#Open Air Theatre
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just1alien · 2 months ago
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She's a puppy eater on stage, but a Disney princess off stage.
101 Dalmatians - The Musical (2022)
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ebiemidnightlibrarian · 2 years ago
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GARETH SNOOK as QUINCE/EGEUS in the 2019 Production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Open Air Theatre in London
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puppetdaily · 10 months ago
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Pongo and Perdita from 101 Dalmatians at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre
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eretzyisrael · 7 months ago
by Shiryn Ghermezian
Anti-Israel protesters in London were accused of antisemitism for harassing theatergoers who were attending a production on Monday of the famed 1964 musical “Fiddler on the Roof.”
As seen in videos shared on social media, the protesters held Palestinian flags and gathered at a cafe next to Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre. Some of them confronted patrons of the theater and one male protester, who had a black and white keffiyeh draped on his shoulders, yelled at theatergoers “Bye Zios!” Another male protester shouted “Palestine will live forever,” told “Fiddler” ticket holders “you are an embarrassment to England,” and criticized one Israel supporter for being “a Zionist.”
The performance reportedly proceeded as planned after the protest at the cafe.
“Fiddler on the Roof,” which has also been adapted into a film of the same name, has no connection to Israel. Its protagonist is a Jewish milkman named Tevye who wants to preserve his family’s traditions in a tiny village, also known in Yiddish as a shtetl, in imperial Russia in 1905 while aiming to marry off his five daughters, who each challenge his traditions. “Fiddler on the Roof” features the famous songs “If I Were A Rich Man,” “Tradition,” “Matchmaker,” and “Sunrise, Sunset.” The theater’s content advisory warns audiences that the play includes “themes of displacement and some scenes of violence and antisemitism.” All but two of the characters in the play at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre are Jewish.
The production is playing at the Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre from July 27-Sept. 21.
“The play has nothing to do with Israel. It has nothing to do with Zionism. Targeting a symbol of Jewish culture shows that these people hate Jews,” the Combat Antisemitism Movement wrote in a post on X/Twitter.
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mttztrading · 7 months ago
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One season following another, laden with happiness and tears.
Fiddler On The Roof - Regent's Park Open Air Theatre: Act 1 (2024)
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thereisnoafter · 2 years ago
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Veranos del Taoro. Puerto de la Cruz
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just1alien · 6 months ago
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Behind the Scenes: Cruella de Vil's Photoshoot
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ufonaut · 2 years ago
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the new london production of la cage aux folles at regent's park open air theatre is completely, and i mean completely, astounding -- out of every west end show i've ever seen, last night firmly cemented this one as the absolute best! deliriously funny, heartfelt and more significant than ever with one of the best casts any show's ever landed, this definitely isn't one to miss 🌈🌈🌈 (31/07/2023)
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Open air theatre on a French vintage postcard, mailed in 1907
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steampunk-newsie · 8 months ago
I went to my second ever visit to the regents park open air theatre yesterday to watch Fiddler on the Roof and omg it was amazing
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first of all I don't think there's a bad seat in this theatre we were sat on the very back row and we had insane views for just £15 per ticket
secondly I went into it knowing very little about the musical other than it was about the Jewish Culture which I know very little about
but it was incredible, it was one of the best pieces of theatre I've seen this year, the set is insane and I love the music which I had heard before I just didn't realise it was this musical and it was also perfect westher for the performance so yay.
I had such a great time and given the chance to go again I would definitely watch again.
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droughtofapathy · 1 year ago
Cabaret ticket prices have me retiring to my Victorian fainting chaise in disgust. Almost $800 for table seating? The cheapest seats at $133 for corner back mezzanine? Go fuck yourselves, producers.
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lynxgirlpaws · 1 year ago
this girl is a machine that turns relatively obscure references to anime she hasn't watched into channel branding
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mttztrading · 6 months ago
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I belong in Anatevka.
Fiddler On The Roof - Regent's Park Open Air Theatre: Act 2
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lunarcry · 1 year ago
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this miku;-;
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notanothertheatrekid · 10 days ago
Y’all wanna know some cool reasons behind common theatre traditions? Like itsmyfirstdayoutthere said superstitions are mostly about practical coping strategies and in quite a few theatres they’d hire out of work sailors to do backstage work (because they were already familiar with the ropes and set functions whilst working smoothly as a team in a cramped space) so they imported their superstition wholesale, but at the same time, theatre takes on a life of its own so (some) theatre traditions are steeped in pragmatism.*
Don’t whistle in a theatre, it’s bad luck.
