julie-su · 2 months
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
The Ties That Bind
Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it. 
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge for the beta and support.
Bit of a longer chapter here, and some family fluff time up at Lallybroch. hope you enjoy
Chapter 24: A Fanciful Hallowe’en
‘Excuse me,’ said Granny, empowering the words with much the same undertones as are carried by words like ‘Charge!’ and ‘Kill!’, ‘Excuse me, but does this pointy hat I’m wearing mean anything to you?’ - Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad
Brian Fraser had always been keen on traditions. Not just maintaining those established by his ancestors but also in creating his own. Which was why, when Jenny and Jamie were very small, Brian and Ellen launched the annual Samhain festivities for the Broch Tuarach Distillery employees and their families. Over the years it had grown into an amalgamation of traditional Hallowe’en, with children’s scary costumes, carved pumpkins and plenty of sweet treats, and Bonfire night, with sausages and baked potatoes, treacle toffee and a grand firework display. As the distillery grew, so did the party. It was still held at Lallybroch, but had outgrown the house and now required a marquee and a couple of portaloos.
Brian always insisted that his family attend this event. Originally hosted by Ellen and Brian, Jenny and Jamie, always suitably costumed, now assisted in the duty. Murtagh lurked on the periphery, choosing a less visible role - changing the beer barrels, replenishing the platters of food and deep bowls of sweets, and providing mugs of coffee and glasses of water to those who had overindulged.
Jamie had driven up to Lallybroch the day before the party on his own. Claire was still at the hospital when he set off, unable to change her rota, but was planning on getting the train to Inverness the next day, where Jamie would meet her.
Jenny was already in the kitchen when Jamie arrived. Maggie was contentedly asleep in her arms as Jenny adjusted the buttons on her shirt. Jamie took Maggie from her and settled himself in the old rocking chair in the corner of the room.
“Where is everyone?” he asked.
“Och, they’re all admiring Wee Jamie’s costume.” Jenny yawned and stretched. “Spider-Man, of course. Have ye got yers sorted? Does Claire ken she’s expected tae dress up too?”
“Aye.” Jamie nodded as Maggie roused slightly and grabbed his finger, pulling it to her mouth. “Clean hands, by the way.”
Jenny gazed at her brother who, having reclaimed his finger, was now busy blowing soft raspberries against his niece’s cheeks. “That suits ye, bràthair. Seein’ ye fussin’ over a wee bairn. I still canna say I’m thrilled about Geneva, but I’m lookin’ forward tae times here wi’ yer wee lad. What’s the latest, anyway? How’s Madam doin’?”
Before Jamie could answer, the sound of footsteps along the stone corridor heralded the arrival of Wee Jamie, closely followed by Ian and Brian. Wee Jamie rushed to greet his uncle, only hesitating slightly when he noticed Maggie in Jamie’s arms. Jamie shuffled Maggie to one side, allowing his nephew to clamber onto his other knee.
“Unca,” Wee Jamie cried happily, his fingers rubbing back and forth against the bristles on Jamie’s jawline. “‘S party tomorrow. What’s ye wearin’? Mine is secret. I’m gonna have sweeties and pop and play games and stay up till verra, verra late. Aren’t I, Mam?”
“Aye, weel, only if ye go tae bed nicely tonight. Come on now, say goodnight tae everyone. I’ll take ye and Maggie up the wooden hills tae Bedfordshire.”
With great dramatic rolling of eyes and dragging of feet, Wee Jamie reluctantly allowed his mother to lead him to bed, all the while moaning to himself. “I’m no’ tired… and I’m a big boy… I dinna go tae bed when a baby does.”
The sounds of the little lad complaining about his bedtime faded away as Brian fetched the whisky and glasses and placed them on the kitchen table.
Jamie, Ian, Brian and Murtagh sat round the table, each with a glass in hand listening to the battle coming through the baby monitor. Jamie looked over at Ian.
“D’ye think one of us should go and give Jenny a hand?” he asked, concerned, as a spirited ‘nooo’ sounded round the room.
“Och no,” Ian took a sip of his whisky. “Jenny has it all in hand. Jes’ wait, here it comes.”
Jenny’s stern voice came through the baby monitor, raised to speak over the whining of her son. “James Ian Brian Murray, if ye dinna settle down this instant, there will be no sweeties, no pop, no party and absolutely no Spider-Man for ye, do ye understand?”
