#On air coly
memrysetls · 2 months
On Air - Introduction
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On Air! (オンエア!) was a joseimuke mobile game about aspiring voice actors released by Coly, aka the developers of Mahoyaku/Promise of Wizard, Stand My Heroes and Break My Case. It was active from 2018-2020, and EOSed not long after its second anniversary. Ever since it released, On Air has been one of my favourite games of all time, and with the Switch port being released I want to try and renew some interest in it! (Do I recommend buying the Switch port? No we archived all the stories before the original game shut down so you should not pay money unless you're crazy like me. Do I think you should read the stories for free and love the characters? Yes!)
In On Air, you play as Amane Hikari, an honours student at Hoseki Gaoka (usually translated as Jewellery Hill School). There are 29 students and 1 teacher whose cards you can collect, divided into 6 units. The game has a jewel motif: as well as the school's name, each character has their own representative jewel. In accordance with it being a seiyuu-themed game, almost every part of OA was fully voiced. Every story, every mini interaction. You know how games like Bandori have those mini character interactions on the map? OA has 1578 of those, and every single one is voiced. They were kind of crazy for that.
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OA had really charming characters and art - there's a reason part of the fandom is still around 4 years after EOS! The crowdfunding for the Switch port raised 10x the initial goal. That is how much people wanted this game back. Other than that it also had the funniest guy ever created: Aoyagi Mikado. I would like everybody to know about him.
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I'm going to be using this blog to translate a whole bunch of things for the game - it's unlikely we'll ever see a sequel to the game or anything, but maybe if Western interest keeps up it'll randomly get an official English release months down the line like Ichu did?
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majunju · 1 year
thank u for the mithra content 🙏🏼
np 🫡 i shld post more of my mhyk stuff tbh
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reiderwriter · 4 months
Satisfaction Feels Like a Distant Memory
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Chapter Three of I Can't Help Myself
Summary: Your mounting attraction to Spencer Reid pushes you to the edge, turning begrudging friendship to deep hatred when he finally shows up on your doorstep. He's the only thing that can out you out of your misery even as you sink further into it.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, hate sex, rough sex, argument as foreplay, oral (f recieving) and face fucking, fingering, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, forced orgasms, "forced" submission, creampie, p in v penetrative sex, etc.
A/N: I've had about as much sleep as the reader in this fic has for the last week, but HERE IT IS! Chapter Three 🥰 You may need a bottle of water on standby, or at least a hand fan, because this one gets a bit heated....
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You hesitated in front of your office door, which you supposed was going to become a bad habit of yours now. You tried lying to yourself, that nothing was different now, that you weren't attracted to him in a completely stupid way, but you still stood frozen in front of your own office door. 
Frozen and horny. 
You mentally went through a list of the worst things that could happen if you went in. 
1. He was there. 
2. He wasn't there. 
3. He was there, and he touched you again, and you moaned. 
4. He was there, and he didn't touch you again, but you still moaned. 
5. He was there, and you threw yourself at him immediately because why wouldn't you when you'd seen what you could be working with the night before? Fuck moaning once, moaning multiple times as he pushed you against the bookshelf would- 
“Are you gonna go in, or are you just going to fondle the door handle?” He asked from behind you. From too close behind you. 
You turned, keeping the doorknob in your grin, and immediately flattened yourself against the door as he took a step closer. 
So close. He was so fucking close and it was suddenly all you could think of. 
“You know, the CDC warns that door handles should be washed every 20 to 40 hours To prevent bacteria like Escherchia coli and Staphylococcus aureus from-” You ignored his words, drowning everything else out as you tried to dampen the fire burning under your skin.
“Cock?” You said, all attempts obviously not working. 
“Staphylococcus, yes. It can cause Adenovirus, Rhinovirus, not to mention-” 
“Okay! Okay, Spencer. Taking my hand off the handle now.” 
Finally, you twisted it and walked backwards into your room, walking backwards a few steps before your foot caught on a stray pile of books. 
“What the-” you cried, waiting for the impact of your landing as you swung out your arms frantically for purchase, screwing your eyes shut as you found none. 
Instead, you found an arm snaked around your waist, another wrapping your hip tight as Spencer Reid cradled your body to his own. 
“Thanks,” you breathed out, not even hearing the words yourself for how much air was in them. How was it possible to expel air and hold your breath at the same time? Because that was how it felt being in his arms: at once a sigh and a stopping of all bodily functions barring want. 
“I thought this was your office, Y/N. Surely you should know the layout by now.”
Moment over. You pushed at his chest to stand upright, and he stepped backwards, removing his hands from your person. 
“Very funny. We both know these are your books. Setting traps for me now, Spencer?” 
You moved around the piles of books again as he flicked the light switch, moving the opposite way around your desks, before meeting you again next to yours. 
“You're usually more observant than this. Is there something wrong today?” 
“What, like Adenovirus or Rhinovirus?” 
“No, like something…” he searched for the right words, pace slowing as he tried not to scare you away by talking with you like this.
“Like something on your mind.” 
You snorted, leaning down to switch on your computer, and also to avoid his eye contact. Unfortunately, academic curiosity had gotten to you in the last few weeks, and you'd read some of his psychological papers. You knew exactly what it was the BAU was apparently so good at, and you didn't want him to know that you'd imagined him balls deep in you hours before. 
“Not friends, Spencer. If there's something I need to talk about, I'll talk to a friend,” you said, standing straight again and turning to him again. You still avoided eye contact, but it didn't matter. His eyes weren't on your face but angled further down, like he'd been checking out your ass as you bent over or something. 
No. No, you weren't going down that train of thought. 
“Or even better, my therapist.” You were planning on the words being a bit more playful, but your voice came out deeper than you expected it, more gravely somehow. 
Your bedroom voice, you were using your stupid fucking bedroom voice on Spencer Reid. 
You cut yourself off again before you said anything else. Before he touched you or didn't touch you, and you got to test your earlier theory about which would be the more demeaning reaction. 
“I have class in ten. Clean up before I get back,” you ordered, and you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when he replied. 
“I don't take direction well, Y/N.” 
No, you didn't think he would. Neither did you though.
For a week, you tiptoed around the man, your words sharp, but your body weak to him. 
By day, you were hurling insults back and forth, messing up his papers and screwing with him via bookshelf again. 
“Very fucking funny, Spencer,” you sighed at the last message, throwing the books off the shelf and pilling them up on the floor. 
“Don't even for a second entertain the idea of making that gossip a reality.” 
He grinned at you from behind his desk. 
“Don't even - don't even think about it,” you said, stepping over his desk and poking at his chest as his smile deepened.
“I'm serious, Spencer, don't-” 
“You've thought about it.” You froze in shock at his words, as if your blood wasn't sure whether to run cold or burn hot and fast. 
“What?” You spat the words at him, unable to stop them coming out any other way. 
“You've thought about entertaining the gossip. You've thought about it a lot.” 
You needed to deny him, but he was right. By day, you tried to torment him, but by night, he did torment you. A week of wet dreams, of imagining him taking you over every inch of your office, of sleepless rest and failed orgams, and you could not escape. 
“No,” you said with a whisper, shaking your head and trying again even as your voice cracked from the lie and your body's cry for pleasure, for this man. 
“No, I haven’t- I don't-” You took a deep breath, but you knew it was no good, as his hand grabbed yours and flattened it against his chest. 
“Your pupils are dilated, your pulse is heightened, and your legs are practically clamped shut. Your mouth is dry, and I'm not sure if you've noticed yet, Y/N, but you're shaking.” 
“All signs of anger, Spencer, as you're well aware.” 
He let go of your wrist and sat back in his seat, just out of reach of you again. 
“Shame,” he whispered under his breath, nearly low enough that you didn't catch it, as he flipped open his book and continued whatever the fuck it was he even did in this office. 
You ignored it, anger really flooding you now, warring the heat of arousal that was firmly settled in your body for dominance. 
The anger won out. 
You grabbed books from your desk, files, and papers from the side table by the couch and your laptop from your desk and left the room quickly. 
You slammed the door, and you didn't look back, knowing that if you did, you'd see his winning smirk staring right back at you.
You marched yourself right to the staff administration office and put in for a week of leave. Spencer had one more week of work at the university, and then he would go back to being a regular FBI agent. 
Your paths wouldn't cross because you wouldn't let them cross, not when it meant for certain that you would give in.
You spent the week working to distract yourself from work. You finished books for your next semester courses, highlighting the better articles and essays to use, going through each bibliography to find better sources if they weren't good enough. You wrote more of a research paper you didn't have time to think about with so much going on. You corresponded with students, with TAs, with the other professors who wanted to know where you were. 
Okay, that was a lie. You aired the professors, but you did look out for any inboxes from him. Surprisingly, there were none. 
You spent a week throwing yourself head first into your work, and still, each night, you felt his phantom touch on you. No matter how exhausted, your brain still co jured images of his hands grasping your wrists, pushing them above your head and forcing his cock into you, his lips biting against your skin, the fire of his kisses leaving scars where they trailed down. 
You were running on three hours of sleep per night, sure, but at least you were as far as you could possibly get from the man ruining your life. 
You poured yourself a glass of wine the next Sunday, knowing that when you went back to work the next day, he'd be gone.
You wrapped yourself in blankets and put everything else off for the day, ordering food and eating it and not moving as you worked your way through boxes of pizza. 
It was when you finished your first glass and went to pour yourself another that there was a furious pounding at your door. 
“Y/N, I know you're in there, open the door.” His hand sounded again, and you nearly dropped the glass at the sound of Apencer Reid's voice. 
Your body acted alone, immediately following his directions as you damn near tripped over your own feet to open the door for him. 
Throughout all of your arguments, all of the quips you'd thrown at him, every stupid little thing you'd done to get under his skin, you had not once seen Spencer Reid looking this angry. 
His brow was furrowed uncomfortably, as if it were frozen in place. Gone was his perpetual smirk. 
“Spencer, what the fuck a-” 
“Thoughtless. Careless. Do you even know what you've done?” He snapped at you, stepping into your apartment and closing the door behind himself as he immediately walked into your space and began touching things.
“Stop! Fucking stop it, Spencer!” You said grabbing his arm and pulling him around to face you. He brushed you off quickly and worked his way through papers you'd left on your coffee table. 
“No. You stormed out over a week ago, you blocked my number, you did not answer any of my emails-” 
“I didn't get any emails,” you spit back, pushing yourself between him and your things now, bodies so close they were touching. 
“Then you blocked my email, too. You don't even know what I'm looking for or the damage you could have done, do you?” His hands were on you then, not threateningly, as you'd expect, his anger still burning through him if his shaking voice had anything to say for it. 
His hands stroked up your sides and back down again, smoothing away your need to think. 
“My files. My team sent me a file. It was on the coffee table, and you took it with you when you left. The case is ongoing, and I'm flying out tomorrow, and without some of the classified information in that file, we will be at a disadvantage. Our odds of catching our unsub fall from 83% to 47% without all of the pertinent information.” 
Your breath hitched as he leaned in closer. 
“So yes, I'm going to go through your things, and if you're a good girl, you'll root through with me and help me find it.” 
He stepped away then, and you held your tongue. As much as you hated him, he was right. You knew what he did, you knew who he was and to trust him not to lie to you about his chances without this information. 
“The files on the coffee table are research notes, everything I took from the office is in that case over there,” you said pointing at a bag still where you'd dropped it by the door a week earlier. 
He walked to it and rooted through it quickly before finding the file he obviously needed and letting some of the tension out of his shoulders. 
“You're probably glad to see the back of me, right?” He said, laughing bitterly as he turned back around to you. 
“Obviously not as happy as you are,” you spat back, stepping back over to him. 
“If you ever speak to me that way again,” you started, spitting at him in the most threatening voice you could muster. “It won't be a fucking unsub that ruins your life.” 
“And how are you going to manage that, Y/N?” He said, stepping closer to you until he had you backed up against the wall, trapped in by his bigger frame, using it to his advantage to intimidate. 
“How will you manage to ruin my life,” he said, his voice softer as he finished his sentence, but not by much. “When you shake with just every time I get close?” 
“This is not lust,” you growled the words out, but try as you damn might, you were shaking, vibrating even. 
“Then what is it?” 
“Hatred, dislike, loathing, detestation, abhorrence, fuck Spencer, you can pick up a thesaurus yourself and find out.”
“Yeah. Okay. I'll believe your lies for a second.” He walked away, he was walking away but the fire was ringing in your ears and you needed him to stay fucking put so he could take it all. 
“You're a jackass.”
“You slammed into my life, expecting me to bend to your will and be at the mercy of your needs, your wants. Your office space, your fucking case files, your job-” 
“None of that was my choice.” 
“And it wasn't mine either, but at least I fucking left you alone. I spent the week in this apartment and left you the fuck alone, and you couldn't even allow me the same.”
His focus was back on you again, but you refused to be backed against a wall this time. 
“What did you say?” 
“You will not let me know peace. I have lost my security, my patience, my fucking sanity with each word you have said, my peace of mind, my sleep, my fucking sanity, Spencer.” Your chest was heaving, touching his with each exhale as he too held his place in front of you. He was so close, you'd practically spat the words directly into his mouth. 
“How is that my fault?” He whispered, voice still dripping with disdain even as his hands again wrapped themselves in your hair, and he tugged your head back, baring your neck to him as he leaned down into you. 
“How do you know that you're not doing the same to me?” 
You refused to answer, though, meeting his eyes for one last second before you grabbed his hair in your hands and yanked him down to your mouth. 
It wasn't so much a kiss as a battle for dominance, each trying to torture a surrender from the other with clashing tongues and teeth. 
You made the first move, but he was obviously expecting it, and he didn't even pause before launching his own attack, finally pushing past your strong defence to walk you back to the sofa you'd abandoned earlier. 
His tongue still lashed against yours as you retreated, refusing to give up your upper hand even as you moaned into his touch. The couch hit the back of your knees, buckling, and you silently cursed your lack of sleep for leaving you so unstable right now. 
No, that wasn't true. It was him. He had left you so unstable, moving between happy and playful to angry and wrathful in the space of a week without you, and you'd been denying yourself the ability to even entertain any of this happening. Now that it was, your body was unprepared, totally at his mercy, as he pushed you to your back and pushed up your skirt. 
“You're already so fucking wet,” he groaned slipping two fingers inside you as you moaned around him, no longer capable of thought. This was the moment, this was when he was going to make you submit to him finally. 
Instead, he dropped to his knees and you gasped as his to guess found your sweet cunt and he began sucking to your clit. 
You were on fire, skin scorched from the inside out, spreading in waves from your pussy to the furthest regions of your body. 
With one hand, he spread your thighs further apart and pushed his entire face further into your cunt, tongue pushing inside right by his fingers, nose pushed right up against your clit as he didn't relent. Every movement was another curse falling from your mouth. 
“Shit, Spencer, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whimpered, hips rocking back and forth as you tried to fuck his face, begging for more. 
To your surprise, he didn't keep your hips still but let you keep riding his face, riding his fingers as you chased your first orgasm.  
It came quickly, overwhelming you with the impact, jolting through your body like a lightning bolt as he let your hips shake and crash across his tongue. 
When he finally pulled his face away, it was glistening, and he wasted no time shoving his tongue back in your mouth. His message was clear - he may have let you take whatever pleasure you'd wanted with him, but he was still the one in control. 
You trailed kisses along his cheeks, neck, shoulders as he divested himself of clothing, shirt, belt, pants, ripping at yours to free your body as well, until the two of you were only left with underwear and you'd picked up every last drop of your cum left on his skin.
“On your back, now,” he said, and you complied. You spread your legs, and rubbed at your still wet cunt, jolting as he finally lined himself up with your cunt. 
But he didn't push in yet. Instead he wrapped two arms under your knees and pulled you closer, so his cock rested over the top of your stomach, and leaned down, his face hovering inches over your own, holding himself up with a forearm rested just above your head. 
“You see that?” He said, glancing down. “That is how much I am going to fill you. That is how deep I am going to ease into you. That is how far I am going to go to claim you. You can take it like a good girl, right?” 
“Just shut up and put your cock inside me, Spencer.” 
“You're so fucking pushy for a submissive little slut,” he said, smiling finally. 
“I am not a-” you started to protest, but he slid inside of your hot cunt and you lost the ability to focus. 
“Not a what, Y/N? Speak up,” thrusting shallowly as your cunt grabbed him and held tight. 
“I'm not a- SPENCER!” You screamed his name as he pulled out quickly, thrusting into you again with a speed and strength that had you wrapping your arms and legs around him tightly, fighting for him to stay right there deep inside. 
“Not a sub? Y/N, you're whimpering and drooling right now. You're three seconds away from begging for my cock, why the fuck can you not be honest with yourself?” 
“Fuck…you,” you said between moans as he rutted into you like a beast. He wasn't man anymore, bit monster, and he was claiming you inch by disgustingly perfect inch. 
“Let go. Let me take care of you, let me control you. Come on, baby, you know how good it would feel,” he said, before ducking his head and wrapping his tongue around a nipple. 
You screamed his name again, but you still tried to resist. 
“Come on, Y/N. Show me. Cum on my cock.” 
For a brief moment, you'd thought you'd resisted the demand. But then your brain faded, and your nails cut into his back like daggers as your body followed his commands and you came on his cock for a second time that night. 
“Perfect. One more, you can do one more,” he said, kissing your lips and lifting himself back up so he was sitting on his knees as he again picked up the pace. 
You mumbled his name over and over again as he fucked out all of the frustration in your body. Every thing either of you had said or done melted away in the glow of pleasure, your body buzzing from the feeling of him taking ownership of you. 
“One more, Y/N. One more, you need to cum one more time.”
“I can't, I can't I can't I can't, Spencer I can't I really can't,” you said, voice growing pathetically whiny as the tears sprang to your eyes and you choked back a sob. 
“Yes you can, one more. Together, we can do it together,” he said, groaning as you clenched around him.” 
