galacii-gallery · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month!!!
Here’s some of the characters from the Shattered Fates AU in Pride Scarfs ^^
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alexxuun · 2 years
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(Hob/Destruction) Giving this rarepair some love <3
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ineffablyendless · 2 years
Thinking about Destruction the last couple of days rotating him in my head and the fact that Hob Gadling is friends with both of them simultaneously but separately is cracking me up something fierce. "Olethros do u have any advice on how to court this dark and mysterious non human entity who is as beautiful and and elusive as moonlight in a rushing stream" and Olethros has no idea he is trying to help his best human man friend bang his brother. Crying over this.
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pandoras-proxy · 2 years
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Shade and Calista reunited as Olethros post-campaign. 
Olethros are described as having moth wings, so Calista has luna moth wings while Shade has afflicted dagger moth wings. Thank you @iingezo for some helpful advice on this one!
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kittynannygaming · 7 months
[The Sandman] Bound - Epilogue
Title: Bound
Word count: 418
Fandom: The Sandman
Pairing: Dreamling, Desunity, Despoe, Hob/Eleanor, Corinthiel, Dream/Past relationships
Rated: T
Warning: NOTHING GRAPHIC BUT Mention of child’s death and adults’ death, mention of suicide, Desire’s scheming
Summary: When you’re 10 (for a human) or the equivalent (for not-human), you’re given (during your sleep) a pet, representation of your soulmate. Thing is, both soulmates need to be born for them to appear. Dream of the Endless thought he didn’t have a soulmate, until a puppy appear near to him while meditating. On Earth, at the same moment, it is the year 1356 and Robert ‘Hob’ Gadling is just born. When he’s 10, he got the poshest, biggest black kitten with a very mean streak. Of course, neither Dream nor Hob see themselves in the other’s pet.
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Epilogue: The (many) changes that one little surprise can make.
How having a soulmate and an animal companion changed things for the Endless and Hob.
Things weren’t perfect but they were good.
Let’s begin with Destiny. Everything began with Destiny. 200 years after Dream got out of the fishbowl, his soulmate was born. His companion was a snake-like creature with iridescent scales and 4 eyes the colour of amber named Rainbow. His soulmate (an historian, Mere-phre) was from a planet far from Earth were people could change their gender to adapt to the situation, their companion was a spider named Fatalis.
Death’s soulmate was born a long time ago but they couldn’t met until 2054. Indeed, Death’s soulmate was Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home. Death’s companion was her goldfish, Slim. Hestia’s companion was another goldfish named Wandsworth. The two fishes shared an aquarium and their companions, Death’s home. When Death got home, she felt the tension wash away just because of Hestia’s presence.
Dream, the Morpheus version of him, didn’t die. Daniel was always meant to be his successor but now, they could do things at a quieter pace. It was 10 years after the Corinthian was remade that a companion appeared for both him and Daniel. Corinthian had a ram named Cream Puff and Daniel had a wolf named Hunter.
Destruction’s soulmate was a French preschool teacher named Adelaïde Beaubois. When they met, Adelaïde thought his art was his son’s art. It was very awkward but she invited him to teach painting and colours to the 3 to 4 year’s old kids once a week. They absolutely loved him. It wasn’t long before he got an official contract.
Desire’s soulmate, Unity, lived in the Dreaming, after sacrificing herself instead of her dear Rose. She was close enough to Desire’s realm they can meet often. Sugar, the fox met Peacock, the Dove.
Despair’s soulmate was born the 19th January of the year 1809 and was one of Dream’s protegé. His name was Edgar Allan Poe. Despair was surprised when a baby raven appeared near her but she loved Melancholy. Edgar has a very smart rat named Gloom.
Delirium’s soulmate came from a planet not so different of Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland. She was absolutely smitten with Folly, her white rabbit and Liddell, her soulmate, a metamorph, had a wolpertinger named Hat.
Do you remember that Calliope had a raven has a companion (whose name is Luka)? Well, apparently, it was because she had a Raven (or ex-raven really) as a soulmate. Dear Lucienne, who had a hummingbird named Lyra.
They lived and had adventures and reunions and children. But this is another story.
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Beta: In progress
For @the-centennial-husbands-bigbang
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freytful · 1 year
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Deaths human name is didi
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
I want to announce what Mara is so bad but it's supposed to be a huge reveal later and I am suffering
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little-eye-guy · 1 month
by coincidence, aurelio and horizon both have okapi
it's a good gene
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pyrriax · 10 months
i love accidentally making parallels between characters that i dont think have ever substantially interacted in canon.
why do i do this.
anyways UUUUH anhedonia au is going somewhere.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Hob doesn't know why he's immortal. He just knows that he was born around the 1360's, and at some point, he stopped aging and gained insane regeneration powers. He is, essentially, immortal, but that's all he knows.
The people who captured him believe him that he doesn't know the why, at least. But they won't let him go. Nobody will save him because 8 billion humans are now invested in his case. Because the information that an immortal man had been captured was leaked. Even if he escapes, everyone knows his face now. He'll never be safe again and they will continue trying to find out the source of his powers until the end of time.
Morpheus is one of the seven scientists that keep trying to find out the source/cause of Hob's immorality. At first, he's the coldest of them all, treating Hob like an animal. But then when he sees that Hob clings to hope and sanity where others would have broken ages ago, he gets intrigued. He starts talking to the "subject" more than is necessary, and soon he begins questioning his job.
