#Okay okay yes it's definitely on the metal; electronic; and instrumental side of music
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violet-dragongirl ¡ 8 months ago
I was tagged by @mettaworldpiece.
Put your playlist on shuffle and make a poll out of the first 5 songs and let your followers choose the best one.
umm, I tag @endreal @dannyketch @prospitfox @sunshineray @grimauxiliatrixofficial and anyone else who wants do this, feel free :3
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taeguboi ¡ 5 years ago
BTS as... Rockers
Ngl, I panicked a little when I checked on the masterlist because an older post about BTS as rock band members was labelled as this title and I’d already written this one for like 3 members already. There’s various genres I mention, some of which are also metal and pop but I thought a simple general title would be best here.
Anyways, my second post coming back recently. Hope you enjoy.
Mainly a classics man
Loves to analyse lyrics
and loves writing his own lyrics based on his current favourites
It’s like a form of literature to him
Loves to chill out to prog and psychedelic rock
Accidentally had the same music tastes as that weird geography teacher in school
Probably has a pet named after a member of a power / symphonic metal band
sorry I’m a bit of a Nightwish nerd and now I can just imagine him calling for his dog “Floor!” and everyone getting confused because they think he’s just shouting at the ground
this is the kind of genre he likes the most other than classic rock; that’s where the most literature references are. It’s poetry about poetry
Has a journal of art and lyrics quotes for when he’s super into a song
Could be mistaken for a geek in school 
because to a juvenile ear, his taste in music might be challenging to listen to
like no one else had the patience aged 12 to listen to a 9 minute song or an instrumental track
and then even at 15/16, how many people your age would listen to Dark Side Of The Moon?
Guess he would say music is all about sitting back and listening and taking it in
Would love to be a songwriter for the right kind of singer
unfortunately though, he’s a bit of a loner
likes his own company too much
it’s probably the solitude that motivates him to write 
too many more friends than he already has would be too much of a distraction
It’s not a sad situation though
music is what Namjoon loves the most
and “nothing else matters”
Oh yes, let’s have a bit of Metallica in there too
It’s not until he finishes school that he becomes more in touch with what people in the current world of rock and metal like
discovered “Rollin’” by Limp Bizkit like WAY too many years after it came out
“Have you heard this ace song man?”
“yep... in 2004 dude”
But he’s no ashamed or anything, no
He’s proud to be a fan of the bands he likes
even if they aren’t to everyone’s tastes
“Well, sorry if this isn’t some 3 minute long four chord song repeating the same 5 words”
If they don’t appreciate it, their loss
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The old ones are the best ones
Think 50s rock n’ roll; Little Richard, Elvis, and so on
mixed with guilty pleasures of songs about ‘my baby girl’
Loves themed music nights
Whilst of course his favourites are the 50s themed ones
he also loves showing up to 60s nights to flaunt the flower power
or 80s nights in a fun wig as some member of a hair metal band
all the styles are very fun
but on a daily basis, he’s basically dresses like a teddy boy
tight trousers with white socks peaking out
jacket - sometimes a suit jacket, sometimes denim
as you can imagine, when a lot of this stuff comes back in fashion...
“Well, I did it first...”
you know, in this era he means he did it first
Loves a good finger clicker song
Once considered doing a tribute act around pubs and clubs
but he couldn’t decide who he wanted to be
Probably should take a role in some live production of Grease
he’s seen it enough times
and he can sing
He reckons he could never do theatre for long though
his fantasies are with playing instruments to perform
talented keyboard player
starting to get the hang of guitar too
but he does get carried away whilst trying to learn guitar
because he wants to add on all the cool moves NOW
He’s got some bangers he created on the keyboard though
he didn’t really intend to create original songs
it just happened one day after a break up
and he listened to Heartbreak Hotel
too many times
he just sat at his keyboard
and made something that really felt special
and then the day after that, he made a more upbeat song
and the week after that, he has 4 full songs in total
Open mic nights become something he enjoys 
a bit of a local celebrity
“Would you play my grandma’s 80th party? Pleeeease?”
