#Oberyn Fanfiction
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Résumé : "Et quand il posa son regard sur elle, il sut. Inévitablement, indéniablement, il sut. Comme il savait que le soleil se levait chaque matin, comme il savait que la lune brillait chaque et que le printemps succédait à l'hiver. Il sut, qu'il mourrait pour elle. Et quand elle le regarda, elle sut. Indubitablement, incontestablement. Jusqu'à ce que le soleil ne se lève plus sur leur monde, jusqu'à ce que les étoiles se meurent et que l'hiver soit éternel. Elle sut, qu'elle vivrait pour lui."
Mots : 3,5k
TW : Violence, angoisses, chasse.
Tags : Soulmate, enemy to lovers, second chance, smut.
Rating : Explicit / 18+
Partie 3
Inan sella sa monture, il passa une main sur la robe isabelle de la jument, tapotant son encolure. Elle avait eu beaucoup de mal à s’habituer à la chaleur, il sentait qu’elle commençait à peine à s’y adapter. Les écuyers l’avaient prévenu qu’il serait plus intéressant pour lui d’acquérir un cheval directement à Dorne, plutôt que de se borner à vouloir faire venir sa propre monture. Il se rendait compte à présent, quand il voyait les difficultés d’adaptation qu’avait eu l’animal, à quel point il avait été égoïste. Il était parvenu à se convaincre qu’il avait fait cela pour elle, pour ne pas la laisser seule, mais à présent il ne se voilait plus la face, il savait très bien qu’il l’avait fait pour lui. Cette jument était le seul être vivant à avec lequel il avait créé un lien depuis des années, et il ne s’était pas senti près à la laisser à port réal. Elle se serait sans doute épanouie de la même manière sans lui, il n’était pas dupe. Sa poitrine se serra, comment pouvait-il prétendre avoir de l’affection pour elle, quand il la contraignait à être à un endroit où elle ne désirait pas être dans le seul but d’être près de lui ? La jument cogna doucement sa tête contre son épaule, lui demandant une caresse. Il commença à gratter le front de l’animal quand il entendit Oberyn s'approcher. Sans un mot, Inan glissa son pied dans l'étrier et se hissa sur la selle. Ignorant les salutations du prince, il resta immobile jusqu'à ce que ce dernier ai fait de même. Il poussa sa jument à la suite de son étalon, se dirigeant vers la sortie du palais.
Il croisa le regard colérique de Ser Gulian, à qui il fit un clin d’œil provocateur. Il ne le supportait pas. Il faisait partie de la garde rapprochée du prince Oberyn, les deux semblaient proches. Inan n’avait que faire de ce que le prince faisait pendant ses temps libres et ses nuits, mais il ne supportait pas l’attitude de Gulian envers lui. Il n’avait pas demandé à devenir la nouvelle obsession du prince, si Gulian n’était pas capable de faire la part des choses c’était son problème, mais qu’il lui lâche le plastron. Il était de très mauvaise humeur ce matin, l’invitation d’Oberyn à aller chasser y était pour beaucoup, mais le regard de Gulian avait achevé la probabilité qu’il puisse recouvrer une humeur joyeuse.
- Tu es bien silencieux aujourd’hui.
Les mot d’Oberyn le sortirent de ses pensées et Inan poussa un soupir agacé, lui répondant du ton le plus plat qu’il pouvait utiliser.
- Je ne me rappelle pas avoir déjà fait preuve de lalomanie en votre présence.
- Effectivement, je ne te caractériserais pas de bavard, mais tu n’as pas émis un son depuis notre départ.
- Je préfère rester sur mes gardes.
- Ser Inan serait-il paranoïaque ? Je te répète que je souhaitais tester tes qualités de chasseur.
Inan fit ralentir sa monture pour ne plus être dans le champ de vision du prince. Sa motivation à se trouver en la présence d’Oberyn était proche de zéro. Son rôle à Dorne devait être de protéger la princesse, et depuis des semaines, il faisait tout, sauf protéger Myrcella. Il était bien entendu de plus en plus évident que la princesse n’avait pas besoin de protection au sein du palais, les Martell étaient de confiance, même s’ils avaient la famille Lannister en horreur, il était persuadé qu’ils ne s’en prendraient jamais à une enfant. Certes, il n'était pas utile pour lui d’être constamment présent auprès de Myrcella, mais il ne trouvait aucune utilité à être en présence d’Oberyn, à chasser de toutes les activités qu’ils auraient pu faire. Il posa pied et attacha sa jument à côté de la monture du prince. Oberyn le devança et s’enfonça dans une forêt de chêne vert et de caroubier, les semelles d’Inan firent crisser la terre rocailleuse. Il finit par s’avancer au même niveau qu’Oberyn, et fut ravie de constater que la discrétion que requière la chasse plongeait le prince dans un mutisme plus qu’appr��ciable. Son regard dériva malgré lui de l’air soucieux d’Oberyn jusqu’à ses lèvres qu’il détailla rapidement, avant de le laisser glisser sur l’ensemble de son visage. Était-il envisageable qu’il le trouve encore plus séduisant que lors de leur première rencontre ? Il n’aurait jamais pensé cela possible, à l’époque il l’avait déjà trouvé parfait, sous son air arrogant et ses mots tranchant.
- Tu sais que je vois, quand tu me dévisages ?
Inan s’arrêta de marcher un instant, puis rattrapa les quelques pas qui le séparaient du prince. Il resta silencieux, ne préférant pas répondre, ses mâchoires s’étaient contractées sans même qu’il ne s’en aperçoive. Le phrase que le prince venait de prononcer raisonna encore un instant dans son esprit, scellant la douleur déjà présente dans sa poitrine. Il mordit l’intérieur de sa joue.
Oberyn lui fit bientôt signe de s'accroupir. Un koudou était en train de paître paresseusement non loin d’eux. Une femelle. Oberyn arma sa lance et la projeta vers l'animal. Elle s’enfonça proprement en pleine poitrine et la bête s’effondra sans un bruit. Inan le suivit en silence et le regarda ôter la lame de la chair de l’animal. Tandis qu’Oberyn nettoyait la lame de sa lance, Inan glissa ses doigts contre l’encolure du koudou. Il détestait la chasse, il n’y avait jamais rien vu de noble. Il ne comprenait pas l’intérêt de d’acculer une bête innocente, de l’effrayer, la blesser pour qu’un seigneur puisse se targuer de l’avoir abattu. Il sentit l’épaule d’Oberyn frôler la sienne. Il s’était accroupi à son tour, posant sa paume sur la tête de l’animal. Il l’observa tandis qu’il glissait également sa main sur l’encolure du koudou, murmurant des remerciements à l’animal. Il sentit la main d’Oberyn frôler, puis se poser sur la sienne. Ils se redressèrent en même temps.Vous ne lui avez laissé aucune chance.
Les mots d’Inan franchirent ses lèvres avec douceur, son regard s’attardant sur les yeux d’onyx d’Oberyn.
-Peut-être aurait-elle dû se montrer plus prudent ? Je ne suis pas du genre à hésiter.
Oberyn s’approcha un peu plus d’Inan, il sentait presque la chaleur de son corps, son parfum d’oud et de myrrhe.
-Plutôt du genre à tuer une bête innocente.
Il sentit le prince faire mine de glisser ses doigts dans son dos, s’approchant encore un peu plus de lui.
-Seulement si cela est une nécessité.
Inan perdit un instant son regard dans celui d’Oberyn, dans cette lueur malicieuse qui n’avait de cesse de faire vibrer son cœur.
-Quelle nécessité y avait-il aujourd’hui ?
Il ne lui répondit pas, se contentant de s’approcher un peu plus de lui. Pourquoi est-ce qu’il ne bougeait pas ? Pourquoi est-ce qu’il le laisser s’approcher encore ? Il n’était pas certain de vouloir obtenir une réponse à cette question. Et tandis qu’il perdait son regard dans le sien, Inan entendit un bruit discret dans les fourrés, se situant derrière le prince, il vit quelque chose se mouvoir près du sol.
- Oberyn !
Inan le poussa fortement sur le côté tous en sortant son épée de son fourreau et plaça la paume de sa main en appuie entre son sternum et le pommeau, son autre main agrippant fermement la garde. Le lion était déjà sur lui et il le laissa s'empaler lourdement sur l'arme. Il le poussa sur le côté, se dégageant. Il se redressa brusquement et attrapa Oberyn par les épaules, l'air paniqué.
- Est ce que vous allez bien ? Vous n'êtes pas blessé ?
Oberyn se mit à sourire et glissa sa main contre le bras d’Inan, il l'attira fortement à lui en tirant sur son plastron, son visage proche du sien, son regard malicieux posé sur ses lèvres, un sourire narquois déformant les siennes.
- Tu viens de te jeter sous un lion et tu me demandes si je vais bien ?
Inan s'écarta brusquement, faisait un pas en arrière, il reprit son souffle.
- Je suis désolé, c'était inapproprié.
- Tu viens de me sauver la vie.
Inan redressa la tête, toujours haletant.
- Non, je pense que je vous ai épargné une blessure mais vous l'auriez rapidement abattu ou mit en fuite.
Oberyn affichait toujours un sourire satisfait, il fit un pas en avant, ses mains derrières son dos.
- Tu viens de tuer un lion pour me sauver, d'aucun y verrait une métaphore... Intéressante.
Inan fit un nouveau pas en arrière, les sourcils froncés, il leva les yeux au ciel.
- Je ne vois nulle métaphore, seulement un homme imprudent qui s'est laissé prendre par surprise.
Plus Oberyn approchait, plus Inan reculait, si bien que son dos rencontra rapidement l’écorce raiche d’un caroubier, et il osait traiter le prince d’imprudent.
-Ai je l'air d'être imprudent ?
- Oui. Ne pas se méfier d'un lion sur son propre terrain de chasse est imprudent.
- Mais tu gardais mes arrières, n'est-ce pas ?
Oberyn glissa sa main contre l’écorce de l’arbre, la positionnant au-dessus de la tête d’Inan, se penchant légèrement en avant. Inan dû fournir un effort conscient pour déglutir et reprendre son souffle avant de répondre.
- Vous ne me connaissait pas, j'aurais très bien pu laisser le lion vous dévorer. Personne n'aurait su que je l'avais vu.
- Mais tu ne l'as pas fait. Tu n'as pas hésité un seul instant, tu as mis ta vie en danger pour moi, et ne me dis pas qu'il s'agit d'un réflexe de chevalier. Mais je répète ma question, ai-je l'air d'être imprudent ?
Inan sentit son corps se figer et soudainement les liens se firent dans son esprit, il chercha le regard d’Oberyn.
- Vous saviez qu'il était là ? Le lion ?
- Ai je l'air d'être du genre à me laisser prendre par surprise par un lion, sur mes terres ?
Oberyn s’approcha une nouvelle fois, et Inan fronça les sourcils.
- Mais pourquoi...
- Il y a quelque chose qui me perturbe chez toi, Inan. Je trouverais quoi, je te le garantis. Tu m'es hostile, et pourtant aujourd'hui tu as risqué ta vie pour la mienne sans aucune hésitation. Je vais être honnête, je m'attendais à ce que tu le laisses m'attaquer.
Inan sentit la morsure caractéristique de la colère lui bruler le visage.
- Alors pourquoi avoir pris le risque !
- Pourquoi est-ce que cela te met en colère ?
Le fait qu’Oberyn le verbalise permit à Inan de prendre conscience du sentiment qui enflait en lui. Il n’était pas en colère, il était en rage. Il en voulait à Oberyn de s’être mit en danger. Il s’était inquiété pour lui, il n’était pas en colère. Il avait peur.
- Vous êtes dément. Vous venez de vous mettre en danger seulement pour savoir si vous pouviez me faire confiance !
- Tu l'as dis-toi même, je l'aurais maitrisé.
Inan croisa les bras, verrouillant son regard à celui d’Oberyn.
- Pas sans risque.
- Le risque... N'est-ce pas ce qui rend la vie excitante.
- La vie n'est excitante que si l'on est vivant pour en profiter.
Oberyn se mit à rire, ce rire chantant qui lui était caractéristique, celui qui faisait trembler Inan jusque dans ses os. Il glissa le dos de ses doigts contre la joue d’Inan avant de s’éloigner.
- Les autres ont raisons, ce que tu peux être coincé.
Il était dangereux, et chaotique. Il prenait des risques inconsidérés. Inan ne pû s’empêcher de ressentir une pointe d’admiration grandir dans sa poitrine, mais l’inquiétude prit rapidement le dessus.
-Tu n’as pas répondu, pourquoi est-ce que cela te met en colère ?
-Je trouve simplement cela idiot. Si vous permettez, je vais attacher le koudou à ma jument.
-Je t’en prie, attache-la à mon étalon.
Inan passa les portes de la muraille du palais vieux sur sa jument, trainant le corps du jeune lion derrière lui. Il n’était pas ravi d’être celui qui ramenait un lion mort dans l’enceinte de Lancehélion, et vu le regard que lui portait Myrcella, elle non plus.
Un festin eu lieu ce soir-là, et Inan se sentit rapidement dépassé par les évènements. Des gens le célébraient pour sa force et sa bravoure, pour avoir protégé le prince Oberyn, et d’autres été clairement heureux d’être en présence d’un Ouestien ayant tué un lion. Oberyn avait raison, et il n’était pas le seul à y voir une métaphore intéressante. Il souffla lourdement avant de se diriger vers la sortie, mais fut bloqué par Oberyn qui appuya son épaule de manière nonchalante sur l’encadrement de la porte, un verre de vin à la main.
-Tu pars déjà ?
-Je ne suis pas friand des soirées animées.
-Qu’est-ce que tu dirais d’une soirée un peu plus privée, dans ce cas ?
-Je ne suis pas certain de comprendre où vous voulez en venir.
-Tu sais où se trouve mes appartements, vas-y, je t’y rejoindrais.
Oberyn ne lui laissa pas le loisir de répondre, il s’était déjà éclipsé pour reprendre le cours de sa soirée. S’il pensait qu’il allait se diriger vers ses appartements, il se fourvoyait lourdement. Inan se rendit jusqu’à la tours soleil, et monta les marches. Quand il arriva à l’étage des appartements princier il hésita. Il arrêta de réfléchir et s’élança vers la porte. A l’instant où il l’ouvrit il regretta son geste. Il allait sortir de la pièce quand une voix le stoppa.
-Alors c’est toi que je dois remercier pour le retour de mon amour en pleine santé ?
Ellaria Sand se trouvait dans un fauteuil, il ne l’avait pas vu au premier abord. Inan n’allait pas mentir, elle était impressionnante. Elle dégageait un charisme et une assurance inégalable, quelque chose le mettait mal à l’aise, il n’arrivait pas à mettre le doigt dessus.
-Il semblerait.
Il finit par entrer pour de bon dans la pièce. La sensation était étrange, il ne se sentait absolument pas à sa place, ce lieu était le leur, il n’avait rien à y faire.
-Oberyn t’a demandé de venir ici, n’est-ce pas ?
-Il semblerait.
-Pourquoi as-tu accepté ?
-Tu as bien vu, j’allais repartir.
-Il m’a dit que tu avais tendance à ne pas répondre aux questions !
Ellaria l’invita à s’assoir. Sa position souple sur son fauteuil, ses pieds nus sous son corps détendu et sa robe diaphane contrastait avec le dos droit, le corps rigide et vêtu d’une armure d’Inan. L’instant était lunaire, il devrait être en compagnie d’Oberyn dans sa suite, ce qui déjà était irréaliste, et il se retrouvait dans une chambre, seul avec Ellaria. Elle lui tandis un verre de vin. Il en bu une gorgée en silence.
-Je crois que tu lui plais.
Inan s’étouffa presque dans sa gorgée de vin et la regarda, les yeux écarquillés.
-Je te demande pardon ?
-Oh tu m’as très bien comprise. Cela dit, cela ne me déplait pas, j’avoue que l’idée de partager notre lit avec un bouclier lige me plait bien.
Inan sentit un frisson glacial et désagréable lui parcourir le dos, la sensation d’être dos au mur, en cage. Ses muscles se raidirent et sa bouche sembla sèche soudainement, son cœur battant plus vite dans sa poitrine. Il posa son verre de vin sur la table et se redressa. Ellaria posa sa main sur la sienne.
-Je te taquine. Je te promets que ce n’est pas un piège dans ce genre. A moins que tu en ai envie ?
-Je ne suis pas là pour ça.
-Alors pourquoi es-tu là ?
-Parce qu’il m’a demandé de venir.
-Et tu ne t’es pas posé la question de savoir ce qu’il voulait en te demandant ça ?
-Peut-être aurais-je dû, en effet.
Inan se rassit et reprit une gorgée de vin.
-Depuis combien de temps, es-tu chevalier ?
Il la regarda longuement et soupira.
-17 ans.
-Cela a toujours été une vocation ? J’avoue que je ne comprendrais jamais comment on peut renoncer si facilement à sa liberté.
Inan regarda sa coupe de vin un instant, puis se resservit. Il fit tourner le liquide grenat dans son verre.
-Non, cela n’a pas toujours été une vocation. J’avoue ne pas avoir eu d’autre choix.
-Et que voulais tu faire ?
Inan redressa son visage et plongea ses yeux dans ceux d’Ellaria. Une douceur étrange émanait d’elle. Quelque chose de familier, quelque chose qui lui intimait qu’il pouvait lui faire confiance.
-Être libre.
-Et pourtant tu portes une armure.
Il ne s’était pas aperçu, d’à quel point le métal lui comprimait la poitrine avant qu’elle ne le lui dise. Par moment il se sentait nu sans elle, et par moment, il se sentait prit au piège, à l’étroit. Il n’avait qu’une envie, c’était de l’arracher. Il se redressa et détacha son plastron, qu’il posa prêt de son fauteuil, avec son épée et ses jambières. Il inspira profondément et se rassit, glissant une jambe sous son corps.
-Comment un homme qui désire à ce point être libre finit par passer sa vie à obéir aux ordres ?
-C’est un mystère auquel vous n’aurait pas de réponse ce soir, je le crains.
Un bruit de bois fit sursauter Inan, la porte s’ouvrit soudainement.
-Je vois que tu t’es mis à l’aise.
La voix d’Oberyn le fit frissonner, son cœur s’affola une nouvelle fois, accompagné d’un sentiment de malaise. Inan se redressa brusquement, faisant mine de ramasser son armure.
-Je devrais vous laisser.
-N’attendais-tu pas après lui ?
Il se retourna vers Ellaria et la dévisagea. Ils n’étaient pas ensemble pour rien ces deux-là. Il soupira et s’assit.
-De quoi parliez-vous ?
-De liberté.
Oberyn se mit à rire et attrapa un verre de vin sur son passage, qu’il remplit jusqu’au bord. Il embrassa Ellaria avec passion et sa laissa tomber sur un des fauteuils, glissant sa main dans une coupe de fruit.
-Intéressant, je serais curieux de savoir ce qu’un homme pour qui le risque rend la vie dangereuse pense de la liberté.
Inan perdit une nouvelle fois son regard dans son verre.
-Disons qu’enfant je pensais qu’être un homme m’aiderait à me libérer de mes chaines, il s’est avéré que j’ai troqué des chaines contre d’autres. Ce que je pense de la liberté, c’est qu’elle n’est qu’illusion.
Oberyn le regarda un instant, semblant perdu dans ses pensées. La remarque qu’il fit se voulait sarcastique, mais la lueur dans son regard montrait quelque chose de différent.
-Inan, tu as ce don si précieux de rendre chaque instant un peu plus monotone.
-Je le trouve intéressant, personnellement.
Ellaria ne détachait pas son regard du sien, il la regarda un instant et soupira avant de se redresser pour sortir de la chambre.
Inan était sur le chemin du retour quand il sursauta en croisa Septa Églantine. Comment pouvait-on être aussi effrayante ? Se déplaçait-elle dans les murs pour apparaitre subitement de cette manière ? Et surtout depuis combien de temps attendait-elle ?
