#Original U.S. Black Babylonian Christians
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harrelltut · 7 years ago
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☥ since ain’t nobody else on earth… Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black & DEMONICALLY Philosophical like Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]… I’mma Magically Invoke Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Airwave Energies [BAE = COSMOS] of BABYLONIA HARRELL who Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] RESURRECTED… Orisha ESHU ‘cause of My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Hieroglyphics of Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Egyptian Languages from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#U.S. Black Egyptian Typhonian Coup d'etat Government of Mythological Black Occult Powers#King of the Yoruba#Yoruba TUT#I BEE So Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black & DEMONICALLY Philosophical like Underworld SATAN from Astronomical SATURN#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:13 Illuminati [Underworld Shadow Government] from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Aboriginal Black American Occult Illuminati of Congo African [CA] Astrophysics from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Original U.S. Black Babylonian Christians#Our Biblically Promised Utopian Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Wealth from Biblically Black [Ancient] Babylon [MESOPOTAMIA]#Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Airwave Energies [BAE = COSMOS] of BABYLONIA HARRELL#BABYLONIA HARRELL Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] RESURRECTED… Orisha ESHU#My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Hieroglyphics of Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Egyptian Language Magick#SIRIUS Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Energies#Inner Earth’s Unexplored Neptunian Valleys of Mercury’s Most Amazing [MA] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Cities#Great Britain’s Phantasmagorical Nubian Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Ancestors#GREAT BENIN’S [BRITAIN’S] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Wealth of Eden [WE = WEE = Wè = Guéré]
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zamancollective · 6 years ago
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The Spaces in My Togetherness
 By Kayla Cohen
Papercut by Sophie Levy
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Kayla originally submitted this essay to the Berkeley Hillel Prize.
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Last year, my friends and I invited one of our visiting lecturers, a Tibetan Buddhist monk, to a Tu B’Shvat seder in the Charedi-turned-hippie neighborhood of Nachlaot.
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The event’s Facebook page asked guests to bring wine for the four prayers. We had stopped at Mahane Yehuda on the way, curving through the shuk’s wet alleyways, passing its porous walls and the fruit stands closed for the night, weaving in and out of a few liquor stores to find a 20-shekel bottle of red wine. People’s heads turned as Geshe Damchoe trailed behind us in his long crimson robe.
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The seder was in a small synagogue. The room was filled twice over capacity. A buzzing murmur hovered across the room. Talk drowned the rabbi’s voice. No one was listening. Everyone -- but us five -- was drunk. Heavily drunk. And everyone -- but Geshe Damchoe -- was Jewish.
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Damchoe sat quietly in his seat, reading the pamphlet explaining the different mixtures of wine that only he abstained from drinking that night. Then a niggun erupted. People drummed on the tables. They hollered and clapped. They beat their chests, climbed onto their chairs (or fell if they lost their balance). The five of us stared, rose, and followed.
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Yin/yang is what Taoists see in the world: duality. Buddhists see karma governing an interdependent unity. In the little synagogue, amidst the roaring and table-banging, I laughed to myself: the Jews only know disorder.
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(You can’t remember ever feeling that self-conscious about Jewish practice before. There was something about being in the company of a spectator, someone with limited exposure to Judaism (and no predisposition to defend it) that made celebrating the holiday fully and without questioning difficult for you. So you too adopted the role of observer. And for the first time, a fuller understanding of your own culture came not from engaging with it- but distancing yourself from it.
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You were self-conscious, but not necessarily conscious of yourself. You were conscious of an “other.”)
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That night blurred the defined space between “other” and “self.” It forced me to consider how much other people have affected how I see my self.
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I hold others’ habits, tastes, and opinions. I hold behaviors that were modeled for me (your bad habit of cracking your neck, which started only because you thought your desk partner in 8th grade looked cool when she popped the capsules of her joints in cascading sequence). I hold feelings that I learned (your fear of plastic bottles from the progressive people you met in college, or revulsion from the thought of once mixing meat with milk -- embodied most gloriously in BBQ-chicken-cheese pizza -- before you lived in Israel and decided to keep kosher). I hold ideas that I did not create (like what your legs or chest should look like). I hold expressions that I can’t explain (the spontaneous tears induced by a friend’s; the contagious yawn induced by your neighbor).
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I am not the only one engaged in this interexchange. Judaism has interacted with other peoples (and absorbed some of their cultural practices) for over two millennia. Jews were conquered by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans; by the Christians, Ottomans and British; before they were exiled, they lived in Egypt, Spain, Portugal, France, and Yemen; they founded communities across eastern and central Europe; in ancient Persia and modern Iran; in Iraq and Syria; in Albania, Morocco, South Africa, Mexico, Argentina; Ethiopia, Canada, the U.S., China, and India.
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Because of their diasporic history, Jews also stand as a collection of different peoples, and their cultures, tastes, and practices. Some Jews are blonde. Some Jews have black skin. Jews hold citizenship to different countries. They speak different languages. Communities in the mizrach sing their prayers to Muslim chants. Many western synagogues adopted pews from churches. The ancient Beit Alpha synagogue by the Galilee holds pagan gods on its mosaic floors.
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Judaism is imbued with so much otherness.
(You, too, are imbued with so much otherness.)
From where, then, does the Jewish people’s sense of self arise?
(From where, then, does your sense of self arise?)
Navigating the fluid interexchange between rigid conceptions of “self” and “other” is daunting. At the same time, the strain that this challenge has placed on how I interact with the world, and the fragmented feelings it has left me with, best honor my experience as a Jew, and on a more basic level, as a person.
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Nearly a year after the Tu B’Shvat seder in Nachlaot, one of my teachers introduced me to a book called The Prophet by Khalil Gibran) He quoted a line from the book: “Let there be spaces in your togetherness.” (The idea cleaves to the walls of your brain.)
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In context, the point of the quote was to remind people engaged in any relationship with another person of their own individuality. To separate the self from another, and sanctify the self-contained.
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But maybe Gibran’s words can also be interpreted to question the self-sufficiency of the individual altogether. Maybe seeing spaces in one’s togetherness is the recognition of voids in a whole bigger than its acting parts; separation in what appears singular; other influences in the self; a network of people in one’s personhood.
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Judaism hollows spaces -- spaces not just between Diaspora communities in different parts of the world, but within an individual’s consciousness.
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These spaces are deeply embedded in my consciousness. I occupy different spaces: the space my body takes, the space between my body and another’s; and the emotional space that bleeds into another’s and sometimes encompasses the two. I jump between my selfhood and my otherness, “I” and (you). I occupy the space to both write about and to myself, to be and ultimately, to ask: “who are you, Kayla? How do you assert yourself? How do you assert your self?”
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stopkingobama · 8 years ago
Here's what the Left doesn't want you to know about slavery
Photo credit: Walter E. Williams
Too many people believe that slavery is a “peculiar institution.”
That’s what Kenneth Stampp called slavery in his book, “Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South.”
But slavery is by no means peculiar, odd, or unusual. It was common among ancient peoples such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Greeks, Persians, Armenians, and many others.
Large numbers of Christians were enslaved during the Ottoman wars in Europe. White slaves were common in Europe from the Dark Ages to the Middle Ages. It was only after A.D. 1600 that Europeans joined with Arabs and Africans and started the Atlantic slave trade.
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As David P. Forsythe wrote in his book, “The Globalist,” “The fact remained that at the beginning of the 19th century an estimated three-quarters of all people alive were trapped in bondage against their will either in some form of slavery or serfdom.”
While slavery constitutes one of the grossest encroachments on human liberty, it is by no means unique or restricted to the Western world or United States, as many liberal academics would have us believe.
Much of their indoctrination of our young people, at all levels of education, paints our nation’s Founders as racist adherents to slavery, but the story is not so simple.
At the time of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, slaves were about 40 percent of the population of the Southern colonies. Apportionment in the House of Representatives and the number of electoral votes each state would have in presidential elections would be based upon population.
Southern delegates to the convention wanted slaves to be counted as one person. Northern delegates to the convention, and those opposed to slavery, wanted only free persons of each state to be counted for the purposes of apportionment in the House of Representatives and the Electoral College.
The compromise reached was that each slave would be counted as only three-fifths of a person.
Many criticize this compromise as proof of racism. My question to these grossly uninformed critics is whether they would have found it more preferable for slaves to be counted as whole persons. Slaves counted as whole persons would have given slaveholding Southern states much more political power.
Or, would the critics of the Founders prefer that the Northern delegates not compromise and not allow slaves to be counted at all. If they hadn’t, it is likely that the Constitution would have not been ratified.
Thus, the question that emerges is whether blacks would be better off with Northern states having gone their way and Southern states having gone theirs, resulting in no U.S. Constitution and no Union?
