#OOC: God. Going into child perspective is a little tricky
blade-king-luze · 4 years
“Tiny Lights of Hope”
OOC: First of all, I would love to thank the Anon who put an Ask message about this! Little do you all know, I have been thinking of doing a story concept of this one day. And now this Anon has greatly motivated me.
I hope you all will enjoy! And again, Thank you, lovely! I will try to get in more stories written qq and Art things for Luze/Luka!
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(OOC: A story that takes place in Luka’s perspective when both Luka and Luze were around 7 to 8 human years old. Or maybe 10. Depending on what you guys might think from reading this. 
Fun fact that I might be so wrong about.  Their names apparently means “Light” in different languages. Luka means Light in Latin. Luze might come from Luz, a word that also means Light in Portugal (Spanish??).
So, hence the title. Did their mother think that they were the lights of her life?) Feat. Luze Crosszeria
🎵 - (Music to read through this)
The Crosszeria family has been labeled as traitors among Duras and Demons alike, creating a harsh life style for those who live by the crosses embedded on their left arm. Such a cruel fate can’t be escaped especially those young innocent victims that are born unto the world of Infernus.
Amongst those young victims are Luka and Luze Crosszeria. As they began to grow older within their small age, the more they realize what their lives are like.  Cold, isolated, and restricted.
When little Luze began to understand bits and pieces about his family line, he was downtrodded and heartbroken. Fragile as he was compared to his older twin when they were really young, he began to break down in tears. Luka, being the older sibling between the two, sensed something was amiss and approached Luze. He manages to calm him down, but he also realizes and reassures him that they were the only things they had: Each other. 
Venture on through the tiny perspectives that children have to offer through Luka’s journey to take care of his young twin. There are always ways where even being stuck in a cage brings out curiosity and longing for adventure. This is just one possible way to display their closeness like a calm before a storm.
The storm raged on outside of Infernus. It wasn’t that bad of a weather to look at. I am just glad that it wasn’t raining outside, or else the windows that were opened in my room would already be shut closed. I am not planning on having my room wet ...
I just love looking at the white lines that stretched in the skies. I wondered if the sky would crack and fall, creating a different colored view rather than the deep blood red we have every day in Infernus. What would the sky look like if it was a different color? I stretched out my hand as my palm faced upward. I sighed. It made me wonder.
I crossed my arm on the window sill and rest my head on top of them. The breeze gently flew as the flash continued. I closed my eyes for just a few moments. I felt like I was going to be drifted away from the wind blowing against me.
Suddenly, my heart felt a little uneasy. I turned around just to see what was behind me. Nothing but the dark room. But it wasn’t totally dark. Through the crack of the door that is slightly opened, I saw a dim light. Could it be coming from the room next door to me?
Did something happened to Luze? I pushed myself from the window sill and made my way out of the room to his room. As I stepped in the middle of the hallway, I heard small whimpering.
My steps picked up the pace as I walked a little faster, worried. I went in front of his room and reached my hand to his door.  I pushed the door slowly and gently so he doesn’t get scared. The whimpering grew louder. Then it turned into soft sobs. I took a peek as the door made a low creak.
“Luze?” I said softly. I opened the door more slowly and more wider. The first thing that I saw that made my heart sink was seeing Luze on top of his bed, sitting but curled up as he burrowed his head on his knees. I walked towards him as I saw his body tremble from each sob that came out. I gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
He was caught by surprised as he gasped a little. His face was streaming down with tears as his eyes looked a frightened. “Nii-san.” “It’s okay. It’s me.” I said. I sat on the side of the bed and looked at him concerned. “Are you okay? I heard you in the middle of the hallway.”
Luze shook his little head and looked down in front of him. He sniffed as he tried to wipe his tears away. “I don’t know ... I don’t know what to feel anymore ...” “What do you mean?” I rubbed his back slowly. Luze tried to hold many tears back but I can tell that he wanted to cry some more. “Take your time. I’m here.”
Luze looked up to me and calmed down a bit. But then he looked away once again. The same sorrowful eyes. “Nii-san ... Why do people hate us?”
