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oilmec · 5 months ago
Float Collar
 A float collar is a critical component used in wellbore operations to seal off the annular space between the casing and the borehole. Made from durable materials like elastomers and metal, it provides a reliable barrier to prevent the migration of fluids and gases. During cementing, the float collar allows for the controlled placement of cement and helps in achieving proper zonal isolation. Its design typically includes a check valve to prevent backflow and ensure efficient cementing operations.https://oilmecasia.com/product/conventional-float-collar-om102/  Khasra No-23/1/2,22/2,22/1,24/1/1,23/1/1,23/3 & 23/2, Village-Prithla,Tehsil & Distt-Palwal-121102
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oilmecasia · 1 year ago
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Oilmec is one of the leading manufacture and supplier of Hydraulic liner hanger system products in India. These are used during Cementing Operations for wiping the casing ID clean of Drilling Fluids and providing separation between, mud, spacers, and cement. Explore more - https://oilmecasia.com/product-range/line-hanger/ Contact us - 91-9811085352 Mail us - [email protected]
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milagrodelosangeles · 2 years ago
Tiempo de amanecer: del 2 de febrero (Imbolc) al 30 de abril (Beltian o Beltane)
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En medio de este período cae el equinoccio de primavera, esto es, la noche y el día que tienen la misma duración. La víspera del comienzo de mayo, esto es, el 30 de abril por la noche era el inicio del verano celta; se hacían grandes hogueras, unas al lado de la otras.
Los proyectos nuevos, los viajes, las mudanzas, los asuntos relacionados con los bebés, los animales y los niños, las amistades y los cambios de cualquier naturaleza se podrán comenzar con confianza, aunque es posible que los resultados no se presenten de inmediato.
Imbolc se extendía desde la puesta de sol del 31 de enero a la puesta de sol del 2 de febrero y era una fiesta de las velas. La Candelaria, en el 2 de febrero, continúa con la tradición de encender velas para dar la bienvenida a la primavera. Las velas domésticas se bendecían porque al final de las largas noches estaba cerca.
La fiesta tiene lugar en honor a Brigit, la diosa triple de los celtas, patrona de los herreros, los poetas y los curadores. A veces es vista como tres hermanas, hijas del dios Dagda, el padre divino, o como doncella, madre y corona. En Imbolc, Oilmec o Brigantia, como también se llamaba esta festividad, se celebraba la representación de la diosa como doncella y su primera copulación con el dios de la luz.
Éste es uno de los sabbats o fiestas del fuego más importantes, cuando los fuegos sagrados se encendían sobre las montañas para dar la bienvenida y favorecer la luz y el calor crecientes.
La fiesta de Imbolc es un buen momento para llevar a cabo hechizos para el nuevo amor, para la fertilidad y para cualquier proyecto que comience de nuevo. Usamos un círculo de velas de color pastel como rosa, verde, azul y blanco, gemas de color oscuro como el granate o el restaña sangre, pero también amatista y cuarzo rosa y adularias. Usamos las primeras campanillas u otras flores tempranas, así como leche y semillas. Entre los inciensos y las plantas de Brigantia se incluyen la angélica, la albahaca, el benjuí, la celidonia, el brezo y la mirra.
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fawcarvalho · 3 years ago
#tbt Para se despedir do inverno
Faz um tempo que só consigo escrever para a inspiração do mês por aqui (e ultimamente nem isso), como digno das patronas do inverno, realmente tem sido um período desafiador, mas não com coisas ruins apenas. Continuo com algumas outras pautas planejadas, mas por enquanto quero oferecer uma receita para vocês - para encontrar leia até o fim hahah :P
Em Julho, chegamos ao ápice do inverno com o Imbolc, uma das festividades pré-cristãs que demarquei para este mês. Ela celebra do avanço da luz que retorna gradualmente ao ciclo da natureza. O termo “Imbolc” deriva da palavra irlandesa “Oilmec” alguns estudiosos acreditam que seu significado pode ser associado a purificação ou a novo leite, uma vez que seria o período em que ovelhas estariam produzindo leite para seus filhotes.
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O importante que toda essa simbologia, marcada pelas cores branca, laranja, verde, amarela, representa o retorno da luz, o sol e a aproximação da primavera. Mitologicamente, podemos entender que o Imbolc também é um festejo à antiga deusa Brigid (ultimamente, mais associada a Santa Brígida) patrona da poesia, da forja e da inspiração. De branco, mulheres homenageavam a noiva do ano novo, enquanto quando o lar e o campo eram purificados para que a deusa estendesse seu manto verde. Brigid também representa a luz da visão interior e o fogo era o elemento utilizado para adivinhação.
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Representações da deusa, (1) estátua próxima a vila Kildare e (2) estatueta céltica que provavelmente representa Brígida no Museu de Bretanha, Rennes. Fontes 1 e 2.
