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haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted · 6 months ago
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Silvos, Rogue Elemental by Carl Critchlow
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reuxben · 5 months ago
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Here’s our MTGinktober for “Uncharted,“ starring Amalia Benavides Aguirre and Cartographer! Rest assured, it'll get charted, The Maponistas are on the case.
Click this post’s Source link for this piece’s Making-Of.
More MTGinktober here.
Daily art updates on Instagram, Twitter, and Bluesky.
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dndorkdoggo · 2 years ago
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I drew this during the last stream (ep 2)
This is what Otaria “looks” like
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y3lnatsstanl3y · 5 days ago
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hombre de cuerpo grande, y alma de mucha  bondad, por el frio. El sol, y el mar tenia la piel arruga, y poseía un gran sentimiento en ayudar a los demås.
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meowziies · 3 months ago
que odio eu troquei de celular e fiquei com preguiça de re instalar esse app ai agr fui ver minhas postagens antigas......... </33
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narrlsy · 2 years ago
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10/10 relationship, no flaws
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shiningcottoncandylove · 1 year ago
Be a maker, a baker, a writer, a producer, a manufacturing gal!
Not a consumer, a eater, a viewer, a passive bitch!
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dndorkdoggo · 2 years ago
This is how I feel about Otaria
I'm so full of love on this day! if you think you can handle that, click "keep reading" below!
AAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!! ╰⁠(â âžâ âžâ âžâ ÂŽâ ïżœïżœïżœâ `⁠➝⁠➝⁠➝⁠)⁠╯ !!!!
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
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haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted · 6 months ago
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Roar of the Wurm by Kev Walker
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reuxben · 6 months ago
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Here’s our MTGinktober for “Trek,” starring Pianna, Nomad Captain; The Wandering Emperor; and Isamaru and Yoshimaru! é ‘ćŒ”ă‚ă†ă€ăƒŻăƒłăĄă‚ƒă‚“ïŒ
Click this post’s Source link for this piece’s Making-Of.
More MTGinktober here.
Daily art updates on Instagram, Twitter, and Bluesky.
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arthistoryanimalia · 1 year ago
Happy #InternationalDayOfTheSeal ! 🩭
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Sea Lion Effigy Stirrup Vessel
Moche, Peru, 50-800 CE (Early Intermediate-Middle Horizon)
Earthenware (Blackware), H: 6 1/4 x W: 9 1/2 x D: 6 1/4 in. (15.9 x 24.1 x 15.9 cm)
The Walters Art Museum 48.2842 https://art.thewalters.org/detail/79387/seal-effigy-stirrup-vessel/
“This vessel shows a swimming sea lion, an animal commonly found on islands in the Pacific Ocean close to Peru. Apart from being an important source of food for Andean people, sea lions commonly swallow beach pebbles, which they later vomit up. These stones were considered to have powerful medicinal qualities, and could be ground to make herbal remedies in ancient Peru.”
🆔 South American Sea Lion (Otaria byronia)
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markrosewater · 6 months ago
I'd like to invoke the right of birthday trivia about my favorite character: Arcanis the Omnipotent! We already know they're a powerful wizard of unknown gender... Do we know anything else about them? Will we see them back at all? They apparently saw SOMETHING horrible, and I'd love to see Arcanis back in the storyline at some point.
Arcanis was a pit fighter on Otaria. When I designed Arcanis, I said what's a cool thing a blue mage could do? How about tap to Ancestral Recall? I put on the self bounce so Arcanis could protect themselves. Brain to print.
Happy Birthday!
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quillpokebiology · 10 months ago
Primarina Facts
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(Art by Kantarou)
-The scientific name for Primarina is "Otaria Symphona" which roughly translates to "Symphonic Little-ear"
-Primarina are mustelids, and their closest relatives are Dewgong and Samurott. Surprisingly, this means that they're also related to Pokemon like Skuntank and Furret
-The bubbles that Primarina makes are made from snot and mucus. The explosive ones are made with hydrogen and other gases
-A group of Primarina is called an Opera
-Primarina live in colonies with other members of its line. It's led by a lead Primarina who leads all of their songs
-Every once a month, usually on the full moon, Primarina will perform on beaches. These wre major tourist attractions for anyone visiting the Alola region, and it's popular for wild pokemon too
-Primarina developed their singing abilities as a way to attract mates and to lure in prey. When trying to attract mates, Primarina will gather in large crowds where a Primarina (male or female) will perform a mating call. The Primararina who like the song will then mate them. The same kind of courting is used with Lapras as well, making crossbreeds between the two very common (here's a Lapras crossed with a Primarina!)
