#Operation True Love manhwa
healthiffy · 2 months
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melonminnie · 1 year
My heart has a hole ☆ (dohwa x fem! reader)
-inspired by a spin off chapter from tbhk! The one w aoi n teru <3 enjoy
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THE USUALLY busy street was quiet at this time of night. Nothing was heard except for Baek dohwa’s footsteps on the ground as he walked threw the empty street.
A tiny convenient store was open. The bright neon pink sign that had ‘OPEN’ written on it showed to was open alongside with the clear windows that showed a clerk and a single customer who the blonde couldn’t make out.
Hungry, or practically starving dohwa entered the store a tiny sound from the bell on the door made his presence known.
he looked at the isles passed them one by one, grabbing one of those make your own food kids toys to make for fun.
That’s when he noticed a figure that looked very oddly like a girl he knows. Dohwa moved closer glancing a peak and realizing it was.
it was Y/n. The prettiest girl in school. Well besides him of course. Dohwa felt a grin make its way to his face as he moved closer to her and waved.
“y/n it’s surprising to see you here” he finally spoke, The girl wore a blue hat and a pair of regular pants with a shirt that had a character he didn’t recognize on it.
She turned to face him finally noticing his existence. “It’s surprising to see you too dohwa what are you doing here at this hour?” She questioned back holding the basket ever so tightly.
“I just finished my shift and was hungry.” He stared at the tiny box in between his fingers and added. “If your free wanna make these with me?..also what are you picking out?” He asked starring at the contents of the basket.
“it’s some strawberry candy for me and su-ae to try later” she ignored his first question clearly declining it she placed the candy in the basket and made her way to the counter.
she placed item by item not paying attention to the cashier. “Hey want my number?” The cashier asked grabbing a hold of her wrist. “Miss you’re really pretty and I’ve seen you here for a while so you must be interested in me right?. Give me your number”
She tried yanking her wrist from his hold clearly uncomfortable not knowing how to respond.
The items on the counter were pushed to the cash register as dohwa leaned into the cashier causing him to let go of her wrist.
“how about you take my number instead yeah? Here I’ll give it to you” he added a smile on his lips as he grabbed his wrist the same way.
a few minutes later, the two were seated at the park benches next to each other water on the side as they worked on the kids toy in-front of them.
“thank you” she finally spoke breaking the silence, her appearance glowing in the light of the street lamp ontop of them.
“your welcome thanks for doing this with me though” he added his fingers fumbling with the cutting of some plastic.
“You know dohwa…your not as weird as I thought” she added not meeting his gaze.
“you thought I was weird?” He queered surprise in his voice
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yvbiko · 1 year
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sunenvoy · 2 years
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모든 것이 잘 될 것입니다. 오른쪽 ??
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(☆^ー^☆) ⊹ . 🎧 ໑ ׂ
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ajaxntg · 10 months
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᭨⏝ ི ྀ⏝ ི ྀ⏝ ི ྀ⏝᭨
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nova-moonlight · 4 months
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𝘋𝘰𝘩𝘸𝘢 𝘉𝘢𝘦𝘬 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦r
Blending into the background is an art form I’ve perfected. While some people seem to thrive on drama, I’ve learned that a quiet, unnoticed existence suits me just fine. In a world where everyone craves the spotlight, I find solace in being the invisible observer.
The classroom buzzed with the usual gossip. “That girl has no self-respect,” one voice sneered. “How can she forget—” Another started, but I’d heard enough. I slid my earbuds in, trying to shut out the whispers, but snippets of their conversation still sliced through. “Behavior… something… small.” It was relentless.
I let my head rest on my desk, eyes partially open, watching Su-ae from the corner of my vision. Honestly, I had to agree with the whispers. How could she stay with Minu, who was more like a distant shadow than a caring boyfriend?
Just as I was drifting into my own thoughts, a commotion nearby drew my attention. Eunhyuk, with his usual air of confidence, was gripping another student’s arm. What was going on? I didn’t care enough to investigate further and settled back into my pretense of sleep.
Being a ghost at school has its perks. I get to watch everyone without ever getting involved. It’s a peaceful existence that I’ve grown to appreciate. At home, though, it’s a different story. My family sees me, sometimes more than I’d like.
I have older twin brothers, Jin-ho and Jin-woo. They’re fiercely protective, though sometimes their way of showing it can be a bit rough. They’ll back me up if I’m in trouble but won’t hesitate to tease me if I step out of line. Despite their tough love, I cherish them deeply.
Our family setup is unconventional. My mom is a high-powered lawyer who brings in the bulk of the money, while my dad is the stay-at-home parent. We’re comfortably off but not rolling in riches, which is why I sought out my own job.
That’s how I ended up working at a nearby convenience store. I slip into my uniform, don my glasses—my trusty disguise—and become just another employee. No one here knows me as the quiet girl from school or the youngest child at home; I’m just me.
