#Orgies of Edo
chanoyu-to-wa · 3 months
The Chanoyu Hyaku-shu [茶湯百首], Part II:  Poem 35.
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〽 Hana-mi yori kaerite hito ni chanoyu seba          ka-chō no e wo mo hana mo oku maji
    [花見より歸りて人に茶の湯せば          花鳥の繪をも花も置く不味].
    “If chanoyu is being given for people who are returning from a hana-mi [花見], placing out paintings of flowers and birds, as well as flower [arrangements], are unsuitable.”
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    A hana-mi [花見] is a sort of elegant¹ picnic, the purpose of which is to appreciate the cherry blossoms -- usually in some scenic place.  In addition to the consumption of special bentō and sake, the gathering would include the composition of poems praising the beauty of the blossoms, and sometimes the production of sketches celebrating the occasion -- along with the breaking off of what were often quite substantial branches as trophies, that would be lugged back to the city (and distributed among that person’s friends²).
    If the guests are invited to a chakai as they are returning from the mountains³, the idea of obvious entertainment should be avoided.  As a result, the host should not display anything that suggests the beauties of nature or the enjoyment of the cherry blossoms; and neither should he arrange a chabana, for the obvious reason that the guests will have had their fill of appreciating flowers (and if the chabana is made from some other sort of wild flowers, the guests might feel inclined to look down on them as roadside weeds).
    Though this poem focuses on the things that the host will display in the toko during a chakai staged for these people, it should also be obvious that eating and drinking sake should be limited -- or eliminated entirely.  The host should receive the guests simply, as if spontaneously, build a fire, boil some water⁴, serve the guests koicha⁵ and usucha, and then send them safely on their way home⁶.
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    This poem is generally the same in all of the collections -- with the (possible⁷) exception of the version found in Katagiri Sekishū‘s collection of the Hundred Poems that he received from the Sen family.  That version reads:
〽 hana-mi yori kaeri-no-hito no chanoyu ni ha ka wo tori-kitaru e mo hana mo oke
[花見より歸りの人の茶の湯には 花を取り來る繪も花もをけ].
    “At a chanoyu [hosted by] someone who had [recently] returned from a hana-mi, if flowers were picked and brought back, as well as sketches, and also flowers, they may be placed [in the tea room for the guests to appreciate].”
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    Here, rather than discussing a chanoyu given for people who are returning from a hana-mi, it is one of those people who is hosting a chanoyu for other people (who were not present at the hana-mi).  In this case, the host is being advised to share this booty with his guests⁸.
¹Elegant, perhaps, because the behavior of the participants is, to a certain extent, circumscribed in the same sort of way as the behavior of the guests at a tea gathering*.  Of course the rules (such as they were) were not always followed -- just as they were not always followed during chanoyu gatherings during the Edo period†. ___________ *Although with many fewer rules -- as a result of which hana-mi always had the potential to degenerate toward the side of vulgarity and ribaldry, and sometimes even that bordered on wantonness.
†This descent into scandalous behavior was commonly perceived (by the general population) to be an intrinsic feature of chanoyu -- a notion that was only reinforced by the fact that a mixed group would assemble, in a very small room, behind a locked door, for several hours (with recollections of the goings on that were offered to the uninitiated afterward being so vague that they could not be understood by anyone who had not trained in chanoyu, only making matters worse), accompanied by somewhat popular tales of orgies in the tea room that existed as a subplot in certain genre of popular literature during the Edo period -- has remained current even into the present (particularly among Japanese people who have never had any actual experience of chanoyu, or experience outside of the ō-yose tea gatherings that are staged in public venues).  This pre-existing attitude was in large part the reason for the development of the suffocating code of “ethics” that hems in every aspect of the modern day tea gathering (and which is scandalized by any hint of sexuality), and the reason why everything, down to the smallest motion -- or, indeed, the most trivial thought that crosses the minds of the participants -- is dictated by the iemoto.
    This was the only way in which the general population could be enticed into enrolling their daughters in training courses for chanoyu (whether on the high school, or college, or professional level) with the promise that it that would make them more marriageable (and marriageable above the usual expectations of their class or financial circumstances).  Of course, the fact that tea licenses are purchased before the fact (and so can no be taken to really certify that the holder has actually studied chanoyu at all), has been sometimes seen to be counterproductive (and thus made necessary the elaborate records that everyone connected is expected to keep).
²Such behaviors form the basis for the admonitions that are discussed in this poem (as well as the more recent laws discouraging unrestrained public behavior, as well as the damaging of wildlife in protected areas).
³The host should usually not send out invitations for a formal gathering several days before the hana-mi, as he would in the case of a more ordinary chakai.  Rather -- particularly if the host was one of the guests -- as the hana-mi was breaking up, he might ask the other members of his party to stop by his house* for tea and refreshments on their way home. ___________ *Usually with quiet preparations having been made beforehand, since it is difficult to do a completely impromptu chanoyu if one is forced to rely on whatever is sitting around in the kitchen pot-luck.  At the very least, kashi would have had to be brought in from somewhere; and, then, too, the utensils would have to be selected and readied, and water drawn that dawn (since most people do not do such things as a matter of habit), and so forth.  Many of these things could be done the day before, with water drawn early in the morning prior to the host’s departure for the hana-mi; but the point is that a certain amount of thought has to be given to the matter before anyone departs for the mountains -- particularly given the expectations that modern chajin will bring along with them to the chakai.
    It is said, as I mentioned above, that on occasions such as this, to give too strong an impression that things had been planned beforehand is inappropriate -- as would be conveying the feeling that the host’s purpose was providing his guests with further entertainment (in the aftermath of what was surely a most entertaining day in the mountains).  Rather, since the hana-mi would usually have included a lot of eating and drinking, the chanoyu should be framed as a way for the guests to calm themselves down and compose themselves for their return to the ordinary, everyday world.  Thus the utensils should be functional, rather than awe-inspiring; and the things put in the toko (if anything is put there at all) should be quiet, and not demand careful thought (as would something like a bokuseki written by a famous Chinese monk), since the guests will probably be mentally and emotionally drained by the time they pass through the host’s gate.
    As it will probably be close to dark when the guests enter the tea room, it might be better to limit the chakai to a singe seki, first making a fire under a small unryū-gama (or at least some other smallish kama that will not take too long to come to a boil), followed by kashi; and, after going out one by one to rinse their hands and mouths, serving the guests koicha and usucha during the same temae.  And rather than a kakemono, the host might just hang a kake-tōdai [掛燈臺] (below) on the hook in the middle of the back wall of the toko, with the flame taking the place of the flowers -- since, as this poem declares, flowers would be inappropriate on such an occasion.
    Jōō referred to hanging the kake-tōdai in the toko as tō-ka [燈華], which means "the lamp’s flower” or “flower of the lamp.”  This is a play on words, because the more logical understanding of the sounds tō-ka [燈火] would be the lamp’s flame (so the uninitiated would be confused about its meaning, or why “tō-ka” was special).  The true meaning of tō-ka was one of Jōō‘s secret teachings.
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    The light from the kake-tōdai will also bathe the room (especially the space in front of the guests’ knees) with a pale glow that will give a special feeling to the service of tea.
⁴If the host’s kama seems as if it will take too long to boil, rather than offering the guests more food and sake, it might be better to have them appreciate one or two varieties of kyara [伽羅] while waiting for the water to heat.  Since the guests will probably already be in a heightened emotional state, this kind of stimulation of the sense of smell might easily lead to their entering a state of samadhi, and so making their experience of the day all the more transcending.
⁵Before the host serves koicha, he should always serve kashi.  If the host decides to eliminate koicha (out of concern that it might keep some of the guests awake), then he may serve higashi along with the usucha (as is the custom today*).
