#OT6 on their way to Japan
thediebutterfly · 7 years
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tankun · 5 years
Hi Tankun! This is the first time I'm asking and I've been following this account for awhile. I really love your tumblr! Anyway, what I wanted to discuss how ships go like. In Asia (Japan, Korea, and so), they usually have the top in the first part of the ship name. I'm a yoonkook(bottom Yoongi),VminHope, and namjin enthusiast so if it is Yoongi and Jungkook it's like Jungkook x Yoongi(kooksu in korean). I just wonder why not use this formula? 1/2 -Lemon Anon
I get annoyed when I have to differentiate by actually reading the fic and there are quite a lot of fantastic fics of Yoongi bottom BUT they don’t put the tag and I end up reading the Jungkook bottom one. This might only be my rambling but I just thought if archive did the Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga, it was Yoongi bottom and Min Yoongi | Suga/ Jeon Jungkook was for Jungkook bottom. Sorry for rambling. Tell me what you think of Tankun. 2/2 -Lemon anon
Hello, Lemon! (Cute name by the way!)
Sorry for the delayed reply! I’ve been really busy today!
I actually like this idea for Ao3, because people really don’t tag :{
But then I’m reminded that it probably won’t help because … well people don’t tag. They may just end up tagging with whichever one has the most works filed under it. (because what better way to get your works seen than to put them under the popular tag)
Also, Ao3′s tagging system is absolutely garbage.
I haven’t really figured out how it works yet, because they don’t file it by the full tag, but instead by words(?) within the tag? Lots of question marks here because I’m not even sure how it works lol I can give an example though.
So I was blocking tags recently, and blocked the tag ‘Jeon Jungkook/Bangtan Ensemble’ and got the idea that I should do that for Yoongi as well since I don’t want to see any OT6/Yoongi fics. However when I blocked ‘Min Yoongi/Bangtan Ensemble’ it blocked a whole 130 fics that did not have that tag in it. I searched the tag on it’s own, and it brings up a lot of random stuff that has either ‘Min Yoongi’ or ‘Bangtan Ensemble’ in any of the tags.
It’s the same when you try to look up certain tags (just as top Jungkook and bottom Yoongi). I’m not sure what is going on over there when it comes to tags..
But I do like your idea! I love making things easier to find certain content for things we like :}
I think the top Yoongi side of the fandom already assumes YoonKook = Top Yoongi, because I saw on twitter some people complaining about bottom Yoongi under the YoonKook tag and not using KookGi/KookGa (I couldn’t remember which one that were saying)
I always just assumed YoonKook/SugaKookie was the blanket term for the pairing in general. If we were to adapt a new term specifically for top Jungkook/bottom Yoongi, I would like to think that top Yoongi/bottom Jungkook fans would do the same, to leave YoonKook/SugaKookie as a blanket pairing name.
But getting people to change terms is a feat all in itself hehehe
Long story short: I absolutely agree with you, Lemon :}
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sungggyu · 7 years
171119 sunggyu fm fan account
the following account of sunggyu’s recent fanmeet in taipei may get rather detailed at some point, as it is pretty much a word-for-word transcript based off my own fancams and audio recordings of both the afternoon and evening shows. just a heads-up, it is a little lengthy as more than it being something i want to share with everyone else, it is something i want to keep for myself, with as many details i can remember as possible. i will be putting in bold some of the more interesting portions in case you want to just quickly scan through it for some of the highlights. so, here goes:
when i finally got into the venue around 1.40pm, sunggyu's solo songs were blasted from the speakers one after another with a simple 'kim sung kyu mini live & fanmeeting 2017' as the background on the display screen. after 60 seconds finished playing, a little vcr (a compilation of his photos from their latest ot6 photoshoot) started playing and when it ended, the lights in the venue dimmed. everyone started buzzing as sunggyu had not come out immediately as we had thought he would and that was when he took us off-guard, walking out from the left side of the stage suavely in a blazer that made him look like a prince.  
🎶 kontrol
🎶 i need you
🎶 shine
immediately when he reached the mic stand, the music for 'kontrol' started to play and the fanmeet officially began. after 'kontrol', sunggyu went on to perform 'i need u' and 'shine' immediately after. listening to 'i need u' and 'shine' live was really sgdkskzdjkd because i've never heard them both live before  'shine' made me especially emotional because it is my favourite of all sunggyu's solo songs.. at the bridge of 'shine', the part that goes '너의 목소리, 너의 그 눈빛...' he sang '그 어떤 것도 잊질 못해' in falsetto for the album recorded version of 'shine' but over here, he sang the first one in falsetto and the second one in his real projected voice (? idk the term for it i'm not a music person,, just, like, his actual voice) which was super duper amazing. after finishing these three songs, he said thank you and headed backstage for a bit to rest while the mc for the event came out. if i'm not wrong, she was the same mc who hosted the infinite only fanmeet in taipei back in february this year  she's really bubbly and nice, when she came out, she warmed us up by asking some basic questions. i also want to make a quicknote that she kept calling sunggyu (小)圭圭, which translates to (little) gyugyu, which was super cute especially when she referred to sunggyu using that a lot to which sunggyu even responded to at some point sjkgdfdhdgjgh
mc: were those three songs good?
fans: yes!!!
mc: is gyugyu handsome today?
f: yES!!!!!!!!!
mc: this year is the ___ year of his solo debut?
f: fifth!!!
mc: are you excited for today's show ?
f: yEs!!!!!!
mc: how many of you are coming to both the afternoon and evening shows?
me: ME 😂
mc: gyugyu has been practising really hard for this. earlier while i was backstage, i kept hearing him going ahhh↗ahhhhh↘ahhhhh, he was doing his vocal warm-ups really seriously.
mc: have any of you watched his interview from the yesterday?
