#Oncoplastic Breast Conservation Surgery
cbccindia · 1 year
What is Oncoplastic Breast Conservation Surgery?
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Oncoplastic Breast Conservation Surgery is a specialized approach to breast cancer treatment that aims to preserve the breast's appearance while removing cancerous tissue. Find out more about this procedure here.
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arrangoiz · 1 month
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery (OBS)
Oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS): Combines principles of oncology and plastic surgery: Toward achieving sound oncological and aesthetically pleasant results for breast tumors amenable to segmental mastectomies in patients with a favorable tumor to breast volume OBS expands the indications for breast conservation: Allowing the resection of much larger tumors, and is now an option for the…
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breastdoctorpune1 · 2 months
Breakthrough Breast Cancer Treatment in India: Empowering Patients with Hope and Healing
Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent and challenging health concerns facing women worldwide. In India, where the incidence of breast cancer is steadily rising, access to advanced treatment options and specialized care is essential for improving outcomes and saving lives. This article explores the landscape of breast cancer treatment in India, highlighting the progress, innovations, and transformative impact on patients' lives.
The Burden of Breast Cancer in India: Breast cancer ranks as the most common cancer among Indian women, comprising a significant portion of the country's cancer burden. Factors such as changing lifestyles, delayed childbearing, and genetic predisposition contribute to the rising incidence rates observed in urban and rural communities alike. Despite these challenges, advancements in early detection and treatment offer renewed hope for patients and their families.
Multidisciplinary Approach to Treatment: Effective breast cancer treatment in India hinges on a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the expertise of various healthcare professionals, including oncologists, surgeons, radiation therapists, and supportive care providers. This collaborative model ensures comprehensive evaluation, personalized treatment planning, and holistic support throughout the patient's journey.
Surgical Interventions: Surgery remains a cornerstone of breast cancer treatment, with options ranging from breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy) to mastectomy, depending on factors such as tumor size, stage, and patient preference. Advances in surgical techniques, such as oncoplastic surgery and sentinel lymph node biopsy, aim to optimize oncologic outcomes while preserving cosmetic appearance and quality of life.
Adjuvant Therapies: Following surgery, adjuvant therapies such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and targeted therapy may be recommended to eradicate residual cancer cells, reduce the risk of recurrence, and improve survival rates. Tailored treatment regimens based on tumor biology and molecular profiling enable precision medicine approaches that maximize efficacy while minimizing side effects.
Innovations in Targeted Therapy: Recent years have witnessed significant breakthroughs in the development of targeted therapies for breast cancer, including monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and immune checkpoint inhibitors. These innovative treatments target specific molecular pathways involved in cancer growth and metastasis, offering new avenues for personalized and targeted interventions.
Access to Cutting-Edge Technology: Across major cities in India, leading cancer centers and hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure for diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care. Advanced imaging modalities, molecular diagnostics, robotic surgery, and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) are among the tools utilized to deliver precise, effective, and patient-centric care.
Psychosocial Support and Survivorship Programs: Beyond medical interventions, breast cancer treatment in India encompasses psychosocial support services and survivorship programs aimed at addressing the emotional, social, and practical needs of patients and their families. Counseling, support groups, survivorship clinics, and rehabilitation services contribute to holistic healing and empowerment beyond the cancer journey.
Cost-Effective and Accessible Care: In India, efforts to enhance access to breast cancer treatment extend beyond clinical excellence to encompass affordability, accessibility, and inclusivity. Public health initiatives, government-funded programs, philanthropic partnerships, and community outreach efforts strive to bridge gaps in healthcare delivery and reduce disparities in cancer care.
Empowering Patients Through Education and Advocacy: Empowering patients with knowledge, awareness, and advocacy is integral to the success of breast cancer treatment initiatives in India. Educational campaigns, early detection programs, and grassroots mobilization efforts raise awareness about breast health, dispel myths, and encourage proactive screening and self-care practices.
