danisha-tdh · 2 days
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Let's dance, boys!~
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ajaxbleachishere · 3 months
Octoweek day 2: Fluff
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They fell asleep reading from dusk till dawn. Lil nerds
Day 1 || Day 3 || Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6 || Day 7
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octonaut-blog · 4 months
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So, I did a thing.
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mostlycatsmostly · 3 months
June 11th is World Pet Memorial Day. Drop your photos of pets that have passed but are forever in your heart. 🌈
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axlhecksbasement6 · 1 year
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Alone | Axl Heck x fem!Reader
You were one of Sue’s long time best friends. The Heck family basically watched as you grew up. they watched you fall, they watched you cry, they’ve seen far more embarrassing things that even your family hadn’t seen.
It was Junior Prom and everyone had a date except for you and Sue.
”It’s okay!” sue said enthusiastically. “We can be each other’s date!”
”That’s a great idea, we can even have matching dresses! Yours can be pink and mine will be (fav color)!” You said with a huge smile. You grabbed your magazine and with Sue you two began to browse. 
“This one is gorgeous!” She exclaimed pointing at the floor length gown.
”You have such a good eye!” You giggled.
If only you could stop time right there…
The next day you went back to the Heck residence.
”Hey Axl,” you smiled bashfully. You would never admit this to Sue but you had such a big crush on Axl since the 8th grade. Something about his jock, bad boy, long hair, aura made you want to kiss him.
”Hi,” he said nonchalantly. He grabbed a bag of chips and walked to his bedroom. You sighed defeatedly. You had been droppings hint to Axl that you want him to ask you yet he either ignored it or didn’t notice it.
”You should just ask him,” Brick said walking past you.
”What?!” You exclaimed nervously , “what would I ask him?”
”Everyone except for Axl knows. My mom and dad have a bet going on to see how long it takes for you to finally tell Axl,” Brick said nonchalantly.
”I’m not very good at hiding it am I?” You sighed.
”Nope! Even Sue knows, she just won’t say anything.” He grabbed his book before walking back to his bedroom.
You sat on the couch defeatedly, so everyone knew how hopelessly in love you are. “Idiot,” you mumbled.
Sue walked in the house squealing like a fangirl.
”Sue?” You said rushing towards her.
”Guess who just asked me to prom!” She asked. Your expression dropped.
”Who?” You asked trying not to sound disappointed.
”Darrin!” She squealed. You knew how much she liked Darrin and you always wanted to support your friends.
”That’s great!” You smiled and held her hands.
”I know! I’m so excited!” She jumped around causing her mom to walk out of her room.
”What’s all this noise?” She asked.
”Darrin just asked me to the prom!” Sue squealed excitedly.
You watched as Frankie’s expression drop, “What about (Y/n)?”
The realization hit Sue and she looked at you with an apologetic look.
”I’ll call Darrin and tell him I can’t go with him,” she tried to keep her optimistic expression but you knew deep down that she wanted to go with Darrin and not with you. 
“It’s okay, go with Darrin. I insist you go with Darrin,” you smiled holding her hands again.
”Really?” She asked and you nodded.
”I know how much you wanted Darrin to ask you and I would be a terrible friend if I robbed you from it.” You smiled. Even though deep down you were sad and disappointed. “But, this means you have to get a pretty and unique dress for prom!”
”OMG! You are so right! We should go dress shopping! The three of us!” Sue excitedly said jumping up and down.
”Yeah! We have to pick the prettiest dresses!” You smiled clapping your hands.
”Can you take us mom? Please!!” Sue begged.
”Okay, okay. I’ll take you two dress shopping,” she smiled. You and Sue squealed in excitement and rushed to her bedroom to do more magazine looking. 
The day finally came and Mrs. Heck took the two of you dress shopping. You three went to at least ten different shops and tried on at least 30 dresses per store. 
“I hate this one!” She exclaimed rushing back to the fitting room.
”You looked adorable!” Frankie shouted only to get a frustrated grunt from Sue.
You stepped out wearing a floor length (color) dress. 
“Oh. My. God. You look absolutely gorgeous in that!” She said watching as you did a small runway walk.
