#Office Furniture Removal Hope Valley
adelaideremovals · 1 year
Skilled and swift moving services in Adelaide
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For skilled and swift moving services across Adelaide, call Adelaide Northern Removals on 0405 285 285 today!
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unfriendlyamazon · 11 months
kame valley (stardew au)
currently obsessed with stardew valley again and yes i can make everything about ygo so here's an au i started actually a long time ago
Title: Kame Valley
Characters: All of them, mainly Seto Kaiba
When Seto Kaiba is sent to secure Kaiba Corp's foothold in the small farming community that is Kokoro Town. His corporate goal get waylaid again and again, forcing him to get to know the local villagers, and maybe even engage with them once in a while. Rather than changing the valley, Kaiba finds himself being changed.
Spring, Day 1
Seto Kaiba nearly dropped his bags when he saw where he was staying for the next three weeks. Behind him, Mayor Pegasus seemed oblivious to his growing concern.
Seto’s voice strained when he said, “This is it?”
This was it. The old cabin had seen better days, the wood planks that made up its walls old and peeling. The red shingles of the roof threatened to slide right off. One morose window gazed out onto the small porch, and a lantern was hung over the wind beaten door. It had already been a hike from the one entrance into town, blocked partially by the broken down bus, down a dirt road, and now onto what looked to be a fair sized plot of land. Seto’s gaze swept over the rock ridden dirt. Trees rose up like their own little forest, and stumps were left at attempts to keep them at bay.
Seto breathed out through his teeth. It’d been a day of good omens.
“Unfortunately,” Mayor Pegasus said, singing every other syllable, “accommodations are somewhat limited in Kokoro Town. But the farm’s been unused for years, and everything still works. You’ll be very comfortable here.”
Seto looked at the mayor, whose attitude and style would kindly be described as “eccentric”. Silver hair fanned around his face, covering his left eye, and he wore a clean pink shirt and slacks. Seto had not spoken to him directly until he greeted him ten minutes ago, and already he was desperate to remove himself from his company. He was desperate to remove himself from this town. But Kokoro Town was the foot in the door to the entirety of Kame Valley that Kaiba Corp needed, especially if they were going to keep expanding out. The PR boost would help too. One small town transformed into a thriving marketplace thanks to Kaiba Corp. Noah had visited his office and told Seto that he was the one he needed to rely on to get this done. Seto had been suspicious, but now he knew for sure. Noah was torturing him.
Three weeks, he told himself. Then it’s back to Domino City, where they have hotels and paved streets and electricity.
“It’s fine,” he said, mostly to himself. “I’ll be spending most of my time at the Kaiba Mart anyway, which is…”
The mayor rifled through his pockets before providing a small printed map. “On the other side of town, I’m afraid. You’re lucky you’re here in the spring. It’ll be a brisk walk in the morning.”
“Walk?” he repeated and unfolded the map. Ra, they weren’t even large enough to justify driving. He wasn’t far from town center, but the mart was on the other side of even that, crossing a river to the furthest east it could be from where he was now. Seto didn’t consider himself an inactive person, but every day? Everywhere? He’d packed nothing but his clean business loafers and work clothes. His black shoes were already coated in a fine layer of dust.
“You’ll get used to it in time,” Pegasus said.
Seto hoped he wouldn’t have to. His fear that the inside of the cabin was worse than the outside was only mollified some by the presence of the nicely crafted furniture and small television set. The fireplace was warmed, suggesting someone had bothered to inspect the place before his arrival. He let his bags drop on the ground and side eyed the sheets on the bed that was pushed against the wall. At least it wasn’t a twin. The single room didn’t offer much by way of amenities, not even a kitchen, which wasn’t so much of a loss. It wasn’t as if he cooked.
“It’s homey,” he said, in a way that was not a compliment.
“I’ll give Mr. Muto your regards,” the mayor said. “It’s his property. He’s too old to tend it now, and his grandson tries. He’s quite the fan of yours.”
His ridiculous drawl made it hard to tell if that was sarcasm or not, but Seto banked on caution. Kaiba Corp didn’t make many friends, and the nicely detailed report spelled out Kokoro Town’s resistance to any expansion here. It would worry him, if it mattered.
“And any adjustments that need to be made,” Pegasus continued, “the Ishtars are happy to provide. I should organize a meeting with all the business leaders for you.”
“I’m sure it won’t be necessary,” Seto said. He didn’t want to know what passed for a ‘business leader’ in this town. “I should check in with Kaiba Mart.”
“Of course,” the mayor sang. “And allow me to take you on a wonderful tour of our town as we go.”
Seto held in his groan as he followed him from the dirt path of the farm into town proper. Kokoro’s town center, at least, was paved with businesses huddled around the square. The buildings were unpatterned in their placement, with a medical clinic and general store sloped against each other, and a short ways away a spot whose sign read “Mr. Clown’s Saloon”. The rest were homes, including the mayor’s house, a little larger than the others with a full garden decorating the front. Pegasus pointed out a short path that led to the mountains, and a stone bridge that crossed to the beach. Two rivers crossed here, and the smooth current was alive with fish who snapped at the surface.
Seto didn’t bother to listen as Pegasus pointed out whose home belonged to who or go into a detailed history of every building. He didn’t bother to acknowledge the people that the mayor said good morning to. He removed his phone instead and went to message his brother and frowned when he noticed his inbox was empty. Mokuba usually sent him twenty texts before nine, but there was nothing since last night. He swiped over to his email, which only boasted a handful of unread emails. A sense of dread crept over him as he tried to refresh, only to get a spinning icon that rang with false promise.
With dawning horror, Seto said, “There’s no signal out here.”
Pegasus trailed off mid-sentence as he turned around to look at him. He noted the very expensive brick in Seto’s hands.
“Oh, no,” he said, as an afterthought. “There’s no towers for miles. I’m told in the mountains there’s more luck, but we still use the landlines around here.”
Seto stared at him. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m afraid so.” He let out a sigh. “Your office must have some work around, I’m sure. For now you’ll have to enjoy our rustic hospitality.”
He kept walking, crossing the short bridge over the river to where the Kaiba Mart sat, and Seto had no choice but to follow after. He clutched his phone in his hand like an injured baby bird in hopes that it would come alive again.
The Kaiba Mart sat in stark contrast to the picturesque nature around them. It’s white and blue walls were modern and clean, and its windowless exterior made it seem like an alien obelisk left behind. They crossed through the sliding doors, and at once the natural sounds of wind rustling through trees and the babbling of the brook and tweeting of birds were replaced with tinny elevator music and the hum of AC. Rows of shelving sat neatly with the fluorescent lights buzzing overhead. A bored looking girl sat at the register while a handful of employees restocked. It was practically busy compared to the rest of town, with people shopping up and down the aisles. Across from the registers was a customer service desk where a man stood to attention, making their way to them.
“I believe you’re in your world now, Kaiba-boy,” Pegasus said. “If there’s anything else I can do for you, I’m never hard to find.”
He ambled away before Seto could protest the sudden familiar nickname, and he was quickly accosted by the manager, who offered a thorough handshake he was forced to escape from. His suit and clean cut hair was closer to the Kaiba Corp goons he was used to dealing with. Seto tried to remember his name from the file and was saved the hassle.
“My name is Roland, sir,” he said. “I’m grateful for the chance to assist you.”
“Right.” Seto didn’t bother introducing himself. He glanced around the grocers and didn’t miss the interest a few employees were paying him. “I assume there’s an office I can set up in.”
“Of course. Right away.”
The back of the Kaiba Mart was roomier than expected, which Seto was grateful for. The employee area was clean and empty, a small TV next to a table playing the weather report. Roland’s office had a single window to look out at any slackers and free of any personal items except for a single kitschy palm tree from the Kuriboh Desert. The rest was storage, and then a room that had been cleaned out and outfitted with a desk and the usual Kaiba Mart motivational posters and metal shelves with binders and blueprints. A stark white light illuminated the space. It smelled faintly of bleach. Seto left the door open for fear it was not as well ventilated as it appeared.
Seto knew going in that there was a plan in place. A small version of KC’s headquarters would be built on land in Kokoro Town, which would open up all of the valley to expansion. Apparently finding the land to build on was the first roadblock. The woods were protected, the mountains deemed unsafe, and there was a full envelope of angry letters from one Solomon Muto in which he expressed with certainty that his farm was not for sale. The only viable property was an abandoned community center, which had a lot of legal red tape around it. Still, Kaiba Corp’s lawyers were fastidious and their pockets bottomless. Roland explained in excruciating detail the issues they’d faced in securing even a construction site, and Seto only stopped him when he got to the biggest sticking point.
“What the hell do you mean by ‘community leadership support’?” he asked.
Roland pointed to the legal papers amid the many files. “Because it’s the property of the town, Kaiba Corp can’t just purchase it. There are five community leaders that need to vote in order for them to give the property over to us. And right now only the mayor is giving us his support.”
Seto narrowed his eyes a the papers in front of him as though they were hiding their secrets. “So in order to get this entire project started, we need to convince four other people that letting Kaiba Corp into their town is a good idea. How do we do that?”
“I think,” he said nervously, “that’s why you’re here.”
Seto continued to focus his gaze on the items in front of him, even as weight pressed down on his chest. This hadn’t been in that nicely detailed file, which meant Noah wanted it to be a surprise. He sent him here, this remote town with no contact to the outside world, in order to play nice with a bunch of country hicks who managed to own enough property to be a thorn in his side. Seto prided himself on a lot of things--his work ethic, his bullheadedness, his ability to get things done--but his people skills had never been his strong suit. His usual methods of brute force and intimidation might not be the appropriate move here.
He sunk his head into his hands. “There has to be some loophole.”
“I’m afraid not,” Roland said.
“Then there has to be another town,” Seto groaned. “One with bribable officials.”
“This is the only foot in the door Kaiba Corp has ever managed.”
Of course, Noah had chosen him for this job. All he had to do was make some friends.
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sunflowershouto · 3 years
crisis - shouto todoroki x fem!reader
a/n: enjoy! my requests are open, so if you liked this fic, please feel free to drop me an ask -leo
warnings: marital issues, mentions of parental neglect and abuse (in relation to todoroki's backstory), mild angst
because i write from a third person point of view, i recommend using the interactivefics extension! it replaces y/n, l/n, etc, with whatever you insert into the extension, and helps to make fics super immersive! it's a chrome extension, and you can find it in the chrome store.
[the song that inspired this fic is Crisis by Annie Eve]
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𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚. . . 𝑰'𝒎 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖. . . 𝑰'𝒎 𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏, 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖. . .
Y/N's keys chimed together softly as she dug them out of her coat pocket, her gloved hands struggling for a moment to take hold of the cool metal. Her face still stung from the cold of the snow outside, and she hurried to unlock the door to the apartment, stepping inside and letting her shoulders slump as soon as the door was shut behind her.
The place was silent, but a glance towards the kitchen, where a light shone dimly through the doorway, told her that Shouto was home.
Without announcing her presence, she slid her coat off, then removed her boots and placed them on the shoe rack, where they stood alone. The coat hanger in the entryway was the same way—her coat was the only one there, looking lonely as it hung in solitude from the rack.
"I'm hom—I'm here," Y/N called tentatively, catching herself before she could say the word 'home.' She lingered awkwardly by the front door, as though afraid to enter. "I'll get started on dinner soon."
There was a long silence as she crossed the hall into the living room, which was pristinely clean, but looked more like a picture from a catalogue than anywhere actually inhabited. The sofa cushions were uncreased, the table spotless and uncluttered. She stared at the room blankly, and realized that she felt like a stranger.
"I've already eaten."
There was no surprise, only a dull sting as she let out a soft sigh, pressing her eyes shut. "Alright. That's fine."