-Ser Inan. Puis je vous parler ?
-Septa Aubépine. Ne devriez-vous pas être couché à cette heure ? Vous comptez me suivre quoi que je réponde, je vous en prie, ne vous privez pas.
-Églantine ! S’indigna la vielle femme comme à chaque fois. Je trouve votre comportement indécent. Vous êtes bien trop proche des dorniens !
-Et ? Ne sommes-nous pas ici pour des raisons diplomatiques ?
-Vous êtes ici pour surveiller la princesse. Je ne pense pas que vous acoquiner avec le prince Oberyn, qui se trouve être ouvertement hostile la maison Lannister vous aide dans cette mission. Ni de rentrer ostensiblement de la chasse avec un lion mort à vos côtés !
-Effectivement, c’est indigne de ma position de chevalier, je ne savais pas qu’il était dans vos prérogative de Septa de me rappeler le cadre de mon poste.
-Et que dira le roi Joffrey, quand il apprendra que vous avez tué un lion et vous en êtes réjoui entouré de Dorniens ? Il n’est pas très indulgent en ce qui concerne les traitres !
Inan lui sourit et maintint son regard.
-Je ne sais pas, que dira-t-il, quand il apprendra que sa jeune sœur passe son temps à se promener dans le palais et ses jardins en compagnie de son promit plutôt que de suivre vos préceptes ?
-Vous n’oseriez pas !
-Non, bien sûr que non. Je sais m’occuper de ce qui m’incombe, et je sais qu’il en est de même pour vous. Sur ce, bonne nuit, Septa Aubépine.
Chapitre 4 : La bête qui sommeille
#pedro pascal#oberyn fanfiction#oberyn martell#oberyn nymeros martell#oberyn x oc#fanfiction#prince oberyn#game of thrones#got
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Oberyn Martell x OC (Ava)
Warnings: AU, violence, weapons, mature themes, murder, everything you'd find in in Game of Thrones.
Summary: In the embrace of existence, the brilliance of light finds its depth in the shadows, and conversely, the obscurity of darkness discovers its essence in the radiant dance of symbiotic contrast.
CHAPTER 1 (Coming soon)
#oberyn x oc#oberyn x ofc#oberyn fanfiction#oberyn martell#oberyn martell x oc#oberyn martell x ofc#oberyn martell imagine#oberyn martell fanfic#got au#au#versatileginger writes#versatilegingers masterlist
6 notes
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little dove
summary: your first attendance of a huge feast is bothersome, alone and inexperienced as you are. until the eyes of a certain prince won't stop following you.
pairing: oberyn martell x f!reader
word count: 4.5k
warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n; virginity/innocence kink; implied age gap (oberyn is in his early 40s, reader early 20s); fingering; unprotected p in v; creampie; some biting
a/n: another fic from last summer, hope you enjoy! ; headers & dividers by @/saradika-graphics
follow @palioomfics & turn on notifs for future updates
• masterlist •
Oberyn had been watching her all night already, his dark eyes following the shape of her wherever she went. Between the bustle of the people, her bright orange glowing dress like the sun, rising and settling as she appeared and disappeared, standing around like she didn’t know what to do with herself.
It was adorable, a smirk gracing his features as he watched her wring her hands, smiling sheepishly when someone approached her.
So innocent.
He could see the nervousness on her face from where he sat, the uncertainty, clearly not used to people approaching her.
He could see the heavy rise and fall of her chest, exposed by the deep cut of her garments.
Taking another sip of his wine, Oberyn stood, deciding now was his time.
The festivities had been going on for a while, and even though he had planned on celebrating with a group of people in his bedchambers later, she had thrown those plans into the wind the second he set sight on her.
Something just intrigued him, maybe it was the innocence she seemed to harbour, maybe it was her beauty.
Whatever it was, he had to know more, waiving away another woman that approached him with a polite smile, then walking over to the mysterious woman.
She looked around nervously, playing with the rings on her hands as people passed by her, some stopping to talk to her.
Feeling incredibly out of place at this feast, her first big one, she didn't quite know what to do. Her parents were somewhere, as were her siblings.
The lords trying to speak to her made her feel uneasy, knowing she was supposed to find a possible suitor at some point, but wanting nothing more than to flee this place.
In fact, she was thinking about just leaving, when she was approached again.
Tall, dark haired and handsome. The Prince of Dorne, Oberyn Martell.
She had seen him at his table, stealing a glance every once in a while and looking away when his dark eyes caught hers.
And now he stood in front of her, flashing her a wide smile.
“My Prince.” She said, curtsying as well as she could, perhaps a little clumsily.
Out of everything she had expected to happen today, she did not expect for him to approach her.
“Do you intend to sulk in the shadows all night, my dove?”
She blinked up at him, once again playing with the rings on her fingers.
“I have not been sulking.” A frown graced her face, a slight tremble in her voice. His presence was intimidating, but different from the other people who had approached her. “I have been observing.”
Oberyn chuckled, taking a small step closer to her, watching her step back just a little in return. So close to her, he could practically feel the nervosity radiating off of her, trying to hold eye contact before they moved away again, looking at anything but him.
“Observing by turning down all lords and ladies who approach you?” He said, watching her fingers stop for just a moment, as if she had been caught, before fiddling with her rings again. “I must admit, I have been watching you for a while - you are the only lady not dancing, not talking to anyone. Just standing in your corner, sometimes moving to follow the servants for a drink or something to eat.”
She stayed quiet. Had she been that noticeable? Just by standing around, hoping for a saving grace?
“I assume this to be your first attendance at a feast this big, am I correct, my dove?”
That nickname.
It made her feel warm, a different kind of warmth than the Dornish weather. Running through her in an unfamiliar fashion, her veins like molten metal, a strange feeling moving up her spine..
“Yes, my Prince.” She said, nodding, but not looking at him.
Oberyn noticed how she became more nervous, smirking at the display in front of him.
“My parents have kept me from them for long, I was only ever allowed to attend small ones.” She continued, sighing. “It is quite overwhelming. I am inexperienced in these kinds of things.”
Her words made him inhale sharply through his nose, still smiling.
If she was inexperienced in this, what else was she inexperienced in?
He had wanted her before, but now the desire for her burned even brighter. Oberyn wanted to show her the things her parents have undoubtedly sheltered her from.
To keep their daughter pure for a potential suitor.
“I understand, my dove. Would you perhaps allow me to accompany you to a place more quiet?”
Usually, he did not beat around the bush when it came to a potential partner for the night.
But it was different with her. If he was blunt he would simply chase her away.
She didn’t look at him, thinking about his question.
All the other men and women that had asked before had made her feel uneasy. Unsure why they wanted to whisk her away, promising a better night someplace else.
But the Prince of Dorne? He made her feel different. A heat and a pressure in her abdomen that she never felt before.
She knew of the rumours, that he took many partners, for whatever they did. Yet, as he stood in front of her, charming smile and good looks, she felt herself drawn to him.
Oberyn reached out, placing a finger under her chin and forcing her to look up at him. “I asked you a question, my dove.”
His fingers on her chin made her still, just looking up at him with her big eyes, lips slightly parted. The touch made that pressure worse, breath hitching in her throat.
“My Prince, I’m-” She stumbled over her words, unsure what to answer.
He just chuckled, a sigh leaving him. “You are quite easily flustered, my dove. Come with me, please.”
Holding out his arm for her to take, he hoped she would. Such an innocent, pretty thing. There was something so endearing about the way she was behaving.
She swallowed hard, looking from his face to his arm, hesitating for a moment. Something drew her to him, and after another moment, she hooked her arm into his with a nervous smile.
Oberyn walked her away from the feast, the noises dying down behind them as they walked the long corridors.
“What did the other lords and ladies ask of you, my dove?”
She sighed, glad to be away from the bustle in the halls, but feeling uncertain now, a throbbing at the apex of her thighs distracting her.
“They wished to take me away for some fun. I’m unsure what they meant exactly.” She didn’t look at him, too nervous to meet his dark, piercing eyes.
It was intimidating, she had never been in the presence of a man other than her father or her brothers alone. She knew how to behave, for the most part, but nonetheless was it a little scary.
Oberyn smirked, looking down to her, seeing how she only stared at the floor or ahead of them.
“You did not know what they were implying?” He asked, a bit amused but genuinely curious. “My little dove, you must be younger than I thought or your parents simply were too careless with your education.”
She remained quiet, her cheeks growing hot.
A sense of shame washed over her, that he thought she was too young. It was as if her friends were with her, giggling and whispering because of something she didn’t understand.
And when she asked, they never explained, finding it too amusing to laugh and belittle her.
There was something she was missing out on, and she hated not knowing what.
“My dove, you do not have to be ashamed.” He said, his other hand coming to gently rest on hers. “If you wish, I could show you.”
He had been right about the assumptions of her being a virgin, too innocent for her own good.
Walking next to her, he felt something else besides the desire for her, a need to protect.
As if he was the only one allowed to show her, that anyone else would simply take advantage of this fact.
Now her eyes met his, brows furrowed.
“Show me?” She echoed his words. “How? What exactly?”
Oberyn just smiled, eyes leaving hers to look at the guards standing by the door of his chambers.
He stopped, not too far away from the door, looking back at her.
“Do you wish for me to show you, my dove?” He asked, brushing back a strand of hair, tucking it behind her ear. “If not, I understand.”
She should be wary. Despite him being the Prince of Dorne, she should think about this. But she was curious, so curious about what this thing was that she had been missing out on.
And there was still that feeling inside of her.
“Yes, my Prince.” She said with a small nod. “I am curious, please.”
He chuckled, his knuckles brushing over her cheek. “Please, call me Oberyn, my dove.”
Moving along, the guards allowed them to enter, the heavy door falling shut behind them. Oberyn let go of her arm, walking over to a table to pour himself some wine, then offering her a cup.
She took it with a small nod, taking in his quarters. They were richly decorated, the bed massive.
Just how she would imagine it, if she had ever spent time on that before meeting him.
Taking a sip of her wine, Oberyn laid a hand on her waist with a gentle smile, pulling her closer to him.
“Most people stare when they first come here.” He said, his hand wandering up and down her side. “Don’t be nervous, little dove.”
She nodded, swallowing hard. That was easier said than done, the heat inside her becoming unbearable at this point.
His hand on her side felt like it was burning her, even through the thin fabric of her gown. Like it was hot coals placed on her.
“Have you ever been kissed, my dove?” He asked suddenly, eyes searching hers. Pulling her just a little closer to him.
She shook her head no, slowly. Heart beating in her throat, he was so close to her.
She could feel the warmth of him, twirling the cup of wine in her hand.
“Would you allow me to?”
There was some hesitation inside her, her hands stilling. Should she allow him to? She wanted to, somehow.
Often had she imagined what it felt like, kissing someone.
Her answer came in the form of a nod, her head barely moving.
Oberyn smiled, his hand coming up to cup her cheek.
“Oh, my little dove.”
Despite his growing desire, he moved gently, bending down to place his lips onto hers. The small gasp that left her made him chuckle, his other hand coming to rest on her hip and pull her hips flush against his.
She stiffened beneath his touch, liking the way his lips felt on hers, surprisingly soft, while his beard and moustache tickled her skin. Holding onto her cup tightly, she closed her eyes, humming when he deepened the kiss and she tried to match his movements, clumsy and inexperienced.
When he parted from her, she chased after him, opening her eyes when she couldn’t. Oberyn laughed at that, staying close to her, his thumb brushing over her cheek.
She looked adorable, the way she greedily breathed in air, lips slightly parted. Still too nervous, too stiff.
“What do you think, my dove?” He asked, leaning closer again so their noses were almost touching. “Would you like for me to show you more? There is quite an array of things I could assist you with.”
His fingers curled into her hip, and when she nodded, he only smiled wider.
“I promise to be gentle, my dove. A beauty such as you needs to be handled with care.”
She didn’t know what he meant, but it didn’t matter, because as soon as he kissed her again, more eager this time, her mind went blank.
His hand briefly left her hip to take the cup from her hands, placing it on the table next to them, before it was back, pulling her against his chest and making her gasp.
Letting his tongue glide against hers at the opportunity, Oberyn heard her muffled moan, relishing in the sweet sound.
The way she tried to kiss him back was delightful, so tender and new, trying to keep up with him.
Slowly he manoeuvred her back towards the bed, having to hold onto her waist as her steps became unsure, stumbling backwards once, her cheeks glowing even hotter.
The throbbing only became more intense, and when they reached the bed and he gently pushed her to sit at the foot of it, she squeezed her thighs together, looking for relief.
There was a wetness now that felt foreign to her.
Oberyn noticed, amused at the display.
“Are you aching, my dove?” He asked, his hands coming to the belt tied around his waist.
It did hurt, but in a different way. Not like a bruise or a cut.
She nodded. “A little. My Prince- Oberyn, what- I don’t understand what is happening.”
Poor thing. Her parents had done a horrible job to prepare their daughter.
To leave her in the dark at such an age.
She watched him undo his belt, letting it fall to the floor before motioning for her to move further back to the middle of the bed.
“You’re aroused, my dove. You feel the need for cock.” He explained, shedding his robe, then crawling over her. “Have you seen a cock before, little dove?”
Her mouth went dry as she watched him undress, now only clad in a dark orange tunic and his breeches.
Of course. But was she really aroused by him? In need of his cock?
She nodded, and she could see a flash of surprise grace his features.
“In the bathhouses, yes.” She tried to hold his gaze, now hovering over her and letting his hand glide down her side. “From afar.”
He chuckled, leaning down to kiss her cheek, then her neck, hearing the breathy moan spill from her lips, feeling her back arch slightly.
“In the bathhouses…” He repeated in a whisper, still some amusement in his voice. “Yet you don’t know a thing about this… about desire and fucking.”
The word felt vulgar, so close to her ear.
And she felt embarrassed again. That she didn’t know more, that she didn’t understand she was aroused just by him being near her, by him kissing her, by him hovering over her.
“Do you want me to show you, my dove? The thrill of desire?” He asked, still mouthing along her neck, gently, just feeling her as she squirmed, her own hands coming to rest on his broad shoulders. “How to fuck?”
Her breath hitched in her throat when he sucked at the junction of her neck and shoulder, a throaty moan leaving her.
“I- I do not know, Oberyn.” She stammered, fingers digging into his shoulders. The throbbing and the pressure were distracting her, just needing relief. “It hurts, it really hurts.”
His hand moved lower, down her side and to her thigh, gathering her skirts before it dipped below them.
“I can help you, my dove.” His hand wandered between her thighs, finding her dripping already, a soft sound escaping him at the feeling. “Oh, my dove. Wet and gushing like a waterfall and I have barely touched you.”
He sounded pitying almost, his fingers slipping between her folds, raising his head to watch her face when he found her clit.
A hiss left her, looking at him with wide eyes at the foreign feeling. It felt good, strange but good.
“Have you never touched yourself before? Brought yourself to the peak of pleasure?” He asked, drawing slow circles into her clit, with featherlight touches.
She shook her head, trying to keep her eyes open, her legs opening further.
“Never, I didn’t know-”
“You poor thing.” He cooed, kissing her.
When his fingers left her again, she whined in protest, one of her hands reaching out to grab his wrist.
She didn’t even really know what was happening, simply that his touch felt good and that she wanted more.
Needed more.
The burning sensation inside her was so consuming and overwhelming while also hurting her.
“Oberyn, please, continue.” She said, guiding his hand back down but he escaped her grasp.
“Do you know anything about this, my dove? About fucking, the feeling of something stretching you open? Feeling somebody’s naked skin against yours?”
Stretching her open? It sounded painful, she couldn’t imagine how anything could do that, and where.
But she didn’t want to ask, didn’t want to embarrass herself further.
She shook her head again. “No, I don’t.”
He chuckled, his hand coming up to tug one of the straps of her gown down her shoulder, then further down her arm, exposing her breast.
“My little dove, so innocent, so pure.” A sigh left him, watching her face as he touched her breast, just lightly brushing over the hardened nipple. Nothing could have prepared him for just how much her innocence spurred him on. “I will take care of you, just allow me to do so.”
“Please, please, Oberyn.” She whined, desperate. His hand felt good on her, back arching off the bed and into his touch, her head thrown back as she closed her eyes.
This was what she had missed out on, something so good and intense. If only he could touch her again.
Slowly Oberyn undressed her, slipping the garment down her body and kissing each inch of newly uncovered skin. Taking in how she whined and moaned, took in a sharp breath or hissed at the sensation.
She felt exposed, once he sat back and pulled the gown down her legs, his dark eyes raking over her naked form as she laid before him, resisting the urge to cover herself.
So sweet and pure. And he would be the one to ruin her, to taint her beautiful body.
Thank the Gods it was him and not someone else.
“So pretty.” He said, a hand gliding up and down her thigh, the other working open his tunic. “My little dove, all for me to enjoy. I shall show you the heights of pleasure.”
She watched as he shed the garment, exposing his toned torso, the muscles under his skin moving. She was mesmerized, despite having seen this so many times at the bathhouses, when she came to find her siblings or her parents.
His hands moved down to his breeches, opening them just as slowly as he had done with the rest of his clothing.
“It seems as if my little dove has found something she likes.” He chuckled, shedding the last piece of clothing, kneeling between her spread legs, just as exposed as she was.
Cock heavy and throbbing, her eyes were fixed on it.
It was bigger than what she had seen before. But she didn’t know if she should mind that.
“Don’t be scared, my dove.” Oberyn said, moving to hover over her again, one hand on her thigh, his cock brushing against her stomach. “I’ll prepare you to take me.”
“Take me?” She asked, gasping when his hand found that sweet spot again, applying more pressure this time and leaving her breathless.
He hummed against her neck, kissing and sucking on her skin, taking in her sweet sounds.
So adorable, needing to be taught. Not knowing what pleasures awaited her.
His hand moved lower and he felt how she stiffened when one finger pressed against her hole.
“Don’t be scared…” He repeated, slowly pushing a single digit in, groaning when he felt her squeeze around him, her nails digging into his shoulders with a whine.
It felt strange, his thick finger inside of her, moving in and out slowly. Yet it also felt good, her hips rolling on their own, legs opening wider.
“Oberyn-” She moaned, voice breaking, the pressure inside her easing just a little.
His mouth found hers again, continuing to move his finger slowly, his cock twitching at the thought of burying himself inside her soon.
“Tell me how it feels, little dove. You might be ready for another finger soon.”
She whined, concentrating on the foreign feeling, the stretch when he pushed a second finger in.
“It feels good, my Prince- Oberyn.” She breathed, her mind feeling as if it was floating on a cloud, hissing when he scissored his fingers inside of her. “It hurts a little, but it feels good.”
He chuckled, kissing her cheek and down to her jaw, then down her neck again.
“My dove, you feel splendid, gripping my fingers so tight with your sweet cunt.”
Something inside her built, blood hot like molten metal as it rushed through her, building her higher and higher until he took his fingers from her again.
A noise of protest died in her throat, his teeth softly sinking into her shoulder.
He grinned at that, lifting his head to look at her, bringing his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean with a deep hum.
“Finer than any wine.” Oberyn said, positioning himself so his cock was lined up with her. “My dove, I promise to be gentle. It may sting nonetheless.”
She nodded, drowsy and wanting nothing more than this ache to end. He said his cock would help, and so she wished for nothing more than him to enter her where his fingers just had been.
“Please, help me relieve this ache.” She said, feeling him against her, so much thicker than his fingers.
Oberyn watched as he entered her, grunting at how tight she still was, seeing her eyes squeeze shut and take a sharp breath.
It stung, he hadn’t lied about that, his lips finding hers as he pushed in further, muffling her whimpers while he buried inch after inch inside of her.
All the way until he was fully sheathed inside of her, hips flush against hers, one of his hands coming to rest on her thigh, squeezing it gently.
“It hurts, Oberyn.” She breathed when he broke from her, looking back at him, his lips on her cheek again.
“I know, my dove. You will feel better soon, don’t you worry.”
