#One reason to stay alive until 2025
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Me right now:
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Varang 😮
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Miles...? 😯😯
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Visual concepts shown today at D23 Expo.
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akajustmerry · 5 months
hey merry! i noticed you just started the show, so how're you liking dark winds so far?
I started and finished it in less than a week. suffice to say, I really enjoyed it! here's some quickfire thoughts (note: I'm Aboriginal/First Nations "Australian" so I'm speaking as a non-Native to the so called US) <3
Something I loved about it as an Indigenous person is that every character has a different relationship to their ceremony and cultural beliefs. You have Bern who's totally immersed, Joe who wants to but struggles because of his grief, and Jim who's skeptical af. I liked that so much because it's very real. at least in my family and community. Everyone's degree of belief is different for different reasons!!
Bern and Jim oh my FUCKING God. I was GIGGLING and KICKING MY FEET. a+ culturally specific slowburn. when he asked her about her tribe?? when she gave him the protection medicine? when he says there's nothing on the rez for him and she says "I'm here"? WHEN SHE LEAVES AND HE RETURNS THE PROTECTIVE JEWELLERY??? 🥹🥰🥹🥰
I preferred the first season to the second. I think it was shot better and had a better executed mystery. The cinematography in season one was so gorgeous. It had a very distinctive almost sunny yet gothic feel, but the second season was shot more conventionally. I hated the colour splash sequences.
Emma's sub-plot of helping other women avoid forced sterilisation was so awesome. Deserves its own show to be honest. That sequence where she tells the patient in Dineʼ (under the guise of translating for the white doc) that she should not have her baby in hospital because the white doctors will sterilise her? One of the best character intros I've ever seen, and I love how it tails off in season 2 with her agreeing to go public with what's happening.
I love Bern so MUCH. Jess Mattern is so GOOD. her encounters with the witch are CHILLING. Her pure dedication to her cultural beliefs is so inspiring. She's also one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and I'm so gay. My only thing is......in WHAT universe is becoming a BORDER PATROL officer gonna mean you encounter LESS injustice. smh!!!
Kiowa Gordon as a 1970s suave FBI deserter turned hire out of a highway hotel private eye full of love for his community?? That's my dream gender!!!!!!! Also......it must be said....i need him.
Finally, even though I could tell Graham Roland and the writers made HUGE efforts to shift the white gaze of the novels Dark Winds was based on, there was just some moments/attitudes in the series that felt Off. maybe I'm over sensitive to copaganda idk but yeah there was just a little too much.......rampant individual American heroism and pro-cop/military stuff at times that made me roll my eyes as a non-usAmerican viewer
anyways, looking forward to having a reason to stay alive until 2025 (when season 3 comes out!)
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eziojensenthe3rd · 1 month
Midnight Gaming: Lovely day for it..
So last night I played We Happy Few, checked socials and found... Retrospring will shut down in 2025.
So retrosprings a sort of a q/a social media site and they've announced they will be shutting down next year. Screenshots taken from the site.
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So We Happy Few, the game that can be summarised as modern britain simulator. Before launch, the game was garnering some attention with a lot of folks being fascinated with what looked like 1984 meets bioshock. Of course when the game did launch... it was a buggy, tedious mess of a game and wasnt great to play.
Now, the idea of a survival game were you need to play along and conform to societys quirks in order to blend in is an incredible idea that I feel isnt explored very much in games and holds some relevance in todays climate. Joy is the drug that made the town of Wellington Wells the way it is, people stoned off their minds and forgetting the terrible past, living in ignorant bliss. And if you didnt take your joy, you're labelled a downer and will be attacked until you conform or get chased out. And theres lot of effort in wellington wells, mainly within the town itself to detect downers, all to make sure everyone stays happy. And you'd assume there'd be some pressure to play along just enough to stay alive right? Well not really.
Truth is that We Happy Fews "survival" mechanics are rather toothless. In the games story you only need to occasionally eat, drink and sleep as you walk miles along grasslands and cobblestones street to reach the next cutscene, and in the early game you get introduced to the garden district were berries and clean water are abundant. Heck theres plenty of rose of giliead bushes that can be turned into healing balm, making most fights trivial since you're stacked with healing items. By the way, i said clean water because in the town and parade districts, the water is spiked with joy but only the water, the food isnt spiked so any pies, sandwiches, stews and cans of v-meat you find are joyfree. Even tea, grapefruit juice and coffee are safe for some reason. Actually there is quite a bit of food in the village, edible too despite the fact that the games story states that theres currently a famine going on. Where mass starvation is a looming threat that everyone is too overjoyed to care.
The opening had a bunch of wellies eat a dead rat thinking it was candy from a smashed pinata but you never get anything like that in game. Joy does make things look pretty but outside of getting past a detector, there isnt much of a reason for a player to decide to chase the joyful bulldog. No circumstance in the game made you weigh the pros and cons of taking joy either to get past a detector or even just making rotten food edible for a lil bit, dealing with the consequences of withdrawal and memory loss later, which tbh all they did was made the visuals more morbid and made you more noticeable to wellies. You know, I actually recall that taking joy had a more dire effect that once you take enough, the games over. Your not a downer anymore after all are you?
Apparently in its earlier concepts the game was planned as a roguelike kind of game where the joy and survival mechanics wouldve been fleshed out more. But I suppose as the game gained traction and attention, especially after the xbox presentation at e3, the expectations for the game to be a bioshock-esque kind of game may have caused development to change direction in order to realise that expectation, yet they end up keeping a lot of the now abandoned elements for the rougelike, incorporating some of it like the procedural generation, into a mashed together game that couldnt make its mind up. And thats a real downer.
You cannot accuse this game of being lazily made, far from it. The enviroments and writing is fascinating, the story and characters are interesting and voice acted tremendously well. Behind the mask of a game thats mostly running to one place to the next, theres a small glimpse of something truly great. This isnt just a bad game, this is a bad game that couldve been a great game which is a worse than just a any bad game because now im sitting here mad, typing on a touchscreen about the pontential this game had and couldve realised had the leadership of this game made their bloody minds up. The story, the world, the characters and general style. The game had the talent and resources to make something great and at times, you can see that quality. But the direction behind this game was flawed, the ones leading the project could not figure out what kind of game they were making and all we got was a rushed, buggy, confused mess.
Im just writing a blog post, paraphrasing my thoughts here. But if you're interested in delving into this further, theres a couple of videos that are worth watching. First off is the The Cost of Joy which is a documentary by the developers that details the development of the game itself.
The second is a video by Abbsynthe titled We Happy Few: An amazing story weighed down by a bad game, which covers a lot of the aspects of the game and its story and goes into more detail.
I recommend giving these videos a watch if you're interested.
Thats all for today, see you all tomorrow. Feedback is appreciated, anons are currently on.
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one possible future based on current american politics
this is one possible forecast based on what I (as a hyperfixated doomer non-american teenager) predict COULD happen in order of events
-Trump wins election
-Initiates project 2025 shifting america to a pseudo dictatorshp
-Possible rioting at this measure which justifies the reenforcement of the police state, safeguarding against further protests
-initiates the tarrif only tax solution he has been pushing for the last 2 years, sending the economy into decline
-further protesting -> reenforcement of the police state again into an edifice,
-market confidence greatly decreases as a consequence of both the tarrifs and the protests, leading to a full on recession
-somewhere around this time a couple of things could happen that each change what the likely outcomes and scatter the future, those things are
trumps death (60% odds within 2 years of election based on some prediction), this would lead the martyrdom of trump and the cementing of his beliefs similar to what happened in china with Mao, his replacement, pushing their own more extreme beliefs, while not touching the policies he passed
the collapse of the russian regieme following the implosion of putins olegarks leading to a mutiny and a period of great flux similar to the dissilusion of the ussr, leading to a weakening of xi jing ping
the resolution of israel palestine in israels favour, leading the the beginning of another (*independant*) inshafada in now israel owned land
each of these events greatly skew the probable outcomes the reason these are flashpoints is that there are alternative outcomes for all of these that are singificantly better
trump stays alive however rapidly degenerates from frontal lobe dementia, making progressively worse policy decisions until he is overthrown, the replacement would be significantly more moderate in policy, younger and most importantly willing to change former trump policies,
putin gets overthrown in an orderly manner with minimal disruption, leading to a change in policy and a shift towards democracy for the russian people
the president of Israel (cant spell his name) is overthrown from within his own party, the replacement agrees to treat with HAMAS forces and comes to an israel favoured solution (due to the current state of the war) that does still leave space for the few palestinians that are still alive by that point, the next revolution is delayed by decades,
going from this point on we will be assuming, trumps death, and either for the other two as im not very good at predicting further outcomes from this point based on those two
-leading to the collapse of americas soft power, the next likely superpowers are china and germany
-a crisis in german leadership (theyre built on a crumbling edifice) leads to a collapse of respect for germany outside western europe, leaving asia and south america to look to china for support
-china finishes their belt and road project and gains control over a lot of the world, also annexes taiwan, now known as taipei without much resistance due to diminishing american support, putting pressure on australia and south-east asia which leads to china having massive influence over them (stronger than the influence america currently has over canada and mexico but not by much)
-europe merges into a governing body in a meaninful way, probably by the reenforcement of the un into a more efficient peacekeeping organisation, possibly absorbing some of russia into it through pseudo-democratic means (biased (not rigged) elections),
I am not omniscient, please let me know what i should add to this/what you think i got wrong
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What does the shirt you are wearing look like? It’s white and has a gigantic print in the middle that’s black and red. It’s also a tad oversized, which I don’t mind as I’m into that style these days.
What was the last thing that stressed you out or upset you? I’m always dealing with a simultaneous bunch of things at work which keeps me constantly stressed, lol. One client just messaged me earlier, around 11 PM, so that was...fun; one has a knack for hounding me for updates on this and that and expects me to reply within five seconds; one is super anal and refuses to approve any material without it reaching 4-5 revisions; one has been taking forever to reply on anything since April, leading to campaign delays that at this point I don’t even give a fuck about anymore...it’s a jungle everyday where I work. How do you stay positive with all that life throws at you? 1) I’ve seen and experienced how things always manage to fall into place somehow, so I just stick it out during the ugly parts; 2) I need to stay alive at least until 2025 for reasons only anyone within the Bangtan universe would know, hah.
What quality do you admire most in other people? Being patient, because I am definitely not always.
What is the highest level of physical pain you have ever been in? rate 1-10 That would either be my foot infection when I was 11, or having to get six injections in a single day right after my dog bit me. I was even way more stressed out over the shots than the fact that I got a Real animal bite for the first time, lmao. The foot thing is a solid 10 but I would give the injections probably an 8? and it’s mainly because I was terrified of the amount of shots I needed to get and because it was the first time I’ve ever gotten injected on my thighs.
...same question, but with emotional pain? Nothing has been more difficult than the direct aftermath of my breakup three years ago. Giving it 10/10 seems too kind, lmao.
What is your most prized possession? All of the souvenirs from Yoongi’s concert. My ticket, the envelope it came in, the freebie card (not quite a photocard, it simply has the D-DAY in Bangkok print on it), and even all the freebies I managed to get.
Which YouTuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily? Anthony Padilla. He just seems so warm and personable, plus I feel the mutual Filipino blood would help us bond over stuff a lot more hehe.
Do you like your natural hair color? It’s fine. It’s not like I would’ve had a choice; most full-blooded Filipinos get black hair anyway.
Do you think you will dye your hair when you start going gray? Probably at the start, but I like to think I’ll learn to embrace it later on.
Are you pale right now, or do you have a tan? I am naturally tan; I’m never pale and have no desire to be.
Do you think you look best with a tan? Not really the target audience for this question but I will say that I love how my skin looks right after a vacation at the beach. The extra level of tan-ness just looks so nice.
What is your favorite app on your phone? YouTube. I constantly have videos on all day as background noise, regardless if I’m actually watching them or not.
How old were you when you got your first smartphone? Smartphone, that would be when I was around 17 when my parents got me an iPhone 5s. Before that I was always the friend who didn’t have her own phone and needed to update my parents about my whereabouts through my other friends’ phones, hahaha.
Do you ever meditate on Scripture? You will never find me doing that ever.
Are you living a life you want to escape from? or do you love your life? It’s not that I want to escape it, though I do get the sense that I could be doing and experiencing a lot more. I strongly feel that part of it also falls on me to have to push myself to try new things. I can’t attract the life and luxuries I want if I do nothing to get closer to them.
When was the last time you felt that life was good? When I was on my two trips about a month ago.
Do you have one big mistake that you've made that you want to fix? Nope. I’ll learn from mistakes, but I wouldn’t go back and change things.
Do you wish people would forgive you for your past so you could move on? I don’t think this is applicable to me.
Do you wear green on St. Patrick's Day? I don’t celebrate that.
Are you Irish at all? Nope.
Do you pray to God every day? I do not.
What are three things you are currently looking forward to doing soon? Picking up my copy of BTS’ memoir this Sunday; getting my quarterly OT pay next month; hearing Seven for the first time.
Do you ever dance in the rain? I don’t. I probably did when I was younger, but I never do it anymore.
Have you ever sat on a rooftop? So many times. We have a rooftop at home and I will stay there sometimes. I haven’t recently though because the weather has just been really unforgiving.
Who is that last good musician or band you discovered? I don’t really discover new music anymore as I spend most of my days in the K-pop realm lol. I will say though that I learned about The Japanese House’s newest album yesterday and spent some time last night listening to it, and in general it felt good to ‘come back’ to one of my favorite artists.
Do you like to watch talent shows like America's Got Talent and X Factor? I loved watching American Idol as a kid and a few years back I did have a phase where I was obsessed with golden buzzer compilation videos, but I don’t watch talent shows in general these days.
Have you ever tried avocado toast? Yes. It’s one of the very few fruit-y things I enjoy having.
Name three items on your wish list right now. A pair of AirPods Max, blackout curtains, enough money to rent a condo.
Are you more talented musically or artistically or neither? Writing counts as art, right? I’m artistic in that sense, I guess. It’s all I know how to do.
Are you better at English or math? English.
What were your best subjects in school? History, english, biology.
What was your favorite subject in school? History.
Have you ever visited a teacher at their home? No. That’s pretty weird to think about.
How many windows are in your bedroom? Two.
Who was your first roommate? Never had a roommate.
Who was your first best friend (besides a sibling)? Kaye, from kindergarten.
Do you have a sibling who looks like you? My brother and I look alike from a few angles. My sister and I look nothing alike I think, but we do sound very similar. We have the same expressions and ways of saying/enunciating them, too.
Name three women you know who have lost a child. One of my great-aunts; one of my aunts; I can’t think of anyone else.
Whose was the last funeral you attended or watched? Marisse’s dad. He was a good family friend who was close with my grandfather and spent a lot of time with him when they used to pick me and Marisse up from school.
What types of cancer are in your family, if any? There isn’t any, as far as I know.
Do you have big dreams for your future? I’d say I have a few big ones, yes.
Do you feel alone? It’s not feeling alone when I am perfectly fine and happy living life on my own. :)
What is this month's calendar picture? Jimin. Thanks for reminding me I need to tear out June from my calendar haha.
What is the theme of your wall calendar for this year? I’m using a BTS one; came as an inclusion from my OT7 photofolio.
Have you ever seen a double rainbow? I may have, but the memory doesn’t stick out.
How old will you be on your next birthday? 26.
Which nationalities have you been told you look like? (i.e., Asian, Irish) Asian is not a nationality...anyway, I have been assumed as Chinese, which was definitely weird to hear as Southeast and East Asians are pretty distinct in appearance.
Have you ever had an outstanding library fine? Yes, I’m a heavyweight champion in library fines lmao. I’ve always been awful at returning books.
What book are you currently reading? I’m not reading anything at the moment but I do know I’m picking up a memoir this Sunday and I couldn’t be any more excited to start reading again.
Are you poor/broke right now? Nah. I’m starting to recover/save again after my last couple of trips which is just a huge weight off my shoulders hahaha.
Have you ever received any scary, threatening messages on social media? I haven’t, fortunately.
