#Open Yard Storage in Dubai
Showrooms for Rent in Sharjah | Emirates Industrial Estate
Discover boundless possibilities at Emirates Industrial Estate, redefining Dubai storage space. From open yards to industrial plots and warehouses. Elevate with admin buildings for seamless blend of functionality and convenience. Explore showrooms for rent in Sharjah, strategically boosting your business. Unleash your potential with our strategically located facilities, setting the stage for success in the heart of Dubai. Call/ Whats app: 056-9130091 Or click on https://www.ei-city.net/plots.html
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oss-logistics · 7 months
OSS FZC Energy Logistics - Shipping Cargo Services Dubai
The main focus of Sharjah-based OSS FZC - ENERGY LOGISTICS is offering open yard storage facilities for rent in the Hamriyah Freezone. The company specializes in storage and logistics services. Since our founding in 2006, we have grown to provide a wide range of services to a variety of logistics-related industries, beginning with an open storage facility.
Our mission is to help our clients in the energy logistics industry operate more efficiently by providing them with simple, affordable solutions that uphold a strict commitment to safety. Our vision is to establish ourselves as a leading 'Logistics Superstore' in the oil and gas sector of the area, offering a one-stop solution for all their logistics requirements while maintaining a constant focus on safety.
Our goal at OSS FZC - ENERGY LOGISTICS is to redefine what storage as a service means. Our goal is to satisfy all of our esteemed customers' logistical needs by providing a convenient one-stop shop that offers a complete logistics solution. If you are searching for shipping cargo services in Dubai, OSS FZC - ENERGY LOGISTICS is the best option.
Website – https://openyardstorage.com/
Address – P.O Box 42163, Phase - II, Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, UAE
Email Id – [email protected]
Contact Us - +9716 7417 984 / +97150 9322 335
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pestcontroluae2023 · 11 months
IY Pest-Proofing: How to Keep Pests Out of Your Home
Nobody wants to share their living space with unwanted pests. To prevent them from entering your home, a proactive approach is key. Here are some effective do-it-yourself (DIY) pest-proofing tips to help you keep pests at bay:
Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps, cracks, and openings in walls, windows, doors, and foundations best pest control in dubai. Seal these entry points with caulk, weather stripping, or mesh screens to block pests' access.
Keep a Clean Kitchen: Wipe down countertops, sweep floors, and promptly clean up food spills and crumbs. Store food in airtight containers to deter pests like ants and cockroaches.
Fix Leaks: Dripping faucets and leaks create moisture, which attracts pests like mosquitoes and silverfish. Repair leaks promptly and ensure good ventilation to keep humidity in check.
Declutter Regularly: Clutter provides hiding spots for pests. Regularly clean and declutter areas such as closets, basements, and attics to reduce potential nesting spots.
Proper Trash Management: Seal trash bags tightly and use bins with lids. Empty indoor trash regularly and ensure outdoor bins are away from your home's exterior.
Trim Vegetation: Keep trees, shrubs, and bushes trimmed away from your home. Overhanging branches can serve as bridges for pests to access your house.
Screen Openings: Install screens on windows, doors, and vents to prevent flying insects and rodents from entering your home.
Secure Pet Food: If you have pets, store their food in sealed containers and avoid leaving food out overnight. Pests are attracted to pet food, too.
Regular Inspections: Routinely inspect storage areas, attics, and crawl spaces for signs of pest activity, such as droppings, nests, or chew marks.
DIY Traps: For minor infestations, you can set up DIY traps using materials like vinegar, dish soap, or sugar. However, if the infestation is severe, it's best to consult professionals.
Natural Repellents: Some pests dislike certain scents. Consider using natural repellents like peppermint oil or citrus peels in areas where pests are likely to enter.
Keep Outdoor Area Clean: Regularly clean your yard by removing debris, fallen leaves, and standing water. This reduces breeding grounds for pests like mosquitoes.
By adopting these DIY pest-proofing practices, you can create an inhospitable environment for pests and reduce the likelihood of infestations pest control services in dubai. Remember that prevention is often more effective and cost-efficient than dealing with a full-blown pest problem later on.
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dekel13-blog · 5 years
What is Open Yard Storage?
It is an outdoor storage facility provided by a private company that allows one to store bulky goods in a safe and secure environment. One might think that the name ‘Open Yard’ means it is simply an open space, however, there are many other facilities provided to the clients along with safe storage. These yards are fenced with full security and do not allow any unidentified or unauthorized person to step into the premises. There is surveillance by trained security officers as well as 24/7 camera surveillance to provide added security. The yards and everything stored inside it is constantly monitored and has round the day on-site security. Whenever this premises is used to store or keep any commodities, vehicles or goods it is considered open yard storage as it does not provide warehouses for storage, rather it is an open space with separate portions for every client. These outdoor storage areas are used mainly for bulk cargo and heavy-duty cargo. This includes heavy vehicles, construction equipment, industrial machinery and many other such items that are huge and need a large space to be stored at. Not just their size, but they are quite expensive too thus they require a place that is 100% safe! Open yard storage provides this kind of environment for customers who want a huge and secure space. Read More 
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emiratesindustrail · 4 years
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We are the leading storage solutions provider in Sharjah offers the best customers experiences in the dubai self storage and moving business sector.
