#Orivar answers
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haha hey here's an unprompted drabble ask prompt that is completely unprompted and not so you can post a four year old drabble that you wrote and totally didn't forget to post for FOUR YEARS just so you can have context for an original god idea for the upcoming ball prompt: The prompt is 'Nightmare' :)
oh hi totally anonymous anon you're SO right i SHOULD write a little drabble using the prompt nightmare for orivar that i'll then let sit in my drafts for four years, just so i can have some original lore context for orivar's outfit for the upcoming ball! thanks bestie, i owe you my life!
==>Orivar Tyrgan | 13 Sweeps (or something) | probably somewhere out in the water idk where she was when i wrote this four years ago
Cw: non-graphic violence
Dozens kneel around you, their heads bowed on their knees and their hands clasped in front. You can't see faces and you don't recognize anyone by their horns. It makes you anxious as you pick through the crowd, skirting around every troll and doing your best to not touch a single one.
The temple of the old gods around you is packed to the brim with them. You're not sure how you got here or how there were so many devouts in the first place - there aren’t this many people who live in Jyyr’s Bay anymore - but you didn't try to figure it out. You had other things to do. You had to get to the back of the temple, where the lantern light was sucked into pitch blackness and where every troll was facing. You had to get there. There was no other choice for you.
So you walked carefully through the crowds with your hands up and masking your fear. You’d be proud of your control, if your hands didn’t ache from the effort keeping them from trembling.
The shrine is ten feet away. Eight. Six. Then, three. You stopped among the trolls and the howl of winter winds outside made the ancient building creak and the fires flicker. Was there anyone else even breathing in here?
You can’t keep the tremble from your hands anymore.
“Please,” you call to the mass of shadows. “Please, I have a request. Will you hear it?”
It's quiet for a moment. No one responds to your pleas, not a troll or the darkened shrine. Maybe you weren’t loud enough? Did you ask the question wrong? Should you use the old language? You bite your lip, then -
”And who are you to ask a favor of me?”
The voice was deep. It reverberated through the ancient wood of the temple, through the air and made your blood vibrate through your veins. It was the voice of something ancient and more powerful than you - it took every fiber of your being to stay upright.
You inhale shakily, digging your heels in where you stood. “Please,” you say, softer. “I'm no one. I'm no one, but I want to be -” You stop and look at the trolls around you. “I want to be one of them.”
One of them. Blunt toothed, smooth skinned, normal blooded trolls. No fins, no gills, no hint of pink. No violence etched into your face, blood on your hands, or screams in your memory.
The temple went quiet again. Not even the brazier crackled now and before you, you could see the shadow begin to move. It rustled, it twisted and slowly wings began to slip out of the darkness. Inky black feathers, longer than the temple was wide, curved around the room and seemed to suck the light into them. You can’t look for too long at them - your mind would be pulled from your skull like the flames of the braziers.
”And what…makes you think we want you?”
Your hands shook at your side. What could you say to make them accept you? One hand went up to touch at your neck and you inhaled as you looked into the shadows.
When you did, two sets of three eyes were staring back.
They pushed at the blackness, pushed until two heads came out and the light glinted off of inky beaks. Two ravens, each with three eyes and they both tilted as they looked at you.
Old voices. Old gods. Worlds and visions unfathomable swirled in their eyes. Thousands of years and thousands of trolls has been seen by them, judged by them. You are but one of many.
“I'm one of your people,” You say. Your tongue was as heavy as a rock in your mouth but you forced yourself to speak. “I was hatched here, I was raised here, I speak your tongue and I know your stories -”
”And what makes you think we want you?” All six eyes stare at you and they slowly blink. They spoke as one, two voices meshed together to callously wrap around your ears. ”You are not one of our own. We did not ask for you. You should not have learned our stories, our tongue or wasted the time of our people.”
”Leave, Orivar Tyrgan. You are not one of us. We do not want you here.”
The two heads began to pull back into the darkness then and you couldn't help but step forward. You couldn't let them leave now, you didn't want them to leave - you didn't even have a chance to argue your stance. The toe of a boot smacked against one of the devouts in front of you and for the first time, they began to move. Their heads turned and your breath caught in your throat as you stared at the flat expanse of skin over their heads. No eyes, no nose or mouth - just grey skin pulled taunt across the skull and the distinctive red trident of the empire branded across it. You don't know how they saw you but they did. Only one stood to face you at first, then the troll next to them stood. Then another and another and as you whip your head around in a panic, you could watch as the rest rose to look at you.
“No,” you croak softly as they began to reach for you. “No, I'm one of - I'm one of you -”
Claws dug into your clothes, your skin, your horns and you felt powerless as they started to rip you apart. They were all silent but even as you felt the stretch and pop of limbs coming out of sockets, you could still see the swirling, six eyes watching you from the darkness.
Watching. Watching, until fingers went for your face and there was a sickening pressure until you couldn't see them anymore.