fans: yes!!!
mc: wow let me complain to you a little, did any of you see how many buttons he left unbuttoned? the audacity!  anyone saw anything from the deep lowcut? yeah, a little bit of a shadow right?
after a bit more small talk here and there, sunggyu finally returned to stage. a lady translator followed shortly too. his first greetings were in korean, so the mc asked him if he had been practising his chinese, to which he said "oh, chinese? my greetings earlier? 大家好 我是金聖圭 (hi everyone, i'm kim sunggyu)。" five seconds after saying this he became shy and burst out laughing, scrunching up his face a little.
mc: your members' reactions when you told them about this fanmeet, how was it like? it was a little bit cold, wasn't it?  (a/n: she probably got this from the interview gyu gave the day before to taiwan press)
sunggyu: *sputtering* oh, no, um. *breaking out into high pitched embarrassed laughter* i guess it's because they believe in me? they did say something like "hyung, you'll do well" so..
mc: sunggyu mentioned he wanted to come to taiwan together with his members and film a variety together here
sunggyu: ah yes, if given the chance i would really love to come together with them and eat good food together
mc: yeah from the moment he arrives yesterday, he barely had any rest and hasn't gotten a chance to explore the streets of taipei
sunggyu: oh yes, well, my schedule just happened to be packed like this.. after the interview i went out to eat with the staff..
[ ‘sungkyu in taipei’ segment ]
after a while, they sat down and proceeded to the first segment where sunggyu has to pick an alphabet from 't a i p e i'. the alphabet he picks will give a word/topic he'll tell us more about. every time he had to pick an alphabet, he'd ponder his choice out loud and if fans were yelling anything other than what he picked, this would happen:
sunggyu: hmm
fans: e! e!
sunggyu: i'll go with t! :)
fans: p! p!!!
sunggyu: p? p??? alright, i'll pick e ^^
you can really feel the ^^ seeping out from his words and actions.. know that when i include a ^^ at the end of quoted speech from sunggyu here, it means that i felt it from his word 😂
sunggyu: i pick a!
mc: ooh, achieve! everyone, follow me. repeat after me, a!
sunggyu: a!
mc: achieve!
sunggyu: achieve!
(a/n: this was so cute all the fans went wild because he was just repeating after the mc so cutely)
a - achieve
q: your solo activities have been very successful thus far. are there any more goals you'd like to achieve before the end of 2017, or any dreams you'd like to fulfill?
sunggyu: basically, i feel that i've more or less accomplished most of the things i wanted to do this year. for example, i wanted to be involved in a production and release an album, so i've been working on my solo album. i've also wanted to be part of a musical, hence i'm currently participating in a musical and i hope it will be successful.
mc: so i guess you can say sunggyu is a careful planner who works effectively, right? he set a few goals for himself and he has achieved all of them within this year.
(a/n: the above exchange was pretty long as the translator translated for quite a while due to his long message so the whole time sunggyu was sitting there nodding nodding nodding his bobblehead and it was so cute fans started yelling)
sunggyu: yes, yes, that's right, that's absolutely correct.
i - impact
q: were there any solo or group activities from the past year that left a deep impression on you?
sunggyu: ahhhhhhh. for my first solo fanmeeting in tokyo, i was so nervous on the first day that i ended up entering the stage even before the music started playing. if there was a live band on stage with me then they could coordinate with me and start as we had the mr audio playing over the speakers instead of a live band, i couldn't do that. so i had a lot of thoughts in my head, should i stop the music and start over again, or should i go ahead regardless, although in the end, i went ahead anyway. once i returned to our hotel after it ended, i couldn't stop thinking about it and felt very sad.
mc: it just weighs down on you, doesn't it?
sunggyu: yes.. but well, it's alright, i guess? you guys weren't there to witness that anyway so i think it is okay? ^^ (a fan in the crowd signalled that she had been there too) o-oh, you were there too??
mc: oh, you were there? the tokyo show? OH, you're japanese? *to sunggyu* fan from japan!
sunggyu: a-ah.. ah! konichiwa!
mc: gambatte kudasai
sunggyu: sunggyu-desu ^^
t - talent
q: the sunggyu we know is extremely talented. be it singing, variety or acting in musicals, you've proven yourself to he multi-talented. if you could gain another talent, what kind would you want to have?
fans: aegyo! aegyo!!!
sunggyu: i'm sorry, what? aegyo? aEGyo? aegyo is a talent that i don't really want to have. i am DEFINITELY not going to do it.
fans: ehhhh
sunggyu: for me.. if i had to pick..... i'd say sportiness?
fans: ehhhhHHHhhhHHH
sunggyu: *indignant* what? why???
mc: are you guys unsatisfied with this answer? you want him to have a talent in aegyo?
fans: yesssssssssss
*sunggyu throughout the above exchange between mc & fans: shaking his head with his eyes shut tightly and a little small playing on his lips*
sunggyu: aegyo, i don't have it-
fans: aegyo! aegyo! show! show! show! show!
sunggyu: *resigned to his fate*
sunggyu: *did a cute v pose with pouty lips for literally 0.1s and put his hand down immediately after*
sunggyu: ah indeed, i do have some aegyo..
sunggyu: *embarrassed, starts laughing and fanning his face before reaching forward to drink some water*
mc: that was okay, right? everyone let's let him off the hook for now. later we'll have him do the ultimate aegyo challenge, yeah?
sunggyu: *almost choking on his water* ah, i-is that so?