With the forbidden romance blooming, Hob suddenly doesn't feel so trapped. His spirit is flying on cloud nine and his rationale knows that there are places where he can hide once he and Morpheus escape. He'll start over and enjoy every second of this love, as long as he can.
- 🚒
Ooo we love the dystopian horrors!! Fun!!
Hob can see that the scientific venture is kind of falling apart. They're getting no closer to finding the source of Hob’s powers, and the experiments are getting fewer and further between. Morpheus eventually admits to Hob that one of his fellow scientists left the project entirely, and that Morpheus is definitely starting to feel the same. Olethros, the rogue scientist, is even willing to help Morpheus and Hob avoid capture if they choose to leave.
Another desperate experiment in which Hob is repeatedly drowned and revived seals the deal for Morpheus. This is just torture being live streamed to the masses at this point. He needs to get Hob out of this place. There must be somewhere out there where they'll never even have to see another person and Hob will finally be safe! Morpheus has dreams of helping Hob recover from the ordeal, talking to him about everything he's seen and done in his life - maybe Hob will even forgive him for the terrible things that he's done...
He doesn't know that Hob is already head over heels in love with him. Hob is literally counting down the minutes until he's out of this glass cage and able to hold Morpheus in his arms. Hell, if his immortality runs out and it's the last thing he gets to do, it'll be worth it. Not that Hob intends to die, oh no. He's going to live, for Morpheus. Forever.
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galacii-gallery · 4 months
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Consider; Shattered preventing Geno from becoming Error and that Fate of theirs went to the Fresh instead.
...A Destroyer Fresh ( kind of heard that phrase somewhere and kept thinking about it )
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aries-rp-corner · 9 months
Rina arrived in Unova, looking up to the big city known to all the locals as Castelia. She honestly felt intimidated by such tall buildings and larger crowds of people, she knew Orre was small with its towns and cities, but this was a whole new level.
“I wonder how Baron and Aries adapted to this…. I’m honestly feeling dizzy…” Rina spoke sickly as she stood aside to get air. Taking in breaths to calm herself and to gain her senses… “Okay, I’m good now… wonder where they are.” Rina began to walk forward to the Main Street, looking around to see the city truly alive.
“Rina!” A voice called to her, looking over to see Baron. He quickly ran up to her and held her close, as he felt his wife’s embrace as well. “I hope you were okay, I get the big city is a whole new jungle.”
“I agree, say where is Aries? Is the organization holding her down?” Rina asked with worry, making Baron form a sad smile.
“Yeah, she is needed as a guard on deck. Luckily, she does know you are coming, but she doesn’t know you just arrived..~ So why not surprise her?” Baron’s smile gleamed with joy, making Rina laugh at her husband- until feeling a sharp darkness within the city and a feeling they are being watched. Making Baron quick put her down as he looked where she was. “Who ever this is, they had to ruin it…” Baron growled out. “Hurry, we’ll be safe where Aries is at.”
He held onto her hand as the two quickly began to make their way to the Frigate. Baron was mostly concerned for his wife’s and daughter’s safety, unfortunately they found themselves crossing paths with an…Abra? Holding out its small claws as it grabbed the two and teleported them deeper in the city… meeting Them.
Rina looked over to see the Peon, Dim Sun, and the Pinchers. Angry and ready to throw down if needed. “D-Dim Sun and Pinchers?! You all were supposed to be disbanded!”
“Oh we were, until Kane and Mira offered us to reclaim what was supposed to be ours..” A voice spoke, making Baron look over in time to see an controlled Gallade pushing him away with Psychic. Now seeing the new leader of the Pinchers.
“P-Purple Eyes?! I thought you died in a pit somewhere!” Baron barked with anger, causing Purple to huff in annoyance.
“No, I was running from the law. Still amazing to see two out of the three heroes who took down Team Olethros. Still ashamed for what happened to your-”
“L-Leader! Watch out!” One minion spoke out, as Rina took out her blade and was able to cut a new scar onto Purple Eyes. Causing the man to yelp in pain.
“Release my husband and leave us be. I won’t hesitate to feed you to the Pokémon who live in this city!” Hissed out Rina, until feeling another presence and energy, quickly dodging a Thunder Wave from an Eelectross.
“My my, so this is an Empath. Not only you felt my presence, but an attack as well? No wonder your brat is this danger against Cipher.” Spoke a man with shades with a symbol from Dim Sun, causing Rina to be on edge more.
“You… Kincaid wasn’t it? I don’t want to know how you got out, but you all will be placed back! And better watch that disgusting mouth of yours about my daughter!” She held her blade up while Baron tried to break free as he secretly is struggling to pull out a spell card.
“Oh why on edge? There is no need to-” Before the man can finish, Kincaid felt a piece of his hair fall. Looking over to Rina with a now death glare. “Why you! Eelectross! Bind her down!” Commanded Kincaid, as the controlled Pokémon dashed over and wrapped Rina. Even delivering its Thunder Wave to prevent her from moving, yet to all surprise she didn’t scream, but she did let go of her blade as it fell to the ground as she fainted from the attack.