It was so new, the sensation of being filled, of him inside of her and stretching her out just as he had said.
Overwhelming, someone being so close to her, inside of her, his hot skin against hers, his soft lips on her cheeks.
The pain slowly fading into a need, the throbbing returning, as did the pressure.
Her hips moving on their own, making him chuckle, the sound vibrating against her chest.
“Are you sure you wish to continue already, my dove?” He asked, kissing a spot just below her ear that sent a shiver through her. “I cannot stop myself if we do, your cunt is simply too tight and inviting.”
She nodded, whispering a silent please.
So he slowly pulled back, setting a lazy rhythm of shallow thrusts, her dragged out moans like music to his ears, a little symphony written just for him as he drove back into her over and over again.
“You feel perfect, my dove, what an honour to teach you about the pleasures of the flesh.” Oberyn groaned, his hands grabbing her legs and wrapping them around his hips, making her whimper loudly. “You won’t find a nicer cunt than that of this little virgin dove.”
She let him move, rolling her hips, trying to meet his thrusts, that something inside her building again, becoming stronger this time.
If this really was what she had been missing out on, what she had been ridiculed for, she never wanted it to stop now that she had it.
The feeling pleasant as the ache became less and less present.
Oberyn had to hold back to not just drive into her with his entire force, losing himself in how good she felt, but still wanting this to be something good for her, as much as he desired her.
Already knowing he would seek her out again and again, her innocence far from gone, her sounds so sweet in his ears, her hands so soft as they grabbed at him, trying to find purchase on his body.
“My dove, you are close, I can feel you.” He rasped, his movements becoming sloppier, lips dancing over her skin. “You’re close, aren’t you?”
“Close to what?” She asked, words catching on her breath, feeling something but unsure if it was what he meant.
Gods, she was so adorable.
“Oh, you will see, my dove.”
His hand moved between them, finding her clit.
And with just a few movements, something snapped inside of her so suddenly and with such force that all breath left her, a strangled noise catching in her chest as her veins burned, the pressure in her abdomen released.
She was trembling, holding him against her tightly as he kept moving, thrusts harsher now.
“There you are, my little dove, isn’t that wonderful? The heights, the peak?”
It was a pretty sight, her face contorted in bliss and pleasure but also so shocked by what was happening to her, by these new feelings.
She could only whine, falling silent when she heard him grunt deeply into her ear, stilling above her.
Spilling himself deep inside of her before rolling off of her, not separating but rolling her with him so she came to rest on top of him.
She felt exhausted suddenly, the euphoric feelings still coursing through her veins.
And he felt solid beneath her body, catching his breath just as she did, his hands carding through her hair.
“Now, my dove, how do you feel?” He asked, watching her face as she rested on him. “Are you satisfied?”
If anyone had told her just a few hours ago that she would land in the bed of the Prince of Dorne, she would have laughed at them.
But now, it seemed quite nice.
She nodded. “I feel exhausted, but I am very grateful for what you showed me.”
A smile stretched her lips wide, he liked it. She seemed to be less nervous.
He chuckled, one hand wandering down to smooth over her back. Normally he would be far from done, already planning another round of pleasure.
But she truly seemed too exhausted by this. After all, she hadn’t even known about any of this until now.
Her eyes drifted shut, but she was still awake, listening to his heartbeat.
“Oh, my dove.” He said quietly, kissing the top of her head. “There is so much more to show you, I am far from done with you.”
She felt warm at the idea, curious what else there was to discover. Her eyes felt too heavy to open them again, slowly drifting off into sleep on top of him.
Oberyn simply smiled, sighing deeply.
Yes, he was far from done.
There was so much to learn, so much to discover.
And he couldn’t wait to see her face once he began to truly teach his little dove.
#oberyn martell#oberyn martell x reader#oberyn martell fanfiction#oberyn martell smut#oberyn martell x you#game of thrones#pedro pascal#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal fandom#pedro pascal smut#pedro pascal x you#pedrostories#my writing
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pairing: modern!Oberyn Martell x f!reader
word count: ~3.9k
summary: You meet a mysterious man at a club. He's just as attracted to you as you are to him.
warnings/tags: explicit smut (-> 18+ only!), alcohol consumption, able-bodied reader, no use of y/n, very soft dom!Oberyn, protected p in v (who am I), dirty talk, fingering, anal play (m receiving), a hint of angst, romance because I can't help myself
a/n: written for @dancingtotuyo’s on repeat drabble challenge, based on the song delicate by taylor swift. this is honestly just feral, i have nothing to say for myself.
dividers as always by @saradika-graphics <3
find my full masterlist here and follow @guiltyasdavenotifs for fic updates!
Lights are flashing, colors dancing over the exposed skin of your arms and shoulders; the bass is pumping, making your whole body feel like it’s vibrating from within. You’re clinging to your friend, your arms intertwined as you navigate your way through the crowd of people to the bar.
You first see him as you’re gulping down your drink, welcoming the cool liquid in your parched throat. Your eyes are observing the crowd, flying over him and then flickering back to take a second glance.
He’s gorgeous, his dark hair a mess, a beard framing his face, his skin shining under the lights. He’s wearing a shirt that flows around his body, threads of gold weaving through the fabric and reflecting the dancing lights. It’s almost entirely undone, giving you a generous look at the expanse of his toned chest, at the sun-kissed skin that you feel a sudden urge to run your fingers over. A massive gold chain with a lock hangs around his neck, an accessory that you’re convinced would look absolutely ridiculous on anyone else. But on him, it somehow only accentuates the strong cords of muscle that ripple under his skin in a way that makes you want to lick your lips.
He moves with a confident ease, his body in tune with the stomping beats, his whole being exuding an almost cocky self-assuredness. You keep drinking him in, fascinated in a way that you can barely understand. You realize that you’ve been staring when your friend follows your line of sight and you hear her quiet gasp beside you.
“Haven’t seen that one around before,” her voice floats into your ear over the music and you shake your head in silent agreement. You’d definitely remember if you did.
You both watch him move with the body of a woman next to him, watch him bend down to whisper something into her ear, watch the way his lips curl into a smug grin as she grinds against him in reaction to his words.
“Too late, I guess,” you laugh, downing the rest of your drink and tearing your eyes away.
The two of you head back into the crowd, swaying your bodies to the beat. You try to get lost in the feeling of it, but your eyes keep searching for him, hungrily grasping at the glimpses of him that you can spot. Eventually, you watch the retreating backs of both of him and the woman head toward the exit, their bodies closely intertwined. Like you said, you try to shrug it off, too late. It’s not a big deal, there’s more than enough other guys around you.
But you don’t go home with any of those guys, none of them able to catch your interest the way he did, and when you lie in bed in the early morning hours, your head pleasantly buzzing with the remaining alcohol in your bloodstream, you still see him behind your eyelids.
A few weeks go by and while you hope to catch him every time that you’re out, there’s no trace of him. It isn’t until your friend’s birthday celebration, a tradition that the two of you have kept up for years, that you see him again.
Again, you’re leaning against the bar, your eyes aimlessly drifting over the dancefloor while you’re sipping on your drink, when you spot him. He’s wearing another colorful shirt, his chest almost entirely on display, and he’s shamelessly grinding against another young man as they’re both moving to the beat. You can’t tear your eyes away, apparently staring so intently that he catches you and throws you a wink across the room.
You feel heat rising in your cheeks and almost turn away, but he’s already on his way, moving towards you with a cat-like grace, effortlessly weaving through the crowd of moving bodies.
“Hey,” he says, leaning into you so close that his breath fans hot against your ear, causing goosebumps to rise on your neck. “Saw something you like?”
You grin at him over the rim of your cup, biting your lip and nodding. He mirrors your grin, an almost predatory glint in his eyes. He’s even more gorgeous up close, a light sheen of sweat on his face and his eyes a smoldering brown, his dark hair a mess with strands sticking to his forehead. You take in his toned chest, his broad shoulders and you desperately want to touch your hands to his golden skin. A foreign accent is lacing his words in the most delicious way, only adding to the pull that you feel towards him.
“Let me buy you another drink,” he purrs and you accept, thanking him and offering him your name. You relish in the way you have to lean into him so that he can hear you, greedily soaking in his scent and his body heat that make your mouth water.
His name is Oberyn, you learn, a name that sounds foreign on your tongue and you could swear that a quiet growl rises up his throat when you repeat it back to him.
You’d love to spend your evening dancing with him, pressing your body against his, find out if moving with him feels as good as it looks from the outside. But it’s your friend’s birthday, and you’re gonna stick together, dance the night away with each other and no one else, the way you do every year.
He shrugs it off when you tell him as much, an unbothered grin on his face as he promises you another time then. His hand wraps around your wrist, the warmth of it sinking into your skin as he pulls your arm out towards him, a black marker suddenly in his other hand.
“What are you–” you begin to ask, but your voice dies at the sight of him pulling the cap off with his teeth, something that really shouldn’t affect you this much.
He bends over your arm and it takes your hazy mind a moment to register that he’s writing numbers onto your skin. You’re getting lost in the feeling of his hand on you, even in such an innocent place, and your thoughts are already jumping to fantasies of how it would feel trailing up your arm and over your body.
“There,” his voice floats into your ear and you almost jump. The smug look on his face leaves no doubt that he knows exactly what kind of effect he has on you. He leans in close again, so close that you can feel his breath on your skin. Your mouth feels dry.
You look down at your arm, now adorned with digits in black ink. A phone number.
“Give me a call,” he smirks, and leans in even closer, until his lips move against the shell of your ear and a shudder runs down your back at the sensation. “Just think of the fun things we could do.” He throws you another wink and slides away from you, back into the crowd.
You text him the next day, worried if it’s too soon, if it makes you seem desperate. Then again, you have to admit to yourself, you are desperate. Desperate to hear his voice again, desperate to feel his hands on you again. Texting him is less awkward than you had hoped, his demeanor putting you at ease almost immediately. You catch yourself smiling at the screen, already down bad for this man.
You’re in bed, struggling to calm down enough to sleep when your phone’s screen lights up the darkness of your bedroom from where it’s lying on your nightstand.
He’s asking you to meet him in a dive bar, right now, if you want to. You’re reluctant at first, once again worried to appear too eager, but the almost magnetic pull that you feel towards him eventually leads you out of your apartment and to the address he sent you.
He’s waiting for you in the back, just like he told you. Wearing dark jeans and a white t-shirt, the fabric stretching around his broad chest in a way that makes it hard not to stare, dressed much more casually than you’ve come to know from him. It doesn’t take away from his persona one bit, he’s still exuding that energy that seems to let him command every room he’s in, that makes it so hard for you to resist him.
He buys you a drink and pulls you into a corner booth with him. Talking to him is easy, he’s an attentive listener and his quick remarks make you laugh, leaning into him when you do. You learn that he’s not from around here, that he flew in to visit friends but that he’s thinking about moving here permanently. It almost scares you, how giddy that prospect makes you, the idea of having the chance to keep seeing him. His arm finds its way around your shoulders eventually, his fingers drawing shapes over your skin. The innocent contact makes you feel like a teenager, suddenly sixteen again.
He walks you home later, his arm still wrapped around you, pulling you into his side. It feels good, a sense of safety and intimacy that you feel yourself getting lost in. You had thought that he was hot, that he would be a fun hookup, but as the minutes tick on, you realize how much you already like him. How much you want this feeling to last.
It feels so natural, turning around to face him when you reach your building, both of you leaning in simultaneously until your lips meet, like it’s the only possible way for this evening to end. You think that it is.
Kissing him feels even better than you had envisioned in your mind, and you melt against him, one hand braced against his chest while the other comes up to pull at the hair in the nape of his neck, needing him closer, not ready to let him go. He’s cupping your face in both hands, his thumbs caressing your cheeks, and you feel him smile against your lips. You lick into his mouth, revel in the groan that rumbles deep in his chest.
You don’t let go of him, holding onto his hand when you pull him up the stairs, soak in the feeling of him pressed against your body when you unlock your apartment door, let him connect his lips with yours again when he walks you backwards down your hallway.
Everything about him feels so right, so safe and yet like the most exciting experience you’ve ever had. You breathe him in, ecstatic with the sensation of his broad form against you, with the way you feel his muscles move under your fingers where you’re grabbing at his shoulders.
He lets you lead him into your bedroom, his hands still all over you. You push him down to sit on the edge of your bed and he follows your lead, sinking down on the mattress with an easy grin on his face, regarding you with hooded eyes. He wraps his hands around your waist as you’re standing in front of him and he pulls you closer. His fingers find their way below the hem of your skirt, dancing over the supple skin of your thighs, slowly inching up higher.
You whine, already squirming under his touch, and his grin widens.
“So soft,” he coos up at you, tightening his grip on your thighs and moving you to straddle him, your legs already spread wide to accommodate the thickness of his thighs beneath you. One hand comes up to cradle your face again, his thumb nudging at your lips and you flick your tongue against the digit, making him chuckle.
“And so pretty,” he continues, leaning in to connect your lips once more. You want to melt into him, let him consume every fiber of your being.
Your hands tug at his t-shirt, pulling it up, desperate to satisfy the need to be closer to him, to feel his bare skin against yours. He helps you, lifting the fabric over his head. You’ve seen most of his chest before, but not like this, not revealed just for you, in the dim light of your bedroom, yours to look at, yours to touch. He somehow seems even broader without clothes on and you’re almost transfixed by the thick cords of muscle of his arms and shoulders that are on display for you now.
He chuckles again, placing another kiss at the corner of your lips.
“You alright, princess?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, feeling breathless, overwhelmed with how much you want him.
His hands splay over your thighs, fingertips dipping beneath your skirt again, slowly, teasingly skating higher.
“Take this off for me.” It’s phrased like an order, but it’s still so soft, not leaving a doubt in your mind that you could say no if you wanted to. But you don’t. You want him to see you, want to feel his eyes on you, want to have this hungry look that’s trained on your face burning all over your body.
He groans when you obey, a deep, rumbling sound that goes straight to your core and you know that he feels your thighs clenching on top of his. His mouth is on your bare skin within seconds, kissing and sucking, his tongue moving against you like he’s going to devour you.
You arch against him with a whine when he circles your nipple, first with his fingers and then with his tongue before sucking the sensitive bud between his lips. It’s all encompassing, the wetness of his mouth, the strong grip of his hands, the heat of his chest seeping into your skin where you’re pressing yourself against him.
“Please, Oberyn,” you whimper, not even sure what you’re asking for, just knowing that you need more. His responding moan sends vibrations from his mouth straight through you, before his fingers dig into your waist and he flips you over, until your back is resting on your sheets and he’s hovering over you, your thighs still spread wide around him.
The image alone is enough to send another wave of arousal through you, the way he looks just as wrecked as you feel. His large hands spread your thighs wider as he leans back, his eyes trained on your panties, where you know the fabric must be soaked already.
“So pretty,” he mumbles again, more to himself than to you. His eyes fly back up to meet yours, almost black, his pupils blown wide. “Can I take these off?” He dips a finger under the lace covering your hip, pulling it away and letting it snap against your skin.
“Please.” You don’t care how desperate you sound, not when he looks up at you with the most sinful smirk on his face. His hands grasp the fabric and you lift your hips to help him pull it down, but his smirk widens as he tears the lace in half, ripping the shreds off of your body.
“Fuck,” you whine, not a single thought wasted on the fact that those were some of your favorite panties, every part of you focused on how badly you want his hands all over you.
His eyes stay focused on your expression, eagerly drinking in your every reaction as his fingers dip between your legs, so close to where you so desperately need him. He groans when he feels the wetness seeping from your folds, swirling his digits through it before reaching your clit. He’s ghosting over the sensitive nub with barely any pressure, but it’s enough to elicit a moan from you, your hips canting up to follow his touch. You’re distantly aware of the pleas that are falling from your lips, giving way to a loud whine when he finally sinks two thick fingers into your heat.
He thrusts into you, curling them just right, and his name tumbles out of your mouth again, laced with pure need. You watch in fascination when he sucks his slick-coated fingers into his mouth, eyes still trained on your face, a rumble forming in his chest at the taste.
“Tastes so sweet, princess.”
Your thighs fall open wider, shamelessly offering yourself to him, to his eyes, his hands. You reach out, grabbing at his waist, the need to feel all of him nearly overwhelming. His fingers intertwine with yours, pulling your hands away from his body. He lifts them up to his mouth and presses soft kisses against your knuckles, a whisper of patience on his lips before he lets go of you and rises up to rid himself of his jeans.
Your eyes widen at the sight of him, a needy sigh escaping you when you think about feeling him inside you, about the way he’s gonna stretch your walls. You sit up, eagerly reaching for him again. Your fingers wrap around his cock, mesmerized by his girth, and he hisses when you move your hand over his length.
You hear the crinkle of plastic and then his hand is on yours, gently tugging it away, much too soon for your liking. You watch as he puts the condom on with practiced ease, the sight of his own hands on his cock enough to send another wave of arousal through you.
He’s back on you before you know it, sliding in between your spread legs, his large hands splayed over your upper thighs, pushing them further apart. His eyes are trained on your weeping pussy, a hungry darkness in them. You whine when he rubs his cock through your wetness before tapping against your clit.
“You want this?” he asks, his voice husky.
“Please, Oberyn.” Your desperate plea breaks off into a filthy moan when he sheathes himself inside of you, breaching your tight walls with the most delicious sting, and you feel your eyes rolling back into your head.
Pleasure grows inside of you as he starts to move, slamming into your pussy in a forceful rhythm. You feel so full of him, the sensation almost overwhelming as he hits the perfect spot over and over. The wave inside of you crests so suddenly that you barely realize what’s happening, the need that you’ve felt brewing all evening finally reaching its peak.
You gasp his name, nails pressing into his shoulders as he fucks you through it, until you’re a trembling mess beneath him. He slows, moving in and out of you with shallow thrusts, his lips on yours once more.
You stay like that for a moment, arms wrapped around him, holding him close while you bask in the bliss that you’ve just experienced. But his continuous movements have the hunger for more growing inside of you once more. You meet his thrusts with your hips, needy to feel him deeper again. He props himself up, and it’s sinful how good he looks, his face glowing, a sheen of sweat on his skin.
You suck one of your fingers into your mouth, eyes wide and holding his gaze, feigning innocence. He watches you, a curious glint in his eyes, as you trail your hands from his shoulders down his back until you reach his ass and pull him further into you, fingernails digging into his flesh.
You let your saliva-covered finger reach further, gently massaging the puckered ring of muscle and he gasps, thrusting into you with so much force that it jostles your whole body and you cry out, the sensation of him so deep inside you a heady mix of pleasure and pain.
“Fuck,” he grits between his teeth as you keep up your ministrations, delighted to have this effect on him. “Fuck, princess, just like that…”
You bite your lip, grinning up at him. “Do the girls back home touch you like I do?”
He breathes out a laugh and shakes his head, his movements never faltering as he gathers your wrists in his hands and pins them down on the mattress beside your head.
“No. And you’re gonna make me come if you keep this up, but I’m not finished with you yet,” he purrs, leaning down and sucking bruising kisses into the soft skin of your throat, the scratch of his beard only adding to the sensation. You free one of your hands from his grip to tug at his hair, your fingers burrowing in the soft strands at his neck and scratching against his scalp.
“You can give me one more, can’t you?” His voice in your ear makes you shiver and you nod, a breathless please on your lips.
“Good girl.” His kiss is soft against your cheek before he pulls away, his thrusts speeding up, as he grabs your hips, holding them up, giving you no choice but to take him. “Touch yourself,” he demands, the tendons in his neck straining with exertion.
Your fingers are on your clit within moments, rubbing against it, slick with your arousal. The coil inside you tightens again, desperate for release once more.
“Give it to me princess, come on.” His voice sounds wrecked, and it’s the thing that makes you leap over the edge a second time, stars exploding behind your eyelids as you pulse around him, pure pleasure soaring through you.