Conclusion: Breast cancer treatment in India embodies a paradigm shift towards comprehensive, patient-centered care that integrates clinical excellence, innovation, and compassion. Through a concerted effort by healthcare professionals, policymakers, advocacy groups, and the community at large, India is poised to address the challenges of breast cancer with resilience, resourcefulness, and hope. Together, we can transform the landscape of breast cancer care, empower patients to reclaim their health and well-being, and usher in a future free from the burden of this devastating disease.
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drrajinderkaursaggu · 3 months
The Expert Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon in Delhi Transforming Lives with Precision and Compassion - Dr. R K Saggu
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When it comes to breast cancer surgery, it is crucial to find a surgeon who is experienced, compassionate, and up-to-date with the latest techniques. Dr. R K Saggu, a renowned oncoplastic breast surgeon in Delhi, is a name that resonates with trust and expertise in this field. With a focus on breast conservation surgery (BCS) and oncoplastic surgery, Dr. R K Saggu is dedicated to providing the best possible care for her patients while preserving their quality of life.
Breast Cancer Surgery: A Two-Part Approach
Breast cancer surgery involves two main components: the tumor in the breast and the nodes in the armpit (axilla). Dr. R K Saggu specializes in BCS, also known as lumpectomy, which involves the removal of the lump along with a margin of healthy breast tissue, leaving the rest of the breast intact. This approach is often combined with radiation therapy to reduce the chances of cancer recurrence.
Who is a Candidate for BCS?
BCS is suitable for women with early-stage breast cancers that meet certain criteria, such as small tumors relative to breast size, tumors in one area of the breast, and the ability to receive radiation treatments after lumpectomy. For larger tumors, chemotherapy may be given first to shrink the tumor and make BCS possible.
Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM)
In some cases, MRM may be necessary, such as for multicentric tumors, large single tumors not shrinking with chemotherapy, BRCA 1/2 mutation-positive patients, or patient preference. MRM involves the removal of the entire breast, most of the skin, and most of the lymph nodes in the armpit. Patients typically stay in the hospital overnight and recover within two weeks.
Oncoplastic Surgery: Enhancing Cosmesis and Quality of Life
Oncoplastic surgery is a technique that combines cancer surgery with plastic surgery principles to fill up the defect and preserve the natural appearance of the breast. Dr. R K Saggu offers oncoplastic surgery to all women undergoing breast conservation surgery to improve cosmetic outcomes and enhance their quality of life.
Breast Reconstruction Surgery: Restoring Shape and Confidence
Breast reconstruction surgery is an option for women who have undergone mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery. Dr. R K Saggu ensures that her patients are aware of the possibility of breast reconstruction and its benefits for their sense of well-being. Women who choose not to undergo reconstruction can be fitted with a post-mastectomy bra and artificial breast prosthesis.
Hidden Scar Breast Surgery: Minimizing Scars and Enhancing Aesthetics
Dr. R K Saggu practices hidden scar breast surgery, an advanced approach that hides incision sites and minimizes scars. This technique can be used for nipple-sparing mastectomy or lumpectomy procedures, leaving little trace of the surgery after the incision site heals.
Wire Localisation Excisional Biopsy: Precise Cancer Removal
In some cases, wire localization excisional biopsy may be necessary to remove small cancers that cannot be felt. Using a guidewire to localize the cancer, the affected area is removed with precision, ensuring complete cancer removal and preserving healthy breast tissue.
Dr. R K Saggu: A Surgeon with a Difference
Dr. R K Saggu's expertise, compassion, and commitment to providing the best possible care for her patients make her a top choice for oncoplastic breast surgery in Delhi. With a focus on breast conservation and oncoplastic surgery, Dr. R K Saggu is dedicated to transforming lives with precision, compassion, and a commitment to excellence.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with breast cancer, it is crucial to seek the care of an experienced oncoplastic breast surgeon. Dr. R K Saggu is here to help. 
Contact Dr. R K Saggu today to learn more about her approach to breast cancer surgery and how she can help you navigate this challenging journey with compassion by Contacting us at  +91-9871056323.
