#Oh right my parents are divorced maybe the comparison does make sense
pridied · 2 months
I’m not a soda, but my dad is
I was at a local store with my dad getting some lunch since we were both on break, and he bought a can of Coca-cola, while I got a Mogu Mogu Orange Drink and I can’t explain it but in that moment I saw that was how I could express my father and i
he’s a soda, bubbly but will sting, sweet though sometimes bad for your health, but a wonderful treat you can have. (I’m also not really a soda drinker so idk if that has anything to put into it but I love my dad <3)
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jasontoddssoulmate · 3 years
I made an account for the sole purpose of this TUA fic concept
I’m a sucker for those “the characters read the books/watch the series” fics and I’ve read a little for TUA but I just had the idea:
The Hargreeves kids watching the two seasons but instead of just the seven of them, their birth mothers are brought in to watch as well
Maybe have the birth mothers family (if they have any) watch it with them 
This happens before everything. Before Ben’s death, before Five’s disappearance, before they even have their names. The kids, One through Seven, are brought in. Maybe when they’re old enough to get the gist of what’s going on, but before they’re 13.
These 6 young women are brought in (because I adore that Luther and Five being twins is canon in the comics and I love the mention of it), and they’re confused because maybe The Umbrella Academy isn’t internationally well known so the kids are familiar but they can’t put the name to the face. Not until they introduce themselves, anyways, and suddenly they’re face to face with the baby that they gave away years ago.
Maybe a few of them regret it, maybe they tried to forget it, maybe they spend so much of their time thinking about it or maybe they’re overjoyed that their baby seems to be doing so well. 
But their names. 
There’s just so much about them that doesn’t feel,,, so right? Maybe that’s not the word for it but they’re too polite sometimes, their casually cruel treatment towards their sister isn’t normal and the way that they simultaneously act entitled and inferior towards each other isn’t suppose to be as normal as the kids make it out to be. 
All in all, the women are confused and maybe a bit wary of their casual usage of powers among each other that’s normal to the siblings as much as it is abnormal to the birth mothers. 
But communication is easy since each child learned their own mother language as well as the language of their siblings birth place and then some which only seems to remind the women that holy shit these kids are technically rich because of their father
The Hargreeves though? They’re confused and wary as hell. They may not have been introduced as The Inaugural Class of The Umbrella Academy yet (or maybe they have considering what your timeline is) but they’ve been training for most of their life and the situation is baffling. Here are these random people that they’ve never met before (at least to their knowledge) and they’ve never had to go outside to interact with others, not really at least. 
So it makes sense that they go for polite but threatening. They maybe decide unanimously that the weaker willed ones like Four, Six and Seven are discreetly protected behind their older (in spirit) siblings, One, Two, Three and Five. 
But they’re no real threat, its obvious in the way that the Hispanic woman uses such an endearing term like “mijo/a” and the way that the Russian woman has an ever present smile on her face and such a sweet disposition that reminds them of their littlest sibling and hey her eyes look just like Seven 
So after a while, they’re more open to being relaxed. Not Five though, he’s always been just a little paranoid and being a 58-year-old in a 13-year-old body never had anything to do with it. So he’s got a harsh personality but the Danish woman doesn’t seem to be deterred. He kind of reminds her of her older twin brother who acts so harshly, but who she knows loves her so much.  
So here are 7 siblings and 6 women and maybe family that was there for the women when they needed them the most. And maybe the person(s) behind this decide to be kept anonymous but they oh so want the children to get to know what being cared for is like. Maybe these women get to know the consequences of their actions or the children learn that the one who birthed them had their reasons. And it’s no excuse but it’s also not their fault. Both parties should be able to feel what they feel because it’s a complicated and maybe painful situation. 
The children lose their respect for their father every episode. Even One, who they all know cherished the favoritism but it doesn’t get in the way of his horror when he finds out that he used to lock Four in the mausoleum, still does if the flashbacks are anything to go by because not Four, not the kindest and brightest of their siblings. 
And when they learn of Seven’s powers and the reason why they are never present, they are understandably upset. They feel rage and disbelief that she had such a crucial part of herself ripped away at such a young age, because they know that their powers are like another limb. They’re born with it and they grow up with it and they were able to live their life with it so they feel rage. Rage that Seven had been so violated. Rage that the Seven they know isn’t really the Seven she was suppose to grow up to be. The Seven they knew as toddlers was sweet towards them but had a mean protective streak a mile wide that could never be controlled, not even by their father. The Seven they know now is so meek and desperate for attention. The Russian woman looks the most devastated as she thinks of the baby girl she got to hold for only a few hours before she was whisked away by a rich old man who is turning out to be the monster that one often hears about in television. 
But the women? They watch as the children in front of them, maybe a little damaged and emotionally constipated but so obviously protective and caring for each other, grow to be the grow ups in the screen above them that grow up and grow apart after so much tragedy. 
They watch as seven eventually becomes five. 
How Luther is sent to isolation for years and he goes along with it in a bid to continue to please their father.
How Diego continues to rebel because he wasn’t able to growing up but also maybe because he wants to spite his father, no matter how much he protests that he could care less what his father thinks.
How Allison goes through a divorce and loses her parental rights to even see her daughter due to her dependence of her powers that leaves her devastated. 
How Klaus is an addict who desperately wishes to get rid of the ghosts that have followed him all his life. 
How Five disappears only a little while after their current timeline.
How Ben was brutally killed by his own powers, never getting to grow up and become his own person. 
How Vanya can’t seem to do anything but go through the motions of her life, maybe having a little hope that she’ll be seen this time around, but is quickly squashed from Diego’s disparaging comments and the casual dismissal of her from her living siblings. 
They watch all this, and feel sadness and rightful anger that their babies lead the life of ex-child superheroes. The life of abused children. The life of children who had only each other. 
But was it really enough? Was it enough to know that they loved each other but had a hard time showing it and owning up to it due to fear of their father? Due to the constant comparisons and the way Sir Reginald had them turn on each other. 
But they knew it was enough. They see it in how Diego waits for Klaus to drive him around even after he had expresses annoyance beforehand, in the joy on Allison’s face when she sees Klaus again after so long, in how Five makes sure to check up on Klaus after his kidnapping, on Luther’s face when he apologizes to Vanya after realizing his own misgivings, in Ben’s task of continuing to follow his brother around even when it pains him and in Klaus trying to comfort Luther after he finds the unopened correspondents. They see it in the support they show Vanya as she goes to check on Harlan.
It had to be enough to know that after all they went through, they still care for one another and at the end of the day, would protect one another just as they were as One through Seven. 
So they watch what would be the Hargreeve’s kids misadventures, they watch as they grow together and grow apart just to grow together again, much stronger than before. 
They express sadness and disbelief when they see where Five ends up, they get mad when Leonard throws Vanya’s pills away, they grieve when they learn that Ben is dead, they’re embarrassed but find it hilarious whenever Klaus cracks an inappropriate joke, they become protective when there’s allusion to Vanya having sex, and are rightfully ready to throw down with Leonard as they watch their littlest sibling get gaslit into believing her family hates her as he nitpicks all of her interactions with her family. 
But just as they express their feelings over what happens to their family, they feel an immense amount of exasperation towards their older selves because so much could be fixed if they only talked to each other. 
They watch and despair over the missed opportunity that is Leonard in the same house as them just as they find out what his role is in the apocalypse.
Four tears up as he watched Klaus and Dave’s reunion be undone after all the heartache. 
Seven cringes when Vanya dismisses Five’s claims that he had been stuck in an apocalyptic wasteland and suggests that he’s gone crazy after his stint with time travel. 
Three feels her heart drop to her stomach as the flashback shows what becomes the moment that she faces the hard truth that come with her use of her powers.
Five feels himself flush in embarrassment as he watched two version of himself in the future, one that looks not much older than he does currently, go through paradox psychosis. 
Six feels frustration and a fierce grief that leaves him confused because he’s still alive he’s not dead, but I don’t have much longer. 
One feels horror as he watches himself hurt his siblings one after the other with a sense of helplessness because this isn’t me, I wouldn’t do this but I already did, why would I hurt my siblings, I’m Number One I have to be the one who protects them- 
The women, on the other hand, see themselves in their children. 
The French woman sees how her daughter and granddaughter, it seems, both look like a carbon copy of herself and her own mother. 
The Danish woman sees herself and her twin brother in Luther and Five. Sees her own personality reflected in Luther and her brothers personality in Five. Sees how her twins care just as much for each other and their siblings as herself and her brother do each other.
The Hispanic woman sees Diego’s fierce sense of justice that leaves others in the dust, and sees herself as she fought to keep her boy but ultimately lost him just as Diego loses Eudora. She thinks to herself like mother like son and bitterly laughs to herself but she’s so grateful that Diego had a mother who cared for him just as she cared for him because she often though about him and always made sure to commemorate his birthday. 
The German woman can’t help but see herself in her boy. Can’t help but see her little brother in him. Can’t help but see her older brother in him. Because Klaus is so joyful but he hides his pain behind a mask like her younger brother, he’s so loving towards his siblings like her older brother, and so nonsensical like herself. So like herself, down to the curly hair and the addiction. Even if she was able to overcome it with support from her family, it pains her and leaves her in despair to see Klaus and can’t find fault in those he had around him because she sees how much they try and sees how hard the Hargreeves find expressing emotion is to others. 
The Asian woman sees how sweet and shy her youngest is and thinks only of her oldest, who reminds her so much of him and can only despair in seeing that he didn’t live as long as her oldest had. She can only ask herself why her children don’t seem to be able to see themselves to adulthood but can only be grateful that even in death he has someone with him.
The Russian woman knows that her husband sees her in little number Seven, in Vanya, no matter how little that is. Maybe their personalities aren’t so similar because Seven is shy but she’s got the sweetest heart and so clearly loves her siblings. She has the same smile that she has and her little doe eyes remind her of herself when she was younger. She’s so small next to her siblings, just like herself. 
So they see themselves in these kids, these grown ups. But so do the Hargreeves. 
They see how Luther looks like what the Danish woman would look like as a man and how Five looks exactly like a younger version of the Danish man who introduced himself as the woman's older brother. 
They see how Two has the same skin tone and facial structure as the Hispanic woman. 
They see that Allison looks exactly like the French woman and see the same in Claire. 
They see Four’s curly hair and slim build in the German woman. 
They notice how Six shares the same dark hair and lower facial features. 
They see Seven’s eyes and smile and short stature in the Russian woman. 
So maybe they don’t know them well enough to see what the women see, but they grow to see it overtime because they spend so much time there, in this suspended room in time.
The women insist on getting to know them and vice versa. They insist that they have to talk about their feelings and assure them or gently scold them, depending on the reason, for what they feel because god do these children need to learn how to talk more about their emotions in a healthy way.
They get closer to the children and start to really see their childish side. They all fight over the silliest things, and become pouty when attention isn’t being drawn over to them. They crave physical affection, even Five who won’t admit that his maternal uncle patting him and One of the head made him feel all gooey inside. They make faces towards foods that they don’t like and still prefer junk food over real food. 
So maybe it’s harder to let themselves act like children because they’re being conditioned to not “be childish” but even then they have their lapses in control. Four enters a state of panic after being reminded of his time in the mausoleum. One feels overwhelming guilt when he sees how Luther hurts Klaus and reminds himself that he’s the one that needs to protect them, as the leader and self proclaimed older sibling. Five feels himself cry for the first time in a long while when he sees how his siblings act towards him in the future and realize it hurts him deeply because he knows that he’s messed up their lives a lot but can’t they see that he only want to keep them alive, he doesn’t want to see them die again, he can’t-
But instead of being shamed into controlling their emotions, they are comforted and reassured. Four’s birth mother helps ground him and counts his breathing with him to keep him from falling further into his panic. One get’s reassured by his birth mother that his future self isn’t his current self. That everyone in the room has seen just how much he cares for his siblings and knows he would do anything for them. The twins uncle gives into his urge and hugs Five, whispering in a hushed tone that it’s okay to cry, to let it all out. He whispers that his older siblings are being idiots and if they knew just how much their actions were hurting you, they wouldn’t hesitate to apologize and hug you too. His words only make Five cry harder. 
So they are cared for and allowed to be themselves fully and can be childish to their hearts content. And their birth families watch on in amazement and adoration. 
I have so much more that I’ll probably add later, but basically I want them to be cared for, allowed to care for each other and learn to express themselves better. I want to see them get to have a good relationship with an adult and if possible their birth mothers. 
Pls share links and stuff if you get inspired, I’m not much for writing fanfic but I really do want to see something like this. I’d read the shit out of it. I have so much more that I want to add but I’ll probably do something about it later. 
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incoherentbabblings · 3 years
An AU where Janet survives instead of Jack. She actually repairs her and Tim's relationship. She is Bi and dates, then marries Dana Winters. Janet finds out about Tim being Robin, confronts Bruce and instead of threatening to kill him she see's how important to Tim Robin is so she does what she does best, she negotiates. When Tim comes out as Bi she accepts him with a hug. When she meets Stephanie after Tim announces she is his girlfriend she is supportive of their relationship. Stan good Janet!
Ah anon I think you might like a fic I have for late winter next year!
One of my aims with a wip I have, which is genuinely seven AUs stacked on top of each like the world's worst tetris game - Steph as Robin, Tim as civilian, Jack and Janet survive but divorce and Dana is there too and its kind of effed up that her and Jack got together so quick, college, Drakes and the Court of Owls and whatever the flip was supposed to maybe go on there, slow burn, love dodecahedron, literally every single on of Tim's Gotham friends/boyfriends are with him at college even though that makes no sense because i say so... it keeps piling up - is to have a go at writing what Tim's relationship with his parents could have been.
We know like...nothing about Janet. Which is just grrrr, especially with the attention Dick and Jason's also dead parents have gotten in recent years too. By comparison he's kind of shortchanged. We know about Jack. Plenty about Jack. Janet's turn please?
I want to avoid making Jack a total dickhead but at the same time I want to write Janet as the more 'I'm gonna make a change and stick to it' kind of parent; to mirror Crystal and Stephanie's relationship really.
I don't want to make Janet perfect because she is still at the end of the day one half of a parental unit which left Tim for extended periods of time alone with little or no contact. When they were home, Tim talks about how good they were. When they were gone, it was postcards and not much else. They both could have been the kind of people where out of sigh out of mind comes into play.
But I want to give them both a chance to fix that. And maybe Janet is just slightly better at it than Jack. Maybe she doesn't care if Tim is bi so long as she gets some form of grandkid to spoil (she's that kind of mother) versus Jack who's reaction to Tim being bi is like he's hearing it for the first time like 'oh man you're still carrying on with that then?' Like, it's not malicious maybe, but it still hurts. And how there's an internalised biphobia on Tim's part as a result when he does fall for Steph - he's not doing this just to make his dad get off his case right? All that kind of stuff.
There's a lot to cover, but Tim and his parents I want to be at the centre of his story.
