#OSL Legacy Challenge
gogomadu · 2 years
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Who thought that this family, would breed such a monster…
Pose by @sosa-cc
Read the challenge rules here...
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oakspice · 2 years
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Oh So Loved - Legacy Challenge (BG Compatible)
co created by @oakspice and @gogomadu
The original OSL Challenge requires Get Famous with optional add-ons for Parenthood, Get Together and Snowy Escape. This chart is made completely BG Compatible for those simmers who do not own the packs!
For full description of the challenge click here | For the Get Famous rule chart click here | To view example game-play click here!
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ambisim · 1 year
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“Is he making eyes at me...”
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paleogenetica · 3 years
Discusión sobre la Edad de las Huellas Fosilizadas en Nuevo México. - Son indiscutibles ??
Para estos primeros Paleo Indios, los Perros eran el Animal doméstico esencial. Es posible que los Niños tuvieran otras Mascotas o Pets, pero el Perro era esencial para ayudar en las Cacerías.
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Estos Primeros Paleo Indios eran gente con Industrias Sofisticadas para poder vivir en un Ambiente tan duro y peligroso como el último Máximo Glacial de entre 25,000 hasta hace 20,000 Años.
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Yo creo que los primeros Paleo Indios que entraron al Continente Americano tenían un Lenguaje muy avanzado y muchas Leyendas y Narrativas
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De National Geographic _
A growing number of discoveries suggest people were in North and South America thousands of years before. These include the Monte Verde site in Chile that's as old as 18,500 years and the Gault site in Texas that's up to 20,000 years old. But each find kicks up a firestorm of controversy among scientists.
"A discovery like this is very close to finding the Holy Grail," says Ciprian Ardelean, an archaeologist with the Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Ardelean directs excavations at Mexico’s Chiquihuite Cave, where researchers believe they have evidence for human activity in the Americas as early as 30,000 years ago.
But White Sands stands among the few sites suggesting that humans were already in North America at the height of the LGM. With the discovery announced last year that suggests people may have been present in Mexico’s Chiquihuite Cave as early as 30,000 years ago, critics of the Chiquihuite study question whether humans or geology fractured the rocks.
Additional confirmation of the dates may be tough to obtain. The team attempted to use a method involving uranium, but the samples were not well suited for the analysis, explains Jeff Pigati of the United States Geological Survey, who studied the plant remains. Davis points to other techniques, such as optically stimulated luminescence, which could help confirm the timing. But Stafford adds that OSL can have very large standard deviations, so may not provide a tidy confirmation. Yet the team is still working to perfect their methods of uranium dating and to obtain OSL dates for additional confirmation.
"I, for one, will be very excited if this is true," Davis says. But he adds, "I just think it's premature for us to get the champagne out and say it's been done, we've nailed it."
But after decades of the field centring around a Clovis culture of only 13,000 years ago, change may finally be on the horizon. "I think we will not speak in terms of pre-Clovis possibilities," Ardelean says. "We will speak in terms of pre-White Sands and post-White Sands."
Fossil footprints challenge theory of when people first arrived in the Americas
The tracks at New Mexico’s White Sands National Park could upend past assumptions on when humans first ventured into North and South America.
BY Maya Wei-Haas ---- PUBLISHED 24 SEPT 2021
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De Revista Science :
About 16,000 years ago, on the banks of a river in western Idaho, people kindled fires, shaped stone blades and spearpoints, and butchered large mammals. All were routine activities in prehistory, but their legacy today is anything but. The charcoal and bone left at that ancient site, now called Cooper's Ferry, are some 16,000 years old—the oldest radiocarbon-dated record of human presence in North America, according to work reported this week in Science.
The findings do more than add a few centuries to the timeline of people in the Americas. They also shore up a new picture of how humans first arrived, by showing that people lived at Cooper's Ferry more than 1 millennium before melting glaciers opened an ice-free corridor through Canada about 14,800 years ago. That implies the first people in the Americas must have come by sea, moving rapidly down the Pacific coast and up rivers. The dates from Cooper's Ferry "fit really nicely with the [coastal] model that we're increasingly getting a consensus on from genetics and archaeology," says Jennifer Raff, a geneticist at  the University of Kansas in Lawrence who studies the peopling of the Americas.
First people in the Americas came by sea, ancient tools unearthed by Idaho river suggest 16,000-year-old occupation predates possible land route into the continents 29 AUG 2019 -----  BYLIZZIE WADE
De la Revista Nature :
Comparisons with ancient genomes indicate that the Upward Sun River 1 (USR1) individual is an outgroup to Mexican/South American Indigenous populations, whereas Anzick-1 was more closely related to Mesoamerican/South American populations than to those from Aridoamerica, showing an even more complex history of divergence than recognized so far.
Published: 12 October 2021 The genomic landscape of Mexican Indigenous populations brings insights into the peopling of the Americas Humberto García-Ortiz, Francisco Barajas-Olmos, […]Lorena Orozco
El misterio del poblamiento de América 🌎 - Bully Magnets - Historia Documental
En esta ocasión les platicamos sobre uno de los misterios más grandes de la historia, nos referimos a la llegada de los seres humanos al continente Americano. Esta ocasión es especial porque tenemos información muy reciente, con nuevas evidencias, que parecen refutar la Teoría de Clovis, es decir, se pone nuevamente en cuestionamiento la teoría más aceptada y consensuada sobre el tema con evidencia desde el estado mexicano de Zacatecas y el White Sands National Park de Nuevo México.
