#Original cure characters
destinygoldenstar · 1 year
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wombywoo · 29 days
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album 📔
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cainternn · 2 months
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luciiferous · 6 months
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i made one of my Freaks (affectionate) irl
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kika-ila · 11 months
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This is Serafina, my DnD character: she's a warlock I made to be a magical girl. So, just for fun, I drew her in different majokko anime styles!
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yellowflowerartz · 4 months
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Introducing my Wonderful Precure OC, Cure Lucky!
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vivipuri · 7 months
Cure Platina second beta design 🕊️ A silver-white cure whose specialty is healing 🪽
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for my fanseries Viva la Vida! Pretty Cure ✨
design notes!
- loose bishop/priestess motif, as Platina’s primary power is healing/support 🪽
- her “mitre” resembles a beret, an accessory commonly worn by and associated with artists over the centuries; a reference to Yuki’s artistry 🎨
- more on her artistry: the lines take inspiration from Art Nouveau, while the extra two layers upon her skirt are inspired by stained glass art, commonly seen in churches (which kinda connects to Platina’s bishop motif?). Golden yellow stain glass are created through the silver stain technique, which utilizes the element silver. (I have plans for Platina’s sorcery powers to be related to the element/metal silver as it is considered a mystical element in folklore.)
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magimahouobs · 6 months
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🦢Odette “Odd” Hakucho🦢
🦢Oddette, 14 years old, has always lived in Storybrook Village, a small little community often the epicenter of rumors and speculation, as there is a lot of stories that are said to be non-fiction in this town. She’s starting her first year in Storybrook Junior High, although she doesn’t show it, she’s very nervous to start as she never got along with most people due to her stoic nature. She often found it hard to emote and express herself through emotion, but she’s determined to try and make friends, but something odd happens on her first day of school, and just like that, all of a sudden she’s Cure Swan!🦢
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aemulatorizrafel · 3 months
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I haven't drawn these lil fan cures in a long time...
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ydteus · 1 year
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Fake screenshots of Nolia and Elowen.
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non4ry · 5 months
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drew some of my favorite resi girlies as my little ponies for funsies ^_^
designs are f2u with credit! also check the notes for me just infodumping about my horse designs lol
#resident evil#mlp#my little pony#jill valentine#sherry birkin#claire redfield#ada wong#rebecca chambers#helena harper#ashley graham#manuela hidalgo#eveline baker#i don’t have a ton of design notes for jill other than her cutie mark is the keys and the 5 stars represent not only her team name but the#core 5 main characters of resident evil bc jill was always the OG main character to me#sherry.. so fun fact when I started doing this I was actually kinda making a mlp infection au with the resi 2 cast bc i like them lol so#her design has more lore behind it#i think sherry was originally an earth pony but when infected with G + williams dna her body began to morph with the infection which is how#she becomes a unicorn (william dna) she’s cured with the antivirus but is permanently changed physically which is how she gets her powers#and her cutie mark as well bc im insane#claire’s design was mostly for fun i do plan on fixing her cutie mark eventually but i imagine she’s a racer#also in my little au she is the main provider for the survivor group considering sherry is a child and leon is injured from his wound#so that’s why she looks so beat up and irritated#ada was fun umm she does have an actual cutie mark but it’s a secret. I like to think she uses magic to change her cutie mark and other#aspects of her appearance to better suit her missions#this also isn’t necessarily canon to my mlp au but her mane is dyed too i like to think it’s like this pink and red color#rebecca is a deer pony hybrid! solely bc i thought it would be cute and I enjoy hybrid species ponies#I don’t think that cross species foals usually get cutie marks but rebecca is a special rare case which i felt like reflected the games#helena i don’t have a lot of notes abt she was fun and has the beats the shit out of you cutie mark#ashley is another case where i don’t think she started off an alicorn but she was changed when she was infected#i ran out of tags FUCKKK
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[Redacted] Hanahaki AU
Hunched over the sink, [Redacted’s] body trembled as familiar pain blazed through him, before being overwhelmed by familiar nausea. Familiar tears streamed down his face, as he ducked his head and retched. He seized and writhed as he threw up, vomit and blood pooling in the sink, clinging to skin in a way that made him want to claw it off. 
‘Angel,’ he croaked, voice reverent almost as if he were in prayer. But they couldn’t hear him here. And, even if they could, what could they do? Hold his hair back? ‘They could love me. They could love me like I love them,’ he whispered to the empty room, with its cold, empty countertops.