I gazed at him surprised. It was a question I couldn’t answer but just look sad at him.  I didn’t want to say the obvious answer to him: It’s because we’re Crosszeria. Our family has been put to shame for about years now. I’ve lost track. But I heard from my mom that someone in our family broke the rules and so the burden came to all of us. And burdens are a heavy thing to deal with, or so I hear. 
“... People look at me weird.” Luze began to say. “Every time I would go outside, there are people on the outer walls that stare at me ... It’s as if ...” He started sniff again and tears built up. “I did something wrong.” His hands curled into fists and covered his eyes as he tried to block his tears. He sobbed once more. “It’s sometimes scary ... I don’t know why it hurts to see them stare at us like that ...” I felt helpless as he sat there, broken and fragile. I had swore I felt tears built up from my own eyes. But I held them back as he continued to cry. “Why does everyone hate us? Do they really hate us?”
“Luze ...” I said as I whispered. “Please don’t cry ...”  I couldn’t help as tears began to build up but they didn’t fall. My eyes began to be blurry as I climbed on top of his bed and sat next to him. I pulled him into a hug as I felt his body shaking. I laid his head on top of my neck. I felt his arms wrap around me as he continued to cry. The thunder outside covered his cries as the night continued. 
I wish there was a way to tell him ... I really do. I couldn’t stand seeing my little twin brother feeling this way. Even though we are twins, he is still little at heart. I want him to be happy. I didn’t want him to be upset.  I want both of us to be happy. 
And that’s where an idea hit me.
As I continued to embrace him, I rubbed his back to calm him down. His cries began to slowly calm down into sobs. It grew quieter and quieter until all I heard were small hiccups. “Is it true though ...?” Luze asked again quietly. “... No. I don’t think so.” I answered back. “I don’t know either. I sometimes think it’s scary too. But ... I think it’s best that we try to ignore them. We can always look away from them and pay attention to what we have, right?” I looked to him as his head was still against me. “We don’t need them. Right?” I felt his head slowly nod on my neck. I held him tighter and closed my eyes.  “It’s okay, Luze. I’m here.”
I opened my teary eyes and gazed at the window outside. I wondered for a little bit as the skies outside seem to taunt our lives. Maybe ... Just maybe there is a way for our freedom. Not for all of our family. But maybe ... For just the both of us. If there is a way, then I will find a way.
“N-Nii-san.” Luze said quietly in the middle of his hiccups. He gently pushed himself off of me and wiped his tears with one curled hand. “Y-you don’t mind if you sleep with me tonight? ... I’m tired ...” I shook my head and smiled. I put my hand on his head and petted him. “Of course I don’t mind. We’re brothers, aren’t we?” It was at that moment that he quickly recovered and looked at me with gleeful eyes. The eyes that I want to see from this mess. He nodded happily and smiled back with his left over teary eyes.
The night went on as the storm died down in the distance. There was no flash.  When we started to lay down and sleep, Luze was already down and out resting on top of my arm. He slept sound asleep with soft snores. I looked at him and can’t help but brushed his bangs away from his forehead. He was the better sleeper than me and sometimes it makes me jealous. 
I looked to the window once more as the wind outside began to howl. The noise made me drift off to sleep as it sang through the cracks in the window. My eyes slowly close shut and I felt my body going into a full sleep. 
Tomorrow, I have an idea to cheer Luze up from all of this. And I hope he doesn’t mind going a little far from our home.
I think it has been a couple or more hours or so. But I started to feel my eyes open by itself. I really hate when it happens. I just want to have a peaceful sleep.  But I guess it’s too late. I was probably excited about my idea. 
What time was it? It feels like it’s midnight. I looked around the room with my tired eyes.  I tried to move my arm that Luze was sleeping on only to find out that my arm probably fell asleep. It felt weird as I try to curl my hand into a fist, but my fingers can’t move. I wanted to wake him up but I don’t want to interrupt his sleeping.
But maybe now is the time because everyone else inside the keep might all be sleeping at this time. Or so I hope they all are.