What is the name of your youtube channel? It’s just my name.
How many subscribers do you have on youtube? 0. I just made an account so I can get Premium; I’ve never made a video.
Do you wish that life were more fair? Of course.
Who was your first kiss? Somebody I used to date.
Do you feel you have found your soulmate yet? No.
Are you single or in a relationship? Single.
If you're single, do you want to be, or do you wish you weren't? I’m happy being single and have no plans to date/be in a relationship. People always seem to be baffled when they hear that. Are we, like, not allowed to like being by ourselves? Lmao.
Ever collected shells at the beach? I’ve tinkered with them, but I’ve never stolen any.
Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin? Carve, I guess. I haven’t done it before and it sounds more fun to do and also less wasteful.
Who are three of your favorite youtubers to watch? Mejiwoo, Smosh, GMM.
What year did you graduate high school? 2016.
What do you miss about high school? Nothing, really. The older I get, the more I realized how suffocating high school really was. Sure I was a kid, the room was wide open to be allowed to make mistakes and start over again, being a part of a clique was cool yadda yadda, but I was also in Catholic school. Everything about it sucked.
What do you miss about college? The freedom. Seeing your friends everyday. Getting to pick your classes and learning what you actually wanted to learn so studying didn’t feel like a chore.
What color was your first car? White.
Do you have a car now? Yes, the same one I’ve been using ever since I first started driving.
What color was the house you grew up in? It’s white with a red roof.
Growing up, what floor was your bedroom on? My childhood home has one floor.
What is your birth order in the family? I’m the eldest child.
What would your name be if you were the opposite gender? As far as I know they never thought about boy names because they waited till I came out to start thinking of what to name me.
What were you almost named? There was a toss-up between Ariel and a few variations of Katrina.
Does your bedroom have carpet? Nope.
Best camping experience? Never gone camping.
What are the top three travel destinations on your bucket list? Seoul, Marrakesh, New Delhi.
Do you get heartburn? For some reason, only whenever I get KFC’s Double Down HAHAHA.
What are three things you are known for in your town? Idk my city is kind of blah. Aesthetic cafés, I guess??? Also pilgrimages and our local rice cakes I guess.
What are three things you are known for on social media? Screaming about BTS 24/7. I don’t really do anything else.
What is your Instagram account name? No thanks.
Have you ever used Snapchat? Only in college.
Did you want to be famous when you were younger? Maybe for like a second, but it never materialized into a legit goal.
What show did you most want to be on as a kid? Hi-5. I wanted to be a part of that kiddie audience SO BAD.
First celebrity you were obsessed with? The entire cast of High School Musical.
First celebrity crush? Zac Efron and Ashley Tisdale.
What was your first favorite stuffed animal? I was never a stuffed toy kind of kid.
What was something unique about you as a kid? You know how it’s a joke to tell people, “were you dropped as a kid?” my mom actually dropped me when I was a few months old. She had been in bed at the time, had me on her chest, then she fell asleep and probably rolled over, and obviously she woke up because I started shrieking and screaming and crying while on the floor.
Were you ever goth/emo?  Nah. When that was a thing among the people in my age group, I was heavily into wrestling and completely skipped out on the emo craze. I mean I liked Paramore, but I didn’t copy their style and I didn’t even have a phone that would’ve let me do the selfie angle that was popular back then lol.
Do you want any more piercings? I have no desire to get any more piercings beyond my earlobes.
How many tattoos do you have? None.
Do you want more tattoos? I wrestle with the idea every now and then but it always ends in me deciding I’m too scared of needles to even think of booking an appointment.
If you had to get a tattoo, what would you get? Seven dots in the order of BTS’ members’ mic colors.
Do you mostly write in cursive or print? Print.
Were you ever homeschooled? Nope.
Describe your dream wedding in five words. Big. I want it to be a goddamn party. If a wedding is in the cards for me I know I’ll want it to happen only once, so might as well go big or go home.
Pick three animals that you think resemble you, and why? Idk?
Are you unique? I’d say we all are.
Do you get called a free spirit? No.
What day of the week were you born on? Tuesday.
How are you feeling right now? A little tired but I’m trying to fight sleep as I wanna make the most out of my weekend. Also my shoulders are SO sore it’s bothering me so much right now ugh.
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samatedeansbroccoli · 3 years
Tell me about your favourite OC at the moment, if you have one!
Ooof this was a tough one because I have almost 500 OCs so... yeah...
I ended up choosing Esmir "Player" Rios (BO3) because I never talk about him, and I absolutely love the story I've come up with for him. I also infodumped about him below the cut so don't expect it to be short XD. He was written for a BO3 rewrite fanfic, which isn't published, but that's why he has so much to him.
There's a lot of warnings to this, so if you'd rather not read for one reason or another, no big deal! I'd prefer you don't upset yourself.
Warnings: Drug abuse, overdosing, childhood trauma, child neglect, kinda political, racism, extreme angst, body mutilation, hospitalization, prosthetics, death
Born to Nicaraguan parents in 2022, Esmir Rios grew up with good parents but unstable living conditions. The family lived in the slums of Managua and his parents participated in cocaine smuggling to earn money to move to the U.S. The goal was to create a better life for their son, and possibly join an organization called Cordis Die, which they heard would bring them security, specifically with food, warmth, and a roof over their head.
In 2025, shortly after massive drone strikes in major cities along the Pacific, Cordis Die’s leader “Odysseus” (Raúl Menéndez) was captured and killed by SEAL Team 6 hero David Mason. That was the year three-year-old Esmir’s parents got enough money to make the journey to the border. They applied for green cards and made the dangerous trek to the border of the U.S. where they chose to wait until their green cards were approved.
What they didn’t know was how much disarray the world had fallen to because of Cordis Die. Menéndez death truly was a martyr as Cordis Die members and loyalists started riots around the world, forcing militaries to react. All known members of Cordis Die still alive were hunted down by Washington DC, Beijing, and other countries negatively effected by Menéndez. Naturally, Cordis Die’s biggest ethnic group were Nicaraguans, and when finding members proved to be too hard to do quietly, countries began hunting all Nicaraguans outside their country.
Upon reaching the border, Esmir and his family were thrown into a U.S. migrant detention camp. Despite their best efforts to stay together, Esmir's father was ripped away from the family and beaten to death while Esmir and his mother could only watch. It's then Esmir began to receive visits from another 3 year old named Niko. He never really saw Niko, but he could hear Niko's voice and knew how he looked. Niko was like his imaginary friend who felt very real and sometimes told Esmir what to do. More importantly, Niko comforted Esmir as he grieved.
Esmir and his mother got their green cards a few years later, but neither were excited anymore. His mother never really moved on past his father's death, and her mental state remained in shambles for the rest of her life. Meanwhile, Esmir managed to find some coping in Niko, who visited often but never really grew up like Esmir, so his childish innocence allowed for Esmir to escape the world.
Growing up was rough as his classmates and teacher hated Nicaraguans with their heart. On top of that, Esmir's mother began to neglect him, barely able to take care of herself and turning to drugs to cope as she kept losing job after job. Niko wasn't much help, being too young to do much more than sometimes tell Esmir how to earn sympathy points from his mother.
It's then a new person stepped in to mother Esmir and Niko. She came out of nowhere and had a very distinct British accent. She didn't really have a name nor did she want to be called one except for "Female." Like Niko, Female was another imaginary friend. She helped Esmir and Niko navigate life for the most part, or at least gain the skills needed to survive. She also helped Esmir with his English homework, but was useless at anything mathematical. Which wasn't a big problem: Esmir was better at math anyway.
Esmir dropped out of school when he was 15 and began drug dealing. to help his mother pay their bills. He quickly became addicted to taking drugs himself, probably thanks to his mother's influence, and ended up overdosing a few times. He survived each time, waking up sick and with a new imaginary friend: Helen, Isikara, Laika, and Oriental. They didn't do much but help him remember a few key moments before he passed out. Sometimes Esmir got Female or Niko sick, both which hated waking up sick more than him.
The fifth time he OD'd, he was sent to the hospital by someone who found him on the street. Esmir gained a new imaginary friend named Corvus. Corvus didn't really help Esmir in any way, but instead locked off his brain, making him extremely apathetic to the world around him. Corvus also blocked all sense of pain as he whispered in Esmir's ear, leading to Esmir visiting the hospital multiple times over the next two years for broken bones and lacerations. Corvus also didn't believe in death, saying that those who "died" found serenity in a place called the "Frozen Forest."
Corvus stopped appearing for a while after Esmir's mother finally passed away. After she was gone, Esmir and Female worked together to clean his drug record up, finish up his schooling, and landing a few odd-end jobs that helped put him on the right track. At the age of 27, he joined the marines, where he was one of the lower skilled soldiers who had their perks but honestly was just a number. He didn't mind, however, and his loyalty and willingness to do anything kept him in the military. Where he did stand out was when Corvus helped him with his missions, keeping him from remembering many of the horrors his peers experienced. Female remained present often when he was off-duty, but Niko rarely appeared anymore, and Helen, Isikara, Laika, and Oriental only appeared at inconvenient times.
Esmir earned the nickname "Player" when he went to a bar with a group of buddies and all his imaginary friends decided to come out to play too. They all picked a random person in the room and tried flirting with them (except 3-year-old Niko, who picked someone he wanted to play with). Esmir's buddies were extremely confused because they all saw one guy flirting with seven people and called him "Player" as a joke because of it. They also encouraged Esmir to get a psychiatrist. Esmir listened and discovered he had Dissociative Identity Disorder. He was put on leave from the military for a few years, spending time with a therapist to discuss what his alters remembered of his past, and also help him come to terms with it.
He was set to retire from the military shortly after his 44th birthday, as someone with DID can't serve in the military and that's when his paid leave for therapy expired. However, Esmir was called for one more mission, specifically with the CIA HRT (hostage rescue team) to extract the Minister of Egypt from Ethiopia. Esmir's CO Jacob Hendricks claimed he saw potential in Esmir, but Esmir knew it was because he was Nicaraguan, and his looks alone earned a "free pass" through an area that once sympathized with Menéndez. Hendricks also wanted Corvus to front, believing the mission would be far more successful if he was.
Corvus, however, never came to play, and Esmir ran the mission as himself. Hendricks and Esmir worked with a Cyber Ops team run under John Taylor, and the group successfully extracted the Minister, but at the cost of Esmir's life. During their extraction, Esmir was grabbed by a robot and his limbs were torn off. Taylor ran to rescue him and brought him to a medbay, where Esmir met yet another new imaginary friend, who took on the looks and personality of John Taylor, including the name. Alter Taylor walked Esmir through his hospital visit as Esmir's missing limbs were fitted with prosthetics and a chip was placed in his head to try and save his life. However, the chip locked his alters out, each one giving one last attempt to return to him.
No longer certain of his identity without his alters, Esmir refused to die until the chip was out of his head and his alters returned. In a last ditch effort to stake a claim on who he was, he tore the chip out of his head. He passed away almost instantly after. Esmir did, however, get to see his alters one more time before they and their host all died together.
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let-it-raines · 4 years
For catch me if you can, I'd really love to see something about them having a second kid since I know you mentioned it before. Maybe something about how Emma's pregnancy is different now that Killian's retired! Thank you for all of your wonderful words!!!!!!
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I am forever and always amazed by the love and support that the Catch Me If You Can universe receives, and I love that you guys let me get these words out of my head and onto the page...or the screen. 
So here’s just a day in the life for these two that definitely alludes to some things that happen in their future!
on ao3 | here | if that’s more your jam. 
July 2025
Killian doesn’t know what to do with himself.
He’s cleaned the house. Every damn floor. That includes dusting the shutters and scrubbing the baseboards and running the vacuum twice before cleaning all of the hardwood and tile.
All of the beds are made, which is not an easy feat for how many pillows Emma likes to put on their bed, and all of Jace’s toys are in their containers. Killian knows that they’ll all be dumped out later, probably as soon as Jace wakes up from his nap, but it’s nice for once to not be worried about stepping on something and for his living room to not be a disaster.
Jace is one of the best things to ever happen to him, but Killian is still not used to how everything is beyond messy all of the time.
But not now.
Though, if it was still messy, at least he’d have something to do.
He’s cleaned the house, worked out, paid bills, set out chicken to defrost for dinner, and now, all he has to do is watch the game.
That’s not necessarily what he wants to be doing right now.
Not when he’s not the one on the mound or in the dugout and not when he still recognizes over half the faces in Yankees uniforms.
He could still be playing. He could. His arm hasn’t hurt in awhile, but that’s because he hasn’t been pitching several days a week and doing training and playing games. He has given his body the rest it needs, but damn if he doesn’t still ache.
It was his decision. He wanted it. It’s for the best.
Watching this season, though, not having any kind of regular job or connection or part of the team, is fucking weird.
But he watches because he loves the game and loves Will and Eric and Robin and all of the other guys on the team.
He watches because he likes to listen to his wife kick ass as a commentator.
She does every single time. Sighing, Killian puts the vacuum on its dock in the closet and then walks over into the living room, plopping down on the couch and turning the volume up. They’re in the bottom of the sixth, the Yankees are winning, and he hears Emma telling some story about Will that he knows is one of the age-old tales that publicists feed commentators so they have something to say to fill dead air-time.
Emma hates having to use those, but she tries not to let too much of her own personal connection with the players in.
That doesn’t really work when fifty percent of what she’s asked about has to do with him. She says it doesn’t bother her, that she’s proud to be his wife and to get to tell stories of all of her seasons with him, but there’s this small part of him that will always hate whenever anyone makes her career about him. They’re intertwined, yes, but Emma has always stood out.
His phone rings in his lap, and Killian slides his finger across the screen.
“Hey, A.”
“Hey,” Ariel says, “did you get any of my emails today?”
“I haven’t checked. Why? What’s up?”
“I sent you some stuff about interviews. Fallon and Meyers both want you on. GMA and Kelly and Ryan want you and Emma on.”
“For what? We’re not promoting anything, and you know we’re keeping Emma away from as many cameras as possible.”
“She’s literally on TV right now.”
“You know they only shoot from the shoulders up most of the time, unless it’s a rain delay or something.”
“They can do that on these shows.”
“With all of the crew that’s on those sets?” Killian clicks his tongue and stretches his arms above his head. “I don’t know. I have to talk to Emma. Why do they want us on, again?”
“It seems the two of you have become very popular on the internet because of a Buzzfeed article.”
“What the hell?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know it’s weird, but it’s one of those where they talk about reasons to watch sports, and then they list a bunch of attractive athletes. You’re on the list, and the author attached a link or whatever to some article about you, Emma, and Jace. It’s kind of blown up into its own thing. How have you not seen it?”
“Woah, woah, woah, do these people not realize I’m retired? They can’t watch me play unless they want to watch old games.”
“You’re literally missing the entire point.”
“No, I got it, A.”
“So will you do the shows?”
“Eh,” he groans, running his hand through his hair, “that sounds a little too gimmicky to me, especially the morning show ones, and I told you I have to run it by Emma before I let you run with it.”
“Look, I get it,” Ariel sighs, and he has a feeling she’s about to do some of her famous convincing. “You’re a manager’s dream, Killian Jones, but you’re also my worst nightmare. I know you don’t like actually saying it, even though you just did, but you’re retired now. You’re going to have money coming in forever no matter what, but it wouldn’t help to grease the wheels a little bit, keep your star power alive while you stay under the radar figuring out the next big thing for you. I’m just saying that this could be good for the both of you. I’ll even make it so that the questions can’t be too invasive.”
“How are they not going to be invasive? They’re literally asking about my personal life. That’s why they want me on the shows.”
“I have my magic ways.”
Killian groans and leans back on the couch, running his hands through his hair and pinching his nose. “We’re keeping this pregnancy quiet as long as possibly can. The only way either of us would possibly agree to it is careful camera angles and no mention of the pregnancy.”
“How would they mention the pregnancy if they don’t know about it?”
“Well, someone could see. Look, I don’t know. I’ll run it by Emma tonight, okay?”
