#Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow/Original Female Character
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I Didn’t Know How Much I Wanted You
OminisxSebastianXF!MC FLUFF. Family. F/M/M. Hurt/Comfort. Mild suggestiveness.
Ominis and Sebastian's wife has a surprise instore for them, and it's bigger than any of them could have imagined.
Sequel I Will Always Want You pt 1 Coming Soon I Will Always Want You pt 2
Ominis could feel tension in the air around her. She was currently in the kitchen preparing their dinner for the evening while they waited for Sebastian to come home from work.
He had tried asking her if there was anything wrong, or if he could help her with anything, but she would only deny him.
“I’m fine Ominis, I promise,” she would say. But he could smell the smallest whiff of copper, from the blood undoubtedly coming from her biting her lip. A bad habit of hers that she developed when she was nervous or trying to hide something from her husbands.
It hurt him to believe that she was hiding something from him.
He chose to let it go though, and wait for Sebastian to get home to discuss it with him before possibly confronting her. Just because they were married did not mean that he wanted to pry into everything she does. But her tendency to rush ahead into situations first and think of the consequences later is obviously concerning to him.
He just hoped that whatever it was, they would all be able to sort it out. The three of them.
He sat at his desk as he failed to focus on his manuscript. Instead, he concentrated on the sounds of her working in the kitchen. Too consumed with his cloud of stress to continue to work.
“Wow! Something smells amazing!”
Ominis heard the voice of his husband coming home. He went to their wife first, Ominis could hear him giving her a kiss before asking how her day was. Her response was simply that dinner is just about done. The tension was getting stronger, Ominis felt like he was choking. He was so immersed in his own thoughts he didn’t notice Sebastian coming up to him. Not until he felt the strong hand of his husband grabbing his chin, lifting his head up for a searing kiss. Ominis sighed into Sebastian’s mouth, some of his stress alleviated by the feel of Sebastian’s lips upon his.
“What’s going on?” Sebastian whispered against Ominis’ lips after he released him.
Ominis shook his head, brows forward in concern and frustration. “I do not know,” he whispered back, “She won’t tell me anything. Every time I would ask her what was wrong, she would only say nothing and that she was fine. I do believe she’s hiding something.”
Sebastian gave a grunt of agreement.
“She’s been biting her lip again.” Sebastian said. Ominis could tell by the direction of his voice he was now looking towards her back in the kitchen.
“I know.”
Before they could continue, her voice called from the kitchen, letting them know dinner was ready.
Sebastian reached down to grab Ominis’ hand and they walked together to meet their wife at the table. Plates were already prepared for them and waiting for them as they sat down.
Sebastian wasn’t going to take it anymore. “Alright, darling,” Sebastian started, “What is-“
“I’m pregnant.”
Her voice was so soft as she cut Sebastian off that Ominis almost missed it. He felt the air exit his lungs and did not return. That certainly was not one of the possibilities he had thought of, or even would have thought of. Sebastian was just as silent next to him. The fork in his hand dropped to the floor with a loud chime.
Ominis could hear her sniffling. He could smell her tears.
Before his brain could fully process what she told them for him to react, he heard Sebastian shot up from his chair and rush to her. Ominis then could hear the beautiful sound of Sebastian’s laughter and her surprised shriek has he pick her up and spun her all around the room.
Sebastian held their wife’s face in his hands, and he poured all the love he had into a kiss for her, attempting to silence all her doubt her aura gave off.
“Why are you crying Darling?” Sebastian asked as he pulled away, using his thumbs to wipe the tears away from her cheek.
Before she could even answer, Ominis had made his way over to them and pulled her away from Sebastian so he could show her his love as well.
“Is this why you were on edge all day? Did you think we would reject you?” Ominis held her close with his arms around her lower back, his head bent down to rest his forehead against hers. Sebastian moved to be behind her, his arm coming around to embrace the front of her shoulders, while his other wrapped around both his husband and wife to Ominis’ lower back. He sighed in content as he rested his head on top of hers. The love was overflowing.
“N-no,” she cried softly, as she tucked herself under Ominis’ chin and snuggled into him. Tears still continuing down her face despite the boys' comforts. “I just wasn’t sure how the two of you would react. We never really discussed anything like this yet.”
She let out a soft moan when she felt Sebastian bring his head down to kiss and nibble the side of her neck, working on recreating a bruise that had just healed.
“Love, we are together every single night,” his hand making its way down the front of her, brushing against Ominis’ hardening bulge before he started to pull up the skirt of her dress to make access to her heat, “this was an inevitable outcome.”
Her breath hitched in that back of throat as Sebastian’s fingers started to work their magic. Ominis pulled back enough to push his lips upon hers, devouring her moans.
“Ominis, I think she deserves a reward for being such a good little wife, don’t you?” Sebastian whispered from her neck. He knew that tone.
Ominis gave her bottom lip a little nip before answering him, “I do believe you’re right. Come now love.” The two men pulled her into the bedroom.
Dinner was left cold and forgotten.
Hours later, his two lovers were fast asleep after their passions, but Ominis laid awake. His fingers tracing lazy patterns on his wife’s stomach, thinking of the life that was growing under her skin. The initial joy of the announcement now was replaced with fear.
“Ominis? Why are you still awake?” He heard Sebastian whisper as he felt his husband weave his fingers into his. They rested their combined hands along her stomach. “You have that look on your face, what is wrong?”
Ominis could hear the concern in Sebastian’s voice, but he was terrified to speak his troubled thoughts out loud.
“Who’s do you think it is?”
Ominis felt horrible for even thinking this. “Sebastian, I hope it’s yours. I hope that it's your child that grows within her. I don’t want her giving birth to a Gaunt.”
Sebastian took a sharp inhale of air, shock at what the beautiful man in front of him was saying. “Ominis-”
“I can understand if you’re upset. I know I sound cruel. But I do not want to contribute to the Gaunt line. It’s a family tree that is filled with only pain and terror. I couldn’t bear to continue that line.” The pain of his childhood and the hatred he has for his family was written all over his face for Sebastian to read.
“I really don’t want to talk more of this right now. Go bad to sleep Sebastian.”
Sebastian watched as Ominis closed his eyes and snuggled back into the other side of their wife.
“Ominis, we love you. This child is a product of our love for each other. No matter who ‘father’ the child, we will love them and protect them.”
If Ominis heard him, he didn’t give any indication that he did. Sebastian let out a troubled huff before he nestled back into bed himself. He continued to hold Ominis’ hand as he nuzzled his face into his wife’s hair. He was grateful she was not awake to hear Ominis’ confession. He would have to speak to Ominis again about this. Maybe in the morning, or maybe in a couple days. Hopefully he’d come around on his own. Sebastian was aware of the disdain Ominis felt for his family, but he was not going to allow him to let that spread to self-hatred. Not to the point that Ominis would not want to sire any of their children. For now, though, he let sleep take him.
Sebastian was fast asleep by the time a single tear ran now their wife’s face.
-months later-
Ominis was the first one to wake up to her painful moans. It had become a common occurrence in the last couple weeks. Their darling’s due date was steadily approaching, and she was becoming increasingly more uncomfortable in her own body as the babe was taking up so much space. She currently was laying on her side facing Sebastian, who started to wake up as well from her discomfortable groans. Ominis felt Sebastian starting to run his hand up and down her arms, trying to give her some comfort. Ominis meanwhile, was laying behind her. This gave him easy access to rub at her lower back. Unfortunately, judging by the sounds coming from her, their attempts to give her some relief were futile.
“Seb, I need to get up.”
The pain in her voice broke Ominis’ heart. He felt useless in this situation. Next thing he knew, the bed had shifted as his husband helped her out of the bed. Ominis sat up and tried to just listen, wondering how he could help them. Ominis could hear her hiss in agony as her feet touched the floor.
“Easy love, I have you. Just lean on me, okay.” Sebastian spoke softly to her, his voice laced with exhaustion. Though he dares not complain, nor would he. Ominis and he never paid any mind that they would spend sleepless nights awake with her as their child grew within her.
“Wa-Wait,” she took a sharp intake of air before another moan of distress left her lips.
“Darling?!” Sebastian cried out as she fell to her knees in pain. One of her hands ripped away from him and held her large belly. Ominis almost wanted to place his hands over his ears to muffle the wail that came from her. Next thing he heard was a splashing sound, like someone had poured water onto the ground.
“Fuck,” She let out faintly, “Boys, the baby is coming.”
“Like right now?” Ominis was not encouraged by the panic in Sebastian’s voice.
She continued to groan in pain, from what Ominis could only assume was from an additional contraction she was having. “Well, not right this second, but pretty soon my love,” another wave on pain consumed her, “Now if you be a dear and send an owl to your sister and Professor Weasley that would be absolutely wonderful, love.”
The relation smacked Sebastian in the face. “Oh right. Right!” He exclaimed as he ran out of the room to prepare an owl.
Ominis was right there in front of her as soon as her dark hair husband ran out in excitement. She signed as she leaned into Ominis’ chest, grateful for the support again. “Ominis, could you prepare a bath for me. A nice warm one, please.”
He planted a kiss on her forehead as he helped her up. “Anything for you my little dove.”
She has been screaming for hours now. Anne and Professor Weasley had arrived very quickly after Sebastian had sent the owl out. Both women were asked weeks ago to help with the birth. Their wife wanted to have a home birth rather than going to St. Mungos. Her husbands were nervous about not having a doctor with her for her first delivery, but Anne had been in medical studies since graduation. Additionally, Professor Weasley had all her own children at home, not to mention helped with all her grandchildren’s births as well. She had assured both nervous dads-to-be that everything would be just fine.
Anne had come out of the bedroom a couple of times to the living room where the boys waited for their child to come into the world, giving them updates. She reaffirmed that everything was going normally, and despite the screaming coming from their wife, she was handling everything well.
Nothing Anne could say would ease Ominis and Sebastian’s stress though, not until their child was born and their wife was no longer in pain.
It was nearly dawn when they heard a wail of a baby, taking its first breaths of the world. Ominis could hear the girls laughing in joy mixed in with the child’s cries. Hearing her tear-filled laughter was a welcome change from all the pain.
Sebastian and Ominis waited impatiently on their feet for someone to come out of the bedroom. Finally, after only a few minutes, but what felt like hours, Anne came out of the bedroom. In her arms, a small bundle wrapped up in a blue blanket.
Ominis could hear the joy in Sebastian gasp. Letting his husband take the baby from his sister first, Ominis walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“He looks just like you Sebastian. He might have her nose,” Anne gave an emotional giggle, “But he’s definitely a Sallow.” She said as she carefully placed the child in Sebastian’s arms. Sebastian wasn’t sure when he started crying, but he barely noticed the tears as he glanced down at his son. Their son.
“Ominis,” He turned from his sister to his blonde love behind him, “We have a son.”
Ominis could only smile as he caressed the new baby’s head. He didn’t know he could ever be this happy.
The beautiful moment was interrupted by the scream from their wife.
“Ms. Sallow, get back in here. Appears there’s anything one!” Anne did not waste another movement and ran back to the bedroom.
“What?!” The husbands howled, causing their son to start bawling again. Sebastian brought the child closer and higher to his chest. Instinctually hushing and rocking the child, trying to calm their baby along with his own nerves.
“Twins?” Ominis whispered, turning towards the sounds of Sebastian next to him.
“I’ve heard it could be hereditary, and her stomach was rather big… but I never thought���,” Sebastian trailed off.
Ominis knew this could change everything. Twins brought a whole new risk to the birth. His legs felt weak as he fell onto the couch. He brought his fist to rest against his mouth. Hoping and praying that the second baby would be born without trouble, and his wife’s cries would finally end.
It was only two minutes later the sounds of the second child entering the world filled the home. But Ominis ears did not pick up the cheerful laughter the first child brought to the room upon his birth. Instead, he heard shock filled gasps. He didn’t hear anything else from the other two women in the room, but he did hear his wife’s crying as she try to hush the additional child.
He felt his heart sink to stomach. Could something be wrong with the baby?
Anne had softly opened and closed the door behind her as she approached her brother again.
“What is wrong?” Panic filled Sebastian’s voice.
Anne petted the small head of the little boy in his arms. “Nothing is wrong, but she does want to see you. Give your son to his other father and come with me.”
“What is going on?” Ominis stood up in alarm. He was perplexed why their wife would only wish to see Sebastian.
Anne sighed before taking the baby from Sebastian, nodding her head in the direction to the bedroom. Sebastian hurried in there while Anne came over to hand the boy to Ominis.
Ominis’ emotions where all over the place. He wasn’t sure if he was even fit to hold the infant.
“I don’t… I don’t know how,” the fear was written all over his face, “I don’t want to hurt him.”
“You can’t hurt what you love. Now bring your arms out…yes, just like that,” she helped him curled his arms around his son. She gently grabbed his hand and positioned it to support the baby’s head. She guided him to sit back down on the couch.
“See,” he scoffed at her remark, “Oh you know what I mean. He’s perfectly at ease in your arms. He’s already falling back to sleep.”
Ominis let a small smile while he tried to focus on his son, and not the continued sobs from his wife in the bedroom as Sebastian tried to console her.
“Anne, what is wrong with the second baby,” his stomach was turning, and he felt like he was going to be sick.
“Nothing is wrong with the baby, Omi.” Her voice was not convincing. He held the one in his arms a bit closer.
He was nervous about being a father, but the very thought of anything happening to either of the newborns made his heart want to break.
Just as he was getting comfortable with the boy in his arms, Sebastian finally came out of the bedroom and made his way over to Ominis. His husband took a deep breath before a heavy sigh left his lips. Ominis could hear him running a hand through his hair as he bent down in front of him. Sebastian ran his hands up and down along the sides of Ominis’ thighs before bringing them to a rest on top and gave a comforting grip.
“What is it?” Ominis still did not believe there was nothing wrong with their additional child, based on how his husband and sister-in-law were acting.
Sebastian let out another sigh. He gave Ominis thigh a firm squeeze before starting.
“This is nothing wrong with her, Ominis,” Sebastian said with much emotion, “She is completely healthy, just like her brother. All ten fingers and toes. And a strong pair of lungs.”
“Her? A daughter?”
“Mhmm, she’s perfect.” The smile shined through his voice.
“Then why did our little dove only ask for you, and why is she still crying.” The hurt and confusion were getting too much for him to bear.
He waited for Sebastian to respond. He could tell that his love was trying to find the right words and it was tearing him apart.
“Because Ominis…” Sebastian paused to place a hand on their son’s head, who was sound asleep in Ominis’ arms, “Our son is definitely from my seed. Had he not come from our wife, it would be hard to say he’s even hers. He does have her nose like Anne said, and I pray he will have her beautiful eyes. Besides that, he has my hair, my ears, my chin, my everything. I’m willing to bet the house he’ll have freckles when he gets older as well,” Sebastian explained, making Ominis chuckle at the end.
“Our daughter, though,” Sebastian continued, “has very light hair. She has paler, fairer skin than her brother. She has a faint constellation of beauty marks on the side of her face, just like her father.”
Ominis felt all the air leave his lungs.
“In fact, she is a copy of her father, much like our son is a copy of me,” the hand that still rested against Ominis thigh tighten again, “Our son might’ve come from me, but our daughter came from you Ominis.”
Ominis barely felt the tears streaming down his face in his shock. He barely was able to process anything at all after what Sebastian just told him.
The next thing he knew, Sebastian placed his lips on his. The kiss bringing him back to his husband from wherever his mind had taken him to. Sebastian pulled away before Ominis was able to return the kiss but returned to nuzzle his forehead to his.
“She overheard us that night Ominis. She knows that you did not want to father any of our children. She’s afraid you will reject our daughter. She thinks you will be disappointed.”
Ominis couldn’t control the sobs as his heart shattered. He never wanted his pain to be their pain. Ominis shifted to rub his face in Sebastian’s chest as the man’s arms embraced him.
“I know that night you spoke about your doubts and fears. That you’re afraid of your family’s line. But my love,” Sebastian broke the embrace and brought his hands up to hold Ominis face, “that is absolutely an absurd notion.”
Ominis could feel the pain and love in his voice. He never thought he would ever be the one to create such anguish to the greatest treasures of his life.
“When I asked the both of you to marry me, for us to all be one together, and you accepted my hand and my name, you became a Sallow. Your last name is no longer Gaunt. You are a Sallow. Our wife, our son, and now our daughter as well, we are all Sallow together. We are your family now, Ominis, not them.
“The Gaunt’s do not a hold on you anymore. They will not have any part in our children’s lives. And IF they happened to find out about our daughter and try any of their dark wizardry bullshit, we will set their whole world aflame to protect her.” Sebastian tries to reassure him.
Ominis’ tears were a steady river flowing down his face as he tried to control his sobs. There were too many strong emotions raging around inside for him to handle all at once.
“Are you really going to regret her?” Sebastian didn’t hide the anguish and fear in his voice as he moved his head back to Ominis’.
“NO!” Ominis sobbed, cradling his son just a bit tighter. “N-no, of course not.” He gave up trying to control his tears. Ominis felt Sebastian nod against his forehead.
“I know, I know,” Ominis felt a kiss on top of his hair, “but our wife needs your support right now. Her emotions are uncontrollable- understandably so. All she can think right now is that you do not want the child currently in her arms.”
Ominis was speechless. What could he even say in response to that. He could only nod in agreement to go to their wife.
“Here, take our son.” Ominis stood and gave the infant back to Sebastian before making his way to their bedroom.
He was just about to enter when he heard someone else coming out. Professor Weasley made her way in front him, reaching to hold his hands into hers. “We just finished cleaning up. Though I’m afraid your sensitive nose will still pick up traces of blood, do not be alarmed by that. Your wife is comfortable and with your daughter.” She gave his arms a reassuring squeeze. “Congratulations. Anne and I will see ourselves out.”
Ominis thanked the professor before making his way around her towards the bedroom. He opened the door and walked in without knocking. His heart was breaking all over again at the sound of her sniffling.
“My love,” Ominis softly called out to her. His hand found her legs, running his fingers up her body until he was able to grasp her face, which was damp from her tears.
“I’m sorry O-Ominis.” She was shaking in his hand.
“No, no. None of that.” He hushed her as he brought her head to his chest and held her as tight as he could, minding the baby in her arms. He wanted to meet his daughter properly, but his wife needed his support first. “I am the one who is sorry, my love. My ignorance and foolish beliefs have affected you with such doubts. This was never my intention.”
He bent down to bring his face to hers. “I love you. So very much. Any child created with you between Sebastian and I is a pure blessing. I’m so sorry that I failed to see that in the beginning.” His hand left her face to lightly pat his daughter’s head. He smiled at the touch of her soft hair. “Can I hold her?”
She whimpered out a yes, her tears starting to dry up. His wife lifted their new daughter into his arms. He gently took the small girl in his embrace, more confident with her than he was when he first held her brother. Ominis held his breath as he held his daughter carefully in his arms for a moment. He listened intently to the cute baby noises she was making. After a minute, he felt comfortable enough to support her body and head with his chest and one arm, freeing his other hand to lightly trace the shape of her face. He took his time, memorizing every curve and feature. To his pleasant surprise, he felt her little hand grab ahold of his finger and held on.
A mix of a sob and a laugh escaped his throat. He brought her up closer to his face and nuzzled his nose with hers.
“Hello little one,” he greeted her with a chuckle through his tears that started to leak from his eyes again, “forgive your foolish father. I didn’t know how much I wanted you.” He could hear his wife crying again. “You and your brother are going to be so overwhelmed with love. I would apologize if I was sorry, but I am not. I hope you never get tired of it.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head before returning to his wife’s side, sitting down next to her on their large bed.
He kept their daughter in one arm, using his free arm to bring her head to rest on his shoulder in his embrace.
“She is prefect.”
His love laughed and nodded into neck. “Are you positive you’re not disappointed.”
“I will spend the rest of my life regretting those dark thoughts for ever coming into my mind. I love her, darling. I love our daughter, I love our son, so much so already. I love you so much. Thank you for bringing them into the world. You are so strong.”
