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authorkrysejay · 6 months ago
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Character Showcase: Orsana
A woman in power amidst a world of men, Orsana takes pride in her position as Head Healer in the Ironkeep Fortress.
Cold, curt and distant, not many see the constant rolling storm just below the surface.
Learn more about Orsana and her tangled web of secrets in Phoenix Caged, the second installment in the Hiraeth Song series.
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
A Medical Pedicure is an individually tailored foot treatment performed in a safe and sterile environment. All instruments are sterilized by dry heat at 490 degrees Fahrenheit, 250 degrees Celsius. At first we take care of all problems such as ingrown toenails, fungal infection and warts and the safe removal of hardened skin, calluses and corns. The treatment of dry and cracked heels called winter feet. After we finish with the problems (don’t cry if you have any but thanks God you have baby feet) we will continue with the beautification. The nails are trimmed, filed and shaped. Cuticles are pushed or removed if necessary. The foot sole is softened with a pumice stone including an exfoliation treatment with a sand cream. A specialized moisturizing treatment for feet and a foot massage to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate the flexibility are applied. Ladies get a polish if they wish. People with Diabetes should not forget to inform the therapist of their condition. She will be extra careful. A medical Pedicure is a necessity for most of the population. We usually take care of everything throughout our daily basis, our hair, make up, and clothing, but we forget the most important part of our lives, what keeps us moving, our feet. Our feet are a fundamental part in our everyday life in particular as we are standing many hours of the day on them. We all need to take care of our feet, and that is what a Medical Pedicure is for.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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samirafee · 3 years ago
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gifville.wordpress.com by artist Orsana
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travelguidesmagazine · 4 years ago
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Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Princess Juliana International Airport  (SXM Airport…The Experience Will Move You)
Saint Martin
L'Espérance Airport  (Allows the quickest transfers for commercial inter-island aircraft and for private aircraft)
Sint Maarten
Air Canada
Air France
Air Transat
America Airlines
Continental Airlines
Copa Airlines
Delta Airlines
Sparfell  (World leader in the field of aviation, providing a global solution for every need)
United Airlines
US Airways
Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Adonis Cupecoy
Belair Beach Hotel
Divi Little Bay Resort
Oyster Bay Beach Resort
Sonesta Maho Beach Resort, Casino & Spa  The Island Largest All-Inclusive Family Resort
Sonesta Ocean Point Resort  An All-Inclusive, Adult’s-Only Luxury Resort Experience
The Morgan Resort
Saint Martin
Belmond La samanna
La Plantation
Le Temps Des Cerises  Boutique Hotel located on the bay of Grand-Case.
Orient Beach Hotel
Secrets Resorts
Sint Maarten
Avantika (Thai Restaurant)
Emilio’s  (Restaurant)
Ocean Lounge  (Beach Restaurant)
Mario Bistrot  (Restaurant)
Roxxy Beach  (Beach Club)
Spaghetti House  (Restaurant)
Sublime SXM  (Restaurant)
Topper’s  (International Restaurant)
Saint Martin
Barranco  (Waterfront Dining)
KKÔ Beach  (Beach Restaurant)
Kontiki Beach  (Beach Club)
La Cigale  (Waterfront Dining)
La Villa  (Waterfront Dining)
Le Pressoir (Waterfront Dining)
Ocean82  (Waterfront Dining)
Rainbow  (Beach Club)
Sao Asian Factory  (Asian Restaurant)
Sint Maarten
Ballerina Jewelers  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Caribbean Gems  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Diamonds International  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Jewels by Love (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Jewelry Goldfinger  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Little Europe  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Little Switzerland  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Luxury SXM  (Women’s & Men’s Fashion. Dresses, Handbags, Shoes, Cosmetics, Jewelry & more..)
Shiva’s Gold & Gems  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Saint Martin
Jewelry Goldfinger  (Watches, Jewelry & more..)
Luxury SXM  (Women’s & Men’s Fashion. Dresses, Handbags, Shoes, Cosmetics, Jewelry & more..)
