#OOF hard relate. hashtag teenage problems cranked up to 11 i remember being in that like
cartoonemotion · 3 years
kid cosmic spoilers again cuz im thonkin
i was at first a LEETLE disappointed that the solution to the end of this ep was to punch erodius all apart but actually it makes sense and it kind of reminded me of one of the reasons i could actually feel pretty good about watching wander over yonder and not feel like the message of like. peaceful resolution didnt feel too much like a condescending “you should never fight fire with fire !!! uwu” type thing and instead much more genuine and optimistic
bc i mean the situations were fundamentally different.. the aliens trying to reclaim their stones was actually a misunderstanding and it fit into kid’s arc of coming into his own as a hero, understanding that a lot of the messages he had internalized in an effort to live up to his dream of becoming one were not only detrimental to him but others around him: heroes help, not hurt, so a peaceful resolution where kid and the local heroes work together to help the aliens and prevent the biker in black from ejecting them from the planet pretty much by force conveys the themes of the season and the messages kid learned in his arc well & wraps everything up on that front pretty coherently
but now jo is the focus of season 2, and shes a teenager, so shes older than kid and she has different lessons for life and different conflicts with those around her that she has to work out, and so the threat she’s tasked with handling is a lot different. its not necessarily i dont think the show retracting any of its earlier messages about peaceful resolution or trying to understand one another, bc it still has those beats: mo’s recipe is a big one, you have papa g still being his usual pacifist self and having moments where he advocates for talking things out, you have jo doing what she can to uplift and respect krosh after she beats her, even going so far as to basically invite her to be a member of the community she and the rest of the local heroes are apart of it seems pretty much ? the difference is that unlike the previous season, there’s no real mix up or dispute as to who’s the real bad guy here; erodius is destroying planets, killing people and displacing whole societies, and it seems almost like a force of nature more than a living being (its obviously supposed to take some inspiration from galactus from the marvel comics or unicron from transformers). it cant be reasoned with. its something cosmically big and indifferent to the suffering it inflicts on the little people, who as directly stated in this season, are the ones who matter most
so destroying it makes sense ! the more i think about it the more i kind of like how erodius ties into jo’s arc of becoming more sure of herself as not only a leader but just. a person, as every teenager has to struggle to learn how to be. you can be kind and compassionate and want to extend a helping hand, but you should always be willing to stand up for yourself and others around you who cant, even if it seems impossible. and that in itself can still be a victory, even if there are consequences 
idk. this turned rambly but i just really liked the second season, even if i still prefer the first one more/feel its a tighter story overall, i wanna give s2 credit where its due bc i think it was a great installment and it still had a lot of care and craft put into it :]
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