#Observants want to escape paperwork
yandere-sins · 2 months
Wriothesley didn't smile much.
Occasionally, he felt his features being torn into a grimace of faux pleasantry, his eyes as cold as the sea that his prison lay beneath while he bared his teeth to pretend a mood he wasn't in. People liked it when he appeared friendly before them; he felt nothing. Only the most perceptive amongst them would have noticed his smiles never reaching his eyes. And those few knew better than to run their mouths. There simply wasn't much to smile about when he kept himself busy by dealing with the problems and conflicts that kept rising around him. No matter how hard he worked, he always woke to a new day of challenges. It was how he wanted it, as it allowed him to forget the memories he didn't want to ponder.
And though Meropide forged unique relationships amongst its prisoners, the same couldn't be said about Wriothesley.
Even respected and, occasionally, admired by others, his life was more lonesome than it would seem to some. Good company was hard to come by when he spent all his time below the surface, running his prison and enjoying tea in his office with only his own thoughts to listen to. Every day was bittered by the uncertainty of the future he never thought he'd live to see. That same bitterness robbed him of genuine smiles to decorate his face with.
That was until you came along.
If he was the gasoline keeping the machines working, you were the match setting them ablaze. If he was the hot water to make his tea, you were the sugar sweetening his day. There was no friendly banter to have with you, no matter how little Wriothesley cared for the cold shoulder and snarky rejections you gave him every time he sought you out. And yet, the thought of seeing you again was enough to put a spring in his step, his lips parting in a grin more becoming of a little boy than a grown man.
Undoubtedly, you'd be there, in his office, sorting through his paperwork or glowering at the tea cups as you counted down the seconds the leaves needed to seep. You were meticulous like that, although Wriothesley would have drunk straight-up poison if you had served it. He knew you would welcome him with a sigh and your attention diverted towards other matters than him—you liked the credit coupons way too much that this work earned you. It was a privileged position, and you sought after any work Wriothesley handed you, even if you harbored no other feelings but indifference for the 'Duke'.
But how could he not adore you?
It had been a while since Wriothesley felt as alive as he did when he met you. You might have turned down any offer to join him for a meal (on his dime, mind you) or to give you a paid day off. Still, the way you fretted over a minor, completely irrelevant mistake you made was too adorable to send you away. He loved your serious ways, loved your hardworking mindset. He kept replaying your focused expression and grimaces in his head, chuckling into the darkness while he laid in bed at night.
There was no particular reason his heart chose you. Or perhaps his heart chose you, which made the reason special? But either way, he watched you over the edge of the report he should have been reviewing. Watched your hand guiding the feather over the paper you were working on, wishing you'd come over and hold his hand instead.
Wriothesley observed how you furrowed your brows tensely, wondering if you'd let him massage the tension away. He caught the way you nibbled at your lips, wishing he'd be able to have a taste of them instead. Working with you was torture. Torture he enjoyed a little too much.
"You're going to stare a hole through that paper, your grace," you noted, not even looking up at him as you spoke. You two weren't on the best terms since you still hated him after he thwarted your plans to escape the prison. But the way you called him by the respectful title he didn't care about didn't send a shiver down his spine because of the vitriol you spat it with. The grin curling the corners of his lips was evidence of that, but Wriothesley quickly hid it behind his hand, clearing his throat.
He went to grab his cup of tea, but it was already empty. The sinking feeling of disappointment curled in his stomach as he realized what this meant.
"It's past your work hours," he reminded you, secretly hoping you'd not care. It was past his work hours, too, but he'd rather sit in silence with you, working, than at home with only the memory to keep him company.
"You're right," you noted, no indications of your next move from the sound of your voice. Would you stay? Would you leave? You kept scribbling the itemization he had you create, and a glimmer of hope lit his world up. That was, until you set down the feather, gathered your documents, and created order on your table that Wriothesley had squeezed into his pretty crowded office.
Before you could say anything, he had gotten up, standing even before you did. "I will see you out," he explained as you glared at him, knowing fully well that with his gaze so strangely fixated on you, his reaction was not normal. And it wasn't, not when it made his heart beat incredibly fast, Wriothesley hoping you couldn't hear it break out of his ribcage the closer he got to you.
"My, someone's in a hurry," you commented snidely, and Wriothesley's grin jerked back into place. "Are you invited on a date or something...?"
"Depends," he started, quickly catching his composure after the initial surprise over your question. Was it jealousy, perhaps? A man could dream. "Are you free tonight?"
Taking a quick step forward, he stopped you in your tracks, coming to a halt in front of you. You two stared at each other in silence, displeasure written over your face that was just inches away from his. Your breath caressed him, swirls of your scent fogging his mind. Wriothesley could have leaned forward, abused this situation in ways unbecoming of his position. Risking it all just to brush his lips against yours. But his heart might have burst into a million pieces had he done so. Instead, he stood and waited, hoping for you to be the first to break the charade of your hatred. Give him the signals he so desperately hoped for.
Maybe it was all false after all. Perhaps you felt even just the smallest piece of love for him, too.
But instead, you rolled your eyes as you pushed past him, gesturing for him to go down the stairs first. He was your superior, after all, although he would rather squeeze up next to you than walk before you. Even if his heart clenched with your simple and justified rejection, it was unthinkable he'd miss out on the chance to walk beside you and watch you like a hawk until the very end.
"Funny," you finally replied, and it brought the heat to his face as you complimented him. Wriothesley was not trying to be funny by asking you out—again—but he'd take what he could. "But I fear I'm too busy for that. I'd rather get out of this prison faster than waste my time."
The laugh that escaped him was one he had practiced for years, barely distinguishable from a real one. It covered the hurt of your rejection and the fear of losing you. Inside this prison, he had the power to keep you by his side. But outside of it? His reach didn't go much further than these walls.
"You're very optimistic about your time here. How refreshing."
It was rare that you smiled in his presence. In fact, Wriothesley seemed to cause your mood to sour with the whisper of his name alone. So when it was your turn to grin, he noticed it immediately. He watched your lips curl in awe as if you were bestowing him with a blessing rather than your pity.
"It's already been a year, your grace. And don't try to tell me my behavior wasn't anything but perfect. I don't think my sentence will be much longer than what I've been given after the escape."
Time slowed as you moved forward, passing Wriothesley as his steps halted. You noticed quickly when his shoulder stopped bumping into yours, standing still at the bottom of the staircase before turning around.
"Don't tell me you thought I'd always be here."
Of course, he didn't. He knew your time would come. But not so soon... had it really been a year already?
"I'm glad for you," he mumbled, more out of reflex than from his heart. Wriothesley only ever strived to have his prisoners redeem themselves, but did that really mean he had to let you go? "Your hard work will be missed."
"I'm sure," you replied, turning back to the door before heaving open the heavy metal as he trudged after you slowly. The news hit him like a fist to his face, breaking, shattering. But it was his heart that received the blow. Perhaps in all this time, he enjoyed himself a little too much by your side, the end of your sentence seemingly so far away. And now that you were slipping out of his grasp, the panic began to fester—feelings he could not control.
"As always," you suddenly chimed up, and although his eyes didn't stray from you, Wriothesley noticed you two were no longer alone, activating the false persona you liked to display in front of strangers. It always made him feel special that you didn't put it up before him, but right now, he wished the conversation wouldn't be interrupted. That he had time to convince you to stay here. With him.
"It was a pleasure working with you, your grace. I look forward to our next meeting. Don't let me keep you!"
And with a smile and a wave, you bounced off to enjoy your evening. Away from him. Happy without him.
Wriothesley could barely pull himself together to greet the prisoner who walked up to him. The man tried to get his attention, but Wriothesley watched you disappear into the crowd even long after you were gone.
"Your grace!" the man suddenly yelled right next to his ear, and although it was not as angelic and beautiful as what came from your lips, it tore him right out of his thoughts.
"That person," the man mumbled, pointing the way you left and indicating he was talking about you. He leaned in closer to whisper, and Wriothesley curled his hands into fists, holding back from punching him after he dared mention you. "There's something I have to tell you about."
"Sure," Wriothesley said, wincing at his own soundless answer. He couldn't help the annoyance that someone knew something about you that he didn't. But he'd listen and learn.
"To say it frankly, they've not been conducting themselves properly. Many of us have suffered from their actions, and now that they will be released, I think we should speak up about their misdeeds."
Oh, Wriothesley thought, the tension falling off him. He raised his hand to pat the man's back, inviting him inside his office. Wriothesley couldn't pretend not to be happy, a gentle smile creeping over his face. It was a little less fake than any other smile he had given the countless prisoners around here, but the real ones were still only reserved for you. "These are some serious accusations. How about we take your statement inside?"
He sent the man inside, looking back into the crowd aimlessly for the sight of you before he shut the door. You were somewhere out there, still thinking you'd get to go home soon. Wriothesley smiled. Unless there was a reason as to why you'd need to stay.
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
"It's good to see you again."
It was impossible to wipe away the big smile off his face as you stood before him, frowning deeply.
"I'm really, truly sorry that your sentence has been prolonged. But alas, it will be nice to work by your side once again."
He watched with the greatest satisfaction as you bit your lip, the thought of kissing you right on the mark popping into his head again. However, fear crossed his features as he noticed you didn't stop, even as it started to bleed. Wriothesley wondered how your blood tasted before he focused back on the situation at hand. He knew you had to hold back every inch of your being to not scream and cry and shout at him, although he would have liked to be given a reason to shut you up—any way necessary.
You knew fully well he was the one signing your final sentence. Buying and selling illegal goods didn't warrant another five years of imprisonment. But your conduct had been too good to push for the ten years Wriothesley wanted—believe him, he fought hard for justice that day. Even Neuvillette was surprised that Wriothesley was so intensely interested in your redemption. However, the Ludex still went against the pleading of an old yet desperate and needy friend and just gave you five.
It was disappointing, but Wriothesley didn't plan on letting the time he had been given go to waste.
Picking up his cup, he held it out to you, giving you a gentle, reassuring smile that reflected nothing of the malice he had to harbor to get you to stay. After all, he was delighted, thoroughly pleased even. The day had only just begun and his mood was already through the roof just having you back in his office again.
"Cup of tea?" he asked innocently. Your eyes dropped to the cup, a hint of uncertainty about why he was treating you so kindly even though you misstepped again.
"On it," you mumbled, taking the cup from his hand, your fingers brushing over his, feeling much too soft for such a bad criminal as you were. But before he could imagine those fingers wrapped into his hair and clothes in an intense make-out session, you shocked him as you whispered, "Thank you, your grace," as if to thank him for not kicking you out from this job that definitely benefitted you. You were still snide, still angry you had to do it in the first place. But apparently, a part of you recognized his innocence as goodwill. At least, he could make himself believe that besides the perceived snark.
Off you went to brew some tea, standing barely ten meters from him. But at least with your back turned, you missed the heat spreading over Wriothesley's face, into the tip of his ears and across his cheeks. And even when you turned back, the hand clasped over his mouth didn't give away the genuine smile of adoration he couldn't seem to wipe off his face. Wriothesley would enjoy the time spent with you, day after day, waiting for you to make another mishap so you'd have a reason to stay with him forever. Otherwise, Wriothesley was sure he'd find another way to keep you all to himself.
But for now, he'd start by making you smile at him first.
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nariism · 1 year
Wriothesley has fallen asleep on the job.
It's not a surprise, not in the least. He's spent more time at the Fortress of Meropide than he has at home lately, overworking himself with an unfathomable amount of new inmates to house.
He's always taken his work quite seriously, both as a show of gratitude to the people of Fontaine and to protect his pride in having the most inescapable prison in the entire nation. And more than that, he's always refused your help much to your chagrin.
You find him asleep at his desk, piles of paperwork buried under his head as a makeshift pillow. He snores softly, meaning that he must have just knocked out recently.
A quiet sigh escapes you as you tread over to his sleeping form, draping the coat dangling on the back of his chair over his body as a temporary blanket. Fontaine is chilly, and despite his unusual warmth, risking Wriothesley getting sick is the last thing you want in the world.
It strikes you then. He's asleep. Asleep, in front of you, completely vulnerable and unknowingly allowing you to observe every part of him without judgement: the slow rise and fall of his shoulders as he breathes, human and alive; the hair that's fallen out of place and over the eyes which you love so much; the light murmurs of his recited dreams leaving his lips yet unintelligible.
You're surprised that it's never dawned on you before. You've rarely had the chance to see him sleep.
Wriothesley always roused before the crack of dawn, waking you after him with his lips pressed to your forehead. "Good morning, pretty," he would greet you before taking off for the day. And he was so warm to hold at night that you would often fall asleep before him, comforted by the slow beating of his heart against your ear.
It's a strange sight to see him looking so unguarded, all evidence of the torment of his busy day washed out of his expression as he snores.
You shouldn't. You know you shouldn't. But you can't help it. The Kamera is pulled from your bag before you can stop yourself, fingers nimbly getting the lens ready without stirring him. You're just about to take a picture worth a thousand words when—
"Mornin', pretty."
You almost drop the Kamera out of surprise, clutching it to your chest while you glare at the smugness written all over his face. There's a gruffness and slur to his voice that makes you weak in the knees, so unlike how you're used to hearing him in the mornings when he's already had his tea.
His steely eyes peer up at you curiously as you try and stammer out a weak excuse, to little avail. You should have known that the Lord of the Fortress of Meropide would have sharp enough senses to wake with even the smallest disturbance. He sits up straight, the coat hanging on his shoulders falling off onto the seat.
(It makes him melt that you've attempted to keep him warm, even though it seems like you've come all the way out to the Fortress at such an hour just to check up on him.)
He looks around. "No one escorted you?"
You bashfully avert your eyes, fumbling around with your Kamera and trying pathetically to hide it behind your back as if you weren't caught red-handed already.
"The guards let me in."
"But you came alone?"
His frown deepens when you nod. Wriothesley gathers up his remaining papers into one pile and shoves them aside before striding over to you. "Have a guard escort you home. It's dangerous to go back alone," is his demand.
"You're not coming home tonight?" You ask quietly, lips pulling back into a small pout of disappointment. His heart aches at the thought that he may have been neglecting you in the last few days, even more than he had been neglecting himself.
"I have to finish up some things," he tells you with the slightest bit of guilt bleeding into his words. He runs a hand through his hair before sighing. "Why don't you stay here tonight?"
It's a lame offer, asking the love of his life to sleep in such a dinky, run-down place. But the light that explodes in your eyes and smile tell him that you don't care. You never would, so long as you were by his side.
"Okay," you whisper, and he kisses you in apology.
That night, at an hour so late that not even the prisoners make a peep, he realizes that your Kamera is still set down on the coffee table beside your resting form. He has drowned you in his coat and a spare blanket, laid you out across his office couch, and though it's not luxurious you seem to be resting well.
Just a few more days. A few more days of processing all of the new papers sent by Neuvillette and he would be free to come home to your loving arms and fall asleep in your shared bed. For now, this would have to suffice.
The man gathers you up into his arms and slides beneath you, holding you atop his chest like he always does. He's careful not to wake you as he settles in to call it a night.
There's a faint shutter as he holds the device up in the air and takes a picture of the both of you, with your body curled up against his and his arm around your waist.
He presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head. "Goodnight, pretty."
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("When did you take this?!"
"You don't like it?" He asks you nonchalantly, eyes busy with reading the morning Steambird.
"I didn't say that," you grumble, flustered at how he's holding you in the image. Did he always hold you so close? So protectively?
Wriothesley smiles at you with his lips on the rim of his mug. "You snore, by the way."
"Shut up!")
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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Do you know who my daddy is?
Captain price x Fem reader (single mom)
You brought your kid to the base, she has an important homework, talk about what mom/dad does at work. The little kid is in trouble and the best she can do to get out of the problem is lie about who her daddy is.
Warning: it's not very interesting but I had a lot of fun writing it. I like to think about Price having a daughter. Anyway, as usual, grammatical and spelling errors. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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- hey my little sunshine! how was your day?
- it was fine, I have homework though.
- oh, what is it?
- I have to talk about your work, what you do and things like that.
- Oh well, I have to talk with my superior and let him know that you will go with me for a few hours just to see what we do, ok?
- Okay
That was the small conversation with your kid, she was very excited to go with you, you talked her a little bit about your comrades and your very handsome captain, she made fun of you for the way you talked about Price and sang «Mommy and the captain, sitting on a tree giving little kisses and falling in love...», of course you warned her to not say that at the base, as every kid, she thinks your job is full of action and adrenaline, because that's what she watches on tv, she certainly wasn't expecting to see you writing reports and reading files, attending some calls, just like you're doing right now.
Price was very kind to let you bring her today, he also told you to give her a small tour around the place to make it more exciting, your poor girl is dying of boredom sitting in the chair of your office, observing the ceiling and the light over your heads.
- I'm sorry darling, we will give the tour as soon as I finish this report, okay?
- I thought we would fight against bad people or that you would show me guns, this is so boring!!!!!
- Honey, making all this paperwork is also a way to fight against bad people, also very important.
- B-O-R-I-N-G...
You sighed, certainly it's not the funniest activity but you needed to finish it as soon as possible, a knocking on your door was perfect to interrupt your girl's complaints, Gaz appeared with a small bag of candies.
- I heard you brought a mini you today, I wanted to say hi.
- Oh Kyle, thanks, come in, this is my daughter (____). Honey this is my friend Kyle, be nice and say hi.
Your girl smiled at Gaz and took the small bag, she started to eat some jelly beans and talked for a few minutes with Kyle.
- (...) And now I'm here! Bored!
- I already say Sorry like a thousand times baby!!!
- I can take her to give a walk while you finish... just if you want (y/n)
- that would be great, I will finish soon I promise!
Your daughter took Kyle's hand and left the office, you laughed and continued your work.
Gaz went to the common room so your daughter could say hi to Soap, Ghost and other soldiers. needless to say that your girl was enchanted to meet Soap who played with her and gave her a small gel blaster, both made a mess with those gel bubbles, Gaz and Soap were cleaning up while Ghost and your daughter were painting one of Ghost's skull old masks, but your daughter was impatient to be with you and see the rest of the place as you promised her, she took her opportunity to escape from the three men when Soap attacked Ghost with some of the gel bubbles that were still on his blaster, Gaz was recording so, none of them noticed when your daughter left the room.
«Ah, Guys... Where's (_____)?» «Shit» «Was Johnny's fault»
They started to look for her, while your daughter was walking unsure of where she was going, she brought the blaster that Soap gave to her and started to shoot and play, her fun ended when she accidentally shot a soldier in his eye. The guy saw her alone and started to try to scare her.
- Hey kid, Did you forget the way to the daycare? who gave you that toy? This is not a place for babies.
- I'm 6, I'm not a baby!
- Aren't you? Then, maybe I have to tell you that you can go to prison for what you did?
Your daughter really believed that, she started to feel nervous, she was in serious trouble, what would she do now?. This guy kneeled down in front of your daughter and smirked.
- What will you do now? Cry with your parents?
An idea popped up quickly to her mind.
- I won't get in trouble, Do you have a clue of who my daddy is?
- Do you know who my daddy is?, oh please tell me who's your father, dwarf, I will tell him you're being a troublemaker!
He imitated your daughter's voice.
- The Captain Price is my daddy! He will beat your ass if you don't let me go!
This soldier was ready to say something until someone appeared behind you, he stood up quickly and paled, the little girl thought it was Gaz or Soap who found her and arrived just in time to save her, until she heard the soldier said «Captain!», she paled too and looked behind her, a tall man was observing the soldier with a cold look.
- Is this young man bothering you, my dear?
- He says I will go to prison just because I was playing a little and I hit him by accident.
- I'm sorry Sir, I didn't know she was your daughter...
Price didn't act surprised by the soldier's comment, he continued looking at him and put a hand on your daughter's shoulder.
- Next time I see you bothering my daughter or anyone else, you will be In serious trouble. Do you understand?
- Yes Sir.
- Fine, now leave. Let's go my little princess.
Price kneeled down a little and carried your girl over his shoulders, he talked with her about your work and maybe, your girl talked about how you feel about him, on their way they found Ghost, Soap and Gaz running through the entire base looking for her.
Finally you finished your work and went to the common area to see if your daughter was there, on the way you noticed some soldiers were whispering and talking secretly while you were passing by but you tried to not pay much attention, you arrived to the common area and indeed there she was, she fell asleep on Soap's lap, who was sitting on a sofa.
- Hey y/n you found us!
- Sorry guys I had a lot of things to do, thank you to everyone for taking care of her.
«No problem» «Soap is always here to help» «it was your fault that we lost her!»
- You what??
- Don't worry, nothing happened to her, the Captain found her!
Before you could say something, Price caught your attention and asked you to go out with him to have a small conversation. You felt a lump in your throat and stomach, you felt you were in problems, as soon as you and Price were alone you started to apologize.