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refa98 · 3 years
What should you not put in self-storage in Dubai?
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5 Things You Should Never Put in Self Storage in Dubai?
Self Storage units are not great for profoundly esteemed things, regardless of whether the worth is high fiscally or for nostalgic reasons. For instance, it isn't prescribed to keep your family treasures or your costly adornments away from units. While security at such offices is treated extremely in a serious way, it is better not to face any challenge. Clutch these things yourself, in any event, during moves, utilize a protected store box or endow them to a companion or relative to hold for you.
Food and Perishable Items?
Food things are for the most part not permitted, including pet food, particularly when they are put away in one or the other cardboard or plastic, have short time spans of usability, or require refrigeration. Canned food, then again, is allowed. This is on the grounds that food can decay effectively, drawing in creepy crawlies and rodents, which are probably going to harm different things put away in your unit; just as the chance of the remainder of the office getting pervaded too. On the possibility that rodents and so on can't discover their direction into any of the units, microbes and shape surely will. In case you're moving and wind up with an excessive number of transitory things, offer them to neighbors or companions, or give to a close by the cover.
Risky Materials?
These are characterized as whatever can cause harm whenever spilled or opened, that is, substances which are poisonous, ignitable, combustible, or dangerous; and henceforth, are untouchable. It is indispensable that the storeroom, laborers, clients, just as every one of the put-away things (counting your own) ought to be protected consistently. Such hazardous substances jeopardize them and thus, this genuine danger implies they are unlawful and precluded to put away units. Risky materials by and large incorporate (however are not restricted to): synthetics, vapor sprayers, acids, gases, gas, propane tanks, light or engine oils, paints, paint removers, cleaners, pesticides, weed executioners, vehicle batteries, firecrackers, alcohol, charcoal, yard hardware with fuel still in them, guns, explosives, and then some.
Creatures and Plants?
We feel this ought to be sound judgment yet it is smarter to say it to keep away from any disarray or mix-up. Self-storage units are not intended to be lived in. They are dull and shut spaces with next to zero ventilation and henceforth, are not to be possessed. Correct, they are not 'free' office space or a spot to briefly crash around evening time all things considered. Hence, no storage company in Dubai will permit you to keep any creatures, pets or plants in your unit. In addition to the fact that it is risky, coldhearted (if there should be an occurrence of creatures) and illicit, they can likewise draw in nuisances and bugs. It is prescribed to employ appropriate sitters for your pets or have them stay with a confided in family or companion's place. Essentially, it is additionally preferred to give plants rather over 'kill' them away.
Apparatus or Vehicles?
As a rule, putting away apparatus and vehicle units is permitted under specific conditions. A few sorts of hardware and development gear are solely taboo while with others, there can be a few guidelines. For example, as referenced above, yard gear can't be put away except if it is purged of fuel. It is in every case better to request the administration from the self-storage units concerning what is permitted. Where vehicles are concerned, unregistered and non-functional vehicles are a major no-no. Any vehicle put away should be enrolled, authorized, operable, and guaranteed. This is on the grounds that you will be exclusively obligated for the vehicle, as opposed to the best self-storage company in Dubai. Storage companies additionally frequently direct the quantity of tires that can be put away in a unit at one time (usually the breaking point is four) as the expense of tire removal is high.
Self-Storage units in Dubai can be a gift from heaven when you truly need that additional room and that too at not very high an expense! However, wellbeing starts things out and it is essential that all principles and guidelines of the storage unit should be followed. The best self-storage company in Dubai recruiting out these units will tell you these strategies and will actually want to explain all inquiries that you may have, making it simpler for you to arrange for what to store. For the most solid self-storage company in Dubai, attempt ServiceMarket and get free statements about recruiting a unit.