She giggled to him; it was music to his ears. “What about Sebastian?”
He chuckled, “he can have what little love I have spared after the three of you.”
“I’m right here you know.” He heard his husband from the doorway.
“Sebastian,” his wife reached out to him, “come over here. Let us be a family together.”
Family. The three of them have been a family together for years now. But now with the twins, that word has a greater weight to it. And Ominis embraced it wholeheartedly.
Ominis felt the weight of the bed shift with the addition of his husband on the other side of their wife. She took their son from Sebastian, cradling him to her side and she turned back to face Ominis as she laid down. Sebastian curled himself around her back side with his arm coming around to rest on Ominis. Ominis himself sunk down to lay next to her, bringing their daughter to lay next to her brother while still being in his arms.
“Ominis, they can’t sleep with us. We’ll have to move them to the bassinet.”
“I know,” he whispered, not wanting to disturb them, “Just a couple more minutes. I like feeling them near. The two of you can rest, I’ll move them when I ready.”
Her smile couldn’t get any bigger. She raised her head to give him a loving kiss. When she let him go, she turned to Sebastian and gave him a kiss as well. “I love you so much,” she spoke to both of them before shutting her eyes. She would deny sleep no longer.
“And we love you, so much.” Sebastian responded, rubbing his face in her neck before falling asleep.
Ominis almost felt too overwhelmed. The love he had for them and the love he felt returned was more then he could ever hope for growing up. He’s not sure what he ever did to deserve them, but he vowed he would forever be grateful and try to be the best father and husband he could be for them.
“I love all of you. Thank you.”
Yes, it is possible for twins to have different fathers. its called heteropaternal superfecundation. It's very rare, but very possible.
#Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow/Original Female Character#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x reader#ominis gaunt x reader#ominis gaunt x mc#polyamory#hogwarts legacy
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Mistle what, now?
Female MC: Here's a fun Christmas tradition: Let's hang a mistletoe. But instead of kissing whoever is underneath it, we fight them. Ominis: What the- Sebastian: MistleFOE. Ominis: DAMMIT SEBASTIAN, DON'T ENCOURAGE HER!
#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hogwarts legacy funny#original female character#player character#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt
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Eternal Stranger

Read it here!
A03: Eternal Stranger (11862 words) by LostInTheWiind Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ominis Gaunt & Original Female Character(s), Sebastian Sallow & Original Female Character(s) Characters: Ingrid Zaphiris, Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt Additional Tags: Harry Potter - Freeform, Fanfiction, Lostinthewiind, Hogwarts Legacy - Freeform, Original Character(s), Magic, eternal strangers, Hurt Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt - Freeform
Wattpad: Eternal Stranger | Sebastian Sallow + Ominis Gaunt - Chapter 1: Always You Three (on Wattpad) Eternal Stranger | Sebastian Sallow + Ominis Gaunt - Chapter 1: Always You Three - Wattpad
#lostinthewiind#fanfiction#hogwarts legacy#found family#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#slow burn#enemies to lovers#friends to lovers#harry potter#original female character#original character#video game#slytherin
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Sebastian/f!oc or Ominis/f!oc choose your own ending
Erica Weasley wasn’t dead.
A rogue spell has sent Erica Weasley back into time to the year 1891 and now must face life a a modern woman in a not so modern time. Trying to settle with the help of two Slytherin boys and her ancestor she finds like life isn’t so bad.
However something else lurks in the shadow of the castle and Erica is a prime target to someone who knows her secret, someone who wants to make the future their own.
Warnings: characters are aged up, 18+ (just in case) more specific for later chapters. Swearing, please enjoy.
Erica Weasley wasn’t dead.
She wasn't sure what this spinning feeling was, but it wasn’t death. All she knew was that if she opened her eyes, she would vomit. She tumbled in the nothing, spinning and twirling, twisting the ache in the pit of her stomach. She desperately wanted to wake up, waiting for the soft landing of the bed, to prove this was just a dream.
The air, the void, curled around her like vines, scratching and caressing, but nothing held her weight, she just kept falling.
Her screams echoed around her curling until she no longer knew what was up or down. She was sure whatever roots planted her to the earth were torn out from under her, dragged away to someplace far away. Even her memories felt so far away, like she was falling away from them.
Erica Weasley was not dead. Yet, she sure wished it would come soon.
The all encompassing void soon gave way to pressure. Pressure that immediately grabbed at her throat and invaded her lungs as she desperately took a breath. Panic gripped ahold and she flailed at the new sensation. But as her arms and legs shot out and kicked, she connected with something hard, something tangible, a huge relief tangled in the panic. She could move, she couldn’t breath, but she could move.
It took a moment of burning in her lungs and nose to realise she was in water.
She threw a hand again and found cold air. She followed it. Gasping and coughing in the air.
“J-e -hyuk! -fugh -ing chri-” it was her instinct to shout, proving to herself that she was, in fact still alive, but invaded by the coughs and hacks she let it sink away in the pool of water around her. Rubbing the water and confusion from her eyes, she gasped at the air.
In the blur of water and shock she saw a wall next to her and let herself cling to it pulling herself up onto the small shelf. She tumbled over the small lip of it and landed hard on the marble below, stone and debris prickling against her as she focused on breathing.
Coughing she looked at the debris, its odd shape and greenish colour grabbed at her mind. She had seen it before, from where she didn’t know, but she had seen it. As well as the floor, the light hues and patterns setting of bells in her mind, but everything started to swirl. Nausea pulled at her stomach.
It was only then she noticed the eyes staring at her.
Gasps that weren’t hers, words mixed between whispers and exclamations filled the air around her. Looking at the group of girls next to her, she saw the robes of reds and greens, and tried to sigh in relief. Tried because not only could she not breath yet, but also because nearly every one of the students in said robes had wands aimed at her.
“Get back!” a curt voice cut through the air. “ Get back !” Erica hacked again as a red haired woman in a long black dress came into view, She shifted to get up but the stones at her legs dug in and white heat seared through them. Now the shock had lessened and she found her body aching. Another red haired woman entirely decked in green shot out from behind giant green doors.
Green doors?
In a moment her mind adjusted and she could see where she was, the marble floor, the green doors she was in the central hall! She managed the sigh this time, but hiccupped as the pain in her legs extended to her stomach and lungs. She was at school. She was still at Hogwarts.
The red haired woman with the black dress regarded her tightly, over the thin rimmed glasses, she glanced between her and what Erica quickly realised was the fountain, which now lay partially destroyed under her. Detention was going to suck. She glanced at the other woman in green, long plaited hair fell to her hips and a faerie hat on top of her head. While Erica had never seen either before, she reasoned they must have been visiting parents of some of the students, as both seemed to gently haul the younger staring eyes away from her. While the black dressed woman seemed sterner in her attempts, the other gently coddled the students back towards the green doors, but she too had a wand in her hand, much to Erica’s chagrin, aimed at her.
“What happened here?” A deeper voice sounded amongst the hushed surprise and another adult came into view. He was tall and in an immaculate pinstripe suit. Dark hair fell to his shoulders and he clasped at the railing as he rushed up the stairs, slow only because of a noticeable limp. Erica didn’t recognise this man either. He frowned deeply at the mess, and the girl in the mess before stopping a distance away. His brow creased, deeply matching the look of the woman in the black dress.
Erica tried to stand again, but found her legs struggling and shooting in pain, blood also started to seep onto the floor. She looked up to the woman closest to her and for a moment saw her aunt standing there, in the long black dress. Her Aunt Ginny lookalike stared down at her as her head started to spin. What was her Aunt doing here? Was she here?
“Please…” Erica mumbled to her without thinking. “I don’t feel so good.” Her aunt lookalike stepped forward again first hesitantly before quickly crouching next to Erica. She was starting to fade into the darkness, but she was glad for whatever reason that at least someone familiar was here. Her face was starting to burn with tears and she felt her face going red; as red as her own hair. Aunt Ginny would know what to do. Aunt Ginny would know what happened, she didn’t mind crying in front of her. Finally the darkness took hold.
Erica could tell the bed from the hospital wing, from any bed she had ever slept on.
It was always firm, always surrounded by a smell like a potions classroom, yet way more quiet. She should know, she had been there enough. Her body didn’t hurt any more, but she felt tired as hell. Yet as the whispers around her grew louder in irritation she found herself unable to go back into the quiet deep.
“If she is not a student, why is she wearing our robes, Sharp?” a particularly haughty voice rasped, rolling ‘r’s as if they were battering rams against his opponent.
“Surely you must know one of your students from a stranger?” the deeper voice from earlier replied. Erica shrugged back into her pillow, trying not to listen to the increasingly loud conversation. Though she did perk a little. ‘Your students’ the man had said. She tried to think back, but the voice was still as stranger to her as she seemed to them. She would have definitely mocked him long before now.
“Well, how am I supposed to remember them all?” the first voice said. “With the rather lax laws these days about who can be a student, there are far more than is feasibly possible for me to remember.”
“I know them,” the deeper voice said gruffly, annoyed at the other male there. “She is not a Hogwarts student,” Erica stirred. How could they not know who she was? Weasley was a name plastered onto the walls of Hogwarts, as much part of it as the ghosts, or the paintings, or even the lake. Everyone with red hair was suspected to be a Weasley at first, there were enough of them.
She scrunched her hands against the thin sheets and opened her eyes. The room had felt like The hospital wing, but it certainly didn’t look like it. It was smaller than she remembered, with wooden frames lining the walls. The beds, of which there was only a sparse handful, were cots with thin metal frames. She looked at the group huddle in the large door frame. The woman, she realised with upsetting clarity, was definitely not her Aunt Ginny, stood with her arms crossed as she watched two men bark at each other. The other man stood tall against his slightly taller opponent, and gripped tight to his old fashioned green suit. It seemed the more the pinstriped man snapped back, the more the green suited man felt the need to pull at his suit or at his bowtie. She would never understand wizard fashion. Insisting on suits and bowties instead of tees or god forbid even jeans.
“Hello, dear, how are you feeling?”A brunette stepped into her line of sight and blocked out the rest of the conversation. She didn’t recognise the nurse either. While she was accustomed to the nurses outfit Madam Pomfrey wore, this new nurse had decorated hers too with a red bowtie. She pressed her cool fingers against Erica’s forehead.
“I’m coolio,” Erica smiled, although lost it again when the nurse sharpened her look. “I’m good?” She tried again. She had spent so long trying to learn the newest lingo from the muggleborn students, she found it fascinating, but it didn’t surprise her that an older nurse may not know it. She barely did half the time, no matter how much she tried. The nurse instead felt her head again.
“I have managed to heal your legs up fine,” she said slowly as if Erica had any trouble understanding. “But perhaps the destruction has brought more damage than appears?” she said.
“I’m feeling much better, thank you,” Erica said, despite knowing it was a rhetorical question. “Although I should be offended that Madam Pomfrey hired someone else to deal with little old me.” she joked. It landed on deaf ears. The nurse looked at her again, this time her eyes crinkling with deep concern.
“Madam Pomfrey?” the nurse asked. Erics nodded.
“The… head nurse?” The nurse cocked her head to the side and frowned.
“I… am the head nurse, here, dove,” she started to pat Erica’s hand sympathetically. “Perhaps I missed an injury?” At her words the nurse started to inspect Erica’s head. The movement drew the attention of the others at the door frame.
The man in green tightened his hands around his robes and strolled over to her bed.
“Ah, see now, the girl can tell us herself,” he puffed his chest out, consumed with his own importance despite the others fighting back against him. “Young miss,” he greeted Erica as he got to her bed. The other two shared looks but joined him, both had their arms crossed. The nurse, still looking perplexed, moved out of the way to the other side of the bed. Erica, having been in this position her fair share of times, fell immediately into rambling mode.
“I swear it wasn’t my fault! Well, I did kind of antagonise Delphini, but she had it coming! I didn’t know what was going to happen!” She rushed out. “Look, it’s not that big a deal,” she tried to laugh it off, but only getting curious stares in return. “I’m sure Professor McGonagall is going to have a field day with this already, so I…”
“Whoa, whoa,” The red haired woman brought her hands up and shushed her. “Slow down, Who is Delphini? And Who is Professor McGonagall?” At that, Erica froze. There was no one on this side of the wizarding world who didn’t know Minerva Mcgonagall. A sinking feeling started to slip in. Before she could let it reach her heart she studied them all closely. Not one of the adults seemed to buckle, yet Erica still let out a weary chuckle.
“This is a prank isn’t. Oh, you nearly got me, Ha!” She let out but again got nothing in return. “I get it, pay back.” Please say it's payback , she silently begged. Silence.
“My dear, what’s your name?” The woman asked instead, although she said it kindly.
“Frederica.” She felt her voice go heavy in her throat. “Wealsey.” At her name the man in green clapped his hands.
“Ah! So she’s one of yours Weasley,” He said as if he found the source of everything. “Of course she is,” he sniffed derisively enough that both of the Weasley’s shot him a look. Clearing his throat, he motioned for the woman to carry on. Yet, just on Erica’s face, the woman too, shared the same look. Neither recognised the other.
“Who are your parents dear?” Erica took a deep breath, but looking at the stares back at her she remained quiet. Something was very clearly wrong, if these people were the remaining death eaters running around, tricking her with a fake Hogwarts, it wasn’t clever to give her parents in.
“What’s happening?” she asked instead her voice starting to tremble. “I know my family, all of them, I don’t know you.” The red headed woman drew closer and sat on the bed.
“My name is Matilda Weasley. This is Professor Sharp, and Headmaster Black.” She introduced the men. Head master… Erica gasped as her heart dropped. She may not have done great in class, but she knew enough. Impossible , she thought. But she squinted at him, looking over him. She had seen a portrait of Professor Black, not many due to his less than good reputation, yet here he was. Real.
“No.” the words slipped from her. “Nonononono…” she tried to get up to run away but hands stopped her. The nurse, now well and truly upset with her, shooed the professors away from her bed as Erica grabbed at her throat. It felt tight. Everything felt hot and cold at the same time. Nope. It was a dream. It was impossible.
“You’re joking,” she wheezed. “This is just a bad joke. I'm sorry for disrupting class. Is this… did dad do something while he was here? Oh god!” No one broke character. All they could do was look, as she fell into panic.
“You don’t understand, this is impossible,” She pleaded with the nurse he firmly gripped onto her arms. She was still damp from the fall into the fountain. The coldness of her clothes pressed against her and it felt so real. How? How ? She looked at the other Weasley, Erica pleading with her to believe her.
“This is impossible,” She said, unable to stop the whimper in her voice.
“Child,” Headmaster Black said. He had grown steadily from confused to impatient. “What, do you say, is impossible?” Erica looked at the woman again.
“What year is it?” She asked, then repeated the question louder when no one answered. “Please, just tell me.” Headmaster black, who looked to all the world done with this interrogation, sighed.
“It is the year of 1891.” he answered, pulling his hand to his head. Erica stopped moving. She was pretty sure she stopped breathing too, only starting again when the nurse started to rub her back. They all waited for her to answer why it was so important. She let the tears build again, this was a damn good reason to cry.
“I’m … from the future.”
Erica curled against herself in the bed. It had to be impossible. Her head was spinning, already getting whiplash between disbelieving and missing home. Yet, everytime the feeling of home washed over her, she convinced herself that it was impossible, and looped into disbelief again. At her statement the nurse, finally fed up, somehow slipped a potion, and in her frantic pleas, she had just swallowed it. Now, her drowsiness left her in that loop of disbelieving and homesick. She could hear the professors talk about it, but she couldn’t force herself to listen in.
At least she had a chance at being believed. The great thing about magic, anything could technically be possible. Thinking back, she had done a family tree once, while there were way too many names to memorise, she was sure there was a Matilda there somewhere. Family. She wanted her family.
Her father, George, was blase about a lot of people, a running joke to him, but he loved Erica. He loved his family. What would he be doing now? Desperately running around the castle he once knew trying to find her? Frozen in sadness having lost her? She didn’t know. She didn’t want to know, no matter how many times the question popped up.
Erica sat herself up as the pinstripe teacher, professor Sharp, came back to her bedside. Her ancestor, Matilda Weasley, gave her another weary look, but stayed back with the Headmaster, who now the question had been answered seemed more than annoyed.
Sharp pulled up a chair and made himself comfortable.
“May I call Frederica?” he finally said. She watched him for a moment, before looking back to the window, fervently invested as if she could somehow see home through the pane.
“Erica.” She said her voice felt dull and she wasn’t sure if it was her or the potion she had been given. “People call me Erica.” He gave her a gente smile.
“Very well, Erica,” he cleared his throat and shuffled in his seat. He seemed uncomfortable being the one chosen to talk to her. He looked back at the other professors before trying again. “If what you are saying is true, then… Please, elaborate.” She gave him another look but sighed.
“I do come from the future.” She said able to bring anything to her voice. “And I want to go home. I don’t know what happened. I was arguing with Delphini, she’s just… a bitch.” he flinched at her language but otherwise remained unreadable. “ She said… something, I never heard what it was, but it hurt, and I panicked and... The next thing I knew I was crash landing into the fountain.” He nodded along and looked at the potion the nurse had given her next to the bed. After a moment he leant forward resting his arms on his knees.
“How old are you, child?” She sniffed quietly.
“I’m seventeen. Eighteen in a few weeks.” she found her eyes closed. Her dad was really excited for her eighteenth. His little girl was growing up. His only child. God, she hoped he was ok. Sharp nodded, his hair falling over his eyes as he nodded and looked down. Erica guessed he was the one was volunteered for this interrogation.
“I know it seems impossible. But it’s all true. I just want to go home..
“I believe you,”
She sighed again. Some hidden weight lifted from her shoulders, but she turned her head before the tears could fall. She looked at the potion too. While she was a dab hand at potions, she didn’t really recognise which one it was. She did have a good look at the ingredients though, and found a few she did recognise, and also knew the reaction of combining them. He believed her, because under the potion she couldn’t lie. A small wry chuckle left her lips.
“Great, all I need is a fricking truth potion.” Sharp looked at her surprise, but he didn’t ask. Instead he looked even more uncomfortable.
“Miss Erica, you must be aware,” He paused looking at the floor as if it gave him answers. “We know not how to…” he paused but she turned away from him. He didn’t have to say anything. They didn’t know how to time travel in her time. She had no chance in the past. She let her curled body shift away from him, instead watching the large doorway, seeing a student now and peek their head through before quickly scurrying away. She ignored the creak of the chair behind her, but felt a new presence behind her.
“Gryffindor? Somehow, I am not surprised.” Professor Weasley said offering a different discussion to one Erica didn’t want to hear. With her back to her, her mind flooded back to Aunt Ginny again, it made the tears all the harder to keep back.
“Always have been, as long as I can remember,” Erica shrugged. She pulled her long curls into her fingers and wondered how Professor Weasley might see her. She had red hair, although hers was far more red than the orange hues of her family. She also had blue eyes and freckles that drew a line across her nose, all traits that were unmistakable for her family line. It was difficult to think that one of those people who also belonged to her line, long before her, was standing behind her. Maybe also contemplating the similarities between them.
She stopped herself from saying anymore, who knows what she might have ruined already being sent back to the past, she wasn't sure what else she could say.
“Well, for the time being you will stay in the Gryffindor dorm. We will find you some appropriate clothes and items for your studies here.” Professor Weasley said. “Perhaps it's best to keep this… turn of events between us? We don’t know what consequences this will entail.” Erica stiffened at the coldness in her voice. No, she wasn’t like Aunt Ginny at all. Not that Erica could blame her, She’d be freaked out if one of her descendants sat in front of her too. “For tonight, Nurse Blainey has agreed to let you stay here. You should get some rest. You have a long… well you should rest.” The headmaster had disappeared during the conversation, only bothered with what stir her appearance had caused. He had no need to deal with the child himself. Erica watched as the other professors left, probably to let her have her space as the potion made her even more drowsy, fully sinking in now.
She let it. She didn’t want to be here anymore.