(a/n: the way he drinks water is SO CUTE. he uses a straw and he always takes a big big sip till his cheeks are full and puffy before swallowing the water slowly then repeat ;~; )
i - infinite
q: you have been busy with individual schedules up to now. roughly when will we be able to expect a group comeback where you will spend time together as a group with your fans?
sunggyu: firstly, infinite is preparing for a fanmeet in korea at the end of this year. right now, we aim to release an album around that time. please anticipate it a lot.
mc: as infinite's leader, could you give us a tiny little hint on the album's direction? will there be impressive choreography like before?
sunggyu: truthfully, we haven't started practising our choreography.. the dance has already been choreographed though.
fans: show us! show us!
sunggyu: ah no, well, thing is the members haven't had much time together till now so we have not started practising it yet. this album, because it's one that we've been preparing for such a long time, we recorded so many songs. we spent a long time pondering about the title track as everyone has many different opinions. we had a meeting just the other day and finally decided on the title track. we really hope that you will like it.
mc: we will be wrapping up this segment now.  can we invite our little gyugyu to introduce the next two songs?
sunggyu: the next song, i actually released it even prior to my solo debut. yes, yes, that song. 'because' from over the top. the next song after this is a song called 'daydream'. it's a song written and producdd by a senior i really like and respect a lot.. ^^
(a/n: he sounded so happy talking about nell.. the more he talked about 'daydream', the more you could the smile in his words, it was so cute!!)
🎶 because
🎶 daydream
listening to 'because' live was truly AN EXPERIENCE because ever since the moment i got into infinite and watched my first ever 'because' fancam, i've always thought that i would probably never get to hear it live considering how it's a solo song and such an old one at that but!!!  i love it so much it used to be the one song i would loop for hours and days on end without rest.. 'daydream' was incredible too, finally witnessing rap!gyu with my own two eyes and ears probably added to my lifespan by ten years. it's not that he made a mistake or anything since he put his all into the rap but i simply just couldn't get over how cute his rap voice sounded :( speaking of this, i think they've actually had the whole song re-recorded with sunggyu's rap? i couldn't really tell if it was sunggyu instead of jongwan's voice at the part towards the end too because the speakers were right in front of me messing up my listening judgement but i'm still pretty certain tablo's part has been re-recorded with sunggyu.
[ game 1 ]
once sunggyu finished the two songs and had ample rest backstage, he returned to stage to pick ticket numbers for the games segment. let me tell you this, he was really annoying while picking the ticket numbers  he would put his hand into the box (it was transparent), turn his hand here and there, grab a few tickets only to toss them aside, sweep the tickets left and right and then pick a few up at once before holding onto just one while letting the rest of them fall back into the box. how dare he play with my hopes and dreams like this..  after a few agonising minutes, of him very adorably announcing the selected ticket numbers in chinese (by repeating after the mc), the lucky fans went on stage.
this first game was a game to test for mind-link/telepathy between gyu and fans. a word would be given on stage and sunggyu, along with the three lucky fans, will have to make the same action that best describes the word simultaneously at the count of three, with the rest of the audiences as judge. they first did a trial run and after it, the mc asked the fans on stage some questions.
mc: are you nervous?
fan: yes
mc: are you confident you'll win?
fan: yes
mc: is sunggyu handsome?
fan: super handsome
sunggyu: ah, thank you ^^
the first word was their title track from infinite only, 'the eye'. they mostly did the same action, except for one fan who made a slight movement wrong. sunggyu being sunggyu, he told her "our dance isn't like that ^^ it's like this ^^” before proceeding to do a demonstration. poor fan. some of the next few words included 'bear', where he put both his palms up above his head but switched them to his fists by the side of his head instead upon seeing the other three fans' actions. even the mc couldn't resist saying "sunggyu, your 'bear' is so cute", to which sunggyu sputtered before replying shyly "ah.. t-thank you". the next word was 'hulk', where he did the cutest imitation with the cutest expression. i'm pretty sure there had been fansite previews for these. he ended up winning this game because us fans, who are biased and weak for him, were appointed the judges of the game. it's a bad combination if you asked me since we basically let him pass every round as long as our judgement was required.
oh and before each of the fans left the stage, sunggyu *initiated* hugs with them on top of the basic handshakes hdgsksjd
continuing on, the mc said they will be moving on to the next segment.
mc: okay, moving on. let's invite sunggyu to the next game segment!
sunggyu: *surprised laughter* what, there's more??
mc: you said you were the sporty kind earlier..
sunggyu: ah yes, yes, bring it on. it's great! great!
[ game 2 ]
staff then brought the box containing the tickets out again and after a few more painful moments, sunggyu finally selected another three fans for the second game. this game was charades, where sunggyu was to first pick a random topic and words of the topic will be the questions for the day. of course, as main character of the day, sunggyu has to act out the word for the lucky fans to guess. every correct guess gains them one point and to win the game, they need five of such wins within 1 minute. the topic sunggyu picked was 'sports'. some of the words that came out included bowling (where he struck a really cool pose), dodgeball (you should've seen his face he had the most incredulous expression 😂), yoga, brisk-walking, ice-skating and water-skiing.
sunggyu won this round too since the lucky fans were surprisingly good at guessing so after the same handshake and hug routine with the lucky fans, the mc proceeded with some simple questions.
mc: what were some of the more interesting questions?
fans: brisk-walking! oh, yoga too!
sunggyu: i've actually been learning yoga these days. like, i am really taking lessons outside and all.
fans: *cheers*
mc: how about we have you do a little demo of what you've learned?
sunggyu: *flustered* ah, n-no. i'm not wearing the suitable outfit for it now..
mc: no matter, we'll get sunggyu to remove these clothes and change later, okay?
mc: it's starting to feel a bit warm, isn't it?
sunggyu: yes, i didn't know the games would be this strenuous. it's great!! wheeew
mc: okay, so we thought your had good rapport with your fans earlier
sunggyu: i think i was just too good with my explanations.. oh, and of course my fans had quick thinking too.