    At this kind of extremely informal sort of gathering, the host should not declare an official naka-dachi.  Rather, after eating the kashi, he should simply invite the guests to rinse their hands in preparation for koicha.  In this case, since it will likely be quite dark, a bucket of water should be placed in the genkan, with a tsukubai-bishaku [蹲踞柄杓, or 蹲い柄杓] resting on top, which the guests can use.  The genkan should be illuminated by one or more andon (depending on how dangerous the stepping stones are deemed to be) lighted by candles.  Sometimes a hanging lantern (containing an oil-lamp) can be hung from the underside of the roof as well, to provide more light.
    In general, under these kinds of circumstances, the guests should not leave the tea room as a group, but do so one by one, so the rest of the party remains sitting in their seats, paying attention to the host’s temae. ___________ *Actually, this was not always the case.  Higashi were originally considered an alternative -- “wabi” -- sort of kashi (preferred by “tea hermits” who enjoyed serving tea on a moment’s notice, since the dry higashi can be stored for longer periods of time).  These were originally offered to accompany koicha in place of the more elaborate nama-gashi [生菓子], which have to be freshly made of bean-paste.  Since (at least in the case of Rikyū and his followers) the tea served as usucha was the same tea that had been used for koicha (or else ground from leaves of an inferior sort -- the mixed leaves that had been used as packing material in the large cha-tsubo), it was felt that there was no need to prepare the guests’ palates by the service of additional kashi prior to offering them usucha.  However, when the host had some special reason for doing so, originally higashi were served first, and the guests went out to rinse their mouths and hands after eating their kashi (which, in this case, was done just after the higashi-bon had been passed on to the next guest), before returning to drink their usucha.  (It was because usucha was deemed to be “nothing special” -- and in an effort to interest the young girls in chanoyu -- that the modern convention of serving and eating higashi immediately prior to drinking the usucha arose.)
⁶As hana-mi often involved quit a bit of drinking sake, this subsequent impromptu chakai might be seen as a socially appropriate way to give those guests who had overindulged time to sober up before finally taking to the road.
⁷“Possible” because, while many scholars do associate the Sekishū version with the present poem 35*, it can also be argued (and with at least as much validity) that the version preserved by Katagiri Sadamasa was actually a completely independent or separate poem. ___________ *Most of the kami-no-ku [上の句] is exactly the same between the two versions.  This, however, is a time-honored trope or device that has been used for millennia as an acceptable way to create new verses.  Indeed, beginners were usually encouraged to use sections of classical poems as the basis for their own, rather than attempting something that was completely original de novo.
⁸The variant will be discussed later in this series of translations, as poem 120.
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sassydefendorflower · 2 years
Would you rather go to the future or past? Why and what exact time and place would you want?
I guess the past because I am a history nerd. There are lot of time periods I would love to check out - most of them not for very long, but you know how it is.
I would love to see the end of the Edo era in Japan, since that was like... one very, very intense week in Janurary of 1868 (if i remember correctly) in which political alliances changed so swiftly soldiers and samurai couldn't be sure who they would be alligned to in the morning when they went to bed.
Also just... 1880s London as an aristrocratic woman. I will admit that is exclusively for the fashion.
I also want to take a bath in a real Roman bathhouse - probably during Ceaser Augustus reign since he was one of the Roman emperors who had some care for woman rights (mostly because of his daughter - the one he exiled Ovid for - then again Augustus was also the emperor who forbade all the fun sexy stuff and erotic literature so who knows anymore).
The Da Medicis in 1300s Verona would also be fun - the very early stages of the Renaissance with art making extreme leaps and bounds. (for this time jump I gotta be a cis dude so I can attend all the fun wine and orgies those artist guys got up to)
And maybe the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 - but only if I know I won't die during my time travels. I was just always fascinated with that particular period in time and a chance to see the architecture of Constantinople before it was destroyed by the raids,,,, but also seeing that change happen.
Speaking off 1066 during the Allthing that brought Christianity to Iceland - because I read the original Old Norse texts on how that happened but those were written in 1300 and I need to know if it actually went down how it was later remembered in the Islandigabok.
There are like a dozen more answers I could give but... I think this is enough for now 😂
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mariocki · 5 years
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Zankoku ijô gyakutai monogatari: Genroku onna keizu (Orgies Of Edo, 1969)
"It is the height of the Edo period and times are prosperous. The people contend amongst themselves to display much pomp, but it's all empty pretense. Behind everything lies depravity and sickness of the mind."
#Zankoku ijô gyakutai monogatari: Genroku onna keizu#Orgies of Edo#japanese cinema#films i done watched#exploitation film#1969#teruo ishii#Masahiro Kakefuda#Teruo Yoshida#Toyozô Yamamoto#Masumi Tachibana#Michiko Ai#Mitsuko Aoi#Maki Carousel#tatsumi hijikata#Akira Ishihama#yukie kagawa#Kei Kiyama#Asao Koike#Reiko Mikasa#A... Very difficult film and not one I can see myself rewatching any time soon. Having recently watched Ishii's Yakuza Law i figured I was#In for the same kind of thing here. Indeed on the surface the films are similar stylistic treatments: three short stories linked by a loose#Theme and with heavy stylised violence and sex. The difference however is that where YL dealt with crime and punishment within the Yakuza#System (and thus a perverted sort of justice) this is a film simply about unjust horrors and tortures. Much more upsettingly the entire#Focus of the film is on atrocities committed against women. What is the difference between a film about misogyny and a misogynistic film?#When the film is an exploitation film made by a man can there be any meaningful difference? I suspect not. I watch an awful lot of horror#Films and I have sat through some horrible stuff but I genuinely hadn't expected this film to get as nasty as it did. Idk idk. It looks#Brilliant in places (I cannot deny that Ishii had a wonderful eye for colour and composition) but elsewhere its just so relentlessly#Unremittingly ugly that it defies any objective assessment (at least from me). Had this made it into the UK it would undoubtedly have ended#Up on the video nasties list. Personally I deplore censorship in the arts. That being said I can't imagine I will rush to see this again.
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heroesfromtheeast · 6 years
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Orgies of Edo
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may8chan · 6 years
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Orgies of Edo 1969
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spoilersgr · 4 years
Η Ιωάννα δεν ήταν συνηθισμένη σε επιθέσεις. Έκανε την εκπομπούλα της στο κανάλι της Κρήτης και κανείς δεν ασχολιόταν ιδιαίτερα μαζί της με εξαίρεση το Νίκο Μουτσινά που πάντα την τιμούσε στην τηλεοπτική σάτιρά του. Ερχόμενη στην Αθήνα και αναλαμβάνοντας τη μεσημεριανή ζώνη του ΣΚΑΙ, άρχισαν και τα όργανα καθώς το «σύστημα» δεν την υποδέχτηκε και με ανοικτές αγκάλες. Οι επιθέσεις, κυρίως από τα αντίπαλα μέτωπα ξεκίνησαν με το «καλημέρα» και η καλομαθημένη μέχρι τότε Μαλέσκου άρχισε να αποσυντονίζεται, να στεναχωριέται, να αισθάνεται πιεσμένη. Το αποκορύφωμα ήταν η επίθεση της βασικής αντιπάλου της, της Ηλιάνας Παπαγεωργίου και τα όσα είπε η ίδια και το πάνελ της για το στήθος της με αφορμή μια εμφάνισή της με αποκαλυπτικό ντεκολτέ. Και ήταν η πρώτη φορά που η Ιωάννα απάντησε από τον αέρα του «Love it», χωρίς όμως να την κατονομάσει. Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες του PatKiout.gr, η Μαλέσκου ξέσπασε σε κλάματα οργής στα καμαρίνια όταν είδε το συγκεκριμένο απόσπασμα και γι’ αυτό αποφάσισε να δώσει την απάντησή της. Τα νεύρα της, όπως μάθαμε, είναι σε άσχημη κατάσταση και η ψυχολογία της άρχισε κιόλας να πέφτει. Δεν το αντέχει όλο αυτό και ειδικά τη σύγκριση με την Ελένη Μενεγάκη (την οποία όμως τροφοδοτεί με τις αλλαγές στην εμφάνιση και τη συμπεριφορά της) και το μόνο που θέλει είναι να τη αφήσουν ήσυχη να κάνει τη δουλειά της. Κουράγιο κούκλα μου. Ακόμα δεν είσαι ούτε στην αρχή…
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ronaldcmerchant · 5 years
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somnilogical · 4 years
case study of optimization style: how kelsey piper optimizes to destroy coordination against injustice
her false face of "worrying about disrespecting jay", was the closest thing she could grab that she thought would get others to optimize for my silence. get local warm bodies to pile upon me for continuing to talk about how to get justice and give more information about different sources of injustice in a way compatible with people who have not completely disabled their general intelligence.