Erica jumped up at the sound. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the night. The familiarity of the Hospital wing quickly fought against the stark difference of her memory. As she adjusted her sight something moved yet she couldn’t quite catch it. She rubbed her eyes but the movement was slight and without squinting she could barely see it. A disillusionment charm. She had had her fair share of times with that charm.
Someone had come to spy. Why, she didn’t know but she didn’t like it. Students snuck around all the time back in her time, but it being a vulnerable moment for her, it didn’t make her feel very good. As she watched the distortion in the air move as whoever it was slipped forward towards the exit. The nurse had left only a small gap in the curtain shielding her from outside view. But she had seen that movement. She knew those distortions.
Erica slipped off the bed as quietly as she could. Her robes had been discarded while she was sleeping so she had no clue where her wand was. She was left in her shirt and skirt, even her tights were gone, probably so the nurse could examine her legs when they were injured. The room was cold at night so she had to suppress the shiver that surged. Her legs ached as she stood on them and she knew she didn’t have long to move, having only being able to as the adrenaline flooded through them.
She peeked around the curtain quietly and saw the air ripple again. They were heading straight for the exit, she was sure she was going to lose them if she didn’t act quickly. Looking around, it seemed the room was empty, it was late given by the light through the window.
Without a thought she jumped forward and pushed over the figure on the floor. The sudden attack caused them to falter and land on the floor with a thick ‘ophf’.
Now on the floor the spell lost his grip and a boy stared up at her. A boy?! Before he could figure out what happened, she surged again. Gripping the boy's arms and pinning them above his head, he didn’t have a chance to aim his wand at her. Draping her leg over him so he had no chance to escape. She could feel the adrenaline she was running on escaping her.
The boy underneath gazed up at her surprised. He must have been another student, a slytherin by the green catches on his robe. His brown hair seemed so dark in the night, but she could see his face full of freckles, almost covering it entirely. His dark round orbs watched her as she scowled at him.
“Spying, are we?” His surprise melted into something else. Amusement, she could guess. He didn’t fight against her, instead a cocky grin grew in his face.
“Well, I couldn’t miss this, could I? Rather an informal meeting, don’t you think?” She scowled further as his eyes dropped down her body, widening a little at her bare legs either side of him before he looked back up. Her curls of hair toppled down over him. She dropped onto his abdomen the weight of her making him ‘omph’ again. He winced, but with a smile on his face.
“What. Do you. Want?” She asked, well aware there was little else she could do without a wand, but he didn’t seem to mind this turn of events.
“I was on my way to the prefect's bathroom, can’t blame a man for his curiosity, can you?” She narrowed her eyes.
“Where I come from, we hold people accountable, even for their curiosity.” He shrugged and his grin grew bigger.
“I’d say it was worth it.” He chuckled to himself. “Sebastian, by the way. Sebastian Sallow.” He wiggled his wandless hand as if to shake hers but she didn’t move, instead squeezing at his wrists.
“Do you like spying on girls in bed, Sallow? Creep.” She said, only to frown when he shrugged non-committedly again.
“If it ends up like this, I cannot say it isn’t a bad thrill to have,” Erica held back the need to throttle his neck. She scoffed and let him go, but her legs didn’t quite have the strength to stand again. It definitely wasn't because she had a handsome boy between them, definitely. She was still weak, that was all. She shifted her weight, unable to care that the shift definitely hurt his abdomen and pulled her leg back over him.
“Well, if your curiosity is sated, please, don’t let me keep you.” She sneered as he sat up. Damn the boy would be tall if he stood. He was broad for someone who must have been near the same age as her, and she has certainly felt some muscles under her legs. Erica turned to him again, watching as his eyes trailed up the full length of her legs, only stopping when she scoffed.
“Wow, never seen a girl before? No wonder you're desperate,” That grin grew wider, enough that even in the dim light she could see the dimples form on his chin. She hated that it made her heart pound. When she remembered where she was, or more specifically when she was, she realised the reality of him actually seeing a girl's legs probably was shocking.
“Don’t I get your name? If I must play the role of a seat, I should think it's only fair,” She blushed hard at the innuendo he seemingly didn’t pick up on. Back home she was strangely used to jokes like that. Hearing it from a boy in the 18th century who more than likely had no idea why she was blushing so hard made her ears feel white hot. She scoffed and tried to get up but her legs wobbled. She stopped before he could notice though.
“No.” She crossed her arms over her chest looking as indignant as she could. She hated that he was right, a thrill ran up her spine. She was here, in the middle of the night, with a strange boy who seemed all too happy to flirt with her. She looked over her shoulder at him, the light catching those freckles and dimples and refused to let herself crumble. She heard him chuckle behind her.
“Well, Red, what a precarious situation this is,” He said. Laughing when she glared over her shoulder again. “I promise it was just curiosity. How could one resist with an entrance like yours? The last person who had done so turned out to be very interesting.”
“So glad you have someone else to follow, please, don’t wait for me.” She tried to nudge him again. She wasn’t entirely sure wanted him to know she couldn’t stand yet. Sebastian however was more observant than she realised.
“Does someone need some help?” he cooed with a quiet laugh. She scowled at him again.
She threw her hands to the ground and pushed herself up trying to get some leverage, but her wobbly legs slipped out from under her and she tumbled back, falling into his chest. Her face burned with fury and embarrassment, and it burnt hotter when he laughed quietly.
“Quite the habit you’re developing, Red,” He shook his head as he laughed, careful to watch the nurse’s door. With a profound sigh that was no doubt fake he held out his hand. “May I help you to the bed?” Erica’s nose scrunched as she felt even hotter than before. Yet she had no choice, she couldn’t stand on her own. She thought briefly about screaming for help but his teasing didn’t seem to have any malice behind it. Despite the nature of his teases.
“You can barely keep your eyes to yourself, can I trust you with your hands?” He scoffed with mock offence.
“I always ask a lady, before I put my hands on her. Very few refuse.”
“Alright you know what…”
“I’m joking. I’m sorry.” He fought to keep his laugh quiet. “I am a gentleman after all.”
He held his hands up in defence before she sighed and nodded.
“Fucking hell,” she mumbled under her breath. If he heard her he pretended not to. She pulled off his chest and turned to him on her hip.
“Yes, if you could help me, please,” Erica said through her teeth. He laughed again and tucked away the wand in his hands. He stood. She was right, he was tall. Without any effort he looped an arm around her back and another under his knees, but he didn’t pull her up.
“You better hold on, Red, in case you fall out of my arms.” She didn’t move but neither did he. With a frustrated sigh Erica looped her arms around Sebastian’s neck. The bed was literally a few steps away, but he seemed to believe he was climbing up a mountain. She was right about his muscles too. She wasn’t the lightest of people, yet he seemed to carry her with no effort.
“Well, Red, I’m glad this night is not a total bust.” He deepened his voice next to her ear, almost purring as she rolled her eyes.
Erica closed her eyes for a moment and focused on the feel of his hands. He was real. As real as the version of Hogwarts was. She had to admit it wasn’t exactly… horrible, but now wasn't exactly the right time to dive into that sensation. He walked her to the curtain and nudged it to the side with his foot, before holding her over the bed. Still he didn’t let her go. When she opened her eyes and looked at him, the heat in his eyes was replaced with something else. Perhaps it was curiosity? It was sincere enough she had to swallow the moisture that was in her mouth suddenly.
“You know, Red, I have a good feeling about our meeting.” Sebastian said suddenly. Erica’s brow knotted. “Quite fortuitous, even if I say so myself,”
He put her down on the bed and before she could move he pulled the thin covers up over her body, grinning as he pretended to tuck her in.
“Goodnight, Red.” He whispered and saluted her as he nudged the curtain back into place. “I have a good feeling we will see each other again.” With that he disappeared, leaving Erica stunned on the bed.
“What in the hell was that?” She said out loud, although she was sure she would find out very soon.
#hogwarts#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#time travel#fluff#romance#angst#time will tell#garreth weasley#original female character
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I've been doing an outline of sorts for my HL fanfic series so I know where I'm going. I got to the end and now I'm not okay.
See my first two works here in AO3 .
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#ominis gaunt#sebastian sallow#anne sallow#original female character
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Rating: T (Subject to Change)
Ainsley steps back into Hogwarts for what should be a very normal sixth year.
#Harry Potter#hogwarts legacy#ominis#ominis x mc#ominis gaunt#ominis x anne#mc#oc#pc#Player character#original character#original female character#One-sided love#sebastian x mc#sebastian sallow#anne sallow#poppy sweeting#natsai onai#gaunt family#gaunt siblings#garreth weasley#post-hogwars legacy#spoilers#young love#rating subject to change#possessive#jealousy#hogwarts#sixth year#ancient magic
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Girls' Night
Sebastian Sallow x F!OC
Summary: Emmeline Alexander plans a girls' night for Anne Sallow and their friends at the cottage in Feldcroft, but her best friend and crush Sebastian insists on crashing the party. In other words, MC (Emmeline) and Sebastian take advantage of the Silencio spell in Sebastian's bedroom after a night of playing Never Have I Ever. Rating: Explicit 18+ (Minors DNI), all characters are 18+ Themes: Friends to lovers, slumber party, sleepover, girl talk, smut, romance Word count: 7,568 Notes: Every time I sit down to write my chapter fics, I accidentally write some nonsensical smut. Oops.
Characters are all seventh years and 18 years old. MC is an original female character named Emmeline Alexander.
Part 1 is clean, Part II has all the smut. Both can be found on AO3 or below the cut.
Part I: Girls' Night
Nightfall was reaching Feldcroft as Emmeline Alexander approached the quaint hamlet. She was tired from a long day of studying, but had decided to fly her broom there from Hogwarts. The fresh air was good for her and gave her some time to relax before what was sure to be a boisterous night.
Once she touched down, Emmeline made the familiar short trek to that same cottage – the one she’d been visiting regularly for over two years. Now, the cottage was larger – the handiwork of some transfiguration spells and charms she had mastered in the Room of Requirement. The home had two floors and separate bedrooms now, and she’d even added some flower boxes to the windows with simple, yet pretty landscaping outside.
It felt like home. In many ways, it was her second home.
The lights inside the cottage were on and Emmeline could hear joyous laughter and voices inside. She grinned to herself with anticipation as she knocked.
The door swung open and she was surprised by the first face to greet her.
“Sebastian?” she said stupidly.
“How nice to see you, too,” the freckled 18-year-old replied. He grinned at her and Emmeline felt her stomach flip.
“Emmeline!” Anne Sallow, Imelda Reyes and Poppy Sweeting waved from their seats around the dining table inside.
Emmeline moved to enter the home but was blocked by Sebastian, who held an arm across the threshold to prevent her from entering. “Wait,” he said, his lips forming a smirk. “You have to answer a security question.”
“Security question?” Emmeline repeatedly stupidly. “Seb, it’s me.”
“A likely response from an imposter,” Sebastian quipped while Anne, Imelda and Poppy giggled.
Emmeline sighed at the frivolity of it all. Clearly the group had already opened the firewhiskey. “Fine,” she sighed. “What’s the question?”
“Who was your first crush at Hogwarts?” Sebastian asked.
“Why is that the question?”
“Because the answer’s funny.”
Emmeline sighed again. “Do I have to?”
“Fine. Ominis,” Emmeline muttered quietly.
“Ominis Gaunt.”
The group inside roared with laughter as Emmeline shoved her way past Sebastian, tossing her satchel on the floor once inside.
“Bastard,” she mumbled. Sebastian threw an arm around her and pulled her in for a sideways hug.
“You know you love me,” he teased before Emmeline shoved him away.
“I’d love to be rid of you,” she sneered. “Besides, isn’t this supposed to be a girls’ night? Why are you here?”
“Don’t worry, darling, I’ll be out of your hair soon,” Sebastian said. “I’ll retreat to my room so you lovely ladies can do whatever it is you do.”
“Why aren’t you at Hogwarts?”
“Because it’s the weekend and all of my favorite people are here… except Ominis, but I reckon he’d appreciate a break from me,” Sebastian said.
“I’d appreciate a break from you too,” Emmeline huffed. “Especially after that stunt you pulled at breakfast this morning.”
“That was an accident, darling. I didn’t know the goblet was going to explode like that.”
Emmeline rolled her eyes and slinked past him to take a seat at the table with her other friends. She was quick to pour herself a glass from the firewhiskey bottle that sat on the table.
“Where’s Natty?” she asked as she reached for a handful of pear drops from a bowl.
“She’ll be here any moment,” Poppy answered. “She was having dinner with her mum.”
“And Nellie?”
“She’s not coming. She had a date.”
Emmeline’s eyes widened with curiosity. “With whom?”
“Do we know another Everett?” Sebastian chimed in from the sink where he was cleaning dishes. Emmeline turned to glare at him.
“Excuse me, but I do believe this is supposed to be a girls’ night,” she chided. “These conversations are not meant to include you.”
Imelda and Poppy shared a glance, their understanding mutual. It was going to be a long, albeit entertaining night with Sebastian and Emmeline egging each other on. It was the nature of their friendship, and neither could help themselves.
But despite their ceaseless banter, Emmeline and Sebastian were incredibly fond of each other, carrying a close bond that traced back to the start of their fifth year. Since then, their lives became irrevocably intertwined, woven by the threads of adventure, trauma and mutual secrets.
They were inseparable most days, except when Sebastian inevitably said or did something foolish. He provided an edge that contrasted Emmeline’s poise, an amusing juxtaposition to all who had the privilege to sit back and observe the tandem.
What neither of them could admit, though, was that their bond, no matter how unyielding, wasn’t quite enough to satiate either of them.
A brisk knock at the door signaled Natty’s arrival. Sebastian answered it again and offered Natty a much more hospitable welcome than the one he’d given Emmeline.
“Why doesn’t she have to answer any security questions?” Emmeline demanded.
“Because she is trustworthy,” Sebastian said, flashing an innocent grin. Emmeline shot him a glare, which only seemed to bring him more glee.
The five girls settled in around the table, catching up on their latest life updates. Though Emmeline, Imelda, Natty and Poppy saw one another daily at Hogwarts, Emmeline had taken it upon herself to ensure Anne wouldn’t feel left out. She knew Anne missed Hogwarts and her friends, especially now that it was their seventh year, so she arranged a slumber party to bring some cheer to the Feldcroft cottage.
“Natty, how was dinner with your mum?” Emmeline asked.
Natty sighed. “Not good,” she replied. “My mother doesn’t like the idea of me dating Eric.”
“Why not? Eric’s nice,” Poppy said.
“She doesn’t think Eric has enough ambition,” Natty explained.
“Well they can’t all be Slytherins,” Emmeline laughed.
“Too true!” Anne laughed.
“And they can’t all be Leander, who still seems to think he’s going to be a world-renowned duelist,” Poppy muttered.
Emmeline offered her a sympathetic smile. “He’s still on about that?” she asked.
“More than ever,” Poppy sighed. “It’s rather insufferable, really. Makes me wonder if there’s something wrong with my head for fancying him.”
Meanwhile, Sebastian listened to their conversation with fascination as he pretended to dry dishes in the kitchen. Sure, he knew girls had these kinds of discussions, but they usually chose their words carefully or withheld certain details when boys were around. He felt like they were providing him with some kind of answer sheet that could help him crack the code to what it was that women actually wanted.
“Leander always means well,” Emmeline continued. “Sometimes it comes off a bit obnoxious or paltry, but his intentions are always good.”
“I wish I knew what his intentions are with me,” Poppy sighed. “He’s all over the place. Anyway, I guess I should be patient with him. He may be delusional at times, but at least he has ambitions.”
“Eric does have ambitions, though,” Natty sighed. “He’s very brave and has a good head on his shoulders. He just isn’t sure what he wants to do after Hogwarts yet. I told my mother he’d figure it out and find a good job, but she doesn’t seem convinced.”
“She’ll come around,” Emmeline assured. “She’s just being a protective mother. She just needs to get to know him a little more.”
“I hope that’s true,” Natty said. “I really like him.”
“He really likes you too,” Imelda noted. “I overheard him singing your praises to Weasley in Potions last week. You know, before the class had to clear out because of Garreth’s rogue potion.”
“Speaking of Garreth,” Poppy giggled. “I heard you had to let him down easy, Emmeline.”
The five girls jumped at the sudden intrusion, turning to stare at Sebastian, who had been listening intently from his spot near the sink.
“Will you mind your business?!” Anne chided.
“Weasley asked you out?” Sebastian asked, his gaze fixed on Emmeline as he ignored his sister’s scolding.
Emmeline furrowed her brow at him, still taken aback by his sudden outburst. “What, is that so hard to believe?” she demanded.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” Sebastian replied. He was fortunate he was standing with one side turned away from the group of girls, because a vein in his neck threatened to expose just how irritated he was. “I’m just surprised, is all. Didn’t know Weasley had it in him.”
“Well I told him thanks but no thanks,” Emmeline said, still eyeing Sebastian suspiciously. “I like Garreth but he’s not my type.”
“And what is your type?” Imelda asked. “Judging from your past dating history, I’m not sure you have one.”
Emmeline paused. It was true, the boys she’d gone out with were all quite different from one another. Her first crush at Hogwarts had been Ominis, which all of her friends gleefully reminded her of much too frequently for her liking. She had fancied him because he was noble and composed, yet just playful enough to avoid being deemed too stuffy. But that crush had been fleeting as she and Ominis became close friends, and Emmeline’s affections were replaced by the other member of their trio, who was just the right amount of daring and incalculable she adored.
Then there was Amit Thakkar, who had been incredibly romantic and sweet, but not quite adventurous enough for her. There was also Andrew Larson, who intrigued Emmeline with his artistry and creative spirit, but was also too keen on staying indoors and out of trouble.
Emmeline had agreed to a handful of Hogsmeade visits and informal dates with other boys in her year, but none had reached more than one or two outings before she offered some excuse, usually that she was too busy to date.
In truth, Emmeline’s preoccupation had little to do with her schedule and everything to do with the only boy who had never pursued her.
She and Sebastian teased, flirted, even made suggestive remarks not suitable for most platonic friendships. They spent most of their free time, meals and classes together, far too often even for best mates. They shared secrets, musings and inside jokes that no other ears would ever hear, but they remained unaware that their biggest secret was mutual.
“I guess Garreth is just too… superficial for me,” Emmeline finally said with a shrug. “Don’t get me wrong, I like him. He makes me laugh and he’s always fun to hang out with, but I can’t recall ever having one deep or meaningful conversation with him in the two-and-a-half years I’ve known him. I want someone who makes me laugh but also makes me think.”
“But didn’t you say Amit was too deep for you?” Imelda pointed out.
Emmeline sighed. “There’s no such thing as too deep,” she said. “Amit was just too… philosophical. He was always trying to apply some underlying meaning to everything. It was just too much for me. Sometimes, I think things just happen because that’s how life works. There’s not always any rhyme or reason to its occurrences. That said, I also enjoy reflecting on how life shapes us.”
“I’m not sure you’re ever going to find someone who offers you that right balance of perception and candor,” Natty laughed.
“Maybe you need to stop dating so many Ravenclaws,” Sebastian, who had been hanging onto their every word, chimed in.
“What’s wrong with Ravenclaws?” Emmeline demanded, turning to glare at him.
“They don’t match your sense of adventure,” Sebastian replied simply. “They’d rather bury their noses in books than use their wands.”
“Says the bloke who owns more books than anyone I know,” Emmeline said.
“There’s nothing wrong with a thirst for knowledge,” Sebastian said smoothly. “But what’s the point in all that knowledge if you aren’t going to apply it to the real world?”
Emmeline couldn’t argue with that. It was precisely why she and Sebastian had become best friends. He was smart, yet daring enough to keep her guessing. Sure, that recklessness had nearly destroyed their lives at one point, but Emmeline had been patient and understanding with Sebastian as he worked to repair his past mistakes. Since that fateful fifth year, he had proved to her that he was remorseful, and Emmeline’s fondness for her friend morphed into something much heavier.
But she would never admit that, nor did she want to discuss her dating history with him. Instead, she retreated to her best defense – the wit and snark that masked her fear of ever confessing her feelings.