Sint Maarten
The Red Piano  (live entertainment)
Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Arena Base Cafe
Busco Saint Martin  (Liquor Store)
Caribbean Liquors  (Liquors Distributor)
Carrefour Market
GiGi’s Organic Food & Drinks
Le Beau Monde  (Concierge Services)
Market Garden
Top Carrot  (Organic Food & Drinks & Gift Shop)
Saint Martin
Le Beau Monde  (Concierge Services)
Sint Maarten
Port St. Maarten  (International Cruise, Cargo & Yachting Facilities, Fueling Station, Provisioning for Genesis Class Ships & Giga yachts, Shopping, ground & water transportation, along with wonderful island tours)
Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Carnival Cruise Line  We believe that fun is a choice.
Celebrity Cruises  We’re Celebrity Cruises, and the world is open.
MSC Cruises  Are you ready to experience The Sea at its Most?
Norwegian Cruise Line  Meet The Fleet Built for Freestyle Cruising.
Princess Cruises  Stay updated on current advisories and protocol.
Royal Caribbean International  Culinary discoveries than you ever thought possible.
Sint Maarten
Billy Bones Boat Charters
Captain Flint Boat Charters
Captainjo Boat Charter  (Are you ready for your next adventure? let’s GO)
Saint Martin
Captainjo Boat Charter  (Are you ready for your next adventure? let’s GO)
Sint Maarten
Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Be Alive
Orsana Center
Saint Martin
Secret Resorts & Spa
Sint Maarten
Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Coral Beach Club Villas  (Exclusively Yours)
Deep Blue Sea  (Apartments for Sale and Rent)
Indigo Green  (Discover Sint Maarten Greenest New Oceanfront Community)
Porto Cupecoy  (Marina)
Saint Martin
Coral Beach Club Villas  (Private Luxury Resort)
Sint Maarten
Rain Forest Adventure
Saint Martin
Sint Maarten
Michael Doudeau  ((Mick sculpteur)
Saint Martin
Lady Ruby’s Silk Cotton Grove Gallery
Roland Richardson
Tropismes gallery
Sint Maarten
Hotels Escapes (Exclusive Access to the World’s Most Captivating Places)
Islands Magazine  (A glimpse into The World’s High & Hip Society, Travel + Lifestyle!)
Saint Barth Magazine  The latest trends of Saint Barthélemy.
Sint Maarten Magazine  (Eat | Play | Stay | Drink | Shop | Relax & Renew)
Travel Secret Escapes  (Call +1(561) 247 9101 we’re here to help!)
Vizium Group  (Digital agency that provides business strategy, design and marketing)
Saint Martin
Hotels Escapes  (Exclusive Access to the World’s Most Captivating Places)
Islands Magazine  (A glimpse into The World’s High & Hip Society, Travel + Lifestyle!)
Saint Barth Magazine  The latest trends of Saint Barthélemy.
Sint Maarten Magazine  (Eat | Play | Stay | Drink | Shop | Relax & Renew)
Travel Secret Escapes  (Call +1(561) 247 9101 we’re here to help!)
Vizium Group  (Digital agency that provides business strategy, design and marketing)
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spartanlocke · 6 years ago
Mara Sov endings
Best Ending: Savathun finds The Distributary and the Guardians follow her there to save the Awoken. Mara’s mother Orsana snaps and tells everyone that this is Mara’s fault, finally revealing her manipulations to both the Awoken and players, and her abusive history is no longer ignore-able.
Worst ending: Seth Dickinson joins the narrative team. All of Mara’s crimes are forgiven and she’s portrayed as the true hero of humanity even though we did all the work. Mara stans rejoice and anyone with common sense is ignored.
True ending: We get some vague mentions of Mara’s abuse in-campaign before she’s killed off for trying to execute her plan to become humanity’s sole god and ruler. Players are confused because if Myelin or Byf don’t cover the lore it’s nonexistent to them. Cue an eternity of discourse. 
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vanthielen · 3 years ago
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     “Save The Planet” #1
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Je staat er niet alleen voor: deelt gezamenlijk SAVE THE PLANET via e-mail met iedereen die je kent [email protected] 
Er zijn geen financiële verplichting aan verbonden
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Marco Van Thielen   (Stichter)
                                        Wij zijn de wereld
Mijn naam is Marco Van Thielen en ik ben al 42 jaar betrokken in het domein van Health & Beauty. De correlatie tussen deze twee aspecten van het leven deed me het "TOTAAL CONCEPT" realiseren dat alles in het universum met elkaar verbonden is.