sunggyu: actually i've never once tried bowling ever since i was born
mc: whaaaat? why is that? how can you live your life like this?
sunggyu: *sputters, embarrassed* ah, i just, i spend too much time on music that's all..
mc: since you did well and won both of the games, we have prepared a special prize for you!
sunggyu: *excited* oh, for me? give it to me, quick
mc: aaaand the prize will be.. sunggyu doing aegyo for us!
fans: *wildly cheering*
sunggyu: *bewildered laughter* i'm sorry, whAt? unbelievable!
mc: let's finish the prize quicker and get to singing songs again!
sunggyu: AEGYO???? what should i do?........... just to check again, this is me receiving my prize, right.......?
fans: hiyoong hiyoong! hiyoong!!! hiyoong!!!!
sunggyu: what? oh, that?
mc: okay, 3 2 1, go!
sunggyu: HIYOONG HIYOONG *throws his head back and bursts into laughter immediately after, slapping his thighs and fanning his face in embarrassment before proceeding to drink water*
mc: was that cute? was that ok?
sunggyu: i thought i did pretty good..
fans: yes!!!! do it again!! do it again!!!!
sunggyu: it seems like all of you recorded videos though? just hit that replay button on your fancam.. HIYOONG HIYOONG *more embarrassed laughter*
mc: alright, sunggyu did pretty well, right? he put up with all of your aegyo requests. let's let him off now and continue with songs, okay?
sunggyu: ah, yes, singing. of course i should sing.
just in the bit of time before the music to only tears started to play, fans were yelling all sorts of stuff, some acknowledged by sunggyu, others probably unheard.
fans: hhs7JwusjsajsjJYou'RE SO HANDSOME;!&@*-
sunggyu: i know
(a/n: this was so damn hilarious it was the kind of blood-curdling screams where you could hear the vibrations in their voice.. if you get what i mean??? it's difficult to describe )
🎶 only tears
🎶 alive
his falsettos in ‘only tears’!! the most beautiful thing my ears have ever had the honor of being blessed with??? and ‘alive’, god. tl;dr ’alive' was so beautiful i wanted to cry. pretty sure the faint black smudges found by my eyes once the 2pm show ended came from my mascara while dabbing at my eyes countless times after being thoroughly attacked throughout the entire fanmeet.
[ final ment ]
sunggyu: did everyone have a good time here?
fans: yessss!!!!
mc: time flies exceptionally fast when you are having a good time
sunggyu: right?
mc: we are actually a little pressed for time today. so now, coming to the end of the fanmeet, do you have anything to say to the fans present, sunggyu?
sunggyu: ah, firstly, i’m really thankful towards all of you for coming. it’s actually really nerve-wrecking to be standing here on this stage all by myself, but from another point of view, i’m actually very happy to be standing here. before, i was only able to sing infinite songs for you guys but i have an opprtunity to perform my solo songs for you through this concert so it makes me feel pretty good.
mc: 2017 is approaching its end soon, could you share some of your future plans with us for 2018?
sunggyu: uhhhhhh….
mc: ehhhhhhhhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sunggyu: hmm… firstly, in 2018, of course we’ll work hard with the release of a new album. i’m practising hard for our concerts as well. infinite concerts, my solo concerts as well, both are in the midst of preparations. it seems like we’ll be able to meet each other a lot at such concerts next year? i hope you will look forward to it a lot. i’ll be in a musical from end of this year until january next year too so i wish for your support in this as well. i feel like i didn’t do as much as i wished to this year, in part due to health considerations. so next year, irregardless of my stamina, i hope i can participate in more acitivities and boost my career even further be it in variety or music. i hope to have your support in these future activities, thank you.
mc: i hope that in 2018, kim sunggyu will continue to shine brightly! now let’s save this beautiful moment, shall we? how about a group photo?
mc: and now, we will invite our adorable gyugyu to perform our last song of the day.
fans: *whining* don’t leave! no!!
sunggyu: the final song is ‘the answer’, one of the two title songs from my second solo album.
fans: *yelling* i love you!! oppa i love you!!!!
sunggyu *smiling wordlessly*
🎶 the answer
at the end of the song, the screen turned black and what seems to be a hand-written message by sunggyu flashed on the screen. it was personally signed off by sunggyu, stroke by stroke in chinese characters .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. the message read:
which can be translated to:
“the times i spent with you, i will always treasure them.”
[ hitouch ]
for the 2pm show, my friend and i joined the hitouch queue almost immediately after the queue was formed as we were both really hungry. i barely ate breakfast that day and although my friend did eat something, it was already nearly 4pm while the last time we actually ate was before 8.30am. the hitouch queue moved pretty fast, as the organisers were really rushing people. it’s to be expected i guess, since he has to hitouch the entire crowd of 2,000 fans :(
so fast forward to finally getting to hitouch him, it was simply amazing 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。 his hands were really, really, really, really, really soft. i have literally never touched hands these soft. i can’t emphasize enough how soft they were, and how i mean it in every sense of the word, without any exaggeration, because they were really!! that!! soft!!!! he might’ve applied some handcream while he was backstage or something, i don’t know, but it was just really, really soft and i bet anyone else who hitouched sunggyu that day can vouch for this. the closest thing this soft i’ve ever touched would be a baby’s skin, baby’s cheeks in particular. please believe me when i say it really was that soft because it really was thaaaat soft. his hands really aren’t just for show. they don’t just look beautiful, they ARE beautiful. this aside, it was also a little damp? maybe he has sweaty palms.. or it was from hitouching a few hundred fans before me 😂 whatever it is, that moment seriously felt like one of the peaks of my inspirit career? the past six years that i’ve been here for this man, this is the first time i’m getting this close to him, being able to touch his hand. it was an emotional moment!! i was barely holding myself together after it but the first thing i recall saying was “was that for real? his hands are so??? soft????” to my friend. 😂
🎶 kontrol
🎶 i need you
🎶 shine
mc: every time you come to taiwan, your schedule is fully packed and you have little time to relax by yourself. if you had the chance, what are some of the places here that you’ll want to explore?
sunggyu: uhhh, i kinda want to go to clubs.
fans: ehhhhhh
because i’ve never been to one.
sunggyu: let’s go together? i think that isn’t a bad idea
mc: you’re having your own fanmeet alone this time. is there any difference if you were to compare this to a group fanmeet?
sunggyu: i do feel a little empty. with my group members, we would joke and play around on stage but my myself, this can’t happen and i feel it’s bit of a pity.
