#Organic Honey With Ashwagandha
naturesnectar1 · 1 year
Organic Honey With Ashwagandha | Natures Nectar
The leading producer of organic honey with ashwagandha is nature nectar. Organic honey ashwagandha is a natural supplement that combines the benefits of honey and ashwagandha, two popular Ayurvedic ingredients. Ashwagandha is a herb that has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine. It is thought to provide a number of health benefits, including the decrease of stress and anxiety, enhanced cognitive function, and greater energy levels.
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nourishandthrive · 3 months
Natural Remedies for Common Ailments
Turning to natural remedies for common ailments can provide relief without relying heavily on medications. Here are some effective and easily accessible natural remedies for everyday health issues.
Peppermint Oil: Apply a few drops of diluted peppermint oil to your temples and massage gently. The menthol in peppermint can help relax muscles and alleviate headache pain.
Ginger Tea: Brew fresh ginger slices in hot water and drink. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce headache severity.
Cold and Flu
Honey and Lemon: Mix a tablespoon of honey with the juice of half a lemon in warm water. This soothing drink can help relieve sore throat and boost your immune system.
Elderberry Syrup: Take elderberry syrup to reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms. Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that support immune health.
Digestive Issues
Peppermint Tea: Drink peppermint tea to relieve symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and gas. Peppermint helps relax the digestive tract muscles.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink before meals to aid digestion and reduce heartburn.
Chamomile Tea: Drink a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. Chamomile has mild sedative properties that can help promote sleep.
Lavender Essential Oil: Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your pillow or diffuse it in your bedroom to create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep.
Skin Irritations
Aloe Vera Gel: Apply fresh aloe vera gel to soothe and heal minor burns, sunburns, and skin irritations. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties.
Oatmeal Bath: Add colloidal oatmeal to a warm bath to relieve itching and irritation from conditions like eczema or rashes.
Muscle Pain
Epsom Salt Bath: Soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts. The magnesium in Epsom salts can help relax muscles and reduce pain.
Arnica Gel: Apply arnica gel topically to sore muscles. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and bruising.
Ginger: Chew on a small piece of fresh ginger or drink ginger tea. Ginger is known for its anti-nausea properties.
Peppermint: Inhale peppermint oil or sip peppermint tea to help alleviate nausea symptoms.
Local Honey: Consume a teaspoon of local honey daily to help build immunity against local pollen and reduce allergy symptoms over time.
Neti Pot: Use a neti pot with a saline solution to rinse nasal passages and reduce congestion caused by allergies.
Thyme Tea: Brew thyme leaves in hot water and drink. Thyme has antimicrobial and expectorant properties that can help soothe a cough.
Marshmallow Root: Drink marshmallow root tea to coat the throat and relieve irritation from coughing.
Stress and Anxiety
Ashwagandha: Take ashwagandha supplements to help reduce stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that supports the body's stress response.
Passionflower: Drink passionflower tea or take supplements to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety levels.
Tips for Using Natural Remedies
Consult a Professional: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new remedy, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Quality Matters: Use high-quality, organic products to ensure the best results and avoid harmful additives.
Monitor Reactions: Pay attention to how your body responds to natural remedies and discontinue use if you experience any adverse reactions.
Combine with Healthy Lifestyle: Enhance the effectiveness of natural remedies by maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
By incorporating these natural remedies into your routine, you can address common ailments effectively and support your overall health and well-being.
Share your favorite natural remedies in the comments below! Let’s exchange tips and support each other in our journey towards a healthier, more natural lifestyle.
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desifemininewoman · 10 months
Going back to our roots- the haircare edition
Part-1: Haircare- Love in Oiling
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Haircare through oiling transcends generations, embodying a profound expression of love and connection in our culture. It's a shared journey of tenderness, a story every desi knows, of bonding with our mothers and grandmothers. I recall how my mother would lovingly oil my hair, a ritual that strengthened our connection. My hair suffered when I stopped allowing her to care for it, emphasizing that oiling hair is more than just a routine – it's an intimate experience. Beyond mere beauty, hair-oiling serves as a cherished heritage, a bond passed lovingly from one generation to the next.
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Ayurveda posits the existence of three fundamental life energies, known as doshas, within every individual:
An excess of any of these doshas can disrupt the body's equilibrium, and its impact is particularly noticeable in its effect on our hair.
In Ayurvedic philosophy, the scalp is perceived as having numerous energy-balancing centres known as "marmas." Hair oiling is considered a rejuvenating practice, as it assists in eliminating any surplus doshas that tend to accumulate in the head.
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Healthy Vata-Type Hair is relatively thin, but often a bit coarse, may be straight, curly, or a combination of the two, grows quickly, and can be a bit unruly—potentially making it more challenging to style.
Healthy Pitta-Type Hair is straight, soft, predictable, and of moderate thickness, but very fine.
Healthy Kapha-Type Hair is typically wavy, lustrous, full, strong, coarse, and thick.
Common Imbalances
Characteristics: The imbalance in vata dosha causes excessive dryness, flaky dandruff, frizzy and brittle hair.  It may also cause hair thinning and split ends.
Care: It is recommended that you oil your hair two-three times a week with almond oil, cocunut oil or sesame oil infused with hair strengthening herbs like bhringraj, liquorice, shatavari, ashwagandha. Avoid harsh chemicals and heat styling to protect fragile Vata hair. Natural hair masks with honey, yogurt, or henna can further strengthen and improve its texture and shine.