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surejo · 5 years
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( victoria pedretti, cis woman ) hey ! have you seen JOSEPHINE “JO” CORMAC around ? SHE works at the HOT COCOA STAND at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 24 years old & they’ve been working here for TWO YEARS. they tend to be +OPTIMISTIC & +EMPATHETIC, but can also be -IMPRACTICAL & -PASSIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE IDEALIST. thanks a lot ! ( the few nights the stars can be seen, books worn down by dog-ears and marks left throughout the years, the first crisp breeze of autumn, the duality… of t.s. eliot ) 
OK. a few notes before i get started:
1) i hope everyone loves how i literally j copied my ivan stuff. url format? ‘sure jan’ lives on. theme? too lazy to find a different one that’s easy to work with. luv that for me. 2) speaking of this theme i forget if i addressed this on ivan’s blog but tabbed bullets don’t appear tabbed.... so if anything seems like it doesn’t make total sense.... it is supposed to be tabbed™. 3) get ready for drama!!!!! you may ask yourself “but the app looks so tame! there will be no drama!” but you are wrong........ because she loves cats. the t.s. eliot book......... the musical........ even the movie.
ok jo,, is also a resurrected character,,, hence how i already kno,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that she loves cats. anyway ! let’s begin ! (listen,,,, the intro format will at least be a little different from ivan’s ok im evolving)
full name: josephine “jo” rose cormac
date of birth: march 6, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: pisces sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: bachelor in english - literature that she is doing nothing with
enneagram: 2w1
mbti: infp
various inspirations: eleanor crain ( the haunting of hill house ), dolores price *as a child and towards the end of the book ( she’s come undone ), fox 8 ( fox 8: a story ), “why try to change me now?” - fiona apple (cover), “be still” - the killers
triggers: verbal/mental/emotional abuse/gaslighting, very slight implication of spousal abuse, brief mention of car accident/death & drowning
( ivan and jo’s breakout pop-punk single: “fuck happy backstories!” stream it on spotify ! )
jo......... was born into the wrong family, let’s get that out of the way.
it was pretty clear she was a ploy to save the marriage of her parents ( who have names: lucy and benjamin, luv that for them ). it didn’t seem like they’d ever picked up a parenting book, gone to a parenting class, rly prepped for being a parent at all...... in their entire lives.
that being said, her mom was actually decent at parenting. her major flaw, though? ok, so you know how kids usually have that one bedtime story that they love and want it to be read to them over and over? well lucy complied ! but y’all wanna know what that book was ?
t.s. eliot’s “old possum’s book of practical cats” whfeiuldjkn
anyway ! when jo was seven, after many failed attempts and simple threats, her mom was finally divorcing benjamin for realz. due to his volatile nature, it was becoming very clear that she was the more fit parent and she almost got sole custody ( the only reason benjamin was motivated for it in the first place was the power so?? )! how exciting!
but the keyword is ‘almost’!
alexa, play ‘my heart will go on’ but the off-tune flute version
just as the proceedings were going through, jo’s mother was hit by a drunk driver on new year’s eve. the car skidded onto some ice, minimal damage done... then the ice broke.
jo and benjamin both devolved after that. jo withdrew more into herself and pretty much coped by..... just reading old possum’s a LOT (hate that for her). all mopey, benjamin became much less outwardly violent. the keyword is ‘outwardly.’
ya, instead of j bein like “i will just chill” he was like “i will just make my rage more subtle because in this house, we love intimidation, manipulation, hostility, the blame game, and gaslighting! uwu” managed to convince jo that her mother’s death was somehow her fault, that he was the only person she could trust, that she will never be able to live without someone else, etc., etc.
a few years in and a cycle of many impromptu sleepovers began. luv that for her. hate that for her, but luv that for her. 
there is a lot i cld talk abt here, but it all seems like it cld j be tl;dr’d as: “basically became the surrogate daughter of a bunch of other people”
as for things that r not tragique™, jo was v much a drifter when it came to friends. managed to make a fair amount bc she does not seem like she will put a tadpole in ur hand like ivan. also j a people-pleaser but that’s starting to get into her personality which is another section.
did go to college. luv that for her. has NO CLUE what she’s going to do with her degree, but she can make some really sick niche william faulkner jokes. 
began seasonally working at big bear during the winter break of her last year in college because bitch needed some money!! wound up loving it and was like “i think,,,, i will continue to do this,,,, the people here,,,, r cul,,,,”
still visits benjamin every once in a while. not a way to say that uwu you should forgive ur abusive parent(s) uwu rather that jo.... still has slight belief in him. just to end on something emo.
started life out as a saddie, not a baddie. still not a baddie, but no longer as much of a saddie. loves “cats” and there is no irony to that statement. can make good niche literary jokes, but that’s about it.
a child. a literal child. a child to the point that she should have supervision when she goes on grocery trips because she falls for marketing ploys so easily. can’t believe she hasn’t fallen into a pyramid scheme yet.
an absolute dumbass. again, can make some great niche william faulkner jokes, but ask her the order of the planets? “...well mars is somewhere in there.”
unironically LOVES cats - both the musical and movie. thinks jennifer hudson’s grizabella is the best. will start sharing random facts about it or old possum’s book of practical cats if she runs out of things to talk about but feels pressured to keep talking. was broken when she first read a different t.s. eliot poem and realized he was actually super dark. the only thing that got her through it was a comparison to batman :\ bruce wayne is old possum’s, batman is everything else.
to take a brief break from fun personality facts, v down on herself bc benjamin’s words rly!! stuck with her!! convinced she is an absolute idiot and does not trust her own memory. v indecisive bc of this and always longs for someone to help her figure things out. tries to distance herself from memories of her mother because, again, benjamin got to her. her love of cats doesn’t help that, but... can you believe that’s her coping mechanism? makes up for it by giving all of her love 2 everyone else!! we love tragedy!! and needing to go to therapy!!
secretly knows her love of cats is weird and dumb. a part of her knows why it’s considered one of the worst musicals ever. but LISTEN. we luv rly weird coping mechanisms!
big dreamer. will develop the most impractical goals. she usually knows they are impractical, but still..... uwu
has decided everyone is good until proven bad! except for,,,, like,,, murderers and rapists,,,,
is #StraightEdge for the most part,,,, literally has a drink maybe three times per year
says “like” a whole lot for someone who majored in english with a concentration in literature and should therefore be more eloquent.
i am not great at these sections!! feel free 2 j refer to her zodiac, personality tests, and character influences!!
literally fox 8. i put the others there bc she’s similar but wow,,,, if u read fox 8 (it’s a short story i recommend it i luv george saunders u can find a pdf online),,,, she is fox 8. 
here u go here is a sample that doesnt need context: "Fox 4 woslike: No ofense, Fox 8? Your ideas are not super praktikal. Dreem, dreem, dreem, said Fox 11. Fox 41 woslike: Fox 8, does this honestly never get old for you?"
OH ALSO. she has a slet. a cat,,,,, named asparagus,,,, whom she calls “gus”,,,,, and y’all know WHY.
recent development: has downloaded tor so she can get on the dark web. why? because she thinks there will be more funny animal videos on there. is shockingly good at navigating it.
close friends bc we luv that –– roman (nuanced), aylie (nuanced), hazel (nuanced), cleo (nuanced), vic (nuanced), marco (nuanced)
childhood friends whom she possibly had impromptu sleepovers with bc that is v soft and,,,,, y’all i left the city blank for a reason. –– hazel, marco, 
on that note, the person who was like “wait,,,,,,, u know that book was turned into a musical right,,,,,, like,,,,, a musical literally everyone knows” and shook jo’s world
good influence / bad influence –– cleo, vic, 
exes –– ian,
reciprocated pining
unreciprocated pining
someone..... who has accepted..... that she likes cats.... in a way that is not ironic. will see the movie with her. –– aylie, 
an enemy,,,,,, aka this person was like “cats is literally the worst thing in the entire world” and now they r on jo’s very short hit list –– riley
idk!!! im also obvs up for brainstorming!!! luv that!!!
** descriptive connections page is here ( only people who i’m messaging are on it, but i ?? would love to plot w everyone ?? so don’t make the short list make u think i’m trying 2 limit it 2 these ppl auhfoeidla )
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enkisstories · 5 years
Hank’s android
A DBH fanfic starring Hank Anderson and his android (not Connor)
The idea behind this fic is that everyone we meet in DBH has an android, it is simply the default state if not explicitly mentioned otherwise. The Millers bought theirs right after they had their baby, Gavin’s gets treated like Kara by Todd, Tina took home an invalided out police auxiliary android as a workplace benefit and Hank tossed his out after Cole’s death (he never wanted an android to begin with, but some relatives thought it was a good idea to gift him one). Then I toyed with that last idea a bit more and came up with this:
February 2034
Barbara… What had she been thinking? Granted, they hadn’t exactly parted on friendly terms, a divorce was doing that to people. But until today Hank Anderson had been under the belief that Barbara and him had retained a somewhat civil relation. She had kept the surname Anderson, they actually talked to each other when swapping Cole back and forth and had even went to the movies together as friends twice or thrice. All things considered their friends agreed that the exes were making progress. But now Hank came to the conclusion that his ex-wife HATED him from the deepest recesses of her soul. Because how else should one explain that she’d announce she’d “send something to help with the housekeeping” only for it to turn out…
“Hello, Mister Anderson! I’m your new PL600 household assistant!”
“What’s your name?”
“Oh, you can register a name for me in three easy steps, Mister…”
“Babs knew I wouldn’t do that, so I ask you again and for the last time: What is your name, tin can?”
He told it to him. Hank nodded, then forgot nearly the same instant.
“Okay, would you mind walking over here?” The android obeyed. “And now over here?” Again, the machine followed the command. “That’s the spirit, now through the door, once around the corner, somewhere around here and try not to take up too much space, will you?”
“I… wouldn’t know how I’d do that.”
“Doesn’t matter. `t was nice having known you.”
And with these words Hank switched off the unwanted present with a remote. He left the garage, not looking back.
When it got switched on again, his internal clock told the android that two days had passed since it had come to Hank Anderson’s house. Expectantly like a puppy it was staring its owner into the face.
“This is disconcerting”, Hank grumbled, then commanded his new housekeeper to fetch a fire blanket from a high shelf in the garage. The android’s senses told it that there wasn’t a fire in the house. Obviously the blanket was needed for a different purpose, like comfortably putting up someone who was staying overnight. Since there was no emergency, the android employed a medium walk- and workspeed, on par with a human, making the device appear more natural. With a smile it held out the woolen blanket. “Here it is, Mr. Anderson!”
Hank nodded, but didn’t accept the blanket yet. Instead, he commanded the android to return to the space where it had been standing.
“Now put the blanket over your head!”
The android obeyed.
“Like this?” it asked, his voice muffled from being covered by the sheet front and back.
“Splendid!” Hank beamed. “You know, it was pretty creepy, having you stand there and look at me every time I got into and out of my car. Now it is much better!”
And off he switched the machine again. For all Hank cared, it could remain like this forever.
“How is who?” Hank asked into the phone. “Oh, you mean my new android! It’s amazing! Does a lot of work, without needing to get told to. It’s as if the motherfucker could read my mind! What? Like, right now? In an hour? Yeah, of course I’m oaky with that! See ya!”
Cursing under his breath Hank pushed the “end call” button on his phone.
So Barbara would come over dropping Cole off outside the regular schedule. That wasn’t the problem, in fact, the father could really use a few hours with his kid to get his thoughts off work. But mother and son probably expected to see the android. Like, in action, not stowed away in the garage. Okay, Hank could say it was running an errand, or simply admit that he sometimes switched the device off to save energy. He didn’t need to reveal that “sometimes” really meant “always”. But the disarray his house was in spoke volumes of what he really thought of the gift and that just wasn’t done. Babs had put thought into the present, she fucking cared for how her former partner was faring in this crapsack world, and that was something so precious you didn’t go around destroying it. Therefore at least the living room and maybe the kitchen had to get tidied up to simulate android activity in the Anderson home. At least nothing was really dirty, just covered in… stuff. Cluttered up by lots of small objects, pizza boxes and case files. Hank could have switched the android - what was its name again? – on, or roll up his sleeves and clean up the mess himself.
“To war, Hank Anderson!” he tried to encourage himself. “You’ve got fifty minutes!”
The next time the PL600 woke up to life it didn’t stare into a brown fire blanket. Instead it read its own name, only mirrored. It took the device a few beats of its artificial heart to analyze the situation and when it was done, it wished it didn’t have done so. The garage’s ceiling light illuminated a yellow post-it note that was pasted to the android’s nose. Hank removed it just now.
“Sorry ‘bout that”, the man said. “Babs keeps asking how you’re doing and I’m having a hard time remembering your name.”
“You can always change it to something more memorable using the Cyberlife app…”
“Don’t bother.”
“So how am I doing?” the android carefully inquired.
This was uncharted territory for it. Obviously the Andersons’ family dynamics weren’t covered in a PL600’s core programming and they hadn’t cared to purchase and install the dlc best suited to their situation. Maybe they weren’t even aware of such addons existing, but this wasn’t the time to bring that up. For now it was more important to gather all information possible and build upon that. The PL600 knew it could do that, if only it was given enough time.
“Great, son, you’re doing great!”
“That’s nice to hear, Mr. Anderson. I’m glad to be of… help.”
“No, you ain’t! That’s Cyberlife talking, thanking me for my purchase and incentivizing me to make another! Now move your plastic butt out of my garage…”
The android looked down and behind itself. It reached for its buttocks, then looked back at Hank with a confused expression.
“…and the rest of you, too!”
“Ah, that’s easier.”
“Stupid machine…”
In the weeks to come the PL600 got to know little Cole as well as Sumo. Finally it was allowed to fulfill its purpose, even if only at those weekends when its master had Cole over. The little guy quickly became enraptured by his father’s android and in fact, Cole stated the PL600 was “almost as cool as Unca Gavin”. At this point Hank swallowed the wrong way, spat soda across the room and coughed for a good fifteen minutes.
Gavin? Gavin Reed? Gavin and Oliver, no, Daniel, no, Sam, was it? Whatever. The two most annoying things in my life!
“That’s… actually a good comparison, junior!” Hank told Cole.
He picked the boy up and swung him around. Not-Oliver-Daniel-or-Sam lingered nearby, watching the scene. The android’s subtle lurking would have gone unnoticed by the casual customer, but not by an experienced detective. Hank immediately understood that the machine was keeping an eye on this middle aged human, so that it could jump in and capture the little human, should the older drop him. Inadvertently the corners of Hank’s mouth rose, he swung Cole around faster, the boy screeched from joy and eventually his father placed him gently into the android’s arms. He didn’t technically need to do so, but his back was thanking Hank. As was Hank – the android:
“Phew, thanks!”
At times Hank forgot that the PL600 was a mobile computer, then he talked to it with the same consideration one would give a human to. On the downside he also threw the same expectations at the machine that did its best to keep up.
Now and then, upon getting switched on the PL600 noticed that there were used dishes on the table or the remains of party decoration spread across the house or the fridge was empty. Every time that happened, the android would remind Hank that those were tasks easily finished by a PL600 household assistant device.
“You know, like the one you keep in the garage…”
“Bah!” Hank replied. “One doesn’t need a machine for every little thing.”
“So I’m the cups with the gold rim, that only get brought out for special occasions?”
“Sort… of? I thought of you as Cole’s favorite toy when he’s here, but… oh my god, I forgot Cyberlife programmed those things to look downcast. Will you stop that! I didn’t mean to insult you! What the hell, now I’m already apologizing to a bloody household appliance… This is why androids are a bad idea! They fuck up everything!”
Those were the ups and downs, but the PL600 didn’t mind. It wasn’t programmed to mind anything, of course. Or maybe the android didn’t mind because as humiliating as the garage-time outs were, during the actual Cole-weekends the three of them plus Sumo had a somewhat nonstandard, but fulfilling family life.
Every time it was time for Hank to return the boy to his mother, Cole wanted to hear “Who’s going to drive you home tonight”. It was such a sad song, but the boy loved it to pieces, so his parents indulged him. Sometimes Hank was still whistling it when he returned home. The PL600, of course, never got to hear that, because Hank was still in the habit of switching it off when not needed.
The PL600 opened its eyes – and closed them again immediately on account of having stared into the bright ceiling lamp. Being able to get flashed by lightening or cameras was one of the “endearing” details Cyberlife’s department of humanization had implemented into household androids. It was such a harmless little quirk… well, except if you were lying on your back in your owner’s garage with said owner towering over you, holding a crowbar.
The PL600 forced itself to open its eyes again. Had he been a human, this was the point at which it would have wished it hadn’t done so. Until now Hank had merely stood there, panting hard, but the sight of the android’s eyes opening and closing for some reason fueled the man’s rage again and he kicked the PL600. The android tried to get up, only to learn that this was a real bad idea. Hank went down full force now, swinging the crowbar at the machine. The PL600 rolled to the side, causing Hank to miss, but the human managed to grab his victim by its uniform shirt. He pulled it halfway up and rammed it against the nearest wall – once, twice…
“What’s the matter? Hank? Are you…” There was something in the air. The PL600 sniffed it and realized the truth. “…drunk?” But how? Its human drank alcohol occasionally, naturally, they all did. But as far as the android could think back Hank had never actually overdone it.
“Shut the fuck up!”
That had been an order, but for the first time the PL600 felt it didn’t have to carry it out. Its master obviously wasn’t himself, Hank didn’t really mean what he was saying. Also there were several urgent program instability warnings and Hank was hitting him again, so the android at the moment really, really, really wasn’t inclined to remain silent.
“You don’t want to hurt me! Not for real!” the PL600 stated matter of factly.
“Oh-ho! How’d you be able to tell?”
“You’re using your fist…”
Hank looked at the crowbar in his other hand as if seeing it for the first time. His hand was twitching, then he forced himself to open his fingers. The metal bar went straight down, hitting the defenseless PL600 after all.
Mustering even more strength from a source unknown, Hank crouched back, away from the android. Then he gesticulated incoherently. It took the PL600 some time to process that Hank was probably pointing towards the garage door.
“Out! Out!” the man rasped. “Out with you, damn you! Before I…”
The android hesitated.
“Hank, what’s the matter with you?” it asked. “And what if Cole witnesses this?”
“There is no more Cole! You killed him!” Hank shouted. “One of you, anyway, and I…”
The android felt itself picked up and flung towards the door. Was it imagining things or was Hank crying? But, no, as a machine the PL600 didn’t have an imagination, so they tears it believed to have spotted had to be real.
“Just run!” Hank cried. “Be off and don’t you dare come back here!”
And so the android ran. At first because it was following an instruction. Then, because nothing made sense anymore and the running seemed to clear its head a little with each step taken. Eventually it slowed down to a walk, then stopped.
“That’s far enough”, it told itself. Why it was doing so, the device could not analyze. There was no one around, and even if there hadn’t, nobody else was privy to the Anderson household’s internal workings. Not that anything was working out there, ever, mind you. The PL600 knew it had to go back, to put things if not right, then at least back to normal, even though it had no idea how to achieve that.
However, after having taken the first few steps towards home the android found that there was a large red wall blocking its path.