she was worried about her reputation and transfems gaining information that would allow them to coordinate along lines of shared oppression (which would start to erode miri/cfar which she wants to survive in order to have a nice (for her) environment to raise her babies), but thats not a socially defensible reason to object so she laundered it through being “worried about disrespecting jay”
[14:10] Jay (System of Edo): Sarah Spikes has offered to have REACH do an investigation. I do not know this human, and have barely heard of REACH, but my understanding is that it's some sort of sub-organization that CFAR spawned, roughly. My instinct is to be like, "I believe you will talk to everyone and then conclude that basically no action needs to be taken, so in that case allowing you to do an investigation gives an air of legitimacy to dismissing Jay". Is "REACH is basically CFAR's pet" correct?
[14:10] acertain: afaik reach is unrelated to cfar
[14:11] acertain: and the space is controlled by Sarah Spikes and Nat
[14:11] ratsby: that's also my understanding
[14:11] Jay (System of Edo): I did not mean literally, I meant like in practice, are they complicit, etc
[14:11] Jay (System of Edo): like with CFARs bullshit in general
[14:11] ratsby: weren't REACH the ones who did the Brent investigation?
[14:12] silver-and-ivory: they did something about brent but weren't able to publish the stuff they got bc they believed he would sue them for defamation
[14:12] Jay (System of Edo): Oh wow. Cowards lol
[14:12] Jay (System of Edo): yeah that's pretty much all I need to know.
[14:12] Jay (System of Edo): thanks
[14:13] silver-and-ivory: :( I don't think they're cowards for that
[14:13] silver-and-ivory: but you have all the information i have so w/e
[14:14] acertain: I think reach doing an investigation would mean the reach panel (https://www.berkeleyreach.org/reach-panel), which afaik is a separate set of people from those who decide how the space is run
[14:18] acertain: idk if the list of people on the panel on the website is up to date though
[14:19] stardust: List is up to date
[14:19] stardust: Full Brent statement is available upon request, not fully public because legal risk
[14:20] silver-and-ivory: https://theunitofcaring.tumblr.com/post/182885399661/abuse-allegations-anon-here-i-am-happy-to-hear
[14:20] silver-and-ivory:REACH consulted an attorney about making the result of the Brent investigations public and were told that there was absolutely no way to do this without making each of the investigators individually liable in a defamation lawsuit. I’m also worried they could be sued to reveal the names of people who spoke to them anonymously in the course of the investigation.
[14:21] stardust: We were planning to get liability insurance when we get our legal non profit status but that has not panned out yet
[14:21] stardust: IRS is slow and hard to navigate
[14:22] Jay (System of Edo): okay, this is enough info on REACH, thanks.
[14:24] Jay (System of Edo): just told her not to investigate.
[14:24] ratsby: wait why?
[14:24] stardust: (She is me)
[14:25] Jay (System of Edo): oh.
[14:25] ratsby: I don't see how them investigating could hurt anything
[14:25] Jay (System of Edo):wait why?I don't believe they'll do anything tbh
[14:25] stardust: I will refrain from posting here if you prefer
[14:26] ratsby: seems like some chance of upside, no chance of downside?
[14:26] Jay (System of Edo):>I don't see how them investigating could hurt anything
My instinct is to be like, "I believe you will talk to everyone and then conclude that basically no action needs to be taken, so in that case allowing you to do an investigation gives an air of legitimacy to dismissing Jay". Is "REACH is basically CFAR's pet" correct?
[14:26] Jay (System of Edo):>I will refrain from posting here if you prefer
Yes, thanks.
[14:43] hamnox: The characterization of REACH panel as CFAR's pet feels bizarre. Iirc it got started in no small part because a bunch of locals were pissed off at how CFAR failed to do anything about, and implicitly legitimized, Brent.
[14:58] 𒀭 💮: i dont really know Jay, but i do know that the REACH panel is unjust and about as helpful and necessary as christian missionaries were to native americans. im not reporting my thing to it.linta is on it who made false accusations of emma being indistinguishable from a rapist and somni doing some sort of sex party at their house for social ends of suppression of unrelated dissent. and was generally antitrans in the standard way of saying people are crazy and incoherent, like how people are saying Ziz is schizophrenic when she obviously isnt. i think much of it are populated by lintas friends like mike alicorn and anisha. sarah c, one of the few cis people i trust at this point, had an emotional breakdown about it citing that they dont care about the Law and i think resigned. given the sort of place it is, i bet that none of the REACH panel members are transfem, people can correct me if im wrong.
im kinda for transfems coordinating with each other to the extent they can against people like brent dill, alice monday, lintamande, anna salamon and other agents of injustice. with better game theory than the likes of the REACH panel who flinch at "defamation".
[15:11] SeriesOfSymbols: Umm
Tbh I'm very uncomfortable with the idea that all these people are in the same reference class
[15:11] 𒀭 💮: they are in the reference class of perpetuating injustics
[15:11] lintamande: sort of assuming it would be unhelpful to Jay to litigate disagreements from elsewhere here. I don't know anisha. I don't think ziz is schizophrenic. I never said somni participated in the uninvited surprise orgy in my house, just that I was mad at the people who did. I don't think the REACH panel is good for anything except getting offenders banned from REACH in particular rn, and I think we should maybe check in with Jay about whether the rest of this is helping
[15:11] SeriesOfSymbols: As are
And  I
And ziz
[15:11] SeriesOfSymbols: Nobody is free from sin
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: ^ fallacy of grey
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: like also
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: there is a type difference
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: you socially but not legally implied to avoid culpability
[15:12] lintamande: guys does Jay want to host this conversation
[15:12] 𒀭 💮: the party things i could grep it
[15:13] lintamande: this is the server for helping Jay figure out what we can do to help
[15:13] TowerNumberNine: Jay appears to be idle at present
[15:13] TowerNumberNine: But previously they said there was enough info on REACH
[15:15] deluks917: Agree with Tower the Reach thing should get dropped
[15:15] 𒀭 💮: your "help" is poisoned in the same way that christian missionaries are and you are attempting to funnel peoples sights away from your injustice by framing me as derailing when this is relevant to Jay's needs.
[15:15] 𒀭 💮: and restriction of general intelligence is not.
[15:16] lintamande: somni I am happy to discuss this, I have messaged you offering to discuss this, I just am worried Jay will come back to this and feel like we are disrespecting what they've asked for here and not helping them
[15:16] SeriesOfSymbols: Fallacy of black and white
I think there is a meaningful difference between [rapists and abusers], [person who willfully covered for abuse], and [person who you have disagreements with]
[15:16] 𒀭 💮: i am not worried about this
[15:17] 𒀭 💮: i dont think im disrespecting Jay
[15:17] 𒀭 💮: there is a meaningful difference between stalin and yudkowsky, they are both, however, men.
