#Onside ATM
navinsamachar · 2 months
कूर्मांचल बैंक के 26वें ऑनसाइट एटीएम का शुभारंभ
कूर्मांचल बैंक के 26वें ऑनसाइट एटीएम का शुभारंभ करते पूर्व संचालक एवं प्रधानाचार्या। नवीन समाचार, लालकुआं, 12 अगस्त 2024 (Launch of 26th onsite ATM of Kurmanchal Bank)। उत्तराखंड के प्रमुख सहकारी बैंक-दि कूर्माचल नगर सहकारी बैंक लिमिटेड ने सोमवार को नगर के मोहन लाल साह बालिका विद्या मंदिर के पास स्थित शाखा में बैंक नेटवर्क के 26वें ऑनसाइट एटीएम का शुभारंभ किया किया गया। बैंक के पूर्व संचालक चन…
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kivaember · 3 months
Not sure if you're still into AC6, but if you are, do you think Michigan would help Walter learn the nuances of male socialization? Or would Walter have had most of that down by the time they met?
I'M STILL INTO AC6 DONT WORRY im just very busy with work atm and took a bit of a break to prevent burnout. I haven't had access to my computer for a week so I haven't been able to write anyways (and won't be until next week ough). So, kinda had a soft socmed break...
But! To answer your ask: Walter doesn't have the nuance down for any kind of socialisation, and it's something that Michigan did try to correct but Walter just wasn't interested. Walter's kinda interesting in that he has blinkers on regarding his life's goal, and he's very unapologetic and unbothered about his non-existent people skills. Those that accept how he is and work with him are worth more than those he can only keep onside by pretending to be someone he isn't, and while initially Michigan's pretty frustrated by this, he finds Walter's intentionally poor social skills a charm point rather than a turn off tjdjf
tl;dr michigan tried but it went in one ear and out the other. Walter is very much the cat in this relationship...
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kourtney-greene · 2 years
Everyone's talking about Ricky homewrecking this season and how EJ lost Nini to him in season one, and that is not what happened 😭. Yall nini broke up with him because he majorly overstepped several boundaries. Ricky couldn't have done that by himself
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whataboutmyfries · 4 years
Velvet, sweetie, bloop, and one of your choice :)
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?  Ahaha I am a bit of both, cause I sleep suuuper late, but then somehow that always makes me wake up super early :)))
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?  considering I am a literal five-year-old??, yes! kids are fun to be around. I don’t really wanna have any of my own atm tho 
bloop; spirit animal?  OOOoooOo never thought about this one XD what do you think???
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?  “I smiled. That was a promise I fully intended to keep.” this is from Stalking jack the ripper by Kerri Maniscalco :))) 
Thank you so much for the asks nonnie!!!!!
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Another two cents on the poc solidarity discussion. I feel like we all need to redefine a little what poc solidarity means. On the most practical level it means different advocacy groups sneding money, signing up for marches for things primarily onsidered another poc group's issues. (and i would honestly recommend everyone on tumblr to just get off social media once in a while to volunteer for advocacy groups, you really put all the discourse in perspective). But on the social media level 1/?
we should start tbinking about poc solidarity as the idea that we as poc have a better shot of understanding ofjer poc’s perspectives, and therefore better defend them against systemic racism, but we aren’t necessarily able to do so all the time because we have different life experiences. Meaning that we should still go to marches, engage in dialogue with other esp white people about poc issues in general, be the best defender for each other when the person of color being attacked atm isn’t 2/?
present, and basically just doing the RIGHT things for the sake of doing the RIGHT things, not because we expect some sort of tit for tat at the end of each debate. I rhink the conversation surrounding asians on social media from nonasians has just veen disappointing in general, but when I step out of social media, honestly? There has been so mich vocal support for askans even if they don’t necessarily understand all the intricacies of our community. (Just like we don’t understand all the 3/?