and aww bless him, he plays all the throwback songs at care homes
all free of charge
slips in some of his original music too
“Ooh, I’m afraid I don’t remember that one dear, must be my brain”
“Oh, no no no” explains Jin “I made it myself”
Old dears just love him basically
but so do the girls his age
Whilst some think the whole 50s get up is a bit lame
some go wild for it
because he dons all his outfits so well
and his songs feel so true to the era they were inspired by
you gain a love for the 50s just from watching Jin
Talented boy, keeping the 50s alive
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A lot say Yoongi has an acquired taste
an electronic element to rock or metal always makes it more interesting to him
loves industrial music - NIN for days
Linkin Park made most of his jams
cried for half a day at the news of Chester no longer being with us
Likes a bit of new wave, synthpop, all that
emo songs just help you through the bad times okay
Can equally enjoy a dub festival as much as a rock concert
some people think his taste is actually naff
but then they realise he also listens to the likes Foo Fighters or Sum 41
Plays like the same 30 songs on repeat
but his collection has so much more
He has some rock and blues for the road trip
he’s got your 70s singalongs for the party
Was briefly a DJ at a rock bar
got fired for not playing enough popular songs in his set
“wtf I thought this was a bar where people could appreciate this” huffs Yoongi
“yes but people want to sing to ‘down with the sickness’ or something, not ‘down in the park’!”
“stuff you then, I’ll take Gary somewhere else with me”
guilty pleasure: Kate Bush
A somewhat gothic sense of style
but not overwhelmingly gothic
He likes bandannas and black clothes
not always in black clothes though
sometimes the merch he wants just isn’t available in black
but no worries
as long as he can happily flaunt the music that makes him who he is
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Can listen to any rock genre
give him something and he probably already loves it
So yeah, the band members are pretty cool and all that
but what Hoseok has more interest in the backstage roles
he’d love to manage a rock band
be a tour manager
guitar tech
Much knowledge is stored in that brain of his
and he wants to put it to good use
He starts out as a promoter and organiser for the rock bar in town
which he eventually lives above 
His events are ace
he can pick out fresh talent that everyone on that scene can enjoy
His showcase nights are the place to be
everyone can agree, he’s got amazing taste
no one can disagree with him
He’s a one man show and still managed to pull it off
he’s the promoter, the sound guy, the tech on all the instruments
way more professional than most other local music events
He takes pride in his work
did I mention he’s so good, it becomes a full time job?
As time goes by, he listens to less and less older music
but that’s okay
he’s happy with the time it takes to listen to all the up and coming bands
in the moment is where you should live
and he can still appreciate a band’s influences should they initiate conversation
“man, this dude really knows his stuff”
“will you manage our next tour?”
“can you do sound at our next gig? our guy’s rubbish”
and that one is like right in front of their current sound guy
The future is bright for Hoseok
his love for rock music could really earn him a solid living
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Some say he’s a bit of a poser in his leather jacket
but he really does love his rock music
Sometimes a bit behind on modern rock bands or releases
Low key wishes he was born in the 50s / 60s 
just so he could live in his favourite eras
his heart really lies with the classics
60s, 70s, 80s.
90s at a push
not the later 90s where grunge bands did pop
actually any movie made in that time makes him cringe
like he’s all up for good clean fun
but christ it’s like they were trying to go back to the 50s or something
not everything is ‘swell’ you know
Don’t get him wrong though
he does also like some 50s music
He may or may not have spent that one time acting like Elvis in the mirror
it really hyped him up before a night out though
it may or may not have become a thing before going out in the evenings to boost his confidence
His all time favourite bands have to be The Rolling Stones and AC/DC
and no, he couldn’t pick between the two, ever
Doesn’t really have a desire to be in a band
but sort of accidentally picks up the bass to help out a mate in a band
and sort of accidentally becomes a permanent member
It’s just a cover band
but it’s so much fun
Sometimes, you can have a really bad day
and then listening to 23 people singing “I Love Rock n Roll”
kind of lifts your mood
“Play Wonderwall!”
gets a bit annoying to him
kind of wants to hit that one guy around the head with his bass
but he holds back
Because being aggressive wouldn’t be very rock of him
and whilst he does like punk music
he’s definitely not a punk
Screw all that political rubbish
music should be to enjoy yourself with
stop worrying about the world for one minute and
let’s sing about whiskey and cigarettes and just living life
“What do you MEAN you don’t know any Def Leppard songs?”