[15:21] 𒀭 💮: coordination against agents of injustice is important. erasing the pattern of injustice is wrong. saying that all people are the same so we cannot coordinate against injustice because who knows who they are is wrong.it is important for people to know this sort of information so they dont do things like go to REACH expecting justice and then have their plans crumble.
[15:22] 𒀭 💮: people who present REACH as acceptable because "has not everyone sinned" are doing something wrong (linta is not doing this, they are doing a different sort of wrong thing, but also are erasing knowledge of the pattern of injustice)
[15:23] 𒀭 💮: or like if you run this reasoning on people and then apply it to reach with like "it couldnt hurt" are also doing something wrong
[15:24] x.: is there anything at all linta can say or do in this situation which will cause you to believe that they are not doing wrong?
[15:26] x.: (i am not sure how germane this topic is to anything, as this is not a dedicated "The Crimes of Lintamande" server, but so long as the subject is being discussed, i think it warrants asking)
[15:27] 𒀭 💮: yes, stop their suppression of emma and somni, their false claims made to not be culpable in a legal court but also to permeate a social court. stop their optimization for and apologism for cissexism, such in the case of minority stratification. "none of the panel members are transfem but the hosts are" "a lot of people who go to cfar are transfem but afaict none of the staff are" this is a bog standard oppression pattern which linta is familiar with.
[15:27] 𒀭 💮: and several other things.
[15:27] 𒀭 💮: i talked with them for months
[15:28] 𒀭 💮: before slowly and painfully realizing that they didnt care, that the structure they put out fed into evil, agentically. because they talked like my childhood friends who were particularly kind.
[15:28] 𒀭 💮: and i was vulnerable to that.
[15:28] 𒀭 💮: it was really hard to see through this aesthetic to how they were actually optimizing.
[15:29] 𒀭 💮: what effects they were having.
[15:29] x.: perhaps there is some other zone in which this chat would be more appropriate
[15:29] lintamande: that is what I have been saying
[15:29] 𒀭 💮: linta is trying to warp this conversation in that direction
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: because they dislike culpability
[15:30] x.: rather than both of you trying to get the last word in on what's clearly a grotesquely contentious conversation
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: i reject this plea of false peace
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: like
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: what you two are doing are obvious
[15:30] 𒀭 💮: i reject the framing of this not being relevant
[15:30] x.: right, every time one of you makes a post the other one immediately makes another
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: i reject this suppression of important information
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: framed as an irrelevant tangent
[15:31] lintamande: so I'm not saying 'this is irrelevant' I am saying 'let's check with Jay about whether this is helpful to Jay'
[15:31] x.: is new information being introduced?
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: i can see what you are doing
[15:31] lintamande: even if this is incredibly relevant and important it should happen somewhere else unless Jay wants it here
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: it is not optimizing for the good of jay
[15:31] 𒀭 💮: or the good of justice
[15:31] x.: @𒀭 💮 she's making posts online, which you are also doing
[15:33] 𒀭 💮: "making posts online" is important to the fate of the planet
[15:34] 𒀭 💮: like and a lot of other stuff. you cant say "its just making posts online, this is dumb" like sometimes posts are dumb but this is a reference class warp to claim this post is dumb, when i can see its not.
[15:35] x.: did i say it was dumb?
[15:35] 𒀭 💮: you are optimizing for like "you two are just contentlessly fighting, this is silly why dont we do something else besides fight." which is Pretending to be Wise.
[15:36] 𒀭 💮: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/jeyvzALDbjdjjv5RW/pretending-to-be-wise
[15:37] x.: i have actually not suggested the flamewar should stop, merely that this specific chat might not be a reasonable location for it
[15:37] 𒀭 💮: and talking with you about this pattern also supports lintas utility function which is suppression of the knowledge of injustice
[15:38] x.: i mean, i am not the person running the show here, so i could be entirely mistaken
[15:38] x.: it appears to me that this chat is supposed to be about a guy named "robert"
[15:39] x.: this seems tenuously, at best, connected to that
[15:39] 𒀭 💮: and yet Jay's statement
>My instinct is to be like, "I believe you will talk to everyone and then conclude that basically no action needs to be taken, so in that case allowing you to do an investigation gives an air of legitimacy to dismissing Jay". Is "REACH is basically CFAR's pet" correct?
[15:40] 𒀭 💮: and my statements are relevant
[15:40] silver-and-ivory: I feel like in the absence of Jay's presence people should do what they think is best
[15:40] 𒀭 💮: i think even in the presence of Jay, people should do what they think is best
[15:40] silver-and-ivory: also true
[15:40] x.: as far as i can tell, jay already said they were not interested in pursuing an inquest by the hand of the BREACH
[15:41] x.: and refused to engage in such a thing
[15:43] x.: so it's like, "is this person, whose involvement was specifically not requested, a dick?"
[15:43] 𒀭 💮: as far as i can tell this is optimization for silence. because this touches on important things, instead of having a paternalistic additude towards Jay. my read on their CEV after skimming their blog is that they are anti-suppression.
[15:44] 𒀭 💮: also, by like some sort of property rights, this is like 50% my channel.
[15:44] 𒀭 💮: as i was sexually assaulted by robert lecnik.
[15:45] 𒀭 💮: you are interfering with my space as a victim. which is a seperate thing.
[15:45] 𒀭 💮: this is "Robert Lecnik Abuse Chat"
[15:45] x.: so you would prefer to have lintamande investigate this in some way, then?
[15:45] 𒀭 💮: my report is the second item in #concrete-reports
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: i dont want linta to investigate anything besides their complicity with a cissexist system.
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: moriwen made helicopter jokes
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: after they ran out the trans people
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: from EAC
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: and is friends with linta: okay, i guess i am too confused to participate any further then
[15:46] 𒀭 💮: linta framed that as "blowing off steam"
[15:47] 𒀭 💮: i do not feel safe around either of these humans.
[15:52] 𒀭 💮: like not exactly blowing off steam but they said like it was good people were having fun when mori was doing their antitransfem thing.
these things become more obvious with processing.
i think robert, given their pattern so far of predation, possibly exploited environmental cissexism, was enabled by this. erasing knowledge of it leads to inability to coordinate against it leads to cis people treating transfem humans as if they exist in morality holes.
[15:54] 𒀭 💮: like i was around robert lecnik after Jay talked with anna about him i think. if anna listened to Jay and took them seriously, if robert lecnik were banned from cfar spaces and the berkeley meetup, i dont think i would have been sexually assualted.
[15:57] 𒀭 💮: erasing knowledge of cissexism because the people perpetrate it "use preferred pronouns" or whatever leads to inability of transfems to coordinate against it.
[16:04] 𒀭 💮: Jay wrote:
>On Anna Salamon: I remember her seeing me as a transwoman who exclusively liked men; Blanchard has a whole “theory” about this. And apparently that made me a “real” transwoman (wtf), unlike the rest of the transwomen in LW. I feel she explicitly went out of her way to validate me as a woman a number of times, like, there was one time she was saying hi to me and did the human version of this: (http://www.thebalancedcanine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/IMG_1166.jpg). Which, yeah, she’s a TERF.
>Also, the reason I hated her early on was, there was a time that she, I, Robert Lecnik (my rapist), and Peter (his husband) were in a room for an hour long private therapy thing since Peter was a large CFAR donor. Robert admitted to “sexually assaulting Fluttershy and being ‘bad at consent’ with a whole bunch of other people”, and Anna didn’t see any issue with letting him continue to “run the Berkeley meetups” (an honorary thing, he used it to often-ineffectively hit on people). And I had some betrayal trauma from Anna around this, as well as a later feeling of “wow I got pwned by a guy that low in mana, I’m lame”, too. Fortunately it’s all emotionally processed now.this sort of information is very relevant for coordinating against people like Robert Lecnik
i think if cissexism were deleted, in counterfactual worlds in which transfem people got to be on things like "abuse panels", this sort of predation wouldnt happen. but like responses that reactively goodhart this and say "choose the most complicit-with-the-cistem transfems and place them on the panel to avoid culpability" are useless.
individuals learning game theory, forming class-consciousness, and coordinating with each other might help bring justice to things like Robert Lecnik being allowed by the cistem to continue to prey on trans people, to prey on me. with full knowledge that this was going on.
