#On the plus side I’m keeping the bottom rack
maireadralph · 8 months
Last night the dishwasher that came free with the house decided to blow the fuses in the kitchen near the end of the cycle. That appliance has been on its last legs for years now, luckily no one was hurt despite there being a burning smell for a bit. The appliance has been emptied, powered off at the wall and the water drained.
The earliest we can get a new dishwasher shipped, installed and the old one taken away for recycling is on the 14th - nothing says romance more than a new dishwasher ❤️ 🧼
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Monster, Inc.
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is an asshole, you know this. But what happens when he turns his wrath upon you? (plus!reader)
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, this reader is known as Missie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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You sweep in with an armful. Two! You push through the door with your ass and barely keep from falling onto it. As ever, you enter in a whirlwind of to dos and currently being dones. You breeze over to your desk and carefully lower your load, blowing out through your lips. Whew. 
You peer over at the office door. The place is desolate. You’re always the first in, the last one gone. You can blame your boss’ high standards but that’s not fair. You put just as much pressure on yourself. 
You unlock Mr. Hansen’s office door and set about sorting through your list. You hang his suit jackets that you picked up last night and put the new pair of Prada loafers he ordered on the little rack across the bottom. Then you bring in his usual coffee in the gold insulated mug engraved with the company logo. Then you set out that special little treat you spent your morsel of free time baking. 
You carefully place the numbered candles on the mini cheesecake and stand with a proud smile. You never forget to dot and i or cross a t. You think that’s why you’ve lasted longer than any other PA under Hansen’s wise guidance. You anticipate his needs before they even come up. 
You hear him coming and light the candles before you rush to the door. You swiftly step outside and out of his way as he shoves his briefcase into your arms and tosses his jacket at you. You catch the latter and wait for him to enter before you trail after him. You put his briefcase on his desk as he goes around the other side and swiftly hang his jacket with his freshly cleaned suits. 
He noisily flicks back the lid of the travel mug then let out a hum. You know that hum. He’s not happy. He hasn’t even tasted it. What’s the problem. You turn and smooth the ruffles of your polka dot skirt. 
“Sir? Is the coffee not hot enough?” 
“What the fuck is this?” He stares at his desk with a sneer. 
“What the fuck!” He raises his voice. 
“Oop! Happy birthday, sir!” You trill and come closer, peeking past his iMac at the flickering flames on the 4 and the 6. 
He snarls at the candles and picks up the waxy 6. You blink, surprised by his reaction. You don’t understand. It’s a nice birthday surprise.  
“Sir, It’s tiramisu cheesecake. I know you like the stuff from down at White’s but--” 
He throws the little candle at you and the melting wax drips on your ruffled collar. You cry out and catch it as the flame goes out. He does the same with the other and scalds your inner arm. You cradle the candles as he takes the cakes and tosses it like a frisbee toward the door. You gulp. 
You’ve seen Mr. Hansen angry before. It’s his favourite emotion but it’s never been because of you. His blue eyes narrow at you and he curls his lips. 
“I don’t need some young fucking bimbo like you reminding me how old I am,” he snaps and picks up the travel mug, slurping loudly, “get the fuck out of my sight. And clean that up.” 
“I’m sorry, sir, I thought--” 
“You thought?” He barks, “not hard enough, hips.” 
You wince. His little pet names aren’t as sweet as they might seem and he rarely hurls them at you. No, he calls the women in the copier room sugar tits and baby, but not you. You look down at your skirt, the frills don’t make you seem any less wide. His reminder of your size stings, not that you hate yourself, but he can be so nasty. 
“Yes, sir,” you answer brightly. 
He sighs and falls into his large leather chair. He mutters into the cup as you go off to grab paper towel to clean up the desecrated cheesecake. You return with the wastebasket from beside your desk and set to wiping up the ruins. 
“You really need to make those things look any bigger? I should send you down to HR,” he snips. 
You look up, confused. You shake your head as you put another clump in the bin, “Mr. Hansen?” 
“Whatever that is...” he gestures to his collar and you look down at your ruffly collar, “it’s not doing you any favours.” 
“Thank you, sir, I’ll donate the blouse,” you agree. 
“Even the poor idiots down at Goodwill don’t deserve that,” he scoffs. 
He’s in a mood. You’re not prepared for it. You assumed his birthday would be a happy day. It’s your own fault for trying to predict him. He’s hard to account for.  
You finish up and grab the roll of towels and the bin. You stand and something flies over your shoulder. You flinch and turn to look down at his golden pen. You stare, perplexed. 
“Well, pick it up, hips.” You shrug and obey. As you bend over, he chortles, “damn, wide load.” 
You snap up, embarrassment singing your neck and cheeks. You turn and hurry over to place the pen on his desk. You dip your head and quickly retreat. 
“Ah, cheeks, don’t be so shy. Some guys like the extra cushion,” he snickers. 
“Sir, can I get you anything else?” You stop by the door. It’s better not to feed into his little game. This is fun for him. 
“Some fucking peace and quiet. Get out.” 
You don’t hesitate to do exactly that. You shut the door and cross to your desk. You put the bun down and swerve towards the break room to put the towels away. You return to your desk and sit, recentering yourself as you ready yourself for the daily rundown. Before you can open up the calendar, a notification pops up in the corner.  
Mr. Hansen? 
You click on it and revealed in the chat is a picture of your ass as you bend over to grab the pen. You cringe. He can see that you read the message. The little eye icon pops down beside the picture. 
‘Cancel my nine o’clock’ his next message pops up. 
‘Yes, Mr. Hansen,’ you type back. 
His dot turns to red. Unavailable. Right. He is bristly this morning, it’s best he doesn’t have anyone else around to provoke him. 
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eksvaized · 8 months
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[ Previous ┃ Next ] part 5
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After finally venturing back inside, Simon did not approach you for an entire hour. Instead, he chose to keep his distance and observe you from afar. You were on the dance floor with Liz by your side. Both of you were giggling and dancing, twirling around in each other’s arms. He stayed in a dark corner, hidden, hoping no one would bother him.
He watched intently as you gracefully swayed your hips from side to side, your arms wrapped around Liz as the two of you moved in perfect sync. He realised he wasn’t the only one whose eyes you caught. In fact, practically every man in the club had their hungry gazes fixed on you, looking over their shoulders, stealing sneaky glances while their girlfriends weren’t watching. A few times, several of them tried to approach you and Liz. You weren’t successful at turning down unwanted attention, but Liz was, ensuring drunk idiots didn’t bother either of you for too long.
“Hello, you,” someone purred into his ear. He felt a gentle touch on his arm as fingers traced a path up his bicep, giving it a light squeeze, trying to peel his focus away from the dance floor.
With hesitation, Simon turned his head to the side and saw Mandy standing next to him. She batted her eyelashes at him, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, and biting the soft flesh. A mischievous smile formed on her face.
If she was any other girl, he would have shoved her away after telling her he was not interested in talking. However, she was your friend, and no matter what she wanted, Simon was determined to tolerate her presence. He didn’t want to risk upsetting Mindy because he was sure that she would then report it all to you, which could potentially tarnish Simon in your eyes.
The problem was that Mindy didn’t want just to talk. She couldn’t comprehend how a plain mouse like you could capture his interest. In her mind, she considered herself superior to you, so she was determined to steal his attention.
“I saw you here, all alone, looking bored,” Mindy said, her fingers gradually slipping down from his arm and her hand retreating back to her side. “And because you’re apparently Y/N’s friend... I felt obligated to offer you my company. She’s busy and I’m not.”
Simon wanted to distance himself from Mindy, but he made a conscious effort to put on a friendly facade. Mindy took a step closer, rising on her tiptoes as her face inched closer to his. She leaned in, briefly focusing on his lips before meeting his gaze.
“Plus, don’t tell Y/N, but... I’m a much better company than she is. With her, you might get bored, but with me, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
There was nothing about Mindy that he liked. She was too cocky, too self-absorbed, and definitely too confident. She approached Simon, expecting to win him over instantly because no man had ever turned her down. However, there was always a first time for everything, and Simon was determined to prove to her that her looks alone would not make him fold and fall to his knees.
“Ah, how nice of you, really. But I’m fine on my own.” He wanted to turn her down, but he realised he had to be smart about it.
“Let me buy you a drink, at least,” Mandy insisted. Despite Simon’s lack of interest in her, she remained stubborn and refused to leave him alone.
He shook his head and looked away from her, his gaze returning to the dance floor.
Liz had disappeared. You were all alone, but you didn’t seem to care about the lack of company. With your eyes closed, you allowed yourself to be completely consumed by the music. Your fingers ran through your hair, your hands caressed your body, and you swayed your hips to the beat. Simon could not tear his eyes off of you. He was mesmerised by your beauty, utterly enchanted by the way you effortlessly moved your body, shutting out the chaotic noise of the world around you.
While keeping one eye on you, he continued to entertain Mandy, who was still bent on sticking around. He racked his brain, trying to come up with an excuse that would allow him to get rid of her, but he had a sinking feeling that none of his usual tricks would be effective in persuading her to leave.
Simon saw a man approach you. The drunk stranger whispered something into your ear. You shook your head and smiled politely. From the looks of it, it seemed like you were trying to tell the man you weren’t interested in talking with him. As Simon watched the interaction, his gut instincts told him he should intervene. However, he didn’t want to overreact. He kept himself rooted to the ground.
But then, you pushed the stranger away for the second time. The man laughed, shook his head and placed his palm on your back, gradually inching his hand lower. Looking uncomfortable, you tried to move away from him. Though your polite smile remained, your eyes grew wide, and you anxiously glanced around.
“I think I see Y/N,” Simon said and turned to face Mindy, who was still running her mouth. “I’m going to be right back.”
Mindy’s lips parted in confusion, her eyes growing darker and angrier. She was not pleased with the fact that Simon had chosen to ditch her for you. But before she could react, try to grab his hand and stop him, Simon had already started forcing his way through the crowd, pushing past the stumbling people, determined to get to the dance floor as soon as possible.
“Is everything all right here?” Simon asked calmly as he approached you and the stranger. His voice carried a hint of concern, though he tried to hide his anger; his face remained expressionless, but his fingers curled into tight fists.
When you turned around and saw Simon, he could see a visible relief wash over your face.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine. You can move along, buddy,” the man said, causing Simon’s jaw to tighten.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Simon spat back, grinding his teeth. This time, he couldn’t hide his irritation while speaking.
Simon’s attention shifted to you. Your eyes darted between the two men. Sensing that you wanted to get away from the stranger, Simon wrapped his fingers around your shoulder and guided you towards the bar, giving you a gentle push to steer you away from the sea of people.
“This is the second time you saved me,” you pointed out when the two of you found an empty spot at the end bar. While leaning against the counter, you shifted your body closer to the wall, letting Simon shield you away from the people.
“Well, I guess that then, instead of one, you owe me two drinks now,” he said with a playful smile directed towards you, which caused you to giggle and enthusiastically nod your head.
“Sounds fair.”
But he only let you buy him one glass of whiskey. And the second time you ordered drinks, he paid for both of you because he didn’t want you to waste your hard-earned money on him.
You two talked and flirted a lot. He often had to lean down and speak into your ear, so you could hear what he was saying. His warm breath tickled your skin. Whenever his hand lightly brushed against your waist or his fingers slowly traced down your arm, an electrifying shiver would run down your spine. And maybe it was just all the cocktails you had drank, but the more you chatted with him, the more you liked him. He was handsome and funny, and unlike the other men in the club, he wasn’t completely wasted. Most importantly, he didn’t creep you out.
At one point, you couldn’t help but notice your gaze fixating on his lips. At that moment, a sudden realisation washed over you — you wanted to kiss him. However, you quickly pushed that thought to the back of your mind. No matter how tempted you were to brush your lips against his, it would be too forward. You weren’t drunk enough yet to act so boldly.
“Aren’t your friends going to be upset that you ditched them for me?” Simon inquired, his fingers lightly drumming against the empty glass in his hand.
“No,” you immediately blurted out, looking around while shaking your head. Mindy was nowhere to be found, and Liz seemed to have disappeared into the crowd, engrossed in conversation with some strangers on the dance floor. “They often abandon me whenever an attractive guy flirts with them, so I guess it’s my turn to do the same.”
You and he had another hour to spend together before Mindy and Liz approached you. Apparently, they were bored and wanted to go home, and insisted that you go with them.
“Friends don’t leave their girlfriends alone at the club with some stranger they just met,” Mindy stated with a smile. However, her words had a sarcastic undertone, suggesting that your safety wasn’t her top priority, and her only goal was to lure you away from him. If Mindy couldn’t have Simon, she didn’t want you to be with him, either.
Simon didn’t want to say goodbye to you just yet, but he realised he couldn’t force you to stay, either. Before you left, you asked him for his phone, which he handed to you. You entered your phone number and returned it to him.
“Call me,” you smiled. “Because I still owe you a drink.”
He watched as you, Mindy, and Liz exited the club. By the time he got outside, too, the three of you were already gone.
He decided to have a quick smoke before calling a cab and going home. As he stood further away from the crowd, enjoying the crisp air and feeling relieved having escaped the deafening awful music, the creepy stranger who had been causing problems for you earlier approached him.
“You stole my girl,” the man stated, angrily pointing his finger at Simon, pressing its tip to his chest. The stranger’s body was swaying from side to side as he struggled to keep his composure.
Simon could tell that the man was heavily intoxicated, so he refused to entertain him. At first, he remained silent, hoping that his lack of response would deter the persistent stranger. However, the man continued to talk, irritating Simon and pushing his limits.
“Shut up and go before I break your nose,” Simon warned in a bitter tone.
Simon walked away and fetched his phone out of his pocket. While his gaze was glued to the screen, the stranger approached him again. The drunk man shoved Simon, using all his strength, clearly not feeling happy about being ignored.
Simon inhaled sharply and remained still, choosing to overlook the stranger’s reckless behaviour. However, when the man pushed Simon for a second time, Simon lost all control. The anger surged through Simon, causing his eyes to darken, his nostrils to flare, and his mind to shut off.
Simon’s clenched fist forcefully struck the man’s nose, a revolting crack resonating through the air. He punched the stranger once. Then twice. Simon kept hitting him, each punch landing with a sickening thud. The man’s balance faltered, his body collapsing to the ground, but Simon’s relentless fury endured. His hands became stained with crimson, his knuckles throbbing with an insatiable itch. With every irregular, ragged breath, the scent of iron filled the air, mingling with the acrid taste of adrenaline.
Simon’s vision became distorted, blurring the world around him and heightening his senses. It didn’t help that he couldn’t stop thinking about you, either. He kept imagining what the stranger would have done to you if he hadn’t interfered. What if the man would have followed you home? What if he had done something and Simon hadn’t been there to stop him? The questions continued to pile up in his head, intensifying his anger and transforming it into pure rage.
Simon only drew back when whispers and murmurs reached his ears. The crowd was rapidly gathering around the scene. Everyone was pointing fingers, gasping loudly and whispering among themselves. Despite his mind being in disarray, Simon’s ability to observe made him acutely aware of how terrible everything looked. The tension in the air was palpable. The realisation hit him like a truck: he was beating up a guy who, at this point, wasn’t even attempting to defend himself.
Simon took a step back, releasing his grip on the stranger’s shirt and allowing his body to crumple to the ground. A mixture of guilt and regret engulfed Simon, overwhelming him like a sudden downpour. He glanced around, cursing under his breath as he examined the crowd. His attention returned to the motionless man lying before him. A question gnawed at his mind: was the stranger even breathing anymore?
No, no, no.
He can’t be dead.
Simon refused to let the same story repeat itself. He didn’t want to do something he had done before. He collapsed on his knees and shifted the man onto his back. From up close, after leaning down, he could see the stranger’s chest slowly rise and fall — he was breathing, and even if Simon broke a couple of his ribs and left his face bloody, at least the man was still alive.
Before anyone could call the police or attract the attention of the club’s security, Simon quickly stood up and distanced himself from the sea of people, leaving the man to lay on the cold concrete.
Only after crossing the street did Simon dare to turn around and look back. He noticed a woman kneeling beside the stranger, while a man stood next to her with a phone pressed to his ear, likely calling an ambulance.
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The 118 Chaotic Pizza Chat
Buck: This is what I fear when you make pizza, Eds
*tweet of pizza sitting directly on the oven rack imploding and looking like a mushroom cloud*
Bobby: Don’t put it directly on the rack Jesus
Buck: 😂😂😂
Eddie: 😬
Tbh I fear that too
Hen: You can!!!! Prevent it!!!
Bobby emphasized Hen’s message.
Hen: ?????
Eddie: But the bottom! Won’t be crispy enough!
Also my pizzas don’t fit on the pans
Buck: Flip the pan over!!
Eddie: Your weird little rectangular pizzas do but my circular ones don’t
Buck: Use the other side and then the whole bottom won’t fall out
Eddie replied to Buck’s message ( Flip the pan over!! ) *sends blinking meme*
Buck: Or, consider, buy yourself one of these bad boys
*sends link to pizza stone*
Hen: get a pizza stone
Eddie: Where would we store that 😭😭😭
Chim laughed at Eddie’s message.
Buck replied to Eddie’s message (blinking meme): Lol have you never done that 😂?