- I'm so sorry John, I mean, Captain, it won't happen again I can assure you that...
- Y/n, you're not in trouble.
- wha..?
- I was going to say, you have a sweet and smart daughter and... Very... chatterbox...
- Chatterbox?
- Yes, she said she was my daughter, and then she told me about... Some feelings you have.
- Oh...
- Oh...
You instantly started to try to fix and look for excuses.
- Sir, I'm... She's just a kid, she fantasizes a lot about her father and... Also she understood all I said in a different way, I'm really sorry Captain...
- I see, well y/n, you don't need to apologize, I understand she's just a kid, and as she's just a kid, tell me, who are we to ruin her fantasies about have a father?
He smiled mischievously at you, you were speechless, what the hell was happening?.
- Ah... Excuse me, what?
-Well, she's a brilliant girl and I always wanted to have a daughter and a very attractive wife. There are a lot of reasons to make this come true.
You're still processing all that is happening right now.
- Really?
Price took your hand and squeezed it softly, without losing eye contact with you.
- For sure, by example, everybody around the base is already talking about us and our little daughter and the other reason is that those feelings your daughter talked about, are mutual.
You couldn't say anything, you were lost in thoughts, but your silly smile was enough for Price to go a little bit further.
- So, if you allow me, I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night. What do you think?
- I would like that, but who will take care of (____)?
He laughed a little and then simply said.
- I think Soap said he's always ready to help, no? And if you don't think he will be a good babysitter... well, I think your daughter has another two uncles that can help.
That definitely made you laugh loudly, Price looked at you with tenderness still waiting for an answer, then, after a few minutes of silence you nodded, that was the story of how you and your daughter won the Captain's heart and three new uncles for your little girl, it would be the story that your daughter would talk about in every opportunity she had.
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cloudwisp · 4 months
𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 · 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬
contents: hurt/comfort. wriothesley cheering you up after a rough morning. 900 wc.
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Sometimes you wonder if Wriothesley truly does see and hear all—much like his omniscient reputation where he always seems to know what goes on in the Fortress of Meropide every minute of every day.
But he doesn’t need his stream of intel to know that something’s wrong when you enter his office to share a nice meal and freshly brewed cup of tea with him during lunchtime. From the slight slump in your posture and the soft, weary sigh you exhale just seconds before you offer him your sweet smile and plant a greeting kiss upon his lips, he easily figures that your morning didn’t go as smoothly as you hoped.
He observes you for a moment as you place the takeout on the table and situate yourself on his velvet couch and he gathers his scattered paperwork into a neat stack. He can tell that whatever happened before coming here is still weighing heavily on your mind, and he doesn’t like it when you force yourself to smile. “What’s got you down, sweetheart?”
You hadn’t realized you were lost in thought when you turned toward his direction, and much to your surprise, he’s bent at the knee to meet you at face level to give you his full and undivided attention. You muster another smile and shake your head. “Hm? It’s nothing.”
Try as you might to hide your feelings, Wriothesley doesn’t believe a word of it. Not for one second. His tone of voice softens as he gently finds your hand to hold and his thumb rubs small circles over your skin. “Come on, I know something’s wrong. Don’t shut me out.” His other hand reaches up to brush strands of hair away from your face and tenderly tuck them behind your ear.
There’s no secret you can keep from him—he notices every little detail when it comes to you. He loves you more than life itself and he cares deeply about you and believes that his duty as your boyfriend was to ensure your safety and happiness. And so he looks at you, waiting in silence until you’re ready to confide in him. Like he knew if he waited, the truth would eventually come out.
You feel a wave of comfort wash over you when he cradles your cheek in his hand and you lean into the warmth of his touch. After a breath, you decide to tell him about what transpired at your workplace in the morning. How your boss keeps assigning you small and tedious tasks when you already have a full plate and deadlines to meet yet he refuses to hear anything you have to say.
Wriothesley listens intently to your venting and he nods agreeably with you. “And you’ve already explained to him that what he’s demanding is a little extreme, right? You’ve been trying to tell him this, but it’s still not sinking in?” He takes your sigh in defeat and your head falling forward as your response. “That would make anyone upset, sweetheart.”
He knows that any mentions of him wanting to have a friendly chat with your supervisor is only going to further upset you, so he’ll keep that to himself and quietly take care of it in his own time because he doesn’t intend to dismiss it. He would hate to see you in a troubled situation like this in the foreseeable future, and if he’s able to pull some strings behind the scenes then he’ll do anything within his power to make your life a little bit easier.
You perk up when you feel him lay a kiss on the top of your head and he returns to his full height, making you crane your neck at him curiously when you make out his smirk in the dim lighting. He offers you his hand and nods behind him. “I’ve got something that’ll cheer you up.”
Your heart melts at his sweet gesture and you allow him to lead the way. With a few strides to his desk and quick work of his hands, a soft and romantic melody flows from the record player. A small laugh escapes you and he sees your real, genuine smile for the first time today. He chuckles when you begin to make sense of his plan to lighten the mood, and he reels you in by the waist and holds you close to him as you both start to slowly sway to the lovely tunes.
The ever-present smile on your face means that it’s working, your head gently rests against his broad chest and your sighs become one of contentment—all of your worries and frustrations fading away into nothingness. It’s just you and him, a feeling of safeness and belonging found in his embrace as his love wraps entirely around you.
“You know, I didn’t peg you for a dancer.” You tease, gazing back into those deep whirls of blue that hold all of his adoration and affection for you. If only you knew the depths of his feelings, perhaps he’ll save that conversation for another day. 
A quiet and happy hum sounds from his throat and he presses himself closer to you, giving your hand a light squeeze. “What can I say? Love makes you do all sorts of things.”
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hyerinrose · 1 year
Yandere! CEO (+Assistant Reader)
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A/N : Yan Ceo's name was taken from 🎧anon's suggestion of names! Reblogs and notes are appreciated <3
T/W : Obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, implied murder, etc
Event Masterlist 🎉
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
💌Yandere! CEO who owns a multi million dollar company. He was a successful business man in his field. His life was a dream to many other, he was good looking, intelligent, charismatic, surrounded by men and women and are practically drowning in his wealth.
🎀Yandere! CEO who's life were bleak and filled with nothingness, everyday seems to drag on and on. He had since lost the spark he once had when he first started his company.
💌Yandere! CEO who met you, a new intern at his company. He wasn't interested in you at first until he heard you spoke with your higher ups. You were intelligent, every words you utter stunned him even more. You've caught his attention and it's your worst mistake.
🎀Yandere! CEO who uses his power and connections to dig into your personal information from your likes and dislikes to your home address, wanting to learn more about you. He can't seems to get you out of his head!
💌Yandere! CEO who approaches you one day with an offer to become his assistant, the spot being empty after he had disposes of his previous one. With you being his assistant, he can now observe you even closer and also to prevent your coworkers from interacting with you.
"Keep your eyes on me, Assistant (Last Name)"
🎀Yandere! CEO who was content with admiring you from afar while also eliminating potential rivals that could stand in his way of pursuing you. However as he was being swarmed with mountains of projects and paperworks, you slipped from his grasp and into the hands of someone else's.
💌Yandere! CEO who gives into his desire of locking you up in his expensive penthouse where you have no way of escaping. Not with the tight security he has and the red rope tied around your ankles to his bed. No, he won't let you escape him again.
Yan ceo lowkey inspired by Jumin from mysme
Drabble under the cut!
"Good morning, my love. I hope my men didn't knock you out too hard yesterday" Kenzo walked into the bedroom with a smile on his face.
You struggled in your bonds as you looked at him fearfully. Your former boss was now standing at the edge of the king sized bed you were tied to.
"W-what's the meaning behind this, s-sir?"
The only thing you remembered from last night was you working overtime and as you were preparing to leave the building, you were dragged into a black van and were sedated.
"Isn't it obvious? You're here because I love you, (Name). I've always have for a long time"
Kenzo placed a gloved hand on your cheek, tilting your head to face him. Loving black irises clashes with your fearful (E/C) ones.
"L-love? This isn't love! Let me go this instant, sir!"
His hold on your face tighten as he placed a finger on your lips, shutting you up.
"No can do. I've learnt my lesson with letting you out of my sight. From now, I'm the only one who you can see, the only one who you can talk to and the only one who you can love"
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exhaslo · 5 months
Corruption Ch18 (End)
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, Ch13, Ch14, Ch15, Ch16, Ch17
Warning: Minors DNI, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship/relationship? SMUT, public sex, creampie, breeding kink
The weather was chilly as the first heavy snow of the season finally started to flutter. Your eyes sparkled as you watched from Miguel's office window, adoring the view of the city. The city of Nueva York was beautiful before you.
Shivering slightly as you touched the window, you started to wonder if you were going to be okay for tonight. You had found out that Miguel was now Spider-Man. He secretly enhanced himself somehow and was doing who knows what.
"Yet he says I can't be a hero," You said with a soft pout.
Returning to your seat on Miguel's desk, you started to tap away on your tablet. A whimper escaping your throat as you rubbed your legs together. Miguel had been consuming both your body and mind and it was showing.
Trying to focus back on your work, you started to think about how Miguel was at home. He was such a romantic. Always taking care of you, pleasuring you and treating you like a queen. It felt so strange from someone who loved to torture people.
"(Y/N), I have another meeting in a half hour, correct?" Miguel asked as he quickly entered his office.
You snapped out of your dazed state and checked the tablet. Agreeing to his comment, you watched as Miguel cussed lowly and grabbed a drink from his fridge. Jumping off the desk, you approached Miguel and stroked his cheek,
"Are you okay? Do your eyes bother you?" You asked out of concern.
"Hah, still so worried about me," Miguel said with a smirk, "You need to start focusing on yourself."
"Mhm, it's pretty cold today," You cooed softly.
Miguel stroked your cheek before grabbing your hand. He had you follow him to the lab that was destroyed from the explosion a while back. It was being rebuilt rather quickly. To your surprise, Miguel had Lyla activate a tablet that was locked away.
"Until I set up a second location for a secret lab, this will be where I conduct my experiments for our Spider powers," Miguel said in a whisper and showed you the tablet, "Starting with a suit for you that generates warmth."
"Oh! Miguel!" You smiled brightly, hugging your boyfriend, "How long have you been designing this?"
"Since I found out," Miguel said honestly as he pulled out the suit, "You're going to need it for tonight."
You jumped in glee, pecking Miguel's cheek as you went to observe your new suit. It had some subtle changes, but nothing that you truly worried about. Miguel made you this suit and you were going to happily wear it.
Miguel just smirked as he watched you get all giddy with joy. Yes, he included a heating element so you could swing in peace, but he also added so much more. That suit was to represent to the city that you were no longer a hero to them.
You were Miguel's.
"Now, I have a meeting to get to. Why don't you finish reviewing the paperwork of the restorations?"
The more obedient you became, the more Miguel craved you. It started to become unhealthy and Miguel noticed, but he didn't care. As long as Miguel still got what he wanted, then he believed he was allowed to have everything.
Parting ways with you for the moment, Miguel kept a calm composure. He was debating on telling his idiot father about his new found powers. The reason? To take control of Alchemax and the shareholders.
Miguel had big plans for both the company and the city.
Everything was going to belong to him.
Your smile stretched from ear to ear as you wore your new suit. It fit you perfectly. Standing on top of the Alchemax building, you inhaled deeply. The cold weather wasn't bothering you thanks to your new suit. It was great!
"Enjoying the suit?" Miguel asked, appearing in his suit. You gasped, approaching him,
"Wow! I didn't get a good look last night, but you look amazing in that suit!"
It was hard to tell if Miguel was smiling at the compliment due to his mask. His attire was different from yours, but also quite nice. It made you wonder how long he was working on this. Giggling at the thought, you hugged Miguel,
"This is so cool. We can work together~"
"About that-" Miguel stopped you, grabbing your chin, "This will be your last night as a hero."
You were at a loss for words. Miguel's fingers stroked your thumb, unmoving from his comment. You were no longer going to play a hero? There was no way Miguel could take on the role. You were hoping to guide him.
"What did I say?"
You gave a small pout, "To do as you say," You said and gasped as Miguel pulled you into his embrace.
"Good girl," Miguel chuckled darkly, "Besides, I'll take over. I'll make sure this city is taken care of."
"Mhm....but....You've never fought before," You whispered, melting against his touch.
"Neither did you when you first started."
Touché. Miguel got you there. Agreeing to his decision, you gently tugged on his suit, wanting to go for a swing across the city. This would be your last time doing so.
Miguel was holding back from laughing. How far you've come from trying to change him, to being his obedient good girl. There was something about tainting you that brought chills up his spine. Miguel enjoyed breaking you.
"Come on~" You cooed, falling off the building.
Like instinct, Miguel went to reach for you. He withdrew as you laughed and started to swing. He let out a soft sigh and followed you, making sure that you didn't go far. There was one last lesson that Miguel needed to teach.
Swinging above some reporters, Miguel just chuckled darkly. He hurried towards you, wrapping his arm around your waist before swinging you onto of the nearest building. You whined softly but stopped as Miguel started to rub against your clit.
"M-Miguel...n-not here...a-anyone could watch," You tried to protest. Miguel just found you cute,
"They won't know it's you. All they will see is Spider-Man giving Spider-Woman the time of her life."
"Mhm~ B-But-" You gasped as Miguel rubbed your clothed clit harder.
Miguel just chuckled as he looked down at the reporters. They were trying their best to get a shot of the two of you. Turning you around, Miguel undid the bottom of your suit. You were already dripping in anticipation for him.
What a good girl.
Miguel held your hips as his suit disappeared only around his dick. With a simple thrust, Miguel had you under his spell. You were gripped the edge of the building, moaning as he slapped his cock deep within you.
"Not so shy now, huh? Did you want those reports to watch me breed you? To have them watch the once hero, Spider-Woman get fucked stupid?" Miguel taunted.
"N-No~" You cried out. Miguel hummed as your pussy fluttered around his cock,
"Could have fooled me."
Miguel grunted as he held you in place. All those reporters could see was Spider-Woman getting railed by Spider-Man. This showed them who was in charge. To show them that there were no more heroes left in his city.
"Mhm~!" Miguel covered your mouth as you moaned, wanting to make sure you didn't say his name.
"I hope you're ready to answer some questions." Miguel said with a wicked smirk.
You just raised your hips and whined as Miguel fucked through your orgasm. With a few more thrusts, Miguel gave you his first load. Unamused by the amount, Miguel made sure to fill you up before your interview.
"Now, you're ready."
You leaned over the building, panting heavily from Miguel's quick sex session. Your mind felt dizzy. Miguel was so mean. Fixing your suit, you shuddered as your body felt full. You were going to get pregnant at this rate.
"Come on,"
Wrapping your arms around Miguel, you hummed as he swung you over to the reporters. You couldn't think straight. All you wanted to do was behave for Miguel.
"S-Spider-Man....W-What...What are you doing here?" One of the reported asked, terrified, "A-And what have you done with Spider-Woman?"
"Hm? She seems fine, don't you?" Miguel said, motioning towards you.
"Mhm, I'm fine," You replied.
"H-How long have...have you two been together?" Another reporter asked. Miguel's hand wrapped around your waist,
"What do you think?" Miguel held you close as he snatched a microphone away from one of the reporters, "Since I have you all here, time to lay down some ground rules."
Everyone could only gasp.
"There are no more heroes left to save you. If anyone dares to confront me, they will perish. Nueva York is my city now and soon the world. Spider-Woman and I shall bring forth a new breed of advance humans to rule over you tiny incest's-"
"There's no way she would agree to this!"
"Oh? Well, what do you think, my dear?" Miguel whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver.
"I belong to him, so I will do as he says," You cooed, trembling as Miguel whispered, 'Good Girl', in your ear.
"As you can see, I have already corrupted your hero."
Humming lowly as Miguel pulled you close, you smiled as he kept speaking to the public.
"Listen to me, and you'll be fine."
A simple ask. Miguel treated you like a queen and all you had to do was listen and do what he says. Nothing crazy. Feeling yourself being lifted, you wrapped your arms around Miguel's neck as he swung away from the terrified reporters.
"Best make do on my promise."
"Yes, Miggy~"
What was once a dream of being a hero and saving both the city and Miguel, turned into nightmare.
The hero was corrupted by the villain and didn't even know it.
But, you weren't complaining. You just stayed as Miguel's good girl...
WOO-HOO!!! I hope you all enjoyed this story!!!! I, for one, will miss it truly!
I didn't hesitate to start my next story, haha! I PRESENT:
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content @weirdothatwritess @smartyren @mangoslushcrush @nyxzoldyck6 @migueloharastruelove @sukioyakio @killjoy-nightshadow @heyohalie @the-pan-liquid @bokutosprettylittlebimbo @kpopscoups17130000 @pochapo @killerwendigo @barbiecrocs @miss-galaxy-turtle @oscarissac2099 @lazy-idate @lauraolar14 @safixiovi @migueloharacumslut @straw-berry-ghoul @daisy-artfield @sukunash0e @undf-stuff @iamperson12280 @nightingale1011 @reader-1290 @mcmiracles @keepghostly @marlyharper @jadeloverxd @daddyfroglegs @shoukanjo @cicithemess @babyprofessorsharkpalace
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toastykaykes · 2 months
Paint it Black (Ch. 1)
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Minors DNI: 18+ Logan Howlett x Mutant! Reader
Summary: The meeting doesn't go as planned, your past comes back to haunt you. Only this time, your called to fight. Word Count: 1526
“(f/n), please come in. How was your day?” Professor Xavier greets you with his usual warm, kind smile as you step into his office. His voice, though calm, carries the weight of his authoritative role.
“Like always,” you respond, settling into one of the plush leather armchairs positioned in front of his desk. “They don’t know how much I enjoy teaching them, but it’s best not to let them know. Can’t have them thinking I’m some big softy now, can I?”
Charles lets out a soft, genuine laugh, glancing up from his paperwork. “No, of course not. That would be downright disastrous if they found out.” His eyes twinkle with amusement, reflecting his understanding of the delicate balance you maintain.
Your gaze drifts toward the large windows behind Charles, catching a glimpse of the students playing outside on the grass. The scene outside is a stark contrast to the intensity of the discussions that usually take place inside. “Am I just early, or was the meeting canceled tonight?” you ask, your discomfort evident. You long to be in your pajamas, curled up and away from the formal attire that feels increasingly restrictive.
“And here I thought you just wanted to enjoy my company,” Charles remarks playfully, causing a soft laugh to escape you. “They should be here soon. You, dear, just have a talent for arriving early. Not that I’m complaining.”
A flush of warmth rises to your cheeks at his statement. You appreciate his kindness, even if you feel undeserving of it. “Likewise, Professor.”
A comfortable silence falls over the room, the only sound being the soft scratch of his pen against paper. The familiar tranquility of Charles’s office wraps around you, offering a brief respite from the storm of thoughts swirling in your mind. Your eyes close for a moment, your head leaning back against the chair, savoring the peace before the chaos begins.
Charles’s gaze softens as he observes you. “You do know if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here (f/n). I know you’re a very private person. Just know you don’t have to be alone.”
Your eyes drop to your hands, fingers nervously picking at one another. It’s a habit you’ve had for years, an involuntary reaction when anxiety rears its head. The quiet and darkness sometimes pull you back to a place of fear—back in that cell with those monsters. The thought of what you endured before finding refuge here is a heavy burden.
Charles knows some of the truth. He’s aware of your involvement with mutant trafficking, a dark chapter of your past revealed when he found you barely surviving on the side of the road. But the full details remain unspoken, a secret you guard fiercely. The idea of their reactions if they knew the extent of your past actions and choices is almost unbearable. You release a shaky breath, realizing how deeply his words resonate with your internal struggle. “I know, Charles.” The apology is unspoken but present.
Before Charles can offer more comfort, the door to his office swings open, shattering the peaceful atmosphere with a burst of noise. The team bursts in, their voices blending into a lively cacophony of playful bickering.
“Can you guys stop comparing those and be aware? We’re here for a meeting!” Ororo's voice rises above the din, trying to bring order to the chaos between Cyclops and the others.
“Well, look who beat us here,” someone remarks, though their identity is lost in the noise.
“Hi, guys!” you call out, managing a smile.
Scott, holding up a crumpled piece of paper, joins in the fray. “You wouldn’t have anything to do with this horrendous, unproportional, God-awful drawing I got from a student on the way over here, would you, (f/n)?” He presents the drawing of him firing his optic beams, clearly proud despite his grumbling.
Ororo chimes in, her voice smooth and calming. “Come on, you guys. You should be grateful any child considers you ‘heroes.’”
As the rest of the team filters in and finds their seats, your gaze drifts to the corner where he stands. His stance is relaxed but alert, suggesting he’s ready for action if needed. Even in the dim lighting, his muscular build is apparent, and the weariness in his features speaks of countless battles fought. His hair, tousled in a way that makes him seem almost softer, only adds to his intense allure.