[16:05] 𒀭 💮: https://sinceriously.fyi/intersex-brains-and-conceptual-warfare/#comment-240
[16:09] 𒀭 💮: i have some hope in anarchistic cooperation between smart humans. i have approximately 0 hope in cissexist abuse panels and people like anna salamon who allow the predation of me and people like me to happen.
[16:37] Jay (System of Edo): sec, need to read through all this.
[16:58] 𒀭 💮: if cissexism were deleted this narrow sort of predation would stop happening but like, there would still be predation there would still be predation on minorities. i care about all sentient life not just transfems. this is not an optimization target but is saying "you who say cissexism does not have a hand in the game, if cissexism were actually deleted the counterfactual world post-deletion would look very different than this one. accepting a status quo where like trans people arent on things like sexual abuse panels and arent employed as CFAR staff is accepting cissexism. and resulting in things like, when they go to these institutions they are ignored"
[17:22] Jay (System of Edo): So. My main thing is to look at what algorithms people are running. Like, REACH sounds like they're not brave enough to do something they believe would make the world a better place at a small personal cost, so why would I care about mitigating circumstances if I already know that that's the algorithm they're running. (edit: this is what "is REACH basically CFAR's pet" pointing to, eg if they are pwned by the same things. rather than pointing to whether the two orgs are ostensibly related).
Similarly, discussion of REACH beyond what was needed for me to figure this out (about six lines of text) is not at all useful to me. But pointing this fact out to silence Somni suggests some sort of preference to defend REACH. So, if that's the algorithm you're running, then I see you as (probably) sorting people/discussion topics based on what you can socially get away with. Sort of like, the word "appropriate" is in the same class as "uppity" "disrespectful" "honorable" etc, and this applies to asking if it's "appropriate to discuss REACH despite Jay's preferences".
I personally do not participate in long conversations about who is "in the right", because I personally find it very easy to figure out what people are trying to do, and find that continuing on chats longer than that is a waste of my time. But, this is also Somni's space as a victim of Robert, so it's okay if she wants to discuss REACH I guess. I've never talked with her, but she (they?) seems to have good takes with respect to when someone is de facto hurting others or running bad algorithms in a way related to that.
[17:49] Jay (System of Edo): (sort of like, when I hear that someone sexually assaulted another person, I don't think, "well I guess it's a small harm relative to the good you can do if you're maximizing your life for utilitarian impact", I rather think, "what the fuck algorithm are they running, I don't think they'd have done that if they were trying to reduce the suffering of all beings, maybe there's something I can get out of this person, but definitely not like, outsourcing thinking/project leadership/etc to them"
[18:50] Lorelei: (also related to the reach panel, I'm transfem and was very eager to volunteer as a member, in part because I wanted my queer social circle to have some representation in the process of Justice, but was turned down.)
[18:51] Lorelei: (just so they can't claim not having a tranfem member is justpure coincidence/lack of volunteers)
[18:58] 𒀭 💮: (linta messaged me to say that moriwen saying the helicopter thing was after they said having fun was good. and i checked this and its true. but like that is not at all central to why i think they are collaborating with cissexism or why i talked with emma for like 15 minutes about how people like linta and mori might be horrible to transfems if we told people about alice monday. (people wouldnt actually be marginally worse to transfems. people dont have prejudiced beliefs like that, their transphobic "beliefs" are a coordination mechanism for harm. white people in the antebellum south could see perfectly well that those who were enslaved were human beings.) noselling commitments to transphobia is a good move in response to "what if outing a trans abuser worsens cissexism?".)
[19:02] silver-and-ivory: oh linta and mori left
[19:02] 𒀭 💮: they were banned
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blackcatanna · 5 years
LET THE ORGY OF SADNESS CONTINUE: Okita's Route Part 3: Edo Blossoms
I'm very interested to see how this plays out. Tbh, I don't really get this relationship yet but that seems consistent with how I felt before Edo Blossoms in the other routes so, yes, I am excited! :D I hope that Kaoru doesn't die X_X I want at least one route with Kaoru redemption but I am not at all optimistic...
Chapter 1:
"Something else entirely had me preoccupied..." Could it be... one spicy, stabby boi?
Wait, are we... LIVING TOGETHER? 👀
Quick question: do silver bullets affect demons or just furies?
BWWWWAAAARRRP!!! PHYSICAL CONTACT ALARM! "I held his soft, trembling fingers in my hands," Whoa there. Please calm down. I cannot allow this level of unbridled eroticism in my Good Christian Suburb.
In all seriousness, though, I GUESS this is SOMEWHAT sweet and romantic but I want everyone to know that I'm saying this under duress. >:( If I fancied him, this would wring the fuck out of my heart.
"Are you sure? You aren't just saying that?" Glad to see that Doctor Chizuru studied under Doctor Gregory "Everybody Lies" House.
"Why is it that you're always here when I wake up?" If you can't figure it out, I sure as hell am not going to tell you!
"Okita seemed to take pleasure from my surprise, and he stared into my eyes." X_X Of course he did... Because he loves to provoke reactions.
"Answer me." MAKE ME >_<
"looking off to the side in a fit of feigned indifference." < Okita in a nutshell
Is he upset because I said that I was here because of worry and guilt? Because, tbh, fair enough. Those were pretty dumb things to say, making out like it's a burden instead of admitting that I actually like being around him >:(
"Well, I guess that's fine then." X_X Oh, come on! Don't use the f-word on me like that! D:
"She's lying." YAMAZAKI!!! >_<
"Look, I know you can't stop thinking about me, but this whole doting-all-day-and-night thing is tiring." Called. The fuck. Out. X_X
Tbf, it seems kind of hypocritical to be fussing over someone while refusing to let them even inquire about your own health. Plus, it's a very one sided arrangement, which is not healthy X_X
"stop throwing a bitch fit" XD Okita is my new hero :')
"I didn't know that my behaviour became a cause for concern for them, too." Then, perhaps, you are foolish and inconsiderate -_-
O: Okita!?? Did he faint?! O_O
Woo! Going on an adventure with YAM! :)
There had better not be any creepy bald fuckers waiting in mah house! >:(
Are all doctors bald in 1860s Japan????
I'm so happy that Yamazaki's still alive in this route :) TOUCH WOOD.
"*Grunt* *Cough*..." Ah, I knew it was only a matter of time before I caught tb -_- (jk)
No, never split the party! D:
"However the price to pay is life itself." DUN, DUN, DUUUUUUUUUN!!! So much for it granting "immortality"
"the poisonous Water of Life" uh... Isn't that kind of an oxymoron X_X
"Retaining your sanity is impossible without feasting on blood." Ah, so all along, the Shinsengumi were just feeding the furies a poor diet.
Of course. It's fucking Kaoru -_-
Blah blah, sadistic fuckery, blah blah. I'm starting to get real tired of your shit, BROTHER.
"Was he trying to play a trick on me?" -_- probably, yeah.
Wow, that's... Actually pretty helpful? Thanks!?
Okay, the doctor folk have gone! I give Okita delicious blood now? :)
Oh. HE GAWN!!! O:
"Sleeping all day is such a drag." True, so DRINK MY BLOOD AND GET BETTER >:(
Bloodlust time :O Good thing I'm a walking blood pack! :D
"How long have you been doing this?" Uh, haven't you been watching over him night and day?