Dietary additions: Vata is a cold and dry dosha, therefore, warming, grounding, and nourishing foods like nuts and seeds, with moderately heavy texture, with healthy fats (like Omega 3 fatty acids) are advised. Choose salty, sour, and sweet tastes as well as soothing and satisfying foods.
Characteristics: The imbalance in pitta hair might lead to excess heat in the hair follicles, thinning or premature greying hair.
Care: Use coconut oil infused with cooling herbs like hibiscus, amla and kalonji seeds. Include weekly masking with ingredients that repair such as aloe vera and brahmi. Opt for natural, chemical-free hair care products.
Dietary additions: Those with predominant pitta should refrain from spicy and astringent foods, and look for foods that are alkaline, which cool and soothe the digestive fire.
Characteristics: An imbalance in the kapha dosha can result in excess oil secretion that blocks the follicles of your scalp, which leads to wet and sticky flakes.
Care: The Kapha hair care routine involves cleansing hair and scalp 2-3 times weekly with natural herbs like reetha, shikakai, and triphala powder. For purification, use neem oil. It is effective for dandruff in bi-weekly oil-and-wash sessions.
Dietary additions: Those with the kapha dosha should focus on warm, light, foods made with dry cooking methods like baking, broiling, grilling, sautéing, etc.
Choose organic, chemical-free, and 100% virgin oils, even if they cost use( 3-4 tablespoons). Honestly, I would say get your oils pressed from a local vendor. That's what I do. It's 100% virgin and doesn't cost much at all. Otherwise, you can get them online. If you guys want, I can attach some product links too.
https://enrouteindianhistory.com/ayurveda-hair-care-tips-from-ancient-india/#:~:text=Rani Padmini%2C interestingly%2C used a,recently around the 1930s only.
(pictures from pinterest)
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A Realistic Morning Routine for the working girly...
As you guys may know I am in the process of creating my dream girl and a part of that if you haven't read my 12 Characteristics of my dream girl post is OPTIMIZING MY TIME BY SIMPLIFYING PROCESSES.
One of the most important aspects of the day is the morning routine. While I love the long soft life morning routines, I do truly aspire to live that life. My reality right now is working 10+ hour days, commuting 45 minutes one-way. So I can only afford a slimmed-down weekday morning routine if I don't want to sacrifice sleep. So here it is, the morning routine for a working girl.
TOTAL TIME: 1hr 20mins
6am - rising & morning pep talk, & gratitude
6:05am to 6:10am - drink water & take vitamins (i drink water before brushing my teeth so my body knows what enzymes to make, this is also beneficial for the immune system)
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6:10am to 6:30/35am - this is my personal time, I use this time to stretch pray, meditate, & journal. I don't do all of these every day but I go based on my mood. This time is really about checking in with yourself
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6:30am to 7am - this is time to get dressed and ready for the day since I pick my clothes out on Sundays for the week this is quick and easy. I will brush my teeth if I haven't already, take a quick shower (10mins) and slick my hair back into a bun or fluff my wash and go. My make-up is simple INNBEAUTY Face Glaze, mascara, and sometimes a little blush/highlighter...
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7am to 7:10am - I will make my breakfast and pack my lunch if I haven't already (sometimes I do this the night before). Breakfast is usually vegan yogurt or oatmeal with fruit and honey, I put granola in the yogurt as well. I have a thermos for food and one for tea as well. Right now I am enjoying a sweet tangerine blend with ashwagandha for the morning time. I’ll enjoy these when I get to work.
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7:10am to 7:20am - I pack my bag for the day, most of the time the same items remain but i like to clean out receipts & organize cash. Grab an umbrella if needed etc... and I will smoke as well usually I have a joint rolled from the night before. I must be out the door by 7:20 lest I be late haha.
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gomataseva · 2 months
Panchagavya and Its Benefits: A Deep Dive into Panchagavya Ghrita and Panchagavya Ghrutham at Goseva
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What is Panchagavya?
Five cow-derived items are used to make the ancient Ayurvedic formula known as panchagavya: milk, curd, ghee, pee, and dung. This unique blend is revered in Ayurveda for its myriad health benefits and its ability to balance the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Panchagavya is known for its detoxifying, rejuvenating, and healing properties, making it a cornerstone of holistic wellness.
Panchagavya Ghrita Ingredients
Panchagavya Ghrita is a potent Ayurvedic preparation that combines the goodness of Panchagavya with additional herbs to enhance its therapeutic effects. The primary panchagavya ghrita ingredients include:
Cow Ghee: Known for its nourishing and lubricating properties.
Cow Milk: Rich in nutrients and essential for maintaining body balance.
Cow Urine: Renowned for its detoxifying properties.
Cow Dung: Used for its antiseptic and healing benefits.
Curd: A source of probiotics, aiding in digestion.
Additional Herbs: Ayurvedic herbs like Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, and Triphala are often added to augment the formulation.
Panchagavya Ghrita Benefits
Boosts Immunity: Panchagavya Ghrita strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight off infections and diseases.
Improves Digestion: The formulation enhances digestive fire (Agni), ensuring better nutrient absorption and metabolism.
Detoxifies the Body: Panchagavya Ghrita aids in detoxification, purging the body of harmful toxins and purifying the blood.
Enhances Brain Function: Regular consumption supports cognitive functions, improving memory and concentration.
Balances Doshas: It helps in balancing the three doshas, promoting overall health and well-being.
Promotes Longevity: The rejuvenating properties of Panchagavya Ghrita contribute to overall vitality and longevity.