“And what’s the point in having a girls’ night when you’re here?” she retorted.
Sebastian responded with a smirk. “You love me.”
“I’d love to murder you.”
“Murder?” Sebastian drawled. “Such violent thoughts from such a tiny, little thing. Didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Careful, Sallow,” Imelda laughed. “We’ve all seen what she can do to you in a duel.”
“And I went easy on you last time,” Emmeline added.
“You’re anything but easy,” Sebastian shot back. The room fell quiet, Emmeline’s eyes growing wide while Poppy’s mouth fell open. Sebastian regretted his words instantly, knowing damn well the girls would giggle about them and dissect them later.
Imelda, ever the bold, mouthy one of the group, was the first to bark a laugh. “You two are something else,” she said, shaking her head. Emmeline also shook her head in an attempt to appear unbothered by Sebastian’s jeer.
“Say, I have an idea,” Anne said, her eyes carrying an impish gleam. “Let’s play a game. Sebastian, you can play too if you want, considering you’re practically one of the girls.”
“Hey now!”
The girls giggled but Sebastian made no attempt to leave the room. Instead, he finished drying the final dish – the same one he’d been “drying” for the past 20 minutes – and placed it away inside a cupboard, tossing the dish towel on the counter before he pulled a chair up to the table between Anne and Emmeline.
“Fine. Since you ladies clearly insist on my presence,” he said smoothly. “What’s the game?”
“Let’s play Never Have I Ever,” Anne said innocently. She flicked her wand, another bottle of firewhiskey sailing from a cabinet until it landed neatly on the table with a soft thud. Anne flashed a grin at the circle of friends. “We’re going to need this.
Part II: Never Have I Ever
“Never have I ever bailed on detention.”
“Poppy, have you even had detention?” Sebastian laughed. The group echoed him with a warm chuckle, a signal that the firewhiskey was in full effect.
“Precisely why I’ve never bailed on it,” Poppy said proudly.
Sebastian and Natty both drank from their glasses, sparking another round of giggles.
“Of course,” Anne mused. “Sebastian’s skipped more detentions than he’s snogged girls in broom cupboards, which is really saying something.”
“And how would you know about my broom cupboard escapades?” Sebastian demanded.
“I know everything,” Anne answered, gesturing to the ring of friends around them. “I have eyes and ears everywhere.”
“More like eyes and ears in the form of a certain quidditch captain,” Sebastian muttered, shooting a pointed glance at Imelda, who straightened in her chair with a smug smile.
“Someone has to keep your sister informed on your everyday life,” she said. “Merlin knows you’ve had enough extracurriculars to entertain us all.”
Emmeline was decidedly quiet throughout the exchange. Of course, she knew of Sebastian’s illicit activities. He had become the talk among most of the girls at Hogwarts, particularly since the start of their seventh year when it had become clear that Sebastian was more of a man than a boy. Now 18, Sebastian’s features were much more handsome than cute, though he still clung to his boyish charisma.
Though Emmeline wanted to fling herself from the top of the Astronomy Tower every time she heard a new rumor about Sebastian and his latest fling, she typically kept quiet on the matter. Despite all the secrets they shared, she and Sebastian rarely discussed their love lives. It was the one element of their lives they chose to keep from one another.
Imelda’s turn came next. “Never have I ever snogged someone in a broom cupboard,” she cackled.
Sebastian groaned and took a drink. So did Emmeline.
“Who have you been snogging, and in which broom cupboard?” Sebastian demanded, setting his glass down with an audible bang.
“What’s wrong, afraid all the good cupboards will be taken?” Emmeline teased. Sebastian glowered at her, much to her satisfaction. “You aren’t the only one with secrets, Sebastian Sallow.”
Anne was the only one who noticed how Sebastian’s jaw tightened. She smiled to herself as she realized it was her turn.
“Never have I ever wanted to snog my best friend,” she declared boldly.
Imelda snorted as Sebastian and Emmeline both froze, rather noticeably. Everyone else sat, their drink glasses untouched, leaving the pair to glance nervously toward one another. Finally, Emmeline sat back and folded her arms across her chest for emphasis.
“No one?” Anne asked innocently. “Someone here must be lying.”
Emmeline averted her eyes while Sebastian stared at the table as if it had suddenly transformed into the most interesting book he’d ever read. The silence that settled over them roared with implication evident to everyone but Sebastian and Emmeline.
“Well, I suppose it’s my turn,” Sebastian finally said, shooting an annoyed glance at Anne who smiled innocently. Sebastian thought for a moment, his eyes flickering toward Emmeline for a fleeting second. “Never have I ever used Polyjuice to impersonate a headmaster.”
Emmeline gasped at his audacity, provoking a chortle from Sebastian. “I swore you to secrecy on that!” she hissed.
“It was two years ago, might as well have a good laugh about it now,” Sebastian said. He reached in front of Emmeline to nudge her drinking class closer to her. “Go on now, drink.”
Emmeline huffed at him before taking a sip. “Bastard,” she muttered before she was forced to recall the time she broke into Headmaster Black’s office. When she finished the story, she turned her head slowly toward Sebastian for emphasis. His gaze matched hers as he tried to appear unbothered, but Emmeline knew him too well. And he knew her too well, meaning he sensed payback was brewing.
She cleared her throat for dramatic effect. “Never have I ever worn my sister’s dress.”
The room paused in silent shock as the other girls processed Emmeline’s words. Finally, a burst of laughter erupted and Sebastian’s cheeks tinged red as he took a drink.
“That was one time!” he insisted, which only provoked more laughter from the girls. “I was drunk!”
Emmeline leaned back in her chair, her eyes glinting with satisfaction as Sebastian was forced to retell the time he drank too much the previous Christmas in Feldcroft and got into Anne’s wardrobe.
“In my defense, Ominis and Em were the ones egging me on,” Sebastian huffed.
“My only regret is not taking a photo to remember the moment,” Anne laughed. “Not that I could forget it if I tried.”
“Always knew you had a kinky side to you, Sallow,” Imelda teased.
The game carried on for several more rounds until the group’s drunken antics had Poppy slumping in her seat. She nearly toppled backward in a fit of giggles at something Imelda said, stirring concern from Sebastian and Emmeline, who were the most sober.
“Poppy!” Emmeline shouted as the chair tipped dangerously. “Maybe you should lie down for a bit.”
Sebastian checked his pocket watch. “It’s nearly two in the morning,” he said. “Perhaps we should all get some sleep.”
Emmeline nodded in agreement as she helped Poppy from the chair, using her wand to conjure five sleeping bags on the living room floor.
“Oh, are you and Sebastian sharing a bag?” Imelda pestered. Emmeline rolled her eyes and eased Poppy to the floor to help her inside a sleeping bag.
“As much as Sebastian would probably love nothing more than to sleep in a room surrounded by 18-year-old women, he has a room of his own,” Emmeline replied as Poppy curled up sleepily.
“Wouldn’t want you ladies fighting over who gets to sleep next to me,” Sebastian drawled.
Imelda heaved a sound of disgust as she helped Natty, who was also quite inebriated, into a sleeping bag.
“Emmeline, please do something about your boyfriend,” Imelda ordered.
“He’s not my boyfriend! He disgusts me just as much as you do!”
“Oh please, the two of you have been verbally edging each other all night. Get a room. Just make sure you use a silencing charm,” Imelda teased.
Sebastian chuckled at the girls and headed toward the staircase.
“Goodnight, my darlings!” he called before he disappeared up the stairs to retreat to his bedroom.
Emmeline slipped down the hallway to change into her pajamas before walking a lap around the cottage’s first floor, extinguishing the lights. She climbed into a sleeping bag next to Anne, who was just settling down herself.
“Thank you for planning this evening,” Anne said. Emmeline rolled onto her back, the dim cottage falling quiet except for Poppy’s light snoring.
“Of course,” Emmeline said. “I’m glad we got to have a fun girls’ night. Or girls’ night plus Sebastian.”
Anne giggled. “He just can’t help himself, can he?” she laughed. “Always has to be the center of attention.”
“I think he just likes to be included in things,” Emmeline noted, her voice falling quiet as her eyes scanned the ceiling, where she knew Sebastian was sleeping overhead. “Ever since you and Ominis let him back into your lives, he’s made it a point to spend time with you. Doesn’t want to take you for granted.”
“I know,” Anne replied softly. “I’m glad he’s worked so hard to change. And I’m glad he has you, you know. Maybe he doesn’t admit it, but you’re just as important to him as Ominis and me.”
Emmeline let out a gentle laugh. “I’ll continue to give him the dignity of believing I don’t know that. Even if the moron doesn’t deserve it.”
Anne giggled in acknowledgement. She listened to Imelda’s breathing change next to her, indicating she had also fallen asleep.
“I really am glad you didn’t give up on him, after everything that happened, after what he did,” Anne said quietly. “I like to think your support was what kept him from breaking.”
“He’s a good person, one of the best I know,” Emmeline responded. “He shouldn’t have to spend the rest of his life paying for what he did when he knows how wrong it was. He deserved a second chance and I’m always going to support that.”
“He deserves a good punch in the face sometimes, too,” Anne muttered, drawing a giggle from Emmeline.
“That, he does,” she agreed.
The pair allowed silence to settle over the room until Anne suddenly shivered.
“Are you cold?” Emmeline asked, sitting up to peer at Anne through the darkness.
“Just a little,” Anne replied. “It gets rather drafty in here.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to just sleep in your own room?” Emmeline asked. “I know you wanted to do the whole slumber party thing, but it seems silly for you to sleep here on the floor when you have a perfectly comfy bed upstairs.”
“It’s girls’ night,” Anne insisted. “I want to spend time with my best girl friends.”
“At least let me fetch you another blanket,” Emmeline said, rising to her feet.
“There’s one upstairs on my bed,” Anne answered. “Oh, and there’s a second one in the closet in Sebastian’s room.”
Emmeline paused. “You need both?”
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Anne replied innocently. Emmeline nodded and crept carefully, tiptoeing around the other sleeping girls toward the staircase.
She stopped in Anne’s bedroom at the top of the stairs first, gathering a quilt from the bed before continuing down the hallway toward the last door. It was slightly ajar but the lights were out, causing her to linger in hesitation.
She stood quietly, listening carefully for a sign that Sebastian was still awake. The only sound she could hear was the snores from the living room below.
“Sebastian?” she finally whispered as she gently shouldered the door open. She poked her head inside, squinting to peer at Sebastian. He was under the covers, seemingly fast asleep.
She tread quietly toward the closet door, where she found another quilt folded on the top shelf. She stood on her tiptoes to reach it and gently pulled it downward, tucking it beneath an arm.
Sebastian stirred quietly, but didn’t react. Emmeline retreated slowly toward the door, holding her breath as if any more noise would be disastrous.
Suddenly, one of the blankets caught beneath her foot and pulled as she stepped. Emmeline stumbled, her footsteps pounding loudly on the wood floors before she finally lost her balance and toppled over with a thud.
“Who’s there?!” Sebastian sat upright, one hand fumbling over the nightstand for his wand.
“Shh! It’s me! Sebastian, it’s me!” Emmeline hissed, still sprawled out on the floor.
“What the hell are you doing in here?”
“I was getting another blanket for Anne!”
“And you entered my bedroom unannounced?”
“You were asleep!”
“What if I’d been doing something private?”
“Ew! Were you?”
“No! I was sleeping!”
“Then what’s it matter?”
“This is my bedroom!” Sebastian squinted through the darkness as he tried to make out Emmeline’s form. “Why are you on the floor?”
“I tripped.” Emmeline managed to untangle herself from the heap of blankets and climb to her feet as Sebastian found his wand.
“Lumos!” The tip of his wand cast a warm light throughout the room, revealing Emmeline standing about three feet from the door. She couldn’t help but sneak a double-take as she realized Sebastian had been sleeping shirtless.
Sebastian swallowed. Emmeline’s pajamas revealed much more skin than he’d been accustomed to seeing from her, the neckline of her top dipping dangerously low across the tops of her breasts. He’d never seen her in her sleep attire before, their separate Hogwarts houses keeping them apart at night. Besides, whenever he pictured her in bed, she was wearing far, far less.
Meanwhile, Emmeline took in Sebastian’s tousled hair and sleepy eyes. She hated how enticing he looked, even in such a vulnerable state.
“Uh, are you okay?” Sebastian finally asked.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“Okay. Is everyone else asleep?”
As the room fell quiet, Emmeline willed her feet to move. Instead, she remained rooted to her spot, as if she were looking for a reason to linger.
Sebastian watched her curiously, his own brain searching for an excuse to keep her there. “Boy, Poppy’s quite the lightweight, isn’t she?” he finally said with a soft laugh.
“She sure is,” Emmeline giggled. “To be fair, she weighs about a fraction of the rest of us.”
“I didn’t realize she was so enamored by Prewett,” Sebastian continued. Emmeline shrugged.
“I suppose you learned quite a bit from crashing girls’ night, didn’t you?” she mused.
“Positively enlightened.”
“Anything you care to share with the class?”
Sebastian masked his hesitation with a smirk. Though he didn’t consider himself to be drunk, firewhiskey had never been his friend. He’d had a fair amount that evening and it was making it more difficult than ever to quell the tightness in chest that could only be traced back to Emmeline.
Seventh year would be over before they knew it and Sebastian feared their friendship would vanish too. Emmeline was set for a position within the Ministry of Magic’s Department of Mysteries, where she hoped to become an Unspeakable. Sebastian had a position laid out for him as a cursebreaker with Gringotts. He was excited for those possibilities but terrified adulthood would drive a wedge between him and the one person he couldn’t envision a life without.
“I didn’t realize you had such high demands for your romantic partners,” he finally teased.
Emmeline narrowed her eyes at him, her lips parting in shock. “I am not demanding!” she hissed. “You take that back!”
Sebastian sat back against the headboard of the bed with his arms crossed. “Point proven,” he said smugly.
A loud snore echoed through the cottage and Sebastian couldn’t help but bark a laugh. “Was that Poppy?”
“I think that one was Imelda,” Emmeline replied as another snore cut through the room. “It’s going to be a long night.”
“Here,” Sebastian said, scooting to one side of the bed. “Just sleep here. I’ll cast a silencing charm to take care of the snoring.”
Emmeline’s hesitation was clear as she stood, her feet frozen in place as Imelda’s earlier teasing came to mind. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to join Sebastian in bed – she had daydreamed of that particular scenario more than she’d ever admit – but it was the implication, the expectation, and most of all, the temptation of what it meant.
“Come on,” Sebastian said. “I don’t bite. Unless you’re into that sort of thing. Besides, it’s not really all that different from all the times you’ve slept on my shoulder while studying.”
But it was different, and Sebastian knew it. The two of them sharing a bed in his cottage, away from the confines of the Hogwarts castle and all its propriety, would absolutely be different – especially when he wasn’t sure how he could possibly keep his hands to himself when Emmeline was next to him looking like that .
“All right, fine,” Emmeline sighed, the spare quilts forgotten on the floor. She moved slowly toward the bed, sliding next to Sebastian who still had his wand lit.
“Silencio,” he said, the room falling dark and quiet. “There, that’s better.”
Emmeline nodded quietly as Sebastian tossed his wand back on the nightstand to settle in beneath the covers. She swallowed as she fought to maintain gentle and light breaths, her chest rising as her body betrayed her. She was certain Sebastian could hear her heartbeat hammering against her ribcage.
Next to her, Sebastian was having the same thoughts. He could smell her shampoo, light and floral, and if he moved any closer, his hand would brush the silkiness of her pajamas. He wondered how that fabric would compare to the softness of her skin, or dare he think it, the velvet feel of her…
“Huh?” Sebastian was pulled from his sinful thoughts.
“I asked if you’re alright,” Emmeline said. “You seem to be breathing heavily.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just making sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. You know, other than the fact you’re hogging all the covers.”
“I am not!” Emmeline huffed. She shoved the blanket toward Sebastian who merely chuckled. “It’s not my fault it’s freezing in here,” she said.
“It’s nearly 21 degrees,” Sebastian pointed out. “It’s plenty warm.”
“Not for me.”
“Fine, come here.” Sebastian hooked an arm around Emmeline’s waist and pulled himself closer to her as he nestled against her back. He instantly melted into her, but could feel her shoulders shift as she tensed. “This okay?” he asked, worried he had crossed a line.
“Mmhm,” she answered sleepily. “That’s better. You’re nice and warm.”
Sebastian relaxed a little and could feel Emmeline’s body do the same, though she was hyper-aware of the way his hand rested gently against her waist.
“Emmeline?” Sebastian asked quietly.
“Anne’s right, you know.” His tone was soft yet serious enough that Emmeline couldn't help but lift her head slightly from the pillow to hear him better. “I overheard the two of you earlier. What she said about you being just as important to me as her and Ominis… she’s right.”
Emmeline held her breath as he spoke and carefully mulled over a response. This was precisely what she had meant earlier when she said she wanted a romantic partner who could share meaningful conversations with her. Sebastian could be impulsive, even reckless at times, but he wore his heart on his sleeve and didn’t shy from saying how he really felt, even if it made him vulnerable to her. She always liked that about him.
“Well,” Emmeline started after drawing a shaky breath. “Despite your obnoxious eavesdropping, I meant what I said, too. You did deserve a second chance. You’re a good person and I’ll never stop having your back.”
Sebastian nuzzled the back of her neck gently, a bold move that made Emmeline’s breath hitch. “I like having your back for a change,” he murmured. He knew he was potentially risking everything – their friendship and her trust, but years of longing and suppression had become too unbearable to endure any further for him. He had to know if he stood even the slightest chance at the rare privilege it would be to touch her.
“You sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable in a broom cupboard?” she quipped.
“Sounds like I’m not the only one who finds them rather cozy,” he murmured into her ear, his breath warm against her skin.
Emmeline knew him too well. She could sense the push in his voice, testing her to see how she’d react and how far she was willing to let him go. She decided that enough was enough – she had been drained by the past few years she’d spent practicing poise and self-control when it came to him, stifling all her impulses and redirecting her feelings to boys who would never measure up. If Sebastian was going to tempt her, she was going to ace his tests.
She whipped her body around so that she was facing him, startling Sebastian who tensed. She could feel it in the way he was subconsciously gripping her hip.
“Just curious,” she cooed softly. “Which broom cupboard is your favorite? Is it the one in the dungeons near the Slytherin Common Room? Seems like you might appreciate the convenience in location. I find that one a bit too snug to move around in, though. Perhaps you’re more of a fan of the cupboard in the North Hall, near the History of Magic classroom? That one’s nice and secluded, especially if you make a lot of noise.”
“Emmeline,” Sebastian warned.
“Personally, I think my favorite’s the little room in the Clock Tower Entrance,” Emmeline continued. “Ever been in that one? I showed that one to Amit after Crossed Wands once – we spent a good hour in there, but I don’t think he appreciated it as much as I did.”
Sebastian had to grit his teeth. He didn’t want to think about her doing those things with someone else, but the notion that she was willing and capable of them made him tense, particularly below the waist.
“So which is it?” Emmeline pressed. “Which is your favorite?”
“I like the one off the Reception Hall, near the kitchens,” Sebastian replied through clenched teeth. “Easy to get to and convenient if you work up an appetite.”
Emmeline’s eyes widened at his remark but her lips formed a seductive smirk. “Oh, I wasn’t aware of that one,” she purred innocently. “Perhaps someone will show me someday.”
“Is it spacious? I don’t like when I have to stand the entire time.”
Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath. “Merlin, Emmeline. You’re killing me.”
“Whatever do you mean, Seb?” Emmeline asked, still feigning naivety.
“Stop making this so hard on me.”
Emmeline shifted, her hips pressing gently against Sebastian’s. “Oh, you weren’t kidding about the hard part.”
“I’m going to hex you.” Sebastian growled.
“Fine. Just wait until we’re done and make it worth my while.”
Sebastian was certain he had to be dreaming. Emmeline – his Emmeline, was practically throwing herself at him, daring him to take a chance. And Sebastian was a true Slytherin – ambitious, cunning and determined to get the things he wanted. He didn’t let chances escape his grasp.