Se celebramos aqui um momento de renovação, de boas vindas à fertilidade primaveril, nada mais justo que um pequeno banquete iluminado, não é mesmo? Para a ilustra de julho, temos esta cozinha dos sonhos, recheada de quitutes, sinalizando com suas luzes que espera por bênçãos para o novo ciclo que se inicia.
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📽️ Veja o reel que fiz para este ensaio aqui.
(Já mencionei aqui que o próximo calendário está em produção, consegue adivinhar as inspirações desta Roda do Ano, já?)
As duas luas de prata que se seguiram neste inverno são relacionadas a esta festividade. A lua do Lobo evoca a necessidade de coletividade (tão característica neste animal maravilhoso). Para mim, este esbat nos conta que, para perdurar durante as noites do inverno, é preciso união, força e sabedoria (alguma semelhança com o momento terrível que passamos? Pois bem, pensemos sobre isso.)
E então chegamos no desaguar prateado da Lua da Tempestade. Também ligada ao misticismo de Brigid, de purificação para o despertar de um novo ciclo. Em agosto, chove muito por aqui (Salvador) e este mito que fala sobre da fluição das águas para a chegada da primavera se encaixa muito bem com o que observo do lado de fora da janela.
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Janela esta que ilustrei confortavelmente nesta ilustra. Em especial faço menção a receita que minha irmã escreveu para o festejo lunar. Nesta edição da Roda do Ano, ela pessoalmente escreveu 12 receitas de cosmética natural como sugestões de autocuidado que combinam com o momento mágico descrito. E hoje, ofereço esta receita para vocês. 🌧️
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É muito simples e de fácil acesso, se você não tiver como fazer com óleo essencial, apenas a água morna e o sal já ajudam muito. Uma ervinha seca como camomila também combina (o objetivo é relaxar).
Lá vão os ingredientes:
3 litros de água fervida
½ xícara de sal grosso
2 gotas de óleo essencial de lavanda (caso queira misture com um pouco de lavanda seca)
Modo de usar:
Misture todos os ingredientes numa bacia. Quando a água estiver morna, coloque os pés na mistura e descanse.
Fica até difícil de escrever ou postar as vezes sem um sentimento de “nada importa” diante do longuíssimo in(f)verno que a gente enfrenta aqui no Brasil. Mas às vezes, um pouco de gentileza também é válido.
É isto. Boa noite, bruxesc@s. ♡
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techsciresearch · 3 years ago
Packer Fluid Market Size, Share, Growth, Trend & Forecast 2026
Demand for enhanced oil extraction is driving the growth in global packer fluid market in the forecast period, 2022-2026.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Packer fluid Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition, Opportunity and Forecast, 2016-2026”. The global packer fluid market is forecast to grow at impressive rate in the period, 2022-2026, on the account of increasing investment in the oil and gas mining. Moreover, governmental aids and financial assistance from government authorities and private companies is anticipated to drive the growth of the global packer fluid market in the upcoming five years. Additionally, increased oil exploration and drilling activities in various regions like Gulf of Mexico, Texas state of United States of America, etc. are further supporting the growth of the global packer fluid market in the next five years. Moreover, increasing offshore drilling is increasing the demand for the packer fluid and thus supports the growth of the global packer fluid market in the future five years. Also, demand for decreasing the cost of oil and gas drilling further substantiates the demand of the packer fluid and supports the growth of the global packer fluid market in the forecast years, until 2026.
Browse over XX market data Figures spread through 110 Pages and an in-depth TOC on " Global Packer fluid Market"
The global packer fluid market is segmented on the basis of type, location, component, application, competitional landscape, and regional distribution. Based on type, the market is further fragmented into water based, and oil based. Water based packer fluids are anticipated to dominate the market segment with largest revenue shares of the market in the upcoming five years on the grounds of the advantages water based packer fluid offers. Usage of water-based packer fluid is convenient and economical as well. Traditionally, water-based packer fluids are also used as water-based drilling muds to drill the well and later left to be utilized as packer fluid. Although, the lack of its non-corrosiveness creates a potential demand for oil-based packer fluid. Corrosion is a major concern that is responsible for the variant procedural differences and creates demand for the equipment, chemicals, and tools that can overtake the problem of corrosion. Oil-based packer fluids are anticipated to register significant and fastest growth in the upcoming five years on the account of its cost effectiveness and added non-corrosive advantages. The oil-based packer fluids are more thermally stable than water-based packer fluids.
On the basis of location, the market is bifurcated into onshore and offshore. Offshore sub-segment is anticipated to register the fastest growing CAGR in the next five years on the account of increasing offshore drilling activities. The offshore locations usually have higher pressure and temperature in the drilling reservoir and thus requires packer fluid. Extreme temperatures and pressures demand much more complex wells, thus packer fluids are expected to contain the extreme pressure and thus support the growth of the global packer fluid market in the forecast years, until 2026.
Some of the market players, dominating the global market are:
·         Schlumberger Limited
·         Halliburton Company
·         Oilmec Drilling Equipments Pvt. Ltd.