Unlike today’s pseudointellectuals, black abolitionist Frederick Douglass understood the compromise, saying that the three-fifths clause was “a downright disability laid upon the slaveholding states” that deprived them of “two-fifths of their natural basis of representation.”
Douglass’ vision was shared by Patrick Henry and others. Henry said, expressing the reality of the three-fifths compromise, “As much as I deplore slavery, I see that prudence forbids its abolition.”
With this union, Congress at least had the power to abolish slave trade by 1808. According to Delegate James Wilson, many believed the anti-slave trade clause laid “the foundation for banishing slavery out of this country.”
Many of the Founders abhorred slavery. Their statements can be read on my website, walterewilliams.com.
The most unique aspect of slavery in the Western world was the moral outrage against it, which began to emerge in the 18th century and led to massive elimination efforts.
It was Britain’s military sea power that put an end to the slave trade. And our country fought a costly war that brought an end to slavery.
Unfortunately, these facts about slavery are not in the lessons taught in our schools and colleges. Instead, there is gross misrepresentation and suggestion that slavery was a uniquely American practice.
Commentary by Walter E. Williams. Originally published at The Daily Signal.
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americanlibertypac · 8 years ago
Here's what the Left doesn't want you to know about slavery
Photo credit: Walter E. Williams
Too many people believe that slavery is a “peculiar institution.”
That’s what Kenneth Stampp called slavery in his book, “Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South.”
But slavery is by no means peculiar, odd, or unusual. It was common among ancient peoples such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Greeks, Persians, Armenians, and many others.
Large numbers of Christians were enslaved during the Ottoman wars in Europe. White slaves were common in Europe from the Dark Ages to the Middle Ages. It was only after A.D. 1600 that Europeans joined with Arabs and Africans and started the Atlantic slave trade.
Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. But this can’t be done alone. Find out more >>
As David P. Forsythe wrote in his book, “The Globalist,” “The fact remained that at the beginning of the 19th century an estimated three-quarters of all people alive were trapped in bondage against their will either in some form of slavery or serfdom.”
While slavery constitutes one of the grossest encroachments on human liberty, it is by no means unique or restricted to the Western world or United States, as many liberal academics would have us believe.
Much of their indoctrination of our young people, at all levels of education, paints our nation’s Founders as racist adherents to slavery, but the story is not so simple.
At the time of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, slaves were about 40 percent of the population of the Southern colonies. Apportionment in the House of Representatives and the number of electoral votes each state would have in presidential elections would be based upon population.
Southern delegates to the convention wanted slaves to be counted as one person. Northern delegates to the convention, and those opposed to slavery, wanted only free persons of each state to be counted for the purposes of apportionment in the House of Representatives and the Electoral College.
The compromise reached was that each slave would be counted as only three-fifths of a person.
Many criticize this compromise as proof of racism. My question to these grossly uninformed critics is whether they would have found it more preferable for slaves to be counted as whole persons. Slaves counted as whole persons would have given slaveholding Southern states much more political power.
Or, would the critics of the Founders prefer that the Northern delegates not compromise and not allow slaves to be counted at all. If they hadn’t, it is likely that the Constitution would have not been ratified.
Thus, the question that emerges is whether blacks would be better off with Northern states having gone their way and Southern states having gone theirs, resulting in no U.S. Constitution and no Union?
Unlike today’s pseudointellectuals, black abolitionist Frederick Douglass understood the compromise, saying that the three-fifths clause was “a downright disability laid upon the slaveholding states” that deprived them of “two-fifths of their natural basis of representation.”
Douglass’ vision was shared by Patrick Henry and others. Henry said, expressing the reality of the three-fifths compromise, “As much as I deplore slavery, I see that prudence forbids its abolition.”
With this union, Congress at least had the power to abolish slave trade by 1808. According to Delegate James Wilson, many believed the anti-slave trade clause laid “the foundation for banishing slavery out of this country.”
Many of the Founders abhorred slavery. Their statements can be read on my website, walterewilliams.com.
The most unique aspect of slavery in the Western world was the moral outrage against it, which began to emerge in the 18th century and led to massive elimination efforts.
It was Britain’s military sea power that put an end to the slave trade. And our country fought a costly war that brought an end to slavery.
Unfortunately, these facts about slavery are not in the lessons taught in our schools and colleges. Instead, there is gross misrepresentation and suggestion that slavery was a uniquely American practice.
Commentary by Walter E. Williams. Originally published at The Daily Signal.
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homeworklanceblr-blog · 8 years ago
GEOG 101 Week 8 Final Exam Answers
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 Question 1 (Worth 1 points)
The city of __________ is located at the confluence of the White and Blue Nile and serves as the capital of __________.
Addis Ababa/Ethiopia
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Question 2 (Worth 1 points)
Wallace’s Line refers to:
the point in Australia where earthquakes are     particularly severe
the line separating Australian species from     non-Australian species
the midpoint of the Great Dividing Range
the point at which Australian waters are divided from     New Zealand waters
the dividing line between the aboriginal and modern     Australian territories
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Question 3 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements is false?
Though the official language of Bangladesh is Bengali,     the official language of Pakistan is     Urdu.
While the major natural hazard faced by Bangladesh is     flooding, the major natural hazard faced by Pakistan is drought.
While rice is the major staple grain in Bangladesh,     wheat is the major staple grain in Pakistan.
Bangladesh and Pakistan have significant known mineral     resources.
Bangladesh and Pakistan were once united into a single     country.
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Question 4 (Worth 1 points)
The lava covered plateau that extends across most of southern India is known as the:
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Question 5 (Worth 1 points)
The Hindu population of Sri Lanka is called the:
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Question 6 (Worth 1 points)
The rural areas of Australia are known as the:
backward zone
aboriginal territories
Northern Territory
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Question 7 (Worth 1 points)
. Which of the following countries is not on the Arabian Peninsula?
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Question 8 (Worth 1 points)
This country is the smallest in North Africa, but has the highest GNP per capita in North Africa.
D. Morocco
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Question 9 (Worth 1 points)
The partitioning of Hindu India from Muslim Pakistan occurred in:
ca. 460 B.C.
D. 1971
the two areas have never been partitioned
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Question 10 (Worth 1 points)
The largest country in Melanesia by area is:
Solomon Islands Island
Papua New Guinea
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Question 11 (Worth 1 points)
The island of New Guinea is included in the region known as:
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Question 12 (Worth 1 points)
The small group of islands 400 miles south of India are the:
Sri Lanka
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Question 13 (Worth 1 points)
. The Gobi is associated with which region?
North China
Northeast China
Inner Mongolia
D. Xinjiang
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Question 14 (Worth 1 points)
The Sikh population is concentrated in:
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Question 15 (Worth 1 points)
The State of Israel:
was settled by people fleeing the Zionist policies of     Nazi Germany
was created from territory that was formerly     administered by the British
was part of the Ottoman Empire and ceded to the     Israelis in 1923
was created out of the country of Palestine that     previously had no Jewish population
was founded after World War I
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Question 16 (Worth 1 points)
The irredentist movement in the North West Frontier of Pakistan is based on cultural affiliations with the neighboring country of:
Jammu and Kashmir
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Question 17 (Worth 1 points)
The untouchable caste in India is known as the:
none of the above
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Question 18 (Worth 1 points)
_______ held onto eastern Timor well after the Dutch left the East Indies.
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Question 19 (Worth 1 points)
Prior to independence, New Guinea was administered by:
New Zealand
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Question 20 (Worth 1 points)
The modern state of Israel was created in:
D. 1959
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Question 21 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following cities suffered severely in the devastating 1991 cyclone that came ashore north of the Bay of Bengal?
New Delhi
Bombay (Mumbai)
D. Karachi
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Question 22 (Worth 1 points)
The body of water destroyed by Soviet irrigation schemes is the:
Black Sea
Aral Sea
Caspian Sea
Lake Balkhash
Sea of Azov
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Question 23 (Worth 1 points)
An area whose control is still disputed by India and Pakistan is:
Jammu and Kashmir
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Question 24 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements about Indian agriculture is false?
Rice is grown in the east and wheat in the west.
Wheat is grown in the east and rice in the west.
C. The Green Revolution led to significant increases in production.
Cotton is produced in west-central India.
All of the above are false.
