#Or I'm just autistic and traumatized and hate conflict
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heartclawz 2 years ago
I hate Twitter like
Ok this may be niche but whatever I don't. like the people on there? Like while I do have an insane following that I'm proud of, everyone on there is so negative. You can't scroll for two minutes without seeing a "I hate [whatever] just because I can" .... like good for you? Why are you telling me this I don't care . I get it's a public site but . ugh. I don't like negativity at all, it makes me sick
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katiekatdragon27 3 months ago
Guys you don't understand how much I love these two. (Oh yeah, and Finn's there too)
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Glisten: Awww~ Shrimpo, you remembered Shrimpo: B*tch I'm in LOVE with you, of course I REMEMBERED! Glisten: What!? Wait really?? This is very sudden wow! (You said you were straight?) Shrimpo: AAAAAAAAAA
Finn: (yapping) Shrimpo and Glisten: SHUT THE F*CK UP, FINN!! Shrimpo and Glisten: ... Shrimpo and Glisten: (kissing)
The first comic takes place before the two started dating. Shrimpo is really really really bad at expressing emotions other than anger and frustration, so anytime he tries to express anything, he just blurts out his feelings without thinking. Then he gets second-hand embarrassment lol. Glisten was pretty aware that Shrimpo liked him before, but he's pretending to be surprised to make Shrimpo "feel better" (also to mildly embarrass him lol).
Also, I think that Shrimpo and Glisten bonding over hating Finn is very based and true. They need that autistic man to SHUT UP/silly
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I think Shrimpo and Finn are very cousin coded. Not close enough to be siblings but definitely got some familial genes going on imo (plz don't shoot me Shrimpbowl shippers馃檹馃檹馃檹) Doesn't stop Shrimpo from being violent towards Finn tho, and Finn does nothing to deter it lol (he finds it funny). Also, Glisten throws no punches bc he doesn't want to get his hands dirty.
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Finn: Sooooo?? How was the daaaate~ Finn: No need to be such a clam about it! Shrimpo: I'M SO KILLING YOU!
The second image takes place the day after this post lol. Shrimpo is recovering from a hangover covered in lipstick kisses and super conflicting emotions and Finn is NOT helping.
On the other end, I've been thinking about Shimmer a lot lol. So here is a doodle of her with her "sister aunt" Toodles, and Pebbles.
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They all get along super well. In this pic, Toodles is like 12ish and Shimmer is 4 (but her weird biology made her age up to like 7 here). Pebble is pebble, that's all you need to know.
Also, I was in a horror-ish mood earlier so here are some Twisteds <33 (below cut cuz kinda scary):
I love you angst comfort. My sib pointed out while playing one day that Shrimpo looked traumatized as a Twisted, which like, fair, but it make me think.
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Glisten: "They say you are not here anymore. But I think you are."
I had this silly idea that Twisted Shrimpo was infected by Dandy personally, and that whole conflict got Shrimpo's lower jaw ripped off. He is very violent and volatile, and very hard to calm down. But, when he runs into a twisting Glisten alone and scared, he comforts him (to the best of his ability).
Since Glisten is still able to be somewhat conscious, he realizes that the Twisteds are actually not completely gone like he originally thought, and it helps him keep his sanity longer, hoping for a way out for everyone.
Willpower is a crazy thing.
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On the complete opposite note, I love you horrifying freak of ichor child.
Since Shimmer was made from the ichor itself with no sort of skeleton or solid foundation, her condition is very unstable. And the problem is that her body is affected by her emotions. On a bad day, she can suffer from lots of pain and her body literally melting away. That's when she hides out and waits for her body to stabilize again.
When she completely twists, her body completely falls apart, becoming a puddle of ichor on the ground. If she was an encounterable twisted, she would work like Sprout's puddle root things, but easier to maneuver around and avoid. Also, her antenna glow.
Mini yap session aside, I think I cooked on the art lol.
Anyways, the og images lol:
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Have a good one pookies!