[ ‘sungkyu in taipei’ segment ]
t - taipei
q: coming to taipei for the first time as a solo artist since your solo debut, what are some of the things you look forward to?
sunggyu: actually i anticipate everything. but one thing i anticipated the most was performing my solo songs for fans in taiwan since i have never been able to do so before ever since the release of my solo albums. it’s been a while since some of these songs were released but being able to perform them for fans in taipei despite the fact that some time has passed is something i looked forward to.
mc: speaking of your solo album, it seems like your new solo album is under preparations, is that right? (a/n: the mc’s exact words when suggesting the possiblity of his solo album being under preparation were “好像似乎貌似很像” and i can’t explain this but it was so funny 😂 chinese speakers will probably understand lmao)
sunggyu: yes, yes, that’s right. actually, i have already wrapped up the recording for my solo album a while ago. there’s quite a number of songs as compared to before as i wanted to make it a more meaningful one.
fan: when is it coming out!!
sunggyu: uh, early next year?
mc: raise your hand if you are buying the album!
entire crowd: *raised hands*
sunggyu: *surprised, laughed a bit and stood up to bow* ah, thank you!
p - passion
q: what are some of the factors that continue to motivate you in the pursuit of your passion?
sunggyu: well, if are speaking about passion, i must say it’s inspirits.. really. of course, there is a sense of self-satisfaction being able to do what i like. it's because of inspirits that there are people listening to my songs, supporting me. if i were to release an album now without the knowledge that there is a group of people out there who will definitely be supporting me, i guess i wouldn't feel too good in some way? but now, because i know that there are people anticipating me, people who often support me in my performances, people who will listen to my album well, i feel that owing to them, i can continue moving forward with this passion and put in lots and lots of effort into everything i do. (a/n: because it was a long translation, he kept nodding at everything the mc said. he looked like those bobblehead toys that run on solar power it was seriously so cute fans kept cooing everywhere.)
mc: alright, i hope that sunggyu will continue to keep this passion alive and advance forward with inspirits!!
sunggyu: *nodding vehemently and flashing a thumbs up sign with a shy smile*
i - infinite
q: the other infinite members have been participating in their respective individual activities as well. if you were to start having group activities again, what are some of your expectations for it?
sunggyu: firstly, dancing? i would say dance is one of those things. since it’s been a while since infinite has done anything as a group, i think it would feel nice being able to promote and perform together as a group with a new album and new songs. actually, if we were to start having activities together as a group, i would also look forward to sungjong’s hair color. in fact, what sungjong’s hair color will be would be the thing i look forward to the most. he’s had tried many different colors before. this time…
fans: blue! blue!!!
sunggyu: *making a noise of dissatisfication* no, but actually, what color he dyes his hair to has nothing to do with me.. *laughs* it’s not like i want him to dye his hair to any particular color and i don’t really have any thoughts about this issue.. *laughs*
i - idol
q: you've been an idol for seven years and a solo artist for five, successfully maintaining your popularity both domestically and abroad. are there any secrets to your success?
mc: any secrets to being a superstar?
sunggyu: hm, to be a superstar.. *laughs* well, i suppose you have to have a very good-looking appearance *laughs* hmm…
fans: sdhjfsyoU’RE SO HAndSOMe!!l;qrnw
sunggyu: ah yes, i am aware of that. hmm.. of course, eyes are included as part of one’s appearance too ^^
fans: hands!!!!
sunggyu: hands? oh yeah, that too. oh, voice is important too, of course. i guess that makes me a natural? ^^ alright but honestly speaking, i don't think there's any secret formula in particular. you just have to be really serious, hardworking and passionate, it’s a combination of these.
mc: you have to be powerful
sunggyu: yes yes, energy, i like that word
🎶 because
🎶 daydream
[ game 1 ]
this was the telepathy game like before. basketball happened to be the last word here and he was super extra with his actions, he kept pretending to dribble an imaginary ball left and right and slam dunking over and over again even though the time is already up. i think his head inflates with the fans' screams.
[ game 2 ]
when picking the numbers for lucky fans to go on stage and play games, he called for 八四二/842 (cn romanization: bā-sì-ér) when he meant to say 八十二/82 (cn romanization: bā -shí- èr) due to a slightly wrong pronunciation.. the number of heartbreaks or should i say heart attacks? he caused that day…. (。•́︿•̀。)
🎶 because
🎶 daydream
mc: sunggyu, you have to do well and win the game if not there’ll be punishments
sunggyu: ah, i won earlier in the afternoon show though but.. *scratches his head while making that ‘i-wonder-why’ expression*
the topic he picked this time round was ‘animals’ so some of the questions were cats, hamsters and rats. at one point, he was really desperate because the fans have not managed to guess much correct answers so when trying to describe ‘hamster’, he bucked out his teeth like that of a rabbit’s and put his hands in front like they were paws before pointing at himself and IT WAS SO CUTE. right after ‘hamsters’, the word that came out was ‘rats’ and he had a total mental breakdown right there because while ‘hamsters’ was already a difficult stage to pass, they are now asking for ‘rats’, which have little to no difference in the ways you can imitate it to describe it. when this game finally ended, he did his handshake + hug with the lucky fans too and he burst out laughing after the last lucky fan whispered something to him. turns out, she told him that there were lots of nightclubs around that area 😂
after the second game ended where sunggyu lost terribly,
mc: you’ll have your punishment now. you have to do aegyo, you know that right?
sunggyu: *nods with a confident smile directed at her*
mc: let’s have our music!