Old school set backdrops used to be on a series of hand drawn pulleys so when the curtain came down between scenes the crew could haul the previous one up and let loose the next. Only, when you’re doing this night after night, up on a rig above the stage, is it really easy to pay attention to exactly what scene just ended? No. So the crew used to use a series of whistles to communicate which drop to haul and which to unveil. Whistling in the theatre could confuse a stagehand and cause them to loose an untimely backdrop.
The Scottish Play
There was a time when Macbeth was so popular that if your avante garde play was not bringing in the numbers, a theatre would cut a run short and just put on Macbeth because it was guaranteed to sell out. Thus, if you heard someone (most likely cast and crew) talking about Macbeth whilst you were five perfomances in, it was about to spell disaster for your pocketbook and employment because your play wasn’t going to make it to the end of the week before it got canned.
Break a leg
So you know at the side of every stage there’s the curtains, right? And the curtains are there to soften up the arrival of the actors. Sometimes those are known as the Leg curtains, and to ‘break’ on stage past ‘a leg’ meant you made it into the space the audience could see (and therefore we’re getting paid tonight)
I’m religious but not generally superstitious and my dad and brother are atheists so it’s interesting how we’ve formed superstitions around ourselves anyways. Maybe it’s because we’re theatre people.
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stellewriites · 6 months ago
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PART 2 - John Price x reader
Series Masterlist
Summary: When John gets an unexpected invite to his ex-wife’s wedding, he scrambles to find a suitable date to take with him to ward off old ghosts from his past.
Notes: trans John, fat reader, subtle transphobia from minor characters
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John was sat in his flat watching a Match of the Day rerun for a football game he’d missed while away when his phone buzzed on the kitchen counter.
His head swivelled over to it to see if it buzzed again, determining it unimportant enough to ignore for the time being when it stayed silent. Kate always called, so it wasn’t work and anyone else that was texting him after 9pm could wait.
It buzzed a second time, then a third and a fourth in quick succession and he felt curiosity twinge at the base of his skull. He pushed himself up, ignoring when one of his knees popped, and grabbed his phone.
Your name flashed up on the screen and he opened the chat without hesitation.
>> the photos from today, don’t forget to swap them out :)
He flicked through the photos you’d sent before picking one at random to save.
John sat back on his couch and agonised over swapping his lock screen.
It was currently an old photo of Charlotte from their honeymoon, and it had stayed that way this entire time in spite of the divorce. He had kept her there even when he’d removed her photos from his desk and was unable to put any up in his new flat. His little secret. Though he knew Kate had seen it despite his best efforts to leave his civilian phone at his flat or turned off during his office hours.
But now…
He felt almost queasy as he selected the new photo. It felt like the first of many final nails in the relationship’s coffin that John would have to deal with over the next month in the lead up to Charlotte’s big day.
It felt like he was mourning a relationship already six years dead.
John adapted quickly to seeing your face on his phone screen at the end of the day over the next two weeks, even if he did miss seeing Charlotte’s cheery smile, and found it just as easy to accept seeing your name pop up more and more frequently when you messaged with a new question you’d thought of regarding the wedding or your fake relationship.
It was easy to talk to you, he found. Easy to let his guard down just a tinge and to try and bury the hurt he felt.
>> what’s a childhood story you’d have told me about a couple months in?
<< I fell out of a tree when I was 12, was meant to be grounded at the time so I had to walk home with broken ribs and a scraped up arm and leg. Tried to pretend nothing had happened when my mum got back from work, but it didn’t fool her.
>> i broke my arm climbing a tree too, maybe one of our dates should’ve been at a forest climbing adventure place lol
<< You wouldn’t have wanted to be wined and dined?
>> sure but it can get a little boring
>> you wouldn’t have wanted to hypothetically stare at my arse cinched in climbing gear?
>> were there food options for the wedding? like on planes? i’m not a veggie so you dodged a bullet if you chose a main with meat but i do love pasta if we’re able to swap last minute
<< Everyone loves pasta.
<< And no, think it’s an open buffet.
>> i’ll bring a doggy bag for snacks on the way home then
>> waste not, want not
<< Say that in front of my dad and he might just add you to his will.
>> this is the dress I have in mind, what do you think?
<< Good choice.
>> glowing praise, john, i’ll take that as it won’t cause a scandal among the locals
<< Don’t think you’ll be the one causing a scandal, Sunshine.
It was in a rare occasion he’d texted you first that you arranged to meet up a second time. He’d asked about the plans you’d mentioned a few days back and was currently waiting for a reply while he tried to slog through his own work.
>> was super excited for the play today but I think I might have to cancel my tickets, my friend was driving us there but her kid has gotten sick so she can’t go now :/
<< Where were you going?