Panchagavya Ghrutham: The Next Level of Ayurvedic Wellness
Panchagavya Ghrutham Ingredients
Panchagavya Ghrutham is a more refined version of Panchagavya Ghrita, meticulously prepared to maximize its therapeutic potential. The panchagavya ghrutham ingredients include:
Panchagavya Components: Cow ghee, milk, curd, urine, and dung.
Medicinal Herbs: Enriched with powerful herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Yashtimadhu.
Natural Sweeteners: Often sweetened with natural honey or jaggery for added health benefits.
Panchagavya Ghrutham Benefits
Superior Detoxification: The advanced formulation of Panchagavya Ghrutham provides a more profound detoxifying effect, cleansing the body at a cellular level.
Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: It significantly improves the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients, leading to better overall health.
Strengthens Vital Organs: Regular use supports the health of vital organs, including the liver, kidneys, and heart.
Augments Physical Strength: Panchagavya Ghrutham enhances physical strength and stamina, making it ideal for athletes and active individuals.
Anti-Aging Properties: Its rejuvenating effects help combat signs of aging, promoting youthful skin and vigor.
Mental Clarity and Calmness: The formulation is known to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
Panchagavya Products at Goseva
At Goseva, we take pride in offering high-quality Panchagavya Ghrita and Panchagavya Ghrutham, meticulously prepared using traditional Ayurvedic methods. Our panchagavya products are crafted with utmost care, ensuring the highest standards of purity and efficacy. Here’s why you should choose Goseva:
Purity and Authenticity
Our Panchagavya products are made from pure, ethically sourced ingredients, ensuring their authenticity and effectiveness.
Traditional Preparation
We adhere to traditional Ayurvedic preparation methods, preserving the holistic benefits of Panchagavya.
Quality Assurance
Each product undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure it meets the highest standards of purity and potency.
Trusted Brand
Goseva is a trusted name in Ayurvedic wellness, committed to delivering products that promote health and well-being.
Panchagavya, with its powerful blend of cow-derived ingredients and medicinal herbs, offers unparalleled health benefits. Whether you choose Panchagavya Ghrita or Panchagavya Ghrutham, you are embracing a holistic approach to wellness that detoxifies, rejuvenates, and balances your body. At Goseva, we bring you the finest Panchagavya products, crafted with care and tradition, to help you achieve optimal health and vitality. Embrace the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with Goseva and experience the transformative power of Panchagavya today.
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ayubalwellness12 · 2 months
Exploring the Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Landscape in Jaipur
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic medicine, continues to thrive and evolve in the modern world. Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, has become a notable center for Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur. With its rich heritage and access to a variety of medicinal plants, Jaipur is home to several prominent Ayurvedic manufacturers who blend traditional wisdom with contemporary practices to create effective health solutions.
The Historical Context of Ayurveda in Jaipur
Jaipur’s connection with Ayurveda is deep-rooted, dating back to ancient times when traditional medicine was the primary healthcare system. The region's rich biodiversity, particularly in medicinal plants, has long supported the development and growth of Ayurveda. This historical significance, coupled with modern advancements, has positioned Jaipur as a pivotal hub for Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur.
Prominent Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers in Jaipur
Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd.
Overview: Established in 1917, Baidyanath is one of India’s most esteemed Ayurvedic companies. Their Jaipur facility upholds the highest standards of quality and authenticity, producing a wide range of traditional formulations.
Key Products: Chyawanprash, Shankhapushpi, Mahasudarshan Churna.
Dabur India Ltd.
Overview: Dabur, a global leader in Ayurveda, has a strong presence in Jaipur. Known for integrating traditional Ayurvedic knowledge with scientific research, Dabur’s products are trusted by millions.
Key Products: Dabur Honey, Pudin Hara, Hajmola.
Patanjali Ayurved Limited
Overview: Founded by Baba Ramdev, Patanjali has revolutionized the Ayurvedic industry in India. Their Jaipur manufacturing unit produces a vast array of Ayurvedic products, emphasizing natural and affordable healthcare.
Key Products: Divya Pharmacy medicines, Patanjali Ghee, Aloe Vera Juice.
Jiva Ayurveda
Overview: Jiva Ayurveda combines ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern scientific research. Their Jaipur unit is known for producing high-quality, personalized Ayurvedic treatments and products.
Key Products: Ashwagandha Tablets, DigestAll Churna, Jiva Hair Oil.
Maharishi Ayurveda
Overview: Maharishi Ayurveda focuses on holistic health and wellness, offering a range of products aimed at balancing the body and mind. Their Jaipur facility adheres to stringent quality standards.
Key Products: Amrit Kalash, Organic Ghee, Maharishi Amrit Kalash.
The Manufacturing Process
The production of Ayurvedic medicines in Jaipur involves several crucial steps, ensuring the products meet high standards of quality and efficacy:
Sourcing of Raw Materials: Medicinal herbs and plants are sourced from trusted suppliers, often from organic farms to ensure purity.
Processing and Extraction: Traditional methods are used to process and extract the active ingredients from herbs, ensuring the therapeutic properties are preserved.
Formulation: Expert vaidyas (Ayurvedic practitioners) work alongside modern scientists to create effective formulations that address various health conditions.
Quality Control: Rigorous testing is conducted at every stage of production to ensure the safety, efficacy, and consistency of the products.
Packaging and Distribution: The final products are packaged using modern techniques to preserve their quality and extend their shelf life, ensuring they reach consumers in the best condition.