Immediately the monitor grew quiet, then Jenny continued. “And as I ken yer da, grandda, uncle and Murtagh are all listening in, there’d better be a wee nip down there waiting fer me. Now goodnight, Jamie lad. See ye tomorrow.”
As requested, a whisky was waiting on the table for Jenny’s arrival. She settled herself, took a large sip, then addressed her brother, picking up the conversation from an hour before.
“So, Jamie, ye were about tae tell me how it goes wi’ Geneva?”
“Ah, the pregnancy is goin’ fine, seems tae be. Geneva herself, that’s another matter.”
Jenny and Murtagh made snorting sounds in unison. Brian moved his chair closer to his son and placed a reassuring hand on his arm.
“And yes, Janet Ellen Murray née Fraser, ye dinna have tae remind me of what ye said. I ken.” Jamie managed to raise a smile, contemplating the recent antics of the Dunsany family. “I had a wee chat with Geneva after Angus’ weddin’. Made it clear…”
“Agin!” Jenny muttered under her breath.
“Alright, Jenny, agin, aye, that we willna be together. I’m still no’ sure how much went intae her head though. Seems she wanted us tae have a gender reveal party together.”
A look of scorn came over Murtagh’s face. “A what? Gender reveal? Party? Why in God’s name would ye do that? It’s a boy, ye’ve already ‘revealed’ it tae us.”
“Weel, I���m no’ doin’ it, no couple-type things. But I don’t think she’s given up jes’ yet. And then, last week, I had a visitor.”
“No’ Geneva, fer a booty call?” Ian suggested.
“Nah, no’ Geneva… her mother, Louisa, standing on the doorstep, ringing the bell like the divil himself was after her. She jes’ popped by tae remind me of my responsibilities tae her daughter… and tae tell me tae give Claire up and be wi’ Geneva.”
Even across the table, Jamie could hear Jenny breathing heavily, trying to control her temper. “I kent it. They’re like two peas in a pod, her and her blasted mother. Jamie, what ye ever saw in that woman in the first place is beyond me. And now look at this mess!”
Brian quickly interrupted his daughter. “No, Jenny. Enough! Jamie doesna need that. He’s doin’ his best and we support him no matter what his decision. If he decides tae be with Geneva, then we will make the best o’ it.”
“Like hell we will!” Murtagh banged his empty glass on the table and poured himself a large refill. “I tell ye, lad, Claire is a rare lass, ye dinna want tae let her go. And if yon stuck-up madam joins this family, I will be looking fer alternative accommodation whenever she’s at Lallybroch. I canna be dealin’ wi’ her pretensions and vanity and selfishness. She shouldna be a Fraser.”
“Can everybody let me finish?” Jamie wanted to draw this conversation to a close and quickly. “I will say this once, and then the subject is closed. I’m having a son. I’m no’ havin’ a relationship wi’ his mother, nor do I ever intend tae. I intend ma future tae be with Claire, no matter what. So ye can all breathe again and let’s talk about the party tomorrow.”
Claire relaxed in her train seat, by the window and with a table as requested. By placing a bag on the seat next to her, she hoped to deter anyone from sitting there. Three hours to herself to read, snooze or daydream didn’t happen very often and she wanted to make the most of it without interruption.
She breathed a sigh of relief as the 12:09 pulled out of the station with no one claiming the seat. Three hours and then Jamie would meet her at Inverness station and take her to Lallybroch.
The rhythmic sway of the carriage was very soothing. Claire didn’t bother with her book or magazine, she just rested her head and gazed out of the window as the scenery changed with every passing mile.
The party that night was an important event for the Frasers and Murrays. Claire was excited for several reasons. This would be the first Fraser family function she had been invited to and she relished that feeling of inclusion, of being part of something, of belonging.
Then there were the fireworks. Ever since Claire was a little girl, she loved watching fireworks. It had been an annual treat for Uncle Lamb to take her to the local display, where she would try to write her name in the air with a sparkler and would inevitably develop a sore neck from staring up into the sky, keen to enjoy every last flash of colour. There had never been any fireworks while she was with Frank, either literally or metaphorically.
The last reason was her costume. Jamie had stressed the importance of the costume. He had given her no clue about his, so Claire had been unsure what to do. Could she cut two holes in a white bed sheet and be a ghost, or was a more ‘polished’ outfit required?