Eddie: Not once in my life, no
Bobby: You store it with the pans
Eddie: Flip the pan over??? wtf
Hen: Where else would you store a pizza stone
Chim laughed at Hen’s message.
Buck: We have a few fully empty cabinets 😂. In Inconvenient spots, sure, but it’s not a commonly used item lol
Bobby: You don’t have to get one with handles so it doesn’t take up as much space
Ravi: This is a chaotic chat right now 😂😂😂
Eddie: If you mean the one above the fridge, you can fuck off 😂😂😂
Hen: Get a step stool
Eddie: We have two lmao
Chim: Grow taller
Buck laughed at Chim’s message.
Eddie disliked Chim’s message.
Buck: One above the fridge, one below the stove 😂😂😂
Chim: Keep some kitchen heels at the ready
Eddie: Oh I don’t trust the one below the stove, absolutely not
Buck: Also as Bobby said, with the normal pans 😂😂😂
Chim: on top of the refrigerator
Buck: You say that like the bare oven rack is significantly cleaner 😂
Chim: In your room
Eddie: No no no that bottom drawer is nasty have you opened it recently??
Also it’s weirdly small? I think?
Chim: Right I know you’re cooking it but dude how old is that oven and food that is going inside it is just raw dogging it
Eddie: 🤷🏼‍♀️ have literally never once thought about that in my life tbh
Buck: No so I have no recollection of what it looks like 😂
Buck: Raw dogging it 😂😂😂😂
That just made me laugh so
Chim: Good I’m glad because brain fog made it really hard to remember that phrase
Hen laughed at Chim’s message.
Chim: The other option was bare assing it
Eddie: Well ya nailed it, so a plus
Buck: You nailed it so hard I had to explain it to my cap in our side chat 🤣🤣🤣
Ravi: just to circle back
To flip the pan over
There’s a Reddit thread that agrees with Buck
Eddie: Good for Buck 👍🏻
Ravi: Though the rigidity advice seems important to note
Buck: I’ve only used this method once for something I can’t really remember. But it wasn’t pizza 😂
Eddie: Also our pans pop and my actual fear is the pizza being awkwardly launched right to the bottom of the oven
Buck: I was just brainstorming for you. I didn’t say this was a perfect solution 😂
Eddie: I have put a pan on the rack below the pizza before
Bobby replied to Eddie: this hurts my soul, just put it on some parchment paper
Ravi: The other advice for you in this thread: *photo of round pizza cut in half to fit on a pan*
Eddie: Lololol I can imagine trying to cut a frozen pizza in half and it just shattering 😭😭😭
Eddie: But i feel like if I bought, like, a fancy frozen pizza that wasn’t thin crust, that could be genius
Chim: Idk that looks like a thin crust pizza example for you 😂
Hen: If you look closely you can see “thin” on the underlying box 🕵🏻‍♀️😂😂😂
Buck: But your pizza has shattered before so lol
Bobby replied to Buck: WTF
Eddie: Right but that’s target brand
I don’t fuckin trust the giant store brand 😂😂😂 Lolol do you tho???
Buck: Lmao no less than any other pizza probably
Buck: @Bobby Eddie dropped it on the ground
Eddie: Whole thing shattered
And I feel like something similar would happen if you tried to cut it while it was still frozen
Chim: Can’t know unless you try
Ravi: please send a video when you try
Buck, 10 minutes later: The funniest thing to me in this
Is that several of you lived with me and Eddie for like six months in a space that absolutely was not meant for four grown adults never saw him commit this food crime 😂
Hen: To be fair I did my level best to avoid perceiving any of you when we weren’t working. I love you, but that’s way too much time to spend with people you’re not married to
Chim, at the exact same time: we can’t all pay as much attention to Eddie as you, Buck
Ravi: ☠️
Hen: yeah... yeah. Mostly that
Inspired by a real life conversation with my roommates and this tweet:
Written for/with @professionalprocrastinator22 and our concerns about food crimes committed by @gravelyhalversobbing EXPOSING YOU
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max--phillips · 2 years
With all this food discourse happening I’d like to remind everyone that Indiana’s state pie is the Sugar Cream Pie and even people WHO LIVE IN INDIANA don’t know what it is and I think that’s hilarious as hell. Anyway, here’s a poll.
(Chess pie is not the same, it has butter, eggs, & an acid in it, plus you guys have the wherewithal to put vanilla and other flavorings in it. Sugar cream pie is literally that: sugar, milk, heavy cream depending on the recipe, a little bit of flour for thickening. THATS IT. No salt, no vanilla, no cinnamon, nothing. It’s BORING AS SHIT but it is SO FUCKING GOOD)
Recipe under the cut if you’d like to try making this in your own home! (And its MY recipe, not the boring official one that tastes like sugary milk. You will have vanilla & cinnamon & nutmeg. But leave those out for the Real Hoosier Experience™️)
One pie crust, or enough pie crust dough for one shell (if you’re a masochist, feel free to make your own! But I will not shame you if you just buy frozen shells from the grocery store.)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup AP flour (preferably unbleached, but whatever you have will work)
1 cup half-and-half*
1 cup heavy cream*
A pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract (do yourself a favor and get the real stuff, not the imitation garbage. trust me.)
2 tsp (or whatever your soul tells you) ground cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg for in the filling, some more to dust the top (another Pro Tip from Ya Boy: get whole nutmeg and a zester or spice grinder. Fresh nutmeg is MUCH better than the pre-ground stuff.)
*Here's a hot tip with this: half and half is half heavy cream, half milk. So, you can use 1.5 cups heavy cream and a half cup of milk (I Am Begging You To Use Whole Milk)
Now, here's what you do WITH all of those Ingredients™️
Step 1: Blind bake your pie crust based on the instructions on the package, or the instructions for your favorite recipe. Chances are you'll prick the bottom of the pie crust a whole bunch, then if this is fresh/homemade dough you'll chill it for about a half an hour. You'll probably preheat your oven to 375°F, line your pie crust with a sheet of parchment paper (or foil if you're in a pinch, but do NOT use wax paper), then fill the crust with pie weights, dried beans, or uncooked rice you do not intend to cook. You'll bake it until the crust starts to get brown around the edges, probably about 15 minutes. Once that's GBD, take it out of the oven, put it on a rack, and remove the parchment paper and weights.
Step 2: the filling! In a bowl (hot tip: get a bowl bigger than you think you'll need. You always need a bigger bowl) you want to combine the flour, sugar, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg first, then add in the half-and-half, cream, and vanilla. Once that's combined and nice n smooth, pour that bad boy right into your pie crust.
Step 3: Cook the thing! Yeah, already. Bake it in that same 375°F oven until the filling is juuuuuuust set, but still jiggles when you tap it on the side. This will probably take about 1 hour and 30 minutes, but keep an eye on things! Take it out and put it on a cooling rack. I personally recommend sprinkling some more nutmeg on top while it's still a little bit jiggly and hot so it'll stick, but you can also wait until it's cool and sprinkle it on right before you eat it. Or you can skip the nutmeg entirely, it’s up to you, I’m not the nutmeg cops.
Let that cool completely before you cut into it, then enjoy! I recommend keeping it in the fridge, but while you're cooling it, leave it on the counter or the filling'II get weird. You don't want it to cool TOO fast.
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faeromancenovels · 2 months
Bodies Call (2024) Part Two
The drive was pretty smooth, she didn’t live too far outside the city and the cafe had become a frequent meet up spot between the girls. Plus, the gas down the street was pretty cheap.
She pulled up to the pump, scanning the front of the store, a few people outside, but thankfully for her, there was a card reader at the pump. She paid, softly singing the song playing on the gas station’s speakers, reaching for the pump after she flicked open the gas cover. 
“Aira?” Her head swiveled twice, trying to locate the source of the voice before she locked eyes with a familiar face on the other side of the pump.
In those few seconds, Aira silently debated whether or not she could pull off fast enough for Zen to think it was someone else.
“Aira?” He repeated, rounding the pump and glancing between her hand and the gas pump, his brows knitted for a moment, before his eyes met her face and his confusion morphed into its familiar relaxed state.
“Hey!” She saved face and quickly masked her intentions to escape him, following his motion to lean in for a hug, awkwardly. That smell wafted into her nose again, she felt like she could melt into a puddle.
Their embrace lasted a bit too long for her, Zen taking a step back and clearing his throat, “Whatchu doing pumping your own gas? Where’s your man at?”
Aira furrowed her brows at him, her nose scrunching up, a habit of hers, “I need a man to pump my gas?” Zen smacked his lips at her, rolling his eyes before he reached out for the pump. 
“Ladies ain’t supposed to pump gas.”
She quietly handed the pump over, not able to handle the way her heart was hammering. He was already in his pjs, plaid bottoms and this tight ass t-shirt. Aira couldn’t stop looking at his arms. She’d never gotten the chance to look at his tattoos up close before. The silence between them gave her a chance to study them. 
“You headed to Johari’s yet?” 
“Nah, I’m headed home to change, then to get the wine.”
“Ain’t the store on the way to his spot?” Zen hooked the gas pump back up, turning to face her. 
“We could drop your car at your spot is all I’m saying, save your gas for something else.”
Aira felt her stomach twist, but did her best to keep up the facade. Just when she thought about saying no, she could her Miani screaming at her, so, she told him yes. He agreed to follow her to her place, and wait downstairs for her in his car. 
Upstairs, Aira changed quickly, slipping on a two-piece lounge set and her slippers and heading back down with her overnight bag, she texted Miani as soon as she got downstairs. 
‘Bitch, your man told him.’
‘No, he didn’t! Why you say that?’
She took a deep breath, wondering if she should even tell her that they were together. Her eyes trailed over to him for a second, the car smelled like an intoxicating mix of weed and his cologne. 
‘I’m in his car.’
‘So… y’all gone hunch or what?’
‘NO. We’re just carpooling, Mia.’
           Aira set her phone down and adjusted herself in the passenger seat, their arms touching on the compartment between them. Zen drove pretty smoothly, which was different from the few times he’d pulled up late to their functions and they could hear him coming from down the street. She noticed him looking at her out of the corner of his eyes but didn’t think much of it. 
“You got pink everything.” He said after a moment, pulling into the liquor store parking lot.
“I swear I wear more than just pink,” She unbuckled her seat belt,
“ Every time I see you got something pink on. It’s alright though, it’s your color, for real.”
  She had to double take as he got out of the car, moving to grab her door handle and respond when he opened her door instead. She kept wondering if this was simply him being polite or not, but suppressed those thoughts, following Zen into the liquor store.
He held every damn door in sight, she couldn’t get over how much of a gentlemen he was. She scored the racks while he walked a few inches behind her, she picked two bottles, opting to carry them both before they were taken from her. 
        “I got it.” 
  She didn’t argue, following him to the front  of the store and pulling out her wallet, only to see him pulling out his cash,
“What are you doing?”
“You ain’t hear me say, ‘ I got it’?”
“ I thought you meant carrying it.”
0 notes
mainsdisc · 2 years
Sink grids by size
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Sink grids by size full#
Sink grids by size series#
ITouchless offers hands-free operated trash cans & faucets for both residential and commercial purposes. High-quality organizers for kitchen and bedroom areas in your home to help keep them clutter-free.Įnnex-Houzer Kitchen Sinks - Wide selection of sizes and designs to integrate with the style and atmosphere of your kitchen or special room. Featuring fine vanities, mirrors, storage furniture, bathroom medicine cabinets & more.Ī selection of faucets, hot water dispensers and filtered water faucets in a wide variety of finishes. High-quality stainless steel sinks, bathroom accessories, spice racks and other sink accessories.Įmpire Industries - Everything Bathroom. Beautiful, Modern Kitchen & Home Accessories Made from Stainless Steel and Other Materials Imported Directly from GermanyĬustom Inserts - Beautiful, Affordable, Custom Drawer Inserts Made to Your Dimensions. Choose just one or opt for several sink accessories from major manufacturers, including Blanco, Houzer, Cool-Line and Whitehaus to prolong the life of your sink and help it to function at its best.īegan in 2009, ALFI brand realized the necessity of manufacturing own exclusive collection of high end decorative bathroom and kitchen fixtures imported from Italy, China, and Israel.īlomus - Pure Life. Built-in, freestanding and wall-mounted soap and lotion dispensers provide soap at the touch of a hand. Specially designed cutting boards fit the sinks perfectly for seamless food preparation.
Sink grids by size full#
Basket strainers keep the things you don't want in your drain out of the way and allow the sink to be full of water for soaking or cleaning. Designed to fit specific sink models, the sink grids, utensil racks, dish dividers and wire drain baskets protect the sink from scratches and dents and prevent dishes and glassware from breaking. has all the sink accessories you need to maximize the efficiency of your sink.
Sink grids by size series#
Someone told me I should just put it in the dishwasher but it’s too tall to stand up and I’m not wasting all that space on the top rack with just one item.įirst I would load up my scrub brush with dish soap and scrub the sides of the sink and the top of the sink grid.Alfi brand ABUMSB Series Undermount Farm Sink Installation Kit 39" Metal Rods 1" Wide I even bought a scrub brush to use “exclusively” for scrubbing it and keep it clean. Awkward as it was I still cleaned it thoroughly every few days. I had to tilt it a weird way to raise it enough to clean it well. Because I chose to have my counter top slightly overhang the sink it was awkward to easily clean the sink bottom and the underside of the grid. The sink is really big which means the sink grid is also big. It came with a kitchen sink grid for the bottom, which I initially thought was awesome. What everyone wants for their new kitchen. We had a cheap double stainless sink that was too small.Īfter literally hours and hours of looking at every possible sink I finally settled on a beautiful Kraus sink I found on Amazon. When we were planning our Kitchen Renovation a few years ago I searched online long and hard for the perfect sink. I haven’t written too many cleaning posts thus far but one of my favorite cleaning items in the kitchen that I wrote about is Bar Keeper’s Friend. This isn’t my typical DIY post but it’s something I’ve wanted to share with you for some time. I may earn a small commission for purchases made through links in this post (at no extra cost to you). Those are just a few adjectives that come to mind while describing what I discovered happening under my sink grid. Plus when you rinse the sink you’re not rinsing around things that might be in the sink.Īnd it’s nice to have a stainless steel sink protector, because as great as it is, stainless steel can get scratched.īut did you know sink grids are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria? They’re great at keeping pots and and things off the bottom of the sink. They sure look pretty in the bottom of a shiny stainless steel sink.
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0 notes
reality-maybe · 3 years
Hey You! Yeah YOU, with the face! Imagine if your f/o asked to trade shirts with you
this is a long one, more of a fic/scene. and oh boy is it soft. Under the cut for length
Imagine you and your f/o enjoying a lazy off day at home. You were lounging on the couch watching a movie in what were at first comfortable clothes, but after the hours pass by, your body is taken by a brief shiver. You were wearing a long sleeve knit shirt that was on the larger side, but the sudden cold managed to penetrate it easily. You straighten up slightly from your position on the couch just before crossing your arms, rubbing them in hopes that the heat from the friction would warm you up.
Soon enough the movie playing in the background became a distant drone as the ambushing dip in temperature broke your attention, not that you were paying it much mind anyway. You got up from the couch to move around, attempting to generate some heat a little faster.
Just when you took your first couple of steps, you hear the familiar rhythmic thumping of your f/o descending down the staircase of your house accompanied by what sounded like frustrated grumbles. You turned to the direction of the noise and smiled at your f/o, though it was cut short as another shiver racked your body, chill tendrils drilling themselves deeper into you. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they flashed a smile back at you.
They noticed you shiver, smile faltering slightly with mild concern. They stepped towards you until they were standing right in front of you and their hand moved to your shoulder, rubbing gently. Just one touch from them was doing much more than you felt like your own ever could, and those you received from f/o always left a sort of radiating warmth in its wake.
You felt f/o’s gentle kindling fingers move upward from your shoulder to the back of your neck. Their digits danced over the contours of your neck, then eased back again towards your shoulders in a repeated fashion. You instinctively relaxed in their touch and weakly clung to the thought that if they kept it up it would only be a matter of time before they made you feel too warm.
You shivered again, the cold now being only a partial cause. f/o raised an eyebrow and tilted their head. The once concerned look on their face had ebbed and was now replaced with one of soft amusement. They smiled at you, and slid their hand further up your neck to cup under your chin, thumb tenderly stroking your jawline.
“Hm, are you feeling cold?” f/o mused through a smile, leaning in slightly as they did so, their breath tickling your ear.
Your mind failed to formulate an answer in time, but your body made up for it, the beginnings of a slight blush blossom across your cheeks. Soon enough, you found your voice again.
“Y-yeah, only a bit. Might have to turn the heat up a little.” You didn’t realize the latter sentence came out in a near whisper, your thoughts starting to wander.
f/o pulled away from you suddenly, face seeming to recoil at your last statement. You felt a surge of anxiety instantly freeze you again, mind flashing that you got the wrong idea. That was until you heard them speak again.
“No way!” They shook their head slightly “I’m pretty much burning up in this shirt right now, I was actually just coming downstairs to turn the thermostat down”
You almost rolled your eyes at their dramatics, thoughts unfortunately corralled once more, but decided to keep up with their energy instead. You playfully shoved at them, only to hear the gorgeous chime of their laugh grace your ears in return.
“Don’t you dare!” you exclaimed halfheartedly. “I don’t know if it’s my own shirt or the room, but it’s kinda drafty.” You paused for a second before adding, “Plus didn’t you just ask me if I was cold?”