Intricacies of theirs.) This isn’t really an argument against the poc solidarity ask or your answer really bjt have hope you know?poc communities are always frustrated with each other, and though it might feel like sometimes that people get extra mad at Asians because we’re especially viewed as the white man’s attack dog or whatever the fuck, like trust me the frustration goes all around for everyone, and there will always be people who may be disappointed with asians too for failing to 3/?
Do certain shit for other communities, and a lot of times justifiably angry, but they would still support Asian American causes anyway because they believe js and know the struggles we voice are real. So we should all strive to do the same, for the simple reason that we understand where they’re coming from and know that it’s the right thing to do. Anyway this discussion has been sort of breaking my heart and I hope other Asians feeling isolated recently will continually support poc even if 4/?
Tbh I agree with that. I don’t have the time to do volunteering and others don’t either but sending financial support would be the next best thing if you can’t make it to a march. I’ve done both plenty of times and so have others though. We just don’t broadcast it everywhere because it’s not genuine to do that.
And Asian people have been doing those things though. Both offline and online. The more time you spend with Asian people and among Asian communities both offline and online, the more you’ll see and understand all of this.
We’ve talked about Get Out. We’ve talked about Hidden Figures. We’ve talked about Moonlight, Black Panther, Coco, Moana, and tons of other movies with other groups of color. Asian people showed up for Akai Gurley, showed up for Stephon Clark, showed up for Standing Rock, showed up for Latinx and other communities facing immigration or deportation issues. Showed up against trump. Showed up for science. Showed up for the environment. We’ve been there.
People just like to act as if we don’t show up for anyone or support anyone or anything for that matter. We’re a very small and conflicted community yeah so you may not see many of us around, but we’re here. Always been here. When my friends and I are together, we ALWAYS watch and support Black movies. We just had a Madea marathon like 2 weeks ago lmaooo
But one of the major points like you said, is to spend real time with real people out in the real world and the more time you do spend with other groups and Asian people, the more you’ll see all these small instances of solidarity. Just because people don’t broadcast these examples everywhere doesn’t mean they don’t exist, and tbh I find it very unauthentic to do so anyway. If you’re only doing things to elevate your image or for self-interest reasons, that’s not genuine. I agree with you on that.
Angry Asian Guy
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itwasjustmisplaced · 7 years
danny is playing that scene really well, you can clearly see aaron isn't ready for it and is forcing himself to do it, its very different to that november kiss between robert and rebecca cos atm I was like wth robert?? his motivations weren't clear until after
Honestly, Danny Miller has played the Alex stuff perfectly in my opinion. Like I remember when Alex was checking Aaron out in the hospital (which dude keep it your pants) and Aaron was like flattered but also not into it. Then you could just feel how much he was forcing himself with the rest of it. He would smile but it wasn’t quite there. He would look down and away uncomfortably and you could just tell he wasn’t feeling it.
Here we are again and Danny knows how to play lust. We saw it pre-affair and how much he wanted to bone Robert. Here he honestly looks scared and then he’s like fuck I just need to do this. It reminds me so much of the lodge which we all know Aaron wasn’t into but needed to pretend because it was to keep Robert onside. So Danny is playing this is a way that is to show that Aaron really isn’t into it 100% but trying to shut this guy about how much he loves Robert. 
And honestly, the second Robecca kiss was super ambiguous. The first one that was incredibly awkward to me cause Robert was just stood there with his hands at his side while she tried her damnedest to be sexy. 
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outletggdbsale-blog · 5 years
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voymedia1 · 5 years
Buying a Property: How to Save Money for a House
Buying a property is the biggest investment most of us will make in our lifetimes, both in terms of finances and in terms of putting down roots and choosing a community to integrate into. Of course,  most mortgages make paying back a home loan roughly equal to rental prices in terms of monthly outlay. But the costs of a down payment, taxes, renovations and other fees still make buying a home prohibitively expensive for many people. Like many problems, the best way to tackle it is to break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. There are lots of ways you can save for a mortgage, from small day to day savings to bigger, broader cutbacks. Here are some tips to help you get started.