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Question 25 (Worth 1 points)
The majority population in the north of Kazakhstan is:
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Question 26 (Worth 1 points)
The dominant centripetal force in India has been the:
cultural and religious strength of Hinduism
B. universality of the English Language
united opposition to Islam
national effort against the colonial power
war on hunger and malnutrition
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Question 27 (Worth 1 points)
One of the worlds’ most heavily populated agricultural areas is known as:
Chang-Yangzi Basin
North China Plain
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Question 28 (Worth 1 points)
The country that could control the flow of the Nile River into Egypt is:
none of the above
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Question 29 (Worth 1 points)
The two major cities on the North China Plain are:
Beijing and Shanghai
Beijing and Tianjin
Shandong and Tibet
Hainan and Hong Kong (Xianggang)
Singapore and Shenyang
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Question 30 (Worth 1 points)
The city located closest to the Ganges Delta is:
Calcutta (Kolkata)
New Delhi
Madras (Chennai)
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Question 31 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is not located within the Maghreb region?
the Atlas Mountains
the countries that were once called the Barbary states
the Mecca area of the Arabian Peninsula
the city of Tunis
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Question 32 (Worth 1 points)
. The Grand Canal connects:
the Xi (West)/Pearl River and the Chang-Yangzi River
the Chang-Yangzi River and the core of Northern China
C. the Liao and the Amur
the Indus and the Ganges
the Liao and the Ob
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Question 33 (Worth 1 points)
Between Yemen and Djibouti is the choke point known as:
Bab el Mandeb
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Question 34 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is false about New Caledonia?
It has significant nickel resources.
It was under British rule.
C. It is inhabited by only about 240,000 persons.
It consists of about 80 islands.
About 37% of the population is of French origin.
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Question 35 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements is false?
The first Temple of the Jews was destroyed by the     Babylonians in 586 B.C.
The second Temple of the Jews was destroyed by the     Romans in 70 A.D.
Christianity began as a messianic religion under the     Romans
The United Nations gave Jerusalem to the Israelis under     the 1947 partition resolution     E.
The Palestinians and the Israelis both desire Jerusalem as their capital.
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Question 36 (Worth 1 points)
The Pacific region called ___________ takes its name from the word for many, and is contained within a huge triangle whose corners are New Zealand, Easter Island, and the Hawaiian Islands.
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Question 37 (Worth 1 points)
Ceuta and Mellila are associated with which country?
Spanish Sahara
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Question 38 (Worth 1 points)
In India, a leading centrifugal force is:
the caste system
cultural strength of Hinduism
the personality of Nehru
the Sikh population
none of the above
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Question 39 (Worth 1 points)
The emerging economic region of China is:
the Pacific Rim
D. Hainan Island
Hong Kong (Xianggang)
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Question 40 (Worth 1 points)
The priestly caste in India is known as the:
none of the above
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Question 41 (Worth 1 points)
Which region contains Tibet?
South China
Inner Mongolia
Northeast China
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Question 42 (Worth 1 points)
The power coming through India in the tenth century was:
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Question 43 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following countries does not share a common border with Pakistan?
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Question 44 (Worth 1 points)
Iran differs from most of the North African/Southwest Asian realm in that:
it is non-Islamic
its population is nearly 100% Arab
it is dominantly Shi’ite     This is a correct answer
it is ruled by a monarchy
as a nation it is very young
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Question 45 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements is false?
Australia’s total population is modest in size.
The largest core area of Australia is on the     southeastern coast.
Most Australians live in rural areas.
This is a correct answer
Much of Australia is arid or semi-arid.
The capital of Australia is Canberra.
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Question 46 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is not one of the republics of Turkestan?
Azerbaijan     This is a correct answer
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Question 47 (Worth 1 points)
The UAE includes the oil-rich sheikhdom known as:
Abu Dhabi
This is a correct answer
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Question 48 (Worth 1 points)
The better watered volcanic islands where the economy is based upon agriculture are known as:
high islands     This is a correct answer
low islands
Melanesia islands
Micronesia islands
Polynesia islands
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Question 49 (Worth 1 points)
The largest oil reserves in the Middle East are in:
This is a correct answer
Saudi Arabia
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Question 50 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following has not been important in the development of Shenzhen as an SEZ?
proximity to Hong Kong (Xianggang)
the socialist economic principles applied by the     Chinese government to its development
This is a correct answer
port facilities
investment of overseas Chinese in its development
U.S. and Japanese investments
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Question 51 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is located in Micronesia?
Hawaiian Islands
Marshall Islands     This is a correct answer
New Caledonia
Solomon Islands
Papua New Guinea
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Question 52 (Worth 1 points)
The Huang He (Yellow River):
drains the Xi (West)/Pearl River Basin
flows into the South China Sea
almost encircles one of China’s driest areas, the Ordos     Desert
This is a correct answer
flows from the Loess Plateau eastward toward the East     China Sea south of Shanghai
originates in the Tarim Basin
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Question 53 (Worth 1 points)
China’s current population is closest to:
700 million
800 million
1.6 billion
500 million
1.3 billion
This is a correct answer
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Question 54 (Worth 1 points)
About ___ % of Australians live in cities or towns.
This is a correct answer
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Question 55 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is not located in Pakistan?
Deccan Plateau
This is a correct answer
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Question 56 (Worth 1 points)
Egypt’s peasant farmers are known as:
fellaheen     This is a correct answer
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Question 57 (Worth 1 points)
Centrifugal forces:
tend to pull a state together, unifying it and     increasing its cohesion
determine the effectiveness with which the boundary     system functions to control the     population
affect the binding function of the capital city
have the effect of dividing a state, promoting disunity     and internal fragmentation
This is a correct answer
pull a state from representative to authoritarian forms     of government
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 58 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements about Nepal is false?
Deforestation is a problem.
Agriculture is a true success story.
This is a correct answer
The Himalayas are the principal physical feature.
About 80% of the population are Hindu.
Kathmandu is the country’s core area.
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Question 59 (Worth 1 points)
The animals found in Australia who carry their young in pouches are collectively known as:
Marsupials     This is a correct answer
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Question 60 (Worth 1 points)
8 of the 10 costliest natural disasters in the world have struck which of the following countries?
Bangladesh     This is a correct answer
Sri Lanka
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Question 61 (Worth 1 points)
The Empire that ruled over much of Southwest Asia prior to World War I was:
Ottoman     This is a correct answer
Crusader Kingdom
Maghreb Empire
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Question 62 (Worth 1 points)
The main river serving the hinterland of Shanghai is the:
Xi (West)/Pearl River
Huang He (Yellow River)
Chang-Yangzi River
This is a correct answer
Irawaddy River
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 63 (Worth 1 points)
The leader who took over in China following Mao was:
Deng Xiaoping     This is a correct answer
Mao’s son
Chiang Kai-Shek
Sun Yat-sen
Zhou Enlai
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Question 64 (Worth 1 points)
The periphery of the Deccan plateau is marked by mountain ranges called:
Ghats     This is a correct answer
Hindu Kush
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Question 65 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following regions is often called “Manchuria” by uninformed foreigners?
Northeast China     This is a correct answer
North China Plain
Red Basin of Sichuan
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Question 66 (Worth 1 points)
Bangladesh was formerly known as:
East Pakistan     This is a correct answer
West Pakistan
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Question 67 (Worth 1 points)
The caste system is most associated with which of the following religious group?
Hindu     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 68 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following republics of Turkestan has a people of Persian origin?
Tajikistan     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 69 (Worth 1 points)
Native Australians are known as:
Cook Islanders
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 70 (Worth 1 points)
is the Chinese name for Tibet
is Buddhist
has suffered from the destruction of its culture by the     Chinese
has its capital at Lhasa
all of the above
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 71 (Worth 1 points)
Which state is located in southern India?
Tamil Nadu     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 72 (Worth 1 points)
The Han Dynasty:
is the earliest Chinese dynasty about which substantial     information is available
began and ended before 300 B.C., when China already was     a well-organized state
was a pivotal and formative period in Chinese history,     when the Chinese sphere of influence was enlarged, land reform occurred,     and external trade commenced
This is a correct answer
was a period of division and disarray, causing the     emergence of two rival capitals, Tianjin and Beijing
led directly to the takeover of the Manchus
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 73 (Worth 1 points)
The island off the south coast of Australia is known as:
Tasmania     This is a correct answer
New Guinea
Christmas Island
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 74 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following areas of India is located in the Brahmaputra Valley?
Assam     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 75 (Worth 1 points)
A boundary is actually marked on the ground during the stage called:
allocation (definition)
demarcation     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 76 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following are not Chinese areas encouraging foreign investment?
special economic zones
open coastal areas
open cities
forbidden cities     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 77 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following oil producers does not border the Persian Gulf?
Libya     This is a correct answer
Saudi Arabia
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 78 (Worth 1 points)
In Iraq, the Shi’ite population is concentrated in:
the north
the capital
the border area near Jordan
the south
This is a correct answer
the Kurdish area
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 79 (Worth 1 points)
Mao Zedong’s proclamation creating the communist People’s Republic of China was announced in:
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 80 (Worth 1 points)
Which country maintains the largest land claim in Antarctica?