Ariel’s sigh is deep on the other end of the phone, and he knows that she gets it, even if she’s exasperated with him. It’s been happening a lot more lately with her trying to learn to manage him when he’s not always in the clubhouse or on the plane, and the adjustment period is still new.
All of this is.
“She’s going to say no.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know the two of you, I do. Is there any way I could convince you to do it, just you?”
Killian chuckles and rolls his eyes. He wouldn’t be opposed to going on a few late night shows. Those were always a good time. He’s just not going to have his life be put on a public platter without talking to his wife first. “Bye, A. Go bother your husband.”
“He’s kind of in the middle of a game right now in case you haven’t noticed.”
“I’m sure you can still find a way to bother him.”
She scoffs. “I will hear from you by the morning, you asshole. Goodbye.”
And then the line goes dead.
Bloody frustrating woman.
Emma’s voice echoes from the television, and Killian turns his attention back to the game. From all accounts, this seems like any other run of the mill game where everything has been average. It’s not a blow out, there aren’t any spectacular plays, and it’d be a good game to put on for a nap.
Maybe that’s what he should be doing with his free time.
He should have done that earlier, though, because he knows that Jace will be up soon.
“My husband won three World Series in what a lot of people consider a very short career for a pitcher. I don’t think you can say that’s normal. There’s only a handful of men born in the last few decades that can say that, actually.”
“Of course,” Isaac adds, “but with the way you say it, you act as if he won all of those on his own.”
Oh fucking hell. Isaac and James need to go to another team or another network. Killian’s never listened to them much since he used to watch games on mute, but damn, it’s like they don’t know how to talk positively about anyone. Is that what viewers want?
“I have never once said that,” Emma corrects, tense. “It’s always been a team effort. The starting pitcher doesn’t even play the entire game, but you implied that my husband was a mediocre player when he was anything but. Of course, he had help. Will Scarlet, for instance, helped Killian in every game. These teams are like puzzles, and you have to have all of the pieces to get the end goal. But, I mean, damn, can we go one game without you interrogating me on Killian’s stats? He was a damn good player, and nothing is going to change that.”
“You don’t have to get so emotional about it. I’m simply doing my job.”
Fuck you, Isaac.
“Alright,” Emma sighs, the camera now showing them in the booth. She’s smiling, and to the rest of the world, she looks like she always does, but there’s a tightness in the tug of her lips that he doesn’t like. “Let’s look at a play of the game presented by Chase.”
And then the screen cuts to a double play from earlier, and Killian mutes the television and stands up. What just happened isn’t going to go over well with the network, and he already knows Emma isn’t going to be home late.
Killian sighs and walks upstairs until he gets to Jace’s room. Jace is standing up in his crib trying to climb over it, and when he looks up and sees Killian, he plops back down and pretends that he wasn’t just trying to do some kind of Mission Impossible escape. They’ve got to think about moving the kid to a bed soon. All of the books say he needs to be a little older, but Killian thinks Jace might be ready.
He and Emma likely are not.
“What are you doing there, lad?” Killian laughs, leaning against the doorframe.
“With your eyes open?”
Jace giggles and closes his eyes, cheesing like he does every time Emma tries to get him to pose for a picture. The blue of his eyes disappears into thin lines. “We play ball?”
“How are you going to play ball with your eyes closed?”
One eye slowly opens before the other joins in. “I play baseball.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Killian sighs, walking into the room and reaching into the crib to grab Jace, kissing his cheek before brushing his curls off his forehead. “We will go and play baseball, and then we’re going to cook some dinner for Mommy. Does that sound good? Dinner?”
“No, lad, not pizza. We can have some chicken though.”
Jace pouts.
“Yeah, I know. Pizza is better than chicken, but it’s all about balance, my boy.”
Killian and Jace go through their post naptime routine before Killian grabs the soft baseball they use with him and they walk out to their back patio. They have a little bit of green space back here, would have more if Killian would take the time to landscape and reorganize their furniture, and the thought has him making a mental checklist of that being his project for tomorrow.
Scratch that. Today is the end of the series, and Emma will be home for the next few days without having to go into the office or into the stadium. They could do it together, but he told her they’d have a day where they do absolutely nothing.
He intends to stick to that promise even if it’s nearly impossible for him to sit still.
He plays catch with Jace, which mostly consists of Jace tossing the ball up at such an angle that it immediately hits the ground and then drops dead. It’s that over and over again, but this tires the kid out and is something he genuinely enjoys. Killian will do absolutely anything in the world to make his son smile, and if that means chasing after a ball for an hour, he’ll do it.
That also means that when Jace gets exhausted while Killian is cooking dinner that he’ll deal with the meltdown and try to calmly explain to a toddler that it’s okay that the blue marker isn’t anywhere to be found because he can color with all of the others.
That doesn’t really fly when all he wants is a blue marker.
Obviously, he’s really knocking this whole dad thing out of the park.
The alert on Killian’s phone goes off, and he pulls up the camera to see Emma pulling into the garage. He opens his mouth, about to tell Jace that Emma’s home, but he decides to let it be a surprise. Maybe that way the kid will get out of his funk for a moment and be happier.
Or he’ll have a meltdown in front of Emma.
At this point it’s really a guessing game.
In a few minutes, Killian hears the sound of her footsteps on the stairs, and then she’s rounding the corner and moving into the kitchen. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, loose pieces around the front framing her face, and she’s not wearing any shoes. When she left the house today she was in heels and her hair was cascading down her back in waves, and if he couldn’t see the bags under her eyes and see the tightness in her smile, he’d know she was tired from her change in attire.
“Mommy,” Jace squeals when he looks up and sees her. Killian steps away from the salad he’s fixing and helps Jace down, and then he’s running toward Emma and waiting for her to pick him up. “Hi.”
“Hi, baby,” she sighs, kissing his cheek and brushing his curls back. “I missed you. Did you and Daddy have a good day?”
He eagerly nods his head, and Killian lets out a little sigh of relief. Maybe he’s not fucking this whole parenting thing up as much as he constantly thinks he is.
He’s not Brennan. He’s never going to be Brennan. But damn if he doesn’t still think he’s going to find other ways to screw his kids up.
Killian goes back to cutting up strawberries and Emma and Jace talk, and before he knows it, she’s walking over to him. He twists his head in anticipation, and Emma brushes her lips over the corner of his mouth before managing to plant a firmer kiss.
“Hi. How was your day?”
She rolls her eyes. “I’ll tell you about it later. What are we having for dinner?”
“The Italian chicken and some salad. I can pop some bread in the oven if you want me to.”
“I really need the carbs.”
“Then bread it is.”
“Thank you,” she sighs before adjusting Jace on her hip and then setting him back down on the barstool. “Look at this beautiful drawing. You know, I found a blue marker in my purse today. I think it might belong to you.”
Emma Jones, always saving the day.
They eat dinner, exchanging their normal small pleasantries, talking about their days without really talking about them. It’s not unusual for Emma to still take awhile to figure out how she wants to phrase things and open up about them, but it’s been awhile since it’s been like this, especially because he knows she didn’t have a good day.
Maybe she doesn’t want them to have to talk in front of Jace.
So they don’t.
They eat and do the dishes and then settle down in front of the television. Jace will only watch the Trolls movie at the moment. It doesn’t matter what iteration, as long as it’s got brightly colored singing creatures in it, and Killian tries to pay attention. He really does. But he’s distracted by a group text with the team as they discuss dinner plans for tomorrow on their day off. He’s still included in the group, even when most of it doesn’t pertain to him anymore, and he gets caught up trying to convince them to all go for pizza since Jace mentioned it earlier and it sounds damn good. He doesn’t need to be eating that, but for all that he still works out, he might deserve it.
Emma will definitely want it.
Or maybe not. He’s not sure when food is going to repulse her or not.
“Hey, sweetheart, do you – ”
Killian looks up from his phone, and he sees that Emma’s slumped down into the couch cushions, her chest rising and falling, and she and Jace are asleep.
She’s going to kill her neck if she falls asleep like that.
“Love,” he whispers, nudging her until her eyes blink open. “Hey, let me have Jace, and I’ll put him to bed. You can go upstairs, yeah?”
She nods and helps get Jace off of her until he’s in Killian’s arms and Emma is sleepily walking upstairs. He follows, turning for Jace’s room while Emma heads to theirs, and even though it only takes him five minutes to get Jace down, Emma is already in bed when he makes it to their bedroom.
Silently, he crawls onto the mattress, raising the comforter and settling underneath it as he inches closer to Emma until her back is pressed into his chest and her feet are tucked between his calves. She’s got socks on, thankfully, so it’s not like there’s ice against is skin for once. Emma sighs back into him, reaching back and grabbing his arm to wrap it around the slight roundness of her stomach. It’s a feeling he’s not quite used to yet, but it’s something he’s searched for since the moment Emma’s test came back positive.
This time he feels much more prepared, like he knows far more than any book or class can teach him, but it doesn’t stop the ache in the pit of his stomach the contradicts the warmness of his heart.
Killian sighs and presses his lips to the side of Emma’s neck while his fingers trace against her stomach, his hand moving until he can maneuver himself under her shirt and feel the heat of her skin.
Emma places her hand over his, squeezing, and for awhile, he waits for her to speak, for her to set the pace and unfurl what’s on her mind.
As her breathing evens, he’s not sure that time will ever come.
“I am so tired,” she finally whispers. “I am tired down to my bones and keep waiting for that fucking second trimester energy to start, but it hasn’t. So I’m tired but I get up anyway because I have things to do here and a job, which I swear is sucking my soul out of me.”
“What happened, love?”
“Did you watch the game?”
“Bits and pieces, but I heard enough.”
She scoots back, more firmly pressing herself into him, and her hair tickles his nose, the scent of her shampoo surrounding him.
“Was I wrong to want to do this? Should I have stayed where I was? I had so much more control there. Yeah, I was basically just the pretty face they used for men to stare at, but I had a say in what I said and who I worked with. When people hated me, I didn’t have to hear about it because I wasn’t sitting in the booth next to them. How long am I just going to be the woman who doesn’t belong? The woman who is only there because of who her husband is? And I just know it’s going to go over fantastic when I finally tell everyone I’m pregnant. I have a feeling I’m not going to be able to hide it from anyone but Jace soon.”
Killian swallows and strokes her stomach as he kisses her neck again. He doesn’t know how to make this better. He never has.
“You got that job without me. You know that, right? You already had your foot in the door.”
“Killian, I know, but no one has ever seen me that way. I might as well be a star on the Real Housewives of New York.”
“That would technically be me in this situation.”
Emma laughs, and God, that’s a good sound to hear. “Ah, yes, I hear quite a lot about you being the one who is at home with our kid. It’s almost like you’re a dad.”
“Shocker, isn’t it? A dad spending time with his kid? Raising him? Being there?”
“It’s revolutionary,” she chuckles, turning and twisting around until she’s facing him and her nose is brushing against his. “I know I got the job on my own. I know I’m smart and capable and a damn badass, even if saying that makes me a little less of one. But sometimes I just wish that things were a little easier, that I worked with people I liked again. Babe, I think I would do horrible things to have you in that booth with me.”
“I mean, would it be so crazy?” She runs her hands up his side until she’s caressing one side of his face, nails curling back into his hair. “We’ve talked about it before. You expressed interest in it. And come on, I know you love staying home with Jace, but you can’t tell me you’re not itching to be doing something else.”
“Well, Ariel did call and ask if we’d go on several talk shows today.”
Her brows pinch together. “Why?”
“Apparently there was some list about attractive baseball players – ”
“Did that stroke your ego?”
“Eh, maybe a little,” he teases, kissing her nose. “But it’s something about the two of us now being in the spotlight again and a few people had reached out to her. I said I’d ask you, but I figured the answer would be no. Then today happened, and I knew it would.”
“Yeah, I’m not doing anything extra. You can go if you want.”
“I might like it, depending on what they ask and who the other guests are. Maybe I can go on one of the shows and see if they’re doing a cooking segment that day.”
“Oh, can you bring me back food?”
“Yeah, Swan, I can.” Her eyes flutter closed and Killian leans back a bit. “I will think about it, okay?”
“About what?”
“Seeing if the network would have any interest in me working with you. Not this year, I think. I want to be home with Jace and whoever this new little one is as much as I can. And Ariel has me doing events and still working with charities, and most weeks, I’m busy enough. I mean, today I was bored out of my mind, but I think working with you would be bloody wonderful. That way we’d be on a similar schedule and still have time for our family. And I guess it could keep me connected to the game, since I still haven’t quite figured out how I wanted to do that.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” Emma promises opening her eyes. “Don’t do it for me, yeah?”
“Emma – ”
“No, I’m serious, don’t do it for me. I only want it to be something you want. Killian, if you want to spend the rest of your life knitting with a group of old women, you can do that. Your career has allowed us that, but if you want to stay in this world of baseball, we can find a way for that.”
Killian blinks, swallowing the lump in his throat as his hand brushes over Emma’s hip, holding her close to him. “Are you happy, sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” she whispers, “I am. I’m also still exhausted. I think I’ll have to conquer sexism in sports tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow is your day off.”
“Then the next day then.” She pats his cheek and dips her head down to lightly brush her mouth of his, a feeling as familiar as anything else in the world. “I love you, Jones. Thank you.”
“What for?”
“For being there for me, no matter what. I have a lot of people who are like that for me now, but I haven’t always. I mean, you know. You get it.”
“Aye, I do.” Killian hugs her closer and feels her stomach press against his. It won’t be so small soon and so much will change, but for right here and right now, that’s a worry for another day. “Thank you for being that person for me, Emma. Are you ready to go to sleep? Or would you be up for some brownies I made earlier?”
“I would be up for you bringing me some brownies in bed.”
“You’re going to get crumbs on the sheets.”
“It’ll be worth it.” She kisses him again, this time slower, softer. “I’ll do the laundry.”
Killian lets out a low whistle. “You really know how to convince a man.”
@mrtinski @bluewildcatfanatic @killianswannn @sherifemma @onepunintendid @authorarsinoe @stunningswan @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @galadriel26 @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury @superchocovian @sals86 @iam2307 @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings @carpedzem @tornadoamy @captainkillianswanjones
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i-larb-you · 5 years
Behind the Glass Wall
I got inspired when I went to the Marvel exhibit at the Franklin Institute and this is what happened.
You can also read this on AO3 here.
I’m fine, Peter says.
“I’m fine,” he tells May.
“I’m fine,” he assures Pepper.
“I’m fine,” he says to Happy.
“I’m… getting better,” he answers when Morgan asks. He can never lie to her.
But his tongue has become so accustomed to the words they fall right off before he can think about it. They are stale, tasteless in his mouth. They make him want to claw his heart out from behind his ribcage and place it behind a wall of glass instead.
There are times he’s not lying. He’ll read Morgan a bedtime story with stupid voices that make her giggle during his visits to the lake house. He teases May when her cooking comes out less than stellar and offers to run to Mr. Delmar’s new bodega. He laughs so hard he spits out his chocolate milk at lunch with Ned and MJ. There are times he thinks that maybe things will be okay, that maybe he really is getting better.
And then he’ll see the street art, the graffiti, the many thousands of drawings and paintings still proudly displayed in homage to the man who saved the universe, and the façade he’s built will come crashing down yet again.
Everyone at Midtown thinks he’s doing it for attention. They don’t say anything, but he knows they do. Or they would if half of them hadn’t also spontaneously stopped existing. That’s what most people his age lie about now. They pretend it doesn’t bother them that they lost five years of their lives or that they’re suddenly older than their siblings. Peter always thought Class of 2019 sounded ridiculous, but Class of 2025? It makes his brain hurt in more ways than one.
School itself has just become so monotonous for Peter. Sit in an uncomfortable chair, listen to an underpaid and overworked teacher drone on about a concept they know the students won’t care about but they’re required to teach, eat bland cafeteria food and endure a whole hour of kids yelling back and forth across the tables. Not to mention the constant threat of a sensory overload every goddamn day. If his senses were dialed to an eleven before, they’re at a twenty, minimum. And that’s on a good day.
Add in the worst nightmares he’s ever had in his life, and yeah, Peter’s doing just fine.
