#Oak Farm Hotel
guerrillamarketer · 1 year
Baker and Donut assistants wanted at Fair Oaks Farm, Indiana
Looking for people, nation-wide, who are willing to move to the State of Indiana and bake goods for an "agricultural" theme resort. By responding and apply on the company's website, you are willing to move to cities near the work location. (If you live in a RV or trailer tiny house, then there are trailer and lake areas nearby.) Otherwise, I will post apartment or hotel suggestions you and maybe your family will stay, so you can pursue this career.
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suitelifeoftravel · 2 years
Exploring the Shawshank Trail in Mansfield, Ohio
Exploring the Shawshank Trail in Mansfield, Ohio
Shawshank Redemption is an all-time classic.  So when I learned that most of the movie was filmed in Mansfield, Ohio, I jumped at the opportunity to download the “Shawshank Trail Drive It Yourself Tour” and began my trek up north.  Fourteen sites identify where Hollywood filmed the movie including the Ohio State Reformatory, which is now a museum and open to the public for tours. Here are the…
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Skeleton has to go on a trip. Once he arrives, he notices his suitcase is moving. His child didn't want him to go, so they literally threw all his stuff out and hid in his suitcase during the whole trip.
Undertale Sans - He's kinda happy he found the courage to clean his stuff when he arrived at the hotel because you would have stayed in there a very long time lol. He's not even mad, just in disbelief. He's not too sure what to do though. He can't really teleport you home, it's a country away from here. So... Uh... You're on vacation he guesses? Just never do that again. He could have paid for another ticket, you literally just had to talk to him. He's relieved his kid didn't get hurt.
Undertale Papyrus - What the hell?! It was a twenty hours long trip! You could have died or gotten injured or dehydrated or worse! What were you even thinking?! Papyrus is in dad mode, upset, lecturing his child for long minutes. He can't believe this happened. He's not even sure what to do about this. He can't go back, so the kid will have to stay, but still, there will be consequences. You're grounded as soon as he figures a way to send you back.
Underswap Sans - Oh, man, whyyyy. He escaped the house to have a nice weekend without being forced to be a dad and here he is, forced to be a father. He's exasperated and sends the kid back home on the next flight lol. It's his weekend, leave Dad alone. The kid isn't too happy about it, but, well, they don't really have the choice.
Underswap Papyrus - He's the worst dad ever. He's the worst dad that ever existed on Earth. How could he not notice his baby after so long?! He's horrified his child had to travel inside his suitcase just to not be separated from his dad. Honey won't stop hugging his baby and apologizing a million times.
Underfell Sans - So that's why his suitcase was so heavy. And he thought Edge put some more things for him... Wait. Where are his things? He looks at the kid, who very slowly goes back to hide in the suitcase and starts to close it lol. Red takes a deep breath. He swears he's going to send his kid back home inside the suitcase. It's too tempting right now.
Underfell Papyrus - You're really lucky you managed to open the suitcase. Because Edge saw something moving inside and he was about to pierce it with a dozen spears.... Dumb ways to die, you know. Edge is mad though. Not only you're grounded, but you're going to pay for all of the stuff you threw away to come with him. No more allowance before at least a year. Welp, you deserve it.
Horrortale Sans - The kid thinks it's starting to be long and eventually opens the suitcase to get some air... Only to find themselves in the middle of the airport, all alone. Yep. Oak completely forgot the suitcase... Good luck to get home now :')
Horrortale Papyrus - There's a long awkward silence as you just stare at each other for long minutes. Willow takes a deep breath, and tries his best to not just, you know, scream. He invites the kid to sit on his bed with a hand gesture. He stares at the wall for a long minute, then dramatically do a slow turn towards the child. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HOW WAS IT EVEN A GOOD IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" There is going to be a lot of screaming in the hotel that day lol. You're going to be lectured to death after this. And grounded. And forced to do chores around the farm for an entire month. And sent back home.
Swapfell Sans - He was in his bed, finally relaxing after a whole day of traveling, happy. Then out of nowhere, his suitcase started to move on its own. Nox high pitch screams and blasts it, leaving barely two seconds for the kid to escape a terrible death. Nox stays eyes in eyes with his child, confused and in shock, before grabbing them to throw them behind him and blast the rest of the suitcase until it turns to dust. Just in case. He doesn't want any ghosts in his hotel room. Now that this very important matter is dealt with, can you explain why you're here when he's pretty sure he let you home??? He's too much of a softie to get mad at his child, but he still scolds them for doing something so stupid.
Swapfell Papyrus - Uh oh. His S/O is so going to kill him. That's it. He's in exile. He's never getting home ever again. Why would you even do this? No one does this! Ok, maybe he's not the best role model and he can guess where you got that idea, but still! Don't become like him! You're supposed to be his redemption arc, but now you're both villains! Welp. Time to prepare a list of random excuses to explain to his S/O what happened lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He opens the suitcase, sees the child, throws a water bottle in, closes the suitcase and puts a lock on it. He leaves you there for the night so you learn your damn lesson and he sends you back home on the first flight the next day. You can cry, he doesn't care. You did this to yourself.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Uh... Well, funny story. He was getting anxious about being all alone in a city he didn't know, and since there was no wardrobe in the room, he was about to hide in his suitcase to calm down. That's a very awkward moment. It takes a good two minutes for Coffee to realize his kid is here, and then to completely panic because what the hell does he do now??? There's only one bed. He doesn't want to be arrested for kidnapping his own child? There's no one with him to help, what does he do? No one told him this could happen! He calls his S/O for help eventually, once he calms down by crushing his kid into a hug to stop his panic attack.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On October 13th 1307 hundreds of Knights Templar in France were simultaneously arrested by agents of the King of France Phillip the Fair, to be later tortured into a “confession” of heresy.
Legend has it that following this many of the survivors fled to Scotland with their Holy Treasures salvaged from France.
The Knights Templar presence in Scotland began in 1129 after King Henry I of England arranged and introduction of the Templar founder Hugh de Payens to our king  David I.  The meeting was a success and the Knights Templar were given a parcel of land seven miles south of Edinburgh that became known as ‘Balantrodoch’.
The Knights Templar have often been portrayed as fierce warrior monks, “soldiers of Christ” on crusade. But the Templars were not only warriors. There were also monks, businessmen, landlords, bankers, and money lenders. They have proved a source of fascination over the years, and have inspired mystical tales of the Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant, the Shroud of Turin, and are featured in numerous works of fiction and fantasy. 
Following the dissolution of the Templars in 1307, all Templar property passed into the hands of the Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St John. Ballandtrodoch took on the name of Temple in the 1500s, a reminder of its origins. By the 1600s the former preceptory had become the parish church and served as such until it was finally abandoned for a new church in the 1830s. The remains of the old building can still be seen, today, though modified from the original Templar church, and the town of Temple stands around it.
You might recall pics and info on the Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St John at Torphichen Preceptory on a visit I made in 2018 and also the St John's Cross which is on the Canongate, Royal Mile Edinburgh, marking where they held land in the area.
According to local legend Templar treasure from Paris was hidden at Ballandtrodoch. "Twixt the oak and the elm tree/You will find buried the millions free.”
Further afield a Templar’s House once stood near the site of what is now the Turriff town hall, on land granted to the Knights Templar in the mid-twelfth century. Little is known of this House, and the original structure is lost. The Knights Hospitallers built a structure, possibly a hotel, on the site around 1512 which stood until 1845. This structure passed at some point into the hands of the Rainie family, and subsequently became known as Castle Rainy.    Today a forested area known as Temple Brae stands nearby.
The town of Darvel in the parish of Loundoun, located some twenty miles south of Glasgow, holds a claim to fame as the birthplace of Sir Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin. Long before Flemming, sometime in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the lands of Darvel belonged to the Knights Templar, and rents were diverted from the Crown to the Templars. These lands apparently remained independent for many centuries after the fall of the Templars, as remarked upon by Samuel Lewis in his Topographical Dictionary of Scotland (1846): “DARVEL, a village, in the parish of Loudoun…This is a considerable place, and it would seem that several lands here formerly belonged to the Knights Templars, as many of them still bear the name of Temple, and do not hold of any superior, not even of the crown."
Today several farms stand as reminders of the areas’ Templar past with names such as Templehouse, Temple Darvel, Templehiil, Temple Dalquharn, Temple Croft, and Temple Dalquharn.
And then of course, most famous of all is  Rosslyn Chapel, thrust into the spotlight for its supposed mysterious connections with the Knights Templar with the popularity of The Novel and film, The DaVinci Codes.
The legend Holy Grail was hidden here by the Templars still persists today. The chapel itself was built 150 after the Templars were dissolved, but a number of the buildings’ elaborate carvings have been identified by some as Templar symbols, inviting much intrigue and speculation. A common theory is that the Templars survived by founding the new order of Free Masons, and under this guise, their ancestors made these carvings. One gargoyle depicts a knight clutching a chalice, which has been pointed to as a clue that the Grail was hidden here.  Though much work has been done debunking these myths and legends, these stories persist in the popular imagination.    