·         Baker Hughes
·         Weatherford International
·         Chevron Phillips
·         National Oilwell Varco
These market players along with new market entrants are focused on extensive research and bringing innovative and advanced products. Technologically advanced manufacturing of the packer fluid would aid in decreasing the cost of production and aid the players in managing their investments. Moreover, initiatives from the government and private fundings would support the global packer fluid market growth indirectly.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=8022
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“North America region is anticipated to continue its dominance over the other regional markets in the upcoming five years on the account of increasing demand for equipment in well completion. Also, increased drilling activities in the North America region is further anticipated to drive the market growth. Countries like the United States and Canada are experiencing rise in the oil and gas demands and to fulfill that, the extraction processes of oil from the reservoir and its drilling have increased, that is actively supporting the growth of the global packer fluid market in the future five years. Resource rich states like Alberta and Texas are further supporting the oil and gas demands and driving the growth of the global packer fluid market in the upcoming five years. Middle East & Africa region is also anticipated to register significant growth in the next five years on the account of increasing drilling activities in the region. Also, offshore drilling is further driving the growth of the global packer fluid market in the next five years,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Packer fluid Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition, Opportunity and Forecast, 2016-2026, Segmented By Type (Water Based, Oil Based), By Location (Onshore, Offshore), By Component (Polymer Viscosifier, Corrosion Inhibitor, Soluble Salts), By Application (Provide Hydrostatic Pressure, Lower Differential Pressure, Protection from corrosion), By Region”, has evaluated the future growth potential of global packer fluid and provides statistics and information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in global packer fluid market.
Mr. Ken Mathews
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Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Web:  https://www.techsciresearch.com/
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royalduties · 6 years ago
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Oilmec 💚 #imbolc https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUGPiBFS-M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o53gdb0vnr05
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oilmec · 8 months ago
Thermoplastic centralizers in India
Discover top-quality thermoplastic centralizers in India, ensuring optimal wellbore integrity and performance.Our range combines advanced materials and precision engineering for reliable solutions in oil and gas applications https://oilmecasia.com/product/spiral-blade-solid-rigid-centralizer-omp023/ Khasra No-23/1/2,22/2,22/1,24/1/1,23/1/1,23/3 & 23/2, Village-Prithla,Tehsil & Distt-Palwal121102 Contact-9811085352
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oilmec · 9 months ago
Essential Oilfield Cementing & Completion Equipment
Explore top-quality oilfield cementing & completion equipment for efficient well construction and production. Ensure reliability and safety in every operation.
contact-9811085352 Khasra No-23/1/2,22/2,22/1,24/1/1,23/1/1,23/3 & 23/2, Village-Prithla,Tehsil & Distt-Palwal-121102
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oilmec · 9 months ago
Enhancing Well Integrity with Thermoplastic Centralizers
Explore the benefits of thermoplastic centralizers in maintaining well integrity, minimizing casing wear, and optimizing oil and gas production efficiency.
contact-9811085352 Khasra No-23/1/2,22/2,22/1,24/1/1,23/1/1,23/3 & 23/2, Village-Prithla,Tehsil & Distt-Palwal-121102
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oilmec · 9 months ago
Oilfield Cementing Equipments Oilfield cementing equipments are essential tools used in the oil and gas industry to ensure secure sealing of wells with cement for stability and safety.
Khasra No-23/1/2,22/2,22/1,24/1/1,23/1/1,23/3 & 23/2, Village-Prithla,Tehsil & Distt-Palwal-121102 contact-9811085352
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oilmec · 9 months ago
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oilmec · 9 months ago
Hinged Bolted stop collars in India
Hinged bolted stop collars available in India offer secure pipe centralization and easy installation for various applications.
contact-9811085352 Khasra No-23/1/2,22/2,22/1,24/1/1,23/1/1,23/3 & 23/2, Village-Prithla,Tehsil & Distt-Palwal-121102
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oilmec · 10 months ago
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oilmec · 10 months ago
Hinged Welded semi-rigid Centralizers in India
Discover top-quality hinged welded semi-rigid centralizers tailored for India's oil and gas industry. Enhance wellbore stability and maximize operational efficiency with our innovative solutions.
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oilmec · 10 months ago
Exploring Essential Oilfield Casing Accessories in India Discover a range of essential oilfield casing accessories tailored for operations in India. Enhance efficiency and reliability with quality equipment designed for the unique challenges of the Indian oilfield industry.
contact-9811085352 Khasra No-23/1/2,22/2,22/1,24/1/1,23/1/1,23/3 & 23/2, Village-Prithla,Tehsil & Distt-Palwal-12110
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oilmec · 10 months ago
Oilfield Cementing Equipments In India
Explore top-notch Oilfield Cementing Equipment in India for efficient well cementing. Our state-of-the-art equipment ensures reliable and durable solutions, meeting the industry's highest standards. Elevate your oilfield operations with cutting-edge cementing technology.
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