#OOC | σηуχ ѕρєαкѕ
shinkv · 4 years
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I actually keep forgetting to make this post but Keith’s romantic ship for Shiro is with @kotofvi​ and any other Shiros will be platonic
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coronabruciato-blog · 6 years
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                   ’Twas a long time ago, longer now than it                                                          seems                in a place that perhaps you have seen in your                                                      dreams…
                                           Letters | Bio | Rules
           18+ | 6+ years of experience with Demoni | 7+ of rp | Selective
                                              Art by fauxame
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stormscn-blog · 6 years
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                      Jason grinned. He loved the Greeks.                   They had no organization whatsoever,                but they made up for it with enthusiasm.
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                                  PERSONALS DO NOT REBLOG
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ncvum-blog · 6 years
y’all don’t talk to me about IW unless you want me to scream about everyone that fcuking died.
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stratictis · 6 years
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Aight, so I need to start getting Guy going again, like this for a starter. There’s no cap, and if I can’t think of anything right off the top of my head, I’ll IM you to plot. 
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volcrc-blog · 7 years
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       If Lanterns aren't allowed to take care of each other,        even those that don't want it, then the Corps has no                                            meaning for me.
                                        Rules | About | Contact                         18+ | Selective | 7+ years rp experience
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combvsticn-blog · 7 years
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            Feelin' inspired 'cause the tables have turned                   Yeah, I'm on fire and I know that it burns
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                  18+ | 7+ years rp experience | Selective | low activity
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kupanaha-blog · 6 years
I would give Marvel $20 to give me comics of either Tommy and Noh in space causing shenanigans Or Noh having to deal with Daken on a daily basis and being absolutely done with him
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opeapea-blog1 · 7 years
I love this scene way too much
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arkovda-blog · 7 years
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                                Good night, sleep tight                                   Don’t let the dead bite
            Rules | About | Contact | 18+ | 7+ years experience| Selective 
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shinkv · 4 years
Don’t forget to spar with your local angry bean.
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coronabruciato-blog · 6 years
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A smol discord server for folks. A little warning, it is 18+, however, it is open to all muses, no matter how villainous or heroic they may be. Little things to say up front:
Be kind and welcoming
Doubles of muses are welcome, so be kind to your alternates
No Drama
Have fun!
Please do not forget to add in your introductions and triggers so we may properly tag things!
Like / reblog this if you’re interested!
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stormscn-blog · 6 years
Me: I’ll bring back Jason Also me: uhhhh... but when will I finally finish reading these heathen books
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ncvum-blog · 6 years
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--Oh how dare you
// @carolxferrisx Independent Carol Ferris. Loved by Vanna. Selective. Rules.
// Independent Sam Alexander. Loved by Onyx. Selective. Rules.
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stratictis · 7 years
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             Listen up. We're the Green Lantern Corps.    We're the best team in the universe. If we believe in  each other, if we trust in each other, if we conquer fear...  we're unstoppable. Together, we can turn all this around. But first, there's something we gotta do. Our power's gotta      match our will. So together now, rings forward, and --                                                      Recharge!
                                                Rules | Ask | About               18+ | Selective | Low Activity | 7+ Years rp experience 
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shxkoba-blog · 6 years
spacehce replied to your post:
Also to join: 
Sad puppy faces
Complete mess
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