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I have a lot of disgustingly cute songs for these two! Like, for instance, Catch by Dresses.
I look into your eyes and it gets to meWon’t you take off your disguise, I just wanna seeHow I’m gonna run to youHow I’m gonna lay my body downI wanna know the words to makeMake you leave your weapons on the ground
How pale is that!
#while i'm doing song memes....#old ask answerin'#activatingaggro#mirkstrolls answers#thank you for the ask!#videle#rennis facts#music#music meme#orivar tyrgan#water poppies
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no good (she’s up to no good)
Quick drabble to cover something that happened off-scene during a PC chat between Melete and Orivar, featuring said PC log. Because sometimes you’re just mostly doing chat rp between your schedule.
It isn't often that you and Melete get time to just laze around.
But you like the days like this, when it's the two of you in your hive. There's no demands. There's no need to focus on anything. Melete always gets anxious when the two of you haven't met for a perigee or more. Date nights always get an edge to them, like the two of you are making up for lost time. Between that, and the fact you can't acknowledge you're matesprits, it's so..
You like Torrent girls! You can't really hold it against them when they get all.. torrent-y about things, but that doesn't mean you don't prefer things like this: just the two of you, lounging around in your bed, with Melete on her phone and the blankets tangled around your legs. Your matesprit's leaning against you, the small of her back curled into the crook of your legs. Her hair's draped across you, and so long as you're careful, she doesn't mind you playing with the ends.
You're in the process of braiding one when she sighs, loudly, and lays down her phone on her knee.
"Too rough?" You let go of the strands, but she's already shaking her head. "No," she says, "you are fine. It's.. mmm."
"What do you think of mutants?" she asks, peering down at you, and you don't know what she's thinking of.
"Ahhh. Bold move, thinking I think, mah," you say, and blow a raspberry at her.
Melete merely looks at you for a moment, her face passive. Then she lifts a hand. Delicately, with great precision, she brushes back your bangs. Then she presses her palm to the center of your forehead, long fingers curling over your skull. "The brain is the most complex organ within a troll's body," she says, soft, but firm. "It controls our consciousness. It controls every move that you make. When you breathe, you are engaging in thoughts, even if you are not programmed to notice them. When you blow a raspberry, or become glib, you are engaging in thought, and a deliberate choice with them."
"I enjoy hearing your thoughts. Your views are refreshing, and there is no need for self-deprecation."
You blink at her.
Then you laugh, burying your face in her side, so her hair's hiding your face. She stiffens. Melete doesn't like sudden contact! But you don't move, letting your head rest against her, and after a few seconds, she loosens up. "So earnest lah," you complain, voice muffled. Hesitantly, she pats you on a shoulder. "So, so, so earnest! What supposed to do with, huh? Make me damn humji sia, green in face."
"You're supposed to get over it," she says, "and answer the question."
"Ughhh," you complain, but you roll over onto your back, so you can look up at her. "Mutants, orh orh. Geneslips? Not cusps, yeah?"
"Cusps are legal in all provinces and districts, per regulation 5304.91 of the Imperial Genetics Regulatory Commission. The use of the term mutants - or geneslips -" There's a hint of disapproval there. You grin at her, apologetic. "- for cusps is derogatory at best, and more likely, just an active show of malice, with the intention of emotional harm."
"Right. Geneslips.." She's just asking you because you're jade, you're sure. That's the plight of growing up in the caverns, even for as short of a time as you ended up spending there: everyone expects you to have opinions, and thoughts, and knowledge of everything related to genetics, and the slurry, and the grubs that come out of it.
They're right, of course. But that doesn't make the topic any less fraught. Vadaya's the sort of troll that most would consider a mutant, even if they're wrong. So is Pepper, with her wings, however tightly she keeps them rolled, and no matter how useless they are in function. They'd be wrong, on both of those cases.
Most jades consider you a mutant, though. Jades don't have psi. They aren't exactly wrong. "Shouldn't contribute," you finally say. "Should be fixed in slurry. But, eh, if they already here -" You can't quite shrug. You can roll your eyes, though, letting your lip curl. "No harm to them, leh." Your tone's a little dismissive, but Melete doesn't seem to mind: she's nodding, her expression thoughtful. "What they gonna do? Weird eyes, weird ears, weird psi - ahhh, can still contribute, yeah? Not /their/ fault."
"I agree." Melete's voice is always soft, soft, soft, with hard edges to the end of her words. It's such a strange combination, but it suits her. "Why waste resources by culling them? It is wasteful." She pauses. "And it is cruel," she amends, watching you. "It is the fault of the caverns, what goes into the egg, not on the troll who comes out of them. Do you agree..?"
The fault of the caverns sticks in your teeth. But you're not a cavern jade, and Melete's watching you. You shrug. "Yeah lah," you say, and it isn't quite a lie. "Mistakes happen, yeah? No point pointing fingers."