He claimed your mouth again, his hand wrapping around your throat as he cut off your air supply for a second, then two, then three, as your ears buzzed and you finally slipped over the edge again. 
But this time, as promised, you weren't the only one caught in the pain of pleasure. Spencer collapsed on top of you as his dick spurted inside you, holding you close as he unloaded everything he had into you. 
He sat there, warming his cock as he lazily kissed open mouth kisses into every inch of your shoulders, collar bone and chest. Everywhere he could reach without pulling out of you and leaving you there. 
After weeks of no sleep because of him, it was his soft lips that finally enticed you into the hands of the sandman, his weight a comfort as you closed your eyes. 
When you woke in your bed, clean and clothed, he was gone, and so was every sign that he'd ever been there in the first place. 
🔖 @stillhere197 @understandingsunrise @mindfullycriminal @aliteralsemicolon @r-3dlips @alexafromamazon15 @jasf444 @subunitless @thebloomingeagle @lackingoriginalthoughts @empressgraytea @nox-sprite @alondralolll @allspicestones @chiyozai @i_heart_mgg @2hiigh2cry @tiyuel @jiuseoks @readinglatenights @placidus @dreamsarebig @pisceslovrr @waywardgoddess66 @tampon_racecar @kbaby-024 @luvdella @feyresqueen @a1dyn @pleasantwitchgarden @kolasbombaf @lovehadlovelost @kissesforspence @moonchildooh @bubbleebubz @theoraekenslover @melagem02 @calypso-read @ari-aurelia
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zam-jb · 8 months
Ini adalah pengalaman seks ku dengan cikgu sendiri. Nama cikgu tu, Cikgu Alinda (bukan sepenuhnya nama sebenar dia). Cikgu Alinda ialah seorang isteri yang dah beranak tiga. Suami dia bisnes. Umur dia Cikgu Alinda dalam lingkungan 25 tahun. Anak dia kecil lagi.
Aku dah lama target nak buat seks dengan cikgu ni. Cuma masa dan keadaan saja belum mengizinkan. Kalau di sekolah, murid-murid cukup syok tengok kat teteknya yang begitu mantap tertonjol. Aku selalu membayangkan aku tengah nyonyot tetek dia yang besar tu. Punggungnya yang melentik tu pulak berdenyut-denyut ke kiri dan ke kanan semasa dia berjalan. Manalah tak gila murid-muridnya bila dapat modal melancap yang sebegitu menarik.
Satu hari aku mula beranikan diri kerana aku dicabar oleh rakan ku agar buat seks dengan cikgu Cikgu Alinda. Mereka cabar aku kalau aku berjaya buat seks dengan Cikgu Alinda, diaorang akan bagi awek mereka kat aku.
Aku pun setuju. Aku mula rancang strategi. Mula mula aku cakap nak tuisyen dengan dia sebab nak PMR. Lagipun dia mengajar mata pelajaran sains. Dia kata boleh dengan kadar bayaran RM30 sebulan. Dia tidak tahu lagi bahawa itu hanya alasan untuk aku pantat pukinya.
Aku senyum terangguk-angguk bila dia mengatakannya pada ku. Bagi aku, itu hanyalah bermakna dia telah bersetuju menyewakan pukinya pada ku dengan harga RM30 sebulan. Tak ku sangka begitu murahnya nilai pantat cikgu aku tu. Jalang kelas tiga pun taklah semurah itu harganya.
Pada pagi Sabtu, bermulalah tuiysen aku dengan dia. Aku datang kat rumah dia. Biasa lah…. first time masa tu. Masa tuisyen pun tak betul. Dia suruh datang pukul sembilan tapi masa tu dia pun belum mandi lagi. Kerana dah tak bersabar nak dapat pantat, aku ni pulak awal awal lagi dah datang. Pukul 8.45 aku dah sampai. Dia jemput aku masuk. Aku pun masuklah. Aku tinjau tinjau kat dalam rumah dan tengok anak dia tak ada.
“Cikgu Alinda baik ni,” bisik hati kecil ku.
Aku tanya dia kenapa anak dia tak ada. Dia cakap dia tak suka ada ramai orang.
“Nanti bising,” katanya.
“Sebab itulah kau seorang jer tuisyen dengan cikgu,” ujarnya lagi.
Aku hanya mengangguk jer. Dia kata, dia nak mandi dulu. Jadi aku pun duduk ajelah kat sofa. Hampir lima minit dia mandi. Aku dah dapat membayangkan macam mana cikgu Cikgu Alinda mandi. Sambil tunggu aku urut-urut adik aku yang dalam seluar ni.
Tiba-tiba ku dengar air dalam bilik mandi ditutup. Dia keluar bilik air dengan hanya berkemban tuala jer. Nampaknya jejak awal perancangan ku dah mula nak menjadi. Aku dapat lihat betapa putihnya peha Cikgu Alinda. Dia pun berlari lari anak sambil bergerak masuk ke dalam bilik tidurnya.
Bila dah selesai mengenakan pakaian, barulah dia keluar dari bilik. Dia cuma pakai skirt pendek atas paras lutut dengan berbaju “T” yang boleh aku nampak akan coli hitam yang dipakainya.
Dia pun mulalah mengajar aku. Apa lagi, mata aku tak lekang dari memandang teteknya itu. Mana tidaknya, punat dia pun aku boleh nampak. Giler habis adik aku tu! Tercacak bukan main keras lagi.
Apabila dah tak tahan rasanya, aku beritahu Cikgu Alinda (dia yang suruh panggil Cikgu Lin kerana lebih manja) yang aku nak ke tandas kejap. Tujuan aku ke bilik air tu sebab aku dah tak boleh kontrol lagi. Wajib mesti melancap dulu.
Aku pun masuklah ke dalam bilik air. Tapi sengaja aku tak tutupkan pintunya. Malahan aku biarkan pintu tersebut ternganga seluas yang mungkin.
Aku mula melucutkan pakaian ku satu persatu. Akhirnya aku berkeadaan telanjang bulat tanpa seurat benang pun pada tubuh ku. Aku kutip semua pakaian aku dan sorokkan di luar bilik air tu. Lepas tu aku masuk semula ke dalam bilik air.
Apa lagi, batang aku yang dah lama terpacak tu mulalah aku hayunkan dengan tangan. Sambil melancap aku mengadap tepat ke muka pintu. Bila dah cukup stim, aku pun melaung laung nama Cikgu Alinda. Aku tau Cikgu Alinda pasti datang kerana dia risaukan ada apa-apa yang dah terjadi.
Apabila muncul saja dia di depan aku, jawabnya makin sedaplah aku melancapkan konek. Cikgu Alinda pula bukan main terperanjat lagi bila melihat aku berkeadaan serba bogel sambil tangan ku rancak menghayun konek ku yang keras. Dengan mulutnya yang ternganga-nganga dia tercegat berdiri di depan aku.
Aku tahu dia telah dilanda satu macam kejutan. Masa tu kewarasan akalnya seolah-olah jadi buntu. Dia tercegat kaku sambil berdiri melihatkan keadaan aku.
Dari reaksinya yang macam tu, nampaknya tak perlulah aku melancap sampai terpancut air mani. Sebab aku rasa sudah ada peluang air mani tu boleh aku pancutkan kat dalam pantat cikgu. Tapi aku perlu bijak mempergunakan kebingungannya itu bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut.
Pantas aku menghampiri Cikgu Alinda dan mencapai tangannya. Puhhh… punyalah lembut jari dia. Memang sedap kalau disalutkankan pada konek aku. Apa lagi, aku pun buatlah macam tu. Berdenyut denyut konek aku bila jari jemari Cikgu Alinda melingkari konek aku.
Kemudian dia seolah-olah cuba nak lepaskan jarinya dari situ. Tapi…. cubaannya tu terlalu lemah. Mudah saja hasrat itu aku menafikan. Lama kelamaan dia nampak macam sudah mengaku kalah. Berjaya juga aku memukau ketaatannya.
Lepas tu barulah aku berani suruh dia jilat konek aku. Pada mulanya dia mengeleng-gelengkan kepala sebagai isyarat tak nak. Pada masa tu Cikgu Alinda sedang berdiri.
Perlahan-lahan aku pun tekan bahunya ke bawah sampai dia terpaksa melutut di depan kangkang aku. Masa tu mulutnya betul-betul separas dengan konek aku. Jaraknya pula tak sampai 10 cm.
Aku pegang kepalanya kemas kemas. Kemudian aku tarik kepala Cikgu Alinda merapati konek aku. Bibirnya ku gesel geselkan pada konek aku. Semakin lama semakin kasar ku lakukan.
Cikgu Alinda cuba membuka mulutnya sedikit untuk mengatakan sesuatu. Tapi tak sempat suaranya keluar, aku dah sumbatkan kepala konek aku ke dalam mulutnya yang terbuka itu. Bila kepala konek dah masuk, jawabnya senanglah aku membenamkan keseluruhan konek aku tu ke dalam mulutnya. Pipi Cikgu Alinda nampak terkemut-kemut kerana mulutnya terpaksa menerima muatan konek aku.
Mula-mula tu dia nampak macam kena paksa aje. Kadang-kadang dia cuba tertindak untuk bebaskan mulutnya dari terpaksa kulum konek aku. Tapi cubaannya tu memanglah gagal sebab kepala Cikgu Alinda memang dah aku pegang kemas. Cukup seronok tengok muka cikgu yang paling cantik kat sekolah tu terpaksa berputingkan konek aku kat mulutnya.
Lama kelamaan barulah aku rasakan ada respon yang terbit dari kerelaannya sendiri. Agaknya rasa konek aku tu dah mula serasi dengan selera mulutnya. Maka aku pun perlahan-lahanlah melepaskan kepala Cikgu Alinda yang kemas aku pegang tadi. Tapi mulutnya masih juga setia pada konek aku.
Aku mengorak senyum bangga. Cikgu Alinda kini sudah sangat menyukai konek aku. Bercerup cerap bunyi kerakusan Cikgu Alinda menghisap konek aku.
“Pandainya Cikgu kulum! Cikgu suka ke?”
Cikgu Alinda pun terangguk angguk mengakuinya. Aku pun ceritakan yang aku dah lama stim sejak dari tadi. Cikgu Alinda hanya mampu tersenyum kerana sibuk menjilat tempat keluar air kencing aku tu. Stim gila aku dibuatnya.
“Cikgu ni jenis yang suka seks. Betul tak?” Tanya ku lagi.
Pantas dia menganggukkan jawapan. Sambil itu tangan aku mula meraba bajunya untuk dilucutkan. Cikgu Alinda tidak membantah. Malahan memberikan kerjasama bagi memudahkan kerja aku. Lepas tu colinya pulak aku lucutkan. Maka terlambaklah sepasang tetek dan puting yang menghiasai kemuncaknya.
Tak lama kemudian skirt dan seluar dalamnya pun aku pisahkan dari tubuh Cikgu Alinda. Dengan itu bertelanjang bulatlah cikgu idaman aku tu. Aku nampak pantat dia yang tembam dan ada bulu-bulu halus yang sangat sedikit jumlahnya. Memang berselera aku tengok pantat Cikgu Alinda.
Tangan aku pun mulalah meraba pantat dia. Cikgu Alinda merestui tindakkan aku tu dengan memperhebatkankan kuluman ke atas konek aku. Masa tu konek aku bagaikan menjerit-jerit kerana dah tak larat lagi nak tanggung didihan air mani yang dah membuak-buak.
Namun sempat juga aku memasukkan dua batang jari aku ke dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Aku benamkan jari aku tu sambil korek korek lubang pantat dia. Air dia punyalah banyak. Sampai meleleh kat jari aku dibasahi air pantatnya.
Entah bila air mani aku keluar, aku sendiri pun tak sedar. Tau tau saja, tekak Cikgu Alinda dah berdegup-degup menelan air mani ku. Dah dua minggu aku tak melancap. Jadi memanglah likat dan pekat air mani aku tu. Banyaknya jangan katalah lagi. Dalam tempoh seminit tu, entah berbelas kali Cikgu Alinda terpaksa meneguk air mani aku tu!
Bila dah selesai, Cikgu Alinda pun berdiri semula. Bibirnya yang merah merkah tu aku kucup bertalu talu. Cikgu Alinda pun turut sama menyambutnya dengan penuh kerelaan. Di dalam keadaan bertelanjang bulat, kami ghairah berkulum lidah di antara satu sama lain. Selama beberapa minit kami leka beromen sebegitu rupa.
Bayangkanlah bertuahnya aku bila dapat romen muka idaman para lelaki di sekolah aku tu. Muka Cikgu Alinda yang cantik tu aku cium dan jilat dengan sesuka hati. Lepas muka, kat tengkok pula aku kerjakan. Terkuyu-kuyu mata Cikgu Alinda. Mulutnya tercunggap cunggap. Nampaknya dia memang suka dikerjakan macam tu.
Tau tau saja konek aku pun dah tercacak semula. Betullah kata kata kawan aku kat sekolah. Muka Cikgu Alinda ni memang muka yang senang buat konek keras.
Bila konek dah keras, aku mulalah berhajat nak celapak kangkang dia pulak. Memang itu pun hayalan semua lelaki kat sekolah aku tu. Selagi konek aku tak ceret dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda, selagi itulah hati aku tak senang. Bagi aku itulah mercu kejayaan usaha aku mengheret Cikgu Alinda ke lembah kecurangan.
Perlahan-lahan ku tarik tangan Cikgu Alinda. Sambil melangkah, aku pimpin pergelangan tangannya sehinggalah masuk ke dalam bilik tidurnya sendiri. Bila tiba di sisi katil, aku tolak Cikgu Alinda sampai terlentang di atas tilam. Terkangkang dia terbaring di situ.
Mata aku terpukau pada ketembaman pantat Cikgu Alinda. Ianya nampak sungguh bersih dan cantik kerana belum pernah diduakan penghuninya.
“Hari ini lubang mulia kamu tu akan ku cemari dengan konek aku ni,” bisik hati kecil ku.
Masa tu gelodak syahwat aku dah mula naik ke kepala. Aku pun pantas meniarap di atas badan Cikgu Alinda. Tak sedikit pun dia menyuarakan bantahan. Mulut aku bertaut dengan mulut Cikgu Alinda. Bersiut-siut bunyi permainan mulut kami berdua. Ianya lantang bergema di dalam kamar tidur berkenaan.
Bila ku lepaskan mulut aku, lidah Cikgu Alinda yang kemerahan tu terjulur-julur melewati bibirnya sendiri. Amat geram ku lihatkan keadaan lidahnya yang sebegitu lembut dan bersih. Aku pun layanlah geram aku tu. Aku cium dan kucup lidah yang terjulur itu. Aku jilat dan sedut di situ semahu hati ku. Cikgu Alinda mengeliat bagai nak gila bila kena penangan rakus aku tu.
Lepas tu aku duduk di sisi Cikgu Alinda. Mata aku ghairah menikmati hidangan sekujur tubuhnya. Dada aku berdetup kencang melihatkan kegebuan tubuh Cikgu Alinda yang putih melepak.
Aku angkat kedua dua belah lutut Cikgu Alinda dan biarkan ianya sedikit mengangkang. Aku tumpukan sepenuh perhatian pada celah kangkangnya. Punyalah cantik alur pantat Cikgu Alinda yang berwarna kemerah-merahan. Persekitaran kulit yang putih melepak di situ menyebabkan kemerahan pada alur berkenaan begitu jelas tertonjol.
Aku pun sembamkan muka aku ke bibir pantat Cikgu Alinda. Memang pantat itulah yang dah lama aku berahikan. Mula-mula aku jilat kat bibir yang lembab tu. Kemudian aku turun sikit sampai kat luruh pantat. Bila aku jilat jer bibir lurah tu, secara automatik punggung Cikgu Alinda terangkat-angkat. Bahkan siap dengan mengerang sekali.
“Arghhh arghhhhh… arghhhhhhhhh….!!”.
Punyalah puas hati aku bila Cikgu Alinda cetuskan respon yang macam tu. Aku pun naik syok dan tambah cenderong nak pergiatkan usaha aku. Aku bukak pantat dia lebih luas. Kemudian aku jilat kat situ dengan jilatan yang amat rakus.
“Urghh rghhhhhhhh…..” macam bunyi nak terberakkan tahi keras Cikgu Alinda mengerang.
“Sedapnya,” kata dia kat aku.
Aku gosok-gosokkan lidah aku pada lubang pantat dia. Aku jolok-jolokkan lidah aku tu sedalam yang mungkin. Bila sampai kat dalam, aku kisar-kisarkan lidah aku di situ. Air mazi yang terpancar dari pantat Cikgu Alinda jangan katalah banyaknya. Lidah aku bagaikan bermandi di dalam kolam air mazi yang melimpah ruah. Ianya rata memaliti lidah, bibir dan memenuhi ruang di dalam mulut aku. Air yang keluar itu aku hirup sampai habis! Sedap! Memang sedap!
“Arkkkkkkkkk!!!” tetiba Cikgu Alinda menjerit kecil. Jeritannya itu berbau sakit bercampur sedap.
Oleh kerana terlampau geram, rupa-rupanya aku tergigit kat biji kelentit dia. Tapi aku rasa seronok pulak pekena Cikgu Alinda macam tu. Jadi aku terus mengulanginya. Aku jilat-jilat kelentitnya. Kemudian aku gigit-gigit manja. Begitulah bersilih ganti ku pekenakan biji kelentit Cikgu Alinda. Setiap kali aku gigit, Cikgu Alinda mengelupur dan mengerang macam kena kejutan letrik. Aku layan dia macam tu sampailah puas hati aku.
“Kai…. Please Fuck cikgu! Cikgu dah tak tahan lagi ni….”
Masa tu dia dah tidak lagi kenal akan soal harga diri dan erti kesetiaan pada suami. Unsur unsur kehormatan sudah diketepikan sama sekali. Malahan dia pula yang berusaha menghasut aku untuk melakukan perbuatan yang amat dikeji oleh masyarakat. Sebegitu sanggup Cikgu Alinda merelakan aku mencemari kemurnian martabatnya sebagai seorang guru.