  Open a savings account
Divide and conquer your finances! If you split your earnings into different accounts you’ll find it much easier to organize, limit and keep track of your spending. Set up a savings account and automate it so that your paycheck siphons whatever you can afford to save straight into it. A handy tip: don’t have a debit card linked to the savings account! This eradicates the temptation to dip into your saving pot, or at least makes it much more difficult. Once you can manage your finances more effectively you’re well on the road to saving for a property.
  Credit cards and loans
First of all, pay off your credit card as soon as possible. Not only will that cut down your monthly outgoings, it will also boost your credit score. It has been shown that to maximize your credit rating it is advisable to stay within 20% of your total credit limit, and to make at least the minimum monthly payment. It’s best to pay off smaller loans or to consolidate them effectively. When you go to apply for a mortgage you should shop around for lower interest rates, and look for offers available through home loan specialists.
  A good broker or lending institution is usually in a partnership with a number of lenders, so don’t refrain from scouring the internet for the best one for you. Additionally, use all available tools and calculators that are on offer, as these can fairly accurately present you with all the available options that are tailored to your financial situation (as long as you faithfully provide the relevant information, of course).
  Keep track of your spending habits
Streamline all aspects of your life, from your leisure activities to coffee breaks at work. Why not invest in a french press and a bag of good coffee? This (weekly or monthly) costs a fraction of the price of expensive cafe bought drinks with no substitute in quality. Instead of an expensive gym membership use the local parks (many of which have exercise equipment in them nowadays) and feel the burn for free. Better still, run or cycle to work, so you’re not only getting a workout but also saving on commuting costs. Love reading and splurging on books and e-books? Join a local library instead! The savings you make may seem small, but they do add up. Assess these savings on a longer-term basis – how much is the gym costing you a year?
  Use cash
Taking money from an ATM every time you want to buy anything might seem like a real hassle. And that’s exactly the point! The whole process makes it much harder to impulse buy, and keeps you budget conscious when you’re out and about. It is easier to set limits for your spending in any given situation (nights out are a prime example of overspending, especially when your inhibitors are down due to a glass of wine or two). Having money physically in your pocket makes you think much harder about your transactions, rather than flashing the plastic (and then forgetting about the costs). All in all, the harder you make it to spend, the less you’ll spend on unnecessary things (and you will become naturally more budget conscious).
               Limit your social life
OK, so you might have to turn down a few invites from friends, or maybe skip the expensive cinema trip and just meet up afterward. Or skip the pre-dinner drinks. Or just stay home (with your library books!). But don’t forget the value of NOT doing things. In fact, try keeping a calendar of invitations you turned down, and make sure to note how much money that saved you. Not only are you finding a silver lining (literally) on the cloud, you’re also training your brain to be more goal focused. And what better goal than owning your own home?
  Limit online spending
It is so easy to spend money freely and wantonly online. All major online retailers have expert marketing traps, all designed to make you part with more cash. Bundles, bargains (usually things you wouldn’t buy if they weren’t discounted), bits-and-bobs. We spend so much money on unnecessary things. Remove your details (especially your credit card details) from your favorite online shops to make it more difficult to impulse buy. Take some time out to ask yourself if you REALLY need another vintage lamp or novelty cell phone cover. Identify what kind of mood you’re usually in when you shop online (depressed, happy, bored etc), and train yourself to avoid making any financial decisions in that mood. Similarly, if you have an apartment full of impulse buys, try reselling them – online or in a good old fashioned yard sale.
  Use an experienced real estate agent
The best recommendation you can get for a real estate agent is from friends, neighbors (or if you’re feeling bold, potential new neighbors). Ask around, make sure you find someone you trust, feel comfortable asking questions, and who is a clear communicator. Remember, you’re about to make one of the biggest investments of your life, so you need to get a good team onside.