-There are old beliefs of Primarina using their voice to lure sailors to their deaths. Despite this being popular in stories, there's no records of this ever happening
-The entire line is Crepescular, meaning they're active at evening and at night
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-When courting, male Primarina will give the females gifts like seashells and pearls. Primarina that have mates will carry around said items; sometimes putting them around their naturally occurring pearls as well
-Primarina most often lay their eggs in water beds (place underwater between two objects to make sure something doesn't float away). Popplio have a lot of blubber and will float up while instinctively swimming to the surface for air as well. They'll let their mother know they hatch by giving a unique call
-They're piscovores, so they only eat shells and fish. They'll use their calls to lure in fish mon
-Primarina gained popularity worldwide after the movie, "The Little Primarina," used a Primarina as its protagonist
-Unlike Popplio and Brionne, Primarina have both lungs and gills
-Primarina's hair feels very silky. It's kept clean by natural gels they secrete. It's very thick due to naturally living in the ocean
-Primarina colonies are often matriarchal and lead by a grandma
-Primarina's voice is the most important part of them, and things like battling and communicating are impossible without them. It's important to take care if their voice, like using throat sprays and letting them rest their voices properly after battles
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lacharapita · 9 months ago
faria pra sua fĂŁ algo do enzo e da loba se conhecendo no aeroporto e decidindo passar o dia todo juntos tipo em before sunrise? e um smut bem divo babilonico
AMG DESCULPA MAS EU IMAGINEI MUITO UMA COISA MEIO THE WRONG MISSY KKKKKKKK [sadly eu nunca assiste before sunrise mas pesquisei um tiquinho da história e achei um amoreco]. Fiz um cenårio pq meu cérebro fritou depois da fic do Fer com o Esteban + leitora. Ficou bem tolinho boberinha KKKKKKKKK.
Tem uma Big chance de eu escrever uma coisa mais elaborada sobre isso pq eu gostei muito😭😭
VocĂȘ tava desesperada correndo pelo aeroporto porque seu aviĂŁo jĂĄ ia sair e vocĂȘ nĂŁo tava nem perto dos portĂ”es de entrada [bc we are late bitchesđŸ’„đŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș], o desespero era tanto que na correria vocĂȘ esbarrou com tudo em alguĂ©m e caiu no chĂŁo. — "puta que pariu!" — Sentou no chĂŁo completamente derrotada quando ouviu a voz no auto falante dizendo que o aviĂŁo das 17:00 tinha decolado. — "EstĂĄ todo bien?" — VocĂȘ virou o rosto quando ouviu a voz calma e se xingou por sequer ter levantado para ajudar e pedir desculpas. — "Porra! Desculpa, eu tava atrasada, sai correndo e-" — As palavras fugiram completamente da sua boca quando vocĂȘ viu o moreno esbelto te olhando enquanto te oferecia uma mĂŁo de ajuda. — "Morri foi? Uma visĂŁo dessa sĂł pode ser o paraĂ­so." [your cantadas = cantada de pedreira] — Enzo arregalou os olhos e riu com suas palavras enquanto te ajudava a levantar. — "NĂŁo nĂŁo, vocĂȘ tĂĄ bem viva, mas perdeu o voo" — Xingou novamente, pegou o celular na bolsa de crochĂȘ colorida e discou o nĂșmero da sua mĂŁe enquanto agradecia o moço pela ajuda. — "MĂŁe, perdi o voo😣😣." — o moço começou a pegar as prĂłprias coisas no chĂŁo antes de ameaçar se afastar. — "Pera aĂ­ menino😠! Oi mĂŁe, sim😊😊porra que saco😡! SĂł semana que vem agora😓😓." — o moreno te olhava com dĂșvida, segurando uma risada interna, esperando pacientemente enquanto vocĂȘ falava com sua mĂŁe. Pigarreou quando vocĂȘ desligou o telefone, quase deixando ele cair no chĂŁo [the famous mĂŁo de alface] quando foi colocar na bolsa. — "Desculpa, qual seu nome? TĂĄ chegando ou tĂĄ indo?" — Enzo riu da forma como vocĂȘ falava rĂĄpido. — "Enzo, e eu tĂŽ chegando." — VocĂȘ sorriu enquanto ouvia ele. — "Ótimo, vamos comer em algum lugar, pedido de desculpas por ter te derrubado no chĂŁo😚." — Ele riu acenando com a cabeça, mas vocĂȘ insistiu, pegou o nĂșmero dele e marcaram de se encontrar Ă s oito da noite. Foram atĂ© um restaurante badalado de Montevideo, comeram, conversaram, vocĂȘ fez Enzo chorar de tanto rir [prazer, sou a praça