Het is hier onmogelijk om iets in fractionele deeltjes op te delen tot een functioneel geheel.
De dwaasheid van de mens om zich los te maken van de natuur en deze te vernietigen ten behoeve van Kunstmatige Intelligentie is onwenselijk en zielig.
Onze wereld heeft onlangs een historische wending genomen in termen van overleven en in het bijzonder die van de mensheid. Plotseling bevindt de mens zich in een versnelde en gedwongen evolutionaire ontwikkeling. Een vermeende virale epidemie heeft een opzettelijke wereldwijde kunstmatige angstpsychose gecreëerd met de duidelijke bedoeling om de massa's menselijke individuen die deze planeet bewonen, te beheersen.
Het is hier dat ORSANA en de Immaculate United Free Thinkers de kans hebben om hun anti-doodvaccin op volle explosieve kracht op natuurlijke wijze te presenteren zonder enige terugslag. "BE ALIVE" Eet goed - beweeg - en ontspan. Met respect voor het leven zijn we in staat een nieuwe wereldbeschaving op te bouwen en kunnen we de mens redden van zijn vernietiging.
Dit is het moment om te reageren en samen te werken, niet als een domme kudde, maar als vrijgevochten individuen die begrijpen dat we met een verhoogd bewustzijn collectief de aarde kunnen redden.
Orsana is in de eerste plaats een platform dat informatie over welzijn en gezondheid verspreidt zonder afbreuk te doen aan wie er open voor staat en erom vraagt. Het is een manier om respectvol en vrijblijvend met elkaar in contact te komen en verbinding te maken met de nieuwe wereld.
Als individuen hebben we de verantwoordelijkheid om deel te nemen aan het herstel van de aarde en om een ​​duurzaam en waardig bestaan ​​voor onze toekomstige nakomelingen te verzekeren. Deze uitzonderlijk mooie planeet is een geschenk aan de mensheid dat met nederigheid en dankbaarheid moet worden aanvaard.
Ik weet dat ik u hier niets nieuws breng, maar dat u een diep begrip hebt van de stand van zaken. Je staat op mijn lijst van wetenschappers en mensen die op hetzelfde bewustzijnsniveau zitten om een ​​nieuwe menselijke beschaving op te bouwen. Dr. Zach Bush is ook in mijn contacten om een ​​kern te creëren die tot doel heeft de aarde te redden van haar ondergang.
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Orsana is een platform dat tot doel heeft alle mensen, therapeuten en instellingen over de hele wereld te verenigen in dit nieuwe wereldwijde concept. De strijd tegen het kwaad gaat veel verder dan alles wat op aarde wordt ervaren en ik hoop dat je zult deelnemen aan de eenwording van "SAVE THE PLANET". Stap uit het politieke, religieuze en culturele stigma en word lid van de planetaire confederatie om ons te helpen een nieuwe, meer rechtvaardige humanitaire beschaving op te bouwen.
Bedankt voor uw aandacht en ik hoop op uw deelname. Marco Van Thielen
Peridot Rd #6A
St. Maarten, Dutch Caribbean
Phone: +1 (721) 544 2626
WhatsApp: +1 (721) 554 9351
Graag ontvang ik uw persoonlijke referenties en uw contactadres.
Ik ben me terdege bewust van de vraag naar persoonlijk contact en bewustzijnsverrijking die gepaard gaat met het fenomeen van toenemende herkenning dat gepaard gaat met dit ontwaken.
Het is een directe uitnodiging om je aan te sluiten bij een team dat aan de basis stond van de hervorming en de opbouw van een nieuwe menselijke beschaving.
We weten dat alle pijlers die onze moderne beschaving hebben opgebouwd, zijn ingestort. Onze economische, morele, energie-, natuurlijke structuren, inclusief biodiversiteit, worden zichtbaar aangetast en vernietigd.
De tijd dringt om in te grijpen en het natuurlijke evenwicht te herstellen, zodat de mensheid kan overleven in een duurzame en gezonde omgeving. Het bouwen van een wereldwijd team vereist mensen die zich op hetzelfde opzettelijke, energetische, vibrerende, spirituele spanningsveld bevinden.
Natuurlijk wordt er geen nieuwe wereld gecreëerd met ingestorte structuren. Er is een zeer diepe verbeeldingskracht en creativiteit nodig waarin de hulpbronnen van de wereld eerlijk worden verdeeld en voor de mens beschikbaar zijn.