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dr-mohamed-ismail · 5 months
Breast Cancer Laparoscopy: A Minimally Invasive Approach to the Treatment
Breast cancer remains a common concern for women worldwide, and timely diagnosis and effective treatment are crucial for managing the condition. While traditional open surgery has long been the normal approach, advancements in technology have opened doors for minimally invasive options like breast cancer laparoscopy.
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Here we explain this innovative technique, explaining its principles, applications, and potential advantages.
What is Breast Cancer Laparoscopy?
Imagine surgery conducted through tiny cuts instead of a large cut. That's the essence of laparoscopy or also known as keyhole surgery. In breast cancer laparoscopy, a specialized surgeon utilizes a slender instrument called a Laparoscope. With a camera and light source, the laparoscope is inserted through a small cut near the belly button, which shows a magnified view of the internal breast tissue on a monitor. Using additional cuts for surgical instruments, the surgeon can then perform various procedures with minimal damage to surrounding tissue.
When is Breast Cancer Laparoscopy Used?
A laparoscope is a multipurpose tool for tackling different stages and types of breast cancer. It's commonly used for:
Lumpectomy: Removing the cancerous tumor while protecting surrounding healthy breast tissue.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy: Examining specific lymph nodes for cancer spread.
Mastectomy: Removing the entire breast in certain cases.
Diagnostic procedures: Biopsies or visual assessments to confirm cancer presence or size.
Who Can Benefit from a Breast Cancer Laparoscopy?
The suitability of laparoscopy depends on individual factors like tumor size, location, and overall health. Consulting a qualified breast cancer surgeon like Dr. Mohamed Ismail, known for his expertise at the Moulana Hospital, one of the best breast cancer surgery centres in Kerala, is crucial to determining if this approach aligns with your specific needs and medical history.
While advancements in minimally invasive surgery like laparoscopy are changing breast cancer treatment, it's crucial to remember that this technique might not be suitable for every case. Open communication with your healthcare team, including renowned specialists like Dr. Ismail, is important to explore all available options and make informed decisions for your well-being.
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mvarsha · 1 year
Breast Conservation Surgery
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When it comes to breast cancer we are here to help you- * Breast Conservation Surgery * Breast Oncoplastic Surgery * Sentinel lymph node mapping for axillary nodes * Modified radical mastectomy * (+/- plastic surgery)
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#breastcancer#breastcancerawareness#breastcancertreatment #surgeon#medical#medicalprocedures#surgerylife#surgery#surgeonlife#surgeryisnotpretty#operatingroom#operatingtable#operating#doctor#doctorlife#breastcancer#breastcancerawareness#breastcancersupport#cancer#cancersucks#cancerawareness#cancersupport#cancerfighterandsurvivor
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dbghosh · 1 year
Breast Surgery In London
D.B Ghosh is one of the leading breast surgeons in London. He is a consultant and specialist in breast surgery and has been practicing since 2006. He has extensive experience in performing all types of complex breast surgery, including breast conservation, oncoplastic surgery, mastopexy, and breast augmentation. D.B Ghosh is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and a Fellow of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. He is committed to providing the highest quality care to each of his patients, and is dedicated to providing the best possible outcomes. Visit - https://www.dbghosh.com/
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toostarlightkitty · 1 year
Understanding The Aspects Of Breast Cancer And Its Treatment Plan
Breast cancer is one of the most known forms of cancer worldwide. Also, it is the most common cancer affecting women. Because the breast is a superficial organ, all efforts must be made to detect and treat it as early as possible. Only by raising awareness, breast cancer be detected early. All attempts have to be made to spread awareness. Visit a top hospital for breast cancer treatment in Mangalore if you are experiencing any symptoms or need surgery for the same.
Breast Cancer Begins in the Breast Tissue
Usually, breast cancer starts developing in the ducts or lobules of the breast. The milk is produced by lobules, & ducts which are the channels that carry it from the glands towards the nipple. Additionally, cancer can develop in the fatty or fibrous connective tissue of the breast. The uncontrolled cancer cells frequently spread to the adjacent healthy breast tissue and are capable of reaching the lymph nodes beneath the arms. Once cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, it can spread to other parts of the body.