Finally there is Kilwinning Abbey, like Rosslyn Chapel it  has been associated with legends of the Knights Templar. It has been said that the Templars first sought refuge here when they fled France following the events of 1307, bringing with them the famed Templar treasures, including the Holy Grail, and burying them under the Abbey. Kilwinning has also been associated with Mount Heredom, the birthplace of the Free Masons.  
Read more about the connections and the village of Temple here http://www.templevillage.org.uk/temple/history2.html
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 21 March 1838
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much snow in the night – roofs and ground thickishly covered and wind and driving snow this morning and F35° at 8 35 – making extracts from Cochrane vol. 1 till breakfast at 9 5 – A- out of sorts that is out of temper but I now care little about it and quietly leave her to herself A- had SW- who brought my plan of the land for the colliery – in the farm stables a few minutes – came upstairs at 9 50 and skimming over Cochrane vol. 1 till 10 ½ then till near 12 at Garforths’ engine estimate calculating and writing rough draft of specification – then had John Booth who had taken Felix to the Northgate hotel and received for him £14 as agreed bringing back note from Mr. Thomas Crossland to say that he had paid that sum into the hands of my servant (John B-) and could not commence posting till after the 5th of April – longish while talking to John about farming – I now incline to sowing snow my bit of Long field at the top of the hill with clover lints and hayseeds instead of taking a crop of potatoes – much expense and trouble – repayment uncertain – then looking over Estimates etc. till after 1 – and then till 3 ¾ writing out for copy of my agreement for Garforth to sign and particulars etc. etc. – I think I can manage without Mr. Parker this time – at 3 ¾ went downstairs Robert Norton setting up the quondam upper buttery oak table in the upper kitchen – then a little while with A- coming right again and quite so this evening –then in the farmyard and stables – no workmen the day too wintry – George had brought one load of Engine ashes this afternoon then gave up – breaking stones for sand and doing up the dunghill – he and Sam Booth – John B- had taken the farm horses to the Smithy this afternoon (Stephen Schofields) – then to Listerwick pit for a minute then sometime talking to John Oates – he is still for his own plan – does not see how with Charles Howarths plan the puddling can be managed – saw Holt this morning and they both agreed as to the difficulty of puddling in Charles H-‘s plan – then to the pit again –called Joseph Mann up from the bottom – mentioned what had passed – JM. sure there was no difficulty in puddling Charles H-‘s way – much less than in JO-‘s way – I said Holt must come and speak to me – to come about 8 am tomorrow – all to be stopt till I had seen him – then to the Lodge Matty wanting to see me – I thought she could not do better than go and be a companion to Mrs. Foster of H-x (living where Rayner used to live her son keeping the shop) – would not have Matty turned out for George Thomas’ and his intended wife – Matty cannot leave till the end of next week – I said she must take her own time and had best get out the day before Georges’ wife that is to be comes – said I would buy of Matty the furniture she wished to sell – she said Thomas the York joiner in the beginning valued her oak dresser with the pewter and all as it stood at £3 – she could have a shilling a lb. for the pewter – told Matty to do exactly her own way – but we should not differ – told her to keep the girl Ibbetsons’ daughter as long as she Matty staid at the Lodge and I would settle with her at last – home about 6 40 dressed – dinner at 7 5 – A- read French – coffee – read the newspaper then made extracts from Cochrane vol. 1 and wrote the last 20 lines till now 11 20 at which hour F35° Rainy, snowy, windy, wild, wintry day – the very high wind last night blew down the long ladder [reared] against the granary tower and broke off about 3 yards of the top end –
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teamhimalaya · 14 days
Helambu Cultural Trek - 11 Days
Itinerary Detail Close All
Day 1 : Arrive in Kathmandu received by Team Himalaya staff.
On arrival meet our TH staff for a courtesy transfer to respective hotels in the heart of Kathmandu at the Thamel area, an interesting place for shopping and having meals in one of the many world-class restaurants, pubs, and bakeries. Our guide will inform you of details regarding the Helambu Cultural Trek.
Day 2 : Drive to Sundarijal and trek to Chisapani 2,300 m – 04hrs.
Start this wonderful outdoor journey with a morning short drive towards the eastern Kathmandu valley rim at Sundarijal which is situated at a distance of 15 k.m. from Kathmandu city, from this small town at Sundarijal our trek begins with an uphill walk through a small farm village, a beautiful cascade of waterfalls and reaching an entrance of Shivapuri National Park, from here through a patch of forest and passing many scattered farm fields and villages then reaching the ridge top at Chisopani where the air gets cooler as this small village stands at 2,300 meters overlooking a grand panorama of snow-capped mountains from Annapurna-Manaslu-Ganesh Himal, Lang tang Himal towards Jugal Himal range, view of whole Kathmandu valley, this spot offers stunning sunrise and sunset views as well.
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tea House
Day 3 : Trek to Gulbhanjyang 2,125 m – 05 hrs.
After an enjoyable morning with the sunrise over the grand mountain panorama, the walk starts with a downhill path to a nice village of Pati Bhanjyang which is a Hindu Brahman and Chhetris village, from here our walk carries on with a slow climb uphill for an hour then on the gradual winding through patch of forest and villages reaching at Gulbhanjyang for overnight stop after a good day’s walk of 4-5 hours.
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tea House
Day 4 : Trek to Kutumsang 2,446 m – 04 hrs.
Today the walk is quite short, starting by following the trail with a climb uphill and sometimes downhill which leads to another popular village of Chipplin, from here walk continues through farm villages overlooking a grand panorama of surrounding green landscapes and rolling hills till the day ends at overnight stop in Kutumsang, a nice Sherpa-Yolmos and Tamang village with great views of snow capped mountains, afternoon free at leisure to explore this small pretty village surrounding.
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tea House
Day 5 : Trek to Thadepati 3,597 m – 05 hrs.
From this nice village start the fresh morning walk with a climb north up to the Yurin Danda ridge through serene rhododendrons, pines, and oak forests and to a small pass at 3,510 meters and then with a short descent to the forested area.
Then this pleasant trek passes through the cool shade of rhododendron forests and comes to an open area, where there’s a Nepal army post and with few small teahouses, after this exposed place walk leads to a short climb diverting from the main path that joins to Gosainkund area, our wonderful walk completes at Tharepati for lunch and overnight stop. Tharepati with a few lodges and teahouses is the highest point of this trip offering grand panorama and awesome views of rolling landscapes and high stunning peaks of Langtang and Jugal Mountain range, afternoon free at leisure or for a short walk around this fabulous spot
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tea House
Day 6 : Trek to Malemchigaon 2,560 m – 05 hrs.
After a wonderful time at the highest spot of this trek at Thadepati, our journey continues with a short climb to the top ridge, then heading downhill path through a dense forest of rhododendrons, hemlocks, firs, and pines tree lines.
The walk carries on further passing through several Sheppard’s huts and temporary settlements and then reaching Melamchi Khola ( stream), crossing the river, and then with a gentle climb reaching our overnight stop at Malemchigaon, a typical mountain and hill village of Buddhist religion inhabited with Yolmo’s and Tamang ethnic tribes, the houses windows and doors and furniture decorated with pretty intricate carvings, here after lunch free at leisure to explore this nice village.
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tea House
Day 7 : Trek to Tarke Gyang 2,590 m – 04 hours.
Today another short day walk towards the main village of Helambu area at Tarke Gyang, he trails steeply descends to the Melamchi River from the village, then crosses the river by a suspension bridge, then the walk leads to a climb above the river for an hour reaching the overnight spot at Tarkeghyang village via Nakote village, Tarkegyang, renowned for its famed green apples and intricate Tibetan design wood carving on furniture and other products. Afternoon at leisure, visit this lovely village, where its windows and furniture have nice traditional carving, and visit the oldest Buddhist monastery, Ama Yangri on the top of the village.
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tea House
Day 8 : Trek to Sermathang 2,610 m – 04 hours.
Slowly and gently as this wonderful journey comes to an end losing altitude day by day from here onwards on the downhill and flat land walking through beautiful forests and enjoying a visit to these villages of the Helembu area, our walk continues through many chortens and summer meadows to reach Gangyul a small village, then following the path with wonderful views of green rolling hills and natural vegetation and reaching at Shermathang for overnight stop, this is another pretty Hyalmo village of Helambu area, here with time to visit another old monastery.
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Tea House
Day 9 : Trek to Malemchipul Bazaar, drive to Kathmandu – 05 hrs drive
After a wonderful time in the high mountains walk ends after a few hours of trekking towards Melamchi Bazaar with a drive back to Kathmandu, the morning starts with an easy descent reaching a warmer area as the road leads to a lower area in the flat land till it reaches Dubachaur and walking further reaching a bridge over Melamchi Khola, and to busy Malemchipul Bazaar, with a short rest here after completing the walk of this memorable and impressive trek, and then an interesting drive of four hours reaches Kathmandu after a wonderful time in the high hills of Himalaya.
Breakfast /lunch/dinner
Day 10 : In Kathmandu full day sightseeing tour.
The morning after breakfast at a given time our city and cultural guide will guide you in and around Kathmandu at places of interest and importance, as Kathmandu Valley is full of World Heritage Sites the holy Pashupatinath temple, Bouddhanath (Little Tibet), Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple) & monasteries, ancient Kings Palaces and courtyard in Kathmandu; after an interesting sightseeing back to the hotel
Day 11 : International departure homeward bound.