Mijn gevoel en intuïtie vertellen me dat je deel uitmaakt van deze nieuwe wereld en ik zou aangenaam verrast zijn als ik persoonlijk met je in contact zou kunnen komen. Met vriendelijke groeten
Watch #2    “DE KEUZE IS AAN JOU!”
Watch #3    “Glasgow for 'last chance’ COP26 climate summit!”
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
A Medical Pedicure is an individually tailored foot treatment performed in a safe and sterile environment. All instruments are sterilized by dry heat at 490 degrees Fahrenheit, 250 degrees Celsius. At first we take care of all problems such as ingrown toenails, fungal infection and warts and the safe removal of hardened skin, calluses and corns. The treatment of dry and cracked heels called winter feet. After we finish with the problems (don’t cry if you have any but thanks God you have baby feet) we will continue with the beautification. The nails are trimmed, filed and shaped. Cuticles are pushed or removed if necessary. The foot sole is softened with a pumice stone including an exfoliation treatment with a sand cream. A specialized moisturizing treatment for feet and a foot massage to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate the flexibility are applied. Ladies get a polish if they wish. People with Diabetes should not forget to inform the therapist of their condition. She will be extra careful. A medical Pedicure is a necessity for most of the population. We usually take care of everything throughout our daily basis, our hair, make up, and clothing, but we forget the most important part of our lives, what keeps us moving, our feet. Our feet are a fundamental part in our everyday life in particular as we are standing many hours of the day on them. We all need to take care of our feet, and that is what a Medical Pedicure is for.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
A Medical Pedicure is an individually tailored foot treatment performed in a safe and sterile environment. All instruments are sterilized by dry heat at 490 degrees Fahrenheit, 250 degrees Celsius. At first we take care of all problems such as ingrown toenails, fungal infection and warts and the safe removal of hardened skin, calluses and corns. The treatment of dry and cracked heels called winter feet. After we finish with the problems (don’t cry if you have any but thanks God you have baby feet) we will continue with the beautification. The nails are trimmed, filed and shaped. Cuticles are pushed or removed if necessary. The foot sole is softened with a pumice stone including an exfoliation treatment with a sand cream. A specialized moisturizing treatment for feet and a foot massage to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate the flexibility are applied. Ladies get a polish if they wish. People with Diabetes should not forget to inform the therapist of their condition. She will be extra careful. A medical Pedicure is a necessity for most of the population. We usually take care of everything throughout our daily basis, our hair, make up, and clothing, but we forget the most important part of our lives, what keeps us moving, our feet. Our feet are a fundamental part in our everyday life in particular as we are standing many hours of the day on them. We all need to take care of our feet, and that is what a Medical Pedicure is for.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
A Medical Pedicure is an individually tailored foot treatment performed in a safe and sterile environment. All instruments are sterilized by dry heat at 490 degrees Fahrenheit, 250 degrees Celsius. At first we take care of all problems such as ingrown toenails, fungal infection and warts and the safe removal of hardened skin, calluses and corns. The treatment of dry and cracked heels called winter feet. After we finish with the problems (don’t cry if you have any but thanks God you have baby feet) we will continue with the beautification. The nails are trimmed, filed and shaped. Cuticles are pushed or removed if necessary. The foot sole is softened with a pumice stone including an exfoliation treatment with a sand cream. A specialized moisturizing treatment for feet and a foot massage to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate the flexibility are applied. Ladies get a polish if they wish. People with Diabetes should not forget to inform the therapist of their condition. She will be extra careful. A medical Pedicure is a necessity for most of the population. We usually take care of everything throughout our daily basis, our hair, make up, and clothing, but we forget the most important part of our lives, what keeps us moving, our feet. Our feet are a fundamental part in our everyday life in particular as we are standing many hours of the day on them. We all need to take care of our feet, and that is what a Medical Pedicure is for.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
