#Omni S. Auspicious
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
ohhh to picrew sasha bactually i could do that. omni picrew too by thr way.
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s41nt-b3rn4rd · 1 year ago
from/for my oc blog but.. this is literally in canon.
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duhragonball · 2 years ago
Dragon Ball Super 097
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Live!  At the Null Realm Fairgrounds!  It’s the Tournament of Power!
80 warriors from across the multiverse slug it out!  First prize: a super wish!  Second prize: Death!
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Plus, check out the 60′s Batmobile!  On display at the fairgrounds!
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And don’t forget Kids’ World, where you can meet Fred Flintstone and Spider-Man!
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See KISS in a special live performance!  It’s all here at the Null Realm Fairgrounds!  Exit 103A off of I-69.  Be there!
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Okay, so we finally made it!  We’re here!  The part where Dragon Ball Super finally gets good.  I would say “without any further ado”, but the Grand Minister makes a big entrance and insists on going over the rules one more time.  So it takes about five minutes to get rolling, but this is it.  The Tournament of power will start in this episode.
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“Assembled gods and mortals, the Omni-Kings requested musical accompaniment for this auspicious occasion, and so we have provided it!  You wanted the best, you got the best.  The hottest band in the world!  KISS!
I needed a gimmick for this thing, a way to raise the stakes, and this is it.  While dozens of cartoon aliens and karate guys battle for their continued existence, I face a different challenge.  Can I liveblog the entire Tournament of Power while also assembling a kickass playlist for the arc?  A playlist made up entirely of KISS songs?  I have a chemistry degree and a one million word fanfic that strongly suggests that I have no limits. 
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Anyway, the Grand Minister gives the signal and all these randos you’ve never heard of start fighting.
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I remember during the buildup to thing in 2017, I wondered how Toei would even animate a battle royale like this.  Sure, you can kind of do close-ups of just a few characters on the edge of the stage, but you have to zoom out sometime, and what happens then?  Well, they solved this problem the same way Dragon Ball solves a lot of other problems: With explosions. 
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For the next several episodes, everybody who isn’t getting screen time in this show will be firing off huge ki blasts with little to no effect.  And it’s glorious.
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The Grand Zenos are blown away and we’re only a few seconds into this thing.
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As for Team Universe 7, well, Gohan had a game plan, but he can only get half the team to follow it.  Goku, Vegeta, 17, and 18 all rush off to fight, and Frieza decides he can’t pass up a chance to enjoy his one-day pass from hell. 
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From the bleachers, the gods wondered why they even bothered trying to prepare for this, which sort of proves my point about Episodes 68-96.  A lot of those episodes focused on everyone talking about this tournament and preparing for it, but most of those preparations amount to nothing. 
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For example, there was a scene where Universe 3 showed off an enhanced fighter with special mechanical limbs designed for avoiding elimination and sweeping fighters out of the ring.  But Hit wrecks that dude right off the bat.
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Oh, and Basil too.  Narirama doesn’t get eliminated in this episode, but it doesn’t really matter, since his whole game plan just got shot to hell.  And it only took a few seconds of this episode to introduce the dude and then take him down.  That other episode where he strutted his stuff was pointless.
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Speaking of Basil, he manages to knock another fighter out of the ring.  This is Ryelibeu, one of the few contestants who has wings and could fly under the unique conditions of the Tournament stage.
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But she’s so overwhelmed by the fall that she forgets to use her wings, and so she tumbles down into the abyss until she’s suddenly teleported to the bleachers.  Rumsshi is none too pleased about his team being the first to suffer an elimination, but Gowasu says there’s nothing they can do about it, which is the most Gowasu line ever.  Seriously, why did he even bother fielding a team?  I get the impression Gowasu would enjoy nonexistence.
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At this point, the Grand Minister shows the Zenos how to use their GodPad devices to keep track of the ring-outs.  Nearby, a guy in a Fred Flintstone costumes watches on as they mark off Rylibeu.  Fred is eerily silent, as he isn’t supposed to say anything for this job.  But if he were the real Fred Flintstone, he would surely be saying “Yabba Dabba Doo!  That’s it for Rylibeu!”
