#Olap Aws
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OLAP On AWS | Kyligence Cloud-Native Big Data Solution
Olap Aws users manage, analyze, and get the most from their cloud data assets with higher performance and lower cost.
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Abârh Abôrh Abûl Acahaï Acal Acalwelh Acano Acanro Acarhcan Acenôlh Acetûl Acezerh Aco Acogol Acolar Acolhkôl Acolpa Acoï Acoïrh Acy Adalla Adanyn Ade Adejîr Adel Adelhhylh Adelhja Aderh Aderhbôrh Adertên Ado Adobaï Adolfêlh Ador Afa Afe Afoïn Afârh Age Agy Aha Ahahal Ahedol Ahegylh Aje Ajelh Ajorh Ajylh Ajî Ake Ako Akâl Akûlh Ala Alalôl Alba Alca Alejo Alelhkûrh Algo Algû Alhdeïrh Alhfarh Alhfen Alhjî Alhla Alhlo Alhlân Alhmon Alhnan Alhpo Alhqa Alhqelh Alhqyl Alhryrh Alhse Alhvy Alhza Alhzo Alhzon Alhzâ Alhî Alkarh Alnyrh Alocal Alofû Alojî Alolcaïlh Alon Alona Alorâr Alpôr Alqarh Alra Alrûl Alsêlh Alvo Alân Alû Amalvoïn Aman Amapa Amaqe Ame Amelh Amelhmo Amelhse Amerhmeï Ameror Amexol Amo Amoca Amonso Amonsû Amorhro Ananvel Anaï Anbarh Ancîr Anen Anerhvo Anevîrh Anewo Anfoï Angê Angî Anmûlh Anpaï Anqolh Anrî Anvo Anwê Anza Anzor Anê Apel Apo Apâ Apâr Aqe Aqeïrh Aqên Aqîn Aqû Ara Aradôlh Aramol Ararh Araï Arerhxâr Areïn Argoïn Arhcêrh Arhha Arhlûlh Arhmyrh Arhnalh Arhqy Arhty Arhvô Arhwa Arhze Arlâ Arme Armî Armôl Arorwol Arpor Arsaï Arso Arsîrh Arwa Arwo Arxoïn Arzeï Arêrh Arî Arô Asarva Aseba Asejîn Aselhson Asemôr Asenzî Asorfôrh Asoxy Asêrh Atajêrh Atalrê Atangîlh Ataïl Atelhqelh Ateltôn Atercaï Atojen Atolhfe Aton Atopô Atorh Atormê Atârh Atî Atôlh Avelh Aver Avo Avon Awade Awaja Awalhkû Awarh Awe Aweqy Awere Awobe Awolsy Axe Axô
Cabên Calcên Calzen Canâ Caqo Celbe Celhgâ Cengon Cepy Cera Cogê Conelh Cope Coqe Corâ
Dalhjo Dalhtyrh Darra Dejâr Dekol Delhcen Denfa Denmerh Dento Derhdon Desaïr Domalh Donelh Dororh
Ebelh Eber Eberh Ebo Ebû Ecare Ecerhty Ecol Ecy Ecî Eda Edageïn Edalhpar Edarh Edarhzy Edaxa Edelmarh Ederra Edo Edoce Edoqêl Edy Edyn Edâ Efa Efan Efe Efêr Efîn Ega Eger Ego Egy Egê Eha Ehanqorh Ehavar Ehe Eheso Eho Ehol Eholh Eholhcî Eholko Ehî Eja Eka Ekoïn Ekîlh Ekû Elalîrh Elasî Eleher Elelbêrh Elerh Elfoïrh Elge Elgen Elger Elha Elhbo Elhbôrh Elhcerh Elhge Elhko Elhkol Elhkêlh Elhnô Elhnûn Elhpal Elhsa Elhsol Elhtylh Elhza Elmol Elnan Elnol Elogâ Elolh Elomalh Elomê Elqyl Elre Elwûlh Elxe Elxârh Ely Elzan Elzâl Elzû Elâ Emalh Emalhso Eme Emeho Emelhwô Emobêrh Emolî Emome Emoza Emî Emô Ena Enajan Enanpol Enatorh Eneco Eneqal Enesêr Engoï Engâ Enhû Enjal Enje Enneïn Eno Enoderh Enolh Enolwî Enqîlh Enso Ensorh Entel Enwelh Enxal Enyn Enâ Epe Epo Epôl Epûn Eqalh Eqo Eqorh Eqîl Era Erar Erarh Eredo Ereleïlh Erelh Erennôr Erer Ererjor Ergî Erhbê Erhfûrh Erhha Erhhôlh Erhhôr Erhkû Erhlor Erhmaïn Erhpa Erhpelh Erhqol Erhqy Erhre Erhsoïlh Erhxe Erhxû Ermî Erollâl Eroltâ Eror Erorhjû Erpa Erqo Erqylh Ersolh Ersy Erwen Erwê Erwûl Erwûn Erxeï Erzôl Erî Esa Esallolh Esalto Esan Esapoï Esarhbo Ese Esehal Eselh Eselhdê Esene Esenqî Eserhorh Esol Esoldon Esolhfyl Esolê Esorvîn Esâr Etalhrê Etega Etena Etolzôlh Etomo Etôn Eva Evî Evôr Ewalhmoï Ewe Ewegolh Ewelhgo Ewelhvû Ewerhbê Ewo Ewolparh Ewoly Eworh Ewoï Ewîl Exar Exîl Eze Ezon Ezô Ezû
Halhbôrh Halhda Halhfûr Halne Hapûrh Harjalh Hase Havûrh Hawyr Hebo Hedô Hehelh Helhgeï Hentâ Here Hermelh Hexy Hobo Horhjê Horrorh Horte Horîl Howî
Laja Lalhbê Lalhxe Lanko Lapâ Larhpâ Larhve Larhza Larsô Lebor Lefô Lejo Lejor Lejâlh Lenpe Lenwâr Letâ Lewan Loge Lolelh Loltêrh Lonû Lordû Lorgo Lorhrerh Lorneïlh
Macoïlh Makol Malhde Mancû Manfoïr Manjorh Marbyr Marhmô Marolh Mazerh Mebêlh Melhhorh Mener Menkêrh Merhle Merolh Mexâ Moke Mokû Molkel Molqa Molxo Molze Monal Mopo Moty Moxe Mozy Nadoï Nage Nako Nalcen Nalhkan Nanmên Naqor Natên Nebû Nekêl Nelhha Nelhvûn Nepol Nerdo Nerkôn Nodor Nolhra Noral Norde Norhmo Norhtôl Norpo
Oby Obâ Ocanmal Ocokelh Ocomûr Ocon Oconhyrh Oconpy Ocorhxôlh Ocyn Ocô Oda Odalhsar Odarerh Odarlî Ode Oden Oderh Odol Odolhjê Odopa Odornelh Odosyn Odovan Ody Odâl Odû Ofa Ofe Ofolh Ofy Ofû Oga Ogal Ogêr Ohahen Ohama Ohebo Ohen Oherjo Oholhdo Oholhfâ Ohorda Ohosa Oja Ojolh Oke Okel Okêrh Olanseïn Olape Olarh Olelhnêlh Olerhfêrh Olexer Olezeïlh Olfe Olfer Olgalh Olhbo Olhca Olhcer Olhfê Olhhêr Olhmar Olhme Olhnen Olhran Olhwal Olhwon Olhxo Olhzô Olka Olma Olmalh Olnolh Olo Oloror Oloso Olozoïrh Olqer Olte Olwe Olwon Olxô Olylh Olûrh Omegal Omel Omelhvo Omenvarh Omohârh Omon Omy Omâ Onageï Onajo Onawû Onde Oneger Ongeï Onotôlh Onoza Onpan Onrô Onvo Onzâl Onâ Onâr Opa Ope Open Opo Opî Orafo Oralhhê Oralxelh Oranky Orcîrh Ordâ Orelja Orelre Orelzen Oremel Orennon Oresan Oreza Orfy Orgo Orhbe Orhco Orhgal Orhgaï Orhha Orhhûn Orhjolh Orhjor Orhkaï Orhlan Orhlâ Orhlî Orhnârh Orho Orhpîlh Orhqûr Orhsôrh Orhtal Orhtolh Orhxon Orhxor Orhzîlh Orhzûn Orken Orker Orky Ormerh Orojo Orojô Oroko Oromô Ororgolh Ororh Ororhco Orpê Orvôr Orvûl Orxa Orxan Orxelh Orzê Orîl Osa Osalzûrh Osanjûn Osarhra Osecaï Osehe Oselvo Osengal Osesal Osor Osê Otenry Oterhqî Otowe Otô Otôr Ovolh Owaraïn Owel Owelpâ Owelren Oweme Owenxô Owerhkeï Owerparh Owerraïr Owo Owobû Owohû Owolfo Oworholh Owota Owî Oxyr Oxâ Oxî Oxîn Ozan Ozolh
Rahol Rahy Ralnerh Ranla Rarhwâ Rarzo Rebel Recen Relbî Rencô Rerhqo Reso Revyl Robûl Rornoï Rorpo Rovâlh Rowy Roxan
Sago Salhhe Sarhpan Sasû Seca Secen Secoï Sege Sela Selhce Selnîrh Serhre Serpyr Sersê Sezî Sonnîr Sonzo Soteï Sowûl Sozorh
Tafêl Talhle Talko Talwo Talxâr Tarhhe Tarhqal Tavê Tazel Tecarh Tecôlh Telhporh Telhqî Tenbo Terhkôr Terlo Ternîlh Tevâ Tevûr Tolqû Toman Ton�� Topa Torfe Torhkô Torhra Tovaïrh Tovyn Toxan
Wado Walel Walhhal Walhla Walqyn Welhhel Welnî Wemon Wenvelh Wepyn Were Werhxar Wevel Wexyn Wodîrh Wofô Woga Wolhco Wolwû Wolê Wonwûr Wonzo Woqû Woral Worfo Worhfa
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7 Best Data Warehouse Tools to Explore in 2025
What is a Data Warehouse?
A data warehouse is a centralized repository designed to store large volumes of data from various sources in an organized, structured format. It facilitates efficient querying, analysis, and reporting of data, serving as a vital component for business intelligence and analytics.
Types of Data Warehouses
Data warehouses can be classified into the following categories:
Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW): A unified storage hub for all enterprise data.
Operational Data Store (ODS): Stores frequently updated, real-time data.
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): Designed for complex analytical queries on large datasets.
Data Mart: A focused subset of a data warehouse for specific departments or business units.
Why Use Data Warehouses?
The primary purpose of data warehouses is to store and organize data centrally, enabling faster and more efficient analysis of large datasets. Other benefits include:
Improved Data Quality: Processes ensure data integrity and consistency.
Historical Data Storage: Supports trend analysis and forecasting.
Enhanced Accessibility: Allows seamless access and querying of data from multiple sources.
Who Uses Data Warehouses?
Data warehouses cater to various professionals across industries:
Data Analysts: Query and analyze data for actionable insights.
Data Engineers: Build and maintain the underlying infrastructure.
Business Intelligence Analysts: Generate reports and visualizations for stakeholders.
Analytics Engineers: Optimize data pipelines for efficient loading.
Companies often use data warehouses to store vast amounts of customer data, sales information, and financial records. Modern trends include adopting data lakes and data lake houses for advanced analytics.
