Quantum Sociology
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 In so many ways of late, Science has been finding that we are a Universe of Self Organizing Automata, which grows and develops into Complex Systems of Interrelated data; Aggregates of Informational Architecture in a Social Milieu. In this model, Consciousness is an ambiguously related spin-off, the flagship product being non-thought cognitive sub-routines and neural circuit processors. The New Psychology then, being a Science, allows that our Personality is Constructed from the assorted patches and modules that run our prehensive application menu. In such a case, our Perception is controlled and governed by the interpretative screening of these filters and the limits of their capacity to model. Object Oriented Design gets trumped by numerous other factors such as bandwidth, driver up-dates, wet-ware version, user interface, affordability, and other such factors. These chain-of-components considerations almost assure us that our operating system becomes one-of-a- kind. If this is so then we are only modeling the image of our filters rather more than any object of our attention. And lo, the cutting edge of today's Science confirms that all we are really able to Perceive around us is an Image of the Reflected Model of our components and filters. So we go through life, joyously substantiating the confirmation biases of our Self-Reflected Interior. Well and Good. Now the question arises: In what way can we find that Sociology Reflects the Self-Referential Truth of Individual Agency. Sociologists are in the practice of searching out Patterns in large scale Behavior. This often involves analysis of broad data sets: we are looking for Social Structure in Large Scale Patterns (among other things, of course). This type of Architecture represents a Macro-level view of Social Phenomena. Although we may find Large Scale traits, we will find Self-Reflexive Truth at work in the Doylies of the mezzo-persona of the Individual Agents. If we are finding the Mechanics of Individual Agency operating at the level of the pre-conscious Neural Machinery, and Contextualizing it within a Social System, then we are at the very least looking at things from the mezzo-level of Social Phenomena, and then juxtaposing Reflexivities with the macro-phenomena. At this point we are asking: where is the seething Complexity of Emergent Self-Referentiality in the vast, churning confluence of Sociologistics? And here things take a rather surprising turn. The question now becomes (as in Physics): what is the smallest unit of Sociological Fact that we can legitimately measure? The standard unit has classically been the unit of the Individual. In our Legacy Sociology, there hasn't seemed to have been much interest in proceeding past the Individual Unit and even at that, we needed at least one other Unit and some Dynamics to peak the interest of the Classical Sociologer. But we can go much smaller than that, for Individuals are Constructed of Infinitesimal Particles of Social Reality. Even our Personalities have become the Biographical Summation of our own Neuro-Synaptic sub-plots and the Neurotransmiting Actors of whatever Scene they are currently Performing. And Behold, within a few meager steps downward, we are miniaturized to the Quantum level of Social Reality to find Self-Referential Belief emerging as our immersive micro-partner. When Social Construction becomes a Self-Referential Image of our data modeling, then it has become a Mirror and in the Self-Referential Circuit of Knowing/Acting and World-Making Autopoiesis is Reflexitively Social. Read the full article
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