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beetlefreon38 · 3 years
Sofa Upholstery Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman
Home improvement is an inevitable event for any homeowner. Over time, components of homes break or wear down and need repair, resulting in the need for home improvement. Home improvement also results from the need to make additions to a house, such as adding a new wing or installing flooring. sofa upholstery dubai in this article may help you with any home improvement you must do. Use an old, dirty paint roller to clean the gutters on your house. The old paint roller that you have deemed unusable will quickly and easily clean your dirty gutters. Attach the roller to an extended handle. Then simply remove debris and leaves by sliding it along the gutter. Put in an outdoor motion detector for your outside lighting. This way the lights will only be on when they are activated and not all day or all night unnecessarily. Most people don't need their outside lights other than when they come home or leave after dark. You can make your ceilings appear higher by following two simple tips. You can put a lengthy floor lamp in the room or install striped wall paper. You'll notice your eye moves upwards. This can even make your room appear bigger and more spacious than it really is. Update the lighting in your home to add brightness. Changes in lighting fixtures and adding additional wall lighting can bring a entirely new look to your home. Buy energy saving bulbs to reduce your overall energy costs and consider investing in a smart lighting system that will automatically turn off lights when not in use. If you don't want to refinish your old and weathered wooden floors, you can instead, give your home a cottage style boost. Buy some oil based paint and choose some affordable stencils. Use the stencils and paint to re-design your wooden floors. Add some cute designs in varying patterns, to give a full on-cottage look to your home. Carpet the bottoms of the drawers you keep your hand tools in. This will not only make the shop room a quieter place but it will help protect your valuable tools. Keep those tools rust free by spraying the carpet lightly with machine oil before you place the tools inside the drawer. Remember to take safety precautions when you are working on home improvement projects. Keep in mind that you are taking risk by making major changes to your home or by using certain dangerous tools. Numerous online tutorials exist to help you with projects. When you are involved in a home improvement project, be certain to allot a specific spot for the resulting debris and trash. Removing a lot of debris can cost quite a bit, so planning for a space to put it in can keep your project running smoothly. Even if you don't use your fireplace much, it's important to get your chimney inspected and cleaned regularly by a professional. Burning wood can cause creosote to accumulate, and that could lead to a chimney fire. Avoid burning pitchy wood like pine to help keep creosote under control after a cleaning. In the real estate market, a beautiful view can often command a significant premium. Remember though, that extra cost may not be an investment, but just a premium charge for aesthetic pleasures. Some people like a view of the ocean, while other would prefer a nice view of the sunset each night. To give an ordinary room a sleek and finished look, add some decorative molding. Molding is highly sought after by many buyers, and can make a room look more put together. Molding is surprisingly easy to install, and is fairly inexpensive. To really make your molding pop, paint it a color that compliments your walls. If your home was built in the seventies or earlier, chances are good that it was built with only a very thin layer of insulation throughout the entire structure. Ideally, the layer should be approximately 27 centimeters or 10.5 inches thick. By increasing the thickness of insulation to the recommended four to six inches, you could easily save a couple of hundred dollars per year. Look for stores that can provide inexpensive storage for built in closet projects. You can save money by installing it yourself instead of paying a contractor to create a closet system. Many times, the quality will be very similar to a paid professional. However, you can get it done yourself in a faster amount of time, if you can follow instructions. To increase the safety and value of your home deck or patio, you can add metal or wooden railing to the edges or even an ornamental gate leading into the yard. Railing can also enhance the appearance of your outdoor living area by serving as a place to attach decorative lighting or gardening containers. A leaky toilet can waste as much as fifty gallons of water in a single day. To determine whether or not your toilet has a hidden leak, remove the lid of the tank and place just a few drops of colored dye into the toilet's tank, but do not flush. If you notice dye seeping into the toilet bowl, this indicates that you do have a leak. If you have a large, open kitchen, consider building or buying a movable kitchen island. An island can be covered with tile, granite, or marble tops, making it the perfect extra surface for preparing meals, serving food, finishing up homework, or as a makeshift mini-bar that goes wherever you need it to. Many models include storage features like drawers, hooks, and built-in cutting blocks. Updating an outdated kitchen could be as easy as replacing the cabinetry. This can be done on your own, but remember to make sure to check for all of the screws that are holding your existing cabinets in place. Cut the caulk that is sealing it to the wall prior to removing them, and you will have a nice smooth surface to install the new ones. In conclusion, home improvement is inevitable for homeowners. Parts of a home may break down and need repair or new additions to a house must be made. Using the tips that were provided in this article, you can tackle your own home improvement needs with ease and keep your home in top shape.
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oss-logistics · 7 months
OSS FZC ENERGY LOGISTICS - Best storage companies in Dubai
The main focus of Sharjah-based OSS FZC - ENERGY LOGISTICS is offering open yard storage facilities for rent in the Hamriyah Freezone. The company specializes in storage and logistics services. Since our founding in 2006, we have grown to provide a wide range of services to a variety of logistics-related industries, beginning with an open storage facility.
Our mission is to help our clients in the energy logistics industry operate more efficiently by providing them with simple, affordable solutions that uphold a strict commitment to safety. Our vision is to establish ourselves as a leading 'Logistics Superstore' in the oil and gas sector of the area, offering a one-stop solution for all their logistics requirements while maintaining a constant focus on safety.
Our goal at OSS FZC - ENERGY LOGISTICS is to redefine what storage as a service means. Our goal is to satisfy all of our esteemed customers' logistical needs by providing a convenient one-stop shop that offers a complete logistics solution. OSS FZC - ENERGY LOGISTICS is one of the best storage companies in Dubai.
Website – https://openyardstorage.com/
Address – P.O Box 42163, Phase - II, Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah, UAE
Email Id – [email protected]
Contact Us - +9716 7417 984 / +97150 9322 335
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igeotechgps · 3 years
Tracking systems that help you protect your Cargo
There are many tracking systems that claim to help you protect your containerized cargo. In this article, we will examine the type of cargo container security tracking system you need at every stage in your container’s journey - when in-transit, at ports, airports, at container yards, and how you can get integrated visibility and security throughout.
A good tracking of cargo must be able to tell you what is possibly going wrong with the goods in your container at every stage in its supply chain.
So, what are the different stages in a container’s supply chain?
Let us assume that you are shipping a container from Sao Paulo in Brazil to Abu Dhabi in the UAE.
Your container leaves your factory premises located in the outskirts of Sao Paulo on a trailer-truck and hauled to the nearest port, the Port of Santos. From the Port of Santos, it leaves on a ship and arrives at the Port of Dubai in the UAE. From here, it is either ferried by truck or by rail to Abu Dhabi, its final destination.
Your container underwent two trips on surface, one by sea, and transited through two ports in the process, not including any container storage yards at your origin or the destination.