When his eyes lock onto yours, the focus is piercing and palpable. His gaze is sharp and unwavering, cutting through the space between you with an intensity that feels almost tangible. You find yourself blushing under his scrutinizing stare and quickly turn your head forward, hoping to hide your embarrassment. Damn it, why does he have to be so... intense?
“Alright, everyone, there’s a matter that is extremely important we need to discuss,” Charles says, regaining the room’s attention. His tone shifts to a serious and resolute note. “We’ve received intelligence about a mutant smuggling ring known as Venos, operating in a remote location. They’ve been trafficking mutants and are involved in particularly egregious activities.”
The room falls silent, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Your heart sinks at the mention of the name. The cold dread that follows makes your blood run icy. No, not this.
“I’ve invited Logan here to assist with his combat knowledge and mission expertise. I will be using Cerebro to locate survivors and pinpoint their location. I need everyone to stay alert and train accordingly.”
Logan’s expression darkens as he grumbles, “You really think this is gonna be easy? I’ve seen what these guys can do. We need to be ready for anything.”
“Which is exactly why we’re putting together a team. And you will be training them all. Thank you again for volunteering,” Charles responds.
Logan’s frustration is palpable as he mutters a curse under his breath and abruptly exits the room, slamming the door behind him. His departure leaves an uneasy silence in his wake.
The conversation among the remaining team members and Charles continues for a few more minutes. You look down at your hands, feeling the weight of dread settle in. The thought of facing those from your past—people who are still operating, still victimizing others—makes your chest tighten. This mission isn’t just about justice; it’s about confronting your own demons.
Charles eventually dismisses everyone with a warm gesture. “I don’t wish to keep any of you longer than necessary. Go and enjoy your evening. Wonderful job today, everyone.”
As the team begins to file out, you head toward the door, only to be stopped by Logan’s abrupt, gruff voice. “Hey,” he calls, his tone demanding attention. “Got a minute?”
Startled by his sudden approach and the harshness in his voice, you hesitate. “Um, sure. It’s Logan, right? What’s up?”
Without waiting for a more formal invitation, he motions for you to follow him to a quieter part of the hallway. His steps are purposeful, almost impatient, as he leads you away from the main area.
Once in a more secluded corner, he leans against the wall, crossing his arms in a way that highlights his imposing, muscular build. His eyes lock onto yours with a challenging glint.
“Listen,” he begins, his tone direct and uncompromising, “I don’t know you well, but when Chuck started talking about this mission, you looked like you were about to crumble. If you’re not serious about this, don’t bother. I don’t need anyone who can’t pull their weight.”
His blunt words sting, and you bristle at his assessment. It’s clear he doesn’t mince words, especially when it comes to evaluating his teammates.
“I was just processing everything,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. “It’s a lot to take in, especially since it’s my first mission. I don’t usually do missions.”
Logan’s eyes narrow, scrutinizing your response. “Processing is fine, but if you’re going to be part of this team, you need to be ready. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because they weren’t prepared.”
His harshness is tempered by a hint of something—perhaps a begrudging respect or concern. You meet his gaze with determination. “I understand. I’ll do my best to catch up and be ready. I won’t hold you back.”
Logan gives a curt nod, his mouth twisting into a snarky smirk. “Yea, sure, bub.”
With that, he pushes off the wall and heads down the hallway, his heavy boots echoing in the corridor. The encounter leaves you feeling a mix of apprehension and resolve. Despite his gruff demeanor, it’s clear that you need to prove yourself. And his harshness, while tough to take, has lit a fire under you.
“It’s (f/n),” you call after him, but he doesn’t acknowledge your correction.
As Logan disappears around the corner, you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for the challenges ahead. You know you need to face this mission head-on—not just for the sake of the team, but to confront your own past and the scars it has left behind. The path won’t be easy, but you’re determined to prove yourself, no matter how hard it gets.
But first a drink.
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inkykodo · 1 year
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Warning: Sub!bottom reader!, Dom!top Miguel, Rough play, Breeding kink miguel!, Voyeurism, use of pet names (Good boy etc.), office sex, oral sex, gagging and unprotected sex
This Smut is intended for amab readers, fem aligned readers dni
(This is my first smut fic i ever wrote so im sorry if its a bit rough or amateur i thought i just might try doing this 😭, i also added a bit of fluff in the end lol)
After A hard day of chasing miles morales he eventually escaped with the help of his friends. now he has to find Miles all over again and not to mention the anomaly "The Spot" thats constantly being a pain in the ass to even get a finger on. disappointed Miguel went back to the spidey HQ to asses the situation with layla; its late at night and everyone already went home so he has to pull an all nighter for this one. as he was about to enter his dark and quiet office when he noticed a cubicle being lit up by a computer; he went over to check at the cubicle.
"hey! who's there? (y/n)? why are you still here? you should be home." Miguel asks with frustration and disappointment. you were his assistant but he doesn't want you to work late hours just like him. he worries that you'll be exhausted.
"oh sorry sir. i was just doing paperwork and theres quite a few..." you say let out an awkward laugh as you rub the back of your neck. Miguel puts his hand on his hips as he squeezes the bridge of his nose with the other one; "just get it done... and will you get me a coffee while you're at it? if you dont mind." he said with a deep and exhausted voice. "uh yes sir, ill get you a coffee as soon as possible!" you say immediately as you get up and go to the coffee shop just across the street. Miguel sighs as he turns his back and entering his office again.
you grabbed your coat and prepared to exit the building into the cold and windy night. there were rarely any cars around as you walk across the street; the silent buzzing of the lamp above you as you walk, the damp sound of your boots thumping the ground, your hot breath as you exhale around the cold air; it was all so calming to be just by yourself and not worrying about any reports or documents to get done. ring you enter the coffee shop and greet the barista "hey! (y/n)! nice to see you" Joe plasters a wide grin on his face as he waves at you. "hey Joe can i get the usual?" you chuckle as you approach the enthusiastic barkeep. it puzzles you how someone could be this energetic especially when its late at night. "one latte and café americano coming right up" Joe smiles as he gets to work and you sit down by the window silently observing the place you work at. The towering building reminds you of so much; the first time you went there for your job application, the people you met and hanged out with. ever since you started working here it's been great; you were able to hold down a job and live a comfortable life. ding Joe rang a bell and you snap out of your melancholic trance. "Here's your order (y/n)" you get up from your seat and hand him the payment "Thanks Joe I'll see you around" you chuckle as you wave goodbye and head back to your boss who's waiting for his coffee.
You reach the 20th floor and exit the elevator; you make your wake to his office. "ugh... (y/n)" you hear muffled moans when you approach the door when you hear his deep growls your body immediately tenses up. "you're so cute..." You peep through a slight crevice through the door. you see him then and there stroking his throbbing cock as he calls out your name. "im close... (y/n)" you gasp as you back away and clear your throat. "Sir? your coffee is here" you knock on the door. "Oh- uhh come in!" coffee in hand, you enter his poorly lit office. he always preferred it that way although, you always wondered why. "Here is your coffee sir a caffé americano just as you like it" your body tenses up more as you know he's hard down there and its because of you; as you place it down Miguel suddenly grabs your wrist his talons flexing and protruding "i heard you peeping at me through that hole (y/n)" as Miguel pulls you close to him your body freezes on the spot "do you want a better view cariño?" he leans in and you can see his tip dripping wet with precum.
"Please... Miguel..." you try to avoid his gaze but he grabs your chin and tilts your head downward as he forces you to look at him "Please what cariño?" Miguel lets out a deep and menacing laugh "Be clear with your words boy." Miguel says sternly as he grips one of your thighs with his hands. his sharp talons poking your thigh but not enough to draw blood. "Please... continue..." Miguel's lips curled into a grin "That's more like it. good boy" Miguel begins to move his calloused hands; as it travels up your body he lets his fingers slide through your smooth and soft skin. "your skin im feels like a soft cloud mi vida.." Miguel says as he leans in your neck leaving behind a couple kisses here and there. Miguel continues tracing the shape of your body and he lands on where he started. He pinches and twisted your nipples it tingled and burned against his touch. this turned you into a moaning and whimpering mess. "Miguel... that feels so good..." you bite your lip and you begin to move your hips rubbing against his huge boner. the shape of his girth and the way he was playing with your chest like stress balls drowned you in pure ecstasy. "Getting impatient now are we cariño?" Miguel stops what he's doing and he grabs your waist "Such small and slutty waist i wonder how they'll feel when i use them" He grabs your ass and spreads them "oh and im sure these will feel good too" Miguel looks you dead in the eye letting you know what he's about to do next
"im sorry sir i didn't mean to-" Miguel cuts you off mid sentence as he lifts you up and he places you on his lap. you can feel his boner pressing against your rear as he stares you down ready to absolutely swallow you whole. "shhh callate ahora... we can keep this a secret cariño" Miguel leans in close to your ear as he nibbles on your earlobe; his fangs slightly poking your ear. "you're so adorable cariño all tense like that... i could eat you up right here..." Miguel's hands creep under your clothes as he traces your back. his warm hands making you involuntarily whimper as you arch your back; Miguel smirks as he heard you let out a quiet whimper "Que lindo (How cute)" Miguel removes his hands as he violently rips your buttoned down long sleeve polo. this makes you gasp and "that was my favorite shirt..." Miguel chuckles "Well, you look better without it" Miguel looks up at you as his smug expression seems to be clearly enjoying your reaction. "What do we have here?" Miguel's eyes fell to your chest, letting his calloused hands travel to your waist and closer to your thighs. But something glimmering caught his attention. "Oh?" A low chuckle would rumble as he traced his fingers around your nipple piercing, "What do we have here?" he flicks your pierced nipples. "where have you been hiding this huh? such a naughty naughty boy" Miguel continues to flick and twist your pierced nipple as he takes the other one in his mouth. "ahh... Miguel..." Miguel smiles deviously as he takes your swollen nipple in his mouth. "Hold still cariño" Miguel growls as he plays with the metal object that's attached to your nipple using his tongue. you start to moan and whimper as he plays around with your swollen and sensitive chest; "Miguel... too good..." your chest rises and falls as every sensation shoots pleasure up your brain and makes your whole body start to shake. Miguel stops abruptly as he smirks and leans in your ear "Yeah? Beg for it then."
as he was about to tear your clothes to shreds you two were interrupted by a facetime call. he picks you up and sets you down under his desk and his bulge throbbing right in front of you. the shape of his dick under his Spider-Man suit was impressive. his hard cock pressing against the tight fabric as he sat down properly; it was irresistible. your eyes were fixed at his cock glaring back at you as if its taunting you to suck it. you hear miguel talk with one of the Spider-Man that he worked with earlier you decided to have your turn with him. you slowly unzip his Spidey suit his cock immediately springs out and it even slaps your face. Miguel's eyes widened as he looked down at you; his eyes fueled with surprise and rage "Uh miguel? Are you listening?" Miguel Clears his throat and looks back up "Uh yes, you were saying?" Miguel continues his conversation with the nice lady hes on the phone with. You slowly licked Miguel's tip; the w way his precum drips down your tongue like a busted faucet makes you want to lick it up more. you start licking the base of his shaft and then his glans. "So it seems that the spot wa-" Miguel abruptly stops with a groan as you lick up his leaking tip. "Miguel? you good?" Miguel snarls at you knowing he cant do anything yet "yeah im fine, im kind of busy right now ill call you later" Miguel bids farewell to the nice person as he ends the call. you dont even notice their conversation as youre too busy licking up and lapping his dripping dick. Miguel growls at you "You really want my dick that badly huh? you cant wait to slobber all over it? have at it then" Miguel grabs a handful of your hair as he lines up his dick to your mouth and pushes; He pushes it in deep all the way to the base of his huge cock. "how do you like that huh? i bet youre enjoying the taste of my cock now its all the way down your throat like a good slut you are"
your protests were muffled by Miguel's whole length down your throat. "MmpH!" was all you managed to say as you gripped on his thighs trying desperately to pull away. "Whats wrong (Y/n)? wasnt this what you wanted huh?" Miguel snaps at you he sounded pissed and he wants to put you in your place. Miguel then pressed down further you chin dripping with spit and drool as it sticks to Miguel's balls; he lets go just to catch your breath. "Hah... hah..." your chest falls and rises rapidly as Miguel's precum dripped down his shaft. "We're not done yet cariño" Miguel laughs sadistically as he grabs you by your arms and pins both your hands on his desk "since you clearly want it so bad, ill give it to you good" miguel rips apart your pants his rough hands traces your waist. he moves down lower as he reaches your ass and he feels around. "oh this will be good" his laugh gets deeper and colder as he bends over; his hot throbbing dick pressed against your lower back. "You'll regret playing me (Y/n)" his talons flex as he opens your ass wide open. rip the sound of fabric tearing as he finally rips apart the last remaining clothing you had on. "your puckering hole is just waiting to get fucked" Miguel slaps his drool coated dick on your rear he whispers to you "im gonna make you cry and beg for more"
/Time skip/
Miguel stops abruptly as he opens a drawer and takes out lube you stare at it as he squeezes some on his hand "wait- why do you have lube in your office?" you pant as you ask Miguel "Its better to be ready and not need it or need it and not be ready" Miguel says panting as he rubs some of the lube on his dripping dick. an idea flashes through your mind as you push him down his office chair. "its my turn to take the wheel" you say as you get on his lap and line his dick on your hole. you slowly lower yourself down halfway and you stop. His impressive size was appalling; it already felts so good half-way in you. savoring the sensation you try to prepare yourself for his girth. Miguel seems annoyed as you suddenly stop moving. he grabs your slutty waist and rams you down his fat cock. you let out a lewd moan as it crushes your prostate. you gasp as you try to collect your thoughts from the sudden sensation burning your mind. Miguel pants and squeezes your ass as he begins to thrust on your fat piece of cake. he growls and squeezes down not letting you go anywhere but deeper down on his cock. he watches you bounce up and down while you make noises of pleasure making him smile proudly. "yeah.. thats right be a good boy and take my cock like a slut." Miguel pushes you down deeper as his cock directly presses on your g spot. "Miguel... please..." you beg miguel as he stops and just keeps his cock in you. its throbbing and twitching like crazy. "Not yet Cariño... i wanna see you ride me." Miguel Sneers as you squeeze down on him. As you start riding in your own pace Miguel leans back and puts his hands on the back of his head enjoying the view before him. the more you ride his cock them more it seems to grow inside of you. As you moved yourself up and won on him you began to drool. the wet slicking of his dick on your ass felt so good; everytime it hits your prostate you were sure too see a glimpse of heaven. "You look so good in this position Cariño" Miguel reaches down and feels your hips and thighs as you ride him. saddling up to make yourself feel secure as he guides along your waist as he watches you ride.
After hours of nonstop fucking, (y/n) could only focus on the pleasure he was receiving. His mind could only focus on the man who gave him ecstasy. His voice was starting to hurt from shouting Miguel's name. "Too..ah..much" (y/n) whimpers begging for release. "Hush cariño... im almost there..." Miguel's rough voice drowned out y/n's moans. (y/n) practically lost count of how many times he came. "I can't..." (y/n) moans out.. "yes you can, baby.." Miguel's thrusts were getting rougher and faster. the wet slapping of skin crashing against each other echoes through the office. "do it for me cariño... Just one more" That was a lie. Miguel didn't plan on stopping not until the sun was rising. After one final deep thrust he finally released his final load "Agh...! Cariño im cumming!" Miguel buckles his hip as he grabs your ass and pushes it deep inside you as he came. "Miguel- youre filling me up!" (y/n) yells in surprise as miguel shoots his load deep within (y/n)'s gut. "Fuck im gonna give you my babies" Miguel keeps on going; shooting his load deeper into you it felt like a bump was appearing on your tummy as he does so. Miguel snuggles his lips on your neck as he finally lets his cock slip out of your gaping hole. your shaking legs finally give out as his seed slowly drips onto hour thigh "That was alot..." (y/n) says breathlessly. "Apologies, cariño... i got carried away." Miguel's voice seems to be at ease; somewhat satisfied i guess he had some stress relief. miguel picks you up and cleans after you. he takes you to his apartment since he ripped apart your clothes and gave you some of his clothes. "Thank you Miguel..." You thank him as you grab his clothes. as you put it on his clothes seem too big for you; the sleeves of his shirt droops below your elbow which exposes your neck and his baggy pants that looks like a pajama. "(y/n) you look so cute...) Miguel stares you down with admiration as he grabs you by the waist and outs you down in bed. "Can we cuddle? i feel tired after what we did at your office" (y/n) says sheepishly as he grabs Miguel's arms around his waist and presses against him. "Sure Thing cariño" Miguel kisses you around the nape of your neck as both of you drift to sleep.
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b0ng05 · 7 months
Lucy Chen x Fem!Reader -
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1307
Prompt: Lucy Chen and Y/n are in a secret relationship when one day they get caught. How will Y/n's older sister Angela Lopez react to the news?
Also, Not Proofread💅
Master list/ Request list
Y/n stood in front of the coffee pot, filling up her coffee cup. Unaware of Lucy who approached behind her with a mischievous smirk on her lips. Lucy observes the room, assuring no one else was in there before stalking up behind Y/n as silently as possible and wrapping her arms around the woman’s waist. Y/n let out a small gasp in surprise, spilling a small amount of coffee on her hand.
“Shit-” Y/n hisses slightly, wiping the hot liquid on a nearby napkin.
“Sorry! Are you okay?” Lucy worriedly asks, turning her around so she can inspect the woman’s injured hand.
“Yeah- yeah, I’m good. Just startled me a bit,” Y/n lets out a small chuckle, using the opportunity of Lucy inspecting her reddened fingers, to bring their hands up to her lips and kiss the back of Lucy’s hand.
Lucy blushes, “Still, I’m sorry,” Lucy smiled apologetically, returning the gesture and kissing Y/n’s hand.
“If only you could make it up to me,” Y/n teases, a playful smile on her lips.
“Oh, however could I make this up to you?” Lucy plays along, her tone a bit dramatic.
“A kiss could definitely help,” Y/n teases, her lips pulling into a mischievous smirk.
“Anything for you~” Lucy playful quips, giving a dramatically smitten look.
Y/n laughs but is interrupted when Lucy pulls the woman closer and presses their lips in a soft and sweet kiss. Her arms move to wrap around Lucy’s waist, while Lucy’s slither around the back of her neck. As they’re caught in their lover’s haze, they are unaware of the heartbroken brown eyes watching them from the doorway.
Tim’s lips pressed into a thin line as his eyebrows furrowed. His jaw clenched at the uncomfortable feeling in his chest. His heart felt broken. After he was assigned Lucy’s TO, he thought they had made a connection. Especially with the hours they had to spend together for work, the looks he thought they had shared, the feelings he thought they both had yet to act on, all shattered. He quietly turned around and his feet took him off before he even knew where he was headed. He recognized the direction. Angela Lopez, Y/n older sister who happened to be a rank above her. He knew just how protective Angela was of Y/n. That’s why his frown, slyly slipped into a smirk.
“Hey, Lopez.” Tim greets as he walks up to her desk.
“Hey, Bradford. What’s up?” Angela greets before looking up from her paperwork at the man, her brow quirking at the man’s smile.
“Just thought you should know your sister found somebody.” Tim nods, leaning on the edge of her desk.
“I’m sorry? You-,” Angela pauses with a chuckle in disbelief, “You mean, my sister? With who?” She furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up straight in her seat.
“Saw her locking lips with my rookie in the break room,” Tim shares, before standing up from the desk with a smirk, “I think they’re still on break. Well, see ya,” Tim nods and walks off, smirking, knowing the chaos he could’ve just set in motion.
Angela stands up from her desk, instantly marching her way down to the break room. She didn’t know how to feel, all she knew was that she didn’t want her sister with some rookie sucking face in the break room, it was unprofessional. As she reached the break room, she could see the two sitting at a table together, happily chatting and laughing. Anger she had felt slightly subsided at the sight. Seeing her sister happy was a nice feeling, but the stronger feeling at the moment was an overbearing amount of protection. She entered the break room, shutting the door behind her. Providing no escape for either party.
“Hey Ange-” Before Y/n could finish her sentence at the sight of her sister, she was interrupted.
“Quiet.” Angela states, before turning her focus on Lucy, “What are your intentions with my sister?” She demands.
Lucy’s eyes widen in both fear and shock. Under the table, Y/n’s hand instantly darted into Lucy’s, wanting to provide the girl with some sort of comfort, knowing how intimidating her sister could be.
“I- um- I-” Lucy can’t seem to stutter out the words that scrambled in her mind.
“You gonna give me an answer?” Angela looms over Lucy intimidatingly.
“I love your sister, and I intend to treat her right,” Lucy states, finally finding her words.
“Right,” Angela taps the table with her hand, “Here’s a warning, the only one you’re gonna get, hurt my little sister, and you deal with me. Got it?” Angela quips.