Their lips turned up into a playful smirk, “I only asked you if you were, I never said I would do anything about it” they retorted.
“You are so cruel, you know”. This time you allowed yourself to roll your eyes in earnest, but continued to wear a fond smile, amused with their response. You always enjoyed the playful banter between you both, it was one of the many things you cherished and valued in your relationship with them, and a way of reminding you how open and comfortable you were with each other.
They gazed at you for another second before their expression changed. To what, you couldn’t really pinpoint. They wrapped you up in their arms, drawing you close to their chest.
Curious about what they were scheming, you turned your head against their chest to look at them. You caught them looking back at you with an endearing sparkle in their eyes, and you felt your face quickly warm in contrast to the rest of your body, threatening to melt and gush under their gaze once more. They leaned down to lay a chaste kiss to the side of your face.
“Hey, I have an idea” they murmured, nose lightly rubbing against your cheekbone in a soft nuzzle. They rose to return to their full height, grin never leaving their face. “You said your shirt wasn’t warm enough, right? I’m feeling a little stuffy in this one. And Honestly, yours looks much more comfortable.” They emphasized their opinion with a soft tug on one of the wrists of your shirt, casting their eyes down to it as they said it. they returned their gaze to your face, looking at you through their lashes. “Would you…want to trade?” they asked. They raised an arm up around their head to rub at the back of their neck, suddenly bashful. There was just something about the way they asked you the question that carried a sweet innocence behind it. It was adorable, to say the least.
You only just took into account what they were wearing. They were adorned in the well loved hoodie you got them as a last minute birthday purchase last year. That year you were running slim on finances, and you locked eyes with it, somehow unable to shake the image of your f/o wrapped in its mundaneness. It seemed charming enough in your head. On the other hand you couldn’t shake the twinkle of guilt you felt, thinking that you gifting them a hoodie was too basic, but you had no choice.
On their birthday you watched, anticipating their reaction, hoping they wouldn’t be too disappointed. You were taken aback however, only slightly wary when they beamed and exclaimed their thanks as they took their hoodie out of the bag. They held it up by the shoulders to get a better look of it in all its simple glory. It was one that had a small design on the front and a larger design following the similar motif on the back. At first you only thought they were behaving so ecstatically as a facade, not wanting to let you down, but then without warning, they flung the shirt they had been currently wearing up off their head and torso. They made a mess out of their hair as they attempted to pull the clothing over their head, eager to take the new shirt out for a test drive. They didn’t even acknowledge you fluster at seeing them so suddenly shirtless, not that you were complaining. As soon as it was settled on their body, they shoved their hands in the large front pocket and relaxed into it with a satisfied sigh. The sight made you swoon.
“I love it. It’s really comfortable. And it’s from you.” they hummed warmly, eyes closed and a lazy smile painted across their face. They basked in its warmth for a moment before they opened their eyes again, and reached out to you. You were about to question what they were doing before they snaked their arms around you and pulled you into their lap, facing each other. Their arms settled comfortably around your waist and you in turn loosely hung your legs around their back, drawing them in closer. You hooked your arms around their neck and shoulders, unable to stop yourself from smiling at their sweet gesture. They mirrored your expression, their heart overflowing with adoration for you.Wrapped up in their emotions, they pressed their forehead against yours and hummed, enjoying all of you. You then took it upon yourself to gently touch your nose to theirs. You both nuzzled against each other in a loving Eskimo kiss, relishing the moment. You soon broke away to hide your face in their neck, suddenly shy at the wonderfully overwhelming affection. They just chuckled softly and leaned their head against yours, happy to hold you there for as long as you wanted to.
You weren’t going to admit it yet, but you did try the hoodie on earlier, and they were right. It was comfortable. You remembered how the feeling of the combined warmth of them and the new hoodie envelope you, quelling your prior anxieties about their reaction.
You truly relaxed as you saw how they really seemed to enjoy lounging in it, thanking no one in particular for coming across it when you did. You didn’t know it at the time, but the shirt became a favorite of both theirs and yours, and it still is to this day.
The you in the present broke yourself out of your thoughts, noting how the way they held you now was reminiscent of how they did that day. Same shirt, same arms, same strong love that transcended through time, seeking you out wherever, whenever you are. You stopped your train of thought abruptly, remembering the question they asked you.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah we can trade.” You agreed softly.
They smile warmly at your agreement and took your face in their hands, squeezing your cheeks affectionately which made you giggle. they leaned over to press a tender kiss on your forehead.
“Great” they murmured simply against your skin, their lips faintly tickling you.
They drew back at you and you followed them with your gaze, not wanting to admit the twinge of anticipation you felt at what was to come. As they took a step back you almost missed the very corner of their mouth quirk in what you thought was a smirk.
Their hands moved down to grip the hem of the hoodie they wore, slower than necessary, and your eyes trailed after them. They looked up at you though their lashes at you, as if almost trying to read you. They then drew up their arms, shirt in tow, and you were graced with the view of the soft skin of their naval. Your eyes widen just a touch.
They noticed. Since their proposed offer, they intended to put on a little show for you, but they didn’t expect to be as spurred on as they were with your small reaction. They could call you magic with how passionate you could make them feel by doing so little, and they do.
They continued to drag their shirt up their body, the fabric rising like a house curtain, opening up to a one person VIP audience. And boy, you were already ready for an encore.
You watched, entranced as the shirt rode up over their abdomen, exposing their belly, then their torso, then their chest. Your thoughts start to dissipate into a hazy fog, not knowing if they were going too fast or too slow for your liking. You just wanted to feel them on you again.
The fabric continued its voyage up to their collarbone, then their neck and shoulders, and finally up over their head. With a final tug they free themselves of the confines of their shirt, making sure to stretch a little extra, showing off the delicious contours of their body to you. The action left their hair a bit tousled, framing their face in a way that made you swoon. They absolutely knew what they were doing to you, ending the display with a flirtatious little wink. You almost felt your knees go weak at the sight. Beautiful couldn't even begin to describe them, and that wink made you feel like you didn’t even need their shirt anymore to warm up.
They let you stare at them for a second, allowing you to feast on the sight of them before you. They didn’t seem to be complaining either, indulging themselves in the looks that you were giving them. They wondered what was going through your head at the moment, more than pleased with themselves that they were able to fluster you with such a small action. They yearned for your attention, wanting your eyes, thoughts, hands, anything of yours on them.
You didn’t realize you were still staring at them until they cleared their throat and chuckled. They raised a hand up to their chin rubbing with feigned bemusement.
“Hmm, don’t both of our shirts need to be off if we want to trade?” they asked, voice low and laced with a hint of teasing.
You snapped back to reality and looked down at your own shirt dumbly for a moment. As realization set in, you looked away sheepishly.
“O-oh yeah! Right!” you said, embarrassment peeking through your tone. In a scrambled hurry you grab the edges of your own shirt and all but thrashed your body around in an attempt to get it off of you to save face. To your chagrin, your head got stuck and now it was your turn to put on an unexpected show for your f/o, unaware that their face cracked in a large but sweet smile as they watched you curse and wiggle around in an attempt to dislodge the stubborn fabric. They decided to end your misery by quietly approaching you and putting a gentle grounding hand on your shoulder.
You ceased your movements out of surprise. You feel the shirt de-tangle from your body as the delicate and diligent fingers of your f/o free you from the cloth. You were met by alluring eyes and a glowing smile as they removed the shirt from you completely, and saw how close they were in proximity to you again.
Before you could say anything, you hear their voice once more.
“Hey, lift your arms.” they commanded gently.
You did as you were told without word and heard them hum at your compliance. Your f/o took their hoodie in both of their hands, and stretched it over your extended arms.
They gingerly pulled the hoodie down your arms and over your head, momentarily enveloping you in darkness. They stifled a chuckle as your face popped out from the neck hole, hood catching on your head as it was pulled down your body. They took the time to straighten the shirt out over your body, making sure you were comfortably settled in it.
Immediately you were blanketed by the combined warmth of the thicker material as well as the residual heat from the shirt being on your f/o. It smelled like them, you let your eyes slip close, indulging in the way it and your f/o made you feel.
You opened them back up at the sound of shuffling fabric, finding your f/o fiddling with your shirt, before they tossed it over their own head and pulled it over their body. It wrapped around them and hugged them in all the right ways, and your heart melted a little as a look of contentment washed over their features. Not even the most gorgeous model in the gaudiest clothes could even begin to compare to how good you thought they looked in your old shirt.
“Hmm, it feels like I'm getting a hug from you” they smiled, eyes still closed. You took it upon yourself to step over to them and throw your arms around them, squeezing them tightly in a bear hug.
“Does it?” you ask. You hid your face in their neck and rubbed it against them in a playfully aggressive nuzzle, earning a sweet giggle from them. You could listen to their laugh for lifetimes on end. They managed to wriggle their arms out of your grasp, only to have them toss their arms around you and squeeze you in the same manner and chortle.
“Hmm, kind of. It reminds me of hugging you at least.” they wound their arms around you tighter. “But I’d rather have the real you,” they punctuated the statement with a tiny kiss to your nose. “I’d hold you till the end of this universe if you’d let me” they murmured to you.
“What would happen after that?” you inquire lightly
Their eyes softened at you. “I’d come find you in the next one, and the one after that. I’ll never stop looking for you, no matter what universe you were in, no matter where you are. You’re mine.” They look in your eyes as they affirm to you, words earnest and truthful.
Your heart skips a beat and you hid your face in their neck again, not expecting to hear such an endearing response. For some reason, those words comforted you. Knowing that you were as important to them, as they were to you, if not more so. Their omnipresent love for you seeking you out, regardless of the bounds of time and space, unconfined, unconditional. And as you were both held in each other's shirts and arms, you thought to yourself, how lucky you were to have them in your life, forever and always.
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charleslucid · 2 years
They’re sitting in the living room of the Harrington household, a place they spend most of their time. Since Steve’s parents are never home, he and Billy practically live in the place. It’s to the point that Steve would ask his parents if they could just move the ownership over to him but he knows for a fact he wouldn't be able to keep up with any of the bills with his 9 to 5 job that only pays 5 dollars an hour. Not to mention Billy would also have to get a job to help out and that’s definitely not happening. He says he’s protesting by not succumbing to the dystopian mindset that is capitalism. Steve knows it’s just a half assed excuse to mooch his parents money.
Billy is laying on the couch playing with a rubix cube, below him Steve has his back to the couch trying to complete one of his assignments. He’s struggling to read any of the words, they’re all jumbled up and shit.
Billy convinced him to go to community college a while back. He said it would help Steve get a better job and after Steve graduates they could move closer to one of the 100 colleges offering to take Billy in for free. Apparently Billy is a genius. Steve would totally believe this if it weren’t for the fact that he once locked himself in the bathroom. His hands were wet and he didn’t think to dry them so he just sat down and waited for Steve to find him. He didn’t even think to try again when his hands were dry.
It’s a bit unfair that Billy is considered the next Albert Einstein when he can’t even open a door. Then again, Steve can’t read so he shouldn’t be talking. He can open doors though.
Speaking of not being able to read, why does nothing on this paper make sense? The words keep blending together and stretching out across his vision. It’s almost like he’s on a bad high and the headache he suddenly has definitely doesn’t help.
Steve startles when he feels a hand settle on top of his head, “What’s the matter pretty boy?” Billy presses his lips to the brunet's temple and sighs into his skin.
“Nothing, I’m fine. Go be a genius somewhere else.” He huffs and gently pushes his boyfriend away.
Billy ignores his attempts of pushing him away and repositions himself on the couch so his head and laying on Steve’s shoulder, “Me being a genius is an opinion. Plus I’m still a fucking idiot in social situations. Now, what’s wrong. You’re looking at that paper like it killed your entire family.”
“It might as well have, ‘can’t understand it. Looks like squiggles everywhere.”
“Lemme try,” Billy reaches over and grabs the paper from Steve, “Which part are you on?”
“None of your business!” Billy raises his brow and Steve sighs, “The start,”
“You’ve been doing this thing for three hours and you’re at the start?” Steve looks down at his lap, “Understandable, isn’t one of your accommodations that they make the words bigger? What a bunch of fuckin assholes.” Billy grabs his chin and lifts his head up so he can press a soft kiss to his forehead, “Don’t worry Bambi I’ll help you.”
Billy slips off the couch sitting next to Steve on the floor and starts to read the paper, pausing every couple of sentences to go on a rant about something that has no correlation to what they are reading before chiding Steve for not keeping him on task. His voice is gentle and soft, a complete contrast to his personality. Once they get to the actual questions he writes down Steve answers to the questions, and doodles on the edges while his boyfriend racks his brain for answers.
“A la verga, we’re finished!” Billy presses another kiss to Steve’s neck, “So proud of you Bambi.”
Goosebumps begin to rise all around Steve's skin as Billy slowly moves up past his jawline and bits at his ear, “Yeah whatever, I’m probably going to get a zero on it.”
“Nope, pretty sure you got every question except for one right.” He moves his hands to the bottom of Steve’s shirt. They slowly travel beneath it up his side and stop at his chest. “93 percent bitch, that’s an A.”
Steve quirks an eyebrow, “You’ve been checking my answers?” A shiver moves through his body when Billy gently runs a hand over one of his nipples.
Billy hums an affirmation as he lifts Steve’s shirt off his head. He leaves kisses all over Steve’s chest before trailing back down to the elastic of his jeans. He pauses and looks up at Steve.
“Are you asking for my permission or something? Keep going.”
Billy laughs, “No, just want you to know how fucking smart you are.”
“Yeah whatever.” Steve rolls his eyes.
“I’m serious Steve.” He lifts and moves himself up and pulls Steve into a kiss.
“I know.” He roughly kisses back before he cups Billy’s face and pushes him away, “Now S-U-C-K M-E O-F-F”
Billy laughs and does a mock salute before moving back down to Steve’s crotch.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 3 years
Photoshoot - Vinnie Hacker
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*Picture’s not mine*
My last Vinnie post got some love, so I figured I would write another one since I like the man so much. Hope you like it
Request are open
Word Count: 1.5k
Moving to LA was something you had been looking forward to for quite a while now and when the opportunity came to do what you loved, you couldn’t pass the offer. You were a talented freelance makeup artist and lately you had picked up a liking for photography.  Tati, being your cousin, invited you to stay with her while you were looking for apartment. Being well-known for shooting with famous influencers and content creators, she often dragged you with her so you could experiment the process of a shoot. You were like her assistant for the day, retouching people’s makeup and listening to her every tips and tricks. You woke up super early this morning due to the fact she had two photoshoots planed for the day. Because the timing was tight, you were in charge to go pick up lunch for the both of you after the first shoot was done.
Once you arrived back at the studio, you handed Tati her salad, seeing that the second group of people had arrived and were getting ready. You talked for a bit, eating your food, when it was finally time to get back to work. You were shooting with some TikTok creators from the Hype House today, so while some of them were getting their pictures taking, you were working on doing Mia’s and Kouvr’s makeup.The three of you were talking, when Mia chuckled lightly out of the blue, getting your attention.
“I think you got an admirer (Y/N)” she said as you turned your head to the side, seeing “The Vinnie Hacker” looking right back at you. You blushed, giving him a small smile, getting back to applying lip gloss on Kouvr’s lips. After you got done with their makeup, Tati called them up, being their turn to get photographed. You started to clean your brushes when a voice interrupted you.
“Hey, think you could do my makeup?” your gaze landing on the 6-foot-tall man standing next to you
“Uh sure, you can sit here” you said motioning to the chair in front of you “What would you like?”
“You decide” he answered “I mean, you’re the artist here, I’m sure you’ll do something that will look nice” he said smiling. You looked at the clothing rack that was identified with his name on it, noticing that most of the articles of clothing were somewhat simple, yet classy and trendy. You got your product ready, when his voice spoke again
“I’m Vinnie by the way” he looked into your eyes
“Oh I know, I mean it’s nice to meet you” you said avoiding his gaze, something about him intimidated you. Maybe it was the fact that he was popular and incredibly handsome, but you felt nervous around him, something you weren’t used to.
“So, I guess I don’t get a name than” he smirked as you applied some blurring primer on his face
“I’m (Y/N)” you chuckled lightly “Sorry about that”
He laughed as you finished his makeup. You handed him a mirror, as he examined the look you chose for him, smiling satisfied, thanking you
“The makeup is perfect, thank you” he said a grin on his face as he stood up hovering over you
“My pleasure, I tried picturing something that would fit with every outfit you brought with you.” You said cleaning up your stuff while looking at him shyly. You had done something simple, eyeliner on his waterline, contour to define his jaw and cheekbones even more and a little bit of highlight to accentuate the highest points of his face
“Well, you pictured perfectly, it’s totally my style” soon after, Vinnie’s turn came and he had to go, thanking you again. After you finished putting away all your stuff, you went to stand next to Tati, looking at the pictures on the monitor and listening to the directions she gave Vinnie. After a while, he came closer to look at the photos, exchanging ideas with Tati before changing outfits. He shot a little, before coming back to look at the results again.