*music to ‘oppa ya’ starts playing*
sunggyu: *looks shocked before bursting out in embarrassed laughter and looking around helplessly. he then started to clap along a bit* ah wait, wait, i really can’t do this
mc: you can do it! let’s try again!
sunggyu: *heaved a long, heavy and audible sign with a resigned smile*
*music to ‘oppa ya’ starts playing again*
sunggyu: no, wait, wait, i really- this is too much please turn off the music. ah this is so difficult..
mc: shall we try one more time?
sunggyu: this is really difficult.. i think i’m going to cry.
fans: show us! show us!
mc: okay, how about just one pose?
sunggyu: alright.. ah how do i do this? *mental breakdown* how do i do this?????
mc: 3, 2, 1
sunggyu: *did bunny aegyo* *music to ‘oppa ya’ starts playing again* *exasperated, resigned, does the bunny aegyo one more time*
mc: it’s really hot, isn’t it?
sunggyu: yes.. ah i really wanted to do it for you guys, but my body isn’t moving..
mc: sunggyu has tried his best, let’s stop here, okay? otherwise he won’t come to taiwan anymore in the future
mc: being able to interact with your fans through these games, how did it feel?
sunggyu: i felt really happy! *burst out in laughter* it’s just that when i have to do aegyo, i miss my members especially more.. there are lots of members who are really good at aegyo. i am really sorry i couldn’t deliver…
fans: it’s alright!! you did well!
sunggyu: regardless, i had a really good time today with everyone. i am really happy.
mc: it’s okay that you can’t do aegyo, let’s try serenading fans with your voice instead, shall we?
🎶 only tears
🎶 alive
sunggyu: did you enjoy the concert?
fans: yessssssss
sunggyu: it’s my first time in taiwan alone. i was actually really nervous and worried because of this. i was afraid i would be lacking or make the atmosphere awkward and difficult. even though i’m sorry (for not being able to do aegyo), i’m really happy to be here and to be able to interact with you through these games and activities. i’ll be returning to korea tomorrow. although i really do want to stay longer, i have to return to korea to wrap up preparations for my new album. i’ll be participating in a musical as well. even though i’ll be performing in a place really far from here, i hope to have your blessings. oh, we will be having a fanmeet called ‘begin again’ at the end of the year in korea as well. it will also be held in a place really far from here but nevertheless, i hope you will support us a lot and if possible, come and join us. soon, infinite will be having promotions again for our new album. you guys may be able to listen to some of the new songs during the fanmeet. it may not be just one song, it could be a few too. i hope everyone will look forward to our group’s new album as well as my solo album and songs. after the album releases, i will definitely come back to taiwan to perform, both as part of infinite and as a solo singer. let’s take a group photo now, shall we? i want to bring it back to show it to my members.
* surprise fanmade video started to play after group photos *
sunggyu seemed to be enjoying the fanmade video, there are a number of fancams of his reactions to it on youtube. i personally felt that the video was touching and almost teared up too :( of course, it was not just the video, it was the whole atmosphere in the concert hall. the video included performances of sunggyu’s three solo title tracks and when they started playing, the crowd started singing along and it was a really beautiful moment. as a fan who was part of the crowd, i got goosebumps myself and it really makes me wonder how sunggyu felt watching it. once the video ended, i thought sunggyu sounded a little different. i personally thought he might’ve choked up a little before recovering quickly although i wasn’t too sure but a friend of mine said she suspected the same as well so who knows? i wonder what other fans thought.. anyway, just as he started speaking, staff brought in a cake specially prepared by taiwan fans and sunggyu sputtered a bit before laughing shyly.
[ final ment ]
sunggyu: is this me?
fans: yesss!
sunggyu: it’s cute
fans: *started to sing ‘happy birthday’*
sunggyu: *sings along*
sunggyu: ah, i don’t know how to say this well. it’s really embarrassing. *shy laughter* actually, i myself often forget the fact that this day is my solo debut anniversary as well. it just so happens that today, i can celebrate it with you and i am really thankful for this opportunity. more importantly, being able to make a solo debut, meet my fans, have an event like this, all of this, it is all thanks to infinite. i'm really really thankful for infinite. it was because i made my debut as a part of infinite that i can stand on stage like this today as a solo performer. infinite gave me the opportunity to express myself in many ways and show different sides of myself like the one i'm showing as a solo artist here today. it’s been five years now, so in the future, maybe ten years or if possible, twenty years, i hope there will be more chances to spend time like this with you in the future. we’ll be meeting at hitouch later again, you know that, right? i’ll perform the last song for you now, then.
fans: *a chorus of ‘thanks you’s’*
sunggyu: thank you, too.