If looks could kill, Lucy would be three times dead. Lucy gulps and nods, Y/n gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. Lucy glances at Y/n before her eyes go back to Angela’s.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Lucy insists, finding comfort in Y/n’s hand in hers.
Angela gives a curt nod before turning around and walking to the counter, starting to make herself a cup of coffee.
“So, how is my sister doing?” Angela teases, not turning around to face her sibling as she poured the dark roast into her metal mug.
“Was good up until you scared the crap out of us,” Y/n jokes before taking a sip of her coffee.
“Not my fault. When I’m told my sister is sucking face in the break room, I obviously got to keep her in check. It’s my duty, I’m older.” Angela quipped, a small playful smirk teasing the corner of her lips. Her fingers gripped around a spoon as she stirred sugar and cream into her coffee.
“Wait- what? Someone told you that Lucy and I were making out?” Y/n’s eyebrows furrow, sharing a look with Lucy.
“Who saw us?” Lucy inquires, her grip tightening around Y/n’s under the table. Lucy didn’t miss the slight smirk that grew on Y/n’s face at the memory of them kissing minutes prior.
“Not at liberty to say, but if you two want to kiss around here, at least be more stealthy.” Angela lets out a small chuckle before taking a sip of her coffee.
Y/n stifles a small laugh, a habit of finding her sister’s laugh infectious. But it quickly stops from a playful jab in her side from Lucy. Y/n grins down at the woman and kisses her forehead. After a while of sitting and enjoying their short break together, Y/n heads back to her shop to go back to work. Lucy follows suit and goes to find Tim for their usual shift.
As Lucy climbs into the passenger seat and buckles up, Tim’s brows furrow at her lack of sadness or even anger. Lucy seemed like her normal happy self. Once she was buckled in, she turned to Tim with an expecting look.
“Are we- are we gonna go or what?” Lucy asks confused, her hand gesturing to the road awaiting them.
“Yeah,” Tim shakes off the thoughts, letting out a sigh as he begins to drive off.
“So how was your break, boot?” Tim inquires, tapping one of his hands against the wheel.
“It was good, mostly just had coffee and chatted with L/n,” Lucy nods, her eyes drifting to the window.
“What did you two talk about?” Tim questions, eyes observing the busy streets.
“Oh just a case she’s working on,” Lucy shrugs, half-lying.
Tim raises an eyebrow but just nods, a subtle ache in his heart at her answer. He continued driving until they got a call. Leaving the lingering thoughts of jealousy and anger in the back of his mind. After all, Lucy was still a rookie, and Tim still had time to figure his feelings out, right?
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chxrrydrxp · 7 months
𝓃ℴ ℊℴℴ𝒹 (𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓂ℯ)
(Jason Todd x fem! Reader)
<does get a bit steamy, with heavily implied oral sex (fem receiving)> <edited ish>
disclaimers: guys irl please communicate with ur partner 🖤, also jason is being a dick.
The apartment was particularly quiet tonight, and you came home from work, stressed, exhausted, and in need of some type of relief. You lazily kicked off your heels and laid on the couch with arm over your eyes, not wanting to be bothered by anyone or anything. The crisp winter air flowed freely from the open window, causing small goosebumps to appear on your arms. It felt like hours went by, but you weren't quite sleep. Your brain flooded with all the stacks of paperwork that sat at your desk, waiting for you the next day.
The door unlocked, and in came Jason, his heavy boots thumping on the wooden floor. You felt a spark of annoyance coarse through your body, remembering that you had countlessly told him to take his shoes off in the hall to prevent him from tracking mud or wet snow in the apartment. Of course this flew over his head, as he laid his crimson helmet on the table.
You remained on the couch, still, as if you didn't want him to know you were awake. He made an observation of your coat, and hung his beside it. He lounged on the couch, running his hands smoothly through his dark hair.
He must've thought you were sleeping by his lack of greeting. That, or he too was stressed from whatever he did on patrols. You shifted a but, then uncovered your eyes. He made quick notice, his eyes gentle. "Hey baby..thought you were sleepin..", his hands grazed over your thigh gently. You groaned, throwing your head back on the armrest.
"You okay?" You wanted to yell at him for laying on the couch with his patrol clothes on. Hell, you wanted to complain about every single thing going wrong in your life, but you knew that wouldn't be fair. You knew it when you noticed the faint circles under his eye. He patiently waited for your response, mindlessly playing with a loose string on your black dress pants.
" I'm fine..tough day at work...," you trailed off.
Then you remembered his dirty boots. You glanced at the spot of dark brown dirt on your gray carpet that lay under the couch and extended to the console table. "Jason..your shoes. Again." You forced yourself to look away to prevent any words you didn't mean from coming out of your mouth. "Remember, you're supposed to put them outside." Usually, he'd curse under his breath and just put them away. Not this time. Instead, he rubbed his forehead tiredly and leaned his head back, a sigh leaving his lips. "I'll get em later..m' tired." You rolled your eyes at him, and stood up, escaping into the kitchen to prevent any more annoying discoveries, like him leaving his helmet on the counter again which was sometimes covered in blood.
"Damn it...Jason we don't have any food, I thought you went shopping yesterday," you exclaimed trying to keep your tone neutral. "Oh..yeah...I forgot." "Jason?" "What?" Your nerves were almost boiling over. "You can't just 'forget'. What are we gonna eat?" The couch creaked as he crawled off and walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, then sighed again. "We can just order something." You turned to face him, crossing your arms. "Or maybe you can just listen to me when I ask you to do something." He blinked hard at you, closing the fridge. "I'm sorry. It's not like I go out for hours every night and remember hundreds of names, dates, warehouses, whatever the fuck. Can you give me a break?" Your body went stiff and you steadied yourself against the counter.
"This is the 3rd week in a row Jason-" he cut you off, "You work in an office, baby girl. You sit down, and stare at your screen- is it (that) bad?" You clenched your teeth hard, feeling an emotional build-up. "No, Jason. I work with troubled kids in neglected neighborhoods-" You rushed over your words in a fit of anger. "Which you'd know if you ever paid any fucking attention to me!" In the instance of finishing the last word, you felt a wave of embarrassment hit you. His forest green eyes narrowed, and his clenched jaw softened...almost as if he was hurt. "Y/n...", he voiced faintly. You spun on your heel, walking away from him. Jason repeated your name as you went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.
His footsteps approached the door, and he was met with the faint clicking sound of the lock. He scoffed at himself and leaned his back against the door. "Come out y/n..". His command was met with silence. "Baby..please." Your heart broke a little, hearing the pleading in his voice. "Can we talk about this...face to face?" He could imagine you'd just tell him to speak from outside the door. The door opened, causing him to almost fall and you stared up at him, crossing your arms. "Hey..", he whispered lowly, reaching his hands out to touch yours, leaning his body so close, you were almost touching.
His body heat radiated off of him, making you mindlessly lean closer. He held your hands. "Look at me. I don't pay attention to you?" "Well..I didn't mean..", you shifted slightly. "No..I think I heard you correctly," Jason breathily whispered in your ear. "I just meant..." You trailed off. "Yeah?"
His voice rumbled at his throat. You looked everywhere but his eyes. He pinned you to the wall with an intimidating gaze. You hated the way your body reacted to his. Hated how a few minutes ago you wanted to rip his head off and now he has your thighs rubbing together at his mere words.
"Baby you're on my mind 24/7. It's you who always pushes me away as if you can't let yourself enjoy my presence," he teases. You roll your eyes. "Can't take you seriously when you're over here tryna get some friction," he muttered and glanced down. You opened your mouth to deceptively defend yourself but he pressed a finger to your lips. "What, you didn't think I'd notice?"
He hooked his fingers onto the hem of her pants, slowly dipping his hands below to feel her dampness. "You're so wet and needy for me and I (barely) touched you, go on...ask for it." Your eyes flickered away from his. "B-but we have to talk about this Jay. We can't just-" he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. "I know..I know baby" he cooed. "Just lemme me take care of you first.." He searched your eyes for approval, to which you nodded shaky with anticipation. Then he kneeled.
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gomzwrites · 10 months
*brush dust away* hello hi, just wanted to drop this here, okay bye
Stress Relief
contains smut(18+), minors do not interact
Pairing: John Price x fem!reader
Tags: this is just smut, plot what plot, consent check, nickname used, rough oral sex, cunnilingus, deepthroating, deepthroating with a surprise, praise kink, dirty talk, xfem!reader, use of y/n, mention of female anatomy, use of cunt, established relationship, probably shit grammar and English
Reader's text is in purple
side note: writer is insane, writer also have no idea how to end a smut fic, writer haven't write in forever and decided to do it in a random Sunday morning unprovoked
Something had been bothering Price. Whether it was the ever-increasing pile of paperwork on his desk or that incessant buzz echoing precisely every 7.5 seconds next door, it had been getting on his nerves. 
He released his grip on his hair, ruffling it in an attempt to make it look more presentable. As if the bangs hanging low on his forehead were somehow professional.
“Fuck,” He mumbled under his breath, rubbing the crease between his eyebrows as he lets out a long sigh.
A cigar would have been perfect at this moment. 
Well, it would have been.
The drawers he pulled out revealed nothing but dust; he had forgotten to top up his favorite since the last mission. He grumbled, slamming the drawers shut as he leaned back in his chair. The chair creaked under his weight as he closed his eyes, trying to level this annoyance out of his system. 
Drowning himself in work could help, except that's what he had been doing for the past six hours (or more—time was a figment of imagination at this point with the overwhelming tasks at hand). Another long sigh escaped him, less frustration and more exasperation.
The door opened, and he didn't even need to lift his head up to know who entered.
Bad timing. Or perhaps, great timing?
“Someone’s grumpy today,” She mused, patting off the dust from her pants as she leaned over the chair and rested her chin on his shoulder. “Not a good time,” he mumbled back, sighing as he gestured to the desk filled with papers, as if that were the cause rather than the visible annoyance signaling his state of mind.
“You ever had a good time when you’re in the office?” she replied, spinning his chair around to face him, smiling as she tilted her head towards him.
“You forgot, didn't you?” He raised his brows, watching as she gently nudged the lower drawer with her right foot, knowing where his cigars were. He sighed and nodded in acknowledgment, the lack of the familiar scent of tobacco in the room probably gave it away. 
“How ‘bout tea? Did you even eat anything?” She asked, turning her attention to the reports on his desk, bending forward to grab a few papers and reading them. Price observes, eyes tracing her curves as he hummed.
“Not really hungry,” he croaked out, sounding more strained than it needed to be.
She picked up on it, of course she did, glancing at him over her shoulder as she remained bent on his desk, eyes staring at his blues as she whispers. 
“Perhaps you’re hungry for…something else…” she whispered, an offer. 
He debated on whether he should give in, it’s not unusual for their exchange to end in heated kisses and lingering marks. 
She helped him decide, turning around and getting herself on his table, crossing her legs as she reached her leg out, resting her heels on his thigh, just barely brushing against his length that was already half hard. 
“Should have a proper meal every day, Captain,” she smirked, trailing her eyes over his pants and up to his face, seeing the way his beard shifts.
She liked seeing the effect she had on him.
“Telling me how to eat now, darlin'?” he moves closer, rousing up from his seat, grabbing her foot in the process and conveniently prying it to the side.
“Spread yourself for me”
A blush spread across her cheeks as something coiled in her belly, nodding as she does as he told.
“Atta, girl….” he grumbles, slotting himself between as he reaches out to run his finger over the back of her head, leaning in to kiss his forehead. A small moment of softness, before his hand gripped on the strands slightly, forcing a gasp out of her. “Take it off”
His palm rest beside her thigh, eyes never leaving hers as she takes off her pants as quickly as she could, the fabric drops to the floor with a soft thump.
“Fuck, look at you,” he purrs, running his knuckles over her panties. “Already so wet for me, huh?” he chuckles low, pressing the nub as she jots, a small moan leaving her soft lips, lips he devoured before she could reply.
“I would’ve rub it real nice and slow to see you squirm under me, but not today” he mumbles into her lips as he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting their lips.  “Today….I need to have my meal, like what you said, hm?”
He growls, sitting back on his chair as he holds her thighs and places it on his shoulder, his hot breath fanning against the soaked panties, leaning down to press the flat of his tongue on it, feeling her stifled whimper as her hands reach over to grab his hair.
“Hands to yourself, y/n” His voice is muffled, but still heavy with the authority that makes her head go dizzy, letting go his strands as she shifts, resting it on his desk instead. 
“Good girl…”
That earned a finger swiped over her sex, rubbing that sensitive lil clit before he slides the panty off, bunching it into his pocket as his finger glide along the folds, easing it to open for him as she smirked.
“Such a pretty lil thing, you’re practically glistening, eager much are you?”
He mumbles, felt like that was meant for her cunt instead of her, pushing in his finger lazily, before pulling it off to lick the juices off, sucking the slick from the skin.
Her legs spread wider, hips moving closer to his lips, needy. He suppose he’ll let it pass this time, pressing his tongue on her entrance finally, lapping loudly around the folds, hungry for each drop.
She bites back a moan, gasping and whimpering as his head dive deeper between her legs, his lips wrapping around her clit and sucking gently, before nibbling on it, pulling back enough to make her moan out with a choke. 
“That’s it, come on, let me hear all your pretty noises, luv” His hand raked over her thighs, squeezing, groping as he eats her out like its a fucking fine cuisine, savouring and letting her leak all over him. His chin, his lips, his beard. God he loves it because the smell lingers. It drips onto the desk, he tsk-ed slightly, pulling back as he heaves, glancing up to meet a pair of glossy eyes and that beautiful blush. 
“Lay back”
He encouraged, haphazardly pushing away the documents, with some even tumble over and scattered on the floor, not that it matters for now.
“Price–” She whispered, laying on the desk before she gasped, back arching as he gets back into it, latching onto her clit as he groans.
“Can’t get enough of you, sweetheart,” he rasped, working his tongue and protruding into her hole, feeling the twitch of her thighs closing onto his head.
He smirked, feeling slightly proud as he tongue fucks her, pulling out more mewls and moan from her.
All for him.
He would lose track of time, hell, he would spent his time between her legs forever if he wanted to. Addicted to her taste, her skin and those moans.
“F-fuck– Price– please…”
The knot felt tighter by the second as her head swims, she couldn’t tell what was more turned on for her. The vulgar, downright sinful sounds of her pussy squelching or the way Price moans around her clit, the vibration making her nerves go haywire. A lil bit of both she reconned.
Price knows she’s close with the way her thigh tensed up, her sound growing in volume and quantity, and the incoherent babbles of his name and "please".
“Come for me, want to see you come undone with my tongue alone, y/n” She lets herself go, with a long moan of his name as her thighs tremble and tighten around his head, it was electrifying, seeing whites in her vision as she heaves,
“P-Price–” She pleads weakly, attempting to move his mouth away from her pulsing pussy, begging him to let go, but the grip on her thigh proves the attempt futile as he makes no intention to stop, tipping her over to the next orgasm without pausing. 
She’s not sure how much time has passed, and how many time she came, but eventually when he did, his beard was absolutely drenched, and that smug face he has says it all.
“Think that was enough to keep me going for the week,” Clicking his tongue, he leans down to kiss her, letting her taste herself from his lips, it’s sloppy and slow, downright messy as the kiss becomes open mouthed and uncoordinated.
“Gonna break my cunt one of these days, you fokin’ monster…” she pants slowly, glaring at him slightly as she was still recovering from the shattering experience, grazing her lips on his cheek.
“You haven’t–” “Mhm” 
She sighed, resting her head on the desk as she calmed down, he loomed over her, just taking in the view of her afterglow, letting her catch her breath until eventually hearing her speak again. 
“Gonna let me help you with that?” she teased, hands reaching down to nudge his bulge, straining against his pants as he groaned.
“And how are you going to do that?” he asked back, lips twitching into a smile as she tugs him closer. “Could use my throat…” “Can’t promise I’ll be gentle, dearie” “Then don’t be…”
That earned a growl, she hear his belt clink apart as he rounds the desk, pulling her head to rest at the edge as he heaves, sliding his cock across her face, the precum dripping down and smearing her cheek as she blushes.
“You know what to do when it gets too much, do you?” He rasped, waiting for her to reach out and tap his thigh three times.
“Good girl…now open up for me” He coos, pushing himself into her wet mouth with a grunt, feeling the wet heat of her mouth tightly enveloping his throbbing cock. “Fuck…fuck– so good for me…”
He talks her right through it, easing her into him as his pours endless praises.  
The rhythm he set was slow, before eventually the pace increases, the vibration of her moans against his cock spurring him further, submerging himself fully as she gags, pulling back to let her breathe for not less than 3 seconds before he repeats the process. 
“So tight” he growls, laced with a small hint of desperation.
“Fuck, could see the bulge of my cock from this angle you know that?” his hips jerks slightly harder to make a point, feeling her squirmed, her shaky hands reaching up.
He half expected her to pull him away, it has been a while for their session to be on the rougher side, what he didn’t expect was her hand wrapping around her throat, pressing against his cock through the skin as he moaned.
“Shit– y/n–”
Her finger added another layer of sensation, the grip making his head spin as his hips thrust into her neck, it felt way too good.
“Fuck…do it that way yeah…yeah oh god–” The sound of panting and grunt mixed with gags filled the room. Her eyes closed as she tries to breathe, the combined motion of his cock deep in her with the grip on her own neck making her head spin, slightly uncomfortable with how wide she was stretched out, and yet she wanted more.
The next time he pulled out, her face heavy with drool and his slick, she whined at the loss, pulling the hem of his pants closer to her.
“Easy…easy y/n...” He chuckles breathlessly above her, running a thumb across her lips as he sighs.
“Just, give me a sec….nearly blow a load right there,”An odd sense of pride swells in her, to see him, the untamable Captain catching his breath because of her.
“Please,” she pleaded out, voice already long gone as she tugs his pants again.
“I know I know…I’ll give it to you, okay?” He coos softly, easing the tip back to her mouth, then back out again as he laughs slightly, seeing the huffs and frown on her flushed out face.
“So impatient…”He mumbles quietly, but lets out a guttural groan when he slips it in all the way, his member pressing at the back of her throat. 
The pace returns, with Price bringing his knee up to the table, diving deeper into her throat as he moans.
“Do the thing again…come on”He taps her face twice, her eyes opening as she reached up her throat and press, making both of them groan in unison.
“Shit…so close–” His voice comes out ragged and short, thrusting in short jerking motion as he groans, she arches her back once more, causing the bulge to be more obvious as she rubs the length on her neck, hearing the muttered curses from him as her eyes roll back.
He rasped out, bottoming and coming ropes of white into her throat as he lets out a silent moan, keeping it there before feeling the taps on his thigh, immediately pulling back with a lewd pop as she swallows.
“You with me, sweetheart?” He whispers, brushing her hair away, hands sliding down to her cheeks, warm and burning as she offers a weak nod, smiling lazily as she licks the last bit of cum off his cock still resting on her face. 
“Minx” He chuckles, slowly pulling her up, hooking an arm around her leg and carrying her to the couch, placing her on his lap comfortably as he hummed.
“How’s your throat…” He whispers, kissing her neck softly as she shivers.
“No–” she gets into a fits of cough, Price patting her back to soothe it.
“Not great,” she chuckles, her voice was far gone that’s for sure.
“Don’t be”, she smiled reassuringly, kissing his forehead. She rests against his neck, feeling his arms wrapped around her as she melts into the embrace. They lay comfortably, just breathing slowly as they let their nerves die down.
“Where the hell did you learn to do that, huh?” “Somewhere” “Real specific, y/n” “Well you liked it, didn’t you?” “Prob’ won’t stop thinking about it, fucking hell…” “Mmm, that’s all I need to know” He chuckles, nibbling his ears as she giggles.
“Thank you, appreciate it you know” “Anytime, John” “Anytime?” “Oh fuck off, can’t go another round man”
They laughed, and the conversation ends with a few more meaningless exchange, eventually ending with a small nap on the couch. 
❛ ━━・❪ ✿ ❫ ・━━ ❜
a/n: Im away I've been away for a very long time, but I decided to share this smut fic heh, reblogs are appreciated
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merrixmas · 8 months
My Love, You're Mine
DI!Leon x Fem!Reader
Summary: You were Leon's personal assistant for 2 years. You admired him, even love him, but things took a wild turn.
WC: 10.1k
Content/Warning: Fingering, Reader is into it, Squirting, Spanking, Stockholm Syndrome(?), masturbation, Porn with small plot, degrading kink, manipulation, overstimulation, Fem Horny Reader, BDSM, Soft to Rough, Mostly just Leon pleasuring you.