“RINA!” With burning rage fueling his might, Baron tapped a Dazzling Gleam card as the freed him from the Psychic, and stun the Eelectross. Scooping up his wife as he made a run for it, causing both Dim and Pinchers to chase after them. After a good distance, Baron send out Goggles to aid them. “Girl! I need you to fly us out of here, ASAP!”
With no hesitation, she obeyed as the three made their escape…or so they thought. Baron looked back to see the same Pinchers from the night before returned. “You are not getting away this time!” One barked as their leader joined them.
“I’ll take control of his Flygon, try to capture them! We need them alive!” Purple Eyes commanded, causing Baron to be worried.
“I’m not letting them take you all. Goggles, take Rina to Aries. I’ll hold them off!” He got up and looked back to their pursuers, throwing out another Pokémon, as his Salamence roared out angrily at his foes. “Ragna! Let’s show them what we can do in the skies!” He looked back one last time as he gave the rest of his Pokémon to her. “You’ll find us… I know you all can.” He smiled warmly as he with his Salamence fought while Goggles take Rina to safety.
Aries meanwhile, was indeed on deck patrol to keep an eye out for anything… and she spotted something alright.. “Goggles?… Usually dad would-” Her thoughts stopped as she sees her unconscious mother, now fearful as she ran over to Goggles. “What happened?! Where is dad?!” Tears quickly formed as she looked over to her mother. “Mom?! Are you okay?! What happened?! Mom!!” Aries cried out, yet it stopped as she looked over to the skies as she felt a fight is going…yet one felt worried and the other fighting for resistance. “What happened?…”
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llflorence · 3 months
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The Blood of Bucephalus
Late entry for the prompt soulmates for @mr-sadman and Dreamling Week 2024.
RatedE, Historical AU, Epic love, Art by @murkycrush
Hob made a valiant effort, at least, that’s what he hoped it looked like. He had a reputation with his people to uphold, a witch to show just how special he was, royalty to prove his worth to. He couldn’t let Olethros down, and he couldn’t do that to himself either. And then there was Morpheus.
Morpheus. His friend since childhood, lover since their teens. His king into their twenties and his soulmate since the beginning. Hob couldn’t fail him.
Except Hob was failing. His grip was slipping, muscles trembling with fatigue. He was tipping sideways, losing his sense of balance. And a fall from that height would kill him. 
Hob imagined what that would do to Morpheus. Would it finally break his beautiful spirit? With Hob dead, would he take Calliope and give her the children neither one of them could ever have?
The idea didn’t frighten him as much as it used to. Especially now with death so very near.
On AO3
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kittynannygaming · 1 year
[Dreamling Week 2023] June 5th
Thanks to @mr-sadman​ Discord Server, we have a wonderful week full of Dreamling stuff. This is my second entry (all rated G).
Continuation of  June 4th
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June 5th – Dragons
It was family day for the Endless and they were in the Dreaming. Morpheus and Hob were there too, since they were family and Daniel, the sweet child, decided that they were spending the rest of the day as dragons. The Endless indulged him. They always did.
Morpheus was a dark violet dragon, Hob a sable/gold one and Daniel a light green/mint one. Destiny wasn’t one for sticking out so his dragon’s form was brown/beige, Death was black (Hob snorted at that), Destruction was turquoise and obviously Desire was red. Despair was yellowish-green that put her color between Daniel’s and Hob’s. Delirium was opalescent because why the fuck not.
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It was a nice way to pass the end of the day, flying around the Dreaming, Morpheus and Desire competing for the fastest, daring each other. Their relationship was patching up, slowly but steadily. Maybe in one or two millennia…
Delirium spent most of her time diving in and out every lake, river and water places she could. Destruction was not far behind her, trying to surprise her in the water but she always escaped him.
Despair just flew quietly next to Destiny. Enjoying the wind and the cold air above the clouds. Death and Hob tried to coax Daniel into silly games. Not that required that much efforts.
At the end of the day, they were all resting under Fiddler’s Green’s shade in their human form.
“Thank you for this day!” said Daniel.
“It was a pleasure, Daniel. Ah! It seems I’m waking up.” answered Hob
“Me too. Thank you for the day, Daniel. Will we see you in the Waking?”
“Yes! Rose has a day off next Saturday and Jed wanted to show me his comics!”
“Maybe I’ll come too, to see my grand-children.”
When Morpheus and Hob woke up, they kissed and snuggled for a few minutes before getting up to feed themselves and the bottomless pit that was their kitten.
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Dragon Scale Original Picture
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xxswagcorexx · 7 months
Hey do you maybe have any lifesteal fic recs? There’s not a lot of rec lists in this fandom and I’m not sure where to start!
okay so um. i am perhaps the Worst person to go to when it comes to this stuff because. You See,
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if you want a more. comprehensible list, my two swagdoons fic recommendations is probably the best place to start (1, 2). i am also going to shout out the nevada series and no bills in the mail since i've seen a few people talk about them on tumblr and i love both of them!
but i have gone through my bookmarks and have complied some fics! all of these fics are complete :)
Sweet Berry Pie by beaningeneraldenial
Clown is a busy assassin with too much experience on him to not attract a lot of potential clients and employers. One contract has him going away on the week of his and Branzy's 2nd anniversary, which Branzy doesn't appreciate much. He knows, however, how to make their anniversary celebration good! He makes a pie… he only adds a bit of gunpowder in it. or: Clown should've left a post-it note on the fridge saying "Do NOT touch, Branzy!" before he left for the week. He regrets it only a little.