Global Reach and Recognition
Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur are not only catering to the domestic market but are also making significant strides internationally. With increasing global interest in natural and holistic health practices, Ayurvedic products from Jaipur are gaining popularity worldwide. Manufacturers are obtaining international certifications and adhering to global quality standards to meet the growing demand.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the Ayurvedic industry in Jaipur is flourishing, it faces challenges such as stringent regulatory requirements, the need for continuous innovation, and competition from other forms of medicine. However, the support from the Indian government in promoting Ayurveda, along with the rising consumer preference for natural and holistic remedies, presents vast opportunities for growth and development.
The Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur are at the forefront of preserving and advancing the ancient science of Ayurveda. By blending traditional knowledge with modern techniques, they are creating high-quality products that cater to the health needs of today’s consumers. As the world increasingly turns towards natural and holistic health solutions, Jaipur's Ayurvedic manufacturers are poised to lead the way, offering products that are both effective and deeply rooted in centuries-old traditions.Ayubal Wellness, since 2019 is manufacturing a wide array of Ayurveda Products, Nutraceuticals & Food Supplements, Pravahi Kwaths, Skin Care, Agriculture Products, Toiletries & Wellness Products. Offered products are prepared by making use of the finest quality ingredients. These products are widely acclaimed due to their excellent purity, accurate composition, easy to use and longer shelf life. We have been able to touch new dimensions of success owing to the support from our professionals.
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oilsandherbsuk · 6 months
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sincere-finance7 · 10 months
Discover the incredible adaptogenic properties of ashwagandha and functional mushrooms! 🍄🥄 These ancient herbal remedies can potentially help strengthen immune response, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, mitigate effects of stress, and support overall wellbeing. 💪😌
 In this video, we'll explore what adaptogens are, how ashwagandha and mushrooms like cordyceps, lion's mane and reishi work, their traditional uses and modern applications backed by science. 🧪🔬 You'll learn about these superfoods' effects on the mind and body and how to incorporate them into your diet. 🥗🧠 
 Get more fascinating holistic healing insights in my new blog article here: https://holistichealthalchemists.com/... 
 I take these awesome adaptogenic supplements: 
😍 Equilibrium Clarity from Honey Colony: https://shrsl.com/4bgtg Equilibrium Energy from Honey Colony: https://shrsl.com/4bgth
FROM AMAZON – Paleovalley NeuroEffect – Neuro Mushroom Coffee Nutritional Supplement for Focus, Memory, and Energy Support – 28-Day Supply – 8 Full Spectrum Mushroom and Whole Coffee Fruit Extracts: https://amzn.to/3uyl08S 
 Red Reishi Organic Mushroom Powder from Starwest-Botanicals: https://shrsl.com/4bgtl 
 Chaga Mushroom Powder Organic from Starwest-Botanicals: https://shrsl.com/4bgtt
Ready to grow your own knowledge, community and online business? I highly recommend the life-changing tuition at Wealthy Affiliate: 🤩 https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=4950163a 
 Deepen your holistic health journey by joining my community here: 🤝 https://www.facebook.com/groups/holis... 
 With nature's ancient wisdom, modern research and a little mind-body spirit alchemy, we can thrive with adaptogens in our toolkit! 🌿⚗️🌡️
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naturesnectar1 · 1 year
Organic Ashwagandha Honey | Natures Nectar
Nature Nectar makes one of the best organic ashwagandha honey. Ashwagandha honey is a natural blend of two ingredients: organic honey and ashwagandha, a herb utilised in ancient Ayurvedic medicine for its possible health benefits. Ashwagandha has been demonstrated to have a soothing impact on the body, which may aid in the reduction of stress and anxiety. When combined with honey, it produces a natural and delicious solution to help manage stress.
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tealeafandco · 1 year
Are you searching Organic Whole Leaf Green Tea in Gurgaon, Haryana India? TeaLeaf & co provide the best green tea facility with good quality. Buy organic green tea online, best loose leaf tea at Tealeafandco at best prices. Buy exotic natural Green Tea flavours of honey lemon green tea, tulsi ashwagandha green tea, mint green tea, sweet hibiscus green tea, Turmeric tulsi green tea.
