#Orin Perez
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"Christmas" (before 2025) reveals complete!
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art-of-manliness · 2 years ago
Podcast #898: The Heroic Exploits of WWII’s Pacific Paratroopers
When people think of the paratroopers of World War II, they tend to think of the European theater — the 101st Airborne Division and the Band of Brothers. But paratroopers were also deployed in the Pacific, and here to unpack their lesser-known but equally epic and heroic story is James Fenelon, a former paratrooper himself and the author of Angels Against the Sun: A WWII Saga of Grunts, Grit, and Brotherhood. Today on the show, James tells us about the formation, leadership, and training of the 11th Airborne Division, the role they played in the campaigns of the Pacific — which included being dropped one by one out of a tiny plane described as a “lawnmower with wings” — how they built a reputation as one of the war’s most lethal units, and the division’s surprising connection to the creation of The Twilight Zone. At the end of our conversation, James shares what lessons we all can take away from the exploits and spirit of the 11th Airborne. Resources Related to the Podcast * AoM Podcast #1: We Who Are Alive and Remain * AoM Article: Motivational Posters — Band of Brothers Edition * Lieutenant General Joseph Swing * Colonel Orin “Hard Rock” Haugen * Medal of Honor citation for Private First Class Manuel Perez Jr. * “Combat in Twilight: Rod Serling’s World War II” Connect With James Fenelon * James’ Website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!) Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Listen ad-free on Stitcher Premium; get a free month when you use code “manliness” at checkout. Podcast Sponsors Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors. Transcript Coming Soon The post Podcast #898: The Heroic Exploits of WWII’s Pacific Paratroopers appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/SpYbQT
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amlc08 · 9 months ago
recursos para el habito de higiene
Libros- cuentos:
“El baño de Elmer”
Mckee, David (1996). El baño de Elmer. Fondo de cultura económica.
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el popular elefante de colores brillantes llamado Elmer se enfrenta a un problema común: ¡no quiere bañarse! A pesar de que sus amigos del bosque le instan a mantenerse limpio, Elmer prefiere divertirse y evitar el agua. Sin embargo, cuando finalmente acepta tomar un baño, descubre lo refrescante y agradable que puede ser. Elmer aprende que la higiene personal no solo es importante, sino también divertida, y se une a sus amigos para disfrutar de un baño refrescante juntos.
“El ratón Perez”
, (2021). Cuento del ratoncito Perez. Beascoa.
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Un ratón llamado Pérez vive en el hogar de los niños. Cuando un niño pierde un diente de leche, lo coloca debajo de su almohada y espera la visita del Ratón Pérez, quien intercambia el diente por una moneda. Aunque la historia principal gira en torno a la pérdida de los dientes de leche, el cuento también enseña la importancia de cuidar los dientes al incentivar a los niños a mantenerlos limpios y saludables para que el Ratón Pérez los encuentre en buen estado.
“La princesa va al dentista”
Kiselova Savrasova, Valeria (2017). La princesa va al dentista. .
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La princesa Mordisquitos adora comer dulces y no presta mucha atención a su higiene dental. Sus dientes comienzan a dolerle, y su madre, la reina, decide llevarla al dentista para que le arreglen los dientes. La princesa descubre la importancia de cepillarse los dientes correctamente y de visitar al dentista regularmente. A través de divertidas aventuras en la consulta del dentista, la princesa aprende valiosas lecciones sobre cuidado dental y hábitos saludables.
“Splash: mimos para bañarse”
Ruiz Jhonson, Mariana (2020). Splash. Combel.
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A través de sus páginas, los niños encontrarán historias cortas y entretenidas acompañadas de divertidas ilustraciones que los invitan a sumergirse en el mundo del agua y la higiene personal, es una herramienta útil para los padres puedan del baño un momento especial y relajante para sus hijos. Contiene ideas creativas para convertir el baño en una experiencia sensorial, desde juegos con juguetes acuáticos hasta canciones divertidas para cantar mientras se lavan. Además de promover la higiene personal, el libro fomenta el vínculo entre padres e hijos a través de actividades compartidas y momentos de diversión juntos.