Repent, Harlequin by trafficpose
The problem with knowing Clown: suddenly, chaos was an option.
Tunnel Vision by jukeboxtea
Mid is far from a quiet person. But when she’s in battle, she’s deadly silent. (or, a short character study on Midmysticx.)
Wire snare by dogdomesticated
Getting a read on intent. What will kill you first: the toxin or the detonation? A short abstract exploration of Rekrap's character and themes in Lifesteal season 3.
Rollercoaster by Thrills (IWantToRemainASecret)
Branzy compares Clownpierce to a rollercoaster and other shenanigans.
i wouldn't blame you if you turned around by Anonymous
sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. it's a story clown has heard time and time again.
What do you see when you look at the stars? by lovecore_jpg
“..What do you see?” “..What?” Planet paused, a little confused by the question. “Like– when you look out at the stars. What do you.. see? ..Besides stars?” ---------------------- Planet likes to stargaze when everyone else is asleep. This time, somebody joins him.
Olethros by arospecitzsubz (Octaveice)
"Theoretically, the ruin goes before the grace. He'd named his sword for a reason."
Brown Eyes by PacificSeaOtter
Nobody knows what color Clownpierce's eyes are- not until Vitalasy, Subz, and Rek start a bet trying to figure it out. Thus ensues the saga of failed, but hilarious attempts to get Clown's mask off.
and I swear I could slit my throat with your dull knife by Scared_Rodent
Like a frozen lake, Branzy noticed how Ashswag's expressions hardly changed, how nothing he saw surprised him at all. Branzy remembered falling in love, remembering dates by the beach with nothing but his smile. On the deadliest server in the world, Branzy remembered him.
winter in prague; 1618 by whichlights
winter in prague; 1618. tensions are high after the defenestration of multiple catholic officials, and a war will break out not quite two years later. in this time of tensions, a vampire by the name of clownpierce is injured. his friend is there to care for him, at least.
drinks in new york; 1926 by whichlights
drinks in new york; 1926. prohibition has swept across the country, but that doesn't mean the party stops. world class performers, drinks, and more- all at greenwich village, a historical hub of gay activity. clown and redd have holed up in a townhouse in the village, and have been having a wonderful time in new york.
games to play on work break by Felix_J
"A boring place is what it is. Hell." Jaron says, and it might sound a little bitter. Ash gives him a blurry look. "No, why do you look at me like that." They've stopped asking questions, (Jaron knows asking questions is not a good thing, and generally, he doesn't care). "You think, that was such a hot resort, and Satan is the greatest of 'em, you're curious, right."
A man, a squid and a clown walk into an elevator… by Thrills (IWantToRemainASecret)
Branzy is crushing hard on the dutch man he and Chief share their elevator rides with, and he seeks to learn Dutch in order to form a connection with him. Too bad he can speak English. Too bad Chief isn't going to stop Branzy.
Now as the curtains rise up by softnoblade
Maybe next it’ll snow. Maybe the remains of this server will be preserved, frozen under layers and layers of snow and ice. Perhaps, decades from now, some unlucky archaeologist will stumble across the remains of this server, and simultaneously uncover both the preserved remains of war and the immortal beings that had slaughtered them.
def function (singularity): by Anonymous/np13
it's always why did you mess with your player data and you're missing half your data structures and never ‘how was playing with your data. messing with code looked fun was it fun’ (it is, right up until it's not.)
sunsets on powerlines by w_nter
It starts with a broken lightbulb in his hands, or maybe in a forest, or maybe in a cabin tucked deep in the woods. (or: a purpleduo + the darkest minds au)
bona fortuna by sinoptics
The god of chance enjoys a visit to the human realm.
throw a punch by vanivanilla
there’s not much to do in prison, or: planet and jaron have a brief conversation as they reset their hunger
In Moments Alone (In His Office, With Pillows And Tissues) by Clownsplin
Although his outward appearances suggest otherwise, Clownpierce's moments alone are filled with stiff joints, aching muscles, and tear-stained cheeks. He gets small moments throughout the day when his pain lessens, even if by an infinitely small amount.
atlantis by Anonymous
Planet is stuck in a space between life and death, waiting. (A million miles away, Jaron is in the same position. A couple of feet away, Bacon had tried to run. Turns out there's not a lot to do when you can't respawn without being immediately killed)
farewell to the port by Anonymous
The day Branzy becomes a pirate he wakes up on a small island somewhere in the Caribbean, drunk out of his mind and distinctly lacking shoes.  He thinks, somewhat despairingly, that he really should not be gambling again anytime soon.  or, The Golden Age of Piracy, and the situations and decisions that drive people to become outlaws.
lose the battles by Felix_J
"you lost." it states. unless there are any more tricks up planet's sleeve, which there shouldn't be. but planet... is a strange one. "thanks." they say, and that's right, that is a full blown smile. krow still can't figure out exactly how planet's expression works, but this piece shines out, same as his eyes shine. "thank you." planet repeats, like they're not sure krow heard, or do know it can't exactly believe its ears.
Phantom in Your Foyer by arospecitzsubz (Octaveice)
Half the damn crowd had been cheering.