United States
Australia     This is a correct answer
New Zealand
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 81 (Worth 1 points)
The ___________ Revolution of the 1960s introduced “miracle” varieties of wheat and rice that significantly increased the productivity of these crops.
Green     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 82 (Worth 1 points)
Powdery wind-blown soil pulverized by glaciers is called:
loess     This is a correct answer
huang soil
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 83 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following was not a part of French Indochina?
Siam     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 84 (Worth 1 points)
The most important ethnic group in Afghanistan is the:
Pushtuns (Pathans)     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 85 (Worth 1 points)
The people of New Guinea are:
mostly Chinese
Indonesian in their ancestry
of Portuguese descent
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 86 (Worth 1 points)
Your textbook indicates that a newly developing regional disparity in India is between:
urban and rural areas
east and west     This is a correct answer
north and south
coastal and interior
none of the above
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 87 (Worth 1 points)
The shortest of the three great rivers in China is the:
Huang He (Yellow River)
Chiang River
Xi (West)/Pearl River
This is a correct answer
Liao River
Indus River
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 88 (Worth 1 points)
Two political entities that recently reunited with China are:
Vietnam and Shandong
Macau (Macao) and Shenzhen
Hong Kong (Xianggang) and Shenzhen
Hong Kong and Xianggang
Macau (Macao) and Hong Kong (Xianggang)
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 89 (Worth 1 points)
The Hawaiian Islands are included in:
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 90 (Worth 1 points)
The first true indigenous empire in India was the:
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 91 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following colonial associations is incorrect?
Spain, Philippines
France, Sumatera (Sumatra)     This is a correct answer
Dutch, Indonesia
France, Vietnam
Timor, Portugal
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 92 (Worth 1 points)
Much of India’s coal supply is found in the:
Assam region
Chota-Nagpur Plateau     This is a correct answer
Western Ghats
Kathiawar Peninsula
Kashmir province
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 93 (Worth 1 points)
Which association is incorrect?
Myanmar, Irrawaddy
Thailand, Chao Phraya
Liao, Laos
This is a correct answer
Mekong, southern Vietnam
Red, northern Vietnam
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 94 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following cities is located in Pakistan’s Sind region?
Karachi     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 95 (Worth 1 points)
The North China Plain is dominated by the:
Huang He (Yellow River)     This is a correct answer
Chang-Yangzi River
Ordos Desert
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 96 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is the core area of Pakistan?
Punjab     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 97 (Worth 1 points)
A territorial sea is:
an area of the ocean where all of the rights of a     coastal state prevail
This is a correct answer
a body of water completely surrounded by a state
a small body of water that connects to larger bodies of     water
only found in the Southern Ocean
an area where a state has no rights to exploit minerals
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 98 (Worth 1 points)
Kemal Atatürk is most closely identified with the city of:
Ankara     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 99 (Worth 1 points)
The North Africa/Southwest Asia realm contains about __________ % of the world’s oil reserves.
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 100 (Worth 1 points)
The Syrians have lost which piece of territory to the Israelis?
Golan     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
0 notes
juliosmith-blog1 · 8 years ago
GEOG 101 Week 8 Final Exam Answers
 Follow Below Link to Download Tutorial
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 Question 1 (Worth 1 points)
The city of __________ is located at the confluence of the White and Blue Nile and serves as the capital of __________.
Addis Ababa/Ethiopia
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 2 (Worth 1 points)
Wallace’s Line refers to:
the point in Australia where earthquakes are     particularly severe
the line separating Australian species from     non-Australian species
the midpoint of the Great Dividing Range
the point at which Australian waters are divided from     New Zealand waters
the dividing line between the aboriginal and modern     Australian territories
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 3 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements is false?
Though the official language of Bangladesh is Bengali,     the official language of Pakistan is     Urdu.
While the major natural hazard faced by Bangladesh is     flooding, the major natural hazard faced by Pakistan is drought.
While rice is the major staple grain in Bangladesh,     wheat is the major staple grain in Pakistan.
Bangladesh and Pakistan have significant known mineral     resources.
Bangladesh and Pakistan were once united into a single     country.
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 4 (Worth 1 points)
The lava covered plateau that extends across most of southern India is known as the:
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 5 (Worth 1 points)
The Hindu population of Sri Lanka is called the:
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 6 (Worth 1 points)
The rural areas of Australia are known as the:
backward zone
aboriginal territories
Northern Territory
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 7 (Worth 1 points)
. Which of the following countries is not on the Arabian Peninsula?
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 8 (Worth 1 points)
This country is the smallest in North Africa, but has the highest GNP per capita in North Africa.
D. Morocco
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 9 (Worth 1 points)
The partitioning of Hindu India from Muslim Pakistan occurred in:
ca. 460 B.C.
D. 1971
the two areas have never been partitioned
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 10 (Worth 1 points)
The largest country in Melanesia by area is:
Solomon Islands Island
Papua New Guinea
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 11 (Worth 1 points)
The island of New Guinea is included in the region known as:
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 12 (Worth 1 points)
The small group of islands 400 miles south of India are the:
Sri Lanka
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 13 (Worth 1 points)
. The Gobi is associated with which region?
North China
Northeast China
Inner Mongolia
D. Xinjiang
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 14 (Worth 1 points)
The Sikh population is concentrated in:
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 15 (Worth 1 points)
The State of Israel:
was settled by people fleeing the Zionist policies of     Nazi Germany
was created from territory that was formerly     administered by the British
was part of the Ottoman Empire and ceded to the     Israelis in 1923
was created out of the country of Palestine that     previously had no Jewish population
was founded after World War I
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 16 (Worth 1 points)
The irredentist movement in the North West Frontier of Pakistan is based on cultural affiliations with the neighboring country of:
Jammu and Kashmir
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 17 (Worth 1 points)
The untouchable caste in India is known as the:
none of the above
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 18 (Worth 1 points)
_______ held onto eastern Timor well after the Dutch left the East Indies.
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 19 (Worth 1 points)
Prior to independence, New Guinea was administered by:
New Zealand
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 20 (Worth 1 points)
The modern state of Israel was created in:
D. 1959
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 21 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following cities suffered severely in the devastating 1991 cyclone that came ashore north of the Bay of Bengal?
New Delhi
Bombay (Mumbai)
D. Karachi
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 22 (Worth 1 points)
The body of water destroyed by Soviet irrigation schemes is the:
Black Sea
Aral Sea
Caspian Sea
Lake Balkhash
Sea of Azov
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 23 (Worth 1 points)
An area whose control is still disputed by India and Pakistan is:
Jammu and Kashmir
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 24 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements about Indian agriculture is false?
Rice is grown in the east and wheat in the west.
Wheat is grown in the east and rice in the west.
C. The Green Revolution led to significant increases in production.
Cotton is produced in west-central India.
All of the above are false.
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 25 (Worth 1 points)
The majority population in the north of Kazakhstan is:
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 26 (Worth 1 points)
The dominant centripetal force in India has been the:
cultural and religious strength of Hinduism
B. universality of the English Language
united opposition to Islam
national effort against the colonial power
war on hunger and malnutrition
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 27 (Worth 1 points)
One of the worlds’ most heavily populated agricultural areas is known as:
Chang-Yangzi Basin
North China Plain
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 28 (Worth 1 points)
The country that could control the flow of the Nile River into Egypt is:
none of the above
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 29 (Worth 1 points)
The two major cities on the North China Plain are:
Beijing and Shanghai
Beijing and Tianjin
Shandong and Tibet
Hainan and Hong Kong (Xianggang)
Singapore and Shenyang
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 30 (Worth 1 points)
The city located closest to the Ganges Delta is:
Calcutta (Kolkata)
New Delhi
Madras (Chennai)
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 31 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is not located within the Maghreb region?
the Atlas Mountains
the countries that were once called the Barbary states
the Mecca area of the Arabian Peninsula
the city of Tunis
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 32 (Worth 1 points)
. The Grand Canal connects:
the Xi (West)/Pearl River and the Chang-Yangzi River
the Chang-Yangzi River and the core of Northern China
C. the Liao and the Amur
the Indus and the Ganges
the Liao and the Ob
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 33 (Worth 1 points)
Between Yemen and Djibouti is the choke point known as:
Bab el Mandeb
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 34 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is false about New Caledonia?
It has significant nickel resources.
It was under British rule.
C. It is inhabited by only about 240,000 persons.
It consists of about 80 islands.
About 37% of the population is of French origin.