Last day in Nepal with a wonderful memorable time in the Himalayas around Helambu Cultural Trek with Team Himalaya and transfer to the airport for the flight back home or to respective destination.
 Not Satisfied with this itinerary?
This represents our standard and highly recommended itinerary. Should this itinerary or date not align with your preferences, we are more than willing to tailor your vacation to meet your specific requirements. The following are our established departure dates. These dates and prices are applicable for joining a group. Allow our travel experts to assist you in personalizing this journey according to your individual interests.
Customize This Trip
What Is Included ?
Pickups and drops from hotels and airports.
3-night Tourist star hotel with Breakfast in Kathmandu.
Kathmandu To Sundari Jal, malemchipul to Kathmandu by local transport.
Kathmandu Valley sightseeing tour guide with private vehicle.
All meals during the trek. (BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNERS).
All necessary paperwork, national park permits, and Tims card.
All our government taxes, VAT, and tourist service charges.
An experienced, knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, and English-speaking Trek guide and porter to carry Luggage. (2 trekkers 1 porter)
Food, drinks, accommodation, insurance, salary, equipment, transportation, and medicine all stuff.
Twins share comfortable and clean private rooms during the trek.
Down jacket and sleeping bag by team Himalaya (which need to be returned after the trek).
Trip achievement appreciation certificate.
Fresh fruit is seasonal during the trip.
Group medical supplies (first aid kit will be available)
Helambu cultural Trekmap.
Official expense.
Travel and rescue arrangement
What Is Excluded?
Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu.
Personal expenses (phone calls, laundry, bar bills, battery recharge, extra porter, bottle or boiled water, shower, etc)
International airfare to and from Kathmandu.
Kathmandu Valley Sightseeing tour entrance fees.
Travel and rescue insurance
Excess baggage charge
Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu because of early, late, and early return from the mountain (due to any reason) than scheduled.
Tips for trekking staff and drivers (tipping is expected ).
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amrutatbrc1 · 21 days
Bourbon Spirits Market 2024-2033 : Demand, Trend, Segmentation, Forecast, Overview And Top Companies 
The Bourbon Spirits Global Market Report 2024 by The Business Research Company provides market overview across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, encompassing 27 major global industries. The report presents a comprehensive analysis over a ten-year historic period (2010-2021) and extends its insights into a ten-year forecast period (2023-2033).
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Learn More On The Bourbon Spirits Market: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/bourbon-spirits-global-market-report
According to The Business Research Company’s Bourbon Spirits Global Market Report 2024, The bourbon spirits market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $10.69 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to increasing craft and premium bourbon spirits, inventive cocktail recipes, expanding cocktail culture, and increasing demand for craft distilleries. Major trends in the forecast period include flavor innovations, collaborations with artists or celebrities, product sales in hotels and restaurants, investing in unique branding strategies, and sustainable practices.
The rising consumption of alcoholic beverages is expected to propel the growth of the bourbon spirits market going forward. Alcoholic beverages refer to drinkable liquids containing ethanol (ethyl alcohol), a psychoactive substance that is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed throughout the body. The rising consumption of alcoholic beverages can be attributed to factors such as changes in social norms, increased availability and marketing, and cultural influences. Bourbon spirits are enjoyed for their rich, distinctive flavor and are a popular choice in cocktails, on the rocks, or neat among alcohol consumers. For instance, in April 2023, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, a US-based government association, in 2021, per capita consumption of all alcoholic beverages combined reached 2.51 gallons, marking a 2.9 percent rise from the 2.44 gallons recorded in 2020. Therefore, the rising consumption of alcoholic beverages is driving the growth of the bourbon spirits market.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables): https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=17102&type=smp
The bourbon spirits market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Barrel Select, Wheated, Barrel Finished, Other Types 2) By Alcohol By Volume (ABV): 40%-45%, 46%-55%, 56% And Above 3) By Distribution Channel: On-Trade, Off-Trade
Major companies operating in the bourbon spirits market are focused on developing innovative solutions, such as wood-finished bourbon, to cater to evolving consumer preferences and differentiate their products. Wood-finished bourbon is a bourbon whiskey that has undergone additional aging in barrels previously used for other spirits or wines, imparting unique and complex flavors. For instance, in May 2024, RD1 Spirits, a US-based artisan bourbon company, launched a unique wood-finished bourbon-tasting set for connoisseurs to enjoy in the comfort of their own homes. The set includes 200-ml bottles of RD1 Kentucky Straight Bourbon finished with French Oak, Brazilian Amburana Wood, and a double finish in Oak and Maple Barrels. These miniature bottles replicate the iconic RD1 750-ml bottles, complete with the distinctive four-plank horse farm fencing etched around the base and vibrant labels denoting the wood finishes. The company carefully selects specific barrels, removes the bung, inserts unique wood staves into the original American Oak barrels, hammers the new bung back in place, and lets the bourbon rest for further maturation. This meticulous process allows RD1 to craft wood-finished expressions that significantly impact the overall tasting experience.
The bourbon spirits market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Bourbon Spirits Market Characteristics
3. Bourbon Spirits Market Trends And Strategies
4. Bourbon Spirits Market - Macro Economic Scenario
5. Global Bourbon Spirits Market Size and Growth ...........
32. Global Bourbon Spirits Market Competitive Benchmarking
33. Global Bourbon Spirits Market Competitive Dashboard
34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Bourbon Spirits Market
35. Bourbon Spirits Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
36. Appendix
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dankusner · 2 months
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REAL ESTATE Oak Cliff apartments offer views of downtown
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Project is part of city program to tackle lack of affordable housing
Not every new apartment complex comes with a highway exit yards from its main entrance.
The Colorado Boulevard exit off Interstate 35E was not yet complete when Mintwood Real Estate began working on the Oakhouse community.
The 219-unit property, which is in Oak Cliff near the Trinity River and adjacent to the former Oak Farms Dairy on Marsalis Avenue, offers downtown Dallas views from its ground-floor units to its resident sky deck six levels up.
Residents can choose from two luxury finishes across one-, two- and three-bedroom floor plans.
The complex features public spaces with a range of seating areas, a central pool and a workout facility, among other amenities.
The firm’s founders, Katy Slade and Nick Venghaus, went with two aesthetics: “coastal grandma” for a lighter, brighter palette with cream accents and “Scandinavian modern vibe” for a moodier, yet still airy, gray-infused setting.
Whirlpool appliances, spacious closets, LED mirrors, floor-to-ceiling tile and roller shades are the norm across the complex.
The apartments are the first completed project utilizing the Dallas Public Facility Corporation, with more than half of the units held back essentially for local residents making 80% of the area’s median income.
It’s a financing vehicle that aims to help address the city’s need for more diverse, affordable housing.
Slade said that, while the firm’s first multifamily project in Oak Cliff, 212 Melba, experienced many of the COVID-19 pandemic’s supply- chain-related woes, the Oakhouse was more affected by sporadic price increases seen in recent years.
“The challenge was that, as we were working to make sure the product worked with the public facility corporation, we were seeing climbing prices,” Slade said.
Gables Residential is leasing and managing Oakhouse.
WDG Architecture served as architect, and Swoon led interior design. Rogers O’Brien Construction acted as general contractor.
Mintwood acquired the site from Dallas-based Cienda Partners, which owns dozens of acres in the neighborhood.
Beyond 212 Melba, Mintwood’s other projects in Dallas include the office-to-multifamily conversion of the Peridot Residences downtown alongside Pacific Elm Properties.
The firm is also part of a 20-acre mixed-use project in Oklahoma City alongside Veritas Development.
The project is set to bring the city to the north of D-FW a new Mesero restaurant location, along with a Restoration Hardware, Capital Grille, hotel and apartment community.