You have to be fine, his brain says. Other people have it so much worse than you. Just be like everyone else for once and suck it up.
Pepper’s voice jolts him out of his thoughts and his head shoots up, eyes wide. It takes him a moment to remember where he is, and only when he sees the faded old couch, the wooden staircase leading upstairs, the faint outline of Gerald behind the shades in the window, does he let himself relax. He’s not anywhere he shouldn’t be. He’s safe. He’s home.
After a second, he realizes that Pepper’s looking at him.
“Y-Yeah, sorry, I kind of zoned out a little,” he says, trying for casual and ending up with a notch below slightly suspicious. “What’s up?”
Pepper raises an eyebrow but doesn’t comment on it. “Morgan’s waiting for you outside.”
Peter shoots to his feet and he’s out the door before Pepper can even finish, calling over his shoulder, “Thanks for reminding me!”
It’s a warm day, rare for this time of the year. The trees surrounding the house are all green, but across the way, the leaves look like a rippling fire every time the wind blows. Pretty soon the birds will be giving one final symphony before heading south and according to Morgan, the whole lake will freeze solid, just as it has every year she’s been alive.
As he steps off the porch and walks down to the lake, he can’t stop replaying the conversation in his head, second-guessing everything from his words to his tone of voice. Could she tell? Did she hear how his voice trembled, how it was just a little too high?
Stupid, stupid, stupid, his brain screams. You call that being fine?
He finds Morgan at the edge of the dock, waiting patiently just like her mother instructed. Where most kids probably would have jumped into the water already, Morgan just isn’t capable of not following directions. Of course, she has her moments like every young kid does, but when it comes to safety, like staying on the dock until an adult (or Peter) is there to watch her swim, she does exactly what she’s told.
She definitely did not inherit that from her father.
“Hi, Petey!” she calls with a wave. He’s been at the lake house for almost two days and Morgan still greets him with the same enthusiasm that she did when he first arrived.
“Sorry it took me so long, Mo,” Peter says, brushing some hair out of his face. “You can head in now.”
Squealing with delight, Morgan skips across the length of the dock, grabs Peter’s hand, and drags him to the little beach off to the side. Peter leans against the edge of the boat and watches as she splashes and dives and makes waves that travel all the way out to the middle of the lake. The water has to be cold, but Morgan doesn’t seem to mind.
She’s going to grow up without a father.
The thought comes unbidden to his mind and Peter almost visibly recoils.
She’ll find out someday, his brain whispers, and if a brain could sneer, his would be. One day Morgan will know that Mr. Stark chose you over her and then she’ll hate you, just like everyone else.
Peter’s stomach does flips. He covers his face with his hands and counts to ten, twenty, thirty, to calm himself down, to make the voice go away. When he lifts his head, Morgan is looking back at him, her big brown Bambi eyes full of concern.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
I’m fine, he starts to say, but the flat taste of the words makes him stop. He can’t lie to Morgan. Instead, he says, “I’m… getting better.”
Morgan apparently deems that an acceptable answer and returns to her imaginary battle against the monster she insists lives at the bottom of the lake.
Maybe Morgan won’t grow up with her dad around, but she has Pepper. She has Pepper and Colonel Rhodes and the blue chick from space and Hawkeye’s kids and Peter. God, if there’s one thing Peter will absolutely make sure of, it’s that he’ll be there for Morgan Stark. Not just because he knows it’s what Mr. Stark would have wanted, not just because of the guilt that eats away at him every time he looks at her, but because he’s the best big brother in the world to the best little sister in the world and that’s his job.
Still, for the rest of the weekend, Peter can’t quite meet Morgan’s eyes.
After the relative peace and tranquility of the lake house, going back to school on Monday is a shock to Peter’s system. Voices bounce off the walls, carrying down the halls from teachers in classrooms on the second floor and students yelling in the cafeteria and two kids getting high in the bathroom down in the Math wing. Bodies he does not know touch him, invading more of his space with each step he takes. Peter winces as locker doors slam shut and books scrape against the metal shelves inside.
Quit complaining, you big baby, his brain says. You’ve literally been to space. You can handle a little noise for one day.
His skin burns under the collar of his shirt and the tops of his sneakers dig into his Achilles tendons like a knife waiting to carve him open, but he agrees with the voice for once. He went to outer space. He can deal.
The day crawls by. One class after another, lectures upon lectures upon lectures. Peter’s all but dragging his feet by the time eighth block rolls around. He settles into his seat at the back of his last class and rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands, holding back a yawn. He’s so tired he can hardly remember which subject he has right now—a particularly bad nightmare had him up and awake well before dawn—but he’s in the right room so he doesn’t care.
Peter puts his head on the desk as other students trickle in. MJ sits down next to him and gives him a nod of acknowledgment before burying her nose in her book again. Peter doesn’t pay attention to anything other than keeping his eyes open and not giving his teacher a reason to write him up.
When the bell rings, Mr. Ryan lifts his hand up to get everyone’s attention.
“I’m gonna be honest with you guys,” he says, “I feel like crap but we’re short on subs, so I have to be in today. I really don’t feel like teaching so we’re just going to watch a movie that only kind of has something to do with history and pretend we learned something new today. Sound good?”
Everyone agrees wholeheartedly.
Mr. Ryan has Jen in the front row help him set up the computer and projector while the class whispers amongst themselves. Peter hears all about what Owen and Kirby did over the weekend and how stressed Tabatha is for Dr. J’s Chemistry test on Thursday and where Althea got her Homecoming dress, which is apparently a gorgeous sea green. Their words roll in one ear, out the other.
Someone turns off the lights. Despite his best efforts, Peter’s eyelids droop dangerously low. He struggles to lift them, but it’s a losing battle.
He falls asleep.
For a while, it’s all just black. No dreams, no nightmares. Only that weird in-between stage where he knows he’s asleep and he’s just waiting to fall deeper into the pull of unconsciousness.
Then he finds himself in the ruins of the Avengers compound upstate, surrounded by fires and debris, but everything is quiet. There are no gunshots or screams. The whole place seems deserted apart from him, no one fighting for their lives or for control of the gauntlet.
Peter glances around in confusion. He knows he’s dreaming. He’s had nightmares that have started out eerily similar before. There has to be a reason his subconscious is making him come back here.
He finds his reason in the form of a small gathering of people, just past where the swimming pool used to be. Peter doesn’t want to go toward them, but he feels himself being tugged forward, like an invisible hand with a string wrapped around his torso. It pulls and pulls until he’s right next to them and he sees the scene that’s been burned into his memory—Mr. Stark, right side blackened and scarred beyond recognition, slumped against a pile of rubble; Colonel Rhodes standing a few feet away, tears painting his dusty cheeks; Pepper kneeling in front of her husband, her hand on the arc reactor, assuring him that it’s okay, they’ll be okay.
Peter wants to curl into a ball and never come back out.
But this time there’s someone new. A tiny someone, whose small body had initially been hidden behind her mother’s.
“Morgan,” Peter breathes.
But when she turns to look at him, it’s not with concern or compassion. She no longer looks young and innocent, carefree, with just a hint of baby fat still on her angelic face. She’s much older, older than Peter, even. Her eyes are full of broken promises and disappointments and so much more that Peter had hoped she would never have to experience. In her features is an anger, a loathing that makes Peter flinch.
“You stole him,” she hisses, accusatory and hostile. “You took him from me. It’s all your fault.”
Peter opens his mouth, though he’s not sure what he could even say to that, but the words won’t form on his tongue.
“You’re the reason Dad’s dead,” says Morgan, and she’s right. She’s right, she’s right, she’s right. It’s all his fault, all his fault. “That’s his legacy, Peter. Not me, not Mom. You killing him.” Then she drives the final nail into the coffin: “I hate you.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
His heart shatters into a million tiny pieces and Peter just wants to sweep them up and put them behind that wall of glass. He moves toward her, raises a hand to cup her face like he does now when she’s scared of the monster under her bed, but a different hand latches onto his wrist. Peter looks down to see Mr. Stark clutching onto him, gripping him so tightly it hurts. His expression is dead, which is even worse than any emotion it could hold.
“Why?” is all he asks before he goes limp again, his fingers still curled around Peter’s wrist.
“I’m sorry!” Peter screams. “I’m sorry, Mr. Stark! Morgan, I-I’m so sorry!”
“Peter?” someone calls from a thousand miles away.
Peter just shakes his head, trying and failing not to collapse in on himself with a sob. Tears drip off his eyelashes as he screws his eyes shut. He can’t look at them, can’t face them again knowing what he’s done.
That someone’s voice is a lot closer this time as they shout, “Peter!”
His head shoots up from the desk, eyes wide open and brimming with tears. Heart racing, the words fall from his lips like a stone in the open air with no end in sight. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Arms circle around him and just hold him, rocking back and forth. There’s a voice in his ear shushing him. Not trying to quiet him, trying to calm him. His chest heaves as another sob rips from his throat.
Peter glances up for a moment and he freezes all of a sudden. Just like that, his apologies die in his throat that’s already closing up and the crying stops and he just stares in horror at the SMART board.
“Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe.”
“Like in Footloose, the movie?”
“Exactly like Footloose! Is it still the greatest movie in history?”
“It never was.”
Kevin Bacon grins at whatshername and Peter’s chest constricts and he can’t breathe. He’s falling apart again, being torn away piece by piece, inch by inch, until all that’s left is dust, dust, dust. Quill’s voice rings in his ears, his quiet “Oh, man,” bouncing through his head until it’s the only thing occupying any space up there.
Peter pushes at the arms and they retract. He needs air, he needs space. Not that kind of space. The space where he can actually breathe and his heart isn’t a jackhammer in his chest. His eyes dart around the room, brain working on overdrive to find the fastest exit.
Front door—too far away, too many bodies to pass through.
Back door—blocked by desks and a panic-stricken Mr. Ryan.
One option left.
Peter doesn’t even think as he jams his backpack onto his shoulders, shoves open the window, and kicks. Shouts ring out behind him. His foot connects with the screen in a solid hit and it pops right off. He stands up on his chair and scrambles over the counter and out the window, dropping the ten or so feet to the ground below. As soon as his feet hit the grass, he takes off running, sprinting across the lawn and the football field and down the street, as if he can escape from his memories and the mountain of guilt inside him that way.
Hardly a month after the battle at the compound, after the snaps that brought everyone back and saved the universe, an anonymous group of New Yorkers erected an Iron Man statue outside of Central Park, the first of many throughout the city. It stood tall and proud, a reminder of the man himself, of the confident and suave hero the whole world loved and mourned.
Peter always tries to avoid it if he can. For one thing, looking at it only deepens the wound in his heart and widens the hole in his life. For another, it just bothers him. He knows the real Iron Man, the real Tony Stark, and he knows that the whole ‘confident billionaire’ act is just that—an act. He learned firsthand that Mr. Stark wasn’t this unshakable wall of a man with no fear that the public and the tabloids made him out to be. Mr. Stark had lots of fears. Some he shared. Some he didn’t. But he taught Peter, in words and actions, that there was nothing wrong with that. That even superheroes could be afraid.
As he stands in front of the statue now, hood up to block the light rain that’s begun to fall, Peter doesn’t feel much like a superhero. He feels small, weak. Like the sixteen-year-old kid he is.
Everyone has a lot of questions about the future. Who’s going to take over the job the Avengers left behind and defend the Earth from new threats? Who’s going to step up and lead the new generation of heroes now that the old is gone?
Who will be the next Iron Man?
They ask him this, as Spider-Man. Ask if he will be able to fill Tony Stark’s impossibly large shoes. If he is going to be the next Iron Man.
He stares up into the stone face standing guard over Central Park. As much as Peter loves Iron Man and the man behind the mask, he doesn’t want to be Iron Man. Doesn’t want that responsibility. He wants to be Spider-Man, the one and only.
You can’t always get what you want, his brain hisses.
Peter’s shoulders are hunched over, weighed down by the burden the rest of the world has placed on them. Even if he hadn’t been the one to kill Tony Stark, he knows he is, to some extent, part of Mr. Stark’s legacy. Not as much as Morgan, obviously. But enough to be significant. Enough to be a possible footnote in the biography of Mr. Stark’s life.
Enough that it’s too much.
Too much expectation and too much pressure and too much for an anxiety-ridden, nightmare-prone sixteen-year-old kid to handle.
What’s so special about you anyway? asks his brain. You’re nothing. You’re just a stupid kid with the shittiest luck in the entire world.
Peter turns away from the memorial and walks down Fifth Avenue, ignoring the weight of his phone in the pocket of his hoodie. He turned it off after he finally calmed down from his nightmare-slash-panic-attack, when the incessant vibrating got on his last nerve. May’s smiling face and Ned’s ridiculous picture just embarrassed him even more than his little episode.
Rain falls harder on his hood. He should head home, he knows that. At the very least he should call May and tell her where he is, how long he’ll be out, but he can’t bring himself to talk to anyone right now. He doesn’t think he has the capacity for words, let alone the energy.
You’re pathetic, his brain screams, and Peter can’t really argue with that.
All told, there is no punishment. He explains to May, in as little words and details as possible, what happened at school, and she just nods, giving him that sympathetic smile he’s come to hate. There’s nothing wrong with him. At least nothing he can’t handle on his own. He’s not some stupid, helpless little kid anymore.
Except you are, his brain reminds him.
The rest of the week passes without incident, though not without its annoyances. Ned walks on eggshells around him. MJ keeps an eye on him from a distance, like she always does. No one in his History class can pay attention on Tuesday because they’re all too busy watching him, waiting to see if he’ll have another freak-out. Mr. Ryan comes up to him after class that day and asks, albeit a bit awkwardly, how he’s doing, if there’s anything he can do to help Peter.
Peter looks at Mr. Ryan with dead eyes and a dead expression to hide his very not dead heart and gives him his classic line: “I’m fine.”
When the weekend arrives, Peter feels the tension ease from his shoulders the closer he gets to the lake house. He’s come to relish these trips, to appreciate every minute of quiet he has with Pepper and Morgan. In the back of his mind, he wonders how much longer he can hide the bright red label of blame he’s put on himself, how much longer he has until they agree with his brain and cast him out of their lives for good. But when Morgan runs up to him and smashes into him with the biggest hug she can muster, and when Pepper sits with him late at night after another nightmare and regales him with stories about some of the dumb stuff Mr. Stark did when he was younger, Peter manages to push his worries aside for a little bit longer and just enjoy the moment.
Peter lets out a sudden oof as Morgan lands on top of him on the couch.
“Whatcha doin’?” she asks, all smiles and curiosity.
“Nothin’ much, little munch,” Peter replies, matching her casual tone.
Morgan giggles at the nickname and lays down on Peter’s stomach, face pointed toward the ceiling. One of Peter’s arms comes to rest across her tiny body. Morgan takes his hand in her own and plays with his fingers, making them dance to a beat in her head. They’re quiet for a while. Listening to each other’s breathing.
Then, in her small, innocent voice, she breaks the silence. “Mommy said you made Miss May scared the other day.”
“She did?” Peter’s brows furrow.
Morgan nods and Peter can feel her head move against his chest, feel her hair scratch at his neck.
“What else did she say?” he asks.
“That I should give you lots and lots and lots of hugs when you come to visit,” she says, and as she does she flips herself over so that their stomachs are flush and their noses are inches apart. Morgan tries her best to put her arms around his body. They don’t quite make it past the point where his skin meets the leather of the couch, but it’s the thought that counts. She rests her head on his chest. “Daddy always says I give the bestest hugs.”
Peter can’t help the laugh that bursts out of him, and he wraps his own arms around her in return. “Well, he’s right, Mo. You definitely give the bestest hugs.”
After another small stretch of silence, Morgan tells him, very matter-of-factly, “You’re my favorite big brother.”
“I’m your only big brother,” Peter reminds her.
“That’s why you’re my favorite, though,” she says. She lifts her head to look at him and her voice drops to a fake whisper. “But don’t tell anyone else.”
Peter laughs again. “I won’t, I promise.”
“Guess what?” she says, still in that theater whisper. “I love you 3000.”