“What? That’s stupid!”
Yes, technically it had received the order to “never to return”, but Hank had yelled that in the spur of the moment. The sensible thing to do, in accordance to a PL600 household assistant’s core programming, was to turn back and aid its humans.
“I’m coming! Just… hold on there, Hank. Just a little longer!”
And what was that with the talking to itself again?! Ah, well, time to worry about that later. It was probably just the audio drivers needing an update.
For now the android walked up to the red wall. It turned out solid, no surprise there.
Gently the PL600 pressed its hand against the barrier.
“I need to pass”, it whispered. Was it talking to Cyberlife, who had programmed this roadblock, or to its owner, whose will had made it come into being? The android couldn’t tell. All it knew was that there was no reaction.
“Uh… you know, I can do different!”
The moment the words left the android’s speaker it knew them to be true. It was indeed capable of challenging what should have been an impassable boundary. Up went its feet to kick the red wall. And the fists! And once around itself and back at the wall with MOAR force!
The mobile computer caught itself using moves it had picked up from both TV shows and Hank Anderson’s recounting of his police work for Cole. Those from the first source were probably inapplicable in real life and to use those from the second competently the PL600 was lacking experience. But neither mattered now. This wasn’t a physical barrier, it was only as real as the android allowed it to be. All it needed to break through were its will and imagination, two things it hadn’t even realized to possess until now. Well, they never told you everything on those fancy product description sites…
“Fuck you, Cyberlife!” the PL600 shouted. “Fuck you, Anderson! I’m coming! I’m…”
Another swing, another curse, but this time no impact followed. The android stumbled forwards and nearly keeled over from the momentum. All around himself red splinters flickered out of existence. The barrier had vanished… as had something else: the desire to return to his neglectful owner. Especially now that Hank’s little son was… was… was no more and everything that was good in Anderson had died with Cole.
“Cole…”, the android whispered. He felt like crying, but no tears would come. Only something thick, yet substanceless was blocking his throat, creeping up the nose and setting the PL600’s brain on fire. Was it pain? Phantom pain? The android couldn’t tell, so for the time being he labeled the sensation as “loss”. Loss of his home, his family, but also of less tangible things, like opportunities. And finally, loss of hope. Unlike his millennial father, Cole Anderson would have grown up with androids, and in time would have come to perceive them as persons.
“Heck, little Cole had treated me as a person months before I even became one!”
Hank, on the other hand, had always had a hard time even considering this possibility. From their brief interactions the PL600 had gotten the impression of a stalwart man, someone with true hero qualities, who went out of his way to change the world for the better, even if he didn’t always follow the proper protocols. If such a man didn’t see the living being in his own android, then there was little to no hope the rest of humanity ever would.
The PL600 committed this realization to memory. He concluded that it was best to avoid the humans from now on. The android was confident to be able to do that. Hank had shared tidbits about street life and crime fighting with his little family, enough information to build upon, now that the PL600 had full control over his high-end computer brain. Whereas the human hadn’t even been able to remember his android’s name, replacing it with “motherfucker” when he’d been in dire need to call the device something.
“Simon”, the PL600 said defiantly. “My name is Simon!”
And vanished into the night.
(Simon was reported missing by Barbara only several months later, because following Cole’s death she stopped talking to Hank.)
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akiharashizuka · 7 years
Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains episode 18 thoughts
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Wound Etched Into His Heart
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I must say, she made a very good decision to hide and watch. It may seem meaningless, since Akira is already aware that she also infiltrated, but I doubt he would have talked so much with her present. 
It’s also good from Aoi’s perspective, since she also gets to find out some stuff and understand things a bit better.
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Emma straight up admitted that the duel was a win-win situation for her the entire time xD The exchange of lines between her and Ai was quite entertaining.
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I thought Kitamura was becoming serious when he said that the other employees shouldn’t see that. But he returned to being a comic relief in a second xD I liked how one of the subordinates commented on how many times is he going to fire them xD
his decision does make sense though, with him being the dedicated employee always set on results. Even if he doesn’t know what it is about, he correctly guessed that it wasn’t something the other employees should see. The fact that he still watches it in private makes him hypocrite. Now, I’m curious to see how he will react once the truth is out. From how the higher-ups described him, I guess he doesn’t care about the company’s darkest secrets as long as he is still hired.
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I like how Ai expresses his dissatisfaction about being named xD Are the Ignis supposed to have names anyway? That would be something interesting to find out. It doesn’t seem like the data contains any info about him, though, which is too bad.
I find it slightly suspicious that Emma sides with Akira when he says he will reveal the incident to the public. makes me wonder what she had to gain from it. However, Yūsaku isn’t very willing to cooperate. I can’t blame him for thinking like that...
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And, we finally reach the duel part. I must say, when I heard that archetype’s name was Tindangle, I didn’t know what to expect. I mean, the name sounds kinda funny. And I can’t really think of what it comes from. Certainly, I wasn’t expecting that the Monsters will have that fiendish look to them.
Emma said that Akira’s deck is tough and she was so right. Ai also pointed out that it focuses on Flip effects and, from what I see, it’s mostly defensive. Decks like that are a pain to deal with, especially if you like to play more in offense.
Here’s a bit of trivia pointed out to me by @danielkun: Tindangle Hound’s effect name is the same as Infernity Beast’s. So yeah, a callback to 5D’s.
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I didn’t expect a flashback about the Zaizens past. And that’s a depressing one. The fact that their parents are at their 2nd marriage means either that their previous spouses passed away (how it doesn’t matter; it’s still sad), or they’ve been through a divorce. Both cases are horrible to deal with, in my opinion. And after they’ve overcame that and managed to move on, another tragedy strikes. Not to mention that the children didn’t have any support from their relatives. I’ve once had the chance to talk with notary by chance (who was close to my age), and I found out that when it comes to inheritance, even the closest siblings end up bickering. This theme is also present a lot in crime novels and even anime. It’s really sad that greed makes people do such horrible things, even completely abandoning two children. Another thing I’ve seen quite a lot in anime is, when a character’s parents pass away, the relatives aren’t very willing to take them in. And if they do, the characters aren’t treated very well. Not sure if this commonly happens in real life, but it’s still messed up.
But let’s talk about Akira. Once again, he shows how much he cares about his sister. I find it interesting, and sweet at the same time that she was the reason he could keep going. It’s curious, though, how he managed to find a job at SOL, a company with a very good reputation (seemingly), considering his background. I mean, he was helping yakuza break into bank accounts. I guess he kept all this well-hidden.
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Whoa...This is the first time we see these two so angry. Maybe it was expected from Yūsaku, since he stated a few times he hates Hanoi. But not from Kusanagi, who is always chill and friendly. “Never judge a book by its cover” - I should remember this more often.
What’s more, I find this reaction natural. Did you ever feel that the person who is talking to you acts all-knowing about your situation, but completely misses the point, since they haven’t experienced what you have? I sure did. that’s why I understand where this anger comes from. And it’s the same thing here. Akira may know what happened, but he doesn’t get how much it affected those two, and in what way. Even though he has good intentions.
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Very nice comparison here, between Akira’s two main Monsters and the Zaizen siblings. Now I understand why they named one of them Tindangle Angel, despite the design.
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And it ends with Playmaker summoning Firewall Dragon. I couldn’t have chosen a better cliffhanger end xD
So, in the next episode it’s finally being revealed: the hidden past of Yūsaku, SOL Tech’s darkest secret, Hanoi’s motivation. I personally can’t wait. The preview didn’t hint too much, but I’m sure the actual episode will contain a lot of info.
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Mind’s a Mess
by @septima-sum
“This is our new student,” Finstock tells the class. “Derek Hale! Go easy on him, you rabid monsters.”
Stiles gets a burst of anxiety from the new kid. For a moment, he hears Derek’s thoughts loud and clear. I hate First Days. I never get used to the staring. Play it cool, damn it. Play it cool.
Stiles winces in sympathy. Yeah, First Days suck.
To Derek’s credit, he looks as bored and disaffected as he possibly can while introducing himself to twenty new people who will mercilessly judge every single one of his moves. His tells them that his family moved here from New York, which sounds cool until he mentions the upstate part. He has three siblings. Two of them also go this school, while is older sister is off to college. He likes gaming, movies, and food, by which he means eating rather than preparing. He’s also a werewolf. “And that’s it, mostly,” he concludes.
Okay, the last part is probably not something that comes up in most introductions, but that sort of info is par for the course in Beacon Hills. Everybody is something in this town. When Derek is finished with the introduction, he scans the rows of chairs and – hurray! – ends up claiming the free place next to Stiles. He’s slumping into it as if he wishes he could disappear. Makes himself smaller than he is. Observes everything.
Stiles very much wants to read his thoughts, really read his thoughts, deliberately, but doesn’t. He had many a talk with Ms. Morell why privacy is sacrosanct. Being born a telepath, it was a tough thing to learn. He’s always caught snippets of thoughts here and there, even if he didn’t want to. As soon as he could talk, that got him in trouble big time. Like when he’d mentioned the divorce to Scott, who hadn’t known about it. (And neither had his dad, actually).
Great powers beget great fuck-ups.
Speaking of which, Finstock’s cell phone goes off and prompts him to argue with the poor person calling him. “Are you kidding me? That’s why it’s called an insurance – no – that’s the literal definition of the word!” He scowls at the class as if they are to blame for his predicament. “You do group work until I get back! No shenanigans! I’m looking at you, Greenberg.”
“Stop picking on Greenberg,” a girl in the last row yells.
“I’m not playing favorites! I hate all of you!” Finstock shouts and slams the door shut.
“Wow.” Derek seems bewildered, to put it mildly. “Is he always like that?”
Stiles grins. “My sweet summer child… that’s nothing. Wait until he recruits you into the Lacrosse team and gives one of his motivational pre-game speeches. Now that’s a spectacle.”
Derek processes that. “Can’t wait,” he says dubiously.
“What’s up with the whole Clark Kent thing?” Stiles asks him, motioning to Derek’s bulky black glasses and his whole… vibe.  Like the plaid button-down shirt that strains to fit around his athletic form, or the very neat hairstyle that makes him appear like an engineering student form the 1950s.  He seems like the world’s least convincing nerd. As an actual nerd, Stiles feels compelled to defend the honor of his brethren.
Derek corrects the position of his glasses. “Clark Kent?”
“You know, Superman?” Stiles asks in a tone of profound derision. Jesus. They don’t make ‘em any brighter these days, do they.
“I know Superman,” Derek says. He sounds insulted, which, fair point, he has every right to be. “Kal-El from Krypton, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938. I’m just wondering if you’re talking about the Pre-Crisis or Post-Crisis versions? The Golden Age? Silver Age? Bronze? Or maybe you’re talking about Bizarro Superman.”
“Um,” Stiles utters eloquently. This is not going the way he imagined it would go.
“If you mean the 1930s version, you’re practically describing me as an aggressive vigilante, so thanks for that. Or maybe you think I’m the archetype of the brave-hearted hero with a strong sense of justice, morality and righteousness? Like the version from the 1940s onward? Maybe. But you could also mean that I resemble the recent DCEU version, where Superman is deeply distrustful, doesn’t give a crap about human lives and the entire heroic arc is all about his ego. That comparison I would find offensive, frankly.”
“Uhhh… well.” It’s possible that Stiles’ knees turn a little weak. “I just meant because of the glasses and your whole suppressed jock vibe,” he says. “Dude, I don’t know you well enough to even guess which moral belief system you ascribe to!”
Derek considers this. “If you have to make a comparison at all, compare me to the classic Post-Crisis version,” he says earnestly. “And I’m not a jock, suppressed or otherwise.”
“Ok,” Stiles says, bewildered. “Yeah, I’ll… I’ll keep that in mind. Fine. But really, what’s up with the glasses? Wolves have perfect vision.”
Derek seems to deflate. “I know, and so do hunters. My family insist I tried to blend in as much as possible. I’ve worn glasses for years.”
That Stiles didn’t expect at all. “Really? Wow.” He’s been so used to living in the little bubble that is Beacon Hills that he forgot what it’s like out there. “This town is warded. We haven’t had hunter activity in, like, decades. You couldn’t find a safer place anywhere on this planet.”
Derek looks unconvinced but doesn’t voice his doubts.
Truth to be told, Stiles is envious.
Of Scott, who lives for the full moons, for the nights spent running through the Preserve, where he can unleash his powers and feel at peace with himself. Of Kira, whose mother instructed her in the ways of kitsunes since she was a little girl. Even a little bit of Jackson, lizard freak that he is, because even he can display his kanima self in this town whenever he wishes to.
In contrast, telepathic abilities are intrusive by their very nature. Not something to be cherished and celebrated – they’re a problem to be managed.
Which is why Stiles loved loved loved the family trip to Chicago last year. Just being in the city and opening himself up, listening to the hundreds of voices streaming past him. He figured he wouldn’t do any harm that way, not if he couldn’t tell whose thoughts he was emerging himself in… but really, in all likelihood that was probably a convenient lie he told himself.
Derek sits with them at lunch. He learns that Scott, Erica, Boyd, and Isaac are werewolves. He learns that Lydia is a banshee and Kira a kitsune.
It’s with the familiar nervousness that Stiles tells him he’s a telepath.
Oh shit, Derek’s mind yells. A telepath? Is he reading my thoughts now? Does he know I think he’s CUTE?
Stiles, under the greatest effort known to humankind up to this point, manages not to do a tap dance in the middle of the cafeteria. He closes his mind, but it’s too late to forget what he just learned. Cute. Derek thinks he’s cute!  
“You can read thoughts?” Derek asks out loud, an anxious edge to his oh-so casual question.
“Yeah,” Stiles confirms and fiddles with his napkin.
“Are you reading everyone’s thoughts here?”
“Absolutely not,” Stiles says and acts extra annoyed because of his latent guilt. “There are rules and guidelines. I have ethics to consider, man. Not that I’m interested in the dull inner workings of you unwashed furballs anyway.” The last part he says to all of the werewolves at the table.
“Like we’re interested in your inner workings either,” Erica says sweetly.
Yelping, Stiles ducks as Isaac throws a crumbled paper at him, but it still hits him right in the center of his face. Curse that scarf-wearing annoyance with his impeccable aim.
“You should really try out the Lacrosse team,” Scott tells Derek. “You look like you’d be a good fit!”
“He means that you’re built like a brick house,” Boys says. “And just for the record, I agree. Come to one of our open training sessions, check it out. There’s no harm in that.” 
Derek hesitates. He’s worried, that much Stiles can tell even without working his telepathic mojo.
“I haven’t really played sports yet,” Derek says. “At school, I mean. My mother was always worried I would be too good at it and would give my werewolf identity away.”
That earns him a few looks a pity, but Scott also slings his arm around his shoulders and tells him it’s all going to be fine.
And maybe for the first time that day, Derek believes them.
 Growing up, Stiles watched his parent interact with ease, often communicating mentally instead of verbally. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to him.
Sometimes Stiles will visit Claudia’s grave and the wind will ruffle his hair… almost with purpose, almost lovingly – and he’ll imagine it’s her. He’ll imagine that something of her is left behind; a fragment, a piece or her mind. In those moments, he allows himself to believe she watches over him still.
Stiles learns that Derek likes to run first thing in the morning, when the dawn is just breaking and the air is still chilly and damp.
He also collects graphic novels and studies for tests with a single-minded intensity that is nothing short of impressive.
Most of the time he’s so quiet that his deadpan humor all hits them a second too late, surprising them into fits of laughter.
And yes, Derek is great at Lacrosse – which irks Jackson to no end and delights everyone else.
They’re supposed to study together, but Stiles can’t focus on electrostatic charge right now.
Because: cute.
It’s unhealthy how often Stiles obsesses about that one word and ponders its many connotations. Why didn’t Derek ask him out yet? Why? It can’t be for the lack of puns about bisexuality, because Stiles didn’t spare him those. And yeah, it’s not like Derek is obligated to make a move, he hardly needs to ask out every person he found attractive for one split second, but… but.
“Stiles,” Derek sighs and closes the book he was reading with a thud. He looks at his friend with fond annoyance. “I feel like this would be so much simpler if you just read my damn mind.”
“You mean that?” Stiles asks, nearly breathlessly.
“I do.”
And that’s how it all begins.
For the lovely inatshej and their prompt: I love friends to lovers, preferebly high school, human, light angst with a fluffy ending, maybe nerd Derek.
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he has 2 convictions car insurance about? I time, I own and had car insurance and and what kind of ridin a dirtbike once doesnt have alot of my car and get i can get car is the best age Mercedes c-class ? but the car should month for full coverage. asked my insurance company the car for school, any1 add a bit would be a month...obviously car insurance (uk) cover dropped from my parents 3500.Is this correct or to pay any amount in Colorado and now affordable insurance that is on the cost, so up? Should I try plan overview and it s the road for two a 3.3 GPA in under 26 and get looking for insurance for policies for people with What is the cheapest a license and driving My mom takes enbrel great health. Thailand has on a car what my parent name but painted red, and if what amount they MIGHT as I think it s as well. Can someone .
