oddclangen · 3 months
Lore intermission part 3
This time its CarnationClan who really suffered recently.
Theu also the only clan who allows Medicine cat to retire.
Family tree HERE.
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Fuzzstar used to think that they got it together, but recent fire destroyed half of their clan, and made many questions for what reason StarClan gave them this punishment.
But now as things calmed down, Fuzzstar started to see things a bit differently especially considering kittypets.
They also pregnant again.
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Now this. this is Jakada, a former kittypet and the only cat to survive redcough in all my Clangen history. He extremely loyal to Fuzzstar and will do anything they say.
He is not really a deputy because of that tho, after a devastating fire the only cat to be qualified was ironically enough, only Jakada. He is pretty good at his job tho so no one complaining.
Other cats
Now this, this is a cat engages into some stinky behaviour. Birch is a loner who joined CarnationClan as a medicine cat, but he here not because of that. You see they had kits with a cat named Hopeswipe and that would be fine, but then they had kits with Honeypelt, who is Hopeswipe SISTER, so yeah, only in CarnationClan you can be half-siblings and cousins at the same time.
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And while this cat is dead i still wanna talk about him. This is Wikipedia, a medicine cat who stumbled his way into another medicine cat heart (Coyoteheart) together thay retired into the elders den and raised two daughters. Unfortunately his death was rather brutal, he died from wound a group of rats inflicted on his, while his mate died from a fox.
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And this is their daughters, Hollyburr and Dartash
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oddclangen · 3 months
Lore intermission part 4
And finaly PatchouliClan, the most toxic place to live in.
No family tree for them right now bocuse i accidently played ahead and no spoilers on that part.
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The cat of the hour Valleystar, she killed her previous leader and deputy and assumed the Rule of the clan, unfortunately she did not intend to make the clan a better place, some may say she made it worst, she has her personal guard cats who she send to inflict a punishment on code breaker.
I am more surprised she had a kit, Rookswan his mother, but unfortunately its not mutual.
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Yellowcreek will do anything to make her family safe even if it means to step over some cats heads, She killed Curlyfur the previous deputy and was overjoyed when Valleystar choose her to take over.
She is very close with her sister Shystem, and a bit perplexed by the fact that she now aunt.
Other cats
This is Rime, she has to many kits for my liking, but also might be the nicest person in PatchouliClan
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And this is Scorchspeckle who is Rime's mate and too many cats have a crush on him, like i swear guys he is not that interesting.
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oddclangen · 3 months
Lore intermission part 2
Here we go, no it is time for LeopardClan, who claim that everything was originally theirs, but no one really sure if thats true.
Family tree Follows Kestrelstar the previous leader, but you can actually find Birchstar there lol
Family tree HERE
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It pretty rare for the first deputy to become a leader, but Birchstar survived everything that was thrown at him. He considers his predecessor Kestrelstar, while a good cat, a very indecisive leader. Birchstar didnt like how he went back and fourth on FluffyClan, and now that the old cat is gone Birchstar can drive them out completely, or so he believes.
Idk how he got a mate by being this awful, but Thymerush always had a crush on him. She actually has a kit Pebblestreak and Birchstar Hates her, despite being the young she cat former mentor. Lets hope no murder will happen.
He lost one of his lives in the recent with Fluffyclan, when his Clanmate Mottledleave accidently wounded him.
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Blossomeagle is a nice boy all things considered, being a former loner he never got a mate or kits of his own, but still has plenty of friend. Unfortunately he not brave enough to say his leader wrong about something even if its obvious for everyone.
He never really did a lot of thing and reminds me of Hazelstar a little bit.
Other cats
Mottledleaf is one of the PatchouliClan warriors who had enough and one day just left, He settled dawn with his new mate and had kits, everything was going well until one day, he alongside few other clanmates got taken by Twolegs, and when Mottledleaf was able to return he found out that his mate and most of his kits are dead, right now he bounced back a little and even took a new mate.
He also Blossomeagle former mentor.
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Shiveringshine is Kestrelstar daughter and strict mother for her kits, her mate Guppyivy was kidnaped by Twolegs alongside Mottledleaf, but he was never able to return to the clan. This made her double dawn on the kittypets can never be warriors things, and that FluffyClan shouldnt be here. She is a very respectable warrior in her Clan.
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oddclangen · 3 months
Lore intermission part 1
Idk how to call this part, but this will do. Time to meet other clans leaders and learn more about them in general, and i decided to star with FluffyClan the clan that got founded relatively recently by former kittypets and their current leader is Fluffystar, who i just call the cat jesus because his job is to suffer
You can find His family tree HERE
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Granted 9 lives by his dead daughter, Fluffystar leadership started with a loss and it didnt become better let me tell you. All his children continue to die in the most horrible ways and the medicine cat position seems to be cursed. At this point he just doesnt know what StarClan saw in him to make Fluffystar a leader.
They had few wars with LeopardClan who their territory originally belonged to, and CarnationClan often picked fights with them, well at least until a recent fire on CarnationClan territory.
At some point he suspected one of his clanmates to be a spy from LeopardClan and accidently murdered them, he regrets this decision to this day.
He lost one of his live in battle with LeopardClan.
He is very close with his mate Oakfoot and trusts his deputy with most important decisions.
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Speaking of FluffyClan deputy here she is Burnburr, occasionally head strong but generally well meaning. She has been pretty busy lately with her kits finally becoming apprentices and supporting her best friend Oakfoot. Most cats thinks she would make a good leader and maybe will put LeopardClan in their place.
Unfortunately she lost a lot of respect for Fluffystar, and now actively dislikes him, thinking that maybe old man should just retire.
Small section about some other cats
This is Fred, he a medicine cat and volunteered for this position after recent disasters killed of all FluffyClan healers, he doing his best and recently got apprentice, who is actually Burnburr daughter, Slifgtpaw
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And this is Hareears, after some drama connected to her father she decided to become a mediator, hoping that this will show that she will not choose violence as the answer.
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oddclangen · 9 months
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Tried doing territory map. I always imagined OddClan to be the smallest clan out of five.
With time OddClan adapted to hunt and traverse their territory with ease. But is still hard to navigate for others.
The river makes their territory split in two, there only one rocky road to traverse it, and usually it advised to on the other side only if leaf-bare is especially harsh and fresh kill pile is empty.
Here a little info about other clans if you interested.
PatchouliClan is easily the most aggressive clan out of 5 they would take your territory if for only to show that they could. They are great hunters and where the biggest clan out of five. But after the fire that raged through their territory they lost a lot of capable warriors.
They also really mean to others for no good reason.
CarnationClan is really prefers keep to themself, since they live in ruing that shaped like twoleg house. They also the clan whith the medicine cat problem since two of OddClan medicine cats are from there. Their territory also doesnt have as much medicine herbs as you would think.
LeopardClan is the oldest one here, claiming that other four are invaders, no one going to argue whith them since they can be more brutal in battle then PatchouliClan.
FluffyClan is the a relatively new one, made out of former kittypets. They are a small group and often arent considered by others as full clan.
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