“El orinal de Rita”
Ámala, Cia (2014). El orinal de Rita. Beascoa.
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En el libro, seguimos a Rita, una niña pequeña que está aprendiendo a usar el orinal. Al principio, Rita no está muy segura de qué hacer con el orinal y se siente un poco nerviosa. Pero con la ayuda de su familia y su entorno, Rita comienza a sentirse más cómoda con la idea. A través de divertidas ilustraciones y situaciones cotidianas, el libro muestra cómo Rita supera sus miedos y aprende a usar el orinal de una manera positiva y divertida.
“Adiós señora caca”
Gois, Christy (2023). Adiós señora caca. .
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En la historia, conocemos a una niña que está aprendiendo a dejar el pañal y usar el inodoro. Sin embargo, se siente incómodo y asustado por la presencia de la "Señora Caca", un personaje imaginario que le provoca miedo y vergüenza. Con la ayuda de su familia aprende a superar sus temores y a sentirse más seguro o en el proceso de aprender a usar el inodoro
“Brush, brush, brush”
Scholastic, Inc (2010). Brush, brush, brush. Bookie toddler.
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El libro enseña a los niños la importancia de cepillarse los dientes después de cada comida y antes de ir a dormir. Las ilustraciones coloridas y alegres complementan la narrativa, haciendo que el proceso de cepillado de dientes sea una actividad divertida y agradable para los niños
“Lia deja el pañal”
Estape, Anna (2022). Lia deja el pañal. B de bloom.
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Lía, una niña que está aprendiendo a dejar el pañal. A través de la historia, Lía experimenta diferentes emociones y desafíos mientras enfrenta este proceso de cambio. Con la ayuda de su familia y su entorno, Lía aprende a sentirse más segura y confiada a medida que avanza en su camino hacia la independencia en el uso del baño
Recursos varios:
Títeres de dedo
Son un buen recurso para familiarizar el habito de la higiene a través de divertidas historias de los títeres el habito de la higiene
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las manos a lavar- gallina pintadita             
-     La, la, la, las manos a lavarA lavarLa, la, la, las manos a lavarA lavarPara tomar un panLas manitas, a lavar, ¡eh!Antes de comer el lunchLas manitas, a lavarSi fuiste al baño, entoncesLas manitas, a lavarSi pisaste algo sucio, ¡guácalaLas manitas, a lavarA lavar las manos (chic, chic, chic)A lavar las manos (chic, chic, chic)La, la, la, la, la, la, laLas manos a lavarLa, la, la, las manos a lavarA lavarLa, la, la, las manos a lavarA lavarAl llegar de un paseo, si fuiste al bañoSi tomaste el autobús, si jugaste en el piso
Espuma, espuma, y manos a lavar
Pin Pon es un muñeco 
Pin Pon es un muñeco muy guapo y de cartónSe lava las manitas con agua y con jabónSe desenreda el pelo con peine de marfilY aunque se de estirones, no llora ni hace asíPin Pon dame la mano con un fuerte apretónQue quiero ser tu amigo, Pin Pon, Pin Pon, Pin PonPin Pon toma su sopa, no ensucia el delantalPues come con cuidado como un buen colegialApenas las estrellas comienzan a brillarPin Pon se va a la cama y se acuesta a descansarPin Pon dame la mano con un fuerte apretónQue quiero ser tu amigo, Pin Pon, Pin Pon, Pin PonPin Pon es un muñeco muy guapo y de cartónSe lava las manitas con agua y con jabón