Breast Cancer is Screen-Detectable
A mammogram is a very effective tool for detecting cancer. Early-stage cancers have a very good prognosis. Breast cancers detected in stages 1 and 2 have a good overall survival rate. Such cancers can also be treated with very good breast conservation and cosmesis.
Breast Cancers were Treated Very Aggressively in the Late Nineteenth Century
The Halsteadian era believed in aggressive and debilitating surgery. With the progress of science and invention, the concepts of radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal, and targeted therapy evolved. Breast cancer treatment that was systemic and systematic improved outcomes. Fisher’s era of breast cancer evolved into a very aesthetic approach to breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Advances in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment have been made possible by increasing public awareness of the disease through campaigns and research. Breast cancer survival rates have improved significantly, and the number of fatalities related to the disease is gradually decreasing. This is partly due to earlier identification, a new personalised treatment approach, and better knowledge of the illness.
Surgical Treatment for Breast Cancer
A surgical breast cancer approach can be:
Mastectomy is the gold standard of breast cancer surgery. It is continuously tried and tested. Breast cancer surgery involves:
Dealing with the tumour.
Approach to the axilla.
Mastectomy is the removal of the whole breast. Axillary dissection is the removal of fibrofatty tissue involving the axilla. With frozen sections in pathology becoming widely available, tumours could be excised and sent for pathological testing even during the surgery. Pathologists can comment on the completion of a safe oncological resection.
Breast Conservation Surgery
Breast conservation has progressed to improve cosmetic and aesthetic outcomes.
Breast Oncoplastic Surgery
Breast oncoplastic surgery can be classified based on the volume of breast displaced. Type 1 surgery is when less than 20% of the breast is resected. Larger resections may need flaps and complex reconstruction.
Axillary Dissection
Axillary dissection is the time-tested approach to the axilla in breast cancer. 15%–20% of the patients treated with axillary dissection end up with lymphoedema. Oedema of the upper limb leads to morbidity. The concept of a sentinel node simplifies procedures and patient recovery. The sentinel node is the first set of lymph nodes to which cancer spreads. When sentinel nodes cannot pick up the spread of cancer, an unnecessary dissection can be avoided, thus limiting the morbidity. In such situations, lymphoedema can be reduced to less than 5%.
To conclude, early detection is the way forward. Early breast cancer has a very good prognosis and survival rate. The advantage of breast conservation has to reach all eligible patients. The rate of breast conservation should be increased without compromising oncological and patient safety. Breast cancer surgery has evolved from more morbid radicality to aesthetically pleasing oncoplastic surgery. Breast cancer surgery is no more painstaking for the patient when handled by the proper personnel. Consult a top surgical oncologist in Mangalore for diagnosis and treatment.
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yashshreeseo · 1 year
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When it comes to breast cancer we are here to help you- * Breast Conservation Surgery * Breast Oncoplastic Surgery * Sentinel lymph node mapping for axillary nodes * Modified radical mastectomy * (+/- plastic surgery) For more details contact us at - 📞 9930599474 Website: www.drmihirchitale.com #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #breastcancertreatment #surgeon #medical #medicalprocedures #surgerylife #surgery #surgeonlife #surgeryisnotpretty #operatingroom
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drmohamedismail · 1 year
How To Find The Top Breast Cancer Treatment Centre In Kerala
The leading breast cancer treatment in Kerala is provided by Dr. Mohamed Ismail's clinic. In the treatment field, we are among the best. We offer the most recent medical advancements in breast cancer therapies, including surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. In order to properly diagnose and treat breast cancer, we have a committed team of specialists that includes doctors and nurses. In order to help our patients cope with their condition and heal, we also offer supportive care and counseling. A staff of nutritionists and dieticians is also available to assist patients in managing their diets throughout treatment.