>> it’s at a park on the other side of the city with the outdoor stage, i could grab a couple of buses but i don’t know if i’d make it in time
John put down the dry sandwich he was eating and looked at the meeting reports he’d been ignoring for the last ten minutes while texting you.
<< I’ll come pick you up.
>> really??
<< Sure. Send me your address and I’ll be there soon, Sunshine.
John had barely parked up outside your house before you were opening the door and giving him an excited smile and wave.
“I love stuff like this anyway, but this community group have put on some amazing portrayals of Shakespeare’s plays over the years despite their low budget and they make it so accessible with cheap tickets and the outdoor venue. It’s cut down so the teens performing have a better chance at remembering their lines, but it’s always one hell of a forty-five minute show. I think it’s Othello this time, but honestly I’d watch anything,” you rambled as you buckled your seatbelt. “It’s always good to support local art.”
“So we’re seeing Shakespeare?” John confirmed.
“It’s at the open air theatre inside the park.”
“Been a while since I went to the theatre, longer than that since I’ve been in a park.”
“What do you do in your off time?” You asked with a snort.
“Don’t get much off time,” John said easily, unbothered. It was him after all that had decided work would become his priority.
“Well then I’m glad we’re getting to see this together,” you said. “I’ve had a pretty long week too.”
At his inquisitive hum you fell into complaining about your managers and the long, tiring shifts you pulled.
It didn’t take you long in the car to get to the park however and you were soon jumping out. You gaped a little when John got out and joined you at the front of the car.
“Holy hell you’re tall, shit a brick,” you said, staring. You’d noticed he was broad at the café and he seemed to fill the cab of his pick-up, but he’d been slumped and seated both times so you’d assumed he was maybe creeping just below 6’ and the rest was his attitude that made him seem all encompassing. Looking at him stood up to his full height now was something else, even as he tucked his chin down and slumped his shoulders to speak with you. “I think we’ll have to sit at the back for this or someone might complain.”
John rolled his eyes but you saw the hint of a smile play at his lips as he agreed.
You led him eagerly to the crowd you could see gathering at the entrance of the outdoor stage; the front four rows of the small open air auditorium had been unfolded for the event, suggesting the size of the crowd expected. You both elected to take a seat on the back row as others started to head to the front, but he nudged you fondly when he saw you shift excitedly waiting for it to start.
John pulled out his phone when he felt it buzz in his pocket, but put it back when he saw it was just a reminder to sort out his tux for the wedding.
“Cute pic,” you said with a sly smile when you caught his lock screen. “We should take another, might be more convincing if we have more than one photo of us doing stuff together, right?”
John leant into your side and hesitantly wrapped his arm around you, stiff where it draped over the back of your seat, for the photo.
You were no better, your smile suddenly tight at the corners as you took a quick snap. You held your breath until he moved back, his aftershave surprisingly enticing and the warmth and weight of his arm too inviting.
It wouldn’t do for you to become attracted to John, not that it was something you could control, you knew. But maybe if you just wished it hard enough it wouldn’t make the weekend away with him more difficult than it had to be; falling for a man still blatantly in love with his ex never ended well for anyone.
You smiled a little weakly at him when nudged you again, nodding at the community group making their way onto the stage in front of the clapping crowd.
Maybe attraction would be fine you decided, already knowing how impulsively forgetful and weak-willed you got when your vibrator was between your legs - you could already imagine his name slipping through loose lips, and you couldn’t blame yourself for it as you sneakily took in his side profile - just as long as there were no real feelings from your side.
You’d graduated from texting to calling when John mentioned one night that he found it hard to multitask while at work. You’d offered to leave him alone and talk to him once he was done later but he’d been quick to interrupt, said instead that although he couldn’t text and write at the same time, he’d be fine talking and writing.
It’s how he found himself sat at his desk with his phone propped next to him on speaker, listening to you complain about the shitty restaurants near your work.
“I need to get back into meal prepping, or at least start buying something nicer pre-made to bring for lunch. If I have to eat another Greggs meal deal I think I’ll throw up, John,” you bemoaned.
“There’s a new place just opened up ‘round the corner to you, you know?” He said, checking over his team’s reports before signing them off. At your interested hum he continued. “Greek place I think. The sergeants went the other day, said it was a good menu and they’re usually quite picky about where they spend their free time together.”
“That sounds perfect, I’ll meet you there in twenty?” You asked rhetorically, already gathering your stuff to take your lunch break. “I can order for us both in case it takes you longer so it’ll be served by time you arrive. See you in a bit, bye!” You didn’t wait for him to confirm or reply in any capacity, too excited for a delicious lunch.