A Medical Pedicure is an individually tailored foot treatment performed in a safe and sterile environment. All instruments are sterilized by dry heat at 490 degrees Fahrenheit, 250 degrees Celsius. At first we take care of all problems such as ingrown toenails, fungal infection and warts and the safe removal of hardened skin, calluses and corns. The treatment of dry and cracked heels called winter feet. After we finish with the problems (don’t cry if you have any but thanks God you have baby feet) we will continue with the beautification. The nails are trimmed, filed and shaped. Cuticles are pushed or removed if necessary. The foot sole is softened with a pumice stone including an exfoliation treatment with a sand cream. A specialized moisturizing treatment for feet and a foot massage to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate the flexibility are applied. Ladies get a polish if they wish. People with Diabetes should not forget to inform the therapist of their condition. She will be extra careful. A medical Pedicure is a necessity for most of the population. We usually take care of everything throughout our daily basis, our hair, make up, and clothing, but we forget the most important part of our lives, what keeps us moving, our feet. Our feet are a fundamental part in our everyday life in particular as we are standing many hours of the day on them. We all need to take care of our feet, and that is what a Medical Pedicure is for.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
A Medical Pedicure is an individually tailored foot treatment performed in a safe and sterile environment. All instruments are sterilized by dry heat at 490 degrees Fahrenheit, 250 degrees Celsius. At first we take care of all problems such as ingrown toenails, fungal infection and warts and the safe removal of hardened skin, calluses and corns. The treatment of dry and cracked heels called winter feet. After we finish with the problems (don’t cry if you have any but thanks God you have baby feet) we will continue with the beautification. The nails are trimmed, filed and shaped. Cuticles are pushed or removed if necessary. The foot sole is softened with a pumice stone including an exfoliation treatment with a sand cream. A specialized moisturizing treatment for feet and a foot massage to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate the flexibility are applied. Ladies get a polish if they wish. People with Diabetes should not forget to inform the therapist of their condition. She will be extra careful. A medical Pedicure is a necessity for most of the population. We usually take care of everything throughout our daily basis, our hair, make up, and clothing, but we forget the most important part of our lives, what keeps us moving, our feet. Our feet are a fundamental part in our everyday life in particular as we are standing many hours of the day on them. We all need to take care of our feet, and that is what a Medical Pedicure is for.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
An oasis from peace and tranquility. The place to strip out of daily life and all attention goes to you.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
An oasis from peace and tranquility. The place to strip out of daily life and all attention goes to you.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 4 years ago
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Orsana Center
An oasis from peace and tranquility. The place to strip out of daily life and all attention goes to you.
Sint Maarten Magazine
#OrsanaCenter #Spa #Treatment #StMaarten #Caribbean #Island
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orsanasxm · 5 years ago
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Plastic Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery
Plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgery refers to a variety of operations performed in order to repair or restore body parts to look normal, or to change a body part to look better. These types of surgery are highly specialized and performed by surgeons trained to precise cutting and suturing techniques, and by care taken to minimize scarring. Recent advances in the development of miniaturized instruments, new materials for artificial limbs and body parts, and improved surgical techniques have expanded the range of plastic surgery procedures that can be performed.
Although these three types of surgery share some common techniques and approaches, they have somewhat different emphases. Plastic surgery is usually performed to treat birth defects and to remove skin blemishes such as warts, acne scars, or birthmarks. Cosmetic surgery procedures are performed to make persons look younger or enhance their appearance in other ways. Reconstructive surgery is used to reattach body parts severed in combat or accidents, to perform skin grafts after severe burns, or to reconstruct parts of person’s body that were missing at birth or removed by surgery.