(a/n: this made me reaaaaaaaaaaaally emotional i think i actually teared up. the way sunggyu said this, voice dripping with 100% pure sincerity without the slightest trace of playfulness at all, it was an absolutely beautiful moment. i’m sure the entire crowd thought the same, judging by the collective ‘awww’ that sounded the moment sunggyu said that. if i had to pick the most unforgettable moment in my entire day there, this has to be it. this tops everything else, it tops seeing his aegyo attempts, listening to him singing because/shine live for the very first times, hitouching him both times, all of it doesn’t compare to this moment. immediately after he said it, the music to ‘the answer’ came on along with the lights and there on his face too, the most beautiful smile. personally, i think it was the video that really boosted his mood. he just had this happy glow around him after it and this was probably behind what became the happiest performance of ’the answer’ ever. throughout his final performance of ‘the answer’, he was all smiles, shaking his head, swaying his body from side to side, just being really.. happy. or maybe he was just really happy he could finally go home. although i’d like to believe it was the former. 😂)
🎶 the answer
[ hitouch ]
two hours later for the 6pm show, my friend and i decided to drag our hitouch out a little longer this time unlike for the afternoon show as it meant we could stand there watching him just a little longer since god knows when we can see him again. one thing i’ve observed about sunggyu during these hitouch sessions is that he was really sincere in his gestures and expressions. despite having to hitouch a total of 4,000 fans that day, his smile never once faltered or became awkward, as one might expect when you’re tired or when you’ve been smiling too long? his smile is always there on his face and when there are fans brave enough to say something to him before being dragged off by staff, he gives really genuine reactions. as i had watched him a lot longer for the evening show, i’ve seen him reply to fans and laugh with them as and when anyone of them tells him anything. it was such a warm sight to witness.
when it was finally my turn to hitouch him again for the evening show, i got my act together and told him ”happy solo anniversary!” in english, and i’m pretty sure i must’ve said it too fast due to the staff’s pressing presence which made me super nervous. sunggyu was stunned for a couple of moments, his head went back a bit and he blinked a couple of times with a zoned out expression, before giving a little smile and nodding. jfhjskfhkslsjdk. i am so bringing this moment to my grave.
this is where my fan account finally ends. thank you if you have read through every word from start to end, misspelled words and grammatical mistakes and all. being able to attend this fanmeet has made me really really happy and i hope one day, everyone else will have a chance like this as well to see for yourself how great a guy kim sunggyu really is!
oh, and if you see any similarities in the way some accounts are phrased with the way this twitter user phrased hers, it’s because that’s my twitter account so don’t be alarmed or anything 😂
finally, please do not repost this anywhere else on tumblr and just reblog this instead. if you want to quote a part of it and post it on other social media platforms, please give appropriate credits and include a link back to this post, thank you.
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wereikonics · 5 years
iKON's MAKNAE: JUNG CHANWOO  Appreciation thread
@/bianxstan on Twitter -  8:33 PM - 26 Dec 2018
I just want to warn those who are reading this. If you're an OT6 fan, pls feel free to unfollow me and pls do not interact w/ anything related to this thread i.e. don't reply and don't quote RT. We don't need that negativity.
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The world is already cruel enough for all of us. Spare us the dramatics. I am tired of defending #Chanwoo from all of you. Though I'm tired of it, pls know that I won't stop doing it. So please allow me to spread love to others without your negativity tainting it. Here we go.
When M&M happened, I had no doubt in my mind that Chanwoo will be iKON's 7th member. I was as sure of it as I was that all OT6 will be in iKON. There was something abt him that captivated me. He wasn't the most talented or the most eye-catching. He wasn't even the most talkative.
However, Jung Chanwoo was the only person who was introduced in the show that, imho, was considerate towards what OT6 was going through. He realized that he's piercing through a bond that's so strong that his introduction to the group would not be received well and so he waited.
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Photo Caption: (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
CHAN WOO only smiles, perplexed
B.I. - CHAN WOO, what are your thoughts on this?
Chanwoo - I like the song
From the very beginning, Chanwoo has always been the kind of person who refuses to be a burden. He wants to stand with his own two feet. He refuses to be acknowledged just because Hanbin was a great leader.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Pictures of Chanwoo wiping away tears in the practice room
I love Chanwoo because he's always been self-aware of his capabilities and his position in the group. When faced with frustrations of things not going well, he recognizes the fact that compared to the others, he is lacking. He did not hide. He did not cower.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
To be honest, I’m quite disappointed
about the fact that I’m not good.
and that I’m a burden.
I know I can do this but I’m not doing as well as I thought.
What he did was he stayed behind in the practice room to catch up to the groupmates he's pulling behind. His sense of self-accomplishment was strong enough to push him to do well and to prevent himself from lingering at the bottom line.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Chanwoo: They said it would be a very difficult journey
and told me to brace myself.
So I’m not gonna give up even if it becomes really hard.
One of the reasons why Chanwoo blended in so well at that time was because Chanwoo, who was an outsider, already shared the same fierce determination and thirst for improvement that the OT6 was identified with.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Chanwoo: I’m so disappointed.
Chanwoo: I don’t want him to think I’m not good enough.
Picture of a frosted glass door with the word ‘STUDIO’ in unfrosted glass
Picture of a paper that reads DUFFY LYRICS - “Mercy” along with the lyrics
Narrator: Chanwoo is practicing alone till late at night. 
He worked so hard to be acknowledged for his effort. He finally did in EP 6. But what squeezed my heart about that episode was the fact that Chanwoo shed tears because despite his efforts up to that point, he can't be fully happy while taking YOYO's spot.
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He wasn't even at the bottom three at that time & yet he felt so bad taking a spot from the OT6. I realized at the end that he must have felt guilty since he'd always felt incapable. He must've thought that despite his efforts, someone else still deserves it more than he did.
At that moment, I thought to myself: "If there is anyone that should be with the OT6, it'll be Chanwoo." Because this kid has enough heart and empathy to realize that his success could be someone's failure in OT6. 
To me, a person w/ the kind of attitude to set aside self-greed to feel for those around him will seamlessly mold himself in the tenacious wall that OT6 have built around themselves. Because OT6 reached that far by thinking of the well-being of their members than themselves.
However, his anxiety and worry continue even after debut. After all, it can't be denied that their debut in 2015 means that Chanwoo only had over a year of professional training. He only had abt year to completely blend himself in the team.