Therefore, containers are always a complex multi-modal shipment.
The question here is: What are the security aspects that a tracking solution must address across the legs of this journey.
Container Tracking on Surface – First & Last Mile
You need a solution which will not only protect your container, but will also protect your goods!
GPS vehicle tracking systems are often employed in this leg of the journey. Wired vehicle tracking devices are attached to the fleet that haul the container.
The problem with this approach is that:
Most trucks are rented from the market aka “market vehicles.” Therefore, you cannot deploy a GPS tracker on a truck unless you own it. Most shippers do not own their fleet.
If you are shipping by rail, chances are that you will hardly have any visibility. Even if your rail service provider tells you where the locomotive is, you may not know if your container is actually travelling with it or it was dis-shunted a station ago.
The items from your container can still be stolen and you would have no idea it happened by tracking the vehicle alone.
Therefore, what you require for cargo container safety is a portable wireless device which can travel with your goods. The device must have good network connectivity even when it is placed inside a thick-walled container, such as a reefer container.
There is more that is required for your container to remain secure during its first or last mile journey on surface.
It is not enough that you know the location of your container, you must also know if the container has been opened or damaged. This is where the right choice of sensors come into play.
Light sensors or circuit breakers can indicate if a container has been opened, while shock sensors can indicate a possible impact which could have caused some damage to your goods.
Damaged containers lying in the middle of nowhere are most susceptible to cargo theft.
Another important piece of the puzzle here is connectivity. Your device must have the ability to connect across multiple telecom towers so you never lose contact with your container ever!
Last, but not the least, you need item-level visibility of your goods within your container, especially if they are of high-value. Not every GPS solution (even with portable GPS trackers) can provide this in a cost effective manner.
Container Tracking at the Port or Airport
With more cargo came bigger ports (and airports). Infrastructure developed and convenience improved. But, this also became a problem in terms of container loss and theft.
Containers often get lost within the premises of a port or an airport. They could get stolen or be simply lost due to the inability for the port authorities to find them among a sea of containers.
Many ports and airports lease large stretches of land around them to stock containers upon arrival, and move them to the exit point only after customs clearance is completed. This process could take anywhere from a few days to a few months, and security is not always watertight in these yards.
Containers could get damaged or goods pilfered.
The Los Angeles port for instance handles 19.3 million TEUs every year[1]. That is a massive 52,000 containers handled per day, almost 1/3rd of the passenger baggage volume that London’s Heathrow airport handles in a day[2]!
At such high volumes, even if 0.01% of these containers go missing or cannot be found due the location or rack wrongly recorded, it could mean a loss of 5 whole containers per day.
Assuming each container is worth $250,000, and insurance only covers for 90% of that cost, it translates into a $1.25 million loss for the port daily or an annual loss of $456.25 million.
The customer’s business rhythm gets affected too which will force them to finding alternate shipping routes, sometimes with the freight being costlier.
Solutions like RFID do not work well for port-level monitoring, especially when it comes down to identifying where container is placed and precisely which rack it is on. RFID based solutions also have heavy infrastructure requirements.
The type of solution that will work for cargo container security at a port-level is one which can monitor the precise location of a container (within a few feet) and also identify the rack it is on.
The IoT device which you use for tracking the surface transportation of your container will give you the location, but not height. Further the location will only be accurate if the IoT device is equipped with an active GPS antenna that can connect with satellites even when placed inside a container.
Knowing where your container is with a circle of inaccuracy of even a few meters could mean you are searching for it in a different yard altogether – not solving the problem.
Here is an example of an innovative brownfield port monitoring solution for cargo container security:
You can either rely on a smart port which has such a solution or monitor your container by yourself using the right IoT device with active GPS antennas.
Container Tracking on Sea or Air
When your container is on high-seas or in-flight, it is relatively safer as compared to when it is traveling by surface or is waiting at the port.
No one can steal your container when it is on high-seas, except, maybe pirates!
Does this mean that there are absolutely no risks in this stage of the journey?
No really! The type of risk is different. It involves damage to your goods due to inclement weather, rough handling during the journey or container rain.
Therefore, using an IoT device which has sensors to read temperature, pressure, humidity, and shock, especially for cold chain temperature-controlled or fragile shipments, becomes critical.
If the device is able to connect with the ship’s Wi-Fi, it is of advantage because you can get the sensor data live.
You may still not get a GPS fix easily though (especially if your container has thick walls), which means that getting real-time location on your container’s status may still be difficult.
Knowing where your container is when your goods condition is affected, and knowing how much time you have to fix the problem before it reaches the port is critical to protecting your goods, therefore location becomes vital.
Collecting data streams from shipping platforms on the vessel’s location and flight tracking platforms can help solve the real-time location puzzle, while the IoT device can transmit sensor data through Wi-Fi (if your vessel allows it).
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aaceinternational · 4 years
International Freight Services in Dubai | ACE International Movers
ACE International Movers gives premium International Freight services Dubai to its customers who wish to utilize the quickest course in shipping load. Sending your large equipment, or stacked payload by means of air load is a savvy coordinations plan and in spite of the fact that it might appear to be costly, it will furnish you with the best an incentive for cash with our serious airship cargo charges. With 6 years of involvement with airship cargo delivery, ACE International Movers Dubai has outstanding amongst other coordinations groups to assist you with arranging and execute your transportation plan. We offer the best airship cargo administrations bundles for our regarded customers.