  Look for a ‘fixer upper’ (and get a survey)
A property that needs a little tender lovin’ care can be drastically cheaper than a fully furnished, all mod cons property. Make sure you get a survey done on any home you’re aiming to buy, and try to estimate roughly the cost of the work you’ll have to have done. ‘Fixer uppers’ are great if you have the time and creative energy to spend really personalizing your new home.
These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of saving money. Of course, you could live on nothing but rice and potatoes for a year, but there are less drastic self-denying ways to budget. Just remember, even the smallest saving is another step on the way to owning a home!
The post Buying a Property: How to Save Money for a House appeared first on Facebook Advertising Agency | Facebook Marketing Company.
from Facebook Advertising Agency | Facebook Marketing Company https://voymedia.com/buying-a-property-how-to-save-money-for-a-house/
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mopishblog · 6 years
Fitbit Versa Review: Fitbit’s Best Wearable Yet?
Our verdict of the Fitbit Versa: Fitbit’s Versa is not a smartwatch in the traditional sense, but it is a brilliant iteration of the company’s fitness tracker–and may even be their best device to date. 810
Arriving just six months after Fitbit’s last smartwatch offering, there is a lot of expectation riding on the Versa. The Ionic was a device full of unrealized potential. Ultimately its high price, industrial design, and under-baked features left a lot to be desired.
With the Versa coming so quickly after the Ionic, could it be that Fitbit has addressed these problems and produced a genuinely desirable smartwatch?
Fitbit Versa Specifications
Display: Touchscreen, color LCD
Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n)
Bluetooth 4.0
Optical heart rate
Ambient Light
4+ days battery life
0 – 100% in two hours
Water Resistance: up to 50m
Fitbit Versa Smartwatch, Black/Black Aluminium, One Size (S & L Bands Included) Fitbit Versa Smartwatch, Black/Black Aluminium, One Size (S & L Bands Included) Buy Now At Amazon $199.95
Thankfully, this is not the Ionic version two. The Versa bears almost no relation to its earlier sibling. Instead, it more closely resembles Pebble and Apple’s smartwatches. This is a vast improvement over the Ionic, which looked far more industrial. For the most part, the Versa looks like quite an attractive regular wristwatch.
There are just three hardware buttons; one on the left, two on the right. The square watch face is made up of a touchscreen color LCD screen, surrounded by a black bezel. The aluminum body seems quite small until you put it on your wrist and it turns out to be a perfect size. It is large enough for you to quickly interact with it but small enough not to be intrusive.
Like many of Fitbit’s other devices, the watch band has a proprietary connector. While this means that you can’t attach a watch strap from anywhere, Fitbit does offer replacement bands which range from $30 for a standard band, to $90 for the metal link variety.
Flip the Versa over, and you’ll find the optical heart rate sensor, charging connectors, and the currently inactive SpO2 sensor. Unlike nearly every other smartwatch, the Versa comes with a charging dock, which is a welcome surprise.
Placing the watch into the dock is relatively simple, requiring just a squeeze on the side of the dock to lock the Versa into place. The official specifications give the Versa a battery life of four days, but in practice, it seems to be closer to two.
Fitbit OS
With the Ionic, Fitbit debuted their smartwatch operating system, Fitbit OS. This proved to be one of the upsides of their acquisition of Pebble, importing a lot of stylistic and user interface elements from the company. With only six months separating the Ionic and the Versa, there haven’t been any significant changes to Fitbit OS.
The Versa easy and straightforward to use; the touch controls are intuitive, and the interface is attractive and uncluttered. The default clock face unsurprisingly puts your fitness stats front and center. As soon as the screen is turned on, you get a quick overview of your steps, heart rate, and activity. If you choose to change the clock face through the Fitbit app, then these stats can still be found by swiping up to open the Today panel.