El Siguiente Video es Excelente, Ilustrativo y Responsable. Puede ser usado en Sitios Educativos. Presenta Yacimientos Arqueológicos que sugieren que el Hombre llegó a América hace mas de 16,000 Años, contradiciendo el Consenso que existía antes de descubrirse las Huellas de Nuevo México.
Descubren huellas humanas de 23,000 años de antigüedad en New Mexico. Fin de la Teoría Clovis. ----Oct 16, 2021 - Edward Pacheco González
Descubren semillas de una planta conocida como ruppia en el interior de unas huellas fosilizadas de humano datadas entre hace 23 y 21,000 años de antigüedad en el último máximo glacial. Se descubrieron 60 de estas huellas fósiles en lo que fue un lago conocido como Otero en White Sands,
Nuevo México. Todo parece indicar que los especialistas del tema incluyendo arqueólogos y paleontólogos por fin tendrán que aceptar que han existido poblaciones humanas de extrema antigüedad en las américas mucho antes de la fecha aceptada de entre hace 14 y 13,000 años (Teoría conocida como Consenso Clovis o más recientemente Teoría del Poblamiento tardío).
Es casi un hecho validado por la ciencia oficialista en la actualidad, que los primeros humanos en América no solo entraron vía el estrecho de Beringia, sino que lo hicieron en muchas ocasiones vía marítima.  El descubrimiento de estas huellas fosilizadas con una antigüedad de 7,000 años antes de lo esperado podría considerarse simplemente como la evidencia más convincente de humanos o un homínido inteligente en América inclusive durante el último máximo glacial.
Gault Texas, near Florence : Site Where North America's Oldest Artifacts Have Been Found ----  Nov 17, 2020 --- Raymond Kresha
Visit perhaps the oldest archaeological site in North America, with evidence dating back 20,000 years. It's in central Texas and very few people know about it. Take a quick peek! Features Dr. Clark Warnecke, who conducts tours with a great mix of humor and insight into how the original indigenous people of this continent lived.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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With her plan for revenge completed, Mula desired to escape the world around her. Whether she was a victim of her circumstances, or felt that she had a new lease on life, Mula just wanted to experience true freedom. So leaving behind her daughter, her marriage, and her family, Mula embarked on a solo trip.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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(Future Mulasem)
Unfortunately, haste puts everything to waste, they say. And that was my only mistake. But it’s not fun when the main character always wins.
"Somehow", years later the case of my father's death was reopened on suspicion of foul play. The main suspect of the case was my husband and he was quickly taken into custody.
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Pose by @beverlyallitsims
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gogomadu · 1 year
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(Future Mulasem)
Even sitting in that courtroom, it all quickly made sense. How did they catch up to me so quickly? We obviously there was an "insider". My so-called family dragged me out to publicly execute me. They rigged the system with their political prominence to single-handedly convict me of murder. My husband or now ex-husband as I should call him was all too happy to get out of county jail but the damage had already been done to him and his business now that he was associated with illegal and dangerous plants putting him out of business, out of a job, and with a stain on his record. It's safe to say that this was a great play on their part. One of the easiest ways to take out an enemy is to give them more. This particular jab was enough to put me out of commission. 40 to life.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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Left with nowhere reliable to go, Vitty fell into the hands of Uncle Joao, Aunt Noemia, and Cousin Eugene. While one branch of the family was rejoicing in Mula's downfall, the other was still muddleheaded, and yet another feigning indifference, this branch began to salvage what they could from the rubble that engulfed the Almeidas.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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After sending Vitty to daycare, Tane opened his store. They had recently debuted new wedding bouquets trying to gauge the interest of the customers. Tane was extremely excited for the future especially as his daughter was growing more self-sufficient and he could focus on his business again. But then an unwelcome visitor arrived.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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They lived a simple life together. Enjoying each other's company day by day...
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gogomadu · 1 year
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After waking up and getting cute in her little Rocker Fashion, baby girl didn't even allow her parents to eat breakfast before she decided to make her arrival. Tane and Mula decided to call Noemia and make their way down to hospital before it was too late.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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Well... they did it. And even took wedding photos as souvenirs.
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gogomadu · 2 years
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(Future Mulasem, 36)
Speaking of which, here they are.
I must say, in my life, these were the most positive characters. They seemed to actually care about me for me. Uncle Joao was an author, his wife Noemia was a hospital administrator, and Eugene? Officially, my favorite cousin. In fact... he's my best friend.
Pose by @sciophobis
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gogomadu · 2 years
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So I decided to transfer into the biggest high school in our city. In the past, I had been attending online school due to… extenuating circumstances. But some things, just need to be done in person. You know what they say, if you want things done right, you do them yourself. And for starters, I needed to test my abilities on a small scale. A little society, if you will. High school.
No one was happy that I was going back to school, in fact they all tried to talk me out of it. Well, except for Uncle Joao, Aunt Noemia, and their son, Eugene. I still remember that morning. The whole family was texting me not to make trouble because of the family reputation, but Uncle Joao and Aunt Noemia texted me to have fun and enjoy my last year of high school. While Eugene texted me to say that I could find him anytime in the honors room. A little part of my cooling soul warmed up that day.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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Until it became a family affair.
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gogomadu · 1 year
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In hindsight, I should have waited longer, but my mother’s condition was getting worse. While I not a morally righteous person, I do believe in repaying favors. At the very least, she gave birth to me. I couldn’t just watch her waste herself away. So I set things into motion earlier than planned.
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