He comes to a stuttering halt, hips pressed flush against yours, and his groans are almost enough to make you want to come again. He falls forward, forehead pressed against yours, and you share a lazy smile.
You think that he really is the most beautiful person that you’ve ever met.
You fell asleep curled against him, your head resting on his chest and soaking up his warmth, with his arm around your shoulder, but when you blink awake to soft morning light falling through your curtains, you are alone. You roll onto your back, staring up at the ceiling. You’ve seen him at the club, he’s probably in a different bed almost every night, you shouldn’t be surprised that he snuck out of yours in the morning. And you sure as hell shouldn’t be disappointed.
You get up with a sigh, pulling a t-shirt over your head and padding down the hall to the kitchen. You come to an abrupt halt in the doorway, met with a sight that you hadn’t expected. He’s standing in front of your open fridge, the expanse of his back bare and turned towards you. There’s a swoop of excitement in your stomach.
You exhale loudly and he turns towards you, an easy smile on his lips. “Good morning.” His voice sounds raspier, still thick with sleep.
“Hey,” you say, returning his smile. He closes the distance between you and cups your face, the sensation of his thumb against your cheek already a familiar one. His lips find yours and you get lost in the feeling of it, in the fantasy of this being your every morning, in pretending that he’s yours.
When he pulls away, the words are out of your mouth before your mind is able to catch up.
“I think I really like you.”
You want to bite your tongue immediately, to take them back. Too early, the voice in your head screams. Your eyes widen as you search for something else to say, but he doesn’t waver, still regarding you with that relaxed smile on his handsome face.
“Is– is it okay that I said that?”
He hums, his large hand still on your cheek.
“I think I really like you too.”
as always, if you enjoyed this, please consider putting a smile on my face by reblogging, commenting or sending in an ask <3 thank you for reading!
#oberyn martell#oberyn martell x reader#pedro pascal#game of thrones#oberyn martell fanfiction#game of thrones fanfiction#oberyn martell smut#oberyn martell x you#oberyn martell x female reader#oberyn martell x f!reader#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedrostories#janas fics#fic: delicate
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Pedro Pascal with weapons, this is the post
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but especially when he’s this joel in wranglers & a cowboy hat 😏
#joel miller#pedro pascal#javier peña#joel miller x reader#joel miller fanfiction#the last of us#joel the last of us#joel tlou#jose pedro balmaceda pascal#pedrohub#pedrostories#oberyn martell#the mandalorian#din djarin
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Kinktober 2024: October 2nd
Day 2: Piercing // Double Penetration // Voyeurism
Oberyn Martell x F!Reader x Marcus Acacius
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Threesomes, oil as lube, unprotected sex, double penetrations, two cocks/one hole, mentions of pleasurable pain, mentions of bisexuality, cream pie
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
It is not often that Oberyn Martell is surprised. He has seen things, experienced things along his travels. Riding with the Second Sons and brawling in the fighting pits of Mereen. A Prince of Dorne, he has done as he pleased and as a result, he has carved out a reputation as the Red Viper and not limited himself on the pleasures of the flesh.
Setting his cup down, he leans forward, his eyes disbelieving and he shakes his head. “You have never shared a woman?” He demands. “Or a man? It is possible if the man in question is experienced enough.” He huffs and continues on. “Truly? You did not have a whore suck your cock while she was plowed by another? Or shared her tight cunt, stretched over both of your cocks?” His voice is dripping with disbelief and awe that such a pleasure would be denied to the general in front of him. “Or perhaps a cock in her ass and another in her cunt? None of those pleasures have been bestowed upon you?”
The strong, sweet Dornish wine nearly goes up his nose as Marcus Acacius chokes at the blunt way of speaking that the prince has. He has discovered that this man, royalty, is plain speaking and can be biting if provoked, his wit sharp and his dagger sharper. From what he has found since arriving in the seat of the territory of Dorne, he has found all of its people to be bold and brash in a way that makes him envious.
“No.” He shakes his head and sets the cup down on the table that he is seated at with the prince. Answering the questions that he has and asking his own of this realm that seems so different from Rome. “There were orgies, but I- I was often training with the men.” He explains. “I did not attend many events.”
That makes Oberyn snort and shake his head, his other hand stroking your thigh idly as you lounge on his lap. “He didn’t attend the orgies, Dove.” He murmurs to you, glancing at your lips and leaning in to steal a kiss simply because the urge takes him.
Marcus shifts, glancing away from the moment because it seems that the prince has no qualms about showcasing his affection for you in front of anyone. He’s not immune to attraction, he’s had his own share of women and a few men, but it was always just a singular encounter.
You know what Oberyn is thinking the second that his hand slides under your thin, silky dress. Bare underneath and already wet for him as his fingers dance up your thighs as his tongue slides against yours. Used to the way his mind works and the way that he will demand that pleasures be explored. Cupping his cheeks, you pull back from the kiss to peck his lips and turn to look at the general as he stares at the banner that hangs on the wall behind the table. The banner of house Martell.
“He is handsome.” You concede playfully, giving voice to the thoughts that are mirroring his own. You know that Oberyn is attracted to the other man, even if he is older than Oberyn himself. Your finger runs down the edge of Oberyn’s jaw as Marcus’s head snaps back towards you, his eyes wide when he hears your words. “I would not mind taking his cock.”
You talk about him as if he wasn’t there. Boldly and bluntly, just like the man you are seated on. Noticing that Oberyn’s fingers are drawing your dress up, he quickly glances away and tries to ignore the low chuckle of amusement.
"What about both of us, Dove?” He nearly chokes again when he hears the question and underneath the soft linen tunic he is wearing, his cock twitches despite his shock.
You tut, leaning in and kissing the bare skin above the thin line of hair that frames his jaw. “As if I would have it any other way, lover.” You huff, moving back and nipping his ear with your teeth to make him hiss. Your eyes watch Marcus and you smirk when he doesn’t look outraged at the prospect.
“A cunt is a glorious thing.” Oberyn reaches down and taps your thigh with the hand that is not pushing your dress up and you obliged him, spreading your legs so that the general can see your cunt. “It stretches to birth our children,” he coos, slowly stroking your folds and you watch as the general’s eyes are very closely following his movements. “You do not think that your cock will fit with mine?”
His mouth is dry and he gulps down a swallow of the wine, nearly slamming the cup down and he clears his throat. “I had not thought of it in that way. He admits, licking his lips and finding himself more than intrigued by how it would feel.
The prince smirks and leans in to kiss your jaw below your ear. “Go make sure his cock is hard enough for you to sink down on.” He tells you, pulling his hand away and letting you stand to move over to the other man.
This is happening. Marcus watches you and there is little smugness in his stature as he opens his arms for you to straddle him. His cock will not be a problem, already hard and starting to lift the folds of his tunic when you lean in to kiss him. You are a beautiful woman after all.
He's not shy about kissing you once your lips are pressed together. You know that the general would not be untried but it is thrilling to know that he can take command like your lover. It will make an interesting combination.
His hands are surprisingly greedy as he pulls your thin dress off your body. The sword calloused hands scraping deliciously on your skin as he palms your tits and then your ass.
You know your lover is watching, he enjoys watching you when you want pleasure with another.
His tunic is easily removed and you enjoy the differences between the men you will have tonight. Marcus is broader, fuller in his chest and arms than your Red Viper. Both men are strong, deadly, but in contrasting ways. If you think of Oberyn as a spear, then Marcus would be a battering ram.
You are wet enough that it is easy to sink down onto the thick cock of the Roman general. Making him moan into your mouth and his hips jerk up, pushing deeper until he is buried deep. Oberyn hums behind you, the shuffling of fabric telling of his own clothes being removed and you turn to find him with a hand around his cock as he slowly strokes himself.
“Are you- sure you can take both of us?” Marcus pants, his own eyes fixed on the prince’s cock and feeling slightly doubtful since he knows his own is just as impressive. “Will it not hurt?”
Your eyes flutter slightly and your walls tighten around his cock as you think about it. “Some hurt feels good.” You admit breathlessly, “the pinch of pain will be far outweighed by the pleasure.”
The scented oil that Oberyn keeps on his belt is used, applied to his cock and you smile when you hear the slickness of it. “The prince will make sure that it is good.” You coo to Marcus. “That oil helps, much better than spit.” Turning your head, you nip his earlobe with your teeth, making him moan again.
Marcus holds you waist, waiting to be instructed as Oberyn moves behind you. Your prince caresses your ass and reaches down, his hand cupping the balls of the other man and the root of his cock, chuckling when he groans loudly and twitches inside you.
“He will be good in our bed.” Oberyn kisses your shoulder, letting go of Marcus to turn your head towards his for a kiss. Tender and brief before he is leaning in and pressing his chest against your back, his hips shuffling closer.
Marcus can do nothing more than to hold you still, almost breathless as he feels the head of the other man’s cock slide against the base of his shaft and press against it. He’s had a cock pressed against his before, but this is different, his cock already being tightly held by your cunt gives this a new sensation.
“Let me in, Dove.” Oberyn coos, caressing your back as he adjusts slightly, finding the perfect position to push the head of his cock inside you.
Moaning, you lean into Marcus’s chest, already breathing heavily as Oberyn rocks his hips shallowly, slowly letting the head slip inside you before he groans your name. “She is tighter now, no?” Oberyn chuckles at the way the general’s eyes seem to glaze over in passion, his fingers digging into your hips to anchor you to his lap.
It’s intense, there is no way that it could be anything but when you have two well endowed men occupying the same space inside your body. Every gasp and whimper of pleasure that comes from any of the three of you makes you wetter, your cunt gushing and dripping over their cocks. Adding Oberyn’s entrance and making it even more pleasurable as Marcus gets the added sensation of having his cock stroked without even moving.
When his hips are flush against your ass, all of you moan. “She is- fuck-” Marcus groans, closing his eyes and his cock pulses inside you, already close to cumming. “It- I can’t-”
Oberyn chuckles breathlessly and reaches around you to caress the general’s cheek. “He is overwhelmed, Dove.” He coos, enjoying the wrecked look on the other man’s face. His own cock twitches inside you, eager to move.
“Move.” You gasp out, your eyes slipping closed as you relax. “Both of you. I want to feel you.” You can feel Marcus’s thighs trembling, the unspent energy in his arms as he starts to lift you off his cock slowly as Oberyn pulls his hips back.
You whimper, feeling achingly empty as both men pull back to where just the tips of their cocks are inside you, only to make you yelp when they drive back into your body in unison. Oberyn growls and Marcus moans, each man taken with the feeling and your reaction to it.
It seems to break something inside the Roman general, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss while he starts to pump his hips up, driving his cock into you at a pace that steals your voice.
You can tell he’s lost in the pleasure, the scrubbing of the two cocks against one another as the pace shifts to alternating thrusts, the constant friction that is aided by the oil and the slick of your cunt as it weeps in pleasure from their attention. Moans lift to the heavens and are breathed into your skin when he pulls away from your lips to bury his face into your breasts.
Oberyn is never a passive lover, his hands stroke your body, cupping your tits as Marcus descends into them, his clever fingers teasing your nipples until you are moaning in ecstasy.
The steady buildup is almost maddening as the angle of Marcus’s cock pierces something deep inside you and makes you beg for more. Every thrust feels like they are pushing into your stomach, stretching you out even more. They are using your cunt and you love it, the desperation in Marcus’s thrusts is matched by Oberyn’s, each man working towards their goal of pleasure and making you scream.
Curses tumble from their lips and yours, everything forgotten but the way they feel buried inside you. Every time they pull their hips back, your body mourns the loss of the fullness but the perfect moment where both cocks are even inside you makes up for it.
They push you higher, every thrust makes your body sing and light up in utter hedonistic bliss. “Marcus - Oberyn!” Your eyes roll back, body poised to be pulled apart by the next thrust while your core curls in on itself. Lighting up, your body heaves and bucks between theirs pressing into you. Keeping you in place while they rock into your cunt over and over again. The next cry is even louder, your cunt spasming around their lengths as you soak them in hot waves of slick.
Marcus hisses, white hot pleasure racing up his spine as he drives his hips up. Giving over to the needs of his body as he manages to pump into your three or four more times before he is trying to bury himself deep into your cunt.
Oberyn moans, feeling the heat of his spend filling you, coating both of their cocks as he continues to work in and out of your cunt. His teeth clenched together as he reaches down and swipes some of the other man’s seed mixed with your juices to taste.
Groaning, his pace picks up, his hips slapping against your ass furiously to make up for the fact that the general is starting to soften inside you. “You enjoyed yourself.” He observes breathlessly, smirking at the other man’s relaxed and drained expression. Like he had just exhausted himself. You moan and clench down around them both again, making Oberyn moan your name.
“Fuck yes.” Marcus chuckles, watching in awe as the prince continues to fuck you, his cock still sliding against his and making him twitch even though he is spent for the moment. It makes him wish he was younger and could harden again almost instantly. Finding the entire thing the most addictive and erotic thing that he’s ever done in his life. Enthralled when the prince stiffens, pushing deep and flooding your already filled cunt with another wave of hot cum.
All of you pant, you lean against the general’s chest and listen to his heart beat as he reaches down and gathers the combined fluids from all of you, bringing them up to lick his own fingers clean with a groan. “What do you think of it now, Acacius?” Oberyn asks, grinning when you clench around them again.
“I think we will need to do that again.” Marcus hums, grinning lazily and wondering what other pleasure he will find while he is in Dorne.
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🎄 PedroStories Secret Santa event 2024 🎄
Dear Fanfic writers and readers,
PedroStories would like to invite you to our second Secret Santa event! ✨
If you write fanfictions for any Pedro Pascal characters and/or you're a visual art creator (graphics, gifsets, fanart) with a love for our fandom's fanfic writers, this event is for you! You can register here until November 27 (you can expect our message about your giftee a few days later), and the gifters will post their arts on December 24.
We have tagged all the incoming questions and answers about the event with “secret santa questions”, you can search for it on the blog, but if something still isn’t clear, feel free to send us an ask!
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Please respect the deadlines: application ends on November 27 and you will need to post your gift on December 23
Please consider the following rules about the format of the gifts: gifsets should contain at least 3 gifs (or multiple banners) and fanfictions should be at least 1k words
We encourage you to anonymously contact your giftee if you feel like your prompt isn't clear enough, or if you have any questions about their preferences. If you're in doubt, you can send an ask to pedrostories, and someone will contact you via dm
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Please tag your gift as #pedrostoriesgift24 and #pedrostories so we can track and reblog all your arts on the day of the gifting, and don't forget to tag you giftee as well!
If for any reason you need to drop out, please do let us know as soon as possible so we can find a pinch hitter for your giftee
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send us an ask!
Join us and spread the word! 💜
- PedroStories Staff
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AN: I have been toying around with this idea for a couple of years at this point-the idea of being Elia's lady in waiting, and being aggressively pursued by her brother, Oberyn. I imagine him to be younger, wilder, but just as passionate. There is no Ellaria yet, there is no betrayal, just two people who cannot get enough of each other and Oberyn using his position for nothing but mischief. This is quite obviously before the nastiness that we all know befalls House Martell, lets live in it a while! I have a whole drama planned out for them in my head so I might actually write it all out - lets see if I can find the time lol. (in the moodboard above, the face you see is how I imagine Elia to be, reader is still completely nondescript!) This is unbeta'd, all mistakes are mine- hope you enjoy! 🧡
Oberyn Martell x F!Reader
Pairing: Oberyn x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: (18+ NO MINORS) , language, Smut 18+, PIV sex (wrap it up), dirty talk **pregnancy**
Let me know if I missed anything!
reblogs are appreciated
Her skirts swirl in the wind, whipping around her legs like sand. They were the colour of dusk, burnt oranges and yellows, favouring her golden skin, and her dark eyes. Elia Martell–all the Martells–looked best in these colours. You smile at her as you pour her a cup of wine, indulging her despite her delicate constitution.
“This is the last of it my Princess,” you fill the cup halfway, “You know it does not sit well.”
“Yes, yes,” she rolled her eyes, sipping at the wine, “you are worse than Doran.”
You sigh, goodnaturedly, until one of the guards of Sunspear comes, interrupting the Princess enjoying the non-existent breeze.
“My princess, my lady,” He speaks, addressing you respectively, “The Prince, Oberyn requests your company-”
“Oh what could my brother possibly want from me right now?” She huffs out a breath, her winecup getting the brunt of her annoyance.
“My apologies Princess, it is not your company he asks for.” He bows his head in deference, his gaze then moving to you. “My lady, Prince Oberyn awaits.”
Your heart races to hear him calling for you, despite it not being the first time. Elia laughs, and dismisses you graciously. “Go then, my lady. You cannot keep The Red Viper waiting for long, he is prone to sulk, or fight.” Her tinkling laugh follows you where the guard leads, ringing out as you make your way towards his chambers.
You smile to yourself as you walk the halls of Sunspear, the sound of your soft steps ringing out, bouncing off the tiles and the high, arched ceilings. Your heart feels like a bird in the cage of your ribs, fluttering wildly as you finally make it to the giant door leading to him.
You meet the solid wall of his back when the guard opens his chamber door, he is sitting at his desk by the window, head down and quill scratching across a piece of parchment. His head turns at the sound of the door, and the quill is discarded. His eyes are lively when they meet yours, full of mischief and devilment.
“You called for me, my Prince?” You try, genuinely, try to keep the smile off your face. “Is there something you desire of me?” He narrows his eyes, rising and slinking over like some big, predatory cat. He is so tall, his shoulders so broad and the cut of his robes only serves to highlight his best features. The breadth of him, the trim waist, the enchanting vision of his throat and chest on display. All of it conspiring to make you ache to touch him. He laughs low, the sound hardening your nipples.
“Just you, my flower.” He doesn’t so much reach for you, as strike, like his namesake. His arms wrapping around your waist quick enough to pull a gasp from you. His lips descend quickly, pressing against your neck, his tongue following closely behind and all you can do for a moment is gasp in delight, gathered up in his arms with your hands pressed against his chest.
“This is why you pull me away from the Princess? Because you cannot contain your passion for a few hours my Prince?” His hands travel, landing heavy on your backside, while his mouth travels from your shoulder, up to capture your mouth in a searing kiss, a kiss that pushes everything but him from your mind.
“Yes, my love, I cannot contain my passion for you for even a heartbeat.” He speaks the words, turning your heart, and your cunt to liquid for him, before his deft hands pull at the laces and fastenings of your dress.
“My Prince, I am to serve-” He pulls the dress up and off, leaving you in your small clothes, “Your sister, I am to serve–” He cuts off the words with another kiss and this time you moan into his mouth, heart pounding between your legs, knowing even now as you protest that you will let him do whatever he wants, that you need him to.
“My sister is too greedy with you, too selfish.” He undoes his robe, slipping it off to fall at his feet as he herds you towards his bed.
“She keeps you to herself, when she knows of my desire for you.” you tumble into his linens, the smell of him surrounding you, spicy and sweet, like desert heat, fiery peppers, sweet and fragrant oranges.
He slots his hips between your legs, and his cock is so hard it makes you gasp, the fabric of his breeches dampening when he grinds against the small clothes that cover your sex.
“You are insatiable–Oberyn!” You gasp his name when he tears the small clothes from your body, his impatience to have you naked and open to him making him ravenous. He laughs, eyes like black diamonds as he practically kicks his breeches off in his haste to get his cock out.
“I am unwell, my love, truly and deeply sick with want.” He moans the last word when he finally fits himself at the mouth of your cunt, slipping in with one brutal thrust.
“Gods, yes my love, this is what I needed, to be buried up to my balls in this sweet little cunt.” He moans, his tone obscene as he rocks himself inside you.
Your arousal is something as fierce as he, the fullness of him only further inflaming your passion. It is always like this with him, never dull, never calm, always an inferno in your veins and in your lungs. He passes it on to you, his fire catching on your skin and soon, you are clutching to him, begging him, your arousal coating him and dripping onto his bed.
“Yes, yes–” You chant, in tune with every roll of his hips. The sun shining through the window paints everything in his colours.