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boissonsaumiel · 1 year
Project Log:
Equipment Capacity:1gal🫙: 1 of 4 in use ½gal🫙: 3 of 7 in use 47oz🫙: 1 of 2 in use . In Progress: Batch No.070823 | ½gal🫙 1¾lb🐝 Honey: Sierra Wildflower Source: Sierra Nevada Mountains Brand: Kingsburg Honey Stg. 1: D-47 sub water for brewed Hōjicha (Numi) Stg. 2: TBD Batch No.071823 | 1gal🫙 4lb🐝 Honey: Yosemite Wildflower Source: Yosemite Brand: Yosemite Honey Co. Stg. 1: Day 1: K1-V1116 D-47 立山小種 (Stash) 3lb🐝 10☕ IG 1.130 Day 7: 1☕ Day 15: 1lb🐝 ½☕ Stg. 2: split into 1L bottle w. roses (4/28 pasteurized), 750ml bottle Batch No.090123 | 1gal🫙 3⅛lb🐝 Honey: Black Button Sage Source: Glendale, California Brand: Lili Honey Stg. 1: K1-V1116, gall nut tannin Stg. 2: ½gal root beer spices Batch No.092423 | 1gal🫙 3⅛lb🐝 Honey: Cactus Flower, gall nut tannin Source: Mexico/Arizona Brand: Topanga Quality Honey Stg. 1: K1-V1116, gall nut tannin Stg. 2: split into 2 bottles, 1 sarsparilla bottle, one blended with forbidden rice 103123 Batch No.103123 | 1gal🫙 16cup饭 Rice: Forbidden Rice Source: Northeast China (东北) Brand: ??? Stg. 1: Shanghai yeast balls w/ kōji, cooked rice Stg. 2: split into one 1L two 16oz bottles, remainder blended with Cactus No.092423 Batch No.110523 | ½gal🫙 +⅓cup⚪ Juice: Pomegranate Source: Clovis, CA Brand: n/a -> home grown, harvested & pressed Stg. 1: D47, pectic enzyme, white sugar Stg. 2: bottled in 16 oz bottles, + 1l blended w/ blackberry 011324
Batch No.112423 | 1gal🫙 + 3lb麦 Carbs: Oat Flour, Maca Powder, Molasses Source: Canada, Peru, tba Brand: PuroRaw, Nuts.com, tba Stg. 1: Shanghai yeast balls w/ kōji, 11cups Teeccino brand Chaga Ashwagandha Butterscotch Cream Mushroom Herbal "Coffee" Stg. 2: racked into milk bottle, remainder dumped
Batch No.122023 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Sierra Wildflower Source: Sierra Nevada Mountains Brand: Kingsburg Honey Stg. 1: Bourgovin RC212; sub water for brewed Hōjicha (Numi) Batch No.011324 | 1🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Blackberry Source: California Brand: Topanga Quality Honey Stg. 1: D-47, red wine tannin Stg. 2: split into ½gal (4/28 pasteurized); ½gal pomegranate 110523 blend (pom blend bottled in 1L bottle & 750ml bottle) Batch No.020124 | ⅓gal🫙 1lb🐝 Honey: Sierra Wildflower Source: Sierra Nevada Mountains Brand: Kingsburg Honey Stg. 1: EC-1118, 金师尊(光敏) Stg. 2: 4/28 bottled, pasteurized Batch No.032324 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Cactus Flower(~2.5lb) + Manuka (~0.3lb) + Wildflower (~0.2lb) Source: Mexico/Arizona, New Zealand, Uraguay Brand: Topanga Quality Honey, PRI, Trader Joe's Stg. 1: D-47; sub water for silver needle white tea, gall nut tannin + red wine tannin Stg. 2: TBD .
Finished batches:
Batch No.052123 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Desert Wildflower Source: Arizona Brand: Crockett’s Honey Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 mulling spice blend* Stg. 2 Ferm.: n/a Batch No.060123 | ½gal🫙 1½lb🐝 Honey: 2:1 Sainfoin, White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 ~2 cup fresh rose petals v Stg. 2 Ferm.: n/a Batch No.060323 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Avocado Source: California Brand: Topanga Quality Honey Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 Stg. 2 Ferm.: sur lie (no racking) Batch No.061023 | ⅓gal🫙 1½lb🐝 Honey: Organic (multi-floral) Source: unspecified Brand: Nature Nate's Stg. 1: EC-1118 sub water for fresh coconut water Stg. 2: 1oz root beer spice blend steeped 2.5 days** Batch No.061123 | ½gal🫙 1½lb🐝 Honey: 1:2 Sainfoin, White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1 Ferm.: EC-1118 cardamom 2 days Stg. 2 Ferm.: 1g saffron Batch No.061223 | ⅓gal🫙 1lb🐝 Honey: White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1: EC-1118 Stg. 2: add to batch No. 061623 🫗Batch No.061623 | 750ml🫙 ⅔lb🐝 Honey: 2:1 Sainfoin, White (Wildflower) Source: Central Asia (天山) Brand: Arashan Stg. 1: EC-1118 Stg. 2: lavender & rosemary | absinthe 🫗Batch No.070523 | ½gal🫙 8cup饭 Rice: Short Grain Sushi Rice Source: California Brand: Lundberg Stg. 1: Shanghai yeast balls w/ kōji, cooked rice Stg. 2: ½cup crepe myrtle flowers ½cup allulose Batch No.070723 | 1gal🫙 3lb🐝 Honey: Yosemite Wildflower Source: Yosemite Brand: Yosemite Honey Co. Stg. 1: D-47 Stg. 2: gall nut tannin; aryuvedic spice blend
Batch No.110623 | ½gal🫙 +1.5lb🍁 Syrup: Last Run Maple Syrup Source: Putney, VT Brand: Hidden Springs Stg. 1: K1-V1116, 1L coconut water, ⅛tsp balsamic vinegar, ⅛tsp red wine tannin
*cardamom, cloves, star anise, mauby & cinnamon bark, orange peel **A&J's Root Beer Spice Blend by Nelson's Tea: sarsaparilla, burdock root, birch bark, star anise, fennel seed, cinnamon chips, licorice root, coriander, dandelion root, chicory root, cloves, ginger root, juniper berries, unspecified "natural flavors" ***coriander, fennel, cumin
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danielwhitechurch · 2 years
List of Delicious Lion’s Mane Mushroom Powder Recipes
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Finding the direct source of fresh Lion’s Mane can be a daunting task but not impossible, these are available at certain grocers, farmer's markets, etc. The best way to benefit from this mushroom is by using the powder form, easy to find and access. Irrespective of the source, such as fresh mushrooms, powder, etc., you can still have all the benefits associated with them. Here, we’ll discuss the mouth-watering recipes for different forms of Lion’s Mane mushrooms.
