#Oc: Rexim Doorman Elliot
withered--s0uls 6 months
Nuzi Hellspawns (this took may more time and effort than I wanted it too sobs)
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More info on the twins, Scrapped child outfit for Orita & the AO3 comment(er) who gave me the name ideas (bc I'm bad at names lol) under the cut 馃挄
N calls her his "sweet Violet" due to the color of her optics being a light purple
Personality wise she mostly takes after N, however she did inherited Uzis unhingedness so she has her moments
She got Uzi's skill in robotics, engineering and hacking
Her and Uzi help each other with their projects once Orita is old enough to help Uzi (Uzi always helped her daughter when asked ofc)
Once the twins switch to their Teen/Adult bodies, she starts to basically upgrade herself by custom making DD forearms so she looks more like N too
The above point worries N a little because she actually gave herself weapons in them -- N always refused to have her look at his weaponry, having a strict "no weapons around the kids unless it's absolutely necessary" rule.
Because of the above rule, Orita went to V instead because V doesn't mind her looking at her weapons. She thinks it's cool that she's interested in them
Her childhood body used to be Uzi's when she was a kid (same with her Pill Baby body lol)
She placed a sticker of the DD logo on her cores cover as a child to kind of honor her Dad, she loves him dearly <3
N did her hairstyle :3
She probably picked up the phrase "Biscuit" from her dad
Scrapped outfit:
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He takes more after Uzi with his personality so he's more angsty
He continues the catch phrase "Bite Me" from his mother and Grandmother
He inherited Ns love for animals & cute things and one might catch his angsty persona slip when it comes to that
He has a bad habit of picking fights or getting involved in them
This resulted in his main camera being severely damaged in one confrontation, resulting in him primarily using the Headband optics as camera
Said headband was made Uzi (both of the twins headbands were) because the twins code included Ns "real eyes" / headband optics, which resulted in them having issues with their sense of orientation and depth perception without said optics. They aren't nearly as advanced as their dads when it comes to features and accuracy, but they get the job done
He kinda goes through a "my dad is boring" phase at one point, but that's swiftly put to an end when he actually sees N in action
He had severe problems balancing using WD legs, seemingly not having enough footing to do so. So Uzi made him custom ones based on Ns lower legs so that their son has more surface to stand on and distruste his weight on
The WD symbol on his cores covering ends up scratched up and with chipped paint as he gets older, due to him getting into fights a lot
Both Twins
Both kids inherited the downsides that come with being a DD/Solver user - meaning they can't go out in the sun, have issues overheating and do need to feed on oil (these issues don't start until they are transferred to their first functional bodies. As babies they're fine)
This probably means Uzi went out of her way to improve their internal cooling system a bit
Seeing as Oritas childhood body is that of Uzi, I am debating on if I make Thad child-free and he offered them his for Rexim
This idea comes from me hc N and Thad as having a brotherly bond & feeling like the CoolKids Trio would still be very close later on. Thad is practically the twins uncle :) (he spoils them lol)
Thank you to this AO3 user for the name ideas <3
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When I looked up the two guns in question I found out Orita also is a brand for stuff like dish soap and laundry detergent & Rexim is also a candy brand lmao
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withered--s0uls 4 months
Taking the Nuzi Kids Hungergames as my sign to post these all together
Intertwining/Intertwined Codes Timeline Kids - this may contain spoilers for the kids if I ever get motivation to revamp the joke fic
Feel free to ask me stuff about them, I'm too lazy to actually type out all info about them in this >.>
Rexim & Orita (twins)
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You can find info on the twins in this post
I don't want to retype or copy paste all that lol.
Their Teen Designs are like 16ish! Their Child Designs like 4-6!
Zagi & Raven
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They are like a day apart in age. They didn't know about Ravens existence until the day their programming finished developing, meanwhile Zagi was built and programmed using the regular canonverse USB method.
They're both about 5 years old :3
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They technically knew her since she was a young kid but didn't adopt her until her pre teens. I haven't really made a younger design for her bc it wouldn't be much different aside from her joint count lol.
She's like 16-17 here (yes she's older than the twins!)
I might redesign her bc I feel her fit is too basic and doesn't reflect her age properly :" but I absolutely HATE my current attempt at it so we sticking with it
Olivia & Ray
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And last but not least, the newest family addition (despite coming up with Raven after them, these two were adopted after Raven and Zagi booted up!)
Olivia is a similar age to Raven & Zagi, maybe a few months younger. But she tries to act more mature than them most of the time (trauma response).
Not much to say about Ray. That's a baby. Idk if I'll ever give him a body design. If I do then probably alongside doing a redesign for Annika!
Timeline of Events
Between Ep 4 & 5; The twins programs develop and are put into their pill baby bodies
Ep 5; Technically when the incident that causes Ravens program to develop happens, but Ravens program does NOT develop yet
The twins get their first bodies, after a good while Nuzi discuss adoption & start bonding with a still young child Annika to build trust.
Rexim is established to be unable to balance on worker legs so Uzi builds him legs based on Ns to give him more surface to balance on
Annika is adopted around the same time Zagi is being built (making Ann like 11-13 then). The twins get their teen bodies. Ravens program starts developing
Orita builds herself DD arms, Rexims main camera breaks
Zagi is finished, they find out about Ravens System. They still kept both twins pill shells so they upload Raven to the second one.
Zagi & Raven get their bodies.
Nuzi are on a mission to do some stuff with Outpost 06, only to run into Olivia and Ray who are being attacked by a different DD team. They intervene and whilst the other DDs give N an ear full for "crossing territory" Uzi gets the kids away and to safety. Later N reunites with them and they find out what happened to the kids parents and to outpost 06.
They take them back to outpost 03 to keep them safe, the orphanage wing is basically too full so the siblings kinda get shuffled around between Nuzi, Khan & Thad (Olivia is terrified of N and some of the other Nuzi kids so it's a mess)
Ray gets attached to Nuzi, its unhealthy for a baby to be separated from attached adults & he already lost his code parents. So now the siblings kinda just have to stick with Nuzi. (Accidental adoption lol)
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withered--s0uls 3 months
Hi its 2am
You know how out of my Nuzi kids it says this
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for Rexim, Orita & Zagi?
Yeah basically you can think of their tail canister as like a backup battery & extra healing stuff kinda?
All my Code-Related Nuzi kids have worker bodies, they are just modified. Basically the slot for their core isnt compatible with a DD core for a multitude of reasons! Including, but not limited to, The core size & vulnerability to nanite acid (refer to my core hcs post for better explanation!)
So their tails instead have just their regular core fluids, and since the core is basically an energy source, that makes their tails like a backup battery a bit?
The Twins also both have the Solver, so it also contains self regeneration nanites that come with that. (Zagi idk if they have the Solver, waiting for Ep 8 to decide).
So yeah, extra battery & built in first aid kit that only works on themselves essentially.
Raven also regens, just very very slowly. And it probably ends up looking kinda wonky bc they didnt actually inherit the Solver, but are technically a fragment of it. Specifically one that took on the mutations. So their regeneration consists of the body part in question mutating until the injury is closed :)
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