Kiss me in the corridor, but quick to tell me goodbye (You say that you're no good for me) by Mx_Artemis
Ash is no stranger to evil, nor is he a stranger to ClownPierce. Honestly, is it such a crime that he wants to catch up with him?
The immortal and his assassin by Thrills (IWantToRemainASecret)
He opened the door without any theatrics, no slow creak open or dramatic swing wide, he simply opened it like he was an old friend visiting a familiar face. And- Hold up, that is a familiar face. The soon-to-be-dead man was sitting on the edge of his bed, eyes shut as he slowly sipped at his cup of tea. He opened his eyes lazily, half-lidded gaze settling on Clown’s face in a way that made him feel as if he had been drenched in freezing cold water. Because he had killed his man before.
no hard feelings by sinoptics
“Hey, Redd,” Clown starts as he reaches Redd, voice ever so slightly out of breath, and then he pauses awkwardly. “So.” “So?” Redd repeats, confused as to where this is going to go. “Our arrangement is off. From now on.” Clown states. What the fuck.
or; the fic in which Clownpierce fumbles not one but two bad bitches
anything you say can and will be held against you by Felix_J
It's funny to see how Red tries to process the little things and guess if they belong to Ash, or Ash's persona that doesn't differ from him as much as he thinks, or maybe much more so, or just things Ash makes up. Ash likes to add a lot to the last pile. Poke around, like a little challenge, reminder he's not all that easy. Currently, with the fucking fish. roses and smoke week, day 6: aquarium | fantasy
For that star trapped in your chest by dogdomesticated
Thunderclouds. Stuck waiting around for Vitalasy to show up, Subz goes down a line of thinking he's been avoiding, and by then it's too late. Something about trust, something about defining what you can't see. Light, and where to find it.
The Boy and The Forest by BearAndHoney
As the tale goes there is a boy who wants to be king adn loved. And as the tale goes there is a forest full of mysteries that one else has been brave enough to explore.
the fox's young master by Felix_J
He finds a fox in the forest, dark fur-broken leg, and it reminds him, as it always does. He takes it home to fix it up, and it doesn't matter if it's just a mindless creature, if. To pass its time, he tells it a story. roses and smoke week, day 3: myths | gods
foreguess by Felix_J
I'd never go on dates just like that, after being married so long, you know that, Ash? Red'd move his head on the seat, and he wouldn't be able to see his eyes through the sunglasses. What's even the point of that kinda date? He would continue, not really ask, because of course he has to poke and argue, it always goes in a loop. Even though he knows, and he agrees with Ash. Thanks, Red, Ash'd answer and break it, because there'd be something in his stomach that's so soft, there is. roses and smoke week, day 2: swap | horror
predictable shows by Felix_J
"I'm rewatching the footage for the auditions, yeah." Red nods, slack. He considers picking the remote from his hands to push unpause, but doesn't think Ash won't find it a serious offence and make it end up on the floor in a corner at all. or, "one of them is lying" boosfer + swagdoons swap. roses and smoke week, day 2: swap | horror
The Mourner by Anonymous
The mourner stands in the open, partially hidden in the smoke. Holding out a bouquet of roses as they wait for their loved on to return.
Case #091413 - Always Bet On Red by orphan_account
Case #091413 Statement of… Branzy? No last name given apparently, about a relationship of unclear nature with someone only known as “Clown”. Dated September 13th 2014, recorded by Zachery Prince at the Institute Cordum.
little comforts by sinoptics
He turns to Vitalasy then, who’s tending a pot on the stove. “Hey, uh,” He starts, and Vitalasy makes a hum of acknowledgement. “Zam could probably use some affection.”
Mutual Hell by Kappuccinokat
Mapicc exhaled, frustrated, and stood up, walking over to the empty window. Zam tried not to relax too much. “I’m assuming this is hell, then.” He drummed his fingers on the window sill. “That’s what I gathered, yeah.” — Or; Zam had lost it all, and now as he awaits his fate in hell, a familiar face threatens to break his resolve.
Homemade Headache Cures by ros_is_writing
“Vitalasy,” Subz announced. “I can’t fucking see, and it fucking hurts.” He emphasized his point by knocking his head against Vitalasy’s shoulder, the metal of his armor hurt slightly. Vitalasy made another sympathetic noise in the back of his throat and bumped his chin to Subz’s head. Normally their head bumps were comforting to Subz, but now they just made his head hurt worse. Damn these fucking glasses.
Siren's Song by KingdomKey
The Phantoms are a renowned pirate crew who sail the seven seas. Their ship comes across a rocky island, and as they carefully traverse it, they come upon a strange creature. It certainly isn't friendly.
sweet dreams i'll always share with you by Anonymous/cutthesky
Red can transform into a plush version of himself (a big Minidoons). Shenanigans ensue one day as Ash and Red wait to fall asleep.
Cut it Out by Anonymous
He always had Ro and his knife, didn't he?
Lifesteal > Eastside > Create a Posting by bloodynocturne (avoxutopia)
Craigslist has always been an odd place, a collection of people in the same place; selling, buying, searching, looking to give or take something. And sometimes, there's small connections. People searching for each other in a circle, narrowly missing one another every time.
Southbound by ros_is_writing
“We could always use the above ground station,” Planet said in the same tone of voice that they used before. Nonchalant, bored even. Like they hadn’t just suggested an actual crime. “No.” Bacon said immediately. “That’s illegal.” “What’s illegal?” Jaron asked.