Early March
The convenience store is my sanctuary. I slipped into my uniform, feeling the familiar comfort of anonymity. The name tag is the only thing that marks me out here.
“Hey, can you stock the shelves?” my manager called out.
“On it,” I said, grabbing a box and heading to the aisles. Stocking shelves is a calming ritual, a contrast to the noise of my thoughts.
As I worked, a familiar face appeared in the store—Eunhyuk. It was odd to see him here; he didn’t seem like the type to frequent convenience stores. Ra-im was with him, browsing the drinks. I didn’t expect to run into either of them.
“Hey,” Eunhyuk said, catching me off guard. “You work here?”
“Yeah,” I replied, trying to keep my cool. “Looking for something?”
He shook his head. “Just grabbing a snack. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Small world,” I muttered, turning back to my task. Eunhyuk lingered for a moment, his presence a curious anomaly in my otherwise mundane routine.
“You’re pretty quiet at school,” he remarked.
“Not much to say,” I replied. Why was he even talking to me?
He shrugged. “Fair enough. See you around.”
As he walked away, I couldn’t shake the flicker of curiosity. Eunhyuk is one of those students everyone knows about but doesn’t really interact with unless circumstances align. We’ve shared passing glances and distant nods, but our worlds never really intersected beyond these brief moments. I’m aware of his presence and his reputation, but our connection remains superficial, marked only by our occasional, minimal interactions.
I finished my shift, the encounter long gone from my mind. Home was a familiar chaos. My brothers greeted me with their usual mix of banter and affection.
“Hey, loser,” Jin-ho called out.
“Shut up,” I shot back, grinning despite myself. This was our way of showing we cared.
“Mom’s working late,” Jin-woo said. “Dad’s making dinner.”
“Great,” I replied, heading to the kitchen. My dad’s cooking was always a highlight of the day.
Sitting down for dinner, I felt a rare sense of contentment. Despite the complexities of life, I had a family that cared, a job that provided me with peace, and a quiet existence that was uniquely mine.
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shoujo-dreamland · 1 year
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amphitriteswife · 18 days
One sided love
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Summary: blud realized he suffers from second ml syndrome
Warnings: dohwa crying, it’s platonic
Pairing: Beak Dohwa x fem! Reader
Tagging: @erinnea
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Being friends with Dohwa had it’s ups and downs. Many didn’t like you being close to him. And other’s thought the two of you made a great couple. But for you and Dohwa it was just platonic friendship. He likes Su ae, you already had a boyfriend from another high school. Many didn’t know about the crush dowha had on Su ae, but they did know that your ‘boyfriend’ usually visited you from time to time if he skipped school. Dohwa liked the way your relationship with him is, there are no secrets, no lies, only truth and honesty which he appreciates. It was flawless. Perfect and the best example of a girl and a boy being friends…yet there was one disagreement which caused a strain in your friendship: Su ae
One might think you were jealous of dohwa liking Su ae, but was that really the case? Ofcourse not. The problem started with you telling Dohwa that you think it’s not smart to pursue a relationship with Su ae. It wasn’t impossible. But you already knew she liked Eunhyuk. It’s obvious isn’t it? Well not for Dohwa. Or perhaps it is and he’s refusing to see it. Love makes one blind after all. Because of the strain the two of you didn’t interact much individually, only with the group or other people, just not the two of you anymore. Keeping the distance made things better in terms of fighting, yet also awkward when you saw him in the hall or outside.
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You were hanging out with friends, mutuals friends that also knew dohwa but at the time were having out with you. You had planned to go to the arcade and then grab some drinks because the lessons tomorrow started later. It was a nice surprise and it gave you the time to finally socialize after the long and exhausting study days. Yet your relaxing didn’t last long, it took only a hour or so before your phone started vibrating. Excusing yourself, you found yourself outside the bar. Staring at the phone with only a number written on it. It was a number you would always recognize, even if you didn’t have his name saved anymore. Dohwa. It was…difficult to say the least. The two of you weren’t in good terms. And he especially wouldn’t call you out of everyone right? So why is he calling you? Is he in danger? Or does he simply have no one to talk to? There were many questions in your head, but they can’t be answered if you don’t pick up the phone. So that’s what you did.
When you clicked on the green button to pick up, you could hear the sound or rummaging on the other end before you heard the phone getting picked up. A soft but raspy and shaky voice on the other end said hello. If it wasn’t for you knowing Dohwa’s number like it was the most basic thing in the world, you wouldn’t even have recognized the voice on the other end. ‘Hello? Dohwa? Why are you calling me?’ You asked him, bringing the phone to your ear to hear him better. You heard a few heavy breaths at the other end of the line before you heard a raspy yet soft and slightly unstable ‘C-can you come to my apartment?’ Half through his sentence you could hear a soft sob. He was crying…You didn’t really know how to feel about this, the two of you didn’t have a good bond anymore….but he was still someone you cared about…so screw it. Only this time will you do another favor once again.