Most cosmetic surgery is done on the face. It is intended either to correct disfigurement or to enhance a person’s features. The most common cosmetic procedure for children is correction of a cleft lip or palate. In adults, the reshaping of the nose (rhinoplasty), removing of excess skin around the eyes (blepharoplasty), face lifts (rhytidectomy), reshaping and adjusting the size of the breast (mammoplasty). In our modern time where more emphasis is put on our looks it become more acceptable for men to request facelifts and eyelid surgery, hair transplants and tummy tucks. Reconstructive surgery is often performed on burn and accident victims. It may involve the rebuilding of severely fractured bones and skin grafting, the reattachment of an amputated finger or toe, or implanting a prosthesis.How to proceed? After a meticulous research is done and making sure the surgeon has the right qualifications a first consultative meeting will be arranged. If everything was well explained and understood at the end of the visit or at a next visit (never rush to a conclusion unless you feel complete confident in the procedure and the surgeon) and as soon the appointment for surgery has been scheduled, the count down starts, not only for you, but also for the surgeon who has just made an agreement with you. The quality of the final result will depend on your mutual agreement. You must not undergo this operation passively. Your part is the most essential. You should establish a new mode of behavior, as does the surgeon, so that on the day of the surgery, all should be at the best of their forms, since the success of the operation is resulting from the fruitful work performed by a team, and you are the center of this team. Preparation for plastic surgery includes the surgeon’s detailed assessment. A physical examination followed by blood and urine tests, and other tests to make sure that they do not have any previously undetected health problems or blood clotting disorders. The skin has to be well prepared. Dietetic guidelines have to be followed as accurately as possible. Do not take any aspirin 7 days before and 8 days after the surgery. Plastic, cosmetic, and reconstructive surgeries have an important psychological dimension because of the high value placed on outward appearance in Western society. Plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgical procedures are performed by surgeons with specialized training in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Depending on the complexity of the procedures, they may be performed in hospitals as an inpatient, in outpatient facilities, or in private professional offices.
By choosing a doctor that is a member from the ASPS you can rest assured he’s qualified to perform your plastic surgery.
Palma-Zevallos Beatriz E., MD, SA-C Cosmetic Surgeon| Stem Cell | 340 NE 194 TERR, Miami, FL 33179, USA
Monica Tadros, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 911, Park Ave Suite 1C, New York, NY 10021, 300 Grand Ave #104, Englewood, NJ 07631, USA
Brian Hass, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 2401 PGA Boulevard, Suite 150, Palm Beach Gardens, FL. 33410-3515, USA
Jason Cooper, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 3535 Military Trail, Suite 204, Jupiter, FL. 33458, USA
Gregory DeLange, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 2865 PGA Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens, FL. 33410-2910 USA
Dana Goldberg, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 224 Chimney Corner Lane, Suite 1002, Jupiter, FL. 33458, USA
Kim Koger, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 4600 Military Trail, Suite 202, Jupiter, FL. 33458, USA
Andrew Kornstein, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | Greenwich CT Location, 116 Mason Street Greenwich, CT 06830, USA
Lara Devgan, MD U.S. Board Certified | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 969 Park Ave., New York, NY 10028, USA
Douglas Steinbrech, MD U.S. Board Certified | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 60 East 56th Street, Suite 301, New York, NY10022 , USA
Samson William, MD U.S. Board Certified | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 5 Columbus Circle 8th Floor, New York, NY 10019, USA
Jimmy Sung, MD U.S. Certified | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 65 Broadway, suite 1701, New York, NY 1006, USA
Steven R. Cohen, MD U.S. Board Certified | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 4510 Executive Drive, SanDiego, CA 92121, USA
Randy Sherman | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 8635 West Third Street, Suite 770, Los Angeles, CA 90048, USA
Mark Urata, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 4650 Sunset Boulevard, Mailstop #96, Los Angeles, CA90027, USA
Jeffrey Rosenberg, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 1245 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 601, Los Angeles, CA 90017-4810, USA
Emily Kirby, MD| Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 5075 Edwards Ranch Road, ForthWoth, TX 76109. USA
Emily McLaughlin, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 1200 West Magnolia Ave, Suite 110, Forth Worth, TX 76104, USA
Andrew Barnett, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 450 Sutter Street, Suite 1123, San Francisco, CA 94108-3913, USA
Randall Weill, MD| Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 909 Hyde Street, Suite 602, San Francisco, CA 94109-4822, USA
CONSEIL DE L’ORDRE DES MÉDECINS EN FRANCE chirurgiens-plasticiens.info and CONSEIL DE L’ORDRE DES MEDECINS EN TUNESIE ordre-medecins.org.tn
By choosing a doctor that is a member from these National Medical Institutions you can rest assured he’s qualified to perform your plastic surgery.