Top Data Warehouse Tools to Watch in 2025
1. Snowflake
Snowflake is a cloud-native data warehouse renowned for its flexibility, security, and scalability.
Key Features:
Multi-cluster Architecture: Supports scalability and separates compute from storage.
Virtual Warehouses: On-demand setup for parallel workload handling.
Data Sharing: Facilitates secure data sharing across organizations.
Snowflake integrates seamlessly with tools like dbt, Tableau, and Looker, making it a cornerstone of the modern data stack.
2. Amazon S3
Amazon S3 is a highly scalable, object-based storage service, widely used as a data warehousing solution.
Key Features:
Scalability: Capable of handling any data volume.
AWS Ecosystem Integrations: Enhances processing and analytics workflows.
Cost-effectiveness: Pay-as-you-go pricing model.
Ideal for organizations already leveraging AWS services, Amazon S3 offers unparalleled flexibility and durability.
3. Google Big Query
Google Big Query is a server less, highly scalable solution designed for real-time insights.
Key Features:
Fast Querying: Processes petabytes of data in seconds.
Automatic Scaling: No manual resource management required.
Integrated Machine Learning: Supports advanced analytics.
Big Query’s seamless integration with Google Cloud services and third-party tools makes it a top choice for modern data stacks.
4. Data bricks
Data bricks is a unified analytics platform combining data engineering, science, and business intelligence.
Key Features:
Spark-based Engine: Enables fast, large-scale data processing.
ML flow: Streamlines machine learning lifecycle management.
Real-time Analytics: Processes streaming data effortlessly.
Data bricks supports Python, SQL, R, and Scala, appealing to diverse data professionals.
5. Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, high-performance data warehouse tailored for structured and semi-structured data.
Key Features:
Columnar Storage: Optimized query performance.
Massively Parallel Processing (MPP): Accelerates complex queries.
AWS Integrations: Works well with S3, DynamoDB, and Elastic MapReduce.
Its scalability and cost-effectiveness make it popular among startups and enterprises alike.
6. Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse
Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse automates the creation and management of data warehouses using machine learning.
Key Features:
Autonomous Operations: Self-tuning and optimized storage.
Elastic Scalability: Adjusts resources dynamically based on workload.
Built-in ML Algorithms: Facilitates advanced analytics.
Best suited for enterprises seeking robust, automated solutions with high performance.
7. PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is a versatile, open-source relational database that supports data warehousing needs.
Key Features:
ACID Compliance: Ensures data integrity.
Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC): Allows simultaneous access.
Extensibility: Offers plugins like PostgreSQL Data Warehousing by Citus.
Its robust community support and adaptability make PostgreSQL a reliable choice for organizations of all sizes.
Next Steps
Key Takeaways:
Data warehouses enable efficient organization and analysis of large datasets.
Popular tools include Snowflake, Amazon S3, Google BigQuery, Databricks, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and PostgreSQL.
How to Advance Your Knowledge:
Explore Data Analytics Tools: Get acquainted with platforms like Tableau and dbt.
Learn Data Analytics: Try Career Foundry’s free, 5-day data analytics short course.
Join Live Events: Participate in online events with industry experts.
Take the first step towards becoming a data analyst. Enroll in Career Foundry’s data analytics program and unlock a new career path today.
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Seamlessly MySQL to Redshift Migration with Ask On Data
MySQL to Redshift migration is a critical component for businesses looking to scale their data infrastructure. As organizations grow, they often need to transition from traditional relational databases like MySQL to more powerful cloud data warehouses like Amazon Redshift to handle larger datasets, improve performance, and enable real-time analytics. The migration process can be complex, but with the right tools, it becomes much more manageable. Ask On Data is a tool designed to streamline the data wrangling and migration process, helping businesses move from MySQL to Redshift effortlessly.
Why Migrate from MySQL to Redshift?
MySQL, a widely-used relational database management system (RDBMS), is excellent for managing structured data, especially for small to medium-sized applications. However, as the volume of data increases, MySQL can struggle with performance and scalability. This is where Amazon Redshift, a fully managed cloud-based data warehouse, comes into play. Redshift offers powerful query performance, massive scalability, and robust integration with other AWS services.
Redshift is built specifically for analytics, and it supports parallel processing, which enables faster query execution on large datasets. The transition from MySQL to Redshift allows businesses to run complex queries, gain insights from large volumes of data, and perform advanced analytics without compromising performance.
The Migration Process: Challenges and Solutions
Migrating from MySQL to Redshift is not a one-click operation. It requires careful planning, data transformation, and validation. Some of the primary challenges include:
Data Compatibility: MySQL and Redshift have different data models and structures. MySQL is an OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) system optimized for transactional queries, while Redshift is an OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) system optimized for read-heavy, analytical queries. The differences in how data is stored, indexed, and accessed must be addressed during migration.
Data Transformation: MySQL’s schema may need to be restructured to fit Redshift’s columnar storage format. Data types and table structures may also need adjustments, as Redshift uses specific data types optimized for analytical workloads.
Data Volume: Moving large volumes of data from MySQL to Redshift can take time and resources. A well-thought-out migration strategy is essential to minimize downtime and ensure the integrity of the data.
Testing and Validation: Post-migration, it is crucial to test and validate the data to ensure everything is accurately transferred, and the queries in Redshift return the expected results.
How Ask On Data Eases the Migration Process
Ask On Data is a powerful tool designed to assist with data wrangling and migration tasks. The tool simplifies the complex process of transitioning from MySQL to Redshift by offering several key features:
Data Preparation and Wrangling: Before migration, data often needs cleaning and transformation. Ask On Data makes it easy to prepare your data by handling missing values, eliminating duplicates, and ensuring consistency across datasets. It also provides automated data profiling to ensure data quality before migration.
Schema Mapping and Transformation: Ask On Data supports schema mapping, helping you seamlessly convert MySQL schemas into Redshift-compatible structures. The tool automatically maps data types, handles column transformations, and generates the necessary scripts to create tables in Redshift.
Efficient Data Loading: Ask On Data simplifies the process of transferring large volumes of data from MySQL to Redshift. With support for bulk data loading and parallel processing, the tool ensures that the migration happens swiftly with minimal impact on production systems.
Error Handling and Monitoring: Migration can be prone to errors, especially when dealing with large datasets. Ask On Data offers built-in error handling and monitoring features to track the progress of the migration and troubleshoot any issues that arise.
Post-Migration Validation: Once the migration is complete, Ask On Data helps validate the data by comparing the original data in MySQL with the migrated data in Redshift. It ensures that data integrity is maintained and that all queries return accurate results.
Migrating from MySQL to Redshift can significantly improve the performance and scalability of your data infrastructure. While the migration process can be complex, tools like Ask On Data can simplify it by automating many of the steps involved. From data wrangling to schema transformation and data validation, Ask On Data provides a comprehensive solution for seamless migration. By leveraging this tool, businesses can focus on analyzing their data, rather than getting bogged down in the technicalities of migration, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition to Redshift.
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Principais Ferramentas para Construir Pipeline de Dados - Real Time Analytics
Leonardo Santos da Mata
Engenheiro de Dados, DBA | SQL, Python para Analise de Dados, Pentaho Data Integration, Cloud AWS, Cloud Azure, Mongodb, Mongodb Compass, Docker e Portainer.io
19 de outubro de 2024
A construção de pipelines de dados para Real Time Analytics envolve a escolha de ferramentas que permitam processar, analisar e visualizar dados em tempo real. Abaixo, listamos algumas das principais ferramentas, com seus prós, contras e os tipos de projetos em que cada uma se destaca.
1. Tableau
Interface amigável e intuitiva
Grande capacidade de criação de visualizações interativas
Suporte para integração com diversas fontes de dados
Custo elevado para grandes equipes
Limitações no processamento de grandes volumes de dados em tempo real
Aplicação: Projetos que demandam visualização interativa de dados para decisões de negócios, como relatórios e dashboards executivos.
2. Amazon Kinesis
Excelente para processar e analisar grandes volumes de dados em tempo real
Integrado com o ecossistema AWS
Altamente escalável e flexível
Curva de aprendizado acentuada para iniciantes
Custo pode aumentar conforme o volume de dados processado
Aplicação: Ideal para projetos de IoT, análise de logs de aplicações e monitoramento de eventos em tempo real.
3. Metabase
Open-source e de fácil uso
Suporte a várias bases de dados
Boa opção para equipes menores que buscam relatórios simples
Funcionalidades limitadas para grandes volumes de dados
Menos opções de personalização de visualizações
Aplicação: Pequenas e médias empresas que precisam de relatórios básicos e acessíveis com rápida implementação.
4. Looker Studio
Integração com diversas fontes de dados, incluindo Google Analytics
Interface de fácil uso para criação de relatórios e dashboards interativos
Bom para análises colaborativas em tempo real
Funcionalidades limitadas para manipulação avançada de dados
Pode ser mais simples do que necessário para grandes volumes de dados
Aplicação: Ideal para empresas que já estão no ecossistema Google e precisam de dashboards fáceis de usar.
5. Apache Flink
Processamento de dados em tempo real com baixa latência
Suporte a análise de grandes volumes de dados distribuídos
Flexível para integração com diferentes pipelines de dados
Requer uma curva de aprendizado significativa
Configuração complexa para iniciantes
Aplicação: Processamento de dados em tempo real para casos de uso como análise de fraudes, monitoramento de IoT e sistemas de recomendação.
6. Apache Druid
Alta performance no processamento e análise de dados em tempo real
Otimizado para grandes volumes de dados com baixas latências de consulta
Suporte a OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
Configuração e gerenciamento podem ser desafiadores
Requer conhecimento técnico avançado para configuração otimizada
Aplicação: Projetos que exigem ingestão de grandes volumes de dados em tempo real, como análise de streaming de eventos e relatórios analíticos.
7. Apache Superset
Open-source e gratuito
Suporte a uma ampla gama de fontes de dados
Flexível para criação de dashboards e visualizações
Requer conhecimento técnico para instalação e configuração
Limitado para análise em tempo real em comparação com outras soluções
Aplicação: Empresas que precisam de uma solução open-source para visualização de dados sem custo de licenciamento.
8. Azure Synapse Analytics
Totalmente integrado ao ecossistema Azure
Suporta análise em tempo real de grandes volumes de dados
Possui recursos de SQL e big data integrados
Curva de aprendizado para quem não está familiarizado com Azure
Pode ter um custo elevado dependendo do uso
Aplicação: Projetos de grande escala que exigem processamento de dados em tempo real com integração total no Azure.
9. Redash
Open-source e fácil de usar
Suporte a várias bases de dados
Ótima ferramenta para equipes que precisam de consultas rápidas
Funcionalidades limitadas para grandes empresas
Não é ideal para processamento de dados complexos em tempo real
Aplicação: Empresas pequenas a médias que precisam de uma ferramenta simples e acessível para relatórios e dashboards.
10. MicroStrategy
Ampla gama de funcionalidades de business intelligence
Suporte a dados em tempo real com alto nível de personalização
Ótimo para projetos corporativos de grande escala
Custo elevado
Curva de aprendizado acentuada
Aplicação: Grandes corporações que precisam de uma solução robusta para business intelligence e análise em tempo real.
11. Dataedo
Excelente para documentação e governança de dados
Interface simples e fácil de usar
Ajuda na visualização e organização dos metadados
Não é projetado para análise de dados em tempo real
Funcionalidades limitadas para grandes volumes de dados
Aplicação: Projetos que exigem documentação e governança de dados clara, como ambientes de big data corporativos.