Tapi aku juga amat faham akan keadaannya pada masa tu. Memang aku tau Cikgu Alinda amat perlukan sebatang konek di dalam pantatnya. Tapi aku saja je buat tak dengar sebab nakkan dia merayu lagi. Aku pun terus lagi jilat jilat pantat dia.
“Kaiiiii please… please fuck cikgu!” Sekali lagi Cikgu Alinda merayu.
Kali ini nada penyampaiannya begitu nazak sekali. Rayuan sebegitu telah buatkan konek aku terhangguk-hangguk untuk menerima lamarannya. Aku pun bangun melutut. Batang aku yang keras seperti batu itu ku gesel-geselkan pada biji kelentit Cikgu Alinda.
“Ooooohhhhhh… Masukkan Kai… Ohhh… please darling,” Cikgu Alinda berteriak rayu dengan penuh manja.
Aku pun ketuk-ketukkan konek aku kat pantat dia dua tiga kali. Kemudian aku letakkan ia betul-betul kat pintu masuk lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda. Dengan itu dah bersedialah konek aku untuk dijunamkan ke dalam lubang pantat tersebut.
“Menjadi sungguh plan aku!” kata hati ku.
“Kejap lagi, menduakan suamilah jawabnya kamu ni Cikgu Alinda!” sambung kati ku lagi.
Dengan sekali henjut saja, separuh konek aku sudah pun terjolok masuk ke dalam lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda.
“Ketat betul pantat Cikgu Alinda, walaupun dah anak tiga!” kata hati ku. Tapi yang ketat itu lah yang memang aku suka.
“Ooohhhh…!!!!” Aku dengan Cikgu Alinda sama sama mengeluh.
Dalam masa yang sama, Cikgu Alinda telah merapatkan kedua belah pehanya. Tindakan Cikgu Alinda telah merencatkan kemaraan konek aku. Itu pasal hanya separuh saja yang berjaya aku jolok masuk.
“Kenapa Cikgu kepit?” Tanya ku.
“Be… be… besar sangat Kai!” Terketar ketar suaranya menjawab pertanyaan aku.
“Sakit! Kena masukkan slow…. slow,” sambungnya lagi.
“Ok! Kai make it slowly,” jawab ku pula.
Barulah Cikgu Alinda buka semula kangkangnya. Bila rasa dah cukup selesa aku mulalah jolok konek aku masuk pantat Cikgu Alinda secara perlahan-lahan. Punyalah sempit dan punyalah sedap pantat Cikgu Alinda tu. Tapi yang lecehnya, kepuasan aku jadi amat terbatas kerana teknik yang sebegitu perlahan.
Terlalu sukar bagi ku untuk melanjutkan kesabaran. Jadi aku mulalah mengatur posisi yang memastikan Cikgu Alinda tak berpeluang merapatkan kangkangnya. Kali ini aku tak akan benarkan dia menghalang kemaraan deras konek aku.
Bila semua dah ready, aku pun rodoklah konek aku selagi mau. Jawabnya sampai tersantak bibir pantat Cikgu Alinda bila kena penangan aku tu. Memang terkedik kedik kaki Cikgu Alinda cuba nak rapatkan kangkangnya. Tapi usahanya kali ni sia sia. Sepanjang panjang konek aku tu berjaya juga aku benamkan ke dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda.
Aku pun meniarap atas badan Cikgu Alinda. Posisi begini memudahkan aku untuk mengawal keadaan. Maka bermulalah sesi sorong tarik batang aku in and out.
“Kaiii……. Yours is too big and too long,” Cikgu Alinda bisik kat telinga aku.
“Please…. make it slow. Cikgu takut koyak nanti!” Bersungguh sungguh dia merayu.
Tapi tak sedikit pun keluh sakitnya dapat meraih simpati aku. Aku terlalu asyik menikmati kesedapan pantat Cikgu Alinda. Punggung aku pun tetap juga terus mengepam. Kali ni aku laju sikit rentak henjutan sebab aku rasa ada sikit kelicinan pada lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda. Mungkin air dah banyak keluar, sebab aku rasa bulu-bulu aku pun dah basah berlendir dan melekit lekit.
Dah puas cara tu aku tiarapkan dia, aku pusingkan Cikgu Alinda untuk buat cara doggy. Nampaknya Cikgu Alinda pun tidak lagi menyuarakan sebarang keluhan. Mungkin pantatnya dah mula serasi dengan konek aku. Malahan Cikgu Alinda sendiri macam dah faham faham yang aku nak buat cara doggie. Dia sendiri adjust punggung menaik tinggi sikit.
Sebelum aku cocok pantat dia, aku jilat dulu lendir lendir yang ada kat pantat tu. Lepas tu lubang jubur dia pun aku jilat sekali kasi bersih. Tak lama kemudian, aku pun masukkan konek aku kat pantat dia melalui jalan belakang.
Fuhhhhh….!!!!! Ketat main ikut belakang ni. Namun kali ini mudah aje dapat aku sarangkan seluruh konek kat dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Ishhh….. rasa macam bergigi gigi pulak! Itulah yang menambahkan rasa ngilu kat kepala takuk aku tu.
“Aaaaahhh….!!! Aaaahhhhhh…!!!! Sedap Kai! Push lagi Kai… push it as deep as you can,” pinta Cikgu Alinda.
“Emmmmmmm… Nampaknye dia dah boleh tahan dengan kebesaran batang aku ni,” kata hati ku.
Aku pun hayunlah dengan lebih ganas. Bunyi cupppp… capppp…….cuppp! jelas bergema di dalam bilik itu. Semakin ganas aku menghenjut, semakin kuat bunyi Plup! Plap! apabila peha aku berlaga dengan punggung Cikgu Alinda.
Aku lihat Cikgu Alinda mula meramas-ramas tetek kanannya sendiri. Semakin diramas, aku lihat semakin membesar tetek tu. Pantat Cikgu Alinda pula dari masa ke masa mengemut-ngemut konek aku. Memang berasap kepala aku bila Cikgu Alinda lakukan kemut yang sebegitu rakus.
Kemut punya kemut akhirnya berjaya juga pantat Cikgu Alinda memerah hasil dari konek aku. Masa tu aku dan Cikgu Alinda sama-sama terpancut! Sambil aku memancut sambil itu jugalah Cikgu Alinda terkemut-kemut ganas. Naik juling biji mata aku menghirup kenikmatan yang maha sedap itu.
Setiap kali dia kemut, setiap kali jugalah air mani aku bersembur di dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Punyalah banyak dan punyalah pekat setiap pancutan tersebut. Entah berapa kali ianya berlaku, aku pun dah terlupa nak kira. Tau tau saja aku dah tersepuk dengan keletihan yang amat sangat.
Lutut aku berasa lemah sekali. Aku terus terduduk pada posisi mengadap bontot Cikgu Alinda yang masih bersujud menonggeng. Aku perhatikan pada keadaan pantat yang baru saja mempuaskan konek aku. Aku amat tertarik dengan aku yang ku lihat itu. Hasil kerja dosa kami berdua, jelas meninggalkan kesan yang amat ku banggakan.
Kelikatan air mani aku bagaikan bertasik di dalam pantat Cikgu Alinda. Limpahan cecair yang serba putih itu sedikit demi sedikit meleleh keluar dari lubang pantat Cikgu Alinda. Palitan air mani aku juga cukup banyak menselaputi bibir pantat serta jutaian kelentitnya. Aku benar benar puas dan bangga dengan rezeki yang telah konek aku perolehi.
Aku ucapkan terima kasih kepada Cikgu Alinda kerana konek aku telah dapat creet dalam pantat dia. Dengan raut mukanya yang kepenatan, Cikgu Alinda tersenyum sambil ketawa kecil bila mendengarkan penghargaan aku tu. Aku tanya kat dia, “boleh tak buat seks dengan cikgu lagi.”
Dia kata, “masa tuisyen ajer bolehlah.”
Keizinan Cikgu Alinda itu aku sambut dengan hati yang sungguh gembira. Kami pun berpeluk-pelukan meraikan kejayaan tersebut. Sambil bercium, aku berkali kali mengucapkan terima kasih sambil memuji muji kesedapan pantat Cikgu Alinda.
Sejak hari itu, setiap kali aku pergi tuisyen, aku pasti lakukan seks dengan Cikgu Alinda. Pembaziran air mani melalui kerja kerja melancap, sudah jadi perkara asing bagi ku.
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storyhorny · 11 months
Nimatnya Sekolah part1
Nama aku zul... Aku merupakan anak orang kampung yang berjaya mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang semasa PT3... Jadi keluargaku menukarkan aku ke sekolah swasta kerana kononya disana aku bakal menimba ilmu tambahan kerana disana terdapat pelajar-pelajar yang pandai-pandai... Inilah kisah aku pengalaman hitamku semasa di sekolah swasta
Aku telah dimasukkan ke kelas 4 influence san aku diberitahu bahawa guru kelasku adalah cikgu hawa rizwana... Apabila aku berjumpa di meja gurunya jantungku bagaikan nak jatuh melihat gaya pakaiannya yg boleh menggugat imanku dengan kata-katanya yang lemah lembut... "Saya akan bawa awak ke kelas". Aku berlajan dibelakangnya... Aku usya bentuk badannya yang ditutupi dengan baju kurung moden 'ini kalau ikut hati nak je aku tarik cikgu ni ke tandas and rogol dia'.
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"Ok guys, today we have new student. Introduce yourself". "Hello, my name is zul and i from JB". "so awak boleh duduk tempat kosong sebelah mia ye". Aku melangkah dan duduk di sebelah mia."hai mia selamat berkenalan" mia hanya memandang aku sebelah mata tanpa menjawab apa-apa... 'sombong siak minah ni, nasib lawa kalau tak dah arwah aku kerjakan'
~kriiinnnggg~ loceng waktu tamat sekolah
Aku baring kepenatan di atas katil. "Bertuah punya budak, busuk ii baring atas katil" aku bagaikan terkena renjatan dengan suara itu rupanya kakak ku Daiyan. Kakak aku ni seorang yang tegas dalam hal ii yang kecil maklumlah anak sulung. Kakak aku ni pon boleh tahan juga bodynya yang boleh buat aku pancut hari ii. Pernah aku intai kakak aku mandi membuatkan aku hampir hilang waras. "Ye orang gi mandilah ni" aku mengambil tuala lalu melurutkan seluarku tanpa aku perasan kakak aku masih di depan aku. " Kau dah kenapa buka seluar depan aku, ingat aku selera ke tengok batang kau tu". " Eh, sorry kak lupa kau kat depan aku" dalam masa yang sama aku perasan yang kak daiyan curi ii tengok dari celah jarinya. Aku cuba godanya dengan menggoyangkan badan hingga batang aku timbul dia seluar dalam aku. "Ish dahlah, gi cepat mandi. Aku nk siap ni nak keluar dengan bf aku" aku terus ke toilet dan mandi. Aku ternampak ada coli dan seluar dalam kak daiyan dalam bakul baju kotor. Aku mengambilnya dan cium baunya. Baunya yang masam menghairahkan menyebabkan batang aku stim. Aku terus gosok batang aku beralaskan seluar dalam kak daiyan sambil mencium coli kak daiyan. Lama juga aku melayan nafsu sehingga aku terpancut. Banyak juga air mani yang melekat di seluar dalam aku.
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- sekolah esoknya -
Aku datang awal harini kerana aku sudah dibenarkan membawa kereta sendiri biarpun aku masih belum ada lesen memandu. Beberapa pelajar yang baru masuk ke kelas yang masih aku belom kenal. Tetiba mataku terpaku dekat sorang budak pompuan yang bodinya sangat memukau. Dia menghampiriku. "Hai, semalam kita tak sempat berkenalankan so nama saya qistina raisah just call me qis" aku masih terseyum dalam angauku
Angauku terpadam apabila terdengar bunyi tepukan yang cukup membuatkan telinga ku sakit. Rupanya mia yang baru sampai dan cuba kejutkan aku dari angauku. "Baru dua hari sekolah mata kau dah gatal tengok anak dara orangkan" mia tegur keras kepadaku "eh mana ada, aku cuma terpegun melihat keindahan ciptaan tuhan je. Kalau tengok kau tak kot dengan muka kerek kau harap je lawa" muka mia merah " dahlah aku nak gi tandas, melayan kau buat sakit hati aku je"
Apa benda bunyi tu. Aku cuba mencari bunyi yang memikat pendengaran tu
"arghhh arghh fuck, sedapnya. Laju lagi dalam lagi arghhhh" aku terkejut kerana inilah kali pertama aku melihat budak seumur aku melakukan bersetubuhan di depan mataku. Rupanya itu adalah erissa puteri sedang bersetubuh dengan lelaki yang aku tak berapa cam mukanya. Aku tak nampak bentuk badan erissa kerana dia masih berpakaian cuma kainnya sahaja diangkat dalam position sexy tree huggers.
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Comment for part 2!!!
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camzeecorner · 1 month
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part one here
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹
Summary : Nicole finds herself experiencing those weird feelings again, which makes her uneasy. Remembering the enlightening conversation she had with Matt, Chris, and Nate, she decides to reach out to them for help.
warnings : virginity loss, cream pie, eating pussy, fingering, male masturbation, praise, pet names, slight overstimulation, pussy slapping, foursome, cock praise, pussy praise, sub reader, dirty talking
𐙚₊˚ pairings : Matt, Chris, Nate x sub!fem reader𐙚₊˚
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹
Nicole was sprawled across her bed, her slim legs kicked up in the air, swinging back and forth with a restless energy as she scrolled through YouTube on her phone. She flipped over onto her stomach, trying to find a comfortable position, but no matter how she moved, that strange feeling just wouldn’t fade away. Frustration bubbled up inside her, and she groaned, burying her head into the soft pillow, hoping to escape the discomfort that lingered.
She was puzzled by the unfamiliar sensation, her mind racing as she tried to decipher what was wrong. Thoughts swirled around, and in a moment of frustration, she mentally slapped her forehead, recalling a faint memory from a month ago. The details were hazy, but the feelings associated with it were beginning to resurface, urging her to confront what she had been trying to ignore.
“and remember, if you ever get that weird feeling down there again..” Matt spoke pointing between her legs, “just use the tricks we showed you okay?”he spoke softly caressing my cheek. I nodded at him frantically.
I slowly sat up, my fingers brushing the screen of my phone as I turned it off, the room falling into a quiet stillness. I leaned back against my pillows, tugging my shorts down a bit for comfort. With a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, I started to mimic the movements Chris and Matt had shown me, but the sensations just didn’t match the intensity I had hoped for. Frustration bubbled up inside me, and I let out a soft whimper, applying more pressure, desperate to find that elusive feeling. But still, nothing changed. I threw my head back against the pillows, silent tears spilling down my cheeks as I grappled with my disappointment.
“What if it doesn’t work?” I pout. Nate got up walking over, sitting next to me. “Then..call us! And we’ll help you again.” He spoke cheerful smiling at me. Matt and Chris nodding along.
I reached for my phone, my fingers trembling slightly as I opened our group chat. A wave of hesitation washed over me; uncertainty gnawed at my mind, making me question whether I should really reach out. I took a sharp breath, feeling the weight of my decision, and finally began to type, the words flowing from my fingertips as I poured my thoughts into the message.
Best kids to live
colie : hi guys! are you free? Or is this a bad time?
Mattress: hi princess, it’s never a bad time for you
chrizzy : hi doll you okay?
nation: lowkey just shit but I’m chillin, what do u need pretty girl
colie: it’s happening again, I can’t make it stop
nations: what do u mean mama
*chrizzy and mattress emphasized nations message*
Colie: that feeling is back, I tried to rub like you guys said but it’s not helping. It’s really uncomfortable, can you please help me again?
mattress: we’ll be there in 10.
I sat on my bed, the anticipation building as I patiently waited for the boys to arrive. After what felt like an eternity, about twelve minutes later, the sound of my front doorbell echoed through the house. Jumping up, I quickly slid my shorts back on and made my way down the stairs, my heart racing with excitement. As I reached the living room door and swung it open, I was immediately greeted by the familiar faces of Matt, Chris, and Nate. A warm smile spread across my face as I stepped aside, inviting them in with a welcoming gesture.
“Hi guys!” I chirp happily, my voice bright with excitement. I start walking up the stairs, the sound of their footsteps echoing behind me as they follow closely. Entering my room, I hear the door click shut behind us. Nate, always the energetic one, quickly strides over to me, gently pushing me down onto the bed. The sudden movement catches me off guard, and I let out a surprised gasp. “Don’t worry, mama, we’re gonna make that feeling go away... okay?” he reassures me, settling onto his knees in the same spot he had occupied last time. I gulp, my gaze dropping to the floor as a rush of emotions floods through me, feeling my shorts dampening with a mix of anxiety and desperation.
Matt settled onto my bed, positioning himself close but still leaving a comfortable space between us. Chris took a seat in my chair, which was positioned across from my bed, creating a little distance yet still keeping the atmosphere intimate. They both sat there in silence, their eyes fixed on me, as if I were the main event of a show they were eager for. The stillness hung in the air, charged with anticipation, making me acutely aware of their gaze.
Nate began tracing small circles on my thighs, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through me. I tossed my head back, surrendering to the sensation of his touch. It was strange how the same actions felt so different when they were directed at me; their hands had an electric quality that I found utterly intoxicating. As Nate leaned in closer, a soft whine escaped my lips, and I shook out a breath, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. He started to pepper kisses along the inside of my thigh, each gentle press of his lips igniting a fire within me.
I let out a shaky whine, my breath hitching in my throat. Shutting my eyes tightly, I tugged my lips between my teeth, trying to steady myself. He slid his long fingers to my waistband, the anticipation making my heart race. With deliberate slowness, he tugged them down, maintaining his dominant composure throughout. A soft groan escaped my lips as the cold air hit my skin intensely, sending a jolt through my body that heightened every sensation.
