#On today's episode of Lexi Real Life.
astralazuli · 2 years
Anyway, hi everyone, you may have noticed I’ve actually been queuing things again. This is because I actually open tumblr like ever now. While I never really left, most of my fandom & crafting friends were on other platforms but guess what. Twitter is seriously terrible for my mental health because I’m just bombarded & blindsided by the worst fucking takes I’ve ever seen at all times & that, my friends, is fucking exhausting. So now all my previously twitter time has been reallocated to tumblr again & frankly it’s so much better for me. I fucking love it here, shout out to everyone I follow for only sharing the choicest of content & not putting shit about gay & trans people should die on my dash.
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anonil88 · 3 years
Euphoria fans are popping out very weirdly after episode 5 of season 2.
Not gonna lie the things people, who are fans of the show, are saying about Rue and some of the other characters but especially Rue that are so malicious makes me so sick to my stomach. Its wayyy more triggering to me some of these takes about Rue episode 5 last night. To see someone say Rue deserves to be trafficked because she pushed her mom and her sister when spiraling made me teary eyes. If Rue wasn't an addict and it was just one of her other mental illnesses some people would have a very different tone but they don't. I say some because some honestly would say she did it to herself no matter what because they don't think mental illness is real. There are Zendaya stans who completely ignore Zendaya's post on Instagram and are saying the worst things about Rue.
The Jules hate was bad in season 1 but its so much worse and a lot more transphobic now within the fandom. It's disgusting the way people are taking their dislike of Jules and commenting horrid things that aren't a joke to Hunter. In season 1 initial airing nobody was out here saying that Jacob deserved to die or making inappropriate edits of his body. But with Hunter apparently its okay to misgender her and call her unprofessional even though it is just a rumor. I remember people said when they watched season 1 during March quarantine way after it aired that Jules was the real villian not Nate and even Sam said woah hold on now. Zendaya and Hunter said we need to do something so that these viewers are still attached to these characters but also see Jules as a person. I do get that some of the questionable writing in season 2 has made Jules' sea blob special murky, but that's still a 17 year old who has her own life to live. Which is not to be Rue's enabling service pixie dream girlfriend. But now when the character does the right thing by getting an adult involved she's now a rat, a snitch, and deserves to be verbally assaulted for it. What kind of mess?
Someone, a grown adult over the age of 20, today said Maddy is the abusive one in the relationship with Nate and that she pushed him to be a bad person. Toxic sure but how did she make him put his hands around her throat? Then a bunch more people went on to say yea Nate is a good guy, what in the victim blaming. I can't even say all of this discourse, straight up toxic behavior, and speculations are because teens want to watch something not meant for them because that was a grown woman.
The crits of Cassie were cool until it quickly became lets body shame Sydney and let's call Cassie a wh0re and a bunch of other shaming words. You can have empathy and not agree with someone's actions, you can not have empathy too but that doesn't mean "let's tell Sydney she is ugly". Then some of the "analyzations" don't talk about her faults in actions they just call her insults. I don't know who is teaching media analysis anymore but my god that's not how you do it.
Lexi is an angel in a lot of people eyes who can do no wrong. I'm sure even after her play people will still think because she's quiet and keeps her head down she won't have done anything wrong. But, exposing your sisters intimate traumas and your friends (A character based on Rue is in the play and Gia doesn't know but does go to the same school) gritty trauma to the entire student body and their parents is a violation of privacy. It's wrong but they won't see it that way because Lexi is the sweet girl next door who doesn't get into any trouble.
I am so angry and upset to see Kat storyline get cut and Barbie to get benched. But a part of me is so glad that Barbie isn't getting whatever energy has come with season 2 besides people telling her "you and hunter ruined the show for not doing your jobs." Which is people not understanding that actors are humans too. But the way people on social media would have jumped straight to body shaming her and vilifying her if they went deeper into why she doesn't like Ethan, the nice guy. I'm glad she has gotten to avoid that entirely.
And to see these same people call Cal and Laurie good or girl bossify their characters is so weird. Its so odd, because the grace the extend to two adults who should be held to a high er level accountability some of these fans do not. They would rather vilify every action good or bad of 17 year olds with compounding serious issues like addiction, redeem Nate in their eyes because he's hot, and tell Cal Jacobs its okay he video tapes people without consent because he read his family for filth. All these characters are so flawed as people but its the kids that are offered no sense of redemption.
The show is meant to be a reflective piece of media for adults about their own experience and to have grace and empathy for themselves at that age and for kids who are that age now, entertainment aspects of it aside. Where the heck did all that empathy go.
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raplinesmoon · 3 years
All By Myself (JJK x Reader)
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Pairing: Attending Surgeon!Jungkook x Resident!Reader
Genres: Fluff, slight angst, brief smut
AUs: Medical AU, co-workers-to-?, one-night-stand
Word count: 2.3k
Tags/trigger warnings: medical trauma, surgical procedures (not described in detail), medical terminology, inappropriate attending-resident relationship (srsly this is meant for fiction only), age gap, smut warnings: nudity, stripping, oral (f receiving), brief penetrative sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Ratings: nsfw, 18+
Summary: Day by day, your crush on your attending grows stronger. After watching him perform a cutting-edge procedure, you decide to pay him a visit to ask for some insider tips.
A/N: I’m so sad, because it’s finally time to wrap this up. Idk how this got so long, but I highkey am in love with Dr. Jeon after writing this because he’s so ahhhhhherjndednedorenfdbhi4roi3if! Based on the Mark and Lexie scene from 5x10 (you’ll know it when you read it), also featuring Meridith’s voiceover from the episode. Disclaimer: this is obviously romanticizing a highly inappropriate relationship for fiction, so enjoy it as such and don’t aim to replicate it in real life.
Taglist: @suhdays, @deliciousdetectivestranger
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Jungkook never took this job for granted. Being an attending at an advanced surgical hospital like HYBE meant that he’d never run out of things to do. Sure, there were the exciting things like replacing a joint or repairing a herniated disc. Once a young, shy medical student, he’d been swept into the world of surgery after rupturing his biceps tendon during a late night workout in the midst of finals. Paying no mind to the countless bouquets of flowers that found their way to his hospital room, he instead sat down one-on-one with the attending managing his case, Dr. Cho, running through every report and every scan until he was sure he could have fixed the rupture himself.
And yet, the majority of the time, he found himself losing his mind over the more trite, mundane aspects of his job. Despite knowing his way around the OR, HYBE’s most prized orthopedic surgeon found himself getting flustered when it came to presenting at grand rounds, or supervising a rowdy group of medical residents who were barely a few years younger than he was.
“Nine year old patient presenting for a revision repair of a Chiari malformation,” he mumbles to himself, flipping through the reports Yoongi had faxed over to his office this morning. The two of them would be tackling the joint case this week, and then presenting together at the hospital conference at the start of the next week.
“Dr. Jeon!” Jungkook whips his head around at the sound of the eager voice calling his name. There, running down the hallway, with a cappuccino in hand, is you, one of his PGY-1s. A small smile crosses his face at the sight of you, hair falling out of your messy bun and neck glistening with sweat.
“Good morning!” you exclaim, sliding the cappuccino over to him. “So, what do we have on the docket today?”
Jungkook can’t help but melt at your enthusiasm. You were his most eager resident, always showing up outside designated hours to shadow him. The two of you had developed a sort of primitive friendship, and if Jungkook didn’t know any better, he almost thought he detected the signs of a small crush on your end. But you were too smart for that.
“Well, do I have the patient for you, ____,” he smirks, taking in the way your cheeks redden at his biceps underneath the white coat. “Since you’re my favorite resident, how about you help me work up the patient for the joint ortho-neuro case?”
Your eyes brighten at his proposition. Dr. Jeon was, in your opinion, the smartest doctor you’d ever known. You were constantly in awe of how much he’d achieved at such a young age. Drawn to him like a magnet, you picked his brain about everything he could teach you. Of course, there was also the very blatant fact that he was the most handsome man you’d ever seen.
“Sounds good Doc!” you blurt out, mouth forming a tiny “o” as you realize you’d been a little too loud, causing everyone in the corridor to turn around and look at you.
“Follow me,” Jungkook smiles.
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“Song Hyo-yeon, 9 years old, presents for evaluation of her spinal hardware after a fall from her bicycle. Her hometown orthopedic surgeon was concerned the hardware is now close to impinging on her brainstem, so he referred her to HYBE. Ms. Song has a previous history of a repaired Chiari malformation and atlas assimilation, which were stabilized around 6 years old,” you read off the report, giving a friendly smile to the tiny, frail body that looks at you with curious eyes in the hospital bed.
Yoongi glances over to Jungkook, quietly nudging him for the proud look that crosses his face as he watches you read the report.
Jungkook clears his throat, cheeks flushing as he turns to the family, ready to provide them with the potential risks and benefits.
“Hyo-yeon will be in good hands with Dr. Min and I,” he explains. “As always with any type of revision surgery, the risks are escalated due to the already existing hardware limiting the field of view, and the recovery process is extensive, but by the end of this year, your daughter should be running and jumping around like any other growing child without fearing that she’ll dislodge the hardware again.”
The girl’s mother looks close to tears at Jungkook’s admission, wrapping her arms tightly around her husband and daughter as hope glimmers under the worn out lines of her face.
“Dr. Jeon and Dr. Min, our family can’t thank you and your entire team enough,” her voice wavers. “We’ve spent so long just wanting our beautiful girl to be happy, and healthy. As a mother, it makes my heart hurt when I have to see her in pain. Whatever risks there are, whatever chances you’re taking, they may end up changing her life. And ours. Thank you again.”
The three of you give a deep bow to the family, expressing your gratitude for their kind words, and Hyo-yeon gives you a lively wave when you excuse yourselves from the room.
Out in the hallway, the three of you huddle together, and you make out the faint glimmer of tears in Dr. Min’s eyes. A new father himself, the Songs’ words had touched him beyond belief.
“Dr. Jeon, Dr. ____, you better be prepared for the surgery of your lives. Screw the grand rounds report, screw the press coverage. We’re doing this for that little girl and her family, and we cannot afford to fuck it up. We have to do our best, damn it!”
Jungkook gives Yoongi a solemn nod, and gestures for you to follow him to the resident room.
“See you in the OR,” he breathes.
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“Clamp,” Jungkook calls out with bated breath, watching as you reach over the fluorescent blue and green drapes to snatch the needed tool off the instrument table.
Your hands are shaking as you hand him the clamp, and he offers you a comforting smile, calming your nerves instantly as he continues to resect.
Nearly 3 hours into the surgery, the exhaustion from standing has you almost toppling over. You’d barely slept last night, instead hanging around the on-call room to read over notes beforehand.
Your fellow residents had flitted in and out, congratulating you on being the resident chosen to scrub-in and observe. Your closest friend, Yeji, had even teased you that the only reason Jungkook insisted on you accompanying him was because he liked you back.
Blushing, you remember Yeji’s words as you watch Jungkook’s hands work underneath the harsh fluorescent lights, the tiny tattoos that adorn his fingers becoming even more prominent.
“Dr. Jeon, with all the hardware in place, what technique are we using to establish anastomosis-,” your question is cut off with a swift wave of his arm, and your heart drops.
Hours pass by on the clock, and Jungkook and Yoongi continue to work tirelessly reconfiguring Hyo-yeon’s spinal hardware. You attempt to stifle every yawn that rises up in the back of your throat, knowing you were nowhere near as tired as them.
As Jungkook calls time, allowing Yoongi to close up, you shuffle out of the OR with him, ripping off your gown.
“Dr. Jeon,” you say softly, and his wide eyes meet your own. “I didn’t mean to question your expertise back there, sir. I just wanted to learn. You amaze me, your ability to take something old and turn it into something new, something extraordinary. I’m sorry-”
You choke out the last two words, your voice becoming small. Looking up, you find Jungkook’s doe eyes gazing into your own, a glimmer of fondness hidden beneath their stern depths.
“I know I can be harsh,” his voice rumbles as he chuckles. “Unfortunately, after years of doing this, my people skills are sometimes less than desirable. But I see real true potential in you, ___. Anything you ever want to learn, anything at all, I’m willing to teach you. I’m that fond of you.”
Your eyes widen, the thundering of your heartbeat matching the tap of his shoes as he walks away.
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Letting out a deep breath, you check your watch again, eyes flitting nervously to check for anyone coming down the hallway.
It’s 4:31am, and you’re standing outside Dr. Jeon’s office. Knocking on the door this late is quite possibly the stupidest thing you’ve ever done, but you can’t get his words out of your head.
The door opens, and a surprised Jungkook takes in the sight of you standing there. Brushing past him, you let yourself in.
Turning to face him, you take a deep breath. Now or never.
“I respect you,” you begin. “As a man, as a surgeon, and as a teacher.”
You watch a muscle in Jungkook’s jaw flex as he swallows, but his eyes don’t become stern. Instead, they beckon you to continue.
Reaching for the bottom of your scrub top, you pull the hem over your head. You hear Jungkook let out a sharp exhale.
“Teach me, please.”
“___, what are you doing, I’m your teacher, please stop-” Jungkook’s protests are cut off by his deep groan as you unclasp your bra, nipples pebbling in the cold air of his office.
“So, teach me then,” you breathe out, reaching down to slide off your pants.
The blood in your veins freezes as you watch Jungkook stand there, barely moving a muscle.
“Come on,” you remark, fighting back the tears that sting your eyelashes. “Am I really so bad?”
“No,” Jungkook mumbles, sweeping you into his arms as his lips descend on yours. “No, you’re not.”
The kiss between you is frenzied, hurried, and passionate, clothes disappearing as Jungkook urges you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. Biceps flexing, he carries you to his desk, spreading you out beneath him. Dropping to his knees, he licks a long stripe up your folds as you let out a breathy moan.
In the waning hours of the nightime, Jungkook eats you out like a man starved on his desk, working you up until you can barely remember your own name, breathless and begging to cum underneath him. When he finally enters you, the dawn light filters into the room, and for that brief moment in time, you feel euphoric.
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Taking in the tired glances of the residents, attendings, nurses, pharmacists, and other professionals that have gathered for today’s grand rounds, Jungkook’s heart races, and a trail of sweat begins to run down his back.
He knows you’ll be in attendance. The two of you have barely spoken since sleeping together in his office almost a week ago. Part of him wants to hang his head in shame at the obvious lapse in judgment he had - sleeping with one of his residents. As a mentor and a teacher, he didn’t want distractions like this stopping you from living up to the potential he knew you had. However, as a man, who’d spent the most formative years of his life buried in work, he knew the feelings he’d developed for you were no error.
He spots you then, taking a seat all the way in the back, clad in a cosy blue hoodie over your scrubs. Looking your way, he finds you staring past him at the whiteboard, and his heart drops.
The lights dim, and Jungkook clears his throat.
“So, I was gonna talk about Chiari malformations at the behest of dear Dr. Min, but I think that’s kinda a dry topic for Monday morning,” he quips, please with the faint din from the chuckles in the crowd.
“Instead, I want to take a step back from talking about the patients, and talk about us,” he continues. “The surgeons. The students. The nurses. The techs. The pharmacists. All of us here, who are involved in changing lives.”
“The responsibility we have is both great and terrifying,” he goes on. “Now, I risk sounding like Uncle Ben when I say that, but each one of us has probably had that ‘oh shit’ moment when we’re with a patient and realize that they’re entirely helpless. That they depend on us.”
“In between those moments that we find ourselves entrusted with the care of others, we owe it to ourselves to find a little company too,” he watches you as he speaks, seeing your eyes glimmer even from this distance. “​​We need help. We need support. Otherwise we’re in it by ourselves. Strangers, cut off from each other and we forget just how connected we all are. So instead we choose love, and for a moment we feel just a little bit less alone.”
“As I helped a little girl gain her ability to move back, I also helped a family find their life again,” he realizes it's time to close up, but he chooses this moment to lay his heart bare, out in the open. “Doing it all by yourself seems like a cool, heroic thing, but at the end of the day, we’re never alone. We all have people we love, who love us, that we can fall back on. And if we don’t, we’re looking for them. So, I’m here to let you know that I have your back. Quite literally.”
The crowd bursts into applause as he finishes, and Jungkook feels his heart swell in pride. As everyone disperses, he sees you dip out the door. He gives Yoongi a panicked glance, watching as the older man responds with a furtive nod.
Rushing out behind you, he yells your name, ignoring the curious stares from passersby. Coming up next to you, he reaches out to put a hand on your shoulder.
Turning on your heel, you glance into Dr. Jeon’s, Jungkook’s-, eyes as he hunches over, catching his breath.
“You lied,” you speak first. “You have pretty good people skills. Stellar actually.”
“Care to discuss my people skills over a cup of coffee?” he asks hopefully. “We have a lot to talk about.”
Although panic should be rising in your chest, you give him a nod of acknowledgment. Hope blossoms in your chest at the promise of something new, something extraordinary to look forward to between you and Jungkook.
“Lead the way.”
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A/N pt. 2: Thanks for reading! I want to thank everyone for all the support and love on this entire series, it’s my first completed one ever! As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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calzona-ga · 3 years
[Spoiler] talks with The Hollywood Reporter about his return to the ABC medical drama and why the surprising reunion with Chyler Leigh had to be filmed via green screen.
[This story contains spoilers from the April 1 "Breathe" episode of Grey's Anatomy.]
The magical beach on Grey's Anatomy just delivered a double surprise.
Viewers knew that Chyler Leigh would be returning to reprise her role as Meredith's younger half-sister, Lexie Grey, but she wasn't the only former star who came back on the show's magical beach. Eric Dane, in a surprise appearance, returned to reprise his role as Lexie's on-screen love interest, Mark Sloan.