He kissed her. He could feel the breath of air she sucked in through her nose when their lips met, her eyes fluttering shut as she returned it. Sebastian wasn’t sure what this would all mean come morning, but the hunger in her kisses made it clear that she wasn’t in the mood to worry about it.
Bed sheets rustled and hands grabbed at whatever skin was exposed. Hearts raced as both realized they were about to satiate their biggest fantasy. Sebastian’s hands roamed beneath Emmeline’s top, brushing over her stomach and down her sides until his fingers found the hem. He pulled away, his eyes heavy as he tugged the shirt upward. His lips found her neck, drawing a soft moan from her.
“Seems I’ve found a sensitive spot,” he murmured against her skin. He left a trail of kisses from her neck to her collarbone, ending between her breasts.
The darkness made it difficult for Emmeline to see much, but she could certainly feel. Sebastian’s hands were everywhere, yet it still wasn’t enough for her. As she rolled onto her back, Sebastian paused to kiss her again, sparking more impatience from her. She could feel the familiar swell of heat that only happened when she thought of Sebastian late at night, alone in her bed, her own fingers forced to mimic Sebastian’s.
Emmeline lifted her hips as Sebastian tugged her bottoms off, followed by her panties. She silently praised whatever higher power was responsible for Sebastian’s impatience too.
Sebastian’s fingers dragged between her thighs, over her slick entrance. The moment was fleeting and she whimpered a plea for more. Sebastian obliged her as his index and middle finger made contact with her core again. He rubbed her until her breath became a heavy pant and her hips rocked upward demanding more.
A loud moan carried through the room as Sebastian’s fingers disappeared inside her, the wetness immediately coating them. He curled a finger and Emmeline gasped, her submission making his cock stir.
“Fuck, Em. You’re so fucking perfect,” Sebastian whispered, his eyes roaming her body in the moonlight that poured through the window.
“And you’re… overdressed.”
Sebastian flashed a smirk and moved to remove his own remaining garments, kneeling over Emmeline once he was rid of them. Emmeline couldn’t help but stare at his form. He was fully erect, the length of his cock proudly anticipating her touch.
She wasn’t sure how she was going to take all of it, but she was damn sure she’d die trying.
A groan escaped Sebastian’s lips as Emmeline gently took him in her hand, gently tracing from the base to his tip. He twitched, his arousal unlike any he’d experienced.
“Emmeline,” he breathed as her mouth engulfed him. He could feel her tongue flatten against his shaft, slowly running over every vein and ridge with deliberation. “Emmeline,” he repeated, his eyes squeezed shut. The sight alone of her lips wrapped around him was enough to nudge him to the edge. “I don’t think I can take it.”
He hated that confession. As much as he loved this girl and would willingly follow any order she asked of him, his pride remained firm. He didn’t want her to think he was incapable of pleasing her, of lasting long enough to ensure she was good and finished. But this moment, this feeling, had consumed his free thoughts for so long, there was no way he could remain composed much longer.
Emmeline removed her mouth from him, her smirk indicating the satisfaction she felt from the power she clearly held over him.
“You may not be able to take it,” she said, eyeing his cock pointedly, “But I can.”
Sebastian decided she was going to be the death of him, but at least he’d die a happy man.
Emmeline straightened up to rest back on her heels, her eyes maintaining their challenging gaze. “What do you want me to do to you?” she asked, her voice husky with desire.
Sebastian chewed at the inside of his cheek. No girl had ever asked him that. It made his cock pulse. “I want you to do whatever’s going to make you moan my name,” he replied.
Emmeline couldn’t believe she was lucky enough to exist in the same world as Sebastian Sallow.
“On your back,” she ordered. Sebastian, who typically preferred to be the assertive and dominant party in such situations, obliged. He was too eager to please, and to discover that sweet, supreme moment when she’d cry out his name and show him how she looked when she experienced ultimate pleasure.
As she climbed over him, her legs straddling either side of his torso, his hands snapped instinctively to her hips. His fingers gripped her tightly, drawing a shaky laugh from her.
“Careful,” she mewed as she positioned herself above him. “Can’t have you leaving any marks.”
Before Sebastian could form a smart reply, her wet heat met the tip of his cock as she lined him up against her entrance.
“Fucking hell.” Sebastian exhaled slowly, his jaw and eyes clenched tight as he welcomed the feeling of her warmth stretching around him. She seemed to be moving at a glacial pace as she eased herself downward.
“God, Sebastian,” Emmeline breathed. She had to still herself for a moment, her open palms resting against his bare chest as she stretched to accommodate him. She rocked backward slightly to straighten upward, the tiny movement forcing Sebastian to swallow.
“I love you,” he blurted out. If it hadn’t been for the absolute ecstasy currently coursing through his cock, he would have Avada Kedavra’d himself on the spot. Leave it up to him to say something so utterly stupid during the most exciting moment of his life.
Emmeline paused, her eyes wide with disbelief as her gaze met Sebastian’s.
“Really?” she asked.
There was no going back now. “Of course,” Sebastian replied, annoyed at himself for provoking a life-altering conversation mid-sex. “Hasn’t exactly been a secret these past few years.”
“Oh.” Emmeline held her position, stunned at the revelation, though the feeling of Sebastian lingering inside her was difficult to ignore for long. “Well, I love you too,” she finally said. “But given how I covered up a murder for you, stuck by you for two years and threw myself at you tonight, that shouldn’t be a secret either.”
“...Oh. Well when you put it that way…”
“Guess I should have told you then, huh?”
“Would’ve saved us both a lot of trouble, it seems.”
“Sure would have.”
“Hey, Sebastian?”
“Can we have this conversation later? As thrilled as I am to hear you finally confess your love for me, I’m going to spontaneously combust if you don’t shut up and fuck me.”
“Oh. Right.”
They shared a quiet laugh, but Emmeline’s eyes quickly darkened as her thoughts returned to a sinful state, the feeling of Sebastian’s tip pressing against the soft flesh inside her.
She moved slowly at first, rocking her hips up and down to ensure she’d found the spot. The moan that fell from her lips confirmed it, and Sebastian’s grip remained rigid on the flesh of her hip bones as if it were steadying him.
In truth, he was desperately fighting his own body’s response to the euphoric feeling Emmeline was creating for him.
“Feels so good,” she panted as her pace quickened. Her eyes fluttered shut so she could focus on the sensations, which were building an inevitable wave of pleasure in her walls.
Sebastian could feel her wetness pooling at the base of his cock, her slick cunt gripping his shaft as she moved up and down. He wanted to move more, to show her how capable he was in the bedroom, but he was fearful he’d fuck himself into an embarrassing moment. He wanted to prove to her he was worthy of this privilege.
As Emmeline lifted herself upward again, Sebastian forced his own hips upward, evoking a surprised moan from her. He slammed himself inside her again, causing her to hover over him so that he could control their movements. He fucked her with determination, his cock railing against the spot that threatened to unravel her.
She could feel it building, sensed it ballooning in the form of a tiny twitch that would soon erupt into a full convulsion. “Don’t stop,” she begged through ragged breaths, her head tossed backward as the force of Sebastian’s thrusts made her breasts bounce.
“Sebastian, I’m going to-” She couldn’t complete the sentence as she heaved a cry, all of her weight settling down as she collapsed around Sebastian’s cock, her orgasm pulsating around him.
The sensation was new territory for Sebastian, her walls beckoning him with their quaking until a familiar throbbing coursed through his cock.
He released himself inside her with a grunt, the sensation prolonged as she continued to bounce on him to ensure they both were fucked to completion. When he had no more to spill, Emmeline stopped, her full weight still on top of him as she recovered.
“Bloody hell,” Sebastian breathed as the room returned to focus, the moonlight shifting from blurred lines to a sharp focus that shined a spotlight on Emmeline’s body still perched on top of him.
“All right?” Emmeline asked, her chest rising and falling as she panted.
“Never better.”
Emmeline managed to breathe a laugh before she climbed off of Sebastian, returning to her sleeping spot next to him.
Sebastian pulled her close so that he could appreciate the feeling of her sweaty skin, sticky yet warm.
“We should have girls’ night more often,” he mumbled happily.
In the living room beneath them, Anne pulled a blanket around herself, smiling as she drifted off to sleep.
#hogwarts legacy fandom#Hogwarts legacy fanfiction#Hogwarts legacy fanfic#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy sebastian#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy oc#sebastian sallow x mc#hl#hl fanfiction#hl fanfic#anne sallow#poppy sweeting#imelda reyes#natsai onai#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian sallow smut#hogwarts legacy smut#whizzing fizzbee fanfic
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Mallowsweet Muses PART 2 - Sebastian Sallow/Ominis Gaunt/Female! Reader
Summary: Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result.
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit content, F/M/M, polyamory themes
Full fic can be found here on Ao3! Part 1 of Mallowsweet Muses can be read here on Tumblr. Part 3 now complete!
Ominis was ready to throw himself in the lake and let the Kraken have away with him.
It had been an entire week since his unintentional bout of eavesdropping in the vivarium. One week since he had listened to you give sloppy head to Sebastian and heard the depraved comments he whispered in your ear, before he had shamelessly fucked you over the table. All with him laying not five feet away. His mind hadn’t stopped reeling from it since, and maintaining his aloof facade had proven to be more difficult than he’d originally thought.
Hell, he’d been so preoccupied with controlling his raging boner after the fact that he’d barely been able to pretend to be pissed about his Herbology notes.
Since then, he’d spent an increasing amount of time separated from the two of you. Not because he was mad– far from it, in fact– but because he was confused beyond belief at his own reaction to the whole thing.
He liked it. All of it; your muffled moaning against Sebastian’s hand, and the wet sound of him pumping into you. The almost silent scrape of the wooden table against the floor had made Sebastian’s slow and steady pace easy to keep track of, and the man’s own lust-filled groans had lit a fire in Ominis’ gut that had yet to lessen, much less disappear.
Sighing in frustration, he let go of his magical hold on his dictation quill, the feather falling to the table silently. His head tipped forward to slam down on his notebook, the dull thud echoing through the sparsely populated library around him. Ominis had managed to find a cozier corner on the second level, far from the activity that overtook the main floor, and he had been here for the better part of two hours trying to distract himself before his mind had started to wander.
Right back to you and Sebastian. His cock twitched in his pants then, demanding attention.
He groaned, “Damn it.”
Common decency overpowered his baser urges, and with a hurried flick of his wand Ominis charmed away his books and quill, stuffing his hand down his tight trousers to quickly readjust himself into a somewhat more comfortable position before he was peeling out of the library. The dorms were out of the question– too many students were likely holed up there for the weekend, and the possibility of running into Sebastian was too great. Silently praying that the two of you had gone on a date somewhere far away, he made his way to the Undercroft.
As the iron gate rose, Ominis went rigid like a deer, already about to flee as the sound of Sebastian’s voice mid-conversation registered from somewhere inside.
“I’m not sure, but he wasn’t in the dorms this morning. Imelda pretty much confirmed he was in the Great Hall early though.”
“So he’s avoiding us–” you said, before the screaming gears of the gate cut you off, drawing your attention to the entryway. Ominis could only assume as much, considering it had suddenly gone deathly silent.
You barely had time to catch a glimpse of the red glow from Ominis’ wand before he was pivoting on his heel and making a break for the exit. “Ominis, wait!”
Sebastian shot up instantly as he followed your gaze, watching with a mixture of anger and confusion as his best friend fled down the hall as quick as his legs would carry him. All week he had been trying to figure out what the hell could have caused Ominis to draw so far into himself– to the point where he would be actively avoiding his two closest companions– only to come up empty handed, everytime. The man’s ability to maintain a straight face was impressive most days, but Sebastian had grown tired of it after the third night in a row of being blown off by Ominis to ‘study’.
Who the fuck studied at midnight? Not Ominis Gaunt, that’s for damn sure. He was indisputably intelligent, but he never cut his sleep short to slave over books. Sebastian knew him too well to believe any of his half-assed excuses.
“Accio!” Sebastian expertly cast the spell as Ominis turned to escape up the stairs. It caught the material of his robe and summoned him backwards down the hall, indignant shouts and curses flying off his lips as he was unceremoniously dragged across the stone floor before coming to stop in front of you.
“Are you out of your mind, Sebastian?! What the hell is wrong with you?” Ominis shot to his feet with a piercing scowl, hurriedly adjusting his robes and smoothing out the material of his trousers.
Sebastian’s eyes darkened with obvious anger, his fist clenching around his wand as he gestured wildly. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?! Hiding from us all week and then sprinting to get away just now? Start talking.”
“It’s none of your concern. How dare you presume to yank me around like some common dog– not everyone likes being at your beck and call all the time, you know.”
The brunette recoiled like he’d been slapped, but all you could do was watch with wide-eyed shock as the two men’s bickering devolved into a full blown argument.
“What the fuck are you even talking about? Where is this coming from, Ominis? What did I do to piss you off so bad? Things were fine a week ago then out of nowhere you’re acting all uptight and avoiding us like the plague.”
“I wasn’t pissed until about ten seconds ago, you pompous ass! And who says I need to spend every waking moment with you? I’m allowed to have time for myself. Get off your high horse, and if you ever do something like that to me again, I’ll transfigure you into a roach and step on you.”
Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result.
“Every waking moment? What the hell, Ominis– if this is some last ditch attempt at graduating friendless, you’re going to have to do better than that– you’re not leaving until you come clean about whatever fucking resentments you’ve clearly got bottled up.”
“I said it’s none of your business. Now if you’re finished using me for target practice, I’ll be going–”
“Did I do something?” Your timid voice from somewhere to his left was like a punch to the gut, making him halt his movements. “If I did, I’m sorry. I know we’ve all been stressed because of our O.W.L.s, but if I said something last week or did something to offend you, I really am sorry, Ominis.”
Dammit. This was the worst case scenario for more reasons than one. Sebastian being pissed with him was one thing, but having you believe he was upset because of you, was unacceptable. The angel on his shoulder was smacking him for being so immature and cursing him for putting that watery tone in your voice.
You and Sebastian watched dumbfounded as Ominis threw his hands into his hair and raked the neat strands into an unkempt mess. Suffice it to say, you’d never seen him so frazzled; Ominis was normally the picture of groomed elegance on every day ending in ‘Y’, and as your eyes roamed over his disheveled form, you took in his flushed cheeks and the shaky rise and fall of his chest. When he pushed his hair back from his face, the action caused his robe to fall open further, and you couldn’t help but notice the painfully obvious bulge in his trousers.
Oh, wow.
Ominis hissed through clenched teeth, “Sweet fucking Merlin– I’m not angry with you– either of you. I’m just confused about something right now and it isn’t anything I want to bring you two into, so please, just drop it and let me leave.”
Sebastian looked exasperated. “Confused about what? Since when are we keeping secrets from one another? I thought we were past that, let us help you, Ominis.”
You started to interject, “Sebastian–”
“You can’t help me with this! For fuck’s sake— I heard you last week, alright?!”
The declaration bounced off the walls of the Undercroft, silencing you and Sebastian both as a brilliant red hue swept across Ominis’ otherwise pale cheeks. Sebastian’s mouth fell open, and you found your own cheeks warming aggressively as you cast a panicked look at him.
Sebastian’s genuine shock lasted for all of two seconds before he was schooling his expression into something less petrified, and you followed the bob of his adam’s apple as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. “You… heard us? In the vivarium?”
Ominis exhaled roughly, awkwardly shifting his weight between his feet in a combined attempt to calm the fuck down and to alleviate the mounting pressure between his legs. “Yes.”
“And you’re confused about what part of that, exactly?”
His crude remark pulled an affronted gasp from your throat, but before you could tell him to keep his mouth shut and at least try to be understanding, Ominis was replying evenly, “I’m confused as to why I liked it.”
Maybe you had imagined it, but you could have sworn the sound Sebastian made at the back of his throat was one of interest. When you looked over to him, you found his gaze trained on the tenting fabric of Ominis’ trousers, a curious glint reflecting in his eyes. Part of your mind was still reeling from embarrassment at the entire situation, but another far more shameless part of you was enthralled by your boyfriend’s reaction to his best friend’s confession.
Frankly, you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little intrigued by Ominis’ words too.
“What about it did you like?” Sebastian asked, his voice noticeably rougher than before, and you and Ominis both had physical reactions to it. While you seemed to melt at the sound, instantly enticed by whatever dirty thoughts raced through his head, Ominis tensed, visibly mulling over whether answering was worthwhile.
“Sebastian,” you injected yourself into the moment, drawing his attention back to you. The smoldering expression on his face was promising, but for Ominis’ sake, you tried to give the kind-hearted Slytherin an out. “Don’t make him any more uncomfortable than he already is.”
“I– it’s fine,” Ominis muttered, angling his head in the direction of your voice. “Does it make you uncomfortable? That I overheard the two of you?”
Did it? While the initial embarrassment was impossible to deny, there was a very big, very brazen part of you that liked the idea of having an audience. After all, hadn’t you and Sebastian both teased one another with the threat of Ominis catching you? That day in the vivarium certainly hadn’t been the first time. Suddenly your mind was flooded with fantasies of Sebastian’s hands gripping your hips, digging into the skin there to pull you back on his cock with brutal precision, before pistoning you forward to swallow around Ominis’ equally hard member.
Oh, Merlin.
Sebastian seemed to lean in closer in anticipation of your response. Heat rose to your cheeks as your gaze flickered down to the ground in an attempt to hide the growing interest on your face. “No. I don’t mind that you listened.”
“Nor do I,” Sebastian added, and when your wide-eyed stare landed back on him, there was pure mischief etched into his expression. “I kind of wish you’d said something back then, to be completely honest with you.”
Ominis reeled back a step, his blush amplifying tenfold as his grip on his wand blanched his knuckles white. “Whatever you’re playing at, stop it. I feel bad enough that I let myself behave so boorishly without your jesting. I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you both, I’ll get over it, but now you know, so please excuse me–”
“What did you like about it?” you echoed Sebastian’s earlier question, your own curiosity driven by the lust-fueled fantasies that whipped through your mind, and Ominis’ mouth hung open in silent shock. “Please, tell me. I want to know.”
“What’s the matter with you two? I’ve been ripping my hair out all week while fighting the worst urges of my life because I feel too ashamed to jerk off to the memory of what I heard– and now that you both know, you want feedback?”
“You shouldn’t feel ashamed, Ominis. If anything, we’re the ones who should be apologizing,” Sebastian threw out, his tone genuine. “I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression I’d be angry with you over something like this. You’re my best friend– I trust you more than anyone– and if it had to be someone in this blasted school that had to hear us, I’m glad it was you.”
“Let us make it up to you,” your sultry voice came from directly in front of him this time, and Ominis’ breath caught somewhere in his throat. Nothing about the way you were speaking implied that ‘making it up to him’ wouldn’t involve his cock. For the first time since entering the Undercroft, Ominis let his hand drift south to his achingly hard member, squeezing it softly through his trousers.
Merlin’s beard– was he actually considering this? Interestingly enough, Sebastian had yet to voice his displeasure at the thought of his girlfriend handling another man’s cock– and Ominis decided that had to be the strangest thing about this whole thing. Where was the possessive, alpha-male persona Sebastian so frequently displayed when other men approached you? He was the last person Ominis imagined to be okay with sharing, so to speak.
“Why are you doing this?” It was a vague question, but one he needed to voice all the same. He needed to know this wasn’t some sick, convoluted game the two of you were conspiring to play at his expense.
“You’re clearly in a predicament, and if you really did listen for as long as you say you did, you already know she can help with that.” Sebastian purred the statement, the low growl in his voice causing the slick to build between your legs, and even Ominis couldn’t suppress his shaky exhale.
“How are you so okay with this? I can’t– I don’t want to make things awkward– I can just as easily take care of this myself.”
Your hands came to rest just above Ominis’ sternum, and he jumped at the sudden contact, his heart thrumming wildly beneath your palms. His lips parted around a small gasp as you wandered lower to the waistband of his trousers, nimble fingers dancing between the fabric and his smooth skin. “Do you really think we haven’t thought about including you before? Where do you think the dirty fantasies of you catching us came from?”
