someone, i try to get to know that person. I already knew she was like that, and frankly i like her critical attitude. She can see details that I can't see, but I take this as help, not rudeness (and this is one of the reasons i chose her as my teacher). I mean if someone likes rock music and says they hate pop, then I wouldn't try to get them to like pop music. Briefly, I accept that person as they are… Not with everyone but sometimes I talk so much that others even get a headache because of me …and from time to time Snow also (maybe forcibly) puts up with this side of me *im sorry* x) And she usually gives short answers to my boring novels but I never questioned that, or didn't think she was rude, or something. Do you know why? 'Cause she's not me, i'm not her. Maybe there are common tastes but one person is never 100% the same as another person. I never expected anything in return when i drew her a gift or a piece. When I care about someone or something i do it without expecting anything in return (this is also one of the reasons why i still keep drawing Naruto and Sasuke)
When it comes to "tolerate" thing… Hmm ok I don't understand exactly what you're talking about. I mean it's not about tolerating Snow, on the contrary she tolerates me at many points (and my silly jokes that aren't funny at all x)) Also yeah there are many things in my real life that I have to tolerate, so i just remember how i was able to calm my mind again thanks to my fanart accounts and some golden people here…
Also if I remember correctly, someone on insa said i was nicer than Snow for warning them before reporting their repost, just like you anon. But after that due to another report, someone else started sending abusive messages to my personal email address. Yes maybe i'm more patient about reposts than her, but not anymore!Everyone has a limit, please remember this! And one last thing, you guys don't even realize when you're actually being rude by directly calling someone rude.
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Honkai: Star Rail CN | "Little Misha: I want to wake up from my dreams and embrace the stars"* From Pom-Pom's Favorites
Artist: 月见玉子烧 *Rough translation
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tamelee · 1 year
Hii, when are you uploading your next art? It's been like ages lol. Also how's your progress on manga going? And can you suggest some other artists you know, artists like you? Since you also started from 0 followers at some point and your progress on your art is also very inspiring and i guess you know many different artists. I'm searching for inspiration and looking for some Low key artists from other fandoms. I'm slowing trying to improve on my digital painting skills. Still at level 1. Who do you look up to for your inspiration? Sorry, this became a pretty big ask hehe.
Hi~ 💕
Ages? Yeah, ... a little over a month now. I know that because I keep track on it. I pretty much keep track on most things. I do this thing where I plan a few weeks ahead and it is supposed to make sure I have more time left because of the planning but it doesn't account for roadblocks such as wrist pain, technical issues with tablets etc-, mental states, stress, health declines or others. So.. I haven't uploaded anything in a while but I never stopped creating ^^! In fact, I'm learning every single day so that I can create more, "better" (subjective) and build a skill-set that will help me be able to make what I want. I felt like I was making art aimlessly, but having a goal helps. Though, by chance, since you're wondering- this week for sure!
And within that planning is of course the Manga! The process is a lot of fun, but also there is science behind Storytelling and I'm using what I know and learning during my graduation process as well in order to create it. That's why I didn't start drawing until I am completely happy with the story (...and now don't mind so much that my previous draft got lost even thought that was so painful lol). I was so ignorant about it though, thinking I could just... create a Manga. Like c'mon. I knew so much time and dedication went into it and yet I thought I could just... do it 😆 but also, it is this dedication that made me able to do most crazy things in life so why not. If I'm going to spend idk how many hours on this then it better matter to me. I don't want Naruto and Sasuke to just drown in some plot, I want them to actively pursue something they care about and struggle, have dark moments and conflicts... heh.
When I first started drawing.. surprisingly I didn't have that many inspirations. I had no clue what I was doing and so what inspired me was the little art-community around me on Instagram because our goals were similar. My goal to finish Inktober, a wish to "someday create a webtoon" and seeing artists around me upload their art was what inspired me. Then, talking about art, each other's uploads, our obsessions- it was all a lot of fun and helped me improve and so did they! Of course you don't have to go there, you can find artists at any stage of their journey anywhere but really try to find artists and art that you like because your style will grow from that and eventually become your own.
