#On an unrelated note. Im trying to make my style less Shaped
eggwishing · 3 months
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what is this guys problem
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arvoze · 7 years
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hi im lewis and i need money becasue uhhhh no actual reason jsut money is good to have
i dont really have a slot limit, and you're best contacting me either here on tumblr (arvoze), on twitter (arvozephyr) or via email ([email protected]). payment is thru paypal via the email provided, i don’t know how invoices work
these are all the same thing so there's like, no "sketch" "lined" etc it's all - £10 i guess* - kinda sketchy - fullbody - coloured - will be shaded 2 the best of my ability - minimal background; like one or two shapes probably - using no more than 4 - 5 colours - on ms paint - more examples can be found in this tag (among some kinda unrelated stuff, srry LMAO)
* if its a keroro gunso/sgt frog oc i can probably do it for less
please note that: - strictly one character, if you want more than one character i can do x amount of illustrations(?) at a kinda cheaper price i guess but that's open for discussion - if your character of choice has a complex design, i WILL simplify it, but i'll try my best to get as close to the original design as possible - i deliberately botch anatomy to suit my needs regarding this style
ill draw a lot of things idk. for clarification: yeah you can ask about video game characters etc it’s not strictly ocs
i wont draw any form of ns.fw or complicated mechs (open for discussion depending on design). i will not draw most forms of go.re. i would like to avoid most common feral animals (cats, dogs, wolves) and anthros but please ask me first.
other important stuff below the cut 4 ppl who are actually interested i guess
please provide at least one fullbody reference image of the character you want. i CAN work with minecraft skins as reference images, but details may be wonky.
i would be grateful if you could provide one main colour you'd like, but you're not required to. i usually go for the "main" singular colour of a character (ie of your character wears a green coat, i'll probably use green for the most part). i would additionally be grateful if you could provide a personality or something of the sorts for the character, so i could attempt to figure out a pose for them. just giving me a reference image of a pose works too. don't feel required to do this, it's not mandatory, i just don't want to do something you won't like.
i dont draw with "clean" lines. this is evident in all of my examples.
i'll respond to you with the uncoloured scribble for you to check over, and for you to tell me if anything needs to be changed. this will include the background colour (as i start with the background colour) and the dark original character lines. i will probably give you several updates just to make sure.
the earliest examples in my tag provided are of varying quality because they were all drawn for free, for artfight; several of them are higher quality. most recent stuff i’ve done is more detailed and is what i’m aiming to provide.
idk. if uve got other questions hmu. i dont do this shit like, ever lol
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ediesharples3 · 8 years
How have i got here?
Which projects have you enjoyed- why?
My favourite projects were ‘The alchemy of design’ and ‘Change it now’ and I also liked the ‘Brand new me’ project, which included a list of questions I responded to in different ways in a short period of time. The Alchemy of design project was really interesting to research as I focussed on viruses and I found to visually portray the scientific elements of a virus, I was able to imagine up compositions based around its definition/function. A virus is an infective agent, which replicates only inside the living organisms of other cells. I was able to create collages of different textures and colours before visualizing my animation based around CMV retinitis that causes blindness.
The change it now project was also enjoyable because it was challenging to portray a clear and strong persuasive message which made me work harder to figure out how I could do so through a short advert/clip. Required good editing.
 Which projects have you loathed- why?
The hardest project was ‘Blind date’ or ‘The shape of words’ although I did end up enjoying both, they just need developing further and in such a short space of time this was frustrating because I couldn’t go back to them in detail and work out what I was trying to achieve after having made a ‘final’ piece of work? For Blind date, we just didn’t have enough time to get to know each other, so I had less care for the photographs I took, as I had to hand something in the next day. Whereas for the Shape of words project we had longer time, and I did enjoy some aspects, but again I didn’t develop my ideas around typography and what I was trying to achieve with my quote- whether that was print or using image and composition. So I had to rush at the end and got confused in the middle.
 Is it important to you that your work is humorous, informative, shocking or beautiful? Why?
