#Ornn vs Volibear
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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Ornn vs. Volibear - Wild Rift Event Promo Art
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infinite-xerath · 4 years ago
You know, I do kinda like that Riot has embraced the idea of the Ascended can basically turn into kaiju.))
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kalpeshnitore · 4 years ago
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FlyQuest 2-3 Team SoloMid
Congratulations to TSM! They have secured themselves NA's first seed at the 2020 World Championships! FlyQuest is locked as NA's second seed.
Player of the Series: Bjergsen
FLY | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit TSM | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit
Winner: Team SoloMid in 34m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee twisted fate hecarim leona 52.7k 4 1 H4 TSM thresh Lillia shen leblanc syndra 68.7k 20 11 C1 H2 M3 I5 I6 B7 E8 B9
FLY 4-20-9 vs 20-5-50 TSM Solo ornn 2 0-5-2 TOP 6-3-12 3 camille Broken Blade Santorin graves 2 2-4-2 JNG 2-0-11 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil viktor 3 1-4-2 MID 8-0-10 2 zilean Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 1-4-2 BOT 4-1-9 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar lux 3 0-3-1 SUP 0-01-8 4 karma Biofrost
Winner: Team SoloMid in 41m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee zilean camille volibear 67.3k 7 1 M1 H2 H4 I5 I6 I10 TSM thresh Lillia shen orianna syndra 85.9k 20 10 O3 B7 I8 B9 E11
FLY 7-20-19 vs 20-7-48 TSM Solo ornn 2 1-7-5 TOP 6-1-5 3 jax Broken Blade Santorin graves 2 1-4-4 JNG 3-3-12 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil azir 3 2-2-2 MID 2-1-10 2 twisted fate Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 3-4-3 BOT 8-1-5 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar pantheon 3 0-3-5 SUP 1-1-16 4 bard Biofrost
Winner: FlyQuest in 42m Runes | Match History
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM thresh shen Lillia rakan mordekaiser 73.1k 12 6 H2 I3 C6 FLY nidalee caitlyn zilean jax lucian 74.8k 14 7 M1 H4 C5 C7 B8 C9
TSM 12-14-31 vs 14-12-33 FLY Broken Blade jayce 3 3-3-5 TOP 1-4-4 3 gangplank Solo Spica sett 1 3-3-7 JNG 3-3-8 1 hecarim Santorin Bjergsen twisted fate 2 2-1-8 MID 2-2-9 2 orianna PowerOfEvil Doublelift ashe 2 1-6-4 BOT 6-1-6 1 senna WildTurtle Biofrost bard 3 3-1-7 SUP 2-2-6 4 nautilus IgNar
Winner: FlyQuest in 35m Runes | Match History | Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B FLY lucian nidalee zilean evelynn bard 69.0k 19 10 M1 O3 I4 I6 B8 I10 B11 TSM thresh Lillia shen gangplank mordekaiser 60.1k 8 2 H2 H5 I7 I9
FLY 19-8-40 vs 8-19-20 TSM Solo ornn 3 6-1-7 TOP 1-2-6 3 jayce Broken Blade Santorin volibear 2 3-2-10 JNG 2-5-4 1 sett Spica PowerOfEvil azir 2 1-3-11 MID 4-1-0 2 syndra Bjergsen WildTurtle caitlyn 1 6-1-7 BOT 1-5-5 1 ashe Doublelift IgNar pantheon 3 3-1-5 SUP 0-6-5 4 morgana Biofrost
Winner: Team SoloMid in 33m Runes | Match History
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B TSM thresh lillia shen pantheon mordekaiser 66.5k 18 11 H2 C4 H5 C6 B8 FLY nidalee caitlyn zilean bard tahmkench 56.2k 11 1 O1 I3 C7
TSM 18-11-42 vs 11-18-25 FLY Broken Blade camille 3 4-2-5 TOP 6-6-0 4 gangplank Solo Spica graves 2 3-1-6 JNG 2-2-5 1 sett Santorin Bjergsen twisted fate 2 5-0-11 MID 2-3-4 2 orianna PowerOfEvil Doublelift senna 1 6-5-8 BOT 1-3-8 1 ashe WildTurtle Biofrost rakan 3 0-3-12 SUP 0-4-4 3 leona IgNar
*Spoiler-Free Schedule;
**Patch 10.16 Notes: Yone Disabled — LCS Summer Playoffs.
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by /u/TheRogueCookie to r/leagueoflegends [link] [comments] https://ift.tt/eA8V8J from reddit: the front page of the internet https://www.reddit.com/
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