12. Power BI
Fácil de usar e integrado ao ecossistema Microsoft
Boa solução para visualização de dados em tempo real
Grande variedade de conectores e integração com várias fontes de dados
Limitações na manipulação de grandes volumes de dados
Custo de licenciamento pode ser alto para grandes equipes
Aplicação: Projetos de relatórios executivos e visualizações interativas para pequenas e médias empresas.
13. Presto
Alta performance para consultas distribuídas em grandes volumes de dados
Suporte a SQL, ideal para grandes análises
Integração com vários sistemas de armazenamento de dados
Configuração complexa
Requer conhecimento técnico avançado para otimização
Aplicação: Análises distribuídas em ambientes de big data, como consultas em clusters Hadoop.
Essas ferramentas são fundamentais para construir pipelines de dados eficientes para análises em tempo real, cada uma com seu conjunto de vantagens e limitações. A escolha da ferramenta depende do tipo de projeto, dos volumes de dados a serem processados e do nível de personalização e complexidade exigido.
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AlloyDB Omni Facilitates Deployment Of Multi-Cloud Databases
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4f8cc29eb32655ce445e1aecd96868bb/0188b6013db29ca0-91/s540x810/8f4268d8c88365b84a111fa5cf3780f50e9dd43d.jpg)
Aiven’s relationship with AlloyDB Omni makes multi-cloud, managed PostgreSQL possible.
Businesses now want a database that not only offers outstanding performance but also supports open standards and stays away from vendor lock-in, given the fast changing technological world. Let introduce you to AlloyDB Omni, a high-performance, 100% PostgreSQL-compatible downloadable database from Google Cloud that offers state-of-the-art features like vector processing, near real-time analytics, and scalable online transaction processing (OLTP) architecture.
And in a development that further broadens the availability and reach of AlloyDB Omni, Google Cloud has partnered with Aiven, a top supplier of multi-cloud data infrastructure. With the integration of AlloyDB Omni’s robust features into Aiven’s platform, developers and enterprises can now manage and deploy PostgreSQL workloads with even more flexibility.
AlloyDB Omni can be deployed, scaled, and managed more easily and securely on Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure with the help of Aiven for AlloyDB Omni, a managed cloud database solution that offers integrated multi-cloud operations. via this agreement, you can execute transactional, analytical, and vector workloads on any cloud, all managed via a single platform, and benefit from the flexibility of managed, multi-cloud deployments with AlloyDB Omni.
Freedom to choose, adapt, and use several clouds
For developers, this collaboration between Aiven and Google Cloud opens more options and freedom. Now, you can use Aiven’s extensive array of managed data services to leverage the capabilities of AlloyDB Omni across all major cloud providers. Aiven offers a standardized control plane that improves operational effectiveness, streamlines administration, and fortifies security and governance.
This gives you the ability to update apps and realize the full potential of your data, wherever it may be stored. This translates to software companies being able to supply apps in a multi-cloud environment by building once and deploying anywhere. Aiven’s dedication to a multi-cloud approach gives you the flexibility to choose the ideal cloud provider and location for your unique requirements while avoiding vendor lock-in.
Important attributes of Aiven and AlloyDB Omni
Support heavy, complicated workloads: AlloyDB Omni offers up to 100 times quicker analytical queries (OLAP) than ordinary PostgreSQL, and two times faster transactional performance (OLTP) for your important applications.
Prepared for the creation of a Gen AI application: Using 12 years of Google’s vector search expertise, AlloyDB provides quick, scalable, accurate, and economical vector searches. In addition to providing up to 4 times quicker vector queries and often using 3–4 times less memory than the HNSW index in standard PostgreSQL, AlloyDB AI delivers quick index creation times to increase development productivity. This enables you to differentiate yourself from the competition by creating a highly responsive and inventive consumer experience.
Unmatched deployment options: A multi-cloud approach is necessary in the current scenario. Companies must have the flexibility to choose the most suitable cloud for every task, stay away from vendor lock-in, adhere to data sovereignty regulations, and improve resilience. While AlloyDB Omni’s integration with the Aiven managed service reinforces the argument for multi-cloud and improves your multi-cloud posture by enabling you to utilize best-of-breed solutions from other providers, it is also 100% compatible with PostgreSQL.
Simplified administration: AlloyDB Omni setup and operation are made easier by Aiven’s user-friendly platform and powerful management tools, which lower operating overhead and free up developers to concentrate on creating and inventing. Aiven for AlloyDB Omni greatly streamlines PostgreSQL workload management when used with AlloyDB capabilities like adaptive vacuum, index advisors, and more.
Improved ecosystem: With this cooperation, AlloyDB Omni is now part of Aiven’s extensive network of open-source data services, which also includes OpenSearch, Grafana, Apache Kafka, and Valkey. This offers an all-inclusive framework for developing and overseeing contemporary data-driven applications.
For AlloyDB, Aiven Omni for your contemporary applications
AlloyDB Omni and Aiven together provide a strong platform for developing and executing contemporary applications. Together with Aiven’s user-friendly interface and extensive data services, AlloyDB Omni’s excellent speed, scalability, and PostgreSQL compatibility enable developers to design creative solutions that generate revenue.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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Data Engineering Course in Hyderabad | AWS Data Engineer Training
Overview of AWS Data Modeling
Data modeling in AWS involves designing the structure of your data to effectively store, manage, and analyse it within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) ecosystem. AWS provides various services and tools that can be used for data modeling, depending on your specific requirements and use cases. Here's an overview of key components and considerations in AWS data modeling
AWS Data Engineer Training
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Understanding Data Requirements: Begin by understanding your data requirements, including the types of data you need to store, the volume of data, the frequency of data updates, and the anticipated usage patterns.
Selecting the Right Data Storage Service: AWS offers a range of data storage services suitable for different data modeling needs, including:
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): A scalable object storage service ideal for storing large volumes of unstructured data such as documents, images, and logs.
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): Managed relational databases supporting popular database engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
Amazon Redshift: A fully managed data warehousing service optimized for online analytical processing (OLAP) workloads.
Amazon DynamoDB: A fully managed NoSQL database service providing fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability.
Amazon Aurora: A high-performance relational database compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, offering features like high availability and automatic scaling. - AWS Data Engineering Training
Schema Design: Depending on the selected data storage service, design the schema to organize and represent your data efficiently. This involves defining tables, indexes, keys, and relationships for relational databases or determining the structure of documents for NoSQL databases.
Data Ingestion and ETL: Plan how data will be ingested into your AWS environment and perform any necessary Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) operations to prepare the data for analysis. AWS provides services like AWS Glue for ETL tasks and AWS Data Pipeline for orchestrating data workflows.
Data Access Control and Security: Implement appropriate access controls and security measures to protect your data. Utilize AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for fine-grained access control and encryption mechanisms provided by AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to secure sensitive data.
Data Processing and Analysis: Leverage AWS services for data processing and analysis tasks, such as - AWS Data Engineering Training in Hyderabad
Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce): Managed Hadoop framework for processing large-scale data sets using distributed computing.
Amazon Athena: Serverless query service for analysing data stored in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.
Amazon Redshift Spectrum: Extend Amazon Redshift queries to analyse data stored in Amazon S3 data lakes without loading it into Redshift.
Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of your data modeling infrastructure and optimize as needed. Utilize AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and AWS Trusted Advisor for recommendations on cost optimization, performance, and security best practices.
Scalability and Flexibility: Design your data modeling architecture to be scalable and flexible to accommodate future growth and changing requirements. Utilize AWS services like Auto Scaling to automatically adjust resources based on demand. - Data Engineering Course in Hyderabad
Compliance and Governance: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards by implementing appropriate governance policies and using AWS services like AWS Config and AWS Organizations for policy enforcement and auditing.
By following these principles and leveraging AWS services effectively, you can create robust data models that enable efficient storage, processing, and analysis of your data in the cloud.
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AWS Data Engineer Interview Questions and Answers
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As the world rapidly moves towards data-driven decision-making, AWS Data Engineers are in high demand. Organizations are seeking professionals skilled in managing big data, building data pipelines, and leveraging AWS services to support their analytics and machine learning needs. If you are aspiring to become an AWS Data Engineer or have an upcoming interview, you've come to the right place! In this article, we have compiled a list of essential interview questions and expert answers to equip you for success. AWS Data Engineer Interview Questions and Answers 1. Tell us about your experience with AWS services for data management. LSI Keywords: AWS data services, data management experience As an AWS Data Engineer, you will work extensively with various AWS data services. Mention any relevant experience you have with services like Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, AWS Glue, and AWS Data Pipeline. Highlight any projects where you built data pipelines or implemented data warehousing solutions. 2. What are the key components of AWS Data Pipeline? LSI Keywords: AWS Data Pipeline components AWS Data Pipeline facilitates the automation of data movement and transformation. The key components are: - Data Nodes: Represent data sources and destinations. - Activity Nodes: Execute operations on data like data transformation or data processing. - Preconditions: Conditions that must be met before an activity can run. - Schedule: Specifies when the pipeline runs. - Resources: Compute resources to be used during data processing. 3. How do you ensure the security of data in Amazon S3? LSI Keywords: Amazon S3 security, data encryption Data security is crucial, and AWS provides several mechanisms to secure data in Amazon S3: - Access Control Lists (ACLs): Define who can access individual objects. - Bucket Policies: Set access permissions at the bucket level. - AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manage access to AWS resources. - Server-Side Encryption (SSE): Encrypt data at rest using AWS-managed keys. - Client-Side Encryption: Encrypt data before uploading it to S3. 4. Explain the differences between Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift. LSI Keywords: Amazon RDS vs. Amazon Redshift Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) and Amazon Redshift are both managed database services, but they serve different purposes: - Amazon RDS: Ideal for traditional OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) workloads, supporting various database engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. - Amazon Redshift: Designed for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) workloads, optimized for complex queries and data warehousing. 5. How do you optimize the performance of Amazon Redshift? LSI Keywords: Amazon Redshift performance optimization To enhance the performance of Amazon Redshift, consider these best practices: - Distribution Style and Keys: Choose appropriate distribution styles to evenly distribute data across nodes. - Sort Keys: Define sort keys to reduce query time for frequently accessed columns. - Compression: Use columnar data compression to minimize storage and enhance query performance. - Vacuum and Analyze: Regularly perform the VACUUM and ANALYZE operations to reclaim space and update statistics. 6. How can you move data from on-premises to Amazon S3? LSI Keywords: On-premises data migration to Amazon S3 Migrating data to Amazon S3 can be achieved in multiple ways: - AWS Snowball: A physical device used to transfer large amounts of data securely. - AWS DataSync: Transfers data over the internet or AWS Direct Connect. - AWS Transfer Family: A fully managed service for transferring files over FTP, FTPS, and SFTP. - AWS Storage Gateway: Integrates on-premises environments with cloud storage. 