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Meanwhile, a bunch of guys try to gang up on Gohan’s squad, but they stand their ground and stay in this thing. 
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There’s not much to call here.  It’s just absolute chaos.  Goku really wants to pick up where he left off against Top, but other fighters keep getting in Goku’s way.  When Top finally does fight back, some other guy attacks Top, so Goku’s going to have to accept the opponents that present themselves.
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Goku catches a glimpse of Jiren, but before he can do anything about it, he gets grabbed by Nink, a big dope from Universe 4.  Nink doesn’t seem to be long on smarts, so his plan is to drag Goku to the edge and eliminate himself and Goku at the same time.  The spectators praise Nink for his smarts, as this is a great way to take out a team’s star player and gain an advantage, except, no.  This is a terrible idea.
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Case in point, Goku only seems to be in a pinch because he’s trying to conserve his strength.  So when it looks like he’s doomed, he finally uses Super Saiyan Blue to escape, and Nink winds up eliminating himself for nothing.  The problem with this sort of strategy is that U4 only has ten fighters on the board, so they can’t affort to waste them like this.  Even if Nink’s plan had succeeded, that would only leave Universe 7 in a bad position.  The other six teams would be just fine, and U4 would have to deal with them without Nink’s help.  I don’t think that’s a bargain.
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Also, U4 really had no idea what Goku was capable of, so they never stopped to consider if Goku could be eliminated this way.  It’s a bad enough strategy when it’s guaranteed to succeed, but when it’s a gamble?  It’s foolish.
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But as Goku recovers from that near-defeat, he finds himself surrounded by Universe 9 fighters.  Looks like they’ve decided Nink had the right idea, but this time they’re going to use more manpower to make it happen.  What could possibly go wrong?
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Meanwhile, Spider-Man is having a blast.
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annecoulmanross · 5 years ago
Latin Inscription for the Foundation-Stone of Christ’s College in Van Diemen’s Land
Following this brilliant post by @indifferent-century​, I was inspired to translate the entirety of the Latin inscription of the Foundation-Stone of Christ’s College in Van Diemen’s Land, November 7th, 1840, as written by – perhaps – Sir John Franklin’s future son-in-law, John Philip Gell, who was appointed as head of the College. Join me for some Janky-Franky shenanigans, this time in Latin!
First of all, here’s a full translation (rearranged to preserve our English word order, generally, rather than the original Latinate style.)
Sir John Franklin, KCH, FLS, FRGS, Governor of the Island of Tasmania, Dedicated to Christ This House of All Humanities and Sciences, and Ordered that It Be Made, according to the Judgement of the Council and from the Funds of the Colony, and Placed this Auspicious Stone in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria, on the seventh day before the Ides of November, 1840.
Respected men from each of the two councils took part: Sir William Henry Elliott, Military Commander; Sir John Lewes Pedder, Chief Justice; William Hutchins, M.A., Archdeacon; Matthew Forster, Colonial Secretary; Adam Turnbull, Colonial Treasurer; Josiah Spode, Chief Police Magistrate; Edward Macdowell, Attorney-General; George Thomas William Blaney Boyes, Accountant; George Henry Barnes, Collector of Customs; Thomas Anstey; Thomas Archer; Charles Swanston; Charles Maclachlan; William Effingham Lawrence; William Page Ashburner; Michael Fenton; with John Philip Gell, M.A., having been placed in charge of educating the youth, and with Alexander Cheyne as the Curator of Public Works.
James Clark Ross and That Companion of His, Francis Crozier, While They Were Preparing to Bring Powerful Science and the Immortal Name of the English People through the Unknown Things of the Northern Ocean, Took Part in this Endeavor under Favorable Auspices and with Enthusiasm.