AIR cargo Shipping Charges
Air freight companies are key for import and fare organizations, as they give the most affordable and effective answers for entrepreneurs who need to move their merchandise, gear or whole ventures starting with one spot then onto the next, here and there even across landmasses. Sending your whole venture or weighty gear is a long cycle during which there is a great deal to think about like the coordinations of capacity, transport, formality and so on An airship cargo organization that can advance the whole cycle for you from the earliest starting point to end is a gift that spares you from a great deal of superfluous postponements and stress. Dependable and famous cargo sending like ACE International Movers , who have been in the business for quite a long time and have sped up several ventures are your most ideal alternative for the most secure and most solid import/fare of merchandise.
There are a few stages associated with the sending cycle, which the AIR cargo Services office will do for you or for the benefit of your association. The office is engaged with custom freedom, giving protection to harms and in any event, dealing with the stock. We will likewise guarantee that there are no unforeseen slack during shipment as we are authorized to give fast documentation and custom freedom, just as having a decent standing with service leeway. We will design the venture from the earliest starting point wherein we can to the planning too, right to the end when the task is conveyed to the area. Obviously, you can hand over your tasks without a concern while we will deal with every last bit of it for you!
ACE International Movers — No 1 Air Freight Company in UAE
We are the top Air Cargo Services in UAE, as we give total cargo sending answers for our clients. We will manage your activities without any preparation till the end, with full inclusion against harms and carrying every thing starting with one region then onto the next. We have the best air freight transporters and give serious rates to our customers. Our rates are prudent on the grounds that we have ordinary exchanges with the air transporters and we are acclimated with the conventions, the landscape and the inward traditions freedom systems. We have incredible storage services which will make you calm about where your merchandise will rest until the time has come to be moved. From temperature control storage facilities with fundamental racks and retires to enormous shelters or open yard stockpiling, we have it all.
Why pick ACE International Movers Air Freight Agency
ACE International Movers is the name that is confided in the whole UAE and reaches out to neighboring realms and nations, just as all unmistakable the globe. We can ship your undertakings, even as large as oil rigs from one area to anyplace on the planet. You can follow your ventures as they travel towards the objective and be completely mindful of the area of the types of gear or products being moved. We are extremely exhaustive in reviewing the course by means of which the air payload will travel and make a nitty gritty report on it. Each nation has it’s own arrangement of laws about which our master legitimate group is completely mindful so that there are no postponements during custom freedom, outskirt leeway or any documentation that should be finished. Contact our group today to get a moment free statement for moving merchandise, gear or colossal development extends or even oil rigs across landmasses through our airship cargo association. We are a confided in name for effective air load transportation of large equipment in the UAE. Trust us to convey. If you have any quiry or doubts please write us at [email protected]. Call us: +971045147648.
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emiratesindustrail · 3 years
Special offer on open yards for companies dealing in marble and granite products and inventory.
➡️ Get 1 year free. Sign for 3-year contract and pay only for 2 ➡️ 3 Phase and Single Phase (1500 - 2000 watt) electrical connection ➡️3 sizes of open yards available to choose from ➡️No annual admin fees ➡️Fire Fighting System with 24 x 7 Alarm ➡️telecommunication system via Etisalat ➡️Fully fenced and 24x7 Security ➡️No Service Charges
Ready to Grow your business?
📱 Call/ WhatsApp:  056-9130091
Or click on www.ei-city.net/Openyards.html
Location pin: goo.gl/maps/SDB9xhK67tCdE8Tu6
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Navalrocha Completes Refit Project for Seismic Vessel Polarcus Naila
Portugal’s Navalrocha shipyard has completed a multi-million-euro repair and refit project for Dubai-based marine geophysical company Polarcus.
The drydock project which completed in January 2020 involved a broad package of work to the ultra-modern 14 streamer 3D/4D seismic vessel – Polarcus Naila.
The vessel is amongst the most environmentally advanced seismic vessels in the world with diesel-electric propulsion, high specification catalytic convertors, a double hull and advanced bilge water cleaning system.
Navalrocha Commercial Director Sergio Rodrigues said the sensitive project involved wide-ranging work.
“The Polarcus Naila visited Navalrocha shipyard for a total of 33-days running through the Christmas period,” he said. “The project involved five principal partners which operate at the Navalrocha shipyard base and a series of other specialist maritime firms, delivering a variety of mechanical, hydraulic, piping, steel work, blasting and painting as well as oil, fuel and ballast tank cleaning, carpentry and welding.
“Around 350 engineers were involved in the project which required careful management of high-value survey equipment. Four mobile cranes, three yards cranes and six forklift trucks were used to manoeuvre on-board infrastructure. Engineers repaired four winches, replaced a further two and installed two new winches to boost operations. A new partnership with Cyprus-based Deme Marine also saw the delivery of robotic hydro-blasting. This service helped reduce time and manpower while ensuring zero dust contamination or damage to seismic equipment, which can occur using more traditional slurry blasting techniques.