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Photo Caption: 
Chanwoo reading a letter onstage during their Japan Tour
“will I be able to fit in?” “Won’t I just be a burden to them?”
“will the fans acknowledge me?” “Everyday I was feeling anxious and worried”
“And I promised myself, I have to debut in iKON and show them”
“my cool side to repay them”
People don't realize that #CHANWOO has YEARS to catch up to when it comes to training. If you're a true iKONIC, you should've realized that Chanwoo was able to improve this much despite the huge time differential of training compared to others.
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Photo Caption: Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018 
B.I. instructs Chanwoo and helps him practice dancing one on one in preparation for their upcoming performances. Various iKON members can be seen resting in different places around the room. 
B.I. - Let’s do it more seriously.
B.I - One more time.
B.I - One more time.
Picture of Chanwoo sitting on the floor, his hair drenched in sweat.
B.I - You turn your arm like this here. 
Do you guys ever think about how much he had to work harder to not be the black hole in iKON? Do you ever think about the humiliation and disappointment he must have felt each time he practice one-on-one with Hanbin?
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Photo Caption: Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018
Close Up of Chanwoo as he talks in iKON’s temporary practice area, his hair drenched in sweat.
CW: I’m so tired that I can’t talk...
CW: We checked all the flow lines and then we checked the dance matching along with the music. 
CW: As you can see, we are practicing one by one with B.I.
CW: It’s also like this for around a month in Korea. 
Each session must've felt like a harsh slap of realization of what level his skills are compared to the others. This was taken just a year ago. Many would think that a debuted idol wouldn't work this hard. But Chanwoo isn't like that. He knows his goals & he WILL pursue them.
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Photo Caption:  Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018 
Close Up of Chanwoo as he talks in iKON’s temporary practice area, his hair drenched in sweat.
CW: There is no shyness
CW: Even though I am embarrassed, but if I don’t work hard we can’t do it. 
CW: I’m thankful for B.I-hyung who is monitoring closely.
CW: I’ll work hard.
I've said this before. I hate people who count lines per member. Line allocation will never equate to song quality. Hanbin giving lines not suited to Chanwoo's skills will only be detrimental to him. But does Chanwoo deliver? YES HE DOES!
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Tweet Citation and Photo Caption:
The utilization of the colourful vocal tones of the members allows a portrayal of different kinds of heartache. #CHANWOO didn’t get a ton of lines but I’m not disappointed. Line distribution is about how you deliver those lines. Chanwoo delivered a tenfold of emotions. #iKON
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The way #CHANWOO opened the song with his low melancholic tone just hits you straight to the heart. It wasn’t extravagant; it was impactful. It was subdued, almost too passively, but that’s what one goes through during a break up. You can’t do anything but accept it.
At the bridge, when all the instrumentals were stripped down to almost nothing, I cried bec of the weight of emotions delivered within those two lines. #Chanwoo ’s part was the culmination of all the emotions depicted in this song’s narrative. His voice is just perfect for that.
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Can also be found in ‘Goodbye Road’ Song Analysis Thread:
I want people to realize that #Chanwoo was able to perform this well because he did not sit on his ass all day long playing games. Nobody else knows more than Chanwoo himself how much he is lacking compared to the others. We all have only seen a glimpse of his talents.
I want to remind you that this year's releases were mostly written in 2015. We have yet to fully taste what these boys have to offer years after 2015. Don't get stuck on what could've been. It's been 4 years since the show.
Ask yourselves this: in any of iKON's dance practice videos, was there ever a moment when Chanwoo was a blackhole? As a matter of fact, Jinhwan makes more mistakes on choreo than Chanwoo ever did. This boy did not get on stage despite his injuries just for you to discredit him.
This boy did not get into iKON because of pity. He didn't get on that stage because he was forced to. He worked his ass off day in and day out knowing that his lack of skills could be harmful for the rest of them. But even when that fear lingers, he didn't let it foster.
Though Chanwoo has this fear, he would never beg for lines from Hanbin. Hanbin allows this because this is the only way Chanwoo will truly improve and genuinely feel accomplished. There is no shortcut to success.
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Photo Caption: iKON on Weekly Idol
Chanwoo is speaking to Hanbin while they are holding hands
CW: This is what I want to say.
CW: I’m not good which is why I have a small part.
Yunhyeong points toward Hanbin as he looks to Chanwoo
Yunhyeong: Tell him now that you want bigger parts
CW: I’ll work harder
So before you question Chanwoo's work etiquette, I want you to think about the position you're in. Because at this moment, as you write those comments discrediting Chanwoo's hard work, it isn't his ass sat on a chair with your face buried in front of a computer.
I'm ending this thread with Chanwoo's poem. Because I want people to realized that regardless of how much hate you throw, we're all just trying our best to live on. We're all on the same ground. You're not special.
[YT Link to iKON TV - Junhoe PD Episode excerpt - Jung Chanwoo’s Mosquito Poem]
Disclaimer: All photos belong to their rightful owners. I leave all credit to the rightful translators. PS: If I continued to make this longer, I'm at risk of a heart attack because of pent up frustrations lol PSS: STAN CHANWOO PSSS:
@/bianxstan on Twitter -  8:32 AM - 15 Dec 2018
If you're truly a fan of iKON, you would understand why it's hard for Chanwoo to bring his members to film for his YT. Chanwoo is a very considerate person. He would never do anything to make someone uncomfortable.
Besides, he knows how it feels like for the members because he lives the same lifestyle. Also, the members are not selfish to refuse to go on Chanwoo's channel. They help him out when he asks. So please, give Chanwoo the freedom to film whatever he wants with whoever he wants. 
Please subscribe to Chanwoo’s YT Channel if you haven’t already
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