He smirked, glancing up at me with a playful glint in his eyes. “Still the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” he spoke lowly, his voice smooth and teasing. I felt my cheeks flush at his words, warmth creeping up as I turned my head to the side, trying to hide my embarrassment. “Thank you…” I murmured softly, barely above a whisper. He responded by blowing lightly against my skin, each breath building more wetness and heightening the tension between us.
I grind my hips up slightly, only to be pushed back down as Nate wrapped his strong arms around them, holding me firmly in place. He sank his head further in, and I felt a rush of anticipation. When his tongue made contact, a cry escaped my lips, raw and unrestrained. “N-Nate…” I whispered, breathless and overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.
He hummed against me, keeping his head lowered, his focus entirely on me. His tongue was a masterful force, licking and devouring every inch of me, making sure to savor every drop of sweetness with deliberate care. I reached my hand down, tugging gently at his brown locks, feeling the warmth radiate from him. He groaned against me, pushing his head in deeper, intensifying the sensations. My body responded with soft whines and whimpers of pleasure, each sound a testament to the overwhelming delight coursing through me.
Feeling the strange tightness in my stomach, I instinctively bucked my hips forward, a wave of sensation crashing over me. I panted softly, my head tossing and turning as I tried to process the intensity that was almost overwhelming. “You gonna cum?” Chris spoke lowly, his voice laced with anticipation. I nodded my head quickly, breathless and unable to form a coherent sentence, lost in the moment.
Feeling the orgasm wash over me, I cried out, the intensity of the moment consuming me. I was breathing hard, my chest heaving with each rapid inhale. Sweat dripped down my forehead, causing loose strands of hair to cling to my skin. I whimpered softly as Nate pulled away, his gaze lingering on me. He licked his lips, savoring every drop, a satisfied smile playing on his face. His hand rubbed my thigh gently, and he asked, “You okay, mama?” “Uh huh,” I replied softly, still catching my breath. I blinked a few times, wiping away the tears that had escaped, feeling a mix of satisfaction swirling within me.
Nate shifted from his spot as I watched Chris stand up, his movements deliberate and confident. Nate settled into the chair that Chris had just vacated, a knowing look passing between them. Chris walked over to me, positioning himself between my legs, his presence both comforting and electrifying. He rested his hand on my knee, gently rubbing it in soothing circles. “Think you’re good for two more rounds?” Chris asked, his gaze flickering between me and Matt, a hint of mischief in his eyes. Excitement bubbled within me at the thought of feeling even better, and I nodded eagerly. “Yes,” I replied, a smile breaking across my face as I giggled softly.
“Okay…” he spoke lowly, pulling me closer to the edge of the bed before sinking down to the floor. His hands began to work magic, gently rubbing circles on me that made me shudder with anticipation. He maneuvered his fingers in ways that sent me spiraling into another universe, each touch perfect, hitting every spot I desperately craved. “This might hurt, okay? Just let me know if you want me to stop, alright?” I gulped lightly, a wave of nervousness washing over me. “O-okay…” I managed to speak, my voice hoarse and trembling.
Feeling small rubs on my shoulder, I turned my head to meet Matt’s soft gaze, his eyes filled with reassurance. “It’ll be okay, just relax… the pain will be gone quick,” he spoke in a calming voice, and instantly, I felt a wave of comfort wash over me, easing my tension.
Turning my attention back to Chris, I sucked in a breath as I suddenly felt a finger entering me slowly. I shut my eyes at the unexpected pain, a soft whimper escaping my lips. “It’s okay, baby…” I heard Chris coo softly, his voice soothing. Matt ran his fingers through my hair, the gentle caress helping me relax into his touch. “O-oh,” I breathed out, feeling his finger move back and forth, slow and steady. Gradually, some of the pain was replaced by pleasure, and I couldn’t help but groan at the new sensation.
“M’gonna add another, okay?” Chris spoke, looking up to meet my eyes, his expression full of desire. I nodded at him, releasing a shaky breath as anticipation coursed through me.
He sank another finger in, stretching me lightly, and I rolled my hips upwards, feeling the pleasure build within me. I could feel his fingers curl, plunging in and out faster, each thrust gaining speed and intensity. I squeezed around him, relishing the new sensation that coursed through me, too intoxicating to resist. “O-oh my…” I breathed out, feeling my legs trembling softly beneath the wave of pleasure. I felt Chris add his thumb to the mix, rubbing slow, deliberate circles on my soft pink clit that sent shivers down my spine.
I felt my breath hitch in my throat, causing me to choke out a moan that echoed in the air. The pleasure was overwhelming, consuming me completely, so much so that I couldn’t focus on anything else. I tuned everything out, zeroing in on the exquisite sensation of Chris's fingers working their magic. I began to move my body against his, instinctively matching his rhythm, lost in the intoxicating dance of our connection.
“You gonna cum baby? Hm.. you gonna make a mess on my fingers.”Chris said hungrily, locking his intense gaze onto mine, igniting a fire within me. I grunted as my eyes began to roll back, my mouth parting slightly in a gasp. “Eyes on me,” Chris commanded, his voice firm as he softly slapped my cheek, bringing me back to the moment. I whimpered, feeling the pressure build inside me. Then, he began to move at an ungodly speed, pushing me to arch my back, a scream escaping my lips in the process. “C-chri-chris!” I cried out, desperately clutching onto his arm, lost in the overwhelming sensations.
I came hard, feeling myself clenching and squeezing his fingers. My eyes rolled back, making my vision fuzzy. Feelings his fingers slow, he began to stiff his movements allowing me to ride out my high. Slowly pulling his fingers out before sucking them clean.
“So fucking sweet” he mumbled.
“My turn!” Matt exclaimed, laughter bubbling up as he jumped to his feet. It wasn’t long before I felt the familiar rush of excitement wash over me again. Matt sauntered over, looking down at me with a playful glint in his eyes. “I’m gonna fuck you so good…” he whispered, his voice low and teasing. “Fuck me?” I asked, confusion knitting my brows together just as I felt a sharp slap on my pulsing pussy, making me shriek in surprise. “Don’t say that…” Matt warned, pointing a finger at me with a mock-serious expression. I nodded slowly, surrendering to his playful commands, the anticipation swirling around us.
Matt started by lifting his shirt off his head, the fabric gliding over his skin before he tossed it casually toward my door. With a confident grin, he began unbuckling his belt, the metal clinking softly as he pulled it free from the latch. He swiftly unbuttoned his pants, the sound of the button popping echoing in the room. In one fluid motion, he yanked them down, stepping out of them with an air of nonchalance, leaving a trail of excitement in his wake.
I glanced over his body, taking in every detail. It was stunning; he was truly a piece of artwork. His faint abs were subtly defined, and his tattooed arm was a canvas of intricate designs, all covered in deep black ink. A chuckle above me pulled my attention up, and I found Matt grinning down at me. “You like what you see, doll?” he teased. I nodded slowly, my eyes trailing down his body until they landed on a hard-looking lump covered by his black boxers. “What’s that?” I asked, moving my hand up to touch it gently. I heard Matt stifle a moan, his breath hitching as he sucked in a sharp inhale. “Shit,” he murmured, the tension in the air thickening. “Mm..that’s my cock..” my eyes stuck to his cock, I tilt my head to the side showing my confusion. “What’s that?” I asked. “It’s like the boy version of a vagina” he spoke calmly. “You wanna touch it baby?” I nod my head fast smiling up at Matt.
He spun around swiftly, directing his attention to Nate and Chris. With a quick nod, he beckoned them over before turning back to me. “You wanna touch theirs too?” he asked, a playful glint in his eyes. I nodded eagerly, a smile breaking across my face. “Yes, please,” I replied sweetly, hoping my polite request would earn me the permission I desired.
“Go on... take my boxers off,” Matt said in a chilling voice that sent a shiver down my spine. I reached up, my fingers trembling slightly as I tugged at the fabric of his briefs, pulling them down slowly. Matt exhaled sharply, tossing his head back in a moment of surrender. “Shit,” he murmured, his voice low and filled with a mix of surprise and pleasure. I couldn't tear my gaze away from the sight in front of me. “You like it?” Nate asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched my reaction. “Yes,” I replied, my voice steady, not daring to look away. I gently ran my hand up and down, feeling the tension in Matt’s body as he let out a deep groan.
Pulling my hand away, I turn to nate and Chris seeing them already with their own cocks in the hands. They were all so big. I reach up pressing my palms against them both. “Fuck” Chris groaned shutting his eyes, followed by Nathan moaning.
“Alright, mama, enough touching...” Matt said, his tone both playful and commanding. Nate and Chris strolled around the bed, settling against my wall, their gazes fixed on me with an intensity that made me feel like the center of their attention, as if I were a feast laid out before them. Matt gently pushed me down, his hands rubbing against me in a way that sent a thrill through my body, blending teasing and tenderness in the most tantalizing way.
I whine softly at his touch, exhaling gently as a wave of sensation washes over me. His hand finds mine, interlocking our fingers in a firm yet comforting grip. “This might sting a little, squeeze my hand,” he murmurs softly, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that makes my heart race. He positions himself, aligning his tip with my entrance, and as he slowly moves in, I instantly feel the stretch, the pressure making me squeeze his hand tightly. I breathe in and out slowly, trying to steady my breath amidst the overwhelming sensations. “Let me know when to move, okay baby?” he prompts, and I nod, focusing on getting used to the feeling before I finally signal him to start moving.
Starting with slow thrusts, he moves deliberately, savoring each moment. “You okay, princess?” he asks, his voice laced with concern. “Y-yea... you can speed up,” I reply softly, my heart racing. As I feel his hips gain momentum, the rhythm intensifies, his body hitting against mine with increasing force. After a few minutes of teasing slowness, I begin to whimper lowly, lost in the sensation. The sound of Matt’s skin slapping against mine sends my mind spiraling, making everything around me fade into a blissful haze.
“S-shit..taking my cock good” Matt groaned above me, the sound vibrating through the air as his movements quickened. It felt as though he were reaching deep inside me, a sensation that made my stomach flutter. He leaned his head back, sucking in a breath, his pleasure palpable. His hand reached down to rub my puffy clit, the gentle touch sending jolts of electricity through my body, making me twitch involuntarily. “Oh Matt... feels so good,” I breathed out, completely lost in the moment.
“Yea? You gonna cum?” I nod my head, arching my back up into the air. I whine loudly, the pleasure taking over my body. I begin grinding my body against Matt’s adding to the pleasures running through my body. I felt like I was in heaven. Hearing his whimpers and moans making my head spin. My body was shaking uncontrollably under Matt, his thrust getting sloppier. “Want you to cum s’bad baby.. can you do that?” He asked as his hips still pounded into mine. “Y-yes” I speak, I could feel the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes.
Looking to the side i noticed Chris and Nate. They were playing with their cocks, heads thrown back and soft noises leaving their mouth. I loved the sight, feeling heat rise to my face. “Yea you like that? You like seeing your friends get off to seeing you fucked?” Matt asked me with a smug look of his face. My lips were puffy and covered by my own spit. My eyes rolling into the back of my head.
I could feel the tension in my stomach, I was so close. So so close. I just needed more, I craved more. I’ve never felt this good before, and I was addicted to it. The pleasure was so intense I began crying. Feeling the tears leak onto the mattress. “Wanna cum so bad” I pleaded, my voice sounding strained. “Cum on this dick baby.” Feeling my legs shake, I tossed my body around. “Oh mat.. Matt Matt Matt” I shouted as I came hard. The white liquid spilling onto Matt, he came shortly after with a long groan. “Fuck..” I heard Matt pant. Feeling my body shake, Matt pulled out of me slowly. My cum oozing from me. “Shit” Chris spoke, his cum flying onto his chest. Nate was soon to finish, his hot sticky cum landing on his lower stomach.
“How was that for your first time baby?” Matt asked me tucking strands of hair behind my ear. I smiled loosely. “Felt amazing” I said tired.
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ :・゚𓍯𓂃 𖦹 ₊˚⊹
A/n : whoolawd im so tired, im apologizing in advanced bc the ending is soooo rushed 😭
Tags - @shaquilles-0atmeal @midsturn @sturniolo-girl hope you like!
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semutmerahlagi · 3 months
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Terkulai Lesu
Entah mengapa, tiba2 perasaanku menjadi tidak menentu ketika berseorangan dirumah.kesunyian yang teramat sangat.suami pula jauh nun di sabah sedang menjalankan tugas2 syarikatnya.aku disini ditinggalkan keseorangan.cuma panggilan telefonnya sekali sekala menjadi pengubat rinduku terhadapnya
hampir dua bulan aku ditinggalkan suamiku yang bertugas di sana membuatkan diriku tak ubah seperti sebuah telaga yang sedang kekeringan.memerlukan seseorang untuk mengairinya seperti selalu,namun apakan daya.pihak yang berkuasa untuk mengairinya pula berada terlalu jauh daripada perigi ini.
Kamal, kawan karib suamiku yang selalu menghantar dan menjemputku dari tempat kerjaku sudah kurasakan semakin akrab denganku.setiap hari membonceng motosikal bersamanya ke tempat kerja membuatkan aku semakin tidak terasa kekok untuk kemana2 dengan kamal semasa ketiadaan suamiku.
Malah, suamiku sendiri yang telah memberikan kamal lampu hijaunya untuk menolong dan menjaga aku ketika ketiadaannya.dan aku semakin serasi d
Beberapa minit kemudian pintu rumahku diketuk.sebaik kubuka,kamal dah pun tercegat didepan pintu sambil membawa sekotak peralatannya.dia juga nampaknya telah bertukar pakaian,mengenakan sehelai t-shirt dan berseluar pendek hitam.”masuklah kamal, cuba u tengok sinki i kat dapur tu” pintaku.
Tanpa berlengah kamal terus menuju kearah dapur sambil memeriksa keadaan sinki.air yang bertakung didalam sinki semakin banyak dan hampir melimpah keluar.”i rasa paip kat bawah sinki ni dah tersumbatlah”jelas kamal sambil merangkak masuk kebawah sinki.”i nak cuba bukak salurannya dulu” jelasnya lagi.
Sambil itu aku pula cuba menolongnya dengan cuba mengeluarkan air yang semakin melimpah didalam sinki tersebut.dalam cubaan2 tersebut, “prraappp” ntah macamana kotak peralatan yang kamal bawa itu tergelincir masuk kedalam sinki.ini menyebabkan air yang berada didalam sinki tersebut tersembur keluar dan membasahi t-shirt yang kupakai itu.
Kamal bergegas keluar daripada bahagian bawah sinki untuk melihat apa yang telah terjadi.”laaa…camner boleh jadi ni”tanya kamal.”ntah laa, tiba2 jer kotak tu jatuh”balasku.kamal merenung tajam kearahku sambil tersenyum.”kenapa kamal?”soalku kepadanya.”tu….”jawab kamal sambil menuding jarinya kearah dadaku.
Rupa2nya air sinki yang membasahi t-shirtku itu tadi telah membuatkan kedua2 buah dadaku seakan2 dapat dilihat dengan jelas daripada luar.dan aku juga terlupa yang aku tidak mengenakan coli semasa menukar pakaianku tadi.memang jelas kedua2 buah dadaku dapat dilihat walau daripada luar baju.kamal masih lagi tak henti2 menikmati pemandangan indah tersebut.
“sorry kamal, i tak sengaja”aku cuba meminta maaf darinya.”takperlah…untungnya i malam ni dapat tengok benda tu depan mata” gurau kamal sambil tersenyum.”haa…mula laa tu”aku pula mencelah. “bestnya kalau dapat ramas benda tu kan?” kamal dah mula terkena godaanku. “ishh..benda ni kan cuma husband i yang boleh pegang, orang lain mana boleh” aku cuba bermain kata2 dengannya.
Sambil itu kamal meneruskan kerja2nya dibahagian bawah sinki.sesekali dia mencelah “watie, bagilah i ramas breast u tu,sekejap pun takper la” aku terpaku dengan kata2 kamal itu.tak disangka jerat yang kupasang sudah hampir mengena.”tak boleh…..ini husband i punya”aku cuba bermain tarik tali.
“ingat tak hari tu, masa hujat lebat kita atas moto”kamal bersuara.”u dah dapat pegang i punya sampai terpancut2 batang i u kerjakan”jelas kamal lagi.aku sememangnya masih ingat peristiwa tersebut, malah peristiwa tersebutlah sebenarnya yang membawa kepada terjadinya peristiwa malam ini”hatiku berkata2.
Aku semakin terangsang bila melihat kamal terbongkok2 di bawah sinki.melihatkan tubuhnya yang agak sasa berseluar pendek dan melihatkan bulu2 kakinya yang lebat itu membuatkan aku tidak keruan lagi.sedang dia asyik dengan kerjanya, aku yang kini betul2 berdiri dibelakangnya pula dilanda gelora.
Beberapa ketika selepas itu, kamal berjaya memperbetulkan masalah sinki didapurku itu.”ok….beresss”kata kamal padaku.”thanks kamal,nasib baik u pandai repair sinki ni”jawabku. Sambil kamal mengumpulkan semula peralatannya yang bersepah2 itu, aku meneruskan aktiviti membasuh pinggan mangkuk yang telah tergendala.
Sedang kedua belah tanganku begitu asyik dengan pinggan dan span,tanpa kusedari kamal telah berada betul2 dibelakangku. Kedua2 tangannya terus memeluk pinggangku dari belakang.”jangan cakap apa2,teruskan mencuci pinggan tu”kamal berbisik ditepi telingaku sambil terus memeluk tubuhku dengan erat.
Aku tergamam dengan tingkahlakunya itu namun tidak pula berusaha untuk melepaskan diriku ini malah membiarkannya terus berlaku. Sambil kedua belah tanganku terus mencuci pinggan, tangan kamal pula mula merayap kedalam t-shirtku.mula memanjat dan merayap kesebelah atas dadaku.
