#Olavisch Duskrift
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wraithdeer · 4 years ago
Uncle Vas
Another short snippet of the hrothgar family me and my friends have made in ffxiv! Olavi is my oc and Vas is @theabsolutevoid‘s character. Vas is a terrible Garlean guy and Olavi is a former experiment who doesn’t remember he’s an experiment!
The sun had risen on Limsa Lominsa once again, its many citizens rushing about their day or strolling about slowly and having pleasant conversations. Laughter could be heard and children ran about the plaza as Vas looked up over the aetheryte. There was someone going by the name ‘Duskrift’-a name no one should know since it had been wiped from the world forever ago and he wanted to investigate whoever was gallivanting about with it. There was also reason to believe an escaped Garlean experiment might be connected to it-two birds, one stone as they say.
First, he went to Hawker’s Alley, asking around about an acquaintance of his, one of the merchants noting they had seen ‘Olavisch’ a few hours before, picking up some supplies for the Bismark. After getting the information, he paid the culinarian’s guild a visit, taking a seat on the patio as he watched the operations of the restaurant. It was busy as always, orders being placed and carried off while people arrived and left satisfied. Vas ordered something small as he waited, eventually seeing a hrothgar with white fur and black hair in cularian’s clothing, using a rag to clean his hands. The young man looked tired and, even from a distance, he noted him favoring one side over the other in his movements. Vas watched the hrothgar let out a sigh before smiling slightly as he looked up at the sky as he was able to note some scarring around one eye. That was in line if he was a former experiment. Vas paid for his food as he stood, leaving. It was time to gather more information on this ‘Olavisch’. 
Vas made his way to Gridania next, hearing more just in the Caroline Canopy from green adventurers about heroic acts of not just Olavisch but his friends he would venture forth with. Many noted he was quite the affectionate sort and the group of heroes could be seen exchanging hugs or sitting close with each other. Going to the various other guilds in the city state, he found that the hrothgar had indeed taken all of those available in the city and actually excelled in every one. Vas noted it all before making for his last stop. 
Ul’dah was known for its marketplace as well as a fairly outright underbelly of crime. It seemed this is where the young hrothgar had begun his adventures though that made his job a bit harder. People wouldn’t exactly make note of him when he was just a nobody. Luckily, just has he had in the other city states, Olavisch did have an unyielding interest in gathering and crafting. Severin of the alchemist guild couldn’t be bothered to answer anything but the other guild members spoke highly of Olavisch to the point some viewed him as the guildmaster when Severin was too busy with his own work. The weaver guild master was easier to speak to, speaking highly of Olavisch and sharing a story of the two of them assisting a lalafel of the miner’s guild fix his looks so he could court a noble lady. Sweet but otherwise uninteresting. At the end of the day, his conclusion was the same as the other city states: he was noted as a kind, if odd, hrothgar who travelled with his friends. The answers he wanted would not come from people with only a passing presence in Olavisch’s life. 
It was time to get the answers he wanted. 
Olavi had been working with Naldiq and Vymelli’s for a short while, working with Brithael to gain a better grasp on blacksmithing as he hummed to himself. The cool breeze was welcome as he organized his tools and the materials he needed. He was the only one still around, everyone having gone off to the Drowning Wench after a very productive day. Again. Olavi’s ears twitched as he heard footsteps approach, looking over and turning to see who was coming to the shop so late. He was surprised to see a hrothgar with dark grey fur and white hair-for a moment he thought it was his father but, looking closer, the man’s nose was too slim and face more broad not to mention for obvious scars and an eye patch. 
“Ah, apologies.” he said, offering a smile as he grabbed a rag to clean off his hands of grease and sweat. “The Blacksmith is closed-the armory as well I believe.” he told the hrothgar who blinked at him before pausing as Olavi tilted his head, curious. 
“Are you Olavisch? Olavisch Duskrift?” he asked. “Apologies, you and your friends saved the life of one of my friends in Thanalan.” he told him. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.” 
“Oh, its no trouble!” he assured with a smile. “I am always happy to help people. And Olavi is fine."  
“So I’ve heard! I do some work as a merchant and you seem to have made quite the splash amid almost every guild there is.” Olavi laughed at that, looking embarrassed as he shook his hands a bit, Vas noting it. 
"I just like making things. And the best crafters at least have an idea of how others work." 
“It seems like you have more than ‘an idea’ of how other crafters work.” he joked as Olavi, chuckled, his voice having a hoarse edge to it as he fiddled with his work bench, wanting something to ground him. 
“Your voice sounds hoarse. You alright?” Vas asked as Olavi nodded. 
“Childhood injury.” he told him. “I’m adopted. My father found me severely injured while he was travelling and adopted me after helping me heal.” he said, tools in his hands, barely minding the man there. “When no one stepped forward to claim me, I was adopted. He gave me his surname and everything.” Olavi said, voice more even as a warm smile pulled at his lips. 
“You sound like you care for him a lot.” 
“Oh, I sure do!” he said. “Mikosch-my dad-is...He’s just the best sort of father I could ask for. Him and my sister. I don’t know how I could be so lucky to have such an amazing family.” Olavi said, completely missing the man freezing at the mention of his father’s name. “I want to live a life he’d be proud of-I mean, he already says he’s proud of me but...I don’t know how to put it, I want to do everything I can to make him happy. I want to give him everything for being there for me.” Olavi said, a smile on his face. 