Informative, beautiful and shocking. Possibly Ironic, but I don’t really make humorous work often. I prefer to design pieces which communicate an idea or personal subject that I can relate to or have a strong interest in. Even if this is a small aspect of the project I can apply my style and skills to a brief to create shocking or beautiful interesting pieces of work.
  During the course of part 2, has your approach to a brief changed? How?
Yes, I find responding to briefs is much easier because I can record my ideas initially and also have time to develop and respond in different ways because I can use a variety of different materials and online software. Also because the briefs are broad and differ they are all exciting and have completely different possibilities of outcomes. I have also realized that I tend do jump straight to the final outcome because I spend too long at the very beginning refining my ideas when I only have a short period of time. So my approach to briefs is always changing because I can identify things like this and focus on changing how I work each time I get given a new brief.
 When presented with a brief, how do you get started? Are there other ways to get going?
I start a new brief by mind mapping loads of ideas and themes related and then narrowing these down, including drawings and different artists or styles that I previously know, and researching more. I also take photos of different compositions or aspects of an idea for development, and to refine by theme. Then I focus on developing that theme by researching alongside experimenting with different techniques and formats of the final outcome. To make sure that my idea if being portrayed how I would like it to be, especially If It is a process I am not used to.
  What are some of the best ways to develop your initial ideas?
Initial ideas- Researching artists works and collating these so I can visualize exactly what it is that I like about each composition, and then take these aspects into my own experiments obviously fitting the theme or idea I am focussing on. I like to take lots of inspiration to support my initial ideas, so that I can think of differing ways I could develop and how different materials and decisions would affect the feel of the final outcome.
 What are your particular skills? Do you draw on them all? How? What other skills would be useful to learn?
I tend to stick to photography, sketching for ideas and documenting notes through mind-mapping, editing for films and processes I enjoy because I know that I can use these skills to help my design processes? I like printing and using fine art, colour and texture and multimedia ways of working also which I would like to draw on more often. I am going to learn more design software so I can organize my time better, especially Photoshop, illustrator and in design at a higher level.
 How much use do you make of the research you do?
I use my research lots in my initial ideas and to develop because I get inspired to think of things I hadn’t before and find other artists or designers whose works have aspects I can relate to in my own work. I do want to be able to find research and information in other places though, like through personal stories or the street for example, so that my information can also be unique to me?
 Do you find contextual research useful? Why? Why not?
Yes I find it very important to research contextually in order to get more ideas around a subject or theme and to be aware of ways of working differently and setting a purpose almost, for what my work means. I also enjoy it mostly to find out more about history and events big and small as everything influences me in particular aspects of information, even if unrelated to design or art or my work.
 Which have been your most successful ways of visualizing your ideas and developments?
Probably my Alchemy of design project, because I enjoyed experimenting and collaging and collating my ideas in the beginning of the project as well as using contextual research about viruses and the human body/ cells. I was able to visualize what I wanted to portray about the virus and how I could create this into an animation effectively, through collage and imagery as well as typography and moving image.
  Which parts of your design process would better from greater attention?
Middle parts of any project, developing using experimentation even when there is not lots of time to do so, and not leaping ahead with my ideas to form a final outcome straight away, I tend to have lots of thoughts at one time and not properly address each one or aspects of them all to combine I just choose my favourite or the best outcome possible straight away.
  Who do you go to for feedback during a project? What effect does this feedback have on your work?
I get feedback from other people in my class, friends, family and my tutor. But I think you can get feedback from anyone if you tell them what you’re doing so it depends. I like hearing what people understand from their own interpretations and what they personally get from my design, or how it makes them feel/ what it reminds them of. I like to use feedback to see parts or aspects of things that I hadn’t previously because its easy to get focussed on what im trying to portray and miss other things out by accident.
  What would you like to achieve in the course of your FMP?
I would like to be able to develop a sustained idea of my theme or subject and have different experiments and development to support my final outcome. I think by having more time than I ever have for a design project I can be more relaxed with my development and the way I change my ideas to focus on an outcome.
 Where will you go from here?
I want to mind map all of my initial ideas so that I can visualize what I might want to focus on for the proposal, and then develop from there. Reading and finding interesting themes is also essential, or carrying on a previous idea from one of the previous projects.
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