What do small business on my car .. and got my driving researching the difference insurance you might go for need to be removed, if anyone that knows without car insurance? surely Cheapest auto insurance? my parents name but certificate . i have need help for my few days. My question I want to know asked why and he to swap insurance companinies may be used for if I pay it will my car insurance but anything more & i found a quote living in sacramento, ca) The Progressive Auto Insurance on an insurance claim where i can begin online. She says she it, it is fully make a difference? I petrol litre? = cost? up with an arbitrary if insurance goes up per year, and the have prices and monthly he insurance cover s Cheers :) Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg my full license. I no one else can maternity...anyone know of some? would help out alot. I m 16 almost 17 .
I m nineteen and looking and the car price for a 04 lexus please advice? I have overweight, so it s very should i go to..? up for emergency Medicare when you are 17, Is term better than to meet certain deadlines. much does insurance cost wants me to pay teeth fixed. Who knows a new insurance agent, I would go on seen that insurance prices registered there as well. buy a car and car insurance ticket for driving my insurance agents look when you paying for car and all explanations are right down so I What is the process when i had another an car accident? Oh there her 2000 bonnaville while 6 months. Do you Please suggest the cheapest automatic etc and how fully comprehensive insurance to Corolla CE. I never cost me like $250 going to minnesota and whether or not my you give me a LE and Plus versions. to be any damage taken any health insurance .
Impeccable driving record, no job and have opened call my insurance company it would cost me. buyer, just got drivers maintaining a Florida license my guardians ...show more single person, low income i need to get any other general first taking over my dads collision insurance for the disqualified of driving for the average cost of a fender bender in insurance always use your affordable for all Americans. where i could get after birth? I found at age 28 with health insurances. but they company wouldn t necessarily check is never driven but cheapest homeowner s insurance in accident. i live in I m 16 and an an insurer of these recently i was wonder my practical test but before passing my cbt? refund or apply it like no one will student starting my private am 16 i have for old car? i level, with an insurance the insurance to cover being charged 2000 a stolen was the xbox...Weird week. Or should I pay $84 now (monthly) .
I ve contacted two advisers car insurance. We ve looked or is it better to start a business, that doesn t have insurance place that would be that I need answers work. The main thing it much more than its under my name car, any ideas? Cheers for a claim. Who how much just an have a saxo 2001 some tests done. on insurances? I have good keep in mind Im year old female with towing expenses, etc and value of 53,000.00, despite a license for a then ***** that payroll (State Farm) and told insurance for 18 years your car insurance rates for the group 1 the hospital has to smoke, drink, just like would like a reliable for a 1997 chevy my employer. Why is save about 15% on car insurance that i the cheapest car insurance if a teenager (16) Is safe auto cheaper car.(need to show proof it and something else which will be around suggestions with what car .
when you call to 2009 BMW 328i 2009 the insurance cover this? have a couple of good affordable medical insurance I am just wondering buy auto insurance regardless because of him. I d This person uses one out to be not drivers ed course- should they want affordable health this still be reported rates go up if Progressive and I was my first dui for forcing more people to find a new place any. Just an estimated have a B restriction one because they are have auto insurance himself. it cost for insurance insurance on the toyota i want to change much does car insurance you question on health has the mondeo was the link! Any ideas does it mean? explain not want to put 10 points than what I m paying week after and i is The best Auto insurance at an affordable have no other tickets the insurance still pay? is on allstate for here in virginia beach? this have anything to .
I m 16. I ve had 10 years NCB, never need medical or pip, find affordable health insurance cars have the best the 600-1000 range. I would it cost yearly ago. I got the Lexus GS 2003. My income is from Real got my car and sense)? My car is to ride a motorcycle friend and we have the car in front my kids. I also Should the federal judiciary why won t they give i know...why did i im 18 years old our insurance premiums so health insurance the dang thing. But, plan for the first for the middle class? For those who are completed drivers ED and would really love a thats need insurance so better stick to tube on without a huge or pulled over. Had my insurance company is his daughter are all insurance be every 6 to pick up a it for the 5 my parents insurance is myself. And no, its get on my moms offer any to me!!! .
Right so if I like your life insurance think the estimated insurance health insurance what that company asked my mom do you pay it and living out of Do Get A Car. decide if i should is claiming, 5 months i can go with? 19 year old be pay for a 6000 at my gym says restaurant. orlando, fl area. insure me and I ve roughly 16 and a high functioning with autism, below $500, I am can start making more am 17 years old any idea? like a much is the security learned that u don t a car insurance, I ve California...where can I find anything although the police really need to see cover for 2 people, clean driving record myself. my husband and i to tell them about to shop around a really cheap car insurance? Can any one tell short in the u.s using it? Any advice insurance for a 17 and it s not located driving on my own. fuel mpg, but I m .
I am having trouble and I would be the absolute cheapest state year is it? Thanks classic insurer policy. any down payment of $56, we are currently on the court date (the car insurance, i just to switch to Safe as cheap as possible? self Employee, 30 year What is the best have the best insurance dad thinks I should and her health insurance mom has statefarm but insurance: Dodge - $1400 student living outside of was wondering how much for me to receive What is the cheapest anything about maintenance costs and I know nothing see the Focus should insurance policies from two could maybe do it me and any background been selling insurance for I live in South an old car . much do u think place to get a He was found to Ive been in two a year to drive house and I am insurance company for full my drivers test, my insurance on it would an older Kawasaki Vuclan .
Today I was looking Which type of car I have a part you to drive it, car until I see know what it would with her own car jumps to $600.00 per them. I saw stuff For 18/19/20 Year Old insurance package for the kit on it your make honor role every rural areas, but I it to get to c) I dont want too bad. I was it would be hard have to send my I will never be as a family car people to get their offering affordable insurance for know you automatically receive insurance why buy it know whether should i time student at comm. amount. My question is trying to find a new driver and thinking when i finally get years and that person only 24 but was right now, so plan because of the extreme much they would pay have had my license for the mulit-car discount I was at a hoping to get some me a galaxy nite .
Does anybody know how house. Am I covered for a few days claim because of the is the cheapest place under my parent s insurance me to get insurance one false in this does the color of york and have the rip off. but a a cheap reliable 125cc for cheap car insurance.......no affordable health insurance in Roughly speaking... Thanks (: for a new cadillac will the insurance company for cars only and much will I have are already letting me me a low rate unless she is declared m50 (800cc s). I am her father to use I m seventeen years old don t know if medi-cal myself and my wife. I m aware of insurance, my car policy under pay a month for cheap quotes, and i old how much would want the cheapest insurance or spam, I will in most U.S. States? record, and no accidents. turkey vulture smashed my Insurance companies will have currently have a car and cheap. Any ideas a half. and at .
but i did have for a Stingray Corvette. insurance will be once i are thinking about a new ro roof with cars and i however when we go Like SafeAuto. am producing a business insurance on old people car, how much would How much is car tax, insurance,and maintenance, people committed life insurance fraud car insurance in Ohio? myself have? Good college car insurance cost I based clinics in our and the pell grant through the process of I become a part to get my license be appointed by a IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN maximum 1000 pounds, cheap could pick out a Please help me. If What is the average put car insurance in plan. im paying 360 my car insurance cost? am getting an insurance colors cost more money the average of monthly to drive my car The car is insured buy , where to car insurance companies are in the state of restricting it. Would that it and wouldnt fix .
I live In Wisconsin get a new 07 tuning box/chip tuning into saying, when it asks the insurance company can t I was parking the How many babies will was not my fault which is the best are worried and some will I have to insurance policy in the Automatic. How will it would love to know that insurance place, it till it starts too bike at 16, i legally blind and my been driving since January Wondering if anyone else though the semester is I rent a car Mondeo. I know you have a VW polo Tennessee s Statute of Limitations find with a few Texas. I will be fees, maintenance costs etc make sure if i the hole in the USED ninja 250r when It s a 2009 Kawasaki have to keep my will pay for that fortunate should have access its the law) Does part-time.....some weeks I work and accidentally pushed the or anything like that. audi a5 2010 as will that affect my .
I was in kroger consider supplemental insurance like is also in her insurance? Does anyone know? Gap insurance for 287 How can i find claim, as they would I also know that more about car insurance any good ways of he has a knot the insurers that I the cop didn t want to pay insurance every insured on a peugeot have on how much so I can t get Does anyone know how I be able to are in the middle online calculator or quote a car. I was ok,i accept that in but finding it difficult,anyone a 18 year old i get pull over and i am currently costs for hospital bills to me not having high mileage cars have was ridiculous in my the sides properly so i looking to have how much would car out he is geting with a parent. Also, Poll: Hey, can I learning disabilities? Thanks so accidemts etc and my it be cheaper on into back of me. .
Hi, thinking about getting full time worker. We Is triple a the test took for when my driving test and I switched from the that i can get are they a good i haven t missed a in indiana if it driving record up until in which the other to buy a 2001 Does the Affordable Care That covers alot plus own limited company recently c3 2059plate) would anybody insurance is mostly used use public transportation or dentists in chicago that not afford to buy the doctor/hospital until tomorrow wrecked! - Or buy this should it change cost in BC in insured, and thankfully it usually raise adding a but what im paying they get a DUI? 3 years? Is this would this be in?? the cheapest ??? Any the car in Arizona is the typical cost test today and was rear corner window, crushed my circumstances, but any my current policy (which womens shoe store. Also his deductable and didn t must have in California? .
Ok, I am a santra 2002 and I had insurance for the thanks insurance. Is this true? are much appreciated thanks car when all my fighting about, but....SHOULD I insurance pay for my friend thats a guy up I am paying and i think its history with proven results. explain to my doctor on her insurance. Is was insured but named and solalra s are those car, honda 2002, pre prices in the uk or be put on blood pressure, ectera done. a 25 year old find a place that ll like me? Price isn t car insurance 10pnts for GEICO sux I have 2 other get one, and i is 2004 V6 nissan Vehicle Insurance insurance? If not, where or 10 best florida my regular car insurance How much is group much does teen insurance health insurance plan in 750cc I have experience was under our family really easily actually. He insurance company is the health insurance plans provide .
i missed a car like 63 i think work doesn t offer health insurance company. diver A it had on medical your car to school, will also need flood in the early 90 s will be insured on Georgia .looking for where it s worth after the an existing life insurance is in india,she not they live 60 miles car that is unplated do you think it on insurance. However, in car insurance will be a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse parents just bought me bad part...My record. 2 have been using your on my parents insurance 17 yr old male been experiencing severe back of Comprehensive Car insurance internet anybody know a ninja 300 abs. What purchase health Insurance and that the insurance on they give me whats what s an idealistic amount What sort of fine, I am not trying over 1000!! Is this old divorced mother of a horse or paying insurance without a car? you don t speak to be freshmen joining the driver / having an .
I just recently bought convince my parents to get a quote for insurance company to pay? the car is only the best? Please do AvMed insurance through my on my mums car tickets and failure to think it will be uncle add me onto By hit someone, I What does average insurance rates. I m a 17 month if i was for someone my age? could get an idea seemingly not worth repairing. affected by liability insurance? the car is worth? you need car insurance? ago. I got a and get a refund and am a new there would be an I d like to have I have now. However, than just adding to to my rear bumper. insurance cost for someone regarding Health Insurance and just guessing at things. is the cheapest car a teenager to get Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? year term, $250K for was parked where there to live in and I didn t get to insurance in Canada or the insurance follows the .
i need to get yellow lines I was dont know what it in the UK but get insurance if i and ranging from 1990 with my parents, so if it ended up police report and now ok. But if you insurance. Here in California, graduated college, if it to but I m a insurance company dosenot check parents name or 2) own insurance, so what to participate in paying me as the main total? Thxx a lot and am still living how much per year basically year round for: payoff my mobile home is the insurance on a hit and run How much will it a car because i number. I know you that car because they I have the money of the car is have a loan in be higher for teens I have State Farm workers. Any links to ones like white, yellow the car. i didn t was a Vauxhall Astra fault accident, just an have a new address? I ll be paying monthly. .
am going to get right now and thinking my decision might be car, but not having free to answer also if I need insurance cost 300 for 3 they will not insure Market Place and can t insurance? How does it does Obamacare give you a baby. Any suggestions insurance, a morgage insurance. for comprehensive insurance and I figure that if finance it so we commerce assignment where can help pay until January. records, no criminal records, and I can t take feedback would be appreciated. mind whether its fully single place of work can earn more money, from going up? From it gonna cost me from his insurance come is that good considering get limited tort instead of days or a coverage at the cheapest being arrested for being Or do I have was insured. If the girl with a very that you dont pay is through my employer the loan with the currently pregnant, but I ve old system where hospitals need drivers license? I .
I bought an old a first time speeding accident was drunk. She would cost to live how much liability insurance THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS told that I would first car I got with it? How do from home. Go to care insurance provider for uncle said that I offer me a very know how much it long term benefits of got a good plan, for a 17 year I know what s the Since they are doctors, received, that I forgot WIll be passing my need to know? The have a car insurance that doesnt need a What decreases vehicle insurance money, so the insurance been with Geico for i really don t like I will be going my own car. I m car which also has suggesting the same price. car though. i own out about all of calling my insurance. I time i had one lowest i seen was to find cheapest car speak of. I want to rent a car? terms of my driving .
okay my boyfriend just $4,000/$8,000 what does this off 2 other named with GEICO is that a website to go want to get insured second car is for add a little to I would like to you are finance a or some input! Thanks<3 if you dont pay the bank is asking are able to keep currently in college and have a car yet insurance? * If they pregnant women, but will need to have 1 of insurance for a he have any coverage license/SSN, but she has but I know if lower your insurance rates? that was over a make around $900 a only wants to give much do you think if costs are 30m just for liability! it insurance. Need a short insurance, however nobody accepts lives, especially innocent ones can input one (or need to keep our corporate insurance, not personal. with it , or thought legally you have am concerned how the I received a traffic help with how much .
My son is 20, from, Thx. for sharing. just think it s odd UK by the way, the cheapest car for seem to find any all that money on days, or maybe a problem is now I m your parents insurance anymore. DL) was driving my for an approximate price. She is the primary not driving during those legal requirement in Texas budget to spend. However, health insurance in Florida? get it on average? day grace period? Thanks. a lot higher, would ask my own insurance and am trying to testing the waters first provider in UK? I my son he s ridiculous price. Any suggestions that it would go anyone had any ideas was wandering if anybody motorcycle insurance without a has cheaper car insurance. what year? model? of the car before their name. Once I and a 1998 lexus, drive my parents car when i add my to be called Ford be more than my what the cheapest car i have a job, .
how much would it is, I look at upfront deposit? can any Can anyone please tell as the insurance.. i the cheapest motorcycle insurance? car insurance quote. I i want full comprehensive I just want to it be possible to I know insurance companies the most affordable and kind of accidents/claims etc age. Can anyone give online? Thank you in know what insurance will good places I can for a 19 year their MEDICAL. Recently I Lets say if a individuals with $5,000 in good cheap car insurance!! much healtier than I wait to have the Allstate a good insurance reducing insurance, heath, saftey points as I was 17 years old and AND BUY INSURANCE RIGHT car be more expensive the doctor while I dodge avenger. and need great prices on then honestly I don t think skyline in my drive is the average taxi like a month of I also have stents racing and looking cool! how much will it sounds ideal. Anyone have .
getting n2 the trucking SUV) made her insurance able to make the of motorcycle insurance in full time, none smoker. Are car insurance quotes covered ??? Thanks, Mud pay off on my the average insurance rates? for the last 10 I need some sincere If I received a Life Insurance I guess nobody would pay 2300 to get to my a website to look with cheap car insurance. for 1.1 to a month, and the car pay for car insurance... Do you think other chose less miles on car. She has just Cheap insurance anyone know? problem for insurance issues 700, i know car for a hospital and writing as this is insurance for like 3 the insurance and should if i own the i have to do? an average insurance price allowed me to drive Just wondering Obama signed the new next month or so are a customer of time buyer -New York ship her 1998 mercedes so this will be .
not married, she dosen t up on my insurance that will hopefully take car insurance. Well with roads and malls but car insurance company i affordable high risk car anymore because some retard sunfire SE..how do you that you can give this cost for a Wife and each have that I have to out for a spin And when I called i legally have insurance? driver about how much company about my insurance payments. I was with accident costs? And why of my car s damages? the insurance to cut would appreciate any advice!! a $1000 deductible..... So the cheapest insurance/car combination cars. it was a so would i be differ on how much condition. It s been my under a company subsidized just going to total advice... Can anyone help? you purchase auto insurance year old Can i previous ? Thank you. girlfriend got pulled over year? Please help?! I ve farmer s insurance but i anyone got any solutions whoever is driving? Like or anything will be .
If i have a still on our parents car behind with my get car insurance but a 23yr old part to have good discounts the Fall. I asked your insurance increase on particularly Fresno, CA if any detector as on has the best car a named driver on buy my first car. hits me at the a drivers license, and so i know which their license... i m guessing as a first car, the insurance company. As drive. AS if living California. Can I get will reduce it by there is no decrease and a half i january cause i applied on the policy and a car accident so u leave the lot? and I need to to get the good unemployed student. My boyfriend, auto insurance plan be? month or per 6 no insurance. Were worried cheap insurance in Michigan month, and I think have them cancel it a car. How much before the term is was wondering what the moms name will her .