Both Dane and Leigh appeared together on the beach as part of a central storyline as Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) continues to battle COVID-19. Dane and Leigh become the latest former stars to return to Grey's Anatomy this season, joining Patrick Dempsey (Derek) and T.R. Knight (George) as the Shonda Rhimes-produced ABC drama continues to focus on the impact of the pandemic on the medical community.
Dane and Leigh's Mark and Lexie appeared for the first time since the season eight finale. That episode featured Lexie telling Mark that they were meant to be as she died from injuries sustained in a plane crash. Mark, meanwhile, was killed off in the season nine premiere as Dane left the series to pursue TNT's The Last Ship.
Below, Dane talks with The Hollywood Reporter about providing closure to Mark and Lexie's love story, being part of Meredith's big storyline — she's now off the vent and breathing on her own — and why his reunion with Leigh had to be filmed via green screen.
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What was the pitch to come back? Had you seen that Patrick Dempsey had come back and wonder if you were going to get a call?
No, I hadn't. I was in Shanghai, China, when Krista Vernoff reached out and said, "I have an idea." She texted me. I said, "Well, I'm in Shanghai, of all places. And I'd love to hear your idea. Give me a couple weeks to clear quarantine and I'll find you." And she says, "How would you feel about coming back? I don't know if you've seen what's going on, but Meredith is in this coma in a fever dream from covid. And she's seeing all her friends on a beach." And I said, "Well, that kind of makes sense. Yeah, sure, let's do it."
Was the pitch for both you and Chyler to return the same episode
What was it like reuniting with Chyler after all these years?
It feels like I never left. It was very comfortable and very easy, and it was so nice to see a lot of the same faces with the crew. It's a role that always fit for me, like one of those great old t-shirts. And it was just like putting the t-shirt back on and hanging out on a beach for a couple days, and catching up with some old friends.
Did you actually film with Chyler? She's a regular on a show that films in Vancouver, which would have meant she had to quarantine in the middle of Supergirl production to film this.
Chyler was in Vancouver. So we had to work some magic. Chyler could get here but then she couldn't get back to Canada. There was some green screen. There was a lot of me and Ellen. And Ellen an eye line.
Were you bummed that the logistics didn't work out for you and Chyler physically share a scene together again after so long?  
Yeah. I'm honestly bummed you even asked me that because I wanted to sell the myths of us actually being on screen together in person. But don't take it personally. It's OK, you're doing your job. But Ellen and I see each other every now and again, Justin [Chambers] and I see each other every now and again. I spent so much of my life with these guys. When you see them again, it's not a big, "Oh my God, what have you done?" It's like, nobody skips a beat. It's just, everything kind of fit. It fit then; it still fits.
What did you and Ellen talk about between takes?
We talked about kids, my 11-year-old just found Grey's Anatomy and she's asking me a lot of questions which are difficult to answer. We talked a lot about our kids finding this show, and how do we handle that. How do we police what they're able to watch? Are they of age? Is it appropriate? Some of it raises some questions that I'm not quite ready to answer yet. But I don't mind it because both my kids now want to be surgeons. And all their baby dolls they used to play with are now being cut open, and they're stitching up bananas. It's fun.
On-screen, the episode implies that Mark and Lexie wound up together in whatever this special beach is. Shonda Rhimes said back in back in season nine that killing off Mark was the only way for Mark and Lexie to really be together. In Lexie's last dying words, do you think Mark and Lexie were meant to be?
Absolutely. I mean, the line Meredith asks is, "So you guys are together." And I say, "I guess on your beach, we are." But I think Mark would have found Lexie no matter what. Whether it would have been on Meredith's beach or Lexie's beach, or anybody's beach, I think Mark would have found her.
Does this feel like you have closure with this character again? Did it feel like there was any lingering questions that you were really able to put a bow on this time?
I think it all came full circle. The one question I think that everybody was left with was, obviously Mark Sloan saying goodbye to Lexie and she said, "We're meant to be." And then Mark passes on, and we don't know what that meant. And now we know, Mark and Lexie are together in their parallel universe.
As an actor, do you feel like this is the closure that you maybe didn't quite get the first time?
Yeah. I always felt like there was closure. I've always trusted these writers and what they were doing as far as the overall story and the character's departures. They've always handled that really well. I guess the only people that weren't provided with closure was the audience. And I hope that this can do that for them.
Even though you didn't film in the same place, it really does feel that way.
Two-thousand miles of distance between us is not going to the chemistry that happens on screen between us. I know who I'm talking to, she knows who she's talking to. And that translates.
Mark spoke about always looking out for Callie (Sara Ramirez) and Arizona (Jessica Capshaw) and their daughter, Sofia. That felt like something special to be part of, too.
I can identify with that. I lost my father at a pretty early age and I always felt like he was looking out for me — still to this day, to a degree. So those words meant something to me, and I believe in them.
Ultimately, Mark and Lexie help Meredith fight to stay alive in her battle with covid. What does it mean to you to have been able to not only come back, but to do so in such a meaningful way?
It's a pretty poignant moment. I would think anybody speaking to anybody beyond the grave would probably provide the same advice. You get one lap in life, it's very important that you live every day to the fullest. You keep both feet in today, you stay present. And you're there for your loved ones.
Any regrets about not being able to reunite with Patrick Dempsey to bring McSteamy and McDreamy back together?
No. I love Patty. That wasn't the story. There were no regrets. I've never had regrets about anything on the show.
You said in a 2013 interview that you would have stayed on Grey's until the last episode but ultimately left because you couldn't pass up the role in The Last Ship. Looking back, any regrets about asking to leave?
No regrets. Look, Grey's Anatomy is a fantastic show and it provides a fantastic life. I'm an actor, I think it's very unnatural for any actor to play the same character for eight years. It's just counterintuitive to what I think I'm doing for a living and I think what my purpose is with my job. So, as much as I loved being there, and as much as I loved working with the people I was working with, playing Mark Sloan for 17 seasons just seemed like, I don't know, a little antithetical to what I'm supposed to be doing as an artist. And you get to a point where that's all anybody is going to see you as. And even with The Last Ship, I wasn't playing Mark Sloan, but I was playing a guy that certainly looked like Mark Sloan and had some of the same characteristics. And then I took a year off and said I need to mix things up here because I'm not finding any real joy in the work I'm doing. And then Euphoria came along and was very different and something I've never done. And it's going to challenge me and keep me engaged. And nobody is going to expect this out of me, so let's do it.
What's the status of season two?
Season two is going to be fantastic. I don't think principal photography has started yet, but I know we are prepping right now. I think mid-April we start shooting.
Is the plan still to get the show back on the air this year?
I believe so. We do take a long time filming it. And it's a gift to get that much time to shoot an hour of television. We take 30 days to shoot an episode sometimes, which is unheard of. When we were shooting Grey's in the early days, the 10-day episodes that we would get were unheard of. But 10 days and two units, people were like, wow, that's a luxury.
So to return to Grey's and get to spend a few days on the beach and not on set and in scrubs under the gun like the old days must have been a nice final memory of the show.
It was a great couple days on the beach with some old friends.
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fezdispenser · 3 years
&& 2.08 fez analysis more than meta but yeah
while i am not ready to o fully in depth into the meta of how losing ash is going to affect fez there is something i did want to point out; so i’ve seen people say it was ooc for ash to do what he did i don’t agree.  fez and ash are eachothers foil characters; fez is rationality, calm and logic; whereas ash is impulsivity, irrationality and chaos and that plays out in how both brothers handled the situation.
both fez and ash were doing what they thought best to protect each other. they are doing the same thing just on opposite ends of the spectrum. we’ve see ash’s impulsivity set in motion from episode one with mouse, and it’s a parallel to that in the finale, once again ash is doing what he thinks is best to keep them safe. ash, like fez was giving up his life for his brother; fez ready to take the fall for everything and let ash walk away from this life that he’s never wanted for his brother. and ash, knew what he was doing the second he got those guns, he knew he wasn’t going to survive this and one some level he made his peace with that when he locks fez out the bathroom. while ash is impulsive, he’s not stupid, he’s a smart kid, and fez is all  he has, so for him, it makes absolute sense to go out like that
i also want to talk about the parallels between fez & rue in episode 5, and fez and ash in the finale.
2.05 - ‘we not gon’ be doin’ this today’ fez says to rue moments before he’s picking her up and kicking her out of his house, shutting the door behind her to protect her the only way he knew how.
2.08 - ‘we not gon’ do this shit’ fez says to ash moments before ash it pushing is out of the bathroom and locking the door behind him to protect him the only way he knew how.
and how those scenes both lead to him losing his family; and sure, rue will come back into his life, that doesn’t take away from it.
I also want to touch on the panic attack at the sink when he's holding the knife and crying and how all the whole dream life is just before that fucks me up so bad bc he's realising in that moment that those will never be anything but a pipe dream because he knows any moment the police will break in and he’s going to hand himself over and that will be the end of any hope; and chance at getting out of this life.
i think it’s being set up to foreshadow fez’s arc for season 3 when it cut’s from the shot of him in the hallway watching ash die; and the parallel between how when rue watched her dad die that set up her trajectory to where she is now ‘this is the part where the character never recovers’ and i think we’re going to see this play out next season, fez is traumatized, he just watched his twelve-year-old brother die, that’s going to haunt him for the rest of his life, he’s going to blame himself for the rest of his life. he has so much blood on his hands; mouse, custer, ash -- the way he felt the life drain from custer, only moments later to watch the life drain from his brother's face when he couldn’t do anything to stop it. 
i don’t know how things will play out for fez, but i do know this; he won’t be the same soft boy we love today, things are going to get real dark for him because he has no one. and because of his trauma he will push lexi away, he will push rue away.
do not reblog
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy season 17×06 Review
(How the f**k they just gonna leave me on read like this till March 4th)
The episode was a rollercoaster but something tells me the real ride is going to happen from the next episode.
I knew Winston was gonna show up in person at some point or the other. When he dropped the long distance wasn't working line and put the phone down in her ear so he could get some 'eggs' I knew he was in Seattle, good for her she's going to need him to lean on seeing that Mer freaking crashed again. At least she'll have somebody there for her because all her other support is personally attached to Meredith as well.
Besides Winston turning up, treating Tom and her being understandably giddy at Mer being awake there was also a scene where she educated Amelia on some things now I won't get into the details again but I'm just in love with the fact that Grey's isn't afraid to touch on controversial topics, they use their large platform to raise awareness and their speeches are always on point.
(She needed the time off more than Bailey did tbh)
My God was it satisfying when Richard literally just tore into her. She put herself in the situation and is now taking her anger out on others which is really in poor taste. Poor Helm, I hope she didn't take it personally. At this point it's her time to annoy me, I miss the season 6 Teddy, hopefully she redeems herself soon. After being torn apart by Webber's words she then proceeds to make things worst by revealing yet another big secret to Owen at work. (At least this time it was on purpose.) She just needs to take some time away and think on what she really wants and needs to reflect before spontaneously starting potentially life changing conversations. First it was telling Tom they had a chance then it was telling Owen that she still loves him and the kids while also revealing that she named their daughter after not only her best friend but also the woman that she was very much in love with. Pick a struggle Teddy at this point she's seeming confused more than anything else.
For the past few seasons Owen was one of the characters getting on my nerves but lately he's been fine. He hasn't redeemed himself yet but his probation is going fine. Watching this show really shows how good of a person a doctor has to be in order to follow the ethical guidelines. If I had that scum bag for a patient I would have literally just pretended to fail at saving him and let the guy die, (guess that's why the Lord made me suck at Chemistry and Physics) his response to Bob about him being at the devils barbecue was badass, gave me serious season 5 Owen vibes or vibes like when he punched that guy out for disrupting the ER when he was chief, Major Hunt reporting for duty.
As for him and Teddy I can get why he was upset, her he was about to attempt to make amends at probably rekindling a friendship or maybe their relationship and she revels that your daughter is named after her lover, she could have atleast told him that when they were in the naming process, he deserved to know exactly who his child was being named after. I'm kinda a bitch but there was no way I'd feel comfortable having my child named after my partner's lover. On the other hand he should hear her out he has literally cheated twice and both times he sat and was able to share his side of the story and the woman he was with listened to his explanations. Teddy deserves as much, it might hurt but he did the same and Karma unfortunately is still a bitch.
(I just wanted to give her a hug the whole night.)
She has a really unhealthy habit of working through her grief, first her miscarriage and now through the death of her mom. I'm honestly sad that Ben had to be the one to comfort Tuck and tell him his grandmother had even died (she's always so busy, Ben is pratically the one raising him at this point.) And I'm also upset that I haven't gotten to see Ben being there for her either. I'm assuming it might be a protocol on the sets.
At least she took time off of the cases, I understand why she didn't want to go home as a doctor she has the highest risk of transporting the virus, but her mind understandably wasn't going to be in the doctoring game. I really thought they were gonna make her freeze up and accidentally kill a patient or something, but at least they didn't go down that line. And what even happened to her dad? did he take the Covid test? Wheres he staying now? Is he safe?
The conversations between her and Deluca were sweet, it's another unexpected friendship, before the only one she really disclosed any details of her life with was Richard but now they're opening her support group which is fine. I'm also glad that Deluca was able to look past the whole fiasco last season and hold no grudges. She has now fully redeemed herself completely, she's still my all time favorite character but from season 13 to probably mid season 16 she really had some storylines and scenes that irked me to watch and made me question some things, but now she's back on track at least to me.
Also I know that Richard is the chief of chiefs but how are they just gonna let him take back over the surgery unit like that again? I mean I did miss him as chief but now Bailey just basically seems like a regular old surgeon with a fancy office, idk it just seems kinda weird to me.
Not only carrying on the work and teachings of Mark Sloan but also using his boatload of cash to rescue a patient's mother from racist police who should have been the ones actually in prison. That was basically it for him though.
Oml I honestly almost forgot she was even really in the episode. She had so little screen time. She's still in the middle of transitioning to OB. I have no issue with that because OB's still can do surgery, so we'll still get to see her and she'll be happy again plus it's about time that Grey's cashes in that Regulars card on Carina. We see her on Station 19 as an accessory I want to see the Jo and Carina tag team.
Not really much in this episode. No content with Link she just did surgery to save the scum with Owen. They may have made a mediocre couple but they work good as friends. Also I'm assuming she's off of maternity leave now? Did they mention that I'm not sure but she's back now.
Not much of a storyline, he made the decision to put Meredith on the Vent and is busy running the hospital as the chief of the hospital again I guess. And also spitting the much needed facts that Teddy needed to hear.
They're finally showing more of Tom's good side, I mean I always liked him and saw the potential in his character but they never really showed his soft side for a prolonged period like they did today. May I just say I enjoyed his and Meredith's friendly banter they have the same lowkey dark humor and at least it would have taken their minds off of being sick especially for him because he basically has no one else. Hearing him open up about his son and expressing how he'd do anything to hear him say dad again was sad I can only imagine his pain. Meredith was his reason for holding on especially after he had to witness his roommate die from Covid, the same thing he's suffering from right before his eyes and now Mer back unconscious this time with a tube down her throat I'm just really hoping that he keeps the faith, the last thing we need is a death right now.
(God damn it Mer all you had to do was stay awake.)
For a few brief moments all was right with the world Meredith was awake and everyone was happy and then she just had to go be Wonder Woman and over exert herself, but that's the thing they would have probably needed armed guards at the doors to keep her from putting someone else's life above her own, its one of her best qualities and at times one of her worst. I knew it was too good to be true when she was awake and laughing. It was giving me Mark Sloan final episode vibes. They better not kill her off that would be the worst ending for me, what about the kids? Step off the damn beach Mer you've gone through too much to let Covid take you out. On the other hand this gives us more beach scenes. It's more unlikely to have a live character return but there's still lots of dead ones to choose from, her mother is always a likely suspect, Denny loved being on the show and I think Breaking bad had its final season, Mark is a toss up based on how he cut ties with the show and Lexie is also a toss up because she is filming Supergirl in another country, however anything is possible with Grey's. I thought the beach scenes were over because she was waking up but look how wrong I was. All I hope is that they don't kill her off its unlikely because she's the main character but still its Grey's they like to go out with a bang.
I left him for last because to me he really did have the biggest storyline of the night.
Firstly I'm glad to see that at least part of the earliers season's Deluca has returned. I loved him as the passionate, badass and almost cocky guy as well but I always missed his more compassionate and softer side more. I'm glad to see it back and I'm also glad to see that he's taking his meds and resting, and I can confirm that having support is a needed factor in treating mental health. As strange as it was seeing the Bailey and Deluca chat it's good that they both have each other. They both suffer from mental illnesses and can relate to each other on a different level. They have me wondering now if they're going to use his mental health issues as a way to separate him and Mer, or use it as the reason why he pursued her, kinda like how they tried to blame Amelia's tumor for her bad decisions and then used it to break her and Owen up. I guess we'll just have to see where Merluca will go from here or if it will manifest Merhaynes instead.
Now onto the big stuff, the whole sex trafficking thing the whole episode I was literally yelling at the tv for either Deluca, Bailey or Carina to see that bitch, the moment it was connected that the kidnapper was involved in trafficking and she showed up I knew shit was about to go down. My heart was racing when I saw her with Schmitt. I really thought she was going to attack him with how sus she was being, luckily she had to go to avoid further suspicion. They need to put security on those girls' door. They've been through enough. If she goes to finish off Bob then no one cares but the girls don't deserve to go through anything else and Deluca after seeing her decided to go after him himself instead of calling the police, granted the police wasn't doing anything helpful but the last thing we need is for him to go after her himself like Superman and trying to save the day. At least Carina went with him so she can help talk him down if necessary but there's only so much she can do.
There are too many damn superheroes in that hospital.