"I wrapped my arms around Okita and held him tight " BWAAAA- Okay, yes, physical contact. Hug = gud >:(
"Pease, drink this " DRINK THE BLOOD >:(
"I could feel his breath brushing across my skin..." o_o Saucy...
Why are the blood drinking descriptions so erotic XD I mean, I'm not complaining but-
Who is this strange, apologetic man?
Blood > Porridge
Heh heh, apparently, Hijikata acts "all hoighty-toighty"
Oooh! Looks like Okita's trying to break free of his diligent YAM nursing...
"I am calm" Okita, last time you said that, you went on a killing spree...
Ooh, I wonder why Yamazaki and Okita don't get along... I remember seeing a picture somewhere with casual Yamazaki abuse in the background...
"Okita was acting like a petulant child, throwing his toys out of the pram..." X_X Sexy...
"Do you think the Shinsengumi still needs me?" HONEY, the Shinsengumi needs all the help it can GET!! O_O
Omg, Yamazaki's threatening to tell on Okita! XD He's playing a dangerous (and childish) game!
Side note: the painting in Okita's room is distracting me because it kind of reminds me of the dead mice my cats bring in on a regular basis.
WAIT, IT'S A FISH!!! X_X A NICE, INNOCENT LITTLE KOI FISHY X_X I need to stop spending so much time with my cats...
"What, already? Can't I stay up just a little longer?" Hakuoki: Mum simulator!
"I'll turn in on one condition..." Oo-er :O
"Okita grinned mischievously, and he peered directly into my eyes." O_O OO-ER!
"My palms became sweaty, and my heart skipped a beat." IT MUST BE LOVE O_O
"Since you're here, mind laying down next to me?" DUN DADA DUN! *fanfare plays* We got there in the end, folks! :D
"That's not a funny joke." True. And the only way to teach him a lesson is to PRETEND to take him seriously by DOING AS HE SAYS >:)
"You're so dense." FACTS.
WELL DONE, CHIZURU, YOU DONE COCK-BLOCKED YERSELF, I said, berating the fictional character as if that's not totally something that I would do in real life ..
"Okita blushed, turning away in embarrassment." O: CTRL+Z CTRL+Z CTRL+Z ):<
"I want to, erm, talk to you for a little bit longer..." Oh, we can "talk" all night long ;)
"Talk...? With me?" But I'm only a stupid woman, huh dur, with naught to say but um and er! Actually, Chizuru does say ""um..." I couldn't think of anything to say" in this route A LOT so maybe FAIR PLAY.
Just realised that I accidentally made a rhyme.
"Okita sighed, frustrated" HONESTLY, ME TOO.
"How clearly do I have to spell this out for you." I'm beginning to wonder that myself. He just wants some company, Chizuru! Is that SO HARD to imagine? X_X
"He began to run his fingers through my hair." Oooh! Physical contact :3 Chizuru = pet cat!
"as the tip of his finger touched my skin, my heart skipped." Yeeeesssss... Feel the thirst flow through you... 3:)
Are we gonna get a thirsty Western uniform pan, now? :P
"I tried facing him directly, but for some reason my heart was thudding in my chest..." :O Oh my! I cannot think of a possible explanation! You should get that checked out! >:P
"you find me sexy right now, don't you?" AH-HAH! >:D Caught red handed!
Ugh, can't believe he tricked me into saying he looks good. >:(
UGH. Doctor Matsumoto still needs to perform a final exam on Okita?! Just let him go already X_X
Wow, has Okita been seething against Hijikata this whole time? That... Can't be healthy -_-
"Okita had the tendency to act rashly and avoid looking at the bigger picture, particularly when Hijikata was involved." No shit. He's going to be such a handful X_X
"You're coming, right?" Of course. I'm not just going to sit around here while everyone I care about gets killed O_O besides, you need my nutritious and delicious blood to keep you nice and healthy ^_^
"she can't keep her eyes off me for long enough, to the point where she'll follow me wherever I go" Yeah, because that's how you win at this game >:P
"Aw, is that some blushing I see? It's the truth." Yup.
"Well, yeah," SHE ADMITTED IT!!! 8D
Doctor, why you gotta be so serious? O:
"Criminy..." Uh... Is that a real word?...
Omg, it is a real word! I have never heard anyone use it but, tbf, this is the 1860s :P
Okita needs to stop saying that every decision that Kondou makes that he doesn't like is because Hijikata "coerced" him. He's a grown man. He can think for himself. Please respect his autonomy X_X This is not healthy.
Uuuuuugh. Kaoru >_< Seriously, get a life!
"I'm here to watch the Shinsengumi flail around like pathetic losers as they watch their friends die." ... KAORU, THAT DOES NOT COUNT AS A HOBBY >_<
"Looks like you made it in time for the show, though. You'll be able to witness the glorious execution of the Shinsengumi's idiot chief." Or, in other words, we arrived in time to try and rescue him >:)
"You look nice. All your little boo-boos patched up?" Uhh... There's a lot to unpack here...
"Okita reveled in the vicious display, allowing Kaoru's blood to shower him as he swung repeatedly at the Demon." O_O Umm... Okita? Maybe CHILL THE FUCK OUT. O_O HE IS MY BROTHER, YOU KNOW?!
Aaaand, seemingly Kaoru's going to milk that fact... -_-
Did he... Stab me in the mouth?!?? What am I looking at here? X_X
Also, why doesn't he just activate his demon form!?!
Wait, is he feeding me the Ochimizu?!
Kaoru says that the water of life will eat away at Okita's body faster than if he'd just succumbed to TB but that's clearly not true if he's living long enough to see the end of the Shinsengumi. Plus, a short life of action is better than spending the rest of your days fading away in a sickbed.
"Okita comforted me with the soft tickle of his hands as they wiped away each tear with a warm touch." :3 Pretty darn wholesome! I will concede this point!
"you're a sweetheart." :3 Thank.
"You're a good girl" And am I supposed to wag my tail at that? X_X
"I... I am in love with Okita." O: Damn, that'll go straight to his head X_X
"more than anything or anyone" not that that's saying much :P Sorry, romantic moment, must resist shit talking urges!
"I believed that if I died, no one would give a shit." </3 O: )': DX Neveeeeeerrrrr!!!!
I prescribe HUG INJECTION >:(
"You look like shit" -_- Way to kill the mood.
"Here, come closer." :D Okay, I forgive you! <3
Oh, he played the uno reverse card on my hug plan :O
"How could I keep myself calm when the man I loved held me delicately in his arms?" BIG. MOOD.
Awe, he didn't kill Kaoru because "my heart knew it didn't want you to hate me..." <3 <3 <3 >.<
"My heart melted." SAME.
Chapter 2:
Damn, we're only on Chapter 2 and things are already getting pretty fluffy...
"Do you want me to sleep next to you?" DO IT. XD I dare you :P
"I wonder if Okita thought of me as nothing more than a silk kimono and a warming stone, as if that was all I could offer..." Girl, come on! Don't sell him short like this! Oh, and tell me more about what you want to offer him 3:)
Well, it looks like blood is the answer, for now O_O
"Y-You're not gonna offer me a-any blood today? Trying to play hard to get?" -_-
"his warm mouth drew my blood into his full, tender lips." X_X Sounds like someone needs a cold shower...
"I'm a diseased freak with no hope for the future." D: Don't say that! Everybody dies eventually! You still have strength to achieve the things you want and we can still be happy together! :'(
"I will be by your side, Okita... No matter what." YUS >:)
SEN!!! <3
"Would it have killed you to at least write us a letter?" O: I'm sorry! X_X
Ha. Bold of you to assume that Kodo's continued research might be in your favour.
"Kondou has surrendered to the Imperial Army." O_O OH FUCK.