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runby2 5 months ago
autism is not only a disorder but i think it's what made jester comedy universally enjoyed? i was severely neglected as a child - and yes that's sad but please lock in bc even tho it was traumatizing, because now as a full adult looking back, i was probably the most absurd little freak in the world to the rednecks in the RED state I reside in.
imagine the most thin little 18 year old autistic, brown, trans presenting gay lad with fluffy brown hair and an oversized hoodie being told "today in history class we get to watch the state colors live.", not looking effected, but the democrats and republicans in the class are tense. meanwhile this little 5'0 tall gangly brown boy is doodling phone guy x purple guy yaoi in a notebook bc it hasn't clicked that politics are important in terms of his whole life yet. he's unknowingly surrounded by kids who have bullied him for years and he just didn't notice. he's listening to angel of darkness nightcore SPARTA remix in his headphones.
the teacher awkwardly looks at him and says "the red appears to be winning."
there's silence.
the little brown boy then looks excited and says and i quote "oh awesome! the red team is winning! i hope everyone who supports red gets to have a party later." it's clear he doesn't know what it means if red wins. he's only heard about football teams.
the room is silent. no one can comprehend if the boy is being sarcastic. the boy looks so genuinely whimsical.
like i can't make this shit up that little brown boy was ME and i was still only paying attention to five nights at freddy's lore on matpat's channel at age 18 because i had no connection to reality - while also being too autistic to realize 5 dudes in that class would hate crime me if they saw me alone in an alleyway. but now i was excitedly making eye contact with them and asking them to have a fun time at their fucking republican after parties. i even patted one of them on the back. i've never seen so many white country high schoolers look conflicted and distraught in their life. because the whole republican democrat debate RELIES on that tension and i fucking shattered it with my one track thoughts of "if i'm giving compliments to everyone it's like they are getting a llama on deviantart "
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bitch-spectrum 9 months ago
PART 2/3
Part 1 ,, Part 3
Personality Headcanons: He hates tobacco. He hates it when people smoke around him. He's the kind of guy to put out your cigarette for you and you look up at him, thinking you're gonna fight some punk but quickly change your mind. His dad used to make him cut and light his cigars and he hated doing it so much he swore he'd never smoke. The hole that he sleeps in is deliberately cut, sanded, and reboarded. He nests in there. Probably Autistic and doesn't speak much around strangers. Will gladly infodump to his friends. He's in his mid-late 30s ~35-38. In addition to being part of TF4 he also works part time as a steam locomotive driver. After being tied to the train tracks, he kind of got curious about it. He can play an instrument, I'm just not sure which one. Probably a fiddle idk. Physical Headcanons: The tooth sticking out is a broken tusk. he desperately wants to grow facial hair, has tried, and cannot. He's very jealous of people who do have facial hair. ~6'05" Gender: Cis male Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Straight He's a hardcore ally and loves going to pride events to support his friends. He thinks they're a lot of fun. Post Game: His life carried on fairly regularly afterwards, like Ace. I personally feel like he had more of a connection with Clover than the others though so, he was a little more impacted by their death. Sometimes he'll sit into the early morning with Starlo at the Saloon. Opinions: I'm bias. I heart large men so, points. I would have also liked to have seen more of him. One thing though is that on appearance alone I could so clearly hear his voice when he spoke. His design carries. 3.5/5.