Morgan settles her head back on his chest and Peter watches as it rises and falls with his breaths. Something in his heart bursts open, breaking down the glass wall he’d tried to hide it behind, filling him with so much love and awe for this tiny person on top of him, who trusts him and loves him in return, even despite the flaws his brain constantly reminds him of.
“I love you, too, Morgan,” he responds, and he means it with every fiber of his being.
“Are you all better now?” she asks quietly.
Peter pauses for a moment, weighing the question in his head.
“No,” he answers truthfully. “But I think I will be. Eventually.”
And for the first time in a long time, he really believes it.
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castielgurl · 5 years
What Is And What Should Never Be
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fan art by:sam_cotter_art kj apa as James Rogers
Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff live their life in a completely different than the main timeline. After Thanos thing happen everyone decides to live in separate ways. The Avengers had tried so hard to bring back everyone from the snap but they fail. Everyone in this universe had moved on and built a new world. Steve finally asked Natasha to enjoy their life together. Natasha and Steve only had each other. They decide to get married and have a son name, James. Their son brings joy and happiness in their lives after chaos and disaster. Despite toughness and the hardest time, they raise James to be an Avenger and a good young man. After 20 years, James found out his parents were missing and it happens to a lot of people in their world. The universe James lives in had been erased and gone because someone has changed the past. James and his friends travel back to a specific timeline to investigate why it happens. James found that the universe is completely different, his parents never married. His father goes back to the 40s to live his life with Peggy Carter and his mother died after sacrifice herself to get the infinity stone. How James going reunite his parents and tell them to believe they are made for each other?
Falcon and everyone continue to lead the new Avengers. Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange, Spiderman, Winter Soldier, Ant-man, the wasp is part of the new Avengers. One day in the avenger’s facility, the group of unknown people coming to face them. They all wearing a suit, and tech armor which similar to what Iron Man made. They look like a group of superheroes. At first, they fight each other because they did not know who they are and what intention of coming there. Before one of the women tell them to stop fighting and said they did not come to make chaos. They introduce themselves as the Avengers which are cause more confusing. How can they be another Avengers that they did not know about? They explained it they are the Avengers from the 20 years after the future. Is causes shocking revealing, one of the women claims as Scott Lang daughter, Cassie she tells a secret about her father which confirms she is indeed his daughter. In her timeline, Scott is missing and pronounce as death. The emotional reunion between daughter and father happen
They tell their story and why and how they come back to the past. They said they come to find out why their parents suddenly disappear and included many people lost their families. Like their existence are erased. Cassie, James, and Morgan Stark who apparently Tony Stark daughter the only member team has survived. Morgan invented a time portal and travel back to their current universe. They found the cause someone has changed the event in the past and created an alternate timeline. Where in that timeline some of their families did not exist including themselves. In simple explanations, if the parents did not exist their children are automatically erased. The Avengers finally understand why they come, but they did not know how they going to help them. After the discussion one of them is a young man who had fair skin, muscular about six foot asking where are the Avengers Iron Man, Hawkeye, Hulk, Captain America, Black Widow, and Thor. The Avengers explained to them where they are and they were shocked to hear Iron Man died, and Captain America going to travel time and never come back to stay in the 40s. The young man asking where is Black Widow? All of them look sad to reveal what happened to her. Wanda finally tells him she died because she sacrifices herself to get a soul stone. The young man could not believe what he heard, he looks sad and angry his emotions change suddenly. He asks why Captain America let her die, and what did he do during that? They explained to him and he looks very angry suddenly he hit the table and it breaks into pieces. Falcon asking why he very angry and what was Natasha connection to him? He said she was his mother.
James Rogers Story (Future year, 2043) James was born in the suburbs of Brooklyn. When he was a baby he had various diseases. Asthma, heart failure, kidney failure he got it all. He spent his baby years at the hospital. His father always regretted that James's illness was inherited from him. When he was a baby, he doesn`t have enough nutrients, skinny and pale skin. His development is slower than other babies. His body weight is also twice as low as other babies. His parents spend time to commute to the hospital every day. There was a night when he was six months old; he suddenly stopped breathing that causing panic from his parents. At one point the doctor said he would not live long. But his parents never give up. His parents love him wholeheartedly and give him the opportunity to grow like other normal children. James only knew that his parents were superheroes when he was five. Some people have told him he is the son of Captain America and the Black Widow. At first, he did not understand how big it meant being their child. While in school his friends talk about the superhero. At that time James realized he was a disappointment. He should be a strong, wise spawn just like his parents. Because of that James is depressed, shy and he avoiding being friends with other children. But his mother often raises his spirits, giving him advice and told him that he is different and special. His father never stops telling him he knew how this world worked and as long mom and dad love him, it doesn`t matter what people said.
At the moment, the world in the improvement phase. His parents told them they lost many loved ones. They show him a photo, they claim as their friends and family that they had lost. His parents told an alien named Thanos was eliminate half of the world's population. James could not imagine how the world was before Thanos. He grew up in a sad world. He lives in moderation but he is grateful that he still has his parents. He had met some of his parent’s friends. The man named Clint, Rodney, Bruce had visited his house. He never met Tony and Thor until he was 12 years old.
The more James grew up he became a normal teenager. The disease he had suddenly disappeared. He didn`t realize he had super serum. When he was a sick child, he had lifted a three-seat sofa to find his favorite toy car under the couch. He was only three years old. He thought it was just a coincidence. At the age of teenage years, he enjoyed sports and began to learn self-defense from his parents. He is getting better, his body becomes healthier, and the girls start chasing him. He was red-haired, bright-skinned, blue-eyed, thin lips, and a handsome face. He brilliant at school, do well in the sport even become a leader in the baseball team. Even so in his heart, he is still a child that was sick, skinny and has an anxiety issue. He began to pay attention to the most in need. Because of his childhood experience makes James sensitive human, kind hearted, considerate and, love animals.
James joined the Avengers when he was 18 years old. He began to realize this is what he wanted to do in his life. He wants to help others in need. He's just like the other Avengers kids. He obtained inspiration from his parents. Despite being denied at first, Natasha finally willingly let James make his own choice. He is acquainted with Monica, Cassie, Morgan, Harley, Thorun, and Francis. They eventually become close friends his avenger's friend is his second family. In his young age, James became the leader of Avengers like his father. His suit and shield were created by Morgan Stark.
His parents are the person he loves the most in his life. They take care of him until he grows up to become an amazing man and a hero. Steve and Natasha are everything for James. He is still close to his parents even though he becomes an adult. When he returned home in January 2043, he found his parents absent from home. He tried to contact them but could not be reached. While he was looking for his parents James heard panic screams from his neighbors. He saw his neighbor disappeared before his eyes and became dust. He ran to a neighborhood friend and found many other people who were also the victims. He panicked and while check on his smartphone there are catastrophic event happens in the world. Billions have been missing with no reason.
James contacted another Avengers, Morgan, and Cassie successfully make contact with him. They both asked to meet at the Avengers headquarters. Morgan finds her father missing and Cassie loses his mother and stepfather. While the other Avengers were confirmed missing, they are also among others who missing massively. James now knew the fate of his parents
Avengers HQ 2025 (Current Time) When the Avengers heard the story of James Rogers they didn`t believe what they heard.
Rodney asked how did they come here. James explains that they have Cosmic Strings technology that allows them to travel elsewhere. They have seen that one of the universes has eliminated the entire timeline. And that timeline is where young avengers live. Now, something has happened in another timeline that disturbed their timeline that it become the reason people vanished.
They come to fix the original timeline and bring back their friends and many others. But they are not sure how and why it happened. They need to know what is happening in this universe. They let the current Avengers tell what happened in this universe.
They find that many other things different from their world. In their world, Tony still alive raises his children and his family with Pepper. Thor was married to a woman and also his friend named Sif who had a daughter named Thorun. Clint was recovering from the loss of his entire family and he also met another woman named Bobbi and married and had a Francis as their child. Dr. Hulk lives alone to study and open his own hospital. And Natasha and Steve are married and James is their child. And most The Avengers they found here should have died after Thanos in 2018.
"Here Steve and Natasha are just friends and partners, they are no more than friends," Bucky explains though in the heart he is also uncertain if they are just friends. They spent a lot of time together maybe they are maybe they not.
"Wait a minute, Captain America and Black Widow, anyone? This news should be the hottest story in the tabloids." Scott was also surprised by James's story. But he also did not know them both very closely.
"But Steve and Natasha never married in this universe then how James still alive? He never exists in this universe." Hope finally breaking the biggest question.
"You are right. We still don`t know how that happens. We probably will find an answer soon." Morgan agrees with Hope. She felt weird as well.
"They are my parents, they love each other, not because I am their child, I know how close their relationship is, they are very happy together." James was upset with them. He knows his parents very well.
"So we all live in a very different world all this time, Everything stand on their own " Carol speaks
"My parents told them they had failed to reverse the snap after Thanos did in 2018. In this universe, they succeeded, but the problem is it affected our world. Many of you should not be here.” James said
"If we save our parents, it means we will be safe our lives and everything will come back like before. Save my dad from the dead, then unite James's parents" Morgan gave the idea
"But your father was dead two years ago and Natasha died in Vormir, and Steve chose to live in the 40s," Sam told the truth.
"But we can go back to the past, and I can save my dad. James can go to that place before his mother makes that sacrifice." Morgan said
"I don`t think you understand, Natasha was dead and cannot be reversed, it's not an exchangeable process, that's what I heard from Clint Barton," Wanda recalled the conversation with Clint
"Are you sure? Who can confirm it, you just believe in his words?" James still doesn`t believe it
"Well I don`t know, why don`t you go there and ask the guard for the stone itself? Besides Steve also said that he managed to return all the stones in his original place so that the original timeline would not be interrupted, otherwise he would take Natasha home." Sam a little bit annoys.
"My dad will not do that; he'll definitely find a way to save my mother." James insisted. He knows his stubborn attitude and never gives up.
"Maybe your father loves your mom, but this is the other Steve, this Steve is different, He who has never forgotten his first love, and he will definitely take the opportunity if he can go back in time to live with his first lover,” said Bucky
"If you go back to the past, the reality in the world will change, it will benefit your universe, but not in our reality. I am sorry what happens to your parents, but you should not interfere with the time." Dr. Strange said
"We all live in our own universe, without interruption, why are we suddenly colliding with each other? Why is this happening after a while? There's something going on, why now?" Cassie speaks \
They all being silent.
"How do you know the disruption comes from our universe?" T`Challa asked
"The cause of cosmic accidents has been detected in this universe," Morgan explained
"What do you mean?" Carol asked again
"We ask a few people who know about these things, but we don`t know how and who does it, that's why we came here" James answered
"Who is the best person to ask about time travel?” Morgan asking because everything seems confusing
"Maybe you can ask Dr. Banner” Scott remember he was the one who builds the quantum tunnel two years ago
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pctterprongs · 5 years
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HC 001:
                                     IF JAMES POTTER HAD LIVED…
(If for whatever reason the First Wizarding world had ended on a stalemate rather than James and Lily being betrayed, something to re-invigorate the Second Wizarding War, this is what would’ve happened for James.)
James Potter married Lily Evans ( @bloomingevans ) on September 1st, 1978 in front of all their friends and family on the grounds of the Potter Mansion. (canon still)
James parents were around for the first six month’s of Harry’s life before fatefully contracting Dragon Pox. Euphemia Potter died first, followed by Fleamont six days later. James, Lily, Harry, Sirius, Remus and many of James friends that Euphemia and Fleamont considered their extended children were able to be at their bedside to be there when both of them passed.  (canon still)
James would’ve had one more child, named after both his mother and mother-in-law, Euphemia “Mia” Amelia Potter. After the birth of their second child, James would’ve gotten his bits snipped (once Mary and Marlene agreed they could not nor would ever be allowed to do the job). It was done mostly for Lily knowing him best; James would’ve had eighteen kids for the sake of having eighteen kids.
After Hogwarts, James was offered a job with Gringotts Wizarding Bank as a curse-breaker, having shown exceptional work in the aptitude tests regarding breaking all curses set before him. James traveled around the UK during the First War, wanting to keep close to home with having been married and soon after pregnant with his first child with his wife. (canon still)
James took a leave of absence from Gringotts when he and Lily went into hiding towards the end of the First War. (canon still)
After October 1981, James stationed himself within the UK until well after their second child was born. When Harry was at least seven or eight, that was when James began travelling globally for his position, garnering more attention and making a name for himself, aside from the legacy left by his father. 
James would’ve used the money left from his parents (enough that realistically he, Lily, and perhaps Harry’s children should’ve never have had to work a day in their lives) and bought Remus an apartment in central London. His work schedule did not and would have never conflicted with the Full Moon, James would’ve continued to to aid Remus in his full moon transitions, utilizing the abandoned McKinnon Manor. After Marlene’s family was killed in the First War, Marlene had told James she would never returned to the McKinnon Manor, James knew it was safe enough to hide Remus there during shifts, able to roam the Scottish Highlands until Wolfsbane was invented, and they could hide in the half-destroyed home. Had James not died, he would’ve kept his promise to never let Remus go another full moon alone.
James registered officially as an animagus in December of 1985 with the Ministry of Magic. Lily made him.
James liked to semi-frequently stop by Remus’s apartment to drop in some groceries he picked up for his friend, always using the poor excuse that James was just in the area doing shopping for the house. It was a point-blank lie James knew Remus saw through, but he wouldn’t hear no to not taking the food. 
As James got older, he really resembled the late Fleamont Potter in his age, having gone grey at thirty five. He blamed Sirius for triggering such a reaction after his near-year spent as a dog.
James would’ve worked as a curse-breaker until 1987, when he was given the Head-Curse breaker position after Patricia Rakepick was offered the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts. James would’ve remained in such a position until his retirement in 2025. During his career, James made notable discoveries, solved some of the most dangerous curses. He assisted the Magical Law Enforcement’s departments on the side when he was approached by friends or his wife in the Magical Accident’s office (who would’ve led it later in life) when they needed someone with a bit more expertise in the area. 
James ended up doing exactly what he wanted in life, a career with adventure, risk, endless entertainment, and travelling the world. He spent three months working for MACUSA on a particularly grisly case during Harry’s first year, one that had Lily nearly ripping his head off when he down-played just how bad it was. 
James was a very dedicated father, much like his parents were to him. He never left the country for work during the summers his children were home from Hogwarts, wanting to be around to spend time with them. On very minor excursions he would’ve brought Harry along with him so his son could get a first hand experience into what his father did on a daily basis. He took his kids away on trips whenever he could, showered them in the love and affection he received as a child, showed and encouraged them with Lily’s help to always tell someone you love them. He’d seen the bout of war, he knew what it was like to lose someone close to you. The Potter home was a very positive place. 
James considered not re-joining the Order, only for the apprehensions felt from scars hidden from the First War. That feeling didn’t last long, and he re-joined, seeing all those he fought beside previously were jumping at the chance once more. It helped that Lily was willing to re-join the war effort. She would’ve been, and always was, his deal-breaker. That they knew what they would need to do to put their children before themselves. James would’ve not fought in the Battle of the Ministry considering he wouldn’t have had the inside tact to get there in time if he had been travelling for work.
James would’ve fought along side his friends and children during the Battle of Hogwarts and survived. James would’ve not allowed Mia Potter to leave his side, he would’ve stayed close to his daughter, knowing Lily would’ve been with Harry. 
If James hadn’t died, if Peter hadn’t betrayed him, if he got the chance, James Potter might’ve lived a long, happy life. He would’ve easily argued he was the happiest man alive, for everything he wanted he finally got.
Older James: George Clooney.
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exhoe-imagines · 7 years
Don’t || 5
Previous Parts: [Prolouge] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] 
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Reader, Werewolf!Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of blood, violence, mentions of death
Word Count: 2025
Author: Admin Jewels
Notes: Hey everyone! So sorry that this took a million years to write - I’ve been really caught up in school this last semester. But now that it is winter break, I will try to get some new chapters ready for you guys! I hope you enjoy the chapter xx
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‘The Chairman’s Waltz’ by John Williams
Yoongi’s POV
               “It’s her Namjoon. It’s Y/N,” Yoongi stresses to Namjoon, slamming his fists on the desk in front of him.