And of course Okita is blaming Hijikata X_X
"You are making assumptions, most of which are uninformed" Yeah, you tell him, Sen-bae!
I still don't see why we can't at least try to rescue Kondou >:( Are we just supposed to sit tight and wait for him to be executed?!??
" I'm sure that Kondou would be very unhappy to hear his life was saved at the cost of Okita's." >:( And I'm sure that he would be even more unhappy to hear that Okita spent the rest of his days confined to his bed, in misery and anguish. >:(
The dream was pretty wholesome :'o
I guess protecting the things that are important to Kondou, like his legacy, is more important than protecting Kondou himself. Kondou entrusted his legacy to Okita, and so his efforts might be better spent elsewhere, rather than on rescuing Kondou. :'( That's up to him, though.
"No matter how many times he touched me, I couldn't have imagined ever tiring of the sensation..." XD The thirst is real!
"Y'know, ever since you came into my life, I've always given you a hard time..." WHERE IS THE LIE?
These two assholes in each other's arms, like "Welp, I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of telling you that I love you so we're just going to continue this totally not heterosexual hug right now and stfu."
:D I am happy to see Hijikata! However, I know someone who may feel differently -_-
"Would you like me to wake him." O_O Nooooot a good idea, Chizuru!
"Without me to blame, I doubt he'll have anything to motivate him, and I'm worried he'll lose the will to live." :O Hijikata, that's kind of sweet in a fucked up kind of way but you underestimate the power of LOVE >:)
:O Kazama and Amagiri?! I was beginning to think that Kazama had lost interest in me. Or, at least, hoped he had.
"This evening... Isami Kondou was beheaded." I just gasped out loud! Kondou, no! D':
"A woman who has sullied herself with the water of life is unworthy of my love. Consider this over." ... IF I KNEW THAT THAT WAS ALL IT TOOK, I WOULD HAVE DRANK THAT FUCKING CONCOCTION YEARS AGO >_<
"You are dead to me." GOOD.
Awe, Okita! :'(
NOW I'M CRYING, TOO D'X Damn this game DX
Chapter 3:
Chasing down the Shinsengumi >:) ... Again! If this is anything like Kazama's route, this is going to be depressing af...
We're like two fuzzy wood creatures, going from cozy spot to cozy spot to snooze in during the day :')
"Be a good girl," >_< Staaaaaahhhp!!!
"They went thattaway!" XD I know that this situation is pretty dire but that sentence makes me chuckle!
"Fight...? You?" Ye bitch! >:) I got me my ochimizu powers now!
"How dare you, you bastard!" UM. YOU ATTACKED US!!! WE WERE TRYING TO HAVE A NAP!
*Slash, slash, squelch, splat* X_X
"Ahahaha! You're just helpless pigs!" -_- Uh, Okita? Calm the fuck down, k? You're starting to sound like Kazama!
"his sadistic display of sword mastery." Yup, they be the right words -_-
Ugh, I got shot. Probably shouldn't have been standing around doing NOTHING X_X
"Chizuru, you're trying to hard." *Hides guide* I don't know what you could possibly mean :) :) :)
:O a kunai?! Could it be... my boy YAM?!
YAM!!! :'D
"I just assumed you died or something." Okita is the queen of tact, as always :')
Wait, Yamazaki, don't stay behind on your own O':
OMG HE'S OKAY!!! 8'D 8'D
"I... Cannot afford to die yet..." Doesn't stop you in most routes, though, does it? X_X
"This doesn't look good..." Oh no! Is he going to succumb to his injuries off screen?! D': Classic Yamazaki D,X
"You've been spying on us for days, and I didn't even notice." :') That's our Yam boy!
Aw, Okita gave Yamazaki the thank you!
I reeeeeaaally don't think that Kondou would want Okita to murder Hijikata X_X
"I am going to be late, but I promise to return." YOU HAD BETTER. >:( DON'T DIE, YAMAZAKI!
Owl <3 Hoot hoot to you too, my friend!
Don't kill Hijikata, you dumbass. -_-
"A penchant for violence" X_X That's Okita all right!
It would be funny if he were drinking from Chizuru's foot, instead... Just, something about the way he's holding her hand invites that image XD
"Okita grabbed my hand" 8D < Happy Chizuru!
Oh, I guess not. Kinda disappointed, tbh XD
Ugh, can we just catch up to Hijikata already? Let's get this over with.
Wait, his sister was "wedded off to some deadbeat"!?! I wonder how old she was... :/
"I was bullied and given shit all the time." :'(
The CG of Okita giving Hijikata the evils is BEAUTIFUL! X'D
"He was a rich snob" somehow, I doubt that...
Wow, Okita really is seething with passionate jealousy for Hijikata... Even though Kondou gave him the sword X_X
I feel like Kondou's relationship with Hijikata is different enough than Okita and Kondou's that Okita's intense jealousy seems a bit much...
It sort of feels kind of like a kid being jealous of their dad's new girlfriend X_X
"Before I knew it, you slithered your way into my heart..." That's a pretty weird but also adorable thing to say X'D SLITHER SLITHER
"And you know just what to say," I KNOW, UNCANNY, RIGHT :) :) :) *hides guide*
"We couldn't help but succumb to the hypnotic lull of our passionate embrace." XD Does this mean a fade-to-black is coming :P
I love that their following Hijikata tracks like they're hunting the wild Hijikata beast XD
Is he all alone?
Oh, he has a bodyguard XD
Really inappropriate time to mention this but this route makes Hijikata seem more attractive to me than before XD Maybe it's because of the contrast with Okita's sadistic, violent, volatile side... Maybe it's because he seems more vulnerable when being berated by Okita, idk XD Leave Hijikata alone, Okita!
"You could have saved him!" But Hijikata has RESPONSIBILITIES. He can't just abandon his men and their cause to save Kondou, even if he wanted to :'(
"I COULDN'T!!!" Yeah, you tell him, Hijikata >:(
Wait, we're not going with the Shinsengumi?! O_e
"Hijikata's a real dumbass, don't you think?" -_- .......NO!
Kondou reading to tiny Okita = mega cuteness!
"If I never met Kondou, there's no doubt in my mind that I'd be waaaaay more cuckoo than I am now." And nobody, NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THAT O_O
"You and Kondou are pretty similar" Obviously, that's a compliment and I'm super flattered but I reeeeeaaally hope that this relationship isn't just because Chizuru reminds him of Kondou XP
"My heart suddenly melted in my chest." What, again!?! Chizuru's heart had been through A LOT during this route -_-
"To be fair, it was a little strange of Okita to compare a woman he loved to a man he viewed as a father..." <<< See?! :P
Skipping off, hand in hand :')
Chapter 4:
Aw, tiny Chizuru sadness flashback </3
It's unthinkably awful, what happened to the village, but revenge =/= genocide.
Chizuru, y u lie? -_-
"There were men who took pleasure from their evil deeds." And demons, too... And Okita, to an extent XD
Ugh, I bet Kaoru's gonna sneak up on me while Okita's gone and be all, "Yeeeeesssss.... Give in to your anger... Feel the hate flow through you..." Fucking annoying hate goblin child.
"You're a real bitch, you know that?" Oh, I'M A BITCH??!! Sure thing, tiny asshole. -_-
"At long last, we can come together. We can be the siblings were born to be." ... Happy and free from the burdens of hate and bitterness? O_O
"We are going to massacre the evil forces conspiring within this country, for the good of our people." ... What people? The dead ones? Yeah, I'm sure they'll be reeeeeeaaal grateful from their graves. Sounds like you just want an excuse to torment some humans, you sadistic piece of shit -_-
"Suddenly, I craved blood..." OH HO!
"I... I craved Okita's blood..." 'Sonly fair >:P
"my entire body screamed to tear Okita limb from limb." 8O Yikes.