 Recipes for Adding Lion’s Mane to Your diet
Morning Booster - Golden Milk
It acts as a great substitute for coffee to get your brain to work actively all day. It's a wonderful adaptogen to balance your body's needs and be resilient to stress.
3/4 cup almond milk
1/2 TB honey (or favorite sweetener), coconut milk & coconut oil
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon stick
A pinch of black pepper and ginger, grated
1/2 teaspoon fresh mushrooms Extract of Lion's Mane and Ashwagandha
Add the coconut milk, almond milk, ground turmeric, grated ginger, cinnamon stick, coconut oil, black pepper, Ashwagandha, Lion's Mane, and sweetener of choice to a small saucepan.
Warm over medium heat, whisking constantly for 3-4 minutes until hot to the touch but not boiling.
Turn off the gas and taste to adjust the sweetness.
Remove the cinnamon stick and, if you prefer it smooth, strain the golden milk to remove the ginger pieces. 
2. Energetic Drink- Butter Mushroom Coffee
The recipe is quite popular among many people, coaches, and trainers due to its benefits for boosting the immune system, muscle gain, etc.
Organic coffee beans in 14 oz hot, filtered water
2 scoops collagen creamer (coconut or vanilla)
1 to 2 tablespoons cacao butter
1 teaspoon organic maca, 1 teaspoon real mushrooms 1 tbsp grass-fed unsalted butter and oil, 1 tbsp lion's mane powder extract
Add all these ingredients together in a blender and blend for around 10-20 seconds. It will come out nice and frothy at the end, perfect for coffee.
3. Low-Carb Food- Keto Baked Donuts
With their low-carb real food ingredients, healthy fats, and the secret ingredient, cinnamon, these "sugar" donut holes come into play. It's the most delicious of our Lion's Mane recipes.
1 tablespoon blanched almond flour
3 tablespoons preferred sweetener (monk fruit/birch xylitol/coconut sugar)
1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon reak mushroom Cinnamon, vanilla, and lion's mushroom
A pinch of salt & 1 egg
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil (or ghee)
Cinnamon "Sugar" Ingredients for the coating
3 tablespoons favorite sweetener
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil or ghee
Preheat the oven to 350° F and combine all of the dry donut ingredients in a glass mixing bowl.
Add the wet donut ingredients: egg, coconut oil, and vanilla extract. Mix until well combined.
Refrigerate the dough for about 10-15 minutes, or until it's firm enough to roll into & roll the dough into 12 balls after 10-15 minutes in the fridge.
Bake the balls for 15 minutes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Make your cinnamon "sugar" coating while they bake.
In a bowl ,combine the sweetener & cinnamon.
Melted coconut oil should be kept in a separate small bowl.
After the keto donuts have cooled, dip them in the melted coconut oil before rolling them in the cinnamon and sweetener mixture.
These are a few recipes for Lion’s Mane mushroom powder that you can use for tastier dishes and drinks. Apart from these,various recipes with fresh mushrooms are also available; check them out and cook new dishes every day.
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ayurorganic01 · 2 years
Ayurorganic is best choice for healthy and organic products
Ayurorganic started its quest 20 years back and our aim was crystal clear since the beginning – To become a pioneer of organic across the globe’. Since 2003, Ayur Pty Ltd has been at the top of Australia's list of distributors and marketers of pure and unadulterated organic ingredients over a broad range. The initial phase was tough for us as the Australian market was completely unaware of this concept but we took it upon ourselves to train & educate people about organic products. 
We were the first company to venture into the business of manufacturing & trading agricultural products and we also carved a niche in this field by adopting a six-tier approach for Total Quality Management. At present, we are one of the leading manufacturers of organic & conventional seeds, spices, grains, cereals & pulses, hair care, skin care, oral care, food, oil, and many more.
Our vision is to establish a worldwide network of satisfied clients & to provide natural, healthy & 100% organic produce to the world.
We aim to epitomize Life and Sustainability and encourage a positive change in the lifestyle of people around us. 
Our organic products are void of toxic chemicals, rich in nutrition & sustainable in nature. With us, you will get access to a wide variety of organic products like Ajwain seeds, Flax seeds, Sesame seeds, Psyllium, Black Pepper Yellow Mustard Seeds, Black Mustard seeds, Pulses, Grains, Claiming Organic tea, Ashwagandha Jam Organic, Castor Oil Organic, Herbs and a lot more.
For those looking for gluten-free food products, We’re a great choice. It also gives you the choice of ordering your preferred organic food products online.
We are renowned for supplying the cleanest organic food items possible, ones that were grown without the use of any hazardous pesticides or chemicals. You can get cereals, honey, pulses, and many more.
The best part is you can buy the products of this brand from online stores and that too at very reasonable rates with online offers. We’re one of the most popular organic food product brands in Australia.
Ayurorganic is redefining the definition of good living to one nourished by organic and natural products that are sourced ethically and farmed sustainably. Ayurorganic food is the best in Australia. The popularity of organic products and foods has increased significantly. The terminology “organic” is indeed a reference to how different foods are processed as well as grown before they enter the consumer market. Our journey started in 2003, with a rather ambitious plan to use tradition and technology to bridge the gaps in the dietary habits of our people
Ayurorganic is a pioneer in manufacturing organic and nutritional products using a wide variety of broad diverse crops. Our products range from organic baby food to critical nutrition. Ayurorganics is deeply embedded in nutritional research and designer diet formulations. With experience in research and development, it has been able to offer nutraceuticals, functional foods, and medical and metabolic diets. The products cater to a host of health conditions in terms of their prevention and management.