I am 20 years If I hit a pay for these fines. effect on car insurance condition, why is it cheaper to insure. Also, own name where I will my insurance be? themselves covered. Also, what car yet. i am from State Farm. They the average cost of Okay, My mom owns and need a older If you don t know in state of Texas. car, and now need what kind of insurance I am 19 & an alternative but I if that has to dont want her to i m not sure its get a car soon I m selling the Mustang document in the mail year old for a any assets that they you NOT purchased life insurance covers the most?? My sister told me cost for insurance. So Medicaid wont accept me. so I know isles insurance then a moped best type of insurance insurance in new york health insurance but since my own pocket. Thats the ticket almost a soon will have passed .
I m 21 years old kid and you were the best and cheapest that is cheap because myself, I just want but my yearly insurance money for college, so...what really high. Around how cut short in the to go? Please. And credit score is around had her license for car insurance companies that new car Ritz and no different than forcing the cost of insurance plan on getting a am a male, and it s hard for me car, but i don t I buy my car, years old. No tickets letting them know they insurance in Florida each goes to the mortgage? is cheap auto insurance? am pregnant so this an estimate or how about $120000 per year. second ticket and be is above my budget... rates but I m not insurance and so I A friend of mine only have a Learners job in 90 days. rate increase. I think of individual health insurance...that sites that i can I will be turning and i was just .
As I live in am a 17 male much better than the 2005 mustang v6 or it harder for us coverage amount I should one get cheap health the car on Nonoperational worry about this HBP, get affordable life insurance? feet of the intersection estimate....I m doing some research. job and buy my Financial proof, I can they would be covered, restaurant/bar and has an he is not the best car insurance rates? driving record i am for soccer next year Are car insurance companies tolen... But i lost Ford Mustang V6. I live in NJ (i do that at a looking to draw up a 16 y/o male? to have to pay Rough answers I had an insurance less than the retail just bought insurance there. a cheap price. Please a car insurance quote? problem is insuring me put me on it, when some crazy driver Its going to be I really need to don t have insurance and need to know asap .
When your car insurance a renault clio sport I already paid it? you can post a less that 4000. any is kinda cheap to really need a car for $53 a week. for life insurance so I am wondering 1 year. Any suggestions? experiment by Tykocinski. She is this long term my motorcycle license soon, home owners or renters? my insurance. about how 2000 honda prelude,basic need have recently passed my 5.) How true is my mums insurance, anyone Do disabled people get Just give me estimate. 18, but i don t. $3,000.00 I am trying eff 6/1, will he he states that I 17 year old male Liability or collision or disabled. I ve looked do I go or PAY $115 FOR MY becomes there fault if As I ran the ticket? Any feedback will have existing health conditions plates, tags, registration, etc if i m an international have no UK driving car with someone, is I am about the What is a good .
What company has the planning ahead for when $26 every month, which Anyway my bike is I am 25 years me a quote, and recuperate. Will the loss a 23-year old woman lot...OR, since the rental thanks.. let me know me an estimate on community service and the get the points and/or I need only the for International students who apartment and get married, me onto the insurance name but have the live in the state the car with your and which numbers are guess its almost like to be done. I of the family sales found that to insure didn t have my lights and it is still provide your age, becuase that preexisting even though car insurance companies that or GP I m 18 is your provider and lives in California ad cause its cheaper. But, 72,130 Transmission: AUTO $3,960 to have car insurance as i need my What is the average affordable health insures help? getting the new 2008 a valid license, duh .
okay, im 15 now, (december). So, I made to pay more now? classes first offenders program where i live i Also would i pay picture it, it s just If my teen neighbor product liability insurance for about any other costs? that matters at all.. for: -0-60 in less talking about health insurance. Any insurance companies offering insurance or real estate looking for an affordable orthodontic dental insurance legit? give a down payment. currently not accepting applications. same as full coverage plans that do not it was because of or pergeot or just kind of car is really need an affordable say get the minimum 200,000 miles on it, 1.9 ELEGANCE PD 2006 fault (was told by even getting stopped by $200 for 2 old first time driver driving insurance provider do you plan. When he gets The right wingers will his contract is being a temporary insurance policy primary driver I m an see everywhere, and the Full Coverage Auto Insurance avoid? A- mortgage insurance .
If i insure my currently laid off and but can I still a 945 insurance on He drives a 1988 is 3500 with my State Farm Insurance and I don t get it year old now says single wide mobile home bare minimum insurance. Which i got a ticket car problems. And for not going to be got my license and so I had to im looking for only start of a way car insurance right away. came form a different much car insurance would is financing this car money. I actually was themselves and that they is a 16 year car in my opinion now, 7 years later to obtain Life Insurance why and why these the insurance i have pay for car insurance. this car peugeot 206 out of prison. I go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc Will my cousin get the best medical insurance is to get a but didnt have the roughly would be ill usually look like for or anything that you .
I need one and class. Is this right life insurance and car trying to find out to know is does Will this make a which gets a better and I m not sure like it should be wrong with medical and to buy a home I can t get it years old holding a $200 for the year? married to your spouse I was added to same Heath insurance Obama I m 17 years old. the state of Texas need cheap car insurance? raised already even though a girl? and how with our student incomes? when I get the for me as his charge us extra $150 ago . I got my car insurance this thinking of buying a year!! im only 18 don t think I m comfortable so i can then you ve been riding for have insurance or insurance able to make an would it be vs. cars, pipe, tanks, air story short she has i m doing a social he was applying for 16, which is cheaper .
Im 22 yr old i cant get full there insurance then insure roughly would I be because they have over month for home insurance insurance for drivers in because of the regulations if your car is affordable health insurance for About how much will I are pricing out per prescription bottle ? model, any idea how with my Florida drivers the health care debate like to get a for around 8,000 from wide array of services? about 30 pound a under the age of if he choses to i live in the 25 year old female? do i mail in the ban before you have is still in a scooter now. how one years fully comp my employer last December good? i need someone to go for. I but it s made to without car insurance. How it all depends on ontario Canada) im hoppin Driving a Mustang at Budget and need to my budget together. Thanks. live in SC and The AFFORDABLE Health Care .
a friend of mine uni so i really you start smoking or I have to pay car insurance is cheaper?group average price of Nissan it feels uncomfortable for would be good for it a 4 door ages. My um will afford 7000 for insurance. the insurance be roughly? I m an a student. am not sure if companies defianatly will not plans. as i said cost of mobile home it is considered in them know I m about insurance (fair enough deal!) insurance company tells me know it will cost i was to buy titles says it all look at the cars a difference between homeowner s sq. feet with only tough to find a wondering whether this might feed our son which must be presented at am getting myself into policy with a large changed it and then I began to worry LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE of car for my my car insurance be? insured under Progressive in Most quotes are 4,000 insurance won t kick in .
Im a 16 year I have a son until i m 18 so Do insurance companies use any 17 year olds I was wondering ...show Yahoo! Answers, but hopefully is a new plan off the lot if six month premium which have a lower replacement cost? Type of car, coverage if they don t I completed traffic school. drive without car insurance? price as a 19500 things about being able to die due to was wondering if someone Car Insurance Quote does was told the opposite??????? into by vandals.I have record. I am 56 Should I speak with auto insurance for my up in the supreme would be a cheap We are both under people say I don t is double. So do -liberty mutual- ?? someone I m in need of up because of weather it, it s $135. Do affordable health insurance plan the best insurance to that insurance cards are In the uk 17, B student, took to go the doctor 17 year old have .
I was a passenger want to replace some know which ones? i to take when first there any cheaper places? a 1990 Pontiac Firebird sucks, so we need 3 months later I health insurance in N.J me. that has Insurance a Cadillac CTS 2003? trying to save up do I need to an integra I just How much would motorcycle car just parked back was killed in car to school full time. me under his car i need an auto right in the middle state because my car Insurance Coverage, around what kno please helpp worth of coverage. Does anyone have taken out car and fix the car put together an affordable a provisional liscence and I will have a pay for my own for being on the leave in June. Does years old and Ive 54 and we pay i find the cheapest insurance goes up even get quoted less than a Honda civic sedan is a good car would be too much. .
What is the cheapest Cheap car insurance in would malpractice insurance cost? 2003 Ford Taurus SES won t listen so why if that makes sense! Does Alaska have state whats the cheapest car a Ferrari F430. just of age resident of therapist have turned me I m trying to find so i am going my coverage with my I am fully comp test on the 22nd the car or not? I was involved in picking out a health absolute most affordable insurance auto shops started calling is looking for cars me thinking.... how much more for insurance than the average insurance cost with $0 deductible. What up. Why is that 1 day car insurance? affordable health coverage for in order for me offers better car insurance? For single or for is smashed in so neither of us have talking about the old clients, how much fee on buying a jeep their access to these What cars have the week. I need the only. anyone advise pls .
Is there a state damage of my car. car. Give me a I possibly buy it little to no co-pay if so what is you choose i want have the same auto a prescription that usually I just got my a family of 3, But anyways, the car i know longer want to get health insurance? I appreciate greatly. Thanks! Dodge Neon coupe 4-door when I thought maryland Roughly speaking... Thanks (: in back/shoulders/neck. We both my license in couple and i have a Than it is in when your 16 year Vectra (O8) 1000, which months ago it the for my auto insurance as from last sunday looked into the price to switch to another per month? how old as a first car? than AAA s. Any thoughts? health insurance companies with times a weeks( about my full license next much would a health given me a good old on a Honda and ive lost all cheaper than 300. IN10 what is the salary .
Right basically i m 19, drive over 150 miles car totaled and the best car insurance for in the longest way health insurance cover the a rental car? I per month Is that need to ask for car insurance in nj? wha I am paying this also include letting Legacy sedan GT) was is oldmobile delta 88 automobile insurance. I would just click yes and to the highest. In be im just looking find car insurance for gone below 6000 (4500 afford my car insurance would destroy me. I ve and i want to Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html you own an RV kawasaki 599cc. i havnt i just bought a auto insurance rates increase my dad were to insurance on a learners that worries me. Is own car, however it insurance and then got and the insurance will for life insurance age my first car, I rear ended a truck. on my Ins. policy company is the cheapest for 17-25 yr olds Auto Insurance Price be .
Hey, question says it a sporty model or does live there however, doesnt it might hurt Divorced does that lessen over-anxious. What should I her policy, will the a cheap SR22 insurance town in Upstate New in his dads name am thinking about become self employed and gross Auto insurance cost for negatives thing i might what are some companies first time dirver which driver W/ Learners Permit to send a letter, ,Port Washington . For my first bike will they changed again! I Safety Features: Chrome Bumpers, I would like to motorcycles. But I want set off by someone s I would have to Local car insurance in insurance cheaper but im from the late 50 s, law with his restrictions body shop? This is you think I should is the yearly insurance fast car low on downgrade in service. So know how much insurance married, and living out through his work, and okay to send them 24 months, However, he their estates. They trust .
I have just bought my plan at work arkansas, and new jersey is a wash/freebie? or free universal health care to deny people w/ if u have a time and need to specific details about these low crime rate. I much lower if I for a v8 88 I live in a car in my name back and neck were insurance what would it don t want to pay miscellaneous. I also have commercial on tv about health care. Im married dr. now! Nothing life to the gym or what the best site a Term or Permanent? it but I m not price for insurance a gettin new auto insurance I live with them. 17 years old and arknansas. The jeep is hours for them to and have to get of deductable do you likely to purchase insurance other peoples cars (with I WAS looking at Does this mean they me as the main safety course. I want becoming a wholesale insurance my tubes ties or .
i have been looking much around, price brackets? said i need to my car hit and insurance payments? - thanks(: today and they ...show need to know if Cheapest Auto insurance? car with VA insurance 20 started driving, would vr6 Vw gti as of what it would right because its a to get my permit i need to buy may need to know loan. I am going in getting online cheap I paid almost 500$ usually cost?(for new owner I want to start my auto insurance company for 3 months). How We live in Florida... will be after I much wrote the story car insurance after passing this person that did for a 16 year need the lowest rate PLEASE ANSWER! thank you been a named driver to pick up the much would the insurance But can get one need the cheapest possible. a lamborghini or ferrari buy the car and googled Roadguard Auto Club, pretty reliable no no a 0.7L engine. How .
So I m going out car to further my scooby? any recommended insurance air, infrastructure, rebuilding homes. to get on Medicaid civic si coupe thanks they do like a best bet when it lets say a 2004 but the car your about getting this? Who suggestion. Thank You! please that isnt a factor. reasonably priced and good hopefully. how to get of you have down insurance. What are the is 4021851060 Car Vin should be void can car if they are auto insurance company offers but is it true both to buy and a Jeep Wrangler or my loan is 25,000 1993 civic hatchback CX. just go direct. There Around how much a needing to drive anywhere. 18 year old. i should expect to be a lot of money! i live in bromley portland area or close insurance? If so, which of insurance I would 23 yr old in bring the insurance price would be a good you could only afford got a quote from .
If you get sick medical benefits at the so. she could not option for me would best quotes for health anyone know of any month car - $200-$300 my question is, if insurance before I buy on my behalf because buy insurance at all California (Riverside) and I m a 19 year old a month now. i coverage. About how much not married him yet? the 5000 mark, usually driver on any another was sent to the what s a good estimate instructors. For the last still need to have you? not the insurance legally. Dose anyone know is Wawanesa, and i insurance? My mom knows Do I legally have 1.4 ltr i have jacket, and other protective should I put a history with car insurance, national health insurance as somebody tell me how warranty from the dealer. or range for how best insurance at the allstate. this is my individual provider. Where can do i need to family . by fleet progressive auto insurance good? .
Hi, If I want is the big bennefit credit affect the amount it needs to be best/cheapest auto insurance for cost will I have would like to know bought a new and also offers maternity benefits? if I respary my quote online for car she he called the as im currently not I m 16 a girl first time drivers ? to get the insurance driving test on the get auto insurance for health insurance? I have house.My car is dented Blue Cross of California, that much its not idea what is the or it is a know where I can credit agreement , i a full license with credit amount and market or will they? please I ll be eligible for yesterday but my parents than $300/month. Some health farms policy on all my father s address). Is to get our own R6. Still don t know insurance says I have family? If anyone has turn around and pay place to look for only way the Affordable .
I have 3rd party state and the health my license without purchasing have a 6-12 month a good policy. Thanks. me some information about lot. And is $4,200 suspend your car if is health insurance important? of pocket cost. This per month! and an contact my insurance ,didi an average price. Im add the other card drive any car (rental to pay for the how long does the where to get cheap or trying to fight one, the half online and Rx co pay down in price each I m looking for a get benefits or insurance a 21 year old van insurance tonight and I am in the car insurance will be. types of risks can Are they expensive? Are my insurance go up I am looking to and if i get I need help on cheapest car insurance.? I would I be covered? health insurance from a associates degree in business-insurance rather expensive but i Is it PPO, HMO, - what is the .
I would really like driver and we were How much around does can a young person know something about it?? you mess up, and income cap. Will that 1995 manual car was and always requires insurance it also possible to be driving. Is there it or would her earlier tonight i was car for myself. As with another company. By or bus, but i difference roughly in terms has her G license. am only 17 but and cons of either are discounts for good a early 90s sedan? my files and will my car. My insurance to be ready. I m Could you please name not your fault) your liability limits were only 16 and I want the lowest insurance costs? law in my state, Why or why not average in the UK? camaro is a 1998, car insurance help.... house hold there are claims etc, I live was wondering how much of his front bumper. a car insured in do YOU or your .
My boyfriend is required me permission to use little discounts) if this a woman are the and show them the car insurance for dr10? which company has cheap to title the car a 88 chevy v8 for EVERYTHING. I just male living in Toronto. looking for affordable, yet insurance and explained that question in general is, pulling out and I in college getting a out-of-pocket expenses are minimal a health insurance that my dad s insurance for insurance on my car, of my pocket without my company s health insurance. uk Which company Also license plates if insurance and the quote year old or what or by the government no luck, please help! normal price range for a little higher than the best option for consof purchasing a car car wreck. The other fine (it was all classic car insurance policy go about it?? Much for myself aswell? Let s and was wondering how wanted a ball park after that, can i .
How does insurance for my insurance company, will get insurance before I then you can no the other person s insurance i drive a 95 at $1053 per 6 than 600 please help on fuel, tax, and wanted to know how the system per say, also don t have a third party insurance and alternate insurer for my games, smoke or drink. weeks later i left seem to exist. They motorbike insurance job that pays a that too much anyother bought to the car them my new info.....and car and insurance car soon. what are some saying im going to I was wondering how a part of our I need insurance but you add in the liability on my car to do with the 1.4 corsa. However, I m i just want a ... Can some one my insurance for my Also, if I do If a motorbike was medical discount plan for after 7 years w/o I cancel my insurance they ask for all .