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 35 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements is false?
The first Temple of the Jews was destroyed by the     Babylonians in 586 B.C.
The second Temple of the Jews was destroyed by the     Romans in 70 A.D.
Christianity began as a messianic religion under the     Romans
The United Nations gave Jerusalem to the Israelis under     the 1947 partition resolution     E.
The Palestinians and the Israelis both desire Jerusalem as their capital.
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 36 (Worth 1 points)
The Pacific region called ___________ takes its name from the word for many, and is contained within a huge triangle whose corners are New Zealand, Easter Island, and the Hawaiian Islands.
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 37 (Worth 1 points)
Ceuta and Mellila are associated with which country?
Spanish Sahara
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 38 (Worth 1 points)
In India, a leading centrifugal force is:
the caste system
cultural strength of Hinduism
the personality of Nehru
the Sikh population
none of the above
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 39 (Worth 1 points)
The emerging economic region of China is:
the Pacific Rim
D. Hainan Island
Hong Kong (Xianggang)
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 40 (Worth 1 points)
The priestly caste in India is known as the:
none of the above
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 41 (Worth 1 points)
Which region contains Tibet?
South China
Inner Mongolia
Northeast China
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 42 (Worth 1 points)
The power coming through India in the tenth century was:
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 43 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following countries does not share a common border with Pakistan?
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 44 (Worth 1 points)
Iran differs from most of the North African/Southwest Asian realm in that:
it is non-Islamic
its population is nearly 100% Arab
it is dominantly Shi’ite     This is a correct answer
it is ruled by a monarchy
as a nation it is very young
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 45 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements is false?
Australia’s total population is modest in size.
The largest core area of Australia is on the     southeastern coast.
Most Australians live in rural areas.
This is a correct answer
Much of Australia is arid or semi-arid.
The capital of Australia is Canberra.
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 46 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is not one of the republics of Turkestan?
Azerbaijan     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 47 (Worth 1 points)
The UAE includes the oil-rich sheikhdom known as:
Abu Dhabi
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 48 (Worth 1 points)
The better watered volcanic islands where the economy is based upon agriculture are known as:
high islands     This is a correct answer
low islands
Melanesia islands
Micronesia islands
Polynesia islands
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 49 (Worth 1 points)
The largest oil reserves in the Middle East are in:
This is a correct answer
Saudi Arabia
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 50 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following has not been important in the development of Shenzhen as an SEZ?
proximity to Hong Kong (Xianggang)
the socialist economic principles applied by the     Chinese government to its development
This is a correct answer
port facilities
investment of overseas Chinese in its development
U.S. and Japanese investments
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 51 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is located in Micronesia?
Hawaiian Islands
Marshall Islands     This is a correct answer
New Caledonia
Solomon Islands
Papua New Guinea
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 52 (Worth 1 points)
The Huang He (Yellow River):
drains the Xi (West)/Pearl River Basin
flows into the South China Sea
almost encircles one of China’s driest areas, the Ordos     Desert
This is a correct answer
flows from the Loess Plateau eastward toward the East     China Sea south of Shanghai
originates in the Tarim Basin
Points earned on this question: 0
Question 53 (Worth 1 points)
China’s current population is closest to:
700 million
800 million
1.6 billion
500 million
1.3 billion
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 54 (Worth 1 points)
About ___ % of Australians live in cities or towns.
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 55 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is not located in Pakistan?
Deccan Plateau
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 56 (Worth 1 points)
Egypt’s peasant farmers are known as:
fellaheen     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 57 (Worth 1 points)
Centrifugal forces:
tend to pull a state together, unifying it and     increasing its cohesion
determine the effectiveness with which the boundary     system functions to control the     population
affect the binding function of the capital city
have the effect of dividing a state, promoting disunity     and internal fragmentation
This is a correct answer
pull a state from representative to authoritarian forms     of government
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 58 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following statements about Nepal is false?
Deforestation is a problem.
Agriculture is a true success story.
This is a correct answer
The Himalayas are the principal physical feature.
About 80% of the population are Hindu.
Kathmandu is the country’s core area.
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 59 (Worth 1 points)
The animals found in Australia who carry their young in pouches are collectively known as:
Marsupials     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 60 (Worth 1 points)
8 of the 10 costliest natural disasters in the world have struck which of the following countries?
Bangladesh     This is a correct answer
Sri Lanka
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 61 (Worth 1 points)
The Empire that ruled over much of Southwest Asia prior to World War I was:
Ottoman     This is a correct answer
Crusader Kingdom
Maghreb Empire
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 62 (Worth 1 points)
The main river serving the hinterland of Shanghai is the:
Xi (West)/Pearl River
Huang He (Yellow River)
Chang-Yangzi River
This is a correct answer
Irawaddy River
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 63 (Worth 1 points)
The leader who took over in China following Mao was:
Deng Xiaoping     This is a correct answer
Mao’s son
Chiang Kai-Shek
Sun Yat-sen
Zhou Enlai
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 64 (Worth 1 points)
The periphery of the Deccan plateau is marked by mountain ranges called:
Ghats     This is a correct answer
Hindu Kush
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 65 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following regions is often called “Manchuria” by uninformed foreigners?
Northeast China     This is a correct answer
North China Plain
Red Basin of Sichuan
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 66 (Worth 1 points)
Bangladesh was formerly known as:
East Pakistan     This is a correct answer
West Pakistan
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 67 (Worth 1 points)
The caste system is most associated with which of the following religious group?
Hindu     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 68 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following republics of Turkestan has a people of Persian origin?
Tajikistan     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 69 (Worth 1 points)
Native Australians are known as:
Cook Islanders
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 70 (Worth 1 points)
is the Chinese name for Tibet
is Buddhist
has suffered from the destruction of its culture by the     Chinese
has its capital at Lhasa
all of the above
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 71 (Worth 1 points)
Which state is located in southern India?
Tamil Nadu     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 72 (Worth 1 points)
The Han Dynasty:
is the earliest Chinese dynasty about which substantial     information is available
began and ended before 300 B.C., when China already was     a well-organized state
was a pivotal and formative period in Chinese history,     when the Chinese sphere of influence was enlarged, land reform occurred,     and external trade commenced
This is a correct answer
was a period of division and disarray, causing the     emergence of two rival capitals, Tianjin and Beijing
led directly to the takeover of the Manchus
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 73 (Worth 1 points)
The island off the south coast of Australia is known as:
Tasmania     This is a correct answer
New Guinea
Christmas Island
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 74 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following areas of India is located in the Brahmaputra Valley?
Assam     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 75 (Worth 1 points)
A boundary is actually marked on the ground during the stage called:
allocation (definition)
demarcation     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 76 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following are not Chinese areas encouraging foreign investment?
special economic zones
open coastal areas
open cities
forbidden cities     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 77 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following oil producers does not border the Persian Gulf?
Libya     This is a correct answer
Saudi Arabia
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 78 (Worth 1 points)
In Iraq, the Shi’ite population is concentrated in:
the north
the capital
the border area near Jordan
the south
This is a correct answer
the Kurdish area
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 79 (Worth 1 points)
Mao Zedong’s proclamation creating the communist People’s Republic of China was announced in:
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 80 (Worth 1 points)
Which country maintains the largest land claim in Antarctica?
United States
Australia     This is a correct answer
New Zealand
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 81 (Worth 1 points)
The ___________ Revolution of the 1960s introduced “miracle” varieties of wheat and rice that significantly increased the productivity of these crops.
Green     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 82 (Worth 1 points)
Powdery wind-blown soil pulverized by glaciers is called:
loess     This is a correct answer
huang soil
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 83 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following was not a part of French Indochina?
Siam     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 84 (Worth 1 points)
The most important ethnic group in Afghanistan is the:
Pushtuns (Pathans)     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 85 (Worth 1 points)
The people of New Guinea are:
mostly Chinese
Indonesian in their ancestry
of Portuguese descent
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 86 (Worth 1 points)
Your textbook indicates that a newly developing regional disparity in India is between:
urban and rural areas
east and west     This is a correct answer
north and south
coastal and interior
none of the above
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 87 (Worth 1 points)
The shortest of the three great rivers in China is the:
Huang He (Yellow River)
Chiang River
Xi (West)/Pearl River
This is a correct answer
Liao River
Indus River
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 88 (Worth 1 points)
Two political entities that recently reunited with China are:
Vietnam and Shandong
Macau (Macao) and Shenzhen
Hong Kong (Xianggang) and Shenzhen
Hong Kong and Xianggang
Macau (Macao) and Hong Kong (Xianggang)
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 89 (Worth 1 points)
The Hawaiian Islands are included in:
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 90 (Worth 1 points)
The first true indigenous empire in India was the:
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 91 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following colonial associations is incorrect?