7. Explain how AWS Glue ETL jobs work. LSI Keywords: AWS Glue ETL, data transformation AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service. The process involves: - Data Crawling: Glue scans the data sources to determine the schema. - Data Catalog: Metadata is stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. - ETL Code Generation: Glue generates ETL code in Python or Scala. - Data Transformation: The data is transformed according to the ETL logic. - Data Loading: The transformed data is loaded into the destination data store. 8. How can you ensure data consistency in distributed systems on AWS? LSI Keywords: Data consistency in distributed systems, CAP theorem In distributed systems, the CAP theorem states that you can have only two of the following three guarantees: Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance. To ensure data consistency, you may use techniques like strong consistency models, distributed transactions, and data synchronization mechanisms. 9. Describe your experience with AWS Lambda and its role in data processing. LSI Keywords: AWS Lambda data processing AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that executes functions in response to events. As a Data Engineer, you may leverage Lambda for real-time data processing, data transformations, and event-driven architectures. Share any hands-on experience you have in using Lambda for data processing tasks. 10. What is the significance of Amazon Kinesis in big data analytics? LSI Keywords: Amazon Kinesis big data analytics Amazon Kinesis is a suite of services for real-time data streaming and analytics. It enables you to ingest, process, and analyze streaming data at scale. Discuss how Amazon Kinesis can be utilized to handle real-time data and its relevance in big data analytics. 11. How do you manage error handling in AWS Glue ETL jobs? LSI Keywords: AWS Glue ETL error handling Error handling in AWS Glue ETL jobs is crucial to ensure data integrity. You can implement error handling through error tables, data validations, and customized error handling scripts to address different types of errors encountered during ETL operations. 12. Share your experience in building data pipelines with AWS Step Functions. LSI Keywords: AWS Step Functions data pipelines AWS Step Functions coordinate distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. As a Data Engineer, you may use Step Functions to build complex data pipelines and manage dependencies between individual steps. Explain any projects you've worked on involving AWS Step Functions. 13. How do you monitor AWS resources for performance and cost optimization? LSI Keywords: AWS resource monitoring, performance optimization Monitoring AWS resources is vital for both performance and cost optimization. You can use AWS CloudWatch, AWS Trusted Advisor, and third-party monitoring tools to track resource utilization, set up alarms, and optimize the AWS infrastructure for cost efficiency. 14. Describe your experience in using AWS Glue DataBrew for data preparation. LSI Keywords: AWS Glue DataBrew data preparation AWS Glue DataBrew is a visual data preparation tool that simplifies data cleaning and normalization. Share how you've used DataBrew to automate data transformation tasks, handle data quality issues, and prepare data for analysis. 15. How do you ensure data integrity in a data lake on AWS? LSI Keywords: Data integrity in AWS data lake Data integrity is critical for a reliable data lake. Ensure data integrity by using versioning and cataloging tools, validating data during ingestion, and implementing access controls to prevent unauthorized changes. 16. Discuss your experience with Amazon Aurora for managing relational databases on AWS. LSI Keywords: Amazon Aurora relational database Amazon Aurora is a high-performance, fully managed relational database service. Describe your experience with Amazon Aurora, including tasks like database setup, scaling, and data backups. 17. What is the significance of AWS Glue in the ETL process? LSI Keywords: AWS Glue ETL significance AWS Glue simplifies the ETL process by automating data preparation, data cataloging, and data transformation tasks. Explain how using AWS Glue streamlines the data engineering workflow and saves time in building robust data pipelines. 18. How do you optimize data storage costs on AWS? LSI Keywords: AWS data storage cost optimization Optimizing data storage costs is essential for cost-conscious organizations. Use features like Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering, Amazon S3 Glacier, and Amazon S3 Lifecycle policies to efficiently manage data storage costs based on usage patterns. 19. Share your experience with AWS Data Migration Service (DMS) for database migration. LSI Keywords: AWS DMS database migration AWS DMS facilitates seamless database migration to AWS. Discuss any database migration projects you've handled using AWS DMS, including migration strategies, data replication, and post-migration testing. 20. How do you handle streaming data in AWS using Apache Kafka? LSI Keywords: AWS streaming data, Apache Kafka Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform used to handle high-throughput real-time data feeds. Elaborate on how you've used Kafka to ingest, process, and analyze streaming data on AWS. 21. What is your experience with AWS Glue for data discovery and cataloging? LSI Keywords: AWS Glue data discovery AWS Glue enables automatic data discovery and cataloging, making it easier to find and access data assets. Share examples of how you've utilized AWS Glue to create and manage a data catalog for your organization. 22. How do you ensure data quality in a data warehouse on AWS? LSI Keywords: Data quality in AWS data warehouse Data quality is critical for meaningful analytics. Discuss techniques like data profiling, data cleansing, and data validation that you use to maintain data quality in an AWS data warehouse environment. 23. Share your experience in building serverless data processing workflows with AWS Step Functions. LSI Keywords: AWS Step Functions serverless data processing AWS Step Functions enable you to create serverless workflows for data processing tasks. Provide examples of how you've used Step Functions to orchestrate data processing jobs and handle complex workflows. 24. What are the best practices for data encryption on AWS? LSI Keywords: AWS data encryption best practices Data encryption safeguards sensitive data from unauthorized access. Cover best practices for data encryption, including using AWS Key Management Service (KMS), encrypting data at rest and in transit, and managing encryption keys securely. 25. How do you stay updated with the latest AWS services and trends? LSI Keywords: AWS services updates, AWS trends Continuous learning is crucial for AWS Data Engineers. Share resources like AWS documentation, online courses, webinars, and AWS blogs that you regularly follow to stay informed about the latest AWS services and trends. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) FAQ 1: What are the essential skills for an AWS Data Engineer? To succeed as an AWS Data Engineer, you should possess strong programming skills in languages like Python, SQL, or Scala. Familiarity with data warehousing concepts, AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and AWS Glue, and experience with ETL tools is crucial. Additionally, having knowledge of big data technologies like Apache Spark and Hadoop is advantageous. FAQ 2: How can I prepare for an AWS Data Engineer interview? Start by thoroughly understanding the fundamental concepts of AWS data services, data engineering, and data warehousing. Practice hands-on exercises to build data pipelines and perform data transformations. Review commonly asked interview questions and formulate clear, concise answers. Mock interviews and participating in data engineering projects can also enhance your preparation. FAQ 3: What projects can I include in my AWS Data Engineer portfolio? Your portfolio should showcase your data engineering expertise. Include projects that demonstrate your ability to build data pipelines, design scalable architectures, and optimize data storage and processing. Projects involving AWS Glue, AWS Redshift, and real-time data streaming are excellent additions to your portfolio. FAQ 4: Are AWS certifications essential for an AWS Data Engineer? While AWS certifications are not mandatory, they significantly enhance your credibility as a skilled AWS professional. Consider obtaining certifications like AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty or AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty to validate your expertise in data engineering on AWS. FAQ 5: How can I advance my career as an AWS Data Engineer? To advance your career, focus on continuous learning and staying updated with the latest AWS technologies. Seek opportunities to work on challenging data engineering projects that require problem-solving and innovation. Networking with professionals in the field and participating in AWS-related events can also open doors to new opportunities. FAQ 6: What are the typical responsibilities of an AWS Data Engineer in an organization? As an AWS Data Engineer, your responsibilities may include designing and implementing data pipelines, integrating data from various sources, transforming and optimizing data for analysis, and ensuring data security and quality. You may also be involved in troubleshooting data-related issues and optimizing data storage and processing costs. Conclusion Becoming an AWS Data Engineer opens doors to exciting opportunities in the world of data-driven technology. By mastering the essential AWS services and data engineering concepts and showcasing your expertise during interviews, you can secure a rewarding career in this rapidly evolving field. Stay committed to continuous learning and hands-on practice, and you'll be well on your way to success. Read the full article
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GCP 推出 AlloyDB,一套相容 PostgreSQL 協定的資料庫服務
GCP 推出 AlloyDB,一套相容 PostgreSQL 協定的資料庫服務
也是在清 RSS reader 的時候翻到的,看起來是在今年的 Google I/O 上發表的服務,AlloyDB:「AlloyDB for PostgreSQL under the hood: Intelligent, database-aware storage」,值得提的是這篇有中文版可以看:「適用於 PostgreSQL 的 AlloyDB 隆重登場:從此擺脫成本高昂的老舊資料庫」。 另外還有一篇比較偏 PR 的文章也可以看看:「Introducing AlloyDB for PostgreSQL: Free yourself from expensive, legacy databases」,這篇就比較針對的提到了與 AWS 的服務相比,但畢竟是 PR 稿沒有明講 (出事會比較好打模糊戰),但我猜測是與 Aurora 對比: AlloyDB was also two times…
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OLAP On AWS | Kyligence Cloud-Native Big Data Solution
OLAP AWS users manage, analyze, and get the most from their cloud data assets with higher performance and lower cost.
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Apache Pinot - Realtime distributed OLAP datastore, designed to answer OLAP queries with low latency
I had another life, when I was a Hyperion Essbase specialist. Once a colleague told me Essbase was nice but it wasn't the future. I was offended for 5 minutes, then changed my career.
Fast forward 10 years, I find Apache Pinot and it sounds pretty cool to have OLAP running on Kubernetes and AWS.
Running on AWS
Running on Kubernetes
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What is AWS? Amazon Cloud Services Tutorial
Cloud computing is a term referred to storing and accessing records over the internet. It does not keep any statistics at the difficult disk of your personal computer. In cloud computing, you can get admission to statistics from a far flung server.
What is AWS?
Amazon net service is a platform that offers bendy, dependable, scalable, easy-to-use and price-powerful cloud computing answers.
AWS is a complete, clean to apply computing platform offered Amazon. The platform is advanced with a combination of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a carrier (PaaS) and packaged software as a provider (SaaS) offerings.
In this tutorial, you may analyze,
History of AWS
2002- AWS offerings launched
2006- Launched its cloud products
2012- Holds first client occasion
2015- Reveals sales carried out of $4.6 billion
2016- Surpassed $10 billon sales target
2016- Release snowball and snowmobile
2019- Offers nearly 100 cloud services
Important AWS Services
Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of different commercial enterprise purpose global cloud-based totally merchandise. The products consist of storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, improvement equipment, company packages, with a pay-as-you-pass pricing version.
Here, are critical AWS services.
AWS Compute Services
Here, are Cloud Compute Services offered with the aid of Amazon:
EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) - EC2 is a digital machine within the cloud on which you have OS level manage. You can run this cloud server on every occasion you need. LightSail -This cloud computing device robotically deploys and manages the pc, storage, and networking capabilities required to run your applications. Elastic Beanstalk — The device gives computerized deployment and provisioning of sources like a particularly scalable manufacturing website. EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) — The device lets in you to Kubernetes on Amazon cloud environment without set up. AWS Lambda — This AWS service allows you to run functions within the cloud. The device is a big price saver for you as you to pay handiest whilst your functions execute.
Migration offerings used to transfer information bodily between your datacenter and AWS.
DMS (Database Migration Service) -DMS carrier may be used emigrate on-website databases to AWS. It lets you migrate from one sort of database to some other — for example, Oracle to MySQL. SMS (Server Migration Service) - SMS migration services lets in you to migrate on-web site servers to AWS without problems and quick. Snowball — Snowball is a small software which allows you to switch terabytes of records outside and inside of AWS environment.
Amazon Glacier- It is an extremely low-value garage provider. It gives secure and fast garage for records archiving and backup.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)- It affords block-stage garage to use with Amazon EC2 times. Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes are community-attached and continue to be unbiased from the lifestyles of an instance.
AWS Storage Gateway- This AWS service is connecting on-premises software program programs with cloud-based garage. It offers comfortable integration between the organisation’s on-premises and AWS’s garage infrastructure.