Poopies' Fun Day in the Hypixel Pit by rainy_writez
With the end of Lifesteal season 4, Poopies the endermite (who is still here somehow because it defies the mere concept of law) has become restless. So Spoke takes it to the Hypixel Pit for a fun day of incomprehensible violence. Surprisingly, Poopies ends up leaving with a new friend… or maybe more?
losing by B0LTZ
take a breath, spit out the blood in your mouth, and get back up on your feet. you still got a couple of motherfuckers to prove wrong
see with your two eyes by Felix_J
He's not a god, because the flag Red sails under doesn't believe in gods. And then he's wrong. In the reasoning, not the other thing.
carry me to tomorrow by Anonymous
Ash chooses to trust himself to the unwavering night.
mixed media: flesh, electricity, bone by Anonymous
“Do you think we’re friends in other universes too?”
(hello) my old heart by Anonymous
What he doesn’t ask is why Ash chooses, over and over, to step through that door, through Lifesteal and Earthbound and the wastelands of an apocalypse. The void knows how many other worlds they’ve followed each other through without a second thought.
fun activities to do with the person you're stuck under house arrest with by oneirogen
Open heart surgery doesn’t even rank up high in the number of weird shit he’s done on this server. Maybe approaching the top tens, if he's being generous.
smile for the camera (repeat and do it over) by gin (tabanthas)
You’re an ally and an enigma at the best of times. At the worst, you are a challenge. You are never, never a friend. OR: rek and his trust issues &lt;3
divine intervention by Anonymous
"If we went through this all again," he says, and it sounds so far away. "Would we still find each other?" (Less than a metre away, Jaron stares at the sky. To his side, Bacon looks at the rubble by their feet. Even when you know it's coming, the end still feels like a loss you can't prepare for)
a parting of clouds by genesis_frog
What do you say, after all of that? Subz and Zam's first conversation after the sign room.
there will be darkness again by genesis_frog
Zam has been in the Eclipse Federation nearly a month now. Subz is getting more and more obvious by the day. Vitalasy steps in.
let me hold it lightly by genesis_frog
It’s a quiet life, outside the world border, but it’s one Zam and Subz have made for themselves.
to the previous respondee: by orioncataclysmic
IMAGE: more bolded comic sans. This time, it’s held up by washi tape, patterned with dicks. It reads: i like war and death and asthma attacks and if you don’t you’re a bitch and your moms a hoe OR: a battle of wits, told through an apartment corkboard, messages between Zam and Mapicc, and glimpses into Mapicc and Bacon's lives
Steam Heart by enderpearlnecklace
After sneaking onto an airship full of pirates, Branzy tries to find a way to escape.
Dear Diary: Today, I killed someone by Fey_wilde
Squiddo prides herself on her excellent memory. It’s one of her only positive attributes, one she can count on in nearly every situation. In just a blink of the eye, she can recall a story, an adventure. Every single bit of data crams itself into her head, sorting into neat piles, ones she can sift through with speed and efficiency. Mobs, history, abandoned places, extinct worlds, glitches, she knows them all. Her memory never fails. Yet, no matter how hard she tries, no matter how many hours she spends lying awake, unseeing eyes staring at the ceiling of her makeshift base, she just can’t remember why. Why did I join Lifesteal?
New Years Eve by Nox_aMillion
Going to the roof was a tradition the two of them had for New Years because apparently they liked extreme parkour off a roof while fireworks actively went off. Or the privacy was nice. Something like that.
Halloween Night by Nox_aMillion
Honestly they had done everything else there was to do on Halloween at this point. They were even dressed in repeat costumes, Red as a demon and Ash as a vampire. (Yes they could be more creative but any costume was a costume.) The two had been coming back from a fear farm when Red mentioned that there was a party at this house tonight. It was nearly two in the morning by the time they got here but the party was still going strong. Parties in houses like this didn’t end until the police got there.
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ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
Its almost 2 AM. And instead of sleep I wrote Baby Dream AU drabble, cuz Calliope only graces me in her time zone I guess. Might be a part two. Anyway here ya go xD
Baby Dream Drabble (part 1?)
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Jessamy was a raggedy, much mended, button eyed stuffed raven. She was Morpheus's only friend, and he loved her more than anything in the world. 
Teleute had given Jessamy to him on his first birthday, though of course he didn't remember that.
She'd made Jessamy with her Gift. He knew that, even if he didn't know how. He didn't really know how any of their Gifts worked. He just knew that they all had them.
Portos could See, 
Teleute could Give--and Take Away
And he could Dream
The others were too small yet for their gifts to be clear. Olethros was just four, the twins were barely  two, and baby Euphoria hasn't even reached a full year yet. 
But Morpheus thought Portos already knew what their Gifts would be. After all, he had been the one to give them all their names, though he was only ten himself. He'd looked with seemingly unseeing eyes at each one of his siblings as they'd lain blinking up at him, hours old, and had Seen the shape of who'd they become, the outline of their life written out like a page within a great book that only he could read. 
That was how he'd explained it to Morpheus anyhow.
The explanation seemed to be enough for Mother and Father as well. They'd just nodded and agreed, and then handed the newly named child off to their nanny, free now to pursue their own interests within the scope of their own Gifts, until those interests crossed to include each other again, in which case another child was added to the Aterenus family.