Ominis’ mind went blank for a split second when the tip of your finger gently brushed across the head of his cock through his undergarments. He hissed, “You’re telling me you’ve wanted me to walk in on you before?”
It was Sebastian who spoke next, his voice heavily laden with arousal as he watched his best friend fall apart at your touch. “Hell yeah, we’ve wanted you to join in too. Trust me Ominis, we’re more than okay with bringing you into the mix. I’ve kinda been dreaming about it for a while now.”
It was a rare treat, getting to see this side of Ominis. Sebastian could recall walking in on him jerking off once when they were younger while spending their summer in Feldcroft. The blonde boy had been spread wide on his bed, hair mused and face bright red, with one hand furiously jacking his impressively long and uncut cock while the other cradled his tight balls. The memory had stayed with Sebastian all these years, and he sincerely hoped Ominis was still as vocal now as he had been then, because his broken moans from that day had continued to haunt Sebastian with enough sleepless nights to last a lifetime.
Rational thinking failed to triumph as Ominis let himself relax into your touch, his shoulders dropping slightly when your palm came to lay flat against his cock. Your fingers pressed lightly, ghosting over the throbbing head and drawing a needy sigh from him. Sebastian moved quickly so that he was behind Ominis and wrapped his arms around the man’s slender waist, tugging him securely against his chest before his hands started to explore.
Ominis gasped at the sudden feeling, but Sebastian’s firm hold prevented him from arching away, and even if he could, you were still leaning against his front, working him into a frenzy with featherlight touches that threatened to make him combust. He was sandwiched between the two of you, effectively at the mercy of his two closest companions.
“A-Are you sure about this?”
“Absolutely,” Sebastian murmured into the crook of Ominis’ neck, and you gave the blonde’s cock one more affectionate squeeze before you were sinking to your knees in front of him in silent confirmation. “So tell us then; what did you like most about what you heard last week?”
It was impossible for Ominis to decide on one thing in particular when he felt your fingers move to unfasten the button on his waistband. The scrape of your nails over his hip bones was positively tantalizing as you swiftly tugged his trousers down to his knees. Sebastian’s broad hands slid under his shirt, trailing along Ominis’ bare torso as he gripped at whatever skin he could. When he grazed his thumb over one of Ominis’ nipples, the taller man’s breath hitched, and you watched in awe as his cock twitched against the cotton prison of his briefs.
“Fuck– I don’t know, I liked all of it,” he fought back a whine as your hands abandoned his swollen cock to slide up the sensitive skin at the back of his legs, dragging your nails softly as you went. The muscles in his stomach tensed, and he shuddered, “I liked the sounds.”
“What did it sound like?” Sebastian whispered, and when you peered up to steal a glance at him, you were pleased to find him watching you with hooded eyes over Ominis’ shoulder. The look was primal and hungry, and so at odds with the bewildered expression that Ominis bore.
Those milky blue irises pinched shut as Ominis willed himself to maintain his composure, his eagerness to have your mouth around him revealing itself in the form of his shallow panting. “It sounded wet, and sloppy. I liked listening to her choke around you, it was–”
He was cut off by a guttural moan when your hands finally returned to his front, your fingers catching in the elastic of his briefs before you were sliding the attire away oh-so-slowly.
When Ominis’ cock sprung free, he sighed with relief at the same time you licked your lips, and Sebastian was already committing the entire scene to memory because fuck– this was hot. His best friend was leaning against him while his girlfriend prepared to stuff her beautiful mouth with his equally stunning cock, and all the while, Sebastian’s own erection was standing at attention between the shapely curve of Ominis’ ass.
He really hoped he wouldn’t cum in his pants before getting a chance to see everything play out.
“Is that what you want?” You asked Ominis from your kneeled position before him. When you took his shaft in your hands to give him a testing pump, he bucked his hips eagerly to meet your touch, and a wicked smile broke out across your face that nearly brought Sebastian to his own knees.
“Yes,” he breathed. “Yes, I want that. I want all of it– your mouth and Sebastian’s hands– whatever you’ll give me, please.”
Sebastian couldn’t fight the desperate roll of hips as he ground his now solid cock against Ominis at the request, and the bold movement had the man arching his back to press harder against Sebastian while simultaneously angling his hips to grant you easier access to his leaking member. You obliged, convinced that he had waited for this long enough, and wrapped your lips around the head to give him a toe curling suck.
Ominis’ head fell back against Sebastian’s shoulder with a broken cry, his knees already trembling on either side of you— and it was a good thing Sebastian was holding him upright because you were positive he would have collapsed otherwise. Spurred on by his heady gasps, you pushed forward more, hollowing your cheeks around Ominis’ impressive length before you pressed your tongue against the sensitive underside of the head.
“Fuck– damn, that’s perfect–” he moaned his praises into empty air, the hair on his arms standing on end when he felt Sebastian crane his neck to place wet, teasing kisses along the curve of his jaw. He sucked and bit at the skin there, the sensation bringing Ominis to new heights at the same time you began bobbing your head on his cock in a steady rhythm.
There was nothing in this world that could have prepared Ominis for any of this. To go from sulking around the castle for days, to suddenly being wrapped in Sebastian’s arms with him sucking bruises into the column of his neck; all the while, you were holding your mouth fast to his cock, drawing wanton moans and breathless gasps from his lips with each stroke of your skillful tongue. It was like his wildest fantasies come to life– and for once, he refused to give a shit about the repercussions.
With a low moan, Ominis surrendered to the feelings overtaking his limp form, allowing his fingers to slide into your hair before fisting against your scalp to pull you harder onto his shaft. You were prepared for him, suppressing a gag as you allowed Ominis to stuff more of himself in your mouth, and you hummed around his pulsing cock as you brought your hands up to stroke what you couldn’t fit.
You began to suck him off like that, watching intently through your lashes as Ominis writhed under your attention and arched against Sebastian, his stomach tightening and tensing in time with each steady dip of your head. The hand he didn’t have fisted in your hair was gripping at Sebastian’s forearm for support as his hips rolled brainlessly into the even tempo of your mouth. Maybe you were crazy for thinking so, but Ominis looked rather pretty as he fell apart. He was noisy, too, gasping soft praises and breathless moans whenever the head of his cock brushed the back of your throat, and his fingers tightened in your hair at the feeling.
“You two look so fucking good right now, you have no idea.” Sebastian had paused his ministrations against Ominis’ positively wrecked neck to watch you hungrily through his hooded eyes. Your idea then was easier said than done, but you did your best to weasel one of your hands behind the curve of Ominis’ ass to grab at Sebastian’s own neglected member. Your efforts were rewarded with an unsteady groan from the freckled man, and you grinned around Ominis’ cock as Sebastian’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as you began pressing and stroking him through his trousers.
With Ominis in the way and the added difficulty of the angle, you didn’t think you were doing much to help Sebastian with his predicament. But from his perspective your eagerness to please, coupled with the rushed manner you palmed at his cock through his trousers, was more than enough to make his head spin with arousal. His hips jerked against Ominis’ backside, causing the slender man to jolt forward, and the force of Sebastian’s thrust in turn pushed Ominis further down your throat.
“Mmph–” your eyes squeezed shut, a few tears slipping out of the corners of your eyes at the intrusion, but by some miracle you didn’t choke. Instead you relaxed your throat more so you could accommodate as much of Ominis as possible, and when your nose nearly nestled against the collection of sparse hair below his navel, you heard a long string of profanities fall from the blonde man’s soft lips.
“Fuck, she’s taking you so well, Ominis– she’s drooling all over your cock, it looks fucking incredible–”
Sebastian was rutting shamelessly against Ominis, taking full advantage of your hand and the smooth expanse of his friend’s ass to chase his own pleasure. It was quite possibly the raunchiest thing you’d ever seen; both of your companions desperately crumbling above you as you worked to please them in any way you could. Your jaw started to ache around Ominis’ cock and you slowed your pace slightly, but not before your clever tongue was quickly picking up its movements to compensate.
At the same time you hollowed your cheeks and swallowed around Ominis, his fingers tightened painfully in your hair as his hips bucked against your chin. “Fuck, wait, p-pull– pull back–”
You would do no such thing.
Your hands abandoned Sebastian’s cock to grip the backs of Ominis’ thighs again, holding him firm against your parted lips as your tongue cunningly flattened along the underside of his shaft before curling along the base. The filthy, wet sounds coming from your mouth intermingled with Ominis’ shaky breaths in the air around him, and Sebastian dropped one of his arms to shamelessly stuff his hand down his pants to pick up where you had left off. It was an awkward position to get off in, but Merlin– he was desperate for some reprieve.
Sebastian tugged Ominis closer to him, boldly rutting against the other man’s body while his fist furiously assaulted the pre-cum soaked head, keening moans spilling from his freckled lips as he brought himself closer to his release. Ominis shook against Sebastian as you hummed around his cock, the vibrations finally sending him clean over the edge with a hoarse, drawn out cry of your name, and he was frantically holding you to him as he shot thick ropes of cum down your throat.
It was almost greedy, the way you drank down everything he gave you. Ominis was boneless in Sebastian’s arms as you continued to work your tongue over him, milking him dry before you were pulling off his softening cock with a sinful lick of your lips. The sight of your glazed over eyes combined with Ominis’ trembling weight pressed against him was more than enough, and Sebastian dug his teeth into the alabaster skin of his friend’s shoulder as he came all over his hand
“Fuck,” Ominis rasped as he felt Sebastian buck against him, looking like the epitome of a wet dream.
His usually neat hair was beyond mused, falling into his sweat-slick face as his head hung between his shoulders. Sebastian’s arm moved with the rapid rise and fall of Ominis’ chest, and the sight of your boyfriend shaking with pleasure while wrapped around Ominis’ lithe form had you tilting your head to the side to gauge his condition.
Safe to say, Sebastian looked seconds away from dropping to the ground with Ominis in his ironclad grip. The poor man was barely holding it together– his face was flushed, bottom lip red and swollen from him incessantly working it between his teeth, and although Ominis concealed the majority of his lower half, you knew Sebastian had to be riding out the prolonged high of his own orgasm– all from watching you suck off his best friend from over his shoulder. He caught you staring a second later, narrowing his eyes when he spied the smug look on your face. “Find something funny down there?”
Your hands were lazily stroking Ominis’ bare thighs, pulling a contented sigh from the blonde as you grinned diabolically at Sebastian. “Just enjoying the view. You look… pleased.”
“That’s a word for it,” Sebastian mused, gingerly lowering himself and Ominis to the ground, and once the safety of the stone floor was beneath his knees, his arms slid away from the slender man. Ominis sagged limply against Sebastian with an airy groan, his chest still heaving as he willed his brain to start functioning again. “Damn, I think you killed him, darling.”
You couldn’t help but smirk, feeling mighty proud of yourself, all things considered. Your voice was still a little rough as you asked, “You alright, Ominis?”
He slurred the first half of his sentence, but the second bit sounded a little like, “–fuckin superb,” which earned a laugh from both you and Sebastian. Then, Ominis was fidgeting slightly, effectively grinding his ass against Sebastian’s sensitive length still pressed against him, and the brunette hissed through clenched teeth.
“I already made a mess of these trousers, Gaunt. Proceed with caution.”
It was a real treat getting to watch Ominis’ fucked out expression sober up instantaneously following Sebastian’s statement. His blue eyes widened comically, and his hips slowly twitched back to feel the blatant wet patch between the brunette’s legs.
“D-Damn– that’s– I’m sorry,” Ominis fumbled for words as he attempted to sit forward, but Sebastian was having none of it, and quickly wound his strong arms across Ominis’ waist to keep him in place.
Sebastian pressed a hot, tender kiss to Ominis’ pulse, stilling the blonde’s attempts at escaping as you closed the space between you and the boys. You cupped your hands under the sharp curve of Ominis’ jaw to angle his parted lips to yours, and before he could register what was happening, you were there, banishing any lingering tension from his body with your lips. It was soft and delicate, yet demanding and urgent, all at once. Ominis sighed against your mouth and let his slender fingers come to wind in your hair once again, tugging you against him quickly, and he felt Sebastian reach around his shoulder to put his hands on you as well.
“Don’t apologize,” you murmured in between heated kisses before pulling away entirely to stare down at him. “It’s a pleasure having you with us, Ominis… we should do this again.”
Sebastian shot you a look of agreement over Ominis’ love-bitten shoulder, and his eyes darkened as he groaned softly from beneath you. “Can ‘again’ be right now?”
Your brows shot up into your hairline, “Are you even capable of that right now?”
Ominis roused further from his post-coital state at Sebastian’s suggestion and pushed himself upright. “Do you not want to?”
“Merlin’s beard, of course I want to. Trust me– I have a few ideas on the subject, believe it or not. I’m just making sure he isn’t spouting false promises–”
“False promises?” Sebastian chimed in indignantly from behind Ominis, and the glint that reflected in his eyes was one that guaranteed trouble. “I can promise you this, darling. You haven’t come yet, and after all that hard work, I’m sure Ominis would be thrilled to assist me in getting you off. Wouldn’t you, Ominis?”
“As long as you’ll have me,” he murmured, voice husky. “I’d love nothing more than to return the favor– you won’t end up waiting a week for it, either.”
A laugh burst from you at the same time Ominis was tugging you back towards his lips, delving his tongue into your mouth to taste more of you, and Sebastian made a keening sound deep in his throat.
“Seriously Ominis, say something next time. To think we could have done this last weekend if you’d just spoken up.”
Any retorts he could have mustered fell away at the feeling of Sebastian’s hands trailing up his shirt, and when you deepened your kiss with him, Ominis decided that if this was standard practice for being honest, he would make more of an effort to voice exactly what he was thinking in the future.
After all, his fantasies couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing. With a brief adjustment period, and maybe a few butterbeers, Ominis was certain he could get used to this sort of treatment.
#sebastian sallow x you#sebastian sallow x reader#ominis gaunt x you#ominis gaunt x reader#sebastian sallow x ominis gaunt x reader#sebastian sallow smut#ominis gaunt smut#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy fanfic#sebastian sallow oneshot#ominis gaunt oneshot#dont look at the tags its a mess in here#f/m/m#sebinis#sebastian sallow x ominis gaunt#my writing
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A New Legacy - Hogwarts Legacy x Harry Potter Crossover - Part 5
Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
After a rather brutal encounter with Ranrok's loyalists, the Hero of Hogwarts finds herself falling through time and space entering a world that's almost home, but not quite. Of course there's nothing else to do aside from adapt, improvise and overcome.
A/N: I'm so excited we finally get to see some interactions between the HL characters and the original HP characters ahhhhh
Warnings: Major character death
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Female!Reader, Ominis Gaunt x Female!Reader (more to be added on as the story progresses)
Word Count: 2600
The rest of Diagon Alley was a bust.
You found a few books at store called Flourish and Blotts, and whilst it helped you get an idea of what had happened over the last few years, it was severely lacking in detail.
Ominis' grand nephew seemed to have changed the course of history. He had started a Wizarding war between those blood purists and other Wizarding folk, with the intention (as it appeared) of taking over muggle Britain, then the muggle world. He didn't get very far and was stopped by the Boy Who Lived.
Your great great grand nephew, Harry Potter.
It was shocking to discover this, to say the least, but it still left so many questions unanswered.
What kind of magic did he possess? Why did Lily Evans think you would be able to - no, would have to - stop him? How could he die at the hands of a baby?
On that last note, Ominis was certain that it had something to do with Ancient Magic and that his descendent, Tom Riddle, was not dead and mearly weakened.
That was another worry. Only one publication had referred to He Who Must Not Be Named as Voldemort. And no historian seemed to know of his actual name. Tom Riddle was the name written on Ominis' scroll at Gringotts. Voldemorts' true identity seemed to be known by very few.
"Anything?" Ominis asked, approaching you in the very ancient Gaunt library. It was beautiful and full of knowledge, but had next to nothing about what had happened in the last 100 years.
"I'm afraid not," you said. You had laying down on the massive mahogany table, trying to find anything useful in the library. Ominis sighed and approached you, sitting down in a plush leather chair close to you. You sat up and tucked your feet under yourself.
Ominis sighed a little.
"It's almost September 1st-"
"I know," you interrupted. It seemed the conversation was inescapable.
"The Hogwarts library will have-"
"I know," you sighed softly. Ominis frowned.
"The students will surely know more about-"
"I know," you snapped, jumping off of the table and standing in front of Ominis.
He crossed his arms over his chest. "You can't keep avoiding this," he said stubbornly. "We need to owl Dumbledore and go to Hogwarts. There's no other way."
You shoulders fell. "I know," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Ominis seemed to soften at that. He stood and you looked up at him through hooded eyes. "I'm scared," you said softly, looking up at Ominis' unseeing eyes.
"I know," he said softly, approaching you. Ominis placed a gentle hand on your cheek, wiping away a tear that you didn't even know was there, "I'm scared too."
"It'll feel so wrong without Sebastian," you said. Ominis sighed softly.
"It will," he said. "But we have to go on, and this is, unfortunately, the only way forward."
"I'll owl the headmaster then," you said after a beat. Ominis nodded, looking solemn.
You turned to step back, but suddenly Ominis grabbed your wrist. "I just realized something," he said, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
"What?" you asked with a laugh, his excitement contagious.
"You've never been back to school shopping at Diagon Alley!" he announced happily.
"Okay?" you said in confusion.
Ominis laughed a little. "Trust me, it's one of the best feelings in the world."
You couldn't help but share his excitement. "You've done this before?" you asked.
"Yes but this time my annoying relatives won't be complaining about muggleborns the whole time," he said. You laughed loudly.
"What a treat," you said. Ominis' smile dazzeled you. And you found yourself blushing.
"It will be brilliant. I'll take care of everything. Don't you worry," he said, squeezing your hands before running off. You found yourself smiling after him.
Maybe this world could be good for you, and for Ominis.
Dumbledore was a mysterious man.
You had realized this the moment you met him, when he'd immediately tried to read your thoughts. Mysterious and powerful. You found yourself unable to trust him fully, but somehow you believed that the two of you were on the same side.
So when Ominis announced that Dumbledore had allowed the two of you to re-enroll at Hogwarts, you knew there was more to it.
"Whats the catch?" you asked. Ominis deflated a little.
"We have to start at 4th years," he said sullenly. "Apparently, the quality of our magical education thus far was likely subpar" you felt yourself glow hot with rage.
"Does he think us incompetent?" you asked angrily. Ominis laughed. "What in Merlin's name is so funny? " you bit out
"It's it obvious?" he asked. When you said nothing, he approached you smilingly. "He wants you to school with Harry Potter,"
You felt your rage deflate. "I suppose that's acceptable." you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
Ominis laughed. You gave him a look. "What?" you snapped.
"You're adorable," he shot back. You opened your mouth to retort but found yourself at a loss for words.
Because did Ominis just call you cute?
You made a few unintelligible sounds before declaring that you'd be heading outside for some fresh air. Ominis went silent and you knew he thought he'd offended you, but it was something a little more complicated than that.
You decidedly didn't think about it and went to prune the garden.
The next day, Ominis seemed ridiculously happy. He was positively bouncing. At breakfast he barely ate, instead telling you extraordinary stories of the experiences he'd had in Diagon Alley. You could barely slip out words of encouragement during his incredible rants about how excited he'd been to get his wand at Ollivanders, of how he'd escaped his family to tag along with Sebastian and Anne in his second year, about the prank the three of them had played on Marvolo in their 3rd, ans the new brooms they'd purchased in their 4th.
As he spoke you felt a twinge of regret.
As much as you hated the thought of returning to Hogwarts, of walking through the halls knowing Sebastian would never be waiting around a corner for you again - for Ominis it was probably the only place that truly felt like home, and you'd been denying him of it with your stubborn refusals.
Eventually you silenced Ominis' rambles and told him you needed to get dressed. He was practically bouncing off of the heels of his feet when you returned.