Advanced Services
Health Oncology
Super-specialists in the department of medical oncology at the Dr. Mohamed Ismail's Center are committed to providing evidence-based cancer care for the treatment of solid and hematological malignancies in both children and adults. Since its inception, the Department of Medical Oncology has provided patient care services in nearly all oncology subspecialties, including those treating cancers of the breast, gastrointestinal tract, head and neck, lung, bone, soft tissue, gynecology, urology, leukemia, lymphoma, and pediatric tumors.
Radiation Oncology
One of the first facilities in the US to order image-guided radiation therapy, or IGRT, a very high-end radiation unit, was Dr. Mohamed Ismail's Center. The Versa HD-Stereotactic Precision Radiotherapy Unit (Triple F), the second linear accelerator of Dr. Mohamed Ismail's Center, is situated in the new radiation zone. Versa HD is a new capability that offers high-precision beam shaping and tumor targeting to deliver a quicker and more precise therapy for a wider range of malignancies. Both conventional and stereotactic treatments are available through Versa HD.
Surgical Oncology
A comprehensive, high-end department, the Department of Surgical Oncology undertakes cancer procedures for the head and neck, breast, thoracic, soft tissue, skeletal, and other malignancy sites. The Surgical Oncology division, which is equipped with a modular OT system called Opera, carries out cutting-edge surgical oncology procedures like cytoreductive peritoneal surgery and HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy), limb salvage surgery for extremity bone and soft tissue cancers, and minimally invasive surgery for gastrointestinal and thoracic cancers.
 Pediatric Oncology
Children with cancer are given thorough care by the Pediatric Oncology division. The facility has had a separate pediatric oncology wing for a long time, and medical personnel, including nurses, have been on staff to provide care. For the treatment of childhood malignancies, patients come from different states of the nation and even some neighboring nations. Oncologists that specialize in treating pediatric tumors, pediatric surgeons, surgical oncologists, and radiotherapy experts make up the team. One of the few hospitals to treat a significant number of pediatric bone cancers and use expandable prosthetics to save limbs is Dr. Mohamed Ismail's pediatric division. All stages of breast cancer are treated thoroughly by our facility. We provide comprehensive details on the illness, its signs and risk factors, the numerous available treatments, and the potential negative effects of each one. In order to help patients understand their risk of contracting the condition, we also offer the best oncoplastic breast conservation surgery centers in Kerala. In order to better understand and manage the disease's impacts, we also offer support and counseling to family members. All of our patients will receive the highest caliber of care and treatment from us, and we'll take care to respect their privacy. While guaranteeing their safety and wellbeing, we work hard to give our patients the best results possible.
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arrangoiz · 2 months
Risk of Finding High Risk Pathology in the Contralateral Breast in Patients Undergoing Oncoplastic Breast Conserving Surgery
A recent study by Liang et al: Showed that in patients undergoing contralateral breast procedures at the time of oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery: 16.5% were found to have high-risk pathology in the contralateral breast: With almost 5% of these being cancer Larger studies from Europe have shown the contralateral occult malignancy rate: To be 1% to 5%: This rate of occult disease is…
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oncologistseemasingh · 2 months
Surgery for Breast Cancer: Then & Now
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Breast cancer affects many women globally, including in India, where it makes up 13.5% of all cancer cases. Surgery is the main treatment for localized breast cancer, often combined with other therapies. Advances in breast surgery allow more women to keep their breasts through breast conservation surgery. Techniques like oncoplastic surgery help maintain the breast's appearance. Lymph node surgery has also evolved to reduce side effects. These advancements, along with finding the best robotic cancer doctor in Ghaziabad, improve outcomes for patients.
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drsatishc · 2 years
Breast Reconstruction Surgery | Best surgical oncologist in Bangalore | Dr. Satish C
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Best surgical oncologist in Bangalore | Dr. Satish C says Breast reconstruction surgery or oncoplastic surgery is a medical technique available to women who have had a lumpectomy or a full mastectomy. Breast reconstruction surgery is used to return one or both breasts to a near-normal shape, appearance, size, and symmetry.
More About Breast Reconstruction Surgery
Breast reconstruction surgery can be done shortly after Breast cancer surgery in Jayanagar (immediate reconstruction) or years later (delayed reconstruction). 