"I have a maroon bothering me. Some sort of mutant," she says, and holds out her phone.
Earlier, she'd been talking to Hadean. You only know him vaguely! Oh, you've talked to him plenty, on and off, but it's hard to read the chat, sometimes, and harder to keep track of the trolls that don't bother with quirks. You only ever remember that he's mean, and he's maroon.
The handle on the screen is not Hadean's. It is also, unfortunately, intimately familiar.
-- mistingHafgufa [MH] began pestering bloodyBones [BB] at 19:27 --
[07:28] MH: What did you write down about me.
[07:34] BB: why are you curious? [07:34] MH: How long have you been keeping fucking notes. [07:35] BB: do demands usually get you the responses you desire...? [07:36] MH: //Why// are you keeping notes. [07:36] BB: i do not believe they do. [07:38] MH: Answer my question and I'll answer yours. [07:46] BB: i wrote that you are in current possession of my harpoon. [07:52] MH: And I'm curious because I don't fucking like people keeping tabs on me. [07:52] MH: Now answer my other questions. [07:53] BB: haha. [07:53] BB: i am sorry to say that you are free to make as many demands as you like. [07:53] BB: but remarkably. [07:53] BB: i am not actually obligated to fulfill them. [07:53] BB: good light.
-- bloodyBones [BB] ceased pestering mistingHafgufa [MH] at 19:53 --
You can feel the weight of Melete's eyes on you.
Oh, you know about Melete's lists. She catalogues everything, from hatchdays to favorite foods. You'd asked to see your file, and Vadaya's, back when you'd first found out. It's a little strange, but your matesprit's strange. All of the Torrents are strange.
They're trained to be that way. It's not worth a second thought.
You open your mouth. Melete clears her throat. "Continue scrolling down," she says, and you do.
-- mistingHafgufa [MH] began pestering bloodyBones [BB] at 20:20 --
08:20] MH: No. Get back here. [08:21] MH: Who the fuck do you think you are? [08:21] MH: Why the hell are you going online and trying to record things about people? [08:21] MH: First Hadean, now me? [08:21] MH: What are you, some sort of shriveled up husk of a shut in who can't even figure out how to talk to people in a chat room so you start fucking recording what people do? [08:22] MH: Are you a serial killer going after rusts? [08:22] BB: hm. [08:22] MH: What //possible// reason could you give that would ever justify the use of recording what people do or say in a fucking //random chat room.// [08:22] MH: How many snuff films do you watch a day, creep? [08:23] MH: Tell me, do you have a favorite blood splatter too or something? Why rusts? Is it because 'we die better'? [08:23] MH: Or because it's easier? [08:23] BB: does lashing out at others make you feel more in control of your fear? [08:23] BB: because, if so, you should reconsider your methods of coping. [08:24] BB: i do not think that lashing out at a stranger is entirely wise. [08:24] MH: Oh yes, because someone being really upset about being recorded by some strange blueblood they don't even know the name of... means I'm afraid. [08:24] MH: What kind of fucking reach is that. [08:24] BB: yes. [08:25] MH: I've killed weevils more terrifying than you. [08:25] BB: of course you have. [08:27] MH: So? [08:27] MH: What's the answer? [08:28] BB: do demands usually get you the responses you desire...? [08:28] BB: because i am sorry. [08:29] BB: but they are not going to in this case. [08:29] MH: What's it like being a self important pompous sociopath? [08:35] BB: how is your lusus doing? [08:38] MH: Big and birdy. [08:38] MH: So when should I expect you to show up at my front door asking for my 'beautiful skin and blood' for your serial killer art project? [08:38] MH: Is it after you skin Hadean? [08:40] BB: how is my spear doing? [08:41] MH: Sharp and ready to be jabbed into your skull. [08:41] BB: of course. [08:41] MH: Why are you keeping notes? [08:42] BB: my apologies. [08:42] BB: we are well past the point where i answer your questions. [08:42] BB: was there anything else..? [09:07] MH: Clear your fucking notes of anyone in the fucking chat room below teal or I'll find you and I'll drill a hole in your head to pour acid into it.
-- mistingHafgufa [MH] ceased pestering bloodyBones [BB] at 21:07 --
Melete isn't your moirail. She isn't your clade, and she isn't Vadaya, or Pepper, no matter how fond of her you are. So you take a deep breath, letting the air drag in and curl into your stomach, until the world feels a little less red.
It doesn't matter how upset you are. You're not the one having words with a glorified mutant. You're not the one getting death threats. That's all on your matesprit, and she's more than old enough to handle her own business, without you wading into it. "She bother, lah?" you ask, finally, once your tone's even. "Big, big, big bark for pupa."
Melete's not an expressive troll. Her face's always just a little blank, with flat, rigid ears, and features that might as well be carved from stone. Even after nearly a sweep of dating, you're not sure you know how to read her moods.
