#Oddlee Worken
penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
Oddlee, what do you think of the Icosahedron Royal Court? Have you spoken with King Jasper?
*~ Quite frankly, most of them are dullards and blowhards. I’ve interacted with The King once or twice, but nothing meaningful yet. ~*
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penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
Oddlee, whatcha teaching?
*~ Quantum Alteration via Transcendental Numeric Metaphysics. Or, in layman's terms, Mathemagics. ~*
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penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
*~ I mean, how else do you think I know she’s in town? ~*
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penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
Oddlee, what's keeping you from tagging along Pilfea's adventures?
*~ I have... responsibilities now. I’m not quite the carefree youth I once was. I have a teaching job, and I’m hoping to land tenure in my current position. I’m apparently now a member of the Icosahedron Royal Court as well, which is... necessary. I’m afraid the simple fact remains that Pilfea is... free, and I am bound. ~*
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penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
Oddlee, does it get tiring to feign ignorance all the time?
*~ Well, yes. Thankfully, know that I’m older and can more adequately self-defend, I don’t need to do so as much. Nowadays, I save that for those that I don’t particularly wish to engage with. ~*
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penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
Oddlee, have your thoughts on the hemospectrum changed over time at all?
*~ Oh, Definitely. I used to be... much more close-minded. That is, until I discovered our lord and savior, Purple Horse.
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penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
Oddlee, anything in particular you're studying right now?
*~ Well, right now I’m working on an interesting paper with piecewise linear interpolation, with an occasional splash of orthostatic hypertension ~*
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penulttrolls-blog · 8 years
Oddlee, have you and Pilfea been hanging out lately?
*~ Pilfea has been kinda doing her own thing lately. She’s off traveling the world, but I always have time to catch up with her when she’s in town ~*
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