Types :
1.Flap or Natural Tissue Reconstruction: Also known as autologous breast reconstruction, flap reconstruction is a breast reconstruction procedure during which the patient’s own body tissues (blood vessels, skin tissue, fat, and muscles) are used. Tissue for reconstruction is commonly taken from the belly, but it can also come from the thighs, back, and buttocks. 
Occasionally, surgeons will shift a flap from a nearby bodily site (pedicled flap). This flap is not disconnected from its blood supply. Surgeons can also connect the flap from a different site to blood vessels in the chest after removing it from its blood supply (free flap).   
Flaps can be used for partial and complete breast reconstruction. Furthermore, flap rebuilding from the abdomen has an added advantage of fat loss in the belly area (tummy tuck).   
2. Implant Reconstruction: Implant reconstruction is a surgical treatment in which saline or silicone implants are used to rebuild the breast. The implants may be blended with the patient’s own bodily tissues in some cases. Implants are frequently used to restore the entire breast.
How Does Breast Reconstruction Work?
Breast reconstruction surgeons assess a number of variables before proposing breast reconstruction surgery, including the stage of the disease, the size of the tumor, the exact location of the tumor, and the patient’s overall health. 
The tumor-to-breast ratio is an important parameter that surgeons take into account. Breast conservation surgery is considered instead of breast reconstruction for those individuals who have a tumor to breast ratio of less than 20%, i.e., the tumor occupies less than 20% of the breast volume. 
However, if the tumor occupies more than 20% of the total breast volume, reconstructive surgery can be considered after the tumor is removed. 
Upon thorough assessment, breast reconstruction is performed either using natural tissue or implants. 
To know more visit www.drsatishc.com
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drrajinderkaursaggu · 3 months
Dr. R K Saggu: Your Expert Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon in Delhi
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Are you seeking the best care for breast cancer treatment in Delhi? Look no further than Dr. R K Saggu, a renowned Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon dedicated to providing personalized and comprehensive care for patients facing breast cancer. With a focus on oncoplastic surgery, breast conservation, and reconstruction, Dr. R K Saggu offers a holistic approach to breast cancer treatment. 
Breast Cancer Surgery: Tailored Treatment for You
When it comes to breast cancer surgery, the approach is tailored to your specific needs. Factors such as the type and stage of breast cancer, your overall health, and personal preferences play a crucial role in determining the best course of action. Dr. R K Saggu ensures that your treatment plan is customized to optimize outcomes and quality of life.
Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS): Preserving Your Natural Beauty
Breast Conservation Surgery, also known as Lumpectomy, focuses on removing the tumor while preserving the breast tissue. This approach is suitable for many women with early-stage breast cancer, offering a safe and effective way to treat the disease. Dr. R K Saggu emphasizes the importance of radiation therapy post-BCS to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM): Comprehensive Treatment when Needed
In cases where a more extensive approach is required, Modified Radical Mastectomy may be recommended. This involves the removal of the entire breast and lymph nodes in the armpit. Dr. R K Saggu performs MRM with precision and care, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients in need of this procedure.
Oncoplastic Surgery: Restoring Confidence and Cosmesis
Oncoplastic surgery combines tumor removal with breast reconstruction to achieve both oncological and cosmetic goals. Dr. R K Saggu specializes in oncoplastic techniques to enhance the appearance of the breast after lumpectomy, ensuring that patients maintain their natural beauty and quality of life throughout their cancer journey.
Breast Reconstruction Surgery: Options for a New Beginning
For patients undergoing mastectomy, breast reconstruction offers a way to restore a sense of wholeness and well-being. Dr. R K Saggu discusses the various reconstruction options, including implants and autologous tissue, to help patients make informed decisions about their post-mastectomy care.
Hidden Scar Breast Surgery: Minimizing the Impact of Surgery
Hidden Scar Surgery is a cutting-edge approach that focuses on concealing incisions and minimizing visible scarring after breast surgery. Dr. R K Saggu utilizes this technique to ensure that patients not only receive effective treatment but also maintain a positive body image throughout their recovery.