“Did you miss me, my love? Miss me here?” He punctuates the word with a hard snap of his hips, it makes your breasts bounce, makes you let out a whine.
“Yes my Prince, yes, always miss you–” You open your legs wider, giving him more room to get deeper, to fuck you harder, “Oberyn, you’re splitting me open.” You pull him forward, the temptation of his neck is too great, you suck a mark into it, relishing the way he groans. His hand pulls yours up and over your head, making your chest jut out for his tongue. He teases at your sensitive nipples as his cock strokes, and strokes, and strokes until you are on the precipice, on the dagger's edge of pleasure.
“I can feel it, ready to burst for me–” He smiles, drunk on the pleasure and when he lets go of your hands and presses his thumb to your clit you unravel, clenching and soaking him in your release. “There it is, that’s it-” He speeds up, burying his face into your neck while you take what he gives, his chest pressed up against yours, sweat slicked and warm.
His pace falters and you feel the hot jet of his seed inside, he groans, changing to a dirty grind as he comes deep.
He collapses once he’s milked himself dry, his comforting weight pressing you to his feather bed. Your legs settle around his waist, ankles locking on the swell of his ass and your arms wind around his neck to play with his sweat-soaked hair. He hums as you trail your nails down, tickling at the smooth skin of his back. Your lips press kisses against his shoulder where it rests under your chin. This is your favourite part, being full of him, surrounded by him, loved by him, and pouring all of your affection and love back into him in return.
“Are you quite comfortable, my Prince?” You scratch at his scalp as he takes deep breaths, his softening cock still buried deep.
“Oh yes,” He huffs the words into your neck, his tongue licking a stripe up to your ear, “I could spend the rest of my life here, cock inside you, my body on yours.”
You laugh, full throated.
“Oh I bet you could, rutting away until I’m raw.” You bring your hands to his face, making him face you and you are once again struck by his beauty, no matter how many times you find yourself in his bed, he still makes your heart race. You swipe your thumb across his plump lower lip, and fix the unruly state of his hair. “I could stay here too, Oberyn. I could be here, under you, with you, beside you always. I love you.” You press your mouth to his, and he deepens the kiss, his ardour burning just as brightly.
“I love you, my flower, and what we’ve created. I cannot wait to meet my son.” He brings his hand down, to the little swell of your belly, the one that's barely showing yet. You laugh again, and he smiles, his hand warm against your womb.
“A boy is it? How would you divine that? I am barely showing–”
“I know it is a boy, I can feel it. He will be my little viper, a menace to his instructors, he will have the sweet face of his mother, and the fierce hunger of his father.” He removes himself with a hiss, pulling out and lowering himself until he presses kiss after kiss to the little bump. “Won’t you my boy? You will be the terror and delight of my life.”
He smiles up at you, bright eyed, with all of the love you feel for him shining back at you.
“You, my love, will give birth to princes and princesses, the most beautiful children in all of the world.” He always got like this after, sentimental and romantic and it always made you happy enough to cry.
“Yes my love, he will be all that and more.” You pull him up, wrapping his arms around you to lay your head on his chest. “You know I must go soon, I cannot stay in bed with you, despite my wish to.” He sighs, resigned.
“Yes, Elia awaits, just another moment, and I will let you go.” You laugh, and bury your face into his neck.
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#pedro pascal#pedro pascal fanfiction#oberyn#prince oberyn#oberyn martell#oberyn x reader#oberyn nymeros martell#oberyn x you#gots fanfic#game of thrones au#game of thrones#game of thrones fanfiction#oberyn x female reader
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I mean— when I saw bts of Pedro Pascal's new project "Materialists" I have a story about sugar daddy in my mind🥹 but according to we don't know anything about his character yet I don't know what tag to use hahaha I think my fics it's gonna be a series about 3 chapters long. I might drafting it for now hahaha. BUT I WANNA KNOW WHO (one of his characters) YOU THINK COULD BE A SUGAR DADDY TOO? please tell me I want some ideas 🥹❤️
#pedro pascal#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal smut#joel miller x reader#javier peña x reader#din dijarin x reader#oberyn martell x reader#frankie morales x reader#marcus acacius x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller fic#joel miller smut#joel miller#javier pena smut#javier peña fic#javier pena fanfiction#javier peña#javier pena x reader
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Résumé : "Et quand il posa son regard sur elle, il sut. Inévitablement, indéniablement, il sut. Comme il savait que le soleil se levait chaque matin, comme il savait que la lune brillait chaque et que le printemps succédait à l'hiver. Il sut, qu'il mourrait pour elle. Et quand elle le regarda, elle sut. Indubitablement, incontestablement. Jusqu'à ce que le soleil ne se lève plus sur leur monde, jusqu'à ce que les étoiles se meurent et que l'hiver soit éternel. Elle sut, qu'elle vivrait pour lui."
Mots : 3k
TW : Violence, sang, combat.
Tags : Soulmate, enemy to lovers, second chance, smut.
La main du chevalier se crispa sur le pommeau de son épée à l'approche de Lancehélion, le palais vieux. Leur périple à bord du Véloce s'était déroulé sans encombre, au grand bonheur de Septa Églantine. L'air lourd de la journée laissait peu à peu place à une brise plus fraîche, mais respirer était toujours laborieux pour l'Ouestien. Il était clair que son armure n'était pas adaptée à une atmosphère aussi lourde. Cette pensée lui fit presque regretter d'être bouclier lige, il lui serait impossible de la troquer contre une tenue plus favorable aux lourdes températures de Dorne sans être accusé de trahison. La pression d'une main sur son poignet lui fit baisser la tête. Myrcella se tenait à ses côtés, le regard anxieux, fermement agrippée à son bras. L'homme caressa ses cheveux et lui chuchota que tout irait bien pour elle.
Cela ne lui fit pas pour autant desserrer la mâchoire, tout ici était hostile. La chaleur étouffante, la végétation, les animaux... Les dorniens. Leur haine à l’égard des Lannister ne rendait pas les regards qui se posaient sur leur assemblée des plus amicaux. Arrivés au centre de la cours intérieur, ils furent accueillis par Arianne Martell, qui serra Myrcella dans ses bras, et fit un clin d'œil suggestif au chevalier qui fit mine de ne pas le remarquer. Derrière elle se trouvait Trystan Martell, le promit de Myrcella. Cette dernière lâcha bien rapidement sa main pour s'avancer vers lui, ses joues rosis montrant qu'elle avait déjà oubliées ses craintes et ses angoisses. Le chevalier les regarda se présenter tandis qu'une voix s'élevait derrière lui.
- J'imagine que vous avez été recruté pour votre capacité à rester discret et non pour votre force Ser ?
Il se força à se retourner, un homme se tenait derrière lui, l'œil moqueur, le menton levé. Avant même qu'il ne pose le regard sur lui, il sut qu'il s'agissait du prince Oberyn Martell, la vipère rouge.
Que ce soit son attitude arrogante et séductrice, sa manière de dire des choses sans les prononcer, sa tenue allègrement ouverte sur son torse nu ou son charisme étouffant, tout se prêtait à le nommer comme tel. Il plissa le nez et ignora la douleur sourde qui s'empara de son cœur à l'instant où il croisa le regard du prince.
- Inan Stoneheart. Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre votre remarque... Vous connaîtrais je ?
- Oberyn Martell. Stoneheart... Commenta Oberyn en marquant une pause. Je soulève simplement le fait que vous semblez bien frêle pour un chevalier, Bouclier Lige de surcroît. Quel piètre choix pour une si noble maison.
Il n'avait pas prononcé le nom des Lannister, il n'avait pas attaqué frontalement, se contentant de décrire une vérité physique, Inan était, de fait, petit pour un chevalier et d'une stature qui semblait frêle. Il n'avait pas insinué que la Maison Lannister n'avait pas bien choisit Inan, il avait insinué qu'Inan n'était pas digne de son poste. Cet homme maniait les mots comme du poison, bien dosé, ils pouvaient se montrer létales. Inan le jaugea du regard, puis se mit à sourire.
- Peut être qu'en vous battant contre moi vous comprendriez pour quelles raisons, j'ai été sacré Bouclier Lige.
Un silence palpable s'abattit sur la cour, l'atmosphère se fit pesant, de gêne, d'appréhension de stupéfaction. Chacun savait ici, que s’il y avait bien une personne qu’il ne valait mieux pas défier en duel, il s’agissait d’Oberyn Martell.
- Ser Inan je ne... Commença la voix d'Arianne.
- Vous ne devriez pas jouer à ce genre de jeu. Le coupa Oberyn.
Arianne continua de parler, des personnes s'agitèrent, d'autres s'approchèrent mais Inan, tout comme Oberyn, ne détourna à aucun moment son regard. Le reste du monde disparu un instant, ne laissant que cette promesse de se battre l'un contre l'autre. Les prochaines paroles qui sortiraient de la bouche d'Inan seraient déterminantes pour la suite des évènements. Il pourrait s'excuser, rire, faire demi-tour. Inan était bien de choses, mais il n'était pas un lâche. Encore moins une personne sage. Il posa sa paume le pommeau de son épée.
- Je ne joue pas.
- Comme vous voudrez.
Oberyn tira son sabre de son fourreau et se recula d'un pas. Inan avait encore le choix, il pouvait ne pas dégainer son épée, s'avouer vaincu par avance. Il poussa doucement Myrcella ; qui s'était rapproché de lui en voyant la scène ; en arrière et tira sur son épée, faisant un pas de côté. La foule s’éloigna, créant un cercle autour des duellistes.
La vipère rouge frappa en premier, un coup rapide, difficile à prévoir qu'Inan para tout de même sans difficulté. L'homme se déplaçait vite, semblant insaisissable, son surnom de vipère prit rapidement son sens dans l'esprit d'Inan quand il fut pris au dépourvu par ses assaut fluides et précis.
- Tu ne cesses de parer, un enfant en serait capable !
Le prince fit suivre sa phrase d'une attaque haute, les deux mains sur la garde de son sabre, il ne laissa pas d'autres choix à Inan que de contre attaquer. Ce dernier para et assena un coup de pied au prince qui recula de deux pas, un sourire aux lèvres, reprenant aussitôt le combat. Les forces s'équilibrèrent mais bientôt, le prince sembla moins concentré, une lueur de rage dans les yeux. Inan comprit instantanément d'où elle venait et son cœur se serra.
- Vous êtes tous les mêmes, à cacher votre jeu !
Inan contra une attaque qui aurait pu lui être létal, le prince avait visé son cou, puis son ventre sans lui laisser de répit. Ses attaques étaient moins précises, plus directes, il ne prenait plus la peine de rester sur ses gardes. Il devenait dangereux.
- Des menteurs ! Tu n'as rien à répondre !
Inan resta silencieux, concentré sur les attaques du prince, cherchant une faille. Au vu de l'ardeur de son adversaire, il ne pouvait pas se permettre de se déconcentrer au risque de finir ce combat sans sa tête. Son silence semblait rendre Oberyn plus rageur qu'il ne l'était déjà.
- N'as-tu donc pas d'honneur ?
La colère fit faire une erreur à Oberyn, il ne prit pas son appui de manière correcte et Inan eu une occasion de lui porter un coup à la jambe. Coup que le prince para instantanément, à la surprise d'Inan. Il n'était peut-être pas si déconcentré que cela par sa colère, en fin de compte.
- Évite de t'approcher autant, tu n'as pas envie de vérifier si ma lame est empoisonnée.
Inan se recula brusquement, s'éloignant de la lame. Il croisa le regard d'Oberyn, et le méprit qu'il y vit le révulsa. Cela n'avait que trop duré. Il laissa le Dornien s'approcher et quand il porta un coup vers son flan, Inan ne contra pas, mais élança sa lame vers le cou du prince.
L'ambiance se glaça, le silence retomba de nouveau. Pendant un instant, Inan eut la sensation de n'entendre que le bruit du sang goûtant sur le sol. Sa lame s'était arrêtée contre le cou du prince, l'éraflant légèrement. La lame d'Oberyn s'était enfoncée dans son flan, entre deux plaques d'armure. Sa visée était impeccable.
De ce qu'Inan sentait, il avait arrêté son geste avant d'enfoncer trop en avant sa lame. Son contrôle l'était également, c'était un guerrier hors pair. Ils restèrent un instant dans cette position, Inan légèrement penché en avant, son épée contre le cou d'Oberyn, son autre main lui retenant le poignet, Oberyn sa main ne lâchant pas son sabre, le regard rivé sur celui de son adversaire.
- Et si la lame est empoisonnée ?
- J'aurais vaincu mon adversaire.
- N'as-tu aucun instinct de survie ?
- Qu'en savez-vous ?
Oberyn plongea un regard indéchiffrable dans celui du chevalier.
- Je te connais, n'est-ce pas ?
Interceptant du mouvement de la part des gardes princiers Inan laissa tomber son épée, mais ne lâcha ni sa prise sur le poignet du prince, ni son regard rivé sur ses yeux sombres. Ce dernier leva la main et les gardes se figèrent.
- Il ne me semble pas vous avoir déjà rencontré, je m'en serais souvenu.
- Tu as été sélectionné pour ton imprudence alors ?
- Ce n'est pas moi, qui me suis laissé toucher à un endroit potentiellement mortel.
Oberyn se mit à sourire et pivota son poignet, tournant sa lame dans sa blessure. Inan ne broncha pas pendant de longues secondes, maintenant le regard du prince. Il serra sa prise sur le poignet de ce dernier. Quand la douleur fut insupportable il lâcha sa prise, posa un genou à terre et le prince retira sa lame.
Inan voulu se relever seul mais il fut surpris de voir le prince lui proposer son aide, qu'il accepta, plus pour des raisons politique que par choix. Se retrouvant en face du prince il le jaugea sévèrement, sa main fermement appuyé sur sa blessure.
- Pour ton obstination.
Seul le silence lui répondit, avant que la voix d’Arianne ne dérange cet échange informel.
- Oberyn ! Est-ce donc de cette manière que l'on accueil des invités, et de surcroît le Bouclier Lige de la princesse royale !
- Un combat de bienvenue, rien de dangereux, une simple démonstration d'amitié entre nos deux peuples, n'est-ce pas, Ser Inan ?
- Je vous remercie pour votre accueil, Princesse Arianne. Le Prince Oberyn dit vrai, un simple combat amical, j'ai fait preuve de maladresse et suis seul responsable de ma blessure.
Arianne leva un sourcil de surprise, et Myrcella croisa les bras sur son torse, visiblement contrarié. Inan sentit du sang couler entre ses doigts mais ne regarda pas sa blessure.
- Faites venir un mestre dans les quartiers de Ser Inan je vous prie.
- Je vous remercie, mais cela ne sera pas nécessaire, je m'occuperais moi-même de ma blessure, je vous serais reconnaissant d'avoir simplement accès à du matériel pour ce faire.
Arianne sembla hésiter un instant puis acquiesça, Myrcella accompagnée de Septa églantine se rendit dans ses appartements de la magnifique tour Soleil, et Inan fut accompagné dans sa chambre. Quand il fut seul il lâcha un soupir de douleur et de frustration, et s'attela à détacher les pièces hautes de son armure. Il déchira le bas de son haut de lin et regarda la plaie. Les bords étaient inégaux à cause de la torsion qu'avait exercé le prince avec sa lame, elle en serait bien plus compliquée à recoudre. Ses doigts se refermèrent sur une bouteille de vin dont il but une gorgée avant d'en déverser le contenue sur la plaie, crispant son autre main contre le matelas sur lequel il s'était assis. Il commença à recoudre minutieusement, point par point la plaie qui avait eu la délicatesse d'arrêter de saigner. Une pause fut nécessaire quand il sentit une intense nausée le prendre, nausée qu'il attribua à la sensation de tiraillement ainsi qu'à la douleur de la suture. Qu'importe le nombre de fois qu'il avait dû endurer ces soins, il ne s'y faisait jamais.
Ce soir-là, l'odeur de la viande rôtie fit gargouiller le ventre d'Inan, elle le faisant presque saliver. S'il y avait bien une chose à laquelle il ne s'habituerait jamais en tant que Chevalier Lige, c'était de manger après les nobles. Il avait d'ailleurs toujours trouvé cela absurde, les chevaliers n'avaient-ils pas besoin de toute leur force en cas de conflit ? Les personnes qu'ils étaient sensée protéger n'apprécieraient certainement pas qu'ils hésitent entre prendre leur défense et voler un morceau de venaison fumante sur la table. Des rires et des éclats de voix résonnaient dans la grande salle au plafond peint et aux faïences colorés. La musique dornienne était, il fallait l'admettre, agréable. Myrcella se tenait à ses côtés.
- Je ne suis pas d'accord, avec ce que tu as fait quand tu t'es battu contre le prince Oberyn.
- Avec quoi n'êtes-vous pas d'accord ?
- Ce n'était pas un combat de bienvenue, c'était dangereux, tu aurais pu être gravement blessé.
- Et vous savez tout autant que moi que je ne pouvais pas me permettre de remettre en question la parole du prince, certainement pas à Dorne alors que nous venions d'arriver.
- Peut-être n'aurais tu simplement pas dû accepter ce duel ? Comment comptes-tu me protéger si tu meurs à cause de ton égo ?
Inan se retint de rire, du haut de ses dix ans la jeune fille n'en était pas moins une véritable princesse, assurée dans ses paroles et dans ses actes. Il s'inclina.
- Effectivement, je vous prie de m'en excuser, je tacherais de me tenir à carreaux.
- Vous savez tout autant que moi que cela ne se produira pas. Se moqua l'enfant.
- Vous devriez rejoindre votre promit, je crois qu'il a quelque chose à vous montrer.
Il la regarda s'éloigner et d'installer sur un pouf de couleur soutenu, elle se mit rapidement à rire en discutant avec Trystan. Les deux enfants se mirent à jouer à un jeu de plateau qu'Inan ne connaissait pas. La princesse royale était tellement absorbée par la compréhension du jeu qu'une ride de concentration s'était formé entre ses deux sourcils. Inan poussa un rire discret et détourna le regard. Il scruta un instant la table princière.
Les yeux d'Inan poursuivirent leur chemin jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre ceux d'Oberyn. Son amante de cœur, s'il avait bien compris, était assise à ses côtés, lui offrant des fruits de ses doigts. Le prince lécha les doigts de cette dernière de manière subjective en appuyant son regard sur celui d'Inan. Ce dernier leva les yeux au ciel et dirigea son attention vers quelqu'un d'autre.
- Bonsoir, Ser Inan Stoneheart, c'est bien cela ?
Arianne Martell s'était approché de lui, elle posa une main sur son armure, au niveau de son torse et le regarda intensément derrière ses cils noirs.
- C'est bien cela, votre altesse.
- Oh voyont, nous ne sommes pas à la capitale ! Appelez-moi Arianne, je vous en prie.
- Bien, comme vous voudrez, Arianne.
- Dites-moi, est ce que tous les hommes de l'ouest sont aussi séduisant, ou il ne s'agit que de vous.
Inan resta silencieux un instant, fixant le mur devant lui, puis adressa un sourire courtois à Arianne.
- Je vous remercie, j'imagine que cela dépend. Toutes les femmes sont aussi honnêtes dans le sud, ou ce n'est que vous ?
Un rire franc sortie des lèvres de la jeune femme.
- Nous sommes bien plus franc que dans l'ouest, je dois l'admettre. J'ai assisté au combat tout à l'heure, vous semblez être un combattant hors pair.
- Je ne rivalise pas avec le prince, en témoigne mon flanc gauche.
- Moi, je vous ai trouvé fantastique.
Inan plongea son regard dans celui de la princesse, était-elle en train d'essayer de le séduire, ou était-elle seulement polie ?
- Peut être que vous pourriez m'apprendre quelques mouvements... En privé ?
Inan se mordit l'intérieur de la joue et inspira profondément. Ce n'était visiblement pas de la politesse.
- Peut être une autre fois.
- J'espère bien en avoir l'occasion, je vous laisse, passez une bonne soirée !