‘I’m on my way.’ You said before hanging up the phone and going inside the bar again, you told your friends that something urgent came up and that you’d call them when it got sorted out for making plans another day before leaving your part of the bill on the table.
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Arriving at Dohwa’s place brought back memories. They were both nostalgic yet painful. You couldn’t help but remember the good old times you spent with him laughing, gossiping, talking or just hanging out. Yet those same memories hurt, aching because it was now past tense. Something that isn’t and hasn’t been a thing for quite a while. Something that was almost forgotten in the back of your mind. It makes you wonder if Dohwa felt the same, did he also miss the close friendship the two of you had? It’s not like the friendship was ever one sided. To be honest…the two of you never even grieved the friendship..
Breaking out of your thoughts, you softly knocked on the door of Dohwa’s apartment, inside you could hear some rummaging and some footsteps coming closer to the door before it fell silent for a moment. You could hear the sound of someone collecting and trying to steady their breath before the door opened. ‘You came..’ Dohwa didn’t look like the person you usually saw in the halls. His eyes were red and puffy. His hair was also disheveled and not in it’s original shape. His cheeks were stained with the wetness of tears and he seemed a little out of breath.
Seeing him like that hurt you. It wasn’t a pleasing sight, even if the two of you weren’t so close..or on the brink of breaking off a friendship it didn’t mean you didn’t care for him. ‘You called.’ You said calmly. He let you into his home, one where you had been many times. It hadn’t changed at all. Like nothing in there had ever been touched. Dohwa lingered a little next to you, unsure if he should speak or not. ‘It’s okay, you can talk to me.’ You told him a little reassuring, smiling at him warmly and putting your purse on the table. Dohwa seemed a little hesitant before he sat on his couch and signaled for you to sit next to him. He took a few deep breaths before he started talking slowly. ‘You were right…’ he said softly. He sounded very heartbroken. And it pretty clear what it meant. He probably now only found out that he had been friend zoned since the beginning and that ye frankly, never stood a chance. After all, it was obvious that Su ae and Eunhyuk were supposed to he together, it was common knowledge. They already had chemistry before Dohwa even came into the picture. Everyone knew, except Dohwa. He wouldn’t listen. But…it’s now what he needs right now.
Dohwa hugged you. It was sudden, and perhaps maybe a bit rude. But it’s not like you cared. And neither that you minded, you wrapped your hands around his torso, softly rubbing his back as he buried his head into your shoulder, then the waterworks started. Then the word vomit. You couldn’t even understand what he was saying, it was all just tears, sobbing, incoherent words and shaky breaths. His held you tightly. It was almost as if the two of you were back to normal, like how it always had been. As if nothing ever changed. The same old trust and comfort the two of you found in one another. ‘I’ve always told you right? Never be someone’s second option.’ You told him, rubbing his back even more. Dohwa cried even harder, knowing that he was never considered even something like that. Not even closely. It’s sad…almost pathetic even. ‘I know…i know…’ dohwa choked out. He knew it. But he just wanted to believe it, it was his first experience through love. He really thought that she’s love him the same way he did with her.
You ran your hands through his hair, getting them out his eyes and offering him more comfort. Even if he now has his first experience in heartbreak instead of love, at least one important thing came back. You.
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Thank you so much for reading! 🧡💛
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nanaosaki3940 · 1 year
Korean Manhwa Men (of modern setting genre) I'm Currently Addicted To...
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Doo-joon Kang from Positively Yours
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Park Yoonsoo from Olgami
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Cha Gyeol from The Reason I Decided To Die
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Choi Chan from Psychometer Fragmented Memories
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Taegyung Seo from Fly Me To The Moon
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Lee Dohoon from Food Chain
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Baek Siyoon from Free In Dreams
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Go Eun-Hyuk from Operation Name Pure Love
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Kwon Beomjin from Just Twilight
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Baek Shiho from Extroversion Of An Immortal
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(From left to right) Ryu Kang Hyun from Divorce Is Easy, But Love Is Hard Cha Yiheon from Love Class Ki Yoon-Gi from Please Teach Me, Senior
Just now I noticed something... I certainly have a thing for black-haired male leads lmao!!! 😭😭😭💕💕💕
(My taste in men is quite problematic since half of them here are red flags, but don't worry as red is one of my favorite colors 🚩🤩😘😅)
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jayjosabi · 2 years
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anestefi · 2 years
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healthiffy · 2 months
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personunavailable · 1 year
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☁️⋆。𖦹 °✩
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2707com · 1 year
to any fanfic writers seeing this i am begging you someone please make a dohwa baek (operation true love) x f! reader enemies to lovers.. i am desperate and i NEED more dohwa fanfictions😕 someone please feed my desperation
(if u do make one please. pleqse. tag me in it…)
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sunenvoy · 2 years
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★ 🗂️ % 그게 무슨 소리야?
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◌ : 외로운 [ 📻 %! ] ˳ |。>﹏<。)
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