Akhirnya tangan2 itu tiba didestinasinya…..kedua2 buah dadaku kini telah berjaya ditakluki oleh tangan2 kamal yang nakal itu.dia meramas2 lembut kedua buah dadaku membuatkan diriku hanyut dilanda keenakan.sesekali terasa ramasan2 yang agak kuat dilakukan oleh kamal.mungkin kerana terlalu geram dan seronok dapat meramas buah
dada kepunyaan isteri rakan baiknya ini.
“angkat dua2 tangan u ni keatas jap, i nak tanggalkan t-shirt u ni”arah kamal.aku tidak membantah malah terus meluruskan kedua tanganku keatas.sesaat kemudian t-shirt yang kusarungkan ditubuhku tadi terlucut dan dilemparkan jauh ketepi sudut dapurku. Bahagian dadaku terdedah sepenuhnya tanpa ada seurat benang yang menutupinya.yang tinggal hanyalah sehelai kain batik yang masih kemas terikat dipinggangku.
Nafas2 yang keras menerjah disekitar telingaku membuktikan yang kamal kini sedang menikmati sepenuhnya saat2 itu.dia menciumi tubuhku dari belakang sambil kedua tangannya meramas2 kedua belah buah dadaku.aku terasa sesuatu yang agak keras sedang mengembang dibalik seluar pendek yang dipakai oleh kamal.
Aku masih meneruskan kerja2ku mencuci pinggan tapi akhirnya entah kemana.dibuai keenakan akibat permainan tangan kamal.tiba2 kamal menurunkan tangannya kebawah. Dengan lembut dia mula merungkaikan ikatan kain batik yang sedang kupakai itu. Sekelip mata kain batik yang kupakai terlucut ke lantai. “wahhhh….” kamal terperanjat.”u tak pakai seluar dalam yer”dia berbisik padaku.aku tersenyum manja sambil melirikkan mataku.
Kamal terus mencium mulutku bertalu2 sehingga aku tercungap2.kini daging punggungku pula menjadi sasaran tangan2 nakal kamal.”eeiiii..gerammmnya i kat punggung u ni”bisik kamal sambil tangannya meramas geram daging punggungku itu.”u nak tau tak….i memang dah lama geramkan punggung ngan breast u ni..sejak dari dulu lagi tau”kamal membuat pengakuannya.
“kenapa tak cakap kat i dari dulu”balasku sambil merengek halus.”i takut husband u marah nanti sebab syok kat wife dia yang cantik molek ni”jelas kamal lagi.”u tak tanya dia,mana tau dia bagi” aku cuba menaikkan lagi ghairahnya.”i dah tak tahan ni sayang…jom kita buat kat bilik u” pinta kamal
tanpa sempat aku bersuara,kamal terus mendukung tubuhku yang tidak ditutupi seurat benang pun ini menuju kebilik tidurku ditingkat atas. Aku semakin pasrah…inilah saatnya tubuhku ini akan dinikmati oleh orang selain suamiku sendiri.aku pasrah…rela…berserah…dan menyerah…
Tubuhnya yang agak sasa itu memudahkan lagi kamal memapah aku menuju kebilik tidurku.tanpa memasang lampu,kamal membaringkan tubuhku diatas katil.”ermmm….hari ni i dapat merasa lauk istimewa dari u”kamal bersuara dengan agak geram. Aku segera bangun dari pembaringanku.kamal berdiri betul2 ditepi katil.
Kami bercumbu sepuas2nya bagaikan sepasang kekasih yang sudah lama tidak bertemu.terasa sesuatu mula menyucuk2 disekitar kedua belah pehaku.aku melurutkan seluar pendek kamal ke paras lututnya. Nahhh…
Dia juga anehnya tidak berseluar dalam ketika itu. “ooooo….u pun tak pakai seluar dalam yer…”bisik ku secara manja.dia cuma tersenyum simpul sambil terus mengucupi bibirku.
Sebaik seluar pendeknya berjaya kulucutkan, maka terserlahlah apa yang selama ini kuhajati darinya.batang zakarnya sudah agak keras terpacak menanti untuk aksi seterusnya daripadaku. Tanpa disuruh, aku terus melutut dan membelai pedang perkasa milik kamal itu. “inilah dia benda yang selalu kacau i dulu yer” gurauku kepada kamal yang sedang berdiri itu.
“kali ni i pulak nak kacau dia”tambahku lagi.tanpa kusedari, aku merapatkan mulutku kearah batang zakarnya dan mula menikmati keenakan aromanya yang tiada tandingan. Aku mengulum dan menghisap batang zakar kamal sepuas2nya kerana itulah yang kuinginkan selama beberapa minggu ini semasa ketiadaan suamiku.
Kamal mengerang kesedapan akibat permainan mulutku itu. “arrhhh…sedapnya sayanggg”kedengaran suara kamal sayup2.aku meneruskan permainan ini.beberapa ketika kemudian kamal meminta aku berdiri dan memaut tubuhku keatas katil.aku dibaringkan ditengah2 katilku sambil menunggu aksi seterusnya daripada kamal.
“i nak bagi satu surprise kat u malam ni” kata kamal.”apa dia?” aku bertanya. “tunggu jer laa” balas kamal lagi. Aku yang sedang keghairahan yang teramat sangat itu sememangnya bersedia untuk apa saja tindakan seterusnya yang akan dilakukan oleh kamal.
Kamal mencari sesuatu disekeliling tempat tidurku itu dan kemudiannya menghampiriku bersama dua helai tudung lepasku yang baru kuangkat dari jemuran petang tadi. Aku kehairanan, “apa yang kamal nak buat ni” hatiku mula tertanya2.
Dia mula memanjat keatas katil sambil memegang tangan kiriku dan mengikatnya dengan menggunakan kain tudung itu dipenjuru katil.dan sekali lagi dia melakukan perbuatan yang sama keatas tangan kananku pula.kini kedua2 belah tanganku telah terikat kemas di penjuru kiri dan kanan katilku itu.
Aku semakin seronok dengan teknik terbaru yang diperkenalkan oleh kamal ini dan merelakan apa saja yang akan kamal lakukan keatasku nanti. Suamiku sendiri tidak pernah melakukan aksi seperti ini dan ini membuatkan aku semakin tak sabar. Kamal mula mendatangi aku dari hujung katilku sambil mula menjilati kakiku.
Aku semakin dibuai kenikmatan permainan mulutnya.dia mula bergerak menuju kearah kedua belah pehaku.aku merasakan bahawa kemaluanku sudah mula mengeluarkan pelincirnya. Aku menjerit halus sebaik mulut kamal tiba tepat2 di atas segitigaku. Dia menjilatinya dengan rakus sekali.
Kedua belah kakiku direnggangkan oleh kamal bagi memudahkannya menakluki apa yang tersembunyi dicelahannya.
“i nak u puas2 malam ni”bisik kamal sambil terus menjilati kawasan segitigaku.tanganku yang terikat kemas dipenjuru katil memudahkan lagi kerja2nya keatas tubuhku.” tolong laa, jangan i….i ni dah bersuami tau” aku memulakan kata2 fantasiku. ” nanti suami i balik sekejap lagiiii” aku meneruskan lakonanku. “ahhh..jangan nak tipu i,suami u ada sabah nun”kamal membalas sambil terus menyerangku dengan ciuman2nya yang semakin ganas.
Tubuhnya mula mengambil kedudukan diantara kedua belah pehaku sambil tangannya meramas2 pula kedua buah dadaku.aku tak mampu berbuat aper2 memandangkan kedua tanganku sudah tertambat kemas di penjuru katil.kamal telah menguasai tubuhku sepenuhnya tanpa mendapat sebarang tentangan dariku.
Dengan keadaan kemaluanku yang sudah basah sepenuhnya itu, kamal mula mengacukan batang zakarnya tepat ke pintu lubang kemaluanku. “i nak tikam u dengan pedang i ni boleh tak?” kamal berbisik seperti sedang mengugutku. ” jangan….jangan…..tolong laa…jangan masukkan benda tu. I ni dah bersuamiiii” aku menambah lagi dialog fantasi kami.
” nak bagi ker tak ni? ” kamal bersuara lagi. “pleaseee..jangan i…i ni dah bersuamiiiii…pleasee jangannn buat” aku menambah. “i tak kira…i nak u jugak” kamal bersuara lagi. Sambil itu kepala batang zakarnya semakin menggesel2 pintu kemaluanku yang sudah pun basah sepenuhnya itu. Aku semakin pasrah…inilah saatnya..
“aahhhhhh……..” dengan sekali tikaman sahaja, batang zakar kamal berjaya menembusi pintu kemaluanku. Dapat kurasakan betapa bergegarnya tubuh kami berdua ketika itu. Kenikmatan yang tiada tandingannya bila kemaluanku itu akhirnya berjaya ditembusi oleh batang zakar seseorang. Seseorang yang bukan suamiku tetapi batang zakar kepunyaan kawan baiknya sendiri. Aarrrhhhhh…..
Kamal benar2 meku malam itu.aku dikerjakan sepuas2nya.setiap inci tubuhku berjaya dinikmatinya.dan aku sendiri sesungguhnya merasa kepuasan yang amat sangat pada malam tersebut.walaupun tidak terlalu lama, namun aku sangat menikmati cara kamal melayari bahtera pada malam itu.setiap tusukan dan jilatannya aku nikmati sepenuhnya.
“i rasa i dah nak terpancut ni. Nak pancut kat dalam ker kat luar? Kamal mula berbisik ke telingaku. Aku yang sedang dibuai kenikmatan batang zakar kamal terdiam sejenak. ” pancut kat luar jer laa.i takut kalau i pregnant nanti. Tengah subur ni” jelasku. 5 minit kemudian, kamal melakukan tusukan2 yang semakin keras dan aku sendiri semakin tinggi terapung2 di puncak kenikmatannya, tiba2 kamal mengerang..”arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….”.sambil cepat2 mengeluarkan pedang perkasanya dan terus memancutkan berdas2 air maninya tepat keatas buah dada dan mukaku.habis seluruh mukaku dibasahi oleh pancutan air maninya.
Kami terdampar keletihan untuk beberapa ketika sebelum kamal bangun untuk meleraikan semula ikatan tanganku yang tertambat dipenjuru katil. ” thanks kamal….” bisikku ketelinga kamal yang masih lagi keletihan akibat peperangan hebat bersama isteri kawan baiknya ini.” u ni hebat gak laa. Mengalahkan orang yang dah kawin jer” aku tersenyum manja sambil membelai2 batang zakarnya yang semakin mengendur itu.
“u pun apa kurangnya…..untung i dapat me wife kawan baik i ni. Bestt gilerrrr. Thank you sayang..” tambah kamal lagi sambil mengucup dahiku tanda berterima kasih. Beberapa ketika kemudian….kamal bergegas mengenakan semula pakaiannya dan beredar untuk pulang kerumahnya….sesungguhnya aku sangat menikmati persetubuhan ini walaupun aku tahu ianya adalah sesuatu yang terlarang…..
Aku sebenarnya tidak terdaya untuk menahan perasaanku ini tanpa suamiku disisi dan aku akhirnya dengan rela hatiku sendiri menyerahkan tubuhku ini untuk dinikmati oleh kawan baik suamiku sendiri….aku akhirnya terkulai lesu didakapannyaaaa…….Syurga dunia..
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deeply4u · 1 year
Cerita Lucah Melayu:
Pengalaman Pertama Suhana
Umur aku 19 tahun.Pengalaman pertama seks aku wat seks pada umur aku 13 tahun. Nama aku suhana. Kawan panggil aku yana. Kiranya dah lama jugalah aku wat benda ni. Orang yang meragut dara aku ialah abang kawan aku sendiri.
Time tuh aku pulang dari sekolah . Aku tumpang kereta dia sebab aku kenal dia.Lagipun rumah kami tak jauh. Pada mulanya kami berbual benda biasa, tentang sekolah,rakan-rakan. Semasa kami berbual, tangannya mula merayap kat aku. Aku cubalah tepis tapi dia tetap wat gak. Dia pandu kereta menuju ke kawasan kebun kelapa sawit. Aku cuba nak lari tapi pintu kereta dah dikuncinya.
Sampai di satu kawasan tersembunyi, dia mula bertindak ganas. Sebaik sahaja dia memberhentikan kereta tadi, dia dah mula bertubi tubi mencium sue. Walaupun ciumannya tidak berbalas namun dia tetap meneruskan kerakusannya. Bertubi tubi muka sue dicium sampai dah mula naik kemerahan, Sambil itu, dia mula bertindak mengambil kesempatan meraba dan meramas-ramas buah dada aku. Semasa dia berbuat begitu, badan aku mengeliat kuat. Mulut aku mula merenget “Janganlah Abang? Kenapa tak senonoh ni sue tak nak begini
Yana ni cantiklah”, rengek dan bisek abg zaf sambil meramas-ramas buah dadaku. Dia bertindak semakin liar. Dia mula membuka baju sekolahku. Segera dia meraba tetek aku secara kulit ke kulit. Dia menarik baju ku hingga terdedah separuh badanku.Kalau tadi tetek aku masih tersorok di dalam coli tapi kini nyata sudah terdedah. Hasil dari ketekunan usaha rabaan abg zaf, coli aku terlucut entah ke mana. Kemerahan puting tetek aku membuatkan abg zaf tersentak kekaguman. Jari dia mula menyukat nyukat di serata pelusuk tetekku. Time ni tetek aku masih kecil. Baru nak berkembang dengan putting yang baru nak timbul.
Abg zaf kemudian menyoyot tetekku sambil mengentel2 putting aku dengan lidahnya. Aku mengeliat geli dan mula merasakan sedap. Aku mula mengerang erang kesedapan. Abg zaf semakin rakus. Dia meramas-ramas tetek aku sambil mengigit putting aku. Kemudian tangannya mula merayap pada celah kangkang aku. Dengan perlahan, dia mula mengusap faraj aku dari luar. Kemudian abg zaf meminta aku menanggal kain sekolah aku. Aku mengikut apa yang dikatakan olehnya.
Dengan perahan, abg zaf menurunkan seluar dalamku. Aku rasa begitu malu sekali kerana ini pertama kali aku membuka seluar dalamku depan orang lain. Abg zaf mula mengusap usap faraj aku. Time ni faraj aku kecik lagi. Abg zaf meminta aku mengangkang lalu dia mula menjilat faraj aku.
Jejarinya dengan rakus meneroka ke dalam lubang farajku. Ternyata lubang faraj aku sudah basah dan berlendir. Jari telunjuknya mencuit-cuit biji kelentitku. Semakin dicuit-cuit, semakin kembang ianya. Abg zaf membuka zip seluar dan terus melucutkan seluar dan bajunya sendiri. Aku tercenggang memerhati abg zaf membogelkan pakaian. Inilah kali pertama aku melihat kebogelan tubuh seorang lelaki. Batang abg zaf sudah cukup tegang dan keras.
Abg zaf meminta aku menghisap batangnya yang besar dan keras. Akupun mula menghisap dan menyedut batangnya. Ternyata batang cukup besar sehinggakan aku hanya mampu menghisap tak sampai separuh batangnya. Abg zaf kemudiannya menjolok masuk batangnya sehingga hampir ke pangkal. Batangnya terus masuk ke tekak dan membuatkan aku hampir muntah dan tak dapat bernafas. Aku menghisap batangnya sehinggakan berlumuran dengan air liurku.
Abg zaf kemudian meminta aku menanggalkan kesemua pakaian kecuali tudung sekolahku. Dia kemudiannya mengikat kain tudungku ke leherku dan memuji aku sungguh cantik berbogel sambil bertudung.
Abg zaf kemudian mengangkang aku dan menjilat kembali farajku. Lidahnya bermain-main di farajku dan juga lubang duburku. Lidahnya mencuit-cuit kelintik aku dan membuatkan aku mengerang. Dalam masa lidahnya bermain kelentik aku, aku mula rasa seakan nak terkencing. Aku memberitahunya yang aku nak kencing tapi abg zaf meminta aku kencing di dalam mulutnya. Semakin lama aku tak tahan dan akhirnya aku terkencing dalam mulutnya. Ini kali pertama aku merasa nikmat sekali bila kencing. Rupa-rupanya inilah yang dipanggil klimaks.
Abg zaf kemudian mengosok batangnya dipermukaan farajku. Perlahan lahan kepala batang abg zaf menyondol nyondol dicelah tangkupan kelopakfarajku. Air liurku pada batang abg zaf dan faraj ternyata mencukupi. Begitu mudah kepala batang abg zaf menyondol sasaran. Takuk kepala batangnya dah pun terbenam di celah farajku.
Abg zaf pun terus memasukkan lagibatangnya ke dalam lubangfaraj aku. Tiba tiba batang abg zaf rasa tersekat bagaikan ada suatu benteng yang menghalang kemaraannya. Kepala batang abg zaf dengan bertambah garangnya meneruskan hentakkan pada permukaan selaput lubang daraku. Abg zaf menolakkan lagi batangnya ke dalam. Kali ini ia masuk sekerat batang. “Aduhhhh Pedihnya kat faraj sue.” aku bersuara merenget kesakitan.
Dengan rakus kepala batang abg zaf menrejam farajku dengan menyondol masuk semahu yang mungkin. Bercerap selaput dara aku diranapkan oleh batang abang kawan sendiri. Serentak dengan itu aku terjerit lagi, “Sakit abangggg arhh…aku mula meraung kesakitan. Air mataku mula mengalir. Kesakitan yang aku alami tak dapat dikatakan lagi. Tak pernah aku rasakan sakit sebegini. Ketika ini batang zaf sudah masuk separuh. Aku lihat farajku sudah berdarah.