La jeune femme le gratifia d'un clin d'œil avant de s'éloigner en balançant ses hanches. Il la regarda s’éloigner un instant puis croisa une nouvelle fois le regard du prince Oberyn. Ce dernier se leva et se dirigea vers lui. Inan se retint avec force de ne pas pousser un long soupir de résignation, il l’avait assez vu pour aujourd’hui.
- Pour quelles raisons refuses-tu nos mestres ? As-tu peur d'être empoisonné ?
- Il est vrai que les dorniens ne s’encombres pas du superflue. J'ai simplement l'habitude de me soigner seul.
- Pourquoi passer par des détours quand on peut aller droit au but ?
- Si vous êtes simplement venu vous moquer de moi je vais vous décevoir, je dois me rendre aux côtés de la princesse.
- Je suis venu te féliciter pour ton combat. Tu as une analyse visuelle et une rapidité de compréhension et d'anticipation incroyable. Cela comble à merveille ton manque de force physique, dommage que tu sois si imprudent.
- Et vous une agilité, une force et une précision sans égale. Dommage que vous vous laissiez dominer par vos émotions.
Oberyn poussa un rire sincère.
- Je crois que je t'apprécie. Tu n'as pas ta langue dans ta poche, et elle est bien affuté, c'est plutôt rare chez ceux qui viennent de Port Réal.
- Cela dépend desquels vous parler. Je dois rejoindre la princesse.
Oberyn attrapa son poignet quand Inan le dépassa.
- Fais tout de même attention à ton comportement, il serait dommage de te faire tuer dès ton premier jour à Dorne, il y a tant de belles choses à découvrir ici.
- Je ne manquerais pas de faire attention, mais je ne suis pas ici pour des raisons touristiques, si vous voulez bien m'excuser.
Chapitre 2 : Appelle moi Oberyn
#fanfiction#oberyn fanfiction#oberyn nymeros martell#oberyn x oc#prince oberyn#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal
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Oberyn Martell x OC (Elara)
Warnings: AU, violence, weapons, mature themes, murder, everything you'd find in in Game of Thrones.
Summary: In the embrace of existence, the brilliance of light finds its depth in the shadows, and conversely, the obscurity of darkness discovers its essence in the radiant dance of symbiotic contrast.
A/N: And thus it begins..
In the frigid embrace of dawn's shadows, Elara's alarm, a shrill harbinger of monotony, tears through the cocoon of night. With the weariness of a thousand routines clinging to her, she reluctantly extracts herself from the dwindling warmth of her bed, limbs protesting against the relentless pull of another day. The bathroom, a witness to her perpetual metamorphosis, becomes the stage for her despondent ballet.
Her movements, mechanical and detached, guide her through the motions. Dark red strands cascade like forgotten aspirations as she prepares to face a world painted in grayscale. In the muted glow, a delicate layer of makeup becomes a futile attempt to conceal the exhaustion etched beneath her eyes. The closet, a repository of uninspired choices, relinquishes dark jeans, a nondescript grey t-shirt, and the obligatory leather jacket—a uniform of resignation. A baseball cap crowns her ensemble, a feeble shield against the relentless onslaught of the outside world.
This ritual, once a dance with promise, has devolved into a monotonous symphony played out too many times. Breakfast is reduced to the perfunctory gulp of a Red Bull, a liquid lifeline in a world devoid of vibrancy. Beyond the walls of her apartment, a dismal scene unfolds—the rain, a relentless torrent of forgotten dreams, drenching the world in melancholy.
The allure of a real job and the excitement of office life, once promising, have given way to a withered existence. In the field of sales, her days are a mechanical march through time, compliments falling on deaf ears, and a forced smile unable to breach the depths of her weary eyes. The conclusion of each day is a scripted routine—home, eat, bed—a haunting cycle that repeats like a tired echo.
Turning a desolate corner, she steps into an alley, undeniably shady but undoubtedly quicker. Her gaze scans forward, revealing a figure stationed at the alley's end. Confidence radiates from his stance, sharp features implying strength concealed in shadow. A fleeting glance is all he spares before disappearing, intentionally evading further observation. Just a few steps more, and a cloudiness descends upon her mind—an all-too-familiar precursor to the moment one realizes they're slipping into sleep.
In the heart of the alley, where shadows intertwine with the echoes of her wearied footsteps, she surrenders. Her body succumbs to the inexorable embrace of unconsciousness.
At the desolate terminus of the alley, Oberyn stood, a sinister silhouette against the muted backdrop of shadows. The time had come for Elara, chosen by the scouts days ago, to be collected. As the right hand of the cell's leader in this city, Oberyn held a position of authority, a harbinger of ominous forces operating in the clandestine corners of the urban labyrinth.
Beside him, Lucian, a newcomer shrouded in uncertainty but wanting to prove himself, was present for a purpose—to ensure the subject's procurement unfolded according to plan. The alley, chosen strategically for its familiarity to Elara, became the stage for their sinister operation. Oberyn, making sure Lucian did what he was told, stood ready for damage control, a necessity when handling delicate matters like these.
Elara's form materialized at the entrance of the alley, an unwitting player in a meticulously orchestrated scheme. Oberyn recognized the calculated precision—they had anticipated her routine, exploiting the predictable path she took to work. Now, it was imperative to distance himself, and let Lucian do his thing and execute the extraction. In the realm of clandestine operations, every moment spent not in control was a risk, and Oberyn aimed to minimize those risks.
As the shadows tightened their grip, Elara moved further into the alley, unknowingly stepping into the carefully woven web of their plans. It was a successful day, a dark triumph for the cell that operated with ominous precision in the unseen recesses of the city's underbelly. The whispers of the alley, the echoes of their intentions, heralded the completion of another clandestine chapter, leaving behind only a sense of foreboding in the air.
#oberyn x oc#oberyn x ofc#oberyn fanfiction#oberyn martell#oberyn martell x oc#oberyn martell x ofc#oberyn martell imagine#oberyn martell fanfic#got au#au#versatileginger writes#versatilegingers masterlist
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littlest lion ~ oberyn martell;game of thrones
word count: 3182
request?: no
description: after witnessing the littlest lion sibling’s abuse at the hands of her queen sister, he decides that not all lannisters are as terrible as he once thought
pairing: oberyn martell x female!reader
warnings: swearing, verbal abuse (it’s cersei so...not surprisingly), much use of y/n, a little bit of a re-write on the canon of got to say that tywin had a second wife and another child so that it makes sense for the reader to be the youngest lannister
masterlist (one, two, three)
Everyone in all of Westeros knew the Lannister siblings to be cunning and pretentious. For the most part, those assumptions were right. Cersei and Jamie were definitely both of those things - Cersei more so than her twin brother - and Tyrion’s general distaste and apathy for everything could be misinterpreted as pretentious.
But then there was their youngest half sister, (YN).
Born to Tywin and his second wife after the death of his first, (Y/N) Lannister was the complete opposite to her older siblings. She was kind and shy, which often resulted in a verbal lashing from Cersei. Tyrion was indifferent to (Y/N), but treated her nice enough. Jamie just ignored her unless he was with Cersei. Cersei despised her sister with every fiber of her being. She never wasted a breath to inform (Y/N) that she wasn’t a real Lannister, despite her being a true born to Tywin.
She tried to pretend like Cersei’s words didn’t affect her. It would only result in more taunting if she did. But (Y/N) had spent countless nights in her chambers sobbing over whatever Cersei had said to her that day. She dreamed of the day she would be able to leave her sister’s kingdom (although technically it was her son, Joffrey’s, but everyone knew Cersei was the true leader), but it felt like that day would never come. (Y/N) was well into her adulthood with no prospects of getting married. It didn’t help that Tywin hadn’t arranged a suitor for her in her younger years, and now that Joffrey was king the task fell to him and Cersei, but Cersei would not approve of any suitors for her sister.
“She needs someone to bully,” Tyrion had told (Y/N) once. “The only way you will ever marry is if you manage to find someone who will take you away.”
(Y/N) hoped that Joffrey’s marriage would bring Cersei enough joy that she would not think to be cruel to her. (Y/N) made herself unseen to Cersei as much as possible while the wedding was happening, unless she was called upon.
Unfortunately for her, Cersei still found reason to call upon her.
(Y/N) entered the throne room where Cersei was speaking with Joffrey. She curtsied, waiting for the two to notice her. She was sure Cersei was intentionally keeping Joffrey’s attention when her legs began to shake, threatening to collapse from under her.
“You may rise, aunt,” Joffrey finally said.
(Y/N) stood straight. “Your grace, you summoned me?”
“Upon my mother’s request,” Joffrey confirmed. “She wishes to speak with you in regards to my wedding day.”
(Y/N) tried to keep her expression neutral as she turned to Cersei. “What can I do for you, sister?”
“Don’t call me that,” Cersei hissed.
“I apologize, my lady.”
“I called you here to ask what you intend to wear to the king’s wedding.”
(Y/N) blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“Have you become hard of hearing? What do you intend to wear to your king’s wedding?” She enunciated each word as if (Y/N) were a child. Joffrey was smirking from his throne. He reveled in his mother’s cruelty just as he reveled in his own.
“I...I suppose a gown from my wardrobe,” (Y/N) said.
Cersei scoffed. “Please, your wardrobe is so common. It would be humiliating for you to show up like that.”
A lump began to form in (Y/N)’s throat, but she tried to swallow it down. “I have no other options, though, and the wedding is in a matter of days.”
“I’ll have to get my seamstress to work on a more appropriate gown for you then,” Cersei sighed.
(Y/N) felt a heavy pit in her stomach. It was starting to make sense why Cersei had called her here. It wasn’t truly to figure out suitable wear for the wedding. It was so Cersei could once again humiliate (Y/N). She had no doubts that her sister would have her seamstress make the most hideous dress for (Y/N) to wear to the wedding. It would be an embarrassment for (Y/N), and it would mean it would be less likely for any potential suitors to show interest in her.
Tears were welling in her eyes. She was trying to fight them back, but it was a losing battle. “May I be excused, your grace?”
Joffrey glanced at his mother. She sighed and turned away, so he waved (Y/N) off. As she began to leave, she heard Cersei tell her son, “What a pathetic woman.”
(Y/N) all but ran from the throne room. She hurried out the doors of the castle into the palace’s garden as her tears finally began to fall. Her body was wracked with sobs as she fell onto the nearest bench. She felt so struck and so helpless. She would never get out of Cersei’s clutches as long as she lived, and there was no one in the world who could save her.
“I wonder what it is that causes a lion to cry.”
(Y/N) jumped at the sound of a voice. She looked up to see a handsome man in a yellow robe stood in front of her.
“Apologies,” she said, quickly wiping the tears from her face. “I was no aware that there was anyone else here.”
“No need for apologies. This is your home, you are allowed to cry anywhere you wish.” He sat next to her, looking at her as if studying her. “But the question still stands: what makes a lion cry?”
“You know who I am.”
It wasn’t a question, but he answered anyways, “Everyone in all of Westeros knows who the Lannisters are. Even if I didn’t, your golden hair would have been a clue.”
(Y/N) had to break their eye contact because this handsome man was intimidating her. Not in a bad way. His looks were just making her feel tongue tied.
“It was nothing,” she said. “I apologize for disturbing your peace.”
“The little lion is surprising,” he commented. “She cries, she apologies. Very un-Lannister.”
“I am no Lannister. At least, not to my own siblings.”
A look of realization passed his face. “I believe I am starting to understand.”
Tears were forming in her eyes again. She couldn’t cry in front of this stranger. Not again. It was bad enough that he had already caught her once. Cersei would have her head if she found out that (Y/N) was making the family name seem weak.
“Would you like to go for a walk, little lion?” he asked.
His voice was quiet and soothing. If she didn’t know any better, (Y/N) would’ve thought he was mocking her. But one look told her he was being genuine. A walk through the garden definitely sounded like a good idea.
He offered her his arm and she took it. As they stood, he told her, “My name is Oberyn Martell, brother of Doran Martell.”
“The Prince of Doran,” (Y/N) said.
Oberyn smiled. “You know of my family too, then.”
“One must know all the families of Westeros, as not to let down their guard,” (Y/N) recited. “Or to not make a fool.”
She could see Oberyn look at her, but she wouldn't dare look back at him. Instead, she changed the subject, “You must be here for my nephew’s wedding.”
“I am. My brother was invited, but he was very busy, so I am taking his lace.”
“Well, I hope you enjoy your stay then.”
“I am already enjoying it.”
(Y/N) smiled, her face burning from the compliment.
She showed Oberyn around the garden, the two of them trading stories and getting to know each other. For a brief moment, (Y/N) was able to forget about everything. It was a brief moment of happiness and feeling like she was actually wanted.
They came to stand at a perch that overlooked the kingdom. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden he over everything. (Y/N) was acutely aware of Oberyn’s hand brushing against her own, but was trying not to focus too much on it. Oberyn’s presence was starting to make her feel dizzy, but not in a bad way. It was an intoxicating feeling. She never wanted it to end, but at the same time she was worried about making a fool of herself in front of him.
“This visit has already brought many surprises for me,” Oberyn said.
“How so?” (Y/N) asked.
“For one, I have found that not all Lannisters are as terrible as their reputation would have it. And two, I am finding myself enjoying time with a Lannister.”
He lifted her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles. She drew in a shakey breath at the action. Oberyn’s deep brown eyes were watching her again. She hoped her legs would not give out from underneath her as she felt them growing weak.
“I have been enjoying my time with you as well, my Lord,” she said.
“Please, call me Oberyn. I am but a second son, not a Lord. Besides, I do not intend for these formalities between us to last long.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You are ambitious.”
“I am a man who knows what he wants, and it is seldom that I do not get what it is that I want.”
Her heart was beating so fast she thought she may pass out, or that Oberyn may hear it. She had never had a man tell her that he wanted her, and she realized she had never wanted someone so much either. In just a short period of time, Oberyn had managed to completely steal her heart. There was nothing in the world that could ruin this moment, or this connection.
What she didn’t realize was that her sister was watching the two of them from inside the castle.
The sun was nearly completely set when Oberyn and (Y/N) finally parted ways. He had kissed her hand once more and told her he would come looking for her the next day. (Y/N) was so lightheaded that she practically floated back to her room. She was just about to enter her chambers when a voice asked, “Did you have a good evening with the Dornish prince?”
She turned quickly to see Cersei stood at the end of the long hall. Suddenly, everything came crashing back down to Earth around her.
“He is very lovely,” she responded. “I apologize that he kept me for so long. I did not intend to miss out on dinner.”
“It was lovely without you.”
(Y/N) winced. She put her hand back on her door, intending to escape into her room and hopefully salvage whatever good feelings she could from her time with Oberyn.
“I know you are not wise, (Y/N), but I truly hope you are not stupid enough to fall for Oberyn Martell.”
(Y/N) looked at her sister in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that he is not a man who settles for one woman. Everyone knows that he will fuck anything that walks - man or woman. He was already visiting the brothel here before his arrival.”
Her breathing began to increase. “I...I didn’t...”
“Oh my word,” Cersei breathed. “You have fallen for him, haven’t you?”
The tears were forming again. (Y/N) quickly blinked them away so that Cersei wouldn’t see. “He was treated me as if I was an actual person. That is more than I can say for anyone in this castle. I apologize if it makes me stupid because I was happy to feel wanted for once in my life.”
“He only made you feel that way so he could take your maidenhood,” Cersei retorted. “He will not make you a wife, he will make you a whore. And then he will return to Dorne while you are here, weeping over his departure even though you were the fool who fell for him. It will be left to me to pick up the pieces he left behind.”
Cersei was shaking her head as she turned to leave. (Y/N) was hoping that she could finally escape her sister’s cruelty for the night, but then Cersei paused to add, “I mean, really, (Y/N). Why would a prince of all people want to marry someone like you? The last born child, from a second marriage, who has not been wed by the time she reached her maturing age? You are pathetic.”
(Y/N) didn’t wait for Cersei to leave. She shoved into her room and slammed the door shut. Her tears began to fall before the door was fully closed. She didn’t even have the strength to make it to her bed this time. She collapsed into a heap against the door, burying her head in her skirts as she began to sob.
How could she be such a fool? How could she let herself believe that she had finally found someone who wanted her? That she might just escape from Cersei once and for all? What Cersei had said may have been cruel, but (Y/N) knew there must be some truth behind the words. There was nothing remarkable about (Y/N) that would draw in the attention of someone like Oberyn, unless he just wanted to try and get into her bed. He saw her at her weakest and he preyed on that, the same way that Cersei always had.
“Stupid,” (Y/N) whispered to herself through her tears. “You are stupid.”
A knock came at the door.
“Go away!” (Y/N) called through her tears. She wasn’t in the mood for anyone to see her like this, or to have to be humiliated further.
“It is me, little lion.”
She paused. How had he found her room? Why had he come for her? Surely he wasn’t about to try to get into her bed already.
Against her better judgement, she stood and opened the door. When he saw her tearstained face, Oberyn’s expression filled with sadness. He reached for her, and she allowed him to pull her into his embrace.
“I am so sorry you are treated this way,” he said.
“Did you hear?” she asked.
He nodded. “I will admit, I followed you once we had separated. I wanted to see if you would be intercepted by either of your siblings before you reached your room. I saw the Queen Regent approaching, so I kept a distance to hear what she would say to you.”
“Then you heard what she told me about you.”
(Y/N) pulled away from Oberyn. She knew she shouldn’t listen to anything Cersei said, but she couldn’t help that her sister’s words had once against gotten to her.
“I did,” Oberyn confirmed.
“And is it true?”
“It is true that I went to a brothel before I arrived at the castle. It is true that I enjoy intimacy from anyone who is willing to give it to me, regardless of gender. But it is not true that I was only kind to you to try and take your maidenhood. What I said in the garden, I meant it.”
“Why?” (Y/N) asked. “Why would you want me? Out of all the beautiful women that I am sure you have seen, both noble and not, why is it me that you desire for?”
He cupped her face. He wiped the tears from her eyes with his thumbs as he looked down at her. “Because I believe you to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
(Y/N) scoffed, but Oberyn said, “It is true. From the moment I saw you in the garden, weeping over what I am sure was another verbal lashing from your sister, I was taken by your beauty. You are a beautiful woman, both inside and out. I am completely taken by you, (Y/N), and it upsets me greatly that you are made to think that you do not deserve that kind of love.”
She wanted to be happy by what Oberyn was saying. She did believe him. She could see the sincerity in his eyes. But knowing that Oberyn was taken by her that much just made her heart ache more, because she knew that they would never be allowed to be together.
“Cersei will never approve,” she said. “She will not let me marry and escape this place. If you show any interest in me, or voice that you want me to be your wife, she will deny it.”
“Then I will take you away from here.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
Oberyn looked over his shoulder to be sure no one was around. (Y/N) stepped back into her room and motioned for him to follow. She closed her door, giving them some privacy to speak freely.
“She cannot stop me if I take you before she realizes you are gone,” he said. “We can leave after the king’s wedding and return to Dorne immediately. She cannot stop you once you’ve already gone, and if she tries then you will have an army of Dornish men waiting to defend you. Myself included.”
“How will we get my things out of here before she can stop us?” (Y/N) asked, glancing around her room.
“Pack what is essential,” Oberyn told her. “Just one bag of essential things. Whatever you cannot fit I will replace once we return to Dorne. We can put it in my carriage before the wedding, and once it all ends we will leave immediately. I did not intend to stay long after the ceremony anyways, so it will not seem suspicious if I take my leave so quickly.”
Tyrion’s words were playing in (Y/N)’s head. “The only way you will ever marry is if you manage to find someone who will take you away.” She had thought for so long that it was an unreachable desire to find someone who would want to take her away. She almost wanted to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming.
“You would really do that for me?” she asked.
“Of course I would, my little lion,” he said. “You do not deserve the life that you are living here. Even if you do not want me, I will still take you away and let you live a happier life.”
“I want you,” she whispered, almost worried that saying it out loud would make everything fall apart.