De esta forma- canciones infantiles - super simple español De esta forma me lavo la carame lavo la cara, me lavo la caraDe esta forma me lavo la caraTemprano en la mañana Me lavo, me lavo, me lavo, me lavoMe lavo, me lavo, me lavo De esta forma me peino el cabellome peino el pelo, me peino el cabelloDe esta forma me peino el cabelloTemprano en la mañana Me peino, me peino, me peino, me peinoMe peino, me peino, me peino De esta forma cepillo mis dientesCepillo mis dientes, cepillo mis dientesDe esta forma cepillo mis dientesTemprano en la mañana Cepillo, cepillo, cepillo, cepilloCepillo, cepillo, cepillo De esta forma me pongo la ropame pongo la ropa, me pongo la ropaDe esta forma me pongo la ropaTemprano en la mañana De esta forma me voy a la escuelame voy a la escuela, me voy a la escuelaDe esta forma me voy a la escuela
El duende peste- mininanaisTienes que tener cuidadosi no te aseas demasiadosi vas al baño y no te has limpiado bienal Duende Peste habrás llamado. No te lo tomes a malque a mi también me ha pasadosi hay un aroma gravitacional que te acompaña a todos ladosno te preocupes porque hay solución. Quítate esa Peste de encimadate una ducha que alucinasy al duende aléjalo… Dile: ‘bye-bye, adiós’ A veces le huele el alientola suciedad es su alimentosi los dientes no te has limpiado bienal Duende Peste le tendrás contento. Si has sudado y no te has cambiadosi tus Calcetines te han abandonadosi pasan a tu lado y se tapan la narizel Duende Peste ya se coló en ti.No te preocupes porque hay solución.    Quítate esa peste de encimadate una ducha que alucinasy al duende aléjalo… Dile: ‘bye-bye, adiós’ Para ser feliz y estar sanolava tus pies y lava tus manos.Si te limpias tú solitoseguro que te sientes mejor. Quítate esa peste de encima, date una ducha que alucinas y al duende aléjalo… Dile: ‘bye-bye, adiós
 A cepillarse los dientes - pinkfong- hábitos saludables 
Cepillo! ¡Listo! ¡Pasta! ¡Lista!
¡Cepillando!¡Un, dos, tres, cuatro! ¡Ce-ce-ce-cepíllate! Arriba, abajo, dando vueltas.Hazlo siempre después de comer.¡Así! ¡Ce-ce-ce-cepíllate!A la izquierda, a la derecha.Y limpia tu lengua así.¡Qué fresca! ¡Ce-ce-ce-cepíllate! Arriba, abajo, dando vueltas.Hazlo siempre antes de dormir.¡Así! ¡Ce-ce-ce-cepíllate! A la izquierda, a la derecha.Enjuaga con agua así.  ¡Qué limpia! La la la la la.La la la la la.Te ayudamos a cepillar.¡Sí! La la la la la.La la la la la.Blancos, limpios y brillantes. ¡Sonríe!  ¡Ce-ce-ce-cepíllate!Cada día, no te olvides. Los dientes hay que cepillar.
Cepillarse los dientes para niños - elite kidsHijo, ¿te cepillaste los dientes? - No Mami- ¿Por qué mi amor? - Se me olvidó - Recuerda que: Los dientes de arriba se cepillan hacia abajo, los dientes de abajo se cepillan hacia arriba y tus muelitas debes limpiarcon movimiento circular - Mi amor, recuerda que debes cepillarte los dientes  para que estén blancos y fuertes, y no les salgan caries. - Mami, tengo un diente flojo- Acuérdate que el diente que te va a salir es para toda la vida y... Los dientes de arriba se cepillan hacia abajo, los dientes de abajo se cepillan hacia arriba Çy tus muelitas debes limpiarcon movimiento circular - Hijo, ¿te cepillaste los dientes?- Sí Mami- Ah bueno, ahora a dormir.
A brillar como el sol - plim plim
A lavarse las manos con agua y jabón a lavarse la cara, “una sonrisa es mejor”A cepillarse los dientes, chiquichiqui chichón, a jugar con la espuma y brillar como el sol.A lavarse las manos, a lavarse la cara, a cepillarse los dientes, a jugar con la espuma y brillar como el sol. Con agua y jabón, una sonrisa es mejor
Chiquichiqui chichón, a jugar con la espuma y brillar como el sol.