"Ready?" Ominis asked. You shifted in your borrowed cloak. This last week, you'd been using the clothes that you'd found in old closets, transfiguring them into something more your style. It would be a relief to get a wardrobe you'd actually be comfortable in.
"Yes," you said after a beat. Ominis held out a hand to you and you took it, feeling his calloused fingers slip between your own.
You took a deep breath, trying not to think of the warm feeling this simple act brought you, before the two of you stepped together into the Floo.
"Diagon Alley!" you announced before the green flames enveloped you.
Coming to the Alley was easier the second time around. The moment you stepped foot out of the grate, you knew you were in for a treat. Ominis didn't waste a second, grabbing your hand and dragging you first to Quality Quidditch Supplies.
"Can you imagine the racing brooms they've developed over the years?" he asked excitedly. You grinned as he spoke about things that had no meaning to you. You even convinced the shopkeeper that poor Ominis couldn't see the broom, the least she could do was let him touch it.
"I've never been able to fly," Ominis admitted as the two of you left the broomstick store, heading towards Ollivanders for the second time in your lives. "Never even tried it really. I was always a bit afraid of falling."
You squeezed Ominis' hand tightly. "Maybe we could fly together," you offered. "I've gotten quite the hang of it," Ominis smiled softly. Then, he quickly changed his expression, as though he had just caught himself.
"Come on, there's lots to do," he said, marching forward. You frowned a little, but followed his lead.
Ollivanders was just as magical the second time around. Mr Ollivander eyed you suspiciously as you walked and you knew he was the son of the Ollivander who'd sold you your original wand.
It didn't help his suspicions when a particularly powerful elder wood wand with a rare mermaid finn and Thestral hair core chose you.
At the very least, Ominis was over the moon and getting a new wand. You saw him slip back into his old self, no longer needing to hold onto your arm for guidance, or asking you the finer details of what certain things looked like or said.
You immediately missed it.
Exploring the rest of the Alley with Ominis was extremely fun and not at all uncomfortable. The two of you filled your extendable bag with Sugarplums candies and treats, getting sugar highs on fizzing whizbees and stomach aches from chocolate frogs. You'd spent a considerable amount of time purchasing potions ingredients and spellcrafts, as well as a small fortune on a magical suitcase with a permanent Undetectable Extention Charm in case the Room was unavailable to you.
You also found yourself favoring the ice cream parlor of Florean Fortescue, and even getting along extremely well with the owner. Ominis was right about the back to school shopping. You couldn't help but be excited for the new year that was about to be upon you - even though it was a whole year below what you'd already learned.
After a butterbeer to rehydrate ( and calm some of Ominis' growing nerves), you dragged the older boy to Madame Malkin's Robes For All Occasions where he boredly sat in the corner whilst you and the madame chatted away.
You were in the middle of trying on a cute three piece outfit ( https://pin.it/rbIVeOwAQ) when the door swished open with the ring of a bell.
Through his reflection in the mirror, you saw how Ominis sat up straight, squaring his shoulders as if ready for a fight. The hairs on your arms stood up and you looked to your right to see an guy of perhaps fourteen enter, his father - presumably, if the platinum blonde hair was anything to go by - following suit.
"Good day," you greeted politely. The boys eyes roamed over your body briefly before they landed on your face. He smirked. You almost slapped him.
"Afternoon," he said.
"I don't believe we've had the pleasure," the boys father interrupted. The boy shrunk back a little bit and you almost felt bad for him. "Lucius Malfoy, at your service,"
"Aria," you said simply, not wanting to give away too much. "And my companion over there is Ominis," Ominis gave a small wave, but didn't smile. The man - Lucius - allowed himself a brief expression of surprise before he concealed his emotions behind a smile.
"He's definitely more than that," The boy said, and you held back a laugh. Lucius nicked his son sharply over the back of his neck with a cane. You winced. Ominis stood then to join the three of you.
"My apologies for my son's tone," he said, his voice cold. "Well, don't be rude. Introduce yourself."
"Draco Malfoy," the boy said, looking a lot less confident than he had moments ago, "It's nice to meet you-- uh, you two," he smiled, a bit more genuine.
"Pleasure," you said warmly.
"Are you two hogwarts students?" Draco asked, curious. Lucius barely hid his annoyance, clearly playing a game that Draco had no idea about.
"Yes, actually," Ominis said, not holding his wand out as he normally would.
"Of course," Lucius announced, as if he'd just come to the realization. "You're the Gaunt heir that's appeared out of nowhere," he said, then looked to you, "And you're his keeper,"
You were about to respond, face flushing hot, but Ominis beat you to it, "I doubt keeper would aptly describe all it is that Aria does for me," he said, a teasing tone in his voice. "I mean, there's only so independent a blind man can be,"
"You're blind?" Draco said, with none of the poise that his father had. You saw the cane coming before he did, and Draco winced when it made contact.
"Manners, Draco," Lucius said coldly. Then, he turned to Ominis. "Quite the talk of the town, a Gaunt coming out of hiding. With the family name no less."
"Topics for gossip must be sparse then," Ominis responded calmly, not taking the bait, "We should be going now. Plenty of things to do before the new school year,"
You took that as your cue and asked Madame Malkins to ring you two up. She slipped behind a set of doors to do so, leaving you and Ominis alone with the Malyfoys.
"Excuse my audacity-" Lucius began.
"Why be audacious, then?" Ominis interrupted. Both you and Draco stifled a laugh.
Lucius looked scandalized, but quickly wiped his face and tried again.
"The Gaunt family has one of the most traceable histories in all of Wizarding Britain-" Lucius tried again.
"You flatter me Lucius," Ominis said and you almost snorted at the use of the much older man's first name, "However, your interest in my heritage is starting to make me uncomfortable,"
You were red from holding in your laughter at this point. Lucius looked downright offended, but he managed to pull a smirk across his face.
"All I'm saying is that I find it hard to believe that a linage of Gaunts have managed to stay hidden from the Wizarding world got so long," he stated, his face covered in arrogance. Ominis smirked, taking a step towards the taller man, who immediately took a step back.
"I couldn't care less what you belive, Lucius," Ominis said, his voice sounding more confident than you had ever heard. "If you knew anything about my family heritage then you would know any false claims of lineage result in a fate far worse than death. So, I would greatly appreciate if the validity of my birthright weren't challenged, or if you do insist then we could do this the old fashion way,"
Lucius immediately dropped his gaze. Draco's eyebrows rose to his forehead. Madam Malkins had returned with a reciept looking equally as shocked. Only you seemed to be out of the loop.
"What's the old fashion way?" you asked and Lucius swallowed loudly.
"A duel," Ominis responded, "To the death"
"I assure you there will be no need for that," Lucius said, subdued. "I have all the information I need,"
With that, you paid Madame Malkins and quickly slipped out of the store, your new robes tucked away in your suitcase.
"That was great, Ominis," you said once the two of you were far enough away that you were sure you wouldn't be heard. Ominis looked nervous, heading toward the Floo Network.
"Thanks," he said, pushing past a few people, "But I somehow think that Lucius Malfoy got exactly what he wanted."
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fandom#hogwarts legacy fanfic#sebastian sallow x mc#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy ominis#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian sallow x you#sebastian sallow x slytherin!reader#ominis gaunt x mc#ominis gaunt x y/n#ominis gaunt x reader#harry potter#harry potter fanfiction#Instagram#harry potter drabble#hogwarts legacy fanart#hogwarts legacy drabble#hl imagine#hl sebastian#hl ominis
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Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 2)
Because I feel that my original study on the most crushed on male Harry Potter characters was flawed, I decided to do a part 2. This time, I looked at all of the characters listed below on every website, regardless of whether they have 10 works or 10,000 works. On AO3, I also looked at original character pairings because I believe the author is usually attracted to the canon character they’re writing about or they’re writing for an audience that is attracted to the canon character. However, I couldn’t look up OC-prairings for Tumblr and Wattpad and explain why under their individual sections. The websites I looked at were AO3, Tumblr, and Wattpad. These are the results as of December 31, 2023 (I know I’m late to posting this, but it’s because I forgot to add other edits to this post until now)!
Included characters: Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, James Potter, Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Ominis Gaunt, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, Oliver Wood, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Lorenzo Berkshire.
Note: I didn’t include Harry Potter (the character) because results for Harry Potter on Wattpad and Tumblr frequently returned results about the Harry Potter fandom as a whole, not Harry Potter himself.
Original study link (August 6, 2023) here!
*Collage is mine, but all the photos were found on Google
What I did: The number of works under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you” differed, so the green number is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. The blue number is the number of works in “(male character)/original character(s).” The red number is the added total between the green and blue numbers. The characters will be ranked based on the red number.
Draco Malfoy: 1,445 + 2,981 = 4,426 works
Severus Snape: 1,128 + 2,769 = 3,897 works
Sirius Black: 952 + 2,236 = 3,188 works
Remus Lupin: 900 + 1,500 = 2,400 works
Sebastian Sallow: 880 + 1,379 = 2,259 works
Fred Weasley: 743 + 1,228 = 1,971 works
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 361 + 979 = 1,340 works
George Weasley: 684 + 932 = 1,616 works
Ominis Gaunt: 421 + 697 = 1,118 works
Regulus Black: 223 + 878 = 1,101 works
James Potter: 375 + 506 = 881 works
Charlie Weasley: 152 + 548 = 700 works
Cedric Diggory: 232 + 422 = 654 works
Ron Weasley: 212 + 430 = 642 works
Lucius Malfoy: 202 + 384 = 586 works
Neville Longbottom: 190 + 383 = 573 works
Theodore Nott: 95 + 426 = 521 works
Newt Scamander: 336 + 130 = 466 works
Blaise Zabini: 79+ 322 = 401 works
Oliver Wood: 123 + 198 = 321 works
Bill Weasley: 106 + 170 = 276 works
Mattheo Riddle: 59 + 108 = 167 works
Theseus Scamander: 72 + 25 = 97 works
Lorenzo Berkshire: 10 + 13 = 23 works
Potential problems:
I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/Reader” and then “Severus Snape/Reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize.
Also, whenever I calculated the the number of works under both “(male character)/Original Female Character(s)” and “(male character)/Original Male Character(s)” it was always less than the the number of works under “(male character)/Original Character(s).” Therefore, I’m not sure if this means I undercounted OC-pairing works.
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. However, I couldn’t count the number of followers for any tag along the lines of (male character)/OC. This is because Tumblr doesn’t provide the number of followers for OC-pairing tags for whatever reason. Also, some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands and hundreds, not the specific number.
Draco Malfoy: 15k followers
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin: 12k followers
James Potter: 10k followers
Fred Weasley: 9.2k followers
Tom Riddle: 6.6k followers
George Weasley: 6.4k followers
Newt Scamander: 6.2k followers
Regulus Black: 5.7k followers
Theodore Nott: 5.4k followers
Mattheo Riddle: 5.1k followers
Severus Snape: 4.5k followers
Sebastian Sallow: 4.2k followers
Cedric Diggory: 3.9k followers
Ominis Gaunt: 2.7k followers
Ron Weasley: 2.6k followers
Charlie Weasley: 2.2k followers
Neville Longbottom and Oliver Wood: 1.9k followers
Theseus Scamander: 1.8k followers
Bill Weasley: 1.5k followers
Lucius Malfoy and Lorenzo Berkshire: 1.4k followers
Blaise Zabini: 1.3k followers
Potential problems:
Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x Reader” and “Lupin x Reader.”
I’m not entirely sure how Tumblr rounds the number of followers under a tag, but the number of followers can vary drastically for characters that are tied depending on how Tumblr rounds. For example, Sirius may have 12,900 followers and Remus may have 12,009 followers, or Sirius may have 12,499 followers and Remus may have 12,001 followers. Therefore, the lack of an exact number of followers under a tag has the potential to mess up the accuracy of the total final results.
I noticed that not every single result under the tag was actually a reader-insert post. However, I don’t think this is a major issue since I counted the number of followers under a tag who are under the impression that every post with that tag actually adheres to the tag title.
What I did: I searched for “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these searches sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I didn’t search for anything along the lines of (male character) x OC (refer to “potential problems” for my explanation).
Lorenzo Berkshire: 59.3k results
Draco Malfoy: 48.7k results
Neville Longbottom: 46.2k results
Newt Scamander: 42.9k results
Cedric Diggory: 41.5k results
Ominis Gaunt: 30.3k results
Theodore Nott: 22.2k results
Ron Weasley: 19.7k results
Remus Lupin: 17.3k results
James Potter: 14.9k results
Sirius Black: 14.3k results
Severus Snape: 13k results
Fred Weasley: 11.6k results
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 11.1k results
George Weasley: 9.2k results
Oliver Wood: 4.8k results
Regulus Black: 3.4k results
Blaise Zabini: 3k results
Lucius Malfoy: 2.5k results
Mattheo Riddle: 1.8k results
Bill Weasley: 1.6k results
Charlie Weasley: 1.4k results
Sebastian Sallow: 400 results
Theseus Scamander: 175 results
Potential problems:
I don’t think these results are very accurate, especially since Lorenzo has only 23 works on AO3 yet somehow has more results here than Draco. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x Reader and Lupin x Reader.
Searches for James, Potter, and Remus frequently returned Marauder fanfiction collections which didn’t separate works for the individual characters.
As I stated above, I didn’t research pairings with OCs since many of the results didn’t even return OC pairings. For example, the very first result for Snape x OFC is literally a fic of James Potter x Snape.
If you compare my results from the original study, some of the characters have fewer results than they originally had. I’m not sure if this is an error on my part, if Wattpad changed how it returns results for searches, or if some fics were deleted.
Wattpad doesn’t provide the exact number of results for each search, so this has the potential to mess up the final total results.
Final Total Results
Draco Malfoy: ≈68,126 admirers
Lorenzo Berkshire: ≈60,723 admirers
Newt Scamander: ≈49,566 admirers
Neville Longbottom: ≈48,673 admirers
Cedric Diggory: ≈46,054 admirers
Ominis Gaunt: ≈34,118 admirers
Remus Lupin: ≈31,700 admirers
Sirius Black: ≈29,488 admirers
Theodore Nott: ≈28,121 admirers
James Potter: ≈25,781 admirers
Ron Weasley: ≈22,942 admirers
Fred Weasley: ≈22,771 admirers
Severus Snape: ≈21,397 admirers
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: ≈19,040 admirers
George Weasley: ≈17,216 admirers
Regulus Black: ≈10,201 admirers
Sebastian Sallow: ≈6,859 admirers
Mattheo Riddle: ≈7,067 admirers
Oliver Wood: ≈7,021 admirers
Blaise Zabini: ≈4,701 admirers
Lucius Malfoy: ≈4,486 admirers
Charlie Weasley: ≈4,300 admirers
Bill Weasley: ≈3,376 admirers
Theseus Scamander: ≈2,072 admirers
Once again, I doubt the accuracy of these results, so take these results with a grain of salt. However, I do think these results are more accurate than my last research study since I tried to be more precise. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction, follow tags on their loved character, or interact with fanfiction/the fandom in general. I will do this study on female characters sometime in the future, but I don’t know if I’ll redo this study on male characters. Thanks for reading!
#harry potter#draco malfoy#sirius black#remus lupin#james potter#fred weasley#tom riddle#george weasley#newt scamander#regulus black#theodore nott#mattheo riddle#sebastian sallow#cedric diggory#ominis gaunt#ron weasley#charlie weasley#neville longbottom#oliver wood#theseus scamander#bill weasley#lucius malfoy#lorenzo berkshire#blaise zabini#draco malfoy x reader#sirius black x reader#remus lupin x reader#james potter x reader#fred weasley x reader#tom riddle x reader
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The Fall Of The House Of Sallow
Characters: Original Female Character, Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Poppy Sweeting
It was a bright, sunny day when Danielle received the owl. She was teaching third-years about the Dementors and the Patronus Charm when from her peripheral she saw an owl perched on the ledge outside. Frowning, she got off her chair and opened the window. She looked at the sender. Gaunt, O.
"Shit." Danielle hissed. Heart hammering, she opened the letter.
Anne took a turn for the worse. She couldn't even stand. No physician at St. Mungo's can do anything. She's gone.
Danielle's mouth flew to her mouth, her knees nearly buckling.
"Professor?" One of her students said. "Are you all right?"
Danielle took a deep, shaky breath. "Class dismissed."
"I've never been to Feldcroft." Poppy admitted as they made their way to the Sallow home. When they opened the door, the first face they saw was
"Madam Reyes." Danielle greeted brusquely. The Flying Class instructor merely nodded.
"Damn, talk about hostility." Poppy muttered. "What the hell happened between you two?"
"Nothing worth rehashing." They found Sebastian on the kitchen, conversing with one of the locals. Catching Danielle's eye, he excused himself.
"Thanks for coming." He said quietly. Danielle gave her friend a tight hug.
"Of course. How you holding up?"
"Still in shock, honestly. Imagine receiving your first owl, and it's about your sister's death."
"Sorry. If you need a break, I'm at Lower Hogsfield."
3 years later
It was summer, and was particularly hotter than usual. The heat dulled Danielle's senses, and she snapped out of her daze only when someone started practically banging against her front door.
"All right, coming." Danielle muttered. She opened the door-and blinked. It was Poppy. Now it's not strange that the other witch viits her, given they live in the same hamlet. But it was the wild, almost manic look on her friend's face that alarmed Danielle. Still breathing heavily Poppy shoved a copy of The Daily Prophet. There, in bold letters were the words CRAGROFTSHIRE IN RUINS.
"Shit." Danielle hissed, stronger expletives coming out of her mouth as she read on.
"It's the same description. 'Robed individuals accompanied by Inferi and Acromantulas.' They..."
But whatever else Poppy was saying faded in the background. Inferi. Danielle's blood ran cold as she realized who the mastermind of the tragedies that befell hamlets for the past two years.
"Oh, what have you done?" She whispered, collapsing on the couch.
"What? Who's done what? Danielle, talk to me. What do you-" Poppy grunted as Danielle rather unceremoniously threw the newspaper back at her friend before sprinting upstairs and opening a drawer of notes and journals.
"Where is it, where is it..." Finally Danielle found what she was looking for. A book about Dark Arts.
"Why do you have that?" Poppy asked suspiciously, pointing at the object.
"Bought it after the second attack. Fight fire with fire if necessary." Danielle replied absently, flipping through her notes as she opened the book, waving her wand to get to the desired section.
"Necromancy? Why-"
"I have a feeling what Sebastian's doing, and how he does it."
"What is his goal, then?" Poppy asked.
"To bring back his sister."
"To- how? And why?"
Danielle sighed. "Look, it's time you know the truth.
Poppy looked at her strangely. "What 'truth'?"
"Anne-" Danielle blew out a breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Anne didn't die from an unknown ailment. A Dark Wizard cursed her. Sebastian wanted to reverse that curse, and I helped him. Long story short, we didn't succeed."
"And the Inferi? Where does it fit?"
"There's this relic that can somehow control the creatures. That was also the relic that we believed could cure Anne. News flash: it dind't. It got destroyed. Time jump to three years ago, and Anne kicked the bucket."
"And now Sebastian feels like he failed twice, and by reviving Anne he thinks it can make everything right anf that Anne would come back healthy." Poppy guessed, to which Danielle nodded.
"So he's using Inferi and Acromantulas to aid him in his quest."
"How can he bring her back, though?"
Danielle opened the book. "That's why I have this." She flicked her wand, arriving to the desired topic.
"Necromancy?" The Beasts professor said, brows knit in confusion.
"Mm-hmm. Let's see. History of necromancy.... notable necromancers, not that... ah, here we are. Kinds Of Necromancy And Their Methods." Danielle began running her fingers down the page, muttering indistinctly.
"Resurrection Through Soul." Poppy read. "So he's collecting souls, storing it so that he can use them to revive Anne?"
"yeah, seems that way." Danielle affirmed.
"And the Inferi? Where do they fit?"
Danielle shrugged. "Hell if I know. We need to get to Ominis, tell him about our discovery."
"What?" The blind man exclaimed. :are you sure?"