Another small bassinet to line the nursery, which would become a small bed within a few years, shuffled over to make room for another small bassinet. Each one set up and left to the care of the nanny who'd been taken on that month. 
They never stayed long. They found the house too lonesome to abide,  the masters too difficult to appease, and the children too strange to love.
The children learned to make due.
Portos spent his time wandering the gardens of the estate, keeping out of everyone's way, his fingers tracing over his books. 
Morpheus, at six, wasn't technically allowed in the library, but sometimes he managed to sneak in, and when he did he'd pour over the pictures of every book he could reach. He didn't understand all of the words, but he'd make up stories around the pictures and the words he could read, whispering them allowed to Jessamy. 
Teleute, always the most outgoing of the three eldest siblings, and though she was only eight and the nanny should have been watching, she managed to always find a way out of the  manor house and out into "the real world" as she called it, though it was only the local village. 
She would come back with tales of such fantastic things as shops and cinemas and other children to play with, children who were called home at last by mothers who smiled and fathers who laughed and hugged them close. 
Morpheus drank in her stories like he was someone's dying of thirst.
And at night he'd Dream of them.
The shops and cinemas and happy children with happy parents. As vibrantly and fully as he could. And for a few hours each night he'd wrap himself in a bubble of warmth that he'd never felt in the waking world.
Sometimes he'd even be able to pull bits out from the dreams. Only little things though. A wrapper fromna sweet he'd never tasted, a  stub from  a film he'd never seen, a flower from a feild he'd never played in.
He never could seem to pull out the big things. The friends, the smiling families, the warm feelings.
He thought perhaps, if he could see them once himself, in truth, then maybe the next time he Dreamed them he could make them real.
If he could see them just once, he knew he could. 
That was how one day he'd found himself, Jessamy in tow as always, ducking through the underbrush, scrambling through the hole in the fence Teleute had told him of, and running as fast as his small legs could carry him down to the village. Towards sunshine and smiles and maybe even a friend who could speak back to him. 
He got to the bottom of the hill when the men in the dark car grabbed him.
They put something on his mouth that muffled his scream and made him feel strange and sleepy--and when he did sleep he didn't dream.
When he finally woke, feeling sick and fuzzy, he was somewhere dark and cold and hard. There was a strange painted circle around him, and that made him feel more sick and fuzzy. 
There were people all around him also, and their shadowed faces were as cold and hard as the room they were crowded in. 
The man they called Mr. Burgess was the hardest and coldest of all. He shouted at the others for "grabbing the wrong one" and several other things about the difficulty of spells and alignments and other things Morpheus didn't understand.
And then he'd started shouting at Morpheus.
He wanted to know what he could do, what his Gift was, what he was good for. 
Morpheus didn't answer. He was too afraid to. In case his Gift was not what they wanted. In case it was.
He wasn't supposed to tell people about his Gift. None of them were. It was one of the few things his parents had ever told him, besides to stop bothering them. Never let anyone know what he and his siblings could do. They would be in terrible trouble if they ever did. People would do horrible things to them if they found out about their Gifts. 
Morpheus didn't want to know what could be more terrible than being in this place, with these people.
So he kept quiet. He kept quiet for three days. He thought it was three anyway, it might have been more. He couldn't tell, here in the darkness.
He kept quiet, and ate the little food they gave him and drank the little water, and hugged Jessamy to him tightly when he got too hungry and didn't want to cry, for fear he wouldn't be able to stop.
He felt like that more and more often. 
Each day Mr. Burgess came down to yell at him. To yell and demand and threaten. And Morpheus felt fear locking his mouth shut tighter with every horrible word that spilled from the man's mouth. And he spent each night cowering from nightmares of the man; towering over him as he shrank smaller and smaller, chasing after him in the darkness, locking him in a glass bubble with no air, suspended naked for all to see. 
And on the third or fourth or seventh day, Mr. Burgess snatched Jessamy out of Morpheus's arms.
And he tore her into pieces.  
He dumped the pieces outside of the painted circle, where Morpheus couldn't reach them. He could only stare, thick, silent tears running down his thinning cheeks as he stared at the tatters that had been his only friend. 
He thought, dimly, that he didn't think he could talk now even if he wanted to.
And he didn't want to. He didn't want to do anything but be somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away. 
Somewhere warm, and safe. Where Mr Burgess couldn't be. Where there would be softness instead of hard stone, and enough to eat, and…and…
Morpheus curled up on the stone, as tightly as he could, and let his mind drift off. He hadn't tried to Dream, properly Dream, the whole time he'd been here. Worried his Dreaming might give his gift away, worried it would make things worse.
He didn't think things could get worse now.
At least if he Dreamed, he might see Jessamy again.
If he was very lucky, maybe he wouldn't even wake up.
And so he let the Dream wrap around him, hoping that wherever it took him, it would never end
It was the smell of pancakes that woke him.
He didn't really wake of course. Morpheus could tell he was in a dream, he always could. But in the dream he was waking up, and there was warmth and softness all around him. 
A pillow and mattress beneath him, a blanket tucking him in. Both more comfortable than anything he'd ever had at home. More colorful too. As he blinked open his eyes, Morpheus saw a room filled with a galaxy swirl of color. The walls were covered in bright paper, the ceiling in little plastic stars, something his parents would never have allowed in the nursery lest they peel the paint. 