“I feel like something is missing” he said, Tati having an excellent idea explained it to Vinnie who agreed
“(Y/N) will do it! Right (Y/N)?” she exclaimed looking at you
“Uh?” you said not having paid attention to their previous discussion
“You’ll pose with him” she stated
“What? I don’t even have other clothes and plus I don’t get in front of the camera, I stay behind, I’m not a model, you know that” you tried explaining to her
“You sure look like one” you could’ve sworn you heard Vinnie mumble, before he cleared his throat
“We just need you for a couple of shot, and you already got the perfect outfit and makeup to go with Vinnie’s aesthetic” she explained amused by you two. Tati knew he was your type and she also saw the way he looked at you, so helping you interact was the least she could do.
You didn’t have much choice, so you followed Vinnie in front of the camera, while Tati explained to the both of you, her vision for the remaining of the shoot. After a while, you started to loosen up, Vinnie was really nice and he helped you, making you more comfortable and confident in front of the camera.
“Let’s do something a little bit more edgy, Vinnie remove your shirt, (Y/N) get rid of your jacket, you tank top is giving you a great silhouette” Your cousin said looking at the pictures she had previously taken while you both listened to her indications.
“Ok now, Vinnie, stand closer to her, look her deeply in the eyes, use your hand, anyways do something edgy and … I don’t care, do something hot”
“Are you ok with that?” he asked you, concerned
“Yeah! Do whatever feels right” you answered blushing
“Ok! If I do something that makes you uncomfortable just tell me” he said while you nodded. He moved closer to you, your body touching, feeling his breath fanning on your face. You looked up at him, your eyes meeting as you realized his stare was already on you. Your hands made their way around his neck, bringing him slightly closer and all you could think about was his lips. They looked so plump and soft, you wondered what it would feel like to kiss them. Being lost in the moment, only hearing the click of the camera, you didn’t realize that everyone had gathered around to look at the two of you.
“Ok, that’s it guy, it looks really good” Tati said snapping a couple of more pictures, before speaking again “Now try doing something a little hotter maybe” The moment the worlds left her mouth, Vinnie laced his hand around you throat, making you gasp, surprised by his action. He was hovering over you, your head slightly tilted to meet his gaze, his long finger wrapping perfectly around your neck. You could feel the heat radiating from your body, as his lips moved closer to yours, only a centimeter apart. You licked your lips, and his eyes followed the movement of your tongue, carefully. A boost of confidence came rushing through you and you did something that both surprised you instantly. The decision to bite his bottom lips caused the others to howl at the action, and a throaty groan to come from Vinnie mouth.
“Ok, that was just perfect, it’s a wrap guys” Tati said smiling widely as she clapped, thanking everyone. You detached yourself slowly from each other, your head going down, a blush creeping on your cheeks, finally realizing what you had just done. It was bold of you, but in the moment, it felt like the right thing to do. You looked back at him, meeting his gaze as you blushed even more while he smirked down at you. You soon were interrupted by your cousin, asking the both of you to come look at the results.
“Keep in mind that I still have to edit them, and work with the lighting, but you guys look so hot” she said, excited as she looked closely at the photos
“I agree” Vinnie nodded “These are definitely my favorite” he continued, pointing at two different pictures. One being a shot of the exact moment you gasped after he had gripped your throat, and the other one being the one when you bit his lip. From the moment he saw you, he couldn’t help but admit he found you attractive and after getting to shoot with you, his desire to get to know you more had gotten stronger.
“Yo Vinnie! What are you doing? Ask her out already” Michael shouted from across the room making you blush as Vinnie smiled looking down at you
“We’re going out to eat, would you like to join us” he asked seeing you look at your cousin for a second “Of course, Tati is invited to join us also, but I would really like it if you would come” he continued smiling softly, scratching the back of his head, waiting for your response. You were screaming on the inside, nervous but excited by his offer. You were stocked to have the opportunity to spend a nice evening with him, and maybe get to know him more.  You looked at Tati with pleading eyes, understanding that she was okay with this when she winked at you, and giving you a thumbs up
“I would love too”
Thank you for reading
Hope you like it, let me know what you think
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celestialrry · 3 years
summary: Actress!Y/N goes onto a talk show, and the host has a surprise for her.
warnings: cursing, kinda sorta an anxiety attack?
Y/N was nervous.
This would only be the 5th talk show she’s ever gone on alone after being in the spotlight for a few years when her acting career took off. She started off with indie films and soon made her way to the red carpet, working with esteemed actors and actress’s she could only ever dream of meeting. It was pure bliss.
Of course, fame came with other struggles like hate from the media and random people on twitter, but at the end of the day she was so grateful she had the opportunity to be in the business. She loved getting into a character, finding out what makes them click, and fully emerging herself in whatever film she’s in. At the moment, she was promoting her new film, and being the lead, she had gone on a few talk show’s by herself, but they never failed to make her sick to her stomach. Having no one to turn to when it gets awkward, even not having body heat by her side in front of a live audience and a professional host made her body rack with goosebumps.
“Miss L/N?” 
Her head turned towards the door of the dressing room she had been sitting in for 15 minutes alone, trying to get her nerves down. “Yes?’ She responded flashing a forced smile to the assistant standing in the door way. “They’re ready for you.” She nodded her head and stood up, brushing the non-existent dust off her long dress and tumbled a bit on her heels to follow the assistant that was already walking towards the side stage. 
They instructed her to wait until her name was called, then walk onto stage and take a seat and have the show progress. So Y/N stood there, biting her bottom lip that was coated with clear gloss and her arms crossed around her waist, her heel covered toe tapping the floor in anticipation. 
“Now welcome our very special, and gorgeous guest, Y/N L/N!” She heard Jimmy Kimmel announce and took a short breath before stepping through the automatically opening curtains. She smiled and waved at the people sitting in the audience, happy to see people supporting her, and greeted Jimmy before taking a seat on the loveseat closest to his desk.
“Y/N! Welcome, how are you feeling tonight?” He flashed a comforting smile at her. 
She chuckled a bit due to her inability to not laugh in uncomfortable situations. “I’ll be honest with you Jimmy,” She said, adjusting herself in the seat. “M’ pretty nervous.”
“Nervous?” He asked. “Now, why would 2 time Emmy Nominee Miss Y/N L/N be nervous?” Jimmy teased.
Her eyes fell to the floor and her cheeks heated up before looking back at him. “Because,” She dragged out. “It’s always nerve-racking being on live TV.”
He just nodded and made a joke about feeling the same even though he does this every week.
“How are you feeling tonight?” She asked.
He smiled before resting his arms on his desk. “I’m feeling good, I have a surprise for you later, but I’m supposed to ask the questions now, will you let me?”
“Of course I will.” She smiled back.
Y/N met Jimmy the first year she really became “famous” and he had always been her favorite late-night talk show host just because he was never invasive or creepy. Her standards for hosts were quite low at this point. They continued on, promoting her new movie and such before he settled back in his seat. 
“So.” He said.
“So.” She said back, raising a brow.
“I hate to ask you this, but I honestly am curious myself,” He began, and her anxiety creeped up just a bit. “Now, we dug through your old interviews, and it seems in every single one, when asked if you had a celebrity crush, your answer was Harry Styles?”
She simply nodded, her cheeks heating up again, and a small smile creeping onto her face at his name. 
“I see that smile, Y/N.” Jimmy said, and she let out a laugh, her smile now wide.
“So, do you mind telling us why you like him so much, or should I say love him so much?” His brow raised.
Y/N laughed a bit more, just at her nerves, and took a breath. “Um, he’s always been such an inspiration for me to actually chase my career, I mean I knew him from when he was on X-Factor to be honest. Binged that show all the time when I was in middle school and to see a boy just 2 years older than me just go straight into being in one of the biggest boy-bands in the world was insane. He’s just so passionate about what he does and I admire him for that. Uh- from what I can tell he’s just very charming, sweet, funny, caring, and…” She trailed off her rant, biting her bottom lip just a tad.
“He’s incredibly attractive.” She finished a smile on her face as she glanced at the floor again.
“Understandable. I think he’s a good looking man myself, met him a few times and got flustered,” Jimmy jokes before looking at Y/N. “What if I told you he was the surprise I had for you?”
Her brows furrow as she looks at the man sitting across from her. “What? Do you mean like a video-” She feels a tap on her shoulder. 
Y/N turns around, still massively confused, and then she sees him.
Harry standing in a simple black suit and white button up, only a few of the buttons actually buttoned and her jaw drops. “Hello.” He says, smiling at her.
Her eyes are wide and she looks like a dear in headlights before her face falls into her hands, elbows resting on her knees, her breath erratic. “No, this isn’t- no. He’s not here.” She says into her hands and the crowd laughs. Everyone laughs. 
“M’a bit offended you think I’m not really here, love.” Harry grins, and she pulls her face out of her shaking hands to see him.
She opens her mouth to say something and nothing comes out. 
Harry Styles, her celebrity crush since the ripe age of 14, a crush thats lasted 8 years being 22 now, and she’s only seen him on screens her entire life. “Fuck.” Was all she can say. He laughs a bit at her starstruck appearance and turns to Jimmy. “She’s not normally like this, right?”
“Right.” The host jokes, looking back at the girl on the couch, and his smile diminishes a bit. Her eyes are watering and she’s trying to keep her composure but her bottom lip is trembling and Jimmy’s now worried he’s about to have a sobbing woman on live TV.
“You okay Y/N?” Jimmy asks and her head quickly turns to him and then back to Harry. “I-fuck, I’m sorry.” She tries to laugh it off. Tries not to think about how the man she’s loved even before she knew what love truly was, was standing in front of her right now. 
“Don’t be sorry.” Harry says, slightly frowning but trying to keep a happy face. He’s standing in front of a girl he’s adored ever since he watched her first movie, for Christs sake, and she’s silently about to break down in front of him, because of him. 
Before he can even properly introduce himself, she’s standing on her heels, wobbling a bit, and looking up at him. “Can I hug you?” She mouths, not wanting her question to be picked up on the mic on the back of her dress and before her mouth even closes he’s stepping towards her, big arms wrapping around her waist. Her arms find their way around his chest and her head is resting on his shoulder and her eyes are squeezed shut and she’s mouthing “Oh my fucking god. Oh my god.” Without realizing she’s facing the audience who laugh at her inability to not fangirl. His head dips as he hugs her, reveling in her touch, and then she’s pulling away, remembering they’re on live TV and she can give him a proper hug backstage after this is over when they don’t have to worry about appearances. 
She’s still reeling when his hands slide off her waist and he sticks his hand out and says “It’s so nice to meet you.” She takes his calloused hand in hers and says “Same to you.” Blinking away unshed tears.
“Shall we sit then?” He asks and she looks at Jimmy admiring the moment before back at Harry. “You’re staying?” She blurts out before shutting her mouth abruptly. 
“If you want me too.” He grins that grin she’s always been infatuated by and she nods, maybe too quickly. “Of course I do- yes,” She coughs. “Yeah, uh, please, let’s.”
They both plant themselves on the loveseat, Y/N taking the spot in which she was before and Harry sitting on the other end, keeping a distance between the two. She recomposes herself and sits up. Harry looks at her for a moment before looking back at Jimmy. 
“How are y’Jimmy?” He asks.
“I’m doing well, proud of myself for inviting you, you’re the one person I’ve seen make Y/N go absolutely speechless here,” Jimmy jokes and Y/N groans and smiles, leaning her top half on the arm of the chair, her face in her hands before sitting back up. “How about you, Harry?”
“M’doing well, was very excited to see Y/N here and I’d hopefully say it’s the same for her.” He smiles looking at her, dimples flashing.
“Yeah!” Her voice squeaks. “You’re right. It’s the same for me. I-” She cut’s herself off from saying she’s shitting her pants at the moment. Figuratively, of course, but it’s not very appropriate. She still can’t believe this. Twitter is going to have a field day talking about how flustered Y/N was at this moment.  
“Have something you want to say, Y/N? To Harry, more specifically?” Jimmy asks.
“Um,” She begins, locking eyes with Harry. “Did you hear, what I said, um, before you walked out here?” 
The green eyed man nods. 
Her hands start shaking again and she awkwardly laughs. “I’m sorry you heard that.” She apologizes. 
“Why are you apologizing?” Harry asks her, tilting his head and Y/N was going to pass out. “I’m glad you think all those things about me, plus, it’s a nice ego booster to hear that you think I’m ‘incredibly attractive’.” He chuckles a bit, but truthfully he was happy his celebrity crush feels the same way about him.
She just laughs back and mumbles a “Thanks.” Before Jimmy starts up a conversation about whatever was going on at the moment.
Jimmy and Harry start talking about something and Y/N nods her head and laughs when it’s appropriate but she couldn’t process anything. Her hands were interlocked, shaking in her lap, and all she could feel was Harry. Harry sitting next to her, Harry breathing next to her, Harry waving his hands around while he spoke in front of her. It was all too much. 
Suddenly his knee lightly knocked against her own. She abruptly turned to look at him, but he was still looking at Jimmy. So she assumed it was a mistake, until it happened again, and this time when her eyes looked to him, his met her’s and he gently and subtly moved closer to their thighs were touching. Y/N let the leg that was crossed over her other relax and fall to the couch, only her ankles crossed, and she swore she could hear his breath stop for a moment, but it was too quiet to be sure.
A few moments after they both had gained the courage to barely revel in each others touch, Jimmy was ending the show. Y/N doesn’t remember what she said or did before the camera cut off, she vaguely remembers waving to the audience but she’s not completely sure. 
And then it’s over- just like that.
“This was so fun Jimmy, thank you for inviting me on.” Harry said, standing up (reluctantly) and going to give Jimmy a hug. Y/N on the other hand was watching the interaction and it all hit her like a wave again. Harry fucking Styles was standing in front of her. The men both turn to her as she stands up and she gives a weak smile and mumbles “I forgot I needed to text my assistant, m’sorry I’ll be back.” before speed walking behind the curtain and booking it to her dressing room. She quickly flips the “Do Not Disturb” side of the sign on the door to show and closes the door behind her, her breathing accelerating. 
She barely makes it to the couch before bursting out in tears.
Y/N couldn’t really put a finger on whether or not they were tears of joy, sadness, embarrassment, or a combination of all 3. She’s pretty sure it’s the latter though. She slips her heels off and lies on the couch, her hands over her face with not so silent cries as she tries to calm herself. 
Meanwhile, both Harry and Jimmy sensed that Y/N wasn’t just going to text her assistant. “Do you think- do you think I said something maybe?” Harry quietly asks the late night host as they walk behind the curtain and into a quieter hallway backstage. Jimmy simply shakes his head before locking eyes with Harry. “Have you seen any of the videos where she talks about you, Harry?”
He shakes his head no and the older man pulls out his phone, doing a quick scroll of his email before finding video file and opening it. “A couple of interns here made this combination of all the times she talked about you in her interviews.”We were gonna play it as you were coming out but her manager said it would be too embarrassing.” Was the only preface Jimmy gave before clicking play.
Y/N stood in an elegant emerald colored gown just off the red carpet, all done up for her first big movie premiere. An interviewer stands in front of her, holding a mic that the woman was moving between herself and Y/N. “So Miss L/N, we need some juicy secrets from the “It-Girl” herself. Who’s your celebrity crush?” Y/N looks at the floor, a shy smile on her face as the quietly says “Harry Styles.” The interviewer’s eyes widen and she chuckles a bit. “I feel you honey, what do you like most about him?” Y/N purses her lips slightly before speaking again. “Um, everything? I think he has a really good heart.” The interviewer makes a joke about how she likes his eyes instead and Y/N laughs, but anyone could tell it was forced. 
The screen begins to play another clip. 
Y/N is sitting on a couch with her co-stars of a movie she did a year ago, dressed in a classy blush colored suit, and they’re all playing a game with some other talk show host. “Let’s see who knows Y/N the best now, shall we?” The host asks, and looks down at the cards in his hand. “Who is her celebrity crush?” And almost immediately all of her friends were jotting down their answers on a white board. “That was fast,” The host laughs, as does everyone else. “Okay everyone, flip it around.” ‘Harry Styles’ was written on every single board. “Oh my god.” She smiles wide out of embarrassment and puts her face in her hands. 
It reminds Harry of what she did when she first saw him.
“Y/N! Looks like you’re absolutely smitten with Harry Styles, aren’t you?” The host asks, and before she could even open her mouth, a co-star of hers was already speaking. “She’d play his songs in her trailer in the morning, full volume, and sing them as loud as she could. It was a good way to wake us all up.” He jokes, and everyone laughs at that. “Whenever he’d post a photo on instagram, or tweet something, I’d see tears in her eyes.” Another co-star speaks up. The audience laughs again and she looks to them. ‘I’m serious! Y/N absolutely adores him.” By this time Y/N’s face was out of her hands and she was sinking into the couch. “Are you embarrassed, Y/N/?” The host jokes “Of course not, well I didn’t want to get absolutely exposed, but I’m not embarrassed to be a fan, could never be embarrassed to be a fan of him, he’s… he’s amazing.”
The phone then fades into yet another clip.
This time, Y/N is sitting in a stool, doing the Wired Autocomplete Interview, and she tears off the second paper of the question, “Is Y/N L/N…” . “Is Y/N L/N,” she reads and the paper catches after the word “dating” is revealed. She looks up at the screen, a twinkle in her eyes as she shoots a close-mouthed smile at the camera. She turns back to the board and rips the paper off, struggling a bit and laughing, until it’s revealed. “Is Y/n L/N dating… Harry Styles”  She bursts out laughing, her free hand clutching her stomach.