I look to Luze as he continued to sleep. I began to nudge him a little then a little more to wake him up. “Luze. Hey.” He was still knocked out. I began to poke at his cheek. “Luze.” I swore I heard him moan a little as he turned away but thankfully my arm was free. But it felt more weirder as it felt tingly.  I tried to put myself upright with my numb arm but instead I laid my other arm over him to the point where most of my body was fully on top of him like a blanket. “Luze!” I whispered loudly. “... You’re heavy.” He tiredly said still with his eyes closed.
“Oh, sorry.” I said as I barely lifted myself up away from him. Am I really that heavy compared to him? I thought we were the same size. Luze lifted himself and sat up as he rubbed his eyes with one hand. His voice was a little sleepy as he yawned. “Did something happen?” I rubbed his head with my hand and he perked up, surprised. I smiled beaming at him. “I want to show you something. And it’s from outside, outside.” “Eh?” Luze blinked twice. “Isn’t it late? Outside too?” “I know. But just follow me.” I quickly crawled out of bed and made my way to the door. “Nii-san! Wait! Why outside? It’s too dark!” As I reached halfway to the door, I peeked halfway inside his room and hurriedly beckoned him with my hand. “Come on!”
Luze was hesitant as he couldn’t decide on what to do. I have already disappeared from his view. He looked back and forth as if someone inside his room would give an answer. But within a few moments, he decided to crawl out of bed and hurriedly dash out of his room to keep up with me. “W-Wait for me!”
He knew it was the wrong decision, but he was also the curious one than me. And I am glad he chose to follow me because of it.
Lesser Duras howled in the night within the black forest. The trees were thankfully tall enough to block most of the view from our keep so that no one can see us. We continued in front of us and the unseen road seem to swallow us deeper in its blackness. I felt my arm being held tighter by Luze as he followed closely behind clinging to me. 
He looked around nervously. “N-Nii-san ... I am not sure about this ...” I looked to him halfway as we kept walking. “You’re the one that followed me.” “Well that’s because you told me to!” Another howl from a Lesser Duras came. He winced and quickly held onto me again. I wanted to laugh at his reaction but I knew how he was so I held back. 
“Where are we going, by the way?” “Trust me.” We had reached to a good spot where everything seem to be almost completely black and in the middle of everything. “Okay. I want you to stay here while I come back. Okay?” “Wait, w-what?” Luze sound frightened.   I put my finger into a hush position near my lips. “Just sit tight. I will be right back. I promise.” I put my hand on his shoulder and Luze lowered down near the trees and sat by it. I backed up a bit and smiled a little then went inside the forest to gather what I want to show him.
Time passed by. Seconds after seconds. I wasn’t anywhere to be seen.  Seconds then to minutes.  Thankfully, not even an hour passes as it was still minutes. How long will you say it has been?
Luze began to become worried. He sat up to his knees and tried to look deep where I had ran into. I haven’t come back in awhile. I felt bad being gone for so long, but there was just something that made it difficult to make me come back as fast as I could. “Nii-san?” He stood up slowly. “Where are you?” Luze took a few steps forward. It was dead quiet. “If you’re still there, this isn’t funny! We should go back! W-What if mom finds out that we aren’t in the room?”
“LUKA!!” He shouted as he closed his eyes tightly. 
Just then, Luze heard rustling in the grass right in front of him. He was about to cry a little until he saw me coming faintly from the distance. My hands were curled in front of me as I huffed and ran to him.  Luze didn’t know if he should feel mad or glad to see me again. But whatever he was feeling, he was running to meet me with a worried expression. “What were you doing? You were gone for a long time!”
I tried to catch my breath as I stopped in front of him “I know, I know. I’m sorry about that. But at least I’m here right now, right?” Luze was about to puff his face in anger until he saw that my hands were still in front of me, still curled up. “Did something happen to your hand?” he said.
I shook my head. “This is something I want to show you. Ready?” Luze paused for a moment and stared at me. He leaned closer and eyed my clasped hands inches and inches closer. As I put both of my hands in front of him, I slowly began to open them. Something glowed brighter as my hands released.