It works, really, because you're not sure that Melete knows how to read her moods, either. The silence drags on as she turns over the question, and it's only the soft intake of air that warns you she's coming to a conclusion. "No," she decides, with a crisp kind of finality. "She is a terrified adolescent, is she not? Young trolls lash out. Her threats are hollow. And to take her opinion seriously would be bizarre. She does not know me. I do not care for her to know me."
"But," she says, words as slow as molasses, "it would be appreciated if trolls could be less.. vitriolic, when I have only aided them in the past. I don't see what inspires this sort of behaviour. Does it produce results?"
"Produces back of hand," you say, but Melete's looking at you, and you swallow the rest of the vitriol that wants to bubble up.
Vadaya and you.. you have different tastes in people. You don't like Iconic, but you don't need to like him, for all that he's very nearly clade: you just need to stay civil, and make sure you ask the right questions and say the right things with Daya so that he feels supported in the relationship. It's not hard, even if it gets a little tedious. Iconic skirts you when he can, and so it's manageable.
Mostly manageable. Neither of you have told Daya about the car chase, and there's been a silent agreement that you won't. It would be unfair, you think, if he hadn't been similarly close-mouthed about Tomie - but that's the plight of the corps, in your battery and outside of it. Everyone's relationships are defined by the things that no one wants to say.
It works, mostly. You don't like Vadaya's quadrant, and you don't like his friends, but he never needs to hear that from you. And it's easy enough to avoid, usually.
When they aren't threatening to kill your matesprit.
"She message again," you decide, your words slow and even, "add me, yeah? Will handle. Girl all pai kia, but, eh, not your problem, mah. Will not let be. She want pok kai, can have."
"There is no need for that, Nanako. I have spoken to her moirail." She shrugs, shifting away, and you let her. Melete moves like a piece of origami: she unfolds herself one limb at a time, as careful as she thinks her skin will rip, as she stretches herself out across the bed, close enough that her side is brushing yours. She gets tired of close contact, but you've learned there's an affection in the fact she stays near, anyway.
"Thank you, anyway," she says, prim. There's still a line between her eyebrows, fine enough that it ought to barely count as an expression, but it's loosening.
You huff out a laugh. "Nooo, no thanks! Just pity things." When you beam at her, she smiles back, gradually. "Pity you, Ete," you add, and this is part of the reason you like lazing about better. When it's just the two of you, there's things you can say. "Know that, right?"
"Of course," she says. "I pity you as well."
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And ori ❄️
Orivar is at the ball tonight!
She almost didn't go, if only because she does have some bad tastes in her mouth for circuses due to a very unfortunate encounter when she was younger. Her distaste has eased enough over the sweeps that she doesn't feel fully uncomfortable going, but she's definitely sampling the open bar once it opens.
Alongside her will be her two new employees of her antique shop! While I haven't spoken about them often on the blog (I have comics to draw to introduce them proper), they're just little 7 sweep old moirails in edgy costumes here to cavort around and enjoy the carnival! One's into edgy anime shit, the other's convinced she's a seadweller oracle who can see the future, and both of them are conspiring to earn a giant teddy bear to drag home and/or attempt to put their name in for a ball nomination despite being too young for the contest.
Once they get kicked out and it's Adult Swim time, Ori will simply float around and soak up the atmosphere, play a few games, watch a few shows, maybe try desperately not to gawk at Vadaya's exposed tits and tell herself she's over her crush and not to be wooed back. You can't win her over, slut.
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8, 10, 11, 12, and 13 for Orivar <3
Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
Orivar prefers to be alone! She's been a lot more of an introvert ever since her conception - aggressively disinclined to socialize and nervous to do so. There are occasions where she will choose to be in a group, but it always has to be on her own terms. She has to choose what she's doing, how long she's there, and how she leaves. The moment she loses control of what she can do - or she gets the slightest sniff of danger - she's fucking leaving.
How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
Orivar is... somewhat open to trying new things? Same logic applies as before - as long as she can control the situation, she's open to try quite a bit. She loves trying new food, and she's willing to try new experiences as long as it's advantageous to her! Things that have a low risk associated with it, have friends involved, or could bring her financial gain are quite appealing for her to try. She grew up staying in her own comfort zone with new experiences, but has since grown restless and tired of constantly turning things down to be safe. She's not reckless, but what's the point of being locked in a room for sweeps if you can't at least go outside and enjoy the fresh air?
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc? Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
Oh god. Oh _god._ I have no idea. I'm sure there's a lot of embarrassing things she's done that she's been horrified about? There was a time when she had a big, sappy, disgusting crush on @rebatrolls's Vadaya, and she's definitely put her foot in her mouth a few times during their time in a groupchat. I think I remember at least one occasion where Orivar was trying to bite his now-kismesis by making a passing comment about naming your lusus? And Vadaya had said that he also named his lusus. I feel like Orivar still wakes up in a cold sweat, haunted by her foot-in-mouth-ness of it all.