“A key reason Polarcus selected our yard was due to the scale of our graving docks. The vessel required draft clearance of 2.5m, dock floor to bottom of the vessel, to facilitate the main body of work involving the renewal of 12 box cooler units. The graving docks are also more suited to managing heavier vessels compared to floating docks. This is where Navalrocha offers a significant advantage to competitors and we are keen to open the door to many more projects involving seismic survey vessels and ships with similar dimensions such as OSVs, PSVs and AHT.”
The news comes shortly after Navalrocha delivered its first ever BWTS project for the Paxoi bunker tanker capping off an active 12 months notching up than 30 drydock, wet basin and pier-side projects. Recent work has involved livestock carriers, polar expedition vessels, car-ferries, tugboats, cargo-carriers, cruise ships and sailing vessels. The yard is also driving further expansion in the LPG and product carrier markets.
Middle East operator Polarcus is responsible for delivering high-end towed streamer data acquisition and imaging services from pole to pole, through its fleet of six specialist vessels.
Polarcus Naila superintendent Danilo Latkovic said: “This is our first engagement with Navalrocha shipyard. The project involved large volume of work with 140 small scale plus larger individual jobs. During the stay we had some unexpected large works which the yard managed well. Our decision to use Navalrocha shipyard was based on numerous factors including the accommodating our deep draft and block height demand. However, it was mostly driven by Navalrocha’s ability to fully focus its resources and facilities on our project. The scale of the yard means it does not manage multiple large projects at same time, which can be a shortfall in the case of larger yards.
“The Polarcus Naila is the second vessel in the Polarcus fleet, purpose built for advanced 3D towed marine seismic services worldwide to the oil and gas industry. It is regarded as one of the world’s most environmentally friendly and technologically sophisticated marine seismic vessels, capable of towing up to 12 by 8,000m streamers.”
from Storage Containers https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/navalrocha-completes-refit-project-for-seismic-vessel-polarcus-naila via http://www.rssmix.com/
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The AluminumSpecication offers one set of buckling fixed formulation for the articiallyaged tempers (T5 by T10), and one other set of formulation thatapplies to each the non-heat-treated alloys (H), as well as to the warmth-treatedalloys that haven't been articially aged (T1 by way of T4). Steel Pipe Suppliers and interior designers right now favor composite doors over the wooden doorways. Many of the above talked about brazing alloys are typically accessible in varied kinds like wire, foil, tape, powder and paste. As the weather condition varies every now and then, so does the moisture in your own home and as effectively the humidity content material of your wood fittings. Metal storage doorways can be found in many kinds, colors, as well as optionally available decorative options.
The Buck Ranger B112 Model features the clip point with a bevelled, concave false edge on the again of the blade tip. Cast steel is step by step replaced by nodular iron. is excited to have the ability to provide our sturdy aluminum deck utilizing only the very best high quality aluminum extrusions together with absolutely assembled sections, we can supply the best aluminum deck railing system on the market today.Fence-Depot's aluminum deck railing is gorgeous, durable, and upkeep free with a lifetime warranty.
The Tour Burner Irons' capabilities are nicely pre-cast into an exceptionally alluring club head which will attraction to all levels of golfers. For the iron to be made into metal (outlined as iron with a rigorously controlled carbon content of 1.7 p.c or much less) the sulfur , the silicon , and the excess carbon must be eliminated. When TaylorMade decided to develop the brand new Burner 2.0 Irons they actually challenged the previous "if it isn't damaged, do not fix it" rule.
Taylormade has released the brand new line of burner irons for gamers who wants to slower their swing speed, and put them into the class of Max Game-Improvement Irons. Carbon contents greater than those of steel make a brittle alloy commonly known as pig iron Whereas iron alloyed with carbon is named carbon steel, alloy metal is steel to which different alloying parts have been intentionally added to modify the characteristics of metal.
Sheets and Plates of steels are utilized in various industries equivalent to Chemical substances, Fat, & Fertilizers, Sugar Mills & Distilleries, Cement Industries, Ship Builders, Paper Industries, Pumps, Petrochemicals, Oil & Pure Fuel Organization in terms of the particular materials, Expertise, Finance & Personal. There are various types of heat treating processes out there to steel.
Cutting, vacuum degassing, electrical furnace and transforming metal into various products could be very easy than on different hardening metals. On the other hand the nice advantage of aluminum door is that you may open or close these doorways even if your operator breaks down. There is a big difference between architectural doorways and metal entry doorways or steel entry doors. Stainless steel is timeless, clear, and looks skilled, undoubtedly the explanations that it has develop into so fashionable with corporations world wide as their alternative of surface or worktop.
Steel garage doors are sometimes made with foam insulation which is able to assist maintain your garage warmer. What that set aside Amika ceramic stylers is its high finish ceramic plates coupled with extremely light-weight and intuitive design. Companies just like the Lucky Group's division known as Lucky Recycling have been successfully defending the setting by segregating and processing chrome steel scrap from Dubai junk yards and repackaging them for reuse.
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films4k-org-blog · 6 years
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The AluminumSpecication offers one set of buckling fixed formulation for the articiallyaged tempers (T5 by T10), and one other set of formulation thatapplies to each the non-heat-treated alloys (H), as well as to the warmth-treatedalloys that haven't been articially aged (T1 by way of T4). Eminent architects and interior designers right now favor composite doors over the wooden doorways. Many of the above talked about brazing alloys are typically accessible in varied kinds like wire, foil, tape, powder and paste. As the weather condition varies every now and then, so does the moisture in your own home and as effectively the humidity content material of your wood fittings. Metal storage doorways can be found in many kinds, colors, as well as optionally available decorative options.