Security Services
IAM (Identity and Access Management) — IAM is a comfy cloud safety carrier which helps you to manage users, assign rules, form agencies to manage a couple of customers.
Inspector — It is an agent that you could deploy for your virtual machines, which reports any protection vulnerabilities. Certificate Manager — The provider gives unfastened SSL certificate for your domains which might be controlled by Route53. WAF (Web Application Firewall) — WAF security carrier gives application-degree protection and lets in you to dam SQL injection and helps you to block move-web site scripting assaults. Cloud Directory — This provider permits you to create bendy, cloud-native directories for dealing with hierarchies of records along more than one dimensions. KMS (Key Management Service) — It is a managed provider. This protection provider lets you create and control the encryption keys which lets in you to encrypt your records. Organizations — You can create companies of AWS bills the usage of this carrier to manages security and automation settings. Shield — Shield is controlled DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service safety service). It gives safeguards against internet programs strolling on AWS. Macie — It gives a information visibility safety carrier which allows classify and protect your sensitive important content. GuardDuty —It gives danger detection to defend your AWS debts and workloads.
Database Services
Amazon RDS- This Database AWS carrier is straightforward to set up, operate, and scale a relational database inside the cloud.
Amazon DynamoDB- It is a quick, absolutely managed NoSQL database provider. It is a easy carrier which allow price-powerful garage and retrieval of facts. It additionally allows you to serve any stage of request traffic.
Amazon ElastiCache- It is a web provider which makes it clean to deploy, perform, and scale an in-reminiscence cache in the cloud.
Neptune- It is a quick, dependable and scalable graph database service.
Amazon RedShift - It is Amazon’s data warehousing answer which you may use to carry out complex OLAP queries.
Athena — This analytics provider allows perm SQL queries in your S3 bucket to discover documents.
CloudSearch — You must use this AWS provider to create a completely controlled seek engine in your internet site.
ElasticSearch — It is much like CloudSearch. However, it gives extra features like utility monitoring.
Kinesis — This AWS analytics service lets you movement and analyzing real-time facts at large scale.
QuickSight —It is a enterprise analytics device. It lets you create visualizations in a dashboard for records in Amazon Web Services. For instance, S3, DynamoDB, and so on.
EMR (Elastic Map Reduce) —This AWS analytics carrier in particular used for big facts processing like Spark, Splunk, Hadoop, and so forth.
Data Pipeline — Allows you to move facts from one area to every other. For example from DynamoDB to S3.
Management Services
CloudWatch — Cloud watch lets you reveal AWS environments like EC2, RDS instances, and CPU utilization. It also triggers alarms relies upon on diverse metrics.
CloudFormation — It is a way of turning infrastructure into the cloud. You can use templates for providing an entire production environment in mins.
CloudTrail — It offers an clean method of auditing AWS resources. It lets you log all changes.
OpsWorks — The service permits you to computerized Chef/Puppet deployments on AWS surroundings.
Config — This AWS carrier video display units your environment. The device sends alerts about modifications when you damage certain defined configurations.
Service Catalog — This service enables big establishments to authorize which offerings consumer can be used and which won’t.
AWS Auto Scaling — The provider permits you to automatically scale your sources up and down based on given CloudWatch metrics.
Systems Manager — This AWS service allows you to organization your resources. It lets in you to perceive troubles and act on them.
Managed Services—It gives management of your AWS infrastructure which lets in you to focus in your programs.
Internet of Things
IoT Core— It is a controlled cloud AWS service. The carrier lets in connected devices like vehicles, mild bulbs, sensor grids, to soundly interact with cloud programs and different devices.
IoT Device Management — It permits you to control your IoT devices at any scale.
IoT Analytics — This AWS IOT service is beneficial to carry out analysis on statistics collected by way of your IoT devices.
Amazon FreeRTOS — This actual-time operating machine for microcontrollers helps you to join IoT gadgets within the local server or into the cloud.
Application Services
Step Functions — It is a manner of visualizing what’s going internal your software and what distinct microservices it’s far the usage of.
SWF (Simple Workflow Service) — The carrier lets you coordinate both computerized tasks and human-led tasks.
SNS (Simple Notification Service) — You can use this service to ship you notifications within the shape of electronic mail and SMS primarily based on given AWS offerings.
SQS (Simple Queue Service) — Use this AWS carrier to decouple your packages. It is a pull-based totally carrier.
Elastic Transcoder — This AWS carrier tool helps you to modifications a video’s layout and backbone to guide various gadgets like pills, smartphones, and laptops of various resolutions.
Deployment and Management
AWS CloudTrail: The services facts AWS API calls and ship backlog files to you.
Amazon CloudWatch: The gear monitor AWS assets like Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS DB Instances. It also lets in you to display custom metrics created through consumer’s packages and services.
AWS CloudHSM: This AWS carrier helps you meet company, regulatory, and contractual, compliance necessities for retaining information protection with the aid of the usage of the Hardware Security Module(HSM) home equipment within the AWS surroundings.
Developer Tools
CodeStar — Codestar is a cloud-based provider for growing, handling, and operating with numerous software improvement projects on AWS.
CodeCommit — It is AWS’s version manipulate service which permits you to keep your code and other property privately in the cloud.
CodeBuild — This Amazon developer carrier assist you to automates the system of constructing and compiling your code.
CodeDeploy — It is a way of deploying your code in EC2 times routinely.
CodePipeline — It helps you create a deployment pipeline like testing, building, checking out, authentication, deployment on development and production environments.
Cloud9 —It is an Integrated Development Environment for writing, running, and debugging code inside the cloud.
Mobile Services
Mobile Hub — Allows you to add, configure and layout features for cell apps.
Cognito — Allows users to signup the use of his or her social identity.
Device Farm — Device farm lets you improve the satisfactory of apps by way of quickly trying out masses of cell devices.
AWS AppSync —It is a fully controlled GraphQL provider that offers actual-time records synchronization and offline programming capabilities.
Business Productivity
Alexa for Business — It empowers your corporation with voice, the use of Alexa. It will assist you to Allows you to build custom voice skills in your business enterprise.
Chime — Can be used for online meeting and video conferencing.
WorkDocs — Helps to save files within the cloud
WorkMail — Allows you to send and receive enterprise emails.
Desktop & App Streaming
WorkSpaces — Workspace is a VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). It lets in you to use remote computers inside the cloud.
AppStream — A manner of streaming computer programs in your users in the internet browser. For instance, using MS Word in Google Chrome.
Artificial Intelligence
Lex — Lex tool lets you build chatbots quickly.
Polly — It is AWS’s textual content-to-speech provider permits you to create audio variations of your notes.
Rekognition — It is AWS’s face reputation provider. This AWS service lets you understand faces and object in photos and films.
SageMaker — Sagemaker allows you to construct, train, and set up device getting to know fashions at any scale.
Transcribe — It is AWS’s speech-to-text carrier that offers high-quality and cheap transcriptions.
Translate — It is a completely comparable tool to Google Translate which lets in you to translate textual content in one language to some other.
AR & VR (Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality)
Sumerian — Sumerian is a fixed of tool for providing high-quality virtual reality (VR) experiences on the internet. The provider allows you to create interactive 3D scenes and post it as a internet site for customers to get admission to.
Customer Engagement
Amazon Connect — Amazon Connect allows you to create your patron care middle in the cloud.
Pinpoint — Pinpoint helps you to recognize your customers and have interaction with them.
SES (Simple Email Service) — Helps you to send bulk emails in your customers at a particularly cost-powerful fee.
Game Development
GameLift- It is a service that’s managed by AWS. You can use this service to host dedicated game servers. It lets in you to scale seamlessly with out taking your game offline.
Applications of AWS offerings
Amazon Web offerings are extensively used for numerous computing functions like:
Web site hosting Application website hosting/SaaS web hosting Media Sharing (Image/ Video) Mobile and Social Applications Content transport and Media Distribution Storage, backup, and catastrophe restoration Development and check environments Academic Computing Search Engines Social Networking Companies the usage of AWS Instagram Zoopla Smugmug Pinterest Netflix Dropbox Etsy Talkbox Playfish Ftopia
Advantages of AWS
Following are the pros of the usage of AWS services:
AWS lets in agencies to apply the already familiar programming fashions, operating systems, databases, and architectures. It is a cost-effective carrier that permits you to pay handiest for what you operate, without any up-the front or lengthy-time period commitments. You will not require to invest in walking and keeping facts facilities. Offers speedy deployments You can without problems upload or remove capacity. You are allowed cloud get right of entry to fast with countless potential. Total Cost of Ownership is very low in comparison to any personal/dedicated servers. Offers Centralized Billing and management Offers Hybrid Capabilities Allows you to installation your application in multiple regions around the world with only some clicks
Disadvantages of AWS
If you need extra instant or intensive assistance, you will ought to choose paid assist programs.
Amazon Web Services may additionally have a few common cloud computing issues whilst you move to a cloud. For example, downtime, confined manipulate, and backup protection.
AWS sets default limits on resources which differ from vicinity to region. These assets encompass photos, volumes, and snapshots.
Hardware-level adjustments occur in your application which won’t offer the exceptional overall performance and usage of your programs.
Best practices of AWS
You want to layout for failure, however nothing will fail.It’s essential to decouple all your components before using AWS offerings.You need to preserve dynamic information in the direction of compute and static facts towards the person.It’s essential to realize security and performance tradeoffs.Pay for computing potential via the hourly charge technique.Make a addiction of a one-time payment for every instance you need to reserve and to receive a giant bargain on the hourly charge.
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What is AWS? Amazon Cloud Services Tutorial
Cloud computing is a term referred to storing and accessing records over the internet. It does not keep any statistics at the difficult disk of your personal computer. In cloud computing, you can get admission to statistics from a far flung server.
What is AWS?
Amazon net service is a platform that offers bendy, dependable, scalable, easy-to-use and price-powerful cloud computing answers.
AWS is a complete, clean to apply computing platform offered Amazon. The platform is advanced with a combination of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a carrier (PaaS) and packaged software as a provider (SaaS) offerings.
In this tutorial, you may analyze,
History of AWS
2002- AWS offerings launched
2006- Launched its cloud products
2012- Holds first client occasion
2015- Reveals sales carried out of $4.6 billion
2016- Surpassed $10 billon sales target
2016- Release snowball and snowmobile
2019- Offers nearly 100 cloud services
Important AWS Services
Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of different commercial enterprise purpose global cloud-based totally merchandise. The products consist of storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, improvement equipment, company packages, with a pay-as-you-pass pricing version.
Here, are critical AWS services.
AWS Compute Services
Here, are Cloud Compute Services offered with the aid of Amazon:
EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) - EC2 is a digital machine within the cloud on which you have OS level manage. You can run this cloud server on every occasion you need. LightSail -This cloud computing device robotically deploys and manages the pc, storage, and networking capabilities required to run your applications. Elastic Beanstalk — The device gives computerized deployment and provisioning of sources like a particularly scalable manufacturing website. EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) — The device lets in you to Kubernetes on Amazon cloud environment without set up. AWS Lambda — This AWS service allows you to run functions within the cloud. The device is a big price saver for you as you to pay handiest whilst your functions execute.
Migration offerings used to transfer information bodily between your datacenter and AWS.