Personality Headcanons: Flowey is my favorite character in the Undertale franchise so I'm going to TRY to keep this short. As it stands, he's currently stuck at the maturity level he died at, so around 11-13. Since he doesn't have a physical body (other than a flower) he doesn't really age. I don't think he's a lost cause or even completely irredeemable. He's a terrified, traumatized, kid who's own parents don't recognize him anymore. He's had to try to navigate the world in a body that isn't his, completely alone. Sometimes when he goes through episodes he lies close to the ground to bite his petals and rip them off hoping that somehow it'll make room for his horns to grow back. He both despises his family for splitting up and ignoring him but wants nothing more than to be a family again. He has really conflicting feelings on a lot of things. I feel like if he went through extensive therapy his maturity would probably eventually catch up to what would be his chronological age if he wasn't a flower. He's touch starved but hates being touched. Probably has one or multiple personality disorders. Physical Headcanons: We get a side profile of his nose in his boss fight in neutral. I think that's a genetic trait from Asgore. Has freckles. Not much to headcanon since he's a Flower until the true ending of the OG UT when he ascends. Gender: He stopped giving fucks a long time ago. Pronouns: He/They (DESPISES being called an it) Orientation: Aroace. He's not necessarily repulsed but if asked if he has a crush on anyone he'd say "I'd rather watch someone be crushed to death than think ever think about dating." Post Game: N/A Opinions: I'm a die hard Flowey Apologist. He's such a deep, complex, and tragic character. I love him. I want to hug him. In this specific game too, wow, I love Flowey lore. Love Flowey angst. 5/5.
Martlet Personality Headcanons: Probably AuDHD. Definitely has racing thoughts / scatterbrain. Her first job was babysitting when she was a teen. She only barely got into The Royal Guard because they were desperate after losing a lot of good members in the war. She eventually proved herself to be a good member. Probably in her early 20s so ~21-23. Physical Headcanons: She's pretty buffed because of her job. ~5'10". I don't have too many. Gender: Trans Woman Pronouns: She/They Orientation: Multisexual of some sort with a preference for women. Also ambiamorous. Post Game: She quit her job at The Royal Guard, unable to really take the burden of having to kill a human child for the king. Chujin's words haunt her, what he said about her not being cut out for it. Instead she got a job as a classroom assistant. She bounces around the limited schooling system the underground has. So often times she gets a good reputation with the kids and will get to watch them grow up. Sometimes her job makes her think about how she could have done her best to hide Clover and watch them grow up too. She's a very emotional person by nature so, she would probably take the longest to really have it be in the past for her. But, she got right to *appearing* like she was moving on. By day it was like nothing had happened at all, she puts on a smile for the kids she helps out with, plays games with them. She's good at seeming okay but just shatters every night for a long time. Eventually (RAREPAIR), spending so much time with Dalv became beneficial for the both of them and they helped pull each other out of the rut. Opinions: I wish she had more screen time because she seems like a character the creators cared a lot about. She's very OC shaped and that's a good thing. I love when I can see the care that goes into a character. 4/5.
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acti-veg 1 year ago
um, hi!
I've been looking into veganism since I was... 10? younger?
and I just wanna talk about my experiences you don't need to add and advice or anything. it's just my experiences, and it's annoying and I don't want to be so ashamed for feeling normal emotions you know?
TW animal abuse, animal death, and other animal cruelty's! I was on the internet in the late 2000s! it was not a nice time to be a child!
okay, since I was little i've seen very very graphic animal death. (which is one of the main reasons I want to be vegan.)
because theres only just so much a small little kid can take of seeing bloodied and gored pets and fish and farm animals before it starts to seep into your nightmares yk!
when I was little. like really little, (to the I was 10-12) I had some BIG food restrictions due to being really really allergic to eggs and dairy and other stuff. but eggs and dairy were big ones, so I've been eating vegan food and also meat all my life which is weird to say the least.
so anyway, I was first introduced to veganism when I was young, but I didn't know the core values of it until MUCH later when I was older.
my first introduction to the ethics side of veganism was peta (I hate peta, I think we all hate them. I can't excuse their fear campaign against autism being autistic myself.)
and through them I learned the horrors of the meat, dairy, egg, leather, fur, and fishing industry.
and I've hated eating meat ever since, and wanted to stop all the suffering and be vegan. but my parents are really against veganism and it SUCKS! :(
but I've always wanted to be vegan for the fish, and the sea creatures which everyone kinda always forgets about. because when I was little I had a fish tank, and the thought of eating fish made me wanna vomit! because it was so morally wrong to 7yr old me.
so, I tried my best. I didn't eat fish for so long and I tried not to eat red meat or anything but when it's either meat or starve and your like 5-8 you take what you can get.
but over the years I lost my way mainly due to life problems, being emotionally and verbally abused since I was tiny, other traumatic event's I don't wanna delve into! !!!