 CHIRURGIE PLUS, Faiza Dhouib, MD / Moncef Guiga MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | 4, Rue de La Cote d’Ivoire, 1002 Tunis Belvedere - Tunisie
Chiraz Bouzguenda MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | Centre Soukra Medical, en face Clinique de la Soukra, Cabinet C4 – 4eme etage, 303 rue Cheikh Mohamed Ennaifer, 2036 La Soukra, Tunis, Tunisie
Hatem Zili, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | Av. Hedi Nouira, Imm. Le Capitol,Ennasr. II, Tunisie
Walid Balti, MD | Plast. Reconstr. Surg. | Hannibal Medical Center, Cab. No13 – 3rd floor, Berges du Lac 2 – 1053 Tunis, Tunisie
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orsanasxm · 5 years ago
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Stem Cell Therapy
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Stem cells are the foundation for every organ and tissue in your body. They are the body's raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. There are many different types of stem cells that come from different places in the body or are formed at different times in our lives. These include embryonic stem cells that exist only at the earliest stages of development and various types of tissue-specific (or adult) stem cells that appear during fetal development and remain in our bodies throughout life.
Cell therapy involves grafting cells to restore the function of a tissue or organ. The aim is to provide long-term care to the patient through a single injection of therapeutic cells. These cells are obtained from pluripotent  (can give all types of cells) or multipotent (can give a limited number of cell types) from the patient himself or from a donor. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells. Researchers now know how to differentiate pluripotent cells into several cell types.
People who might benefit from stem cell therapies include those with spinal cord injuries, type 1 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, stroke, burns, cancer and osteoarthritis.
The most used Multipotent stem cells, present throughout the body within the adipose, bone marrow, organ support tissues, but also from bones, cartilage, muscles ... These stem cells are particularly easy to take from adipose tissue or bone marrow. They can give rise to cartilaginous cells (chondrocytes), Osseous (ostheoblasts), fatty (adipocytes), muscle fibers (myocytes), cardiomyocytes ... They also secrete growth factors favorable to the surrounding cells and are sometimes used exclusively for this property. They also produce anti-inflammatory factors, which lead to local immunosuppression and promote the function of cells regulating immunity. These properties limit local inflammation and protect, a priori, against transplant rejection.
Other multipotent cells can be used in cell therapy, such as skin stem cells. The stem cells of the eye make it possible to repair lesions of the cornea. Hematopoietic stem cells from the bone marrow are the source of all blood cells: in the case of hematological cancer, they make it possible to rebuild a stock of healthy blood cells after chemotherapy. Umbilical cord blood contains immune-naive hematopoietic stem cells, and therefore very well tolerated in the event of a transplant. Cord blood is used to treat malignant hemopathies such as leukemia or lymphoma, or genetic diseases like Fanconi anemia. It offers a serious alternative to bone marrow transplantation in the absence of a compatible donor. However, the number of therapeutic cells recovered by cord is low. When therapeutic stem cells are taken from someone other than the patient, they are said to be allogeneic. Their use can pose problems of immune tolerance.
Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, promotes the repair response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells or their derivatives. It is the next chapter in organ transplantation and uses cells instead of donor organs, which are limited in supply.
The indications for cell therapy are endless and the promise is real in many areas. Clinical fields such as that of neurodegenerative diseases  (Parkinson's or Alzheimer's diseases) or muscular degenerations (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) could be concerned if the researchers manage to produce different subtypes of neurons in large quantities and skeletal muscle cells. And how not to also imagine the possibility of producing blood cells, including platelet, in unlimited quantity, to cover the blood needs of hospitals? All assumptions are now allowed.
Stem cell researchers are making great advances in understanding normal development, figuring out what goes wrong in disease and developing and testing potential treatments to help patients. They still have much to learn, however, about how stem cells work in the body and their capacity for healing. Safe and effective treatments for most diseases, conditions and injuries are in the future.
There is certain information you should look into if you are considering a stem cell treatment, including a detailed description of the treatment and the science that supports it, the expected outcome and the risks. It is important to discuss any research or information you gather with your primary care physician and other trusted members of your healthcare team in deciding what is right for you.