Harry frowns a but at this, and he didn’t feel like thinking more about why.
 “Um,” She begins, “Sorry, I just- do I really talk about him, that much? S’a bit concerning.” She mumbles to herself. “Yeah, no, I’m not dating Harry Styles, he would never. Though, I like how people think it could be a possibility, thats quite funny. I’ll take the… hidden compliment, is that even the right phrase?”
The screen goes to another clip but Jimmy pauses it there and turns off his phone, turning to Harry. “You didn’t do anything Harry, it’s just you being here, she’s probably overwhelmed and-“
“Mr. Kimmel? Jones needs you.” Someone calls out to him down the hall and Jimmy slips his phone in this pocket and sighs. “Sorry, gotta handle this, thank you, for coming.”
“It’s okay,” Harry assures him, “Thanks for having me.” And at that Jimmy rushes down the hall in search of Jones, and Harry stands in the same spot
Harry knows how much he means to his fans, he’s seen them sob at concerts, break down at meet and greets, and when they tell him how much they love him when they run into him on the street. He knows this. But this felt different, for some reason. Maybe it was the burning feeling in his chest when she laughed off how he would never be with her, for what particular reason he has no clue (or just doesn’t want to address it), or how he couldn’t help but pop a dimple when he heard she loves his music. He wasn’t sure.
What he was sure of though, is that he needed to speak to her again, hug her for longer, actually get to know Y/N. So he walked into the main back room, walking down different halls until he came across the one that read “Dressing Room #4” and Y/N’s name scribbled in messy handwriting on the white board underneath. He knocked a little rhythm, and waited.
Y/N was still crying, to put it lightly. Maybe hyperventilating was the right word, because she was breathing quite fast, and there was a steady stream of tears flowing down her cheeks. She heard the knocks and attempted to calm herself down a bit, yelling out a “One second!” Before wiping under her eyes and walking to open the door. “Eliana,” She began, ready to wave her assistant way (not that she didn’t adore her, but Y/N needed to be alone before talking about everything), “Can you come back in like 15 minutes, I’m sorry I just need to-”
Her mouth closed when she saw Harry outside of her door, his small smile quickly fading into a frown as he took in her state. “Y/N I wanted to- are you okay?” He asked, stepping a bit closer, trying not to push any boundaries. When she didn’t respond and he saw her bottom lip quiver a bit, his chest clenched. “Can I come in? Can we talk?” He gently asked, eyes running over her puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks, and disheveled appearance. 
She nodded and he walked in, and she gently shut the door behind him. He turned around to look at her and when his eyes met her’s, she couldn’t take it anymore. She let out a gut-wrenching sob and her face fell in her hands as she shook her head. “I-I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” She choked out and he stepped towards her, his hand coming to rest on her elbow. “Y/N, please, don’t apologize.” And without thinking he took the last step towards her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her firmly, one of his hands cradling the back of her head. Her hands fell from her face and she held him back, arms wrapping tightly around his torso yet again.
As she cried into his chest, he mumbled a soft, “Breathe for me, love.”, and she tried to get her breathing to match his own deep breathes. “I’m sorry,” Y/N says for the millionth time. “I told you to stop apologizing, Y/N, you haven’t done anything wrong.” He frowns to himself, that burning feeling in his chest again. She reluctantly pulls away, and his hands remain on her arms as her own come up to wipe the tears flowing out of her eyes. 
“You didn’t sign up to be here and have to deal with a crying fan, Harry.” Y/N sighs, finally looking up at him. 
“Hey, I came because I wanted to see you, I’ve seen your movies and I think everything you’re absolutely incredible at what you do, and when Jimmy called asking if I could come to surprise you I jumped at the chance to finally meet you. I know what I signed up for.” He says, his thumbs rubbing the skin of her arms gently.
At his words she let out another sob, her shaking hands coming up to cover her face for a moment yet again. Harry’s eyes widened, he was telling the honest truth, and he didn’t think he said anything wrong. Y/N however, was seeing in person, how king he truly was, and it was just another reality check that the Harry she’s loved for so long really is the same in real life; it was too much to handle. “Thank you,” She sniffles, looking up at him again, meeting his piercing green eyes. “I just, I’ve adored you for years, still do, and I never thought I’d meet you, even after I started getting ‘known’, I always thought you were like, too perfect to be real, and now you’re here and you’re real, and y’know when you meet a celebrity who seems so sweet in interviews and all that but they turn out to be an absolute prick? It’s not like that, you’re the same person I’ve loved over a screen, I- you’ve been my inspiration for fucking years and I don’t know. It’s just a lot.” 
Now her hands were on his arms and they stood there for a moment, just looking at each other.
“M’not perfect, Y/N.” Harry says softly. Y/n chuckles a bit, glancing to the side before meeting his eyes yet again. “I know, I know the ‘nobody’s perfect’ crap, but if you’re insistent on it, then I think you’re the closest thing there is to perfect, Harry.”
His cheeks turn pink at her confession, and a small smile weaves its way onto his face. “Thank you,” He finally says, before bringing her into another hug, this time her arms wrapped around his neck, and he bends down a bit to hold her tighter. “For everything you said, seriously, you’ve got no idea how much it means t’me.” He admits, still reveling in her touch. She slowly pulls away, noting in her head that he never seems to be the one to let go first. “Of course, wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” She smiles weakly, still drained from all the emotions flowing through her. He just smiles at that, before his hand drags down her arm and he hold her hand, wordlessly pulling her over to sit on the couch. 
He doesn’t let go of her hand as they sit quite close facing each other. “Do y’wanna hear a secret? It might make you feel better.” He suggests, cursing himself for being willing to do anything to see her smile fully. “I wish I could lie and say that it’s something I wouldn’t know, but I think I know a bit too much about you.” She says, letting out a small laugh, and he does too. “I promise you don’t know this.” He mumbles.
“Okay, go for it.” She says, holding his hand a bit tighter. 
“Well, after you bolted here, Jimmy showed me a few of your interviews, and I wanted to tell you that you’re my celebrity crush too.”
Her jaw drops and her eyes widen, a face that looks eerily similar to when she saw him for the first time just an hour prior. “You saw my interviews?” She gasps, her voice cracking at the embarrassment of him seeing her shamelessly confessing her love for him about a million times. It was safe to say she didn’t hear the rest of his confession.
“That’s what you’re focusing on here?” Harry laughs and raises a brow at Y/N.
“What else is there to focus on,” She groans, taking her hand out of his and burying her face into her hands yet again. “I can’t believe Jimmy showed you that, I’m never coming on this show again.” 
Harry grins, a dimple popping as he gently wraps his arms around her wrists, pulling her hands off her face. “Did y’hear what I said after that?” He asks softly, his eyes bring into her own. She shakes her head “no” in response and he takes a quick breath before telling her yet again. 
“I said, you’re my celebrity crush too. I’ve watched everything you’ve been in and I think y’are absolutely amazing, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t think you’re beautiful, inside and out.”
Y/N’s jaw drops for the thousandth time that night. 
 “You’re fucking with me.” She deadpans, her face blank and mind swimming with emotions.
He frowns and squeezes her hands. “M’not, swear to you.”
She shakes her head in denial. There’s no way she was Harry Style’s celebrity crush. Not in a million years would she ever think those words would be spoken, much less even thought of.
“You don’t believe me?” Harry asks, his head tilting a bit to the side.
“I believe tha you’re just too nice and you feel bad for me, so that’s why you’re telling me this.” Y/N admits to him, a sad smile on her face.
“Really?” He asks, letting go of her hands and bringing one of his own to his pocket. 
“Really. I appreciate it, I do, but you don’t have to try and make me feel less humiliated, I think we’ve already passed the point of no return.” Y/N says, laughing a bit.
“Mmm, okay,” He smirks. “Well that just won’t do. May I have your number?” 
She raises a brow as he pushes his phone into her hands, already pulled up on a new contact. She types in her number and “#1 fan” in the name and hand the phone back to him. Harry laughs when he sees the contact name and saves it to his phone, then putting it back in his pocket. 
“What was that?” 
“What was what?” Harry muses, a teasing glint in his eye.
She purses her lips. “Why did you just ask for my number?”
“So I can contact you of course,” Harry smiles. “How else am I supposed to set up another date with you?”
“Another?” Y/N questions, her lips turning up.
“’m a gentleman of course, would never ask you out on a first date over the phone,” Harry calmly explains. “So would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner tomorrow night?”
Y/n hesitates, unsure if this was still an ask out of pity. “You can meet me at my house, of course if you’re comfortable, and I’ll order us takeout to eat on my porch.” He continues, getting more exciting as he imagines how the date would go. 
“What makes you think I’d say yes?” She teases and his mouth gapes. 
“Oh fuck off.”
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Ghosted (Emily x Reader)
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Request 1: sonnett where reader is really good friends with a goalie(your choice) and sonnett gets jealous because reader and goalie play for the same club and Emily is in Europe. Do she goes to Lindsey and reader thinks Emily is going to breakup with her and pushes her closer to the goalie and it’s a whole shit show
Request 2: Can you do a Emily Sonnett imagines where her and the reader are together but the reader use to date someone else on the team ( you can chose) and the comments gets to Emily. And the Reader shows Emily how much she loves her?
Request 3: Something with Jane Campbell please
Author’s Note: I thought these three would work very well together, so I combined them. Also, this one takes an interesting turn in the end and if you look closely enough there are hints to a very interesting dynamic and why reader and jane wouldn’t work out. Let me know what you think. I live for interactions and stuff. They help to keep me motivated. 
It had been one hell of a year. It had started with both you and your girlfriend getting zero notice when the thorns traded her to Orlando and you to Houston. Then you had been trapped on opposite ends of the country due to the pandemic. That distance only got bigger when she decided to go to Sweden when Orlando pulled out of the challenge cup. 
But the two of you had made it work. Well, at least you thought you had made it work. apparently, Emily thought differently, if the silent treatment you had gotten the second you stepped into camp 3 hours ago was anything to go by. 
Hell, she wouldn’t even look in your direction. All you wanted was to hold your girlfriend (cause you hadn’t seen her in person in almost 6 months) and it felt like she didn’t even give a fuck that you were there. And Lindsey intercepted you every time you tried to get close. 
You smiled as you approached your blond girlfriend, leaning on the squat rack next to her. Normally you’d wrap your arms around her and kiss her neck, but you didn’t want to overstep with this weird tension happening between you. 
“Hey Em, wanna partner?” you asked softly, almost shyly.
Emily didn’t even turn to acknowledge you.
“I’m already with Linds,” She said tensely. Since when had she been so on edge around you? 
You frowned, your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to understand what was happening between you and your girlfriend. You glanced down at your shoes, suddenly finding them very interesting. 
“Oh, maybe-“ You started, poking the squat rack with your shoe. You looked up, only to find that Emily had already walked away and joined Lindsey on the other side of the gym. 
You sighed, finishing your thought into the blank air around you. “we could do dinner or something later. Guess not,” 
You blew out a long breath, willing yourself to hold back the tears. She didn’t even wait to see what you were going to say. Your eyes followed her as she hugged the blond midfielder and laughed loudly at whatever she was saying. It was like a knife in your heart. 
“What’s going on with you and Miss Sweden?” Hands on your shoulders and the voice right next to your ear should have made you jump, but you were too used to Jane’s scare tactics. 
You rolled your eyes and shrugged the keeper off of you, your gaze never leaving Emily. “Honestly, I have no clue,” You sighed deeply. She had never been like this with you before, and you definitely hadn’t expected your reunion to go like this. 
“Maybe it’s just jet lag. You know how she gets when she doesn’t get enough sleep,” Jane shrugged, poking at your dimples, trying to get you to laugh. You batted her hand away. 
“The question is how you know that,” You said, sending her a scathing look. 
She smirked impishly, wiggling her eyebrows. “I live with you, remember?”
You dramatically rolled your eyes, shoving your best friend. “I don’t think You’d ever let me forget,” 
The only good thing about your trade to the dash was that you got to hang out with your best friend every day. You and Jane had known each other since college and instantly hit it off as friends. When you had been traded, Jane also just happened to be looking for a roommate and things had worked out pretty well. 
“Well, if you’re still looking for a dinner date, I’m free tonight,”  Jane hummed, wrapping an arm around you again. 
“Been there, done that,” You scoffed playfully, shoving her again, but she didn’t let go of you this time. 
So maybe the two of you had tried in college. It was more of a fling than anything else, and it had mutually ended on great terms. You loved each other, but you weren’t in love and that was alright. You decided you were way better off as friends than lovers and left it at that. Plus, you had kinda fallen insanely hard for a certain blond cavalier.
“Not that kind of date,” She giggled, letting you shove her ways this time (definitely taking note of how your lips ticked up and patting herself on the back for clearing some of the clouds on your sunny personality away). 
“Whatever you say, now shut up and spot me,” 
The two of you were so caught up that you didn’t see the annoyed blue eyes following you from across the room, or the clenched fists and jaw that would have told you exactly what the issue with your girlfriend was. 
You tried to smile as you entered the dining room, hoping that you would finally have the chance to get to the bottom of whatever was bothering your girlfriend. 
You spotted her from across the room, seated at a table with Rose, Sam, and Mal. You released a breath that you didn’t know you were holding at the absence of a certain blond midfielder. Emily had been attached to her side, and watching them was like a knife in your chest, every interaction a slice at what felt like the tiny thread keeping your relationship together. 
“Hey, is this seat taken?” You asked as you approached the table, stopping short of the seat next to your girlfriend. 
She tensed, and you noted how her jaw clenched with furrowed eyebrows. She opened her mouth, but before she could respond another body slid between the two of you. 
“Yeah, it is,” Lindsey said firmly, setting her plate down right in front of the seat in question. You frowned, and your fingers tightened around your plate. You bit your lip in an attempt to not say the thing that was on your mind. Despite how pissed off you were with the woman, she was your friend too. 
You glanced around the table that was now awkwardly staring at you, your eyes landing on an empty seat next to Mal and across from Emily. 
“Alright, what about that one?” 
“Taken too,” Lindsey said shortly with a shrug. Mal glared at her. “No, it’s not, sit Y/n,”
The team was growing tired of the tension between you, and how sad you looked. 
“Thanks,” You mumbled, sliding in beside Mal. 
Silence fell over the table, and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You never felt so unwelcome around your friends before. 
“Well I better get going,” Emily said after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, shoving the chair back and abruptly standing. Lindsey stood up next to her, wrapping a protective arm around her waist. Your chest ached at the hand placement and how Emily leaned into her. 
You shot up too, clearing your throat and extending your hand. “Wait Em, I thought maybe we could talk after dinner?” You said, desperation clear in your voice. The table had never heard you like this before, had never seen a crack in your typically cool and unfailingly in control exterior. 
“She’s already got plans,” Lindsey said with an eye roll, and Emily seems to tuck herself further into the taller midfielder. You gulped down the defeat and desperation threatening to crawl out of your chest. 
“Oh, um maybe I could join you then?” You asked hopefully. 
“Private plans Y/n.” Lindsey snapped, already beginning to guide Emily out of the room, seemingly careless to what you had to say. The blond defender didn’t even give you the courtesy of eye contact as she left. 
“Sure, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then. I love you, Emily,” You called after their backs, watching them go. 
Everything in you seemed to deflate. It felt like she was leaving with a piece of you like she didn’t even care you were crumbling behind her. You didn’t try to stop the tears as they fell this time, slumping miserably back into your seat. 
A warm presence knelt next to you, and soft but calloused hands gently wiped the tears burning down your face. 
You met the keeper’s concerned blue eyes and allowed her to pull you into her strong embrace, hiding your face in her neck. 
“I don’t know what I did wrong,” You sobbed. Jane rubbed large circles on your back with one hand and squeezed you tight with the otherHands-onother hand was trying to hold your broken pieces together. 
“I don’t know either,” She said, kissing the side of your head. 
You missed Emily pausing at the door to send you one last look, but Jane didn’t. Her eyes bored into the blond defender. If she thought she could just jerk you around like this with no consequences then she had another thing coming. 
Jane wasn’t romantically attracted to you, but you were her best friend and she wasn’t about to let you continue to get hurt. Emily might be able to avoid you, but she wouldn’t be able to avoid Jane, the keeper would make sure of it. 
“Alright cut the Bullshit Sweden, you’ve been ignoring Y/n for a week. What the fuck is your problem,” Jane growled, stepping into the nearly empty locker room and glaring at your girlfriend. She knew you could more than take care of yourself, but this had gone on long enough. 
Emily tensed at the new presence, back straightening and eye going wide. She hadn’t bet on the head of the Houston department of defense to get involved. 
“Fuck off Campbell,” Lindsey said back, stepping so she was standing protectively in front of her best friend. 
“I will not because your best friend there is hurting my best friend,” Jane took another step towards the duo, puffing out her chest. 
“Yeah right, she’s barely even noticed,” Emily scoffed, crossing her arms like a petulant child. 
“See, I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that considering she’s cried herself to sleep every night since she’s been here,” Jane said, taking another terrifying step forward, stabbing her finger wildly into the air. 
She had been the one to hold you while you sobbed yourself to sleep because you were sure Emily had fallen out of love with you. The one who watched you agonize over every interaction you had with your girlfriend leading up to camp, trying to find where you had gone wrong. The one who listened to you degrade yourself for apparently driving Emily away and right into Lindsey’s arms. She was watching as you literally ripped yourself apart over this. 