After being sick a few more times and finally being reasonably certain that he wasn’t going to be again, they peered into the basin below. Although he already knew what to expect, his doctors always advised him to confirm before doing anything else. Sure enough, hidden amongst his filth, stained white petals shone through. 
Despite their beauty, what they symbolised or - rather - who, he couldn’t help but breathe out a pained swear. Almost entire Brugmansia Arborea or angel’s trumpet blooms were coagulated in the sink, baptised in ugly shades of browns and reds. He had tainted them, as he always did. 
He reached up to open the mirrored medicine cabinet but his reflection gave him pause. God, he looked like shit, covered in assorted bodily fluids, eyes haggard and hair ill-kept. He needed a shower, badly. He tranced a hand over the scar on his chest, like it could in any way quell the lingering pain. It never did. 
Especially with how fully formed the flowers were, they might have to crack open his ribs and clear out his lungs again within the year and he’d barely recovered from the previous round of surgery. 
[Redacted] knew how unusually severe their case was. How - no matter how many times they operated on him - they just couldn’t fully eradicate the roots that were so deeply enshrined in his flesh, how it only ever seemed to progress faster each time, how their beautiful petals secreted sweet poison but he would sooner die than give up on his Angel.
His Angel would reciprocate in time. He’d make sure of it.
They opened the cabinet and grabbed a new needle. He checked the packaging for the dosage of physostigmine, as he always did in case it had magically changed in his sleep (it hadn’t), before peeling the needle open and filling it. Finally, with ill-deserved tenderness, he lined the needle up with his arm and gritted his teeth. 
This part always hurt. 
@14dayswithyou because I think I saw somewhere where they said they like being @ ed but I can remove it if that’s what they’d prefer
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teakoodrawz · 29 days
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" I'm a Psycho, loving it~ "
#[album]#ask to tag#cw#Music Shot#S-2#also i just wanna mess with its expressions and poses cuz it's fun#he can turn the black face into a screenface. changing any shapes and expressions as it pleases#horror. realistic eyes. tv static. etc but he prefers the original triangle smiles more#also i'm planning to redesign S-2 right now#S-2 focuses only on killing / violence to gain LV and he's stuck that way and called it a purpose to wipe out population#He got so focus on gaining LV because it made him feel so powerful and wanted more feeling like it's the only thing that made him feel aliv#i'm okay to spoil his story and all. He's made out of human determination in Mark's body and became a split personality to him#that's why S-2 and Mark are both corrupted because they're still not compatible to each other in one body#instead of being unstable in physical form. his mind is. because Gaster used a different formula but failed again#Gaster was trying to cure Mark because he was really ill and about to die#I only took the references/theories from the original undertale amalgamation obviously#S-2 was formed from Mark's own negative emotions and personalities then it became its own character#which causes the two (or Mark or S-2 themselves) to self-loathe with each other#it's literally like looking in a window as a mirror talking shit to each other#The real good Mark in this au is Mark himself. he just needs to be set free from this misery (and need to get rid of S-2 if possible)#that's why in my old Mark death posts. S-2 was gone from self-forgiveness meaning Mark forgives himself and deserves to be happy#(because everyone don't deserve to hate themselves)#i'm gonna keep the left eye joke not being available when doing the horror screenface cuz still wanna make it a Mark thing to him#cw horror#cw eye contact
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blue-and-art · 9 months
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“Blue are you ever going to stop designing precure characters based off legendaries?”
Absolutely not, any other questions?
PMPC may be dead but my designing heart will KEEP GOING.
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hello and welcome to another month challenge i probably will not finish that i'm calling MAGICAL GIRL MAY where i spend my birthday month drawing as many magical girl designs as possible :)
Starting off with one of my fancures, Cure Fantasy!!!
She's from my fancure concept Charming Chronicle Pretty Cure which is all about the power of storytelling and imagination. Ayumu loves books, reading, and writing, and gets recruited by Yume, the little unicorn princess of the Garden of Stories, to retrieve all the stolen Magic Chronicles from the bad guys before all stories in the world disappear!
Her catchphrase is "Let's write the next chapter!"
As a fun fact, her name comes from Murasaki Shikibu, the author of The Tale of Genji, which is widely considered to be one of the world's first novels.
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rustybird · 2 months
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the cure gf oingo boingo gf
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