               Namjoon maintains an unreadable expression, calmly watching Yoongi from behind the desk.
               “That’s impossible Yoongi. Y/N died over 100 years ago,” Namjoon replies solemnly.
               “Please, you just have to see her…” Yoongi pleads, “She’s in the room next over.”
               “I’m sure your mind is just playing tricks on you, brother,” Namjoon replies as he exits the room with Yoongi.
               “See for yourself,” Yoongi mumbles as he unlocks the room that keeps you imprisoned.
               You were sitting on a sofa, facing upward at a large oil painting on the wall. Namjoon circles the room till he is standing just in front of you. Yoongi swears he could see a glimpse of recognition in Namjoon’s face, but it quickly turns back to his usual stoic expression.
               “Hello my dear,” he says as he stepped closer to you, putting a hand on your cheek. “I am sorry this has gone on for so long, it will be over for you soon enough.” He smiles and walks back toward Yoongi.
               “I hate to break it to you, but it’s not her,” Namjoon mutters just as the door shuts behind them. “Finish the job,” he says before pacing back to his office.
               Yoongi’s heart sinks as the order is given to him. He knows Namjoon’s demands are final, completely absolute. No matter how much he trusts Namjoon, he knows you are Y/N. Your face is just as young and bright as the day he last saw you in 1911, the year he had been turned.
               Memories of a dark and dreary time rush through Yoongi’s head. The country was being invaded from all sides by an imperial force. Armies pushed city by city, slaughtering and imprisoning any who resisted. Noble families who had ruled in the old regime were hunted down and imprisoned. That included you, Namjoon, and Yoongi’s families who had known each other for decades.
               Yoongi could remember how helpless he felt as a mortal, so afraid of death. He was only 21 years old when all your families were locked up. He remembered praying that even if he died, he hoped you would make it out alive.
One night, a new unit of guards entered the prison. They were much quieter than the previous, and much more distinct looking. Little did Yoongi know at the time, they were a clan of vampires.
               Yoongi could remember the screams that rang through the prison as the vampire soldiers attacked prisoners down the hall. There were so many screams. He could remember banging on his cell door, trying to get out, trying to do something. The screams ended shortly after and he knew they were dead.
               As footsteps approached his cell, he readied himself to attack. He would fight with every ounce of his soul before he would give into these murderers. But when the cell door opened, a sickly-sweet smell floated into the room, immediately calming Yoongi’s senses. A soldier entered slowly, making his way right up to Yoongi.
               “Come, brother, it is your time,” he whispered with a foreign accent.
Yoongi lost all will to resist, it was as if his mind and body were not his own. He followed the ghostly soldier out of the cell and down the hall. As he passed other open cells, he saw dead bodies laid on the cold ground. When he saw your pale body laying lifeless in the hallway, he could feel his soul crumble. You were laid next to your mother as if you had been struggling to hold onto her in your final moments. There were two clean bite marks on your neck, bite marks that Yoongi would come to know very well in the following years. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to claw his eyes out, but the trance that was over him did not allow him to do any of those things. It forced him to keep moving, to step over your corpse and never look back.
               That night, Yoongi and many other young men were herded into a large room of the prison together. Yoongi’s old friend Namjoon was among them. It was eerily silent, as all the men were in the same trance. The soldiers encircled them until they were given the order to attack. Yoongi remembered watching the men collapse to the ground as the vampires feasted upon their necks. Some of them couldn’t control their thirst and ended up killing them. Others were swift with their bites, but they still strained to pull away from their victims before they let the frenzy consume them. The ones that could resist the thirst were quick with the process, immediately slashing their wrist and letting their blood drop into the mouths of the newborns.
               Yoongi could barely remember how he was turned, he blacked out so many times. He was grateful for this, as he had heard many stories of how torturous the process was. Days later, he and the other men awoke, but they quickly realized they were no longer the same. Their bodies ached and their minds lusted for blood. Fresh, hot blood.
               The soldiers that turned them guided them for several years, until Yoongi, Namjoon, and several others finally broke free of the clan. Over time, Namjoon and Yoongi created their own clan, always remaining under the radar. They eventually built an empire of their own, an empire that controlled the entire black market of the southeast of the country. They operated everything from casinos, whorehouses, to smuggling drugs, weapons, and human trafficking. It made it very easy for them to prey upon humans. The people who dealt with their businesses were not the kind of people that anyone would go looking for.
               Everything went well for the first few decades until the werewolves arrived on the scene. They were a form of protection for the local village people. Some say they dealt with a kind of black magic that allowed them to transform. Others say they mutated as a way to keep their species alive. Whatever the reason, they became a nuisance in recent years to the clan. Many of the foot soldiers wanted to wipe them out, but Namjoon always made them stay under the radar, killing small numbers at a time.
               That was, until the recent offensive in the city. The mutts attacked just before dawn, drawing out the vampires and trapping them outdoors as the sun began to rise. There were close to a hundred vampire foot soldiers destroyed. After all, the sun almost completely weakened their powers.
               Some of the remaining foot soldiers were able to capture and kill the alpha of the pack, Taecyeon. Seokjin was next in line to become alpha, which was why the clan decided you would be the perfect target. Namjoon wanted payback for all that the werewolves had cost him.
               Yoongi was completely ready to go through with the plan and display your corpse for all their enemies to see. That was until he saw your face. There was no denying who you were. Yoongi could never forget the face of his first love, no matter how many years passed. Just the thought of you made Yoongi feel human again, pure and alive. But he knew it was all a delusion, for he could never truly be human or pure again. Yoongi lived a life of evil since he turned, and he knew he could never go back.
‘Home’ by Daughter
               You were sitting in that same room for almost an hour after that strange man had come in to see you.
               “It will be over for you soon enough,” he had said with a grin on his face.
               You can’t help but think the worst about what could happen to you next. Your body begins to shake as you look around the room. There must be some way out of here…
               Your thoughts are interrupted when the man from your dream enters the room. His steps are quick as he tears two cloths from his pocket, one to blindfold your eyes and one to muffle your mouth. He avoids your face as he ties them on, keeping his expression plain. He continues and puts restraints around your wrists, tying them behind your back.
               ‘This is it, this is how it all ends,’ you think to yourself as he grabs your arm, pulling you up to follow him out the door. His grasp is tight and cold, causing you to shudder away from him.
               “Move and I will cut your throat right here,” he spits at you, suddenly very close to your face.
               Your blood runs cold, and you instantly feel tears welling up in your eyes. You nod your head before following him as he ordered.
He opens a door, and by the sudden breeze, you can tell you have stepped outside.
“This way,” he mutters before pulling you to the left and opening a car door. He lifts your body and throws you in as if you were light as a feather. Your back hits the carpeting of the backseat floor and you gasp out in pain. The restraint around your wrist is digging into the flesh, stinging all the way up your arms.
               You hear the driver’s door open as he gets in and immediately starts the car. He didn’t drive 2 seconds before he comes to a stop.
               “Hey boss, where are you headed?” a voice outside the car says into the driver’s window, “do you want any help?”
               “No, I can take care of this myself. I’ll be heading back into town. I’ll call you guys if I need anything,” your kidnapper replies before sliding the window back up and speeding off the property.
               The drive continues eerily silent. Not one sigh or breath leaves his mouth. You are too afraid to move, even with how painful it is to lay with your arms behind you.
Eventually, he parks the car and pulls you out to stand you on the ground. By the smell of the air, you can tell you are in a parking structure, probably downtown.
His hands travel to your face and he unties the fabric around your mouth and eyes. The first thing you see is his eyes gazing into yours, with a softness in them that you have not yet witnessed. But they quickly snap back to his usual predatory gaze, and he is once again your kidnapper.
“Do not try anything funny. I will have you dead before you can even scream ‘help’” he warns you, before taking your hand and pulling you to follow him.
He takes you through several doors before you enter a grand lobby. You realize it is an apartment building as he directs you to a large glass elevator. The elevator door is about to shut when a dark-haired young man appears and pushes it back open so he can enter.
“Jungkook, is that you?” you think as your heart skips a beat.
The man turns to face you, and you can feel your kidnapper’s grip tighten around your wrist.
Your heart sinks as the man looks at you and you realize it is not Jungkook. You wonder what the chances are of them finding you and saving you from these gangsters.
The elevator dings as it arrives on the 8th floor and you watch as the man steps out. The doors shut as you glance toward the elevator buttons. Your kidnapper’s destination was the top floor, number 31. It even has a special key to guard it.
“I own the entire top floor. So no one will be able to hear your cries,” he whispers, just barely loud enough for you to hear him. It was like he knew exactly what was crossing your mind.
Your anxiety rises with each level you pass, as you know you are getting further and further from any hope of escape.
You are nearly frozen in place when the elevator dings to signal your arrival. You know your doom awaits just beyond those doors.
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monasatlantis · 3 years
My first review of „Hajimari no Kiseki“ (played with spreadsheet)
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Ever since I know that Hajimari no Kiseki (or Trails of Reverie) will not be released in English until (what probably will be late autumn of) 2023 I am very frustrated about the fact that there is no way in hell that I will be able to stay away from Kuro no Kiseki spoilers until this game will be released in English (what will probably be not earlier then the end of 2025 if not later). You see, after I spoiled most of CS3, CS4 and also a large part of Hajimari for me, because I just couldn’t wait that long for its English release, I decided I wanted to play a Trails-game “blind” for once and Kuro is perfect as it starts with new characters and a new place and so on. BUT I am a spoiler-junkie, so waiting freaking 4 years to get my hands on this game and not feeling the urgent need to collect any spoilers until then is almost impossible for me. Plus, until 2025 its very likely that Kuro no Kiseki 2 & maybe even 3 are out at this point already and you know how it goes. The deeper we go into the story, the more characters of the previous games will have cameos in the Kuro-Saga. And the more characters I love show up there, the harder it will get for me to not fish for Spoilers. Okay let’s face it, as soon as one of my favorites will show up in on of the sequels, there will be no force in hell that will be able to stop me from getting all the freaking spoiler XD
So… how does one solve this problem? There was only on way to do it: Thank the people who made the freaking spreadsheet, buy Hajimari no Kiseki on Amazon.jp and get your Computer and Playstation ready to play on remote-play. So that – hoping that someone would do a spreadsheet for Kuro as well – I would be able to get through the next Saga within a year of its release (or so) without having to drown myself in spoiler again to survive the wait until the English release. In other words: I wanted to play Hajimari, so that I could go into Kuro with a clear conscience, since I finished the previous game and thus rounded up the other free previous Sagas just nicely.
And here now is my review of Hajimari no Kiseki and my description of how I was able to handle the spreadsheet…
Let me tell you that handling the spreadsheet is very easy, especially if your PC and Playstation are already ready for remote play (as it so happens, I prefer to play on my computer and thus I’ve been playing with remote play before) and there is nothing much left to do aside from opening the spreadsheet, after changing a few control-buttons in the game-menu.
I say it took me roughly 3 to 5 hours to get the hang of how the spreadsheet works and how and when to best operate it. And after that, it mostly guided me through the game without many issues. (excluding jumping 2000 lines or so, that was a shore, but maybe it was just me being to stupid to push the right button to jump from line 1000 to 2400 without problems. Once again, that aside, the spreadsheet worked amazingly for me and it tells you all of the things you need to know to get the plot and don’t miss any development on either characters or story.
The most annoying thing was that you couldn’t decide who you want to talk to. It not critique on the spreadsheet because it was definitely already hard enough to make it, as it is. Its just something that was bothering me a bit while I was playing. Sometimes there were people I didn’t wanted to talk to that I had to if I wanted to follow the spreadsheet and there were people I wanted to talk to, that the spreadsheet did not tell you to talk to. It takes a bit getting used to. Once again tho, its no big issue. P
The only other thing that MIGHT be a bit troublesome is that there are some choices in the game were you have to follow the spreadsheet, even if you don’t want to OR you do it like me and don’t follow the spreadsheet and will be sad because what does it bring you that you bring Elie along for this fight (it was a mechanic decision, because I ALWAYS chose Elie with Lloyd, its how I always chose Alisa with Rean, I didn’t even realize I picked her until it was too late ^^’) if you don’t understand what she is saying. Once again, it is really no big issue, it just takes some getting used to or the will to accept slightly different dialogs.
PLUS when the game comes out in English and I play it again, I can do whatever I want and its normal that you just have to make some compromises when you play a game in a language you don’t understand. Playing this game with the spreadsheet is to get through the plot, so you are capable of witnessing the plot of the next game. Everything else, you can and will have when you buy the English localization.
Alright, lets finally talk about the game itself.
I’ve watched someone playing it before, not all of it, but certain parts. There were still a few surprises here and there tho and there were moments in the game that I saw in a completely different light, after actually playing it myself.
But where to start?
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First of all, Hajimari no Kiseki was a good game. I really enjoyed playing it, even with the extra difficulty do to not being able to read the names (and descriptions) of quartzes and crafts and so on. (There IS something in the spreadsheet were you can search for stuff like that and translates it, but it was too time consuming for me to really use it. I play on very easy and am not a strategic fighter – hence the easy difficulty – so it wasn’t a big issue for me. Not to mention that do to the battlesystem being mostly just a copy of the one from CS4, it wasn’t too hard to know what to do when and the muscle-memory worked just fine for me too, when I needed to push certain buttons. Like, I wanted to switch characters and my hand seemed to automatically go to the right button – it will honestly be really hard to readjust in Kuro.
Anyway, something that I first thought was annoying but actually added something good to the game was the switching between the characters. Even tho I though the force-switch between Reans-Team and “C”s-Team in chapter 2 was a bit annoying, all in all it was nice to have 3 different storys play out at the same time. Because even if you found Lloyds story currently a bit boring, switching to Reans-Team might just give you the action that you needed and then going over to (SPOILER! I AM NOT HIDING THE IDENTITY OF “C” HERE!) Rufus – Team were the pacing was a bit faster was just making it feel good. Also, handling the different MCs with their different teams was also very refreshing. Especially as the chemistry was different and thus the feeling when you played the different teams. Not to mention that Reans-Team was changing with every chapter, which once again gave it a great variation of dynamics, depending who was currently on your team. It is almost sad to think about going back to playing the same MC with mostly the same team all the time in Kuro. Because this “3 MCs with different Teams” – thing was really refreshing and enjoyable.
When I was watching the guy play the game a lot of people complained that at the end of the day, we were going through the same old patterns that we were already used too and that that is boring. And even tho it is true, that we have a lot of things that… you know… happened again or at least look like we’ve been through them before, it never felt boring to me. Not when I was watching it and not when I was playing it myself. Because it fit well into the plot. As an example, Lloyd once again has to go around to gather his friends – who are currently facing their own problems – and yes, we’ve done almost the same in the Crossbell-Saga, but it fit very well with the situation, because the SSS had lost themselves and they were finding themselves again and that figuratively and literally. Also, the fact that Lloyd was finding and reuniting them shows him at the center of the SSS, just like it was with Rean in CS2, when he too had to find and reunite his friends again. Plus, I really liked how we took the time with the individual characters and deal with their problems without too much other characters intervening. Especially with the Crossbell-Saga, were we never got I satisfying ending for, it was important to put the characters into a position were you as a player would feel like they are fine. Just like we have reached it with most of the people from the Erebonia-Saga, so that saying goodbye in CS4 felt really whole.
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Speaking of which. While in the other routes, the plot focuses not just on the MC but also the characters surrounding him, in Reans-Route, it mostly felt like he was the main-focus of everything and it does make perfect sense, because the reason the prologue of CS4 felt so whole and satisfying was, because everyone’s story was finished. Everyone had found their place and purpose and happiness… everyone but Rean. Now, back then we focused on the fact that Rean was still alive and realizes of some of his burdens and thus seemed to be happy too. But was his arc really fully finished? No. And the latest moment in Hajimari you realize this, is when he FINALLY says that he understood that to make others happy, he has to be happy himself. So what we are doing in Hajimari is going to face his problems and see him learn to solve or deal with them. He has the help of his friends and comrades as always and of course the plot itself is not just “Rean learning to not constantly sacrifice himself” but all in all this is the true background of his route and I found that they did that really well.