But Oberyn heard her, and he smiled. “When we are in Dorne, I will court you as I should, then I will make you my wife.”
(Y/N) couldn’t find the words to say how much she wanted that. She just smiled, then leaned into Oberyn’s embrace. She mentally counted the days until she could be free from her prison, but then decided not to think of how long till it would happen. Instead, she focused on what she was going to have after she had finally gotten out of there.
#Oberyn Martell#oberyn martell imagine#oberyn martell x reader#pedro pascal#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal imagine#game of thrones#game of thrones imagine#imagine#one shot#fanfiction#fanfic#fandom
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gold rush
pairing: modern!Oberyn Martell x f!reader x Dave York
word count: ~5.1k
summary: “You like him, princess?” Oberyn asks, a grin obvious in his tone.
You nod silently, your eyes still trained on the man behind the boat’s steering wheel.
“So do I.”
warnings/tags: explicit smut (-> 18+ only!), alcohol consumption, able-bodied reader, reader has hair that can be tugged, no use of y/n, kinda dom!Oberyn&Dave but they're just bossy really, unprotected p in v (which you shouldn't do with someone you just met), oral m&f receiving, threesome, a bit of m/m action but reader is the main character here, dirty talk, fingering, anal play (m receiving), praise kink, these three are freaky and i'm sure that i forgot something, if so please let me know <3
takes place in my modern!Oberyn universe but can be read as a standalone!
a/n: my plan was to write this for @secretelephanttattoo's secret springs event, which i'm criminally late to (i'm sorry, el!), but that is where the idea for dolphin tour dave came from. i didn't expect to go this feral with it lol
big hugs and thank you to @jolapeno for letting me cry about the complications of writing threesomes and figuring out the plot (read: positions) with me and @sizzlingcloudmentality for listening to me complain about this nonstop and gushing over the million snippets i sent and taking me seriously when i came to her with “i have an important question about giving head”
i'm very grateful that so many people seemed excited about this idea, i hope that it's everything you wished for and that you have a good time reading it!
dividers by @firefly-graphics <3
notifications blog -> @guiltyasdavenotifs & full masterlist -> here
Waves are lapping against the boat’s hull, the ocean reflecting the soft orange and golden hues of the sun setting over the horizon.
You’re leaning against the railing, relishing in the warmth that has sunk into your skin from the day on the water. A beaming smile seems to have permanently settled on your features after today’s trip, a cruise around the shore that resulted in fulfilling one of your lifelong dreams — getting to see dolphins in the open water, watching them race through the waves right beside you, their fins breaking through the surface.
You had squealed, unable to contain your excitement, committing every second to memory. A once in a lifetime experience, making this trip to Secret Springs one of the best vacations you’ve ever had.
With the shore now rapidly approaching again, you’re drinking in your surroundings for the last few minutes, committing the whole day to memory, until it’s time to set foot on the mainland again.
However, your gaze keeps flitting back to the man steering the boat, who had been introduced as Dave and your captain for the day by the tour guide when you first boarded. You hadn’t been able to keep your eyes off of him all day, taking in the broadness of his shoulders, the way his biceps was straining against the seams of his light blue t-shirt, the sharp jawline and the quiet concentration and competence that he exuded.
Contrary to the tour guide, who kept chatting away, his mouth remained shut, full lips pursed, jaw clenching and unclenching. His eyes were piercing, keeping track of every movement, both out on the water and on the boat. There was no way he hadn’t noticed your staring, with the way his eyes had met yours a few times, his lips curling into a small smirk each time before he turned away again.
Your boyfriend’s arms wrap around you from behind, his chin hooking over your shoulder. Hot breath fans against your skin, the wiry hairs of his beard scratching over your cheek as he places a swift kiss there.
He follows your line of sight, an amused rumble from his bare chest vibrating against your backside.
“You like him, princess?” Oberyn asks, a grin obvious in his tone.
You nod silently, your eyes still trained on the man behind the boat’s steering wheel. He kisses you again, longer this time, lips lingering on the soft skin right behind your ear, his tongue catching a taste of the salt that has seeped into your whole body after the day of the water.
“So do I.”
You giggle, sinking deeper into his embrace.
Dave is closed off at first when you walk up to him after he’s the last person to step off the boat. His jaw firmly set, giving the same air of quiet confidence that you’ve felt drawn to all day, but his fingers are twitching at his side when you approach him, his eyes flickering between you and Oberyn’s figure a few steps behind you.
“Hey,” you smile sweetly, not missing the way his gaze quickly trails down your body in your short summer dress, before it flies back up to meet your eyes. “We were thinking, as a local you know all the best places around here, right?”
A wry grin grows on his face at the term local, but he hums in agreement. “Sure. How can I help you?”
His voice travels right through you, deep and gravely, his words clipped with precision. Polite, but efficient. Entirely unlike Oberyn’s drawling purrs, but not any less intriguing. The cold exterior is drawing you in, challenging you to uncover what’s underneath.
“We wanted to go get a drink tonight, maybe you can show us the best spot for that?”
“Allow us to buy you one as well,” Oberyn chimes in from behind you, stepping closer and snaking one arm around your body. His hand comes to rest at your waist, sending warmth through the thin fabric that’s covering you. His thumb glides against the underside of your breast in a calculated movement, just short of grazing your nipple.
Even as you swallow down your responding whine, Dave’s gaze zones in on the movement, one eyebrow rising as his pupils dilate, his eyes turning darker. One corner of his mouth turns upwards.
He’s a quiet shadow moving beside the both of you, but he still keeps catching your glances at him, his pouty lips curling into a smirk each time.
The bar he takes you to is less crowded than the ones right next to the beach that you’ve already visited, and the drinks aren’t as overpriced, but just as delicious. There’s a large deck on one side, with twinkling lights strung up between the poles and the scent of the surrounding flowers wafting through the air.
Sinking into comfortable chairs in a corner, you sip on your drink and watch as Oberyn tries to get to know your companion better. He’s the more talkative one of the both of you, exuding the smooth charm and confidence that immediately drew you in when you first met him, but Dave doesn’t crack nearly as easily.
His answers stay short, every word from his lips calculated, no information about him given freely. Heat is already gathering between your thighs, just from watching them. Both their presences overwhelming in the best way, both of them making you want them.
It leaves you antsy, desperate to do something, something to be closer. You rise to your feet, extending a hand to Dave. “Dance with me?”
His eyes widen a fraction, looking from your outstretched hand to Oberyn, who hasn’t moved an inch. “You don’t want to?”
Oberyn smirks, settling deeper into his seat, a picture of relaxation, but the tension of underlying excitement sparkling in his eyes isn’t lost on you.
“No. I am enjoying myself right here.”
Dave seems to consider for another moment, before he shrugs and his hand closes around yours. You love the feel of it, the warmth of his skin sinking into yours where you’re touching, his fingers calloused and rough against yours. The sight of him leaves your mouth dry, the shades of his face in the dim light, the dark pools of his eyes. They’re exactly the same shade as Oberyn’s, but where Oberyn is familiar, his eyes telling stories of love and joy every time he looks at you, like a warm bath that you can sink into, Dave’s eyes are like steel. Cold. Watchful. Not any less interesting.
You start dancing, moving your body to the beat that’s playing from the speakers, a sensual rhythm that makes it easy to get closer to him, to get a taste of how his body would feel against yours. Letting yourself get lost in the high of the day, in the soft haze of the alcohol in your veins, in the nervous energy that’s bubbling inside of you at the prospect of this new adventure right in front of you.
As you grind against him, one hand curls around your hips, strong and determined, effortlessly stopping your movements. The simple touch is enough to make your knees go weak, holding the promise of power, of everything you want from him. He firmly holds you where you stand, putting some distance between the two of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His tone is still clipped, challenging in a way that sends heat through you. You like the no nonsense attitude, like the way his eyes are firmly trained on your face, the spark of something darker in them that makes you want more.
“Dancing,” you pout, eyes widened in mock innocence.
“Don’t bullshit me. Your boyfriend’s right there, sweetheart.”
You turn to look at Oberyn, who’s already observing the both of you. He still seems relaxed, knees spread wide, lounging in his seat, but the hunger is burning in his expression. He teasingly raises an eyebrow at you and you return it with a grin, before your gaze finds Dave again.
You take a step closer to him, leaning in to whisper into his ear. A small shudder runs through him.
“He doesn’t mind sharing.”
The grip on your hips tightens, a low growl raising in Dave’s throat at your sudden proximity.
“Is that so?”
You nod quietly, trailing your fingers over his chest. “He likes it.”
His mouth is so close, close enough that you give in to the temptation and brush your lips against his. He growls again, louder this time, one hand curling around your neck to hold you right there as his teeth dig into your bottom lip. You sigh against his mouth, pliant under his grip, delighted at the change in his demeanor.
His touch travels higher, up your sides until he’s almost in reach of your breasts and you’re slowly unraveling, your body desperate for more.
“Having all the fun without me, princess?” Oberyn turns up behind you, caging you between the both of them, mouthing at your neck and you whimper into Dave's mouth.
“Thought— thought you were happy watching,” you gasp when he grinds against you and you feel his growing stiffness against your ass.
He bites your neck gently, and you shudder again.
A quiet look passes between the two men. You see the quiet question in Dave’s eyes, the evident satisfaction at what he finds in Oberyn’s, before he squares his shoulders and pulls up to his full height.
A pleasant shiver travels up your spine as you watch the silent exchange. They’re two sides of the same coin, the same kind of energy, all confident and strong, but channeled so differently. Where Oberyn is all smooth, flowing like water and wrapping himself all around you, all-encompassing but almost impossible to grasp, Dave is nothing but hard edges, sharp enough to cut if you’re not careful. You want them both.
It’s dark in Dave’s apartment, only the faint glow from the moon and the streetlights filtering in through the windows. The rooms are almost eerily tidy, barely lived in. Your skin is still warm, both from the humid evening air outside and the heat that’s steadily growing inside of you at the prospect of what the night has in store for you.
Still, the space you just entered somehow feels cold, much like the man that it belongs to. Except that, right now, that man’s lips are finding your neck, sucking at the same spots where Oberyn’s mouth had been not too long ago, his tongue hot against your skin as he pushes you down the hall.
Your fingers reach for Oberyn instinctively, a silent breath leaving you when they intertwine with his. Feeling Dave on you is so new, so different, leaving you dizzy with excitement. He’s intense already, his touch demanding and firm, hands digging into your flesh as he steers you towards his bedroom. The anticipation makes you nervous, makes you long for the familiar touch of the other man to ground you.
It’s a tangle of limbs, two pairs of hands on you as you stumble into Dave’s bedroom. The interior is minimalistic, functional, no personal items that you can make out in the dark. No photos, not even a dried up plant on the windowsill. You briefly wonder what kind of person he is, outside of this. If he has friends, hobbies, what he does when he’s not working.
The train of thought dissolves when Oberyn’s mouth finds yours, his nose bumping into your cheek and his beard scratching against your chin. So similar to Dave’s kisses, and at the same time, not similar at all. One hand cups the back of your head, pushes you into the kiss, its touch vaguely unfamiliar.
Your eyelids blink open, catching Dave’s, whose gaze is dancing between the both of you, watching, raw hunger behind his dark irises. You flick your tongue against Oberyn’s, relishing in his responding groan, and in the way Dave’s eyes darken further, trained on your boyfriend now.
Oberyn pulls away, linking his hand with Dave’s that’s still resting at the back of your head. You’re hypnotized by the sight of both of them touching, even if just for a brief moment, before Oberyn places Dave’s hand on your shoulder, hooking the other man’s fingers under the thin strap of your dress.
Winking at the both of you, he saunters over to the bed, spreading out on top of the covers, an expectant glint in his eyes. He looks so good like this, so easily commanding every setting he finds himself in, the confidence surrounding him at all times. Your attention wavers when Dave tugs at the straps, goosebumps forming on your skin where his fingers skim over you.
He raises his eyebrows in question, toying with the fabric, waiting for your confirmation.
“Go ahead,” you breathe, excitement weighing out the flicker of nerves.
He nods, determination painting his features, the kind of calm assuredness that has you pressing your thighs together when he slides the straps off your shoulders.
The flowy dress lands in a heap at your feet, leaving you in just your panties, your breasts braless and already bare for him.
Dave’s eyes widen, a mumbled Fuck tumbling from his lips. A proud smirk passes over Oberyn’s features.
“She is just a dream, is she not?”
“She is,” Dave growls, his broad hands roaming over your skin, pulling you closer.
“Touch her,” Oberyn’s voice sounds from the bed. “She likes being played with.” The casual authority oozing from his tone, paired with being talked about as if you’re not there, is almost enough to get the heat blazing through you to boil over.
“Does she now?” Dave murmurs, cocking his head and dragging his gaze down your body, purposefully slow. You start squirming when his fingers glide over your nipples, playfully tugging at the hardened buds. You whine in reaction, a needy sound that has both men chuckling. “Yeah, you do,” he coos, nipping at your throat. Your responding whine to the sharp pinpricks of his teeth is even louder this time.
His touch travels lower, skims over your stomach, stopping just short of your panties, beneath which you’re already dripping for him.
“May I?” It’s low, almost reverential. His gaze burns into yours, glinting darkly when you nod, a please, Dave falling from your lips.
He finds you wet with slick, the fabric covering you completely soaked through, a moan breathy and high in your throat when he rubs at you through the fabric.
“Please, more,” you whimper, all dignity lost to the hope of what it might feel like to have his thick fingers inside of you soon. His lips chase your mouth as he pulls your panties to the side, swirls a finger through your wetness and up to your clit. Your moan comes out muffled, licked out of your mouth by his tongue.
You grab at his t-shirt, eagerly pulling at the hem, desperate to see all of him, to feel all of him. He helps you pull it over his head, exposing his upper body, all wide shoulders and massive chest, to your hungry eyes. You’re overcome with the need to touch him, the fire burning inside of you fueled by how strong he feels, how his muscles are flexing under your exploring fingers.
In the lack of light, it takes a second until it catches up to you that his torso is littered with scars, white lines that shine dimly, skin that’s uneven under your touch. There’s a particularly large cut near his left collarbone, one that you mindlessly trace with a finger, until his hand closes around your wrist in a harsh grip. He pulls it away abruptly, the look on his face bordering on dangerous.
Your whispered sorry isn’t met with an acknowledgement. His eyes close and open with a deep exhale before he meets your gaze again, pointing a curt nod towards the bed.
“Hands and knees. Now.”
You’re quick to obey, even more eager to please now, the harsher demeanor only driving your arousal to new heights. Dave’s hands span over your ass as you lock eyes with Oberyn. Your boyfriend has already rid himself of his clothes, languidly stroking his cock and regarding you with a teasing smile.
The sight has you clenching with need, knowing how much he loves seeing you like this, knowing how much his pleasure grows from seeing yours, from being able to give you this.
Behind you, Dave pulls your panties down your legs, leaving you naked and on full display for him. A deep moan escapes him at the sight, spurring you on to arch your back a bit more as you turn your head to look back towards him. He’s staring, the weight of it heavy on your bare skin.
“Such a pretty pussy, sweetheart,” he rasps, before he kneels down behind you and licks a broad stripe through your folds. His groan at the taste reverberates through you, your slick flooding his tongue, your whole body pulsing with need, each lick sending a new wave through you.
When his tongue lets up on its ministrations and he sinks two fingers into you instead, thumbing at your clit, you cry out in pleasure at the sudden sensation. Your eyes find Oberyn again, touching himself more urgently now, keeping eye contact with you. He’s still smiling.
It’s impossible to take anymore, impossible to bear not feeling full for another moment, the stretch of Dave’s fingers not nearly enough. “Please,” you whine, turning towards him again, “I need you to fuck me. Please.”
Dave chuckles darkly.
“Need it, huh?”
You don’t mind the condescending tone, don’t mind how desperate it makes you look, you just nod, silently pleading with him to have mercy on you. He indulges you, lets you watch eagerly as he takes off his pants and his cock springs free, thick and heavy and everything you need right now.
A moan leaves you at the sight, earning you a smug grin from him, before he steps closer. You feel him nudge at your soaked entrance, one hand resting on your hip while he’s taking his time to tease you. Helplessly, you grind against him, wanting to feel him, needing to feel him.
“Give it to her hard,” Oberyn purrs, leaning forward to cup your face. “I want to hear her scream.”
You’re still shuddering from his words when Dave finally sinks inside you with one sharp snap of his hips that punches the air from your lungs. He gives you no time to adjust, immediately sets a punishing rhythm. It jostles your whole body, would push you up the mattress if he didn’t pull you back onto him by your hips.
It hits just as deep, stretches you just as wide as you wished for, screams and sobs of his name falling from your mouth as raw pleasure is spreading through you like wildfire.
Oberyn’s mouth is on your lips, on your whole face, drinking your pleasure straight from the source.
“Is he as good as you imagined, princess?”
You can only whine and nod, incoherent babbles of yes, fuck yes the best that you’re able to manage.
“Do you hear that?” he purrs, flashing a feral grin towards the other man. “She is feeling so good, so drunk on your cock that she can barely talk.”
He moves away from you, gets up from the bed and steps behind Dave instead, his hands gliding over the man’s shoulders, his eyes glued to where Dave keeps thrusting into you harshly. You can only imagine the obscenity of the sight based on the wet sounds that ring through the bedroom. With a quiet laugh and a pat on your ass, Oberyn shifts again. “I want a closer look.”
Rustling hits your ears, but when you crane your head to try and see what’s going on, Dave’s fingers tangle in your hair, forming a fist and pulling. It’s forcing your back into an almost painful arch and your head to point forward again. He leans over you, bringing one foot up on the mattress, growling into your ear while his cock somehow reaches new depths with the change of position.
“You focus right here. You wanted me so bad, huh? Pay attention to me, then.”
He plunges into you even harder, the sensations right on the pleasurable side of overwhelming. You twitch violently in his grasp when another touch reaches you, the familiar feeling of Oberyn’s tongue teasing at your clit all of a sudden, the coarse hairs of his beard scratching against the sensitive flesh. His chuckle at your reaction vibrates against your pussy, causing you to writhe between them, pushing back against Dave’s thrusts while trying to chase Oberyn’s mouth at the same time.
Dave groans at the way you’re tightening and twitching around him, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips, holding you in place. Oberyn licks and sucks at you, knowing your body better than you know it yourself, bringing you to the brink of ecstasy almost instantly.
“Getting so— fucking tight,” Dave grits out from behind you, landing a slap on your ass that has you squealing. The sharp bite of pain sends you tumbling over the edge, pulsing around his cock, still sheathed deep inside you. Your hands uselessly grab at the sheets, skin stretching over knuckles, anything to keep you grounded as pleasure burns its way through you.
Oberyn never lets up on his attention on your clit, soft licks and kisses that prolong the aftershocks of your orgasm until you’re trembling, your head falling forward, sweaty forehead connecting with the soft blanket on Dave’s bed.
“Good girl,” Dave coos from behind you, one large hand gently rubbing over your back. “You’re doing so good.” He gives a tentative thrust, picking up his movements again when no protest of overstimulation comes from you. “You can give us more, can’t you?”
You manage a nod and a soft yes, your mind still too lost in the lingering haze of your climax, but your body is already responding to the sensations of his cock dragging through your tight walls again. He stretches you just right, reaches so deep inside of you.
“You are so wet, princess,” Oberyn’s voice sounds in your ears, his breath hot against your folds. “Tastes so sweet.”
His tongue moves away from your clit, licking through you, until Dave’s sharp intake of breath makes it clear that Oberyn has moved on from teasing just you.
“Is this okay?”
You know that your boyfriend’s question isn’t aimed at you, that he’s well aware how okay with this you are, but the husky drag of his voice has you clenching around the other man anyway.
“Fuck,” Dave groans, his thrusts slowing, chasing more than just your tight heat now. “I’ve never— yes. Yes, it’s okay.” Another breath. “Please.”