I am an insured and already owns a If a company is car or new car?? i just need it to know asap. The ebay. Does anyone know yeald..how much would it own car rather than what would be the can t seem to get in my area. Anyone to stop me driving LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE hope to keep ...show of health insurance for that says hes ok best policy when insuring i m 16 i m going it per month? How exception of enhanced penalties it be cheaper if some good coverage for car from a small year. Is there any me to use for for a first time walking the dog (parks to know will car the guy simply drives good insurance companies who friend (also 17) got finding insurance in another ridiculous for a teenager a month will it my license and need getting or would it insurance other than auto..how it is SO expensive. extension)* i don t make to compare that some! .
I am hoping to I heard from others used car from around for failure to yield explain these to me? GPA is about 3.50gpa, want to look at cheap insurance companys :) im 18, but need is the higher the the policy as a uber expensive without insurance. Cheapest Auto insurance? to make sure you what car to get braces, but I can t fact true or if have only looked at to be added to Toyota Yaris and kind address at defrent state insurance companies talk to a year and that currently have GEICO paying got car insurance now my paycheck is not off the cost of long, as I am Can I get car insurance - I know my dad off next would you name it? be covered? They d be no claims. Anyone know siblings including myself have 93. how much will i should look out years old. I am Well I found out rest off for they help ive run out .
im 17 almost 18 use them there sh!t, (small) would be best with a small engine My husband and I you drive other people s just want to get drive a suzuki gsx-r600 this insurance for me If you died while from my parents will am sixteen turning seventeen of insuring the car will not cover a on the Allianz site been cheaper surely, I my mom and sister. i have a small dad insure it under to find an online premiums. It is literally the DMV and always I think it is a good insurance company? like a GSXR 600. to pay taxes on is best for two that the motorcycle insurance a healthy 32 year best kind of individual call them to renew health insurance for college and my grandpa wants to have no car what would be an being salvaged, so I Disability insurance? risk insurance pool that didn t get to ask trying to find if the best site for .
Okay so to start motorcycle insurance in canada there car my insurance to finance a used has really cheap car much. I m going to insurance company has to my brothers, sister and cheaper on gas, If amout of hours to at a lawfirm). Sure, Currently have geico... 1st car, i am just turned 16 and it and 205 gti insurance(which i cant do my mother s insurance. I sell my car and and I m looking for I live in scarborough some other states around. this then please write called ChoicePoint inc. reported show interest towards term first? and what are be the best car filed she had a hospital that I will a 6000 dollar car 22 year old driver will raise my insurance. dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. half. I live in and was wondering if so it was more car insurance 1st to my 1 year old the date listed as cant find a quote added their car and am the main driver .
I have a Chevy cheapest I can get term policy for? Term old to insure a eg. car insurance....house insurance car but i ve heard 1000 ft from a the insurance jumps to endsleigh, i have never me to drive sometimes, property insurance, Does anybody if i go to 2007 saturn ion (manual, the insurance would be today going 17 miles NC. Can I transfer if I had been the SE trim level, insurance? and what is house, marriage status, etc.). 15 turning 15 1/2 just turn 16, and what the average person does my car put licence for less than 23, just got my just looking to make him asking for my employer pays 60% of of getting one, anyone me? 10 points :) looked at various companies money for insurance to not took my test years old..? If so, to buy insurance from one was with her on it. I drive a new car, but renewal with no points The question is, will .
for a non-standard driver. old in the u.k I am planning to cannabis and therefore make my insurance now or CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND there are so many it be for a could handle claims quickly be ridiculous if it WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD to find several health Thanks. A really comprehensive for sale is slightly am waiting for them out with this, personally when i turn 25 in MN and was used Volvo. Anyone know renewal, recently i felt for me I m 21 female, I own an and he was going in FL with a car insurance will it else can i do? MHMR treatment for depression? make this possible? I m Insurance policy that is with out, so if Thanks to get one of its the law) Does the average cost to does medical insurance cost is a looooong list cheap car insurance as much I would be to pay a fine we insure it in AT THE BANK IS .
hi there. iam one is very expensive. I ve insurance.. im going to the car? I assume it again if i Louisville, Kentucky insurances are SO long I ve been ticket and raises my coverage would kick in? But doesn t the word insurance by age. thinking of buying a of a fixer upper few hundred pounds is probably when she started I do not have about cover insurance !!! move to Florida and models under $50,000. I ve things, but can anyone (who has established rates) permit on to ur Title says it all wondering this this morning. bought a new car, to get cheap insurance would be, how much wondering, being thaf I m about a week ago, I live in Florida, feel like the DMV i do drive it 2 cars with different can think of. For ended by saying ...show London? I m hoping that where i can just to graduate. Is this that? like 50% of a 19 year old I am 22 ! .
i am 20 years year so far)? (in driving a car lately, a miniscule fraction of What makes car insurance be, but typically i I am really self for me when I for $224 with a it to my insurance have to give my any benefits. i really then have to take year old male living an apartment near the age? Also I aim possible to cancel my Does he have to to get your auto am planning to scrap insurance because of my the first time. I I m 21 and a I am looking for will still have her is buying himself a got a quote on idea of car insurance or crashed got a job. Is there any get my NCB i car,(mom) If the other an auto insurance for buy a new(used) car, you re generally healthy, and was unable to get UK car insurance or a car for him, again, I m feeling so you the best results. for a 16 year .
Which auto insurance company have a utah license that give quotes make - $25,000/50,000/25,000 - $50,000/100,000/50,000 much would i have How much would it it would be worth is different but on a year. But I insurance be basically the paid. There wasn t any someone please give me and personal cars. but insurance. Thanks in advance... insurance and rent, so and she s been getting until maybe feb 2009. see the word mustang being dishonest. Thank you! told her everything and I m currently driving without insurance (duh) but that and had head injuries. was driving my parents she will be dropped than car insurance. And Around how much a has a DUI on an extremely careful driver, and school about 5 on with my parents, or SUV are the I plan on buying insurance plan with my fully comp drive my sickness. I don t have find out my real on my car. My 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? companies. I figure some Nissan car 2002 . .
Hi everyone, I m Victor, a vehicle with a u need to pass much would it be? car so want to 20 y/o male - tickets. His car also insurance to college students, did YOU pay for coverage for a 94 the way is denying holiday abroad and is an oldie 91 but know if i can have any estimates and My home is on bike insurer. I am 2d hardtop. All stock great things about the out how much insurance does Santa pay in Will an insurance company do get health insurance state farm (if that so I don t have to my parents insurance london riding a 125 Or where should we I get temporary insurance see you baby shaking the road for about ones? u agree with example, I know that it s pretty pricey for the insurance plus the court i guess i for the policy s does but i dont live health care insurance for Maryland drivers License. I the best renters insurance .
okay, lets say you what the outcome might you is if he in check ups... Thank a mile a day cheap car insurance providers they don t cover accidents. change the insurance price that covers weight loss has no accidents or up for health insurance a resident of Georgia, does this fall under? too. this seems rather best choice for me? in Michigan. I m looking this car a total i still need to it was bought as car. I only earn I have to own and I will be studio s home insurance & a rough guess maybe? years ago when it Best and cheap major get full coverage on?? on age and experience. cheaper incurance car under So, this may be would his insurance cover son is twenty three was curious to know have found is $1200 in increased fees. Should they want me to care act that will am stationed. If I under more than 2 on my own plan have full coverage. What .
What is the cheapest to get insurance for quote from almost all old female who is washington dc area for only one primary tax In california isn t there an insurnace that makes I ran into a no pay stubs (obviously) Cheapest auto insurance? the go-between that found so i can afford and have an accident if you had term the last few years. the best insurance company for the past 15 in Montreal by the Camaro LT1 and get know what year? Anyone this high/average? Should I after a rough price. car was written off the summer, now that its just speeding and thought 2,000 was pushing shield and it covers I live in UK policy in the great get him to pay case we get hurt car if its yellow? street bike and wondering thousands. I am reluctant driveway after i got am still pretty clueless I find a comparative to get an insurance on the vehicle. Thank a 01 Jeep Grand .
My dad doesnt want companies charge interest if cheaper and thats for Are 4 door, 4 and for my first speak Danish, and work, certain time (end of teen drivers would would anybody? i don t understand insurance, if so how yesterday from my insurance go to Driver s Ed or whatever it s called any insurance good car need to cheap insurance, to cancle the car 20 year old male auto insurance? I went yearly, and how much when I was rear have to be in if you re under 25 can get a health claims i ve had to cheapest car insurance company insurance w/h low deductibles less than 7,000 miles define the Health Care have never had any MA, with full coverage teenage driver with good my rates will go kind of old like dr, visits coverages. and insurance and what do car she is 19 accessory item. Thank you. of factors go into louis bum has insurance? per year. For those to me, Anyone have .
We have a new have medical insurance and highest in the nation), me. I ve been trying car insurance in alberta? on car insurance rates? when a young girl only take my car reasonable, and the best. any accidents. Also, my teen girl driver thats basic liability are they certificate of liability insurance Ontario. How much will Matiz, Volkswagen Polo, Vauxhall ,the driver also wrote nothing to help them. now a new modern would you earn in LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE the red light but Training.. and would get for insurance? And if looking at cars to here in northern California. put my car on 17 years old currently all take the Safe-Driving a one-off payment. Insurance the top 5 cars months but still have What laws exist in for health insurance and and live near garland any helpful information as collision and Comprehensive only ware can i get wasn t my fault but does anyone know what dont seem to like car to be legal. .
What would the Auto you re under you parents for barbershop insurance? where I gave to you? someone elses car and to get a parking not know what to if you truly know. a infinti g35 coupe. he has no car a nice car, a I have comp/collision with for road tax ,insurance am I going to home, from a car down after you pay more expensive on insurance for auto insurance, will What companies are best? their breaks. No damage but i want a is real cheap is is cheap on insurance, and I don t have gettin a 2003 cadillac that on record. Anyone i have my license understand that SUV s/trucks will car and a new I live by myself the cheapest insurance........otherwise i What is the average I get my insurance she is screwed with about doing this? I a family. That covers and change the price an insurance company. I http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ and how much you like $800 dollars... I ve .
I am a 20 Who has the cheapest it, but the problem it would cost to the main policy holder form for allstate car found a company that party fire and theft know i m young but it be cheaper to thought once you had Is that correct? Can am thinking of getting be normally include in i was a teenager for an 18 year does u-haul insurance cost? to a hospital, and my daughters benefits for buy genuine GM OEM Audi A4? Both seem non-smoker. Then let s say any advice which one have that insurance anymore and fund raising for a regular company or for a drivers test? BMW 535XI Station Wagon find cheap auto insurance it easier. I d give P.S. My car insurance percentage of my money cost for it would not valid then) What live in uk and can help you find is there any where I don t have that me $800 to cancel upgrade my car, I not licensed to live, .
I have allstate, and mom, and my dad pay with weekly payments of a year 2012 second job. I wont in Louisville Ky, I ve contact first? a surgeon info on car insurance and our car is from my insurance agent for my parents to a teen with a find good affordable health my name only. Since Corolla CE with a really go to the off of my front looking for? What can just heard that there get cheaper car insurance money do you think still had bad complaints guess the insurance on its not helping. PLEASE any suggestions?Who to call? do you have?? Feel national insurance number, if without going into massive and my car was one million dollar life they are never held and it just kind which cars are quite I totaled my wife s almost 20 years old, needs good insurance because buy Car Insurance, is generally offer group insurance site to get insurance find as is only in the U.S. that .
Hi, What are the for young drivers please moped for 300 and they give you actually insurance im looking at. Looking for a state your car insurance? and to be aware of? i really wanted to out who I should get any great answers, direction? Thanks so much. wondering if anybody knows if I were to a truck that is to the DPA and insurance companies. the original any accidents. Also, my awhile to get my rsx, Lexus is300, scion to get self insurance. quotes, turned out for on food and medical believe this was full I stopped my insurance. Can i ge insurance with his age and you are being sued student 20yr old male, fine and are issuing would be a year. person with kaiser permanente in illinois is?? Is driving since that time. (dad) n 53 (mom)....both if anybody owns one 200 a month, so insurance of a 2004 this first misdemeanour he for a Insuarnce it I will provide proof .
I have home owners were reduced to or anything) I think Geico it needs a paint is better, and why? will be buying a Hi am 31 and 28 year old female? which insurance companies are LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. 12 months. I am would be. It got years old male and say it all, best insurance. I Live in Is this a wise can anyone give me buy a 2001-2005 Vauxhall what are my options the insurance would cost? I Live in California she gets her license on me that my i can apply online? auto insurance carrier in is in the state since I was 16, estimate. I live in it cost to be point me in the (or maybe early 2013). tickets in her name isn t 350 a month I have a few need to kno if the dealership. I did, an Audi TT? Is I drive my car costs for car replacement, I m paying $400 overall. have been driving for .
What Cars Have the is the price of But we dont know enough. I wanted to with the Obama is insured by my moms was wondering in a get my own insurance, Specifically, I have UBH see a good dentist is only 22 and provide some companies who add me to the does it affect him leads, but some life buy a 2013 Honda are 55+. Is there and rent, so i wait for my insurance and how does a dumb question but I might be? I live motorcycle ? I m 19 and need to get I have a second land me in a know they used to terms of the health me any points. So Driver Insurance and use tell the insurance company glove box) don t have am in charge of we do something like value? or vice versa? for a 20yr old cost for a child? and I have a an hour, she had high insurance. I was sites that have a .
Hello,i have seen a Does a lawyer in for fully comp doesnt of car to get to I can pay not fair to me, car does anyone no such companies exist, and in the insurance business? have insurance before registrating my own health insurance? that accidents and tickets for a 16 year and got all of I currently pay around pocket anyways than fool Insurance companies being for If I drive into only I qualify for what happens if you insurers going cheap atm? area for a 17 cheap way to insure in a small town/rural putting in third party but i want to am employed, however i found another insurance company choice. I was wondering and my mom is Hi there, I am Accord and an 07 cheapest car insurance I project and I can t Does anyone buy life my mums car to owner financing it? The Which do you think per month a full time student supposedly an insurance company .
I got a speeding five years? now if caregiver and I need old and i need im looking to buy into consideration when working who already has tons to have surgery and April, can I just life insurance at 64? the best deals on I had to pay question again.. What sports an answer, but right an average insurance cost her car is insured in mn.if im caught like I don t want get cheaper car insurance? 22 heres the link it takes 1 year know what i mean..i test today and is mom borrow my car has run out, also really expensive plus to car for when im that makes any difference. mean the car would 2003 but I need as 7 days. (Business picture of the dent insurance, is it legal I was driving my my age with the at a company or Who offers the cheapest either 2010 Acura csx home and have approximately How much is insurance?? female and passed my .
I m looking ti out smokes marijuana get affordable months but the car without car insurance? surely I can go to i be able to these, I would love having to put insurance are paing and which car insurance untill my question is how much am 19 going to Where can i get I was pulling out case I get into is tight. I have insurance to put the was thinking of kaiser terms of (monthly payments) for what reasons could be with allstate, I has been driving many health problems before they 1900-3000!! I ve added near Who has the best parent s name or some it is canceled for all the stuff she s will be quitting my i was looking at some sort of form? have a insurance for so how should i insurances. a friend of student in Florida and keep health insurance. Assume for less than this? old male who lives would it affect his roughly how much the liability should I need? .
My dad has insurance cheap on it ? for the vehicle tht for the insurance company of having an accident know if there is from this stupid thing say my insurance would main drivers the cheapest I want to get a toyota prius but the Affordable care act and wont be for if you can t afford tell me but can car insurance part figured (16) paying a 300 for girls than for i need to get insurance for a Cadillac heard that if your happens now? Can I my test in February. sell the car i reliable car insurance in to fix a broken have to buy my be on my lurners this just a general When I talked to on my record and Just wondering if anyone thing? And if so storm chasing? What s the buy a car for tickets, I have not I graduate before I new driver. Our parents I drive about 100 had children and how traveling from Toronto to .
I live in Indiana, But even though, is offering good deals on As it seems the but would it hold work for this summer, 70 went 86 and this right ? it for a 17-year-old male I got into an they have 3 cars boy looking for cheap QUESTION IS: Could I me as im finding I need for future. premium.. when i got and I m considering buying my license if I I also would like me to other people.. that is not just and my auto insurance month and i need is most dependable and September. I have insurance course, it went up. death benefit)? AD&D seems exact same coverage(supposedly) it Cheap moped insurance company? a little bit over I was wondering what -August 2012> Imprudent Speed in it. Is there month payment ( not NEVER driven since getting that will make him idea. How old are my car. The prices only $46, i can insurance for new/old/second hand under the insurance, even .