Lymph node Surgery: Ensuring Comprehensive Care
Evaluation of axillary lymph nodes is a crucial aspect of breast cancer surgery. Dr. R K Saggu explains the importance of sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary lymph node dissection in determining the spread of cancer and guiding further treatment decisions. By addressing lymph node involvement, Dr. R K Saggu ensures a thorough and comprehensive approach to breast cancer care.
Chemoport: Enhancing Comfort and Convenience
For patients requiring chemotherapy, a chemoport can significantly improve the administration of treatment. Dr. R K Saggu highlights the benefits of chemoports, including reduced risks of vein damage, improved access for blood samples, and enhanced quality of life during chemotherapy.
Dr. R K Saggu stands out as a leading Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon in Delhi, offering expert care, personalized treatment plans, and a compassionate approach to breast cancer surgery. With a focus on preserving cosmesis, optimizing outcomes, and enhancing quality of life, Dr. R K Saggu is dedicated to guiding patients through their breast cancer journey with skill and empathy. 
For more information on the Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon in Delhi, visit Dr. R K Saggu’s Clinic or Contact us on +91-9871056323. Dr. R K Saggu will help you understand your problem and guide you through every stage of your treatment.
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dr-mohamed-ismail · 8 months
The Best Breast Cancer Surgery Options in Kerala
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When it comes to battling breast cancer, early detection and effective treatment are crucial. Kerala, known for its scenic beauty and rich cultural heritage, is also gaining recognition for its world-class medical facilities, especially in the field of breast cancer surgery. If you or a loved one is seeking the best breast cancer surgery options, Kerala might be the ideal destination for your healthcare journey.
Why Choose Kerala for Breast Cancer Surgery?
Expertise: Kerala boasts a pool of highly skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in breast cancer treatment. They have access to the latest advancements in surgical techniques and are well-versed in both conventional and minimally invasive procedures.
Medical Facilities: Kerala's hospitals and medical centers are equipped with cutting-edge technology and infrastructure, creating a conducive environment for advanced breast cancer surgeries.
Patient Centric Care: Hospitals and clinics prioritize the emotional and psychological well-being of patients in addition to their physical health. This approach to healthcare ensures that patients feel supported and comfortable throughout their treatment journey.
Affordability: Kerala is not only known for its exceptional healthcare but is also affordable compared to many other regions. The cost of breast cancer surgery in Kerala is competitive, making it an attractive option for both local and international patients.
When it comes to the best breast cancer surgery options, Kerala shines as a top destination. With a blend of expertise, advanced technology, and a holistic approach to healthcare, patients receive the best possible care in a serene and supportive environment.
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komal1234jain · 2 years
Laparoscopy Surgeon In Pune - Dr. Shama Shaikh
Laparoscopy Surgeon In Pune Dr. Shama Shaikh Surve MBBS DNB FIAGES FMAS Mch Breast Oncoplasty (Sch) Consultant General Laparoscopic And Breast Surgeon. Dr. Shama Shaikh practices at Major Hospitals in Pune like Sahyadri hospital, Hadapsar, Jehangir Hospital, Ruby Hall Clinic, Inamdar Hospital , Fatimanagar. Also provides services at various nursing homes in Hadapsar, Wanworie area. she is well-known Laparoscopy surgeon in pune. Dr.Shama completed DNB – General surgery from K.E.M. Hospital Pune in 2006,did her M.B.B.S from D.Y.Patil Medical College, Pimpri in 2002. She has been awarded various fellowships in laparoscopy like FIAGES and FMAS which are renowned in India as well as internationally. 