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usastuffstates · 2 months
Chicago • 300 South Wacker • 360 Chicago  Observation Deck • Anderson Shumaker • Balboa Monument • Batcolumn • Big Monster Toys • Big Smile Dental • Billy Goat Tavern • Billy Goat Tavern (at The Mart) • Billy Goat Tavern (Navy ) • Billy Goat Tavern (near United Center) • Billy Goat Tavern (Ohare Airport- Concourse C) • Billy Goat Tavern (The Original) • Billy Goat Tavern (Wrigleyville) • Bob Newhart Statue • Bohemian National Cemetery • Busy Beaver Button Co • Chicago Architecture Center • Chicago Fed Money Museum • Cloud Gate • Creative Circle • Crown Fountain • Daley Plaza • Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy • Douglas Tomb State Historic Site • Field Museum • Former 7th District Police Station • Fountain of Time • Gallagher House • Geographical Center of Chicago • Graceland Cemetery • Grant Park • Historic Begin Route 66 Sign • Hotel Lincoln - JDV by Hyatt • Hubcap Yard House • Humboldt Park • Hyde Park Hair Salon & Barber • International Museum of Surgical Science • Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art • Jack Brickhouse Memorial • John Hancock Center • Klairmont Kollections Automotive Museum • Kocol Mark S • K Three Welding • L. Frank Baum Yellow Brick Road • Los Portales Mexican Restaurant • McDonald's •  Merchandise Mart • Midwest Eye Center - Chicago • Monument To The Great Northern Migration • New Colony Building • Nuclear Energy Sculpture • Obama Kissing Rock • Oz Park • Ravenswood ArtWalk • Robin Williams Mural • Rosehill Cemetery •  Sanchez Lab • Shit Fountain • Sims Metal Management • Skydeck Chicago • SP+ Parking • Superdawg Drive-In • Swoon • Taco Bell Cantina • Tribune Tower • Twisted Spoke • United Center • University  of Chicago • Victory Gardens Theater • Walt Disney Birthplace Home • Weber Grill Restaurant • Winston's Sausages • Wolfy's • Wooly Mammoth • The Wormhole Coffee • Wrigley Field
Fox River Grove • Bettendorf Castle
Freeport • Little Cubs Field • Union Dairy
Fulton • The Dutch Oven • Heritage Canyon • Windmill Cultural Center
Galena • Belvedere Mansion • U.S. Grant Home State Historic Site • West Street Sculpture Park
Galva • Galva City Police Department
Gardner • Streetcar Diner • Two Cell Jail
Gays • Two Story Outhouse
Geneva • Chicago Soccer Academy • Fabyan Windmill • Oak Hill Cemetery • Good Templar Park Association
Glen Ellyn • College of DuPage • College of DuPage, Health and Science Center
Glenview • Abt Electronics
Granite • Chain of Rocks Bridge • Everclean Car Wash • Granite City Park District
Grayslake • Lake County Farm Bureau
Greenville • DeMoulin Museum
Gridley • Telephone Museum of Gridley
Gurnee • El Rancho Motel
Hartford • Lewis & Clark Confluence Tower
Harvard • Five Point Park • RavenStone Castle
Hebron • Basketball Water Tower
Herod • Gap Bar • Garden of the God's • Herod Cave Historic Site • Shawnee Bigfoot Statue
Highland Park • Giant Hawk Head and Nest
Hillsboro • Abraham Lincoln Statue Plaza
Hillside • Mount Carmel Cemetery
Hinsdale • Robert Crown Center For Health Education
HoopPole • St. Mary of the Fields Catholic Church
Hopewell • Whispering Giant Park
Hudson • Comlara Park
Hudsonville • Hutson Memorial Park
Inverness • Village of Inverness
Iuka • Quandt's Supply
Jacksonville • Brennan HVAC
Joliet • Blues Brothers Copmobile • Dick's Towing Service Inc • First Dairy Queen Location • Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66 • Liberty Meadow Estates • Old Joliet Prison • Route 66 Food n Fuel
Justice • Resurrection  Cemetery
Kankakee • 5th Avenue Community Gardens • Alexander Construction and Innovative Mobile Marketing • American Legion Kankakee Post 85 • Dairy Queen
Kaskaskia • Kaskaskia Bell State Memorial
Kent • Blackhawk Battlefield Park
Lemont • Argonne Welcome Center Northgate
Lerna • Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site • Shiloh Cemetery • Thompson's Welding Service
Lexington • Crazy Presidential Elephant
Libertyville • Lambs Farm
Lincoln • Hotel Lincoln Inn • Lincoln City Hall • Lincoln Watermelon Monument • The Mill Museum on Route 66 • Postville Courthouse State Historic Site • Tiny Church • The Tropics Restaurant Neon Sign
Lincolnshire • Par-King Skill Golf
Lincolnwood • Novelty Golf & Games
Livingston • Pink Elephant Antique Mall
Lockport • Lincoln Landing • Lockport Powerhouse
Loda • Loda Park
Lombard • Weber Grill Restaurant & Cooking School
Long Grove • Sock Monkey Museum
Lynnwood • Clarke's Garden Center & Stone Depot
Lyons • Chicago Portage National Historic Site
Macomb • Living Lincoln Topiary Monument
Makanda • Giant City State Park Lodge & Restaurant • Rainmaker Art Studio • Water Tower
Malta • Old School Pizza
Mapleton • Butler Haynes Pavilion • Hollis Park District
Marseilles • Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial
Marshall • 1918 Brick National Road • World's Largest Gavel
Martinsville • Martinsville Agricultural Fair • Moonshine Store
Matanzas Beach
Mattoon • Burger King (Mattoon)
McCook • Welcome To Fabulous McCook Illinois Sign
Melrose Park • Kiddieland Amusement Park Sign
Metropolis • Big John Super Foods Store • Fort Massac State Park • kryptonite rock • Lois Lane Statue • Masonic Cemetery • Massac County Courthouse Annex • The Super Museum
Midlothian • Bachelor's Grove Cemetery
Mokena • Creamery
Morton • Red Barn Tree Shop
Mount Carroll • Raven's Grin Inn
Mount Morris • Illinois Freedom Bell
Mt Olive • Soulsby Shell Station • Union Miners Cemetery
Mt. Pleasant • Grave of King Neptune the Pig • Trail of Tears Welcome Center
Mt. Vernon • Mt.Vernon Overhead Door
Murphysboro • Holiday Inn Express & Suites Murphysboro-Carbondale
Naperville • Central Park • Dick Tracy Statue • Highlands Elementary School • Millennium Carillon • Naperville Public Library - 95th Street Library • Naperville Public Library - Naper Blvd. Library • Naperville Public Library - Nichols Library • Naperville Train • Wrinkle Fairy
Nashville • The Traveler’s Chapel
Nauvoo • Nauvoo-Colusa Elementary/Jr High School
Newton • A-J Welding & Steel • Burl Ives Statue • Mug Tree
Niles • Booby's • Leaning Tower YMCA • Niles Veteran's Memorial Waterfall • President Abraham Lincoln bench • Veterans Memorial Monument Nilwood • Turkey Tracks on Route 66
Normal • Carl's Ice Cream Factory • Sprague's Super Service Station
Norridge • Westlawn Cemetery & Mausoleum
North Aurora • Scott's Vintage & Antiques
North Riverside • Caledonia Senior Living & Memory Care
Norway • Norwegian Settlers State Memorial
Oak Brook • Fullersburg Woods Nature Education Center
Oak Forest • King Heating and Air Conditioning
Oak Lawn • Cardinal Liquor Barn Inc
Odell • Standard Oil of Illinois Gas Station
Oglesby • The Rootbeer Stand • Starved Rock State Park
Olney • Olney Chamber of Commerce • Olney City Park • The Repair Shop
Oquawka • Norma Jean, Circus Elephant Monument
Oregon • Lowden State Park • Lowden State Park Campground • Oregon Park East
Ottawa • Ho-Ma-Shjah-Nah-Zhee-Ga Indian Monument • Lincoln-Douglas Park • Ottawa Avenue Cemetery • Remembering the Radium Girls • Shoe Tree • Volvo at Carling Motors Co. Limited
Palatine • Ahlgrim Family Funeral Services
Pana • Giant Hand with Painted Nails
Park Forest • Chinese House @ 428 N. Orchard Drive • Park Forest Rail Fan Park
Pekin • Double D's Soft Serve
Peoria Heights • Heights Tower
Peoria • C.T. Gabbert Remodeling & Construction • Neal Auto Parts • Peoria Plaza Tire • Peoria Riverfront Museum • Richard Pryor statue by Preston Jackson • Wheels O' Time Museum Paris • Sapp Bros. Travel Center
Petersburg • Oakland Cemetery
Piasa • Southwestern Middle School
Plainfield • Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202
Plano • Smallville Superfest
Pontiac • Burma Shave Signs • Livingston County War Museum • Route 66 Association of Illinois • Route 66 decommissioned Illinois State police headquarter
Port Byron • Will B. Rolling Statue
Princeton • Owen Lovejoy House • Red Covered Bridge
Quincy • St Peters Cemetery
Rantoul • Chanute Air Force Base (Decommissioned) • Hardy's Reindeer Ranch • Rantoul National Aviation Center Airport-Frank Elliott Field
Rend Lake • Rend Lake Golf Course Restaurant & Banquet
River Grove • Hala Kahiki Lounge
Riverdale • Riverdale, IL Water Tower
Rochelle • Vince's Pizza & Family Restaurant
Rock Island • Black Hawk State Historic Site • Chippiannock Cemetery • Rock Island Arsenal
Rockford • Beyer Peaches Stadium • Lockwood Park & Trailside Equestrian Centre • Midway Village Museum • Rock Men
Rolling Meadows • Rolling Meadows Park District Headquarters
Romeoville • White Fence Farm Main Restaurant
Roscoe • Historic Auto Attractions
Roselle • Mark Drug Pharmacy and Home Health
Rosemont • Rosemont Water Tower Russell • Russell Military Museum