My questions are:
• Will both Tom and Meredith make it out of the Covid sickness or will one or even both of them die?
• Will Teddy finally make her mind up so that the Teddy, Tom and Owen love triangle can finally have an ending?
• Who the hell is coming to the beach next? And can they tell Meredith to get her ass off of the beach and never return until she's like 80?
• Will Superman, I mean Deluca save the day without needing medical attention afterwards? Or worst yet needing a casket?
• Is Jo actually switching specialties?
• Are they going to go after the girls or kill Bob instead?
• How is it going to go with Maggie and Winston now that he has arrived in person?
• And lastly and most importantly what am I supposed to do with my Thursday nights until March 4th.
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walkwithheroes84 · 4 years
Saved By the Bell (2020) Thoughts
 When the original Saved by the Bell ended in 1992, I was still in elementary school and certainly hadn’t watched it’s first run. But over the years - via repeats - it has become something of a comfort show for me, that I turn to when I’m feeling down or just need something cheesy to chill out to. So, hen I heard about a reboot on the Peacock network, I was unsure. 
Now, having finished the ten episode season in just two days, I’m really hoping people give this show a chance. It knows what it is and what it is the child of and it lovingly pokes fun at and embraces it. All while actually showing real issues that people are facing today.
Here are my real-time after thoughts on each episode. Warning for spoilers. 
1.01: Pilot
Zack becoming Governor to get out of a parking ticket and then having no idea what to do is a very Saved by the Bell plot line. But, I love that he's not getting away with doing a bad job and the people of California actually seem to be upset with him. Also random, but - I wonder if Kelly is a doctor and why she hasn't kicked Zack to the curb if he's become such a skeevy person? I guess it is true love.
Jessie and Slater and still adorable, even as platonic friends. However, it's sad that she's kept her son so dependent on her and that it appears that Slater peeked in high school.
Lexi and Mac would be completely unlikeable if played by anyone other than Josie Totah and Mitchell Hoog. Right now, they are just unlikeable, but could grow as the series goes on.
Devante and Aisha are good and I look forward to their characters being explored more.
Daisy is fine, but I don't think she's a strong enough character to be the "lead". Many reviews have called her the "lead" and the "character viewers follow the most" and I'm not sure the character is strong enough for that. Haskiri Velazquez is capable in her role and is doing fine, but the character is a bit bland at the moment.
Principal Toddman: finally a principal that is trying to make a difference and isn't bumbling around and letting the students get away with anything.
The "running for school president" story felt straight out of the old series, with Lexi and Mac doing it for a parking space. But, I liked that in the end (it was 2 days show time and just 30-something minutes our time) they only let Daisy have the job because they didn't want to give up their spring break - not because they learned any sort of real lesson.
From previews I was a little worried that they might try and go with a Mac/Daisy pairing, and I really glad that it doesn't look that way. Yes, it feels like they might pair them down the road (if the show gets a season 2 and beyond), but for now Daisy seems more annoyed with him and Mac seems indifferent to her. It looks like the show might go with Jamie/Aisha, which could work.
1.02: Clubs and Cliques 
The theater clique is basically so cliché that its amusing. I love that they were all desperate to get Devante involved and keep him in the group chat, but he was just so disinterested. Lexi's line that she would fall for him if he kept ignoring her? Ha.
Jamie's inability to basically function as a normal fifteen/sixteen year old is alarming. The fact that he couldn't tell he is bad at football and that he makes raw food? Like, Jessie, who did you raise? That said, the football team having a "Feelings Helmet" was just amusing to me. The Bayside students are just so over the top insane.
There is a large part of me that wonders what the heck happened in the raising of Mac. Kelly had six siblings. She was raised in a working class family. I can't see her raising her son to be this entitled brat who apparently calls her stupid. And, I honestly can't see Zack allowing his son to end up an idiot who just floats through life.
But, I guess that's the point of the series: the Bayside students are all clichés and over the top archetypes of rich kids. None of them are really all that likeable and I find myself rooting for Devante, Daisy, and Aisha while wanting Mac, Lexi, and Jamie to grow up.
1.03: The Bayside Triangle
Knowing that Jamie and Lexi have been friends since they were little kids and she now has a crush on him and doesn't know how to handle it? Very relatable and makes me like her a bit more. She's right - for a lot of reasons, it can be weird to have an old friend like you.
Aisha trying so hard to fit in with the Bayside students is a bit sad, actually. It feels like she's giving up a part of herself to be who they think she should be.
Mac and Jamie's fight felt like it was straight out of the original series.
It's sad to know that Zack and Slater are no longer friends. I wonder why.
Devante is totally my favorite at this point. He just wants a fresh start and it's sad that Aisha and Daisy suspected him of wrongdoing because of his past.
Again, the fact that the students do all this weird stuff and no one at the school seems to notice or care . . .I feel that is purely making fun of the original show, but I love it.
1.04: The Fabulous Birchwood Boys
Lexi and Devante need to become best friends and stay best friends forever. Let's keep it platonic and fabulous. Also, his friends from his neighbor? I need to see more of those boys.
Jamie and Mac Freshmen year? Dorky as all get out. Lexi's fear that no one would like her. So heartbreakingly real.
Daisy having access to money for one day and becoming an entitled monster...that also felt very real. And, I'm really glad that she didn't take the easy way out and said she was sorry to the other members.
Since Mac never even asked Post Malone and since he got the other kids back - I'm starting to think the kid has more depth and empathy than I originally gave him credit for. That or Daisy is rubbing off on him. If they did Daisy/Mac down the road, I think it could work.
I felt so sorry when Lexi realized that Jamie had asked Aisha. I think they are headed for a Lexi/Jamie/Aisha love triangle, and I have to say that while I see Lexi/Jamie (because of her crush), I don't see Jamie/Aisha just yet.
Finally, Slater obsessing over the gym floors? He really did become a stereotype of a gym coach.
1.05: Rent-A-Mom
Jessie still having anxiety about caffeine and knocking what she thought was caffeine pills away from Mac was great.
Speaking of which - poor Jessie and her marriage. :( How did she end up with such a wishy-washy husband?
Slater and Aisha bonding while trying to making the team tougher was great. I cannot believe Jamie gives heartfelt speeches before games. What the hell, man? They really are pushing Jamie as the "sensitive man-child".
Jamie also mentioned that he was starting to like Aisha, but I still don't really see it. Am I alone in this? A start of a friendship, sure. But, a romance within the next few episodes - that would move too fast. Then again, it is a "teen show" and romance on those tend to move quickly.
Lexi and Mac trying to help Daisy was kind-of sweet in a weird sort of way. I like the looks into the home lives of the gang. It gives us a better understand of who they are as people.
1.06: Teen-Line
DeVante clearly facing racism and even classism at Bayside was really well done. I love that Lexi was ready to help him, because he has become such a great friend to her. Those two have really bonded and I love it.
Mac becoming a payphone, but not realizing it kind of made me smile. But what was even better was the way the school completely went into chaos after the students lost their phones. It couldn't have been more than three hours and the school already looked like a deleted scene from a post-apocalyptic film. Oh, and Mac using the rope to get in and out of the room, while the rest of the group used the door. . .loved it.
Aisha and Jamie. . .I feel like she's with him because he's attractive and sweet. There doesn't seem to be any real depth to their relationship. Though to be fair, there isn't much depth to Jamie's character - he's a satellite love interest to Aisha and Lexi.
1.07: House Party
Lexi finally seeing that she is a good (or at least better) person? I like that she is growing. Out of all the characters, I think she has gotten the most character growth (out of the kids) this season.
So. . .Mac does all his schemes because he's scared of being abandoned by the people he cares about and feels neglected by his parents? It's cliché, but. . .okay.
I'm still not really feeling Aisha/Jamie, but I'm not hating it. The relationship lacks depth, so I'm not terribly invested. But, I'm sure if I went back and watched any of the TNBC shows (without my nostalgic glasses on) those romances won't have much depth either.
Daisy trying to go wild, but instead having to be locked in a closet and making out with a coat? Eh, I get that they were poking fun at the darker and "edgy" teen soaps, but, eh.
Slater really grew during the episode and realized that it's time to leave high school behind and start acting like a real adult, and I'm proud of him.
1.08: The Todd Capsule 
Lark looked amazing. I'm so happy that she is doing so well these days.
So now we know where Screech is: on the Space Station with Kevin the Robot.
I was actually sad to learn that Kelly didn't follow her dream of becoming an actual doctor and is instead selling a fake wellness brand or some nonsense. Though, I will admit the Zack/Kelly scenes had me giggling a bit. They have become so shallow and weird, but I'm living for it. And when Zack said she was the only woman he's ever been with? That was a great jab, at least to me, at the way teen shows always do the "one true pairing" thing.
So glad Jessie now knows that Slater still has feelings for her. Can't believe her husband is having an emotional affair with one of his characters. This show can be so ridiculous.
The time capsule was a great addition to the episode, especially as they remembered all the plots that didn't make sense or were just weird: Jessie's caffeine addiction, putting on a ballet so Zack could graduate, saving a hotel in Hawaii.
How dare the gang (expect Lisa, who is a Queen) not remember Ron-Ron!
I hate - hate - that the PTA basically went behind everyone's back and is going to use the money to send the Douglas children back to their school. Yes, they can use the money to buy new things, but they will still have issues in that school. It's pure racism and classism.
Devante having a crush on Nadia (I think that's her name?) is super cute.
Loved Lexi and Daisy bonding and Lexi seeing that sometimes guilting people into things works just as well as being fake-nice. Though, you think she would have learned that by now.
So, Mac has always struck me as a character that is straight out of a 90s teen sitcom, and he still acts that way. But, I love that the show is trying to show some depth to him: he's acting out for attention from his dad. He has modeled his whole personality after his dad's high school personality in order to get attention. It's a storyline that has been done a million times (and will be done a million more times), but it fits his character.
1.09: All in the Hall
The Douglas principal saying that every few years people try and come in to "save" the school ,but than get bored and leave, because they've already gotten what they want - to feel good about themselves? Yeah, I felt that. It was so true to life, the way people rush into some new cause and than abandon it once they have gotten praise or its no longer trendy.
So happy to see Principal Toddman standing up Jade and sticking up for his students. He and Devante should have more scenes together. I like how they play off one another. I really just love Devante - he's probably my favorite.
Aisha finding a way to stay at the school via sports was very smart, but I can also see how Daisy would see it as selfish. Aisha does have a way of thinking about herself first and than others after. I think that has to do with her ultracompetitive nature - she wants to win, even if it mean leaving others behind.
Jamie got a bit more depth in this episode - finally. It was sweet that he wanted Aisha to stay, despite only having dated her for six weeks or so. He went about it completely wrong, but it was sweet. It's good that he sees that he's more emotionally intelligent than anything else.
The Aisha/Jamie stuff - eh. I never felt it to begin with, so it was no big. I'm glad that they sort of acknowledged that while he loves her, she just likes him and it was a relationship built more on physical attraction and sweet moments than anything else. I mean, they are fifteen.
Mac and Lexi feeling empathy and trying to help Daisy was nice. It's clear that they have both grown to care about Daisy (and Devante and to a lesser degree Aisha). I also enjoyed the small tease of Mac/Lexi with them both agreeing that they would totally hook up, because they are both so hot. Who doesn't love two shallow people admitting they are shallow? Though, I still think the writers are slowly - maybe - setting up something with Mac/Daisy. Maybe. Possibly.
I laughed out loud when Daisy ran into Jean (or is it Dave?) at city hall and he just kept denying that they had met before, but they clearly had.
Daisy's breakdown and her nearly doing drugs and the group hug - complete with Jamie discussing some random talent show we never saw (a jab at the original show airing episodes out of order?) - was just so classic teen sitcom. I loved that they pulled back from that by showing Mac reaching for the joint during the group hug.
1.10: Showdown
Overall the season was much better then I thought it would be and I'm really hoping that they are able to work in a season 2. I don't know if they could do several seasons, but I think they could probably do 2-3 more seasons of 8-10 episodes each. They still have a lot to focus on: relationships, class differences, the fall of the Morris family, Jessie's marriage breaking down and how that plays out with Jamie and even Slater, etc.
I really liked the two throw away lines of: Zack asking "Remember Tori?" and Kelly responding with a confused: "Huh?" and then Kelly quickly telling Mac that his father is not Jeff.
I wouldn't say Zack learned a valuable lesson, so much as he realized that he only wanted to stay Governor because he didn't want to be a loser. Which I guess is a lesson in a way, but he's still a bit of a slime ball.
I'm so glad that Slater told Jessie he was sorry for teasing her in high school because she protested and that he's happy today's teenagers are more willing to speak out about their beliefs. And, I'm even happier that Jessie stood up to her stupid and selfish husband.
Aisha and Daisy ganging up on Devante and than realizing that the clicks at school need a common enemy was great. What was better was Lexi, who has had the most character grown this season, willingly becoming the scapegoat.
Mac still needs to work on his daddy issues, but he's getting there. Hopefully he and his parents can really bond during quarantine.
Jamie telling Lexi that the only reason he wasn't sure if he wanted to date her was because she's been mean in the past was very sweet. Do I think the show is headed for Lexi/Jamie? Yes. Do I think it will last? No.
I still have a feeling that, at some point, they will do a Mac/Daisy pairing. Or at the very least have Mac develop a crush on Daisy, which will be interesting to see.
Other thoughts: I love that the show was able to poke fun at the clichés, corniness, and weirdness of all the late 80s-early 00s teen sitcoms/dramas that people my age grew up on; while at the same time exploring current day issues, without getting too preachy or pushy. They used pop culture well, without it feeling overly done. Someone else has mentioned in several threads that the show reminds them of the show Community, and I have to agree - it really does have an "early" Community vibe to it. I know a lot of shows are being cancelled or not renewed due to Covid, but I really do hope they give this one a second season. I really want to see where they go next.  
Cast List:
Main Haskiri Velazquez as Daisy Jiménez Mitchell Hoog as Mac Morris Josie Totah as Lexi Haddad-DeFabrizio Alycia Pascual-Peña as Aisha Garcia Belmont Cameli as Jamie Spano Dexter Darden as Devante Young John Michael Higgins as Principal Ronald Toddman Elizabeth Berkley Lauren as Jessie Spano Mario Lopez as A.C. Slater
Recurring Mark-Paul Gosselaar as Zack Morris Tiffani Thiessen as Kelly Morris Ed Alonzo as Max Cheyenne Jackson as René
Guest Lark Voorhies as Lisa Turtle
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zozophoenixxx · 4 years
Friendly reminders about The Flash⚡️
Things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Season 4✨
Even though this was honestly one of my least favorite seasons it was pretty interesting to watch and it had some pretty cool, badass and hilarious scenes lmao
Ok but the intro on the first episode was kinda cool
Cisco, wally and Joe working together... we stan 🙌🏼
Also the new star labs tables and tech make it look pretty cool
Samuroid, Kilg%re, Hazard, Amunet Black, T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r, Black Bison, The Thinker, Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ, 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ, Prank and Trickster Jr., Dwarfstar, m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾, Null, The folded man
Ramsey Deacon aka Kilg%re
Rebecca Sharpe (Becky) aka Hazard
Ralph Dibny aka the elongated man
T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r
Mina Chaytan aka Black Bison
Dominic Lance aka Bᵣₐᵢₙₛₜₒᵣₘ
Neil Borman aka 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ
Sylbert Rundine aka Dwarfstar
Izzy Bowen
Matthew Kim aka m̾e̾l̾t̾i̾n̾g̾ ̾p̾o̾i̾n̾t̾
Janet Petty aka Null
Edwin Gauss aka the folded man
Wally can speak Japanese😂
Joe being able to forgive Caitlin after what she did is amazing I love them 🥺
West-Allen kiss count (approximately): 46 😘
Cisco being upset because he was at the "doghouse" in ep2 is hilarious
"Rule number 1, when a girl say it's fine, it's not fine" i- I'd be happy with Cisco as my boyfriend
Gypsy's gorgeous bro 🤩
Ok i'm sorry but that "we are the flash" bothers me
Not Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin playing laser tag... AGAINST KIDS😂💀 And Cisco really went "you have failed this city" I love them (ep3)
Jesse just broke up with Wally... With a…
Breakup cube i-
Joe being lost or done with everything going on around him is hilarious, and he also looked so sad when Cecile asked him to sell the house
Iris and Barry really would've gotten married out of the blue if it hadn't been for Kevin (the lil boy in ep3) LMAOOO
This boy really used cinnamon incense on purpose when the father was allergic to it and just went :) ┐(´ー`)┌
"no need to shame the little boy" I-
We love Barry defending little kids 🥺
I liked Cisco's shirt in this episode
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense
Not Wally leaving 🥺😩
BAHHAHHSXHAHSGHASGAH Joe's reaction when Cecile told him she was pregnant
OMG just realized that in the beginning of ep4 when Cisco and Gypsy are making out on Cisco's bed that… BRO I-
After Cisco asked Gypsy what her real name was she went to the bathroom and he stayed in bed but went to look for something in the little night table… that something was probably a condom… Y'ALL WHAT BAHBSAHBSHAS
Ralph Dibny used to be a dirty cop, I had Completely forgotten about this man
I just noticed that every time that Barry goes into a new room he looks around and i guess he tries to grasp as much information of it as possible and it's kinda cute
I like how Breacher always has a serious face but when Gypsy talks to him he smiles 🥺
Also Breacher being Danny Trejo (Machete) from Spy Kids
"Good people don't destroy lives and call it noble"
Gypsy's real name is Cynthia and Breacher's Josh
Girl Night's out was an awesome episode, I mean we got to see the girls working together, Felicity, Drunk Barry and Cecile going #feminism it's just great
Amunet was kinda funny lmao Annoying but funny lol
BAHSHAHHA that scene when they get mugged by the guy that try to mugged Barry in s1 is hilariousss (ep6)
Ok but Black Bison (Mina) was right like why are things that belong to people that are still here in a museum?