It had been a month of this already, and Y/N knew that most husbands, most couples, would have already worked a way around something like this—at the very least, they would have found a way to sweep it under the rug for a few more months, pretend that it didn't exist. But Shouto wasn't most husbands, and they were not most couples.
When Shouto wanted to hold onto something, he could take it to his grave; how else could he have gone for years without using an entire half of his quirk? She had always loved his stubbornness, admired him for his tenacity, but now when she looked at him, all she could see was a wall that she didn't know how to scale.
It was her fault, this whole argument. She had been the one to bring up the idea of having kids, she had been the one to press him on it, to try to have the conversation before he was ready.
They had been happy. If she had just left well enough alone. . .
Another long sigh drew itself from her chest, and she turned towards the kitchen, footsteps soft against polished hardwood. "Sho. . . Can we at least talk? Please?"
He was sitting at the kitchen table, staring down at an untouched mug of tea that Y/N could only assume had already gone cold. His dual-toned gaze flickered up towards hers for just an instant, and for a moment she thought she saw a spark of progress. Then the ice took over again, and he cast his gaze back down, his mouth bent into an uncomfortable grimace.
Y/N wasn't used to not knowing what to say to him; part of the reason that they had worked so well as a couple was their ability to practice utter candor with one another. This feeling of words being stuck on her tongue. . . It was foreign to her, daunting. Temptation to indulge in her anger sparked in her chest; it would be so easy to snap at him, to remind him with vicious fervor how badly he was hurting her, but those sparks died down as she took another look at his face. She knew that he was hurting too, that he was just as lost for words as she was. "Shou," she tried again, leaning against the doorway, her voice gentle. "We can't do this forever."
His grimace settled deeper into his features, and she saw his shoulders tense, his hands tightening around the ceramic mug. "What can we do?" he finally asked, brow creasing.
"We can talk about this. I know what you're scared of, Shou." Y/N crossed the kitchen to be at his side, her hand coming carefully up to the side of his face, fingertips skimming the red, rough skin over his scar. "You won't be like him. You won't be like your fath—"
Her breath caught in her throat at the feeling of his grip around her wrist, pulling her hand away from his face. His eyes were burning with something that rested in the valley between grief and rage.
His grip tightened again before he let her go, his chair wailing as he shoved it away from the table, his gait hurried as he rushed away from her.
Y/N could only watch as he left the kitchen and disappeared up the stairs like a ghost, drifting farther and farther away. Her eyes stung and a lump burned in her throat, and she fell into the seat that he had been occupying just a moment ago, burying her face in her arms.
She sat in silence under the dim kitchen light until her joints began to ache and her eyelids felt heavy. Eventually, she pulled herself up and padded slowly up the stairs, careful not to walk too loudly. The door to the bedroom felt heavier than usual, and the sight of Shouto lying with his back to her brought her pause. She didn't know if he was awake, if he knew that she was there or not, and part of her didn't care. He didn't move as she retrieved her pillow from her side of the bed and left the room, heading back down the stairs and finding a restless sleep on their barely-used sofa.
The events of that night had alienated her even further, and if there had been a wedge between them before, it now felt like a chasm.
Weeks passed with little change, and though they shared a space, Y/N could hardly say that it felt like they lived together. After the first few nights, Shouto had told her that she could have their bedroom—he would sleep on the couch.
Part of her was angry with him for it; even when he was being infuriating, he still found a way to remind her why she loved him. One kind gesture, however, wasn't enough to make up for almost two months of dysfunction. Y/N realized that she couldn't take this. Not for much longer, at any rate. She got home from work one cold evening, and found him as she usually did, sitting at his desk, handling paperwork for the agency.
"Shouto." Her voice was even, steady because she'd rehearsed this conversation in all its permutations before she'd even made it to their front door. She needed to be ready, or else she knew that she would break.
His hand tightened around his pen, and he froze for a moment, before setting it down and turning in his chair, not quite meeting her eyes. "Yes?"
"Look. . . I love you, but I can't do this. I can't stay here if you're going to act like I don't exist. If avoiding one conversation is worth our marriage, then fine. I'll accept that, but I won't stay. Do you understand?"
His eyes snapped to hers, widening ever so slightly. In that moment, he looked more attentive, more alert than he had in months. "Y/N. . ." His eyes fell shut and he leaned forward against the desk, raking his hands through his hair and drawing in a shaking breath. "I just- I need time. Don't go."
"I've given you time, Shouto," she shot back quickly, raising her voice slightly. "I need you to give me answers."
He fell silent again, staring down at the desk, his hands still tangled in his hair as he realized that he was stuck within an ultimatum.
She was deafened by his silence, and she looked to the side, jaw tightening before she began to step away and out of the room. "I'm going, Shouto." "Y/N—" "Don't."
As soon as she had packed her things, she left the apartment without sparing him another glance.
A week passed, and Y/N quickly realized how accustomed she had grown to living with Shouto; even when they had been sleeping in different rooms for weeks, it felt odd to live somewhere where he wasn't. She found it difficult to sleep in her friend's apartment, and even more difficult to eat with the growing uncertainty that was gnawing a pit in her stomach.
She knew that forgetting her notebook was a weak excuse to go back to the apartment, but she didn't have a better one, and part of her was too prideful to admit that she had simply missed him, that she was starting to feel like it was better to struggle with him than to try to move on without him. At the very least, she wanted to see him again, and maybe there was a little part of her that was hoping that he wanted to see her too.
It was late on a Friday night when Y/N drove back to their apartment, hoping that maybe he'd be asleep, and that she could sneak past him and he'd never have to know that she was thinking about coming back to him.
She tried to muffle the sound of her keys, but they rang loudly as she unlocked the door, trying to remain silent as she slipped back into the apartment. In her absence it had hardly changed; the furniture still looked unused, the kitchen was still perfectly clean. Shouto had never been the type to let his internal turmoil leak out into his surroundings, and Y/N didn't suppose that he was spending much time outside of his office.
She slipped off her shoes, then crept up the stairs without turning on the lights, navigating the dark apartment by memory as she made her way to the bedroom. The door was shut and the light was out, and a feeling of relief washed over her as she realized that he must have been asleep. Slowly, she pushed the door open, and stepped into their room.
Even in the dark, the room was achingly familiar; the colors that she and Shouto had picked out together stood out vaguely in the darkness, and it was all she could do not to succumb to the lump in her throat. She pressed forward, moving towards her nightstand and trying to ignore Shouto, who seemed restless as he slept alone.
When she realized that he was whimpering, she stopped dead in her tracks, her gut twisting. Nightmares were rare for him, but Y/N had always been the one who was there to pull him out of them; now he had no one, and guilt burned at her chest at the idea of leaving him there like that, forsaking him to the demons in his head.
Against her better judgment, she reached forward and flipped the switch on her nightstand lamp, washing the room in a dull, warm glow. In the light, she could see the sheen of sweat on his face, the way his muscles tensed and his face twisted in discomfort. Her heart ached, and she stepped toward him, her own heart pounding in her chest as she did.
This was a bad idea.
He wouldn't want to see her.
She should turn around and let him think that she had never been there.
God, if it wasn't hard to remember why she'd left him at all.
"Shouto," Y/N whispered, moving to his side of the bed and placing her hand lightly on his shoulder. "Shou, wake up. Please, wake up."
The way he started awake made her heart ache—his eyes were wild, ringed with dark circles, his face drained of all color. He searched the room frantically until his eyes fell on her, and his face softened immediately, his hand coming up to her face as though against his will. "Y/N. . ."
She gave him a bittersweet smile, compassion glimmering in her gaze. "You're okay, love. I'm here now." Tears welled up in her eyes as she took him in, took in how exhausted he looked, took in how much he was revealing as he stared at her.
He looked dazed by his swell of emotion, and he didn't hesitate to pull her into his arms, burying his face in the crook of her neck as the tension went out of his shoulders, his breaths coming out in ragged gasps. "I'm sorry, Y/N," Shouto whispered, his arms tightening around her. "All of this. . . All of this was because I was scared. I didn't think I could give you what you wanted, and you payed the price. And- And my mother-"
"It's okay, Shou," Y/N murmured, running a gentle hand through his hair. "You don't have to explain."
"No, Y/N. Listen. Please." He drew in another breath before he continued. "After you asked me about having kids, my father came to mind. I didn't—don't—ever want to be like him. But my mother. . . I would go to see her, Y/N, after we had that talk. And when I looked at her, and thought about what my father did. . . All I could see when I looked at her was you. You don't—you don't understand how badly that scared me, Y/N. And I felt, stupidly, that if I said anything about it, that it would make it real. I was too scared to take that risk." His voice was trembling now, vulnerable in a way you'd never heard from him. "Do you understand? I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
"God, Shou," Y/N choked out, tears spilling freely down the sides of her face as she clung to him. "You should have told me. I could have- I could have helped you."
"I know, love," he murmured, and Y/N remembered for the first time in months how good it felt to hear him call her 'love.' "I'm still just. . . Learning."
"I'm sorry too. Walking out on you like that, I. . ."
"No, Y/N." He pulled back to stare at her intently, meeting her eyes directly. "You did what you had to do. You were right. You gave me every chance to talk, and I didn't take it. That's on me. I won't let you blame yourself for my mistakes—that's what he would have done."
She knew better than to argue with him, so she merely nodded before burying her face in his shoulder again, relishing in the feeling of having his arms back around her, of finally having broken through the walls that had been built between them.
Shouto was lying on his back with her draped over his chest, dancing on the verge of sleep when her voice broke the silence.
"For what it's worth. . . You would make an amazing father."
He didn't reply, but Y/N could feel his hold on her tighten, could hear his breath catching in her throat—and if she really listened closely, she could hear quiet sniffles as she drifted off to sleep, happy again in her husband's arms.
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley III
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
In the language of flowers, yellow lilies are said to represent both deception (perhaps tied to the notion of concealment) and graciousness.
Release Date: 05/25/20 @ 7 pm
previously ~ next
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        Yoongi shook his head, black fringe swaying slightly. “That’s ridiculous. You’re staying with us.”
        “Absolutely not!”
        The refusal was out of her mouth before she'd even thought about it. Both men flinched at her rejection but didn't look surprised. YN however was beginning to be upset, of course they would try to take advantage of the situation. I shouldn’t have expected any different. The tension was beginning to rise between the two and YN suddenly remembered that Yoongi liked to provoke people. Suddenly Jimin raised his hands as if to show no ill will, "We don't mean it like that." His hands raked through his perfectly styled hair, "It's just that you're our mate. Legally now too."
           “It wouldn’t look right. Plus it would be dangerous.” Yoongi finished for him, leaning forward and uncrossing his arms. He tentatively reached across the table, placing his hand over hers. It was warm and softer than YN would’ve imagined, she didn’t remove it and she couldn’t quite understand why. Maybe because it was meant to comfort her and it had been a long time since YN had been comforted. She almost found herself getting lost in its warmth until she reminded herself of who she was with and stopped herself. Sensing her discomfort the betas rushed to speak again. “We have this small cottage in the back, it’s newly refurbished and has plumping and everything. All it would need is a bed.”
           “I don’t know if I would feel comfortable living with all seven of you...it’s a lot.”
           Yoongi sighed, “We understand, though it isn’t like you have much of a choice. No place will take a mated omega. The law won’t permit it. Only...” He didn’t have to finish for her to know what he meant.
           Only the boarding house.
           YN looked up at the men and spoke as clearly as she could, "I'm not your mate. I'm not your omega," she saw how every word was spoken physically deflated them. "However, thank you for helping me. It's only temporary until I find another solution." Something flashed quickly in both men's eyes, but it was far too fast for YN to comprehend what it was. They only smiled and nodded with jovial excitement. Jimin began to talk about furniture that would be added while Yoongi pulled out his phone and seemed to text someone. She realized her hand was still under his and tried to retrieve it, Yoongi didn't allow her too. Before YN could say anything he gave her hand a quick squeeze and released it. Putting his left hand into his jacket’s pocket.
