#Or perhaps he's starved and weak and didn't see a human being in weeks to no end and now he'd grovel at the feet of his /Master/.
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solelifauna · 4 months ago
Wait....so what happened to Kon or Conner in this au ? Was he the one eaten since he was basically half human and kryptonian too assuming lex is human in this au too.
I am more than happy to elaborate.
Lex is a half-human half-werewolf hybrid like the reader. So Conner would be half-kryptonian and only a fourth werewolf. When Clark finds out about his existence he’s pissed (at first). Superman doesn’t hesitate before finding Luthor and melting his skull in with his laser vision. It’s quite the graphic scene, Conner unfortunately being there to witness it all.
Conner is pressed back into some crevice in Luthor's office, doing his best to calm his heart beat, stave off his on-coming panic attack, and pray that Superman won’t kill him. Clark of course finds him curled in on himself, hyperventilating, tears streaming down his teenage face.
Conner is blubbering, he thinks, trying to communicate some type of garbled “please” and “I’m sorry” and “don’t hurt me please”. Superman just critically eyes him before knocking the clone out. Now, in the beginning he was just planning on taking the clone to the Watch Tower to interrogate him and then kill him. Perhaps Jon would like the extra meat?
But after watching the clone wake up alone in one of the containment units, crying quietly to himself as he rocked back and forth, he started to feel a little bad. He thought back onto the way the clone had practically begged him for mercy through his own panic attack. He's read Lex Luthor's files on "Superboy", how this clone had no flight, was not invulnerable, and couldn't even throw out half of Clark's strength.
This clone was no threat, no, in fact he was a gift. Another Kryptonian (even if the clone was only half with human DNA in his mix). And even better, the clone boy had no ill intentions towards the JL, hell, the boy looked afraid that anyone even considered the idea. No, no, no, this boy, his boy, was so sweet.
From the way he leaned into Clarks palm when he caressed the sleeping boys face, to the way he clung to Clark and his approval like a touch starved puppy, Clark couldn't help himself. The only problem now was getting his Wife and Son on the same page. He knew werewolf customs, he knew what it meant for Conner (a name his new son had previously picked out).
It would probably be easier to convince Jon considering the poor kid's been wanting a sibling for a long time now (Jon is 8 right now, but still all the same crazy). Lois might take a bit more time, considering pack bonds and the human part of Conner. So with a heavy heart, he kisses his new baby goodnight, as he flies home for he night. Yes, its been a couple of weeks since Connors arrival and he still hasn't told his family. he plans to amend that today.
He expects growling and demands for flesh. he expects outrage from his wife, or even a calm cool collected "bring him to me". What he gets instead are demands from Lois to see Conner, her new son. Clark blinks in surprise before he's fumbling with his phone, opening up his camera role where has has a million new pictures of Conner. Lois only grabs his phone, cooing over the pictures with adoration in her eyes. Well, Clark is pleasantly surprised.
"You're not mad are you Lois?" Clark asks gently.
"Oh I'm not mad Smallville, I'm livid." She all but growls, a smile still etched on her face as she continues scrolling. "You knew about him for weeks, and didn't even bother letting me know. I had a son for weeks, and he's been by himself."
Clark winces. "I know Lois, I know. I just-I was just afraid that you wouldn't want him the way I do. That you'd rip him open, hell, even I considered it in the beginning!"
Lois looks up from his phone, a knowing smile, a soft one, on her face. "I know farm boy, I know. But its important that you remember we don't always kill and eat the weak. Sometimes, its nice to have something that you can love and take care of, something that relies on you and only you."
"is that what you have planned for Connor?"
"Of course. He's our son now, and after everything he's been through, its out job to keep him and Jon safe. Until he can prove himself capable, he's not leaving the den."
A content grin makes its way onto Clarks face. Oh how he loved his wife. "I wouldn't have it any other way Lois. I'll bring him here tomorrow. Now, lets go let our other little rascal know."