Visit our official website or call us at 03 83618103 
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ayubalwellness12 · 2 months
Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers in Jaipur: Blending Tradition with Modernity
Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine originating from India, has been a cornerstone of holistic health and wellness for thousands of years. With its roots deeply embedded in natural healing and balance, Ayurveda has gained global recognition for its comprehensive approach to health. Jaipur, known as the Pink City, is not only famous for its rich cultural heritage and majestic palaces but also as a burgeoning hub for ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur. These manufacturers are seamlessly blending age-old traditions with modern techniques to produce high-quality Ayurvedic products.
The Rich Legacy of Ayurveda in Jaipur
Jaipur's association with Ayurveda dates back centuries. The city's strategic location in Rajasthan, a state renowned for its diverse flora, provides an abundant source of medicinal plants and herbs. This natural bounty has made Jaipur an ideal place for the cultivation and production of Ayurvedic medicines.
Leading ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur
Dabur India Ltd.
Overview: One of India's oldest and most trusted brands, Dabur has a significant presence in Jaipur. Known for its extensive range of Ayurvedic products, Dabur blends traditional wisdom with scientific research.
Popular Products: Chyawanprash, Honey, Pudin Hara.
Baidyanath Group
Overview: With a history spanning over a century, Baidyanath is a name synonymous with Ayurveda. The company has a manufacturing unit in Jaipur, producing a wide array of herbal supplements and remedies.
Popular Products: Shankhpushpi, Triphala, Mahabhringraj Oil.
Patanjali Ayurved
Overview: Founded by Baba Ramdev, Patanjali has revolutionized the Ayurvedic industry in India. Their state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Jaipur focuses on producing affordable and accessible Ayurvedic products.
Popular Products: Divya Chyawanprash, Aloe Vera Gel, Amla Juice.
Maharishi Ayurveda
Overview: Emphasizing the holistic principles of Ayurveda, Maharishi Ayurveda offers a range of products that promote balance and wellness. Their Jaipur unit adheres to strict quality standards.
Popular Products: Amrit Kalash, Stress-Free Tablets, Organic Ghee.
Jiva Ayurveda
Overview: Known for personalized treatment plans and a vast product range, Jiva Ayurveda has made significant strides in integrating Ayurveda with modern healthcare. Their products from the Jaipur unit are well-regarded.
Popular Products: Ashwagandha Tablets, DigestAll Churna, Hair Care Kit.
The Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines in Jaipur involves several meticulous steps to ensure efficacy and safety:
Sourcing Raw Materials: High-quality herbs and plants are sourced, often from organic farms, ensuring the purity and potency of the ingredients.
Processing: Traditional methods are employed alongside modern techniques to extract and process herbs, maintaining their therapeutic properties.
Formulation: Expert vaidyas (Ayurvedic doctors) and modern scientists work together to formulate products that address various health issues.
Quality Control: Rigorous quality control measures are in place to test the raw materials, intermediates, and finished products for safety, efficacy, and consistency.
Packaging: The products are packaged in a way that preserves their integrity and extends their shelf life, often incorporating eco-friendly materials.
The Global Appeal
ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur are not just catering to the Indian market but have also established a strong presence internationally. With growing awareness of natural and holistic health practices, there is an increasing demand for Ayurvedic products worldwide. Manufacturers in Jaipur are leveraging this opportunity by adhering to global quality standards and obtaining necessary certifications.
Challenges and Future Prospects
Despite the rich tradition and modern advancements, Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in Jaipur face challenges such as stringent regulatory requirements, the need for continuous research and development, and the competition from allopathic medicine. However, the future looks promising with the Indian government's support in promoting Ayurveda, increasing consumer preference for natural remedies, and the continuous innovation by manufacturers.
Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers in jaipur are playing a pivotal role in preserving and promoting the ancient science of Ayurveda. By combining traditional knowledge with modern technology, they are ensuring that Ayurveda remains relevant in today's fast-paced world. Whether it's through their rigorous manufacturing processes, commitment to quality, or the ability to adapt to global demands, these manufacturers are truly the torchbearers of holistic health and wellness.Ayubal Wellness, since 2019 is manufacturing a wide array of Ayurveda Products, Nutraceuticals & Food Supplements, Pravahi Kwaths, Skin Care, Agriculture Products, Toiletries & Wellness Products. Offered products are prepared by making use of the finest quality ingredients. These products are widely acclaimed due to their excellent purity, accurate composition, easy to use and longer shelf life. We have been able to touch new dimensions of success owing to the support from our professionals.
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ayuvya01 · 2 years
The Ayurvedic Way To Gain Weight Safely
For some people, especially those with fast metabolisms or slender bodies, gaining weight can be challenging. Fortunately, there are lots of organic therapies that can promote healthy weight gain. Ayurvedic weight gainer is one such treatment. This traditional Indian medical method makes use of organic herbs and spices to support health and fitness. I'll go over the advantages of Ayurvedic weight gainer, its components, and how it can be used to assist people in gaining weight in a healthy way in this essay.
What Advantages Does Ayurvedic Weight Gainer Offer?
For people wishing to gain weight in a healthy way, ayurvedic weight gainers have several advantages. It is a natural cure that doesn't include any synthetic ingredients or chemicals, to start. This indicates that it has no harmful side effects and is safe to use. Ayurvedic weight gainer also aids with better digestion and nutrition absorption, both of which can hasten weight gain. Finally, it promotes hormone balance and general health improvement, both of which can aid in weight growth.
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What components make up ayurvedic weight gainer?