           “So it’s set. We’ll be by later to pick up your things .”
           YN nodded feeling a numbness spreading throughout her body, as she finished her tea and placed the cup down. Her eyes met theirs, dark empty pools, and she wondered if their inner scale was tipped. Were they more animal than human? Beasts? YN would soon find out.
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            “Swear you’ll be okay?” Rosé asked, her fingers intertwined into YN’s. They swung back and forth, their arms shaking slightly. The air was silent, save for the things left unsaid.
             "I'm sure. I'll be safe. They won't hurt me." The smile hurt YN, but she forced her lips to spread open for her best friend's sake. She couldn't possibly leave Rosé out for the wolves, even if it meant she would be jumping right into their den.  
           “Don’t forget to text me. Oh, and call me every night.”
YN rolled her eyes but laughed. "Yes, mom. I'll make sure to write you a letter every day."
           “For a year?”
        The two girls giggled and embraced as YN willed herself to stick to her word. Just as she was beginning to doubt herself, someone knocked on the door. When the door opened, it was Yoongi and Jimin again; both with smiles on their faces - ones a little too big to be done out of politeness. They stayed by the door, if they entered their scents would linger and that wouldn't look good on Rosé. Betas did have a scent, but unless they were purposefully trying to emit it, only other betas would sense it. "Are you ready to go?" Jimin spoke after he had waved at Rosé. YN nodded, grabbing her bags resting by the door and handing them off to the two waiting betas. Feeling like it would be a while until YN saw her again, she turned around and gave Rosé one last hug. Rosé leaned deep into their embrace and whispered into YN's ear, "If anything happens. Call me, I'll be there immediately."  
           Tears almost welled up in YN’s eyes but she fought them back, merely giving her a reassuring squeeze before walking out and closing the door.
           Wow, what a fucking house. YN's jaw slackened at the sight of it, though her parents were well off it hadn't compared to this. Then again, combining the wealth of seven of the richest families in Seoul was bound to bear its fruits. Judging by the smirk on the two men's faces, they enjoyed her reaction. So, she did her best to school it immediately. There hadn't been any words exchanged by the three of them in the car, thankfully, and YN hoped it would remain that way. Instead of taking her to the front entrance, Yoongi and Jimin guided her to the side of the house. It once they reached the backyard that her breath was truly taken away.  
           The area was huge with a swimming pool, patio area, and botanical garden. However, it was the tiny home in the back with a garden of lilies that called to her. “It’s like the one at school.” Was the first thing she noted. It wasn’t as large, but it seemed to have similar flowers and evoke the same feeling.
           “Do you like it?” Yoongi asked, looking at her from his peripheral.
           “I love it.” There was no hesitance in her words, they were sincere.
They guided her to the tiny house; which the closer she got wasn't so tiny at all. It was one floor with a large bed, a television mounted on the wall, a small closet, a kitchenette, and a bathroom. There was even a small bookcase filled with familiar books: they had been the assigned reading when she was in school. Probably filled with annotations and other such things. YN wished she still had her copies, but she had donated all but her favorites to school when she graduated.
           Jimin cleared his throat, “Sorry the closet isn’t bigger, but we can expand it later.” YN shook her head, “No, that’s alright. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Yoongi placed his hand on her shoulder, “Dinner will be served in about an hour. You can meet everyone then.” Meet them again. YN felt her throat dry up, she wasn’t sure about how she felt being a room with all seven of them just yet. She had wanted to delay the inevitable, but considering she was staying in their home - it was the least she could do.
The two of them seemed pleased at her lack of resistance. Jimin smiled, "Go get cleaned up and we'll come to pick you up when it's time." YN felt it was more of a command, then a suggestion but she didn't care. Once the two of them left, she jumped on the bed and decided to take a small nap. The pillow smelled fresh and clean, only lulling her faster into sleep.
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       "I'm very sorry for what's occurred to you, YN. But I want you to know it isn't your fault and that we are here to help." Officer Kim sent a comforting smile, trying to ease YN's nerves. YN remained silent, her grip on the blue blanket thrown around her shoulders was so strong her fingers were white. The officer sighed, tilting her head slightly to send a look to the people behind the screen. When she looked back at YN, all she saw was the teenager's glassy widened eyes. It had been an accident, a terrible one, but teenagers tended to be reckless. If the gruesome bite on YN's neck was anything to show for it.  
           “Do you want to press charges?”
           YN shook her head, caving in on herself even more. Jungkook’s sorry wails still echoed in her head. It didn't matter, what's done is done. YN looked up to meet the officer Kim's warm golden eyes. Her lips parted and she could see the anticipation building up in the cop's face only for there to be a disappointment once YN actually spoke.
           “I just want to go home.”
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           Loud knocking tore her away from her dreams, as she saw a shadow-like figure standing outside the doors.
         The door opened slowly, only once he'd stepped in could YN recognize him. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I didn't know you were asleep." Kim Taehyung had probably undergone the most significant change out of all of them: transforming from a lanky teen to an able man. YN didn't realize she had been gaping at him so openly until he smirked. "Um, no don't worry." She scrambled to get off the bed and smooth down her clothes, getting rid of any creases her short sleep might have caused.  Taehyung tilted his head, his eyes roaming her body until they landed on her poorly concealed mark. YN flinched when he stepped forward, but instead of grabbing her Taehyung held out his hand.
           “Dinner is served and it’ll get cold if we wait any longer.”
            As attractive as he was, truthfully they all were, and as much as something inside her willed her to grab his hand - YN refused. Walking past him and outside the double doors to the garden of lilies. The sun had long set and now the half-moon shined brightly in the night sky. Casting a beautiful glow on the garden, the lilies, and YN herself. Perhaps, that is why it took Taehyung such a long time to step outside her room, the man still in the shadows. He was simply basking in her glory. Or perhaps, he was trying to control his rage at his mate's reaction in a way that would frighten the already tense YN.
           When he stepped out a charlatan smile was present on his features, “Let’s go then.” Together the two of them walked side by side until they reached the house. Faintly YN could hear the sound of jazz music and muffled voices, goosebumps rose on her arms as her stomach twisted and turned. Here we go. YN’s hands balled into fists as she dug her nails into her skin, trying to remain calm despite the voices growing louder and louder. Eventually, she could pick on the scent of one...two...four alphas and hear the soft bell-like nature of Jimin’s laugh. They were all here. Now’s the time.
          The conversations began to die down and YN knew it was because they sensed her. She prayed to whatever god's existed that everything would go well. They turned a corner and YN suddenly saw them. All seven of them were wearing what could be deemed business casual attire. They were all littered across the room, but all seemed to be in a circle surrounding a red velvet chesterfield where the lead alpha was seated. His dark hair combed back, a white button-down, and tight black jeans. One by one they all turned to face her, but he was last. His warm chocolate eyes lingering on the glass of wine in his hand before they slowly traveled to meet hers.
           YN finally realized what situation she was in. A prey in a predator's territory and sadly, she'd already been branded. She remained frozen on the spot, unable to look away from the alpha's eyes, she didn't know if it was courage or brazen recklessness. Then he smiled, a warm charming smile that reminded her of the early days. When the two would speak in hushed whispers and aid each other in assignments and tests. Times when YN looked at him with admiration, care, and maybe a tiny bit of love. She did have a small crush on him back in those days, nothing to act upon since she knew he was destined but enough to make her feel happy to be around him.
           He stood up and crossed the room, a steady stride which was a blend of natural yet calculated. As if he was measuring how close he could get without scaring her, it was when he was two feet away that YN slightly stepped back. The action caused him to stop, as he finally spoke.
           “Welcome. It’s been a while.”
Soon they all crowded around her offering kind smiles. Their scents were strangely muted now, YN guessed that was being done on purpose in order not to frighten her - or send her into a pseudo-heat. Not that it would occur considering the suppressants she was on. Conversations started back up again, but YN didn't participate in any. She noticed Jungkook was strangely quiet too but didn't pay him much attention for fear he might get the wrong idea. It was a couple of minutes later that a worker announced the food was served, YN went to follow him but someone tugged at her hand pulling her back.
           “Mind if we have a chat?” Namjoon asked, a hint of mirth in his smile.
           "Sure," YN noted how most of them walked away, Seokjin was the only one who remained but stayed near the threshold.  
           “Wow, you’ve changed. Grown, I mean.” His awkwardness caused a slight chuckle to escape YN’s lips. “Says the person who is now seven feet tall.” At that his smile grew. The glass of wine in his hand was placed on a top nearby and now that his hands were empty, Namjoon took a hold of hers. His large warm hands cradling hers, as his thumbs ran soothingly across her knuckles. “How do you feel?” YN didn’t know why she was so at ease around Namjoon, maybe because they’d known each other before everything happened. He had demonstrated that he was a good person, who had simply made a mistake. As opposed to the other’s who she only knew vaguely and had been forced to get to know because of what happened.
           “Fine. Good.” YN smiled gently, her heart didn’t race as it did before but she felt comfortable around Namjoon in a way she didn’t around the others. It might’ve been that he was the leader: the one who could make everyone fall in line at his command. It might’ve been that she trusted him. YN didn’t want to dwell on it for too long. “Thank you for letting me stay.” She spoke to both him and Seokjin who straightened up.
           “It’s no problem, YN. Your welcome as long as you’d like.” Seokjin’s words were polite and YN was thankful he didn’t mention anything about mates. In fact, she hoped the whole conversation would be avoided the entire evening.
           Namjoon drew her attention back to him, “What’s ours is yours. Whatever you need, don't be afraid to tell us.” Before YN could say anything, he pulled her towards the exit. “Come. Everyone is waiting for us.” He sent her a flirty wink before Seokjin joined them, walking on her other side.
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            “So YN, what did you study?” Hoseok wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin.
           “Sounds interesting. Did you like it?”
           “Yeah, it was interesting.” YN wasn’t the most social person, not to mention she found it difficult to speak when all eyes were on her.
           “Did you get the flowers we sent for your graduation?” Taehyung asked, beside her. He was less intimidating in the warm yellow lighting of the dining room. Ah the flowers. Her parents had delivered the flowers when they went to visit and though YN had been all smiles, she’d thrown them in the trash the second she’d gotten back home.
           “Yes, they were lovely. Thank you.”
           It all seemed too perfect, too surreal, nothing bad had occurred yet and it had YN on the edge of her seat. This wasn’t how she was expecting the night to go at all. It had been years since the incident and though YN was aware that people could change, they seemed so different. People are different during heats. It’s more animal instinct than anything. That may be true, but it felt like she was at a reunion rather than a dinner with her supposed ‘mates.’ It seems the jovial atmosphere was beginning to be too much for someone else because Jungkook finally broke.
           “Aren’t we going to talk about it?!” His hands slammed down against the table, causing everyone to turn and look at him. Jungkook was near the end of the table, right next to Seokjin which faced Namjoon at the head. Talk about what? It seemed his question was more intended for his pack members than for her, but it still left YN curious. Seokjin who seemed unfazed continued cutting his meat, “Kookie, stop it.” This seemed to only anger the youngest more.
           “No, we agreed -” Just as Jungkook was standing up, Hoseok pulled him back down to his chair. Oh no. Alpha’s butting heads was never a good sign. She might’ve assumed this was normal but seeing how tense Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jimin were this was clearly unusual. The sudden growl that Jungkook let out was all the proof she needed.
           Adrenaline began to pump through her blood, as her instincts were about to kick in. If there was going to be a fight, she wanted no part in it. It was then that Taehyung and Jimin both placed their hands on her knees, keeping her still.