Uff istg I hate Marlize sm like she's so manipulative and she just slapped Barry like bro u know ur guilty he's just doing his job ugh, I know she becomes good at the end but still 😤🙄
Harry and Caitlin 🥺
I love how Cisco's powers improved throughout the seasons. Like at the beginning he needed his goggles to vibe and now he just did it without them.
Bro even tho Amunet is evil she really just encouraged Caitlin and let her know that she is amazing for her, not only for killer frost.
I like Iris and Caitlin's friendship
The fact that she decided to go after Caitlin, instead of Barry shows how good of a leader she is
"those white girl dreads came straight from the 90s" BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco
Bro no wth I only saw Dominic for one episode and I already loved him 🥺
UGHHHH He didn't do anything this is not fair it makes me so upset like it was so infuriating to see him go through trial for something he didn't do🥺
Ig that's what he felt like when his dad-
Caitlin holding Iris's hand during trial 🥺
Ralph really protected Joe and prevented him from basically destroying his life by planting fake evidence on Marlize's shoes
Ok but I love 千卂ㄥㄥㄖㄩㄒ's episode because I think it's like the first time that we get to see Killer Frost fighting alongside them 🥺
They really helped Caitlin turn into Killer Frost with... puppies 🥺😂❤️
Bro the amount of people that are in jail for crimes they didn't commit makes me so upset
And the fact that he got the same cell as his dad 🤌🏼😩
"I'm the fastest mop alive" I love how even when he's in prison he's still finds a way to smile or make Iris smile i-
Zoey Clark was James Jesse's girlfriend and Axel Walker's mother.
Ralph's first superhero name was stretchy man
Lexi La Roche was Caitlin's childhood bully
Omg just saw Nora for the first time in s4 ehhh actually probably not the first time since I think she appeared in the crossover but I skipped that episode so oh well 😂
She's so awkward- her Barry is showing lmaoooo
OMG I love this, Cecile just found out she can read minds lmaooo
Big Sir's real name is Dave and i-🥺
BARRY'S A CHEATER ABSHAHAHH he cheated on poker lmaooo
Cecile would definitely be me if I had powers
Harry's actually pretty insecure
Mini Ralph and Mini Cisco are hilarious
I will forever love Big Sir like 🥺
The fact that he did get his happy ending 🥺☺️❤️
Bro I felt so bad when the bus metas were almost free and Devoe took them 🥺
I'm ngl I'd love to get a pep talk from killer frost
OMG THATS WHY HE NEEDED T•h•e W•e•e•p•e•r i never really understood why he needed him but it was to keep Marlize in love
BAHSHAHHA I love Cisco "Ralph I love you but you sleep on a futon" (a damp futon)
Ok but I love Izzy Bowen's energy, she reminds me of Laurel sm
I love how Harry calls Cecile- DA Cecile Horton
The Flash s4:E14 "Subject 9" minute 12:14 - Cisco yelling "Iris" with the voice Crack is the most hilarious thing I've seen today lmaoo
Just realized that the first time we saw Izzy Bowen she was singing Somethin' Bad which was probably foreshadowing what was going to happen with her character
Bro izzy🥺
Iris being a speedster is kinda cool and I like that her lightning is purple :)💜⚡️
Cisco just saved Iris 🥺
Poor Cisco, Harry just destroyed his little airplane thingie he was working on because he was looking for his thinking cap that Joe had because Harry was getting addicted to it
And Joe noticed because Harry had the same symptoms as Francine did 🥺
Bro that scene in ep18 where Marlize and Iris are fighting is pretty badass, especially when Iris basically stabs herself to get rid of Marlize or when Joe makes it into the Cortex with the Samuroid's head in a pole lmaooo😂
Ralph and Killer Frost 🥺
I love Snart from Earth-X
Bro no I love Cisco and Gypsy I cried when they broke up 🥺
Amunet's real name is Leslie Jocoy
Diggle throwing up after running with Barry every single time is hilarious😂
I love it when Cecile inhabits other people's minds right when she's about to give birth BAHSHAHHA SHE REALLY IMPERSONATED JOE PERFECTLY
Joe and Cecile baby's name is Jenna Marie West🥺☺️
This house is bitchin' BAHAHAHA I hated this cliffhanger like I loved it bc it wasn't that bad but it was yk?😂
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brightershadows · 4 years
Euphorically Honest-- Euphoria, Teenagers, and the Realities in Hardship
Euphoria is brutally honest about the hardships of life. Focusing on the stories of a group of teenagers in modern-day California, it navigates through issues of drug addiction, sexuality, masculinity and femininity, violence, and depression. It can be tragic and liberating. But it is honest. Created by Sam Levinson, a screenwriter for Assassination Nation and The Wizard of Lies,  the story reflects on his own experience with drug addiction as a teenager, as well as having a loose basis in an Israeli show of the same name (Stack, 2019). The story follows a group of young people of varying genders, ethnicities, classes, and sexualities, including the drug-addicted narrator Rue, new-to-the-suburbs Jules, Cassie, beautiful but easily manipulated, her kind and easy-going sister Lexi, Kat, who embraces her body type as she gains confidence through sex, Nate, a manipulative and dominating male with control issues, and his girlfriend, Maddy, who battles her self-identity and her reliance on Nate (Levinson, 2019). Euphoria can be seen as overly graphic, or critiqued as too sexual, but its mature nature allows it to unearth the ugly truths about life, living, and loving, and the beauty behind the hardships too. 
In “Stuntin Like My Daddy,” Nate discovers his father’s sex tape collection at a very young age, videos of his father having sex with several people. This is where Nate’s disdain male sexual anatomy stems from. Nate quickly becomes infatuated with Maddy. Whether disturbing or romantic, he fantasizes about hurting or killing the person who dares harms her. A series of flashbacks from Rue’s summer shows her consuming various drugs and getting high, fighting with her mom, waking up in the hospital, and singing in the car with her mom and sister, highlighting what she has gone through as well as her relationship with her family. On several occasions, Rue relapses. Reluctantly and unable to say no, she takes a dose of fentanyl. Unaware of the consequences, Jules is called to take care of Rue. Their friendship further develops. Kat learns that an explicit video of her has been posted to a porn website. When the video’s view count continues to grow, Kat is intrigued and signs for a web cam streaming account. Obsessed with Maddy, Nate begins stalking Tyler, Maddy’s most recent hookup. Maddy, still wanting to get back together with Nate, tells him that she was blacked out and did not mean to do what she did. This causes Nate to believe that Tyler had raped Maddy. Furious, Nate breaks into Tyler’s apartment and beats him half to death. At the end of the episode, we learn that the guy Jules has been texting is named Tyler but it actually turns out to be Nate.
Nate Jacobs is the typical football jock, yet he exhibits anger, aggression, and sociopathic behavior. Rue Bennett struggles with her own psyche as she suffers from ADHD, bipolar, general anxiety, BPD (borderline personality disorder), and drug addiction. Jules Vaughan is unapologetically herself, although she seems to seek attention, approval, and sexual relationships from men who are undeserving of her. Maddy Perez is the popular cheerleader who knows she is attractive and she goes after what she wants. She stands up to everybody else except Nate. Kat Hernandez may seem like a side character, the fat best friend, at first, but she finds her confidence grows as an individual. Fez/Fezco is Rue’s main drug dealer. Although he supplies her, he also cares for Rue and does want her to get mixed up with a worst crowd.
Although there are people of color in the show, there could always be more representation of race. Rue and her sister, Gia, are mixed, with a Black mom and a white dad. Maddy is Latina as both of her parents are Latino. Kat Hernandez is also of Latin descent but we do not see much of her parents or family. Every other (main) character in this episode is white, this includes Nate, Jules, and Tyler. This show, and episode, is not particularly making any waves or strides with their representation of race. And with the representation of race that they do have, there is no portrayal of racial identity, culture, or heritage. Jules definitely stands out as she is a transgender woman. She is currently taking hormones and her father and closest friends accept her for who she is. Jules goes on to have sexual encounters with older men as well budding romances with boys her age. Nate is a stark contrast to Jules, with him being set in his heteronormative, gender binary ways. Most, if not all of the characters identify with the gender that they present. The males, Nate and Fez identity as male. The females, Rue, Kat, Jules, and Maddy identify as female. The main characters mainly fall into one of the two binary genders. All of the romantic or sexual relationship aspects in episode 2 revolve around a male and a female, such as Nate and Maddy, or Maddy and Tyler, or even Jules and her mysterious texter (a man). To my knowledge, there is no presence of a non-binary or agender character. Jules, a transgender woman, challenges Nate’s notion of the strict gender binary system.
Euphoria definitely relies on stereotypes because the writers of this show intend on having the characters break said stereotypes. Kat is initially insecure and self-conscious. After she has sex for the first time and the video of the act gets leaked, she redefines herself. Her sexuality blossoms throughout this show as she also begins to have casual sex which normalizing women having and enjoying sex. Kat becomes comfortable with herself by wearing clothes that are considered more edgy, outfits that she would have never worn before. Kat’s character breaks the sexuality stereotype because the media hardly ever sees a plus-sized woman be expressed in a sexually positive light, even though it may not have started out that way. Nate’s character is embodiment of the toxic, cis-gendered white masculinity. He describes the perfect girl as dressing more feminine, acting like a “proper lady,” and overall more “girly” as opposed to “tomboy.” Because he is so uncomfortable with the male sexual anatomy, and even disturbed by how comfortable others are, he may have some issues regarding internal homophobia. Nate does not really defy this stereotype, his character is the epitome of this stereotype. Maddy, a cisgender, heterosexual female, understands the delicate nature of the gender constructed society. She has prioritized Nate and his needs sexually by watching porn in order to mimic what the porn actress does so that she can please Nate. Her sexuality is rarely mentioned, it only rises in conjunction with other boys. Jules’ character as a transgender person challenges the conventional gender roles and constructs. Jules is very comfortable with herself and her sexuality and is proud of who she is.The concept of a non-binary gender system perplexes many people. With the current administration, transgender rights are not protected. In fact, transgender people are continued to be discriminated against. The Trump administration has played a major role in “withdrawing regulatory protections for transgender children in schools, fought recognition of transgender people under federal employment laws, banned transgender people from serving in the military, rolled back protections for transgender people in prisons, and threatened to cut off funding to schools that let transgender girls participate in sports” (Thoreson). Although Jules is able to be who she want to be and live the life that she wants, this may not be the case for many transgender people in the real world outside of the show.
Today people are often quick to criminalize or shun drug users and addicts. They are quick to judge and want the most severe punishment to be given. But medical professionals know that addiction is a very serious disease, one that requires “treatment, compassion, and support” (Siegel). Euphoria attempts to destigmatize and humanize addiction. The legal system should not be punishing people who have abused drugs by putting them into a jail cell where they are isolated from society, instead these people need real help through rehab and various treatments. Due to the fact that Rue had several relapses once she completed her rehab program, one may say that these programs do not work; however there is no singular timeline to get better. It may take weeks, months, or years, and the journey is difficult. But society cannot give up. Social and political reforms concerning drug use/abuse and addiction is very much needed. 
In ' Made You Look,' Nate meets Jules on a gay dating app disguised as Shyguy118. Although Nate doesn't identify as gay, Jules reveals being transexual and quickly falls in love with Shyguy118, oblivious to his true identity as a classmate at the same school. Maddy becomes skeptical of Nate and searches through his phone and, in shock, learns of Nate's involvement with a gay dating app and nude sending with Jules. Jules's heightened obsession over the mysterious Shyguy118 leads Jules to agree to meet Nate for the first time in person near a lake at night. While all of this unfolds, Rue, who is Jules's supportive best friend, at first, entertains Jules's fantasies by helping Jules send pornographic images to Nate. However, tension arises when Rue exposes her worries for her best friend and undeniable attraction for her as more than just friends. Unfortunately, Jules did not reciprocate the kiss they shared. This sent Rue spiraling into a frenzy and falling back into the addictive habit of taking pills and getting high, undoing Rue's 60-day clean streak. Embarrassed, Rue runs straight back to Fezco, her drug dealer, in hopes to illegally obtain more drugs to numb the humiliation she felt. Fortunately, Fezco doesn't give in to Rue and shuts the door on her, leaving Rue to look toward Ali, an omniscient man she met at a therapy gathering for drug users to seek guidance.
Kat, a Tumblr fanfiction queen, masks herself while exploring her curiosity for explicit content and webcam streaming. She exposes herself to lingerie and twerking on her account; she agrees to perform a private camera meet with a man who falls in love with Kat's powerful and sexual dominatrix persona. Originally insecure with her weight, Kat eventually learns to embrace her curves and dives into a new and unusual world of femdom. This episode also introduces Cassie. She displays as a bold, open-minded party girl that isn't phased by frat party endeavors. McKay, Cassie's crush, invites her to his frat-hazing event, and they both fall deeply in love with each other, foreshadowing potential problems to come from concupiscence for one another.
This episode involves various races but is primarily white-dominant. Cassie is blonde and white, represented as audacious and open-minded. Maddy is a cis-gender Latina and, in this episode, victimized by Nate, a white playboy who cheats on Maddy. Rue and her sister are a mix from a black mom and a white dad. Despite various races represented, this episode minimally illustrates heritage background and racial and cultural distinctiveness. There are very minimal cultural representations and race diversity besides the racially represented individuals such as Rue, Maddy, Kat, Ali, and Fezco. Although the film is predominantly white race influenced, there is still a general race narration awareness displayed in the show.  
Sexuality representation is a flourishing topic within each episode in Euphoria. Arguably one of the most influential characters in this episode, Rue, a lesbian half black teenager, finds herself falling in love with her openly transgender best friend. This tricky love triangle is demonstrated between Rue caring for Jules while she cares for Nate. Jules is head over heels for her classmate, Nate, who hasn't announced is gay but is chatting with Jules on a gay dating site. Moreover, Nate's girlfriend in this episode, Maddy, is only now beginning to question if Nate is straight like he demands he is.This episode centers around redirecting the audience's view of how a character's sexuality is initially perceived to how each character's sexuality is either nonchanging or questioned and altered due to more self-awareness. For example, Jules, from the beginning, identified as transgender and unchanging while Rue begins to question her sexuality and feelings for her friend after kissing her. Male, female, and non-binary characters speak and act quite differently in Euphoria. Male actors such as Nate, Ali, and Fezco are very much dominant and slightly manipulative in this episode. Nate is a controlling and manipulative character fueled by curiosity and confusion. Ali is a mysterious, omniscient figure who sees past Rue's addiction. Lastly, Fezco shuts Rue out when she almost dies from the drugs he gave her. The females include Maddy, Rue, Jules, Kat, and Cassie. Non-binary characters were not present in this episode; however, Nate being on a gay dating site and taking an interest in Jules knowing her being transgender urges the question of what Nate's sexuality may be. 
Cassie, in this episode, played an essential role in breaking gender profiling stereotypes. When Cassie was at the weekend frat-hazing party with McKay, she stood up to the guys at the party and took a shot of water with a live goldfish in it without hesitation, while McKay was hesitant and wanted to reject the challenge. Cassie taking that shot was significant because she didn't abide by her gender role limitations. Instead, she proved that she could equally compete alongside the frat boys at the party.
Illegal drug use for underage teenagers is very much a political issue. The creator of Euphoria, Sam Levinson, opens up about his struggles with addiction growing up. He talks about how his personal history of drug use as a teenager animated Rue's similar struggles in Euphoria. It's essential to recognize that Rue was not using drugs because of peer pressure but because she was struggling with "obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), general anxiety disorder, and even bipolar disorder" (Health, 2020). Many teens go undiagnosed with disorders like these and spend their teenage years fighting addiction and going to rehab centers, sometimes more than once in hopes of ending the addiction. There are other situations where undiagnosed individuals who don't fall victim to drug addiction still live a life of struggle with their mental illness. Euphoria sheds light on addiction and mental health and de-stigmatizes mental illness, a topic that should be further normalized and empathized with. 
“The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Pee While Depressed” tackles a lot of issues. In many ways, this episode is openly candid about the hardships of life and the modern influences of distraction and avoidance. The candor of this episode is heartbreaking, revelating, and so, so real. The episode before the season finale follows multiple characters, including Jules, a trans woman battling confusion about her relationship with her best friend and her changing life; Cassie, a beautiful blonde teenager facing an unplanned pregnancy; and Rue, a drug addicted teenager battling a major low in her depression (Levinson 2019). This episode follows many differing plots that do not intersect in its time; however, at the root of the 59 minutes is the juxtaposition of two teenagers, the structures of family, and the deconstruction of femininity. 
As a whole, this show is unapologetically divergent from the stereotypes of society. It does not hesitate to tackle hard issues, easily addresses controversial issues regarding race, sexuality, and gender, without negating their seriousness. It makes normal the darkness we all battle in our private lives, especially in this episode. In it, characters from all walks of life get a say in the plot. Not only is the narrator and main character a gay Black women in love with her best friend, we also follow the story of Jules, a trans women, and hear from Cassie, a straight cisgender blonde girl who falls victim to the confines of the patriarchy, allowing herself to be sexualized and invalidated as a possession by the men in her life (Johnson, 2014). My only criticisms regarding this episode’s diversity is that there is little male influence or perspective on the storyline, and further, that there is little diversity outside of “black and white.” That is to say, while there are many Black characters given voice to this episode (and, by default many white characters as well), there is little representation of other ethnicities. We do not hear, for example, from the perspective of an Asian-American. That, to some extent, is an area that can be improved as the show continues. 