Even Geillis, when asked, had been of no use. All her suggestions had a common theme: slutty nurse, slutty zombie, slutty witch. Eventually Claire decided to trust her own instinct and a bit of Google. And at last she had come up with a costume which she thought would do very nicely.
The sun was setting by the time Jamie and Claire were pulling into the driveway at Lallybroch. Lights had been set up along the path to the marquee and the whole area was a hive of activity with caterers, pyrotechnicians and entertainers rushing to and fro.
Claire gasped in amazement. “I didn’t realise it was such a big deal…“
Jamie smiled. “Aye. This was my mam’s thing, ye ken. She always loved this party, she loved the autumn afore the weather turned too cold, but still cool enough tae light the fires. And how she loved the fireworks. So Da does this every year for Mam.”
Jamie sniffed and cleared his throat. “Anyway, let's get inside. Ye must be cold. Everyone’s started getting ready. We never tell each other what our costumes are, it’s part of the fun.”
Claire examined her reflection in the mirror in Jamie’s room, Jamie having been banished to a guest bedroom. She knew she had spent too much money on a fancy dress costume, but viewing it now from all angles, it was money well spent.
Not knowing how close to stick to the scary Hallowe’en theme, the decision was made when she found the dress. Black and knee length with a floaty handkerchief hem, it had a tight laced bodice with shoulder straps, underneath which were off-the-shoulder, long, gauzy sleeves, worn with black stockings, black kitten-heeled ankle boots, and black lace fingerless gloves. Claire left her curls loose around her face and added the finishing touch- a witch’s pointed hat.
A face peeped round the door. A face with round glasses and a lightning scar drawn on his forehead. “Can I come in now?”
Claire laughed as Jamie opened the door fully. Clad in school trousers, white shirt and school tie, he also sported a Gryffindor scarf and black wizard robes. “That’s brilliant. A six foot three Harry Potter.”
Jamie walked over to Claire and put his arms around her. “And ye, Sassenach, are the bonniest witch I’ve ever seen.”
His hand moved across her bodice, his fingers softly grazing the tops of her breasts, just visible above the dress. “That dress is verra becoming.”
Claire ran her hands through his curls, pulling his head down to her.
“Well, hopefully we’ll both be coming later.” she whispered, her breath hot against his ear.
Jamie grinned. “Was that a wee witchy joke there, Sassenach? I shall be looking forward tae it, especially as I believe ye are wearing yer stockings agin. Am I right? Ah, tae see the white of yer luscious thighs against the black, ‘tis verra verra exciting…”
Clutching her bottom, he pulled her close.
“Jamie,” Claire giggled. “I think I’ve found your wand.”
The family gathered in the morning room, before joining the party. Claire could tell how seriously they took this evening. Wee Jamie was clearly Spider-Man and his sister, in her father's arms, was a cute little pumpkin. Claire instantly recognised Jenny and Ian as Sandy and Danny from Grease. Brian, in faded beige trousers, shirt and battered leather jacket was Indiana Jones with fedora in one hand and coiled whip in the other. Claire was relieved that she had made an effort with her dress.
“Claire, that dress is gorgeous. You make an amazing witch.” Jenny was full of praise.
“Thanks, you all look incredible too. But…” she spoke softly to Jenny, subtly looking over at Murtagh, who had just come in wearing jeans and a white t-shirt.
“Ah weel, ‘tis a bit of a joke now after sae many years. Murtagh doesna like tae dress up and Mam always told him that he had tae. So every year since Jamie and I were bairns he puts the same thing on. He’ll add a checked shirt, wool hat and his walking boots and be a lumberjack, he willna change. It’s jes’ a tradition, ye ken.”
“Mam, can we go now, pease?” Wee Jamie excitedly grabbed his mother’s hand. “I wanna go now.”
He turned to Claire. “Care bear… ye no’ a scary witch. Ye too pretty tae be scary.”
“Thank you, Jamie. And you’re a very handsome Spider-Man.” Claire looked up to see her Jamie staring intently at her. His gaze burned white hot into her very core. Everything around her disappeared, all that existed in that moment was Jamie. Swiftly he came to her side, their eyes locked together...
“Care bear… come wi’ me now.”
She felt a tug on her arm.