           “Calm down, Jungkook. Stop being a brat.” Seokjin scolded him once more, his jaw now locked. The young alpha wasn’t listening, didn’t care to. Suddenly all his attention zeroed in on YN as he spoke. “We have to complete the mating bond.” Anxiety began to trickle into YN’s mind and body. No. no. no. no.
           “No.” YN pushed the chair away from the table and stood ready to walk out and leave the house. She should have known better than to trust them. This had been their plan all along, to get her into a situation where she couldn’t escape. As she passed by Namjoon his hand shot out, gripping her wrist, tugging her towards him. The lead alpha had remained silent during the whole ordeal, as YN looked at him with irritation. Namjoon spoke in a calm mellow tone, “Down.” Just like that Jungkook dropped to his knees and began to cry.
           “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” Now YN was even more terrified. What the fuck is going on.
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    Rosé: Hey, how’d your first day go?
    YN: Terrible, I don’t even want to talk about it.
     Rosé: Did something bad happen? Did they do something to you?
     Rosé: Are you okay?
     YN: I’m okay. Things are just really strange here. I don’t know how to describe it.
     YN: It's like everyone's on edge, but they're pretending they aren't.
     Rosé: I mean isn’t that kinda normal. You are their mate and you did reject them, so it makes sense.
      Rosé: You never did tell me why you rejected them though.
      YN: It’s a long story and I’m tired. Ttyl. Night.
      Rosé: Good night.
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Hope you enjoyed the story. Tag list is in the comments.
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Cheap Appliance Removal Service and Cost in Wichita KS | Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving
More information is at: https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/appliance-removal-service-near-me/
Searching for appliance removal service in Wichita KS? Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving is the Cheap choice for you to end all your worries related to old junkie appliances which are serving nothing apart from just occupying your valuable space in you house and office. These appliances are quite heavy to carry on your own and it will be better decision to hire professional junk removal company to assist you.  Cheap appliance removal service of Wichita KS! Cost? Free estimates. Call us now or book online quickly!
Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving make a point of calling ahead and letting our clients know when we are going to be there. Your time is valuable, which is why we commit to a two-hour promise window so you know when we’ll be around to pick up your rubbish. And we try our Cheap to stick to our word. Our team members are easily the Cheap looking and the Cheap dressed appliance removal experts in the industry – but you’ll have to book us to have your appliance picked up to see for yourself!
If you’ve ever tried to move a fridge or stove, you know it’s a difficult job without help. Aside from the heavy lifting dangers associated with dragging bulky household items around, improper disposal can also harm the environment. Many old appliances contain ozone-depleting chemicals that disperse into the air when left to break down in a landfill. Taking the proper steps to handle your old or broken appliances responsibly not only preserves your back health, but the health of the environment, too.
Appliance Removal Service near me Wichita KS Box Spring Removal Service near me Wichita KS Construction Waste Removal near me Wichita KS Couch Removal Service near me Wichita KS Deck Removal Service near me Wichita KS Foreclosure Cleanouts near me Wichita KS Freezer Removal Service near me Wichita KS Furniture Removal Service near me Wichita KS Garage Cleanout Service Cost Wichita KS Garbage Removal Wichita KS Hauling Service Cost Wichita KS Hot Tub Removal Cost Wichita KS House Cleanout Service Cost Wichita KS Junk Removal Service Cost Wichita KS Mattress Removal Service Cost Wichita KS Refrigerator Removal Service Cost Wichita KS Sofa Removal Service Cost Wichita KS Television Disposal near me Trash Removal Service near me Tv Removal Service near me Washer Dryer Removal Service Cost Wichita KS Yard Waste Removal Service Cost Wichita KS
You can also feel good in knowing that if your old appliance still works, we’ll donate it to charity.  We pick up a wide variety of appliances, including air conditioners, dishwashers, clothes dryers, freezers, refrigerators, stoves, water heaters, washing machines, microwaves, and more.
Most household appliances can be recycled. Larger appliances like refrigerators, washing and drying machines, or ovens are often broken down and used as scrap metal. The metal is then recycled by being separated, then melted down and reused in manufacturing. For larger items, you’ll often need to transport them to the transfer station or recycling center on your own, since many local household recycling programs aren’t equipped to handle large item pickup.
Smaller appliances like toasters, microwaves and cooking pans can often be recycled in local blue bins as they contain recyclable metals. However, the rules vary depending on location. If you have several small items, you may need to take them to a recycling facility. Save your time and money and have our team come to you with our truck so we can remove the junk. You will have 100% satisfaction with our appliance removal service.
● Simply schedule your appliance pick up online or by calling..
● Our friendly, uniformed truck team will call you 15-30 minutes before your scheduled arrival window.
● When we arrive, just point to the appliance you want removed and we’ll provide you with an up-front, all-inclusive price. ● Once you say the word, we’ll haul your appliance away from wherever it’s located and finish by cleaning up the area. Plus, we recycle and donate your appliance whenever possible.
SOME OF THE COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTS WE SERVE ● Home and Residential ● Business and Office ● Property Clean outs ● Commercial and other
PAGE IS ABOUT ● Appliance removal cost ● How to get rid of old junk appliances ● Appliance removal service near me ● Old appliances removal services Wichita
CONTACT: Wichita Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (316) 448-3558 CLEANING CALL (316) 448-5733 JUNK REMOVAL & MOVING CALL (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Wichita, KS Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Wichita, KS 67211 WEB: www.junkremovalhaulerwichita.org
55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:  Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 - Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 - Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 - Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 - Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 - Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 - Park City or Wichita | 67219 - Park City or Wichita | 67220 - Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 - McConnell AFB | 67226 - Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 - Haven
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junkmanwichita316 · 3 years
Best Clean Outs Service Near Wichita Kansas | Wichita Junk Disposal More information is at: https://wichitajunkdisposal.com/clean-outs-service-near-me/
Are you looking for a Clean Outs Service near Wichita Kansas? Wichita Junk Disposal is offering Clean Outs Service Near Wichita Kansas. Cheap Clean Outs Service of Wichita Kansas! Free estimates. Call us now or book online quickly!
CLEAN OUTS SERVICE IN WICHITA Wichita Junk Disposal is your locally owned junk removal solution. Our professional junk removal team will take care of every step of the process from pick up to disposal all without you having to lift a finger. We offer responsible disposal and all qualifying items are recycled or donated. We also offer a clean out service for just about everything including attics, barns, basements, businesses, estates, evictions, foreclosures, garages, hoarders, offices, rental properties, reo properties, storage sheds, storage units, retail stores and much more.
WICHITA JUNK DISPOSAL MADE EASY - HOW IT WORKS - ITS AS SIMPLE AS 1,2,3 Schedule an appointment. You can call or text us at (316) 448-5146 or book an appointment online. Choose a date and time, we will confirm and send eta before we arrive. We will provide you an up front price once we review the items to be removed. If you agree to our price, then we will remove your junk. We specialize in removing all sorts of junk including appliances, boats, brush, carpet, construction debris, electronics, exercise equipment, furniture, garbage, hot tubs, junk, mattresses, pianos, play sets, pools, scrap metal, sheds, swing sets, tires, trash, trees, tv's, yard waste and more. Wichita Junk Disposal is a family owned and operated business and offers a full service junk removal, property clean up, clean outs, trash outs and hauling company for your home or business including homes, apartments, rental homes, estates, offices, retail locations, constructions sites, attics, storage units, evictions, rental properties, basements, commercial properties and more.
RUBBISH, TRASH, GARBAGE OR JUNK - WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU CALL IT - WE HAUL IT Do you need your home cleaned out or de-cluttered? Do you have alot of old stuff just sitting around collecting dust and taking up space? Our professional junk removal team can make all that clutter disappear. Moving, lifting, cleaning and getting rid of all this stuff can be a daunting process. Wichita Junk Disposal provides an easy and junk removal service so you don’t need to worry about the pick up or disposal of those old items. We will remove your unwanted items without you having to lift a finger. All qualifying items are recycled or donated. Broken, old, or unused items take up space, and are often too much to remove by yourself. Why not relieve all that stress and concern and have our professional attic clean out removal team remove your unwanted junk and your worries?
Attic Cleanouts Barn Cleanouts Basement Cleanouts Commercial Property Clean Up Crawl Space Cleanouts Dumpster Overflow Clean Up Estate Cleanouts Eviction Cleanouts Garage Cleanouts Hoarder Cleanouts Office Cleanouts Property Clean Up Rental Property Cleanouts Shed Cleanouts Storage Unit Cleanouts Storm Damage Clean Up Zoning Violation Clean Up
CONTACT US: Wichita Junk Disposal Wichita`s favorite junk removal company! (316) 448-5146 Monday to Sunday 7 am – 11 pm https://wichitajunkdisposal.com/ Wichita Kansas
SERVICE AREA 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
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WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING (316) 448-5733 https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/
WICHITA JUNK DISPOSAL (316) 448-5146 http://wichitajunkdisposal.com
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junkwichita316 · 3 years
Best Office & Commercial Cleanouts Service Near Wichita Kansas | Junk Removal Services of Wichita More information is at: https://junkremovalservicesofwichita.com/office-commercial-cleanouts-near-me/
Are you looking for a Office & Commercial Cleanouts Service near Wichita Kansas? Junk Removal Services of Wichita is offering Office & Commercial Cleanouts Service Near Wichita Kansas. Cheap Office & Commercial Cleanouts Service of Wichita Kansas! Free estimates. Call us now or book online quickly!
OFFICE AND COMMERCIAL CLEANOUTS IN WICHITA KANSAS You might associate junk removal projects with garages or other residential storage spaces that are overflowing with clutter. However, there are many instances where commercial spaces would benefit from junk removal services, too. Businesses are filled with bulky objects like computers and desks that can prove difficult to remove. Fortunately, Junk Removal Services of Wichita doesn’t just help with home cleanouts: we haul junk from commercial spaces like offices, construction sites and more. As a family-run business ourselves, we recognize that you don’t have an endless amount of time to dedicate towards a cleanout. Our efficiency is unrivaled, making our services the perfect choice for your commercial cleanout needs. We’ll clear your junk the same day we provide a free quote – guaranteed! Our uniformed team is ready to clean up your office or commercial space at any time.  
WHEN YOUR OFFICE NEEDS JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES There are many reasons a business might need a cleanout. Maybe you’re a retailer undergoing liquidation and need to get rid of the extra merchandise. You might be getting remodeling done in your office and must remove the old furniture to make room for the new. Many times, the desks and chairs used in offices are significantly heavier and harder to move than those that are used in homes. Instead of attempting to lug these through your office yourself, let our junk removal team take care of it!
No matter what your reason is, Junk Removal Services of Wichita can help ease your commercial renovation or move. Our team will help take care of the cleanup before you leave using the right equipment. If you need a hand removing objects from your office or business, the team at 1st Class Junk Removal is here to help!
HELPING CONTRACTORS FOR OVER MANY YEARS Construction projects typically result in lots of debris, whether it’s windows, wood, concrete, or other materials, especially if it was a large-scale project. If you’re a contractor, you might feel stressed by the amount of junk left at the site. This is a job for us: Junk Removal Services of Wichita will quickly clear the site of debris. We also provide services for contractors by hauling construction debris. We’ll take care of any kind of construction-related materials! Not a contractor? Not a problem! We haul construction debris from anywhere. If you’re a business that’s getting work done on the inside or outside of your building, you probably have lots of debris that need to be cleared and might not have time to organize a dumpster rental. We gladly help remove debris from homes as well. If you’ve been hard at work on a home renovation project and need help cleaning up, reach out to us.    
CALL US FOR JUNK REMOVAL TODAY Junk Removal Services of Wichita is a leading provider of junk removal services in Wichita Kanas! If you’d like to learn more about our services, we can discuss what we can do for you during an appointment where we evaluate your junk and give you a free quote. For assistance and to schedule an appointment, call us today.