Does your oc have any best friends? Who was/is their closest friend? What about their worst enemy?
She's had a handful of best friends! Growing up, she ended up killing her first best friend. Then she had a friend named Aticus who she broke the arm of, and managed to convince to still be her friend, but he ended up canonically dying a few years back during a server-wide event that I RP'd her in. She's gotten a Moirail though, @mirkstrolls Videle! And her ash, @chitrolls Eli, is a best friend! She still cherishes her crush Vadaya as a best friend too. I haven't played her with others in a hot minute though, so outside of her quads and crushes, she hasn't gained any other best friends. As for enemies... I don't think she's got any that she considers as such.
How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know?
Oh Boy. I'd say pretty fucking dangerous, as dangerous as a rustblood could be. She's definitely not innocent. She's got quite a body count of trolls of all castes - and a disproportionate number of them are seadwellers and clowns. Hell, she killed her first troll when she was the troll equivalent of like. 7 or 8? She was a pretty bitter teenager, and used the excuse of feeding her lusus as a reason to target highbloods. She's quite knowledgeable in how to fight highbloods despite the strength differences, and a current plot point for her is that she's fallen ass backwards into training little murder kids how to kill people for money. She's a lot calmer now and doesn't kill for silly grudge reasons, but she's not got any qualms about doing it.
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The poor fuck's indulging them. Orivar made a mental note to make sure to get this guy a proper bouquet of flowers at his funeral after the two pupas sucked his brain dry of any and all answers he could have to their questions. He was stuck with them now, like little leeches.
Baiyan and Phomoe gasped in delight at his words, exploding in a tizzy of discussion amongst the two of them of _do you think I could kill a lion? But lusii are even meaner than regular ones right? Wait does that mean he's even tougher than we thought?_ that Orivar was quick to tune out as she met the eyes of the blueblood. Friendly or not, she still had a responsibility to help keep these kids from pissing off the wrong trolls - and highbloods always were known for their quick tempers when they felt slighted. She could handle that at least, and keep them from getting on someone's shit list with stray fingers. So, when he did his close mouthed smile, Orivar was quick to smile back. Closed mouth, hm? Probably keen to seem unthreatening.
"Nice to meet you Averii," She said with a tip of her head, her pendant hanging heavy between her brows. "I'm Lucille. These two are -"
"Baiyan!" Chirped the olive, and she gripped her sleepy eyed moirail by the elbow and gave her a shake. "And this is my pale Phomoe! Can we really touch it? Wait but if I wanna reach the ears I can't get up there. Phomoe, can I climb on your shoulders -"
Orivar was quick to jump in at that. "Don't _climb._" she scolded. "You'll fall and break something and I'll make you work overtime to pay it back."
"Aw come on!"
Huffing, Orivar turned her attention back to the blueblood as the two children made do with simply petting his cape. "Sorry about the two of them. They're excitable. They'd try to rip the cape from your shoulders if they weren't contained, too many words or not. I'm trying to keep them from ruining the good name of my business after all. Feel free to brush them off whenever you're tired of them, I don't want to keep you from your clade or quadrants."
Cat's Getting Out of the Bag
"Orivar's SUCH a hardass!"
The corners of her lips twitched and turned downward at the poorly hushed complaining of her little shitten. Baiyan's trying her best to be subtle, but she's never been good at controlling her voice - especially when she's railing against whatever rules she's been placed under.
"I know like, it's the rules of the ball to make us leave after 10, but like! We could pass as old enough Phemoe! Ugh, she just needs to help vouch for us, it's not like we'd get in any worse trouble than -" Baiyan's words were cut off with a sharp yelp as Orivar's cane rapped hard against the back of her ankles.
"Watch your mouth," Orivar scolded as the child stumbled. "And my name is Lu. Mind yourself."
Big, baleful olive eyes stared and sulked at her little reprimand, but Ori paid no mind to it. Children needed to be taught lessons lest they become a little bit too full of themselves. Wild children had to be tamed.
(There was something to be said about the way Orivar was distinctly reminded of her own caretaker's behavior when she was younger and with his wooden spoon and how much she fussed about that, but she refused to explore that memory further.)
Next to the two of them, Phemoe blinked her even larger, more baleful eyes at the two of them. Chin pointed up, she straightened her shoulder and flicked her long, braided hair over one shoulder of her loose, crimson robes to pat gently at the gold leaves mounted against her horns. "I have foresaw," She drawled ominously. Oh joy, her psychic persona was taking the reigns again. "During our glorious entrance into the castle grounds, deep within the courtyard and as we stood upon the shores of babbling lake -" Fountain, Orivar thought, "- Was an ominous sign of bad luck for trolls. The aural reading I pulled from the golden apple given to our most dearest leader -" Orivar shot her a moody look, "- and the way the leaves fell post apple harvest meant that we do not have long for this world."