Spain, Philippines
France, Sumatera (Sumatra)     This is a correct answer
Dutch, Indonesia
France, Vietnam
Timor, Portugal
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 92 (Worth 1 points)
Much of India’s coal supply is found in the:
Assam region
Chota-Nagpur Plateau     This is a correct answer
Western Ghats
Kathiawar Peninsula
Kashmir province
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 93 (Worth 1 points)
Which association is incorrect?
Myanmar, Irrawaddy
Thailand, Chao Phraya
Liao, Laos
This is a correct answer
Mekong, southern Vietnam
Red, northern Vietnam
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 94 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following cities is located in Pakistan’s Sind region?
Karachi     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 95 (Worth 1 points)
The North China Plain is dominated by the:
Huang He (Yellow River)     This is a correct answer
Chang-Yangzi River
Ordos Desert
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 96 (Worth 1 points)
Which of the following is the core area of Pakistan?
Punjab     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 97 (Worth 1 points)
A territorial sea is:
an area of the ocean where all of the rights of a     coastal state prevail
This is a correct answer
a body of water completely surrounded by a state
a small body of water that connects to larger bodies of     water
only found in the Southern Ocean
an area where a state has no rights to exploit minerals
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 98 (Worth 1 points)
Kemal Atatürk is most closely identified with the city of:
Ankara     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 99 (Worth 1 points)
The North Africa/Southwest Asia realm contains about __________ % of the world’s oil reserves.
This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
Question 100 (Worth 1 points)
The Syrians have lost which piece of territory to the Israelis?
Golan     This is a correct answer
Points earned on this question: 1
0 notes
miamibeerscene · 8 years ago
The Evolving Role of Women’s Contributions to Brewing Beer
June 29, 2017
Women and female brewers have a long history in the story of beer.
In the dawn of civilized brewing, making beer was a woman’s job. It continues to be so in indigenous cultures around the world and is once again becoming an important workplace for women in the U.S., Canada and Europe.
Let’s start at the very beginning …
Early Evidence Found in China
Dr. Patrick McGovern is the world’s preeminent expert on ancient alcoholic beverages, as well as the scientific director of the Biomolecular Archaeology Laboratory for Cuisine, Fermented Beverages, and Health at the University of Pennsylvania Museum. McGovern notes that in mankind’s earliest days, “While men were out hunting, women were out gathering the ingredients they needed to make other foods and drink to go with the wooly mammoth or mastodon.”
McGovern explains the female’s role became even more critical once agriculture took hold because fermentation was often part of the food processing. Some of this fermentation was initiated by women chewing the grains to start the process.
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The earliest documented beer evidence was found in Jiahu, China, dating 7000-5600 BCE. Dogfish Head Craft Brewing makes a Chateau Jiahu. McGovern consulted with the brewery on the project, doing analyses to determine the beer’s contents of rice beer, honey mead and hawthorn fruit wine.
Rice beer, according to Chinese legend, was first brewed by Yi Di, the wife of Yu the Great. McGovern writes that in areas of Japan and Taiwan, “You can still find women sitting around a large bowl, masticating and spitting rice juice into the vessel as they prepare the rice wine.”
The Ancient Beer Goddesses
Stained glass window shows an artistic depiction of Ninkasi. (Credit: Founders Brewing Co.)
The oldest extant beer recipe, written in cuneiform, dates to ancient Mesopotamia, around 1800 BCE. The Hymn to Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of brewing, is both a song of praise to Ninkasi and an ancient recipe for brewing.
While written down around 1800 BCE, the hymn is probably much older since archeological evidence for brewing the beer goes back to 3500-3100 BCE at the Sumerian settlement of Godin Tepe in modern-day Iran. In ancient Babylon women were bakers/brewers and also distributed the beers.
According to the preeminent beer historian Alan Eames, another Sumerian beer goddess was Siris, who watched over the daily ritual of brewing. Eames notes that only women were allowed to brew and their beers included all manner of strange ingredients such as spices, peppers, tree bark and powdered crab claws. Sounds much like modern craft brewers — except for the powered crab claws part.
Perhaps the most interesting of these brewsters was Kubaba. While the circumstances of her elevation are unknown, Kubaba is the only female listed in the Sumerian King List, compiled around 2100 BCE, and probably the first recorded woman ruler. The Sumerian King List names her as the woman tavern-keeper. Legend says she reigned for 100 years (which may be a stretch).
Eames also notes that women ran the beer halls and taverns, with the price of beer being raw grain. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, from about 1500-2000 BCE, harshly states that if a tavern owner (a woman) does not accept barley as the price of beer, but if she receives money and the price of the drink is less than the that of the barley, she shall be convicted and the judges shall throw the brewster into the water. It also states that if conspirators meet at a tavern but are not captured then the tavern-keeper shall be put to death. Ouch.
(LEARN: CraftBeer.com’s Big Beer Glossary)
Ninkasi and Siris were not the only ancient brewing goddesses. Nearby Egypt had Tenerit, the goddess of beer, and Hathor, the goddess of drunkenness. Egyptian hieroglyphics show women both brewing and drinking beer.
Early Brewing Traditions in Europe
Egyptian hieroglyphics show women both brewing and drinking beer. (Public Domain)
From the Middle East beer brewing spread through Egypt to Greece, where beer was a distant second favorite to strong wine; to Rome where people also preferred strong wine; and throughout Europe.
The Romans reported that traditional German societies drank ale produced by women, mainly made from fermented honey. Women in the migrating Germanic tribes often brewed in forests to avoid pillaging raiders, some of whom were Vikings.
Based on archaeological finds in Northern Bavaria, Germans were brewing beer as early as 800 BCE. This continued for centuries after the Christian era, and once again brewing was the domain of the hausfrau.
From the 8th through the 10th century Vikings rampaged throughout North Africa and Europe. Viking beer was called Aul from which we obtain the name “ale.”
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According to Eames, “Viking women were the exclusive brewers in Norse society and law dictated that all brewhouse equipment remained the property of women.”
A record in England shows that women probably were the vast majority of brewers until the 13th century. These women, known as alewives, brewed beer in their kitchens.
Eames writes that, “Beer remained an essential diet and selling surplus beer became important to the economy of most households. When a housewife had extra beer to sell, an ale-stake — a long handled pole or broom handle — would be placed over the front door or in the road.”
Often there was a garland of hops atop the broomstick.
This marker continues to be seen throughout the world, especially in indigenous societies and probably is related to the brewer’s star which was hung outside pubs in Germany when fresh beer was available.
Photo shows women making Chicha beer. (Public Domain)
One of the regions where similar flags or notices are put out when beer is ready is Peru. The local corn-based Chicha beer is made in small homes and batches and a flag is displayed out front when Chicha is available.
A friend from our local homebrew club, who toured the Inca Trail, reports that she went off on her own for part of a day to find the local Chicha beer: “On that last day… I went for a long walk. I ended up in a village and knocked on a door that was flying the flag. When I walked back to the spa, I noticed another woman was actually making Chicha on the road and selling Chicha she made a few days earlier. This Chicha was very different because the natural microbial mixture was most likely different.”
Later her tour guide took her to a Chicha brewing friend and she reports she was told that the women enjoy the whole interaction because, “The men drink and the women laugh at them when they act silly.”
She also relates that virtually the same story exists in Nepal, according to a friend who taught her how to brew Chang, the beer of the Himalayas. Clearly, the brewing responsibility in indigenous societies comes with a bunch of societal fun for the brewing wives.
(RECIPES: Hundreds of Ways to Cook with Craft Beer)
A Shift from Women to Men
Several events evolved over time, conspiring to transfer the art of brewing from women to men.
Hildegard von Bingen, one of the great women in all of history, was a German abbess in the early 12th century. She was a consultant to popes and emperors, a writer of sacred music and madrigals, a philosopher and author of numerous scientific and medical writings.
Her Physica Sacra pharmacopeia was the first written reference to the preservative benefits of hops. This breakthrough allowed beer to last longer and, among other factors, led to larger breweries.
A second was the growth of monasteries which served as safe hotels and inns for weary travelers. That safety included serving beer rather than the local water which often was polluted. Much of the beer profits went to help run the monastery just as it is in today’s European monastery breweries. The monks became quite proficient at brewing and essentially initiated brewing as a profession.
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The Black Plague in the 1400s was another turning point. With the attendant labor shortage wages increased and the financial ability to buy ale, which was safer than water (and more tasty), sharply increased. Brewing moved from the home to larger establishments.
As it became commercialized it segued into the hands of men who had the financial and legal resources to develop the growing industry. At the time, married female brewers had few legal rights and unmarried women had little capital.