Earlier I mentioned the juxtaposition at the core of this episode, and I want to dive a little deeper into that. Cassie and Rue are, in many regards, polar opposites. Rue is Black, gay, struggles with drug addiction and is a social outcast. Cassie, in comparison, is blonde and blue eyed, gorgeous, and popular. Rue is an older sister; Cassie is the younger in her family. But this juxtaposition highlights the conditions of the patriarchy that define familial dynamics, such as sisterhood and motherhood, both amplifying and deconstructing those norms. For example, at the end of the episode, Rue and Cassie both go to their moms, the caretakers, for help when they reach rock bottom. Those mothers show up, and they do their job: care. However, at the same time, these mothers have taken up the role of being the breadwinner for the family as well, defying the stereotype of reliance on the male for prosperity and survival. Rue’s mom, however, is portrayed as more successful and put-together than Cassie’s mother, whom we see to be an alcoholic and basically a hot mess. This is contrary to racial stereotypes that typically portray the black community as one falling apart and the white suburban mom as picture-perfect. The gender and racial norms that society and time have produced throughout our history in America are blurred as these two realities are expressed in this show (Scott, 1986).
This episode also attacks femininity. Speaking with her friends from the city, Jules, says, “In my head, it’s like if I can conquer men, I can conquer femininity” (Levinson, 2019). This conquering, or, as Jules later says, obliteration of femininity is addressed throughout the episode. Cassie, conforming to societal expectations, allows herself to be objectified and sexualized by all the men in her life, using that perception of beauty to define her over the course of her life. Rue, on the other hand, does not conform to femininity at all, as we see in the way she dresses, and even the persona of the masculine “detective” she took on in a manic state. These three approaches to femininity contrast each other, as each one represents a different sector of diversity: race, sexuality, and gender identity. 
Euphoria is inherently political. It brings to light the reasons why the personal is political, especially in the midst of an election cycle where the rights of those who don’t conform to societal norms are under threat. This show creates an avenue for those rights and the real people behind those laws to speak and tell their own stories. Not only that, it represents mental illness and drug abuse, revealing the realities of living with these issues and bringing to light the struggles of the individual and their community through addiction and mental health crises. The show helps create empathy; empathy creates connection.  And connection, more than anything else, is something we deeply need right now. 
Euphoria creator Sam Levinson on his controversial show: 'I hope it opens up a dialogue' [Interview by T. Stack]. (2019, June 16). Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2020, from https://ew.com/tv/2019/06/16/euphoria-creator-sam-levinson/.
Health, A. (2020). How HBO’s ‘Euphoria’ Depicts Teenage Drug Addiction Accurately. Retrieved 14 November 2020, from https://amhealth.com/2019/09/25/how-hbos-euphoria-depicts-teenage-drug-addiction-accurately/
Johnson, A. G. (2020). Patriarchy, the System: An It, Not a He, a Them, or an Us. In 1046495481 799935172 G. Kirk & 1046495482 799935172 M. Okazawa-Rey (Authors), Gendered Lives: Intersectional Perspectives (Seventh ed., pp. 62-70). New York, New York: Oxford University Press. (The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy, (2014))
Levinson, S. (Writer). (2019). Euphoria [Television series]. HBO.
Levinson, S. (Writer). (2019, June 23). Stuntin’ Like My Daddy [Television series episode] In Euphoria. HBO.
Levinson, S. (Writer). (2019, July 28). The Trials and Tribulations of Trying to Pee While Depressed [Television series episode]. In Euphoria. HBO.
Scott, J. (1986). Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis. The American Historical Review. doi:10.1086/ahr/91.5.1053
Siegel, Z. (2019, August 06). Euphoria Doesn't Have a Drug Problem. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from https://www.vulture.com/2019/08/euphoria-hbo-drug-addiction-overdose.html
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astralazuli · 5 years
Because it’s cooled off in the office, Imma spend the day cleaning it out & reorganizing to make space because in the next two weeks
I’m so fucking hype guys, we’ve been planning this for most of the year & it’s finally happening! I cannot wait to get to see her all the time & have her cats living here & just be able to do dumb day to day stuff like make dinner together & veg out on our computers across from each other & do cleaning & whatnot.
We also have a very exciting project that we’ve starting working on that we should be ready to announce in the next month or so that I really cannot wait to share with y’all. 
So yeah, while life has been doing a whole lot of happening & it’s been really stressful, there’s also really really good things happening. <3
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ladyhistorypod · 4 years
Episode 12: The Lady History Library
Zora Neale Hurston
National Women’s History Museum
Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive, Chronology
Zora Neale Hurston: A Biography of the Spirit
Further Reading & Listening: The Dead Ladies Show (podcast), Wrapped in Rainbows: the Life of Zora Neale Hurston (audio book), The death and rebirth of Zora Neale Hurston (article/podcast), 
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou’s Website
National Women’s History Museum
The Harlem Writers Guild
Poetry Foundation
Mary Shelley
Literary Hub
History Channel
Poetry Foundation
British Library: Mary Shelley
British Library: Mary Shelley, Frankenstein and the Villa Diodati
University of Central Missouri
Somerset Live
Attributions: image of Maya Angelou, Book Page, Maya Angelou at Hillside Courtesy; William J. Clinton Presidential Library 
Click below for a transcript of this episode!
Archival Audio: Our story is about a library. Although this library is a new one, it is not much different from most. And the people you will see might be your own neighbors.
Alana: You guys we did it. (Laughing)
Lexi: Yes!
Haley: Guys, I was in the car going to my in-laws or like what my mom calls my in-laws because I don't know what to do– like what do you call your boyfriend's parents when you live with your boyfriend?
Lexi: Your boyfriend's parents.
Alana: Hey Riddle Riddle has a word for this. SOPAS. Significant other’s parents.
Lexi: Oh yeah!
Haley: I like that.
Lexi: That's good.
Alana: Your SOPAS.
Haley: We’re not, like, married but then I don't know like I feel like saying oh my boyfriend’s parents. And we heard it like on the radio and all the tweets just came rushing in and we were getting gas and I did like a little dance in the car.
Lexi: Awww.
Haley: And when we were driving up I kept clapping and saying thank you out the window to all the Biden/Harris signs and then hissing at all the Trump/Pence and I think I heard me. But like, come on.
Lexi: I was walking on the beach, and people were driving by with American flags honking and every time someone honked everyone would cheer. And then this guy came by in a Biden/Harris tee that he'd cut the sleeves off of so it was very like 1980s muscle tank and he had a little horn on his bike and he was talking and he was going “woo! Woo!”
Alana: That is so Biden.
Lexi: And then there was one guy who gave him the middle finger and everyone who was like around the area of the beach, like it's Covid so people like weren't like close together but people were like around each other and everyone just looked at that guy like. You’re the asshole.
Alana: There was like just tons of honking and it was a lot of fun. And then I was trying to take my Shabbat nap and there was still honking.
Haley: What I want to know like immediately, and I say that sarcastically because we have a lot of other fish to fry, is where his like presidential library is going to be. Because that's like law. In the fifties Congress passed a law that every US president has to have their library. My guess is that Trump’s is going to be in like Florida. Like right next to–
Lexi: You don’t think New York City?
Haley: No. I’m being fully serious when I say it's Florida because I don't think New York.
Lexi: Mar a Largo Presidential Library?
Alana: Yeah probably.
Alana: Hello and welcome to Lady History; the good, the bad, and the ugly ladies you missed in history class. Today I'm joined in the Lady History library by Lexi. Lexi, what's the best grade you've gotten on a paper about a book you didn't read?
Lexi: Well I have to tell you something, Alana. I have never not read a book for school. I am a kiss ass. I'm a loser. I never had–
Alana: Haley is doing the big L
Lexi: L. on her forehead. I know. I was called all sorts of names. Brownnoser, ass-kisser… My number one teacher relationship was with the AP literature teacher. I read every word of Light in August. I read every word of One Hundred Years of Solitude. So, sorry to disappoint you but–
Alana: You’re blowing my mind right now. 
Lexi: I read all of Crime and Punishment word for word.
Alana: Our other librarian is Haley. Haley, what do you think is the most overrated book in the straight white male literary canon?
Haley: Anything from Shakespeare.
Alana: I love you so much Haley. I also don't like Shakespeare.
Lexi: There's a theory that he might be three women pretending to be a man.
Alana: And I'm Alana and I believe everyone has two favorite books; their intellectual favorite and their actual favorite.
Lexi: One hundred percent true.
Alana: So this is my post intro banter; what is your intellectual favorite and what is your actual favorite. Intellectual favorite is like your favorite that you had to read for school, and then like your real favorite.
Haley: That's assuming I like, read books in high school. Okay, let me–
Lexi: I’m the opposite.
Haley: Like, let me– okay, I'm like on the spectrum of dyslexia. My mom may come after me, she doesn’t listen to the podcast, it's fine, she's in denial about it. But I have a really hard time doing pronunciation in my head and pronouncing words. It just, it happened. I didn't really start reading until the second grade. So going into high school, I had to do the standardized testing. I got a one on the English and then like a four on the science? Because those were like the two that worked. And they thought I was like the stupidest person in the world. Like they couldn't like. Brain fathom that I didn't think the same way for reading grammar and like reading books because they were like “did you– what happened? You got a four on science.” And I just, I did not read like it was never– and I read books on the side. My mom would like see me reading like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, all the YA books of the time and not reading school books. And it was just like out of disdain. But I think if I had to pick out of like the five I actually read was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest because I knew I would watch the movie with Jack Nicholson and I actually like the book. And then fun book, I don't have a favorite fun book, I just have a genre. Like that cheesy romance novels.
Alana: Oh yeah.
Haley: Not the ones about sex, but just like the girl finding the guy… the single mom like figuring life out. Anything from like Jennifer Hyde, Jasmine Guillory, those books are my jam because I know that like I'm so distant from them. Just like in retrospect and I don't have those type of human emotions. I’m like “oh. That’s– that is a fantasy.” That is my fantasy type thing. Like I think I can like see a pig fly or just like Harry Potter's wand come shooting at my brain cells, but like girl falling in love because she met a guy at the bookstore? That sounds fake.
Alana: I want to point out. Haley is the only one of us who’s in a romantic relationship right now.
Lexi: I think that says something about if you have too high expectations… you’re gonna be single. (Laughing)
Haley: Remember, I thought like my longtime boyfriend was gay and in a relationship the man he was sitting on the couch with.
Lexi: So, okay. My favorite intellectual book is probably One Hundred Years of Solitude, and people always like “why the hell do you like that book… like incest… like what's wrong with you?” I just think it’s really well written. Like, I think it's very visual in how it describes things and it's like full of like visual metaphor and now I sound like an asshole the way I’m talking. Like I love books.
Haley: No, I am so happy you said that because I tried reading that book. That was never recommended in school, but after finishing school and like learning to love to read through like summer vacation and then also college, I found one of those buzzfeed list of like a hundred books you had to read in school and I've been trying to like pick them off. And I've tried to read that book like two to three times and I can't get past page 70, and I don't know if that's just me or that's like the book. But it's probably me. But now that you’ve said this I'm gonna start it again.
Lexi: I think it takes a certain kind of person to enjoy it, but it's a very good book. And then my fun book– that's hard because I love lots of fun books. Like I want to say The Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty but that's not really fun, that's actually quite intellectual. Oh, now I sound like more of an asshole! I can’t not sound like an asshole this episode.
Alana: Today on Lady History: Lexi’s an asshole.
Lexi: I'm a literary snob. But no, this– this’ll redeem me. My all time favorite book like of all time is called the Perkin Papers, and quite frankly I don't know if it even still exists, like I don't think you can buy a new copy of it because the copy I have is from the 1930s and I found it at an auction in a box when I was five. But it's gotten me through some rough times.
Haley: That is the most Lexi way of finding a motherfucking book if I’ve ever heard one.
Lexi: I go to a lot of weird places to find books. So my favorite smart person book, or my favorite high school book is Frankenstein which oh my god sneak peek foreshadowing. And then my favorite actual, my actual favorite fun book is either Good Omens which I read before I knew the show was coming out by the way. I am not a bandwagoner. Not that there's anything wrong with being a bandwagoner but I am not a bandwagoner. Or an Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green and the sequel, A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor. But I think that Hank Green's books are beautiful depictions and explorations of humanity and social media.
Archival Audio: This little song is a story. The young lady thinks that it's time for them to get married, in fact if she thinks they just have to, and the boy doesn’t want to marry. And so this song’s about it. (Singing) Tilly, lend me your pigeon. He caught me with mine. My pigeon’s gone wild in the bush. My pigeon’s gone wild. My pigeon’s gone wild in the bush. My pigeon’s gone wild.
Lexi: I have two things in common with Zora Neale Hurston, any guesses on what those two things are?
Alana: You love the bison at the zoo.
Haley: You both have owned birds.
Lexi: I don't think either of those are true of Zora Neale Hurston. But, those two things it is is that she was a trained anthropologist and she went to a college in Washington DC.
Alana: Okay my guess was that you both lived in DC for– my actual guess was that you both lived in DC for a while, and I know that sounds like “eheheh that’s what I was going to say” but that is, like, what I was going to say.
Lexi: No I believe that you would have guessed that because I think it's like… People reference her around DC because she spent some time there. Although she didn’t spend that long there. Anyway and then the funny thing is you both also kinda had that come with her so. Haha.
Alana: That's true. 
Lexi: We all have those two things in common with Zora Neale Hurston. Now I will begin. So, let's jump into her story… book, get it? She's an author and also Haley says that a lot of times so it’s not that unique that I said that. Zora was born on January 15, 1891 in Notasulga? I might be saying that wrong. Notasulga, Alabama. And like many other young Black women in her era, both her parents had been enslaved. And when she was very young her family moved to Florida and settled in Eatonville, which is one of the first towns in the United States to be incorporated by African-Americans, so she grew up in an area with a lot of African-American leaders.
Speaker 2: There, her father became mayor and pastor at the local church and her mother Lucy Potts Hurston died in 1904 and her father remarried. Zora and her stepmother did not get along, and so the young girl went to live with other family members, spending a lot of time with her brother in her brother's homes. In 1914, she moved to Memphis and began working as a nanny for one of her brother’s children. And she then became a maid and moved to Baltimore. In Baltimore, she eventually became a waitress and decided to go back to school, studying at night. And on September 17, 1917, Zora at the age of 26 enrolled at the Morgan Academy. She graduated with a high school degree a year later and moved to Washington DC where she began working as a manicurist and continued to work as a waitress. That fall she entered Howard University and in two years she earned an associate's degree. Zora co-founded The Hilltop, which is still Howard's student newspaper to this day. She then moved to New York City. Zora, through a scholarship she earned, attended Barnard College. There, she declared herself an English major, but was also passionate about anthropology, studying under the famed “founding father” anthropologist Franz Boas. Also while in New York, she befriended notable Harlem icons such as Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen. She became a part of the Black cultural movement, joining many other Black writers living and working in Harlem. At the end of her college career, Professor Boas encouraged her to collect Black folklife in the south. This experience shaped future work. As both an anthropologist and author, Zora dedicated her life to the preservation and promotion of Black cultural studies. She did not only study Black culture and African diaspora in the United States of America, but also visited the islands of Haiti, the Bahamas, and Jamaica; studying religion and reporting her findings in US newspapers. In addition to producing ethnographic work for her research, she also used her studies of Black culture, religion, and folklife to inspire her fiction writing. She also collaborated with Langston Hughes on her writing. Her most famous work, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is notable for breaking barriers as one of the first fiction novels to explore the experience of a Black woman in America. Today, the novel is used as an educational tool in high school literature classes and college anthropology and American studies courses. If you have not read it, do yourself a favor; go pick up a copy from your local bookstore or library. It was the book that inspired me to pick Zora for this episode and it's one of the works that inspired me to study anthropology in college because when I read it as a junior in high school I was like this is really interesting I need to know more about this lady and how she got all this information to make the story. And I found out how she did ethnographic work and I was like “that's a job?” So anyway, that’s really cool. Zora wore many hats, and anthropology and literature were not her only passions. She also taught drama at the North Carolina College for Negroes, which is now the North Carolina Central University and she worked as a consultant for a movie studio, Paramount Pictures. In the 1940s, Zora lived on a houseboat that she called Wanago. And also in a controversial hot take zero oppose the Supreme Court ruling in Brown V. Board, believing integration would actually result in assimilation and destroy the cultural transmission of knowledge between Black teachers and Black students, which I guess makes a bit of sense. At the time, integration meant a lot of Black students went on to have white teachers and a lot of Black teachers were no longer teaching. And cultural representation in education really matters because sometimes without specific cultural understanding, meeting students’ needs can be really hard, and we still see this problem today. So obviously I don't believe in school segregation, but I think Zora’s point could be used today to support hiring diversity and hiring teachers who reflect diverse communities where they teach. Zora was married three times, but it never lasted long. I think they were all like a year, but honestly they’re such a footnote in her life it's hard to find resources on these guys. Through her lifetime, Zora was largely ignored by mainstream white literary critics and she had a large following in the Black community. She was usually underpaid for her work and she lived poorly for most of her life. Towards the end of her life, despite being an accomplished author, she was evicted. She suffered a stroke in 1959, and in old age she was forced to enter the St Lucie County Welfare Home where she was cared for until her death of heart disease on January 28, 1960. Because she had no money or close relatives, she was buried in an unmarked grave and her funeral was held through donations collected from her friends. When Alice Walker, the author known for her book The Color Purple, found out Zora’s grave was unmarked, she decided to do something about it. In 1972, she found Zora’s grave and commissioned a marker for it. The marker reads “ZORA NEALE HURSTON / A GENIUS OF THE SOUTH / NOVELIST FOLKLORIST / ANTHROPOLOGIST / 1901–1960." And yes, she got the birthday wrong, but that's okay because she did an awesome thing recognizing her. Though in life, Zora’s work was overlooked, in death she became an icon, and is considered one of the best writers of her time. Today many modern authors consider her an influence on their work. Her folklife recordings and manuscripts are held in the Zora Neale Hurston archive at the University of Central Florida and can be accessed online through their website or the Library of Congress. Her hometown, Eatonville, Florida, honors her with the Zora Neale Hurston Museum of Fine Arts and the Zora Neale Hurston Library; two fitting tributes to her passion for arts, culture, and literature. And, so I know I said that the reason I picked her was because of Their Eyes Were Watching God, and that's true but that's only half true. Another reason I love Zora Neale Hurston is that when I worked at the zoo there were two bison at the National Zoo, and there's always bison at the National Zoo because the first animal ever exhibited at the National Zoo was a bison and every time there's always two, and one is always named by Howard University and one is always named by Gallaudet University because they’re two universities in DC, and the students vote through a poll to name each of the bison that represent their school. And this started as a tradition because the bison is the mascot of Howard. They are the Howard bison, so that's how this tradition started. And usually the Howard students pick an alum of their university to be the bison's name, and so while I was working at the zoo, the bison named by Howard students was named Zora and she was named after Zora Neale Hurston, who got her associate's degree from Howard University. And that's pretty cool, but unfortunately I just found out recently that Zora passed away March 7, 2020 from an leg injury. And when big animals like bison and horses get leg injuries, they can't really recover. They have to be humanely euthanized, which really stinks. But they do have two new baby bison at the zoo that just got named this July.