“For crying out loud!”
He tries to understand that not everyone will listen what the music he likes
“but... like seriously, how can you not though?”
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Probably likes all the underrated bands
Loves vinyl
definitely collects vinyls
Likes to shop at vintage stores to fulfil his obscure taste
People are like “you paid £60 just for that?”
but to Tae, it’s worth every penny
He likes the classics too
he can sing along in a rock bar to all the well known tunes
old or modern
and there may be loads in his vinyl collection barely anyone recognises
but there’s some more familiar faces too
there’s The Beatles, Guns n’ Roses, Foo Fighters, anything like that
it’s just only like 20% of his huge collection
Whilst his style is inspired by those he idolises...
he can never copy them
that would be an insult to them and his originality
Plays guitar and writes songs
never anything soppy though
actually fairly hesitant to pick up an acoustic guitar
always plays electric
and the songs he makes are about having a good time, life experiences
but not about love
He can listen to a couple of cheesy tracks
he just won’t make any
“Who the heck is John Otway, Tae?”
“Oh, you know, Wild Willy Barrat”
“Willy who?”
“Cor baby, that’s really free!”
“Headbutts! da da da da da... Headbuttttsssss”
I feel like rocker V loves anything that feels slightly random
probably make his own secret songs that sound silly to others
Probably has a band that never gigs
it’s him singing and playing guitar
and a bassist and drummer that aren’t really sure why they’re here
but they kind of like the unique stuff he does
and the band is almost purposely bad
“It’s the imperfections that really give a song character”
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Modern rock and metal
low key emo
Tears Don’t Fall by BFMV on repeat aged 14, his first break up
Lives for festivals
like when he goes to work, that is what he is earning money for
well, that and bills and food
has a jar for each festival he wants to go to this year
Also loves a bit of melodic punk
like when that one Australian band are finally coming to his country
he HAS to go
help me I’m really sad because this is me and The Decline were supposed to be coming to the UK and then this pandemic happened and now I might never see them criii
Has a playlist for every aspect of life
every feeling, every colour, every occasion
songs that remind him of a time, ones where he can visualise a colour...
many people don’t get it
“how many playlists?”
“how can a song be a colour?”
it just is
like come on, listen to this Red Jumpsuit Apparatus song 
and tell him this doesn’t remind you of gold
Could be a journalist
knows everything and anything about his favourite bands
because it’s the perfect mixture of everything he loves about music
vests because M.Shadows
So badly wants to be in a band
tries every instrument you could find in a typical rock band
loves the drums
gets stuck on guitar though in his first band
well, he was just desperate to go gigging
he left after a year and a bit though
got boring
forms his own band instead around him being on the drums
Lives for this band
it’s like a rock band but with political lyrics
and they can perform at most events
they just fit any bill
gigs are booked almost every weekend
road trip with the lads
they travel like 50 miles just to be paid in beer only
Dreams of big time collaborations
that will probably never happen and he knows that
but it’s nice to dream, right?
puts on his own gigs a few years down the line
of course his own band are always on the bill
everyone thinks his gigs are a hoot
He even manages to book some lesser known punk bands 
but they are a massive deal to him
“God, I love live music!”
“Do you always wear a black shirt guk?”
“Hey, I’m a drummer! It’s hard work; a lot of sweat involved... I’m sure no one wants to see my wet pits whilst trying to enjoy the show”
and then that person wishes they never asked...
but he’s right
he knows that a good band is all about the hard graft and work
and he is always so thankful for the great rock bands that influence him
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heroesmusings ¡ 5 years ago
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FULL NAME: Elise Opal Burke 
MEANING: Oath of God
NICKNAME: Doll, Lee, Lisey
MEANING: Bucky calls her Doll and the others are just shortened versions of her name
AGE APPEARANCE: Appears 30, is actually 111 (Don’t bring it up)
BIRTHDAY: May 5th, 1917
SPECIES: Enhanced Human
GENDER: Cis female
THEME SONG(S): I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift, I’ll Follow You by Shinedown, Woman Like Me by Little Mix, Not with Haste by Mumford and Sons
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: A little longer than shoulder length, most of the time wavy. She pulls it back for missions but the rest of the time its down
EYES COLOR: One blue eye and one green eye
EYESIGHT: 20/200 One eye is worse because it’s closer related to a snake. Though she has yet to tell anyone she literally can’t see out of one eye
HEIGHT: 5″10′
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: For missions she wears Other!Cap’s uniform that was fitted. When she has time off it’s alway Steve or Bucky’s clothing
ABNORMALITIES: Two different colored eyes. 
DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): When on a mission she has a metal arm. She’s got stretch marks all over her hips and thighs and breasts, bullet hole wounds and knife wounds. She has Bucky and Steve’s initials and army numbers tattooed on her hips and later a ring tattooed on her left hand
SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Elise is very put together for missions and leaving the house but at home she’s usually cozied up without makeup 
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Before the war, Elise seemed gentle and soft but after Hydra she’s become a bit unapproachable and distant 
BODY TYPE/BUILD: Muscular band fairly lean
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Constantly looks annoyed and like she knows better than you (she does) 
POSTURE: Fairly straight posture, has changed since taking on the arm and the shield 
PIERCINGS: one on each ear, nipple piercings .
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Elise’s voice is gentle, a little on the deeper side for a woman but will make sure she’s heard despite how sweet her voice sounds
MOM: Rachel Burke
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: She doesn’t know her mother, she left right after Elise was born
DAD: Paul Burke
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: She doesn’t remember much of him before he went to prison. Her grandfather doesn’t like to speak about him 
OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Grandfather (Oliver Burke) 
PAST LOVER(S): Unknown
CURRENT LOVER: Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes
REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: She’s polite but doesn’t do more than a shake of hand and small talk 
ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: …….if they aren’t the avengers then she doesn’t work well with them. She’s used to being the boss and it’s hard to change that.
HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Sociable to a degree, again all polite conversation if she doesn’t know them.. But if with friends then very social 
FRIENDS: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Other!Peter Parker, the rest of the avengers team
PETS: Basil, a giant anaconda
LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Anyone who thinks they can boss her around, anyone who is unaccepting of her sexual orientation
PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Protective, unable to say no
FAVORITE PEOPLE: Steve, Bucky, Tony, Nat and Peter
LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Anyone related to Hydra
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: ? Distant, Polite, Sarcastic 
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Excitable, Loyal, Protective
FAVORITE FOOD: Waffles, Pop Crackers (Funyuns), M&Ms
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Anything too strong on the sweet or spicy spectrum 
LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: That fucking electronic shit 
HOBBIES: Reading, sun bathing, bothering Tony 
USUAL MOOD: A good mood most of the time 
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Drinks socially, smokes every now and again because she’s from the 40s OKAY 
DARK VERSION OF SELF: Unforgiving, cutthroat, skull splitting 
LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Gentle, healing, loving 
HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Elise is only really serious on missions, other than that she’s very joking 
SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Talking about Hydra, Talking about her old universe, anyone targeting Steve or Bucky 
OPINION ON SWEARING: ……...she grew up in the 40s war time with Bucky and Steve -- it ain’t a pretty mouth
DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: cautious holy fuck 
MUSIC TYPE: Anything with a little swing, the “oldies” 
MOVIE TYPE: Documentaries just because she's trying to catch up on this universe
BOOK TYPE: ANYTHING SHE CAN GET HER HANDS ON, she loves reading!! Anything and everything 
GAME TYPE: Card games! Basil helps her cheat 
COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: If the room isn’t warm she’s LEAVING 
SLEEPING PATTERN: For a LONG time Elise barely slept but now that she’s back with Steve and Bucky she sleeps well again, curled up next to Steve until he leaves to work out then she’s snuggled up with Bucky 
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: It’s the 40s in her, but she likes a pretty clean house.