Abg zaf kemudian terus menekan batangnya sehingga masuk kesemuanya. Serentak dengan itu aku terjerit lagi, “Sakit abangggg ! Tak muat… faraj sue dah koyak ni ahhh…aku terus menjerit sakit. Aku dapat rasakan batangnya bukan setakat masuk kedalam faraj malah terasa mencucuk ke dalam perut.
Kesakitan di farajku sungguh memeritkan. Sama sekali aku tidak menduga pemecahan daraku mendatangkan kesan yang sebegitu rupa. Punggungku megeliat tak henti henti. Lubang faraj yang sempit itu sedaya upaya cuba diselesakan untuk menampung batang abg zaf.
Abg zaf bertindak untuk meringankan kesakitan farajku. abg zaf terus menghisap tetekku. Akibat dah terlalu geram abg zaf menyoyot putingku. Aku terus mengeliat sedap. Lendir syawat mula terbit dari faraj aku. Abg zaf kembali menghenjut farajku. Namun begitu mulutnya masih menghisap tetekku. Teknik dua aktiviti yang berjalan serentak itu ternyata amat berkesan. Ia bukan saja berjaya melunturkan kesakitan pada pantatku malah ia juga telah menyuntik limpahan kenikmatan yang tidak pernah dialami.
Sedap sungguh berzina dengan yana. Tapi abang dah tak tahan sangat lagi. Abang perlu lepaskan nafsu ni kat dalam faraj yana.”. Serentak dengan itu abg zaf pun menjerit kesedapan. Air mani abg zaf pun meledak keluar. Lima das ledakkan padu dilepaskan oleh batang abg zaf. Kemudiannya diiringi pula beberapa das ledakkan ringan. Kencing putih yang melekit lekit itu tersimbah dan terpalit dengan banyaknya pada pintu rahim aku. Takungan air benih yang cukup likat memenuhi setiap rongga di dalam lubang faraj aku. Keseronokan berzina yang sebegitu rupa sudah pasti akan membuntingkan gadis yang sesubur aku. Namun aku sudah terlupa akan itu semua.
Abg zaf segera bangun. Batang yang masih tegang itu didapati penuh bersalut beranika lendiran. Aku pula masih lagi terbaring mengangkang. Abg zaf tunduk untuk meneliti keadaan lubang lubang farajku. Hanya beberapa titik air mani dapat dilihatnya pada belahan farajku. Tangan abg zaf membelek belek pada alur faraj yang dah ternganga itu. “Arrrrr ” aku merengget kengiluan. Maklumlah faraj aku baru saja pecah dara. Jadi memanglah faraj itu masih lagi terasa sengal. Perlahan lahan abg zaf membuka kelopak faraj aku untuk mencari sesuatu.
pengalaman pertama seks
Rupanya lubang faraj aku ternganga membentuk bulatan seperti sebuah telaga. Di dalam telaga itu penuh berisikan kepekatan air mani abg zaf. Turut bercampur di dalam takungan itu, abg zaf dapati ada lendiran yang berwarna kemerahan. Maka ternyatalah bahawa dara aku telah tumpas pada batangnya. Dengan perlahan, lendir yang bertakung didalam faraj mula meresap kedalam rahimku. Lantas dia tersenyum panjang dan kemudian mengucup bibir aku.
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bakidemon · 3 months
Aku dan biras pt 1
Aku dah lama berkunjung ke laman ni. seronok membaca cerita-cerita orang lain, terasa pulak nak share cerita benar yang berlaku pada diri aku sendir. Tapi bukan first-time aku sebab first-time aku masa malam pengantin, so tak ada yang menarik. Ini cerita aku dengan biras aku. Biras aku ni seorang yang cantik dan mepunyai tubuh badan yang menarik, terutama teteknya. Aku tahu dia ni memang pandai jaga badan walaupun sekarang ni dah ada anak dua orang (masa aku mula main dengan dia anak dia baru seorang.)
Hampir dua tahun aku memendam rasa untk memiliki biras aku ni. Kami selalu berjumpa di majlis-majlis keluarga atau bila kami kunjung mengunjungi. Konek aku sentiasa tegang bila menengok dia especially masa dia pakai t-shirt. Aku yakin dia perasan yang aku memang selalu memerhatikan dia. Tapi kami tetap berbual mesra sebagai saudara.
Pada hari yang bersejarah itu, aku terasa nak ponteng kerja dan berjalan-jalan di shopping complex yang terkenal di K.L. Aku terserempak dengan dia (Ita), yang waktu tu nampak muram. Kami berbual-bual tetapi mata aku tak dapat lari dari memandang teteknya, walaupun dia berpakaian blouse dan skirt. Kami berjalan-jalan dan aku berjaya membuat dia ceria dan tertawa. Kami makan di pizza-hut, dan waktu tu tak ramai orang. Setelah beberapa lama aku semakin berani memuji dia dan bertambah berani lagi bila aku kata aku dah lama minat kat dia. Ita tersenyum dan menjawab "Ita tau, pasal abang selalu pandang Ita, bukan pandang muka aje kan?"
"Ita tak marah ke abang pandang macam tu?"
"Tak, itu kan hak abang"
Perbualan kami bertambah daring, walaupun aku tak berapa ingat secara detail, perbualan kami berkisar sekitar sex. Ita kata dia tak berapa puas dengan laki dia dan mungkin laki dia ada hubungan dengan perempuan lain. So bila dia tau aku memberikan tumpuan pada dia, dia seronok. Akhirnya nafsu yang kuat memaksa aku berkata "I want you Ita". Dan kerana nafsu yang kuat jugalah Ita menjawab "I want you too, abang". Di ketika itu aku cepat perasan yang tempat itu sudah tidak sesuai untuk kami lagi. Perlu cari tempat yang lebih sunyi. Dipendekkan cerita, kami bersetuju untuk menyewa bilik hotel. (Ita beberapa kali mahu menukar fikiran, tapi secepat mungkin juga aku meyakinkan dia bahawa kita akan hanya berbual dan tidak akan melakukan apa-apa yang dia tidak rela).
Di dalm lif kami berpegangan tangan. dua-dua berasa sangat gementar. Tiba di dalam bilik, kami tidak bercakap sepatah pun. Dari berpegangan tangan, kami berangkulan kemas, bibir bertaut. Rangkulan kemas aku longgarkan agar tangan aku dapat merayap ke dadanya dan meramas-ramas teteknya. Sah tetek dia memang besar. Merasakan dia hampir terjatuh, aku merebahkan Ita ke atas katil. Aku berjaya menanggalkan blouse dan skirtnya. Coli merah bercangkuk depan bagai menggamit aku. Aku tanggalkan. Aku hisap. Aku tak ingat berapa lama aku menikmati teteknya, yang aku ingat teteknya memang seperti yang dijangka ditambah dengan kesedapan air susu yang keluar, aku telan terus (masa tu dia masih menyusu anaknya).
Aku tanggalkan pakaian aku tetapi aku tak nak masukkan terus dalam pantat Ita. Aku mesti puaskan Ita dulu (make her cum first). Aku tau yang aku takkan dapat bertahan lama. Aku jilat pantatnya (bini aku kata aku memang pandai jilat). Aku tak perlu menjilat lama, mungkin tak sampai seminit, Ita menjerit kegelian, sambil menarik-narik rambut aku minta aku berhenti. Namun aku tetap berdegil meneruskan jilatan dan nyonyotan kelentitnya agar Ita betul-betul puas. "Abang, Ita tak tahan, please enter me". Perlahan-lahan aku masukkan batang aku kedalam pantat Ita. Aku memang tak dapat bertahan lama, selepas hanya beberapa kali henjutan saja, aku terpancut ke dalam pantat Ita.
Dah puas, aku berbaring disebelahnya. Perlahan-lahan Ita bangun menuju ke bilik air. Dia langsung tak memandang aku. Agaknya dia menyesal. Selepas beberapa minit aku masuk ke bilik air. Ita dah membalut tubuh dengan towel. Aku tanya dia "Ita menyesal?" Ita kata perasaannya bercampur-campur. Merasa bersalah kerana curang terhadap suaminya dan di waktu yang sama, merasa terharu dengan kenikmatan yang dirasainya. Lantas aku segera membuang perasaan menyesalnya itu dengan mengucup erat bibirnya. Aku tau dia nak lagi. Ita berlalu keluar dari bilik air sementara aku kencing dan basuh konek.
Dipendekkan cerita lagi, selepas itu kami fuck lagi beberapa kali. Sebenarnya Ita tak pernah kena jilat, sebab laki dia kata kotor. Sebab itu juga dia tak pernah menghisap konek. Mungkin sebab nak membalas jasa aku menjilat pantat dia, Ita rela belajar menghisap konek aku, walaupun pada mulanya dia agak kaget melihat konek aku. Panjangnya biasalah lebih kurang 5 inci tapi gemuk. Aku teringat lagi bila dia berbisik "besarnya". and she gave me one of the best blow job ever.
Ita jugak meminta aku menjilat pantatnya lagi. sekali lagi aku memuaskan dia sampai dia sendiri minta berhenti. Lepas tu kami fuck dengan pelbagai posisi. Kali ni aku bertahan lebih lama. Dia kata dia cum banyak kali.
Kali terakhir kami fuck hari tu ialah bila kami dah siap berpakaian dan nak keluar dari bilik. Dekat pintu bilik, kami berkucupan, berpelukan dan kami sukar untuk berpisah. masing-masing nak lagi. Akhirnya aku londehkan seluar aku sementara dia tanggalkan seluar dalam dia aje. Kami fuck standing position dan pancut dalam. Ita gunakan panty dia lap air mani di pantat dia dan juga konek aku. Panty tu aku campak kat dalam tong sampah dekat lif. Ita balik tak pakai seluar dalam. kami ketawa dan berpelukan sementara menunggu lif.
Selepas tu, tiga minggu aku tak jumpa atau call Ita. Aku ingatkan dia betul-betul menyesal. Rupanya tidak, malah dia juga gian nak jumpa aku. Next time aku akan ceritakan adventure sex kami di rumah mak mentua aku dan juga rumah aku masa bini aku dan laki dia ada. Juga masa aku dapat tau dia mengandung, dan bulan madu kami di Langkawi. In the mean time aku teringin juga nak berhubungan dengan kau orang yang ada similar experience, boleh kita bincang-bincang macamana nak main dengan ipar/biras. hubungi aku azri64 di surat panas (kau orang fahamkan?).
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writeriguess · 24 days
Hi! Can you write a Colin Bridgerton x reader fic where the reader and Colin have been friends for a long time, and their relationship starts to shift into something deeper? Colin has always been charming and kind, but he's suddenly struck by the realization of his feelings for you.
The Bridgerton estate was alive with the usual hum of social gatherings and the soft rustle of silk dresses as guests mingled in the grand ballroom. The night was set for another splendid event, filled with laughter, music, and the subtle excitement of London’s high society. Amid the bustling crowd, you found yourself at ease in the company of friends, but your attention kept drifting to Colin Bridgerton.
Colin, ever the charming and affable gentleman, was engaged in conversation with a group of guests. His laughter, easy and genuine, floated through the room, drawing smiles and admiration from those around him. You had known Colin for years, having been close friends for as long as you could remember. His kindness and wit had always made him a joy to be around, but recently, you had begun to feel something more than simple friendship.
The realization had come gradually—an unexpected flutter of your heart when he smiled at you, a heightened awareness of his presence. It was confusing and thrilling all at once, and tonight, with the grandeur of the event and the romantic atmosphere, those feelings seemed even more intense.
As the evening progressed, you found yourself making your way to the terrace for some fresh air. The moonlight illuminated the garden, casting a soft glow over the flowers and creating a tranquil escape from the lively party inside. You were lost in thought, pondering the complexity of your feelings, when you heard footsteps behind you.
Turning, you saw Colin approaching, his usual easygoing smile replaced by a more thoughtful expression. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, his voice gentle and sincere.
You nodded, motioning to the space beside you. “Of course, Colin. It’s lovely out here.”
He settled beside you on a stone bench, the night air carrying the faint scent of roses. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence as you both took in the peaceful surroundings.
Colin cleared his throat softly before speaking, his voice tinged with an unfamiliar vulnerability. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something,” he began, his gaze fixed on the moonlit garden.
You turned to him, curiosity piqued. “What is it?”
Colin hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “You see, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About us.”
You felt your heart skip a beat at his words, a mix of anticipation and nervousness swirling within you. “About us?” you echoed, trying to keep your tone steady.
He nodded, turning to face you fully. “Yes. I’ve realized that my feelings for you have changed. They’ve grown beyond just friendship.”
You met his gaze, your breath catching in your throat. The sincerity in his eyes was undeniable, and you could see the depth of his emotions reflected there. “Colin, I—”
Before you could finish, Colin took a deep breath, his hand reaching out to gently take yours. “I’ve been trying to make sense of it all,” he continued, his voice earnest. “And I’ve come to understand that what I feel for you is something more profound. It’s love.”
The admission hung in the air between you, and for a moment, everything seemed to still. Your heart raced as you processed his words, a wave of emotion crashing over you.
Colin squeezed your hand gently, his eyes searching yours for a sign of how you felt. “I understand if you don’t feel the same way,” he said, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. “But I needed to tell you, to be honest about my feelings.”
A surge of warmth and affection filled you, and you realized that your own feelings mirrored his. “Colin,” you said softly, “I’ve been feeling the same way. I’ve been trying to understand it all, but hearing you say it… it’s like a weight has been lifted.”
Relief and joy flickered in Colin’s eyes, and he leaned closer, his expression tender and hopeful. “Really?” he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.
You nodded, your heart full of affection for him. “Yes, really.”
With a gentle, reassuring smile, Colin cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing softly against your cheeks. “May I?” he asked, his gaze locked with yours.
You nodded again, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at your lips. Colin leaned in slowly, his lips meeting yours in a tender, heartfelt kiss. The world seemed to dissolve around you, leaving only the warmth of his embrace and the sweetness of the kiss.
When he finally pulled away, his eyes were filled with a deep contentment. “I’ve dreamed of this moment,” he said softly. “And now that it’s here, I can’t imagine anything more perfect.”
You rested your forehead against his, your heart overflowing with happiness. “Neither can I. I’m so glad we’re finally here.”
The rest of the evening passed in a haze of blissful contentment. As you walked back inside the ballroom with Colin by your side, the world seemed brighter and more alive. The music, the laughter, and the festivities all felt like a backdrop to the newfound depth of your relationship.
Colin’s hand remained securely in yours, and you knew that whatever the future held, you would face it together. The connection you shared was a beautiful blend of friendship and love, and it had only grown stronger in the light of this newfound understanding.
As the night drew to a close, you found solace in the fact that you and Colin had navigated the transition from friendship to something more, and the journey ahead promised to be filled with the same warmth and affection that had brought you together.
In each other’s presence, you felt a sense of home and belonging, and with a gentle squeeze of his hand, you knew that the story of your lives was just beginning—a story that you would write together, with love and devotion guiding each step.
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sasaranurude · 4 months
I'm a loser who both spends too much time playing gacha games and loves to hear myself talk, so here's another game review style post, this time covering my first day playing Break My Case. This time I'm not even being a little hater! I'm a lover! I'm cringe! I'm free! I love you Coly! I love you ikemen gacha games!!!!!!!
Break My Case is a new puzzle-music-adventure mobile game from Coly, the developers behind Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku and On Air. More relevant to BMC/BreMai is their game Stand My Heroes, with which it shares a writer, some gameplay elements, and of course a naming convention. Coly has developed a bit of a cult following for their unique status in the Japanese mobile gaming world: they're a company that was founded by women and hires women to make games for women. They put a lot of soul into their games. From the start, BMC is no different!
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"Could you have pulled a clean version of this image from the internet so it didn't have all the game junk" no. it's my tumblr and you get my screenshots.
I (with help from friends) overviewed the initial Break My Case announcement back when it dropped. You can read that here! I said in that post that I thought a "dark rhythm game" would be a really cool direction for the game… and that's more or less what we got! GO ME!!!!!
First: the game's presentation is fantastic. Super slick graphical design and just amazing atmosphere. The sound design of this game is incredible. Genuinely. Really, really, good. All the music is amazing—I'm not knowledgeable enough to say anything other than "IT SLAPS!", but it totally does slap. The illustrations for the cards are all wonderfully atmospheric in and of themselves, and are just a delight to look at on the homescreen with its chill background music. Even just navigating menus is a sleek, seamless experience. The live2d is well-done, although it clashes a tad with the art style for a bit of an uncanny look at times. 
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The atmosphere! The atmospheeeeeeere!!!
Of course, the draw to this game is the characters and story, so let's jump into that. I'll admit right now that I read the story through a machine translation—I have aaaalmost enough Japanese knowledge to fill in the gaps, especially since the story is fully voiced, but I'm definitely not getting the full nuance of the story that someone fluent in Japanese is going to get. THAT SAID, after completing the prologue, I was definitely intrigued enough that I want to continue slogging through the MTL just to read more! There's a great setup, centered around the bar Aporia and its three modes—a daytime cafe, a nighttime members-only bar, and, secretly, a "fixer" service who'll help anyone with any problem. Our main character, a woman who was just forced to quit her job at a corrupt company, gets hired to replace Aporia's eccentric owner while he goes on a who-knows-how-long vacation. The owner also has the role of "tail"—as in, the tail a lizard sheds to avoid being eaten. If anything in the fixer service goes wrong, it's the owner who takes the fall and the blame. This hasn't come to mean much in practice yet in the (quite short) prologue, but it's a fascinating setup. The story promises to touch on themes of the threads that weave our lives together, how small meetings can lead to massive life changes, and whether any human being is truly replaceable, even in our modern corporate world where people are treated like cogs in a machine. According to a staff interview, there are a handful of references to Stand My Heroes in BreMai, but the games' settings aren't otherwise closely linked.
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Rough translation in alt text. The Aporia manager Ai may be the most mysterious, intimidating character, but he also beefs with a parrot the first time you meet him, so...