Vas stood back, frozen to the spot. Miko? Miko was alive? He had to know where he was. But first...He looked at the hrothgar, still going on about his family. Voice, eye, and some neurological damage. That gave him an idea of what kind of experiment he might be. More importantly, something he could do to confirm he was an experiment. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a vial of liquid. Smell is quite the trigger for memories and the chemicals used around younger experiments are quite...distinctive. Subtly, he walked about and began spilling some around the younger hrothgar as he took a step back and waited. It only took a few moments for the smell to fill the area around them and immediately the man before him froze, immediately stopping what he was saying. Vas watched his muscles work in his back, hands on his own weapons a moment. The room was silent and tense for barely seconds but it seemed agonizingly slow. 
In the end, it was Vas taking a stance that set him off, the man seeming disconnected from the person he just was. 
“I’M NOT GOING BACK!” he roared, grabbing for his sword by his bench but Vas was ready for that. Rushing forward, he landed a devastating punch in the gut that doubled over the smaller hrothgar before landing another on the back of his head, knocking him out briefly as he slumped to the floor. 
“Good enough evidence for me.” he muttered to himself as he took out some eye drops, opening one of Olavi’s eyes as he dropped them in. “You’ll be fine. Just something to make the last hour a little foggy.” he muttered. “I still need you to lead me to Miko after all.”
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wraithdeer · 4 years ago
Finding Olav
This is a short drabble about a hrothgar oc of mine from ffxiv who is the son of @theabsolutevoid ‘s hrothgar Mikosch. Enjoy! Everything was dark as pain distantly throbbed in his body. It was cold. So very cold. His eyes opened, darkness on the edges of his vision a moment as a blue sky stretched out endlessly in front of him, his throat moving to make a sound before his eyes closed again. It was so bright...No noise came from his throat save for some wet sound that he wasn’t sure how he made.
The single thought rang out in his mind distantly. He was dying, wasn’t he? It was so cold and he could feel something beneath the surface threatening to pull him away. As if he was floating on the surface and there was a great, big shadow monster threatening to pull him under forever and ever.
Death seemed really scary alone. He wanted someone there. Someone to hold him at least as he was taken away wherever dead people went. Distantly, he heard footsteps approach, first, slowly before they stopped and then they ran forward as he sensed someone kneel beside him, their voice garbled to his ears a moment. Painfully slowly, he opened his eyes again, the light hurting once more as he looked up into the face of a hrothgar with dark fur and bright green eyes that rang some bell in his mind somewhere.
Did I fail?
The hrothgar’s eyes widened in surprise a moment before narrowing in concentration as blue aether began to swirl around him a moment. ‘Everything is going to be okay’ he heard in a rumbling voice, trying to be soothing. Other things were said but the pain was starting to rise again like a mounting wave, a terrible heat boiling in places in his body.
He gurgled out the name as blackness claimed his vision, an answer to a question he didn’t recall having even heard as the large hrothgar gingerly scooped up the broken child to mend his wounds.
Grand machines whirred all around, casting a dark red light as he was pulled forward, the floor cold as a door before him opened, screams filling his mind the metallic smell of blood filled his nose-
Olavi started awake with a small gasp, eyes flying open as he felt tears wetting the fur around his eyes. Immediately something seemed off, his vision off to one side almost as he tried to move a hand and paw at whatever thick and heavy thing covered his face. When he tried to move his arm, it felt like the heaviest thing in the world. Still, he moved, fingers on him as he felt thick gauze and bandages on that side of his face. Pain was still there but, at that point, it was the only familiar thing he could recognize. Olavi tried scratching at the bandages on his face but he was still too weak to make any progress when the door opened.
The door swung open, the darkly furred hrothgar there as he looked over at Olavi, seeming surprised to see him awake. In the small room, Olavi could make out a calico patch on his face and his dark hair. Still, his blue eyes gathered more attention for him. “Hey there.” he said gently, setting a bowl aside as Olavi was still lightly scratching at his face. “You’ve been sleeping for quite a while. I’m glad you’re alright. My name is Mikosch and you said you were Olavi, right?” he asked as Olavi swallowed, looking up at Mikosch. “I...don’t remember.” he said, voice soft as he winced. “I remember….here.” he added as Mikosch gently hushed him, seeing his discomfort. Gently, he took the hand Olavi had on his face and held it. “I’ll try to only ask yes or no questions, alright? You can squeeze once for yes and twice for no.” he told him as Olavi squeezed his hand once, Mikosch smiling at him. “Very good.” he told him. “Do you remember how you ended up where I found you?” he asked.
Two squeezes. No.
“I see. Do you remember how you got so hurt?” he asked. Another two squeezes. “Very good. Do you remember if Olavi is your name?” he asked as he paused. He knew that that was his name. It seemed close enough at least but...He couldn’t remember where he got it or anyone calling him it before.
“Middle.” he answered as Mikosch nodded. “Let me change the question then.” Mikosch offered. “Can I call you Olavi?” he asked. One squeeze. “Well, it is very good to meet you Olavi. I am going to do everything I can to make sure you aren’t hurt again. Now, one last question: Do you know who might have done this?” Mikosch asked, a look in his eyes. It was almost like anger but...but like he was trying to hide it. Olavi could sense it though.
Two squeezes. Mikosch’s face softened as he smiled at him. “You are very good at answering my questions, Olavi. Now, before you get some more sleep and let your body heal, let’s get you some food.” he said, helping Olavi sit up more in the large bed as he brought the bowl back. Mikosch did try feeding him-Olavi barely able to move for the most part-but that did little to stop the younger hrothgar from trying to take the spoon from Mikosch so he could feed himself, causing more than a few drops of soup on the bed.
 “Oh, you’re going to be just fine, Olavi.” Mikosch told him. “I can see that in you. Now, let me feed you before the bed gets more food than you do.” he added, chuckling. Olavi made a face but let himself be fed after that, the food very filling. After he ate, Mikosch laid him back down and let him sleep more.
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