DESIRED PET: MORE SNAKES MORE SNAKES, but also likes cats and dogs
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Reading and annoying Steve and Bucky
BIGGEST SECRET: Her fucked up eyesight is her biggest secret at this point and her fear of waking up alone, everything else is really out in the open 
WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Elise would say it's a snake but it’s a wolf -- faithful to her pack until her last breath
FEARS: Steve and Bucky dying again but also the rest of the avengers 
COMFORTS: Anytime Bucky and Steve just hold her, sunbathing in one of the boy’s sweaters, the sound of her boys’ voices
SAD: Elise is a private sad person, she bottles it up until it comes crashing through the flood gates, until she can’t stay anymore and she can no longer breath or hold herself together, it’s a violent sadness 
HAPPY: Elise jokes a lot, she loves teasing and messing around with people, she can’t stop smiling or laughing.. She feels warm and content 
ANGRY: VIOLENT, SHe tends to get violent, it can be with words or with fists (She’d NEVER HIT THE BOYS OR HER FRIENDS) 
AFRAID: Elise gets angry when she’s afraid, she gets frantic, her mind goes right back to the moment she lost it all, her lungs feel like they’re full of smoke and the world feels slow and heavy
LOVE SOMEONE: She loves them wholeheartedly, she wants to hold him, kiss them, make them smile and laugh and show them how good they are and how important they are to this world .
HATE SOMEONE: Elise ignores or makes sure they know she doesn’t like them 
WANT SOMETHING: …………...well…. She’s much more of a piner than anything 
CONFUSED: She usually brushes it off, chalks it up to just not knowing 
DANGER: She looks to where Steve and Bucky are, if they’re the ones in danger she’s making sure they end up safe.. And if they aren’t she addresses the danger with CAUTION and A PLAN 
SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Elise would turn them down straight up sorry 
PROPOSAL TO MARRY: It would be a confusing thing.. I’m sure proposed in bed by one of the boys, laughing as they do because they can’t get married.. But it would turn into something she’d want even metaphorically 
DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Considering it’s already happened once, Elise couldn’t handle much more. It’d ruin her. 
DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Elise gives it to Bucky or Tony to figure out 
INJURY: If she’s hurt it isn’t really that big of a deal. Someone else? FUCKING MOTHER HEN MODE, She was a nurse she’ll fucking fix it 
SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: Elise would wanna squish or kiss 
LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: She’d find someone to annoy with all her time off 
LANGUAGES: English, German,, ASL.
SCHOOLING LEVEL: Nursing School 
FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Anatomy and English 
EXPERTISE: Combat, Communication and Control of Snakes, Manipulation, Enhanced Senses, Seduction 
PUZZLES: They aren’t they interesting to her 
CHEMISTRY: In the science field a little bit because of her new body chemistry but for humans, she’s got an eye for it.
MATH: Elise didn’t care much for math 
ENGLISH: SHE LOVED ENGLISH, she adored writing
GEOGRAPHY: After Hydra she’s an expect at geography 
POLITICS/LAW: Being from the 40s and seeing things first hand, Elise has a VERY strong political view 
ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: Again the 40s a very strong view of the economy 
COOKING: Elise knows a lot about cookies because woman in the 40s but is working on making things modern and able for her to eat
SEWING: Again VERY good at it because of her past, both clothing and medical 
MECHANICS: yeah that’s a no 
MYTHOLOGY: none really
DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): She’s a good manipulator but GOD SHE CAN’T CARRY A TUNE, only sings to make her boys laugh 
HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Elise is a planner, she can’t help it. She’s far too aware of time passing and the danger her boys get into not to be a planner 
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: YES Y E S. Elise is constantly working her boys up 
HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): Elise likes to play coy at times to be flirty but usually she likes to be pretty open about what she wants 
GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Lady in streets, a freak in the sheets oKAY 
GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Elise and her idiot boys are the very definition of GO SLOW 
TYPE OF KISSER: Elise likes it slow and deep, she likes to take her time, build it up before it explodes 
DO THEY WANT KIDS: ..at first no then yes
DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: She wishes they could 
MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Elise likes to think MOST of the time she makes good choices 
HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Well consindering she knew these boys before they knew her, she’s fucking MINDBLOWING 
GET JEALOUS EASY: Yes but she can’t help it she’s just.. Scared 
FAVORITE POSITION: Elise likes either being in the middle or on top. Her favorite is when she’s riding one of the boys and then they other is fucking whoever is on bottom… she also likes it from both ends :)
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: a warm sunday afternoon, they’d take turns dancing to steve’s favorite record and there’s nothing looming over their shoulders.. It’s just them having a cute picnic in their living room
OPINION ON SEX: Elise really likes sex honestly, she likes the intamcy with her boys.. Something she thought she lost. 
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