Brewing originally did not involve much education, apprenticeship training or land, as long as it was confined to the home — but that changed.
The ale market changed from being dominated by single and married women into one that was commercial, professional and male-governed. By the 16th century in England and Germany, guilds also centralized and regulated brewing more heavily, which further contributed to the decline of women throughout the trade (although there were some guild women).
By the 18th century, women brewers seem to have largely disappeared from the profession — though many still served as tavern-keepers and often brewed the ales they served. While this may seem like a romantic notion, it was very hard work and often done out of necessity — and frequently by widows who needed the income.
Female Brewers Begin Making Inroads
In Europe in more modern times there have been inroads for women in the brewing industry.
Perhaps the most notable person is Franciscan Sister Doris of the Mallersdorf Abbey in Bavaria. Mallersdorf is one of the few brewing monasteries in Europe and perhaps the only nunnery.
Sister Doris began her brewing apprenticeship in 1966. She became the brewmaster in 1975, taking over from another sister who had been brewing there since the 1930s. Like St. Brigid, the second most famous saint in Ireland, Sister Doris is renowned for converting water in beer.
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More recently Anne-Françoise Pypaert became the first female Trappist brewmaster. Yes, that reads correctly. She is the brewmaster at the world famous Orval Trappist monastery.
While she was the only woman at Orval in 1992 when she was hired, the brewery now employs eight other women: two in the lab, one in Research and Development, four in the office, and one in the cheese factory.
Brewmaster Pypaert tells us, “The feminization of brewers helps to bring a certain nobility to the beer. Beer is no longer a product intended only for men, but also for women who enjoy it more and more.”
Similar things are happening in England. Sara Barton opened her own brewery, aptly called Brewster’s Brewery, in 1997. In 2013 she was named England’s Brewer of the Year.
Another woman, Emma Gilleland, was the first female head brewer in England and now is the director of supply chain for Marston’s Brewery, the leading independent brewery in England. Gilleland oversees the brewing and distribution of over 60 beers from five Marston breweries including the beers using the famous Burton Union system.
Marston’s, the only brewery in England still using Burton Unions, was described to us years ago by a brewer at the time as “The cathedral of British brewing.”
The increased visibility of these women and others has played a big part in attracting other women, many in various aspects of the industry.
(LEARN: Beer 101 Online Course)
Women Brewing in Early America
In the New World, colonial and subsequent Americans followed their homeland traditions. Early colonial women continued to brew for family and friends in their kitchen brewery.
While this changed in the cities with the growth of regional breweries, in rural areas it remained the same for a long time. These women brewed with what was available to them including corn, pumpkins, oats, wheat and honey.
America has a similar history to England. As brewing became a commercial enterprise, men dominated the trade. However, there were still some women involved in the industry. Mary Lisle was the first recorded but unofficial brewster in the colonies. She inherited her father’s brewery, the Edinburgh Brewhouse, in 1734. Her sister, Elizabeth, inherited his malt house. Mary ran the brewery until 1751 when Robert Steel bought it.
As families moved to the cities and the local breweries grew, refrigeration and industrialization essentially ended women’s involvement in the brewing system. Prohibition did not help and there were few small breweries for a long time after the passage of the Volstead Act and the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ended Prohibition.
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American Women Among the Craft Brewing Pioneers
Women have been among the pioneers in the craft beer resurgence beginning in the 1980s and have attracted an increasing number of women to the craft brewing industry.
Women such as Mellie Pullman (Schirf), Carol Stoudt (Stoudts), and Teri Fahrendorf (Steelhead), three of the first women brewers, and Kim Jordan (New Belgium), Irene Firmat (Full Sail), Deb Carey (New Glarus), and Marcy Larson (Alaskan) who helped open some of the early breweries and served in numerous capacities other than brewer.
Carol Stoudt co-founded Stoudt’s Brewing in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1986. (Credit: Stoudts Brewing)
Deb Carey’s page on the New Glarus website says, “She does everything except brew beer.”
The trailblazing continues with people like Andrea Stanley who opened one of the first craft malteries in 2010. She also serves as president of the craft maltsters guild.
Several of these women mention the difficulty of raising funds to open a brewery, but mostly because the idea of making craft beer in the 80s and 90s was still foreign to a lot of people.
“Everyone just thought we were crazy for wanting to build a brewery,” Irene Firmat says. “It was not a woman’s issue.”
And it was hard work. Kim Jordan talks about “serving beers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, delivering a newborn son the following Wednesday, and opening a new brewery the subsequent Monday.”
(VISIT: Find a U.S. Craft Brewery)
Does the Gender Gap Exist?
These pioneers say that they generally have not encountered sexism in the craft brewing world. Kim Jordan tell us, “Craft brewers tend to be more progressive and open-minded.”
Andrea Stanley tells us she’s had a similar positive experience.
“In seven years I never had a bad word from anyone in the craft industry,” Stanley says. “Men in craft brewing are willing and want to support.”
Granted, this isn’t the case for everyone. When Fahrendorf was first looking for work as a brewer, she remembers getting questions like, “Can you lift a 50-pound stack up the stairs?”
She moved on with determination and help from other industry people.
Mentoring a New Generation of Women in Beer
Teri Fahrendorf founded the Pink Boots Society to empower women beer professionals. (Credit: Pink Boots Society)
Most often their industry mentors were men since there were few women brewing at the time. Sometimes the mentors merely provided moral support and encouragement. Fahrendorf remembers when Paul Shipman, the founder of Redhook Ale, told her that he did not have any openings but, “One day you will be a brewery owner or brewmaster.”
Years later he does not remember the experience, but Fahrendorf certainly does.
Many of the women pioneers are now mentors themselves.
Stanley is working to get women on the board of the maltsters guild. She’s also working with other women to do the same for the craft industry as a whole.
Among the more ambitious and largest such program is the Pink Boots Society (PBS). When Fahrendorf took time off in 2007 to drive across the country brewing at various places, she found at least 60 women brewers asking at different breweries, “Are there others like us?”
She realized they had no connections.
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She eventually developed a list of the women brewers which became the start of the PBS. PBS works to, “Assist, inspire, and encourage women beer professionals through education.” From the original 60 members there now are over 30 chapters across the world with more than 2,000 members from all aspects of the industry.
Fahrendorf also helped organize Barley’s Angels, a group for women who are interested in craft beer but not brewing. Barley’s Angels works with breweries, brewpubs, restaurants, alehouses and other places “to advance the female consumer craft beer enthusiast, resulting in increased patronage and revenue from women, while encouraging education and interest in craft beer among this often under-recognized demographic group.”
While mostly in the U.S., there are now more than 100 chapters around the world.
Kim Jordan ends a quick trip down a spiral slide at the New Belgium Fort Collins facility. The slide remains in place to this day. (Credit: New Belgium Brewing)
Advice to the Next Generation of Women in Beer
Jennifer Glanville, a brewer at Boston Beer/Sam Adams, thinks she has been called a pioneer “because I survived this long.” When she met Sister Doris at Mallersdorf she says: “We talked about beer and brewing, not about women in brewing.”
“We joke that brewers’ events are the only place where there is not a line to the women’s room,” Irene Firmat says.
Fahrendorf relates that when she started brewing she often did not go on trips because there was no one to share a room with.
(READ: Brewers are Fascinated with Foraged Beers)
That old norm clearly is changing, but there still is work to be done, and these pioneers have advice for women starting in brewing.
Firmat: “Feel strong and empowered. We have a better palate. Have a sense of confidence without expecting conflict.”
Stoudt: “Knowledge helps gain respect.”
Jordan: “Make sure you love it and work hard.”
Fahrendorf: “If you become discouraged, don’t give up. Be stubborn. If you don’t get a particular job then go elsewhere, be amazing, and make them jealous. When you get 5-10 years down the road stop thinking about yourself and become a mentor to others.”
At this point, Ninkasi probably is looking down from the pantheon of beer goddess and smiling.