John stared down at his phone where the screen fell black through lack of use at the ended call. He took a moment to recount the conversation and where he’d gotten mixed up before reluctantly dropping his pen and grabbing his coat and keys.
He stopped by Simon’s office on his way out.
“I’m heading out for a quick lunch, won’t be back in time for that meeting with Laswell after all so you’ll need to take notes.” He waited for Simon’s nod before knocking once on the doorframe in thanks and leaving.
Sure he could’ve just sent you a quick text to correct you, or rang you back to explain it was just a recommendation and he didn’t have the time to join you.
But he didn’t want to. He wanted to go eat Greek food with you until you were humming happily and rubbing your soft stomach, comfortably full on more than a lukewarm pasty and sad looking iced donut. He wanted to hear about your day at work so far and what you’d been up to with your friends on Saturday evening when your replies had slowed down.
He wanted.
It had been a long time since John had felt that way. Given most of the people he’d consider friends were people he worked with and kept their personal lives close to their chests, it wasn’t often he wanted to do much more than spend a couple hours in a pub after a rough mission with them.
You were quickly solidifying yourself a space in John’s life as a friend, whether you knew it or not. Whether you liked it or not. And as a result, he didn’t want to leave you to eat on your own knowing you to be a social butterfly, even after such a short time. John was known to be protective - some had said possessive - of those he considered his. And being his friend meant that you would given the same effort of care and consideration that he gave his team, it just needed to be applied differently.
It wouldn’t be through proud shoulder pats after a mission well-done or through unshakeable confidence and trust when he put his life on the line stood side-by-side with the 141.
No, it would be pulling up to hole in the wall restaurants last minute so that you could spend your lunch a little happier than you were when you were sat at your desk.
He found you sat at the back table, the seat facing the front windows and door left free for him to take with silent appreciation.
The food was as good as Gaz and Soap had promised it would be and the sight of you scarfing down baklava before you had to head back to work had him grinning into his glass.
“Christ, I might have to get a to-go box of this for tonight,” you groaned lowly.
“Big plans?” John asked, clearing his throat.
“Just some DIY I’ve been putting off around the house, figure if I entice myself with a treat for after it’s done I’ll be more likely to actually do it.” You go to take your last bite before pausing and pointing at John. “And before you say it, I realise it sounds like how you train a puppy.”
John snorted, but a frown pulled low on his brow. “What needs fixing?”
“My front door is scraping low when I open it, hinges are loose I think. Nothing major but I’d rather not fuck it up, you know? But if I leave it any longer then I’ll need to pay someone to deal with some real damage,” you sighed. “So I’ve borrowed my neighbour’s drill.”
“I’ll do it for ya,” John offered out of nowhere.
“What? No, you don’t have to, you’re busy,” you declined.
“It’s fine, I’ll pop by later tonight. Just let me know when you’re home and I’ll swing by and sort it.”
“I, uh, ok. Sure, thanks, John. I appreciate it,” you said with a grateful, if not bemused, smile.
As soon as you opened the door that evening, John noticed how the bottom caught.
“Hi, do you want a drink? A tea?” You offered as you let him in.
“I’d love one, thanks, Sunshine.” He stepped inside and placed his drill case by the doorframe.
“Oh, you brought your own drill? You didn’t have to go home for it, did you?” You fretted as you headed towards the kitchen. “Did I not mention I’d borrowed my neighbour’s?”
“You did. But this was in the back of the truck from Simon borrowing it, it’s not a big deal,” John lied. He’d stopped off to grab it after your lunch together. “Wasn’t sure what your neighbour’s drill was going to be like, but I know this’ll get the job done proper.”
You bit back an amused smile and hummed your assent down the hall as you waited for the electric kettle to boil.
“Thanks again for helping out, John. I can get by doing my own DIY usually; not to brag but I’m kind of a pro at assembling IKEA furniture. Sometimes though it helps having a second person look it over too.” You walked back to the front door as you spoke and held his tea for him as he set up the drill to match the screws in the door.
“It’s no hassle,” he said before setting to work.
A quick three minutes later your door was once again in full working order, no longer sticking when it swung open and closed.
“Good as new,” he said. You passed him his drink, still hot, and grinned, leading him to sit on the couch for a moment. “If y’need anything else fixing up or looking at, just let me know. I’d be happy to help.”
“Opened the floodgates with that offer. You’ll be regretting it soon enough,” you said with a laugh. “This place is a bit of a fixer-upper, ‘s why I could afford it in the first place.”
“You’ve done a good job with it,” he said earnestly, looking around the cosy living room. Would be better if you weren’t alone, he thought suddenly, unbidden. He took a deep sip of his drink and avoided eye contact. “I like being useful, you might as well take advantage of it since no one else is at the moment.”