"As my name's Danielle Taylor-Hall. It's him, Ominis. Tell me, do you know anyone else who have a history of Inferi control?"
"Well, I- I suppose not." Ominis admitted. "Now what?"
Just then a wizard Apparated between the three of them, bloodied and bruised.
"Mr. Willow!" Poppy said. It was indeed Danielle's and Poppy's neighbor.
"It's him." He wheezed. "I was in Keenbridge when all of a sudden they were there. It was over in minutes."
Danielle Poppy, and Ominis looked at each other.
"He's getting desperate. Two attacks in one week?"
Danielle pursed her lips. "All right, here's what we're going to do: Ominis, go to Keenbridge. I'll drop by at home to change. Poppy, stay here with Mr. Willow."
"What-" Poppy began, but Danielle cut her off.
"No questions."
Danielle arrived at the border of Keensbridge, wearing a leather long coat over a red dress shirt and black trousers (She found combat easier when wearing pants as opposed to skirts or dresses), frowning when she didn't see Ominis.
The woman turned with a jerk. Standing before her, half-hidden in the moon's shadow, was Sebastian.
"Step into the light." Danielle commanded, then took a sharp breath. Sebastian's skin, once relatively fair, was now deathly pale, his face all bones and sharp angles. His hair was streaked with grey. Danielle brandished her wand, bracing herself for a fight.
"Where's Ominis?" The brown-haired woman snarled. Sebastian waved a hand, and Ominis's prone body floated into view.
"No!" Danielle exclaimed.
"Relax, he's not dead. He did put up quite a fight, though." Sebastian said. Deep inside her Danielle can sense the corrupted magic rumbling, as if agitated (it was strange, Danielle admitted. It was almost as if the magic is sentient) and sensing danger.
"Why?" Danielle asked. "Why do this? You killed hundreds, Sebastian! Do you even realize that?"
Sebastian chuckled. "Whilst the answer to your question is very interesting, albeit a bit convoluted, it will have to wait. Now if you will excuse me, I shall pay my hometown a visit."
Poppy, Danielle thought = panicking. Before she could do anything, Sebastian was gone. Danielle rushed to her blind friend, who was petrified.
"Finite!" Danielle said firmly. Ominis jerked as if electrocuted.
"Hey, hey, hey. Easy." Danielle cautioned.
"What happened? Where's Sebastian?"
"He's gone to Feldcroft. Let's go."
Feldcroft was burning.
"No..." Nearly every cottage was on fire, and about twenty Sebastians, along with spiders and Inferi. From afar she saw Poppy dueling a clone, but it was clear that she was outmatched.
"Poppy, duck!" Danielle shouted. "Glacius!" A follow-up Diffindo sliced the clone to a million pieces, ice shards flying everywhere.
"That's a combination I haven't tried before." Poppy remarked. "Where's Ominis?"
"Somewhere here-SHIT!" Danielle jumped just in time as an Acromantula burst from the ground.
"I hate it when they do that." For a full twenty minutes the two of them along with able-bodied adult in the hamlet fought with Sebastian, his clones, Inferi, and Acromantulas. After a good twenty minutes of back and forth, it was clear who was winning.
"Poppy," Danielle said, "I need you to-" she cast a quick Protego to stop the basic cast hurled at her- "I need you to go to Hogwarts. Call every professor possible."
The moment Poppy vanished Danielle found herself face-ro-face with five clones of Sebastian.
"Protego!" Danielle grunted as the force of the destructive Exploding Spell almost made her lose her footing. The former Ravenclaw student closed her eyes and focused. She reached deep inside her, drawing out the ancient magic inside her. More, her mind ordered, more, more- With a shout, Danielle blasted Sebastian with a powerful burst of ancient magic. The five winked out, apparently all of it being clones. Danielle bent over, taking several deep breaths. Using ancient magic always drains her, and she rarely uses it. Poppy Apparated along with other professors, then. Natty, Amit, Lenora, Garreth, among others. With reinforcements, the tide slowly began to turn to their favor. Just then, to Danielle's horror, Sebastian and his clones pointed their respective wands on each of the combatants.
The darkening sky lit up a bright grin, and everyone but Danielle, Poppy, Natty, and Ominis went flying, having been hit by the Killing Curse.
"SEBASTIAN! SHOW YOURSELF!" Danielle roared, the rage coursing through her veins flowing like liquid fire. Nineteen Sebastians along with the spiders and Inferi vanished.
"Amazing, isn't?" What you can do with cloning." Sebastian-the real one, now- said nonchalantly, and Danielle nearly went for the man's throat for his callousness.
"Yeah, because committing a fucking massacre is supposed to impress us." Poppy replied sarcastically.
"Ah, sweet little Poppy. Innocent even in adulthood."
"Oh, yeah?" The Beasts professor snarled. "Come a little closer, see what my innocence can do."
"Sebastian-" Natty began, but the man Disapparated.
"I know where he went."
They found Sebastian on the great room of the Feldcroft Catacomb, perusing a book. On the table at the center lay Anne's body.
"Sebastian." Danielle said. The man jerked, almost dropping the tome. He grinned.
"Ah, look who's here. You're just in time."
"Why, Sebastian?" Danielle asked. "why do this? Don't you have any remorse? You murdered hundreds, wiped out entire hamlets! And all because of what, you can't deal with Anne's death? No more. You've been in denial for far too long, Sebastian. It's time to accept the truth. Anne is dead."
Sebastian's face darkened. "Never."
"Accio!" Danielle summoned the book, which snapped shut in her hand. A Depulso blasted Sebastian back, giving them a few seconds. She passed it to Natty.
"Get this back to Hogwarts with Poppy. Ominis and I will hold Sebastian off."
"Bombarda!" Danielle countered. "Go!"
Once the two witches were gone, Danielle and Ominis faced Sebastian.
"Let's end this."
Danielle rolled out of the way to avoid the curse, countering it with a Diffindo that sliced Sebastian's arm. Danielle followed Ominis's Levioso with Descendo, slamming Sebastian down to the ground. Just then Inferi burst from the ground, but a Confringo burned them to ashes as soon as they appeared.
Danielle grunted as she was thrown against the wall. She attempted to stand, but Sebastian blasted her with Descendo twice. Danielle heard a rib or two crack.
Then he vanished. Quickly downing a Wigginweld potion, Danielle looked for Sebastian. He was locked in a duel with Ominis, and was slowly but surely winning. Danielle stumbled to Anne's corpse, holding both sides of her head.
"Sebastian!" She called out. The two men stopped, whirling.
"What are you doing?" Sebastian said.
"Surrender or I'll snap Anne's neck." Danielle threatened.
"You wouldn't dare. And I doubt you're strong enough."
"I will, and I am." Danielle twisted Anne's neck until she felt the strain. "I'll do it!"
"Depulso!" A follow up Descendo slammed Danielle down the ground, making her wheeze. A Petrificus Totalus paralyzed her. So she was helpless when Sebastian, finally getting the upper hand, began to beat Ominis to death.
"You!" Punch. "Will!" Punch. "Not!" Punch. "STOP ME!"
The effect of the jinx finally wore off, but it was too late. With a scream, Sebastian brought down a rock Danielle failed to notice on Ominis's face, cracking his skull open.
"Glacius! Diffindo!" Shards of Anne's body flew everywhere.
"NO!" Sebastian said. Thrusting out an arm, he yanked Danielle towards him.
Danielle and Sebastian circled each other, both assuming offensive stances.
"Enough." Danielle said firmly. "This won't end-ah!" Danielle cried out as Sebastian sliced her cheek with Diffindo.
"All right, then. Accio! Levioso! Descendo! Bombarda! Confringo! Red-"
"CRUCIO!" Sebastian roared. Danielle fell on her side, screaming and writhing. Sebastian chuckled as he walked over.
"The great Danielle Taylor-Hall, the slayer of the goblin Ranrok. Pathetic." His grip on his wand tightened, and Danielle flailed as the pain intensified. Finally Sebastian stopped. Danielle tried to stand, but Sebastian stomped on the back of Danielle's head, the woman almost blacking out. Sebastian grabbed Danielle and, with surprising strength, threw her a good five feet away, with Danielle slamming face-first against a tree.
"Please," Danielle gasped out, then wailed as Sebastian cast Crucio again, before breaking Danielle's wand hand, eliciting another scream from the DADA professor.
"Expelliarmus!" Someone yelled. Poppy, based on the voice. A couple of Chinese chomping Cabbages and a Venomous Tentacula bought the two witches some time.
"Here, drink this." Poppy instructed, handing Danielle two vials of Wiggenweld potions. Immediately her head cleared, and strength returned to her body. Together they faced Sebastian.
"Sebastian, stop. Last chance." Poppy said warningly. In answer Sebastian fired a burst of basic cast. Soon all three were exchanging curses and spells.
Danielle and Poppy barely had time to conjure a Shield Charm before they were struck.
"We could definitely use some of that ancient magic of yours right now." Poppy said, voice strained as the two of them struggled to repel the destructive curse. Once again Danielle tapped into the well inside her, pulling out bits and pieces of the magic and channeling it on her wand. Her eyes flashed crimson, and she blasted Sebastian away with a shout. Unfortunately she miscalculated, and Sebastian went flying further than she intended/
"Sebastian!" Danielle and Poppy raced down the hill, but Sebastian was rolling down too fast. The hill ended in a cliff, and Danielle yanked Poppy back to prevent her from falling over the edge. Sebastian was hanging by a hand, but his grip was loosening.
"Sebastian! Sebastian, take my hand!: She said. Then, to Danielle's horror, ten mongrels were gathering below.
"Grab my hand!" The brown haired screamed. "Hurry!"
"No." Sebastian said. "I dug my own grave the moment I started this whole thing. It's time I lie in it." He looked at Danielle and Poppy. "It's been an honor meeting you."
With that Sebastian let go, falling down towards the waiting jaws of the wild dogs below.
"He-he- Oh, Merlin." Poppy gasped, a hand flying to her mouth.
"Thus fall the house of Sallow." Danielle murmured.
The last thing they heard was Sebastian's screams as he was being ripped apart.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fanfic#original female character#original character#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#poppy sweeting
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Without A Shadow Of Doubt
Pairing : Ominis Gaunt x Sebastian Sallow x female Reader x Original characters Type : Pov Word count : 815 Warning : some crude language. SUMMARY: What happens when you and Sebastian decide to figure out who’s behind all this talk at Hogwarts? *Authors note* This is what happens when I get little to no sleep for 2 days... PART 1 The towering stone walls and arched ceilings were lit brightly by the afternoon sun, colours bouncing from the tall stain glass windows. Their surfaces hung elaborate tapestry, adorning miles of frame portraits. The air was filled with a faint scent of smoke and burning candles. Scattered throughout the halls were large statues, their stoic forms guarding each passageway and watching all that pass them in their unblinking gaze. *tap tap tap* as the heels of your shoes slapped against the floor, echoing through the halls of the castle. *tap tap tap* Your robes struggled to follow behind as you practically ran though the corridors. “ Where is he? Where is he?” muttering to yourself.
Quickly turning a corner, you collided into a fellow fifth year. Knocking the books down with her. Embarrassed, you stepped back, cheeks growing hot and red. “Oh, Merli- Poppy! I’m so sorry!” “No need for apologies” Poppy assured rubbing the back of her head “ Accidents happen”. You knelt down, helping gather her books with a sympathetic look. “Seems like you’re in quite the hurry” Poppy said ,almost as if it were a question. “Just a little anxious about a ,uhm, a project” “Falling a little behind?” she asked. “Yeah, something like that” you chuckled nervously. “Better I stay out the way then” she teased. Your lips quirked into a faint smile “Sorry. Again” stepping aside letting Poppy pass. You zipped through winding corridors trying to find any sign of him, panic still running in your veins. Every minute felt like an hour. Your mind raced with anxious thoughts as you scanned the halls. The distant sound of students laughing and chattering rang in your ears. Where was he? Your eyes caught a familiar figure up ahead by the viaduct. Sebastian. He was standing by a floo flame, leaning against the stone. Relief washed over you as you quickened the pace to close the distance between you two. "Sebastian! I've been looking everywhere for you" you said catching your breath. His eyes widened in surprise, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I was starting to think you'd forgotten me" he joshed. "I got your owl" he continued "So what's the big emergency that you couldn't wait to tell me until later" "You're not going to like this" A smile fell from Sebastian's face. ................. "Wait? what?!" Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose " S'Start over" "There's been some gossip going around....about you....and Ominis" Sebastian immediately became defensive. "W-What? What about me and Ominis? There's nothing wrong with us being friends!" he quickly said, crossing his arms. "Well...." you continued. Hesitantly "People have been saying you two are more than friends and-" "WE'RE JUST FRIENDS. I SWEAR" his voice now higher in pitch. "....and that some things were found written....in the stall of the lavatory" His eye twitched as irritation washed over his face. "They're writing about us?.....In the bathrooms?...What the hell are they writing?" his voice heavy with aggravation. "That...um...Ominis is a clingy...because you have eyes for 'another woman'..." Sebastian groaned " I swear whoever wrote these...." mumbling before looking at you again. "Did you happen to catch who was writing that stuff?" "No, I was heading to the bathroom and saw a couple of Slytherin girls giggling in the stalls. I went to see what it was all about and then I saw these...big letters...carved into one of the doors" you hesitated, unsure if Sebastian was ready to hear the rest. He leaned forward a bit. " Saying...what" "Are you sure?..." you winced. Sebastian nodded in response " Yes, I'm sure. I need to know what the hell they're writing about me" You took a deep breath. " Sebastian Swallow and Ominis Gawk" Sebastian's eyes twitched more, pure anger took over him as he realised what the joke meant. " WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL! THEY'RE IMPLYING ME AND OMINIS-THAT I-THAT WE" he yelled, though it came out more as a shriek. "I haven't told Ominis yet..." you mentioned. He facepalmed again and shook his head. "Merlin...and it's all over the bathrooms?! I-I can't even imagine what kind of rumours they're spreading in the common room..." You stood awkwardly as Sebastian was reeling. "Honestly..I think it's best you tell Ominis. If he hears this from anyone else, he might actually die of embarrassment”.
He sighed nodding his head slowly “…You’re probably right. But this will scar him for life”
“It’ll scar both of you”
Sebastian grumbled clearly in distress as he rubbed his temples “ I swear to Merlin I’ll hunt down whoever did this”
For a moment you did regret telling Sebastian about the situation but at least you did the courtesy of telling him in private. Who knows what could've happened if someone like Garreth or, Merlin forbid, Leander told him.
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Ominis Fic Rec
Curses and Stolen Moments (134466 words) by MaterialSalt Chapters: 32/32 Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Ominis Gaunt/Original Female Character(s), Ominis Gaunt/Player Character, Ominis Gaunt & Original Female Character(s), Ominis Gaunt & Player Character Characters: Original Female Character(s), Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Anne Sallow, Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, Natsai Onai, Imelda Reyes Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Soft Ominis Gaunt, Protective Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow Needs a Hug, Or Therapy, or Both, Falling In Love, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining Summary: Ranrok and Rookwood aren’t Victoria Taylor’s only concern after she hears a disoriented ghost murmuring about whispers that could endanger Hogwarts. She needs to uncover the mystery behind his words before it’s too late, but between helping Sebastian and mastering her ancient magic, things just keep getting in the way. Lucky for her, Ominis Gaunt is willing to lend a hand. —Starts near the events of the scriptorium
#harry potter#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#ao3#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt x mc#hogwarts legacy fic#fic rec#dontpeevemeoff
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Nobody's Son, Nobody's Daughter - Sebastian Sallow
Nobody's Son, Nobody's Daughter - ronnieroseduke
Word Count: 1.3k
It's been a couple weeks since Sebastian Sallow watched his uncle die by his own hands. Celeste confronts him about his disappearance afterwards, and Seb breaks down. Emotions ensue. Someone ought to teach Sebastian Sallow how to deal with his emotions, or at least get him a therapist.
Title from 'Chemtrails Over The Country Club' - Lana Del Rey.
No Archive Warnings Apply, Sebastian Sallow/Original Female Character(s), Sebastian Sallow, Mentioned Garreth Weasley, Mentioned Ominis Gaunt, Spoilers, Angst, Exes, Sebastian Sallow Needs a Hug, Sebastian Sallow is Bad at Feelings, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Sorry, Angst and Feels, they're sad leave them alone, no beta we die like men, legitimately it is two am i am going to bed, i promise there's some romantic tension, Mentioned Garreth Weasley/MC, oh also they deserve free therapy just saying
I return from my long slumber (inactivity) to present: a little Sebastian Sallow x MC fic. Mostly self-indulgent angst. Oh, and they're exes.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fic#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian x mc#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy fandom#hogwarts legacy fanfic#sebastian sallow angst#sebastian sallow fanfiction#sebastian sallow fic#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#sebastian sallow needs therapy#sebastian sallow x ravenclaw
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Beyond your eyes - chapter one
summary, details and links under the cut ❤︎
Alphonse and Emilie Lavallée are fraternal twins. Born in France, they enrolled at BeauxBatons, the French school for witches and wizards, when they were 11.
However, school life hasn't been all great for Emilie. Shy and awkward, she was quickly targeted as the school scapegoat and the bullying started on the spot.
On the contrary, Alphonse, always carefree and confident, became naturally popular among the students. Except, he took his role as big brother (by almost 3 minutes) very seriously and no one was to mess with his twin sister without consequences. But his protective behavior wasn't enough to ensure a peaceful life for poor Emilie.
As the years went by, the bullying got worse until the terrible accident that happened towards the end of their 4th year. She was left injured and her face permanently disfigured with a scar that ended shattering the little self confidence she had left.
After the incident, the LaVallée family decided to transfer both their children to Hogwarts as 5th years, in hope of a better school life for their still recovering daughter.
At Hogwarts they will meet and entangle with Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt, Slytherins who will change the course of their lives forever.
tags and details:
Rating: Teen and Up audiences
Category: F/M
Genre: Adventure / Romance
POV: First Person (OFC), occasional Third Person
Relationships: Ominis Gaunt/ Original Female Character, Anne Sallow/Original Male Character, Ominis Gaunt & Sebastian Sallow & Anne Sallow & OFC & OMC
Additional Tags: Canon Rewrite, Slow Burn Romance, Friendship, Found Family, Canon Typical Violence, Friends to Lovers, Banter, Fluff, Hurt & Comfort,
Trigger Warnings: Social Anxiety, Depression, Self-Harm, Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts, Blood
happy ending for everyone ❤︎
Links: Beyond you eyes on ao3 Beyond your eyes on wattpad
happy reading ❤︎
#fanfic#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy fic#hogwarts legacy fan#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt x oc#ominis gaunt fanfiction#ominis gaunt fic#ao3#wattpad
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Hi! I’m currently looking for new roleplay partners for Harry Potter and related sub-fandoms! I’m only looking for partners 18+ as I am an adult in my mid 20s. Please no time wasters!
I’m pretty active (try to reply multiple times a day!) but I do work full time in a bar/nightclub while training for my vocation so my hours in work do vary and tend to be later in the day. I’m looking for at least one reply a day and good communication (I love it when rp partners become my friends!!)
I only write literate - novella (no one liners!) and only in third person. Saying this, I need someone who is understanding as I am dyslexic and sometimes my spelling and grammar is off as a result!
I’m looking for the following:
People comfortable in playing male canon characters against female original characters from golden trio era, marauders era, next gen and Hogwarts Legacy (I’m happy to discuss doubling!) I’m mostly looking for Regulus Black, Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Theodore Nott, Tom Riddle and Teddy Lupin HOWEVER I am also interested in hearing who you would pair with my characters.
I’m also interested in exploring some original character x original character pairings for all dynamics m x f, m x m, f x f so please message me with your original character if that is something you’re interested in!
Finally, I’m interested in some canon x canon pairings.
Jegulily/Regulily - I’d play Lily
Wolfstar - I’m happy to play either
Dramione - I’d play Hermione
Romione - I’d play Hermione
Theta (FB) - I’d play Leta
Please like this post or reach out and say hi if you’re interested!
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