Salem • Pollard Motors
Sandwich • Bull Moose Bar & Grille • Sandwich City Hall • Sandwich Opera House
Savanna • Savanna Army Depot
Schaumburg • Al Larson Prairie Center For the Arts • Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament • Weber Grill Restaurant & Cooking School
Scott AFB • Scott Field Heritage Air Park
Seneca • LST Memorial Public Boat Launch
Shelbyville • Mobile Wedding Chapel & Wedding Ceremony • Shelby County Courthouse
Silvis • Hero Street Monument Committee
South Barrington • Goebbert's Farm - South Barrington
South Elgin • Fox Valley Trolley Museum
Springfield • 1908 Race Riot Memorial • Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum • Ace Sign Co • Capitol Complex Visitors Center • County Market • Cozy Dog Drive In • Derringer Auto Care • Dumb Records • Illinois State Capitol • Illinois State Fairground • Illinois State Military Museum • Lauterbach Tire & Auto Service • Lincoln Monument Association • Mahan Filling Station • Oak Ridge Cemetery • Pearson Museum • Shea's Gas Station Museum • Southeast High School • Springfield Amtrak Station • Young Lincoln Mural
St. Anne • St. Anne Caboose
St. Charles • Ghoulish Mortals
St. Elmo • Driftstone Pueblo
Staunton • Henrys Rabbit Ranch
Stewardson • Moomaw Truck Alignment INC. Stickney • Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Stockton • Bottle Shed Bar & Pizzaria
Stone Park • Casa Italia
Streamwood • Spirit of America Car Wash
Streator • Canteen Monument • Pluto Coffee and Tea • Schultz Monument Co
Summit • Argo Community High School
Sycamore • Statue of Mr. Pumpkin
Tampico • Ronald Reagan's Birthplace
Taylorville • Christian County Circuit Clerk • Oak Hill Cemetery
Teutopolis  • Monastery Museum
Towanda • Dead Man's Curve
Troy Grove • Wild Bill Hickok State Memorial
Union • Illinois Railway Museum
University  Park • Governors State University
Urbana • Natural History Building • U of I Pollinatarium • University of Illinois Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Vandalia • Jay's Inn • Kaskaskia Dragon • Vandalia City Hall • Vandalia Statehouse State Historic Site
Vienna • Big Boys Bar & Grill
Villa Park • Safari Land
Volo • Jurassic Gardens • The Party Barn at Volo Museum • Volo Museum • Volo Museum Auto Sales
Wadsworth • Gold Pyramid
Wapella • Prairie Built Barns Wapella
Washington • Lincoln Statue “Return Visit” Washington  Park • Eddie's
Watseka • Smiley Face Water Tower
Waukegan • Club Tiki Bar & Video Slots • Waukegan Public Library • Waukegan Roofing | TPO Commercial Flat Roof Repair & Replacement
Wenona • Coal Mine Car Monument
Westport • Lincoln Trail State Memorial
Wheaton • Armerding Center for Music and Arts • Billy Graham Museum • Jack T. Knuepfer County Administration Building • Wheaton College • Wheaton College Marion E Wade Center • Wheaton College  Observatory  (IL) • Wheaton Windmill Wheeling • Superdawg Drive-In
Willow Hill • Mound Cemetery
Willowbrook • Dell Rhea's Chicken Basket
Wilmette • Bahá'í House of Worship
Woodridge • Hollywood Blvd Cinema
Woodstock • Royal Victorian Manor • Shoe Tree
Worth • Ball Fore Miniature Golf
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littletittie · 2 months
Chicago • 300 South Wacker • 360 Chicago  Observation Deck • Anderson Shumaker • Balboa Monument • Batcolumn • Big Monster Toys • Big Smile Dental • Billy Goat Tavern • Billy Goat Tavern (at The Mart) • Billy Goat Tavern (Navy ) • Billy Goat Tavern (near United Center) • Billy Goat Tavern (Ohare Airport- Concourse C) • Billy Goat Tavern (The Original) • Billy Goat Tavern (Wrigleyville) • Bob Newhart Statue • Bohemian National Cemetery • Busy Beaver Button Co • Chicago Architecture Center • Chicago Fed Money Museum • Cloud Gate • Creative Circle • Crown Fountain • Daley Plaza • Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy • Douglas Tomb State Historic Site • Field Museum • Former 7th District Police Station • Fountain of Time • Gallagher House • Geographical Center of Chicago • Graceland Cemetery • Grant Park • Historic Begin Route 66 Sign • Hotel Lincoln - JDV by Hyatt • Hubcap Yard House • Humboldt Park • Hyde Park Hair Salon & Barber • International Museum of Surgical Science • Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art • Jack Brickhouse Memorial • John Hancock Center • Klairmont Kollections Automotive Museum • Kocol Mark S • K Three Welding • L. Frank Baum Yellow Brick Road • Los Portales Mexican Restaurant • McDonald's •  Merchandise Mart • Midwest Eye Center - Chicago • Monument To The Great Northern Migration • New Colony Building • Nuclear Energy Sculpture • Obama Kissing Rock • Oz Park • Ravenswood ArtWalk • Robin Williams Mural • Rosehill Cemetery •  Sanchez Lab • Shit Fountain • Sims Metal Management • Skydeck Chicago • SP+ Parking • Superdawg Drive-In • Swoon • Taco Bell Cantina • Tribune Tower • Twisted Spoke • United Center • University  of Chicago • Victory Gardens Theater • Walt Disney Birthplace Home • Weber Grill Restaurant • Winston's Sausages • Wolfy's • Wooly Mammoth • The Wormhole Coffee • Wrigley Field
Fox River Grove • Bettendorf Castle
Freeport • Little Cubs Field • Union Dairy
Fulton • The Dutch Oven • Heritage Canyon • Windmill Cultural Center
Galena • Belvedere Mansion • U.S. Grant Home State Historic Site • West Street Sculpture Park
Galva • Galva City Police Department
Gardner • Streetcar Diner • Two Cell Jail
Gays • Two Story Outhouse
Geneva • Chicago Soccer Academy • Fabyan Windmill • Oak Hill Cemetery • Good Templar Park Association
Glen Ellyn • College of DuPage • College of DuPage, Health and Science Center
Glenview • Abt Electronics
Granite • Chain of Rocks Bridge • Everclean Car Wash • Granite City Park District
Grayslake • Lake County Farm Bureau
Greenville • DeMoulin Museum
Gridley • Telephone Museum of Gridley
Gurnee • El Rancho Motel
Hartford • Lewis & Clark Confluence Tower
Harvard • Five Point Park • RavenStone Castle
Hebron • Basketball Water Tower
Herod • Gap Bar • Garden of the God's • Herod Cave Historic Site • Shawnee Bigfoot Statue
Highland Park • Giant Hawk Head and Nest
Hillsboro • Abraham Lincoln Statue Plaza
Hillside • Mount Carmel Cemetery
Hinsdale • Robert Crown Center For Health Education
HoopPole • St. Mary of the Fields Catholic Church
Hopewell • Whispering Giant Park
Hudson • Comlara Park
Hudsonville • Hutson Memorial Park
Inverness • Village of Inverness
Iuka • Quandt's Supply
Jacksonville • Brennan HVAC
Joliet • Blues Brothers Copmobile • Dick's Towing Service Inc • First Dairy Queen Location • Illinois Rock & Roll Museum on Route 66 • Liberty Meadow Estates • Old Joliet Prison • Route 66 Food n Fuel
Justice • Resurrection  Cemetery
Kankakee • 5th Avenue Community Gardens • Alexander Construction and Innovative Mobile Marketing • American Legion Kankakee Post 85 • Dairy Queen
Kaskaskia • Kaskaskia Bell State Memorial
Kent • Blackhawk Battlefield Park
Lemont • Argonne Welcome Center Northgate
Lerna • Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site • Shiloh Cemetery • Thompson's Welding Service
Lexington • Crazy Presidential Elephant
Libertyville • Lambs Farm
Lincoln • Hotel Lincoln Inn • Lincoln City Hall • Lincoln Watermelon Monument • The Mill Museum on Route 66 • Postville Courthouse State Historic Site • Tiny Church • The Tropics Restaurant Neon Sign
Lincolnshire • Par-King Skill Golf
Lincolnwood • Novelty Golf & Games
Livingston • Pink Elephant Antique Mall
Lockport • Lincoln Landing • Lockport Powerhouse
Loda • Loda Park
Lombard • Weber Grill Restaurant & Cooking School
Long Grove • Sock Monkey Museum
Lynnwood • Clarke's Garden Center & Stone Depot
Lyons • Chicago Portage National Historic Site
Macomb • Living Lincoln Topiary Monument
Makanda • Giant City State Park Lodge & Restaurant • Rainmaker Art Studio • Water Tower
Malta • Old School Pizza
Mapleton • Butler Haynes Pavilion • Hollis Park District
Marseilles • Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial
Marshall • 1918 Brick National Road • World's Largest Gavel
Martinsville • Martinsville Agricultural Fair • Moonshine Store
Matanzas Beach
Mattoon • Burger King (Mattoon)
McCook • Welcome To Fabulous McCook Illinois Sign
Melrose Park • Kiddieland Amusement Park Sign
Metropolis • Big John Super Foods Store • Fort Massac State Park • kryptonite rock • Lois Lane Statue • Masonic Cemetery • Massac County Courthouse Annex • The Super Museum
Midlothian • Bachelor's Grove Cemetery
Mokena • Creamery
Morton • Red Barn Tree Shop
Mount Carroll • Raven's Grin Inn
Mount Morris • Illinois Freedom Bell
Mt Olive • Soulsby Shell Station • Union Miners Cemetery
Mt. Pleasant • Grave of King Neptune the Pig • Trail of Tears Welcome Center
Mt. Vernon • Mt.Vernon Overhead Door
Murphysboro • Holiday Inn Express & Suites Murphysboro-Carbondale