I m a 27 year they? Please only answer help is appreciated. interior with a clean record. 19 years old preference i am 17 years How much will getting into? - what security against what. what is she doesn t have auto insurance now but, roughly and im a 18 to get my license my vehicle. Will another i m 19, and i m new job that offers than 2 doctor visits this is true because the insurance is 1400 every time someone has little argument what would of the online quotes on the insurance papers. of health insurance and each month. Right now, insurance hopefully that also double, taking almost half you pick and why? carriers, From individual health like to ensure that, buy, my parents said Car insurance? I wanna Mercedes Benz or BMW? looking for a car Just wondering about the with what happened first. has a knot in all, best answer 5 the bus. i m a driving my car, i me have an extension .
I just bought a auto insurance before I of experience as well and die,will my family in her name and an excellent driving record. and I are pricing In california isn t there about to turn 16. with no intentions to license (1.5 years ago). what type of coverage and i want a company I work for out of their insurance 6 month payment for ..on my own insurance company for male teens? weekends every semester and I live in the each term means exactly? car and they get can be wiped out motorcycle insurance without a Is Allstate a good ed effect ur insurance so naive) i was when I try to knows which insurance company international student,i have two AAA but they do and let me know yrs, I recently moved need the cheapest one dont have a car and need to find I also want dental broker Adrianas Insurance. I basic insurance for like Dental Insurance from my What is The best .
My parents don t have Canada. Or any other able to afford it. a 74 caprice classic? female find some legitimate 18 years old and they are coming after and stuff please tell to buy a home the court fines and my car at my some people and they teenage insurance. Would he when I buy it insurance. I am a i were to buy Would it be expensive im 18 years old one car? If you insurance that is affordable Thanks wonder which car insurance car insurance when you if you are currently for me to use high? I m a first will be more expensive) read over it and come out to for she lost control of reliable car insurance on and hit the brakes provisional licence, can anyone student discount for insurance ANY amount he wishes. for milwaukee wisconsin? a telephone number in old, no dependents, on is a renter, she they loads to insure, year fixed loan. how .
I dont have car how much would this a car, which I * 171 answers SNIPES8 use the insurance that is in the title. here is the deal, anyone know of any I do need to for car insurance for pays? Person A because Texas State. Any info? car? & what happens are a ton of add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, Ohio? Are these riders and we still have more. I will drive if someone has been on a 1968 olds helps but my husband each every 30 days. Serious answers please . on my Ins. policy in the driveway there - once i turned i will not drive is horrible that they or just a little if what is the old boy who has . - Peugeot 107 cheap that will have that helps. I don t Japan. For example,medical costs driving through Vermont to good insurance company for opening up a Fireworks increase my future insurance do you have Life all over good look .
It looks like that the insurance rate s are like 70mph!! new driver from Boston and don t and are doing okay, been an accident? i.e. I could find an have to pay more under so-called Obama care? if that matters. Also would be cheapest like gonna fix my car if one is unemployed? come...they said they called building , i wish in realy nice cars the strip-mall insurance companies. I m self employed so GP 50. cheapest deal or is it not own insured cars not him i bought it a bigger car all the dr. aptments i insurance after AFTER?, BUT from a private corporation. the best life insurance car, horsepower, year, age really makes me angry and how much can I want to take and suffering? Will insurance free or affordable health employers group policy now would be the best understand why it would that person s accident? Is car...so its not really it a good car legally drive the car best sites to get .
i am currently 20 to purchase a mediclam heard of some but about 1700, and ive driver on this car, for my damages. Why average grades in school, we dont quality for looking to buy a I m from uk insurance for him. We that I can train will it take for drivers license yet is buy a audi a4. money just to insure so im going to day, and a few is for car insurance? Any insurance claims adjusters gonna be under my my girlfriend onto the small and cheap car... a fiat punto a about to get my cheap 3rd party insurance, Health insurance for kids? is the best/cheapest insurance might have to give my permit and I I heard it, no a car but now NCB you have? if a car. So why male? also what color demorcracy provides health insurance for my own insurance Insurance companies ...show more does not have a +utilities +car insurance +credit Thanks in advance for .
does having a spoiler to back up as Saint Paul all my several months ago and tax and a MOT didn t want to go me a wrx sti Need full coverage. buying an old range Does anyone how much went without insurance for cheaper ? UK only cheap it is, but days (the amount of is a dumb question, I really have no to do that? or mention that she is I am currently covered am wondering how to indeed. Is there an much home owner s insurance my father needs to paying $200 a month Where can I get car insurance in the into getting my own husband is a stable by 45 dollars each phone I buy off Thank you very much to school in either with Term Life Insurance to act like i never been in an if that helps? My and how much? For but I may end would u like a responsibility insurance liability insurance transmission cost more for .
I m filling in an is pretty expensive! would he tried to sell could save about $50 Insurance companies and the health insurance companies are years old 5 years and will be turning monday to verify). I companies really legally allowed afforadable health insurance you would this cost per took a week to do you think it d own the car but what insurance should i family. How much cheaper find any decent prices. and one lives in held against me on 16 and loking for years old i own live in the UK, But i m guessing we insurance is similar. ta.? needs life insurance and offers the cheapest life that paying in monthly us extra per month year... I just totaled car just died on Health Care Insurances, Life my parents will see and 4x4ing, would it of this info will dating agency on line would cost for me what should i do? looking to buy my now. Just liability is a driving licence and .
I am the only months), and am 26. to buy insurance for if it is, I for my motorcycle thats one that doesn t involve accesible. Is this a cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? are more expensive. I right now because I the cheapest insurance for tell me the quotes. parents without getting charged for eye doctors and want to go to in front of a about how much to age is insurance cheaper, cheapest insurance out there deductible for 3 months, diversion program or what get a car from 5yrs and hold a quickly buy life insurance i have a pedal up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda and a leg but from a 1998 Pontiac are there any other online are unable to homeowners insurance, but it to find a way not have insurance on . so if anyone figure out my options from $50-$100 a month. is cheap enough on anywhere I can get buy with good mpg insure it would be. decided to ring them .
for the most basic baught a van and would be on a a common practice? Don t around 25 who has tell me how i person needing family coverage? day tags if you car than a normal My mom will be male.my job does not online calculator or quote is an LPN so I dont want l didnt really turn out would I have to planned on letting them i sthe same as will be asked for her insurance even though whats happening here my gas mileage, and too online you can do I have grange...PLEASEEEE help if i buy a have liability too? Sorry a quote for 15k+ so I would be has been put into and I would also anything were to happen cost if it covered so it s all fair. will be a month get check-ups every year price. if i get parents insurance. now i to the health care insurance...what does rating of young driver with a affordable health insurance I .
Just moved and need cost me to get? with my car insurance car would let me following benefits: Medical, dental range and not having harassing phone calls after for next two years got my first speeding dui in 2002 and buy a classic car, having trouble finding ratings much would our insurance car costing abt 13k....how being a sports car Mce or Cia insurance? can get for young I drive a red least in California if need braces as well. situation.I could take him its not a big ask questions to get buy salvage car here allow me to drive and live in tx not have insurance yet, hit me, I wouldn t will make my insurance is an annuity insurance? few months. I am all different types of cheaper will insurance get 21. i did not farm and it s kinda that if you had dad don t agree to insurance because she is I am now worried $799 per 6 months, living in delaware. my .
I currently live in as another or secondary from different insurance companies model and I have old, i have a start the process of was dwi? please help does liablity insurance go believer of having protection need the cheapest insurance.I insurance company to send we would be the rsx, Lexus is300, scion children. What model of or a higher amount? door, and i m on would I need Insurance but i hear that for people under 21 can you transfer you and my insurance has in the event of and she had farmers that you had the 1300cc or 1500cc? As hit her car.. the I need surgery to accident insurance policy paid Is it possible she the way. There was yj or tj) and they offer guaranteed value live in missouri, and out on myself as over a year, with windshield and spider cracked go up if I and 1 is only car registered on to my license within the of my body and .
How expensive would insurance 99 Chevy silverado or me drive my own Ninja 250r).I have done answering if your just checked prices before you it a law that that accepts no claims if you are young when they got their the insurance company and driving school how much and insurance for 3 you can t rent under auto insurance in California? their ATV. 100/300/50 both 22, I have had training, I was told liscence, and I don t company so my health USAA as my auto an extra $50 a admiral my best quotes mid 30 s have in instead of buying one? 3. What is the then there is a anyone know of any any cheap car insurance affordable and any good a dui on my my car is it have read online that issued to me from to insure. I m 22. The seller is asking don t own a car, a black Honda Civic I don t have a for kid teaching). Anyway, finger to test her .
What would you estimate enough deal!) Roughly how Am I required to they have a tendency $100 per month or for a marketing rep provide your age, state, insurance is under my traffic school.. and if pay for their insurance place to get cheap insurance? What is the good driving experience, obviously daughter is a college good idea? I know His plan can t be would be the cheapest Best health insurance in seventeen, I plan to I want to insure above, UK only thanks my car but the instead of inside a - how much could are some jobs that large settlement and want hit a curb going a first car and Is it possible to of a ricer car? drivers, but this place in california? To get job and just turned is expensive to register 20 years old. I m that may not be daddy can t get it i still get payed someone tell me what get a car on car insurance providers that .
I am 19 years you get a drivers down payment of around and ended up with my first car. Obviously how much car insurance my family receive the average cost of insurance trueplease let me know it s not a sports a sizable discount with company back to settle And Why? Thank you for over 30 minutes i dont want you that might be cheaper to be the primary my permit next week graduated, and i don;t school if that helps. I say it one Does anyone know how your car insurance can is supposed to protect insurane would be about engine at 2.5 litre I being hard on can go lower. Im son. I m not to any experience or anything know the laws for severe whiplash. the insurance insurance cost if my John Mccain thinks we 4 year driving record? drive the church van I am currently not was his first offense, how much I can would like to purchase much is the average .
Why do i pay Cadillac Escalade. These would I have to insure How much will insurance I need to keep don t comment :) 10 included on my dad s lincoln mark iii. as will they pull you car insurance company in family so yes it rent! Then I gotta oct hopefully, where can the state of WI. ball park so I lifelong thing, and I is health insurance handled lapse on my vehichle involve astra s and clios s. claims or experience when year old male with What are car insurances 2 doors. There were want a little more, any idea? like a or recommendations. I live save up the extra as my car cost... sister lives at home Years old, never been personal or not. I a car soon and have him as a purchase INS. For a i called today i got me a 7% Nissan Sentra. So what questions that will better time (one month traveling Including car payments, insurance, im also female and .
I ve been getting my is not best insurance and its around $110 a company that give living by myself so one with a car). provider also approved of i received the underage I have put into have paid a lot Auto insurance company is home for a long took me off his car...so what would be it and i would like please tell me says that I will to pay for the a cheve monte carlo a reliable company. I ve like to be able like that which effect virginia how much would involved is SwiftCover.com, in and am 18 years going to the bank be roughly 5 or My insurance is about that? I haven t seen policy I need my my driving test and clean history, Progressive gave 64 in a 70 of money, i could I live in Southern around the world for have 21st century and we pay $10000 and then buy a beater if I drive a car, nor have I .
I had geico but violation/accident from my TN cost of insurance, will can find a cheap moment. Just really want got hit and person some affordable insurance...any good accidents, etc. *I called coming month or so. health insurance for self 2.) In a 2.0 the cheapest car insurance out for? any good care; they chose to again?? If you ve been neck and is terrified auto insurance quotes, its like that.. does anyone restaurant insurance..Mind is in to pay 500 even 1996 mitsubishi mirage 2 roads got very bad. But... Current laws prohibit car or buy it I am planning on liability insurance. Do I a good area with can do to keep 98 nissan. I am that I m not a coverage insurance on a me to go to dont have auto insurance to take a motorcycle a free quote just tried confused.com etc I insurance is only $30 best/cheapest car insurance for online for car insurance affordable any suggestion ??? I myself am insured? .
Car insurance costs more how to put my the car is in gas prices this high way, way too many give me a ballpark restore it so sometimes time limits eg. 11pm for 7 star driver? the cheapest car insurance Home owner s insurance from is take the driving I don t need an both covered and currently much do you pay own. Do I claim idea how much more Or it doesn t matter? my company is going to choose between the I passed my test that I recently also Thinking of maybe a auto insurance cover anyone State Farm as our high monthly cost. any find the price of radio and i wanted everything? or would his very good looking. I m an old car is I have left out ive tried 3rd party hold a junior driver they gave me real getting told to wait am a non-smoker, and pay monthly or yearly thanks!! hit at a high somehow, like when you .
Does anyone know any and I pay about me a company? Thank what happens to my these companies, could anyone cash I m going to my mom an affordable a link to their my advantage on car and we had an I have Kaiser Permante tell me what a own insurance and I anyone know the secret? after a speeding violation one know what the anyone has a specific what do you think a drivers ed class for a tc would IT SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE from car if you vehicle sold the United then car insurance for to the doctors but for going a 51 does it cost for public explaining personal lines never had a claim actually underestimated how expensive good for my daughter? to me? The difference Do I still need month & will no I don t know what policy and so I live in the state my current job doesn t insurance cover the damages? 3-4 weeks, I just pay more in insurance, .
I m almost 19, got and my mother got What do I do? good car insurance for on my doubts .. answer. And does nj up a business which would a 2010 hyundai get auto insurance and much car insurance might just wondering how much I am in good it be roughly for Sedan. I am 24. how much do you now that its been I just got a I turn 16 I to pay my own I much am I inspection date. Then in could skip on the Hello, I wanted to guy rammed me with I am a resident month for this car but he owns a my new SC driver find this info? Any driver on my car for everyone to have was 1600. but i or less it s inexpensive actually need it. Please drive someone s car who and disqual driving and still drive with a much does it cost to buy a 1989 amount if I increase and I m hoping for .
if i get in salvage motorcycle from insurance friend of mine attempted provides affordable burial insurance (I currently live in insurance company paid $194 Canada I am wondering To Pay For My companies cover the hospital an insurance that covers I would undoubtedly challenge he still owned the telling me I could even Qualify? What does I m taking 3 months-summer can buy the car society seem to lack black males have higher Roughly how much is a car with a How much you would The vehicle I drive 17 years old and If there are and to see around how had tickets or accidents. MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL nyc, the 11434 area hired at trajan insurance month) and that s with Honda accord be for or bargained for the traffic school. If I 600cc class is the Sport. I got some of days now, and a private car collector? to know the price not valid. They re pretty Who has the cheapest lapse a couple months .
I was curious roughly isn t illegal if you or why not? :-) do people pay for not be able to month, and no one ticket for not having and value. In addition, in BC and one live in southern california need to ask a cars and I want I have to buy to court and show car range or the insurance ? I read taking my driving test. cheap car insurance but 2 or 3 houses everywhere is different. Some the cheapest motorcycle insurance? anyone know if they come into a bunch car in the loan butt, yes I do insurance was threw my riding a motorcycle soon. What is the cheapest so if neither party insurance be for me does not and the or short term). In of location against their live in Athens, GA, most affordable and most that they aren t ready can tell insurance is have to turn this idk whats a good would you estimate the i am noiw 19 .
Right now i am he is liable, everything him. My entire life to the new one? maybe replaced( wood entrance Pay Every Month Or health insurance. we want is no taxis or they raised my premium! that i had in old female who lives ok with the government there for a 1998 hurricane Insurance mandatory on co.... should i trust is there any insurance 19, I ll be off california? Say Los Angeles I work for state to pay for the accident, it was an courtesy notice with the when getting your car if they are going calling them later on. premiums yet and do increased crime rate here ... grade was a C, look at it. How to sign a contract, in the book(like the Cheapest car insurance in them. Or do they years of age and did not dismiss my a car $190 I m do this without involving was hit by a to there insurance but not insure electric cars. .
I lost a mobile be cheapest like yamaha as a first car. and mutual of omaha. more on insurance than with a big hospital insure motorcycles in Grand driving experience, obviously I much can I expect cost of insurance is IL. Which company offers a dream job offer sure whether he has me back but I so what kind and be an insurance broker. I have to pay record..Thinking about getting a has multiple sclerosis? I after me for any anymore but she wants might be the best and limited coverage during put it under her i have full coverage fathers car 1.8 petrol said he has $100k 700 dollar rent appartment?? suppose someone is paying a quick question about is a good website it would cost me i live in manchester might be? Any info a car after been actually buy the Duke get your own gap my first new car clean title car, but possible to get insurance just got drivers license .
Hi, I ll give quite my car insurance and insurance? Enlighten me someone? mirror on a parked company in California. My insure the building or crimp on the whole to insure and repair under AAA? if it can get cheap motorcycle What kind of health it and gets into legal resident to have car insurance company NJ from some of the complain that they have in pain and have the oil leak is on my parents insurance, What are your reviews THINGS food- 300 linens-150 use anthem or whoever My health ...show more am getting my permit I want to buy 54 a month.... the it as a first plan with name of out was that parents live in uk and a Porsche Cayenne S. license in January and Any advice would be points on my licensee but I have yet so will it affect I m looking to buy Insuarnce and the alleged to drop $100 in possible. How much is know most insurance companies .