She paused. Baiyan stared at her, mouth agape. "Do you mean -"
"By world! That is to say!" Phomoe interrupted dramatically with a flair of fin, "This world of magic and wonder!"
Baiyan sagged in relief at her words while Orivar pinched the bridge of her nose. Still, the seadweller continued.
"I believe we will soon come across ill fated encounters, ties to pernicious scenarios trapped in the shards of frozen time, which henceforth will cause us to begin a quick flight from these grounds. That, my beloved diamond, is the future that I have foresaw as the Oracle of Delphi."
Phomoe fell quiet after her declaration, eyes half lidded and expectant as she held her sheaves of wheat against her chest. Expectant for what? None of the trio knew, not even her. Baiyan looked as perplexed as ever hearing her moirail's 'divination' while Orivar simply looked upon her with exhaustion. As much as she's told the child she never did believe in the so-called future sight of seadwellers (psychic abilities never showed in their cooler bloods after all) the child still insisted.
Still, regardless of what Orivar thought, the two of them continued their shenanigans despite it. Baiyan looked increasingly introspective as she digested her words, and her brow furrowed before Phomoe gasped and grabbed her hand, pointing towards a troll across the way.
"Look! Forsooth!" Forsooth? Orivar squinted in confusion, "A hero in the flesh! Hercules himself, draped in the pelt of the monstrous Nemean lion!" The three of them swiveled to look where Phomoe pointed, instantly spotting the massive troll towering over the rest of the guests. With tight braided hair, too much skin showing, and a glorious cape of the whitest lion skin Orivar has seen, he was hard to miss, though she was unsure how much a lusii skin could really carry an outfit. Animal skins are a dime a dozen and with not much else to help accentuate it? Mediocre, at best -
But did the children share the same thoughts? Orivar grimaced as the answer was absolutely not as the two of them immediately bee-lined towards the troll to leave her in the dust. "Is that a real Lusus pelt?" Baiyan's voice floated over the crowd. The tops of her curls barely hit at his elbow as he turned to stare at the two wrigglers accosting him.
"Did you kill it yourself, O Descendant of Zeus?"
"Wait - the fangs are gold! Did it have gold teeth?!"
"Impervious to blade and spear you may be, but surely not to the chill of Hel herself touching the air - are you not cold?"
"Can I touch it?"
Alright alright alright - time to stop this party before it gets started.
Orivar was quick to step in once Baiyan's hands started reaching for the fur and she used the end of her cane to knock her hand away from the troll. "Can you two behave yourselves without attacking this man all at once?" She said, firm enough to make Baiyan pout and Phomoe blink. "Ask and don't touch. Greet and introduce yourselves. Don't act like animals."
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❄️ori or tomie!
Orivar is at the ball!
She specifically got invited because Kilran wanted to make sure there were quite a number of antique weapons on display and as an antique dealer, she was one of the ones who got hit up for the honor. Kilran didn't buy them, per se, but he did rent them, so she has to be nearby to make sure they don't get damaged. It was a huge pain in the ass and a lot of insurance was needed, and everything needed to be certified for their value, which Ori did make sure Kilran took a portion of the bill for....
Honestly, it was a huge win win for her because she got some goods appraised and certified on Kilran's dime :)
Now she's just wandering around the ball in her costume and answering questions about the goods she brought! She's surprisingly having a lot of fun this time around, even if she's socializing more than she's used to. Plus, she gets to drum up some business for her antique shop! WIN WIN.
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Ori 🗡️?
Send 🗡️ and I will rate my muse’s danger level in several category in a number of stars out of 5. (Max: ★★★★★)
Raw power. ★★☆☆☆
Formal Training. ☆☆☆☆☆
Combat experience. ★★★★☆
Willingness to kill. ★★★☆☆
Previous victims. ★★★★★
Ori's such a fun one to talk about. She's also the one who's had the most change over the years?
If you had asked this question awhile ago, it'd be a lot different in the fact that her willingness to kill would be maxed out and would be constantly starting shit just for fun. Nowadays, she lives a relatively domestic life on land running an antique shop and prefers to stay out of conflicts because it's easier just to keep your head down than keep fighting for your life.
As it stands, she's not a powerful fighter. Despite her gills, she's only got the strength of a rust! She relies on techniques that use her opponent's momentum against them, or long range options such as guns or bombs to kill others, or even ambushes! She's had her fair share of hand to hand combat though, which her two facial scars are from.
Also, she has a victim list a mile long. Her first kill was when she was extremely young, and she's just kept killing since then. Ori's quick to mention now that her kill count is mostly because she fed trolls to her lusus, she... doesn't mention when she used to just kill for fun. When she was the troll equivalent of a teenager, she was pretty angsty and used to hunt seadwellers and clowns. She's grown out of it now, but she's no stranger to slaughter.