Archival Audio: History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. Lift up your eyes upon This day breaking for you. Give birth again To the dream. Women, children, men, Take it into the palms of your hands, Mold it into the shape of your most Private need. Sculpt it into The image of your most public self. Lift up your hearts Each new hour holds new chances For a new beginning.
Haley: So, like Lexi said, I always say let’s crack open that story book, and that’s exactly what we're gonna do today for Marguerite Annie Johnson or Maya Angelou. I'm gonna try a new way of quote “storytelling” for just in general huge historic heroes by telling a couple of quote “short stories' ' rather than like one long telling of their life-icles.
Lexi: Vignettes.
Haley: What?
Lexi: Vignettes. Like if you ever read the book The Things They Carried– oh my god Lexi’s a literary snob. It's a book told in vignettes.
Alana: Vine was also short for vignettes.
Haley: And I thought it was fitting to do it for our author ladies because like short stories, haha so funny. And especially our author, Maya, has written 36 books and some of those actually include cookbooks, so throwback to our previous episode. So, story number one I've titled quote “I love the uniforms.” So Maya had spent some time in San Francisco, and she was actually the first female African American cable car conductor. So for those of you who are not familiar with San Francisco's cable car, they’re the classic almost like trolley-like vehicles that make a bunch of noise when you hear them. And they're mainly downtown SF to go up and down those massive eff off hills, and they’re a huge tourist attraction at this point. And the secret is, guys do this if you're ever in SF, past corona, all that good stuff. It's fourteen dollars to like ride it. But if you get one of those like day passes included, then that's– like that's what you have to do. You have to make sure the day pass you get or if you're a local because a lot of them use it for their transportation of like if you're on top of Knob Hill you go down the hill or up the hill to get to really where like the financial district stuff is… all the big businesses. and in our like monthly pass where you pay like eighty dollars for it you get like unlimited trolley car… or, cable car… I always called it the trolley. I don't know why, but Robert and other locals would yell at me saying “it's the cable car. The trolley is something different.” They all look the same to me and I'm still gonna get lost either way. Anyhoo, sixteen year old Maya wanted this job and even said on like an Oprah Winfrey talk show, “I loved the uniforms,” hence the title. And it was her mother who actually said that she should go to the city office and get the job if she wanted it so badly. And when she went to the area like where the cable car conductors got hired, she was noted to be reading Russian literature. And she wasn't first hired or even allowed to like apply because of her race. Because surprise surprise, America wasn't woke and it’s still not woke. But she read her Russian literature, like the boss girl she is, and was hired. When she like, she didn't get the application actually before being hired. She was under the legal age so she actually wrote that she was 19 like the badass she was. and as a conductor her mom would also join her. And like she's currently conducting at like the butt crack of dawn at four AM and her mom would kind of go behind a trolley car. And the trolley car isn’t like a closed vehicle. It’s not like a bus or train where the doors close. You can just hop on and you'll see people hold onto a pole and stand on the outside, and cars come like within inches of you. You can't even have like a backpack or something. Like you have to like hug yourself to this pole, essentially. I've almost gotten hit once or twice. Also for cars going by, there are special lanes, if this was like the same back then as well. There are special lanes that these cable cars can go through. Regardless her mom would trail Maya’s cable car and Maya said quote “with her pistol on the passenger seat.” So I love that. I don’t– like I just– ugh. Juicy. And she worked there for about a semester before deciding to return to school. Second story, I'm calling it “getting pen to paper.” In the 1950s, African American writers in New York City formed The Harlem Writers Guild to essentially support Black authors in the publication process and affirm them as the beautiful writers they are. And the Guild is still around today, the link is in the show notes, of course of course. And she was one of the early members and during this time she began to write I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, an autobiography of her life that was published in 1969, And many claim to be her most famous book. This is now where like my memory is kind of getting fuzzy because I read a lot of her books, and a lot of her books– or, most of her books are autobiographies or what she actually created as a genre during this time as autobiographical fiction. And that’s basically taking parts of your life and adding some elaborate essence to connect it more, make it more juicy. And this one I think is the one that took like thirteen years to write. Like she kinda wrote it along with her life and also included some earlier parts. So she just like took truly the most time and it really paid off. And she also during this time in the Guild continued to explore art forms in poetry, dance, music, and even like writing and directing films. So we get just her really explain herself as a writer. And lastly, we have story number three, which I have called quote “On the Pulse of Morning.” And On the Pulse of Morning was the title of the poem she read for Clinton's presidential inauguration in 1993. That's why when Alana was like “hey, let's– let's do a quick nod of the election,” I was like “haha! I got this.” She was the second poet ever to read an original work at a presidential inauguration. The first was Robert Frost at JFK's in 1961. And the poem itself shares themes of inclusion, change, and the role of the president, and like the responsibility it comes with, but also like the role and responsibility a citizen has, which are all things we should just remember right now, 2020. And she was chosen because she grew up in Stamps, Arkansas or like a lot of her childhood was in Stamps, Arkansas, which was rather close to where Clinton was born. And he said that her writing really resonated with him. For example, he was quoted saying ”When I read I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, I knew exactly who she was talking about and what she was talking about in that book.” And that references how Clinton's grandfather managed a grocery store that was in a predominantly African American neighborhood. And actually for this spoken word poem, was recorded and she ended up winning a Grammy Award in 1994. It was apparently like an amazing amazing thing. I don't have enough time to go searching on the YouTubes for it because I was researching another gal because we're recording two episodes tonight. But it was noted to be almost as like a theatrical performance. She just exuded that power and greatness and dug deep into her roots of being a dancer and performer. Before I finish, because I have my three short stories, I would like to note that Maya at times had a very difficult life with racial injustice, physical and sexual assault, loss, and just– the list goes on. But I did not want to pick stories on that because even in her a lot of her books she would focus on the positives and say how she took the bad and turned it into something good. And each three of those stories had a little nugget so dig deep into what I said and pick out positive from the not so positive; the bad, if you will. And I would just like to share my favorite book of hers which was published in 2013, a year before she died, and it's Mom and Me and Mom. And she also died at age 83 so she lived quite a life. One of my favorite quotes of hers is “If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”
Archival Audio: She's beautiful, she's evil, and she'll do anything for love. Never been a movie like Lady Frankenstein.
Alana: I'm so excited for this. My lady for today is Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, née Wollstonecraft Godwin; the teenage girl who invented science fiction and my O.G. goth queen. You may have seen some internet history lessons that you should of course take with more salt than the Dead Sea and I will note those when they come up, but sneak peek I have wonderful news about them. Mary was born August 30, 1797, that makes her a Virgo. Her parents were William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft– yes that Mary Wollstonecraft, the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Women. Side note, I think we should do an episode on pre-first wave feminism feminists and I am calling dibs on Mary Wollstonecraft. They'd only gotten married that March scandal noises, gasp, shock and awe, possibly because William what was this radical anti marriage philosopher freethinker, and then his lover– not my favorite word, but anytime I use the word lover I am referencing Hadestown– was pregnant and it was a propriety thing. Although Mary Wollstonecraft had already had another daughter from a previous affair with an American businessman and I don't think they were married. Yeah, that's the real shock and awe. There is so much shock and awe, scandal in this story. Get ready for it. Just a week and a half after Mary was born on September 10, her mother died of complications from the child birth. And those complications can basically be summed up with 18th century doctors didn't wash their hands. And William Godwin made it very clear to Mary that she was a monster who had killed her mother. Literary scholar Sandra Gilbert has argued that Frankenstein is a projection of her own life. A quote unquote “monster” trying to have a relationship with the parent whose life it ruined. William remarried their neighbor Mary Jane Clairmont who had two kids of her own. And then William and Mary Jane had a son, so now Mary has four half and/or step siblings. Her stepmother vastly preferred her own children. Mary and her stepsister Claire would go on to spend quite a bit of time together but we'll get into that in a bit. Mary found solace at her mother's grave at St Pancras Church in London. She learned to write her name by tracing the letters on the tombstone, and that's only like the third most goth thing about her. But nobody talks about this one. I just think– I think it's like cute goth. Like kawaii goth. She would just like to hang out there and read or whatever like it was her spot. Normal kids have treehouses, Mary had her mother's grave. She published a kids’ book at the age of eleven called, I'm gonna butcher this pronunciation, but it’s not spelled like French so I guess this is on you Mary that I'm gonna mess this up. Mounseer Nongtongpaw; or, the Discoveries of John Bull in a Trip to Paris. It was her father's publishing company, so just a skosh of nepotism there, but it's still cool that she was eleven and published. In 1812, when she was fourteen, her father sent her to Scotland to live with some family friends, the Baxters, at her step mother's request. One of my sources said that Mrs Godwin felt quote “threatened by Mary” who had become the quote “beautiful image of his first wife” which. Mm. I do not like. Do not like. Mm. Okay. But you know what? Whatever though, because Mary is thriving. She feels good, she's away from her wicked stepmother, she's made friends with the Baxters’ youngest daughter Isabel, and she's like healthy and just like thriving. She's, she's living her best self. That November, she briefly visited home and this is potentially– it's kind of disputed by scholars, but this is potentially the first time she met, heart eyes emoji, Percy Shelley but he was still married to his first wife Harriet. Percy had come to study under Mary's father, but they were immediately smitten. In 1814 William Godwin brought his daughter home like for permanents because he wanted her to start earning her own living. But I think if Mary actually met Percy before in 1812, I like to imagine him just being like “hey, Mr Godwin, you know what would be really cool? It would be really cool if Mary were here. Don't you think I would be really cool if Mary were here?” But I… like I don't know if that's what happened. But this is where Percy and Mary have definitely met, and they read together and they have intellectual discussions. He’s very impressed by her parentage and her intellect, and they started their affair and they're very much in love. Mary takes him to her favorite place, her mother's grave, to profess her love for him. This is also where Percy asks her to marry him. And this is our first internet history lesson. You may have seen that Mary Shelley lost her virginity on her mother's grave. Most scholars say yeah. That happened. That's true. Because it was a very– it was a place of emotional growth for Mary. Percy later said that having sex with Mary was his real birthday. I hate this man.
Lexi: It seems like they all had a lot of problems.
Alana: I hate this man. I hate him so much. And we're gonna get more into why I hate him so much, but, okay. Percy supposedly gave Mary's dad twelve hundred pounds, which is now over eighty four thousand pounds, which is over a hundred and ten thousand dollars, in exchange for him to allow Percy and Mary to run away together. Mr Godwin took the money and said no. But Mary and Percy ran away to Switzerland anyway. And Mary's dad doesn't speak to her for two and a half years. I want to point out, Percy is still married to another woman at this point, who was pregnant and they already had a child together.
Haley: I was just about to ask that.
Lexi: Yeah.
Alana: They're still married. Mary’s stepsister, Claire, who I mentioned, comes with them as a translator. But it's possible that Percy was also having an affair with her and they were a throuple. Percy was like all about free love and probably would have been one of those dudes on Bumble who's like “ethical non monogamy.” I'm looking at Lexi because she knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Lexi: I’m like envisioning a meme where it's his profile and he’s got like books, book emoji, cigarette emoji. He’s real edgy.
Alana: Oh yeah, totally. There is also evidence that Mary had affairs too, so this is like 19th century polyamory. Claire did eventually leave their household when Mary's jealousy kind of like physically made her ill. It just like she sank into this deep depression that magically got better when Claire moved out. They’re constantly on the move because Percy owes a lot of people a lot of money and he has to keep running away from creditors. Like, he– he gave someone a hundred and ten thousand dollars for permission to do something he was gonna do anyway. So, hm. Not great.
Speaker 1: Here is what everyone is waiting for, the writing of Frankenstein. This is a very famous story that they've done on Drunk History which was very funny to watch a drunk person try and say Wollstonecraft Godwin. I died laughing for ten whole minutes. And there’s an episode of Doctor Who about it, and side note the Thirteenth Doctor is chef's kiss A plus amazing, it's a whole new show and I love it. So 1816 was the year without a summer because the Indonesian volcano Mount Tamboro, I hope I'm pronouncing that right, had erupted the year before and covered basically the whole planet in a giant ash cloud. I am being dramatic, but my point is it was dark and gloomy and rainy the whole summer across Europe. So Claire’s back, and she’s pregnant with Lord Byron's– yes, that Lord Byron’s– child. And Lord Byron is staying at the Villa Diodati in Geneva, and the three of them meet him there and they're all hanging out. Are they having orgies? Maybe. Byron and Percy had been talking about Romantic– capital R. romantic, as in the 19th century cultural movement, those kind of ideas about death and magic and life and ooky spooky stuff. And so they start a ghost-story off. And this is where Mary begins Frankenstein. It wasn't all written in that night. I feel like that's a misconception, that she wrote all of it that night, but that was just like the idea. Most of it was actually written in Bath when everyone went back to England. And it wasn’t off-the-cuff either. Like Mary had a really hard time coming up with her idea. Percy and Mary finally got real married in December of 1816 after his first wife Harriet committed suicide. Apparently she was pregnant with another man's child, but honey have you seen what's going on here? I think you would've been fine. But Percy was denied custody of their children and he believed he might have a better chance of getting custody if he were quote– massive air quotes– “settled down.” This didn't work, but Mary's dad starts talking to her again, so that's nice. And Mary had a huge role in Percy Shelley's legacy, probably because some of survivor's guilt. He drowned in a shipwreck with two of his friends off the coast of Italy in July 1822 while Mary was recovering from a miscarriage that almost killed her. When Percy's body washed up, he was only identifiable by the Keats poetry in his pocket. Percy was cremated on the beach and his heart did not burn. That's true. Modern doctors say it probably calcified from a bout with tuberculosis earlier in his life. One of his friends took the heart and kept it and only gave it to Mary after her constantly bugging him. Which leads us to our second internet history lesson. Did she keep Percy Shelley's heart? Yes and no. When Mary died in 1850, her family definitely found his heart in her desk wrapped in the pages of his final poem, Adonaïs which is like a really sweet love poem. You should read that. But read Frankenstein first. Did she actually carry it everywhere? Uncertain. Maybe, but they definitely found it in her desk so she definitely had it. We're– we're not really sure where it is now. I don't know how that's possible, but I have conflicting sources. It's possible that it's with Mary or with their only child who had reached adulthood Percy Florence Shelley. They’d had a bunch of kids who either died super young or only lived like a few days. Mary is primarily responsible for the posthumous collection of Percy Shelley's work. So that's like all her. It’s like in her writing credits that she edited all of these collections. After Percy died, Mary turned down several marriage proposals because she quote “wanted to be Mary Shelley on her tombstone” which is really sweet. Side note, thank you to 19th century people for writing down all your feelings in like journals and thoughts and everything and then keeping them. I love that we know what you were thinking because there was no Twitter for you to document your whole lives the way that I do, although of course if you see me on Twitter, no you don't. This is where the stories about her usually stop after, Percy died. But, Alana, you said that she died in 1850, Percy died in 1822. What on earth did she do with those 28 years? I am so glad that you asked. First of all, she wrote a bunch more, thank you very much. Five more novels that weren't Frankenstein were published in her lifetime and at least twenty short stories. While she was no longer the radical she had been when she was with Percy, she took it upon herself to protect the women in her life. Claire, who lived with her on and off, obviously who I brought up a couple times. She lived with and supported the wife and children of one of Percy's friends who had also drowned. She helped her childhood friend Isabel, Isabel Baxter, from before, get out of England when she had a child out of wedlock. So she was protecting her, her friends. Mary died of brain cancer in 1850. Her son and his wife had her parents’ bodies exhumed and she's buried between them in St Peter's Church in Bournemouth. There are plans for a Mary Shelley museum in Bath, just up the street from the Jane Austen Centre and very much in the same style of like employees in period clothes and family friendly. The most recent article that I found about it was from June and one of the people in charge of it said that it would be finished by the end of the year slash early 2021, and that tourism would pick back up by then, but it's November and the U. K. just went back into lockdown, so I don’t think that schedule is still what’s happening. But, once travel is a thing again and once that Mary Shelley museum is open I think Lady History field trip to Bath. Shout outs to some professor at the University of Central Missouri for putting their study guide or test for Frankenstein as a PDF on the university website. The timeline of Mary's life on the first few pages was very helpful. I hope it wasn't a student who cheated, but the url is like UCM dot EDU, so… I just– I love Mary Shelley so much. I used– I made this joke in high school when we were reading Frankenstein that I think I am Mary Shelley reincarnated. Like if reincarnation is real, I would buy that. Like I'm only half kidding. But if reincarnation is real, which I don't know. I don't know if reincarnation is real. I know hell is not real, that's for sure. I also think it would be cool to be a ghost. Anyway… Lexi why are you laughing at me?