DMS (Database Migration Service) -DMS carrier may be used emigrate on-website databases to AWS. It lets you migrate from one sort of database to some other — for example, Oracle to MySQL. SMS (Server Migration Service) - SMS migration services lets in you to migrate on-web site servers to AWS without problems and quick. Snowball — Snowball is a small software which allows you to switch terabytes of records outside and inside of AWS environment.
Amazon Glacier- It is an extremely low-value garage provider. It gives secure and fast garage for records archiving and backup.Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)- It affords block-stage garage to use with Amazon EC2 times. Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes are community-attached and continue to be unbiased from the lifestyles of an instance.AWS Storage Gateway- This AWS service is connecting on-premises software program programs with cloud-based garage. It offers comfortable integration between the organisation’s on-premises and AWS��s garage infrastructure.
Security Services
IAM (Identity and Access Management) — IAM is a comfy cloud safety carrier which helps you to manage users, assign rules, form agencies to manage a couple of customers.
Inspector — It is an agent that you could deploy for your virtual machines, which reports any protection vulnerabilities. Certificate Manager — The provider gives unfastened SSL certificate for your domains which might be controlled by Route53. WAF (Web Application Firewall) — WAF security carrier gives application-degree protection and lets in you to dam SQL injection and helps you to block move-web site scripting assaults. Cloud Directory — This provider permits you to create bendy, cloud-native directories for dealing with hierarchies of records along more than one dimensions. KMS (Key Management Service) — It is a managed provider. This protection provider lets you create and control the encryption keys which lets in you to encrypt your records. Organizations — You can create companies of AWS bills the usage of this carrier to manages security and automation settings. Shield — Shield is controlled DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service safety service). It gives safeguards against internet programs strolling on AWS. Macie — It gives a information visibility safety carrier which allows classify and protect your sensitive important content. GuardDuty —It gives danger detection to defend your AWS debts and workloads.
Database Services
Amazon RDS- This Database AWS carrier is straightforward to set up, operate, and scale a relational database inside the cloud.Amazon DynamoDB- It is a quick, absolutely managed NoSQL database provider. It is a easy carrier which allow price-powerful garage and retrieval of facts. It additionally allows you to serve any stage of request traffic.Amazon ElastiCache- It is a web provider which makes it clean to deploy, perform, and scale an in-reminiscence cache in the cloud.Neptune- It is a quick, dependable and scalable graph database service.Amazon RedShift - It is Amazon’s data warehousing answer which you may use to carry out complex OLAP queries.
Athena — This analytics provider allows perm SQL queries in your S3 bucket to discover documents.CloudSearch — You must use this AWS provider to create a completely controlled seek engine in your internet site.ElasticSearch — It is much like CloudSearch. However, it gives extra features like utility monitoring.Kinesis — This AWS analytics service lets you movement and analyzing real-time facts at large scale.QuickSight —It is a enterprise analytics device. It lets you create visualizations in a dashboard for records in Amazon Web Services. For instance, S3, DynamoDB, and so on.EMR (Elastic Map Reduce) —This AWS analytics carrier in particular used for big facts processing like Spark, Splunk, Hadoop, and so forth.Data Pipeline — Allows you to move facts from one area to every other. For example from DynamoDB to S3.
Management Services
CloudWatch — Cloud watch lets you reveal AWS environments like EC2, RDS instances, and CPU utilization. It also triggers alarms relies upon on diverse metrics.CloudFormation — It is a way of turning infrastructure into the cloud. You can use templates for providing an entire production environment in mins.CloudTrail — It offers an clean method of auditing AWS resources. It lets you log all changes.OpsWorks — The service permits you to computerized Chef/Puppet deployments on AWS surroundings.Config — This AWS carrier video display units your environment. The device sends alerts about modifications when you damage certain defined configurations.Service Catalog — This service enables big establishments to authorize which offerings consumer can be used and which won’t.AWS Auto Scaling — The provider permits you to automatically scale your sources up and down based on given CloudWatch metrics.Systems Manager — This AWS service allows you to organization your resources. It lets in you to perceive troubles and act on them.Managed Services—It gives management of your AWS infrastructure which lets in you to focus in your programs.
Internet of Things
IoT Core— It is a controlled cloud AWS service. The carrier lets in connected devices like vehicles, mild bulbs, sensor grids, to soundly interact with cloud programs and different devices.IoT Device Management — It permits you to control your IoT devices at any scale.IoT Analytics — This AWS IOT service is beneficial to carry out analysis on statistics collected by way of your IoT devices.Amazon FreeRTOS — This actual-time operating machine for microcontrollers helps you to join IoT gadgets within the local server or into the cloud.
Application Services
Step Functions — It is a manner of visualizing what’s going internal your software and what distinct microservices it’s far the usage of.SWF (Simple Workflow Service) — The carrier lets you coordinate both computerized tasks and human-led tasks.SNS (Simple Notification Service) — You can use this service to ship you notifications within the shape of electronic mail and SMS primarily based on given AWS offerings.SQS (Simple Queue Service) — Use this AWS carrier to decouple your packages. It is a pull-based totally carrier.Elastic Transcoder — This AWS carrier tool helps you to modifications a video’s layout and backbone to guide various gadgets like pills, smartphones, and laptops of various resolutions.
Deployment and Management
AWS CloudTrail: The services facts AWS API calls and ship backlog files to you.Amazon CloudWatch: The gear monitor AWS assets like Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS DB Instances. It also lets in you to display custom metrics created through consumer’s packages and services.AWS CloudHSM: This AWS carrier helps you meet company, regulatory, and contractual, compliance necessities for retaining information protection with the aid of the usage of the Hardware Security Module(HSM) home equipment within the AWS surroundings.
Developer Tools
CodeStar — Codestar is a cloud-based provider for growing, handling, and operating with numerous software improvement projects on AWS.CodeCommit — It is AWS’s version manipulate service which permits you to keep your code and other property privately in the cloud.CodeBuild — This Amazon developer carrier assist you to automates the system of constructing and compiling your code.CodeDeploy — It is a way of deploying your code in EC2 times routinely.CodePipeline — It helps you create a deployment pipeline like testing, building, checking out, authentication, deployment on development and production environments.Cloud9 —It is an Integrated Development Environment for writing, running, and debugging code inside the cloud.
Mobile Services
Mobile Hub — Allows you to add, configure and layout features for cell apps.Cognito — Allows users to signup the use of his or her social identity.Device Farm — Device farm lets you improve the satisfactory of apps by way of quickly trying out masses of cell devices.AWS AppSync —It is a fully controlled GraphQL provider that offers actual-time records synchronization and offline programming capabilities.
Business Productivity
Alexa for Business — It empowers your corporation with voice, the use of Alexa. It will assist you to Allows you to build custom voice skills in your business enterprise.Chime — Can be used for online meeting and video conferencing.WorkDocs — Helps to save files within the cloudWorkMail — Allows you to send and receive enterprise emails.Desktop & App StreamingWorkSpaces — Workspace is a VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). It lets in you to use remote computers inside the cloud.AppStream — A manner of streaming computer programs in your users in the internet browser. For instance, using MS Word in Google Chrome.
Artificial Intelligence
Lex — Lex tool lets you build chatbots quickly.Polly — It is AWS’s textual content-to-speech provider permits you to create audio variations of your notes.Rekognition — It is AWS’s face reputation provider. This AWS service lets you understand faces and object in photos and films.SageMaker — Sagemaker allows you to construct, train, and set up device getting to know fashions at any scale.Transcribe — It is AWS’s speech-to-text carrier that offers high-quality and cheap transcriptions.Translate — It is a completely comparable tool to Google Translate which lets in you to translate textual content in one language to some other.
AR & VR (Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality)
Sumerian — Sumerian is a fixed of tool for providing high-quality virtual reality (VR) experiences on the internet. The provider allows you to create interactive 3D scenes and post it as a internet site for customers to get admission to.Customer EngagementAmazon Connect — Amazon Connect allows you to create your patron care middle in the cloud.Pinpoint — Pinpoint helps you to recognize your customers and have interaction with them.SES (Simple Email Service) — Helps you to send bulk emails in your customers at a particularly cost-powerful fee.
Game Development
GameLift- It is a service that’s managed by AWS. You can use this service to host dedicated game servers. It lets in you to scale seamlessly with out taking your game offline.
Applications of AWS offerings
Amazon Web offerings are extensively used for numerous computing functions like:
Web site hosting Application website hosting/SaaS web hosting Media Sharing (Image/ Video) Mobile and Social Applications Content transport and Media Distribution Storage, backup, and catastrophe restoration Development and check environments Academic Computing Search Engines Social Networking Companies the usage of AWS Instagram Zoopla Smugmug Pinterest Netflix Dropbox Etsy Talkbox Playfish Ftopia
Advantages of AWS
Following are the pros of the usage of AWS services:
AWS lets in agencies to apply the already familiar programming fashions, operating systems, databases, and architectures. It is a cost-effective carrier that permits you to pay handiest for what you operate, without any up-the front or lengthy-time period commitments. You will not require to invest in walking and keeping facts facilities. Offers speedy deployments You can without problems upload or remove capacity. You are allowed cloud get right of entry to fast with countless potential. Total Cost of Ownership is very low in comparison to any personal/dedicated servers. Offers Centralized Billing and management Offers Hybrid Capabilities Allows you to installation your application in multiple regions around the world with only some clicks
Disadvantages of AWS
If you need extra instant or intensive assistance, you will ought to choose paid assist programs.Amazon Web Services may additionally have a few common cloud computing issues whilst you move to a cloud. For example, downtime, confined manipulate, and backup protection.AWS sets default limits on resources which differ from vicinity to region. These assets encompass photos, volumes, and snapshots.Hardware-level adjustments occur in your application which won’t offer the exceptional overall performance and usage of your programs.
Best practices of AWS
You want to layout for failure, however nothing will fail.It’s essential to decouple all your components before using AWS offerings.You need to preserve dynamic information in the direction of compute and static facts towards the person.It’s essential to realize security and performance tradeoffs.Pay for computing potential via the hourly charge technique.Make a addiction of a one-time payment for every instance you need to reserve and to receive a giant bargain on the hourly charge.
2 notes
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What is AWS? Amazon Cloud Services Tutorial
Cloud computing is a term referred to storing and accessing records over the internet. It does not keep any statistics at the difficult disk of your personal computer. In cloud computing, you can get admission to statistics from a far flung server.
What is AWS?
Amazon net service is a platform that offers bendy, dependable, scalable, easy-to-use and price-powerful cloud computing answers.
AWS is a complete, clean to apply computing platform offered Amazon. The platform is advanced with a combination of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a carrier (PaaS) and packaged software as a provider (SaaS) offerings.
In this tutorial, you may analyze,
History of AWS
2002- AWS offerings launched
2006- Launched its cloud products
2012- Holds first client occasion
2015- Reveals sales carried out of $4.6 billion
2016- Surpassed $10 billon sales target
2016- Release snowball and snowmobile
2019- Offers nearly 100 cloud services
Important AWS Services
Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of different commercial enterprise purpose global cloud-based totally merchandise. The products consist of storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, improvement equipment, company packages, with a pay-as-you-pass pricing version.
Here, are critical AWS services.