All the characters are staff at Aporia with various unique roles and background. The prologue just gives you a little bit of each of them, but everyone does show up, and they all have interesting dynamics with each other already. Ai, the stern manager, has some history with the MC that he refuses to divulge, and goes so far as to force psychologist Riku to agree to not look into it. The range of relationships among the staff run the gamut from the calm and mature friendship between fortune teller Kiho and art teacher Kyoya, to the unfaltering dedication of Yu to his ex-mafioso savior Tomose, to the ridiculous Takeru and Soyogu who spend their first appearance waking up after having gotten black-out drunk together the night before. My favorite dynamic of all so far is that of Kou and Mao—Kou is a playboy who insists he's not a playboy, and is introduced evading a woman by… asking the icy Mao to pretend to be his boyfriend so that she thinks he's taken and gay and leaves him alone. Which Mao exasperatedly agrees to, telling Kou that he's used up his allotment for this month which ohmygod how often does Kou do this. Kou if you're asking this guy to pretend to be your gay lover so often he gives you a monthly limit I think you might just have to admit you want him to actually be your gay lover, Kou, oh my god— 
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Rough TL in alt text. Kou is letting the implication do all the heavy lifting here. He technically never said he was dating Mao. Technically. 
On to the gameplay. There's gameplay! Unique gameplay! Good unique gameplay! Oh my god, uncharted joseimuke territory! The main gameplay mode is a match-3 puzzle game with rhythm elements. As in other rhythm games, each song in the game is its own level, more or less. (Each character has two unique songs, and three songs shared with the other members of their unit.) You set up a team with cards you've collected from the gacha, which determine your power level and special skills. The "leader" of the team has to be the character whose level you've selected. The puzzle gameplay is a tile-swapping match 3—think bejeweled or candy crush—but the tiles you've matched are only cleared once a bar sliding across the screen hits them, clearing them in tune with the song. Everything cleared in a single swipe of the bar ups the combo counter. There's also a life system, where if the bar slides across the screen without clearing a single match, you lose a life… But the bar moves pretty slow. You're not likely to game over or even lose a single life any time soon. There are more difficult versions of the levels I've yet to unlock, so I'm sure the life meter becomes relevant then. There's also "auto" and "loop" features if you want to grind a level over and over for exp and items, but, of course, the computer can't score as high as you playing it yourself.
And, really, it's fun to play, so why would you want to!? The sound of matches clearing with the music is so satisfying and really makes you want to combo as high as possible. Once you've matched some tiles, you can't move them again, nor use them in a second match (eg, in a cross shape), so if you want to maximize your combo and make as many matches as possible with what's on the board, you have to think ahead about which matches you're going to make. The bar slowly crossing the screen adds a visual timed element that gives some urgency to putting all the matches together. It definitely feels like a game you can pick up an instinct for over time, which is super fun. 
All in all, a really solid, enjoyable little puzzle game. It would be fun to play even without the promise of anime boys. Stand My Heroes is also a match-3, for the record, which is what really cements the two games as being part of the same series.
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Admittedly, the anime boy staring at you while you play musical candy crush is a little disconcerting.
The second gameplay mode is "Snap'n Spin", a… gameplay-lite mode that just puts chibi characters in random strange situations and lets you take pictures of them. The mode is explained to be a video game within the world of BreMai, so it's not even trying to be realistic or relevant to anything else in the game. Once you take your pokemon snaps of the boys, they get a fun little caption. You can save up to 40 pictures in your album. Other than being cute, the main way this mode interfaces with the rest of the game is that it's the primary way to unlock card stories for the cards you pulled in gacha. 
This gameplay mode is... cute? I guess? It being so disconnected from the style and aesthetics of the entire rest of the game felt weird. The chibis are adorable, so it has that going for it. And I do like some of the captions you get on the photos afterwards. My favorite were the scenes you catch of a character drinking, and then the caption reveals their current favorite drink. That's a delightful detail for a game set in a bar. Mostly, though, this mode left me wondering "why?" ...And I imagine the answer is something like "because merchandisable chibi characters are a requirement for joseimuke games." This mode could've been anything so long as these cute, starry little dudes were in it.
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Urara here hated the drink and the caption revealed that, lately, his favorite thing is sparkling water. He's the youngest character in the cast, so I guess he hasn't grown into booze yet...
One last feature I want to mention is the jukebox. Like many games, BreMai has a music player that lets you listen to tracks from the game… But its music player is, genuinely, a fully-featured music player app with shuffle, repeat, lyric displays, and even background play that works when you're in another app or your phone is off. What! Wild! When I first learned a few days ago that BreMai had a built-in player for its BGM tracks, my first thought was "Well, what's stopping someone from downloading the game just to use the music player and never spending a cent on it? Wouldn't you rather have the songs on spotify so you at least get a pittance of ad revenue, in that case? It's more than nothing."
But having played the game now, I see what they did to prevent that, lol. You don't unlock the songs in the jukebox until you get an SS score on the song's level. Which, I mean, that's normal rhythm game stuff, of course. Can't fault that decision. But, as in other gacha rhythm games, your score in a level depends on the power of your team of cards, and the cards you get from the initial handful of pulls aren't gonna get you anywhere near an SS score without significant investment. So you're either buying in-game currency to buy upgrade items, more gacha pulls, or both. Of course, you can also put a bunch of time into grinding for upgrade items—they drop from levels. Gacha currency is harder to come by. So you're not getting songs in the player without actually playing the game lmfao. The character solo songs in particular (the ones with vocals rather than just instrumentals) also require you to build up rapport with that character—the game calls it "Nice". You build up Nice with them by playing their other songs and using their cards in levels. It takes 1000 Nice on a character to unlock their song. In my first day of playing, I was able to get one character to about 250 Nice, another to 200, and a handful more with a few points, so it builds at an okay pace. There's ways to pay to speed up the grinding for Nice and for upgrade items with things like level skip tickets. So, basically: you're not getting that music player to a useful state without investing either money or time, lmao. Is paying-or-grinding to get cool music you can listen to while not playing the game more "worth it" than the usual freemium game goals of better units, new in-game outfits, or prettier card illustrations? ...Honestly, maybe it is? It's novel, at least.
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All gacha rhythm games have the same card select screen, don't they. These were my cards' levels after my first day of play, and you can see they didn't quite reach a suggested score of "A", much less the maximum "SS".
But I do want to stress, the monetization is, for the most part, pretty easy to ignore. Nothing in-your-face. The button to go to the shop screen is a different color, but it's not flashing with an eternal indicator, it's not popping up at every second, it's just sitting there alongside all the other menu buttons. The game isn't shoving timers in your face at all times—there's a stamina meter, which is mildly annoying, but you get ten plays when it's full, and if you're just playing casually you're probably not going to want to play the puzzle game over and over enough to fully deplete that. I know the bar is on the damn floor here but Tokyo Debunker seriously made me realize how bad it can be with mobile game monetization. BreMai is freemium, yeah, but as far as dark patterns go, it's not egregiously bad.
So, the verdict: if you're a joseimuke game fan and aren't afraid to play a game that probably won't get an English port and doesn't even have a fan translation yet (which I realize is already counting out 99.99% of people), definitely give this one a try. See if you like the gameplay—it really is worth trying—and do check out the story if you've got the ability. Or just look at the pretty anime boys. 
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mybeingthere · 7 months
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American, 1934–1983
"As a small girl, Lisa Eastman lived across the lane from a magical woman who moved effortlessly across sun-dappled wood floors, under cathedral ceilings and surrounded by large colorful paintings. The smell of oil paints filled the air, casting a powerful spell on the younger girl. “That’s when I knew I wanted to be a painter.” Mary Spain Colie had spread her magical life to another generation, though her own life ended before middle age.
The details of Mary Spain’s life are sketchy, drawn more in paint and sculpture than biographical details. She grew up in North Carolina, but shared a creative soul with famed Belgian artist, Rene Magritte whose work pulled her away from the Expressionist landscapes that defined her early career. Later she moved to Ohio to teach art at Chagrin Falls High School and lived a quiet life with her husband Frederic Colie, a fireman, outdoorsman, and commercial chemicals salesman.
The parallels between their lives and works are hard to ignore. Putting Magritte’s renowned “Son of Man,” beside any of Mary Spain’s many masked figures makes one question the effects of having a world war take place in your back yard or childhood. Magritte’s response was to probe deeper and deeper into Surrealism, a style that challenged viewers perceptions of reality. He became one of only a handful of surrealistic masters.
Mary Spain, on the other hand, escaped to her magical kingdom on the banks of the Chagrin River. There she captured a world others couldn’t see in surrealistic images of people and animals, often mechanical, always mysteriously hidden behind masked faces. Certainly they were influenced by her collection of antique dolls, but where did her love of dolls and whimsical images come from? One art critic wrote: “Exactly when Mary Spain tumbled into her pictorial Looking-Glass world is difficult to determine. She may have been born there.” Only Mary Spain Colie knew for sure, and her voice was silenced by cancer at the young age of 49. Magritte lived two decades longer, but succumbed too early to the same horrible disease.
Her husband, Frederic, had supported his wife’s career by forging relationships with galleries in Cleveland, New York and Florida. After her death he withdrew all her paintings and sculptures from those galleries. They were never again offered for sale until after his own death in 2012."
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escherstrange-ffxiv · 16 days
#5: Stamp
"The Hingans call it a hanko. You know how their names aren't written in Common? That makes it hard to sign their names so they carve it onto a little wooden block and use that as their signature."
Escher sidled up to the skeptical Lalafell, his thumbs and index fingers framing the room in front of them. "Picture this: no more hand cramps. You need to authorize someone to enter Labyrinthos? Boom, stamp. Issuing a document of entry to a visitor? Boom, stamp. I guaran-damn-tee you that you will save up to an hour of your life a day."
"We already have stamps of authority-"
"-But you still have to sign around it somewhere. What I am describing here is literally an inked stamp of my signature." He mimed his signature in the air. "Prof. Escherichia Coli, Studium Faculty of Magic. A signature and two tiny lines, that's all I'm asking for."
"That's a wax seal. You just described a wax seal."
"A wax seal is for filthy rich nobles; I am neither filthy, nor rich, nor noble." Despite building a massive space-faring rocket, Sharlayans were big sticks in the mud when it came to modernizing the little things in life. "Like the Hingans, this will be the common man's seal."
"What happens if someone steals your stamp? They could steal your identity with it!"
"Olin, this is for science. We are Sharlayans and it is our way of life to offer ourselves first and foremost in the name of progress. That is what I am doing right now, and when this catches on, you will look back and wonder how did we ever live with cramped hands." Escher paused briefly before adding, "I will be paying for your time and craftsmanship, just so you know."
The stamp-maker twiddled his mustache, squinting at Escher before grunting, "Fine. Come back in a sennight."
"A sennight?! The Hingans can get it done in half a day-"
"So go to Kugane and get it done in half a day, then, though I suspect the time and gil isn't worth the effort, eh?" Twelve damn the genius who made all Lalafell the same. "Look, it's an easy job but I've got a list of stamps to make that are higher priority for now. Unless the Forum decides that your experimental stamp can be bumped up the list, one week is the soonest I can get to it."
"Fine. I'll see you in a week." Escher sighed as loud as the gil clinking on the desk. On the way back to the Studium his thumb pressed on the palm of his right hand, massaging his hand from fingers to wrist.
He thought of the mountain of paperwork that awaited him and his heart weighed a ponze heavier that day.
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syafizi77 · 1 month
Cerita lucah bini kawan ini bermula bila aku menumpang dirumah kawan aku yang sudah berkahwin.
Bini dia tu tuhan sajalah yang tahu “Comel Gila boss” Body pulak montok. Kalau shape punggung tu
peeeeeh macam itik serati jalan menonggek je. Kawan aku ni selalu pergi outstation jadi selalu jugaklah
aku ditinggalkan dengan bini dia. Pada mulanya aku taklah sangat merasa apa-apa. Tetapi lama-
kelamaan sikap bini dia ni dah lain macam sikit dengan aku. Cakap dia pun dah meleret, senyum dia tak
lekang dari bibir, pakaian dia dah cuma pakai baju tidor yang nipis tu je.sekali dua memang lah tak
merasa apa apa tapi bila dh selalu sgt nampak gumpalan dngan punat yg timbul disebalik kain jarang tu..
adik dlm seluar aku ni meronta ronta.
Satu hari tengah aku telentang depan TV. Bini kawan aku ni tiba-tiba datang tidur tepi aku. Dia cuma
pakai baju tidur nipis paras peha . Bila aku tengok betul-betul rupanya dia tak pakai coli dengan seluar
dalam pun.berdebar debar jantung turun naik darah aku, terkedu aku sekejap. Dekat sepuluh minit kami
keras kat depan TV tu. Last sekali aku kata dalam hati “Rugi tak capai peluang ” So aku pun memulakan
perbualan “Cantik baju you, beli kat mana tu…” Dia menjawap ” Beli dekat Australia” Malunya aku pada
masa itu. Alamak bodohnya kataku tak ada benda lain ke nak cakap. Fida pun berkata “Panas betul hari
ni ye”… Aku mengangguk macam budak bodoh. Darah aku pada masa itu sudah naik ketahap nak
meletup dah.
Fida tiba-tiba dalam posisi terlentang itu meninggikan lututnya menyebabkan baju tidur tadi turun ke
paras pinggangnya dan kakinya di kangkang sedikit sambil mengkipas pantatnya dengan tangan dia
berkata dengan suara merengek…. “Panaaaaasssssss ” Wow aku pun dalam hati berkata ” Ini sudah lebih
“. “Panas, kesiannya dia, Boleh I tolong kipaskan” kataku, dia cuma mengangguk. Aku pun apa lagi
bangun dan pergi ke pantat dia. Fullamak ini yang dikatakan barang baik.
Pantat bini kawan aku ni tembam gila dengan air dia dah mencurah-curah bersinar-sinar kena cahaya
lampu. Aku pun apa lagi naik syeh laaaa. Aku kelebek pantat dia dengan dua ibu jari lepas tu aku jilat
Dari lubang punggung sampai ke biji kelentit dia. Dia punya sedap mengerang sambil merengek2
manja….. AAAAaaaaaaaahhh ………… MMMMMmmmmmmmm…. Lagiiii Bang Lagiiiiiiiiiiii….
OOooooooohhhhh….. Saaayyyyyaaaaaang Sedapnyaaaaaa. Aku cucuk lidah aku masuk dalam lubang
pantat dia. Panassss lidah aku kena kemut .
Tangan aku pulak dh tak duduk diam macam kena gam dekat tetek Fida. Aku uli dan ramas tetek fida
dengan lembut . Fida tak habis-habis mengerang. Dekat sepuluh minit aku jilat pantat dia sampai muka
aku ni penuh dengan air dia.
Lepas tu . Fida rentap zip seluar aku dan menarik seluar aku hingga ke buku lali dan terus melurut seluar
dalam aku dengan rakus lalu menghisap batang aku tak sempat aku nak buka baju “Wow ini sudah jadi
macam Sex Ganas” kataku dalam hati. Sambil melutut aku memegang kepala Fida sambil menekan
kepalanya kearah balak bersaiz 7inci kepunyaanku . Sesekali dia tercekik kerana tojahan ku. Hisapan dia
mengeluarkan bunyi yang amat mengasikkan. Aku mengangkat kakinya kearah ku lalu kami pun berada
dalam posisi 69. Bau pantat Fida begitu memberahikan aku.
Aku memasukkan dua batang jariku kedalam pantat Fida, semakin lama semakin cepat aku sorong
tarikan. Sesekali Fida berhenti dari menghisap dan mengeluarkan bunyi macam orang sedang meneran.
Punggungnya yang sudah lama menjadi idaman aku tu diramas dengan penuh perasaan kegeraman.
Kemudian aku pun bangun dalam keadaan yang begitu payah sekali kerana bini kawan aku ni tak mahu
berhenti dari menghisap batang aku. Dalam keadaan berdiri aku dapat melihat pipi Fida cengkung
kedalam kerana menghisap pelirku yang pada masa ini sudah berkilat-kilat dipenuhi air liur Fida. Aku
tolak Fida ke lantai dan mengangkangkan fida , tetapi Fida menutup pantatnya yang gebu itu dengan
kedua-dua tangannya. Aku terkedu seketika. Fida berkata “You cannot fuck me there”. “Why” kata ku. “I
don’t want to go that far” balas Fida.
Kepala aku dah naik separuh gila mendengar jawapannya itu. “Benda ini salah, I boleh mengandung”
katanya lagi. Pada masa tu aku dah tak ingat apa lagi. “I don’t care anymore. I nak jolok pantat you yang
ketat tu samada you suka atau tidak macam mana pun pantat you mesti rasa batang I pada hari ni”. Aku
pegang pergelangan kaki Fida kemudian aku tolak kedepan aku kepit kaki dia bawah ketiak aku sambil
tangan aku menangkat tangan Fida yang masih menutup pantatnya.
Bila terankat sahaja tangan dia aku melihat pantat dia sudah dalam keadaan tergangga. Aku pegang
kepala konek aku, kemudian aku acukan dekat dengan lubang pantat Fida. Aku main-mainkan dulu
kepala konek aku dekat dengan lubang pantat dia. Kemudian aku masukkan kepala aku kedalam.
Peehhh suam suam panas pantat diaa . “Wow pantat you ni memang panaslah Fida” kata ku. Fida cuba
menolak dadaku tetapi tidak berdaya. Aku terasa pantatnya mengemut kepala batang aku. Fida masih
cuba menolak aku. Aku naik geram lalu aku menojah seluruh batang sampai ke telur aku kedalam pantat
Fida. Fida tersintak sambil mulutnya ternganga mengeluarkan bunyi ” AH “.
Matanya bulat macam duit lima puluh sen. Aku dapat rasakan lubang pantatnya itu mengemut seluruh
batang kotek ku. Kata ku pada Fida “Tak sangka pantat you ni lubang tanduk, makin dalam makin ketat”.