CONTACT DETAILS JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES OF WICHITA Cheap Junk Removal Wichita! Call: (316) 448-5089 Monday to Sunday 7 am – 11 pm Address: Wichita Kansas Website: junkremovalservicesofwichita.com
SERVICE AREA 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:
Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
WICHITA HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (316) 448-3558 http://wichitahouseholdservices.com/ WICHITA CLEANING COMPANY (316) 500-7551 http://bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/ HANDYMAN SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-3974 https://handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/ AONE HANDYMAN WICHITA (316) 448-3974 http://ahandymanwichita.com WICHITA BEST HANDYMAN AND REMODELING (316) 448-3974 http://wichitabesthandyman.com REMODELING CONTRACTORS OF WICHITA (316) 448-3974 http://remodelingcontractorsofwichita.com WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING (316) 448-5733 https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/ WICHITA JUNK DISPOSAL (316) 448-5146 http://wichitajunkdisposal.com JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-5089 http://junkremovalservicesofwichita.com PRICE JUNK REMOVAL WICHITA (316) 448-5733 http://pricejunkremovalwichita.com AONE JUNK REMOVAL OF WICHITA (316) 448-5146 http://ajunkremovalwichita.com WICHITA JUNK REMOVAL COMPANY (316) 448-5733 http://wichitajunkremovalservice.com MR JUNK REMOVAL OF WICHITA (316) 448-5733 http://mrjunkremovalofwichita.com ACTION JUNK REMOVAL OF WICHITA (316) 448-5146 http://cheapjunkremovalwichitaks.com JUNK REMOVAL PROS WICHITA (316) 448-5089 http://wichitajunkremovalcompany.com AFFORDABLE JUNK REMOVAL WICHITA (316) 448-5146 http://cheaphaulerwichita.com ECONOMY JUNK REMOVAL WICHITA (316) 448-5089 http://cheapdumpsterrentalwichita.com
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Best Rubbish Removal Service and Cost in Wichita KS |Wichita Household Services more information is at : https://wichitahouseholdservices.com/rubbish-removal-service-near-me/
Rubbish Removal Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the Best Rubbish Removal Service near Wichita KS? Wichita Household Services, we are a full service rubbish removal company, providing a variety of recycling and waste removal services, with proper disposal and processing of materials. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Rubbish Removal Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KS and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Rubbish Removal
Rubbish Removal Service near Wichita KS: Wichita Household Services, we are a full service rubbish removal company, providing a variety of recycling and waste removal services, with proper disposal and processing of materials. Our debris removal and alternative pickup services in Wichita KS and surrounding areas are designed to build service for you in the best way to clean out your trash and junk from your home or business. We are Wichita KS dependable and experienced removal company. Our removal teams travel two in a truck at all times, thus assuring the removal of heavy items. Our trucks are forty cubic yards of space ensuring large quantities of removals at all times.
Our reputation for removal has been built on consistent customer satisfaction. We are proud to be the top specialty hauling company in the area. We will pick up your yard waste, appliances, furniture, and other items and haul them away...
We are an alternative to dumpster and garbage removal companies, we will pick up all of your debris without the need for you to have your own labor to fill a dumpster.
Renovating your home, spring cleaning or just looking for a waste removal service to take away your trash for good? Wichita Household Services has got you covered. We take pride in our customers and all their rubbish removal needs.
With over in service all over the tri state we specialize in:
● Construction/demolition pickup ● Bags of rubbish or junk from any construction project (concrete/dirt) ● Home clean outs (basement, attics, yards) ● Property management ● Storage units ● Hoarding, estate and foreclosure clean-outs ● Landscapers ● Truck hauling (curb-side pickup)
We offer junk removal for homes and commercial businesses including: offices, hotel, property, estate, construction sites, and more! At Cleanout Express, our experts make it easy to get rid of junk, rubbish, trash, garbage, and other unwanted items. Our friendly staff arrives on time ready to lift, load, and haul all the items away! From small jobs to large, Cleanout express has a great attitude in cleaning out your space. Our main focus is on ensuring customer satisfaction.
How much will I need to pay for rubbish removal? The price for rubbish removal will vary based on the size of the skip and the load, as it might be more complicated to remove and dispose of some materials compared to others.
As a starting point, you can get a small amount of waste removed that isn’t in a skip bin for a fixed hourly price. If you are using a skip bin to remove materials, it might be slightly more. An estimate for the cost of rubbish removal is outlined below.
Household rubbish in a skip bin or for around 100 cubic meters costs about $100 to $200; for commercial rubbish such as light construction, timber or old Gyprock, you might be looking at around $150 to $250 per cubic meter. For heavy rubbish such as sand and bricks, the costs will be calculated by the ton and you are looking at around $250 to $400, depending on the weight.
There are lots of rubbish removal services that offer quality work. To find one local to you is as easy as a quick search via our directory, and you can have people quickly removing rubbish, waste, or old construction materials from your property to free yourself from the mess.
Rubbish Removal Pricing Factors
Rubbish Removal Service near Wichita KS: Essentially there are four main factors to consider:
   The type of rubbish – Chemicals and liquids which are considered hazardous will involve a higher fee to dispose. Revivalists may be required to take extra precautions to safely remove things such as asbestos, radioactive materials or medical waste. They will also require a license in order to dispose of certain waste.
   The volume of rubbish – Most if not, everyone will associate the cost of rubbish removal by volume. The weight of the rubbish should definitely be taken into consideration as it will determine how the rubbish will be transported. Heavy trash will require heavy vehicles to cater.
   The location of the rubbish – Access to the garbage is another thing to consider when it comes to cost.
   The labor necessary to remove the rubbish – The longer and more resources it takes to remove, the more energy and effort it will take and thus the cost.
After identifying the four factors, you should always try to get an exact, fixed price for the trash removal to avoid any extra costs.
Consider trash removal at an hourly rate which are best suited for tasks that are challenging to gain access to or demolition jobs.
Most rubbish removal companies don’t accept all types of rubbish such as hazardous waste which can make your options limited. Only a handful of revivalists such as Wichita Household Services will accept all types of garbage and make removing rubbish quick and easy with same-day rubbish removal.
Skip bins could be a cheap alternative if you are looking to dispose of heavy materials that rubbish removal companies simply cannot take. They often charge based on volume regardless of the mass.
How much will I need to pay for rubbish removal?
The price for rubbish removal will vary based on the size of the skip and the load, as it might be more complicated to remove and dispose of some materials compared to others.
As a starting point, you can get a small amount of waste removed that isn’t in a skip bin for a fixed hourly price. If you are using a skip bin to remove materials, it might be slightly more.
How do I know what size skip or rubbish removal I need?
The best option is to give your local rubbish removal professional a call to find out the estimated size of your job. If you want to get a few more options, just hit our Get Quotes button to get some opinions and prices.
There are plenty of alternatives available and most suppliers can provide a quote with a detailed overview of what you will need to get rid of your waste.
What happens when I arrange a rubbish removal service?
The process for rubbish removal is straightforward – you book a collection or skip to be dropped off, then a rubbish removal company comes back and picks up the rubbish when it is ready, and it is disposed of safely.
The focus for professional rubbish removal is to ensure rubbish and waste is discarded safely and there are no issues with the waste on your property.
Whether you are conducting a renovation, moving house, clearing out your garage, removing garden waste or commercial waste, rubbish removal specialists are there for you.
If you are throwing out old broken furniture, updating a shop, or simply have hard waste that you need to shift, there is a solution available from junk removal experts as well.
What should I look for in a professional rubbish removal company?
Ideally, you should look for a company that is licensed and insured to offer rubbish removal services. The company should have an ethical approach to waste and rubbish removal and offer a professional approach to dealing with waste in general.
Rubbish that can be collected includes anything from soil, bricks, sand, yard waste, demolition, hard waste and much more. There are plenty of other affordable rubbish removal that will suit you as well.
● Rubbish Removal Near Wichita KS ● Types Of Waste Collection Systems ● Methods Of Solid Waste Collection Ppt ● Waste Collection Equipment ● Collection Of Solid Waste Slideshare ● Waste Collection And Transport ● Collection Of Solid Waste In India ● Rubbish Removal ● Rubbish Removal Cost Per Cubic Meter Wichita KS ● How Much Does Rubbish Removal Cost ● Rubbish Removal Prices ● Cheapest Rubbish Removal ● Rubbish Removal ● Construction Waste Removal Cost ● Household Rubbish Removal ● Rubbish Removal Cost Wichita KS
CONTACT US: Wichita Household Services We Offer Cleaning Junk Removal Movers Handyman Services Call: (316) 448-3558 SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – BelAire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – BelAire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #junkremoval #handyman #householdservice #movers #cleaning
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Items Junk Trash Furniture We Remove Haul Away Recycle | RGV Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://junkremovalmcallentx.org/unwanted-junk-item-removal-near-me/ Unwanted Junk Item Removal: Have an unwanted item for removal? Let RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk be your junk removal solution. Check our website to view the complete list of the items we can remove and recycle for you. Located in McAllen TX. Free estimates same day junk removal hauling service. Unwanted furniture, unwanted bed, unwanted couch removal & haul away. Cost Of? Free Estimates! Call Today Or Schedule Unwanted Junk Item Removal Online Fast!
ITEMS WE REMOVE & RECYCLE RGV Hauling Junk & Moving - Items We Remove & Recycle
RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Junk team has the solution to your Residential and Commercial Junk Removal and Recycling needs.
Whether you’re relocating offices or moving into a new home, our team of professional local movers and junk removal specialists are prepared to handle all of the heavy lifting, packing, and recycling that comes with cleaning out your cluttered space. We can also assist with estate cleanouts.
At RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving, we strive to go above and beyond your expectations for a junk removal company. That’s why we’re proud to stand by our team’s commitment to professionalism with every local move, pickup, and delivery.
We’re here to take everything other local moving and junk removal companies do not, including electronics recycling, heavy duty appliance removal, and furniture donation.
We’ll even take care of loading our trucks for you! No matter your junk removal and recycling needs, the RGV Hauling Junk & Moving is team here to help.
Junk Removal and Recycling Services from Your Home or Office
At RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Junk and Moving, our team understands the stress that a cluttered home or office can bring. Our affordable heavy lifting, debris cleanup, and junk recycling services are guaranteed to save you time and energy.
When you choose RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving for your next junk removal pickup, we’ll take care of everything so you never have to lift a finger.
Furniture Removal McAllen
Whether you need to remove a single item or an entire house full of unwanted furniture, count on RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving for your next furniture pickup.
Our team is dedicated to making your furniture pickup fast, efficient, and hassle-free from start to finish.
We offer full-service furniture pickup, removal, and recycling for all furniture from anywhere on your property. Our professionally trained RGV Hauling Junk & Moving crew will carry, remove, recycle, and donate your old dressers, cabinets, couches, chairs, or any other furniture you need to get rid of. Make Space for New Furniture
Do your items deserve a second life? RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is proud to be partnered with many local charities to help ensure your belongings find a second home.
From recycling to donating old furniture, our expert junk removal specialists will make sure that your sofa, chair, desk, or table furniture is handled with utmost care and respect.
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Appliance Removal & Recycling Services McAllen
RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is the nation’s preferred service provider for appliance recycling and eco-friendly appliance removal and disposal.
When you schedule us for your next appliance pickup, our team of professionally-trained movers will make sure that all unwanted appliances are removed and recycled from anywhere on your property. We stand by our promise to recycle and rehome your unwanted items, and will go above and beyond to ensure that your appliances are disposed of responsibly.
From heavy-lifting to hauling your old appliances to recycling and donation centers, we’ll handle the physical labor so you never have to break a sweat.