Lois smirks. "I agree. Lord knows he's been waiting to have a-"
"-I have a new brother!" Comes the familiar voice of Jon Kent, cutting his mother off in his excitement.
Clark raises his eyebrow fondly, feigning exasperation. "Did you listen in on our conversation Jonathan Samuel Lane-Kent?"
"Of course I did! Well-I didn't mean to, but I couldn't help it! You said I have a brother and I wanna see him!" Jon all but whines.
"Well honey, dad said he'd bring him home tomorrow okay."
"You betcha. But Jon, you have to be gentle with him okay? He doesn't know werewolf or Kryptonian customs okay?" His dad says.
"Okay, I promise i'll be gentle." Jon swears, nodding up and down.
Lois sighs fondly. "And its important to know that he is part human, do you know what that means?"
"Mhm! It means that he's not allowed out the den or the house, and that its our job to protect him 'cause he's weak." Jon repeats from his memory.
"Good job Jon! You're going to be the best brother, I just know you are." His mom says.
Jon preens under the praise.
He can't wait to meet his new brother!
The next day arrives slower than anyone would have liked.
The morning sunlight filters through the sky as Clark flies Conner to him penthouse in Metropolis, cradling the boy carefully as he slumbers. Conner stirs in his arms, eyes fluttering open, a brief panic flashing in them until he meets Clark’s calm gaze.
“Where-where are we?” Conner mumbles, clutching at Clark’s shirt with a grip that feels hesitant, almost reluctant.
“We’re going home,” Clark replies, a small smile on his face. “Your new home. Your family’s waiting for you, Conner.”
Conner’s eyes widen, his mouth opening as if to protest, but the words die on his lips. His gaze shifts away, and he nods mutely, not quite daring to believe that this “family” will truly accept him. He’s felt so disposable for so long; he almost can’t imagine what it’s like to be wanted.
The penthouse doors open, and Lois stands there, her sharp gaze softening the instant she sees Conner. She steps forward, reaching out a hand in a silent invitation. Conner hesitates, clinging to Clark a little tighter, and Clark gives his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s okay, Conner,” he murmurs. “I'm here for you.”
With a slow, tentative step, Conner reaches out, letting Lois pull him into a gentle hug. Her arms are firm around him, warm but unyielding, a silent promise of protection, though he senses the fierce strength just below the surface. She smooths his hair with surprising gentleness, her voice soft as she whispers, “Welcome home, Conner.”
Conner relaxes, allowing himself to take a deep, shuddering breath. This feels strange. He's never really had a home before. Luthor's compound was last place he felt safe, let alone a place he'd call home. And that word, that feeling-safe. He isn’t sure he's ever felt it outside Superman, sorry, his Dad's arms.
And isn't that a crazy thing, he has a Dad now. Superman, Clark Kent was his Dad.
Jon, standing just a few steps away, is practically vibrating with excitement. When Lois finally releases Conner, Jon bounds over, a wide grin on his face.
“Hi! I’m Jon, your brother!” He pauses, then adds, almost reverently, “I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”
Conner blinks in surprise, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks as he mumbles, “I-thank you, Jon.”
Lois places a hand on Jon’s shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. “Remember what we talked about, Jon. Conner’s still adjusting. Be patient with him.”
Jon nods enthusiastically, but there’s a possessive glint in his eyes as he looks at Conner, a silent vow to protect his new brother from anything—or anyone—that might threaten him. Conner notices this look, a strange chill running down his spine, but he says nothing.
As the day unfolds, Conner tries to settle into this new life, though it feels almost too good to be true. Lois and Clark are attentive, constantly ensuring he’s comfortable, while Jon barely leaves his side, eager to show him every corner of the penthouse, as if staking his claim. Meals are filled with warmth and laughter, and yet Conner can’t shake the feeling of being watched, almost obsessively.
That night, as Conner lies in the bed they’ve prepared for him, he hears the soft creak of footsteps outside his door. It opens quietly, and Clark steps inside, his face illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through the window. He walks over to the bed, looking down at Conner with an intense, unreadable expression.