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📂📂📂 for Orivar please -Trollplaying
1) Orivar is lowkey a HUGE Ska fan. There's zero reason to it other than she really, really likes the trumpet and just thinks Ska has a great sound to listen to at parties. The amount of times she's gotten drunk and sung along to Ska songs is astronomical. She will never give it up. It's quintessential party music to her.
2) She's multi-lingual! She's fluent in Common (English), Old Northern (older dialects of Icelandic), and Seadweller (no real world equivalency) in both its spoken form and its sign language form. This is because I headcanon that Seadwellers are peak gatekeepers that they made their own specific fishy language. But since you can't talk clearly under water, or you might not be able to, it also comes in a simplistic sign language. Ori spent awhile posing as a rural Seadweller who lost their fins in an underwater commune to learn it when she was a teenie!
3) Ori's always been enamored with the stars since she was young. One of her earliest memories was a vague impression of floating in darkness while surrounded by glittering starlight. She's mostly convinced herself she must have just had a dream as a pupa and it just stuck, so she just enjoys them for their sentimental factor. As it turns out, and as she'll never actually know, it was a real memory! But it wasn't starlight, it was when her lusus took her down the the dark zones of the sea and she was just watching the bioluminescence of other creatures floating around her. I actually wrote about little Ori and this situation! It's a fic named Stars on the time line on her profile.
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📰 for Ori. You know for who. uwuwuwu
What is their name? “Vadaya Urvata. What else would he be?”
Relationship with them? “We’re friends. We have been for awhile. Pretty... pretty close friends, I hope. I know a lot of people close to him aren’t fond of me.”
What do you view them as? (family,friend,other) “My close friend. I haven’t had someone who I felt close to in awhile so it’s nice. I value the time he gives me.”
Do you feel attracted to them in any way? ==>You pause, rubbing at your face.“I... suppose so. It’s hard not to at this point but there’s a lot more to it than anything physical, I just want -”==>Oh god, you can’t even finish this.“It’s a pipe dream, but it’s a fun one to think about.
What’s one thing you’d like to do with them? “A - a lot. I’d like to travel with him. He has everything he needs in the world so I feel like - There’s not a lot I can give him he can’t already take for himself. He gives me so much already so I think all I can give him is something to remember. He likes camping, so maybe I could show him some of the places I’ve seen travelling. I can introduce him places. I’d like to show him I’m a lot more than just a poor lowblood who takes more than I give to him. I’d like to learn more about him, but I don’t want to pry into things he doesn’t want to talk about. I just want more.”
Tell us one memory you have with them. “When we... first met, it was awkward. We ran into each other by chance and I didn’t expect that we’d recognize each other or that it’d even go well. But I suppose it did, didn’t it? It was nerve wracking but we had fun and enjoyed it and it paved the way for us to meet up more often.”
Anything you’d like to ask them or state to them? If so, say it now, please! “...”“This is just a wish fulfillment thing, right? Nothing’s actually going to happen?”“Well, I suppose i’d say that I wish we’d have met under different circumstances with different lives because every time I think about how things would work out, it doesn’t end well. I’d have liked to see how we would have turned out if things weren’t the way they were right now. Maybe if I was hatched normal, maybe if he wasn’t Fleet, maybe things could work out. I don’t want to ruin his job he grew up in if I was found out and then he has to deal with aiding or romancing mutants.”
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✉✉✉ for Orivar and Talgan, whichever direction. There's gotta be some unsaid stuff there
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
PT: when ye goan visit me ye fuckin lil mongrelPT: a come an tell ye ah’m alive an well an ye jus take it and go off intae the sunset an disappear oan mePT: village’s quiet an empty nowanightsPT: ain’t a soul tae be seen since the lot a them scurried up tae the tops o the mountains.
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
MH: You’re full of shit and I don’t know whether to be mad at you or to feel bad for you.MH: Like, I idolized you when I was younger, you were the smartest troll I knew who kept me alive, who’s words I took as a mantra to keep me alive but all they did was made me miserable.MH: Is this how you lived? Cutting yourself off and telling yourself that it didn’t matter how you stayed alive as long as you were still there at the end of the night, clipping toenails into the fire and scratching your ass with no one around?MH: People used to say to me when I was little that they’ve never seen you as lively before I came around.MH: If I made you happy, why the fuck did you always try to beat me down and scare me into a cave for the rest of my life? I’m strong enough to handle myself.
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
PT: didja kno a got a lockbox neath the cabin?PT: been fillin it up wit things a mighta needed if a had tae book itPT: monies, guns, maps an all tha shite a blighter might needPT: been usin it fer storin other shite thoPT: always said pictures was a good wae tae git yer ass tossed like a salad by imperial forks and ye shouldn’t take shitePT: a got a good one of ye when ye was wee. got it developed an stashed it away.PT: it’ll be nice tae have somethin tae remember ye by when ye git yerself killed, ye peabrained billy goat
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✉ø♀ Vide and Ori!