A handful of pyreflies escaped my hands and flew upward. Luze backed up a little bit but was surprised and amazed at the same time. He gasped a little as the little lights almost passed his face as they floated. I looked at his face and smiled a little. He beamed brightly as he tried to reach for them, arms stretched high and jumping a little to catch them. “Whoa! What are they?” Luze said as he gazed upwards to them. I looked up. “They’re pyreflies. They are the ones that lead people to them. But you have to be extra careful.” I warned him and he looked back at me. “They can also lead you to nowhere and maybe even get you lost.”
Luze looked worried but at the same time, he seem interested. “How do you know so much about them? I’ve never seen them before.” “Let’s just say I have been here a couple of times when you fell asleep. I asked mom about them too.” “Oh.” He blinked twice. “Wait. You went out here by yourself and told mom about them?” I rubbed the back of my head as I stared away from Luze. “Don’t ... Tell mom about this, please.” As usual, he was always worried about me since I am always up to no good. But he agreed and nodded his head. 
He looked to the sky once more as the pyreflies were almost gone from our sight. I stared up too for a little bit then back to Luze. He was too focused to notice I was looking at him.  Then, a small smirk came across my face. “Hey, Luze.” “Huh?” He looked back at me. “Think fast!” 
I quickly tackled at him and pushed both of us to the ground. He yelped a little bit as we both hit the ground. I held him tight as he was struggling to get out of my tight hold. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Luze began to laugh right after I did and we both wrestled each other on top of the soft grass. 
It wasn’t a moment too soon that I let go of him and we both were left facing upward towards the darkened red sky now turned black. We laughed for quite awhile until we started to calm down a bit. Luze turned around to lay his stomach on the ground. I put my arms underneath my head and gazed up as the white pyreflies now looked like stars above with the rest of the red stars.  “Did you know? Our names means ‘Light’?” I said suddenly. “Does it?” Luze wondered.  “Yeah. I think mom told me. She even said because of that, we were the ‘lights of her life’.” “What does that mean?” “She said it means that we were ‘special’.”
Luze began to think. “Special ...” He rested his chin on top of his crossed arm laying flat on the grass. “Are we really that special though ...?” I shrugged a little bit. “I think about that too. But if it makes mom happy, I don’t mind being called special. Whatever that means.” I giggled a little. He looked at me then back down. He smiled a little and giggled at the same time. “You’re right.”
We both started to lay down on top of the grass and tried to take a nap. I was thinking for a little bit and gave out a sigh. Luze laid down with his back towards the sky, the soft grass making him comfortable. The breeze blew gently passed us as the leaves from the trees rustled. It seems like the Lesser Duras that howled began to sleep. It was really quiet.
“Hey, Luze.” I said as I broke the silence. “Hmm?” He opened his eyes. “... Let’s escape. From Infernus. Just you and I.”
“Huh?” He lifted himself up a little to look at me surprised. “What do you mean?” “I want to leave this place. There has to be another world out there that I keep hearing about too. The Surface, was it?” I reached my hand to the sky as I did when the storm happened way earlier. “I want to see if there is a different colored sky. Maybe it’s brighter and more colorful. You know? But also ...” I clenched my hand into a fist as if I caught something and put it down gently. “I don’t want to be trapped anymore with sadness. I want to be a different person. Not a Crosszeria. And I want to be able to do that if we can get a chance to escape and runaway from all of this. I want both of us to be happy.”
Luze stared at me for a little bit and started to wonder as he looked to the grass in front of him. He looked at me again but with a wry little smile, confused. “How are we going to do that though? Aren’t we stuck here forever?” I turned myself around to the same position as he was, laying down on my front side on the grass. “We might be for now. But not forever. I’ll find us a way out. And maybe ... I will find a way to let every one of us be happy.”
He looked at me with doubt. I understood his expression as he looked away from me all sad once again. He was unsure about all of this even though he was the one that got upset from the beginning. I didn’t want anything like that to happen to us again.  Moments passed as he looked at me again but this time, he seemed a little determined. Even though he might be unsure about my idea and it might be really hard than saying it out loud, but he knew right away to trust me.
I will make sure that both of us will get out of here for good. No more anger, no more sadness.
“Is that a promise?” Luze said. He reached his hand out through the grass to me. “I want everyone to be free and happy too.” I looked to him and nodded. I reached my hand out and laid it on top of his.
“That’s a promise ...”
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