Next, the original text: this Latin wording comes mainly from this typeset transcription, with some emendations from the handwritten notes of Eleanor Franklin, which you can read here. (Both of these sources were found and linked originally by @indifferent-century​ – thank you!) 
Christo Dicatam Hanc Omnis Humanitatis et Scientiæ Domum Johannes Franklin (1) Eq. PH., (2) Eq. R., (3) LL.D. (4) R.S.S. (5) Insulæ Tasmaniensis (6) Præses [e] Consilii Sententia (7) Impensis Coloniæ (8) Fieri Jussit Lapidem Auspicalem Posuit Anno Victoriæ Quarto vii Id. Nov. MDCCCXL. (9)
Interfuere Viri (10) Spectatissimi Ex Utroque Consilio (11) Gulielmus Henricus Elliott Eq. H. Milit. Præfect. (12) Johannes Lewes Pedder Eq. Aur. Justiciarius Principalis (13) Gulielmus Hutchins M.A. Archidiaconus Matthias Forster Secretarius (14) Adam Turnbull Thesaurarius (14) Josias Spode Irenarches (14) Edvardus Macdowell Procurator Regius (14) Georgius Thomas Gulielmus Blaney Boyes Rationalis (14) Georgius Henricus Barnes Portitoriis Conquirendis Præpositus (14) Thomas Anstey Thomas Archer Carolus Swanston Carolus Maclachlan Gulielmus Effingham Lawrence Gulielmus Page Ashburner Michael Fenton Juventuti Educandæ Præposito Johanne Philippo Gell M.A. Operum Publicorum Curatore Alexandro Cheyne
Jacobus Clark Ross Et Huic Comes Franciscus Crozier Per Ignota Septentrionalis Oceani [Scientiam Efficacem]  Anglorum Perenne Nomen Laturi Incepto Bene Auspicato Lubenter Interfuere (15)
And last, as per the previous discussions on this inscription, I also have footnotes.
(1) Yes, "Johannes Franklin” is our Sir John. Yes, this would be a reasonable, etymologically valid version of his name (or his first name, at least) in Latin. Yes, it’s uncomfy. So is “Franciscus Crozier.” As @catilinas​ said, “utterly terrible.”
(2) Amazingly, the translator (or author-translator) of this inscription has rendered Sir John’s post-nominal letters (indicating his knighthood, and membership in certain societies) into Latin and then abbreviated them back to letters. This cluster, “Eq. PH.,” equates to the English ‘KCH’ or Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order of the House of Hanover, and should probably be lengthened to something like Eq[ues] P[raefectus] H[anoverianus] meaning “Hanoverian Knight Commander.”
(3) Our next letter-cluster is “Eq. R.,” which I’m finding terribly confusing. “Eq.” should, in theory, correspond to another knighthood – it lengthens to “eques,” which is classical Latin for “knight,” a middling elite honorary position, but I don’t know about the “R.” It does seem that Franklin was knighted by King George IV in 1829 before he was made a Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order in 1836, so perhaps we should read this as something like Eq[ues] R[egalis] / R[egius] meaning “Royal Knight” or thereabouts?
(4) Now we’re back to normal post-nominal honors – “LL.D” must correspond to Franklin’s membership in the Linnean Society, normally indicated by the letters “FLS,” or “Fellow of the Linnean Society.” I’m not entirely sure how we get from FLS to LLD, but perhaps LL[inneaniorum] D[ominus] meaning something like or “Master of the Linneans.” (Note that a doubled letter can be used as an abbreviation for a Latin plural genitive like “Linneaniorum,” as one can see in the Latin terminology for Bachelor of Laws, i.e. “Legum Baccalaureus,” or LL.B.)
(5) Similarly, I’m willing to bet that R.S.S. corresponds to Franklin’s other common post-nominal honor, his membership in the Royal Geographical Society, typically abbreviated as FRGS. One might try to expand “R.S.S.” to R[egalis] S[axiologorum] S[ocietas] meaning “Royal Society of Stone-studiers,” perhaps. I really, really wish I knew who translated these abbreviations and what their thought-process was.
