#Ooogie and doc are dating
Disney Villain Polycule Posts Part 6 - Carnival Delights
Something lighthearted and vaguely stupid, idk it's fun picturing these morons having a nice time. I also share Facilier's rage for hook-a-duck.
Carnival-inclined members of the polycule have a great time swindling the rigged stall games. Oogie, Facilier and, weirdly enough, Jafar.
Set up by locals, travellers and those of an opportunistic nature, the carnival ranges from food stalls to pop up roller-coasters to game stalls to the interactive theatre troupes. It’s a place for fun, and laughter, and joy for all ages!
And rage. So much rage.
“These poles are rigged!!”
Oogie slammed his burlap stubs into the tabletop so hard the whole tent wobbled. The dead-eyed teen at the counter didn’t even look up from his phone.
Look, absolutely no-one ever wins at carnival stalls, but actually catching them in the act of cheating or being rigged seems to be an impossibility. As Oogie found out after being kicked off the fourth ‘shoot-the-bottle’ stall that he filled with ants.
He wasn’t the only one. Facilier had a mighty respect for peddlers and fortune tellers selling tarot readings and crystal balls to make money – hell that’s almost his entire profession – but apparently the line is drawn at predicting great fortune in the near future and then wringing him for every last penny at hook-a-duck.
Only HE’S allowed to swindle people on the other side of that fortune table dammit-!
So if he set up a small table of his own and convinced the good festival goers to partake in HIS readings (while Shadow loosens screws, rips holes in tents and makes off with the cashbox keys of every other stall in the vicinity) then hey, naught better for business than the sweet siren call of the open market, right? How can you blame a hard-workin’ man for making good on a local opportunity for honest cash?
Jafar, who wanted it on record that he was only here because he has literally nothing better to do and somebody had to keep an eye on the chaotic duo that was Oogie and the Doctor, had unexpectedly found himself in a conundrum.
Perusing the food stalls for the kind of sweets he would deny forever having a taste for, he found his eye alighted on the grand prize for the test of strength stall.
While some brash little child screamed with frustration at only smacking the machine halfway up to the bell he found himself admiring the elegant colour composition, the fine needlework, the sophisticated curl and form of the collectible. Indeed, why, it had to be the best prize of the whole fair!
The thought near slapped him across the face.
No! No...He’s the Grand Vizier of Agrabah, a genie, a villain amongst the elite of the realm! A Sorcerer such as he is too sophisticated for such a cheap, low-class thing. He surely has no need for such a petty, childish, frivolous-
The child screamed harder and lunged for the plushie snake with sticky cotton candy hands.
“So you’re tellin’ me that Jafar drop kicked a ten year old, stole a plushie and set the stall on fire when her parents called the guards?”
Oogie giggled as trails of bugs slowly filled the burlap sack back up. “Yup!”
Facilier sighed as another round of armed men clattered toward the billowing smoke a few rows down. “Can’t take him anywhere, huh? I can hear him laughin’ from here. Time to head home?”
“Sure, I stole some more prizes while they were busy puttin’ out the first fire. Reckon Hades likes gummy worms as well as real ones?”
“Here’s hopin'!”
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