The Buck Ranger B112 Model features the clip point with a bevelled, concave false edge on the again of the blade tip. Cast steel is step by step replaced by nodular iron. is excited to have the ability to provide our sturdy aluminum deck utilizing only the very best high quality aluminum extrusions together with absolutely assembled sections, we can supply the best aluminum deck railing system on the market today.Fence-Depot's aluminum deck railing is gorgeous, durable, and upkeep free with a lifetime warranty.
The Tour Burner Irons' capabilities are nicely pre-cast into an exceptionally alluring club head which will attraction to all levels of golfers. For the iron to be made into metal (outlined as iron with a rigorously controlled carbon content of 1.7 p.c or much less) the sulfur , the silicon , and the excess carbon must be eliminated. When TaylorMade decided to develop the brand new Burner 2.0 Irons they actually challenged the previous "if it isn't damaged, do not fix it" rule.
Buy steel sheets has released the brand new line of burner irons for gamers who wants to slower their swing speed, and put them into the class of Max Game-Improvement Irons. Carbon contents greater than those of steel make a brittle alloy commonly known as pig iron Whereas iron alloyed with carbon is named carbon steel, alloy metal is steel to which different alloying parts have been intentionally added to modify the characteristics of metal.
Sheets and Plates of steels are utilized in various industries equivalent to Chemical substances, Fat, & Fertilizers, Sugar Mills & Distilleries, Cement Industries, Ship Builders, Paper Industries, Pumps, Petrochemicals, Oil & Pure Fuel Organization in terms of the particular materials, Expertise, Finance & Personal. There are various types of heat treating processes out there to steel.
Cutting, vacuum degassing, electrical furnace and transforming metal into various products could be very easy than on different hardening metals. On the other hand the nice advantage of aluminum door is that you may open or close these doorways even if your operator breaks down. There is a big difference between architectural doorways and metal entry doorways or steel entry doors. Stainless steel is timeless, clear, and looks skilled, undoubtedly the explanations that it has develop into so fashionable with corporations world wide as their alternative of surface or worktop.
Steel garage doors are sometimes made with foam insulation which is able to assist maintain your garage warmer. What that set aside Amika ceramic stylers is its high finish ceramic plates coupled with extremely light-weight and intuitive design. Companies just like the Lucky Group's division known as Lucky Recycling have been successfully defending the setting by segregating and processing chrome steel scrap from Dubai junk yards and repackaging them for reuse.
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businessweekme · 6 years
Debrief: Ghassan Aboud
UAE-based businessman Ghassan Aboud tells Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East Editor Roger Field about the latest developments at his company including investing $600 million to establish a chain of hotels in Australia and a further $118 million to develop a new logistics hub and a retail and food business in the UAE.
Ghassan Aboud Group is well known in its core sectors of automotive, logistics, media, real estate and – more recently – retail, catering and hospitality. You’re now in the process of establishing a premium hotel chain in Queensland, Australia. Tell me more about those plans, how they’re progressing and what led you to move into Australia’s hospitality sector.
GA: Australia has a very strong economy and also has some strong economies around it such as Japan, China, Malaysia and Indonesia. It’s also a stable market. Initially we studied Europe and Australia but in the end we opted for Australia. We are planning to launch four hotels with around 1,200 rooms combined, as well as resorts in Queensland. We established our presence in Australia in 2015 and since then, we started investing into prime hospitality assets, pastoral business and superyacht marina operations in Australia. We have committed to projects exceeding AU$800 million ($600m) and we have also established our in-house brand, Crystalbrook Collection, which will manage these assets and grow the portfolio across the region and internationally in due course.
Crystalbrook Lodge in Cairns is the first property in the Crystalbrook Collection.
The Crystalbrook Lodge is already operational – it’s an exclusive Australian outback oasis perched on the spectacular 120-hectares freshwater Crystalbrook Lake. The first hotel is expected to open in Cairns, Queensland, by the last quarter of 2018, with two more to open in 2019. More openings are scheduled for 2020 and beyond in the region. So we are starting in Australia and will then expand to the world. First, we will spread across other Australian cities and then to the Far East, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and eventually to Europe – this is our plan.
The eventual ambition is for Crytalbrook Collection to become an international hospitality brand with a global footprint. There are three properties undergoing rapid development now and another, which includes a superyacht marina, is in the design stage.
I understand you also own a cattle ranch in Queensland. What’s that all about?
GA: When we first entered the Australian market with a view to setting up the hotels, we saw an opportunity in pasture. Now our pastoral business is spread over 35,000 hectares of land. We’re aiming for the highest standards of inland and pasture management. The meat we produce will serve customers including our own hospitality businesses. Another big area of investment for the group is logistics. Obviously, you had your own supply chains to serve your automotive business, but now you’re looking to step the logistics side of the business up a gear. Tell me more about the plans for the new logistics hub in Abu Dhabi.