“Sakittttttttt….” kata Fida…. “Ya sekejap lagi sakit akan hilang. I nak kongkek you sampai esok pagi”
dengan kata-kata itu aku pun menarik batang aku sampai ke kepala konek kemudian aku jolok balik
sampai terbenam habis.
Aku layan dekat sepuluh minit. Memang betul kata aku, Fida tak rasa sakit lagi. Malah dia memainkan
peranan penting mengayak punggungnya sambil mengemut batang aku macam nak gila. Mulutnya tetap
ternganga dan angin tak berhenti-henti keluar dari mulutnya setiap kali aku menujah pantatnya dengan
keras. Kalau ikut hati mahu aku tojah sampai koyak pantat dia. Tapi barang aku nak pakai lagi beb.
UUuuuuuuu…. Bessstttttttt…..Aaauuuuwwwww Lagi Bang Lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….Bunyi suara Fida yang
merengek macam tu membuatkan aku lagi laju menojah batang aku.
Pantat Fida sudah naik merah dengan tojahan aku. Satu pemandangan menarik bila mana setiap kali aku
menarik dan menojah batang aku kulit pantat Fida macam tertarik keluar dan tertojah masuk dari
pantatnya macam pantatnya tak mahu melepaskan batang aku.
Kemudian aku menarik keluar batang aku……bunyi “POP” terkejut aku..”Wow pantat you boleh buat
bunyilah Sayang….”.kata ku sambil ketawa. “Jom kita naik atas….I nak main dengan you di atas katil you
dengan laki you” kata ku dengan berahi sekali sambil memegang batang aku yang berdenyut-denyut.
Aku dan Fida berjalan ke bilik dia dan suaminya dlm keadaan dia tk lepas memegang batang ku katanya
batang aku lagi besar dari suaminya. Sampai di tepi katil dia hendak naik keatas. “No...No...Not on the
bed...I nak you menungging sambil berdiri di tepi katil dan tangan diletakkan di tepi bucu katil. I nak fuck
you sambil berdiri” Kata ku.
Fida membalas dengan membulatkan matanya sambil berkata ” WOW…ini sesuatu yang baru untuk I ”
Apabila dia menungging sahaja aku menuja konek 7inci aku sampai ke telur Fida mengerang kesakitan.
“You nak lagi macam tu” tanya ku. Fida tak berkata apa-apa diam tanda setuju. Lalu aku tujah lagi
pantatnya dengan segala tenaga dan kepantasan sambil tangan ku menarik pinggangnya kearah ku.
Aku berasa macam berada dalam alam fantasi. Dengan pantat bini kawan ku di depan sedang dijolok
dengan ganasnya oleh batangku. Oh, kemutan pantat itu begitu rakus sekali. Fida mengerang macam
orang kena rasuk. Rambutnya melayang kesana-kemari mengikut hentakan batang ku.
Kemudian aku terdengar Fida Berkata “Sayangggggggg Fidaaa Nakkkkk Keluarrrr
ahhhhhh……OOOOhhhhhhh I’m cumminggggggggggggg…UUUHHhhhhhhhh Sedappppppppppppp
Banggggggggggggg. Hayunan aku makin lama, makin kuat bila terdengar rengekkan Fida itu. Aku
menujah pantat Fida dengan semahu hati aku. Bunyi tubuh kami berlaga semakin kuat. Hati ku
berkata…Yang pantat Fida adalah kepunyaanku pada saat ini.
Tiba-tiba aku melihat badan Fida bagaikan tersentak-sentak dan kumutan pantatnya pula semakin laju,
serta dia mengeluarkan bunyi macam orang nak bersin. Pada masa itu juga aku terasa air mani aku pun
dah nak keluar dan sampai kemuncaknya. Aku pun terkejang-kejang sambil cuba untuk memasukkan
telur-telur aku sekali kedalam pantat Fida akhirnya aku melepaskan air mani ku kedalam pantatnya. Air
mani ku mencurah curah di dalam pantatnya dan Apa bila aku menarik batang ku dari pantatnya. Air
mani ku pun keluar sama meleleh ke lantai. Bagiku ia adalah satu pemandangan yang sangat menarik.
Aku pun naik keatas katil dengan Fida dan kami berkucupan dengan penuh berahi sambil berkuluman
lidah. Selepas lima minit. Aku bertanya pada Fida “Nak lagi” Sambil tersenyum dia mengangguk
kepalanya dan terus menuju kearah batang konek aku. Dan kami meneruskan round yang kedua.
Alangkah bertuahnya aku mempunyai bini kawan yang kemarukk. Pantatnya diberikan untukku kerana
suami nya sering meninggalkannya dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
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zam-jb · 8 months
Namaku Su sekarang 26thn. Aku kawin waktu aku 21 thn. Aku bekerja di pejabat sebuah sekolah. RAHSIA TU. Sedikit tentang aku. Aku bersaiz kecil aja ,tinggi ku 156cm , berat 51 kg. Aku ada anak seorang, comel, perempuan. Di sekolah tempat aku bekerja ada seorang guru yang selalu mengusik-usik aku. Memuji dan baik padaku. Dia dah pun berkeluarga. Lama-lama aku rasa mcm lain pula…kalau dia x ada mcm x lengkap la hari kerja aku. Bila dia pergi kursus, dia akan beli sesuatu untuk aku….aku tak pula menolak.
Kami mula bertukar2 message dan sometimes dia akan call aku walau aku ada kat umah. Husband aku kerja x menentu. Kadang2 kena outstation sampai 4/5 hari. Aku keliru kadang2 bila dia take care sgt pada aku. Dia mula panggil aku syg…syg dan syg. Begitu la tiap hari , samapai ada ketika aku bersama suamiku, aku bayangkan dia. Malunya aku. Tujuan aku menulis ini hanya lah untuk melepaskan perasaan bersalah. Satu mesej yg merubah hidup aku…“ syg,, kalau abg nak bersama syg [boleh][] tak?” aku terima mlm dan waktu tu husband aku berada di Indonesia, outstation. Aku x jawab sms tu ..aku diam aja…x tahu nak jawab apa…anak aku sudah tidur waktu tu…aku berdiri di depan cermin bilikku ..aku tanggalkan baju tidurku melihat buah dadaku…(oh ini la yg dia nak) aku tanggalkan semua berdiri bogel di depan cermin (oh inikah yang dia nak?)
Secara tiba2 aku menekan butang reply handphone aku….BOLEH …… sebentar kemudian …sms lagi “bila syg?”…… aku x jawab dan aku tidur bogel sepanjang mlm. Esoknya di tempat kerja aku rasa malu sgt. Dia selamba aja. Pukul 9, pukul 10, pukul 11 , kerja aku dah abis….12.40 rehat aku….aku baru masuk kereta bila wasap masuk “ syg tunggu abg kat rumah syg kejab lagi ok?”…..tiba2 aku reply OK …sebentar kemudian dia call….banyak ayat tapi aku cuma jawab ok ok ok. Aku sampai dirumah …..letak handbag aku dan terus ke bilik air…sambil masih berfikir FIRST TIME ohhh…aku mesti sedia untuk dia.Takut x sempat mandi cuma ‘avon feminine hygine’ aku gunakan. Aku cuma menukar panty aku dan kemudian di ruang tamu aku mengambil Majalah Jelita, baru aku belek ¾ mukasurat kereta dia sampai. Aku membuka pintu dia masuk dan duduk dikerusi hadapan aku. Aku malu nak melihatnya. Aku cuma membaca majalah menutup mukaku. Suasana hening diam.
…Diam …mmg hening waktu itu…dia tidak berkata apa2, akupun diam hanya menatap majalah jelita itu.Akhirnya dia bersuara “ Are u sure sygg” ….aku meletakkan majalah dan bangun berjalan kearahnya …berdiri di depannya “ ya … im ready” Dia bangun memelukku …lalu berbisik “ lama abg tunggu saat ini” sambil tangannya mengusap rambutku yang baru pertama kali dia lihat. Dahiku mula dicium …beralih ke pipi dan aku mula memeluknya. Bila lidahnya mula sampai ke mulutku aku membuka perlahan mulutku membenarkan lidahnya merasai lidahku…Tangannya kurasa meramas belakangku…oh oh KUNCI PINTU….dia melepaskanku dan berjalan ke pintu, aku berjalan ke bilikku…Bilik tidurku yang selama ini tempat suamiku melepaskan nafsunya kini akan menerima tetamu juga seorang lelaki yg menyayangi aku….aku berdiri disisi katilku bila dia masuk, aku sudah nekad untuk serahkan apa yang diingini olehnya , serahkan segalanya.
Dia suka tubuh kecilku …sedarku kini dia berdiri dipintu tidak masuk…kami diam…dia melihat aku, aku tunduk.. aku sedar dia mula melangkah masuk ke bilik ku dia memelukku dari belakang, tangannya memeluk pinggangku sambil mencium rambutku..dia merapatkan tubuhnya padaku sambil mula mencium telinga dan leherku..tangannya mula meraba2 perut ku walau berlapik baju kurungku dapat aku rasa gosokannya..sedar2 tangannya sudah tidak beralas baju kurungku mengosok2 perutku dan semakin naik…ciuman dileherku bertukar menjadi jilatan…dan tangannya mula mendarat di mangkuk coliku…coli 32b cuma aku memakai alas agar nampak sedikit besar, walau dah beranak seorang tapi buah dadaku x besar sangat mcm buah dada budak sekolah aja.aku menolak tangannya turun…dia akur masih mencium leherku ..kini dia menyelak baju kurungku dibelakang…sambil tunduk mencium belakangku…diangkat lagi bajuku hingga aku sendiri mengangkat tangan membenarkan bajuku ditanggalkan.Coli hitamku setia menutup dadaku…dia x hiraukan itu..dia mencium ssambil meraba2 belakangku ..aku dpt rasakan jilatannya dibelakangku kini tali coliku dicium dijilat dan sebentar kacing coliku dibuka.
Dia tidak menanggalkannya hanya membuka kacing sambil mencium kawasan kacing coliku yang berbekas dibelakangku.Sambil menjilat belakangku tangannya mula menyentuh punggungku…diramas perlahan sesekali terdengar helaan ‘aah..‘darinya…Aku cuma membiarkan tangannya membuka zip kainku dan kacingnya. Perlahan kain ku mula menuruni tubuhku.Kain dalam aku terdedah kini. Giliran kain dalamku pula diturunkan perlahan hingga sampai ke kakiku…aku melangkah meninggalkan kain dan skirt dlmku dilantai..Kini didepan bukan suamiku aku berpanty dan coliku masih ada menutup dadaku. Tapi x lama ,dia membalikkan aku dan menolak aku perlahan ke katil ..terbaring aku.
Dia senyum dan gementar.Aku memejamkan mata membiarkan dia yang mula mencium kakiku, naik ke betisku..pehaku…dia menolak pehaku agar lebih terbuka ciumannya mula merapati pangkal pehaku,,,tiba2 senyap .aku membuka mataku dia sedang menanggalkan bajunya ,aku pejam semula bila dia naik kekatil mencium pipiku..tanganya memainkan bibirku , aku mula membuka mulutku membiar jarinya memainkan bibirku , aku membiarkan jarinya meneroka bibirku sambil aku rasa tangan satu lagi mula menolak coliku naik, aku sendiri menanggalkan coliku dan melempar kelantai…didepannya kini terhidang dua bukit kecilku tapi putingku agak besar.dia mula meramas perlahan dan mula menjilat dadaku …putingku dijilat digigit dan aku kian lemas…mmg ada air mula mengalir dibawah.
Gelisahku dapat dikesannya tangannya mula medarat di kangkangku beralas pantyku dia mula mengosok2 alurku..sesekali tangannya meneroka masuk mengelus bulu2 nipisku dan kemudian keluar semula menggosok alurku. Aku mula mengangkang lagi membenarkan tindakannya. Dia masih mencium dan menjilat dadaku sambil meneroka bawahku. Aku membuka mata bila aku dpt rasakan seluar dalamku mula ditarik turun. Buat pertama kali aku melihat seorang lelaki bukan suamiku berbogel didepanku. Batang kerasnya lebih besar dari suamiku…dia senyum melihatku membuka mata ..dia meneruskan tindakanya membogelkan aku. Seluar dalamku kian menuruni tubuhku dan kini aku sudah ibarat lauk baginya terhidang.
Aku seperti bayi baru lahir tanpa pakaian cuma bezanya aku mempunyai bulu bulu nipis diatas taman laranganku.dia menarik aku membiar kakiku terjuntai ke bawah dan sambil melutut dia membuka pehaku dan mula mencium dalam pehahu ..perlahan naik dibibir kemaluanku..dijilat air maziku sambil jarinya mula mengentel kelentitku. kian digosok kian berair,kian membuka kangkangku….aku sudah bersedia..sesekali dia membuka bibir kemaluanku dan menjilatnya…jilatanya di keletitku membuat aku cukup gelisah..aku tahu masanya kian tiba…dan satu tusukan benda keras mula menguli2 bibir kemaluanku..perlahan perlahan aku menerima tusukan itu …masuk keluar semula ditusuk lagi…mmg aku akui batangnya besar berbanding kemaluan kecilku…
aku membenarkan dia menusuk lagi..aku kangkang lagi membenarkan batang itu menjenguk rahsia dalam ku…oooh aku tertahan merasakan batangnya mula masuk menembusi bibir dan alur ku…aku tahu aku disetubuhi oleh seorang yg sayangkan aku walau bukan suamiku…aku relakan batangnya menusuk masuk laju dan perlahan tarik dan sorong…ohhh yang mampu aku lakukan mengemut tanda penerimaan batangnya menyetubuhiku…airku banyak mula membasahi kawasan tamanku …tidak terduga aku klimaks sekali disitu…dia tetap meneruskan henjutannya membiarkan aku memeluknya erat. Tubuh kami bersatu..dia melepaskan aku tunduk menjilat tamanku yang baru merasai kenikmatan klimaks ..dia menjilat hingga lidahnya memasuki tamanku…
Aku dia terbalikkan mengangkat punggungku dia mencium punggungku sambil tangannya tidak lepas dari tmnku dan sesuatu mengejutka aku bila aku rasa…sekitar lubang punggungku dia jilat turun diantara pussyku dan duburku….ohhh berulangkali dia menjilat lubang duburku dan bila dia tahu aku besedia dia menghunus batangnya meneroka pussyku dari belakang….oh sedapnya bila semua batangnya mula menembusi aku…di kocaknya aku…bagai tiada siang malam..sayang sayang teruskan sayang …buatlah apa saja lama dia mula melajukan tusukannya satu satu dua dua tiga tiga dan ERMMMMMMMM pancutannya hangat pancutan air maninya menembusi dalamku……ohhh sayang MAAFKAN SUAMIKU …AKU TERPAKSA MENURUT KEMAHUAN ORG YANG JUGA MENYAYANGIKU
[boleh]: https://www.viexas.com/category/boleh
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ralfmaximus · 5 months
Here's the complete list of DHS flagged search terms. Don't use any of these on social media to avoid having the 3-letter agencies express interest in your activities!
DHS & Other Agencies
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Coast Guard (USCG)
Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Border Patrol
Secret Service (USSS)
National Operations Center (NOC)
Homeland Defense
Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Task Force
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Fusion Center
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Secure Border Initiative (SBI)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)
Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS)
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Air Marshal
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
National Guard
Red Cross
United Nations (UN)
Domestic Security
Domestic security
Law enforcement
Disaster assistance
Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office)
National preparedness
Dirty Bomb
Domestic nuclear detection
Emergency management
Emergency response
First responder
Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative
Shots fired
Explosion (explosive)
Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT)
Organized crime
National security
State of emergency
Bomb (squad or threat)
Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb
HAZMAT & Nuclear
Chemical Spill
Suspicious package/device
National laboratory
Nuclear facility
Nuclear threat
Biological infection (or event)
Chemical burn
Hazardous material incident
Industrial spill
Powder (white)
Blister agent
Nerve agent
North Korea
Health Concern + H1N1
Food Poisoning
Foot and Mouth (FMD)
Small Pox
Human to human
Human to ANIMAL
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Drug Administration (FDA)
Public Health
Agro Terror
Tuberculosis (TB)
Water/air borne
Norvo Virus
World Health Organization (WHO and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
E. Coli
Infrastructure Security
Infrastructure security
CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources)
Computer infrastructure
Communications infrastructure
Critical infrastructure
National infrastructure
Airplane (and derivatives)
Chemical fire
Port Authority
NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center)
Transportation security
Body scanner
Failure or outage
Black out
Brown out
Service disruption
Power lines
Southwest Border Violence
Drug cartel
U.S. Consulate
El Paso
Fort Hancock
San Diego
Ciudad Juarez
Mara salvatrucha
MS13 or MS-13
Drug war
Mexican army
Cartel de Golfo
Gulf Cartel
La Familia
Nuevo Leon
Narco banners (Spanish equivalents)
Los Zetas
Meth Lab
Drug trade
Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers)
Barrio Azteca
Artistics Assassins
New Federation
Al Queda (all spellings)
Environmental terrorist
Eco terrorism
Conventional weapon
Weapons grade
Dirty bomb
Chemical weapon
Biological weapon
Ammonium nitrate
Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device)
Abu Sayyaf
FARC (Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia)
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna)
Basque Separatists
Tamil Tiger
PLF (Palestine Liberation Front)
PLO (Palestine Libration Organization)
Car bomb
Weapons cache
Suicide bomber
Suicide attack
Suspicious substance
AQAP (Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula)
AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan)
Home grown
Extreme weather
Forest fire
Brush fire
Tsunami Warning Center
Mud slide or Mudslide
Power outage
Brown out
Emergency Broadcast System
Cyber Security
Cyber security
DDOS (dedicated denial of service)
Denial of service
Cyber Command
Cain and abel
Brute forcing
Mysql injection
Cyber attack
Cyber terror
Social media
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