Lexi: It’s just very you.
Alana: Yeah. Anyway. So that is the story of Mary Shelley, the teenager who invented science fiction, and if you think it was some like, Isaac Asimov or whatever, who I literally saw in a meme once. If you think a man invented sci fi you are incorrect.
Lexi: You can find this podcast on Twitter and Instagram at LadyHistoryPod. Our show notes and a transcript of this episode will be on lady history pod dot tumblr dot com. If you like the show, leave us a review or tell your friends,and if you don't like the show keep it to yourself.
Alana: Our logo is by Alexia Ibarra, you can find her on Twitter and Instagram at LexiBDraws. Our theme music is by me, Garageband, and Amelia Earhart. Lexi is doing the editing. You will not see us, and we will not see you, but you will hear us next time, on Lady History.
Haley: Next time on Lady History; we're going to be discussing some ladies whose lives were unfortunately cut a little too short.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: EastEnders (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Callum "Halfway" Highway/Ben Mitchell Characters: Callum "Halfway" Highway, Ben Mitchell, Jay Brown, Lola Pearce, Lexi Pearce, Stuart Highway, Lorraine “Rainie” Branning, Mick Carter, Whitney Dean Additional Tags: fluffy and sad, sad and fluffy, basically our bbs, ballum - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, hurt!Callum, Ben is beautiful and sad and I love him, Squad to the rescue!, Lola and Lexi are queens Summary:
He’d winked like an idiot, more than happy when Callum had leaned in slowly, kissed him sweetly and touched the side of his face in that way he did. His warm, big hands enveloping all of Ben, making him feel safe and warm. Loved. 
Now he wishes he’d been braver. Had been strong enough to look Callum in the eye and utter the words that’d been on the tip of his tongue for months. Of course I love you, Callum. I’ve loved ya for a long time.
  Or: my take on the upcoming Valentine's Day episode and all the spoilers surrounding it.
The day had started off great. Amazing, even.
Then everything had gone terribly, terribly wrong.
He’d woken next to Callum and just marveled at him for a minute. Couldn’t help but smile at the way his hair had gone all soft and floppy during the night. Rid of all the product, his boyfriend looked like one of those weird macaroni penguins at the zoo: tall, soft and utterly ridiculous. Ben had actively resisted the urge to touch, not ready to wake the other man just yet. Instead he’d carefully shifted, propping his head onto his curled up palm, and snuggling a little more into his pillow. Just breathing. Never losing focus.
He’d marveled at the thought that just one year before, he hadn’t even known Callum existed, let alone how far he’d fall for the man. How scared he’d feel when everything became too real and there was a real chance they’d make it; an even bigger chance he’d stuff it up. The time they’d spent apart was like a knife inside his chest, twisting and pulling every single minute. It was a damn near miracle that they’d found their way back and he was thankful every day.
So, while Valentines day might be a schmalzy commercial business, he knew Callum actually cared about all that sappy romance. Didn’t mean Ben didn’t feel slightly (alright; very) uncomfortable all the same, which is why he’d made a point of concentrating very intently on the milk’s expiration date when the other man finally walked into the living room.
And noticed the stuffed bear Ben had placed near his breakfast bowl, holding a big red heart that read I ruff you beary much.
For a second everything was quiet, only the sound of Ben’s spoon clattering against his bowl as he one-handedly ate, accompanied by the soft love ballads the radio was croaking out on this Holiday of Holidays.
Callum had huffed a little. “You joking me with this?” There was a little laugh in his voice, but an equal amount of wonder.
Ben glanced at him sideways. “Hm?”
“Ben!” A real laugh; pleased and warm and perfect.
“What? Doesn’t come as a surprise to ya, does it?”
“Wha’, that you ‘ruff me beary much’?” He’d grinned, eyes sparkling. “Yeah, I- I might have suspected something.” Callum had paused a little. “You’ve never said…”
Ben had raised his eyebrows playfully at that. “Hence the bear, Callum.”
He’d winked like an idiot, more than happy when Callum had leaned in slowly, kissed him sweetly and touched the side of his face in that way he did. His warm, big hands enveloping all of Ben, making him feel safe and warm. Loved.
Now he wishes he’d been braver. Had been strong enough to look Callum in the eye and utter the words that’d been on the tip of his tongue for months. Of course I love you, Callum. I’ve loved ya for a long time.
His hands shake as he draws them to his face, pressing against his eyes in a futile attempt to keep the tears at bay. There’s still red splotches on them. Red splotches and streaks from where he’d grabbed at Callum, had begged him to just open his eyes, look at him and smile. There’s a faint taste of copper on his lips too, though that might just be his imagination.
Ben looks up at the sound of children bickering - apparently fighting over who gets to hold a big and blue “It’s a boy!!” balloon. Their mother threatens to take it away altogether if they don’t shut up and be quiet. She’s got a a scarf draped across her arm, herding her little ones in the direction of the maternity ward.
Callum should’ve been wearing a warmer jacket.
Funnily enough, that’s one of the things his mind is stuck on. Callum and his warm-blooded disposition, refusing to wear anything but that - sexy but flimsy - bomber jacket while the rest of human race was all duffled up.
It’s cold here, too. He’s sat in the reception area at the front entrance of the hospital, near the sliding doors that let in a whoosh of icy February air every time they open and close. Stuart won’t let him anywhere near his brother now, so this is the closest he’s going to get. Watching people come and go, all different purposes and state of mind, while the man he loves is fighting for his life in one of the operating rooms.
He hopes Callum somehow knows he’s here.
Ben had tugged at Callum’s belt loops when he’d made a move to go to work. “Let’s skip work today.” He’d murmured, kissing his way up from Callum’s collarbone to the underside of his chin. Choosing not to register his boyfriend’s long-suffering sigh.
“The dead don’t care it’s Valentines, Ben.”
“Au contraire, Mister Highway,” He’d exclaimed. “I’m sure the dead would urge ya to spend more time with your gorgeous and (more-importantly) still-alive boyfriend, and you know,” he’d cupped Callum lightly through his jeans, “seize the day.”
Callum had answered him with a frankly spectacular eye roll. “That might honestly be the worst pun you’ve ever made.”
Ben had just bitten the side of his jaw, feeling his boyfriend go boneless as his touches intensified. Just like that, babe.  
He'd sent him a positively predatory look, then led them to the bedroom, tugging his clothes and leaving kisses like breadcrumbs all the way.
“Do bears even say ‘ruff’?” Callum had asked him afterwards, his arm around Ben as they lay together. “Ain’t that dogs?”
“Dunno.” Ben had said, twisting his face so he could better look at him.
“Maybe he’s got some sort of identity crisis.”
He should have never let Callum leave the bed.
Ben should’ve kept him safe.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"I Want Him Here With Me, With Us!"
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Good evening everyone! As promised here is the second post of the day following up from tonight's episode. Just want to say thank you to those who like my posts, it keeps me going and I enjoy writing for you all. We all know how epic last night's episode was, I've been looking forward to seeing tonight's episode. Ooh it was quite a packed episode tonight, feel like there might be a bit to cover.
Right so let's start with Ruby, today was the day she was moving into her own place. For the past few episodes now she and Martin have been flirting non-stop, in front of Max also. It's only right for Max to feel uncomfortable and angry. He's tried to go along with the "open-relationship" arrangement that Ruby wanted, but he's found it incredibly hard watching Ruby get close to Martin. I don't think I really understand why they both have it in for each other, is it mainly because they have both been in love with the same woman - i.e Stacey! Now there's a second woman that they're both interested in, only happens to be Stacey's best friend! Is it nuts, or is it just me? I don't think anything like that would happen in real life! But then again, who am I to know? I do kinda feel sorry for Max, he's being playing along to Ruby's tune for a while now, trying to please her and excite her, woo her, even make sure her club wasn't full of drug dealers, but it's as if she's not interested. I'm sure she just said that she wants a bit of fun! But to full on admit that she actually wants to take a chance with Martin, that must've been a kick in the gut for him! It's a shame, I feel Max has been very unlucky in the love with the amount of women he's been with on the square, some people believe Stacey was his one true love, I happen to believe it was Tanya. Him and Ruby, it wasn't going to last was it?
Uh-oh ... so Ben's ear had been bleeding while he slept ... off topic a second, but can I just say the way that Callum was looking at Ben while he slept was incredibly cute! ... Anyway, due to events happening the night before, Ben has been left with complete hearing loss - the blood has happened because of the gun shot which Danny shot so close to Ben's good ear. To me it seems as if Callum isn't aware as yet, but it's only a matter of time. When Jack told him about the robbery job at Stratford, Callum instantly thought of Ben. He knew he was away that night, Ben told him he had spent the night with Lexi, but was he telling the truth? We as viewers know he's not, but after showing a video of him and Lexi together, Callum was so apologetic to his boyfriend. It's true Ben has had a bit of a reputation in the past, and there is always a chance he could go back to doing dodgy work, but Callum seemed so relieved and believed his boyfriend was telling the truth. I have a horrible feeling things are going to turn upsetting once he finds out the truth. I think the only way Callum will find out will be down to Ben's hearing loss, he'll come to realise that Ben is completely deaf and I think he'll try to find out how and why. That scene between Sharon and Callum, I found it quite a good one, Callum was clearly asking for advice about how to handle being in a relationship with someone and yet knowing they get up to no good, Sharon explained to him that he just has to trust Ben, he loves him and that should be enough, regardless of what Ben may get involved in, he loves him and he would never see him come to harm. Awww, how lovely was it to see Frankie back! I believe that we will start to see her more and more in the next few episodes, Ben will begin to struggle even more with his complete hearing loss, will he eventually tell Callum the truth and will they go to Frankie for help? Could Frankie be able to show Ben the ways of living complete deafness? Either way I'm looking forward to seeing more from her, I think she's a brilliant character to have a in a soap, I'm kinda hoping they make her a regular, and not just for a small stint in Ben's story-line, could she become a regular if the viewers love her?!
Does anyone else feel sorry for Tiffany also? Keegan hadn't spoken a word to her all day, ignored her calls and left the house before she woke up and didn't leave her a note or a message. It's true Keegan hasn't had much luck over the past few months, but digging his head in the sand and claiming defeat is not going to help the situation. Tiffany has done everything she can to support him and he's given her nothing back in return, nothing but grief, telling her that she doesn't understand, even though she's doing everything in her power to try and understand her husband and be there to support him. In tonight's episode we saw Tiff open up to Denise about how things are going in their relationship, she admitted it has been hard and that Keegan barely acknowledges her now. Denise praised her for sticking by him and urged her not to give up. Only to then find Keegan a while later, and he told he was leaving with his Mum, without her. I feel like Keegan is being selfish right now, why would he do that to her? Tiffany was clearly heartbroken, after everything they've both been through, why would he leave her in the lurch? Would he really have left and not told her if he hadn't seen her?!
Which brings me to the next topic of Karen leaving, it was kinda obvious that they wouldn't leave. Something was bound to happen, Sharon would not have been able to be stay away from her son, knowing full well he was due to leave the square, with the chance of her never seeing him again. But what does this mean for Tiffany now? Now Karen has been asked to stay, does that mean Keegan will still go on his own? Or have his plans to leave now been ruined and will he have to stay and face the music to? I don't know how quickly that will be forgotten but how will Tiffany be able to forgive him for preparing to up and leave without her? I'm happy Sharon finally saw sense and asked Karen to stay. Through out the whole episode, you knew Sharon was battling with her thoughts about what do about Kayden, I kept thinking "Will she?", "Won't She?" ... Part of me is thinking that she's doing it for Dennis, after finding the cuddly toy that was found in Dennis's belongings, she's done a complete U-turn and come to the conclusion that Dennis would not have wanted her to do this, he would've wanted her to give the young child an amazing life, just as she gave him! But now, what does it mean for both her and Phil? The look on Phil's face was far from happy ... it was anger, disgust ... purely due to the fact that it's another man's baby. How is Phil going to cope bringing up another man's child? It was the reason they split up in the first place, is Phil going to buy Sharon the Vic and let her live in there with Kayden and that will be it? I'm curious if Phil will be able to get past the fact that it's Keanu's child. He loves Sharon, and she loves him, the only thing that will come between them is baby Kayden. I'm intrigued as to what may happen next, will Phil learn to live with it? Who knows? Will Sharon even end up in the Vic? I feel like it was an obvious twist but an interesting one also, there are still many of people involved when it comes to baby Kayden ... Ben, Phil, Karen, Sharon, Kathy, Ian - how is Kayden staying with Sharon going to affect everyone? I get the feeling some will be happy, some not so much!
Thanks again everyone for taking your time to read my blog. Sadly we have wait yet another week for more of our favourite soap. It's been a dramatic week and there are so many questions going around in my head of which direction each story-line could go! I'm really excited to see more and I hope you're just excited as I am! Keep yourself safe everyone and look after yourselves. I'll be back again next Monday. Goodnight folks! Thank you again! xXx
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zalrb · 5 years
This account on twitter said this “stefan’s weird and everyone’s just fine with it. he follows elena to a graveyard then takes her journal and shows up at her house without knowing her at all to give it back & instead of questioning it she invites him to hang w her friends but NOOOO damon’s the creep for 3 seasons”
I HAD TO LET THEM KNOW. I responded like so..
I don’t see it that way. How? Sure Stefan wanted to know elena and build a life with her, but there was no way of knowing she would even want the same. There was no way he would have calulated her feelings for him. there was no guarantee she would even feel the slightest same for him. Literally all stefan did was bump into her. Later on in the ep, they meet again at the cemetery because Damon followed her with the crow and scared her with the fog. Damon was literally the reason as to why they met for a second time... after meeting, Elena leaves and forgets her journal. When Stefan returns her journal (of course he knows where she lives because he MADE SURE she was NOT Katherine who had “died” in 1964 or whatever the date was. After returning the journal, SHE invites him to the grill. So after talking in font of her home, for her, he is a mystery and what’s to get to know him better. So again, SHE INVITES HIM to the grill to know him and her friends. He didn’t anticipate that be her reaction..they go together and there he meets Caroline and Bonnie and Matt for like a second. There, they all talk semi about each other’s life and Stefan talks about his parents, about elenas parents and about bonnies past. Caroline INVITES him to a party that happens every year. He says he’ll go if Elena goes as well and Elena now is already like “this man is 😘” hahaha. There at the party, they talk about Matt and their recent breakup. Also that the party, elena talks more about her parents car crash and her brother, and how she’s sad. Stefan lets her know “you won’t be sad forever Elena” In the final few minutes of the first episode, we meet Damon. We learn that Damon was also stalking Elena and threatened to hurt Elena to get Stefan to drink human blood. I went on to say, In the comet episode (2nd episode) , SHE goes to HIS house. Then later on at the Lockwood party, they meet again while looking at the comet. There she’s kind of angry at Stefan because she learns about Katherine, because of what Damon told her, and she (K) basically was the the love of his life, or so she thought. After her speech (we met and it was epic) she leaves him. What does Stefan do? He GIVES HER SPACE, he doesn’t go or chase after her. What happen later in the ep? SHE went BACK to HIS house on HER own. Again, he couldn’t have known she would do that. He CONTINUES TO RESPECT HER... There at the house, she tells him the truthc, her REAL FEELINGS. she lets him know her feeling about losing her parents and how she’s scared of being happy for one scared and how she writes everything that bundled up in her mind in her journal to make an understanding of her emotions. Even after their “first” argument if you well, she decides SHE wants to know him. She feels safe with him because he’s real and doesn’t “fake it” when being around her. (Everyone around her is fragile, and scared to say or do the wrong thing), i.e Caroline. She’s uses a journal entry example, “I would write..."Dear diary, today I convinced myself it was ok to give up. Don't take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama, now is just not the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses. All I'm doing is hiding from the truth, and the truth is that..." I'm scared, Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for even one moment that...the world's just going to come crashing down, and I...don't know if I can survive that”. We know after bumping into Stefan, her and Bonnie text one another “hottie looking at you”, she’s happy, cheerful & smiling due to Stefan. Stefan responds with “you wanna know what i would write” I would write “we talked, and it was epic and the set came up and reality set in. Well this is reality, right here”. From then on, her gives her the necklace to protect her from compulsion against Damon and his own. Literally, everything he does is based on what ELENA wants. I added, in 1x07 Lexi asks stefan if he told her about his vampire side and he says “she has to want me on her own terms”.. he always respect her and her feelings. I would LOVE to know your thoughts queen. 💘 Yeah, I essentially map it out with this post: https://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/190417664885/stefan-followed-elena-to-the-graveyard-went-to
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alexdanversfbi · 5 years
Supergirl, Sanvers Fandom and LGBTQ - in response to Twitter Posts.
I’m making a post to try & clarify some things since I made a post, & subsequent issues that have arisen from it. Forewarning, this is going to be quite lengthy but I hope you will read it carefully and fully.
Firstly, I’m a transgender man. I’m in my early 50’s. I’m happily married.
My wife (who now ID’s as bi, but for a long time until my transition, was lesbian, as I had lived as well), quite honestly have been involved in the LGBT community & push for representation and law changes longer than many Sanvers fans have been alive.
I say this to make the point, not to say it makes us better at it, or everyone needs to listen only to us - but that to say we’ve seen no representation, to poor & patchy representation, to representation starting to improve.