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You were an agent that used to do dangerous missions. But you retired because you thought it maybe better to get a safer job instead, and after waiting for weeks, you were hired as a personal assistant by a rich man named Leon. He had hired you because he needed an assistant that could do many things. You've been his assistant now for 2 years, doing more than just assisting him, you took care of him. You had feelings for him, but you kept it lowkey.
He was single for a very long time and he would give you signs that he liked you. Or maybe it's just you being delusional? So you thought maybe you'd have a chance. Sometimes wearing something revealing but not quite, only did it to tease him, and it seemed to work.
As you were assisting Leon with some paperwork late at night, he had giving you coffee for some boost. Little did you know, it was drugged. You found yourself sleep on his bed, turns out he was one step ahead.
You stirred slowly, waking up from your sleep and taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. "w-where am I?"
With a slight smile, Leon steps closer to you, leaning down slightly. "Ah, good morning, my love. It seems you finally woke up."
"Mr. Kennedy?? What's going on.." You asked, trying to recall what happened.
"Oh please, just call me Leon." he chuckles softly, his hand reaching out to gently caress your cheek. Surprised by his actions you moved away slowly, using his pillow to cover yourself from him.
Leon watches your reaction with a mix of amusement and desire, his hand moving to lightly hold onto the pillow, not forcing it away from you. "There's no need to be afraid, sweetheart. I only want to protect and care for you."
He releases the tension in his grip, trying to appear less threatening "I just want to shower you with love, darling. You're mine now, and I'll never let you go."
You slowly began to relax from his comforting voice but still keeping your guard up.
Seeing your response, Leon couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. His voice softened further, the sincerity in his words echoing through the room. "That's my girl," he whispered, leaning closer to brush a tender kiss against your forehead.
You touched your forehead, surprised from his kiss, his actions, You never expected that the guy you were inlove with for 2 years would be like this now, why is he doing this?
Feeling your surprise, He couldn't help but smirk softly. "Don't be alarmed, love," he murmured, his lips brushing against your ear. "I'm just expressing my affection for you."
You looked away, thinking if you should escape but a part of you is telling you to just give in to him.
He sensed your hesitation and uncertainty. He gently cupped your cheek, forcing you to meet his gaze. "Trust me, love," he whispered. "I will never harm you. I only want to make you happy."
You put the pillow away upon hearing his comforting voice once more.
"Thank you, my love. Now, let me introduce you to your new life." He guided you to the bathroom, where a luxurious bath was prepared for you. "Soak in this tub," he instructed. "It will help you relax."
You did as he told, covering yourself as you got in the bathtub.
He waited until you were settled before closing the door behind him. He took a moment to observe you from a short distance, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. You looked so beautiful and vulnerable, sitting there in the warm water. He could hardly contain his desire to make love to you.
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply as you relaxed while he continued to watch you, his gaze roaming over every inch of your exposed skin. His mind filled with thoughts of how he wanted to touch and taste you. He couldn't wait any longer.
You looked at him, still covering your soaked body with your hands.
"There's no need to be shy, my love. Let me take care of you." With those words, Leon slowly approached the tub, his eyes never leaving yours.
He knelt down beside the tub, his hand gently caressing your wet skin. "Allow me to wash away your fears and doubts," he whispered, his voice thick with desire.
He continued to wash you, his hands gentle yet firm on your body "You're quite a catch, you know that? Such lovely curves, delicate scent. I couldn't resist you for long."
"you're so gentle with me.." you murmured, looking into his eyes with wonder.
"I am, aren't I? But then again, you're worth it." He smiled softly at you, his eyes filled with nothing but love and desire. "Now, how about we dry off and move to the bedroom? I have something special planned for us."
You nodded. And with a satisfied smile, Leon finished washing you and reached for a towel to dry you off. He wrapped the warm, soft cloth around your body, gently patting it against your skin.
He assisted you in getting out of the tub, his hands lingering on your body as he dried you off "You're so beautiful, sweetheart. It's a pleasure to be the one taking care of you now."
You got flustered from his compliment, after all, this was all new to you. You never had this treatment before but now that you were having it from Leon, it made you feel special.
Shall we continue this in the bedroom, then?" He held out his hand to you, his eyes full of anticipation.
"mhmm" you hummed, giving him a faint smile as you hold his hand
Good girl." He whispered, leading you out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom. The air was heavy with desire as he closed the door behind them, locking it once more. "Now, lie down on the bed and relax."
You did as you were told, lying on the bed with the towel still wrapped on you.
"Very well," Leon purred, his voice low and seductive. He moved closer, his gaze roaming over your body appreciatively. With gentle hands, he removed the towel from your body, revealing his prize to him.
He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against your collarbone, his fingers trailing across your skin as you press your legs together.
"Beautiful," he whispered, his eyes never leaving your form. His hands traced along your thighs, slowly parting them until they rested on either side of your hips. "You're so exquisite,"
"Please be gentle.. I'm new to this." You pleaded as you were inexperienced with these type of things but you knew about it.
Leon chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling your skin. "I'll be as gentle as you like," he promised, his fingers beginning to explore lower on your body. "But remember, I am quite skilled in these matters."
As you trembled slightly in his embrace, he felt a rush of triumph and desire. His fingers continued their slow dance, seeking out your sensitive spots with unerring precision. "That's it, darling," he whispered, his voice low and seductive.
You squirmed slightly at first but then started grinding on his hand as he fingered you.
Feeling your body respond to his touch, Leon's heart raced with anticipation. His fingers moved in tandem with your movements, their rhythm becoming increasingly sensual. "That's it," he encouraged, his voice thick with lust.
You softly moaned as the pleasure increased. "Mmm, that sound makes me want you even more." He kissed your neck, his lips soft and teasing. "Tell me, are you ready for me?"
You looked into his eyes with certainty, before nodding. When he leaned down, his lips brushed against yours in a slow, passionate kiss. His tongue traced the contours of your mouth, teasing and exploring. One of his hands slid up your leg, caressing your inner thigh as the other continued to stroke between your legs.
You moaned as he kissed you passionately, your hands ran down his chest, feeling his muscular body.
The feel of your hands on him only fueled Leon's desire. His kiss deepened, his tongue dancing with yours as he grew bolder. His fingers found their way inside you, seeking out your sensitive spots as he continued to pleasure you. "You're so responsive,"
With a soft groan, Leon broke the kiss. "You're mine now," he whispered against your skin. "I won't let you go." His fingers found their rhythm again within you, his thumb massaging your clit as his other hand gripped his shaft, leaving your legs trembling as you got closee to climax.
"That's it," he encouraged, his voice low and seductive. "Let go for me." His thumb circled faster, seeking to push you over the edge. His other hand held his cock steady, ready to plunge inside once you reached climax.
Your back arched as you reached your climax, juices gushing out of you. He moaned as he felt the walls of your pussy contract around his thumb. His other hand gripped his shaft tighter, feeling the urge to release building within him. With a deep growl, he slowly pushed inside you, his cock stretching you as he filled you completely.
You gripped the sheets tightly, tears forming around your eyes as he felt your inner walls contract around his shaft, Leon's mind was filled with nothing but lust and possession. "You're mine," he growled, his hips starting to move faster as he took you hard and fast. the pleasure sending shocks down your body, making it tremble as you whimper.
Leon's thrusts became deeper and stronger as he took you, his hips grinding against yours in a rhythm that was both intense and erotic. With a low growl, he pulled out, only to push back in harder, faster, his body trembling with the effort.
"Leon- a-ahh~" His name was a moan on your lips, a testament to the pleasure he was inflicting upon you. Feeling the peak of his climax near, Leon couldn't hold back any longer.
With a primal cry, Leon filled you up, his seed spilling deep inside as his hips bucked wildly against yours. He panted heavily, his chest heaving against yours as he finally came down from the intense high. For now, at least.
You panted, still feeling your mixed liquids come out of your throbbing cunt. "That's right," he breathed against your skin. "You're marked now. Mine forever." He pulled out slowly, his cock slipping out of you with a wet, slippery sound.
Leon chuckled softly, his arms wrapped around you possessively. "You're mine now, sweetheart. And there's nothing you can do about it."
"I'm all yours" you mumbled, slowly closing your eyes.
Leon kissed your forehead tenderly, his hands running through your hair. "That's a good girl," he purred, his voice dripping with dark charm. "Now, why don't you rest while I go to work? I'll have the maids give you something to eat while I'm gone for a day."
You nodded, as you got comfy, covering yourself with a soft comforter
As he spoke, he began to gather his clothes, pulling on his pants and t-shirt. He left the room, locking it behind him. Alone now, you were left to contemplate your new reality. A reality where you belonged to Leon, body and soul. You decided that you would just accept this, after all, you wanted this for a long time.
You spent your whole day just in his room, resting or on your phone, since this was the first vacation you had where you did nothing but relax.
(Next day)
Leon returned with a satisfied smirk, He found you cozily tucked under the soft comforter, looking somewhat vulnerable but also strangely content. His eyes lingering on you.
You haven't noticed Leon's return as you were unconscious, your eyes remained closed as you slept peacefully, unaware of the world around you. Leon watched you carefully, his dark gaze filled with an unyielding possessiveness.
You slowly stirred in your sleep, waking up to see Leon watching you.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Sleep well?" He took a seat on the bed beside you, his arm brushing against yours.
You nodded. "I'm alright" You murmured, slightly tired still.
"I trust you spent your time taking care of yourself without me?" His eyes flickered over you once more, a mix of curiosity and satisfaction playing across his features.
"It was kind of okay? Just felt slightly lonely." You looked down, fidgeting with your hands.
Well, I'm back now," he said with a smirk, running a finger down your arm. "And I plan on keeping you company for a while."
You thanked him for being so kind to you. You didn't even know what you did to deserve this treatment from him.
You're welcome, sweetheart." He leaned in close, his eyes searching yours. "I promise I'll take care of everything."
You nodded with a faint smile, looking at some of the small bruises on your arms and legs.
"You've been through a lot," Leon acknowledged softly, his fingers tracing over a particularly dark one on your thigh. "But you're safe with me now." He leaned back in his chair, watching you carefully.
"I should get dressed now.." you muttered, slightly embarrassed that you had nothing on but a blanket covering you.
He nods, standing up "Of course. I'll have someone bring you some clothes soon." He paused, his expression turning more serious. "But before you go... there's something I need to ask you."
"Will you stay here with me?" His voice was low, laced with an undercurrent of vulnerability that contrasted sharply with his usual dark charm. "I... I want to protect you, and I can't bear the thought of losing you again."
"ofcourse.. I have no one else but you.." You said with sincerity.
"Good," he murmured, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. His fingers brushed against your cheek in a gentle caress.
"do you have anything else for me to wear?" You stood up slowly and he stood up as well, towering over you once more. He noticed that you were wearing one of his t-shirts.
"Of course," he replied, his voice smooth as silk. A servant appeared almost instantly at his summons, carrying an armful of clothing. "These should fit you well," he said, gesturing towards the selection of lingerie and a silk robe. "
He leaned down slightly, his breath brushing against your neck as he spoke softly into your ear. "Remember, I want you to wear these for me."
Leon chuckled softly, the warmth of his breath tickling your ear. "Surprise me," he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Pick something that you think will please me."
"alright" you said with a smile, looking at the beautiful selection of lingerie. You wondered which one would he liked.
"Take your time, sweetheart." He sat back down in his chair, watching you with a predatory glint in his eye. "I'll be right here when you're ready."
You nodded then took the selection of lingerie in the bathroom to try them on and see what looks best before letting Leon see.
looking at the lingeries carefully, you chose the black lingerie set with a dark red lace, you put it on with the silk robe.
"You look stunning." The words slipped from his lips as soon as you emerged from the bathroom, his gaze sweeping over your body appreciatively. "That black lace set off your eyes beautifully." His voice was low, warm and seductive.
"Too bad I have bruises, would be nice if I didn't have any dark spots around my body.." you murmured insecurely.
"You're perfect just the way you are." Leon's tone was firm, leaving no room for argument. "And those bruises only add to your allure." He stood up from his chair and slowly circled around you, taking in every inch of your body.
"Really?" You replied, looking into his eyes to see if he was sincere.
"Yes, really." His voice was soft yet commanding, making it clear that he meant every word. "Now, come here." He extended a hand towards you, his expression a mix of desire and possession. "Let's see if I can make you forget about those bruises."
You took his hand, confused of what he meant. His dark eyes locked onto yours as he led you over to a chair. "Sit down," he commanded, his voice low and resonant. You obeyed without hesitation, your heart pounding in your chest. As you sat down, Leon leaned in close, his gaze never leaving yours.
"So what do you have in mind?" Your gaze following him, curious of what he planned on doing.
"It's simple, actually." His voice was low and seductive, sending shivers down your spine. "I'm going to make love to you. And I have a feeling that once we're done, you'll forget all about your bruises."
He leaned even closer, his warm breath tickling your ear. "I plan on making sure you don't think about anything else but me."
"I will agree to that if you'll love me forever." You replied, hoping he wouldn't be like those other guys that played with your feelings before.
"Oh, darling," he purred, his hand running softly over your cheek. "I will love you forever." He leaned in and kissed you, his tongue demanding entry into your mouth.
You kissed him back, putting your arms around his neck. And as your tongues danced, his other hand found its way down your spine, pressing against the soft flesh of your lower back. His body was hard against yours, an unyielding promise of possession.
As you moaned against his lips, he broke the kiss, his dark eyes searching yours. "You do want this," he whispered, his voice low and seductive. "You want me."
"No, I need you, I need you so badly.." You said softly as you ran your fingers through his hair.
His smile was predatory, yet tender as he heard your confession. "Then consider yourself needed," he breathed, his hand sliding lower still, teasing the hem of your lacy bra "Because I need you too, my love."
"I just wore this lingerie and you already want it off?" I chuckled, tilting your head slightly to the side as you waited for his reply.
"Oh, I want it off," he agreed, his fingers tracing along the lace of your bra, "But I think I'd prefer it to stay on for a little longer."
You then gently pushed him away so you could get up from the chair. Walking towards the bed, he followed closely behind, his hands tracing along your body possessively. "On the bed?" He asked, a growl rumbling in his chest as he stood over you, the muscles in his arms tense with barely contained desire.
"mhm, can you sit on the bed for me?" You requested. Planning on doing something for him
"You're a dangerous game, but one I'm more than happy to play." He sat down next to you on the edge of the bed, his gaze never leaving yours as he slowly trailed his hand up your leg, stopping just shy of the lace hem of your thong.
His dark eyes watched as you straddled him, your body grinding against him in a rhythmic motion. His hands found their way to your hips, holding you closer as he moaned against your ear. "God, you're going to drive me crazy."
You smirked as you kissed his neck, leaving hickeys.
You like that, don't you?" he growled into your ear, his hands moving up to hold your waist. "You like being in control."
"Oh I like being in control and being controlled" you confessed.
That's my girl. Now, how about you let me take control for a while?" He grabbed your thong and pulled it gently, forcing you to part your legs slightly. His finger traced along your drenched slit before dipping inside, searching for your entrance.
Teasing and probing until you were soaked in need. "You're ready for me," he murmured, his other hand moving to cup one of your breasts. "And I'm more than ready for you."
With a low, predatory chuckle, Leon leaned in and kissed your neck once more, his finger finally pushing past your tight entrance and into your core.
With a slow, sensual grind against your hip, Leon teased and taunted, refusing to enter you fully. His finger continued to probe and stretch you while his other hand massaged and squeezed your breast. "You want me?" he purred against your skin.
"Mhm, Please.." You plead, begging for pleasure as you lifted your self slightly.
"Very well," he whispered, pulling back slightly before positioning himself at your entrance. He pushed forward, filling you with one thick, hard inch of his length. The sensation was both exquisite and overwhelming, causing you to gasp and clutch at his shoulders.
You whimpered as you grinded on him. "Such a responsive little thing," he groaned, his hips starting to move in a slow, sensual rhythm. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, while his free hand roamed over your body, exploring every inch of skin he could reach.
Leon chuckled darkly against your skin, his hips starting to move in time with yours. His grip on your hips tightened as he took control of the pace, grinding their hips together in a lewd dance. "That's it,"
"Feel free to make as much noise as you want," he breathed against your ear, his voice low and husky. "I'll make sure no one hears." His thrusts grew deeper, harder, matching the intensity of your moans and whimpers.
"Leon..." You panted his name out between moans, your body moving in tandem with his. He felt incredible, and you couldn't help but want more. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you arched your back, pressing your hips against his. "Oh god,"
Leon let out a low, primal growl as you squirted around him, his thrusts becoming even more frenzied. He felt the heat of your body and the sweet nectar on his skin, and it only fueled his desire.
"Such a good girl." he murmured, his voice thick with lust. His hands moved to your hips, holding you still as he took you harder and faster. "You're so beautiful when you come apart like this."
You whimpered even more as he pounded in you. Tears forming around your eyes as your cunt becoming oversensitive.
Leon's thrusts didn't stop, even as he felt you tremble and whimper. He loved the way you responded to him, the way your body seemed to crave his. His hands moved up to grip your shoulders, holding you in place as he took what he wanted.
"W-wait it's too much I-i..," you moaned, your breath becoming more shakily.
"Too much?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. His hips bucked against yours, his cock hitting your G-spot again and again. "You think I'm going to stop now?" He leaned down, his teeth grazing your neck as he nipped gently. "Tell me... who do you belong to?" His other hand slid down to cup your sex, his thumb rubbing against your clit.
"to y-you..." You murmured in-between moans
"That's right. You belong to me." His hips bucked again, his thick cock sliding in and out of your soaked pussy. He felt your walls clenching and releasing around him, and it only made the pleasure more intense.
You soon came again, trembling even more as you felt the pleasure shook you.
"I'm not done yet, sweetheart" His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you still as he thrust into you harder and faster, feeling the walls of your pussy clenching around him.
You cried as you held on to him. "Shh... it's alright." Leon groaned out, his body shaking with the force of his orgasm. He buried his face in your neck, his cock still throbbing inside you. "We're not done yet."
You panted heavily, your legs still trembling from the orgasm
Leon pulled out of you, lifting you up and laid you on the bed gently before getting on top of you, his cock still hard and leaking pre-cum. He spread your legs wide, revealing your wet and swollen pussy to him. "I want to taste you again."
You looked away shyly. "Look at me," Leon commanded softly, his gaze locked onto yours. He leaned down, his tongue sweeping across your sensitive folds, tasting you on his tongue. One of his hands slid between your legs, spreading you further as he teased your entrance with his thumb.
You bucked your hips from overstimulation. Leon chuckled darkly, his tongue darting out to lick you again. "You're so responsive," he murmured, his hands moving to cup your breasts as he continued to tease your entrance.
"it's s-so sensitive and w-wet mmh~" you purred. Running your fingers on his hair.
"I know," he breathed against your sensitive skin, his roughened tongue delving deeper into your folds. His fingers teased your nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers, sending shivers down your spine. "You taste so good."
You tried moving away from him, embarrassed to cum all over his face. His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you in place. His tongue continued to lap at your pussy, driving you mad with need. "Now, now," he growled lowly, his voice vibrating against your skin. "You're not going anywhere." he growled, his other hand sliding down to rub against your clit.
You whimpered as you felt myself getting closer to climax. His tongue darted out to taste you again, his hand moving to grip your thigh as he pushed you closer to the edge of your next orgasm. His other hand still played with your clit, teasing and tormenting you. "Come for me,"
Your back arching as you came for him, your legs struggling on keeping it spread open.
A low, predatory growl rumbled in his chest as you came, your body shuddering beneath him. He held you close, his roughened tongue lapping up every drop of your sweet nectar as he let out a long, slow groan. "Fuck," You grinded on his face as he lapped up your juices.
"That's it," he purred, his hands moving to grip your hips tighter. He continued to lap at your sensitive folds, groaning lowly as he did so. He was going to savor this taste for a long time.
With one swift motion, he lifted himself off you, causing you to pant heavily from the loss of contact.
You must be exhausted," he murmured, running a soothing hand over your stomach. He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Try to get some rest."
"Aren't you?..." You said wearily, looking at him with sleepy eyes.
"Not quite," he chuckled softly, his dark eyes glinting with amusement. "But I'll manage." He pulled the covers up over you and tucked you in, his large hand resting on your stomach comfortingly. "Sleep tight, my love,"
You smiled softly, watching as he sat down on a nearby chair, assuring you that he'd be there if you needed him. And as the hours passed by, you suddenly woke up from a nightmare.
Leon's looks at you, focusing all his attention to you, his chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. "What's wrong, love?"
"I dreamt of when I was at a dangerous mission again.. It was full of those horrifying bioweapons." You hugged Leon tightly.
Leon wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you close to him. He pressed his chiseled chest against you, feeling your heart race against his. "Shh, it's just a dream. You're safe now."
"I don't want to experience being in that mission again..." You looked at Leon with tearful eyes.
Leon took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He knew that you were scared and vulnerable, but he also knew that he couldn't let you go through this on your own. He pulled away slightly, looking directly into your tearful eyes.