The Brews Brothers
The Brews Brothers journalism team has focused on craft beers since shortly after the first shots were fired early in the ‘craft beer revolution.’ Publications and writings include American Brewer; Mid-Atlantic Brewing News; the Gazette Newspapers where we wrote monthly craft beer columns for 23 years for the metropolitan Washington, DC area; and Beerhistory.com. We also give lectures and host beer tastings. Steve likes classical music, the gym, walking my dog Barley on the C&O Canal and beercations. Arnie enjoys jazz, drinking craft beer and beercations. Read more by this author
The post The Evolving Role of Women’s Contributions to Brewing Beer appeared first on Miami Beer Scene.
from The Evolving Role of Women’s Contributions to Brewing Beer
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harrelltut · 7 years ago
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☥ I Energetically Absorb Omne Immundus Spiritus [Every Impure Spirit = DEMONS] since I BEE A HIGHLY Evolved Congo Afrikkan [CA] American GENIUS [GOD] of Mental Healthy [MH = MAYAN] Indian Bloodlines ‘cause I BEE So HIGHLY FUTURISTIC + Historically Aztec [HA = HARRELL] when I Mentally Articulate [MA] My HIGHLY Sophisticated Reincarnated Nubian Afterlife [RNA = VRIL = MASTER] Genetics of SIRIUS Black [B] RiboNucleic Acid [RNA] Memory intEL [MELanin] from Lost America [L.A. = Lost Atlantis] ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Yoruba TUT#King of the Yoruba#I Energetically Absorb Omne Immundus Spiritus [Every Impure Spirit = DEMONS]#Prince Satan + Black Christ Intelligences of 9th Dimensional Melanin Physics#Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworld Prince LUCIFER#My Most DARKEST Necronomicon Soul Energies from Biblically Black [Ancient] America [Atlantis]#HIGHLY Evolved Negro Necromancer of Celestial Afterlife [CA] Atlantis#I Spiritually Broadcast My HIGHLY Symbolic + Allegorical [SA] Raps of Afterlife [RA] Necromancy#My Magical Monarchy of Atmospheric Necronomicon Souls from African [MANSA] American Atlantis#I BEE A HIGHLY Evolved Congo Afrikkan [CA] American GENIUS [GOD] of Mental Healthy [MH = MAYAN] Indian Bloodlines#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:13 Illuminati [Underworld Shadow Government] from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#I BEE So HIGHLY FUTURISTIC + Historically Accurate [HA = HARRELL]#My HIGHLY Sophisticated Reincarnated Nubian Afterlife [RNA = VRIL = MASTER] Genetics of SIRIUS Black [B] Ribonucleic Acid [RNA] Memory intEL#I got SIRIUS Black [B] Ribonucleic Acid [RNA] Memory intEL [MELanin] from Lost America [L.A. = Lost Atlantis]#Original U.S. Black Babylonian Christians#Ancient U.S. Black Babylonian Freemasonry of Byzantine Christ Powers#Biblically Black Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] KING Arthur.#Spiritual Oxford Temple of Hermetic Interstellar Scholars [SOTHIS = SIRIUS]#Princeton University of Interstellar Black Academics#GREAT BENIN’S [BRITAIN’S] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Wealth of Eden [WE = WEE = Wè = Guéré]#SIRIUS Black Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylon] Mental#SIRIUS Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Energies#Inner Earth’s Unexplored Neptunian Valleys of Mercury’s Most Amazing [MA] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Cities#Golden Black Junk DNA [Omnipotent supeRNAtural = Om RNA] of Pure Black Photon Belt Bacteria#I Energetically Transform [E.T.] My Own [MO’ = Personal] Divine Black supeRNAtual [RNA]#Our Most Heavenliest [MH] Realms of Nubian Afterlife [RNA] Energies of Celestial Atlantis [CA]
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ y’all get ready 2 JAH Experience Our NEW… Afro Afterlife Dimension [A.D.] that BEE So Prehistorically FUTURISTIC as I Mentally Engage [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian Technology [E.T.] Intel of Pre Historic Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Ancestors who Ancestrally Identify [A.I.] My Original [MO] Black American Spirit [BAS = ORISHA] Raps from Afterlife [RA] Atlantis ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ when I Mentally Enhance [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = UT = JAH] My Urban Spirit [U.S.] MELanin of Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Golden Black Light Codes from Inner Earth’s Golden Atmospheric [GA = ROMAN] Earth Energies… I Energetically + Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Create NEW… FUTURISTIC Grand Unified Theorem [GUT = Black Equational Sorcery] Sciences 2 Mathematically Acquire [MA] Our Unseen Sentient [U.S. Invisible] Golden Black Forces of Afterlife [FA = FANTE ASAFO] Atlantis ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ My Magical Black Vodun Power Art [PA] of Benin’s Royal Afro British Court [ABC = BABYLONIAN] Ancestors that BEE So Mesopotamian Underworld [MU] GHOSTLY [GODLY] 2 My 1st Coptic Egyptian iEye of HERU [HARRELL] Spirit MELanin I Auto Pixilate when I Spiritually Enhance My INNER Cerebral Christ Cortex of Ursa Major’s Subatomic Cerebral Hemispheres of Golden Cerebellum + Neurotransmitter Dopamine Visuals 4 My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] VISIONS… ABOVE Compton California [CA] ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years ago
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☥ since iRAP® A lot like A HIGHLY Skilled Masonic Architect [MA] who Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] Master SIRIUS Black [B] EThnogenesis [BET] Magick from Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Airwave Energies [BAE = COSMOS] of BABYLONIA HARRELL… I'mma Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] + Philosophically + Alkhemically [PA] + Meditatively Create [MC = Maestro] A NEW MASTER EGYPTIAN [ME = U.S. MICHAEL HARRELL = TUT = JAH] RACE of AFRO [RA] AMERICAN INDIANS [A.I.] from Constellation HARRELL ☥
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ My PREHISTORIC… Middle East [ME = Middle Egypt = ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Empire of Holy Land Ancestors [L.A.] that BEE So PREEXISTENT… Congo Afrikkan [CA] American accordin’ 2 My ILLUMINATED Black Christ [B.C.] MELanin Intel that BEE MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] UNSEEN SENTIENT [U.S. = INVISIBLE] GOLDEN BLACK SPIRIT ENERGIES that ILLUMINATE My Mama’s Ancient [MA] Holy Roman Afro [RA] Empire of Native Black Christ [B.C.] Christians of Afterlife [CA] Atlantis ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I Magically + Energetically [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Invoke My Biblically Black [Ancient] Vodun Root Magick that BEE So Faithfully Palo Mayombe as I Spiritually Speak 2 Our Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black American Spirits [ORISHAS] of Congo Afrikkan [CA] Underworld Kingdom [U.K. = Interstellar Babylonian] Origins since They BEE [THEBES] So Chaotically Apocalyptic [CA] 2 Our NEW… Golden Black Cosmic [B.C.] Worlds of Utopian [WU] Atlanteans from Lost Atlantis [L.A.] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ I BEE A Classical Golden Black Boy [Biblical Adam] who Always Love My Pretty Black Tasha [Biblical Eve] of SIRIUS Black Occult Magick that Matters… ‘cause when I Mentally Engage [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Biblically Black [Ancient] Memory intEL [MELanin] that BEE So HOLY… I JAH Witness My Own [MO’ = Personal] MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] TESTIMONIES about Our MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] HEAVENS… ABOVE Compton California [CA] ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years ago
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♀ My Reincarnated Black Christ [B.C.] Child of the Ghetto Raps from Afterlife [RA] Atlantis… got Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Biblically Soundin’ like My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Mama’s Reincarnated Black Prophetic Zulu Shaman [JESUS CHRIST]… from Compton California [CA] ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#My Ancient [MA] Biblical Harrell + Hittite + Hurrian [HHH] Illuminati Familia of Golden 18th Freemason Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Fame#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Yoruba TUT#King of the Yoruba#Vodun Gnostics#INNER Petro Loa Spirits of Haitian Vodou Fame#Damballah Wèdo’s HIGHLY Cryptic Black Vodou Vévé Symbols of Unseen Sound Aura [U.S.A.] Magick#Compton’s Most Wanted GHETTO JESUS of SIRIUS Black Christ [B.C.] Bloodline Magick#I BEE My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Mama’s Reincarnated Black Prophetic Zulu Shaman [JESUS CHRIST]#I BEE Mama’s Reincarnated Black Prophetic Zulu Shaman [JESUS CHRIST]… from Compton California [CA]#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Untold U.S. Black & Gold Occult History of California#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Son [Sun] Rises in the West#Shadow Government Illuminati#Shadow Prophet#MU of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Original U.S. Black Babylonian Christians#Biblically Black Gnostics of America#I BEE My Mama’s Unseen [MU] Ghetto Ghost Shaman of Afroasiatic [SA] Shaolin Temple Fightin’#A SIRIUS Black Magical + Musical Superstar Shaman#I BEE My Heavenly [MH = Empyreal] Father ANKHENATEN’S Unseen Ghetto Ghost Shaman of Afroasiatic [SA] Shaolin Temple Fightin’#I BEE My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Mama’s MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] SHAMAN#Compton’s Most Wanted Archangel [M.W.A.] Michael#My Reincarnated Black Christ [B.C.] Child of the Ghetto Raps from Afterlife [RA] Atlantis
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