anarchoherbalism 6 months
Rechosting this rant from like a month ago here
Something that bugs me is that autonomous health & medical experimentation is widely accepted and celebrated--only when it succeeds *and is accepted by the wider establishment (usually bc it makes money and doesnt drastically contradict establishment ethos and/or profit.) Laypeople who become experts out of desperation or love or passion or whatever reasons and have a celebrated breakthrough in medicine are lauded only once they transcend into honorary members of the Medical Professional Class. I've seen people freak out at the idea of bathtub insulin and go on to talk about how openinsulin is doing it the "right way" when like. Buddy? Hon? The thing you're scared of resulting in nebulously dangerous medicine is their goal, it just looks different when they say it because they know what they're talking about and they have a nice website. The trans women making huge strides in DIY HRT are carrying on the legacy of the women who INVENTED HRT, you're just terrified of them because the people of the past have either been erased by the licensed docs that stole their work uncredited for personal glory or, or those women have retroactively been lifted to Honorary Professional Status. You're applying the same transphobia and transmisogyny and classism to the people in front of you that their foremothers faced. We gotta shoot the medical licensing boards in our heads and focus on building working knowledge because the bum (affectionate) on ur Street corner can DEFINITELY know more than many doctors. Our culture recognizes this in all kinds of places, like the relatively widespread recognition that disabled people need to be experts in our own care because the docs sure as shit usually ain't, but then when it's all put together into a real, useful praxis it gets screamed down because of all of these oppression structures and brainworms and learned helplessness; not to mention all of yall that go around beefing theory about medication production with 0 even beginner-level knowledge of how these things work or what real risks are involved or what the mitigation strategies currently in place look like.
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iatrophilosophos 1 year
"regulation means criminalization means punishing people for expressing autonomy" If you consider poisoning diabetic people with substandard insulin 'an expression of personal autonomy,' then youve completely lost the plot, and I would consider their families killing you in vengeance to be their turn of 'expressing autonomy'
...you do realize I'm talking about disabled people making medicine for themselves and their friends and family, as a prediabetic person, right?
I'm very sorry that the western medical industrial complex has taught you that people receiving medicine inherently have no choice in the matter and that you can't even conceptualize a world where disabled ppl have agency around what they put in their bodies but like...come on.
P sure releasing huge lots of tainted medication and causing massive harm is...what pharmaceutical companies do now 馃檭馃檭 y'know given the number of recalls that have happened this year alone. So, not exactly a problem with regulation is it? Most of these recalls r also related to issues with megascale production; contamination that gets missed in large batches made in huge factory spaces; problems with shipping and storage that leads to spoilage etc...not really the same kind of concerns we might have about small scale production.
Also again: tell me how insulin gets made and what the actual, precise risks involved are and then we can talk bc right now afaik you're just handwringing about a problem you made up. Maybe start with reading about openinsulin's work?
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Idk if this is a weird thing to do or not but since it's my birthday and since I have a lot of followers I just wanna put it out there that if u like/tolerate my content and u have a lil extra money, could you toss a lil donation over to openinsulin, as it's a project I really believe in and it would mean a lot to me thanks!
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