"much worse, what if I lose you?" You cried. Fearing what might happen in the future.
He narrowed his eyes, the sudden protective instincts flaring up inside him. "You're not going to lose me, love. Not ever." His other hand came to rest on your leg.
He could feel your trembling, and he hated it. He ran a soothing hand over your back, trying to comfort you. "Shh, it's alright. You're safe here with me."
You sobbed as you tried to calm myself down. "Please don't leave me...." You closed your eyes, still holding on to Leon.
Leon couldn't stand the thought of you being scared or alone. His other hand cupped your cheek, forcing you to look at him. "I'm not going anywhere, love."
"I promise." Leon vowed solemnly, looking straight into your tear-filled eyes. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He rubbed his thumbs gently over your cheeks, trying to dry your tears.
"please sleep with me? I know you've been awake the entire time I was asleep. You should also get some rest.." You slowly calmed down.
Leon could feel himself starting to grow tired as well. It had been a long night for both of them. He nodded gently, his lips brushing against your forehead in a soft kiss. "Of course, my love. Let's get some rest."
You smiled faintly, lying your head on the pillow again, then cuddling with Leon until you both fell asleep.
(Three days later)
Leon woke up to the sound of the alarm clock buzzing on the nightstand. He groaned softly, his muscles aching from the long night of love-making with you. He slowly opened his eyes, taking in the sight of you curled up next to him.
You slowly stirred, waking up from the sound of the alarm clock. And when you woke up, Leon couldn't help but smile softly. His hand gently caressed your cheek, brushing away any lingering sleep from your eyes. "Morning, my love," he whispered, his voice hoarse from lack of sleep.
"Morning, did you get enough sleep?" You held his hand that was on your cheek.
"As much as I could with you in my arms," he replied, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement and affection. "How about you?" He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
"It was alright but I still want to cuddle with you.." you looked at him with puppy eyes, wanting more time to cuddle.
"Well, I wouldn't mind a little more cuddling," he admitted, his voice deep and soothing. He scooped you back into his arms, holding you close against his strong chest.
"We still have a few hours before we need to go," he mentioned, his deep voice vibrating gently against your skin as he spoke. "I'd be more than happy to show you around, love."
"let's go later then" you said with a smile, excited to go around his mansion. After all, you haven't seen the interior or exterior of the mansion, only his room. Not to mention, you were newly brought to his mansion unconsciously and only been in his room ever since.
"Sounds like a plan, my love. I'll have the staff prepare everything for us." He gently kissed your forehead before setting you down on the bed. "Why don't you rest a bit more while I go over some paperwork?"
"Alright, but don't overwork yourself okay?" You worried, knowing he didn't get much sleep last night because of work, it would be hard for him to focus on the paperwork. Usually you were the one who doesn't get much sleep because of work or you simply just want to stay awake, guarding him in the office to make sure he was safe. But now he wants to do the same for you.
"I'll try not to," he promised, his dark eyes studying you for a moment longer before he finally turned away and left the room, his footsteps silent on the plush carpet. The door closed behind him with a soft click, leaving you alone once more in the opulent suite.
You sighed, covering yourself with a blanket again, preparing to get more rest until you noticed the bedside drawer open. You stood up to close it until you noticed something inside.
A remote control. You pressed a button out of curiosity, hearing a vibration. You looked to see where it came from then saw a vibrator hidden in the drawer, you pretended like you didn't see it. Hoping Leon wasn't watching you from the CCTV
Unbeknownst to you, Leon had indeed been watching you ever since he left the room. His smirk grew as he watched your reaction on the monitor.
"I'm just gonna pretend it was nothing.. it's just my imagination mhm.." you then went back to bed to get more rest.
Leon watched you from the surveillance camera, smirking at your attempts to play it cool. He had always found your attempts at innocence endearing, and he took great pleasure in pushing your boundaries.
You struggled getting more rest without Leon so you used your phone for a bit. Yes, he trusts you with your phone, he knows you ain't going anywhere anyway.
Leon continued to observe you from the monitor, his dark eyes trailing over your every move. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of man had captured your heart before him. It didn't matter now, they were all gone, and he was here to stay.
He did his paperwork as you used your phone to pass time. He would look at the monitor time to time to check on you.
Two hours later, as you were scrolling through your phone, accidentally coming across a website from twitter, showing a man fingering his girlfriend. You couldn't help but feel wet when you saw it.
You closed the app, trying to just forget about it and wait for Leon. And as time passes, you just couldn't stop thinking about him touching you. His fingers, his voice. You craved for it.
"Hey, I'm back," he replied, stepping back into the room with a smile. He leaned down and kissed you gently on the forehead.
"I missed you~!" You replied in a cheerful tone, relieved that he was back from doing paperworks.
"I missed you too," he replied, his voice softening. "I hope you're feeling better today." He took a seat next to you on the bed and gently brushed your hair away from your face.
"My body still hurts slightly but it's alright." You assured, sitting on his lap to hug him.
"Well, I can help with that," he said with a wicked grin. "You know how much I love seeing you respond to my touch." He leaned in close and whispered in your ear. "I have something special planned for us today."
"what is it?" Your curiosity grew, wondering what he had planned for you.
He chuckled softly, his warm breath tickling your ear. "Now, now, sweetheart. That's for me to know and you to find out." His hand trailed down your arm, brushing against your skin lightly. "
"aww, guess I'll have to wait" quite disappointed that you had to wait.
"That's right," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eye. "And trust me, it will be worth the wait." He leaned in closer, his lips grazing against your cheek as he trailed down to your neck.
You giggled then smirked "Ooh really?"
"Mmmhmm," he hummed, his teeth grazing your skin lightly. "You're going to love it." He leaned back, looking at you with those intense eyes that always seemed to hold secrets. "Now, get dressed, my love."
He then watched as you stood up and began to dress, a knowing smile on his face. "I can't wait to see how much you enjoy this," he murmured to himself.
"Do you like this dress?" You showed him the short fitted halter dress that you're wearing.
Leon nodded appreciatively, a lustful gleam in his eyes. "It looks perfect on you, my love," he purred, reaching out to adjust the strap of your dress. "Now come along."
Leon led you to the dining room, his hand resting lightly on your lower back. The room was elegantly decorated with candles flickering softly on the table and a delicious smell wafting through the air.
He chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving your face. "For you, my love." He pulled out your chair and watched as you took a seat before sitting down across from you, his gaze lingering on your curves.
"well thank you, I haven't experienced anything like this before, but I'm glad to experience this with you now." You smiled softly, thankful for his kind actions. It even made you forget that you were kidnapped by the handsome man that was sitting Infront of you. But can you call it kidnapping if you wanted it? You dreamt of it but didn't expect it to become true.
"You're welcome, my dear." He leaned forward slightly, his elbows resting on the table. "Now then, shall we eat?" He asked with a smirk, his eyes never leaving your face.
"Well, I am feeling quite hungry now." You replied, smelling the wonderful aroma. It smelled familiar but you forgot what it was.
He nodded, watching as a servant brought over a plate of steaming food. "It's my favorite," he murmured, his voice low and seductive. "I hope you enjoy it as much as I do."
"I'm sure I'll enjoy it." You assured. You weren't a picky eater and the food that was served is actually the kind that you'd usually like.
Leon smirked, his eyes never leaving your face. "I'm glad to hear that, my love." He picked up his fork and took a bite of the food, savoring the taste before looking at you again.
You thanked the servant before picking up a fork and having a small taste before eating it. It felt like home when you tasted it.
"You make everything look so graceful, even eating." He purred, his eyes taking in every movement of your body. "I could watch you all day."
You chuckled at his compliment. "Am I that irresistible?"
You had a small chat with Leon as you both ate your food, just like how you both did when you worked at his office. And as soon as you two were done eating, you let the servants take your plates away, thanking them for the delicious meal.
"Excellent taste," he remarked as he leaned back in his chair. "Now, shall we retire to somewhere more...private?" His voice was soft, almost velvety, as he looked at you with those intense eyes.
"Lead the way, handsome." You stood up from your chair and walked towards Leon with a mischievous smirk.
With a smirk, Leon stood up from his chair and offered you his hand. "Let's go then," he purred, leading you towards one of the many doors in the room. As they closed behind them, he pulled you close against him, his strong arms wrapping around your waist possessively.
"My dearest love, we have so much catching up to do." His lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. His hands slid down to grasp your hips possessively, pulling you closer still.
You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. And with a soft chuckle, he leaned in to capture your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. His free hand roamed up your back, drawing circles on your skin as he explored every inch of you.
You then dragged your lips down to his neck, leaving hickeys.
He moaned softly, his breath catching in his throat as you left a mark on his neck. His hands slipped from your hips to grasp your hair, pulling you closer still. "So possessive," he murmured against your lips. "I love it."
He released you from his hold, his eyes burning with hunger as he watched you slowly lift your dress. "So beautiful," he breathed, reaching out to trace the curve of your hip with his finger. "I could spend hours worshiping every inch of you."
You chuckled as you lifted your dress but letting it drape on the center to cover your wet pussy, not to mention you weren't wearing anything underneath.
His breath hitched at the sight of you, your curves on full display for him. "You are teasing me," he growled, his voice dark with lust. "I should punish you for that."
"Punish me? Have I been a bad girl Leon?.." You purred as you looked at him with bed eyes. You planned on teasing him to your control but you might've just regretted doing that.
"Oh, you have been a very bad girl," he replied, his eyes glinting with mischief. "But I think I can find ways to discipline you that won't be too painful." He stepped closer, his hardness pressing against your stomach through their clothes.
You let go of your dress, making it drape down again while stepping away from Leon.
Leon's eyes followed the movement of your dress, his heart racing in anticipation. "You're playing with fire," he warned softly. "Don't think I won't take what I want. Now, where do you think you're going?" he purred, grabbing your arm and pulling you back against his chest. His other hand slid down to cup your ass possessively. "I think it's time we continued our little conversation about punishments."
"Probably not the right time, don't you think?" You said as you got cornered. feeling the cold wall against your back and his hand on your ass.
"Oh, but now is the perfect time," he whispered against your ear, his voice heavy with desire. "You're mine to discipline, remember? And I intend to do it thoroughly."
"But I don't like being punished.." you said in a whiny manner.
"Oh, but I love giving punishments," he said, his voice low and gravelly. "It only makes me want you more. Besides," he added with a smirk, "it's not like I'll truly hurt you.
"But I would be trembling and won't be able to walk straight afterwards" you complained, placing your hands on his chest
"And that's exactly what I want, It makes me want to fuck you harder." he growled, his grip on your arm tightening. "I want you to know who's in charge here. Now, are you going to continue being difficult or are you going to submit to me?" he murmured, his hand sliding down to caress your thigh. "Or maybe I'll make you beg for release before we even get to that point." His eyes glinted as he leaned in, his voice dripping with seduction.
"That's not fair..." You pouted at him before looking away with a deceiving sulky look.
"Life isn't fair, my love," he purred, pressing his hips against your backside suggestively. "But I promise to make it more than worth it for you. Now, what's it going to be?"
You looked down, biting your lips as you rubbed your legs together.
"Ah, there you go," he murmured, his fingers finding the hem of your dress and pushing it up slowly. "Now that's more like it." His other hand slid beneath the fabric to cup your bare ass again, squeezing gently. You let out a gasp as you felt his touch.
"You like that?" he purred, his lips brushing against your earlobe. "Just imagine what I could do with my tongue in that pretty little mouth of yours." His fingers trailed up your spine, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
"So beautiful.." he murmured, as he untied the fabric strap of your halter dress, making it drop on the floor. You were left standing there in nothing, exposed and vulnerable before him. His other hand left your ass to slide up between your legs, his fingers finding the damp heat of your core. "So wet for me already..."
Your legs trembled slightly as you felt him teasing you, moans leaving your mouth from the pleasure.
His fingers circling your entrance teasingly. "You're mine to punish and pleasure however I see fit." He leaned in close again, his lips brushing against yours as he whispered those words.
You whimpered, closing your eyes shut.
"You're making this harder than it needs to be," he warned softly before giving a swift smack on your ass. His other hand left your core to slap against your wetness teasingly. "But I can play rough if that's what you want."
You trembled as he slapped your pussy, closing your legs from sensitivity.
His eyes narrowed when you tried to close your legs, but he wasn't about to let that deter him. Instead, he gave another smack to your ass, harder this time, making you yelp in surprise. "Behave yourself,"
"or I'll spank you even harder." His hand slid between your legs again, two fingers slipping into your entrance slowly, stretching you as he began to thrust. "You're so fucking needy, want me to make that pretty cunt of yours squirt?"
You nodded, unable to answer because of your whimpers as he thrusted his fingers in you.
Your moans only made him more determined. He pulled his fingers out and smacked your ass hard, making you yelp again. "I thought I told you to behave, sweetheart."
Leon chuckled darkly, his cock twitching in anticipation. "I think you need some more discipline." He grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head, holding them there with one hand while the other trailed down between your legs again.
"N-no-.." you stuttered, struggling to keep your balance.
"No? You're just going to beg for it, aren't you?" He gave your pussy a quick slap, making you cry out. "I think I need to show you who's in charge here."
You looked away, struggling to remove your hands from his tight grip. "You're such a brat." He growled, pulling your wrists harder. His free hand continued to thrust his fingers into you roughly. "I think this will teach you some manners."
You bit your lips to hide your moans but end up failing from such pleasure.
Leon smirked, his fingers finding your G-spot with ease. "See? This is what happens when you resist me." He picked up the pace, his thumb rubbing against your clit in a circular motion as his fingers thrust deeper inside you.
You tossed your head back, eyes rolling back as you grinded on his fingers.
"Oh, you like that, don't you?" He purred, watching as you rode his hand. "You're such a little slut." His degradation only making your pussy wetter.
Leon leaned down, pinching your clit and driving your hips higher. "Come for me then slut."
You moaned shakingly as you shook from him pinching your clit.
He didn't wait any longer, thrusting his fingers in and out of your tight pussy faster, his thumb now rubbing your clit vigorously. "squirt for me," he growled into your ear.
His thrusts soon become sloppy until you squirted on his fingers, but he didn't seem to stop.
Leon groaned as you squirted on his fingers, the taste of your nectar only making him want more. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy, his thumb rubbing your clit in circles. "That's it, keep cumming for me."
"F-fuck~! Ahh~!" You squirted even more as he thrusted his fingers in you faster, your legs trembling.
Your cries of pleasure filled the room as you squirted uncontrollably, the wall drenched in your juices. He picked up the pace, his thumb rubbing your clit with brutal intensity. "Come for me, my slut"
"St-stopp~.... Haaa~..." Your juices still gushing out of your cunt
Leon continued to thrust his fingers into you, his thumb rubbing your clit harder than ever. "Don't forget who's in charge sweetheart," he growled, feeling the walls of your pussy tighten around his fingers. He couldn't get enough of the way you squirted and moaned for him.
"P-please... It's too much- Ahh~!" You squirted harder again, struggling to remove your hands from his grip
Leon smirked as he felt you squirm under his touch. "You want me to stop?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous. His thumb pressed harder against your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body. "I'm not sure I can oblige." He pulled his fingers out of you, leaving a wet trail behind, and moved them to his mouth. "You taste so fucking good."
You whimpered, as you struggled to keep your balance, closing your legs.
His chuckle was dark as he watched your reactions. His voice low and dangerous when he spoke, "You don't think I can resist tasting all of that sweet nectar?"
You panted, trying to remove your wrist from his grip again.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll make sure you're nice and clean afterward." He pressed his lips against your neck, his teeth grazing your skin softly. "Now open your legs for me."
"I can't-.." you panted. You were overstimulated and close to fainting at this point.
"You can, and you will." His voice was stern now, his grip tightening slightly. "Or shall I make it easier for you?" He asked with a smirk before giving your clit a light pinch.
"Ahh~!" You moaned, forcing you to spread your legs but not wide enough for him.
"See? It's not so hard to obey when you know what I'm capable of." His words were like a low growl in your ear as he released your wrists and knelt down to pull your legs apart, spreading them wider.
"What are you doing-.." you murmured, leaning against the wall.
"I'm going to make you squirt even more for me, sweetheart." He answered with a predatory smile as he ran his tongue up the inside of your thigh, licking at the wetness that had pool between your legs.
You toss your head back as you felt his warm tongue on your cunt, your back feeling the cold wall as he put your legs around his shoulders, making you ride his face as he pinned you against the wall.
You're a wild one, aren't you? His rough growl filled the air as he continued to lap at your pussy, bringing you to another climax. "Squirt for me, darling. Let me feel your release." He murmured against your slick folds, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he took your offering.
You soon came, feeling your pussy throb and overstimulate even more. "Mmm, that's it. Give it all to me." You felt his strong hands on your hips, holding you in place as you rode his face. His tongue delved deeper into your wetness, and his thumb pressed against your clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
You grinded on his face as you trembled. "That's it, darling. Let go and give in to the pleasure." He growled against your pussy, his tongue flicking against your sensitive nub as he continued to lap at your juices.
"Please take me in bed... I won't be able to stand up properly.." you pleaded, looking at him with teary eyes.
"Very well then, let's do this on the bed." He chuckled, his words echoing off the walls. With a final groan, he pulled away from your quivering folds and stood up straight, holding you against the wall.
You put your arms around him as you let him carry you. "Mmm, you're so soft and warm in my arms." He whispered as he carried you to the bed, he gently laid you down on the bed and crawled over top of you, "Now shall I continue making that pretty cunt of yours squirt?"
I looked away, nodding shyly. He was in control, you couldn't do much even if you were an agent before. He was much stronger than you.
"Good girl." He whispered as he kissed your neck and began to trail kisses downwards, stopping at your breasts. His tongue circled your nipple before he took it into his mouth, sucking on it hard.
"Ah, so you do like that." He grinned, his teeth gleaming in the dim light. His free hand traced circles around your other nipple, causing it to harden and ache for attention.
You whimpered and squirmed against him as he played with your tits.
"Patience, my love." He growled into your ear as he continued to tease your sensitive nipples with his tongue and fingers, gradually heightening the pleasure until you were squirming uncontrollably beneath him.
"Now," he whispered huskily as he trailed kisses down your stomach towards your wetness, "are you ready for more?" His fingers slowly eased apart your folds, teasingly close to his target but not quite there yet.
"Please, let me pleasure you instead..." You offered.
"Oh, sweetheart," he murmured against your folds before finally pressing his tongue against your clit, flicking it expertly, "I think it's more fair that I pleasure you. You assisted and taken care of me for 2 years, why not let me do the same for you now?."
He chuckled softly against your sensitive flesh, his tongue delving deeper into your folds as he lapped at your nectar like a starved man. His fingers found their way inside you, curling and stretching to fit just right.
"Ngh-.. Please?" You looked at him with convincing doe eyes. It didn't even matter anymore if it was unfair.
"Alright, my love." He whispered as he pulled his fingers out of you, coating them in your sweet honey. Then, with a swift motion, he positioned his rock-hard length at your entrance and thrust in deeply.
You hissed as you felt his length in your tight cunt, wrapping your arms around his neck before leaning in to kiss him.
Leon groaned into the kiss, his hips meeting yours in a rhythmic motion as he began to thrust deeper and harder inside you.
You then used the combat technique that you used before to flip the opponent to the ground so you'd be on top instead. And now you were ontop of Leon.
"Using your combat techniques on me huh?" He gasped as you sat on his lap, your legs wrapped around his waist. He pulled out of you slowly, then plunged back in with force.
you chuckled as you ran your hands on his chest. "Maybe?" your tone hinting mischief
His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, a wicked grin spread across his face. He pulled you closer and bit your neck gently, "Oh, I love it when you're playful." His thrusts became faster and harder as he took control of the situation once again.
Your moans echoing in the room as he pounded in you. Even though you were on top of him, it didn't really mean you'd be in control.
He smirked at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "You know, my love, I'm starting to like this position a little too much." He growled out before grabbing your hips, taking you even deeper.
Your moans turning into whimpers as the pleasure intensified.
"I knew you'd enjoy it." He growled, his voice deep and full of satisfaction. "I always know what you need, my love." His thrusts became even more powerful, driving deeper and harder into you with each stroke.
You moaned while bouncing on his cock, cupping one of your breasts.
Leon grunted in pleasure as you continued to ride him, his fingers digging into your hips to hold you in place. "That's it," he groaned, "take what you want from me."
"I love you Leon.." you moaned out, hugging him as he fucks you.
"I love you too, my precious." He gasped out between moans as his hips bucked up to meet your downward thrusts. The headboard slammed against the wall with each powerful stroke, echoing through the room.
His growl turned into a passionate moan as he kissed you, his hands roaming over your skin. With one hand, he gripped your thigh and held it tight as he drove deeper into you. "you know, it's not just you who knows combat."