In addition to our existing logistics facility in Jebel Ali (JAFZA), the group is establishing a 275,000 square metres logistics facility in Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD) that is scheduled to be completed by August 2018. The project, which is already partially operational, will see the development of a full-scale automotive logistics facility including vehicle storage yard, warehouses, workshops, offices, body shop, PDI facility and others. As with the hospitality business, we want to grow this side of the business across borders. Our logistics company, Gallega, will eventually have operational hubs in Africa, Europe and other international markets.
The initial capacity of the facility is 12,000 vehicles along with a large capacity to store spare parts and accessories for multiple customers. The objective is to provide complete logistics solutions supported by advanced technology. This will allow us to help our customers increase their operational efficiencies and productivity. The cost for the first phase of the project is around AED 95 million ($25.9 million), with an expansion on the cards in the second half of 2019.
In terms of the future of the logistics industry in the region, the UAE has excellent infrastructure and has become a hub for the Middle East and Africa. I see potential for growth as some of these markets experience prosperity, partly due to the sheer size of the population and the need for efficient movement of products.
We started from the UAE and have since added Belgium, which is our base for Africa. In the near future, we will also be establishing a hub in West Africa as we believe in the potential of the African continent. We also have operations in Jordan for automotive and logistics.
We’re not just concentrating on automotive logistics; we are working on a few other niche areas of products and services that will be covered in due course.
You entered the UAE’s retail and catering sector in 2016. How big is this side of the business and how is it progressing?
GA: Last year in the retail segment we launched Grandiose Supermarkets – a chain of niche supermarkets in the UAE. Over the last 12 months we have opened six outlets in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and we plan to open at least 20 more in stages. We’re still new in the market but we are encouraged by the customer response we have gained so far. By the end of this year we will have maybe 10 outlets. Our catering arm, Grandiose Catering, is enjoying a good start and has won contracts with several hotels and corporate clients.
Ghassan Aboud Group originally started out with an automotive trading and spare parts supply business back in 1994, and that remains the biggest part of the business to date. How is automotive performing for you?
GA: At the moment the automotive industry in the region is going through a general downturn. It’s been having a hard time since early 2015 but we believe we are doing well in this area because we have a wide portfolio of services and products. We have been in this business for almost 25 years and we have business relationships in over 100 countries. Diversity and customer loyalty have helped a lot.
Ghassan Aboud started his business in the automotive industry in 1994.
The automotive business originally started with trading in vehicles, spare parts and accessories. Over the years, the business has grown into a substantial automotive supply chain operation, with the UAE as the global hub – operating from Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah – and additional operations in Belgium and Jordan.  The infrastructure includes showrooms, warehouses, offices, logistics facilities and transport fleet. The operations are extensive with multi-country trade, inbound and outbound logistics, storage, value addition, transportation, documentation, financing and others.
The auto business employs 350 staff across the various locations and has a market reach of over 100 countries. It was our success in the automotive business that led us to a diversification strategy into other business verticals, including media, art production, real estate, catering, retail, pastoral and hospitality.
Media, especially free-to-air television, is a tough business to be in at the moment. Tell me about the group’s media unit and how it’s coping in the current climate.
GA: We started the media business in 2008 with a satellite channel, Orient TV, a radio station called Orient Radio, and new media. We also established a TV production business, Live Point Art Production, which is based in Dubai and has offices in Jordan and Turkey to provide media production and training services across the region.
Orient TV broadcasts news, current affairs and general entertainment programmes to the GCC, Levant and parts of North Africa.
The channel is popular in several countries and has good ratings amongst a predominantly Syrian viewership. It is known for its objective coverage as an independent channel. This year we are rebooting Orient Training Centre which offers training for media across all areas including engineering for media, marketing and reporting. We have initiated business with key customers in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
How is the Middle East business climate and economy for the group in general?
GA: Due to our diversity we are doing well. The group had revenues of around $1.5 billion last year, maintaining the levels of the previous year. Since 2015 it has been tough in general for companies in the region. The situation has been challenging for companies in the Middle East and particularly in Africa, which is a large market where we see many of our partners going through difficulties.
We are investing now because we want to be ready for the future and also because we can see that the current slowdown is just part of a cycle. By 2020 the business should start improving in the Middle East and we will try to be ready for it. We have been here for 25 years and have seen the cycle a number of times before.
The current economic environment may be challenging for some, but I see the longer-term outlook to be very positive. This is given the strategic importance of the region, and its ability to be an enabler of trade between continents.
Despite running such a diverse group, you also find time to do humanitarian work, especially for Syrian refugees.
GA: I started a dedicated organisation in early 2012 to help people and it is growing bigger. The aim is to provide medical services, relief efforts, education and social services to Syrian refugees injured or displaced by the conflict. Services are being provided through clinics, hospitals and rehabilitation centres in key locations.
In addition to the above, the group is also actively engaged in other CSR activities within the markets that we operate.
How is the challenge of managing such a big and diverse company?
GA: Opportunities for growth and diversification always come with challenges – we have met these challenges with proper planning, corporate governance, professional management practices and execution. As chairman, my door is open all the time and I communicate regularly with all my staff, from the senior managers to junior management and front-line staff. It’s important to ask them about their ideas and to share ideas. I always ask them to think like entrepreneurs and not like employees. <BW>
  The post Debrief: Ghassan Aboud appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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