Kristin Comella. PhD | Stem Cell | U.S. Stem Cell, Inc., 13794 NW4th Street, Suite 212 Sunrise, FL 33325
Regenerative Medicine Institute, Vincent Giampapa MD, F.A.C.S. Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon | Stem Cell | 89 Valley Rd, Montclair, NJ, 07042 USA
Advanced Orthopedic Specialists | Stem Cell | Genoa Business Park Drive 2305, Brighton, 48114 Michigan USA
Anatara Medicine & San Francisco Stem Cell | Stem Cell | 1700 California Street, Suite 520, San Francisco, CA 94109 USA
Beatriz Palma-Zevallos, SA-C Cosmetic Surgeon | Stem Cell | 118 S Pendleton St, Easley, SC, USA
Caring Medical & Rehabilitation Services – Chicagoland Office             | Stem Cell | North Lake  Street. Oak Park 715 Grayslake, 60030 Illinois USA
Darrow Stem Cell Institute | Stem Cell | Wilshere Boulevard 11645, Los Angeles, CA 90025 USA
Jonathan Landow, MD | Stem Cell | 420 Jericho Tpke, Jericho,             NY 11753 USA
Manhattan Integrtive Medicine | Stem Cell | 330 West 58th Street, Suite 610, New York, NY 10019 USA
Pangenics Regenerative Center | Stem Cell | 3599 University Blvd, Suite 603, Jacksonville, FL 32218 USA
South Florida Bone Marrow / Stem Cell Transplant Institute, | Stem Cell | Ste 600 10301, Boynton Beach, FL 33437 USA
Stem Cell Carolina | Stem Cell | 7928 Counsel Place, #116 Matthews, NC 28105 USA
Charm – Center for Healing and Regenerative Medicine | Stem Cell | Ranch Road 2222 10815, Austin, TX &8730 USA
UCLA-UCI Alpha Stem Cell Clinic | Stem Cell | University of California Irvine, 845 Health Sciences Road, 1001 Gross Hall Irvine, CA 92697-1705 USA
U.S. STEM CELL, Inc, | Stem Cell | 1560 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, 4th Floor, FL 33323 USA
U.S. STEM-CELL CLINIC, Michelle Parlo, PA-C Physician Assistant, Beatriz Palma-Zevallos, SA-C Cosmetic Surgeon, Antonio E. Blanco, MD | Stem Cell | 1290 Weston Road, Suite 203A, Weston, FL 33326 USA
REGENERATIVE MEDICINE INSTITUTE, Vincent Giampapa, MD, F.A.C.S. Victor Urzola MD, Estaban Urzola MDS, Richard D. Striano D.C., RMSK, | Stem Cell | Avenida Escazu, Torre Lexus 3rd Floor San Jose, Costa Rica 101017
STEM CELLS TRANSPLANT INSTITUTE, Leslie Mesen MD | Stem Cell | Hospital Cima,Medical Tower II, Office 618, San Rafael, Escazú, San José, Costa Rica
ST. CATHERINE SPECIALITY HOSPITAL - STEM CELL | Stem Cell | Bračak 8, Bračak, 49210 Krapinsko-Zagorska Zupanija, Croatia
KOKILABEN DHIRUBHAI AMBANI HOSPITAL | Stem Cell | Swaminarayan Complex Surat, 395001 Gujarat India
OMOTESANDO HELENE CLINIC | Stem Cell | 5-9-15 Minami Aoyama Minato-Ku, Minato, 107-0052 Tokyo Japan
STEM CELL THERAPY TIJUANA MEXICO, Hospital Angeles Tijuana | Stem Cell | Paseo de los Heroes 10999 – 309, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, B.C. Mexico
PROGENCELL – STEM CELL THERAPIES | Stem Cell | Medical clinic, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico – In Plaza Comercial Pavillion
WORLD STEM CELL CLINIC  | Stem Cell | Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
STEM CELL INSTITUTE | Stem Cell | BICSA Financial Tower 63rd Floor, Calle Aquilino de la Guardia, Panama City, Panama
THE MELROSE AESTHETIC CENTRE | Stem Cell | 3rd Floor, Medical Centre, Melrose Arch Johannesburg, 2196 Gauteng South Africa
STEMCELLS21| Stem Cell | Soi Ruam 3 Bangkok, 10330 Bangkok Thailand
UK STEM CELLFOUNDATION | Stem Cell | 21 Albermarle Street, London, W1S4BS UK
MEDICA STEM CELLS | Stem Cell | 27 George Street, Marylebone, London, W1U3QA UK
ILAYA MEDICAL STEM CELL CLINIC, R. Sulik MD & Neurologist        | Stem Cell | Ivana Kramskogo Street 9, 03115 Kiev, Ukraine
ABLOU SREM CELL CLINIC | Stem Cell | Voznesens’kyy uzviz 23B, Kyiv – 02000, Ukraine
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