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
MH: I think you need better friends. I’ve been watching Pheres at his shop through the front window as he’s been chasing his lusus around while she’s carrying a dead chicken.
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
MH: I gave his lusus the chicken hoping she’d drag blood across his floor.MH: So uh.MH: Sorry.
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
MH: I think we should plan what to do if I get killed.MH: I know you don’t want to, but we can’t guarantee I won’t get culled. I’d rather go knowing that you’re at least safe and won’t get dragged in by the horns for aiding and abetting.MH: You don’t deserve to get fucked over by the empire because you’re close to me.
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Send me a ♫ + a character’s name and I will respond with a song that reminds me of them. Send a ♫ + a ship and I will do the same. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE - DESTROYA
I'm sick, down from the bones to the other sideRed-mob, we insects hideKing rat on the streets in another lifeThey laugh, we don't think it's funnyIf what you areIs just what you ownWhat have you becomeWhen they take from you almost everything?You don't believe in GodI don't believe in luckThey don't believe in usBut I believe we're the enemy!
I’m not gonna lie, it’s 2 am and i’m tired as shit, but I picked this because I wanted to sue something outside of her usual play list! I usually don’t have issues finding her songs or run into issues where the songs she’d listen to don’t quite line up with what’s on her playlist. It makes my life easier but also, harder because WHAT DO I DO IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS WITH THIS ASK? So, really, i just went hunting for another song that’d fit her.This one is pretty straight forward? It’s angry, it’s got the heavy drum beat, it’s got the fatalistic and confrontational lyrics and the self-labelling of the singer being the enemy. It fits pretty firmly into the sort of shit that fits her. She doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to heavy topics like this. She knows what she’s about and she believes firmly in herself and herself only to get through any situation that’s tossed at her. No one else has her back, so she’s gonna cover it herself.
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📂📂 for Orivar? :0
1) Ori does not wear socks.
She refuses to wear socks. She does not like they way they feel on her feet, she's ALWAYS hated them ever since she was little and had to wear the thickest knit ones, and she would rather pull off her own nails than deal with wearing them for an extended period of time. Yes, even in her leather working shoes, she's sockless.
Thankfully, she washes her feet daily so they're not ENTIRELY fucking grody, but good fucking lord i clutch pearls every time i remember this about her.
2) She has a very, very, strong love/hate relationship with rabbits. While growing up, she's raised rabbits as a farm animal and loved them! But then... the very first troll that she's had to kill had a rabbit lusus and she's never really got over the way the lusus mourned and screamed. She's gotten a lot better about not developing trauma from the trolls she's killed since! but that one fucked her up because the troll was a friend of hers and the last thing she wanted to do was kill him.
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Blueblood, 13 sweeps. Owns his own business selling jewelry, armor, weapons, pretty much anything metal crafted or made with gems. On the hemoist side, but he'd rather deal with lowbloods than anons. Enjoys a good night's work and a hive made meal, but he's pretty lowkey and most of his life is his work closely related. Open in all quads but could use a moirail or kismesis to get him out of his comfort zone.
Ooh, now this is fun! I might have two?
Dzhiya might be interesting to toss at him! 9 sweeps old, brownblood, but has heavy ties in the FLARPing community as a GM to guide them through the latest expansions. Very reliable, but always comes out alive even if her paying team ends up getting themselves killed due to her psionics that she believes is clairvoyance that let's her navigate through danger. She's very bright and excitable with a touch of anxiousness as she does have a very strong fear of death and loss, which leads to some cognitive wires getting crossed with her line of work. Also, she moonlights as a vampire/monster killer because she's so terrified of them she cranked her fight or flight so hard she's chasing them across the continents.
Dzhiya would definitely go and visit for weapons, but would be pretty leery of Highbloods who were a bit hemoist. It'd definitely take awhile for her to warm up, but she'd enjoy someone homey and kind to sit down with and actually have some less stressful conversations with. Maybe flush, maybe pale? I feel like it'd take some close scrutiny of their chemistry to see which quad they'd fall into, if they do get along.
Secondly, I'd have Orivar! This would probably land more on the antagonistic side, or even the antagonistic hate-friend side. She's 12 sweeps, rustblood with folks that she hides and passes as a regular rust. Very fond of the arts that you do with your hands, even MORE fond of weapons. She's got a pissy personality though and she's quick to insult and belittle Highbloods for their caste, especially if they're hemoist. Does it mean she won't interact with them? Definitely not! She takes a lot of joy out of picking fights.
The only thing he'd have to watch out for is rolling his eyes and going "highbloods amirite" as she'll absolutely latch into that with loathing to point out the crimes of his caste.
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Orivar (RBEAU): Daginy, Vadaya, Herlyn
Pail Herlyn, pale Daginy. Impale Vadaya.Why the fuck would I kill the two people actively important to our rebellion? Vadaya’s just a failed project.
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