#Oc: Zalko
everlivinglight · 4 years
Just a bust of my boy :)
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everlivinglight · 4 years
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Sooooo, would you like some wine?~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But ahem yes, this is Zalko again! I will draw other things, don’t worry. FOR now I just, want to draw him owo. 
Also, I got more story for him!  
Zalko never met his mother, and had his father in his life just for a few years of his life. His mother died and his father disappeared, it is still unknown if he is alive. So he was mostly raised by his grandmother. She was a strict old Oddling woman, her horns were rather similar to Zalko’s. She was stern and rarely smiled, but Zalko knew that she wasn’t actually angry, and that she has a stern face. Over his younger life, he watched his grandmother sewing, and fell in love with the craft. He began to help her with her work! Learning techniques from her, which he still uses to this day. Zalko did know one thing, his grandmother was terrible with customers, she was often rude and unapproachable. So he also learned what not to do.
He began to use the skills he learned to begin slowly get recognised. In his town, he was very well known! His works were amazing and people were astonished that he made clothes of such high quality from such poor materials! People knew who he was and slowly word began to spread about his work. Eventually reaching into the bigger kingdoms. Where people were sceptic about him. To have an Oddling make works that were described, was just unheard of! So many went to the town to see if the rumours were true. And all were astonished at his works. The young Zalko, used the opportunity to make friends. And he managed to get pretty close with some high income individuals.
Eventually, he moved into a bigger city, where he opened a shop. He was working by himself at first, but he hired a few assistants after the number of orders over went his expectations. There was a struggle though, many believed he was a scammer due to him being an Oddling. His horns brought him a lot of attention and a lot of bashing. He tired to ignore them but some got under his skin. And those that did get under his skin made him work even harder! He never gave up, and usually smirked at those that tried and insult him for being an Oddling. That got him… very far…
So, that is what i have for him, for now of course. (─‿‿─)
I hope you liked this for now! I will draw more of him, and of COURSE other things uwu!
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everlivinglight · 4 years
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This is my OC, Zalko! I do not have a full story for him just yet, but i will have one for the next post! I do have some basics about him and his kind though! His full name is Zalko Zeman,also known as ZZ, and he is around 240ish. Which is rather young for his kind. Zalko is from a tribe of demons that have… odd growing horns. They are often called “Oddlings”, which for them if often an insult. His kind’s horns aren’t like Zalko’s they can be very odd like growing from their cheekbones or their spine. However, they all face discrimination, as their are seen as weak and childish. Many of them take it, the others take measures to fix their horns. Either by breaking them off or trying to hide them. However, no one can call Zalko weak or childish. He is a very influential member of society and he is often used as a role model for Oddling children. As he made himself something out of nothing. He has many connections in many cities, his “friends” are in important government positions. Zalko a very well known tailor and trader. He makes suits and dresses, which is a luxury to have a custom made one from him. He gets orders from all over, even other kingdoms! His trading business deals with information, only the elite know of it, he can get any information you want, for a price… He is very well known among nobles, royals and Oddlings. Being an example of success among Oddlings and how they can make something of themselves if they try. I hope this gives a small idea about him! I will eventually add more to him! And I will create more art of him! UvU
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