De esta forma nos vestimos - canciones infantiles 
De esta forma me pongo la camiseta, Me pongo la camiseta, Me pongo la camiseta.
De esta forma me pongo la camiseta, Me visto todos los días
 De esta forma me pongo pantalones, Me pongo pantalones, Me pongo pantalones
De esta forma me pongo pantalones, Me visto todos los días De esta forma me abotono la camisa, Me abotono la camisa, Me abotono la camisa.
De esta forma me abotono la camisa, Me visto todos los días De esta forma me pongo calcetines.
Me pongo calcetines, Me pongo calcetines, De esta forma me pongo calcetines. Me visto todos los días De esta forma me ato los zapatos, Me ato los zapatos, Me ato los zapatos
De esta forma me ato los zapatos, Me visto todos los días De esta forma me cierro la chaqueta, Me cierro la chaqueta, Me cierro la chaqueta
De esta forma me cierro la chaquetaMe visto todos los días.
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viskarenvisla · 2 years ago
Land of Traitors - Overlord
Case Number: 0355469
Date: July 6th 201X
Reporting / Preparing Officer: Qiang Sun, Police Detective I MPD
Incident Type: Homicide - “The People Do Not Kill the People; Torture - “Respect Your Prey”; Cannibalism - “Do Not Consume the Flesh of Man or Wolf”; Possession - “The Denizens of the Shadow Shall Not Transgress the Flesh”; Unlawful Arrest of a Police Officer - "The Low Honor the High; the High Honor the Low"
Coordinates of Occurrence: 25.859629079215324, -80.724387883146
“Acheron” (Alias) Calvin Montes, enforcer, male, age 40s [Soul-Puppetry of an Unwilling Individual]
Anders Duthrow, slave, male, age 28 [Unlawful Arrest of a Police Officer; Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer; Unlawful Possession of a Firearm]
Bonny Duthrow, slave, female, age 42 [Unlawful Arrest of a Police Officer; Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer; Unlawful Possession of a Firearm]
“Carceri” (Alias), “scrivener”, female, age unknown [Felony Coercion; Aggravated Assault and Battery]
“Chemosh” (Alias) Valentin Luka, PR, male, age unknown [Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer]
“Gebehl” (Alias) Orin Kalverdt, pusher, age 37 [Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer]
Jaden Duthrow, slave, male, age 19 [Unlawful Arrest of a Police Officer; Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer; Unlawful Possession of a Firearm; Underage Drinking]
“Moloch” (Alias), “scrivener”, sex unknown, age unknown [Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer]
"Phlegethon” (Alias), ringleader, male, age unknown [Homicide, Torture, Canibalism]
Spring Saul, slave, female, age 51 [Accomplice to Unlawful Arrest of a Police Officer; Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer; Unlawful Possession of a Firearm...Reckless Driving]
Tasha (alias) “Tears-for-Blood” Hart, female, age 29 [Aggravated Assault and Battery of a Police Officer]
Witnesses / Abettors:
Anais Quertovera, female, age 23
Amita Hart, female, age 18
“Bone-Eater” (Alias) Lola Hart, female, age unknown
“Dustpelt” (Alias), female, age unknown
“Last-Laugh” (Alias), sex unknown, age unknown
“Night’s-Call-to-Arms” (Alias) Kemall Tan(?), male, age 41
Qiang Sun, male, age [REDACTED]
Samson Delanie, male, age 49
Evidence: Officer testimony, bodycam footage
Victims: John Ivan, male, age 36 [cause of death: exsanguination from massive abdominal injuries]; Larissa Citlali, female, age 20 [under consciousness hijack, whereabouts unknown] Incident Description: I finished my shift at 10:00 as per protocol on 06/06/201X and clocked out. However I stayed to finish up some unrelated work and wait for Officer Gavrilla to finish her shift and provide discrete access to the evidence locker. Next on duty, Dawner, called in sick however and necessitated Gavrilla to cover him for four hours. Dawner is a hypochondriac. I was not able to wait past midnight so I packed and left to Hunt in Hialeah Gardens as per usual evening routine. At 11:32 I met up with Logan Perez “Shitty Joe” (callsign I chose cuz he’s my bitch) and demanded my apportionment