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Dr.Shama also practices her superspecialty in breast oncoplastic surgery wherein breast is conserved in breast cancer patients. Dr. Shama is a general, Laparoscopic and Breast Surgeon practicing in Hapadsar – Wanworie – camp area since last 15 years. Aiming to provide excellent treatment to all patients, Dr. Shama Shaikh practices at personal clinic in Wanworie, Sahyadri Hospital , Jehangir Hospital , Inamdar Hospital, Fatima Nagar, Ruby Hall Clinic , Wanworie. Dr. Shama Shaikh Surve is the most recommended Laparoscopy surgeon in pune. She specializes in gastroenterology and breast surgery along with general problems. QUALIFICATION DNB (General Surgery), JUNE 2006, K.E.M HOSPITAL, RASTA PETH, PUNE. Awarded by National Board of Examination, New Delhi. Health ministry M.B.B.S , OCTOBER 2000, Dr. D.Y. PATIL MEDICAL COLLEGE, PIMPRI, PUNE 3. FIAGES, MAY 2013. FMAS,2015. M.Ch. Breast Oncoplasty,(scholar), UEA, Norwich, UK, under mentorship of Dr. C.B.Koppiker.
1.Training as a medical intern at – Government Primary Health Centre, Alandi- 3 months as Rural Posting  Y.C.M Hospital, Pimpri, Pune, 6 months- General Surgery, General Medicine, C.M.O duty Dr. D.Y.Patil Hospital, Pimpri, Pune- 3 months- Obs & Gynae.
House Officer in Surgery, Dr. D.Y.Patil Hospital, Pimpri, Pune- 2 months.
Post Graduate Residency in General Surgery, K.E.M Hospital, Pune- 3 years
Lecturer in General Surgery, K.E.M Hospital, Pune (since Sep 2006 to Jan 2008- 1 ½ years)
Senior Registrar in General Surgery, Noble Hospital, Hadapsar, Pune (since June 2009 to Dec 2009- 6 months)
Resident General Surgeon, Prayagdham Hospital, Urli Kanchan, Pune (since Jan 2010 to Jan 2011- 1 year)
Part-Time Specialist in General Surgery, ESIS Hospital, Chinchwad, Pune (Jan2011 to Jan2012-1year)
Assistant professor in general surgery: D.Y.Patil Medical College,Pimpri,Pune.(since Jan2012 to March 2018).
Associate Professor since September 2017 To May 2018.
Private Practice in Hadapsar and Wanworie , Pune since 2011 till date.
MEDICAL RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Topic of dissertation in D.N.B (General Surgery) – Evaluation of thermal environment in operated cases of Undescended Testes- Feb 2003 to Feb 2005. General Study of use of Contraceptives in rural population at Alandi- 3 months- during rural internship. Six international and one national journal original research paper publications on General laparoscopy and breast surgery topics.
Poona Surgical Meeting (Monthly). Institutional Weekly clinical and journal club meetings. Weekly tumour board meetings.
International Laproscopic Conference, Pune- 2004
Laproscopic, Hernia Repair, Live Workshop at K.E.M Hospital, Pune2006
Laproscopic Colonic Surgery, Pune- 2006
General Surgery Workshop, AFMC, Pune- 2006
FIAGES, Bharati Vidyapeeth , Pune- 2009
G-ROS, 2011, Pune- 2011
Endocrine surgery workshop, Pune2011.
Head n Neck cancer CME,Pune2011.
Bariatric surgery CME,Pune 2011.
Hysteroscopy carnival,pune 2012.
FIAGES Annual conference,Chennai 2014.
GROS,Pune 2014.
Woundcon Pune 2014.
ASICON,Hyderabad 2014.
Laparoscopic hernia surgery training at ethicon EISE Mumbai. April 2015.
Basic course workshop in Medical Education Technology,DYP,Pimpri.
PSSCON in 2016 and 2017.
Anorectal update 2017 pune.
Grand rounds in oncology 2017 RHC pune.
Hernia Update 2017 RHC pune.
CME on Obesity and Bariatric surgery as faculty, Mày 2018
Thyroid Update-Live surgical workshop, pune.August2018.
FIAGES,Pune. Nov 2018 as faculty.
PSSCON,2018.Dec 2018,Pun2018.
Retromuscular repair workshop,Jan 2019.
Hernia Update, April 2019.
Breast oncoplasty workshop 6 Monthly since 2019.
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