Naperville • Central Park • Dick Tracy Statue • Highlands Elementary School • Millennium Carillon • Naperville Public Library - 95th Street Library • Naperville Public Library - Naper Blvd. Library • Naperville Public Library - Nichols Library • Naperville Train • Wrinkle Fairy
Nashville • The Traveler’s Chapel
Nauvoo • Nauvoo-Colusa Elementary/Jr High School
Newton • A-J Welding & Steel • Burl Ives Statue • Mug Tree
Niles • Booby's • Leaning Tower YMCA • Niles Veteran's Memorial Waterfall • President Abraham Lincoln bench • Veterans Memorial Monument Nilwood • Turkey Tracks on Route 66
Normal • Carl's Ice Cream Factory • Sprague's Super Service Station
Norridge • Westlawn Cemetery & Mausoleum
North Aurora • Scott's Vintage & Antiques
North Riverside • Caledonia Senior Living & Memory Care
Norway • Norwegian Settlers State Memorial
Oak Brook • Fullersburg Woods Nature Education Center
Oak Forest • King Heating and Air Conditioning
Oak Lawn • Cardinal Liquor Barn Inc
Odell • Standard Oil of Illinois Gas Station
Oglesby • The Rootbeer Stand • Starved Rock State Park
Olney • Olney Chamber of Commerce • Olney City Park • The Repair Shop
Oquawka • Norma Jean, Circus Elephant Monument
Oregon • Lowden State Park • Lowden State Park Campground • Oregon Park East
Ottawa • Ho-Ma-Shjah-Nah-Zhee-Ga Indian Monument • Lincoln-Douglas Park • Ottawa Avenue Cemetery • Remembering the Radium Girls • Shoe Tree • Volvo at Carling Motors Co. Limited
Palatine • Ahlgrim Family Funeral Services
Pana • Giant Hand with Painted Nails
Park Forest • Chinese House @ 428 N. Orchard Drive • Park Forest Rail Fan Park
Pekin • Double D's Soft Serve
Peoria Heights • Heights Tower
Peoria • C.T. Gabbert Remodeling & Construction • Neal Auto Parts • Peoria Plaza Tire • Peoria Riverfront Museum • Richard Pryor statue by Preston Jackson • Wheels O' Time Museum Paris • Sapp Bros. Travel Center
Petersburg • Oakland Cemetery
Piasa • Southwestern Middle School
Plainfield • Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202
Plano • Smallville Superfest
Pontiac • Burma Shave Signs • Livingston County War Museum • Route 66 Association of Illinois • Route 66 decommissioned Illinois State police headquarter
Port Byron • Will B. Rolling Statue
Princeton • Owen Lovejoy House • Red Covered Bridge
Quincy • St Peters Cemetery
Rantoul • Chanute Air Force Base (Decommissioned) • Hardy's Reindeer Ranch • Rantoul National Aviation Center Airport-Frank Elliott Field
Rend Lake • Rend Lake Golf Course Restaurant & Banquet
River Grove • Hala Kahiki Lounge
Riverdale • Riverdale, IL Water Tower
Rochelle • Vince's Pizza & Family Restaurant
Rock Island • Black Hawk State Historic Site • Chippiannock Cemetery • Rock Island Arsenal
Rockford • Beyer Peaches Stadium • Lockwood Park & Trailside Equestrian Centre • Midway Village Museum • Rock Men
Rolling Meadows • Rolling Meadows Park District Headquarters
Romeoville • White Fence Farm Main Restaurant
Roscoe • Historic Auto Attractions
Roselle • Mark Drug Pharmacy and Home Health
Rosemont • Rosemont Water Tower Russell • Russell Military Museum
Salem • Pollard Motors
Sandwich • Bull Moose Bar & Grille • Sandwich City Hall • Sandwich Opera House
Savanna • Savanna Army Depot
Schaumburg • Al Larson Prairie Center For the Arts • Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament • Weber Grill Restaurant & Cooking School
Scott AFB • Scott Field Heritage Air Park
Seneca • LST Memorial Public Boat Launch
Shelbyville • Mobile Wedding Chapel & Wedding Ceremony • Shelby County Courthouse
Silvis • Hero Street Monument Committee
South Barrington • Goebbert's Farm - South Barrington
South Elgin • Fox Valley Trolley Museum
Springfield • 1908 Race Riot Memorial • Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum • Ace Sign Co • Capitol Complex Visitors Center • County Market • Cozy Dog Drive In • Derringer Auto Care • Dumb Records • Illinois State Capitol • Illinois State Fairground • Illinois State Military Museum • Lauterbach Tire & Auto Service • Lincoln Monument Association • Mahan Filling Station • Oak Ridge Cemetery • Pearson Museum • Shea's Gas Station Museum • Southeast High School • Springfield Amtrak Station • Young Lincoln Mural
St. Anne • St. Anne Caboose
St. Charles • Ghoulish Mortals
St. Elmo • Driftstone Pueblo
Staunton • Henrys Rabbit Ranch
Stewardson • Moomaw Truck Alignment INC. Stickney • Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Stockton • Bottle Shed Bar & Pizzaria
Stone Park • Casa Italia
Streamwood • Spirit of America Car Wash
Streator • Canteen Monument • Pluto Coffee and Tea • Schultz Monument Co
Summit • Argo Community High School
Sycamore • Statue of Mr. Pumpkin
Tampico • Ronald Reagan's Birthplace
Taylorville • Christian County Circuit Clerk • Oak Hill Cemetery
Teutopolis  • Monastery Museum
Towanda • Dead Man's Curve
Troy Grove • Wild Bill Hickok State Memorial
Union • Illinois Railway Museum
University  Park • Governors State University
Urbana • Natural History Building • U of I Pollinatarium • University of Illinois Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Vandalia • Jay's Inn • Kaskaskia Dragon • Vandalia City Hall • Vandalia Statehouse State Historic Site
Vienna • Big Boys Bar & Grill
Villa Park • Safari Land
Volo • Jurassic Gardens • The Party Barn at Volo Museum • Volo Museum • Volo Museum Auto Sales
Wadsworth • Gold Pyramid
Wapella • Prairie Built Barns Wapella
Washington • Lincoln Statue “Return Visit” Washington  Park • Eddie's
Watseka • Smiley Face Water Tower
Waukegan • Club Tiki Bar & Video Slots • Waukegan Public Library • Waukegan Roofing | TPO Commercial Flat Roof Repair & Replacement
Wenona • Coal Mine Car Monument
Westport • Lincoln Trail State Memorial
Wheaton • Armerding Center for Music and Arts • Billy Graham Museum • Jack T. Knuepfer County Administration Building • Wheaton College • Wheaton College Marion E Wade Center • Wheaton College  Observatory  (IL) • Wheaton Windmill Wheeling • Superdawg Drive-In
Willow Hill • Mound Cemetery
Willowbrook • Dell Rhea's Chicken Basket
Wilmette • Bahá'í House of Worship
Woodridge • Hollywood Blvd Cinema
Woodstock • Royal Victorian Manor • Shoe Tree
Worth • Ball Fore Miniature Golf 
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tourmyholidayholiday · 3 months
Discover the Hidden Gem of Uttarakhand: A Comprehensive Guide to Dhanaulti
Dhanaulti, a serene hill station nestled in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand, is a perfect getaway for those seeking peace and natural beauty. Unlike its bustling counterparts, Mussoorie and Dehradun, Dhanaulti offers a tranquil escape with its lush green landscapes, majestic mountains, and serene environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top aspects of Dhanaulti tourism, including the best attractions, hotels, weather conditions, and camping opportunities to enhance your travel experience.
Dhanaulti Tourism: An Overview Dhanaulti is gaining popularity as a tourist destination due to its unspoiled beauty and serene ambiance. The town is surrounded by dense forests of deodar, rhododendron, and oak, making it a haven for nature lovers. Its elevation of 2,286 meters above sea level offers spectacular views of the snow-capped Himalayas. Dhanaulti tourism is perfect for those looking to unwind, reconnect with nature, and indulge in outdoor activities.
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Top Dhanaulti Attractions
Eco Park Eco Park is one of the primary attractions in Dhanaulti, featuring two separate parks, Amber and Dhara. Managed by the Forest Department, these parks offer well-maintained walking trails, lush greenery, and children's play areas. Visitors can enjoy the serene ambiance, bird watching, and breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
Surkanda Devi Temple Dedicated to Goddess Parvati, the Surkanda Devi Temple is a significant religious site located at an altitude of 2,757 meters. The trek to the temple is about 2 km from Kaddukhal and offers panoramic views of the Himalayas. The temple is especially popular during the Ganga Dussehra festival, attracting devotees from all over the region.
Dashavatar Temple This ancient temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is one of the oldest surviving temples of the Gupta period. It is known for its intricate architecture and beautifully carved panels depicting various avatars of Lord Vishnu.
Potato Farm (Aloo Khet) A visit to the Potato Farm, locally known as Aloo Khet, offers a unique experience. The farm is owned by the government and produces a significant amount of potatoes. Visitors can take a leisurely walk through the fields, enjoy the scenic beauty, and learn about the farming techniques used in the region.