"I've been training my body for combat as well, to protect and please you in every way possible." He pulled out and slammed back into you with a rough force that made you gasp.
"Show me some of your combat techniques then." You said, still keeping a seductive tone as you trembled from the pleasure.
"As you wish, my love." He grinned wickedly before grabbing your hips tightly and pulling you off him. You felt a cold chill run down your spine as he flipped you over onto your stomach, pinning you beneath him.
"Don't worry, this won't hurt." He assured you with a chuckle before wrapping the red rope around your wrists, binding them together behind your back. "Now, let's see how well you can handle being taken from behind."
His voice was a deep rumble that vibrated against your back. "I won't stop until I hear you beg for mercy, my love." His hands gripped your waist tightly, holding you in place as he slid his hard length back into you with a groan.
You moaned loudly, writhing beneath him as his thick cock hit your g-spot. Leon groaned, feeling the pleasure coursing through his veins. His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you in place as he pounded into you without mercy. His thick shaft filled you completely, stretching your walls.
The pleasure was too much for you, your eyes rolled back as he continued to pound into you without mercy, his heart thundering in his chest with the force of his lust. He growled deeply, his teeth clenched as he felt his climax approaching.
"Cum for me, my love." He groaned, thrusting harder and faster as he felt his own orgasm building up inside him. His cock pounded relentlessly against your g-spot, driving you closer to the edge with each powerful stroke.
You cried out his name as you felt yourself cumming hard around him. Your walls tightened around his shaft, milking him of every last drop of his seed. He groaned deeply in response, feeling the hot liquid coating your insides as he finally released himself into you.
"L-leon.." You moaned as you felt your mixed liquids gush out of your pussy.
"Shh, my love. Just enjoy it." He whispered against your neck as he withdrew from you, his still-hard cock slipping out with a wet, sticky sound.
"Now that wasn't so hard, now was it?" he smirked, his expression turning dark and possessive once again. As you lay panting beneath him, he reached down and gently caress your thighs.
"N-no.." you mumbled as you rest your head down on the pillow, struggling slightly from your hands tied behind your back.
"Good girl." He purred, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your shoulder before pulling back slightly. His hand trailed up your leg until it reached the knot securing your wrists together behind your back.
You squirm slightly, embarrassed to let him see your cunt dripping with creamy juices on full display.
"Shh, don't be ashamed." He whispered against your neck, brushing his lips lightly against your ear. His hand moved from your leg to cup your cunt, gently rubbing the sticky juices between his fingers.
You whimpered, lifting your ass slighty from contact.
He couldn't help but smirk at your reaction. "Such a good girl." He purred, continuing to rub your cunt gently with his fingers. "Do you want more?" He asked, looking down at you expectantly.
You nodded "Yes.. Please, let me suck your cock.."
"So polite, my love." He smirked, pulling away from you just enough to untie the knots binding your wrists.
when you were untied, you sat up, turning to look at Leon with a pleading look. You watched as he stood up from the bed then sat on the nearby chair, gesturing you to follow and sit on the floor to suck him off.
Your eager expression was enough for him to know that you were ready for him. "suck it, then. Without touching yourself." He commanded, his voice hoarse with desire.
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fandomrose · 5 months
Neuvillette - confession.
This was supposed to be a simple and cute confession scene following my previous neuvie fic. It's fluff and angst now.
You don't need to read the previous neuvie fic to get this one but there are references and more understanding of the reader and neuvies current relationship.
^--- here is the link. (I hope it works)
But yea like I said- angst and fluff. Heavy on the readers personal issues and Neuvillette's status. I won't spoil any more.
Anyway hope you enjoy. Love you 💙
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You'd gotten a letter on your most recent trip to Liyue through Chenyu Vale.  An urgent invitation to speak with Monsieur Neuvillette. You looked over the letter again wondering what urgent matter he could possibly want to speak to you about. 
You didn't usually leave Fontaine but you were in debt to a certain tea loving living wall of muscle, and had decided to take some commissions to make the most of the trip. He had liked the tea when Clorande and Neuvillette had gifted him some a while back. When you returned to Fontaine to gift the tea Wriothsley, ever the observant one, had noted the letter, paused for a few seconds, smirked and said, "you have nothing to worry about." Then shooed you on your way. Which was odd since he always asked to have tea for longer whenever you visited.
You make it back to the surface after delivering tea to Wriothsley and immediately to the Palais Mermonia. Neuvillette had become a good friend of yours over the past few months following the end of the Prophecy. The evening in his office, comforting him when he finally broke under the pressure after Furina left made you fast friends, creating a stronger bond than you'd ever expected to have with the Iudex. 
You begin to feel nervous as you approach the Palais Mermonia, feeling a sense of excitement and dread. You had begun to grow affectionate towards the Iudex, one of the reasons you'd taken extra commissions in Liyue was to get out of Fontaine to, 'set your head straight', as you'd put it. No way you could have a crush, of all things, on Neuvillette. 
He was the Iudex and you, a humble adventurer. And is he even interested in romance? Never had a discussion on the subject came up between you, and he was always so busy. You sigh and shake your head, getting ahead of yourself and assuming things would only make things worse. You decide to just keep your emotions bottled where they could never hurt you or, more importantly, him. Because that had always worked for you, yes, definitely.
Your steps slowed as you walked into the Palais, feeling nerves get the better of you. One moment from turning back and getting to more intense bottling, Sedene skipped over to you, halting your near escape. 
"Hello, Monsieur Neuvillette has been expecting you. Please, this way." Sedene began leading you to Monsieur Neuvillette's office, your shoulders involuntarily slumped in defeat, your plans of running away thwarted.
"How was your trip to Liyue, friend? I've never been but I hear the weather is lovely this time of year." 
"Ah it was a good trip, the weather is lovely and the commissions I took on were fairly simple, Chenyu Vale is quite peaceful. They also had lovely sweet tea cakes, I would have brought you some but I had no space in my pack."
"Ah it's no trouble at all, but please do bring some next time. I do love trying new cakes. Anyway here we are, Monsieur Neuvillettes office. See you later, friend."
Sedine gives the Melusine signature wave and shoos you into Neuvillettes office. Your heart beats oddly quickly and you tell it to stop.
You walk slowly into Neuvillette's office hoping he doesn't look up from his paperwork. Unfortunately for you as soon as the door closes behind you he perks his head up and smiles at you. You feel your heart shudder gleefully at the sight, and once again, you tell it to stop. 
"Hello, its good to see you. I trust you got my letter?" Neuvillette stands and walks to one of the sofas by his desk. "Come, sit. I'm thankfully done with work today so we can chat about your trip for a while. I ordered some lovely ice water from the clearest lake in Snezhnaya for us to partake in." He sits, and you knew you were too far gone when you noticed your eyes trailing after the way he crossed his leg over the other, then the way his hand patted the space next to him.
You swallow the thick saliva that had gathered in your mouth and hurry to sit next to him so you didn't appear as out of sorts as you were. If he noticed he didn't show it and you were grateful for that.
"You haven't spoken much yet. Are you feeling okay? I know I said this meeting was urgent but if you need to rest, by all means, it can wait."
Your mind was swirling so much you didn't even notice you hadn't said anything yet. You clear your throat in an attempt to focus.
"Ah well, I am tired but I can stay and chat for a while. Thank you for thinking of me, but I'll be okay."
"Hmm" He didn't seem convinced. "Well if you say so. But if you do, at any point, feel too tired to continue, do let me know. I wouldn't want to push my dear friend just because I'm happy to see them again." Neuvillette's voice was soft but firm at once, almost feeling like a command rather than a suggestion. 
Relief and hurt prick your heart at the word friend. You tell you heart to stop being annoying and confusing. "Thank you Neuvillette but I'm sure I'll be fine. I do want to catch up with you as well. It's been a while since we last spoke. Did I tell you I went to Chenyu Vale for a few commissions outside of Fontaine for the first time?"
"I believe you did mention it shortly before you left. Did I tell you that I visited around the time of lantern rite a few months ago? The weather there was lovely that time of year, cool but not cold and that water, crystal clear. Such beautiful scenery. Was it to your liking as well?"
"It was, it’s beautiful there. The grass feels so different to run through there. And the people are so much more relaxed than they are here. Even though I was doing commissions it felt like a holiday in some ways." You started to feel relieved that this was the direction the conversation was going in, like normal and normal was good. 
"That's wonderful, I'm glad you had a wonderful time and I hope, even if you were doing commissions, and favours for our dear friend Wriothsley He did tell me about the bet you lost-" Neuvillette chuckled and the sound rattled the frayed nerves of your heart. "I hope you got to have some rest. I did notice the um- uptick in the amount of commissions you've been taking-" Oh no. Was the only thought in your mind after that statement followed by an internal sigh of relief at his hext words as incorrect as his assumption is. 
"If you are in need of funds I am happy to assist as your friend."
"No no, it's not funds. I just wanted a little time away from Fontaine you know? It'd been a while so I thought I'd excuse my trip with some work, you know how it is." 
There was still a slight frown on his face at your words. "I do understand, but wasn't it you who said if we need a break we should take a break from work as well? Please, I know this is something we both need to work on but you shouldn't work if a break is needed." It was such a soft, friendly, scolding as expected from Neuvillette. It made you smile.
"I know, I know I just had some things on my mind that's all, I needed a distraction and even my holidays have never been 'relaxing' by other people's standards, I don't like just sitting around." 
"Even so, rest is important, as you yourself said to me."
"Don't worry Neuvillette, I took care of myself and did less commissions than I usually would have done."
"And another thing-" He took a breath and turned more in your direction giving you a goblet of water. "-you said something was on your mind. Is it anything I can help with, unless you've sorted it." He tilted his head a little with a very mild look of concern. He was becoming more expressive over time as small as it seemed the process was visible to see. 
Your feel your face heat and your heart beat quicker, your body responding to the source of the issue without your permission. "Ah- no, no I'm alright. I mean the issue isn't quite sorted but I'll be fine now." You nod in what you hope is a convincing manner. However, Neuvillette raises a disbelieving eyebrow. 
"I don't want to push but for some reason I don't believe you" Curse him for getting good at sarcasm. 
"It- well it's not really anything you can do for me- or anyone for that matter I just have to sort it for myself." You look down and away from him nervously. The conversation getting too close to your self-proclaimed 'forbidden topic' 
"Can you not at least confide in me?" His voice carried a small amount of hurt in it and you recalled the night he spilled his heart to you, a relative stranger at the time. Only having met a handful of times with no deeper conversations before then. Of course it was still vague and there are things about that night that still confuse you but he did open up. And now you are friends and won't do the same, you can see why he'd be upset. Not enough for it to rain... yet. 
"I-" You sigh, not really knowing what to do from here. Do you confess and potentially ruin an amazing friendship? Or lie and possibly do the same. "It's hard, Neuvillette. I'm not used to the situation I'm in."
He nods, understanding that at least. "But you understood my situation so I'm willing to understand yours." 
Ah of course, he's far too kind. It's hard to not feel touched by his care. Even if that's not quite what you wanted right now.
"... Neuvillette.." Another look at his face made you pause, your heart pounded and the longing in your chest almost caused it to hurt, especially at the look in his eyes. Concern and something else you hadn't seen before and before you could stop yourself the words flowed from your heart like a stream.
"I love you, that's what the problem is." 
You look down, your heart pounding and eyes closed not being able to face Neuvillette after the confession but not being able to leave either.
If you'd looked at him you would have seen his shocked face, flushed cheeks and ears, wide eyes and open mouth. No other time had he made such a strong expression. And to his ignorance the clouds had brightened but rain trickled from them in a growing amount. 
Time passes in agonising silence with neither moving. The sound of the rain echoing in your ears and making you doubt your very existence. As far as you were aware rain meant negative emotions and the steadily worsening storm made you think the worst. 
Tears of your own streamed down your cheeks as you couldn't take the silence. You abruptly stand from the seat ready to leave and hide away for a while. "I'm sorry." You croak just before a large hand holds your wrist.
"Don't" you freeze at his voice. It was commanding and almost desperate. "Don't go.. I just needed to process what you said."
"It's raining.." You respond 
"What about the rain? What does that tell you?" Mild confusion in his voice made you just as confused. You still couldn't face him with your response.
"You're upset aren't you. I've upset you because you aren't interested and you don't want to hurt me so-"
"No, good heavens no I'm not upset. The rain is just.. strong emotions not negative ones."
"What then, if you aren't upset?"
"I'm.. happy- I think"
You turn to his eyes wet with unshed tears. "You think?" You say back confused.
"I think-" He repeats looking deep in thought and concern for you. "It's hard to fully understand since happy doesn't cover it all. I feel deeply affectionate towards you in a way I haven't experienced and I certainly didn't expect to feel for a human. The uncertainty comes from that knowledge to- you are human with a human lifespan. As you know I am a dragon sovereign, with a much longer life span. Would you really be okay being with someone like me?" 
Your shoulders shake at the reminder. More reasons why you shouldn't be together. "I should be asking you that. Would you really be okay with the knowledge that I'll grow old and die in your arms." 
You feel the air grow heavy and hear the rain battering the windows and immediately feel guilty. The air is tense as the pause grows until it almost becomes unbearable.
"I will bear that pain if I can experience the joy of having you at my side." Neuvillette's voice cuts through your thoughts and renders you speechless. 
"Please, there is nothing I won't do to make your life happy and comfortable."
"T-hat's .. I'm.. I'm not worried about that I know you would but.. do you really care so much you'd be willing to endure losing me?"
"I do." His voice rang simple and clean. It felt like your soul shook at his words. The words of someone accepting wedding vows at a confession. 
He stepped closer, still mindful of keeping to boundaries. 
"I love you" another simple sentence filled with more emotion than you'd ever heard him muster before and you couldn't help but respond in kind, feeling as though you might break your own heart if you spoke with any dishonesty.
"I love you to Neuvillette."
A true, wide smile breaks on his face and your heart pounds at the sight. 
"I don't know if this is moving too fast-" He begins, looking uncharacteristically nervous. "But may I-" I sigh and the rain pounds harder for a moment.
You patiently wait for him to gather his wits. 
"May I kiss you?" He finally asks softly, bringing his face close to yours.
"You may Neuvillette." You whisper, wanting nothing more in that moment. 
As his lips meet yours tenderly your thoughts are no longer on your relationship's tragic end but the beautiful beginning.
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onceuponapuffin · 5 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 8!!
I see your votes everyone, and I hear your voices. But before I can, in good conscience, place us in Heathrow, I need to share this with you.
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In the end, convincing Aziraphale (who, surprise surprise, had never flown on a plane) that First Class was the way to go wasn’t all that hard.
“Otherwise you fly all cramped with hundreds of other people!” You say. Crowley nods.
“Mmmmm yes,” the demon agrees, “Imagine being elbow-to-elbow with all those humans. Feet in your face, children kicking the back of your seat, sharing an armrest!”
“I rather like humans though,” says Azirphale, even though he looks a little pale at the mention of armrests, “And I would be next to you anyway.”
“What about the humans who haven’t showered for days?” You ask, “How long has it been since the last time you were near one person, nevermind a hundred-ish, who didn’t follow basic hygiene practices? A few hundred years?”
Aziraphale’s face falls. Crowley chimes in.
“Oh yes, just imagine all the sweat and grease from the airport food.”
“And then there are the babies that travel. I mean, their ears pop when the plane takes off and when it lands, and they only really have one coping strategy.”
“Aaah,” Crowley says, “The crying babes! Think of all the crying babies and no escape! Not for hours and hours and hours.”
“And then,” You say, “There’s the in-flight meal.” Here, you seem to have struck a cord. Duh, you should have led with this. Aziraphale raises an eyebrow.
“Oh? They serve food?”
“Psh,” You say, “If you can call it that. They ask you if you want chicken or vegetarian, and then they plop a cardboard box with a film top in front of you.”
“It’s dreadful,” agrees Crowley, “All bland and clearly frozen and warmed up in a microwave.”
“And if you’re lucky, you can tell that it’s meant to be a sandwich,” You add.
“Supposing you can tell that it’s food at all!” Crowley says with a nod, “And their wine list is small potatoes.”
“Small bland potatoes,” You say, “If you can call them potatoes at all – served in the tiniest bottles and the tiniest glasses you ever did see.”
You noticed Aziraphale’s eye twitch ever so slightly.
“And in First Class they...they serve actual food and wine, do they?”
“Oh yeah,” You say, “with proper service and cloth napkins and everything. Most of the airline websites say that the food’s prepared by an actual chef.”
“And the glasses are normal sizes, and made of actual glass,” adds Crowley for good measure. Aziraphale hums.
“Yes, fine. Clearly First Class is the only acceptable way to travel.” He leaves the room. You hear the kettle turn on. He probably needs some tea to calm his nerves after hearing all that. You turn to Crowley.
“So you’ve gone on a plane before, huh? Did you invent the food? I would not be surprised if you did.”
“Me?” Crowley says, “Naaaah. Never flown on a plane. Never needed to. But I know a bit of fun when I see it.”
You look up at him and sigh, cradling your chin in your hands for effect.
“It really is no wonder why Aziraphale loves you so much.”
“Ngk,” Crowley says, his ears turning pink.
And now, dear Reader, we arrive at Heathrow. Anathema and Newt had met you at the bookshop, and the four of you drove over together in the Bentley after bidding Newt and Muriel goodbye. You spend the entire wait in line at airport security feeling nervous. Airport security is always a test for your nerves to begin with, but this time you have no passport or paperwork of any kind to twiddle in your hands to take the edge off. Instead, you fidget relentlessly with the button in your pocket (Muriel, being an observant and kind soul, had given you a large-ish green button to put in your pocket “Because you seem nervous, and it looked like it helped you last time.” You swear if anyone harms your new best friend while you’re gone you will end them). The line goes quicker than you would like, and when it gets to be your turn, honestly you’re not sure what happens. It all goes smoothly. Did Aziraphale and Crowley miracle you a passport? Did they click a finger or wave a hand to convince the guard that everything was in order? You have no idea, because you’re too focused on your nerves and Trying Not To Look Suspicious While Worrying That This Makes You Look More Suspicious Than You Would If You Could Just Be Normal About This (if you know the feeling, you know why it gets to be capitalized like that).
Once the stress of airport security is done, you head to the bathroom for a break from the chaos so that you can figure out how to breathe again. Normally, you wouldn’t be That Person to occupy the Accessible Washroom, but since you are desperately trying not to have a panic attack because of all the pent-up anxiety from the whole airport security thing, you decide that you Really Cannot Do People Right Now, and that the single-occupant washroom may be your saving grace. You lock the door and sigh, leaning against the cold metal. It’s comparatively quiet here, and you’re grateful for it. Thank Someone. You resolve to try not to be too long in case someone who actually needs this washroom comes by (although I’m gonna be honest here, reader, right now you need this room for invisible accessibility/health reasons). After a minute or two, you are finally starting to feel your anxiety return to a manageable level. Everything is okay. You are traveling with the most ideal companions you could ever dream of, and the worst part is over. Everything from here on out is smooth sailing.
Except, dear reader, you all voted. And So It Shall Be.
You’ve just finished drying your hands.
“Aah,” says a voice behind you. You jump a solid 3 feet in the air. “I thought I might find you here.”
“HOLY! FUCKING! ZOMBIE! JESUS!!!” You sputter.
“Mind your manners, human.”
“Manners?? ME?? This is a WASHROOM.”
The Metatron looks at you blankly and shrugs. Ah yes, the biggest jerk in Heaven doesn’t know or care about washrooms or privacy. Or actually being polite.
“I merely wanted to have a word with you. Away from the others, of course.”
“Yeeeaaaaah,” You say. You’ve seen a million movies (approximate), and read a million books (also approximate), you know what this is. This is the maybe we can still solve this problem quietly plot. And you know that actually having the conversation is a bad idea. “I don’t think so.”
You reach for thee door. It’s locked, and it won’t unlock. Of course. You (gently) pound your head against the door, before turning to face Metatron. You take a breath, and answer as calmly as you can given how angry you are.
“What. Do you want?”
“I merely hoped that we could agree upon...an arrangement.”
“Pretty sure I made it clear back at the bookshop that I’m not letting you anywhere near them.”
“Oh dear, no. This has nothing to do with the demon or with Aziraphale. This is about you.”
You mentally brace yourself. Here comes the manipulation. You inwardly remind yourself of the tropes of villain manipulation and all the things you’ve ever shouted at the tv screen after one of these interactions. You need to be prepared, because apparently you need to play this out. And so, you give him the response he clearly wants.
“What about me?”
“Well, my dear, I only thought that perhaps you might like to go home.”
“Ha! Nice try.”
“You have no desire to return to your family? Your friends? Your life?”
“Not right now, thanks.”
“And you think you’ll get a similar offer later?”