There’s more rustling, more movement between your legs, until Dave’s cock slides out of you, leaving you empty and wanting. You open your eyes, peering down at where Oberyn’s head rests on the mattress underneath you. His hand is wrapped around Dave’s cock, moving slowly, letting the other man adjust to the new experience.
You slide your own fingers down, tangling in his hair, chasing the connection between all three of you. Your eyes meet for a moment, burning hunger passing between you. Then Oberyn pulls on Dave’s hips and closes his lips around the head of his cock, shiny with precum and your arousal.
Both men’s voices float around you; throaty, needy sounds. Oberyn sucks Dave deeper into his mouth, and the grip on your waist tightens once more. You loosen your hold on Oberyn and prop yourself up on shaky arms to turn around again, desperate to catch a glimpse at Dave’s face.
He looks wrecked, teeth digging into his bottom lip, eyes pinched closed, his breath coming in pants, his bare chest shining with sweat. You reach for him instead, intertwining your fingers with the ones that had been holding on to your waist. His eyes fly open, a grin spreading over his face when he catches you looking at him. A grin that you eagerly return.
“We’re going to make you feel good, too,” you breathe. An emotion that you can’t place passes over his face, so quick that you almost think you imagined it. For just one second, he almost seemed vulnerable.
Oberyn chooses this moment to position Dave’s cock back at your entrance, where you’re more than ready to take him again, your hips instinctively pushing back against him, your walls engulfing him once more.
“Yeah, you are,” he growls, plunging into you again, the sudden return of the stretch forcing another moan and a fresh wave of slick out of you. He’s still holding your hand, pinning it against your lower back, jostling your body with every snap of his hips as if you were a doll. The deep thrusts hit your g-spot again and again, reducing you back to a babbling mess within minutes. The only words on your tongue are their names, mixed together by a string of pleads.
You miss the fullness, the drag of his cock each time he pulls out of you, but knowing that when he’s not filling your pussy, he’s in Oberyn’s mouth, is enough to keep your arousal burning until he sinks back into you.
A second orgasm catches up to you almost embarrassingly fast, pulsing around him and screaming your pleasure into the sheets. Dave fucks you through it slowly, keeps the high coursing through your body, until you’re nothing but quiet whines, your thighs shaking with the effort of holding you up.
“Shhh, princess,” Oberyn’s voice floats to you, his familiar touch grazing your legs. You watch hazily as he retreats from beneath you, directing your body until you’re lying on the bed, everything around you soft and warm like a cloud.
“Take a little break, yeah?” he whispers, leaning down to capture your lips. “I’ll finish what you started.”
You watch in awe as his fingers trails over Dave’s chest, mesmerized as a shudder ripples through the other man, how he hesitantly but determined reaches out to Oberyn to return the touch. They’re a sight together, and you still want them both, still don’t feel sated.
With your eyes widening, you witness Oberyn slowly sinking to his knees in front of Dave. Seeing him in an act of such obvious submission is rare, the way he takes Dave deep into his throat, swallows him down.
His hands are on Dave’s thighs, where the muscles are flexing under his fingers, his fingers that are wandering up further, sliding over Dave’s ass, out of your line of sight. What you can see is how Oberyn’s eyes are trained on Dave’s face, gauging his reaction to the touches. You can see the pure ecstasy written over Dave’s features as he comes with a loud groan, the shuddering pull of his abs as he’s spilling his release into Oberyn’s eager mouth, the fingers tangled in his hair and holding him in place.
Oberyn lets out a satisfied rumble at the taste, a sound that adds to the insistent burning between your thighs. You reach out for your boyfriend, tugging at his shoulder.
“I want a taste,” you demand in a breathless voice.
Dave makes a sound like all air has been punched from his lungs, watching as if hypnotized while Oberyn leans towards you, cupping your jaw before he kisses you deeply. He’s licking into your mouth, sharing Dave’s taste with you, a taste that you can’t get enough of, your tongue tangled with his until he gently pulls away, calls you an insatiable little thing.
A laugh escapes Dave at that, sinking onto the mattress and pulling you into him. You melt into his touch, let him maneuver you until he’s leaning against the headboard with your back resting against his chest. He’s lazily toying with you, mouthing at your neck and gently circling your nipples, giving you the occasional tug to force small, high sounds from your throat.
You’re writhing against him, but your eyes are trained on Oberyn, who’s slowly advancing towards you. “Do you still want more, princess?” he coos, swirling a single digit through the slick between your legs, still overflowing with need.
“Please,” you sigh, parting your legs further, making room for him. He sinks into you easily, filling you perfectly, both your lips parted in pleasure. He rocks into you, pressing your body against Dave who’s holding you tight, still playing with your breasts and whispering into your ear.
“Dirty girl… You gonna give us one more?”
You’re overwhelmed by their touches, feeling so close to another high, their scent engulfing you, huge hands all over your body, a heat that’s about to scorch you. You think that you’re pleading with them, but you can’t be sure, can’t focus on anything but how good it all feels.
Oberyn leans forward, sinking even deeper into you, pressing your legs into your chest. “Taste yourself,” he husks, connecting his lips with Dave’s. The sight of both men’s tongues intertwined, paired with the sensation of Oberyn’s cock nestled impossibly deep inside of you, is enough to tip you over the edge one more time.
Blackness is tugging at the edges of your vision, but fire is burning in your veins, coursing through you until your whole body is left a trembling mess. When you come back to yourself, both men are holding you close, shushing you and peppering every inch of your skin that they can reach with kisses. It’s soft, it’s warm, it’s safe. It’s heaven.
The three of you end up in a tangle of limbs and bedsheets, intertwined with one another as closely as possible. You wrap your arms around Dave, whose eyes are already closed, but he leans into the touch instantly.
“Thank you. You were fun,” you tell him with a giggle, your heart pulsing at the sight of an earnest smile on his face, possibly the first one that you’ve seen. Oberyn’s fingers are linked with yours, wordlessly sharing the deep joy that you both feel. You fall asleep like this, in a bubble so dreamy that you wish you could stay like this forever.
When you wake up to the sounds of birds and waves in the distance coming through the open windows in the morning, your head resting on Oberyn’s chest as sunlight is filtering into the room, the other side of the bed is empty.
Dave is gone, leaving the both of you in an apartment that looks even less personal in the daylight, with no signs of the man who you spent the night with.
thank you for reading <3 comments, reblog & asks are greatly appreciated!
#pedro pascal fanfiction#oberyn martell#oberyn martell fanfiction#dave york#dave york fanfiction#oberyn martell x reader#oberyn martell x you#oberyn martell x female reader#dave york x reader#dave york x you#dave york x female reader#oberyn martell x dave york#janas fics
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Missing you
Jack Daniels ~ Agent Whiskey x afab!reader (wc: 2.6k)
“Wish you were here right now, all of the things I'd do. I wanna get freaky on camera” — Cybersex by Doja cat
Warning: Sexual tension | online sex | light voyeurism | sexual toy usage | porn with no plot | Not proofread | no use of y/n. | light praise kink | quicky
backstory: You found yourself in a particularly tiresome mission in the city of Rome. Although the work kept you occupied, it didn’t stop Jack from constantly calling you and expressing how much he misses you. One day, he sends you a special gift.
You found yourself rocking back and forth in your comfortable hotel room chair, captivated by the glorious sight of Rome through the window. The vibrant cityscape, a fusion of modernity and historic charm, held your attention so thoroughly that you could spend hours just gazing at it, if not for the fact that you were currently on a video call with your “boyfriend”, Jack.
The conversation went smoothly, the two of you chatting about your trip and how much you missed each other's company. In the midst of the conversation, Jack's voice suddenly shifted, hinting at a surprise.
"Hey sweetheart, I've got something special for you. Take a peek inside your suitcase, would ya?"
You glanced at the leather suitcase bearing the renowned S logo, the company monogram gleaming in the center. With a hint of anticipation, you carefully opened it, revealing a box wrapped in blue. You looked back at the camera and gave him a sly smirk, silently inquiring about the mysterious gift. Your mind buzzed with curiosity, wondering what treasures lay hidden inside the deceptively small box.
"Go on, open it," Jack's voice cut through the silence, his tone dripping with mischief and anticipation.
Your heart skips a beat as you gaze at the vibrator nestled in the blue box, a blush spreading across your cheeks. The sleek, purple device seems to wink at you, promising an unforgettable evening. You could feel Jack’s eyes light up with mischief as he saw your reaction on the small screen. A roguish grin spreading across his face.
"Well beautiful, looks like Santa came early this year," he draws teasingly. "I thought you could use some company on your little trip. Why don't you give it a test run for me, hmm?" His voice drops, taking on a husky, seductive tone. "I wanna see you play with it, darlin'. Put on a little show for me."
He leans back in his chair, showcasing his bulge to your hungry eyes. One of his hands casually rested on it, making him groan softly. His brown eyes practically undressing you through the screen, making your body shiver. "Don't be shy now.” He whispers. "Turn it on, sweetheart. Nice and slow. Let's see how loud I can make you moan from all the way over here."
The heat of your blush intensified. Hell, you felt like you were about to pass out from how overwhelmed yet turned on you were. Slowly, tentatively, you reach for the vibrator, your heart racing as you switch it on. The soft hum fills the otherwise quiet room. Your eyes widened as you felt how your hand quivered from the power of the toy, and you can't help but imagine the sensation it might bring.
As the vibrations grow stronger in your trembling hand, Whiskey's grin widens. He watched your every move, drinking in the sight of you under his spell. "That's it, baby. Mmmm, you look so fuckin' hot right now," he groans.
"I wish I was there with you, watching those pretty pink lips of yours wrap around that toy... But I guess this will have to do for now." He palms himself through his jeans, clearly getting off on the show. His free hand reaches for a cigar, lighting it up as he settles in to enjoy the view.
"Go on now, sweetheart. Don't keep me waiting," Whiskey urges, his voice needy with that typical hint of demand. "Bury that toy nice and deep, just like you like it. Fuck, I can almost hear those sweet little moans..."
He takes a long drag of his cigar, blowing out a plume of smoke. His eyes never leave the screen, riveted by your every move.
You disregarded your pants and underwear in a clumsy manner, feeling almost idiotic to do this through a video call, but in a twisted way, it was filthy, raw. Jack licked his lips, his gaze smoldering with lust as your anticipating legs opened just for him. He's clearly enjoying putting you in this compromising position, eager to push your buttons and drive you wild with pleasure, even from a distance.
With a deep breath, you press the vibrator against your sex, biting your lip as the buzzing warmth sends tingles through your body. inevitably, your back arches and you let out a mix of a gasp and a moan. Your eyes quickly go to the man on the screen, enamored by the sight.
"You're so goddamn sexy when you let yourself go like this. I love seeing you lose control for me," he praises, voice thick with lust as he chortles. "Now why don't you slip that toy in and out of that tight little pussy of yours and ride it for me? I want you to cum over and over until you can't even remember your own name."
Whiskey pushes his chair back, legs spreading wider. The heat in his gaze burns through the screen as he waits for you to follow his filthy commands. Slowly, you grind against the toy, looking right into his brown eyes, putting on a show just for him.
“Ah goddammit.” A loud groan of frustration escaped Jack, followed by the sound of his laptop slamming down as he abruptly ended the call. Your heart skipped a beat, pounding fiercely against your chest as you stared at the suddenly blank screen of your laptop. The sudden disconnection left you feeling both puzzled and worried, a flood of anxiety washing over you.
The sinking feeling in your stomach grows as you process the implications of Jack's abrupt departure from the call, but before you can dwell on it further, a bright flash of light emanates from your smart glasses, momentarily blinding you. The urgent meeting notification blinks insistently, demanding your attention. In a panic, you instinctively nod, accepting the video conference without a second thought.
As the holographic display materializes before you, you realize the gravity of your oversight. In the heat of the moment, you had completely forgotten about your state of undress, the vibrator still nestled between your thighs. A wave of embarrassment washes over you as you pray that the hologram's limitations will spare you from any potential mortification.
Shifting uncomfortably in your seat, acutely aware of the toy's presence and the lingering warmth it has left on your sensitive skin. Your mind races with the possibilities of what might happen if anyone were to discover your compromising situation.
Your heart skips a beat as your gaze lands upon Jack, his flustered expression instantly setting your nerves on edge. You can practically feel his eyes boring into you from behind the holographic display, his presence both comforting and unnerving.
With a quick nod, you acknowledge his presence, trying to keep your voice steady and professional as you address him. "Agent Whiskey."
“Agent Wine.” His response, laced with a knowing smirk, makes your cheeks flush with equal parts embarrassment and excitement.
The way he says your codename, drawing out the 'Wine' with a playful inflection, sends a jolt of electricity through your body. It's as if he's relishing in his knowledge of your compromising position. You squirm in your seat, the vibrator still nestled between your thighs, a constant reminder of your shared secret.
The meeting drones on, a seemingly endless parade of statistics and strategic plans. Your mind struggles to keep pace, constantly drawn back to the throbbing between your thighs. You try to focus on the cold, clinical data presented, but your body betrays you, each movement a torturous reminder of the toy hidden beneath your body.
Your eyes dart around the holographic conference table, avoiding the temptation to glance down at the source of your distraction. You know that looking at Jack will only make matters worse, his mere presence a constant tease. But in a moment of weakness, your gaze drifts to his face, colliding with those piercing brown eyes and that infuriating smirk.
A chill runs down your spine as you raise an eyebrow questioningly. Before you can utter a word, Jack's finger presses to his lips, a silent command to keep quiet. Your heart races as he reaches into his pocket, retrieving a small remote control. Without a word, he presses a button, and the vibrator springs to life, humming softly against your most sensitive flesh.
A sharp gasp escapes your lips as the sudden stimulation sends shockwaves through your body. Your hands fly to the edges of your desk, gripping the wood so tightly your knuckles turn white. The vibrations pulse through you, each wave building upon the last, threatening to consume you entirely.
You bite your lip, trying desperately to stifle any further sounds. Your thighs tremble, the muscles quivering as you struggle to maintain control. The holograms flicker and dance around you, but all you can focus on is the relentless throb between your legs, the heat building steadily in your core.
“Is everything okay?” Ginger's eyes sparkled with concern and confusion as she addressed you.
You mustered a composed response, trying to maintain a steady tone. "Yes, I thought I saw a bug. Apologies."
At that moment, Tequila spoke up with a bemused smirk. "A bug? You're afraid of a tiny insect, Wine?" Whiskey chuckles darkly at Tequila's comment, his eyes never leaving yours. He leans back in his chair, a smug grin playing on his lips, clearly enjoying your struggle.
“Yes, a bug.” Your eyes narrowed, teeth gritting together as you shot a warning glare at Tequila. He quickly got the message, backing down with a knowing smile.
You let out a silent sigh of relief, turning your attention back to the meeting. But even as you try to focus on the discussion at hand, your mind keeps drifting to Jack, to the power he holds over you in this moment.
You are silently pleading for mercy. But his gaze remains fixed upon you, his expression one of pure, unadulterated lust. He revels in this, in the knowledge that he holds your pleasure, your very sanity, in the palm of his hand at this moment.
The minutes tick by agonizingly slowly, each second an eternity of sweet torture. You bite your lip hard enough to draw blood, the coppery taste mingling with the sweat beading on your brow. Your breath comes in short, sharp gasps, your chest heaving with the effort to maintain your composure.
Finally, the meeting draws to a close. The holographic displays flicker and vanish, leaving you alone with Jack and the lingering echo of the vibrator's hum. You slump back in your chair, your body trembling with the aftershocks of your denied release.
Jack's gaze locked onto you from across the room, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Sweetheart, you did great," he remarked before adding, "but I'm afraid we have some unfinished business to take care of."
Tossing the glasses into the bed, you called Jack again, slumping back in your chair, your body trembling with the effort of maintaining your composure.
As the video call connects, Whiskey's smirking face fills your screen, his eyes glinting with wicked delight. He leans back in his chair. "Well, hello there, darlin'," he drawls, his voice low and husky. "Looks like you're all alone now. No more prying eyes to worry about."
His gaze takes over your trembling form, taking in the sight of you sprawled out in your chair, cheeks flushed and chest heaving. You can practically feel the heat of his stare through the screen.
"I couldn't stop thinking about that little show you put on for me earlier," Whiskey continues, a predatory edge creeping into his tone. "The way you squirmed and bit your lip, trying so hard to hold back those sweet moans... Fuck, it was hot."
His free hand disappears from view for a moment, and when it reappears, it's wrapped around the thick length of his cock, stroking slowly. “You did so well" he purrs, his voice a low, seductive growl as looks at you. The way his rough voice turned into soft whimpers with each stroke sent a fresh wave of heat courses through your body.
His other hand actively looks for the controller, turning the vibrator a level more. It’s more loud, faster and intense, hitting all the right spots in your heat. “Fuck…” You cry out, thrusting your hips into the air as you look at him.
Your eyes drift downward, taking in the sight of his hand moving rhythmically, pumping his hardened length with slow, deliberate strokes. The knowledge that he is pleasuring himself while watching you only adds to the intensity of the moment, a heady mix of exhibitionism and voyeurism.
"Fuck yeah, just like that," he groans, palming himself harder. "You're so goddamn sexy, baby. The way you're movin' on that... Mmmm, makes me wanna bend you over and fuck you 'til you can't walk straight."
His gaze is intense, burning into you through the screen. "You like puttin' on a show for me, don't you darlin'?" Jack coos, voice low and rough with arousal. "Such a naughty thing, lettin' me watch you play with yourself. I bet you're drippin' wet right now, aren't you?"
Jack’s hand speeds up on his cock, stroking himself faster, getting off on the erotic display you're giving him. The other hand holds the controller, ready to push you over the edge at any moment.
“Just for you.” You utter, struggling to even talk as the level is torturing your pussy, barely able to keep your eyes on him.
“Damn right it's just for me," he growls, his voice thick with desire. "You're all mine, Agent. Every inch of that sexy body belongs to me." With that he turns one, then another cruel level more.
Your eyes roll back as the vibrations intensify, the toy mercilessly pounding into your sensitive flesh. Your body convulses, spasming uncontrollably. “Jack!” You cry out, begging him for something you’re not sure about. All you know is that the vibration is more than you can handle.
"Sorry sweetheart. I just wanna see you lose control. Fuck that pussy 'til you're screamin' my name. Show me how much you miss my cock."
His breathing grows ragged, chest heaving with each labored breath. He's completely entranced by the sight of you, lost in the fantasy of being there with you, taking you apart with his own hands and tongue. "Goddamn, you're so fuckin' hot," he praises breathlessly.
His words ignite something deep within you, a primal need that demands to be satiated. You arch your back, pressing the vibrator harder against your aching core as you ride the waves of sensation crashing over you. Your breath comes in short, sharp gasps, your chest heaving with the effort of holding back the impending release. The tension builds, coiling tighter and tighter in your belly until you can stand it no more.
With a cry of pure, unadulterated ecstasy, you let go, your body convulsing as the orgasm rips through you. The vibrator's hum seems to intensify, prolonging your climax, drawing out every last drop of pleasure. Through the haze of your own release, you see Jack's hand move faster, his breath coming in harsh pants as he chases his own end, whimpering your name like a prayer as he cums all over those strong, manly hands of his.
As the afterglow fades, his eyes meet yours, a wistful, almost vulnerable expression on his face. "God... Can we do this till you come back?" he asks, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.
A playful smirk tugs at your lips as you lean, a mock pout forming on your face. "Someone's needy," you tease, enjoying the way his brow furrows at your words, making him look like a cute puppy.
Jack rolls his eyes, a familiar gesture that never fails to amuse you. "Yeah, yeah," he grumbles, but there's no heat behind his words, only a fond exasperation. “I just miss you.”
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The next person i see make the reader or OCs love interest call them “kid” is gonna get clocked in the face. That’s not something you say to your ROMANTIC love interest. Like how’re you gonna call them kid but also want to fuck? Explain that to me please. Because you say kid and i think youre my new father figure. You all need to be STOPPED.
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