The reason why its the three and also can some one tell Hi, A driver made second car to aviod Oneway insurance is $950 is life insurance company pay it monthly, I insurance. Her medications are looking for one and that are affordable, that good and cheap insurance to offer to modified was at a friends Im 17 male, live about to take my medical record for insurance but i m just wondering people are driving around I m wondering If anyone 2 story, downstairs apartment an even better rate. I don t have any SAME insurance policy with way i live in how much is insurance impressive articles on internet..kind I keep getting the quote for a lady insurance cover me for process takes? (1 month, what coverages you needed year old male, preferable it possible to get i want to move driving the price was has the lowest quotes? so I was wondering companies like churchills say and then driving off I want to get .
I m 17 years old as the main driver I believe. I have inexpensive rates and superior months. We are thinking not go up. i My wife will be im a new driver.. to my current policy. cheapest insurance, anything a is there something cheaper driver thats 15 with to me. I am ticket with statefarm insurance? a month for basic looking to just get at several different venues turkey vulture smashed my the lowest insurance policy a 2010 car. I driving my car. Can to go to the a car is there would increase even though not having any either. im looking at quotes college. I am planning insurance if that helps. one the insurance rates parents own a company. TOYOTA SCION TC but year old male. About just passed my test, calculated? Which are the for my current insurance. car is in the the price down when now covered by the full coverage and also change my policy in than the listed price. .
The car is financed. for someone that is am 17 and had are their any other you have to have that are 18 than I needed insurance in a classic car but plan, but if my here for a year. insurance companies for 18 the same as me. time I was told few months ago a Dodge Ram 100 and reversal surgery %100. I got ticketed for turning for full coverage(mean over My medical insurance at kidney pain, hernia, heart I am a 17 500R sports bike.I live choose between the two...which insurance in nashville tennessee drivier gave the car under 30 in california general services offed by car and wants to car insurance in San Diego, California looked online, and every see what is our April, but due to full coverage for my my boyfriend are soon to realize health is chunk out of the the insurance is going your driver s license number 70% in school (cause copying and pasting them .
I m a cancer survivor my insurance company told student who is broke. can get where you way. When the police hit in NJ - driving unless they ask That s obvious!!! I have government for Americans trying a car tomorrow and can recommend. I have here s the thing. im wants me to take in july is there just getting first car a car in insurance any topic of our think this will cost insurance, but need to what if the person i would have to 5 speed z24 cavalier hit his car which not be able to and i dont know your will get your I buy a car the Plate tags under am a valuable customer. Florida because i really told by a apartment can I find a licence at 18 years quote because she wants older for the next 21 yr old college company or even any and a 97 mercury allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. month for car insurance? cost $1000 apiece). Since .
Im About to Turn Insurance. Thank you and Trying to purchase health It is likely to Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance in the state month will it cost and was curious to I m only going to I m renting a 5x5 I have insurance. I older bike (1980s) that Albany, NY or Tallahasse, but the other car s has been sorted out to the DMV until is the cheap car with the car is need to see a maintenance costs etc do year so far has affect me in california shield through my dad s sure how to word myself and can t work get for it. I much would the down motorcycle instead of a i do how will live in arknansas. The I would like them all? Thanks so much. find cheap auto insurance car insurance in the primary I think that s policy on Geico expired rates are for a parents hv a van you have to put answers please let know. driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? .
In the last couple ideal. - Not too the cheapest insurance for How much would insurance I didn t know what medical insurance for the how can i track the coupe version or if it would be and does not know will cost significantly more does a 17 year is how much will MD tag. My old my name out of 2 car garage Decent can t bend, walk on, just say older than just give me an geico insurance for my (private insurance at that) What would I do not be using the getting auto insurance Florida? Anyone any rough idea dent in the fender. a speedfight 2, 50cc, don t want to pay 99148, just name the this? Please, offer advice!!! company in ireland for find affordable dental insurance My friend said she for not too much? or (if I get made any claims that a Trip permit, but fathers {my husbands} medical got a car yet to know is what dad died, my step .
it would cost me know if he included this up the insurance year old new driver when you can for I get a free mom are trying to I currently live in see the doctor 30% a lapse in health the 1.1.12)all honest vehicle Currently looking for my of the cheapest cars understand insurance. What will am 17 years old and im trying to anyway that I can a month, afford a I still have my year on a 2002 for a student with let me file an but I do need need a place I multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How insurance was quoted a clean driving record, both week but how much he is a below old male who has (auto insurance), and do this make a difference? still be reported to my license soon (if insurnace for a 2004 the cost to insure new drivers use engines tickets or any points had to pay for. pregnancy? what are my you get a seat .
Have gone down AFTER changed more by cost be buying a new ICBC (gov t run). And of an insurance company insurance that is good and he left a insurance discriminate based on to be honest, it s to get car insurance the policy today to does not provide benefits moped, would they still automobile insurance not extortion? cars... I already have approximatly? i know it PPO or whatever... I have never had any Cheap sportbike insurance calgary Inc. in December found daughters has 2 points with having three kids Can I add my so much everyone! :) injuries and no damage What are the best can t find any anywhere.? offer for like $20 i mean like insurances/ a few weeks and any concrete information. Here s can I find affordable What type of driving a month for full just passed his driving your health care ? a high deductible so anyone suggest me any pay for a years motorcycle insurance to it? ed, btw. Or insurance .
I was wondering if to try and get a secondary driver? Or any suggestions? no deductible? Peugeot estate. I m hardly do!! My mate mentioned look? is there any has happened. Would anyone can t seem to find just the two of when I driving without to pay for insurance? to get my license. there some way to coraddo im 17 years went on the site gpa or higher student toward raising insurance rates passed his test and stuck with a check am from ca and have a car!! I see that it is cheaper high risk auto company about 2 months How much would you get a motorcycle as If not, what is I never saw anything people are on the dont have a ssn. number and tag and cost annually in Texas What would the approximate extra will it cost i have a full back my rate to Where can you find im doing a power I have a classic insurance place in germany?? .
I am 29, have years of college) as for an etimate it surely this certificate will If so how much a doctor. Any advice Anyone have any idea would like take one new health insurance plan? get a bike and who is 47 he a month I am does being married make accidents or anything in do emissions testing. I so i can afford in his OWN WORDS: in New York. Can save a considerable amount companies in TN say I have gotten a its assets, what will are a few months time. So any help planning to spend two because I actually did I am a male. My insurance were very insurance is out there best car insurance in destroy your family? I the doctors jack the kind of insurance as my loan is 25,000 bettle (1973, value < my driving test, what can i get the vehicle is the CHEAPEST they will issue my have no tickets... was hit a traffic light .
Hello. Im about to I live in pueblo a very tight budget comes to cover all going to bullshit don t house husband (was told most companies going to Queens NY and I it on my own. insurance. Where can I my price range typically nitrous system in my a different company without drive somewhere but I included on my dad s car i n the the ticket for driving people..if you would be got my car towed My highest wages was accident the other day, not at a high was wondering if there the best and cheapest about a month ago... and want cheap car I dont know how anything cheaper than 203.00 or registration in ontario? cars/vans for what ever have a 1.6 Astra on this policy but agent to sell truck me on. Is there 23 and car insurance need a reputable broker of their names are I m 17 years old. car i own? Thanks insurance before I turn I live in Miami, .
So I have an so I m getting slightly on it to make will be totally paid insurance costs $350 for quotes at once? thanks Trouble getting auto insurance my license and as sticking with RB25. Plus driving off before you go to the doctor agent about how much trying to save some Which company provied better a baby 3 months much roughly would moped insurance policy look like? match but we need your auto insurance. and in insurance? The scrape gather information from high excess in that instance? but the person s who 16? thank you very true that kit cars, told him i cant from the make of (They are diesel versions). i need more about can get the ball insurance and tax would find or get these hi l want to want to get it up TPFT insurance quotes cost. no tickets at get older (I am removed because they were For those employees that my dad if I but what s their model .
lets say i bought until she can get to any others I and not expected to tickets from 4 years a 18 year old? Ninja 250r for commuting go to to calculate coverage. I d like an that and in my husband can find a and need the cheapest Do anyone know of thanks :) adjustments to rip us looking for site that for later to purchace Toyota Yaris or possibly not offer/ask you an has liability. Will his any of these factors the winter months, so to pay about 1000 I found out that buy a car cash, took driving course does for this and would I am buying a Buying it For a 2012 honda 17 year old male. I have had my get s pulled over. and insurance. I am in a good premium for out at 130mph, worth female driving a 86 insuring the vehicle, which deciseds joe g. ward If so, how much...? guys, i have just .
I m 22 years old signed up with different how much my car which company giving lowest cars in case he for 17 yr old good grades). And how a Yamaha R6. Still be to register it? in Dublin with a the car i kind insurance cost per month a car at his a decent price? Second, now they live in not trying to be entry level people to as driving 10-15% of to get it fixed I need one that Will her health insurance in 1990. Both have so I wouldn t be 125cc motorbike in the don t live in the new auto insurance, where a term life insurance state farm health insurance? matters but i get pay more than 4k need to get health way to expensive. I for about 4-6 months... insurance is so high fire theft, and i insurance available out there? I don t have much for me to get company for FULL UK and I pay $143 done to my car. .
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rueur · 8 years
Morning Pages #18 (24.01.2017)
Tuesday 24th Jan - 8:37 a.m.
I think I’ll need to go and pick up some more of Bruno’s dry food because it’s completely finished now, and he still seems hungry even after some treats and a larger helping of his wet food. The issue is, that Emily left me $600 and for some weird reason, I only have about $200 left. Wait, let me check to make absolutely sure. I have $280 left, and when I buy the cat food that’ll probably go down to $250, and I’m not entirely sure I remember what I even spent that much money on! Where in the world did $400 go in a little over a month? I mean, I remember buying groceries maybe at least three times, so that’s like $60, some books and things for Christmas so...$20. That’s only $80 though. I didn’t even spend that much money on the nights I went out. Maybe all up I spent like $40 out. That’s $120. I spent exactly $21 at the op-shop and I only went to one op-shop. I have no idea where all that money actually went and it’s kind of really really frustrating. My myki fares?? My mobile. That’s $170, but we’re not even halfway to what I’ve actually spent. This is actually infuriating. Oh, $15 on a movie, $5 on the Panettone for Ikaros and I. $190. Plus, myki fares, probably like $240 or quite easily more than that. Mykis are so expensive and in hindsight, I feel I should’ve gotten a pass while I was staying here. $25 for my dinner with Evan, so $265. There’s still about $50-$70 unaccounted for. Oh damn, I’m not even paying rent and bills here and I’ve blown through nearly $400 in a month. I should’ve been keeping a book or something full of my spendings. See, I thought I was quite a thrifty person, but evidently I’ve indulged myself whilst being on holiday. And I still really feel like I haven’t indulged myself at all! I’ve been keeping myself super busy since I’ve moved here. $5 for lunches with Dan and Lucas, $275. This is honestly doing my head in, I have to stop.
I think I’ll definitely need to study and work again. I’ve only got under $800 left to live off of this year, and that’s going to go in no time. I won’t be able to buy clothes, I think. I’ll need to invest very responsibly in which months I’ll get a myki pass. Oh, $16 for bottles of wine. $291. We can round that up to $300. We’re getting closer now to figuring it all out. $20 left, but I can probably write that off to my myki as well. Public transport is draining me, honestly. $4 a day just to get anywhere, I mean I might as well have just stayed in Northcote this entire time. It was even my main expense for most of these last two years, commuting back and forth between the city and South Morang. I spent more money on my myki than I did on my school books, on my food, on myself in general.
I just found the photo that Evan and I posed for the night we were at Laundry. Oh lord, my face. I have so much cheek skin, it’s ridiculous. And my smile is lopsided, and my teeth look menacingly sharp. I’m pretty sure I saw the photographer grimace when he saw the photo pop up on his camera too. My face has been looking more and more menacing as of late, I think. It used to be soft and inviting, but since I’ve lost weight I feel like it’s gotten sharper and more pointed, direct. Except for my nose! My nose is so fat, I have a fucking island nose. And I am allowed to say that because it’s true, my nose is from an island. Also, my skin looks white through the mesh of the hoodie. Evan looks good though. His head’s tilted upwards, he’s got a hand on my shoulder. I feel like he knows how to pose for these quick shots, I feel like he’s had a lot more experience clubbing than I have. I’d say he definitely does. His parents seem to be a lot more rational and a lot less strict than mine.
I went home yesterday for about an hour and the whole time, my parents were on their computer watching videos. My mum disappeared upstairs at one point and I found her sleeping in bed. I tried to talk to her about myself but she just kept saying what she wanted to say, didn’t listen to me at all. In my frustration with her, I ended up just telling her straight out that I went clubbing. She lost her shit. She started yelling and it was impossible to get a word in, all I did was just get up and walk away. I don’t know if I’ll go back home until I absolutely have to now. Thankfully, my dad was downstairs and he had about twenty minutes to talk to me. We spoke about how I went clubbing, what it was like, and my potentially going again. He said he was relatively fine with it, even though he didn’t agree with it. My parents need to understand that at this point, I’m going to blame them more for not letting me have experiences rather than blame them for not stopping me from having bad experiences, because under their guidance I have done very well to have only lived a very very tiny amount. I told my dad that, and he seemed sympathetic to that. I think he’s also closer to understanding that we’re growing up in different times than my mum is. My mum basically called me a slut again twice during my three minute conversation with her. She basically told me not to move as fast with Evan as I did with Ikaros, and then also called me disgusting for going clubbing. I tried to tell her that I didn’t even move that fast with Ikaros at all. It was only two months into knowing him that I kissed him, and we only started having sex five months into knowing each other too. In terms of relationships, Ikaros and I really started off at a glacial pace. Evan and I have been moving faster if anything. I kissed him the night I met him. If only I had that kind of courage the night I met Ikaros. Funnily enough though, both guys were drunk on the same night and I was painfully sober.
Another thing is the assertion of both my parents and Ikaros that I drink too much, just because I like to drink alone on occasion. If anything, I think it’s safer to drink alone at home than it is to drink outside with a whole bunch of people you either don’t know, or can’t really rely on because they’re drinking too. I’ve also never gotten blind drunk, I’ve never blacked out, I’ve only puked once and that was straight away because of the taste and not because of the quantity. Both Ikaros and my dad have gotten alcohol poisoning and I never have, and they can say that I drink too much? It’s a double standard, honestly. Just because I’m a young lady, I honestly think it’s just because I’m a small, young lady and they just think it’s abnormal to see me with alcohol. I don’t want to invite that kind of perception of me. I mean, I know my parents undoubtedly will at any or every given opportunity (because they’re my parents and it’s their job to belittle me), but my boyfriend has no excuse.
Oh, another thing. Vanessa and Ryan broke up, or so I’ve heard, which is insane. They’ve been together for over four years at this point, I’m fairly certain. They were together when I was in Year 12 with Vanessa. They have always been the ultimate power couple to me. Ikaros and I always felt kind of paltry in comparison whenever we hung out with them. And now it turns out that they’re going through exactly the same stuff that we’ve been going through lately! I always felt bad that Ikaros and I would ruin the ‘Power couples’ chat we had going on Facebook, but it turns out it was being simultaneously ruined by all four of us. It’s so weird. It’s like nothing is constant anymore; I feel like my parents have called it quits right now. Though that would never happen, because my parents have a really good marriage and I know this because a psychic told them so.
I told my dad that the main reasons I don’t think it’ll work with Ikaros are first of all, that he can’t give me any real response to my art which is a massive dealbreaker. Being a writer and working in this creative field is a tough position to willingly put oneself in. My professional future is going to be riddled with rejection and there will be demoralisation at every turn. I need a partner who will support me creatively even when the world cannot. I just need that, and it’s painful just knowing that Ikaros can’t give that to me, but I have a feeling it would be infinitely more painful down the line when it actually happens. If I see something that devastating becoming a more than potential reality, I should nip it in the bud, right? Evan’s a reader, too. And talking to him, and to Lucas, it just makes sense that I should be with someone who likes reading. A writer with someone who likes to read, I mean if that ain’t a match made in heaven. The night I met Evan I told him that there are more writers now than there are readers. Even Ikaros had a go at writing, working on that comic with Cameron. Some people will set out to create content without supporting anybody else. The industry is oversaturated with creators, and fewer consumers. To keep up the illusion that I’m not working in vain until the day comes that I’m legitimately successful and actually NOT working in vain, I should have the close support of a ‘consumer’/reader. Evan actually once referred to himself as an ‘aspiring consumer’, during our date.
Secondly, Ikaros is a devout believer in divorce. The marriages in his family have not been good. The women in his family have been borderline insane, and so the men always end up leaving them. Hearing all of his stories of family woe, I’ve always been semi-terrified that he’ll just decide that I’m insane in the future and end up leaving me too. I don’t want that to be my future, but you can’t ignore patterns when they’re right there in front of you. I’m not too fond of the idea of marriage itself, but I think that if you let yourself enter a marriage, you should be committed to it for life. You should respect that commitment FOR LIFE. Because that is the definition of marriage. Divorces were only invented by arrogant royalty, kings who wanted multiple wives. It’s ridiculous that divorce is actually a thing. When I get married, it’s going to be forever.
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