AWS Compute Services
Here, are Cloud Compute Services offered with the aid of Amazon:
EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) - EC2 is a digital machine within the cloud on which you have OS level manage. You can run this cloud server on every occasion you need. LightSail -This cloud computing device robotically deploys and manages the pc, storage, and networking capabilities required to run your applications. Elastic Beanstalk — The device gives computerized deployment and provisioning of sources like a particularly scalable manufacturing website. EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) — The device lets in you to Kubernetes on Amazon cloud environment without set up. AWS Lambda — This AWS service allows you to run functions within the cloud. The device is a big price saver for you as you to pay handiest whilst your functions execute.
Migration offerings used to transfer information bodily between your datacenter and AWS.
DMS (Database Migration Service) -DMS carrier may be used emigrate on-website databases to AWS. It lets you migrate from one sort of database to some other — for example, Oracle to MySQL. SMS (Server Migration Service) - SMS migration services lets in you to migrate on-web site servers to AWS without problems and quick. Snowball — Snowball is a small software which allows you to switch terabytes of records outside and inside of AWS environment.
Amazon Glacier- It is an extremely low-value garage provider. It gives secure and fast garage for records archiving and backup.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)- It affords block-stage garage to use with Amazon EC2 times. Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes are community-attached and continue to be unbiased from the lifestyles of an instance.
AWS Storage Gateway- This AWS service is connecting on-premises software program programs with cloud-based garage. It offers comfortable integration between the organisation’s on-premises and AWS’s garage infrastructure.
Security Services
IAM (Identity and Access Management) — IAM is a comfy cloud safety carrier which helps you to manage users, assign rules, form agencies to manage a couple of customers.
Inspector — It is an agent that you could deploy for your virtual machines, which reports any protection vulnerabilities. Certificate Manager — The provider gives unfastened SSL certificate for your domains which might be controlled by Route53. WAF (Web Application Firewall) — WAF security carrier gives application-degree protection and lets in you to dam SQL injection and helps you to block move-web site scripting assaults. Cloud Directory — This provider permits you to create bendy, cloud-native directories for dealing with hierarchies of records along more than one dimensions. KMS (Key Management Service) — It is a managed provider. This protection provider lets you create and control the encryption keys which lets in you to encrypt your records. Organizations — You can create companies of AWS bills the usage of this carrier to manages security and automation settings. Shield — Shield is controlled DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service safety service). It gives safeguards against internet programs strolling on AWS. Macie — It gives a information visibility safety carrier which allows classify and protect your sensitive important content. GuardDuty —It gives danger detection to defend your AWS debts and workloads.
Database Services
Amazon RDS- This Database AWS carrier is straightforward to set up, operate, and scale a relational database inside the cloud.
Amazon DynamoDB- It is a quick, absolutely managed NoSQL database provider. It is a easy carrier which allow price-powerful garage and retrieval of facts. It additionally allows you to serve any stage of request traffic.
Amazon ElastiCache- It is a web provider which makes it clean to deploy, perform, and scale an in-reminiscence cache in the cloud.
Neptune- It is a quick, dependable and scalable graph database service.
Amazon RedShift - It is Amazon’s data warehousing answer which you may use to carry out complex OLAP queries.
Athena — This analytics provider allows perm SQL queries in your S3 bucket to discover documents.
CloudSearch — You must use this AWS provider to create a completely controlled seek engine in your internet site.
ElasticSearch — It is much like CloudSearch. However, it gives extra features like utility monitoring.
Kinesis — This AWS analytics service lets you movement and analyzing real-time facts at large scale.
QuickSight —It is a enterprise analytics device. It lets you create visualizations in a dashboard for records in Amazon Web Services. For instance, S3, DynamoDB, and so on.
EMR (Elastic Map Reduce) —This AWS analytics carrier in particular used for big facts processing like Spark, Splunk, Hadoop, and so forth.
Data Pipeline — Allows you to move facts from one area to every other. For example from DynamoDB to S3.
Management Services
CloudWatch — Cloud watch lets you reveal AWS environments like EC2, RDS instances, and CPU utilization. It also triggers alarms relies upon on diverse metrics.
CloudFormation — It is a way of turning infrastructure into the cloud. You can use templates for providing an entire production environment in mins.
CloudTrail — It offers an clean method of auditing AWS resources. It lets you log all changes.
OpsWorks — The service permits you to computerized Chef/Puppet deployments on AWS surroundings.
Config — This AWS carrier video display units your environment. The device sends alerts about modifications when you damage certain defined configurations.
Service Catalog — This service enables big establishments to authorize which offerings consumer can be used and which won’t.
AWS Auto Scaling — The provider permits you to automatically scale your sources up and down based on given CloudWatch metrics.
Systems Manager — This AWS service allows you to organization your resources. It lets in you to perceive troubles and act on them.
Managed Services—It gives management of your AWS infrastructure which lets in you to focus in your programs.
Internet of Things
IoT Core— It is a controlled cloud AWS service. The carrier lets in connected devices like vehicles, mild bulbs, sensor grids, to soundly interact with cloud programs and different devices.
IoT Device Management — It permits you to control your IoT devices at any scale.
IoT Analytics — This AWS IOT service is beneficial to carry out analysis on statistics collected by way of your IoT devices.
Amazon FreeRTOS — This actual-time operating machine for microcontrollers helps you to join IoT gadgets within the local server or into the cloud.
Application Services
Step Functions — It is a manner of visualizing what’s going internal your software and what distinct microservices it’s far the usage of.
SWF (Simple Workflow Service) — The carrier lets you coordinate both computerized tasks and human-led tasks.
SNS (Simple Notification Service) — You can use this service to ship you notifications within the shape of electronic mail and SMS primarily based on given AWS offerings.
SQS (Simple Queue Service) — Use this AWS carrier to decouple your packages. It is a pull-based totally carrier.
Elastic Transcoder — This AWS carrier tool helps you to modifications a video’s layout and backbone to guide various gadgets like pills, smartphones, and laptops of various resolutions.
Deployment and Management
AWS CloudTrail: The services facts AWS API calls and ship backlog files to you.
Amazon CloudWatch: The gear monitor AWS assets like Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS DB Instances. It also lets in you to display custom metrics created through consumer’s packages and services.
AWS CloudHSM: This AWS carrier helps you meet company, regulatory, and contractual, compliance necessities for retaining information protection with the aid of the usage of the Hardware Security Module(HSM) home equipment within the AWS surroundings.
Developer Tools
CodeStar — Codestar is a cloud-based provider for growing, handling, and operating with numerous software improvement projects on AWS.
CodeCommit — It is AWS’s version manipulate service which permits you to keep your code and other property privately in the cloud.
CodeBuild — This Amazon developer carrier assist you to automates the system of constructing and compiling your code.
CodeDeploy — It is a way of deploying your code in EC2 times routinely.
CodePipeline — It helps you create a deployment pipeline like testing, building, checking out, authentication, deployment on development and production environments.
Cloud9 —It is an Integrated Development Environment for writing, running, and debugging code inside the cloud.
Mobile Services
Mobile Hub — Allows you to add, configure and layout features for cell apps.
Cognito — Allows users to signup the use of his or her social identity.
Device Farm — Device farm lets you improve the satisfactory of apps by way of quickly trying out masses of cell devices.
AWS AppSync —It is a fully controlled GraphQL provider that offers actual-time records synchronization and offline programming capabilities.
Business Productivity
Alexa for Business — It empowers your corporation with voice, the use of Alexa. It will assist you to Allows you to build custom voice skills in your business enterprise.
Chime — Can be used for online meeting and video conferencing.
WorkDocs — Helps to save files within the cloud
WorkMail — Allows you to send and receive enterprise emails.
Desktop & App Streaming
WorkSpaces — Workspace is a VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). It lets in you to use remote computers inside the cloud.
AppStream — A manner of streaming computer programs in your users in the internet browser. For instance, using MS Word in Google Chrome.
Artificial Intelligence
Lex — Lex tool lets you build chatbots quickly.
Polly — It is AWS’s textual content-to-speech provider permits you to create audio variations of your notes.
Rekognition — It is AWS’s face reputation provider. This AWS service lets you understand faces and object in photos and films.
SageMaker — Sagemaker allows you to construct, train, and set up device getting to know fashions at any scale.
Transcribe — It is AWS’s speech-to-text carrier that offers high-quality and cheap transcriptions.
Translate — It is a completely comparable tool to Google Translate which lets in you to translate textual content in one language to some other.
AR & VR (Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality)
Sumerian — Sumerian is a fixed of tool for providing high-quality virtual reality (VR) experiences on the internet. The provider allows you to create interactive 3D scenes and post it as a internet site for customers to get admission to.
Customer Engagement
Amazon Connect — Amazon Connect allows you to create your patron care middle in the cloud.
Pinpoint — Pinpoint helps you to recognize your customers and have interaction with them.
SES (Simple Email Service) — Helps you to send bulk emails in your customers at a particularly cost-powerful fee.
Game Development
GameLift- It is a service that’s managed by AWS. You can use this service to host dedicated game servers. It lets in you to scale seamlessly with out taking your game offline.
Applications of AWS offerings
Amazon Web offerings are extensively used for numerous computing functions like:
Web site hosting Application website hosting/SaaS web hosting Media Sharing (Image/ Video) Mobile and Social Applications Content transport and Media Distribution Storage, backup, and catastrophe restoration Development and check environments Academic Computing Search Engines Social Networking Companies the usage of AWS Instagram Zoopla Smugmug Pinterest Netflix Dropbox Etsy Talkbox Playfish Ftopia
Advantages of AWS
Following are the pros of the usage of AWS services:
AWS lets in agencies to apply the already familiar programming fashions, operating systems, databases, and architectures. It is a cost-effective carrier that permits you to pay handiest for what you operate, without any up-the front or lengthy-time period commitments. You will not require to invest in walking and keeping facts facilities. Offers speedy deployments You can without problems upload or remove capacity. You are allowed cloud get right of entry to fast with countless potential. Total Cost of Ownership is very low in comparison to any personal/dedicated servers. Offers Centralized Billing and management Offers Hybrid Capabilities Allows you to installation your application in multiple regions around the world with only some clicks
Disadvantages of AWS
If you need extra instant or intensive assistance, you will ought to choose paid assist programs.
Amazon Web Services may additionally have a few common cloud computing issues whilst you move to a cloud. For example, downtime, confined manipulate, and backup protection.
AWS sets default limits on resources which differ from vicinity to region. These assets encompass photos, volumes, and snapshots.
Hardware-level adjustments occur in your application which won’t offer the exceptional overall performance and usage of your programs.
Best practices of AWS
You want to layout for failure, however nothing will fail.It’s essential to decouple all your components before using AWS offerings.You need to preserve dynamic information in the direction of compute and static facts towards the person.It’s essential to realize security and performance tradeoffs.Pay for computing potential via the hourly charge technique.Make a addiction of a one-time payment for every instance you need to reserve and to receive a giant bargain on the hourly charge.
2 notes
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What is AWS? Amazon Cloud Services Tutorial
Cloud computing is a term referred to storing and accessing records over the internet. It does not keep any statistics at the difficult disk of your personal computer. In cloud computing, you can get admission to statistics from a far flung server.
What is AWS?
Amazon net service is a platform that offers bendy, dependable, scalable, easy-to-use and price-powerful cloud computing answers.
AWS is a complete, clean to apply computing platform offered Amazon. The platform is advanced with a combination of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a carrier (PaaS) and packaged software as a provider (SaaS) offerings.