but he expressed resistance; I applied advanced persuasion techniques because “Shitty Joe” lacks the right to resist and he turned over part of my allotment but lacked the rest. In accordance with the terms of our agreement I inflicted upon him a demerit and he limped back to his grandmother’s home at 234 W. Olive Street. As I was en route to my side office in that same neighborhood I was intercepted on the road at the intersection of W. 30th and NW 122nd by the west entrance of the Santa Barbara Catholic Church by: a corroded brown 1997 Dodge Ram Van with tire tread far past the advisable wear limit. Four individuals (three men, one woman) wearing stockings obscuring their faces carrying assault-rifle style rifles ushered me from my vehicle before I was able to get my bump on and placed a vinegar-soaked sack over my head. This served to effectively obscure my senses over this reality-frequency but I had already correctly surmised the driver’s destination. The individuals in question were Bonny Duthrow (white female, age 42), Jaden Duthrow (white male, age 19), Anders Duthrow (white male, age 28) and Spring Saul (black female, age 51). A similar, prior encounter had been much shorter as they had only sent two of their own (Jack Duthrow, male, age 26 deceased, Martin Lowe, male, age 34 deceased) to coerce me into transit and I used entirely, totally 100% necessary extreme lethal force to dissuade them. Bonny and Anders offered persuasion with 5.56x45mm silver-tipped rounds [note: Duthrow and Sons Sheet Metal LLC likely source for home-manufactured munitions, cross-reference with case # 0371191]. Mark both down for aggravated assault of a police officer. My allotment 💢 Between roughly 00:04 and 01:12 on 06/07/2023 we drove along state highway 41 Westbound. This was not difficult to deduce as we were driving in a straight line for approximately thirty five miles at high speeds; the pothole pattern and uneven quality of the roadtop was indicative of state construction expertise. At roughly 00:45 Jaden Duthrow opened a liter of Captain Morgan, engaged in underaged drinking and didn't share with me  in violation of Florida state law and common courtesy. At 00:50 Jaden and Anders engaged in heated rhetoric and proceeded to threaten me for my legally justified use of lethal force against their brother and associate, as well as the effort involved in collecting them into one location for transport; Saul instructed them to scale back the nature of their rhetoric out of concern for life and limb should an altercation arise. Both marked down for aggravated assault of a police officer and unruly firearm hooliganism. At 01:12 on 06/07/2023 Saul turned right on an unmarked, closed service road about a half mile past the 62 mile marker on state highway 41. At the same time Bonny Duthrow committed a civil littering offense by throwing her cigarette butt into Tamiami Canal #C4 . The van came to a halt and was kept idling while Jaden and Bonny escorted me out and then reentered the vehicle. They drove away, leaving my wrists bound and the bag tied around my neck. I broke the twine around my wrists and removed the bag, and was met by Tasha Hart, (alias) “Chemosh” and (alias) “Moloch” approaching me from the North, deeper in the Everglades. I lift my pen and look at the wealth and excess gathered before me…three lines of Mercedes Blue cut and glinting like white-sapphire snow and chiming my blood like a bell through my nose. Limited Edition 2012 Maotai dribbling down my chin like jet-fuel pearls and burning my gut, stacks of cash just so that I can look at ‘em. This funny crystal ball thing that made pink lightning zap around inside and followed your finger. 