Major Appliances
✓ Refrigerator Removal ✓ Washing Machine ✓ Clothes Dryer ✓ Gas Stove ✓ Electric Stove ✓ Hot Water Heater ✓ Stackable Washer/Dryer ✓ Dishwasher ✓ Freezers and Ice Makers ✓ Electric Cook Top ✓ Air Conditioner ✓ Drying Cabinet ✓ Range Hoods ✓ Venting Systems ✓ Trash Compactors ✓ Wall Ovens ✓ Water Softeners ✓ Wine Refrigerators ✓ Chest Freezer ✓ Microwave ✓ Blender ✓ Garbage Disposals ✓ Room Air Conditioners ✓ Water Filters ✓ Water Dispensers ✓ Track Lighting ✓ Blenders ✓ Espresso Makers ✓ Deep Fryers ✓ Food Grinders ✓ Indoor Grills ✓ Irons ✓ Toasters ✓ Dorm Refrigerator ✓ Vacuum Cleaner ✓ Dehumidifiers ✓ Air Purifiers ✓ Coffee Makers ✓ Electric Heaters ✓ Juicers ✓ Bread Makers ✓ Dehydrators ✓ Food Processors ✓ Skillets ✓ Griddles ✓ Toaster Ovens ✓ Wine Chillers
Mattress Disposal Services McAllen
Do you have an old mattress taking up space in your home?
If you need a mattress removed, save yourself the time and effort of hauling it alone and call RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving for fast and efficient mattress pickup.
When you schedule our mattress disposal service, we’ll do all of the heavy lifting and difficult maneuvering so you don’t have to.
No matter how old your mattress, we guarantee our team will take the right steps to ensure your mattress is recycled and disposed of responsibly. ✓ King Size Mattress ✓ Queen Size Mattress ✓ Box Springs ✓ Memory Foam ✓ Double Size Mattress ✓ Twin Size Mattress ✓ Sleep Number ✓ Pillow Top
Office Equipment Removal McAllen
Is your office full of furniture you no longer need? Is your office equipment too heavy to carry on your own?
RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is proud to offer fast and efficient Office Pickup and Disposal Services at a price that works for you.
Whether you’re stuck with a mountain of clutter in the office closet, or need a hand with heavy lifting, RGV Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is ready to assist you every step of the way.
We’ll sort, load, haul, and properly dispose of every last piece of office equipment that needs to go. Plus, we’ll provide all of the proper receipts and invoices you need to make billing a breeze.
When you hire us for Office Pickup and Disposal, our team will make sure the only hand you need to lend is the one that waves goodbye to the clutter!
✓ Copy Machine ✓ Conference Table ✓ Cash Registers ✓ Adding Machines ✓ Filing Cabinets ✓ Stationary ✓ Phone Systems ✓ Whiteboards ✓ Bulletin Boards ✓ Three Ring Binders ✓ Paper Cutters ✓ Flip Charts ✓ Cubicle Walls ✓ Pallets ✓ Storage Cabinets ✓ Office Plants ✓ Office Chairs ✓ Desks & Cubicle Desks ✓ Water Coolers ✓ Typewriters ✓ Files and Folders ✓ Overhead Projectors ✓ Dentist Office Equipment ✓ Doctors Office Equipment
CALL RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING LOCATED IN MCALLEN TX BEST JUNK REMOVAL SERVICE IN MCALLEN TX CONTACT US: RGV Cleaning Company Best Commercial Residential Cleaning Company Janitorial Services in McAllen, TX CALL (956) 587-9628 JANITORIAL SERVICES CALL (956) 587-3486 CLEANING CALL (956) 587-3003 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (956) 587-3484 HANDYMAN CALL (956) 587-3487 MOVERS Located in McAllen, Texas Websites: cleaningservicesmcallentx.org rgvjanitorialservices.com rgvhouseholdservices.com SERVICE AREA 33 Cities within 30 miles of McAllen, TX Alamo, TX | Combes, TX | Delmita, TX | Donna, TX | Edcouch, TX | Edinburg, TX | Elsa, TX | Garciasville, TX | Grulla, TX | Hargill, TX | Harlingen, TX | Hidalgo, TX | La Blanca, TX | La Feria, TX | La Joya, TX | La Villa, TX | Lasara, TX | Linn, TX | Los Ebanos, TX | Los Indios, TX | Lyford, TX | Mercedes, TX | Mission, TX | Penitas, TX | Pharr, TX | Progreso, TX | Raymondville, TX | Rio Grande City, TX | San Juan, TX | Santa Maria, TX | Santa Rosa, TX | Sullivan City, TX | Weslaco, TX Starr County | Hidalgo County | Willacy County | Cameron County | 78504 | 78539 | 78540 | 78541 | 78542 | 78501 | 78503| 78505 | 78557 | 88540 |78502 | 78504 | 78539 | 78572 #cleaning #McAllen #Texas #junk #movers #handyman #JanitorialService #Commercial #Residential #CleaningCompany
RGV CLEANING COMPANY (956) 587-9628 http://cleaningservicesmcallentx.org/
RGV JANITORIAL SERVICES (956) 587-3486 http://www.rgvjanitorialservices.com/
RGV HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (956) 587-3487 http://www.rgvhouseholdservices.com/
VALLEY JUNK REMOVAL (956) 587-3003 http://www.valleyjunkremoval.org/
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RGV HAULING JUNK & MOVING (956) 587-3410 http://junkremovalmcallentx.org/
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architectnews · 3 years
La maison Xun, Beilucaoyuan Hutong Beijing
La maison Xun, Beilucaoyuan Hutong Restaurant Design, Beijing Building, Chinese Interior Architecture Images
La maison Xun in Beijing
4 Aug 2021
Design: LDH Architects
Location: Beilucaoyuan Hutong, Beijing, China
La maison Xun – Cultures coexist in Hutong
Located within a quadrangle courtyard in Beilucaoyuan Hutong in Beijing, La maison Xun, a Chinese style restaurant, has been put into operation quietly. Unlike other popular high-end restaurants today, it boasts its comfortable modern art and antique architectural pattern.
Designer Liu Daohua insists on respecting both history and nature. He brought people back to the tranquility in the memory of old Beijing residents in today’s bewildering aesthetics.
Different spaces assume different forms and meanings. For La maison Xun, its design core lies in the introspective experience in aesthetics and art and also the intuitive sense of times. It allows you to feel the natural tranquility of the city in the life atmosphere of the ancient Hutong.
Entering into the quadrangle courtyard through the red gate, you can see Chinese traditional art elements such as gray tiles, wooden eaves, black walls, and ancient trees, which will bring people into those elegant years.
“This restaurant is not just a top-level or high-end club, but also a landscape that can restore the nostalgic mood of Beijing.” said Liu Daohua.
With simple and symbolic red and black, “Pupu Bear”, designed by Zhang Zhanzhan, integrates with the simple space of the quadrangle courtyard and conveys natural power and pleasure through its cute and silent animal image, so that guests can forget the noise of the city, feel the return of the mind, embrace warmth emotionally, and look forward to the future.
The designer deliberately avoided any complicated piling up and treated Chinese tradition and ancient charm with an attitude of returning to nature, so as to remove those tedious decorations and restore the architectural structure and historical traces of these ancient buildings.
In such a pleasant environment, the centuries-old cultural attributes, traditional memory and historical temperature of the quadrangle courtyard are re-presented, maintaining the historical beauty while not losing the elegance of modern aesthetics.
Liu Daohua has always regarded the La maison Xun project as one to restore historical buildings so as to undertake his mission to preserve the artistic heritage of Beijing’s quadrangle courtyards through the integration and inclusion of traditional and modern design.
“In the whole space, we did not change much in the form or physical relations, but it was the most important that we constructed the relationship between traditional design and nature.”
Such an excellent project for a quadrangle courtyard has its strong rarity and cultural orientation. Liu Daohua, Wang Xiaofei, one of its owners, and Wang Zhenyu all hoped to combine excellent Chinese original furniture and artwork in this building with strong characteristics of Beijing.
Therefore, the space was integrated with the original furniture and artworks of Maxmarko (founded by Chendarui), and “Pupu Bear” created by Artist Zhang Zhanzhan, so as to jointly create a lifestyle, making the space more diversified and posing more possibilities for the future.
Liu Daohua, as an inheritor in the gap between ancient and modern cultures and also between Chinese and western cultures, tried to find a way to harmonize those solutions.
While enjoying delicious food, guests can feel the calm and peace from the traditional culture, the historical spirit of Beijing’s ancient quadrangle courtyards, as well as the artistic atmosphere permeated by modern aesthetics.
It is not only the new trend of contemporary art, but also the best extension of the life of quadrangle courtyards to match the new to the old, contact the tradition with the fashion, and combine modern aesthetics and Oriental artistic conception.
La maison Xun in Beijing, China – Building Information
Design Company: LDH Architects Design Team: Liu Daohua, Cheng Qianyuan, Li Youzhe, Li Lei Completion Time: October 2020 Address: Beilucaoyuan Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing Total Area: 500㎡
Furniture Consultant: Chen Darui Furniture Cooperator: Maxmark and Chendarui Art Cooperator: Zhao Qianying and Zhang Zhanzhan from ArtDepot Lighting Consultant: Beijing Guangshe Lighting Design Co., Ltd Spatial flower and plant design: Creative Director of spatial flower and plant of Cohim Yu Honghui
Photography: Wang Ting from Dalian AsYouSee
La maison Xun, Beijing images / information received 170621 from AIM Architecture
Location: Hutong, Beijing, China
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Comments / photos for La maison Xun, Beijing page welcome
Website: China
The post La maison Xun, Beilucaoyuan Hutong Beijing appeared first on e-architect.
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the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
Items Junk Trash Furniture We Remove Haul Away Recycle | ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/unwanted-junk-item-removal-near-me/
Unwanted Junk Item Removal: Have an unwanted item for removal? Let ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk be your junk removal solution. Check our website to view the complete list of the items we can remove and recycle for you. Located in Albuquerque NM. Free estimates same day junk removal hauling service. Unwanted furniture, unwanted bed, unwanted couch removal & haul away. Cost Of? Free Estimates! Call Today Or Schedule Unwanted Junk Item Removal Online Fast!
ITEMS WE REMOVE & RECYCLE ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving - Items We Remove & Recycle
ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Junk team has the solution to your Residential and Commercial Junk Removal and Recycling needs.
Whether you’re relocating offices or moving into a new home, our team of professional local movers and junk removal specialists are prepared to handle all of the heavy lifting, packing, and recycling that comes with cleaning out your cluttered space. We can also assist with estate cleanouts.
At ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving, we strive to go above and beyond your expectations for a junk removal company. That’s why we’re proud to stand by our team’s commitment to professionalism with every local move, pickup, and delivery.
We’re here to take everything other local moving and junk removal companies do not, including electronics recycling, heavy duty appliance removal, and furniture donation.
We’ll even take care of loading our trucks for you! No matter your junk removal and recycling needs, the ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving is team here to help.
Junk Removal and Recycling Services from Your Home or Office
At ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Junk and Moving, our team understands the stress that a cluttered home or office can bring. Our affordable heavy lifting, debris cleanup, and junk recycling services are guaranteed to save you time and energy.
When you choose ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving for your next junk removal pickup, we’ll take care of everything so you never have to lift a finger.
Furniture Removal Albuquerque
Whether you need to remove a single item or an entire house full of unwanted furniture, count on ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving for your next furniture pickup.
Our team is dedicated to making your furniture pickup fast, efficient, and hassle-free from start to finish.
We offer full-service furniture pickup, removal, and recycling for all furniture from anywhere on your property. Our professionally trained ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving crew will carry, remove, recycle, and donate your old dressers, cabinets, couches, chairs, or any other furniture you need to get rid of. Make Space for New Furniture
Do your items deserve a second life? ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is proud to be partnered with many local charities to help ensure your belongings find a second home.
From recycling to donating old furniture, our expert junk removal specialists will make sure that your sofa, chair, desk, or table furniture is handled with utmost care and respect.