 The windows were a riot of color, stained glass that the warm sunlight filtered through to send a rainbow down onto Morpheus's equally star-covered blanket. 
And there were toys. 
Toys of all shapes and sizes and descriptions, in bright and cheery colors, scattered on shelves and in woven baskets and some simply scattered on the floor, another afront his parents would never have stood for, though Morpheus couldn't remember the last time they'd actually been inside the nursery. 
In permeating it all was the wonderful smell of pancakes, coming through the door on the other end of the room.
Slowly, afraid that at any moment he'd take a wrong step, trip over a toy and take a tumble and wake with a jolt back in his waking nightmare, Morpheus tip-toed his way across the floor, the starry blanket pulled about his shoulders, determined to keep its warmth about him as long as he could.
He took a breath, turned the handle, and walked into a large open room. There was a comfortable looking , a few bookcases filled with interesting looking books, and a television set turned off, but a radio was playing somewhere.
And at the far end it opened into a kitchen space, where a man stood, his back turned to Morpheus, flipping pancakes and humming along with the radio. 
Morpheus stopped in his tracks, frozen at the sight of the towering adult. He was broad and strong looking, with longer hair than Morpheus had seen on a man, with a reddish tint to it that reminded Morpheus of his father's hair. He wondered how loud this man could yell, how hard he could hit. 
Morpheus gulped, took a step back. wondered if it was too late to sneak back into the wonderful bedroom, lock the door and hope he wouldn't be noticed. If he was very very quiet he could probably get away and--
And right then his stomach gave an almighty rumble. 
It would have been loud in the waking world, in a dream it practically echoed.
Morpheus froze up like a deer in headlights, hunger displaying as icy fear flooded his stomach as the man froze, and then turned…
The warmest, softest, kindest eyes Morpheus had ever seen settled on him, widening in surprise for a moment and then crinkling up into a happy welcoming smile.   
Morpheus had never known that people could smile with their eyes.
"Hullo"  The man said, crouching down to get on eye level with Morpheus, "Who might you be then?"
Morpheus opened his mouth to answer--and then shut it again, looking down at his feet as he felt his cheeks flush under the attention.  He hadn't  spoken much to adults even before he'd been taken, afraid of hearing once more that he needed to be quiet, to get out of the way. He'd never had someone approach him like this, on his level instead of towering over him.
It was strange and disconcerting and…and nice.
And yet he still couldn't make himself speak. He'd gone so long without using his voice by now that he was almost afraid of what he'd hear if he tried. 
But he knew if he didn't say something the man would start to get angry. He'd start to yell and then then--
Morpheus felt his chest tightening again, his throat felt thick even as he tried to summon up something, anything to say before the tears burning at the edges of his eyes could fall.
"Hey hey, it's alright"
The man's soft voice broke through the ice of Morpheus's panic like the sunshine of Spring thawing a frozen lake, its soothing tones sinking down into him, pulling him up from the depths he'd been sinking into.
"Bit shy? That's alright then. Suppose it's rude of me to ask before I've even introduced myself."
He held out a hand, slowly, so that Morpheus wasn't even startled into thinking it was coming towards him.
"I'm Hob, Hob Gadling. Would you like some pancakes then, little dream?"
Morpheus looked at the man, Hob's, hand, open in invitation, held steady, not gearing up for a slap. He looked at his warm smile, his kind eyes. And for the first time in more days than he knew, Morpheus felt warm all through.
He reached out his own hand, and placed it cautiously in Hob's. It curled over, dwarfing his small one, cupping it gently but not squeezing, not trapping in anyway. And Morpheus nodded his head. Yes, he would love some pancakes. He was so, so hungry.
Hungry for food and warmth and the kindness in Hob's face, a kindness he didn't think he'd ever seen till now, had never known could exist outside of his older sister and the comforting softness of his lost Jessamy.
Hob's smile became even brighter, and he gently, so gently, took Morpheus's hand as he led him to the table, where a plate of steaming, golden pancakes lay, stacked and waiting.
"Well come on then, I'd love the company. Stay as long as you'd like"
Morpheus wondered if he could stay forever.
When Hob Gadling woke up that morning, there were tears in his eyes, and a smile on his face.
He'd long since gotten used to the tears.
But it had been a long while since he'd woken up smiling.
Not since Eleanor, not since Robyn…
The little dream boy--he hadn't looked like Robyn at all. Dark where Robyn had been fair, quiet when he's never been able to get Robyn to stop talking.
He wished now he'd never tried.
But he was glad all the same, of the chance to be there for a child again, to make food to share, to read a silly picture book with ridiculous rhymes while the small dream boy had curled up next to him, wide eyed over some silly simple story Hob couldn't even recall now.
It had been a silly simple dream too. He'd played silly simple games and made silly stupid jokes he hadn't played or made in years and though the dream child hadn't laughed, he had finally smiled. And oh, it was such a sweet little smile, it lit up his whole face.
And he'd gotten to tuck a child in for bed once more, in a room that certainly did not exist in his real flat but fit so perfectly into his dream one, just as the dream child had seemed to fit perfectly into his existence as well, filling a space he'd long tried to avoid remembering was empty.
Hob hoped he'd dream the same dream again. He wouldn't mind seeing the sweet little dream child again.
He never expected to start dreaming it every night.
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