In this tutorial, you may analyze,
History of AWS
2002- AWS offerings launched
2006- Launched its cloud products
2012- Holds first client occasion
2015- Reveals sales carried out of $4.6 billion
2016- Surpassed $10 billon sales target
2016- Release snowball and snowmobile
2019- Offers nearly 100 cloud services
Important AWS Services
Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of different commercial enterprise purpose global cloud-based totally merchandise. The products consist of storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, improvement equipment, company packages, with a pay-as-you-pass pricing version.
Here, are critical AWS services.
AWS Compute Services
Here, are Cloud Compute Services offered with the aid of Amazon:
EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) - EC2 is a digital machine within the cloud on which you have OS level manage. You can run this cloud server on every occasion you need. LightSail -This cloud computing device robotically deploys and manages the pc, storage, and networking capabilities required to run your applications. Elastic Beanstalk — The device gives computerized deployment and provisioning of sources like a particularly scalable manufacturing website. EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) — The device lets in you to Kubernetes on Amazon cloud environment without set up. AWS Lambda — This AWS service allows you to run functions within the cloud. The device is a big price saver for you as you to pay handiest whilst your functions execute.
Migration offerings used to transfer information bodily between your datacenter and AWS.
DMS (Database Migration Service) -DMS carrier may be used emigrate on-website databases to AWS. It lets you migrate from one sort of database to some other — for example, Oracle to MySQL. SMS (Server Migration Service) - SMS migration services lets in you to migrate on-web site servers to AWS without problems and quick. Snowball — Snowball is a small software which allows you to switch terabytes of records outside and inside of AWS environment.
Amazon Glacier- It is an extremely low-value garage provider. It gives secure and fast garage for records archiving and backup.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)- It affords block-stage garage to use with Amazon EC2 times. Amazon Elastic Block Store volumes are community-attached and continue to be unbiased from the lifestyles of an instance.
AWS Storage Gateway- This AWS service is connecting on-premises software program programs with cloud-based garage. It offers comfortable integration between the organisation’s on-premises and AWS’s garage infrastructure.
Security Services
IAM (Identity and Access Management) — IAM is a comfy cloud safety carrier which helps you to manage users, assign rules, form agencies to manage a couple of customers.
Inspector — It is an agent that you could deploy for your virtual machines, which reports any protection vulnerabilities. Certificate Manager — The provider gives unfastened SSL certificate for your domains which might be controlled by Route53. WAF (Web Application Firewall) — WAF security carrier gives application-degree protection and lets in you to dam SQL injection and helps you to block move-web site scripting assaults. Cloud Directory — This provider permits you to create bendy, cloud-native directories for dealing with hierarchies of records along more than one dimensions. KMS (Key Management Service) — It is a managed provider. This protection provider lets you create and control the encryption keys which lets in you to encrypt your records. Organizations — You can create companies of AWS bills the usage of this carrier to manages security and automation settings. Shield — Shield is controlled DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service safety service). It gives safeguards against internet programs strolling on AWS. Macie — It gives a information visibility safety carrier which allows classify and protect your sensitive important content. GuardDuty —It gives danger detection to defend your AWS debts and workloads.
Database Services
Amazon RDS- This Database AWS carrier is straightforward to set up, operate, and scale a relational database inside the cloud.
Amazon DynamoDB- It is a quick, absolutely managed NoSQL database provider. It is a easy carrier which allow price-powerful garage and retrieval of facts. It additionally allows you to serve any stage of request traffic.
Amazon ElastiCache- It is a web provider which makes it clean to deploy, perform, and scale an in-reminiscence cache in the cloud.
Neptune- It is a quick, dependable and scalable graph database service.
Amazon RedShift - It is Amazon’s data warehousing answer which you may use to carry out complex OLAP queries.
Athena — This analytics provider allows perm SQL queries in your S3 bucket to discover documents.
CloudSearch — You must use this AWS provider to create a completely controlled seek engine in your internet site.
ElasticSearch — It is much like CloudSearch. However, it gives extra features like utility monitoring.
Kinesis — This AWS analytics service lets you movement and analyzing real-time facts at large scale.
QuickSight —It is a enterprise analytics device. It lets you create visualizations in a dashboard for records in Amazon Web Services. For instance, S3, DynamoDB, and so on.
EMR (Elastic Map Reduce) —This AWS analytics carrier in particular used for big facts processing like Spark, Splunk, Hadoop, and so forth.
Data Pipeline — Allows you to move facts from one area to every other. For example from DynamoDB to S3.
Management Services
CloudWatch — Cloud watch lets you reveal AWS environments like EC2, RDS instances, and CPU utilization. It also triggers alarms relies upon on diverse metrics.
CloudFormation — It is a way of turning infrastructure into the cloud. You can use templates for providing an entire production environment in mins.
CloudTrail — It offers an clean method of auditing AWS resources. It lets you log all changes.
OpsWorks — The service permits you to computerized Chef/Puppet deployments on AWS surroundings.
Config — This AWS carrier video display units your environment. The device sends alerts about modifications when you damage certain defined configurations.
Service Catalog — This service enables big establishments to authorize which offerings consumer can be used and which won’t.
AWS Auto Scaling — The provider permits you to automatically scale your sources up and down based on given CloudWatch metrics.
Systems Manager — This AWS service allows you to organization your resources. It lets in you to perceive troubles and act on them.
Managed Services—It gives management of your AWS infrastructure which lets in you to focus in your programs.
Internet of Things
IoT Core— It is a controlled cloud AWS service. The carrier lets in connected devices like vehicles, mild bulbs, sensor grids, to soundly interact with cloud programs and different devices.
IoT Device Management — It permits you to control your IoT devices at any scale.
IoT Analytics — This AWS IOT service is beneficial to carry out analysis on statistics collected by way of your IoT devices.
Amazon FreeRTOS — This actual-time operating machine for microcontrollers helps you to join IoT gadgets within the local server or into the cloud.
Application Services
Step Functions — It is a manner of visualizing what’s going internal your software and what distinct microservices it’s far the usage of.
SWF (Simple Workflow Service) — The carrier lets you coordinate both computerized tasks and human-led tasks.
SNS (Simple Notification Service) — You can use this service to ship you notifications within the shape of electronic mail and SMS primarily based on given AWS offerings.
SQS (Simple Queue Service) — Use this AWS carrier to decouple your packages. It is a pull-based totally carrier.
Elastic Transcoder — This AWS carrier tool helps you to modifications a video’s layout and backbone to guide various gadgets like pills, smartphones, and laptops of various resolutions.
Deployment and Management
AWS CloudTrail: The services facts AWS API calls and ship backlog files to you.
Amazon CloudWatch: The gear monitor AWS assets like Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS DB Instances. It also lets in you to display custom metrics created through consumer’s packages and services.
AWS CloudHSM: This AWS carrier helps you meet company, regulatory, and contractual, compliance necessities for retaining information protection with the aid of the usage of the Hardware Security Module(HSM) home equipment within the AWS surroundings.
Developer Tools
CodeStar — Codestar is a cloud-based provider for growing, handling, and operating with numerous software improvement projects on AWS.
CodeCommit — It is AWS’s version manipulate service which permits you to keep your code and other property privately in the cloud.
CodeBuild — This Amazon developer carrier assist you to automates the system of constructing and compiling your code.
CodeDeploy — It is a way of deploying your code in EC2 times routinely.
CodePipeline — It helps you create a deployment pipeline like testing, building, checking out, authentication, deployment on development and production environments.
Cloud9 —It is an Integrated Development Environment for writing, running, and debugging code inside the cloud.
Mobile Services
Mobile Hub — Allows you to add, configure and layout features for cell apps.
Cognito — Allows users to signup the use of his or her social identity.
Device Farm — Device farm lets you improve the satisfactory of apps by way of quickly trying out masses of cell devices.
AWS AppSync —It is a fully controlled GraphQL provider that offers actual-time records synchronization and offline programming capabilities.
Business Productivity
Alexa for Business — It empowers your corporation with voice, the use of Alexa. It will assist you to Allows you to build custom voice skills in your business enterprise.
Chime — Can be used for online meeting and video conferencing.
WorkDocs — Helps to save files within the cloud
WorkMail — Allows you to send and receive enterprise emails.
Desktop & App Streaming
WorkSpaces — Workspace is a VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure). It lets in you to use remote computers inside the cloud.
AppStream — A manner of streaming computer programs in your users in the internet browser. For instance, using MS Word in Google Chrome.
Artificial Intelligence
Lex — Lex tool lets you build chatbots quickly.
Polly — It is AWS’s textual content-to-speech provider permits you to create audio variations of your notes.
Rekognition — It is AWS’s face reputation provider. This AWS service lets you understand faces and object in photos and films.
SageMaker — Sagemaker allows you to construct, train, and set up device getting to know fashions at any scale.
Transcribe — It is AWS’s speech-to-text carrier that offers high-quality and cheap transcriptions.
Translate — It is a completely comparable tool to Google Translate which lets in you to translate textual content in one language to some other.
AR & VR (Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality)
Sumerian — Sumerian is a fixed of tool for providing high-quality virtual reality (VR) experiences on the internet. The provider allows you to create interactive 3D scenes and post it as a internet site for customers to get admission to.
Customer Engagement
Amazon Connect — Amazon Connect allows you to create your patron care middle in the cloud.
Pinpoint — Pinpoint helps you to recognize your customers and have interaction with them.
SES (Simple Email Service) — Helps you to send bulk emails in your customers at a particularly cost-powerful fee.
Game Development
GameLift- It is a service that’s managed by AWS. You can use this service to host dedicated game servers. It lets in you to scale seamlessly with out taking your game offline.
Applications of AWS offerings
Amazon Web offerings are extensively used for numerous computing functions like:
Web site hosting Application website hosting/SaaS web hosting Media Sharing (Image/ Video) Mobile and Social Applications Content transport and Media Distribution Storage, backup, and catastrophe restoration Development and check environments Academic Computing Search Engines Social Networking Companies the usage of AWS Instagram Zoopla Smugmug Pinterest Netflix Dropbox Etsy Talkbox Playfish Ftopia
Advantages of AWS
Following are the pros of the usage of AWS services:
AWS lets in agencies to apply the already familiar programming fashions, operating systems, databases, and architectures. It is a cost-effective carrier that permits you to pay handiest for what you operate, without any up-the front or lengthy-time period commitments. You will not require to invest in walking and keeping facts facilities. Offers speedy deployments You can without problems upload or remove capacity. You are allowed cloud get right of entry to fast with countless potential. Total Cost of Ownership is very low in comparison to any personal/dedicated servers. Offers Centralized Billing and management Offers Hybrid Capabilities Allows you to installation your application in multiple regions around the world with only some clicks
Disadvantages of AWS
If you need extra instant or intensive assistance, you will ought to choose paid assist programs.
Amazon Web Services may additionally have a few common cloud computing issues whilst you move to a cloud. For example, downtime, confined manipulate, and backup protection.
AWS sets default limits on resources which differ from vicinity to region. These assets encompass photos, volumes, and snapshots.
Hardware-level adjustments occur in your application which won’t offer the exceptional overall performance and usage of your programs.
Best practices of AWS
You want to layout for failure, however nothing will fail.It’s essential to decouple all your components before using AWS offerings.You need to preserve dynamic information in the direction of compute and static facts towards the person.It’s essential to realize security and performance tradeoffs.Pay for computing potential via the hourly charge technique.Make a addiction of a one-time payment for every instance you need to reserve and to receive a giant bargain on the hourly charge.
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