”I love this one so much!” You smiled excitedly. “It’s in my budget too!” 
“It is so gorgeous!” Mrs. Heck gave you a wide smile.
”I’m getting it,” you said walking back to your fitting room. Sue tried on three more dresses before finding the perfect dress for her. She couldn’t stop twirling and bowing like a princess. You check dress shopping off your list. 
Prom night arrived and still you didn’t have a date. You put on your best smile and walked to Sue’s house. You saw Darrin’s car parked on their driveway and you felt a sick feeling in your stomach. It dawned on you that you’re a third wheel. You stopped outside the front door and debated wether you should go in or not. You sighed and walked in.
”(Y/n)! You’re here!” Sue exclaimed happily walking up to you.
”I sure am!” You smiled happily.
”You two look gorgeous!” Mrs. Heck smiled. She pulled out the camera and took pictures of you and Sue, Sue alone, Sue and Darrin, and the three of you. The sick feeling never left your stomach.
”Let me get one if you (Y/n),” Mrs. Heck smiled. You awkwardly stood there as Mrs. Heck took a picture. You couldn’t help but  feel sad. You’re going to be the only one there without a date, you’ll be third wheeling with your childhood best friend. “You look beautiful.”
You smiled at her the best you could.
”We should get going!” Sue said happily grabbing your hand.
”Actually, I think I’ll drive myself to prom,” you smiled. “You and Darrin deserve a grand entrance!” 
“Are you sure?” Sue asked and you nodded.
”I insist,” you smiled holding her hand again. She smiled at you, waved good bye to her mom wand excitedly walked with Darrin.
”Do you want a ride?” Frankie asked and you shook your head.
”My dad left the nice car for me, I’ll make my grand entrance,” you smiled at her. “I should get going or I’ll be late and not the cool kind of late.”
”I want a lot of pictures,” Frankie smiled and you nodded. You walked out of the house and stood on their porch. You began to walk back home and the tears began to fall. You couldn’t help it at the point. You couldn’t help but feel defeated. Even though you suggested it you wished that maybe Sue would come back, ditch Darrin, and go to the prom with you. You arrived at home and realized you didn’t have your house keys. You repeatedly knocked on the door before realizing your moms car was gone. 
You sighed defeatedly once more. You began to walk to school. You and Sue used to walk together but now she gets a ride from her brother or her boyfriend. The tears began to fall again. You were happy for Sue yet you felt like you were missing out.
The heels began to hurt your feet. You stopped and took them off. 
“Stupid heels,” you whispered. You hated the concrete floors and the sound your feet made when it hit the floor. After 15 minutes you arrived at school. You watched as the couples entered the building with huge smiles on their faces. 
You put on your heels and walked inside the building. You looked around and saw Sue happily dancing with Darrin, a smile crept to your face. You walked around a little and watched the couples.
You walked to the desert table and grabbed a cupcake. You walked around again, a slow song began to play as the couples began to dance with each other.
Your heart dropped, you were alone. In a sea of couples you were by yourself. You felt tears again, you walked out of the gym and outside the building. No one was outside except for you. 
You slumped down on the steps, you wanted to cry but you didn’t want to seem weak. You didn’t want someone to see you and laugh at you.
”Why aren’t you inside?” You heard that familiar voice. Axl. You quickly wiped away the tears before looking up.
”It was too crowded, I needed some air,” you smiled.
”Then why are you crying?” He asked. You looked away and shrugged.
”I wasn’t crying, something got in my eye and I was trying to take it out,” you mumbled.
”I can tell when you’re sad. We basically grew up together,” he said extending his hand. “You shouldn’t be out here on prom.”
You looked at him confused but held his hand anyway. You noticed his tux and smiled.
”Did your mom send you?” You asked.
”Yes and no,” he said.
”Yes and no?” You questioned and he nodded.
“I wanted to come, I just didn’t know if you wanted me to go. You and Sue were going so I thought it would be awkward for me to go to prom with my sister, then stupid Darrin asked her to prom. I just didn’t know how to ask you.” He explained and you felt your face heat up. “And then my mom told me to go, she said you looked sad and wanted me to go and cheer you up.”