I am not one person in my head. which sucks because they don't think eating meat is bad or unethical, while I'm just having the worst time of my life. to be fair we didn't all know the other existed and we thought we were going CRAZY like it was not a good mental health year for 2019/2021 but now we are talking more and we are not fighting as bad and we are making plans to accommodate all of our conflicting interests at times!
so, how do you live as vegan as possible or live as ethical to animals as possible while the rest of the people in your head struggle to do so due to health reasons and just because they don't hate meat?
because man I tell you! it's NOT fun! but I get by, even though I may be a hypocrite to a lot of vegans. I can't change my head mates minds on this stuff, but at least we have agreed to let me make my own vegan meals in the future and we have a strained agreement to let me have 3 vegan meals a week. which I want it to be more but when your thrown scraps you take it yk?
so, I try my best to educate people on abusive business practices and animal care. and I share as much stuff as I can, but I still feel so awful because I can't be vegan YET hopefully idk.
but I will get there! and when I do I will be so happy.
that's all really, sorry if it's been really topic to topic and hard to follow it's just my writing style.
-your friendly catgirl alter who desperately wants to be vegan
I can鈥檛 speak on your specific mental health issues or anything since I know so little about this, all I can really advise is the same thing I tell anyone whose circumstances mean that they鈥檙e not always in control of their own decisions.
When a decision is in your control, you should be choosing the vegan option, whether it鈥檚 food, clothes, cosmetics or entertainment. If there are circumstance where you generally have no choice, then you can鈥檛 really do anything about that. You can only be held responsible for choices that you freely chose, under your own compulsion.
Seek out the support you need in the meantime if you haven鈥檛 already, but while you work on these issues you can only do your best, and you really shouldn鈥檛 beat yourself up about that, since doing so will be counterproductive. Focus on your mental health and use the fact that you鈥檙e looking forward to eating completely plant-based in future as inspiration for your mental health journey. Best of luck to you anon!
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toontowncreepypasta 3 years ago
I'm sorry. I'm a Kate hater fully. I know im biased, i grew up with a similar relationship to kate and miles, but it does definetly go past that. Specifically with Kates writing. I'd be more willing to give her the benefit of doubt if the writers didn't make the horrible choices they did. You're telling me that Kates not only a teacher but a well liked one, but she never once encountered an autistic or traumatized child? She never had any experience with child psychology despite being a teacher? She's never dealt with a difficult child in class? A special ed child? You're telling me she instantly assumed Miles was at fault for beating up another kid and never thought "this kid is really weird and off putting and scrawny, and would most likely get bullied in some way"?
Beyond that, the narrative puts this heavy focus on Kates experience growing up abandoned and neglected. She clearly has her own grief and issues becauss of it and never stops once to think about how thatd affect Miles or sympathize with him? Never is it considered that the kids are weird BECAUSE of what they experienced, ESPECIALLY Miles.
And the problem with how shes written is that her reactions for the most part are extremely unjustified. Miles didn't come onto her enough, there were not enough scenes with Miles acting in a grey enough area for her to feel justified. They deleted the SINGULAR scene that I think would justify that (Miles being found w the dead animal) and i feel like it ruins that angle entirely. So youre just seeing these wildly inappropriate reactions to just. Awkward and weird behavior. I'm convinced that head slam mirror sequence was thrown in to attempt to justify her panic more.
Just the writing entirely is the problem, not even Kate HERSELF. Like the whole scene with her on the phone the whole "I wonder if I'm doing it" moment where she's confused why the kids hate her and are so weird when she's caused every conflict. Which would be fun to watch if that was the point, if Kate was meant to be an unreliable narrator. But the movie is shot to try to confuse us, disorient us, much like how the turn of the screw is written. But it doesnt work as well in a movie, especially one that toned down Miles behavior entirely.
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