(6) Watch Lady Jane sneak in her new name for Van Diemen’s Land here! (For the uninitiated: Lady Jane and James Clark Ross collaborated to have Van Diemen’s Land renamed – or at least re-popularized – as “Tasmania.”)
(7) Fun facts: I can 100% prove that Eleanor Franklin knew some Latin! In her transcription of this text, she places a macron (a little ^ hat) over the final ‘a’ like this: “sententiâ,” which means that she correctly identified that this word (meaning “judgement,” or “opinion”) is in the ablative case, rather than the nominative case. No macron would have appeared in the inscription; it would have been highly unusual for any inscription in Latin from any time period to have a macron, so this is all Eleanor’s doing, but she’s right to do it. Eleanor also adds that slightly unnecessary but not incorrect “e” (meaning “from, out of”) before the word “Consilii” in her transcription.
(8) It’s a little weird to point out that Sir John didn’t directly fund the construction of Christ’s College but rather arranged for the funding to come from the income of the colony itself. This would look really out of place in a commemorative inscription from the classical period.
(9) This date does in fact convert to November 7th, 1840, but it’s not as simple as the Roman numerals VII (=7) make it look. To get this date, we actually have to count backwards from the Ides of November, which fall on November 13th, but the Romans count inclusively, so thirteen less seven actually equals seven, rather than six. I know. I hate math too.
(10) Eleanor Franklin writes this word (“viri”) twice, once at the end of one line, and again at the beginning of the next. As for the translation of this word as “men,” yes, it’s exclusively male-gendered in the Latin.
(11) I think “from each of the two councils” refers to the Legislative Council and the Executive Council, the two governing bodies of Van Diemen’s Land before the establishment of the Tasmanian House of Assembly in 1856. Take that with a BIG grain of salt. It’s also particularly interesting to note that many of the men here named became embroiled in the huge political mess that resulted in the ignominious end of Sir John’s term as governor – this list represents both the pro-Franklin and anti-Franklin sides of the conflict.
(12) The title “Milit. Præfect.” or (something like) Milit[aris] Præfect[us] reflects Sir William Henry Elliott’s military role as the Lieutenant-Colonel of Van Diemen’s Land, while “Eq. H.” is most probably Eq[ues] H[anoverianus] or a way of denoting Elliot’s knighthood in the same Hanoverian order as Sir John, though in a different capacity – Knight / KH to Sir John’s Knight Commander / KCH.  
(13) The title “Justiciarius Principalis” is a clear Latin translation of Johannes Lewes Pedder’s legal role the first Chief Justice of Van Diemen’s Land, and “Eq. Aur.” seems to allude to a  knighthood conferred via the Commonwealth nation of Australia, perhaps? 
(14) Some of these titles are deeply weird ways of rendering colonial government positions into Latin: “Portitoriis Conquirendis Præpositus” for “Customs Collector” is A Lot – the literal translation would be something like “President for the Things Connected with Import or Export Dues that Must be Collected.” Confession: I took most of the English titles directly from the relevant entries in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, all of which are linked above, in the translation.
(15) For more on this Ross & Crozier section, see this post. Also, note the major stylistic change in these last four verses: lots of intertextual references, and more poetic language – much of it Augustan (aka mainly from Ovid and Vergil) as @kaserl​ pointed out! It’s a conspiracy theory, but I think we may be looking at a different author altogether: Lady Jane prefiguring her role as ghost-writer of “Thy bees are frozen, and thy crook’s a name,” we might imagine?
Thank you for joining me on this very weird Victorian neo-Latin journey!
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vsplusonline · 5 years ago
Jewellers witness encouraging response from customers on their digital platforms for Akshaya Tritiya
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/jewellers-witness-encouraging-response-from-customers-on-their-digital-platforms-for-akshaya-tritiya/
Jewellers witness encouraging response from customers on their digital platforms for Akshaya Tritiya
Jewellers have witnessed encouraging customer response on their digital platforms this Akshay Tritiya. Customers have also made token purchases of gold to celebrate this auspicious day on Hindu calendar.