I guess a few artists really stood out to me then, but they're literal gods and nothing like me 🥹..they're; wlop, Z ed, Ruan Jia, Zeen Chin, Guweiz and Dao Tong Le. I had a splash art phase where I fangirl'd (still do) so hard over Bo Chen, Sean Tay, Alex Flores, Cheng Du (crow god), Foritis Wang, but there's also Paul Nong, Ley Bowen, Inhyuk Lee... and for storytelling art there's Kan Liu which art I love and Toni Infante and ooooh Astri Lohne's brushwork is amazing as well. Song Nan Li has a few artworks that I've stared at for days and would love to study someday. Jaz Chiang too. Krenz Cushart has a course that I want to purchase because those colors are sublime... and oh, I'm probably forgetting SO MANY right now but I could go on forever tbh. Lemme talk about artists and their art and I won't be able to stop. There have been many Instagram artists that I've followed but I'm not currently active on there until I graduate so I don't really remember but if you're looking for Twitter/SNS/Naruto specifically then you can look through my following-list or my reblog account here @re-tamelee. Nsfw-warning on Twitter (@ tam_e_lee) though. I think currently a few that inspire me regarding story/expression are helenpeanut, velinxi, Kishimoto, Ramón Nuñez, Moryo, Ryo Yambe, Rias Coast, Yusuke Matsumoto, Bengal, Hong Soonsang, Horikoshi- and still a few others... I'm not sure what you mean by 'low-key' or if this is not what you're looking for but I hope you can find some inspiration from this post and have fun looking at these amazing artists' art! ^^ Thankyou for your lovely ask, have a nice day 🌷 Happy drawing!
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vespertea · 9 months
Whiteboard Shenanigans !
Find my stuff in BLUE ! (most images will have a caption saying what is / isn't mine)
Will be updated over time. This should be obvious but DO NOT repost this artwork anywhere. I have some very talented friends, yes, but I speak on behalf of all of them (and myself) when I say DO NOT use our artwork for ANY purpose whatsoever. No permission will be granted for anything on this site, regardless of purpose. Do not repost, sell, recolor, trace, reference, upload, dub, download, use for pfps/banners/other SNS/roleplay, nor finish these artworks.
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noco3n-com · 2 years
My name is "noco". I am a flower photographer and digital artist. My job is to convey the charm of flowers in various ways."noco's artwork" is operated as a simple portfolio site. I hope that my work will be a little bit of energy and healing for you.
Below are links to my other sites. Please take a look.
1. Official online store ( You can purchase the products of the brand that I built. )
2. Twitter( This is the SNS where I am most active.)
3. Instagram( You can enjoy the work with a different expression from Twitter. )
4. Mastodon( It is an SNS that I started to have more people enjoy my work. )
Please contact the following e-mail address for work requests and exhibition invitations.
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whatsintheboxmh · 1 year
Nice ask day!
I love your artwork it’s so rich and colorful 🥰 Have you done art for any other shows before Lone Star?
Hi Remon! 🍋 Thanks for the art love!
I've got some old stuff here ↓
Stuff like GOT, AHS, Hannibal, The rest of my art was more like on my friends-only SNS. Looking back, I'm not sure why I kept things so hush-hush, but I've always been a bit of a private artist, so Tumblr's been a bit of a wild ride for me!😂
Anyway, apart from that URL up there, I've got some pieces that I haven't really shown around much.
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So, just a heads up, there’s some shipping and NSFW stuff in here, so if that’s not your jam, consider yourself warned! 😉
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chihiyro · 3 years
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Dynavity Pro-hero AU
KACCHAKO!!!!!!!!!!! Here's my #kacchako comic for @dynavityzine!! I absolutely adore those gremlins and their shenanigans so I had a lot of fun doing this! There's also 💥 LEFTOVER SALES! --------------------- Art © Chihiyro Uraraka and Bakugou from Boku no Hero Academia © Kōhei Horikoshi
You can see more artwork on my other SNS.
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