”Tell your mom I said thanks,” you smiled and he nodded. You two walked back inside. Luckily the DJ was playing one more slow song.
”Can I have this dance?” He asked and you nodded. You rested your head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. You felt like you finally weren’t alone. Like finally, you felt alive, you felt noticed, you felt like yourself again. Even though prom was short and not as magical as you expected it to be, you still had such a good time.
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abipork2-0 · 1 year
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mooshie-blue · 4 months
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Uncle Captain Barnacles!!
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kanamesengoku · 4 months
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cursed-princess-club · 10 months
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au where everything is the same except monika is taller
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xelys-xlys · 4 months
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what a headache and without having finished it But, well...
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I doodle so fast that I get interactive d-d
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bear-boi-5 · 3 months
My boy
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So I bought Pac-Man World Re-Pac earlier today
He's too fucking cute I can't with this game
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danisha-tdh · 4 months
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More doodles and there's my goofball, Mr. Puzzles with a suit I made for him uvu~💕
Puzzles fans, come get your man right here!
And kiss his flat face
Jealousy Orsie? :3c
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I forgot I had this doodle from a looong time-
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buggaboizz · 1 year
I drew Bianca and the cubs!
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Mom and her chicken nugget shaped kids <333
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uselessalexis165 · 6 months
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ghouls 👻
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axlhecksbasement6 · 1 year
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Cheater | Axl Heck x fem!Reader
You watched, not daring to look away not even for a second. Your boyfriend of two years was kissing another girl. A blonde girl with beautiful tan skin. Your heart sank.
You came for a surprise visit at his university, you had taken a gap year to sort some things out. You missed him so much you decided to visit him.
"Axl?!" You shouted catching him by surprise. He broke away from the kiss and looked your way. You shook year head, tears threatened to fall from your eyes. You stormed off, he was shouting your name and running after you.
"(Y/n)! Please let me explain!" He shouted catching up to you.
"Explain what? That your tongue was in another girls mouth? What is there to explain?" You shouted angrily. Your heart broke as he stammered for words.
"Please, she means nothing to me!" He exclaimed and you shook your heads tears finally falling from your eyes.
"I'm such an idiot. An idiot for believing long distance could work. I'm in Orson rejecting guys, telling guys that I have a boyfriend only for said boyfriend to be kissing and possibly fucking other women?!" You said turning to look away from.
"(Y/n), please. I was lonely and she offered me her company!" He defended himself.
"You're so weak Axl. If you were lonely you could have called me? You could have come and visit me? Planned for a day for me to go over?! Not kiss a random girl at a stupid frat party!" You screamed shoving him away.
"(Y/n) I love you so much I don't know what I would do without you!" He cried tears falling from his eyes.
"Go keep kissing that girl! See if she wants to keep you company!" You ran off to your car. He shouted your name pleading for you to come back. You got inside your car and drove far, far away from him. You never wanted to see his stupid face or his stupid smile. You never want to be reminded of him or his family.
You got home and immediately packed all the things you had of him. You packed his high school varsity jacket that he let you borrow. All the pictures from fairs and carnivals. You packed all the gifts he gave to you. All of it went into a box and you drove to the Heck's house.
You banged on their door and Frankie opened up.
"(Y/n)? Axl isn't here sweetie," she smiled and you shook your head.
"We are over Mrs. Heck," your voice was shaky. "But don't worry Axl has a new girlfriend and he seems to love her very much."
"Wait-? What? You broke up?" She asked and you nodded.
"I dumped him," you smiled. You handed her the box. "Tell him to delete my number, his is already deleted from mine." You walked away not allowing Frankie to say another word to you. Your heart was beating quickly and your lip began to tremble.
Two years gone to the trash. Two amazing years of fun and romance all gone. But, it was going to be okay. You were going to apply to colleges, you were going to get your life on track and not allow a stupid boy to ruin your plans.
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fefuckability · 24 days
Sacred Stones Qualifier 2
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Feel free to reblog and comment with your reasons!
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