Both in laws of the land & on screen.
We’ve faced homophobia & seen transphobia up front and personal since childhood. My in-laws were a staunch allies for lgbt people. My mother in law was a beard to a friend of hers, as they went to underground parties simply so he could date another man. Sadly, my own family were less supportive, & while I wasn’t kicked out of my home, I didn’t get unconditional love & support either. While my father is now dead, I’m still facing it today with a mother who is terrible at acknowledging transgender me.
It all has a long way to go - and it might seem glacial to some, but in the decades we’ve seen it going on, there is far more good than there ever was. It’s still mixed in with the bad though. But more on that later.
I got into the SG fandom late.
Really late!
As late as about 3 months ago, because as a surprise for my wife, I bought her tickets for Ultimates specifically to see Flo as an early wedding anniversary present (it’s in May). She had watched the show (although had stopped before the end of S3 after the debacle of Sanvers and the ridiculous storylines being assigned to Alex). I hadn’t even done that.
However, she still talked about it, but because of what happened with Sanvers had said it wasn’t worth me watching it (she had watched it separately from me for a number of different reasons), because of how bad it was.
So I didn’t bother. Why watch something that was going to destroy any good it gave.
My wife though did say how there were (up until the shitstorm of S3) parallels to Maggie’s (& to Alex’s) stories to another program we did watch on UK TV Bad Girls, and Nikki Wade with Helen Stewart. Nikki was kicked out of the family home for being gay at 16. Was an out lesbian. Helen had only been with men, met Nikki, questioned her relationships - and eventually, unlike SG, they gave them the happy ending.
She also remarked how Flo had left for good reasons because of the way Maggie was written beyond the arc of girlfriend to Alex.
Remember, I wasn’t around the fandom, and to be honest, although my wife is a fan of Sanvers & Flo - she wasn’t really around social media either, particularly at the time Flo left. She hadn’t followed any Sanvers fans at that point.
So neither of us had seen the Flo hate. We’ve heard about it - but since neither of us were active at that time, we simply haven’t seen it.
It does not mean for one split second we condone stuff like that, any more than we condone hate sent to any actor or actress, regardless of the circumstances.
So I’m nipping in the bud any accusations of Flo hate from me now. It couldn’t be further from the truth.
We did see some Flo hate on Instagram as S2 of The punisher started and my wife went in on occasion to defend her.
I could do it - but I have crippling anxiety. Even writing this is because of the support of my wife.
It does mean I find it hard - extremely hard - to go in unannounced to people I don’t know to say anything.
My wife does though stand up if she sees anything. It’s just her online time is often restricted.
Back to SG now - we weren’t watching, even though Nicole Maines was cast, but because I was late to watching SG, it really wasn’t something I was aware of.
I will add, my main social media presence until the last couple of months was Facebook or Instagram. So it did pass me by.
Both of us actually, as my wife - due to disability - isn’t always the most active either. She had heard of it, but we often have other stuff in real life going on (hospital & doctor appointments etc), and that was one of those times, so it was there, but not up front & centre for us.
Now this might not seem like a big deal to some or a good enough reason to watch, but to me this is my Maggie moment when I did realise what was going on fully.
As a Transgender man, to see a transgender superhero finally being cast - that was great news.
What wasn’t so great - it was via SG. A program that had shown demonstratively poor judgement & queer baiting since the loss of Flo.
Were we worried that Nicole’s character would get the same treatment?
Absolutely we were.
However, coupled with having bought my wife tickets for Ultimates to meet Flo, I decided to watch SG, since it meant I had an idea about who we’d be meeting.
Then Nicole was added as a guest and that was it. Tough as it might be, we had two reasons to watch.
My wife warned me what was to come. How Sanvers broke up. How poor the writing became (not just Sanvers, but Alex, Mon-El and far more than I can get into here). Despite being warned, I loved the start. I loved (& still love Sanvers). I get why it became so important for a lot of viewers.
I hate how it was dealt with on screen at the end.
Utterly despise it in fact.
But remember, I only came into this recently, so I have no history of how it played out in real time on social media.
I’d become a huge Chyler fan (but I enjoyed her as Lexie) as I loved Alex, the wife is still a huge Flo fan.
Sanvers even had me drawing again for the 1st time in 15 years (see my pinned Tweet as it’s a Sanvers kiss).
But Ultimates was booked.
Then Nicole came along.
So we both grit our teeth and started watching the rest of S3, and what had already been shown of S4 (to show you how late this was, it was already to episode 13 of S4 when we started it).
Season 3 and the first 10 or 11 episodes of S4 are ….. at best badly written. Poor storylines, plot holes you could drive a bus through … but despite all this, we took what we could because the Nia storyline was being handled fairly well.
Now we could argue why settle for something so poor? Why not push for better representation.
I cannot stress enough (and honestly, the whole thing I was trying to put in a 240 character Tweet that has resulted in all this), that for us the show had now put in representation & produced something we’d not seen until now.
The show has moved on, and goodness me, if you truly think I expect people to move on, then it isn’t the case. I was merely trying to explain, that even previously staunch Sanvers fans might well now watch for completely different reasons.
It doesn’t mean there are other staunch Sanvers fans who should move on. You are just as valid in what you want.
It doesn’t even mean the fight for Sanvers as endgame should stop, and people of differing views can still want that to happen.
It was definitely not to bash Maggie (or Flo), particularly as it was Flo who was the reason we are attending Ultimates.
For me the reason I now watch is because of Nia and Alex.
My wife because of Nia.
As difficult as it is to palate for a lot of you (understandably), there are also going to be those who’ll watch the new LI because it’s another area of representation in having a gay black woman on screen.
We’ve (wife & myself) been around long enough to know what poor & good representation looks like. Heck, good representation is nigh on impossible to find - I can say Helen & Nikki were one of the lucky ones. In the 20 years since that’s happened, I’m struggling to find many others. They are out there, but when it’s only a dozen or so at best, it’s tough.
As my wife remarked the other week; when Jes MacCallan wears a t-shirt at Clexacon that lists wlw and it’s barely enough to be on the front of said t-shirt - that shows how poor it’s been. And then most didn’t have a happily ever after. Sure it’s not a comprehensive list, but it does help prove how poor it’s been.
But also remember as poor as that has been, there are some (like trans or gay men or black women) who’ve had even less. They deserve more, & sometimes that starting point is horribly bad.
We’ve also been around long enough to know it isn’t black & white. It isn’t linear.
Just like coming out, you constantly have to do it. That sometimes means taking what is the worst outcome, but using it to steadily push for the better ones. It sometimes means you might have to take that step backwards to move forwards.
It can also feel unsavoury to do that.
A prime example I can think of here in the UK is we remember when people first started touting same sex marriage - and at that point, they were in process of changing the law on same sex adoption.
For those not aware of the UK law that was - it allowed single gay people to adopt, but not couples .... so stupidly a gay person could adopt if single, and then become involved with someone else, but if you were in a committed relationship no go - anyway, from that law the discussion to get marriage in place started. Gay men were openly likened to those opposing the law change to peodophiles, as sadly still happens to gay men today.
That change in adoption law was a big step forward in getting the laws on marriage here changed.
Then came civil partnership. So many people were angry it wasn’t enough and many said it was in fact a step back. Yet, for us it was a huge step forward. I kept trying to explain then, you often have to take the least favourable option to keep pushing for the best outcome. That marriage could happen, but don’t dismiss what was occurring simply because it wasn’t good enough for you.
It is an exhausting situation, to constantly push for better representation. This is a process. Occasionally that process will force steps back - but as long as the overall push is bigger than that, it will carry on.
For me, I do think that Alex is slowly getting a better deal as a character and I’ve enjoyed the latter part of her story arc in S4.
Does it mean it’s as good as it was or could be?
No, it doesn’t. But it also doesn’t mean - and this is my opinion, and believe it or not I’m okay if people watching don’t agree - pretty much all of S3 (honestly that is a clusterfuck of epic proportions) and the first half of S4 are about as bad as it can be.
Nicole has also had good representation though. There is a lot that resonates for me. A lot I wish I could’ve seen as a child growing up, not in my early 50’s.
Think about that.
I’m finally seeing good representation in my 50’s for the first time.
Albeit in a program that has far from stellar representation for a long time.
This isn’t the 2nd, or 3rd or however many times it has gone on for lesbian couples on TV.
That for me is a huge deal. Huge!
Like a black gay woman is going to be huge for some others.
However, it also means if the LI for Alex gets storylines that Flo deserved I won’t be pissed.
You can bet I will be. As will my wife.
We’ll undoubtedly rip apart the producers for it at home, as we’ve done so many times. Just because people haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been said.
I guess what I’m trying to say in all this rambling is I truly have no quarrel with people wanting to stay solely as Sanvers fans. I just want to be allowed to go beyond that (and I would love nothing more than Sanvers endgame), even if that seems counterintuitive to some of you.
I’ve never posted anything with ulterior motives to attack any group of fans. It might have appeared that way for some - but truly I simply posted something on my timeline as a general observation. It was not directed at anyone per se.
I’ve realised that it’s been construed as such, but those who do know me also know I will never disparage others intentionally. If it comes across as such, it was - believe it not - unintentionally done. If you don’t want to believe that, I can’t change that, but I do ask you don’t keep saying stuff about it to me.
I’ve not seen much beyond interacting with some mutuals on Twitter.
It appears there is a far greater history going on than I could have ever imagined between some people.
So for now - I’m going to post my usual things but to try to avoid posting directly to followers except family & friends away from the fandom.
To make it absolutely clear I never intend or intended to get pulled into a war of words with anyone.
I just want to enjoy Sanvers - and for me personally, go beyond that.
It’s just I’ve seen so much progress for the LGBT community, even if it could be faster.
I saw lesbian activists disrupting the BBC news in protest to the government of the time and Clause 28.
I saw the news report of the bomb that went off in a gay Soho nightclub.
I watched friends become stigmatised for being gay men at the start of the AIDS crisis.
I saw people fighting HIV & later AIDS & some dying as a result.
I’ve seen this and far more. I’ve actively campaigned on issues ranging from animal rights to LGBT rights, when the T wasn’t even part of the acronym, to nuclear disarmament and far more.
I’ve seen more positives finally coming about in the last 18 years than anything that’s gone before it.
We’ll face steps backwards. Some will be greater than others, but make no mistake, the strides forward are bigger.
Activism for better representation isn’t just something to hinge on one TV storyline or show - it can just be about that of course - but life is messy. It takes steps in many different directions for many different people.  
If people were offended, then I am saying sorry.
It has though been difficult to become embroiled in something that is far further reaching than I had any idea about.
One of the perils of being so new to the fandom I guess.
And now I’m off to cuddle one of our cats.
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Making my heart race for 45 minutes every week season 17x5 or like everyone else likes to call it Grey's Anatomy.
Now before I get started I was idly scrolling through Instagram instead of studying like I was supposed to and I was recommended a Grey's Anatomy confession site to torture myself (because most of the time I feel irrationally sad after reading when I see my faves being bashed) and I was a good few confessions in when I noticed that someone had taken a part of lasts weeks review word for word and submitted it. I never really thought I would have to but I beg please don't do that. Confession sites tend to make my heart race and when I realized it was my words that were used I was already in the comments, none of my opinions in these are final so I'd rather not have my words posted anywhere else where people can't see the complete picture. Its definitely fine to use it as inspiration but Please do not post my reviews anywhere else, or at least ask first.
*Now finally onto the review*
All in all the episode was like I expected in terms of outcomes however Grey's has got to come up with another genetic disorder besides Alzheimers, because this is yet another doctor with the gene. Not much happened besides the main event so let's hope I don't talk all over myself again.
Catherine Fox and Jackson Avery
Refuses to wear the mask like the pig headed woman she is. Her especially should take no risks because as it was pointed out in the episode she is immunocompromised. She didn't actually appear in person but I thought I would mention her part in the episode because it gave us Richard and Jackson scenes which I have grown to love and appreciate because they're always wholesome the one they had tonight on systematic racism was great and one that I hope managed to educate viewers on the situation. It's great to see Jackson have someone there who has a parent figure there to listen calmly. Catherine as great of a mother as she is in my opinion sometimes she can come across as an eccentric aunt. I'm glad Richad managed to tame the wildcat and convince her to wear a mask with his sexual promises. We've lost enough Grey Sloan staff and family from it so far.
A hopefully temporary resident at the fake beach where nothing is real. Unfortunately there were no new visitors at the beach. Like I stated last week, I'm not entirely sure if we'll see anymore of the greats such as Mark Sloan, Lexie ect but there's still a chance next week although it seems like she might be waking up, but like I always say with Grey's expect the unexpected She may or may not be out of the deep end yet but I'm just thankful for the few glimpses we got to see George and Derek grace our screens again the nostalgia was great. However as much as I enjoyed seeing them again, I want Meredith to wake up I miss her, she may not be as fun and quirky as she used to be in the earlier seasons but without her working in the hospital it's hard to deny that something's missing from the episodes.
(Here we go again.) 😔
This triangle has been going strong for a long time almost too long, and once again they flipped the switch its always back and forth. A few episodes ago she was begging Owen for forgiveness and now she's telling Tom they have a future. I feel like she needs some time to process what she's really feeling most of the time it seems like she's confused and fair enough it all happened so fast the time between her being with Tom and Owen expressing his still lingering feelings to her but now she needs to make sure that the decision she makes now is the one she actually intends to stick with.
On another note Tom seems to be out of the woods, for now at least which is great when he asked for his son I was a little concerned for a bit I wasn't sure if he was really going to make it. He's a douche and a hard ass but he has the potential to have a great character development, so I'm glad he got another chance. And my comments about wanting Helm to be his new protege remains in that small scene they had last week something just clicked with me and there's also the fact that she wanted to treat him despite the risks.
Owen was here as a filler basically, and to reinforce the love triangle again.
Jo Wilson
Is thinking of switching specialties, if Ben can do it like changing sweaters why can't she switch? I do think it will be a good fit for her the way she has been fawning over the babies of recent it was either that or give her one of her own which in my opinion I don't think she's ready for. But even in all of the excitement I can't help but think that she's only looking at the cupcake and rainbow side for now because although it's awesome being the first one to hold the babies and everything, not every delivery goes well sometimes the babies don't make it or in other cases the mothers die I hope she's ready to face that side of the package as well.
Just mentioning as well that I love the friendship between her and Schmitt. It was an unexpected but pleasant pairing one of which I'm looking forward to seeing more of in the long run.
On the other hand if Jo switches this gives us more of a chance to see Carina as well because she was signed on a a series regular yet we don't get to see her enough except for on Station 19 and on there she's only Maya's girlfriend. I hope it changes soon and they give her more of a plot or something.
Not much relationship content other than Link finding out about her and Koracick's fling and he took her going into the hospital before the end of her maternity leave quite well. They are one of the healthier relationships in Grey's. Right now at least things always get trickier later.
I'm glad she went in though it let Koracick know that he still had people who care about him and she managed to make Teddy who everyone was treating like garbage as well feel a little better.
No Winston today but we got a lot of Maggie content which was great. She was the moral support once again but today I was fine with it I always enjoy her moments with Bailey and at least she was able to be there for her seeing that Ben was MIA and Webber was busy taking care of her patients along with Jackson. Once again a very needed conversation between her and Bailey and I loved that she still went to comfort her despite the fact that rehashing her own mother's death had to be painful to do.
(Thanks for ruining My Girl for me Grey's now instead of feeling happy I'll forever think of Bailey saying goodbye to her mother.)
We all know that whenever Bailey starts spouting out her feelings and asking for help and advice things are about to go down.
Before we get completely into it I'd just like to express my disappointment in the fact that Ben literally dropped everything took the aid car to save his in laws no questions asked then dropped off his mother in law at the hospital with Covid and left his wife who has anxiety without even checking in. I know he's a first responder as well and he isn't allowed into the hospital that easily either but geeze no other phone calls or messages to check in?. He better have been stuck putting out a huge fire or something equally as bad, besides being him being hurt himself at least.
Another foot note to appreciate Bailey primping before her facetiming with Ben. Go get it hun. Their relationship be cute as usual.
Then the big revel her, mother has dementia, yet another doctor with the alzheimers gene. The moment between her and Meredith was heartwarming to be honest it's a foreign thing seeing them so close and having life conversations still but it's something I hope we get to see often they've had them as semi rivals/ semi friends long enough.
It was hard to see her have to say goodbye and the fact that her father couldn't be there to tell his wife any final words and be there to hold her as she passed made it worse, his wife that he was married to and loved for so long had to die without the comfort of her husband by her side and her daughter could barely hold her hand because of the bulk of her suit, then one of the saddest parts was that she possibly didn't even know what was happening to her. But thankfully Bailey could have been there to sing to her and keep her calm, a lot of people don't even get that much of a chance during the pandemic their loved ones die alone.
The moment I saw the conversation with her dad and the way she was only half listening I knew she was going to blame herself at some point over what happened, it remains to be seen if Maggie's speech worked or if she's going to continue to blame herself. Like I stated before I love the conversation her and Maggie had. One of the reasons why I haven't stepped off the Grey's Carousel is because they touch on topics that others don't cross they aren't afraid to touch the important and controversial things.
I was too being sad over her mothers death at first but I also want to talk about her and Webber's friendship he immediately postponed everything to be there for her, he took over her workload and still made sure he was there in time to be there and support her when she watched her mother flat line.
The pandemic has always been real to me but somehow seeing the names of those that passed at the end was surreal I found myself just staring at the screen for a few minutes later reflecting on everything.
Next week is the winter finale and I have no idea how it could get anymore dramatic than it already is. There's been so much already but Grey's always manages to surprise me. Then after that episode it's back to nothing until March 😭😭😭.
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