“You’re part of this family now, Conner,” Clark says quietly, brushing a hand over Conner’s forehead in a strangely tender gesture. “Nothing will take you from us. Not anyone. You’re ours, do you understand?”
Conner nods, his throat tightening, unable to find words. Clark’s gaze softens, and he leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to Conner’s forehead before turning and leaving the room, leaving Conner alone with a flurry of conflicted feelings. For the first time in his life, he feels wanted, cherished, trapped, as though he’s become a prized possession in a family he can never escape.
But, maybe, a small voice inside him whispers, he doesn’t want to escape at all.
Well folks, here's more lore on relationships outside of the Batfam. Let me know chat, am I cooking? New chap, out soon!
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peachymilkandcream · 3 months ago
Too Pretty To Be Free|Levi x Evelyn AU
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(A/N: This has also been in my inbox for a really long time, I know. Again like I said, getting into requests has been slow going but I have a free moment so I'm sitting down and doing some writing! You guys are more than welcome to request things, but it might take me more time than normal to fulfill them. Sorry about all that, but I hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, implied dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, forced orgasm, etc.
The Scouts was a mess of stupid brats who decided they wanted to play soldier. Levi had never wanted to join such a group of snotty children who pretended like they could make a difference in this world. What difference could they make out there beyond the walls? Their own people were suffering and starving within, people they turned a blind eye to on the daily and pretended like they didn't exist.
He hated all of them. They all could rot in the deepest pits of hell, they had taken his family from him, all because they were too weak to defend themselves. Isabel and Furlan had died so that another one of these silver spooned bastards could breathe the fresh air that his dearest friends weren't privileged enough to enjoy. All because they had dared to be born as less than, as not the elite. It made him sick.
What made matters worse was the little shit sitting beside him that he had been lumped into the same squad as. He knew her name, but didn't care to learn much more about her. From Mitras, what more could she be other than some pretty face and useless brain? She was talking his ear off about how she had given up her natural use to become some pretend soldier, for "the good of humanity". Good of humanity, what more that was than just some bitch who would either die or spread her legs to the top.
Although the thought of that pissed him off. Perhaps it was because he couldn't stand sluts, riddled with disease and the weakness of men. He was no such weak man.
Weeks turned into months, the ache of his family's death lessening day by day. The more he was around that girl, surprisingly the better he felt. Perhaps all Levi needed was to be able to provide for and care for someone. Even if it was a little brat like her.
What could he say? He was always a softie, it was something that very few people saw, only those he deemed worthy of his good graces, and if Evelyn continued to smile at him like that, then she would get his good graces.
"Did you see that girl? Kind of cute. She seems like the easy type, one who will do just about anything for a good time."
Whenever he heard words like that it left him enraged and covered in blood. He wrote it all off as just being an avenger to the weak, that's how it was with Isabel and Furlan, and he perhaps he just saw them in Evelyn, so it fueled his desire to protect her. That was it, he wasn't like other weak men who faltered to the charms of women. While he certainly believed she could have been more grateful with his protection and sucked his cock in thank you for all the hard work he was going through to make sure she had a peaceful rest.
But that would come in time.
"I appreciate all that you've done for me Levi, but is this really necessary?"
Levi sighed, setting down his stack of papers and staring at the girl at his feet, why did all women have to question him at every turn? He was Captain now, finally he could make his move, and the little cunt was eating it up.
"I told you this already, you've been sitting here for a long time acting all high and proud under my dutiful protection. All the efforts, the countless hours I've spent watching over you to make sure these shitfaced bastards stay far away from you so that you can rest your pretty little head on your pillow at night without a care in the world. The least you can do is show a little bit of gratitude."
She furrows her brows, looking at the protruding flesh dangling in front of her face.
"Get on with it, I don't have all day for you to be a coward."
"A discharge, really?" Erwin looked up from the forms on his desk, waiting for his seal to Levi.
The Captain tapped his cigarette, the ashes landing on Erwin's desk. The Commander wipes away the ashes, the grey soot smearing across the wood.