You smiled softly. “That’s all the permission I need.”
His phone vibrated in his pocket and he slipped it out to see a text from his mum.
>> Make sure your date isn’t wearing white, luv. I’m sure she’s a lovely girl, but we wouldn’t want to spoil Charlotte’s day would we? xxx
<< Her dress is green, nothing to worry about mum. xx
>> Green is a bold choice, must be quite the lady to pull that off! Give her my love. xxx
John sighed as he put his phone down and caught your eye in his peripheral.
He smiled tiredly to ease your worried frown.
“Just my mum checking in, she gives you her love,” he said.
“Mm. She gives you a headache,” you pointed out. “Wedding shit still?”
“It’s her prime focus right now. It’ll be done soon.”
“You want a paracetamol? I’ll top up your tea.” You reached forward for his empty cup.
“Got something stronger?” John asked hopefully.
You winced. “I’ve got a gin ‘n’ tonic in a can that my friend left the other day? Can’t even offer you a strong coffee because it’s decaf.”
“Jesus,” he groaned through a laugh. “Another tea it is.”
The morning of the wedding came sooner than you’d expected. The dress that you’d carefully hung on your wardrobe door to avoid creases all those weeks ago would finally be put to use.
You got up early enough to get yourself ready, nervousness unsettling your stomach enough that you stuck to only a slice of toast for breakfast with a strong coffee.
>> Setting off now, I’ll be at yours in 20.
<< you mean you’ll be here by 0900 🫡
>> Funny.
>> See you soon.
You chuckled to yourself as you grabbed your things so you were ready to go when John arrived and double checked everything was locked up for the weekend.
The knock on your door had your heart jump and pound double-time in your chest before you shook your hands out and told yourself to fucking chill. It was just John.
“Hi, you ready to— oh, you look, uhm…” John trailed off as he took in the flowing silk dress you’d bought. He’d seen it before, of course, but now seeing you in it and the way it clung to your curves and highlighted your plush tummy and wide hips had his tongue heavy and lost in his mouth. He swallowed thickly as he looked back up to your face, trying not to linger on the plunged neckline and what it did for your tits, and felt his cheeks redden when he noticed your own flustered, wide-eyed look as you stood and watched him. “You look very nice,” he finished lamely.
“Right, good, thanks.” You tried to force a laugh but your throat felt too dry, even as you grinned at his red cheeks. “You clean up pretty well too,” you said instead and reached your hand out to brush against the neatened trim of his beard, his muttonchops less pronounced.
He stiffened at the unexpected touch, not disliking it, but a memory of Charlotte doing something similar had him flinching back. Charlotte, he remembered, would usually only rub at his beard with a frown and ask when he was going to go clean shaven again.
You didn’t know that however and you snatched your hand back to your side as you felt a chill drop from your chest down to your toes like a bucket of cold water. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” you apologised.
“No, it’s fine. Just caught me off guard,” he said, trying to ease your suddenly tense shoulders and cursing himself for getting lost in old memories.
He led you to the car and held open the door for you, smiling when you thanked him and tucked in your dress to avoid its long length getting trapped in the door.
Once he was sat in the drivers seat he hesitated for a moment before turning to face you.
“‘M glad you like it,” he said with a quick gesture to his beard. “I was thinking about shaving it off for the occasion.”
You winced reflexively at the thought, teeth gritted and bared as you tried to picture him without facial hair. He let out a deep rumble of a laugh, throaty and unfiltered, as you tried to square your face back to a neutral expression, though your eyebrows wouldn’t pull back from their frown.
“I’m sure that would’ve looked… sweet,” you hedged carefully.
John only snorted.
You huffed and rolled your eyes. “Ok I’m a terrible liar,” you started, glaring when John muttered an amused, you don’t say. “If you want to shave and like how it looks, then we can detour back to yours and I’m sure you’ll look just as handsome in whatever photos you’re forced to pose for. But if you’re asking for my opinion? Then I think this suits you better, it’s more distinguished. You’d have looked too much like a banker if you’d shaved and wore a suit,” you said with an exaggerated shiver.
John hummed a chuckle, his shoulders shaking with it. “I’m sure the word you’re thinking of rhymes with banker, Sunshine.”
It was your turn to snort a laugh at that.
“Your words, not mine, John.”
“Cheeky. Put your bloody seatbelt on,” he huffed, a smile pulling at his lips as he started the car. “Suddenly thinking this drive might feel ten times longer than usual for some reason.”
You rolled your eyes and didn’t dignify his jab with a response. Tried not to focus on your pulse racing in excitement.
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