“And what, You didn’t enjoy comforting your new girlfriend?” Lindsey scoffed loudly, shoving Jane’s hand (which was practically touching her chest) away. 
“What?” Jane asked shocked. 
Emily peeked over Lindsey’s shoulder, scowling at the keeper. Anyone with eyes knew what they meant. “Look, I know she’s cheating so you can both drop the friends act,” 
Jane oils to help the laugh that bubbled out of her lips. God, Emily was clueless if she thought you two were anything more than friends. Sure you had tried in college, but there weren’t romantic feelings there. You both wanted such different things out of a partner and agreed that you were better off as friends. Emily was your person, and Jane would be damned if anyone said anything different. 
“You’re out of your fucking mind if you think she wants anyone but you and if you weren’t so far up Horan‘s ass you would know that. If you wanna break up with her to date Miss Portland then grow some balls and do it, but don’t you dare try and ghost the sweetest person in the world,” 
“You would love that wouldn’t you?” Emily spat. 
Jane rolled her eyes. “No, because it would hurt her more than you already have. She loves you, and I thought you loved her. If you do, then you should show it,”
Emily seemed to soften at Jane’s words. She did love you, more than life itself. She really had to talk this whole thing out with you. Jane didn’t give her a chance to respond, deciding that storming off to find you and make sure you were ready for practice was a more productive use of time (she would never admit that it scared her a little to leave you alone these days). 
Emily wasn’t a jealous person. At least she tried not to be. But it was really fucking difficult when it came to you and your friendship with Jane. Well, it was difficult in the beginning, when she had you next to her, but with you so far away it was nearly unbearable. 
She hadn’t minded that the Dash moved you into Jane’s apartment, but then the comments started and they wouldn’t leave her alone. Instead of turning to you, talking it out with you, she had gone running to her own best friend. And in her effort to run from the fear that you wouldn’t choose her, she had hurt you in the process. 
She watched you from across the field, taking in the slight tilt of your head and slump of your shoulders. You smiled tightly at the keeper as she approached you, but Emily could tell that it didn’t reach your eyes, even from across the field. She also knew it wasn’t the blinding smile you saved solely for her. How hadn’t she noticed it before?
 “Jane was a little crude but she’s right you know,” Lindsey said, wrapping an arm around Emily’s shoulder, her eyes easily finding you. 
She felt bad about how Emily was treating you. 
“About which part?” Emily asked, raising her eyebrow and crossing her arms. Jane had said a whole lot, and she couldn’t find it within herself to disagree with them. It was childish to ignore you, and for her to be oblivious to your obvious feelings. 
“Don’t play dumb,” Lindsey scoffed, pinching Emily’s side a little harder than necessary. She didn’t like being the middleman between the two of you. You were her friend too after all. 
Emily sighed crossing her arms a little tighter around herself. “I know. I need to talk to talk to her,”
“I’m sure when she finds out what’s bothering you, there’ll be a whole lot more than talking. Isn’t communication one of those rules between the two of you?” Lindsey asked with a smirk, laughing loudly when Emily shoved her. The team knew about your relationship… dynamic and Lindsey was sure Emily was in for it when you realized exactly why the defender had broken your most sacred agreement. 
“Shut up,”
Emily’s cheeks flavored up at the implication. He was sure you’d come up with a very… creative… way to aid her in expressing her feelings next time and show her how much you loved her when you found out what this whole thing was about. 
You watched Emily very carefully from your perch on the end of the bed. She had dragged you here right after practice, and as soon as the door closed the words were pouring out of her lips. 
You sat quietly, letting her finally get out the emotions she had been keeping from you for so long. She explained how the comments on Houston’s latest photo of you and Jane had started this whole shit show, and how terrified she was that you would decide you didn’t want to deal with the distance. 
You let her pace back and forth as she told you about how she didn’t want to confront the issue, so she thought ignoring you would be a better course of action. It didn’t give you a chance to tell her that you didn’t want to be with her anymore. 
She finally paused, turning to look at you with wide tearful eyes, wringing her hands nervously in front of her. 
“I don’t have romantic feelings for Jane,” You said seriously, looking your girlfriend right in the eyes. You wanted her to know how true those words were. She knew that tone and had this been a different conversation it would have sent a chill down her spine. 
“I know I just-“ She started, but you cut her rambling off an eyebrow raise and your firm voice“Got jealous and thought that cutting your losses was better than coming to me,” 
It was a rule in your relationship- communication was king. The only way things got done was if you talked about them. You talked through every aspect of your relationship, every like and dislike, every limit and desire. This situation broke every rule you had established and that didn’t sit well with you. You couldn’t be the only one initiating (or trying to), she had to do it too (especially if she was uncomfortable with something) for this whole thing to work. It scared you a little that she had just shut down and run off to Lindsey. 
Emily nodded slightly, staring a hole in your shirt. 
“I thought you had moved on already,” She mumbled. 
You stood from the bed, gently using a finger to tilt her head so you could look her in the eyes. You raised an eyebrow. “So you got cozy with Lindsey to make me feel as jealous as you were and then wouldn’t respond to me as punishment?”
“I’m sorry, I just thought it would hurt less,” She mumbled, captivated by your y/e/c eyes and the little swirl of deeper emotion hidden inside. 
You nodded. stepping closer so your noises were almost touching and gently grasping her shoulders. “I love you Emily Ann Sonnett, even when you’re being a dumbass and ghosting me,” 
She could feel your breath fanning over her lips, only adding to the weight of your words. 
“I love you too,” Emily said, and you could see the truth to her words in her blue eyes. 
You smirked. “I know,” 
You leaned down and finally connected your lips. She grabbed your collar and pulled you closer, pouting all of her emotions into the kiss, trying to show you how much she loved you and how sorry she was for hurting you. 
Your lips moved together in a very familiar dance, slow and full of all of the emotions between you. At some point, you had flipped the two of you around so Emily was seated on edge of the bed. You pulled back and began to trail kisses down your girlfriend’s neck. 
She tilted her head to give you more room, sighing and moaning as you trailed your way down her chest, stomach, and thighs, placing kisses as you went until you were kneeling between her legs. Your fingers toyed with the waistband of her pants, an annoying cocky smirk plaster on your face when she whined that you were going too slow. 
“No, no baby girl. We’re going to work on your communication skills, so I’m not going to do anything unless you tell me exactly what you want,” 
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howlingday · 3 years
I’m really glad you liked my Arkos and Heresy prompt, I’ve got a follow up for you:
*Team JNPR is working out in Beacon’s gym*
*Jaune and Pyrrha are doing partner exercises*
Pyrrha: Excellent work today, Jaune. You’ve really improved.
Jaune: Thanks, but it’s all thanks to my amazing teacher. By the way, what’s with the bucket? *points to metal bucket off to the side*
Ren: That's in case you two get overheated.
Jaune: Overhe- We are not that bad!
Ren: Last week you two almost tore each other’s clothes off during stretches.
Jaune: Um...
Pyrrha: Don’t worry, it won’t happen again.
Ren: I’m keeping it on standby, just in case.
Pyrrha: Fine. Anyway, I need to grab a drink. *walks off to water fountain*
*team CRDL enters the gym*
Jaune: Hey, Cardin, how’s it going?
Cardin: Pretty good, getting to make you submit in our next match.
Jaune: I think you’ll find coming out on top more difficult than you think.
Nora: Dove, Lark, great timing, I need a couple spotters.
Dove: Sure, as long you spot me.
Jaune: Huh, since when is Nora so chummy with your teammates?
Cardin: No idea, they’ve been hanging out with her and Blake a lot lately.
*both turn to see Pyrrha doing barbell squats*
Cardin: Holy shit, that's a lot of weight.
Jaune: *sighs dreamily* Yeah, she’s amazing. Pyrrha’s like a goddess of war and love come to earth. I’ve got to be the luckiest guy in the world.
Cardin: Hey, you’re pretty impressive yourself. *runs his hand over Jaune’s back* Your back muscles are super tight. *lifts up Jaune’s shirt* And your abs, I could do laundry these.
Jaune: Thanks, man. But I’m pretty jealous of your arms. *holds Cardin’s biceps* You could crush soda cans with these pythons.
Pyrrha: *intensely watching Jaune and Cardin caress and praise each other*
Ren: Do you need the bucket, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: …maybe.
Hand me the shovel. I am digging this.
Nora: (Benching 150)
Dove: So, I was thinking about branching out. You know, starting one of those online chat rooms?
Lark: That's not a bad idea, but I don't think the world's ready for it. (Nora sets the bar on the rack, Dove helps remove weight) What do you think, Nora?
Nora: Hm... Well, I do like the idea of a chat room, or maybe even a forum, but our group is still a bit of a niche genre. I mean, outside of Beacon, how many people know enough about our leaders?
Dove: That's... actually a really good point. It almost doesn't sound like you, Nora.
Nora: Plus, I don't think the digital world is ready for my art.
Lark: (Sits on the bench) And there it is.
Pyrrha: I mean, I want to be supportive, and I know Cardin has changed since Forever Fall.
Ren: (Bicep curling) Mhm.
Pyrrha: But still, the thought of Cardin naked in our bed is just (Shudders), you know?
Ren: (Shifting arms) Mhm.
Pyrrha: But still, the thought of Jaune taking over, (Brearhes heavily, Blushing red) asserting himself, forcing his will, using Cardin as his personal f- (SPLASH!) AAAIE!! REN!
Ren: (Sets down his weight) It wasn't me.
Russell: (Scowling) It was me. What makes you think Jaune would be dominant?
Pyrrha: (Haughtily chuckles) Maybe because I know from personal experience.
Russell: Sure, when he's with you, but maybe he's a switch, or he's a bottom, and you're just simping too hard to take over?
Pyrrha: Why you-!
Cardin: Done! (Pushes out on the leg press, Engages the safety latches) You want a round?
Jaune: Nah, I'm good. I'm going for function, not fashion.
Cardin: Huh? What's that mean?
Jaune: Well, the leg press is just a bodybuilder work-out, right? You don't actually exercise the muscles, you just tone them to make them look good. (Rubs his hand up and down Cardin's thigh) But damn, do these look good~.
Cardin: Ha! Thanks, Jaune. I guess you're right, but I'm gonna keep doing it. Gotta keep these thighs nice and thick~.
Jaune: With two Cs or a CK~?
Cardin: Four Qs~.
Jaune: Pft! (Laughs hard) Ah, damn, that's good!
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binxyu · 3 years
>>Pairing: Yang Jeongin (dom) x fem!reader (sub) | idol!jeongin x secret gf!reader
>>Word Count: 1.5k
>>Genre: Drabble / Requested / Smut
>> Warnings/Kinks: Begging, breast play, biting, cockwarming, cum eating, cum play, exhibitionism, hair pulling, marking, overstimulation, praise, pool sex, saliva, scratching, and unprotected sex
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The heat of the sun shun down on your bare skin, warming it up as your lower half was emerged in the blissfully cold water.
All you could do was lean against the concrete of the side of the pool as you watched the sun set across the city. It was oddly serene despite the buzz of traffic that could be heard below the hotel and the slightest worry that someone would come up on that roof and see you.
Promising Jeongin that you’d meet him here after his concert would’ve been a massive mistake if anyone found you, but, to be fair, no one ever did.
Maybe his company made sure of that or the hotel simply didn’t have a lot of swimming fans. You’d never know for sure.
The sky turned a brilliant mixture of orange and red as the moon started to rise and the sun began to seep past the horizon.
You were well aware of the pruning of your fingers but the sight in front of you was too beautiful to force yourself out of the water.
Plus, the man you were waiting for has finally entered. Turning around, Jeongin smiles at you as he walks towards you, quietly closing the door behind him as he enters the rooftop area.
“Can I join, pretty girl?”, the pet name brings a bright smile to your face and you nod, allowing him to take your hand once he got undressed to ease him into the chilling water. With the sun disappearing and night taking over, the water became a bit colder and the temperature caused your body to jolt with a shiver.
“One of these days we might get caught”, Jeongin nuzzled his nose against your skin, watching as the goosebumps spread in his wake. Finding out the man you loved had a bit of an exhibitionism kink was a little surprise when you first started dating but, as the months went by, you realized you had one too. The excitement that comes with being caught riled you both up beyond belief.
Thus, adrenaline pumped through your veins from his words, turning around in his hold to meet the lustful abyss of your lover’s eyes. A sinister smile spread across your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his.
The sharp gasp that spilled out of his lips was anything but a surprise. You knew his body well and that was the same act you always did to get him riled up even further - to watch the fire ignite in his eyes. Well, that fire was slightly blossomed over with the full moon shimmering there instead but the point was just the same.
Jeongin squeezed your thighs and you wrapped them around his waist, feeling his erection press against your pelvis bone as he walked towards the edge of the pool. The light against the wall of the pool illuminated the sight hidden beneath the water, bringing bright attention to the way your bodies molded so perfectly together.
You watched as your boyfriend basked in that light and looked down, taking his cock in his hand to pump it a few times. It was dangerously close to your stomach and if you were in any other setting then you would’ve leaned down to suck it, but tonight was more of a quickie. All you two wanted was to be one again.
“You want it, baby? Do you want my big cock inside of you?”, he mumbled as he guided the tip along your clit, rubbing against the nerve gently and teasingly. He was always such a narcissistic tease and he wouldn’t give you what you wanted unless you were begging for it.
“Yes! Please, Jeongin. I need it”, and you truly did. Despite the lack of foreplay, you could feel your pussy clench around nothing at the meer thought of the man’s cock spreading it open, it’s thickness rubbing against your walls in the most delightful way.
Your boyfriend simply ignored you, deeming the begging not desperate enough as he squished your breasts together with his hands. His lips latched onto the skin of your neck and you were sure you’d have to wear a scarf tomorrow to cover the obvious display of possessiveness soon to be there.
You arched your back to press your breasts against his chest, rubbing your hard nipples against the skin in a desperate attempt to get more friction. Jeongin just gripped your hair to pull your head back, baring your neck to him in forced submission so he could mark more of the skin in his beautiful purple bruises.
“Please! Please”, your nails dragged across his back, grinding against his cock until the tip was rubbing against your clit. You moaned sweetly in his ear and that was all he needed to snap out of his trance.
“I didn’t tell you you could move, but you sound so fucking good that I can punish you later for it”, you almost let out a sigh of relief from his words as Jeongin backed you up further into the wall behind you, supporting your back as he trailed his cock to your entrance.
You both moaned into each others’ necks as his cock stretched you out, penetrating you with ease. Jeongin couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of your pussy lips wrapping around his dick, opening up to take him. He knew that was only for him and that fact made him push to bottom out in you.
“That’s so much better”, you giggle as you move your head from his neck, looking down at him as he held you up. You were finally full like you wanted and the moon shun down on Jeongin like his own personal spotlight.
How fitting.
“I missed your little cunt so much”, his hand trailed down to your stomach, pressing down so he could see the roundness of his cock inside of you. You were so warm and so was he, a nice contrast to the freezing water around you both. Your arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close as he started to snap his hips up into your’s, rubbing against your walls as you clenched around him.
“I missed you too”, the words spilled past your lips softly as you held back the moan threatening to cut them off. Your nails dig into his back, leaving scratches along the skin as your own mark of possession. Jeongin groaned from the pain and pleasure, biting into your shoulder softly when he heard someone pass by the door to the roof.
“Fuck, Jeongin. I thought no one was supposed to be up here”, adrenaline coursed through your veins at the thought of being caught. Your boyfriend pulled his head away after lapping at the bite mark like an eager puppy, coating your shoulder in saliva.
“Don’t worry, it’s still blocked off”, your worries left you as Jeongin started to thrust into that perfect spot along your walls, making you cry out louder than you should’ve. Your lips met in an attempt to keep quiet, trying to keep your sounds to yourselves rather than let them get to the people on the streets below.
“Right there!”, you cry out as the knot starts to form in your stomach, clenching so impossibly tight around the man until he can’t even get his tip out if he wanted to. This time, you looked down.
Your pussy was swollen as Jeongin continued to ram into it, joining in on watching how his big cock disappears into your hole. The cold water eases the soreness as he hoists one of your legs up onto the side of the pool, holding you tightly to keep you steady.
The new angle let him get impossibly deep inside of you that you could’ve swore you felt him in your stomach. Finally, you came with a shout of his name, coating his cock with your fluids.
“I’m cumming too! Where do you want it, baby?”, you could barely focus on his words as your eyes watered from the overstimulation.
“In my mouth! I want a taste, please”, sobs racked through your body as the pain started to overtake the pleasure, relief finding you once Jeongin pulls out. He grabs your thighs and lifts you up onto the side of the pool before he jumps out too, pumping his cock quickly and tightly above you.
You obediently open your mouth, awaiting for the taste of his cum to hit your tongue. Knowing Jeongin’s messy habits, you kept your eyes closed.
With a beautiful moan, Jeongin orgasms and you can feel the thick strings of white coat your chin, cheeks, tongue, and your breasts. You swallow it and open your eyes since none had landed there.
“You’re so pretty like that”, your boyfriend grins as he watches you trying to collect the rest with your tongue, even trying to attach your mouth to your breasts to get it off, “but I’ll get it off, baby”.