The natural elements that make up ayurvedic weight gainer are recognised to support good health and fitness. Ashwagandha, shatavari, amla, ghee, and honey are some of these components. An adaptogenic herb, ashwagandha, can help you feel less stressed and have more energy. An herb called shatavari aids in better nutritional absorption and digestion. Amla is a fruit that has a lot of antioxidants and strengthens the immune system. Clarified butter in the form of ghee aids in better nutrient absorption and digestion. And lastly, honey is a healthy sweetener that enhances digestion and gives you energy.
What Are Some Uses for Ayurveda Weight Gainer?
There are numerous ways to employ ayurvedic weight gainer to assist people in gaining weight in a healthy manner. Taken as a supplement in the form of pills or capsules is one method. This can assist in ensuring that the body is receiving all the nutrients required for weight gain. To aid boost calorie intake, Ayurveda weight gainer can also be added to smoothies or other beverages. In order to assist enhance the calorie content of meals, it can also be utilised as an ingredient in dishes like curries or soups.
What side effects might an ayurvedic weight gainer cause?
Luckily, when used as instructed, Ayurveda weight gainer has no known negative effects. It is crucial to remember that some people who use the supplement may have a slight stomach disturbance. Before taking any supplement, it's also crucial to speak with a healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying medical issues.
What precautions should I take when taking ayurvedic weight gainer?
It's crucial to adhere to the directions on the package while taking Ayurveda weight gainer and seek medical advice before using any supplements. In order to get the most out of the supplement, you need also make sure you are eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. In order to maintain hydration and encourage healthy weight gain, it's crucial to drink a lot of water throughout the day.
It's crucial to adhere to the directions on the package while taking Ayurveda weight gainer and seek medical advice before using any supplements. In order to get the most out of the supplement, you need also make sure you are eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. In order to maintain hydration and encourage healthy weight gain, it's crucial to drink a lot of water throughout the day.
As a result, Ayurveda weight gainer is a useful all-natural treatment for people who want to gain weight in a healthy method. It has a number of organic components that are known to enhance wellness and health as well as digestion and nutrient absorption. It can also be used as a supplement or added to recipes to increase calorie consumption with no known negative effects when used as suggested. Finally, it's crucial to adhere to the directions on the package and get medical advice before using any supplements.
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askdrjain · 2 years
Introducing ayurvedic treatment of premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation in sex may seem like a men's problem—but that is not true. Because it also affects your sexual partner adversely, causing disharmony and unhappiness in your married life. No need for you to worry anymore as there is an ayurvedic treatment for premature ejaculation available from DR AK Jain's clinic, carrying forward a legacy of Indian Ayurvedic remedy.
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What is premature ejaculation or PE?
In simple words, premature ejaculation (often termed PE) is a typical sexual phenomenon that occurs when the male partner ejaculates too quickly during the love-making session with the partner. Today It's a common sexual complaint reported by men worldwide. As a Guy, you tend to worry about being viewed as a selfish lover and can experience a range of emotionally unpleasant situations, including shame. Inadequacy and inferiority complex.
As a young man who would be married, you may be feeling worried about premature ejaculation? Just remember you are not alone in the world. Research says that premature ejaculation among men is one of the traditional forms of sexual dysfunction, affecting around 39 per cent of the global male population. Various factors contributing to your premature ejaculation problems range from biological, lifestyle, and psychological issues such as depression, performance anxiety, stress and relationship issues.
Premature ejaculation treatment ayurvedic available in India
Here's the good news: While premature ejaculation might negatively affect your sex life in the short term, it's usually treatable with a combination of medication, therapy and/or simple lifestyle changes. Our ancient science of Ayurveda deals with the subject and removes its root cause so that the disorder does not bother you again in life.
Ayurvedic treatment works with a purely natural approach and gives no side effects. Ayurvedic medicine involves the consumption of natural herbs, modification in diet, lifestyle and following a few routine physical exercises, says Dr A K Jain, founder of Dr AK Jain clinic, Lucknow and a premature ejaculation doctor from the clinic, carrying forward the legacy of ayurveda treatment over nine decades in India.
Home Remedies
Whether you are a primary(lifelong ) or a secondary ( Beginner) patient, the doctors may advise you on a customized plan depending upon your problems that may consist of the followings.
Start and Stop Technique –
This technique focuses on controlling your orgasm as a man by pausing the sex in between when you are just about to ejaculate. Do this until the feeling of orgasm is gone, and resume as soon as you don't feel like having sex anymore. It helps you have complete control over your orgasm.
Squeeze Method –
When you are about to reach orgasm during sexual intercourse, tell your partner to squeeze the tip of your organ to stop the orgasm before the climax. Continue doing it for some time to achieve a lasting positive effect on the problem.
Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic Floor Muscles can play an essential role in controlling ejaculation. You can perform various exercises for pelvic floor muscles to strengthen them, which results in delaying ejaculation. Doctors, in detail, can demonstrate the activity during your meeting session.
Diet/ Lifestyle Changes
Some studies have shown that eating foods rich in Zinc and Magnesium delays orgasm or ejaculation while having sex. Some of the recommended foods that you can include in a diet to slow climax include
Kidney Beans
Pumpkin Seeds
Besides the above, the doctors at Dr AK Jain Clinic may advise you to take certain Ayurvedic natural herbs or their medicinal formulations like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Jayphal, Ginger & Honey and a few others. Dr AK Jain or the other doctors in the clinic are available to meet you with a prior appointment. You also can have virtual audio or video meeting with the team.
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