“I mean...well yeah. I don’t know whether I would actually want to go back yet but --”
“You think Aziraphale and his associates will want to keep you as their pet forever? My dear, they only entertain you right now because you’re useful to them.”
Okay, I mean you knew that already but still. Ouch. Hearing it out loud is just...Ouch. Unfortunately, you do not have the Acting Prowess of either Michael Sheen or David Tennant, and so the Metatron sees the Ouch. He smiles kindly.
“Here, you are merely a tool,” he continues, voice smooth as honey, “And back home there are people who love you and value your presence in their lives. Back home there are people who miss you purely because you are you. Here, you are well, a convenience. A help. But that’s all. And once this is all over, there is no promise, no guarantee that you would be able to return. And no reason for Aziraphale to keep you. You would need to start again, and since you needed the help of an angel to get through airport security, I’m guessing that would be very difficult for you. And then, of course, there’s your immortal soul to be concerned about once the Final Judgment comes to pass.”
You ignore the bait, even though it stings. Take a breath. You’ve got this.
“That’s all irrelevant right now,” You say.
“Is it? It seems that you’re….what’s that charming human expression? Flying by the seat of your pants?” He chuckles at his own joke. You smile awkwardly. Well, yes you are, but the heroes in stories do all the time. They figure it out as they go. You are doing no worse than any of them. You don’t find the joke so funny. And frankly his laughter is unsettling.
“Um...” You start uncertainly, “Well if that’s all, then can I go now?”
“In a moment,” the Metatron says smugly. Oh you hate that he has so much control right now. “First I would like to extend to you the offer of some help. I would like to see you home safely, at a time of your choosing. Whenever you feel that you are ready.”
“And you have the power to do that, do you?” You’re skeptical.
“I have the power of all Creation at my disposal.”
“Riiiiight. Just out of the goodness of your own angelic heart. That’s very kind of you Metatron.” You’re not sure if he hears the edge of sarcasm. He shrugs regardless.
“There is of course, one and only one thing I would like from you if you decide to take my help.”
“Oooooof course there is. I’m not letting you near Aziraphale and Crowley.”
“Once again, my dear, this has nothing to do with them. All I would like is to know why your first instinct was to take that coffee. The full truth, mind you. None of that sarcasm or loophole nonsense that you humans are so fond of. And do not be foolish enough to think I can’t tell the difference.” He looks at you pointedly.
That’s...a suspiciously innocuous request. But then again, it usually is with these sort of things, isn’t it? You feign non-chalance and tap your foot for emphasis.
“Are you done yet?” You ask obstinately. The door unlocks audibly behind you.
“Just think about it,” says the Metatron, “No rush.”
Oh yes there is one. You rush to open the door. Never before have you felt so relieved to be in a crowded place.
Don't worry about airplane route logistics or whether or not you can actually get a direct flight from Heathrow to Orlando. Just vote for whatever you would like :)
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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deong · 1 year
keep going ㅡ karina x fem!reader
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word count: 1.08k words
pairing: ceo g!p karina x fem reader
warnings: dom karina, sub reader, smut, dry humping, riding, fingering, cursing
a/n: its been awhile since i last wrote smut so bare with me. this is also my first time posting on tumblr, hello :-)
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A loud sigh can be heard from one of the offices in Yu Enterprises’
Karina sat diligently working on paperwork in her office, long after most of her employees had left for the night already.
A sense of frustration filled her as she reflected on the countless meetings she attended since she arrived this morning. Glancing at the clock, it was nearly 1 am. Realizing she would be coming home late. She attempted to call Y/N, her wife to inform her but she didn't answer her phone.
Feeling exhausted, resting her head on the desk for a moment seeking a brief respite. Suddenly, the sound of a loud beep emanated from her office phone, prompting her to lift her head.
"Excuse me, ma’am. Your wife is here to see you" her assistant informed.
Karina pressed the button to respond
"Send her in"
You walked into the office, donning a not too fancy mid-thigh black long-sleeve dress. "I received your message. I'm sorry I didn't pick up honey, but I brought you some food!" you said with a smile as you held the packed food high before placing it on the table.
Karina looked at you with a helpless expression, feeling utterly fatigued and longing for a moment of solace in your presence.
"Come here, you can sit on my lap until I'm done working with this"
Rolling her chair away from the desk. You obliged, smiling to yourself as you walked over and settled yourself on her lap. She wrapped an arm around your waist, holding it close like a seatbelt. While she glanced at her paperwork. A gentle kiss on your cheek affirmed her affection.
"I'm almost done," Karina assured. To which you just nodded understandingly.
"Take all the time you need, baby"
Karina continued working for the next half an hour or so, but suddenly her mind drifted elsewhere. By "elsewhere" meaning the sudden wetness she started to feel transferring to her wide-leg office pants.
Hands absentmindedly explored your body, caressing your thighs. She leaned back, whispering
"I can feel your wetness darling"
A statement that soon after came a chuckle from Karina. Slowly, she ventured deeper, asking "Do you want me to stop?" You shook your head, conveying her consent.
Messing around in your wife’s office is not a rare occurrence. It’s not like she doesn’t own the whole company building anyways but perhaps tonight would be a little different. As it’s not as isolated before.
Karina started to unzip your dress, watching as it fell revealing your bare shoulders and the loosened strap of your bra. Placing a soft kiss on your shoulder, her hand reached its intended destination.
Pressing her lips against your neck slowly, she savored the soft moans escaping your lips. Intertwining your hands in her hair.
"Your panties are so soaked, baby" she whispered, making you bite your bottom lip in response as she played with your wetness. Driving you insane.
“Stop teasing me already” you breathe as tried to get friction by humping her hand.
Moving your panties aside, she suddenly slipped two fingers inside eliciting a loud moan. "Shit," she exclaimed.
Her other hand then roamed your chest, finding your breasts. Multitasking, she planted wet kisses on your lips, all the while massaging your breast and rhythmically thrusting her fingers in and out of you. Each thrust caused your chest to rise and fall with pleasure. "I want you inside me," you moaned. Removing her fingers, you unbuckled her pants and pulled down her boxers.
"Sit on me." she instructed as you stood up, discarding your panties and slowly positioning yourself onto her member. A soft moan escaped her lips as you sat down. With a firm grip on your waist, Karina began bouncing your slight frame. Observing the made satisfying clap sound with each impact. "Fuck, baby." she groaned, tilting her head back and running her hand through your hair.
"You're so tight," Karina moaned as you continued to bounce. "Only for you." You whispered. One hand slipped beneath you, eagerly fondling your breasts. She then stood up, pulling out and putting away all the paperwork on the table.
Walking behind you, she observed as you assumed the position she wants: bending over the desk.
Grinning mischievously, she commented "You already know what to do," chuckling as a smirk formed on her face highlighting the mole below her lips.
She entered you, thrusting fervently. The room filled with your combined moans and the rhythmic clashing of your bodies against one another. Leaning down Karina planted kisses on your back and left a trail of hickeys.
"Faster" you groaned.
"My pleasure," she replied, gripping your shoulder and gradually increasing the pace. Your whimpering and moaning echoed through the office as you held onto the desk for support. She pulled out and instructed you, "Lie on your back."
Complying you settled on her desk.
Hooking your legs over her shoulders, she penetrated you once more. Relishing in your loud moans. Placing her hands on the desk, she thrust vigorously.
"Oh my fucking God! Don't stop!" your sweat-soaked bodies molding together. Inclining her head, she planted soft kisses on your lips while your tongues danced in a passionate frenzy. Your hand clutched her neck pulling her closer, while she felt her member repeatedly stimulate your sensitive spot, eliciting even more moans.
That was your sweet spot.
"Do you like that, princess?" she inquired. "Yes" you barely let out as you nodded. Lifting you up, she hooked her arms under your legs, your calves resting on her shoulders. Karina continued her intense thrusting, feeling your walls tighten. "I'm going to cum!"
"Me too!" she moaned. Pushing herself to the limit, she thrust harder and faster finally reaching her climax. "Fuck, Y/N I'm cumming!" she shouted as she released inside you, her muscles tightening.
After experiencing the bliss of your connection, you two remained in that position for a while. Both enjoying the afterglow. "Do you think your assistant heard us?" you wondered, your body twitching slightly as she slowly withdrew. "She probably left soon after you entered" she smiled at you.
You sat up, pulling her closer. Your radiant smiles filled the room. Embracing the tender moment, you gave your wife a peck.
"I'm hungry now," Karina playfully remarked with a pout, causing your laughter. "You're always hungry" as you both dressed. Settling on the couch in her office, you covered yourselves with a blanket, indulging in the meal you had brought along.
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abstractmouse · 2 years
Alright, so I finished all the story branches from the FMA mobile Valentine's event, and I've compiled a summary/translation. Now let me preface with this: I do not know Japanese. I can read katakana, hiragana, and a handful of kanji, and I know basic sentence structure. So 99% of this is from Google Translate, and it may not be 100% accurate. It is long. I included some screenshots. With that being said, the summary is under the cut.
Chapter 1
It seems to be a dream sequence. There's this novel called Two Phantom Thieves that has become a sensation across Amestris, and everyone, including Roy Mustang, is reading it. He falls asleep while doing paperwork and imagines himself and Hawkeye as the titular thieves. It seems they have a rivalry, always hunting the same treasure. On their latest heist, they are caught in a trap set by Detective Hughes (with Havoc and Breda on his squad), and instead of fighting for the treasure, they have to work together to escape.
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After escaping, Phantom Thief M (Roy) asks Phantom Thief H (Riza) to look at the moon with him and chat for awhile. She expresses her gratitude that their combined effort allowed her to escape. Roy says something along the lines of "We work well together. If we joined up, we could steal any treasure in the world." Riza is not keen on the idea. Apparently, she steals for the poor, while Roy steals for the wealth and fame. He says he has higher goals than wealth and fame and wants to change things from the top. Riza is surprised at the idealism and asks if he really thinks he can do it. He says he would tell her all about it, but the police are coming. Riza remarks that he seems different than usual, but regardless, next time the treasure is hers. She leaves and Roy has a moment where he reflects on her true identity and decides to have some fun with it.
The next scene shows that the Phantom Thieves have day jobs as reporters for the very same newspaper (return of glasses!Riza here). Their boss wants them to cover an event featuring the Eternal Chocolate Heart, but the viewing is only open to couples. Their assignment is to pose as lovers in order to write an article about the treasure. There is also something about alchemical research being revealed at the party and a competition for the alchemists to win the heart or something like that. Set up for the fighting portion of the event. It’s said that whoever touches the heart will be blessed with eternal love. Roy thinks to himself that this will be his next treasure hunt as Phantom Thief M.
Chapter 2
Reporters Mustang and Hawkeye arrive at the party, which is being hosted by Alex and Catherine at the Armstrong mansion. Hawkeye is holding Mustang’s arm stiffly, going over the type of information that they need for their article. Mustang says something like, “I know we’re just acting, but if you don’t seem a little more natural, they’ll find out we’re not a couple.” She ignores that and continues observing the situation.
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Detectives Havoc and Breda are there, chatting with Catherine. Detective Hughes is also present with Gracia and Elycia. Hughes wants to get the Eternal Chocolate Heart for his daughter.
Armstrong gathers everyone and reveals the Eternal Chocolate Heart on a small table in the middle of the room, explaining that it has been imbued with alchemy. It’s divided into 4 pieces, and he says whoever eats one will be granted some kind of power, which works best when shared between two people. For that reason, they’ll be giving it as a prize to one of the couples tonight.
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On the table, Armstrong is shocked to find that there are two envelopes: a pink one with the letter H and a blue one with the letter M. Notices from the Phantom Thieves. Armstrong then announces that if the thieves are here, stealing isn’t necessary. He invites them to join the competition as well. Mustang thinks to himself that it may be better to just do it fair and square.
Then the chocolate at the center of the table… disappears? Idk this part is a little unclear. Regardless, it was a decoy. The real chocolate is hidden in a labyrinth under the mansion. The winner will be whichever couple successfully recovers the chocolate.
Riza pretends to be dizzy, presumably so she can get away from Mustang and transform into the Phantom Thief. Roy also dons his disguise during this time. 
In the fight sequence, the Phantom Thieves have appeared again, and Detective Hughes and his squad are all over the place. They agree to join up again and manage to lose them.
Chapter 3
Another couple at the party, Bard and Emma, have progressed a little further and are in the gardens, but there’s a puzzle they can’t solve. They hide and try to let someone else figure out the mechanism instead.
Roy shows up and notices Riza has escaped to the same place as him. Annoyed, she says she was just about to stop him with her bullet. Roy flirts and says something like “I wish I had the time to celebrate our reunion.” Riza says she’s got some information to share: they’ll have to solve the mystery together to progress, but “We’re only working together for now! The chocolate is still mine.” Roy notes that the chocolate is in four pieces, and they could just share it. But Riza says that only half of the chocolate isn’t worth as much, and she needs to help as many poor people as she can. Roy agrees, and the matter is dropped as they solve the puzzles.
They notice Bard and Emma are following them. The story branches slightly here depending on player choice:
3A: Pursue Emma and Bard
This leads to a small fight sequence. Emma wants to get the treasure before the Phantom Thieves to ridicule them. After they run away, Riza looks pensive. Roy asks what’s bothering her. She says, “Nothing, I was just wondering if I could use them to get one up on you somehow.” Roy says “Well I’ll just continue to keep my guard up…”
3B: Ignore Them
Nothing really happens during this option. They get through the puzzle and Riza makes some remark about getting the treasure before Roy.
The different paths lead to slightly different versions of chapter 4.
Chapter 4-1 (Choose option 3A)
Mustang and Hawkeye are getting closer to the center of the labyrinth. They seem to be the first ones to get this far. Bard and Emma come up on them again. Mustang asks if Hawkeye is going to launch a surprise attack on him after helping her solve the mystery (?? I think. This could be directed at Bard and Emma). She says “I’ll watch your back. You focus on solving the puzzle.”
Roy goes through the puzzle (following a rabbit through the right flowers). Bard and Emma followed again. Now Bard wants to fight, but they are overwhelmed by the Phantom Thieves' synergy. Bard decides to fight another time and runs. 
Chapter 4-2 (Choose option 3B)
Bard and Emma have reached this point of the labyrinth before Roy and Riza. They are apparently not very good at puzzles and are lost again. They decide to hide again and let someone else figure it out. Roy and Riza arrive on the scene and chase the rabbit together this time. They arrive at the center of the labyrinth and note that it is eerily quiet and that it shouldn’t have been this easy. 
Bard and Emma launch a surprise attack. Roy says, “They seem to be quite skilled. Can I trust you with my back?” Riza says “It’s an honor to have your trust. Let’s win this.” Bard and Emma are overwhelmed by their synergy and run to fight another time.
In either path, the chapter ends by cutting to Detective Hughes with his family. They hear the fighting, so Hughes goes ahead of them to secure the path. He wants to catch the Phantom Thieves and get the chocolate for Elycia.
Chapter 5
Ngl this bit was a little confusing, so idk how accurate this is.
Hughes, Havoc, and Breda are blocking the next section. As they try to get through, Mustang tells Hawkeye that their only goal is the chocolate, so she should go on ahead. It seems the fight can’t be avoided, so they fight together. Roy remarks that it would do the detectives better to just solve the puzzles rather than try to chase them. Riza points out that Hughes’s family seems to have disappeared. The traps in this next section have tiles that make you teleport to another location.
They agree to truce and work together here. Roy doesn’t like the idea of a small child being all alone. 
Chapter 6
Gracia and Elycia were teleported just outside the labyrinth.
Cut to the group inside. The puzzle has a bunch of tiles that all need to be activated. They have to work together. Hughes wishes his family were here to solve it with him. He hears Elycia encourage him from outside the maze somehow??? Riza remarks that she’s just happy his family is safe.
Now that the tiles have been activated, all that’s left are for the 6 remaining tiles to be stepped on at the same time. However, they only have 5 people present. Emma comes out from hiding, saying Bard left because he was sick of losing. Now they have 6. They step on the tiles, and some creatures come out, guarding the chocolate heart that appears in the middle. They all have to fight to reach the treasure.
The ending is determined by which character you let grab the heart.
6-A: Riza gets the heart
Phantom Thief H reaches the heart first, announcing her victory, but Phantom Thief M pulls some trick and manages to snatch it. He says it’s not over yet. They can still catch him as he escapes from the labyrinth.
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6-B: Roy gets the heart
Roy says, “The treasure is mine, Phantom Thief H. With this, I can reach the top.” He starts posturing, announcing to everyone that he got the heart. He says it’s not over yet. They can still catch him as he escapes from the labyrinth.
6-C: Any other character gets the heart
Exactly the same as 6-A, but replace Phantom Thief H with Hughes, Havoc, Breda, or Emma.
On a high balcony, Alex and Catherine are watching. Catherine says it’s finally her turn.
The story’s final ending is determined by your choice in this chapter.
Chapter 7
Roy is running away, noting that the party started at night, but it’s already dawn. As he is escaping, he falls into Bard’s trap, where he was waiting for the winner. He releases poison gas, disabling Roy. The fight sequence is against multiple Hugheses, caused by Roy’s confusion from the poisoning. 
Riza runs onto the scene and says she can’t let her partner lose to such cowardly tricks and helps him. Roy asks why she doesn’t just take the chocolate and run. She says she doesn’t want to win with dirty tactics and wants to beat him fair and square.
Catherine appears and determines that the bond between them is real (???) and leads them to the exit. Alex declares the Phantom Thieves as the winners as they emerge, but Roy is still affected by the poison, being supported by Riza. He mentions that the chocolate has the power of healing as well.
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Riza lays Roy across her lap on a bench as she feeds him the chocolate.
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Havoc, Breda, and Hughes wonder what they were fighting for to begin with or something and says they all worked together to solve the mystery.
Catherine and Alex talk about their intention with the chocolate. Apparently it was designed to make people work together, which is why she held the tournament.
Meanwhile, the chocolate seems to have worked. Mustang says “I feel a lot better. Thank you for your help, Phantom Thief H… or should I say, my colleague, Ms. Hawkeye?” Hawkeye grits her teeth but doesn’t say anything. He asks again if she will be his partner. He says if they work together, they can change the world. “After challenging the labyrinth with you and being rescued so many times, I’m convinced.” Hawkeye still doesn’t give an answer. He says not to rush. She can give him the answer soon.
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Cut to Catherine and Alex again. She says the effects of the chocolate are maximized between two people with a particularly strong bond, which was proven by the Phantom Thieves. Alex says something like, “Too bad it only lasts 15 minutes…” lol. Hughes snaps out of it and shouts, “What the hell am I doing?!”
Back in reality, Mustang is woken up at his desk by Lieutenant Hawkeye. She says he must have been dreaming, since he was stirring and making noise in his sleep.
Roy tells her about the dream he had.
Chapter 7-1 (Choose option 6-A)
He says, at the end of the dream, they were able to escape from their pursuers after a fierce battle. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Phantom Thief M and Phantom Thief H are overlooking the grounds where the chocolate was. Mustang remarks that the chocolate makes people want to join hands together. He says he wants to give Hawkeye the rest of the chocolate. She is a bit skeptical. He says it’s so that he can “join hands with her” and he asks for her to be his partner again. She says that they were only allies temporarily for the competition, and their rivalry stands. She says instead of relying on chocolate to steal her heart, he should try stealing it with his own hands. Roy says he seems to have decided his next target.
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Cut back to the real world. (biiiiig question mark about all of this:) Hawkeye remarks that she can’t believe he gave away all the chocolate in the end, but that sounds like him after all. Roy says that his rival was one step ahead a few times (?????), and a woman’s heart is deeper than the sea. Hawkeye says, “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
Chapter 7-2 (Choose option 6-B)
He says, at the end of the dream, they were able to escape from their pursuers after a fierce battle. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Phantom Thief M gives Phantom Thief H part of the chocolate. She asks why he would give her some when he was the one who won. He says, “If it’s mine, then half is yours, since you’re my partner.” She says she never gave him an answer. He replies, “But you’re here now. Can I still expect to see you by the beautiful moon?” (not 100% on that translation either) They hold hands in the moonlight.
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Cut back to the real world. Hawkeye says that they have to continue to work hard to reach their goal, and she will continue to watch Mustang’s back. “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
Chapter 7-3 (Choose option 6-C)
He says, at the end of the dream, Hawkeye escaped under the cover of heavy rain, but he was caught by Detective Hughes, who was chasing him. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Mustang is being apprehended by Hughes while Hawkeye looks on from atop a tall building. She says that even though he may be a perfect phantom thief, his only weakness is water. All this heavy rain was just bad luck. She then says, “It’s sad that there’s no one left to compete with, but I’ll make your dreams come true some day.”
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Cut back to the real world. Hawkeye says, “Even in your dreams, you’re useless on rainy days. What a shame.” Mustang says, “Don’t look at me with such pity, Lieutenant…” Hawkeye then says, “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
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