Dhanaulti Adventure Park For adventure enthusiasts, the Dhanaulti Adventure Park offers a range of activities such as zip-lining, rock climbing, rappelling, and more. The park provides a perfect blend of adventure and natural beauty, making it a must-visit attraction for thrill-seekers.
Best Dhanaulti Hotels
Club Mahindra Kanatal Perched on a hilltop, Club Mahindra Kanatal offers luxurious accommodations with stunning views of the mountains. The hotel features modern amenities, a spa, and various recreational activities, making it a perfect choice for a comfortable and relaxing stay.
The Hermitage Kanatal This boutique resort is known for its elegant architecture and warm hospitality. The Hermitage Kanatal offers well-appointed rooms, an in-house restaurant, and easy access to nearby attractions, ensuring a memorable stay.
Apple Orchard Resort Surrounded by apple orchards, this charming resort provides cozy accommodations with all modern amenities. The serene environment and beautiful views make it an ideal place to unwind and enjoy nature.
Classic Hill Top Resort Located amidst the picturesque surroundings of Dhanaulti, Classic Hill Top Resort offers comfortable rooms, a spa, and various indoor and outdoor activities. The resort is perfect for families and couples looking for a peaceful retreat.
Green Forest Resort Nestled in the lap of nature, Green Forest Resort provides a tranquil escape with its well-furnished rooms and excellent service. The resort's proximity to major attractions makes it a convenient choice for travelers.
Dhanaulti Weather: Best Time to Visit Dhanaulti experiences a pleasant climate throughout the year, making it a year-round destination. However, the best time to visit Dhanaulti is during the summer and autumn months.
Summer (March to June): The weather is mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C. This is an ideal time for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
Monsoon (July to September): Dhanaulti receives moderate to heavy rainfall during the monsoon season. The lush greenery and misty landscapes are enchanting, but landslides can make travel difficult.
Autumn (October to November): The weather is cool and clear, with temperatures ranging from 7°C to 15°C. This is a great time for trekking, camping, and photography.
Winter (December to February): Dhanaulti experiences cold winters with temperatures dropping to -1°C to 7°C. The town receives occasional snowfall, transforming it into a winter wonderland. This is an ideal time for snow lovers and those looking to enjoy a cozy, quiet holiday.
Dhanaulti Camping: Embrace the Outdoors Camping in Dhanaulti is a popular activity that allows visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the region. There are several camping sites offering a range of facilities and activities to ensure a memorable outdoor experience.
Camp Awara Located amidst lush green surroundings, Camp Awara offers comfortable tents, delicious meals, and a variety of adventure activities such as rock climbing, rappelling, and nature walks.
Camp O Royale This well-equipped campsite provides spacious tents with modern amenities, bonfire arrangements, and various adventure sports. The scenic beauty and serene environment make it a perfect spot for camping enthusiasts.
Dhanaulti Camps Offering a blend of comfort and adventure, Dhanaulti Camps provides well-furnished tents, hygienic meals, and activities like trekking, bird watching, and stargazing.
Camp Little Jaguar Nestled in the pristine environment of Dhanaulti, Camp Little Jaguar offers luxurious tents, delicious food, and a range of adventure activities. The campsite's serene ambiance and beautiful views make it a popular choice among campers.
Whispering Pines Himalayan Retreat This eco-friendly campsite offers a unique camping experience with its comfortable tents, organic meals, and various outdoor activities. The breathtaking views and tranquil environment make it an ideal destination for nature lovers.
Conclusion Dhanaulti, with its serene environment, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, is a perfect destination for those seeking peace and adventure. Whether you're exploring the top attractions, enjoying a comfortable stay at one of the best hotels, experiencing the pleasant weather, or indulging in camping activities, Dhanaulti has something to offer for every traveler. Plan your trip to Dhanaulti and discover the hidden gem of Uttarakhand.
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spudkid · 3 months
June 25 - Kinsale
Did a historic stroll led by Barry Moloney, another Rick Steves recommendation! He was wonderful! His style is to get a brief background from each participant (in our group we had Australians, Irish and Americans) then he’ll tailor his remarks to include tidbits for everyone. Very interesting! When he asked Tish if she had Irish heritage, she answered yes…McCarthy and Purcell. He then launched into a story: Queen Elizabeth, asked Cormac McCarthy, Lord of Blarney, to title his land over to England. With charm and wit, he responded to her many requests, keeping her happy without giving in. Exasperated, she finally tossed down a letter from him saying “this is Blarney!”
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At the tail end he offered this tidbit. “I want everyone to notice that right here we have a bar, a Methodist church and a temperance hall all together. In this little corner, you can examine many of life’s questions!”
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Before dinner! I warmed up with a couple of pints at Oscar Madison’s then we walked next door to Finn’s Farmcut.
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From their website: Featuring a small seasonal menu, our meats are the finest grass-fed beef & lamb – nothing but mouth-watering goodness. Pasture reared, free-range & locally sourced from Finn’s family farm Mitchelstown County Cork & other like-minded farmers. Our meats are carefully butchered & aged to perfection with a fish special added daily from the waters of West Cork.
At Finns’ Farmcut, its love at first bite between you and ‘Bertha’. ‘Bertha’ is our charcoal oven – a first of its kind for Kinsale. Cooking at 350 - 400 degrees, using organic American Oak charcoal to enhance flavours.
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Our server was Louis, who hails from the French island of Reunion. Bonus points for anyone who knows where it is! (Answer in tomorrow’s post.) We ordered one of my favorite California wines and each ordered medium rare rib-eye steak. Tish’s steak with pepper sauce and mine with blue cheese butter. Absolutely wonderful! We are now back at the hotel having an unnecessary beverage and charting our course for a Ring of Kerry drive tomorrow.
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hauntedeaglepizza · 4 months
Charming Getaways in the United States.
Charming Getaways in the United States.
Hey lovebirds! Are you prepared to leave the stress of daily life and whisk your sweetie away on a fanciful enchanting trip? Whether you're celebrating an anniversary, honeymoon, or just yearning some quality time together, the USA supplies a treasure of bewitching locations for love to blossom. So, grab your unique somebody, load your bags full of love notes, and allow's study the most charming getaways across this gorgeous land! From lovely seaside communities to secluded mountain retreats, these areas make certain to set the stage for memorable moments of romance.
Charleston, South Carolina: A City Steeped in Gracious Sophistication and Refreshing Hospitality.
Next, we have the fascinating city of Charleston, South Carolina, where warm Southern hospitality mixes perfectly with abundant history. With its enchanting rock streets, stunning antebellum mansions, and stunning waterside views, Charleston supplies a picturesque setup for an enchanting escape.
Walk together with the picturesque streets of the Historic Area, where you can appreciate the grand style and growing gardens. Pick up an enchanting carriage experience, where you'll be blended away on a leisurely tour of the city's historic sites.
For a taste of Lowcountry cuisine, enjoy a candlelit supper at one of Charleston's well-known more info restaurants, enjoying meals like shrimp and grits or she-crab soup. And don't miss out on the possibility to enjoy the sunset from the Battery, overlooking the glittering waters of Charleston Harbor-- it's a magical minute you'll value forever.
Experience the Art of White Wine Making and Savor Premium Delights in Napa Valley, The Golden State
Next off on our charming journey is the rich vineyard-dotted paradise of Napa Valley, The golden state-- a place for wine fans and lovers alike. Image rolling hillsides blanketed in vineyards, classy wineries supplying world-class wines, and gourmet eating experiences that will certainly entice your taste buds.
Delight in an unforgettable wine tasting experience as you visit the prominent vineyards of the valley, enjoying remarkable vintages while taking in the sensational panoramas of the bordering wineries. Additionally, take pleasure in a serene hot air balloon trip at dawn, drifting above the valley as the early morning sunlight casts a cozy glow on the picturesque landscape listed below.
For a truly indulgent experience, book a romantic health facility day at one of Napa's extravagant hotels, where you can loosen up with couples massage therapies, thermal springs soaks, and rejuvenating therapies. And naturally, end your days with an enchanting dinner at a Michelin-starred dining establishment, where farm-to-table food and regional glass of wines develop a cooking symphony.
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Savannah, Georgia - Southern Romance Under Spanish Moss
Step into a fairy tale setup in the historical city of Savannah, Georgia, where romance flowers amidst moss-draped oaks and historic squares. This captivating city shows a timeless beauty, with its rock streets, historical mansions, and peaceful parks.
Take a leisurely walk through Forsyth Park, where you can appreciate the famous fountain and delight in a charming barbecue under the color of ancient oak trees. Explore the city's historic district, where you'll discover concealed gardens, quaint cafes, and enchanting boutiques excellent for searching together.
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There’s like, a REALLY LOUD Frog outside. It’s been croaking for HOURS, and probably won’t stop any time soon. The croak isn’t ugly or gross r anything just like super loud. What do th bois do with this absolute menace to society?