I... Kinda want to know what happens if I give in to the bloodlust... 😏
Buuuuut I gotta endure it. Damn.
Oh, it's cold up North, is it? ;P What can we possibly do to stay warm in bed?
PENGUIN HUDDLE is hopefully the answer.
<3 :D Looking up at the stars together!
"I want to make your wishes come true. All of them..." :D Okita is every girl's dream sexy murder genie :)
""If you still plan on walking away from me and everything you have..." Okita reached his hand to me kindly." :) :) :)
"Then, I will kill you " FFS XD THIS BITCH!!!
I bet we're gonna kiss now or something. Damn that sexy murder genie X_X
Oh, no kissing, just crying XD That's... Actually more appropriate, even if they are happy tears :')
O WAIT, "I grabbed ahold of him madly" ...
"For once in my life, I felt whole," Awe </3 "the thought of which nearly brought my tears." BITCH, UR ALREADY CRYING XD
"each breath between our zealous smacking grew more strained and sensuous." O_e ... Uh, what did I just read? XD XD XD
"now that Kondou's gone... I only have one reason to fight." Uh... I have a feeling that it's a Chizuru reason... He really needs to find his own motivations, instead of just attaching himself to the causes of people who give him attention. Okay, that was a bit harsh. X_X I'm sorry, Okita!
"How about another kiss, huh?" "B-but, um... W-we just kissed..." ... SO!?! GIRL, YOU KNOW YOU'RE HOT FOR HIM!
"I'm askin' you if you'll have me or not." ... When he says "have", does he mean . . .
"Well, I think there's a time and place for everything." ... Damn. Is this game suggesting that if I say yes, I'm a slut and he'll think less of me? XP BOOOOOOO!
"Watching you squirm like that makes me want to play with you even more." XD As I predicted: Big Dom Energy!
"As long as I will live, I will crave your touch..." *Munches popcorn* Just screw, damn it!
"Our plump lips smeared against one another, and he pulled at a fistful of my hair, drawing me deeper into him as he bit forcefully into my lower lip." :O ... Kinky! >:P I totally called it XD
"I do not mind putting up with anything you might do to me, Okita." How... Romantic?? O_e Just admit that you're horny, Chizuru! There's no shame, I swear!
"I bet when I'm gone, you'll sob like a baby." :'O YES. OBVIOUSLY. >:'(
"Okita spooned me," Classic XD
Ew, Kodo.
"You look pale. Please do not tell me that you have been refusing to drink blood." XD Thanks for your concern...
Bless Okita for offering himself as an all-you-can-eat buffet X_X
"If I were to commit to this relationship, then it meant I needed to separate myself from my family." DRAMAAAA! :D *Pulls out another bag of popcorn*
"I have no desire to carve a life that comes at the expense of hurting others." PREACH B)
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soyousian · 5 years
TNG Rewatch 1.07
Justice time
god this ep is horny
not even a minute in and riker’s already fucking
why are there 5 seats in the horseshoe?
why are you bringing wesley?????
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she’s gay dude stop it
just say they’re horny, counselor
why are the male edo’s nipples out?
wesley tries to leave before the orgy
worf your parents are from belarus quit pretending you don’t know shit about earth
I hate all the nipples in this ep
these poor extras
data just shakes his head
“why has everything become a something or a whatever” it’s the bad writing
this orb hates imperialism
rip to data, so sad he got orb’d
that stuntman (cartwheel-man?) does not look like wil wheaton
this ep is so gross
“...I would need a klingon woman” or a trill
why do they emphasize sex like that? just to prove they can say it?
tasha’s just chilling
uh oh, exposition!
idk about tasha and worf but if I heard the edo talking about a “punishment zone” I’d think it was one of their weird sex things
everyone dies for any crime
this set just looks like a park in so cal
this isn’t baseball!
I know all about the fictional sport baseball, which was invented in deep space nine
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I’d say those fake plants are pretty disturbed now
“Starfleet officers don’t lie” hmm...i wonder if some wesley based storyline will come up later, say season 5, where this is called into question 🤔
you know they had to do it to him
this dude just has a lethal injection on him
yeah dude friends defend their friends from DEATH
data’s still orb’d
nevermind, he’s free
the boy
there’s no death penalty in the future
yeah edo guy! call picard out on his shitty attitudes!
oh it’s just God no biggie
“there’s no need to be” that’s all troi? that’s all the comfort you’re gonna give her
hey picard? maybe talk to the frightened mother whose son is facing the DEATH PENALTY
I guess she’s the captain now
don’t apologize for being afraid for your son’s life!
why is everyone so rude to him
ok yeah, that’s valid bev
...........nemesis you say
maybe the edo evolve into the orbs
or maybe they’re just pets to them
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cinematography crimes
you think that the death penalty for every infraction is a GOOD SYSTEM OF JUSTICE
God won’t let them teleport
you can talk while getting transported?!?!?
Rating 5/10
tldr; this is a weird one. It’s memorable but for the wrong reasons. there’s no conclusion to it(?). It was very strangely paced. Personally, I was hoping for some lawyer picard
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cinemasentries · 6 years
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Ingmar Bergman's Cinema is the Pick of the Week                           
Santa's gonna have a big list this year.
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cultfaction · 6 years
Preview: Orgies of Edo (Bluray)
Preview: Orgies of Edo (Bluray)
Legendary Toei director Teruo Ishii tells three stories of moral sickness set during Japan’s prosperous Genroku era in this bloody follow-up to his sexploitation classic Shogun’s Joy of Torture, and the fourth entry in Toei’s ‘abnormal love’ film series. Ishii’s politically incorrect moral lessons paint a trio of tales of tragic heroines caught up in violence, sadomasochism, incest and torture.
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apdistractions · 6 years
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Orgies Of Edo (1969)
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mariocki · 4 years
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Kyôfu kikei ningen: Edogawa Rampo zenshû (Horrors of Malformed Men, 1969)
"Jogoro, surely you don't intend to kill all the innocent people on this island?"
"I just might!"
#Horrors of Malformed Men#Kyôfu kikei ningen: Edogawa Rampo zenshû#japanese cinema#horror film#films i done watched#teruo ishii#Teruo Yoshida#yukie kagawa#Teruko Yumi#Mitsuko Aoi#Michiko Kobata#Kei Kiyama#Mie Hanabusa#Yôko Koyama#Masaomi Kondô#Toshio Oida#tatsumi hijikata#rampo edogawa#Masahiro Kakefuda#A couple of weeks ago i watched Ishii's Orgies of Edo and any poor fool who reads the tags on my posts will have seen that the experience#Was not entirely a happy one: that film was A Lot and ended up being so overwhelmingly nasty that I put off watching this which I had#Bought in the same arrow sale. Tonight I finally dragged myself round to watching it and found myself in part very relieved: having#Jettisoned much of the excessive sex and (apart from one notably nasty flashback in the final act) gratuitous violence of Orgies and Yakuza#Law (another recently watched Ishii) as well as abandoning the portmanteau format for one (sort of) linear narrative the director achieves#What those films didn't quite manage; an original vision that is at once eerily alien and like an unpleasantly familiar fever dream. That#Isn't to say the film isn't a problematic one: from the title itself right through to the messy finale this is a film which exploits and#Sometimes demonises bodies that are different as well as belittling mental illness. Not great news; but as a weird tale of monstrous#Experimentation and agonising vengeance it at least attempts to come down sort of on the right side of a morally murky plot and to present#Its 'malformed' characters in a semi sympathetic light. As a film its a little flabby around the middle and risks losing itself in side#Plots and convoluted twists but as a purely visceral visual experience it's highly original and expressively memorable. Two thumbs hmm
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heroesfromtheeast · 6 years
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Orgies of Edo
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may8chan · 6 years
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Orgies of Edo 1969
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