Now… lets talk about Rufus-Route… I just freshly finished my second playthrough of CS4 and it was really fresh for me what that bastard did their and I was sure as heck that I would never forgive this guy for what he did. And… I mean… it’s not like I’ve really forgiven him or that I absolutely get why most of the fandom loves him now. BUT I have to admit that they made his redemption-arc really good. For ONCE in one of our many side-switching former enemies life’s, it felt like this character really worked hard for his redemption and earned it. Rufus team was by far the most enjoyable do to the weird misfitting mix of people that had just such an amazingly enjoyable chemistry that it never got boring to play their part of the game. It was also nice to – while we had already well established teams on Llyods and Reans side – see how the characters grew to know and like each other and become a team. Adding Duvalie, Renne and Arios too the mix later on was just making it even better – as ridiculous as this sounds.
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So… let me be myself for a bit and let me talk to you about the shipping-aspect of the game for a moments – and let me add some frustration about how they handled Reans situation too, while I am at it.
Here is the thing. Most of us, likely have chosen Rean to be with one of his 12 or so possible girls. The game makes it possible for you to chose one of the among them regardless of who you picked in the previous game. So… in case you suddenly realizes that Alfin is much better for Rean than Towa, you can go for it. Now the question just is, what does this choice add to the game? Basically nothing. Let me tell you, that the Spreadsheet choses Fie as Reans final partner (which was a surprise for me, as all the lets players on YouTube always seemed to choose Laura – which gets annoying after a while if she is not on your top 5 list, if you know what I mean – so I am certainly not complaining here) and I wouldn’t chose anyone but Alisa as Reans final partner even if you torture me XD So I went with it and accepted that I would get addition text for Fie and probably would miss some translated text for Alisa. But I was fine with it. It didn’t happen that way tho. BECAUSE you can also chose the people you had a strong bond with in CS4 which also added additional text. The spreadsheet chose all of them – I didn’t. So EVERYONE got some additional lines. ALL of the girls did. And something I’ve realized was, that they all had an romantic context, which was slightly irritating, given that Rean has a girlfriend now – but I mean, its Rean right? Were talking about the girl sitting in the hotspring together with Claire, flirting with her without even noticing it. So whatever XD
Thing is… when I’ve reached Alisas reunion scene (which happens freaking late in the game, let me tell you all about the torture I went through…) there was no additional line. She says the same things if you chose her as your partner, like she does if you just chose her as one of your strong bonds. And that goes for ALL the girls, which is why their lines sound romantic, because they are made to also be used in case she is your girlfriend. Meaning that Falcom doesn’t make a damn difference between who Rean dated and who Rean just had a strong bond with. Imagine my disappointment!
Lets stay with our glory hunt for a little bit longer. Rean, as he is Rean, has a few canon moments with certain girls that are flirty or… slightly considered romantic. Regardless of any choices, I may add. And no, Alisa is not among them, to probably most peoples surprise. Seriously, we don’t even get a reunion-hug. That is the first time since CS2 that we didn’t get a Rean x Alisa hug. It was HORRIBLE! XD The link event was also reduced back to the “high five” that is common ground for Rean and Alisa since CS1 (we just skipped CS4 for a special hand holding and akward moment link event – but I am sure not complaining ;P) which is fine for me, as even Estelle and Joshua just get a “High five” (a very cute one tho!) and other almost canon-shippings aren’t going much further then that either. So… no biggie. Anway… as you know by now, Alisa will not be in Reans team until the freaking final chapter. She joins Lloyds Team in chapter 3 (or so…) a she (as well as Towa) was in Crossbell when things went down the drain there. Now you might be wondering if I too agree that Alisa had no leg up whatsoever in Hajimari, as many people proudly say. I DO NOT! Look, yes, we’ve got deprived of many special moments that we usually have, but lets face it, as a Rean x Alisa fan I am spoiled rotten. We got hugs and kisses as early as freaking CS2! We have gotten one of the most amazing Reunion-Hugs ever in CS3 (only slightly rivaled by Elie and Lloyd – and we get to their special status quo in a minute) and NO ONE had a special link event in CS4 but Rean and Alisa and to top it off, even if you do not do Alisas Bonding-Events, even if you do not date her at all, you WILL get the hand-holding-link-event in CS4, like it or not. So… lets face it, yes, we are used to far too much special treatment to our ship, especially considering that its not officially canon (yet, I may add ;P) and yes, that caused some disappointment on my side at certain points in the game.
BUT all in all I can not complain. Alisas name is often the only one on his lips. Towa, Machias and Sharon are currently stuck in Crossbell and Alisas name is almost always the only one he mentions. When he tries to reach Crow on the phone, but doesn’t seemed to be able to do that, he actually slightly panics and adds that he just can not reach Alisa. Alisa. Not Towa, his Coworker. Not Machias, his Friend. Also not Sharon everyone favorite maid, who he sure as hell has the number of as well. No, he was only trying to reach Alisa and he was only frustrated about not being able to reach her. AND despite the fact that he is obviously just hiding how worried he is, this little moments, is the only one were he allows himself to show that. That little moments when he can’t reach Alisa. The reunion-scene really isn’t special, but after that we can find Alisa almost always exactly were she belongs, which is right next to Rean. We also have some wonderful small moments in the final chapter. Starting with the in-synch-reaction after hearing Ishmelga-Reans awful story and ending with Alisa being so close to Rean on that Rooftop in Crossbell that there is only on camera-angle which even allows you to see that she is in fact right next to him. So yes… as an Rean x Alisa fan, I might got a bit disappointed because we didn’t get the usual super special treatment, but believe me, we did not run out of the normal special treatment. Alias leg is still up.
Lets get to Crossbell now. Falcom had the guts to reveal in an interview that Elie and Lloyd are a thing but didn’t have the backbone to make it canon in Hajimari. They even dared to give Lloyd a special scene with almost every of his available girls. BUT if we are talking about legs up… I would say the reunion hug and the “I want to support you with my heart” – moment, were still giving Elie a leg up. Not to mention that there were multiple small hints here and there at them being an item, so there is no need to worry. I say this ship has sailed. FINALLY another ship has sailed in Crossbell. We’ve all been waiting for this since the Crossbell-Sagas relatively early days. Yes, Mirelle and Randy FINALLY got from “former Co-Workers” (my ass!) to “a married couple” and that in the short span between the beginning and the end of this game. I wish all our ships would be that efficient and fast XD
Did I hear some rumors about Wazy and Noel? Who knows!
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Lets move to Rufus-Team, shall we? I am not talking about him and the Lolie… because… not sure what this even is about ^^’ But lets talk about 3 and 9. I mean, Swin and Nadia. (I love them talking about the book, by the way XD) and how Falcom uses the “Sibling” – Zone on us yet again. Seriously, Swin and Nadia are really cute together and its sure that they will become a couple eventually. I mean, there is a scene in the reverie-part of the game were Nadia is complaining about being sister-zoned. And who is the one answering her with the words “its just a phase, Jusis did that with me too”? Guessed it right, Millium. The one with the freaking cutest Link-Events you have EVER seen. Seriously, I loved my Rean and Alisa Hand holding and I absolutely adore the way Estelle and Joshua are looking at each other in their event after their hands stayed connected for a little longer then necessary and yes I jumped out of joy about Tita getting a freaking Trails-Trademark-Headpat from Agate and all. BUT look at Millius and Jusis Link-Event and tell me it is not the cutest thing you have EVER seen? I love how she leans against him like this. Its just… *chef kiss* perfect! ANYWAY… my point is, that Millium hit the nail on the head. The Sibling-Zone is a running-gag in Trails games ever since Joshua and Estelle. Now think guys, Joshua and Estelle are THE canon-couple of the whole Trails-Saga so far. And even here we had the freaking sibling-zone. This is nothing but a freaking joke. I dare to assume that ALL the sibling-zoners are eventually turn out to be couples in the end. Including Cedric and Shirley – Angie proofed to us that queerbaiting is a thing, right George?
So… honestly? All seems to be going very well shipping-wise in our games as far as I can tell. Who knows, maybe Renne will bring us good news about the two remaining ships of the Liberl-Saga in Kuro at some point. I mean, Joshua and Estelle need to get married already and Tita is 18 at the point of Kuro and with Agathe reaching his thirties, it is about time he stops sibling-zoning the girl and date her already. Geez.
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I totally digress XD
So back to Hajimari. We had some really great szenes, some amazing chapters. The pacing was mostly good (a bit of a few stupid moves when Rean was in Nord aside), the character-development well done and the plot really interesting. I loved what they did with the normal-ending Reans story and how it helped our Rean to finally see the light. I was totally and absolutely amazed by Lloyds character-development as well. And once again, Rufus earned himself his redemption and I enjoyed watching it. The Riverie-Corridor too was FINALLY well done. It is not too hard, it is actually helpful and you aren’t forced to do much in there, but if you do you gain plenty of benefits from it. As someone who was like: “Oh no, not again!” after hating Phantasma in Sky3 and the Riverie Corridor at the end of CS2, I think it says a lot that I am not complaining about this thing this time, but rather praise it. Music was good. Falcom-Music. Soundtrack of CS3 is still better, but all in all it was very good as per usual. There was really barely anything to complain about.
Looking back at it, I would give it a solid 8,5 out of 10 points – and if you think that I haven’t played the real English localization yet, that has to say a lot.
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jopok-krp · 4 years
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Welcome to Jopok! Please follow the admin twitter within 48 hours of acceptance, or your faceclaim will be freed up.
Soju, so called for his abysmal alcohol tolerance. One bottle of Soju is all it takes 
Chiwon is an optimist in a world that excels at beating down the optimistic, but with his level of stubbornness not even the collective efforts of the entire universe could change him.
He’s competitive at games and can act like quite the child when denied his rightful status as “winner” but it’s more endearing than irritating – usually, at least.
He enjoys doing things he isn’t supposed to do, such as trespassing on private property, eating gluten, and exploring abandoned buildings. He is, simply put, stupidly brave and bravely stupid, with absolutely no regard for his own safety.
There’s a fire in him that threatens to go out, however, and he fights every day to keep it going. Existential crises are a common occurrence and Chiwon struggles to find reasons to keep going, which is why he keeps himself so insanely busy all the time.
Shin Chiwon, born September 1st 2013, the only son to a single mother.
He was unplanned and born at a very inopportune time for his parents, who were both only 17 at the time of his conception. Neither were very big on education, which was likely what led them toward going all the way without any kind of protection. During her pregnancy, Chiwon’s mother stayed at home, away from prying eyes and neighbourhood gossips. His father was told to keep his distance, which he did willingly. Not many 17 year old boys wanted to be stuck with a kid, especially when they could be enjoying the last year of their childhood instead.
His grandfather often told Chiwon they should have thrown him in the river like a bag of kittens, something which he didn’t quite understand until he was 11 years old, while watching an old Tom and Jerry cartoon which depicted his grandfather’s cruel half joke. In 2025 the water shortage only made matters worse. Rioting in the streets, news channel after news channel offering the public contradicting information, fear mongering from politicians. Family life grew even more tense than it had been, with his grandfather lamenting having another person to keep hydrated and washed.
After that, it came as no surprise that Chiwon started to withdraw further and further into his own little bubble.
He had his crime novels, his paranormal documentaries, his likely-untrue-but-still-chilling reddit stories. He could immerse himself in worlds he’d never experienced and imagine what he’d do in those situations. In most scenarios he was a mob boss; standing tall, watching others cower away at the mere sight of his shadow. It was a welcome change from his real life, where everyone could push him around simply because he and his mother were so dependent on the charity of others just to get by.
The more Chiwon envisioned a different life, the angrier he felt at the cards he’d really been dealt. It was a terrible hand that no amount of bluffing would ever change, and to make things worse, his mother seemed content with it. She sat in their tiny apartment, with the television blaring in the background, while she ironed clothes, cleaned the kitchen, and cooked their meals. Mundane tasks that were necessary, Chiwon knew that, but he also knew there had to be more to life.
It was equal parts stubbornness and naivety that pushed Chiwon to begin venturing into the big bad city. It was daunting, scary, and absolutely stank of pollution and the vomit of drunkards at times but it made him feel alive. The bustling streets of Seoul became his favourite place to be. He could simultaneously blend into the crowd while also feeling much more like an individual than he ever had at home.
Soon he began taking notes on the things he saw daily. Taxi drivers cheating passengers, a man in a suit with frayed cuffs blending in with the rich in order to swipe their valuables when their guard was let down. He saw people making deals, could recognize the way their eyes darted around to make sure nobody was within earshot. It was more thrilling than anything Chiwon had ever experienced, even better than his crime novels, which often left out the smaller details. With a notebook full of observations, he decided one evening to start his own crime series. How difficult could it be, really? He had the enthusiasm, the story, the main character, the only thing he lacked was real hands-on experience.
Enter the Head of the Kang family. It was less by chance and more by Chiwon’s own foolishness that their paths even crossed. He followed a few sketchy looking individuals into a warehouse and found himself in her presence. He watched from the shadows, safe in the knowledge that he was well hidden – or so he thought. Not five minutes went by before the woman shot him a look that made not only his asshole, but his entire body, clench in fear.
After pleading his case and showing her his entire notebook full of ideas and observations, he was let off with a warning. Although for the next few weeks he had the sneaking suspicion he was being watched. Each time he’d enter the city to do more sleuthing, he could feel the unmistakable sensation of eyes on the back of his neck. As exciting as that was, Chiwon was glad when the time finally came for him to be deemed harmless.
That wasn’t the last time the aspiring novelist met the head of the Kang family, however. Once he’d scraped together enough money to get himself the smallest city apartment he’d ever seen, he began actively seeking out Kang Soyi in order to pick her brain about life in the shadows. Getting such an important figure to sit down with him and take his questions seriously took a while, but he was annoyingly persistent.
Soyi is yet to have him killed, which Chiwon considers a step in the right direction toward a lasting friendship.
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bronovaseven · 6 years
Nikolina Bronova Mori, professionally known as Nina, is an american and naturalized bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top the Billboard Hot 100. She is also one of the only artist to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (Николина бронова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1998 (19). Birth place: Washington, United States. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Earth tiger. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Nicknames: Goddess Of Music, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice. Blood type: O. Voice type: Soprano. Vocal ranking: Star.
Animals: Miku (pomeranian) and Misha (rottweiler). Body type: Theatrical romantic (medium height, hourglass and voluptuous figure, medium to big bustline, small waist, fleshy arms and legs, small and delicate bone structure with a soft sharpness). Cup size: C. Ethnicity: Brazilian, bulgarian, japanese and portuguese. Face type: Classic (symmetrical and balanced features). Family: Shigeru Sugahara Mori (father), Katarina Montes Bronova (mother) and Karolina Bronova Mori (younger sister). Fandom name: Beehive. Hobbies: Reading, drawing, listening to music, singing, dancing, watching movies and television series, exercising, traveling, collecting pens and notebooks, taking pictures, riding her bycicle and writing music. Instruments: Acoustic guitar, banjo, banjo ukulele, baritone guitar, bass guitar, clarinet, classical guitar, drums, electric bass guitar, electric guitar, flamento guitar, flute, harmonica, harp, keyboard, piano, synthesizer and violin. Languages: Bulgarian, english, french, japanese, korean, mandarin, portuguese, russian and spanish. Nicknames: Goddess Of Music, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice. Religion: Catholic. Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. Shoe size: 7.5 (US).
Early life
Nikolina was born in Seattle, Washington, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. From the early age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. After staring in the Broadway production of Lés Miserables and winning a Tony Award for her performance, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label.
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Competitive, compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. Two piercings on her left ear and three on her right ear.One tattoo on her left ribcage (“to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”).