Undertale Sans - He is pissed off. It's his only day off this weel and he can't nap outside in the sun because of the frog. He teleports in the nearest park to nap in silence. Except the park is full of frogs as well, so he takes an hotel room... With a frog stucked in the bathroom. That's it. He's done. Sans takes his pillow and shoves it inside of his sockets so it blocks his "magic ears". Papyrus has a soul attack when he finds it like that, thinking he got choke to death or something and shakes him until he wakes up, not three minutes after he fell asleep. Sans wants to cry.
Undertale Papyrus - He doesn't mind. After all, maybe the frog is talking to him! For hours, neighbours hear Papyrus screams back at the frog from his window and having a one side conversation with it. Papyrus is as loud as the frog. Someone calls the police eventually and he got reminded that it's sunday and that people are resting. Papyrus is offended but won't talk back to the frog who didn't even say they are part responsible for this situation!
Underswap Sans - He's going to capture that frog that's driving him crazy for hours. He can't concentrate on anything, his head too focus on this damn croaks. He sets traps everywhere in the garden to make sure to catch him. He only caught his poor brother who wasn't aware of the pit right in front of the entrance of the house, and some neighbour's cat that got too close. The frog is too clever and keeps croaking loudly somewhere in the distance. Blue swears he will have his revenge.
Underswap Papyrus - He thinks the frog is cute and after finding it, brought it home. He doesn't care about the croaking, he has a new pet now and Blue is not here (yet) to stop him. Good luck tryign to take his new baby away from him. That's his baby frog now!
Underfell Sans - He is on all four in the grass, eyes injected with blood and a knife in his hand. He will stab the damn thing. It's three in the fucking morning and he's working in two hours. He's hiting the floor everywhere around him, screaming like he lost it, trying to find the damn frog. He's going to kill it. He swears he's going to kill it!
Underfell Papyrus - He tries to have positive thoughts, cucumbers everywhere on his face as he is trying so hard to relax and not give in to his anger. After a while, as he sees Doomfanger very excited against the window, he opens her the door. In second, the croak is over and he can finally cook and relax.
Horrortale Sans - He's laying in the grass, his big eye on the little frog, very still as he's observing it. Oak loves animals. He can stay still for long hours, just watching it. Sometimes, Willow can see him crawl to follow the frog "sneakily" by the window. Well, at least he is entertained for the afternoon.
Horrortale Papyrus - Honestly, he doesn't even hear it over the noises of the chicken, horses, goats, sheeps and all the other animals of the farm. That's kinda his life you know, it's just a noise added to all the other, that's the life he chose.
Swapfell Sans - He tries to ignore it so bad and concentrates on his work, but that's the third pen he breaks in half because, a bit like a cat, he jumps everytime the frog croaks. Nox is at his limit, holding strongly his pen as he's trying to stay calm. He eventually snaps and blasts all the grass in the garden hoping it will kill the frog or made it flee. He screams where the frog starts croaking inside of his house because it comes in to flee the mortal blast. Nox can't find it. He's losing it.
Swapfell Papyrus - To Nox despair, Rus starts to croak back to the frog, for hours, he just doesn't get bored of it. He's very good at mimicking the frog. So good actually than after an hour there's like 50 frogs in the garden, all answering to him. He's king of the frogs now apparently.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He throws a bones in the grass. The croak dies instantly. Here you go. Rip little frog :(
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He takes his doodle notebook and goes to draw the little frog, happy. He likes frogs. Well, he likes frogs from a certain distant. When the frog suddenly jumps on his knees, he screams like he got murdered and runs inside, giving up his notebook behind. When he feels like he's safe, he looks down and all he can see is the confused frog who doesn't understand what goes wrong. Wine finds his brother naked in the tree later, refusing to get down.
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rimworldretreats · 4 months
Five Year Anniversary of Hinton Hotels
How it started:
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How it's going:
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This is a long one.
Ignore the fire, we had some raiders.
Loosely speaking, the north is "back of house", with the ancient danger (housing our nascent genetic engineering lab), the farm, the workshop, and the kitchen. South is "front of house" with restaurants, museum, guest rooms, and the main entrance.
You get the general idea of the furthest north above; there's a field for animals; some fields for corn, devilstrand, cocoa, healroot, coffee, and oak; and an overflow granary.
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Just south and east of the fields are the large storage and workshop. It's uncharacteristically clean as we've just smelted all the steel slag we had gathered. Five years of ship crash events. There's so much steel slag on the map.
The small rooms in the center are the prison; I'm using the Prison Commons mod to help give each prisoner their own basic cell. Even our, ah, involuntary guests deserve basic hospitality! Especially since it's often Haveov being locked up to stop her burning down the hotel. Various private rooms have migrated out of this space as the prison grows. I try to keep the farmers here. Bomba has a research desk as well, as he does both, and a cache of psychite tea since he dies without it.
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This is the main building; the bathroom in the top middle is pretty much exactly where the first screenshot was taken. The rest has been hollowed out of or built on to the hill. There's a rec room to the right of the bathroom. Below that in the middle are some private rooms for people who tend to work all over the place. On the right is the freezer, butcher and kitchen cluster. This is is still functioning thanks to LVM Deep Storage, and distributed freezers for storing the meals. Most of this area has been slowly evolved as needed. The freezer is pretty much the original; the kitchen is the first guest house.
The top left is the spa; three jade bathtubs in private rooms, a bathroom, and the styling station. The leftmost part of that is a swimming pool, from Dubs Bad Hygiene.
Left to right on the bottom part of this map... There's bedrooms for waitstaff/their spouse (Elastgirl, Haveov, Kaleun, Lee). The long room with tables is the main restaurant / party room. Below it are the mid-price private guest rooms, which get the most use. Then a barracks with cheap or free beds for the value conscious visitor. Then the hospital and drug lab, again kind of squeezed in for historical reasons. Then batteries and vanometric cells, then Hinton and Fish's bedroom, convenient to guests and hospital. Hinton is mainly entertaining and doctoring these days.
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Our main gate. There's sort of a kill box here, but mostly I rely on attacking at range from the various bunkers. The reactor labyrinth is less radioactive than I'd hoped (fixed the shielding too well), but is still a pretty good way to slow things down. There's a little hospital bed in the bunker to help with triage. Hadley, one of the main combatants has a bedroom here, and there's a barracks for the never ending parade of random people who want to live here.
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The two buildings to the left are the beachfront guesthouses with private bathrooms that are pretty pricey; I think I have the bottom one set to $60 per night, and it still gets over 100 attractiveness. Next, rooms for Irma near the Ominous Monolith Cafe where she's one of the wait staff, bedrooms and study for the dark scholars, the Ominous Monolith Cafe, and the museum with a See The Dark Scholar At Work window on the archaeology desk.
A lot of this was driven by suddenly needing to house an additional 10-15 people at random times, and to subsequently feed, entertain, and doctor them.
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capellilavita-blog · 4 months
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𝘿𝙊𝙉’𝙏 𝙈𝙄𝙎𝙎 𝘼𝘾𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙈𝙀𝘿 𝙅𝘼𝙕𝙕 𝙈𝙐𝙎𝙄𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙉 𝙇𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙇 𝘽𝙀𝙐𝙆𝙀𝙎𝙋𝙀𝙍𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙇𝙄𝙑𝙀 𝘼𝙏 𝙈𝙐𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙏𝙀 𝙎𝘼𝙏𝙐𝙍𝘿𝘼𝙔 25 𝙈𝘼𝙔 2024 @ 12:30 –4.30 𝙋𝙈 On Saturday 25 May 2024, acclaimed South African jazz musician and composer Lionel Beukes will be performing LIVE at the Muratie Farm Kitchen Restaurant.A multi talent of a musician, Lionel is followed and adored by fans the world over.
Lionel plays the double bass, the electric bass and is a vocalist and his repertoire includes legendary jazz standards by Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong and Frank Sinatra.He grew up in District Six in Cape Town and started playing professionally in 1970. He has performed all over South Africa and around the world, also performing and recording albums with renowned artists such as Abdullah Ibrahim (Dollar Brand).
In South Africa he worked as an entertainer for the Holiday Inn Group as well as on the Southern Sun and Sun International entertainment circuit, including Sun City.Internationally he has performed at the Hilton Hotel in Abu Dhabi, the Royal Meridien in Dubai, the Hilton Hotel as well as the Shangri La Hotel in Shanghai.
Be sure to be attend this memorable ‘experience lunch’ at Muratie and be enchanted by the soulful tunes of Lionel Beukes as he takes the stagethis Saturday.
EVENT DETAILS: Venue:Muratie Farm Kitchen Restaurant Date: Saturday 25 May 2024 Time: 12.30 to 4.30pm Food & Drink: An à la carte menu will be available from the Farm Kitchen, served with Muratie’s fine wines. Entrance tickets: R100per person –to please be booked in advance Book tickets online at:https://www.muratie.co.za/muratie-event/20177/
A visit to the historic estate reveals a piece of history where time has largely stood still, where the unique old-world ambience is almost tangible. Guarded over by magnificent ancient oak trees, the passion for preserving the estate’s rich, centuries-old heritage is captured in every nook and cranny of this family farm. Even the Muratie wines reflect a tangible sense of time suspended, with the estate’s wines named after extraordinary characters from the past who moulded Muratie as we know it today, each wine with its own charming story described on the back label. Posy Hazell Muratie Wine Estate
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