✓ Wardrobe ✓ Chest ✓ Night Stand ✓ Couch / Sofa ✓ Stool ✓ Curio Cabinets ✓ Folding Table ✓ Pedestals ✓ Kitchen Table ✓ Headboard ✓ Dresser ✓ Bookcase ✓ Bench ✓ Love Seat ✓ Accent Tables ✓ Desk ✓ Game Tables ✓ Bedroom Set ✓ Dining Room Table ✓ Futon ✓ Cabinet ✓ Pantry ✓ Chair ✓ Ottoman ✓ Blanket Racks ✓ Drawing Board ✓ Hope Chest ✓ Dinette ✓ Vanity Set ✓ TV’s ✓ Closet ✓ Hutch ✓ Chaise Lounge ✓ Recliner ✓ Coffee Table ✓ End Table ✓ Nesting Tables ✓ Dining Set ✓ Bed ✓ Record Player
Appliance Removal & Recycling Services Albuquerque
ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is the nation’s preferred service provider for appliance recycling and eco-friendly appliance removal and disposal.
When you schedule us for your next appliance pickup, our team of professionally-trained movers will make sure that all unwanted appliances are removed and recycled from anywhere on your property. We stand by our promise to recycle and rehome your unwanted items, and will go above and beyond to ensure that your appliances are disposed of responsibly.
From heavy-lifting to hauling your old appliances to recycling and donation centers, we’ll handle the physical labor so you never have to break a sweat.
Major Appliances
✓ Refrigerator Removal ✓ Washing Machine ✓ Clothes Dryer ✓ Gas Stove ✓ Electric Stove ✓ Hot Water Heater ✓ Stackable Washer/Dryer ✓ Dishwasher ✓ Freezers and Ice Makers ✓ Electric Cook Top ✓ Air Conditioner ✓ Drying Cabinet ✓ Range Hoods ✓ Venting Systems ✓ Trash Compactors ✓ Wall Ovens ✓ Water Softeners ✓ Wine Refrigerators ✓ Chest Freezer ✓ Microwave ✓ Blender ✓ Garbage Disposals ✓ Room Air Conditioners ✓ Water Filters ✓ Water Dispensers ✓ Track Lighting ✓ Blenders ✓ Espresso Makers ✓ Deep Fryers ✓ Food Grinders ✓ Indoor Grills ✓ Irons ✓ Toasters ✓ Dorm Refrigerator ✓ Vacuum Cleaner ✓ Dehumidifiers ✓ Air Purifiers ✓ Coffee Makers ✓ Electric Heaters ✓ Juicers ✓ Bread Makers ✓ Dehydrators ✓ Food Processors ✓ Skillets ✓ Griddles ✓ Toaster Ovens ✓ Wine Chillers
Mattress Disposal Services Albuquerque
Do you have an old mattress taking up space in your home?
If you need a mattress removed, save yourself the time and effort of hauling it alone and call ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving for fast and efficient mattress pickup.
When you schedule our mattress disposal service, we’ll do all of the heavy lifting and difficult maneuvering so you don’t have to.
No matter how old your mattress, we guarantee our team will take the right steps to ensure your mattress is recycled and disposed of responsibly. ✓ King Size Mattress ✓ Queen Size Mattress ✓ Box Springs ✓ Memory Foam ✓ Double Size Mattress ✓ Twin Size Mattress ✓ Sleep Number ✓ Pillow Top
Office Equipment Removal Albuquerque
Is your office full of furniture you no longer need? Is your office equipment too heavy to carry on your own?
ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is proud to offer fast and efficient Office Pickup and Disposal Services at a price that works for you.
Whether you’re stuck with a mountain of clutter in the office closet, or need a hand with heavy lifting, ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk and Moving is ready to assist you every step of the way.
We’ll sort, load, haul, and properly dispose of every last piece of office equipment that needs to go. Plus, we’ll provide all of the proper receipts and invoices you need to make billing a breeze.
When you hire us for Office Pickup and Disposal, our team will make sure the only hand you need to lend is the one that waves goodbye to the clutter!
✓ Copy Machine ✓ Conference Table ✓ Cash Registers ✓ Adding Machines ✓ Filing Cabinets ✓ Stationary ✓ Phone Systems ✓ Whiteboards ✓ Bulletin Boards ✓ Three Ring Binders ✓ Paper Cutters ✓ Flip Charts ✓ Cubicle Walls ✓ Pallets ✓ Storage Cabinets ✓ Office Plants ✓ Office Chairs ✓ Desks & Cubicle Desks ✓ Water Coolers ✓ Typewriters ✓ Files and Folders ✓ Overhead Projectors ✓ Dentist Office Equipment ✓ Doctors Office Equipment
CALL ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING LOCATED IN ALBUQUERQUE NM BEST JUNK REMOVAL SERVICE IN ALBUQUERQUE NM CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico #junkremoval #hauling #moving #trashremoval #cleaning #newmexico #Albuquerque
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lasvegashauling · 3 years
Furniture Disposal Furniture Removal Furniture Haul Away in Las Vegas NV | Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://junkremovallasvegas.org/furniture-disposal-near-me/
Looking for furniture disposal or furniture removal in Las Vegas NV? Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk will remove & recycle old furniture from your home or office. Schedule your furniture removal quote online. Free estimates. We offer furniture removal furniture disposal, furniture hauling, furniture moving help, furniture movers, furniture arrangement, furniture donation pick up services in Las Vegas. Best junk Removal Company in town. Cost of furniture disposal? Free estimates! Call today book online or email us for a quick estimate!
Furniture Removal – Make Space for New Furniture Whether you have just one piece of furniture or an entire house full of old funiture and belongings to be donated and disposed, you can count on Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk to handle your furniture removal quick, fast and stress-free!
At Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk, we’ll remove your old furniture quickly and efficiently. As a part of our furniture removal service, we provide you with two, clean-cut junk professionals who will remove furniture from anywhere on your property, They’ll also remove your stress by going above and beyond what you’d expect from a typical furniture removal company. Our professionally trained movers will carry, remove, recycling and donate your old dressers, cabinets, couches, chairs and other pieces of furniture. It’s all part of our 100% Stress-Free Furniture Removal Service!
FURNITURE REMOVAL Give your old furniture a second life… Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving team members understand that, just because you’re getting rid of your furniture, doesn’t necessarily mean you want it to be damaged and disposed of permanently. That’s why, at Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk, we go out of our way to give your belongings a second life. Since we’re partnered with many local charities, chances are good that your furniture and belongings will receive a second life. Whether we’re able to donate the furniture or it needs to be recycled, we guarantee we will do our absolute best to ensure that your sofa, chair, desk, table or other furniture is handled with respect and given a second life of some sort.
Wardrobe Dresser Cabinet Closet Chest Bookcase Pantry Hutch Night Stand Bench Chair Chaise Lounge Couch / Sofa Love Seat Ottoman Recliner Stool Accent Tables Blanket Racks Coffee Table Curio Cabinets Desk Drawing Board End Table Folding Table Game Tables Hope Chest Nesting Tables Pedestals Bedroom Set Dinette Dining Set Kitchen Table Dining Room Table Vanity Set Bed Headboard Futon TV / Television Record Player Console
Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving is a full service Junk removal and Hauling company.  We will pick up and haul off any of your unwanted items around your property.  We’ll give you more space in your home, office, or apartment by removing your junk fast and efficiently. No job is too big or small.  Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving ensures the best customer experience one job at a time.
Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving strives to be as eco-friendly as possible.  We try to donate or recycle as many items as we can to remove useful junk from piling up in local landfills.  Call Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving today and let us show you why we are the best junk removal company in the Las Vegas area. How Much Does Furniture Disposal Cost In Las Vegas NV? Las Vegas Average Furniture Disposal, furniture removal, furniture pick up In 2018-2019! Free Estimates Instant Quote! Call Us Or Send Us A Message! Get a Price for Junk Removal Services
CALL LAS VEGAS HAULING JUNK & MOVING LOCATED IN LAS VEGAS NV! #1 FURNITURE DISPOSAL SERVICE IN LAS VEGAS NV! CONTACT US: Las Vegas Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (702) 329-9729 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (702) 570-4765 MOVERS MOVING CALL (702) 530-7597 CLEANING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Las Vegas, NV Open Monday to Sunday Located in Las Vegas, NV 89108 Websites: http://junkremovallasvegas.org/ http://www.mgmjunkremoval.com/ http://www.cleaningserviceslasvegasnv.com/ Service area: Las Vegas NV, Boulder City NV, Enterprise, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor Nevada. Las Vegas Neighborhoods: Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain’s Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada. Las Vegas Neighborhoods: Aliante, Anthem/Anthem Country Club, Chinatown, Downtown Las Vegas, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Country Club, MacDonald Highlands, Mountain’s Edge, Paradise Palms, Queensridge & One Queensridge Place, Seven Hills, Southern Highlands, Summerlin, Summerlin South, The Lakes, The Ridges, West Las Vegas Nevada. #Junk #handyman #cleaning #movers #moving #lasvegas #Nevada
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lnkhauler · 3 years
Furniture Disposal Furniture Removal Furniture Haul Away in Lincoln NE | LNK Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://junkremovallincoln.org/furniture-disposal-near-me/
Looking for furniture disposal or furniture removal in Lincoln NE? LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk will remove & recycle old furniture from your home or office. Schedule your furniture removal quote online. Free estimates. We offer furniture removal furniture disposal, furniture hauling, furniture moving help, furniture movers, furniture arrangement, furniture donation pick up services in Lincoln. Best junk Removal Company in town. Cost of furniture disposal? Free estimates! Call today book online or email us for a quick estimate!
Furniture Removal – Make Space for New Furniture Whether you have just one piece of furniture or an entire house full of old funiture and belongings to be donated and disposed, you can count on LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk to handle your furniture removal quick, fast and stress-free!
At LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk, we’ll remove your old furniture quickly and efficiently. As a part of our furniture removal service, we provide you with two, clean-cut junk professionals who will remove furniture from anywhere on your property, They’ll also remove your stress by going above and beyond what you’d expect from a typical furniture removal company. Our professionally trained movers will carry, remove, recycling and donate your old dressers, cabinets, couches, chairs and other pieces of furniture. It’s all part of our 100% Stress-Free Furniture Removal Service!
FURNITURE REMOVAL Give your old furniture a second life… LNK Hauling Junk & Moving team members understand that, just because you’re getting rid of your furniture, doesn’t necessarily mean you want it to be damaged and disposed of permanently. That’s why, at LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Hauling Junk, we go out of our way to give your belongings a second life. Since we’re partnered with many local charities, chances are good that your furniture and belongings will receive a second life. Whether we’re able to donate the furniture or it needs to be recycled, we guarantee we will do our absolute best to ensure that your sofa, chair, desk, table or other furniture is handled with respect and given a second life of some sort.
• Wardrobe • Dresser • Cabinet • Closet • Chest • Bookcase • Pantry • Hutch • Night Stand • Bench • Chair • Chaise Lounge • Couch / Sofa • Love Seat • Ottoman • Recliner • Stool • Accent Tables • Blanket Racks • Coffee Table • Curio Cabinets • Desk • Drawing Board • End Table • Folding Table • Game Tables • Hope Chest • Nesting Tables • Pedestals • Bedroom Set • Dinette • Dining Set • Kitchen Table • Dining Room Table • Vanity Set • Bed • Headboard • Futon • TV / Television • Record Player Console
LNK Hauling Junk & Moving is a full service Junk removal and Hauling company.  We will pick up and haul off any of your unwanted items around your property.  We’ll give you more space in your home, office, or apartment by removing your junk fast and efficiently. No job is too big or small.  LNK Hauling Junk & Moving ensures the best customer experience one job at a time.