"It's necessary. She's in no condition to be a soldier at this point."
"And why is that? She's young, healthy, we need all the able bodies we can on the battlefield to join humanity's fight."
Levi sighs out a cloud of smoke. "Remind me again Commander what the conditions for an honorable discharge is?"
Erwin rolled his eyes, the question rather stupid. "Significant injury, blindness, deafness, severe illness, pregnancy-" He stops, staring up at Levi with a cold glare. "You little bastard."
He smirks. "I'm offended that you think I'm the father."
Erwin raises a brow. "Is it not?"
His smile widens, and he offers a nonchalant shrug.
The Commander sighs, picking up his pen and signing the discharge. "Promise me that you won't do this again, I can't keep losing able bodied soldiers because you need your cock wet."
Levi snatches the orders out of his hand, letting the insult go this time. "I assure you, it won't. I think I've found the one I want, and I doubt I'll tire of her for a long time." He salutes and turns from his Commander, his boots clicking on the wood floor.
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dufferpuffer · 11 months ago
Got any Lupin sex HCs? He seems like he wouldn’t have a straightforward relationship with sex so I struggle picturing that part of him for that reason.
This is long. But I like long. Thankyou for giving me an excuse to be long B^) Had a hard time recently and the distraction is appreciated <3 'Remus Lupin' is allergic to being straightforward. If he even tries to walk in one direction for more than a few steps he starts double-guessing himself and wants to run away. Just lay down and fuck someone...? Impossible. EVERYTHING has to be a headache. That's trauma, baby~
We see how he reacts to romantic affection and get hints at how he reacts to sexual affection. Like everything else in his life: Emotionally masked, self-harming, dishonest, under-developed emotional maturity and deeply irresponsible.
He gaslights and lies about his thoughts, plans and feelings - masking them with polite smiles and cheerful words, closing himself off to all the people who wish to help - and then one morning you wake up in an empty house… ...Until he crawls home weeks later, a dirty sobbing mess. He would pull Tonks closer only to push her away so hard he was taking near suicidal missions to avoid loving her. Then, when he finally feels able to just be with her: they marry and get pregnant within months. During a war. Irresponsible. All-or-nothing. I know those are relationship HCs/Canon observations - but it's necessary in order to understand how complex he is in bed. He is kind, gentle, loving - even passionate and enthusiastic… but he only knows extremes - all-out till it hurts, all-in till it harms - and he needs help with finding an in-between. He needs help with moderation. No two times are the same. His mental health isn't stable and neither is his physical health. He is disabled physically and mentally - and intimacy is one of the things that highlights that the most. He NEEDS a patient, flexible and mentally strong partner to help him carry his heavy heart and stormy brain. (Tonks is almost custom-made for this) ((and Sirius is basically the exact opposite of what he needs IMO… and Remus is definitely not what Sirius needs, that poor man.))
First of all, his body: Tall or short, either way I think by the time he is in his 30s he is misshapen and stretched out. His bones completely rearrange once a month, and due to his poor nutrition don't always set back correctly. His fingers and toes are usually in some state of broken, his spine is stretched a little, his ribs haven't settled straight for years... He starves himself both due to poverty and because it keeps his werewolf form weak, and his human form un-wolflike. (In comparison: Fenrir takes such great pride in keeping his werewolf form strong, and it seeps strongly into his human form. Every Full Moon a little more...) But while his werewolf form can't manage a proper coat of fur, I do think his human form is 'too hairy'. Perhaps not enough for an untrained eye to tell he is a werewolf - but enough to make anyone say 'holy shit Remus I didn't expect you to have so much body hair' The hair, the scars he has gotten from hurting himself and his days as a spy, the fact his bones always look a little wonky... He hates his own body. He hides it. The first hurdle to intimacy is the slow discovery of all these little things - him facing the dread of being rejected for ANY of them. He could be laying back, one step away from accepting affection - and suddenly think 'What if they hate my hair? What if they see my scars? What if my ribs look disgusting this month?'... and so he jumps up to leave the room without a word.