Jeongin quickly got you a towel and cleaned you up. After that, you two spent the night laying under the stars on the dirty towel with Jeongin’s cock buried inside of you to keep you both warm.
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seokjinsdisciple · 4 years
nakamoto yuta x reader
yuta tries to surprise you with nipple piercings.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: sub yuta, mommy kink, nipple play, punishments, blindfolds, cock ring, rope, not much after care, idk i think thats it 
(as always let me know if i forgot anything)
a/n: this scenario was completely the only thing i could think about when i found out yuta had nipple piercings 
Yuta knew you had an obsession with his piercings, almost as large of an obsession as you had with his nipples. The countless nights you've spent worshipping them on his body is proof enough of that. It was a decision made with far too many drinks, Johnny and Taeyong doing nothing but encourage Yuta to surprise you for your 2 year anniversary. So he got his nipples pierced. 
It was easier to hide at first, able to pass off his lack of touches as feeling under the weather. But as time went on you started noticing things he was doing very differently. His voice trembling each time he had to indirectly lie to you. Just when he thought you’d figured him out, it was time for the boys to go on tour, and he was saved from the pressure of having to keep that secret. When he got back however, the two of you couldn’t keep your hands off one another. Which made it extremely difficult to hide what was under his hoodies. But he made it through, blaming insecurities and asking you to not touch his chest. You were confused, but he had set clear boundaries, and there was no way in hell you were going to break them. 
Yuta stood in front of the bathroom mirror, admiring the way the silver sparkled on his chest. He only had one more week to go, one more week before he could finally show you what he had been hiding for months. He stared at the jewelry, the sound of the shower amplified in his ears as he reached a tentative hand up. He gently ran the pad of his thumb across his nipple. He clenched the side of the bathroom sink, low groan leaving his lips at the jolt of pleasure that coursed through him. 
His nipples had always been sensitive, but the gentle touch that he had just experienced never making him as hard as he was now. Twitching in his sweats as his eyes fluttered shut. He hadn’t had the time to explore how they felt, nipples either too sore from not being healed fully or he was in a position where you could walk in. 
He knew the rules. He knew your rules and how he would be punished, but if Yuta was being honest with himself, that excited him even more. Besides, he didn’t think that he could help himself now, the pinch of his fingers enough to have him doubling over in pleasure. 
It was with several soft moans and a decision to fuck your no touching rules that he found himself in the shower. One palm wrapped tightly around his cock as the other gently played with his nipples. He could hardly stand up, knees so weak with the hum of pleasure he had to lean against the bathroom wall to support himself. He wasn’t even pumping his cock, just holding it, the only pleasure he was feeling coming from the sensation of gentle friction across his nipples. 
He was really working himself up now, moans increasing in volume as the pace in which he rolled his nipples got faster. He tugged his bottom lip in between his teeth, hot water cascading down his body as he played with himself. He was dangerously close to cumming when the door swung open.
“Hey Yu-” you spoke, bathroom door clicking shut as you entered the room, “The boys said you were showering and I figured since I’ve had a long day I would jo-,” you stopped, eyes drawn immediately to where Yuta had a hand wrapped around his furiously red dick, “What are you doing?”
“I-,” he said, hand dropping from his cock as he met your gaze, “It’s not what it looks like I swear.”
You just tutted at him, brow raising as you glanced pointedly at his twitching dick, “Is that so, baby boy? Because from where I’m standing it looks like you’re about to cum without permission.”
“I wasn’t-,” he said, eyes fluttering shut as the stream of water hit directly on his nipples. Fuck his nipples. With an unabashed moan he slapped his hands over them, your face of disbelief enough to make him burn with embarrassment. 
“Yu, get out of the shower,” you whispered, eyes trained to where his hands cupped his chest. 
He obeyed easily, already knowing he was in enough trouble for the night, not wanting to do anything else to upset you. You ignored his shiver, letting the droplets of water falling from his skin drop on to the bathmat as you stepped towards him. Hands enclosing both of his wrists and pulling. 
You weren’t ready for what you saw. You weren’t ready at all. The instant your eyes met with his red, puffy nipples, the shimmer of silver surrounding them, you were a goner. And so was he. 
“Is this why you haven’t been letting me touch you?” you asked. 
At his nod, you reached your hand out, gently touching them, trying to control the look of awe threatening to cross your face as a helpless whine ripped from his throat. 
“Oh my god,” you said, pinching his nipple in between your fingers and rolling it, “I’m going to absolutely ruin you.”
“It-it,” Yuta huffed, throwing his head back as you continued to work your fingers on his nipples, “It was supposed to be a surprise.”
You hummed at him, eyes flicking up to meet his gaze as you asked, “How long have you been hiding this from me?”
“Like-like four months,” he stuttered, cock twitching at your angry gaze, “It’s why I’ve been acti-ing so weird lately.”
“So you mean to tell me,” you whispered, dragging your hand from one piercing to another, “that not only were you touching yourself without permission, but you’ve been lying to me for four months?”
He just nodded at you, eyes dropping from your intense gaze. 
“And now you’re not using your words?” you tsked, using your hand to force him to look at you, “That’s not like my sweet angel.”
“M sorry,” he whispered, pout forming at your words. 
“You’re sorry who?” you asked, grip on his chin tightening. 
“I’m sorry, mommy,” he squirmed, another shiver racking through his body as the cool air surrounded his wet skin. You gently caressed his jaw, pressing a kiss to his lips before handing him a towel. 
“Dry off and meet me in your room,” you said, “you can prove to me just how sorry you are.”
You smirked to yourself as he scrambled to dry his limbs, leaving the frantic boy in the bathroom as you made your way to his room. Reaching under his bed to find the box of toys you kept here. When you felt your hand brush against the side, you pulled it out from underneath the bed, searching its contents for what you were looking for. You smiled as you wove the rope between your fingers, setting it on the bed as you pulled out Yuta’s favorite vibrator and a black blindfold. 
You tuned at the sound of the door opening, Yuta’s glowing skin still holding droplets of water in the toned spaces of his abs. He was buzzing as he stepped into the room, shy smile on his lips as he waited for you to say something. 
“For someone who’s about to get punished you look a little too excited,” You said, raising your brow at him, “Lock the door,” you said, keeping your eyes on him as he rushed to turn the lock, “sit.”
He shuffled over to the bed, dropping his towel from his waist before sitting down. Yuta glanced over at the toys that sat next to him, nervousness showing on his face. He knew how cruel you could be, and he really wanted to cum. 
“Color?” you asked, cupping his face and forcing him to look away from the toys beside him. 
“Green,” he shuddered, already missing your touch as you grabbed the rope. You gently pulled his hands behind his back, sitting across his lap as you tied them together with the rope. 
“Do you know how hard it has been for me not to touch your pretty little chest?” you asked, lips ghosting over the shell of his ear, “Here I thought it was because my baby boy was shy. Turns out you were just lying, hm?”
You pressed a kiss behind his ear, grinning as he shuddered. You left pretty marks down the column of his neck, causing his chest to heave with deep breaths. You let your tongue drag from his ear and into the crook of his neck, sucking gently as you made your way down to his chest. Lips pressing everywhere but where he wanted you. 
“That's why I think it’s fitting that you won’t be allowed to touch me,” you hummed, “Plus you’ve touched yourself plenty today. Don’t you think that's fair, peach?”
“But I wanna-” Yuta whined, shutting his mouth as soon as you shot him a glare, “Yes, mommy.”
“That’s better,” you said, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear before returning your gaze to his nipples. “But you also wouldn’t let me see how pretty you look,” you said, faux contemplation on your face as you lightly flicked his piercing, Yuta’s cock twitching in response.
“I don’t think you should be able to see either,” you hummed, pulling the blindfold over his eyes. You climbed off of his lap then, taking the time to appreciate how good he looked right now. 
His skin was still damp, and there were marks of purple and red blooming on most of his chest and neck. And those goddamn piercings, making him glow more than he already did. The silver contrasting so prettily against his tanned skin. You watched in arousal as he squirmed where he sat, cock heavy and red as he tried to press his thighs together. 
“Mo-mommy please,” he whispered, hands trying to get out of the restraints. 
“Please what, baby?” you asked, reaching back into the box of toys and pulling out a cockring. 
“Please touch me,” he whimpered.
“Oh? But I thought you didn’t want me to touch you?” You asked, tone mocking, grinning as his cheeks flushed red. 
“No,” he whined, “Wanted you too but was trying to keep a secret.”
“You were lying,” you hissed, sliding the cock ring to the base of his dick, “And liars don't get what they want, even if they look so pretty.”
“So you’re just gonna make me sit here?” he asked, voice breaking at the thought of not being touched for hours. 
“I’m gonna do whatever it is I want to do to you,” you said, yanking his hair so his head was looking up to yours, “And you’re gonna take it like the good little bitch you are.”
He visibly shuddered at this, your fingers pinching his nipples not helping him contain any of his pleasure. He whimpered as you flicked one of them, loud whine leaving his lips as he sagged at your lack of attention. 
“Go ahead baby boy,” you said, “you wanna touch yourself so badly, go ahead,” you taunted him, all of the places you had been giving him physical touch gone as you watched him wiggle in his bonds. 
“Mommy, please,” he whined, shoulders shaking as he tried to break out of the ties you had put him in. You cooed at him when you noticed the tears on his cheeks, his whimpers to please be touched making you cave just a moment. 
You gently caressed his cheek, wiping the stray tears with your thumb, “Do you think you can come from just me playing with your nipples, love?”
Yuta nodded furiously at you, whimpering as you pinched his nipple once again. 
“Use your words,” you scolded, gently rubbing your thumb on his cheek soothingly. 
“Ye-es, mommy,” he hiccuped, “I think I can.”
You cooed at him, “I knew you could you sweet boy,” you patted his cheek, “Cum from just your nipples and I‘ll reward you, angel.”
You pressed a comforting kiss to his temple, mouth pressing from his lips down the line of his jaw until you met with the crook of his neck. You took your time, placing hickey after hickey across his collar bones. You drank in the taste of his skin, slight gleam of sweat glistening on his desperate body. His chest was red and patchy, evidence not only of the arousal that was humming from his body but also the kisses you had been pressing all over his chest. 
You relished in the moans that Yuta let out as you wrapped your lips around his nipple. Tongue flicking over the metal that now adorned his chest. He let out a pathetic whine, desperate for more, evidenced by the bounce of his cock and the blush on his cheeks. The tip of his cock was flushed red, pulsing at the stimulation from just his nipples. 
He wiggled on the bed, desperately trying to touch either himself or you. Whines ripping from his throat as you played with both of his nipples. Lips wrapped carefully around one while your fingers deliberately pinched and pulled at the other. 
You watched as he threw his head back, a loud moan ripping from his throat as you tugged harshly on one of the sensitive buds. 
“What a good baby boy you are,” you hummed, pressing a kiss around one of his nipples as you teased your other hand on his taut stomach. You could feel the way that abdomen clenched and unclenched, a clear signal that he was close. 
“C’mon, sweet angel,” you said, licking a long stripe across one of the new piercings, “You can do it baby,” you praised, bringing your fingers back up to his other nipple. 
Yuta wiggled at your touch, moan after moan leaving his body at your constant attention. 
“Be a good boy and cum for me,” you said, eyes flicking up to where his was covered with the blindfold. You felt the way he quivered under your touch, feeling kind as you pulled the blindfold off of him. You couldn’t help but smile as you were met with his closed eyes, the sensations of his pleasure enough for him to not realize that the blindfold had been removed.
His eyes shot open as you tugged on his nipple with your teeth, a desperate groan leaving his lips as his eyes met with yours.
“Please don’t stop,” he begged, head falling forward as a quiet moan escaped his lips, “I’m so close, Mommy, please.”
“Then cum, angel,” you spoke, rubbing one nipple quickly in your hand. You rolled the other between your tongue and your teeth, not stopping until Yuta’s cock was spilling white streaks across his stomach. 
You gently kissed his nipple, making your way back up to his lips as he came down from his high. 
“What a good boy you are angel,” you praised, moving your mouth from his chest up to his lips, “So good cumming without being touched. Would you like mommy to reward you now baby boy?”
“Ye-es please,” he shook, abdomen tightening as his high still racked through him, “Want- want to make Mommy cum.”
“Mm,” you hummed, core throbbing at the reminder that you had been taking care of your baby all night long, “Are you sure you can handle taking care of me baby?”
“Yes mommy,” Yuta whined, shoulders desperately wiggling as he tried to get his hands on you, “Wanna make you feel good.”
You pressed kisses all over his face, distracting him with a kiss as you untied his hands from behind him. You held back a laugh as his arms immediately wrapped around you. Fingers digging into your skin as you kept peppering him with kisses. 
The whine that tore from Yuta’s throat was the loudest that he had allowed out tonight, nails digging into your skin as you slipped the cock ring from his length. 
“Please fuck me,” he begged, head dropping to your shoulder as you wrapped your hand around his already spent cock. He was still hard, yet perfectly overstimulated as you let your palm drag up and down his length. 
“You do deserve a reward, don’t you love,” you whispered, mouth meeting his earlobe as you guided him to your entrance. You pressed your lips to his as you sunk down. Effectively muffling your own moan, as well as Yuta’s as you bottomed out. 
You ran one hand through his hair, pulling roughly at the roots towards the base of his neck. Your other hand drifted between his chest, brushing over his nipples as you let him adjust in you. 
You ground your hips lightly against his at first, gauging his reaction before lifting your hips and slamming them down at a brutal pace. You moaned as he attached his lips to your neck, desperately trying to muffle his moans at the pace of hips hitting his. 
His nails dung into the skin of your hips, arms helping you bounce against him. You toyed with the piercings that adorned his chest, dragging moan after moan from his lips as ground your hips against his. 
Yuta whimpered into your chest as he brought a hand between where your bodies met. You couldn’t help the moan that left your mouth as his fingers found their way to your clit. 
You bounced up and down on his length, kisses turning into open mouth moans as he rubbed your sensitive spot. You let your fingers drag across his nipples, playing with the metal that adorned them. 
That was all it took to have him spilling inside of you, breath hitching as he couldn’t help but buck his hips to meet yours. The feeling of him spilling into you was enough to send you over the edge, fingers pulling at his hair as you shook on top of him. 
The two of you just sat, holding each other and catching your breath, smiles growing as you came down from your highs. Yuta pressed gentle kisses where he had his head buried in your chest. 
You couldn’t help but smile as he finally looked up at you. His lips bitten red and swollen from the kissing, with hickies visible on his shoulders, neck and chest. 
“I’m never going to be able to keep my hands off of you,” you sighed, pressing a kiss to his temple before gently standing from his length. He just laughed, reaching out his hands to help steady you before pulling you on top of his chest. 
“I’m glad you like them,” he whispered, hands running through your hair as another trailed the length of your back. 
“We should shower,” you huffed, trying your best to sit up. Yuta’s stomach let out a loud grumble as you shifted, and the two of you couldn’t help but giggle at the interruption, “and eat too, apparently.”
He just grumbled, allowing you to stand up from the bed before sitting up himself. He took one look into the mirror and let out a curse. 
“You left too many marks,” he whined, shuffling over to his dresser to grab some clothes, “the boys aren’t going to shut up about this.”
“You should’ve thought about that before misbehaving, angel,” you shrugged, giving him a shit-eating grin when you saw just how little his shirt hid any of the marks you had given him. 
The two of you made your way through the mostly quiet dorm, stopping into the kitchen for some snacks before heading back to Yuta’s room. 
You had made it through the hallway before being stopped in the living room by some of the boys. Jaehyun let out a whistle, looking Yuta up and down before bursting into laughter. 
“Taeyong is going to kill you both,” Taeil added, smile growing on his lips the longer he stared at the marks that were clearly displayed all over Yuta’s body, “We have schedules this week.”
“Shut up,” Yuta whined, flipping off the boys who were still trying to contain their laughs. 
“Why am I going to kill them?” A voice, Taeyong’s voice, said from behind the two of you. 
Before either of you could say anything, Taeyong was in front of you, mouth agape and eyes locked onto the marks on Yuta’s neck. 
“Jesus,” he whispered, “I take it you liked his piercings?”
“Uh-,” you started, glancing over at Yuta’s pink cheeks, “Yeah. I’m sorry, Yong. I won’t get so carried away next time.”
“I don’t believe that for a second,” he said, raising his eyebrows at you before adding, “Just next time do it somewhere none of us can see, ok?”
And god, if that didn’t give you ideas.
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sweetsbfreex · 4 years
always my valentine.
happy belated valentine’s day guys! thank you for all the love, heres 3.7k words pure fluff.
Summary: on one chill valentine’s day evening you and Harry reminisce the valentine’s day that hold a special place in your hearts. But let’s start where it begins
warnings: fluff, slight angst
Pairing: Husband,Boyfriend!Harry x reader
You were excited, walking down the hallway, your backpacking dragging you down with all the candy bundled in there, and the box of heart shaped cookies your dad volunteered for you to bring. 
Your auntie had picked out a specially themed outfit for this day. Valentine's Day! Dark pink overalls, a lighter pink t-shirt with your all time favorite love story (The Aristocats), and two pretty, sparkly heart shaped pins in your hair. 
“Good Morning Ms. Ash” you grinned up at your teacher by the door, raising the container of bakers cookies above your tiny figure.