LNK Hauling Junk & Moving strives to be as eco-friendly as possible.  We try to donate or recycle as many items as we can to remove useful junk from piling up in local landfills.  Call LNK Hauling Junk & Moving today and let us show you why we are the best junk removal company in the Lincoln area.
How Much Does Furniture Disposal Cost In Lincoln NE? Lincoln Average Furniture Disposal, furniture removal, furniture pick up In 2018-2019! Free Estimates Instant Quote! Call Us Or Send Us A Message! Get a Price for Junk Removal Services
CALL LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING LOCATED IN LINCOLN NE! #1 FURNITURE DISPOSAL SERVICE IN LINCOLN NE! CONTACT US: LNK Hauling Junk & Moving Lincoln`s famous junk removal hauling services! CALL (402) 875 7271 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING CALL (402) 875 7305 HANDYMAN CALL (402) 590 8095 MOVING Open Monday to Sunday Lincoln Nebraska WEBSITE: https://junkremovallincoln.org http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/ https://lnk-hauling-junk-and-moving-lincoln.business.site SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.
Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178. #junkremoval #movingservice #cleaning #commercialjunk #residencialjunkremoval #lincoln #nebaraska #handymanservice
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wichitacleaning12 · 3 years
Leading Monthly Business Cleaning in Wichita KS | Wichita Cleaning Company
More information is at: https://bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/monthly-business-cleaning-near-me/
Are you searching for monthly business cleaning service in  Wichita KS? Wichita Cleaning Company is serving your needs of business cleaning throughout Wichita. It is not an easy task to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment in the office but with our monthly business cleaning, you will be able to provide a healthy environment to your staff and clients which will surely increase the productivity. There is no doubt that monthly business cleaning services will be cost effective. Best monthly business cleaning service of Wichita! Free estimates. Feel Free to Call us now or book online quickly!
MONTHLY BUSINESS CLEANING When it comes to running your business, the vendors you hire reflect on you. If you're tired of replacing your janitorial service company due to their complacency or lack of follow-through, it's time to go with the team that believes that a job isn't done until it's done right. At Wichita Cleaning Company, we provide the expertise, professionalism and ownership to deliver exceptional results you can depend on day and night. We have been dedicated to providing only the highest standards of cleaning services for customers.
We are aiming for the highest standards every day for our monthly business cleaning. An effective and efficient cleaning process, it combines powerful products, advanced technologies and a high-productivity approach to dramatically decrease airborne dust, VOCs and bacteria. The monthly business cleaning schedule is the perfect time to address neglected areas that see little traffic, but are still exposed to the elements.
You'll surely get the benefit from a high quality of professional service without having to hire and manage full-time staff. Outsourcing is the proven, cost-effective solution to ensure your facility benefits from the highest standard for clean.
To help keep your business running uninterrupted, we offer cost-effective daytime monthly business cleaning services. Switching from after-hours to a daytime cleaning program can reduce your cleaning costs as well as energy expenses. Since no cleaning staff is required on-site after hours, there's no need for running lights or heating/cooling the building and your doors stay locked at the end of the day.
Why Choose us? ● We're committed to building a customized cleaning program that meets your specific needs. ● We thoroughly inspect our work to make sure it's complete. ● We're not satisfied until the customer is satisfied.
WICHITA CLEANING COMPANY OFFERS THE FOLLOWING MONTHLY BUSINESS CLEANING SERVICE FOR OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS ● Dust high-reach areas including shelves, ledges, vents and HVAC grills. ● Dust Venetian blinds. ● Remove cobwebs. ● Clean baseboards, carpet edges, and corners. ● Vacuum/Clean upholstered furniture. ● Wipe and disinfect work desks, phones, computers, printers and file cabinets. ● Sweep and Vacuum all offices. ● Vacuum door runner. ● Dust accessible window sills, baseboards and other flat surfaces. ● Wipe and disinfect bookshelf. ● Clean and disinfect table and countertop in the kitchen area. ● Clean and disinfect the outside of refrigerator.
SOME OF THE ENVIRONMENTS WE SERVE ● Commercial ● Residential
PAGE IS ABOUT ● monthly business cleaning service checklist ● monthly business cleaning services ● monthly business cleaning service tips ● monthly business cleaning companies near me ● monthly business cleaning service cost
CONTACT US: Wichita Cleaning Company Best commercial residential cleaning company in Wichita KS (316) 500-7551 CLEANING (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-5733 WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING Location: Wichita KS Monday-Sunday 7 am- 11 pm bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/ handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/ junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/ Service area; 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #cleaning #moving #movers #junkremoval #handymanservice #hauling #Wichita #kanas
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junkmanwichita316 · 3 years
Best Firewood Service Near Wichita Kansas | Wichita Junk Disposal More information is at: https://wichitajunkdisposal.com/firewood-service-near-me/
Are you looking for a Firewood Service near Wichita Kansas? Wichita Junk Disposal is offering Firewood Service Near Wichita Kansas. Cheap Firewood Service of Wichita Kansas! Free estimates. Call us now or book online quickly!
Wichita Junk Disposal is your locally owned junk removal solution. Our professional junk removal team will take care of every step of the process from pick up to disposal all without you having to lift a finger. We offer responsible disposal and all qualifying items are recycled or donated. We specialize in removing all sorts of junk including appliances, boats, brush, carpet, construction debris, electronics, exercise equipment, furniture, garbage, hot tubs, junk, mattresses, pianos, play sets, pools, scrap metal, sheds, swing sets, tires, trash, trees, tv's, yard waste and more.
FIREWOOD MADE EASY We also offer a clean out service for just about everything including attics, barns, basements, businesses, estates, evictions, foreclosures, garages, hoarders, offices, rental properties, reo properties, storage sheds, storage units, retail stores and much more. Wichita Junk Disposal is a family owned and operated business and offers a full service junk removal, property clean up, clean outs, trash outs and hauling company for your home or business including homes, apartments, rental homes, estates, offices, retail locations, constructions sites, attics, storage units, evictions, rental properties, basements, commercial properties and more.
RUBBISH, TRASH, GARBAGE OR JUNK Do you need your home cleaned out or de-cluttered? Do you have alot of old stuff just sitting around collecting dust and taking up space? Our professional junk removal team can make all that clutter disappear. Moving, lifting, cleaning and getting rid of all this stuff can be a daunting process. Wichita Junk Disposal provides an easy and junk removal service so you don’t need to worry about the pick up or disposal of those old items. We will remove your unwanted items without you having to lift a finger. All qualifying items are recycled or donated. Broken, old, or unused items take up space, and are often too much to remove by yourself. Why not relieve all that stress and concern and have our professional attic clean out removal team remove your unwanted junk and your worries? BEST FIREWOOD SERVICE COMPANY OF WICHITA KANSAS JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES OF WICHITA REQUEST FREE INFORMATION NOW.
CONTACT US: Wichita Junk Disposal Wichita`s favorite junk removal company! (316) 448-5146 Monday to Sunday 7 am – 11 pm https://wichitajunkdisposal.com/ Wichita Kansas
SERVICE AREA 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
WICHITA HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (316) 448-3558 http://wichitahouseholdservices.com/
WICHITA CLEANING COMPANY (316) 500-7551 http://bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/
HANDYMAN SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-3974 https://handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/
AONE HANDYMAN WICHITA (316) 448-3974 http://ahandymanwichita.com
WICHITA BEST HANDYMAN AND REMODELING (316) 448-3974 http://wichitabesthandyman.com
REMODELING CONTRACTORS OF WICHITA (316) 448-3974 http://remodelingcontractorsofwichita.com
WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING (316) 448-5733 https://junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/
WICHITA JUNK DISPOSAL (316) 448-5146 http://wichitajunkdisposal.com
JUNK REMOVAL SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-5089 http://junkremovalservicesofwichita.com
PRICE JUNK REMOVAL WICHITA (316) 448-5733 http://pricejunkremovalwichita.com
AONE JUNK REMOVAL OF WICHITA (316) 448-5146 http://ajunkremovalwichita.com
WICHITA JUNK REMOVAL COMPANY (316) 448-5733 http://wichitajunkremovalservice.com
MR JUNK REMOVAL OF WICHITA (316) 448-5733 http://mrjunkremovalofwichita.com
ACTION JUNK REMOVAL OF WICHITA (316) 448-5146 http://cheapjunkremovalwichitaks.com
JUNK REMOVAL PROS WICHITA (316) 448-5089 http://wichitajunkremovalcompany.com
AFFORDABLE JUNK REMOVAL WICHITA (316) 448-5146 http://cheaphaulerwichita.com
ECONOMY JUNK REMOVAL WICHITA (316) 448-5089 http://cheapdumpsterrentalwichita.com
0 notes
Cheap Yard Waste Removal Service and Cost in Wichita KS | Wichita Household Services more information is at : https://wichitahouseholdservices.com/yard-waste-removal-service-near-me/
Are you searching  for yard waste removal service in Wichita? Wichita Household Services will provide you Cheap services in removing yard waste and will save you from this hectic and labour work. It is not an easy task to clean your yard and removing all the waste from it. You surely need a professional to do that. Cheap yard waste removal service of Wichita! Cost? Free estimates. Call us now or book online quickly!
Whether it’s piles of leaves in the fall or weeds from the garden in spring, Wichita Household Services knows that getting rid of yard waste can be a pain. It’s getting more difficult to find places that accept yard waste, and many local garbage collection services don’t pick up yard waste. So how do you get rid of all those bags filled with leaves, grass clippings, and more?
We know that yard waste disposal can be tricky. We’re here to help make it easy for you. If you need yard debris removal, just give us a call and we’ll get it out of your way in no time. We’ll do all the heavy lifting for you—all you have to do is point!
For some people, the maintenance of their garden is an escape from the stress of everyday life. For others, garden maintenance causes the stress of everyday life. No matter what attitude you have towards yard maintenance, one thing remains – green waste removal is a must have service! The first impression of your home is everything. Having a clean front yard or garden doesn’t simply improve the look of a home, it raises the value too. We offer a range of yard waste removal service to make light work of even the most out of control gardens.
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Aside from the fact that it will make your garden look better, our affordable garden waste removal stops debris from piling up can help put a stop to unwanted infestations. When your garden starts to resemble an undiscovered jungle, it becomes the perfect environment for insects, bugs and rodents to live in. It’s a challenge to walk around a beautiful garden and enjoy the fresh air if you’re constantly trying to dodge spider webs. And nothing ruins a BBQ quicker than a curious family of rats. More than a nuisance, without garden refuse removal, this kind of environment can be potentially dangerous for any pets or small kids that might be wandering around unsupervised.
Our yard waste removal service is customer oriented, fast and affordable, so getting rid of your garden waste is easier than ever. If you do require an extra pair of hands, we’re more than happy to help you with that. We process the organic material which makes up your green waste separately from general waste and plastics, turning your unwanted garden into mulch or compost, so your green thumb is working while you don’t have to.
● Simply schedule your yard waste removal appointment online or by calling ● Our friendly, uniformed truck team will call you 15-30 minutes before your scheduled 2 hour arrival window. ● When we arrive, just point to the yard waste you want removed and we’ll provide you with an up-front, all-inclusive price. ●  Once you say the word, we’ll haul your yard waste away from wherever they are located and finish by tidying up the area.
SOME OF THE COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENTS WE SERVE ● Home and Residential ● Business and Office ● Property Clean outs ● Commercial and other
PAGE IS ABOUT ● Yard waste removal near me ● Yard waste removal cost ● Yard waste removal services companies
REQUEST FREE INFORMATION NOW. CLICK HERE! CONTACT US: Wichita Household Services We Offer Cleaning Junk Removal Movers Handyman Services Call: (316) 448-3558 SERVICE AREA: 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – BelAire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – BelAire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven #Wichita #junkremoval #handyman #householdservice #movers #cleaningc
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