He has an aversion to his own spit, so kissing and performing oral are hard for him. He considers a peck on the lips intimate. It makes him flush bright red, anyway. Logically he knows his spit isn't a danger unless he is a werewolf... but his heart still gets anxious about it. When he manages to let go of that fear: He is passionate, clumsy, embarrassingly inexperienced and just about devours his partner - because it gets him so hot, feeling so close to someone, feeling his mustache brush up against them... but he isn't very good.
He DOES, however, kiss all over his partners body. He can't help it. He loves having his lips, his nose, his teeth close to skin. He might not be a confident kisser, he might not be good at oral sex - but he worships with his lips. Softly most of the month, but nearing a certain time... his teeth get a little involved. It feels good to massage flesh between his jaws... though he will feel disgusted with himself later.
He is most consistently a 'pillow princess'. He likes reciprocating - but he can't always mentally handle it (and depending on the phase of the moon physically can't handle it either.) Sometimes it is easy to lay back and receive love. Most of the time it isn't 'easy' - but it is nice to accept someone else taking control and doing nice things, to be soothed by their encouragement and love. Nicer than being alone.
If he is going to have a more active role in sex its near the New Moon, when he feels his most stable. You might actually get a normal fucking night with him for once, without tears or panics... On a Waning Gibbous he is usually too tired and injured/sore to do much. The transformation takes it out of him physically, mentally and emotionally. So he needs pampering. On a Waxing Gibbous he is unstable. Migraines, nausea, hot flushes, mood swings, irritable... sometimes horny enough to just do what he wants for once. This big bad Alpha Wolf Bad Boy, full of Full Moon hormones, is gonna not ask permission to touch his partners boobies B^)
He has a complex relationship with receiving oral. On one hand - holy shit someone has gotten him out of his trousers and into their MOUTH and it is AMAZING and they look GORGEOUS down there... On the other hand? He has to see himself. His hairy, misshapen and scarred body... and if he closes his eyes, he thinks too much. And where does he put his hands!? His horrible, broken claws... He just grips the sheets/chair/desk/his own clothes and tries desperately to focus on the good. Using his hips helps. But sometimes sex is easier. He can look at his partner, think about their pleasure, focus on his movements...
He doesn't have a high libido. Sex isn't often on his mind. Thanks depression, anxiety and trauma. But when it does cross his thoughts - its consuming. It burns through him. He is inexperienced with even the concept of intimacy being a possibility, so he acts much like a teenager would: This 35yr old man stumbles over his own feet leaving the room. He is CERTAINLY too shy to act on it, so he goes off to sulk, distract himself... and masturbate to ease the burn, as usual. Even if he has a partner he wouldn't think to approach them when he feels horny.
Probably the hottest thing for him would be someone coming to help him jerk off. It's what he fantasizes about - it is the least scary form of intimacy he can imagine, no spit or consequences or commitment or expectations... just the person he was thinking about coming in and taking over for him.
He adores cheesy romantic gestures. Even the silly ones - he is a bit of a silly man, after all. Flowers and chocolate on valentines day. Rose petals leading to the bedroom. Candles and incense in a hot bath when his bones hurt and his head aches. His favourite meal and a mild love potion on his birthday - perhaps not the healthiest way to stop worrying, but taking the edge off is nice sometimes. All the eye-roll worthy gestures nobody actually does... he has grown up knowing nothing like that would EVER happen to him.
I know this isn't the sexiest slop you've ever read - but I just don't think that's possible with Remus. This paints him as a soft man who needs pampering... and he isn't like that all the time. He has strengths. He isn't a pathetic man. But I do think intimacy is his weakest point. It hits at the very core of all the things he struggles with. His own body. Trusting others. Trusting himself. Being emotionally vulnerable. Acts of passion and instinct that could have consequences when he is sober again. This is how I see him, so if you struggle to see how he reacts to sexual situations... I hope this essay helps? Ha
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