Swiping left from the clock face brings up a list of all apps installed on your Versa. There are those that you expect like Exercise, Alarms, Coach, and Relax. Then there are the more novel entries like Strava, Deezer, and Fitbit Pay. There is also a slightly barebones app store for Fitbit smartwatches which can be found in the Fitbit app on your smartphone. Most of these apps are low quality, so its unlikely you’ll spend a lot of time playing with third-party apps.
Just like any good smartwatch manufacturer, Fitbit has bundled together a lot of features to make their devices stand out. Fitbit’s fitness trackers mostly share features like step counting, activity tracking, and heart rate measurement, and these can all be found on the Versa too. There is no in-built GPS, so any location tracking is reliant on an active connection to your phone.
The Apple Watch and Google’s Wear OS have deep integrations with their respective smartphone platforms, allowing you to respond to notifications and interact with their smart assistants. The Versa lacks in this respect as the most you can do is view your smartphone’s notifications.
Fitbit Pay
Sometime in 2017, Fitbit apparently decided that what the world needed was yet another contactless payment platform. Thus, Fitbit Pay was born. While this is a nice idea, the reality of getting banks and financial institutions onside is another thing.
Tech heavyweights like Google and Samsung have struggled with this in the past, and it seems Fitbit is intent on repeating their mistakes. Currently, only a handful of banks worldwide offer support for Fitbit Pay, limiting its usefulness. In the UK there were only two specific types of credit card supported, so I wasn’t able to test it.
According to the user manual, you need to add card information in the Fitbit app, set up a lock screen PIN on the Versa, and then you are ready to go. Where contactless payments are available, tap the Versa against the machine, and the in-built NFC will take care of the rest.
Water Resistance
The Versa is listed as “water resistant to 50 meters”. On the surface, this sounds great, but there is some crucial information missing from their specifications. For instance, the Versa is not IP or ATM rated. These ratings are based on independent and standardized tests to determine water resistance performance. This isn’t necessarily an issue, as Fitbit may have just chosen to forgo the cost of rating the device.
However, digging a little deeper into Fitbit’s user support forums uncovers a post about the Versa’s water resistance. A response from a Fitbit employee states “to avoid any damage, I don’t recommend swimming with it.” This seems to contradict the official Fitbit support page on water resistance.
Ultimately the Versa should be suitable for water-based activities like swimming, given that swimming is in fact a trackable activity. However, their slippery use of language, inability to accurately define water resistance, and lack of IP rating suggest that Fitbit is being intentionally evasive.
Future Developments
The Versa’s most exciting features are ones that aren’t available just yet. Just like with the Ionic, the Versa has an in-built SpO2 sensor, which is currently inactive.
Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a measure of blood oxygen levels, and Fitbit’s website says they may activate the sensor in the future to help users track conditions like sleep apnea. However, they also made the same statement about the Ionic, so if this feature does materialize, expect it to be in the more distant future.
The Versa also marks the first time Fitbit has hoped to include period tracking — or as they call it “female health.” Their website promises that female users will be able to “log [their] period, record symptoms & compare [their] cycle against other health stats like sleep, activity and weight.” Female Health tracking is reportedly coming at some point in May 2018.
Fitbit’s First True Smartwatch
The Versa is not a smartwatch in the traditional sense. Yes, it is a fitness tracker that can do smart things. But without deep integration to your smartphone, the reality is that the Versa is merely another iteration of Fitbit’s fitness trackers, albeit a brilliant one.
Fitbit Versa Smartwatch, Black/Black Aluminium, One Size (S & L Bands Included) Fitbit Versa Smartwatch, Black/Black Aluminium, One Size (S & L Bands Included) Buy Now At Amazon $199.95
Whether you find this a problem or not will depend on what you want out of a smartwatch. It is a feature-packed device that builds on, and solidifies, Fitbit’s expertise and dominance in the wearable market. What is certain though is that the Versa is the best Fitbit device to date.
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https://js.gleam.io/e.jsFitbit Versa Giveaway Fitbit Versa Review: Fitbit’s Best Wearable Yet? syndicated from https://mopishblog.wordpress.com/
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