Ă© nossa] e tambĂ©m fez ele querer morrer quando gritou com um homem com o dobro do seu tamanho porque ele tinha pego a sua bebida. Perto das onze da noite estavam fumando na parte de fora do restaurante, Enzo ainda ria se lembrando dos absurdos que vocĂȘ disse. — "Se uma pessoa pega sua bebida cĂȘ simplesmente deixa?" — Enzo balançou os ombros e riu. — "Porra... nunca na minha vida que eu me faço de otaria desse jeito, sem ofensas sĂ©rio." — Enzo riu mais ainda enquanto a fumaça branca saia por seus lĂĄbios [ALERTA DE TESÃOâ€ŒïžđŸššđŸššENZO VOGRINCIC FUMANDO] . — "Vou ter que procurar um hotel novo." — Disse enquanto jogava a bituca do cigarro na lixeira. — "a estadia acabou agora a noite?" — VocĂȘ acenou negativamente com a cabeça, fazendo ele te olhar confuso. — "E onde foi que vocĂȘ se arrumou desse jeito?" — VocĂȘ riu alto. — "Banheiro do aeroporto. Quem quer da um jeito, lindo😍😍." — Enzo balançou a cabeça desacreditado nas suas palavras. — "Podia ter me avisado nena, fica lĂĄ em casa, prometo que eu nĂŁo sou um assassino em sĂ©rie." — Claro que vocĂȘ aceitou. Um homem gostoso que definitivamente tinha a chance de te matar tipo???? [đŸ€«đŸ€«]
Quando entrou no apartamento bem arrumado e minimalista vocĂȘ percebeu que era totalmente o oposto do uruguaio. — "Se eu tiver afim de foder agora... cĂȘ faria esse favor pra mim?" — Enzo riu enquanto se aproximava de vocĂȘ. — "SĂł se me prometer que vai sempre falar comigo. SĂ©rio, em 30 anos de vida acho que nunca tinha rido e me divertido tanto." — Seu aceno acompanhado de uma risada sincera foi o suficiente para ele aproximar os lĂĄbios dos seus antes de deitar no sofĂĄ verde escuro e começar a deixar beijos e mais beijos sobre a pele do seu pescoço [AWNNNNđŸ˜«đŸ˜«], a mĂŁozinha [mĂŁozinha🖕🖕] curiosa correndo por seu corpo e logo se perdendo entre suas pernas. VocĂȘ sĂł sabia gemer enquanto ele te dedava com dois dedos đŸ€˜đŸ€˜đŸ‘‹đŸ’ŠđŸ˜” e te dizia as palavras mais sujas que poderia dizer. Te deixou toda molinha e vazando antes de se empurrar totalmente pra dentro de vocĂȘ, o barulhinho molhado junto com os tapas das coxas deixando o ambiente sujo. — "Porra de bucetinha gostosa, amor." — e vocĂȘ toda đŸ”ŠđŸ’ąđŸ€žâ€â™€ïžđŸ’Š. Ficaram nessa por trĂȘs meses, se viam quase sempre e toda vez que vocĂȘ estava no Brasil para ver sua mĂŁe ele te ligava todos os dias atĂ© vocĂȘ voltar. Te ele te assumiu đŸ«¶đŸ’ com evidĂȘncias no Instagram com uma foto sua depois do banho, com cabelo molhado, cara lava e sorrindo pra ele😍😍.
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magic-the-girlbossing · 8 months ago
Gisa Cecani vs. Akroma
Magic: The Girlbossing Round 1, Match 8
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Propaganda under the cut:
Gisa Cecani
Color identity: Black
Featured art by Chris Rahn
Of course she was in the 1st tournament, but since then she's gone on to be a key member in Oko's group of thieves (girlboss shit), cause several problems in that group, such as calling her zombies at the inconvenient times (girlboss shit, she makes her own path) and of course proving to her brother that no matter what plane they are on, she's still as powerful as she was on Innistrad (Absolute Girlboss shit).
Dear Cable Knit Jerky, Irresponsible?! Don't you bark at me like a child! I am one of the most talented ghoulcallers of our time—I am capable of feats you only dream you could do. (I've heard you try to whistle—it's pathetic!) You may think you're too good for necrowarfare, but I know it's really because you don't think I can function without having to rely on you. —Gisa
Color identity: White
Featured art by Chris Rahn
"No rest. No mercy. No matter what?" is like "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss" except much more hardcore. Plus she slaughters her way across Otaria in search of Phage, happy to send as many of her followers to their deaths as it takes to get the job (of killing Phage) done.
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catwolk-blogdaana · 9 months ago
“JULHO Ă© o nosso mĂȘs”
Junho ainda nĂŁo terminou sua otaria, todo dia Ă© uma oportunidade, se vocĂȘ nĂŁo faz hoje quanto mais em julho. Em julho, no mĂĄximo, consegue +10kg, parabĂ©nsss bujĂŁo eterno.
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