“Good Morning!” she replied enthusiastically. “Are these for the party?”
You nodded in reply, descending your arms from how tired they were feeling already. 
“That’s great, why don’t you go ahead and place them on the table next to the whiteboard”
You smiled at her, making your way to the table, responding to an energetic hello from Johnny before making your way to the back of the room to place your coat and backpack on the low placed rack. 
When you had finally taken your place next to your best friend, Samantha. Cheering a hello to the other three students placed in your table. About to look down at the morning warm-up for the day. Fractions. They were easy, but gosh were they annoying. Why does the bottom–– denominator–– have to change so much.
But you caught sight of Harry walking into the classroom, a black and white polka dot jacket covering his outfit for the day, and a red hat covering his hair. 
He waved at you a pretty (but somewhat toothless) smile supporting his greeting. You waved back at him, turning again to the half sheet of paper. 
Once again were interrupted when you felt a gentle, not so gentle tap on your shoulder. 
“Do you want to see what I got Harry?” she asked.
“You got something for a boy?” you were shocked, you loved fairy tales, loved romances, loved when your dad told you old stories of him and your mom before you were born. Your favorite being when she was pregnant with you and he brought her out to the rain, a bouquet of flowers in his hand–– that he had picked up after work. And they had danced in the rain all night long, their songs blasting from his car. 
You guys were 8-9, why was this happening now? Feeling behind. Were we supposed to ask someone to be our valentines. Like in the movies.
“Yea” you were interested that was for sure.
She pulled out a piece of construction paper from inside her desk. It was heart shaped, glitter glued around the edges, a sucker taped to the paper , and the words happy valentine Harry! Also glittered and glued to the paper.
It looked a mess. But you couldn’t tell her that plus it’s the thought that always counts. 
“Wow! So are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend now?”you quiz meekly. 
“No but I hope so after this, we’ll be the second couple after Jolie and Zay” she giggles, pushing the card back in her desk.
Great, what a way to ruin a perfectly good day. But you still were extra excited for the movie, snacks, and candy to be passed around. 
A few moments Ms. Ash had walked in, her coffee cup in hand. 
“Okay guys! First we are going to finish up these warm ups...I’ll give you guys…five minutes, is that good?” she looked around for confirmation, not seeing any objections she continued. “Then thirty- forty minutes before school ends we’ll start the celebration!”. 
It was time! After Ms. Ash had read the class Happy Valentine’s Day Mouse! And Llama Llama I Love You (Your favorite) everyone was sent to grab whatever candy to be passed around. 
Now you were all scattered around the room, everyone making their rounds to all the kids passing around sweethearts, lollies, and so many other things. 
Dropping Anthony his ring pop into his brown paper bag while he gave you the pack of conversation hearts. There was a very gentle tap on your elbow, making you turn around to see Harry.
“Oh! Hi Harry!” you were all smiles looking at him, waving politely. 
“Hi, y/n, I have your goodie if you want it?”
“Yes please, here's yours” your head tilted down, digging around for ring pop attached with Harry’s name. 
“Here you go” extending your arms to Harry, gripping the other end of the ring pop packet. 
He extended his arm out to yours, moments later a pretty, store bought heart shaped card in his hand and a small, red box of chocolate Russell Stover chocolates were in your view. 
You grabbed the two items, looking at the card to see ‘Happy Valentines Day Y/N, written in his hand writing. A pretty saying to math the image of two cute kittens at the bottom. ‘You’re the purr-fect friend, Happy Valentine’s.
“I remember you said you liked Aristocats and my mum said you’d really like this one” He informed you. 
Two days before that day, Harry ate dinner with his mother and sister. There he had asked confidently, a fond smile on his face, if he could get a girl he thought was pretty a Valentine’s gift. Then ensued the non-stop teasing from his sister and mum.
“Harry’s first girlfriend” His sister had teased.
“Mum!” he complained back, his fork dropping to his plate.
“Stop it now” She playfully reprimanded His sister, who knew she didn't mean it but for Harry’s sake. Grabbing Harry’s chin soothingly “That’s fine Harry, we can go to the store. Who’s it for anyway?”
“Mr. Y/l/n daughter?” she had asked, interest piqued. 
“Yep” he replied successively earning an ‘ooh’ from his sister. 
“Thank you so much Harry, it’s really pretty. I’m sorry I only got you that” you pointed to the ring pop, the inner corners of your eyebrows raising. 
“It’s okay! My name is on the little card, so it’s okay” he smiled, reassuring you as he showed you the tiny card attached to the ring pop. 
View solely on Harry you had missed the fuming girl standing perpendicular to the two of you. 
“I love that card!” you told Harry, squeezing the hand over your shoulder. 
You were both twenty-five, spending your Twelfth Valentine’s day as a couple, snuggled up on the couch. Unsurprisingly and inevitably you both had made it out–– with a few rocky roads in the way ––together.
“Oh yea? Should’ve seen how my sister kept embarrassing me while we picked it”
“Guess what” you hooked him quietly, looking up at his gaze. 
“What if I told you I still have the card you got me” you muse. 
“Wouldn’t believe you, show me”
You raised from your spot on the sofa, grabbing Harry’s hand to follow you upstairs. He sat on the bed watching you rummage through the closet.
“Do you need help?” he asked.
“No, I’m okay thank you” you chirped. 
From there you pulled a painted, wooden storage box. The words Do Not Open are very prominent at all sides of the box. You’ve had this box and two other boxes stacked to the far right of your closet. Everything you’ve ever loved, being stored in here all the way from birth, something your mother had started before you were even born. Harry had never gotten a glance at it, respecting your wishes of Do Not Open. 
You sat next to him, the box placed on your lap, lifting the lid. You looked up at Harry who had averted his gaze from inside the box quickly.
You laughed at the endearment, “It’s okay baby, you can look. Thank you though” leaning up to kiss his jaw.
Last time you checked this box you had left it at the bottom of the box, and that’s exactly where it was as you lifted it up. Fixing the crease of the corner of the stock paper.
“See! Told you” The heart between both of your hands, arms extended and placed so both of you could view it equally. 
When you haven't heard a witty remark from Harry, you look up confused only to have that expression shift in worry. Looking up to see his moss eyes were glazed over and his mouths scrunched and puckered up (his way to keep himself from crying.) 
You sit up on your knees quickly, placing the card in his lap, before bringing his head to your chest, the hand holding the side of his face closer, thumb brushing under his eyes. 
“Oh Harry! Why are you crying?” bringing your head down to level your eyes with his. He turned his head towards your chest even more embarrassed. “You’re so cute, don’t be embarrassed” you laugh kissing the top of his head. 
“Stop” he laughed, shaking his head slightly. “Just means a lot that you kept it for all this time”’ taking hold of the heart in his lap, fingers rubbing the paper softly as he reminisced. 
“Yeah...well after you gave it to me it hung on my dresser's mirror for years how couldn’t I” you assured him, kissing his head once again.
“Can I be honest, my favorite gift is the one I got you in middle school”
Freaking rational numbers and their stupid fractions. Stupid seventh grade teachers. What was the point of having all these different categories of numbers in the first place?? Natural, Rational, Real, Integers, or Irrational. What was the point?
You thought this, upset at your latest math grade, while you stuffed your math journal and book into your locker. Slamming the door–– as softly as you could, which wasn’t very soft, but you also didn’t catch the attention of most of the students in the hallway. 
You jumped at the sight of Harry, who had stood behind your locker door.
He reached his hand to your waist to settle you down, which did the opposite of that as you had shivered, goosebumps raising from the contact. Ever the flirt he was. Eyes widening as you took in his dimpled smile and the way on his arms hid behind his back. 
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you, are you okay?”  he asked, tilting his head to the scene from earlier. 
“It’s fine. I’m fine! Just math and Mr.Quimby’s teaching” you huff.
“I like your outfit, very festive” he complimented, dropping his hand from your waist so both his arms were behind his back. 
“Oh” you smiled meekly, looking down at the heart patterned dress you were sporting, a black cardigan enveloping you, and your red converse on your feet. “Thank you, it’s Valentine’s Day so had to dress accordingly”
“Yeah well you’ve been dressing accordingly since pre school” he joked.
“One of us has to” you laugh off the bad joke, closing your eyes in sheer agony. 
“Glad it’s you then...I actually have a surprise for you”
“Really?” shuffling your feet in anticipation. 
He retracted his arm, a red bag in hand. Sticking out proudly was a rose.
“Go ahead and open it” he urged, of course a confident smile on his face as he pushed his hands into his front pockets. 
The first thing you had pulled out was a box of candy. 
“Thank you” you mumbled, before pulling the last item. 
There was a white box and when you had pulled it from the light, you saw the black printed label of ‘Pandora’ at the top. You looked up at Harry, mouth open, watching his smile grow wider from your reaction. 
“Wait before you go on and on, open it”
You were tempted to thrust this back in his hand, not even wanting to know the price of whatever was in the box. But surveying the look on his face you just had to.
Your fingers gripped the lid of the box, lifting it. The first thing you saw was a piece of paper that covered whatever he had gotten from the glamorous store.
‘Be Mine?’
You looked back up at him grinning from ear to ear, your stomach fluttering non-stop after reading those words. 
“Harry!” you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him into a bone crushing hug. You felt his hands fist into the back of your cardigan. “Really? How did you even afford this” you asked, pulling away first. 
“Yeah. A looot of saving up. I mean i would’ve asked a while ago, but today seemed like a good day”
“Then yeah” a close lipped smile on your face. 
“Open the box” he smiled back. 
You pushed yourself away from him, opening the box again and removing the paper from the top to see a silver bracelet and a charm to be put on the bracelet laying in black velvet fabric. 
The charm was the cat Marie from the Aristocats.  
“This is so cute H, thank you.”
“Flip it over” he instructed softly
On the back of her head engraved was ‘thx for being my better ½” and today's date. 
“Love the fraction” you commented sarcastically.
“Been complaining about them since elementary school had to put it in...plus i was running out of space.” He let you know, reaching a hand out to hold one of yours. 
“I’m sorry i didn’t get you anything. Do you want a lollipop?” you squinted, face scrunched up in embarrassment. 
“It’s alright. Yeah that’ll be fine” he smiled. 
He’s been adding charms and buying you new bracelets every Valentine’s Day ever since that day. The Aristocat charm is always on the newest bracelet. This year it had been a lady bug, claiming with it that you were his luck in life. 
“Really?” you asked surprised. 
“Yeah, it was basically when we made it official...and then got that write up for pda in the hallway”
“Oh my gosh, I hated Mrs. Ambrose” you groaned, your head hanging back dramatically for a slight second. 
“Yeah. Swear she had it out for me and you after that.”
The amount of write ups you and Harry had accumulated from mostly holding hands was unbelievable. He was a physical touch kind of lover, you couldn’t do much about it at that time. 
“Wanna know my favorite?” you asked him. He nodded which prompted you both to a trip down memory lane. 
Eleventh Grade.
Click. Click. Click. 
You turned your back away from the window.
“Y/n” was hollered out.
Ugh, You groaned raising yourself from your bed, stomping to your window.
“You’re late. I’m mad at you. My dad is mad at you.” you hissed your head.
“I know baby, but just come down so I can explain”
You looked down, a stupid puppy dog longing look on his face. God you hated him really bad right now, it wasn't fair. 
“I hate you. You’re lucky my dad is on a date tonight, like i’m supposed to be!” you seethed before retracting yourself from the window, making your way downstairs. 
He could only smile, that cocky son of a––
“Ow” you hissed out lowly, clutching your foot before walking down the stairs carefully.
You opened the door now face to face with your boyfriend, who used his dazzling face to adorn a guilty look on his face. His way to reel you in so you had no choice. His dumb faux pouty lips. 
He reached his hand out to touch your arm until you had pulled away quickly. Shaking your head. “Explanation first”
“Okay. I deserve that, but can we sit?” he asked, shuffling to the side so you could the blanket that lay on your lawn. Fake candles surrounding the perimeter. And on the blanket was a bouquet of roses, candy, your favorite meal, a bluetooth speaker, cupcakes, and a red gift bag (attached to that was a balloon of a puppy that held a heart between it’s paws.)
You tried really hard to suppress the smile that wanted to show your appreciation for the thoughtful gesture. And succeeded as you followed Harry who had taken his place on the blanket, before taking off his shoes, holding out his hand for you to help support yourself downwards. Which you had ignored, still a bit displeased.
You looked around a bit before looking up at Harry, eyebrow quirked.
From there he had let you know that he was up all last night finishing something for you and had let time get away from him before his mum walked in wondering why he was still here. Then he realized his phone died, so he had to wait for it to power up in his car while driving to the local store to get anything else he needed, since he had made the two of you miss the reservations for tonight. “Fucking left my phone in the car”. To which it died again causing him to be with what is now. 
“I’m really sorry y/n, ‘know I wouldn’t pull an asshole move like that on purpose”
“I know...Still it was embarrassing, you’re supposed to be the punctual one”
He laughed at that, testing the waters as he glided his hands towards your carefully. And when you hadn’t pulled back he carefully intertwined both of your hands together raising it up to kiss your knuckles. 
“Pajamas are cute, Sucks i missed your Valentine's Day outfit, was really looking forward to it” he let you know. 
You heated up as you looked over the set you were wearing. The pant and long sleeve set both were identical, red as the background and white hearts scattered all over the place. 
“Guess you’ll never know, hm?” you hummed.
His stare was intense, not letting the eye contact break for a moment. No. Your hand collided with his face softly as you stopped his face from leaning in. Your palm meeting his mouth, before pushing it away gently. 
“Nope” you reprimanded him. 
“C’mon” he groaned. “Not even a kiss, I thought you weren’t mad anymore” he asked, his hand reaching up to clasp your wrist, which he had brought down slowly. Letting it lay flat in his lap between his palms.The sound of your bracelet clinking together supporting the sound of the other night creatures. 
“I’m gonna go get your gift, then maybe we’ll see if you deserve a kiss” standing abruptly, as you made your way into your home quickly. Hearing the soft muttering of Harry’s complaint of “girls”.
In a moment whirl, you were now sitting a bit closer to Harry. His gift bag in your lap. 
“I want to go first, since you always go first” you extended your hand towards him and he grabbed it but not before quickly kissing your cheek, as a result–– just to mess with him–– you wiped your cheek, sticking your tongue playing it off as if it was disgusting.  
“You love it. Stop” he chuckled pinching your cheek.
“Just open it” you groaned.
“Am I ever this pushy with you?” he asked rhetorically. “Thought so”
He finally opened the bag, reading the sweet card you had written for him. You watched his smile grow as his eyes shifted from word to word. 
Then looked through it again, pulling out a small string back, pulling it apart to see a pink guitar pick engraved on one of the sides being, ‘thanks for being my significant ½ -y/initial“ and the date you both had made it official.
“Thank you teenie, I’ll use it every time I play” he pulled you in by his arms around your shoulder, kissing your cheek incessentantly. 
“That god awful nickname” you complained. “But i’m glad you liked it”
“Yours” he said, placing a bag in your lap. 
You opened it, seeing the very familiar box. Opening it eagerly you saw laying in the box, a charm with a bow at the top. He knew your new obsession with baking and of course he had nailed it yet again.
“The bottom” he answered the question that he knew was floating through your head. 
And there it was the engraving you were looking for. 
‘xoxo -h’ and today’s date. 
“There’s also one more thing he told you” twisting his body, you watched his shoulders and arms move and the sound of a zipper. 
His guitar was now clutched in his lap, using one hand to wrap the strap around his neck.
Then he started strumming a beautiful tune and sang a song you had never heard. It was beautiful and when you had realized the correlations within the 
“Harry...Oh my gosh” you squealed, launching yourself at him, feeling one of his arms wrap around your waist quickly. A deep chuckle emitting from his mouth. 
“You wrote this––” having to stop mid sentence, your throat feeling cramped as tears kept coming non stop. 
“I wrote it for you, yeah. It’s why i was so late, was putting finishing touches on it all day yesterday”
“You’re amazing, you know that?” you asked him, his dimpled cheeks between your palms. 
“Yeah...I guess so” he said nonchalantly, rolling his eyes, and shrugging one shoulder.
You giggled at his action, tilting his head up so you could kiss him lovingly. 
“Got my kiss” he teased. 
“Well you deserve it” you rolled your eyes kissing him once again.
As you both got older and started spending nights together, he had always sung you your song by your request. You loved it so much that he surprised you with it on your wedding night. Booking a private session at the best studio he recorded the song just for you, so you both were able to dance it as your first dance as husband and wife. Now you were able to listen to it whenever you wanted. 
He was always the best gift giver between the two of you. You still spent all these years trying to top him. 
“The song? Really?” he assented, eyes a bit wide. 
“Yeah” you chuckled softly, “It’s the sweetest anyone has done for me, how could I not?”
“Can’t argue that can i?” “Nope...Happy V-day H”
“Happy lover Day teenie, thanks for always being mine” he smiled up at you, his pupils and yours dilating a bit at the exaltation. The dopamine so overloaded, you wondered if it was even possible. He brought you to sit in his lap carefully. A passionate kiss to your lips, transferring the love he felt for you in that one kiss. Years and years of love that hadn’t and would never fizzle out. Not on his watch and especially not on yours.
– – – –
ahh i loved this soo much, if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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