Mr. Ajoy Chawla, CEO, Jewellery Division at Titan Company Limited said, “All 328 Tanishq stores remain shut this year and hence it would be unfair to compare numbers with last year. But the overall customer response to tanishq.co.in from key metros and even with tier-2 and tier-3 towns has been extremely encouraging.
We have had close to 1+ million visitors / browsers on our website indicating a lot of customer interest! further, this ticket size online has jumped 2.5 to 3 times the usual online avg. ticket size, implying many new customers have come online. As we gear up for a post covid world, this e- Akshaya Tritiya has been an opportunity to develop and strengthen our digital and omni play. Many initiatives we have taken will serve us well as customers get used to new digital driven behaviour. Both, tradition and the investment value of gold continue to be key drivers for an optimistic response, and we believe this theme will continue for the next 6-9 months this year. Thereby making jewellery a valuable investment amidst so much economic uncertainty.”
Suvankar Sen, executive director, Senco Gold & Diamonds said “Our Akshay Tritiya offer with price protection guarantee is an innovative way to serve our customers who are under lockdown but at the same time do not want to miss out on purchasing gold or jewellery for the auspicious occasion. Our discerning customers are not only getting a chance to avail of substantial discounts on gold rates and waivers on making charges but also getting an opportunity to contribute to the COVID-19 relief fund through their purchases. So far, during the Akshay Tritya online sales offer that runs from April 22-27, we have witnessed 10-15% sales compared to that of last year’s total Akshay Tritiya sales. As all our offline stores are closed now due to lockdown, we are experiencing customers’ preference for buying bars, coins and making token advance through our e-commerce section at www.sencogoldanddiamonds.com.”
Vaibhav Saraf, director, Aisshpra Gems & Jewels added that due to the lockdown, they were not expecting big ticket jewellery sales but for their regular customers’ convenience, they kept the gold booking option open. “Customers have done token purchases and have also shown keen interest in gold EMIs. Gold coins of 2 grams, 5 grams and 10 grams were popular. Jewellery too was seen getting booked. The delivery or pickup from store will happen once lockdown is lifted,” he added.
Snehal Choksey, director, Shobha Shringar Jewellers said “Well our regular customers reached out to us for booking gold so we have done their bookings on call and online. As stores are shut and over all sentiment is gloomy,We are not counting this Akshay Tritiya as a contributor to our annual sales target.The sales we did was minuscule compared to every year and it just to cater to our customers’ needs as on Akshay Tritiya, buying gold has sentimental and auspicious value to most Indians.”
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childrenchiu · 7 years ago
Using software/ ADOBE PS, AI, AE, PR. C4D, Resolume Arena, COGE, Vezer, Madmapper, touchdesigner.