72 inch flatscreen TV hanging from my wall and speakers taller than the girl passed out in my bed. I gotta do something about that, don’t even know her name but she’s got an appetite for dust and you just know the pretty ones like us, with white powder around our nostrils, we aren’t to be left alone.Clean pigs don’t do lines in Unit-B’s at the Solitair Brickell and I’m not the greasiest of our kind (I’m already calling an Uber for what’s-her-face). The good guys are fighting their battles out of 600 square footers in Overtown, or houses with overpriced mortgages if they got ‘em while the getting was ripe…and that’s another kind of world from the one I inhabit; their Prey is morality, their meat and gristle are honor and the chance to look down on people like me. That’s fine, they got their Michelin TV Dinners to fill their bellies, a 40 to help them forget the futility they know is there, and their pride to keep ‘em on the straight-and-steady ‘til Magic City disappears them. That’s it ladies and gentlemen .I’m not a good guy.The track playing on the tower speakers playing spotify on my TV flows into a guilty favorite, too cliche for someone fashionable like me to admit openly. Taylr Renee’s gentle, crooning voice feels like it’s coming up from beneath a shallow lake on a silvery night, the hissing build-up speeding up my pulse. I haven’t touched a line in a couple hours cuz I’m trying to get this report done but right now I’m blissing the fuck out because this body, this life are a feast for the senses. ASMR flows like will o’ wisp light through the swamp-muck of my mind, because even in this relatively muffled Hishu form I can hear tones and wavelengths most humans weren’t privy to. “Hello, you're a quite beautiful yellow,” I sing in pitch with Taylr. “My soul's exposed, I yearn to feel the change,” and I stand up suddenly, nearly knocking over the assorted glassware and narcotics covering my soft-pink Surya Miami marble coffee table. I must sing. “All through my body burns something exciting,” I echo once, twice, three times as I throw open the curtains and stare upward at the Crescent Moon. My pupils dilate and track the streamers of millions of individual threads, contrails of countless Lunar Ithul . I subtly use the Change to expand my senses, eyes crackling quietly as they shoot through with night-sight nerves. My ears lengthen subtly, and I can hear traces of their paens, symphonies and sutras…they call out to me in a thousand ways, their wayward son; scorning my defiance / praising my independence / concerned for my hunger / mocking my indulgence. I’m alive. I’m still here, because of all those things the Lunes call me out on and so I twist the volume knob and let the music take hold. “Howl at the MOOOOON!” I shout in euphoria and despair and throw off my Casablanca Mosaic Silk Shirt. My nameless lover complains from the bedroom, but I’m already taking a condom from the porcelain urn on the nightstand and I scream my treasonous freedom into her again. I see the world through candy-colored bursts of desire and hunger. My Hunt is a jester’s rampage through morphine syringe-thorns Wolf’s teeth gnaw at her throat as we flail and fumble I’m an Overlord living an Underdog’s burlesque
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heavyweightnation · 2 years ago
North Carolina State vs Central Michigan Wrestling Dual Meet Preview
NC State vs Central Michigan Dual Meet Preview
NC State will be taking on Central Michigan in a dual meet scheduled for November 18th at 6:30pm EST. You can stream the dual meet live on Flowrestling. Projected Matches- 125- Jarrett Trombley vs Sean Spidle 133- Kai Orine vs Vince Perez 141- Ryan Jack vs Mason Breece 149- Jackson Arrington vs Johnny Lovett 157- Ed Scott vs Corbyn Munson 165- Donald Cates vs Tracy Hubbard 174- Brock…
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reginaperes157 · 7 years ago
Gov-auctions.org - #1 Government & Seized Auto Auctions. Cars 95% Off!
Utah Sen. Orin Hatch announced plans to introduce new legislation that would once again curb sports betting after the nation's highest court shot down federal rules prohibiting sports gambling.
Legally Concealed Courses - Firearms, Concealed Carry, Survival
from Regina Perez RSS Feed http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/breitbart/~3/izrN8QLdBdE/ via IFTTT
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