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
Vivid (2015) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Love On Top No One Physical
Yours Truly (2016) Into You Love Me Better One Last Time Problem (ft. Big Sean) The Way Too Little Too Late
Revival (2017) Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious If I Were A Boy Independent Women Say My Name Single Ladies
Lemonade (2018) Can’t Feel My Face Diamonds How Can I Ease The Pain? Let’s Groove September Sexual Healing
Fever (2019) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
Portrait (2020) Back To Black Chandelier Drunk In Love Love On The Brain Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Who I Am (2022) Because Of You Bleeding Love Fallin’ Halo If I Ain’t Got You Million Reasons
Spirit (2025) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Time (2028) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
How Does That Grab You? (2030) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2032) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2035) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2040) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
These Are My Blues (2050) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
Vivid (2015) All That Baby, I Body Language Boy Problems Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cry Dust Is Gone Finesse First Time Gimme Love Hard To Say No I Didn’t Just Come Here To Dance Maiden Making The Most Of The Night Run Away With Me Say You’ll Be There Schoolin’ Life Store The One Too Good To Say Goodbye Your Type
Yours Truly (2016) Bad Decisions Be My Baby Closer Fools For Him Gone And Found Greedy Higher How I Want Ya (ft. Jordan Fisher) How To Be A Heartbreaker I Don’t Care Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart Let Me Love You Never Wanna Know No Tears Left To Cry Only One Paper Heart Right There Sometimes Tattooed Heart Touch (ft. Canvas) Wild You’ll Never Know
Revival (2017) 10-20-40 Be Alright Countdown Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Ego Fantasy (ft. Amber Liu) Gave It Away Glow If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) Knew Better Listen No Mythologies To Follow Oh No! Primadonna Girl Red In The Grey Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Rose Gold Simple Things Slow Love Tears (ft. Clean Bandit) Ugly West Coast You Don’t Know Me
Lemonade (2018) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn After The Love Has Gone A Lonely Night Bound Broken Clocks Coffee Done For Me Emotion Every Kind Of Way (ft. Wale) Falling For You Fetish (ft. Schoolboy Q) Fire Rides Heart Less In Your Bed Love Drought Love On The Weekend Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Passionfruit Perfect Serial Killer Somebody Else Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Thinking About You Too Good (ft. Alan Love) Touch Me
Fever (2019) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold Empty Nesters Forrest Gump I Don’t Trust Myself With Loving You I Wanna Be Yours Miracle Alligner Night By Night No Control One For The Road Puppet Love Redbone Run Baby Run Self Control Someone New Stockholm Syndrome Strange Mercy To Be Alone Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? Yeah Right Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
Portrait (2020) Belly Ache Betsy On The Roof Bored Broken Clocks Cake Copycat Drowning Eyes On Fire Hostage I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game My Boy Nicest Thing Pilgrim Reality Russian Roulette Talk Me Down Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Until We Bleed Use Me You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Who I Am (2022) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Bad Religion Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Fireproof Freak Home I’m Not The Only One Just A Boy Let’s Get Lost Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like You
Spirit (2025) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Turning Tables Venus Video Games Vultures Water Under The Bridge Watch Young And Beautiful
Time (2028) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) Nostalgia One (ft. U2) Palace Religion Remedy Sandcastles The Chain Wolves
How Does That Grab You? (2030) All I Have To Do Is Dream Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Heal The World How Long I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin I’m Gonna Find Another You Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Pink Matter Quickie Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Solo (ft. Andre 3000) The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2032) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Daddy Lessons (ft. Dixie Chicks) Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Landfill Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sinner’s Prayer Sober Stop The World Touch When You Were Young Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2035) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Freedom (ft. Kentorey Johnson) Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine No Such Thing One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity Happily He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall Strong The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time Waiting On The World To Change
Glassheart (2040) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts Honeymoon Avenue I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Wildest Dreams Without You
These Are My Blues (2050) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Cold Cold Heart Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
2015 You Know You Like It (ft. DJ Snake)
2017 24k Magic (ft. Bruno Mars) Loyalty (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2019 Get Lucky (ft. Daft Punk) Lose Yourself (ft. Daft Punk)
2020 Sensual Seduction (ft. Cardi B)
2022 FourFiveSeconds (ft. Paul McCartney and Rihanna)
2026 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2031 Lost On The Way Home (ft. Chromeo)
2034 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2039 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2045 Empire State Of Mind (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2058 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
Skyfall (2016) Skyfall
Black Panther (2018) All Of The Stars (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
Call Me By Your Name (2019) Redbone
La La Land (2021) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Her (2024) The Moon Song
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2026) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Pocahontas (2037) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2041) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2046) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2049) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2058) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (movies)
Black Panther (2018) Call Me By Your Name (2019) La La Land (2021) Her (2024) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2026) Almost Famous (2031) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) Funny Girl (2041) Two Days, One Night (2044) Anastasia (2046) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2049) I Am Love (2053) The Prince Of Egypt (2058) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television series)
Pocahontas (2037)
Lés Miserables (2013)
Covers (on YouTube)
2011 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2012 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
Super Bowl (2015) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
American Music Awards (2016) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
BBC Radio 1 (2017) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
Grammy Awards (2018) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
BBC Radio 1 (2024) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
NBA All-Star (2032) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2035) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2039) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Super Bowl (2042) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
Tidiou M’Baye (2012) Owen Teague (2014-2017) Rahul Kohli (2018-2021) Sho Wara (2023-) *married in 2028
Anton Wara (2031) Isabela Wara (2033) Luna Wara (2035)
0 notes
bronovathree · 6 years
Nikolina Bronova Mori, professionally known as Nina (also stylized as NINΛ), is an american and naturalized bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top the Billboard Hot 100. She is also amongst one of the few artists to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200 Album Chart.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (николина бро��ова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1998 (19). Birth place: Houston, Texas. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Earth tiger. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Soprano. Vocal analysis: Great Vocalist and Star. Nicknames: Million Dollar Smile, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice.
Early life
Nikolina was born in Houston, Texas, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. She lived in the United States until the age of seven, when she moved with her mother and younger sister to Sofía, Bulgaria, following her parent’s divorce. From the early age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. After posting music covers on YouTube, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label shortly after flying to the United States.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. One piercings on her left ear and two on her right ear. One tattoo on her left hand (henna design), one tattoo on her left ribcage (written “to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”).
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, competitive, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
Yours Truly (2015) Break Free How I Want Ya (ft. Jordan Fisher) Into You One Last Time Problem (ft. Big Sean) The Way
Writing’s On The Wall (2016) Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious Check On It (ft. Travis Scott) Independent Women Love Me Harder (ft. The Weeknd) Say My Name
Vivid (2017) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Love On Top Physical The Way
Revival (2018) Best Thing I Never Had Crazy In Love (ft. Andre 3000) Halo If I Were A Boy Single Ladies Too Little Too Late
Lemonade (2019) Can’t Feel My Face Diamonds How Can I Ease The Pain Let’s Groove September Sexual Healing
Fever (2020) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
Portrait (2022) Back To Black Chandelier Drunk In Love Love On The Brain Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Who I Am (2025) Because Of You Bleeding Love Fallin’ If I Ain’t Got You Million Reasons No One
Spirit (2028) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Time (2030) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
How Does That Grab You? (2032) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2035) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2038) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2040) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2042) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
Listen To My Blues (2050) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
Yours Truly (2015) Bad Decisions Be My Baby Fools Gone And Found Greedy Higher How To Be A Heartbreaker I Don’t Care Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart Let Me Love You Never Wanna Know No Tears Left To Cry Only One Right There (ft. Alan Love) Sometimes Tattooed Heart Touch (ft. Canvas) Touch Me Wild You’ll Never Know
Writing’s On The Wall (2016) 10-20-40 Be Alright Closer Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Dummy Head Ego Fantasy (ft. Amber Liu) For Him Emotion Glow Honeymoon Avenue Let’s Get Lost Making The Most Of The Night Night By Night Nostalgia Paper Heart Pilgrim Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Style Tears Wildest Dreams
Vivid (2017) All That Baby, I Body Language Boy Problems Calling All My Lovelies Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cry Dust Is Gone Finesse First Time Gimme Love Hard To Say No I Didn’t Just Come Here To Dance Maiden Run Away With Me Say You’ll Be There Store The One Too Good To Say Goodbye Your Type
Revival (2018) Countdown Gave It Away Grown Woman If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) Jumping Jumping Knew Better Listen No Mythologies To Follow Oh No! Pretty Hurts Primadonna Girl Red In The Grey Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Rose Gold Schoolin’ Life Slow Love Survivor Ugly West Coast XXX 88 (ft. Diplo) You Don’t Know Me
Lemonade (2019) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn After The Love Has Gone A Lonely Night Broken Clocks Coffee Emotion Every Kind Of Way (ft. Wale) Falling For You Feeling Myself (ft. Cardi B) Fetish (ft. Schoolboy Q) Fire Rides Heart Less How Long In Your Bed Love Drought Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Perfect Serial Killer Simple Things Somebody Else Super Rich Kids Thinking About You
Fever (2020) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold Empty Nesters Forrest Gump I Wanna Be Yours Miracle Alligner Nicest Thing One For The Road Passionfruit Puppet Love Redbone Run Baby Run Self Control Someone New Strange Mercy To Be Alone When You Were Young Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? Yeah Right Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
Portrait (2022) Belly Ache Betsy On The Roof Bored Broken Clocks Cake Copycat Drowning Eyes On Fire Hostage I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game My Boy Reality Russian Roulette Talk Me Down Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Until We Bleed Use Me You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Who I Am (2025) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Bad Religion Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Home I’m Not The Only One Just A Boy Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like You
Spirit (2028) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Turning Tables Venus Video Games Water Under The Bridge Watch Wolves Young And Beautiful
Time (2030) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) One (ft. U2) Palace Religion Remedy Sandcastles The Chain Wolves
How Does That Grab You? (2032) All I Have To Do Is Dream Bound Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Heal The World I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Pink Matter Quickie Solo (ft. Andre 3000) The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2035) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Daddy Lessons (ft. Dixie Chicks) Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Landfill Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sinner’s Prayer Sober Stop The World Touch Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2038) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2040) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time
Glassheart (2042) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Without You
Listen To My Blues (2050) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Cold Cold Heart Done For Me Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
2015 You Know You Like It (ft. DJ Snake)
2017 FourFiveSeconds (ft. Paul McCartney and Rihanna)
2018 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2024 Lost On The Way Home (ft. Chromeo)
2026 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2038 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2045 Empire State Of Mind (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2058 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
La La Land (2016) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2021) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2024) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Her (2029) The Moon Song
Pocahontas (2033) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2037) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2044) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (movies)
La La Land (2016) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2021) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2024) Her (2029) Two Days, One Night (2034) Funny Girl (2037) Anastasia (2044) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) I Am Love (2051) The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television)
Pocahontas (2033)
Lés Miserables (2013)
Covers (on YouTube)
2011 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2012 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
Super Bowl (2015) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2016) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
Grammy Awards (2017) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
American Music Awards (2018) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
BBC Radio 1 (2020) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
NBA All-Star (2032) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2035) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2039) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Super Bowl (2042) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
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bronovatwo · 6 years
Nikolina Dobreva Mori, professionally known as Nina, is an american and naturalized bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top both the Billboard Hot 100. She is also amongst one of the few artists to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200 Album Chart.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (николина бронова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1996 (21). Birth place: Texas, United States. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Earth tiger. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Soprano.
Animals: Miku (pomeranian) and Misha (rottweiler). Body type: Theatrical romantic (medium height, hourglass and voluptuous figure, medium to big bustline, small waist, fleshy arms and legs, small and delicate bone structure with a soft sharpness). Ethnicity: Brazilian, bulgarian, japanese and portuguese. Face type: Classic (symmetrical and balanced features). Family: Shigeru Sugahara Mori (father), Katarina Montes Bronova (mother) and Karolina Bronova Mori (younger sister). Fandom name: Beehive. Hobbies: Reading, drawing, listening to music, singing, dancing, watching movies and television series, exercising, traveling, collecting pens and notebooks, taking pictures, riding her bycicle and writing music. Instruments: Acoustic guitar, banjo, banjo ukulele, baritone guitar, bass guitar, clarinet, classical guitar, drums, electric bass guitar, electric guitar, flamento guitar, flute, harmonica, harp, keyboard, piano, synthesizer and violin. Languages: Bulgarian, english, french, japanese, korean, mandarin, portuguese, russian and spanish. Nicknames: Goddess Of Music, Million Dollar Smile, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice. Religion: Catholic. Sexual orientation: Heterosexual. Shoe size: 7.5 (US).
Early life
Nikolina was born in Houston, Texas, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. She lived in Japan until the age of seven, until she moved with her mother and younger sister to the United States, following her parent’s divorce. From the early age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. After being cast in a Broadway rendition of Lés Miserables in 2013 and winning a Tony Award for her performance, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label shortly after.
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, competitive, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. One piercings on her left ear and two on her right ear. One tattoo on her left hand (henna design), one tattoo on her left ribcage (written “to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”).
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
Chat-Shire (2014) Because Of You Best Thing I Never Had Halo If I Were A Boy Love On Top Too Little Too Late
Vivid (2015) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Let’s Groove September The Way
Portrait (2016) Back To Black Chandelier Love On The Brain Russian Roulette Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Spirit (2017) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Time (2018) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
Who I Am (2020) Bleeding Love Fallin’ How Can I Ease The Pain If I Ain’t Got You Million Reasons No One
Fever (2022) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
How Does That Grab You? (2025) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2028) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2030) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2032) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2035) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2040) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
Listen To My Blues (2045) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
Chat-Shire (2014) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Home I’m Not The Only One Just A Boy Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like
Vivid (2015) 10-20-40 After The Love Has Gone All That Baby, I Boy Problems Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Emotion First Time Gimme Love Greedy Honeymoon Avenue If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) Let’s Get Lost Oh No! Primadonna Girl Rose Gold Run Away With Me Schoolin’ Life Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Store Too Good To Say Goodbye Your Type
Who I Am (2016) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn A Lonely Night Broken Hearts Closer Coffee Every Kind Of Way (ft. Wale) Falling For You Fire Rides Fools For Him Gave It Away Heart Less In Your Bed Love Drought Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Paper Heart Simple Things Somebody Else Sure Thing Talk Me Down Thinking About You Wild
Portrait (2017) Belly Ache Bored Broken Clocks Cake Copycat Drowning Eyes On Fire Hostage How Long I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game My Boy Perfect Reality Serial Killer Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Until We Bleed Use Me Watch West Coast You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Spirit (2018) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Turning Tables Venus Video Games Water Under The Bridge Watch Young And Beautiful
Time (2019) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) One (ft. U2) Palace Religion Remedy Sandcastles The Chain Wolves
Fever (2020) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold I Wanna Be Yours Miracle Alligner Nicest Thing One For The Road Passionfruit Puppet Love Redbone Self Control Someone New Strange Mercy To Be Alone When You Were Young Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? You Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
How Does That Grab You? (2022) All I Have To Do Is Dream Bound Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Heal The World I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Quickie Solo The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2025) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Daddy Lessons (ft. Dixie Chicks) Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Landfill Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sinner’s Prayer Sober Stop The World Touch Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2028) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2030) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time
Glassheart (2035) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2040) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Without You
Listen To My Blues (2045) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Cold Cold Heart Done For Me Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
2013 Get Lucky (ft. Daft Punk) Lose Yourself (ft. Daft Punk)
2015 FourFiveSeconds (ft. Paul McCartney and Rihanna)
2017 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2021 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2034 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2048 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
Skyfall (2014) Skyfall
La La Land (2016) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2020) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2029) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Pocahontas (2034) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2037) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2044) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (film)
La La Land (2014) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2020) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2029) Funny Girl (2037) Anastasia (2044) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television)
Pocahontas (2034)
Lés Miserables (2012)
Covers (on YouTube)
2009 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2010 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
Super Bowl (2013) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
American Music Awards (2014) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
BBC Radio 1 (2015) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
Grammy Awards (2018) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
BBC Radio 1 (2022) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
NBA All-Star (2027) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2032) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2039) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Super Bowl (2042) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
Tidiou M’Baye (2011) Nick Rutherford (2013-2016) Stephen Curry (2017-) *married in 2021
Taika Curry (2024) Tzuyu Curry (2026)
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