2007-2011 Department of visual communication design (Jinwen University of Science and Technology)
2012-2013 trenrox design/ graphic designer
2013-2015 grace gift/ visual designer
2014-2017 Flancer designer
VJ SHOWREEL 2014-2015 https://vimeo.com/144607070
FB https://www.facebook.com/inthesoupvisual/
TUMBLR http://childrenchiu.tumblr.com/
VIMEO https://vimeo.com/user13770667
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/childrenchiu/
2014 ON SITE outdoor concert live  @Taipei Taiwan
2014 Metro Taipei SongShan Station Enabled opening party @Metro SongShan Station, Taipei Taiwan
2015  S.H.E TaiShin Bank VIP night concert
2015   The Texture of Uncertainty opening party @Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Taiwan
2015 Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts @Thinker’s Theater, Taipei Taiwan        
2016  SXSW Fest. @Austin State of Texas USA
2016 Lacking Sound Fest. @Taipei Taiwan
2016  BoilerRoom Taipei @Omni Nightclub Taipei Taiwan
2016  YOGA LIN ”The Great Yoga” World tour concert “no.4 ward” visual
2016 Guntzepaula Black Lotus Concert Tour
2016 Inhuman/ Go Straight Concert
2017  AMIT “utopia 2.0” world tour concert “what are you doing” visual
2017 Taoyuan Art x Technology Festival, TAxT @Taoyuan Arts Center, Taoyuan Taiwan  
Theater video design
2016  Digital Performer Arts Fes. “X_XROOM”
2016   Rustles in the Void
Projection Mapping Show
2016   L'Oréal Paris fashion hairstyle show @“ATT 4 FUN” Department store, Taipei Taiwan
2016   “basementdating” PunkNight Mapping Concert @National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei Taiwan
Band1/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pnUkCEaQlM
Band2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-VpfbmfB08
Band3/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFOotJwr320
Band4/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyDJvWDy4Ic
2017   TAIPEI Lantern FES. @Taipei Zhongshan Hall, Taipei Taiwan
           DJ Mapping show
2017   Praying for an auspicious celebration. Projection mapping show . @Presidential Office Building, Taipei Taiwan
Video Edit
2017  JNBY SS17 sport collection
2017 Utopia LIVE PV
Musc Video
2009 City of Drama
2015 Prairie WWWW/ Eagle’s Farewell
2016  Kichiku Girls/ Meow Meow Meow
2016  Mars Lin/ Gossip threatens.
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
Incorrect quotes. Has all of my favorite ocs for right now. Long post, so there's a read more.
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(the above fits. all of them, really.)
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(the below is before their break up, to me.)
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(both of the above are in canon since briar and diego both are diagnosed with depression. also because wenya and pierce like ABBA)
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
a compilation of these so far bc its funny to me to draw how people veiw eachother
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
just realized how fucking funny sasha going to the ball is. she canonically had a spouse. Sasha literally dated someone before the rp shes in and all she did to get her ex was be like "do you wanna hold hands" and then it spiraled from there!! back in her day(she is 25) you didn't have to date for money or wealth, you just had to date for support, love if wanted, emotional connection not offered by anyone else and someone to wake up for and go home to at the end of the day. so Sasha is probably standing there, going "damn standards have dropped a BUNCH." and thinking about how nice life was when she actively dated.
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
I remembered Omni had a twitter.
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
Hey, that's mee !! The gimmick from that blog is absolutely DROPPED HERE!!!!!!! WE GET RABIES HERE AND OTHER ILLNESSES FROM EATING RAW METAL!!!!!!!! this will be the master-post for this bad-boy blog!
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THE TAGS (LAST UPDATED 9/24/202) #(oc name + initials) - posts where the oc is mentioned or in it directly #writing - where I talk about writing #OOIQ / #Out Of Incorrect Quotes - out of character stuff and or things made with/by the incorrect quotes generator. overall silly stuff. #voice claims - the voice claims masterlist. link provided for ease of access #playlist - for the eventual playlists ill be making. #me - when I reblog from the main acc. #can the new queen get bitches already - ball room moments in an rp im in #guest cameo - me reblogging from my friends that add onto my posts #purposeful reblog - reblogging things to here on purpose #others ocs - other peoples/friends ocs. friend group/relationship tags #distress disaster duo - sasha and matthew's duo tag. #s-teir activities - sammy, sasha and sydney's friend group tag
hey. made a separate blog for my oc ramblings. @thevampiresoc . if you even care.
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
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the picrew is this ! Also they look straight but their not it's a nblw kinda flavor. and by nblw I mean omni is physically genderless and a lesbian and sasha is panace
ohhh to picrew sasha bactually i could do that. omni picrew too by thr way.
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thevampiresoc · 1 year ago
part two
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Incorrect quotes. Has all of my favorite ocs for right now. Long post, so there's a read more.
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(the above fits. all of them, really.)
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(the below is before their break up, to me.)
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(both of the above are in canon since briar and diego both are diagnosed with depression. also because wenya and pierce like ABBA)
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