“C’mon… and ye too Unca. We’re goin’ tae the party.”
Laughing, they both looked down at Wee Jamie, excitedly pulling them out of the room.
The marquee was magical, Claire decided. There was no other word for it. Delicate wisps of cobwebs blew gently in the breeze, suspended from the ceiling next to hordes of friendly spiders. Cauldrons bubbled with coloured lights and smoke from dry ice. Pumpkin lanterns decorated the tables and fairy lights were strung around the walls.
Jamie stayed by Claire’s side, introducing her proudly to all the guests, only moving aside when his nephew dragged her onto the dance floor during the children’s disco. He watched as Claire, grinning broadly, tried to teach Wee Jamie to dance gangnam style. Murtagh, now clad in his full lumberjack costume, wandered over to stand beside him. He patted Jamie on the back and gave a thumbs up.
Nodding his head towards Claire, he spoke quietly in Jamie’s ear. “She's a fine lass, that one. Dinna let her go. This stramash wi’ the other will sort itself out. Make sure Claire kens that. She’ll be a fine addition tae our family.”
As the song ended, Wee Jamie ran back to Jenny and Claire made her way to Jamie, Murtagh having conveniently vanished. She fanned her face with her hands. Jamie could see tiny beads of sweat along her upper lip. He longed to taste them.
“I’m so hot. Can we get a bit of fresh air?”
“Aye, weel, it’ll soon be time fer fireworks, we need tae find a place tae view them. Wait here.”
Jamie rushed out of the marquee, but returned a couple of minutes later, carrying a small hold-all. “Come wi’ me.”
“Really, Mr. Fraser, leaving your guests, and…” Claire gestured to the bag. “It’s almost as if you had this planned.”
Together they left the party and moved deeper into the garden, Jamie leading the way, following an old familiar route, until they reached a secluded corner of the garden, on a slight slope. Unzipping the hold-all, Jamie pulled out some thick woolen blankets. He quickly unfolded one and set it on the ground before sitting down and pulling Claire down next to him. Unfolding another blanket, he wrapped it around her shoulders.
“Lie back, ‘tis the best place tae see the fireworks.” Jamie encouraged.
Claire laughed, but obliged. “Really, what a line… want to see some fireworks, come and lie down next to me. And how many girls have you brought here to ‘watch the fireworks’?”
Jamie could see her fingers making air quote movements. He leaned over and lightly kissed her lips, running his tongue along her upper lip. She tasted of spiced apples and whisky with the hint of salt lingering on her skin.
“No other lass here, ever. Ye are the first, Sassenach.”
Claire placed her hands under her head and stared up at the night sky. “You know I love fireworks, right? I told you that. It was an annual outing, me and Uncle Lamb, every bonfire night. But I’ve not told you why. It wasn’t just the excitement and the colours of the fireworks…”
They could hear everyone leaving the marquee now, ready for the fireworks to begin.
Claire continued. “When a firework goes off and you see it shooting high into the sky, I used to imagine that was a message to my parents from me. Then there’s a moment of dark before the burst of colours and sparks and light. And that was the message back from mum and dad, the huge explosion in the sky was them saying ‘we love you.’ Pretty fanciful, huh?”
“No’ fanciful at all, Sorcha. Jes’ a wee girl tryin’ tae find some comfort.”
Jamie could feel Claire’s heartbeat quicken as the first rocket blazed into the sky, trailing silver and gold before shattering into a shower of sparks. Appreciative ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ came from the audience below.
Claire shifted and adjusted the blanket to cover both of them. Her hand found his and clasped it tightly. Jamie brought hers to his lips.
“Claire, I want ye tae know that I love ye and I see ma future as yer future, weel, as our future together. I dinna want tae ever be wi’ out ye…”
Claire brought her fingertips to his lips. “I love you too, I never want to be without you either. I will be there for you with the baby and dealings with… well… you know. But, how can I put this? I think we have to be careful for the next few months. Do you know what I mean? Otherwise someone could cause problems.”
“Aye, I ken ye’re right. As long as we ken we’re goin’ tae be together, anything else can wait.”
Jamie brought his hand to the hem of Claire’s dress and rolled it up towards her hips. He could hear her breath become ragged as he found the soft skin just above her stocking and gently stroked it. His hand moved higher, pushing aside her lace knickers, his fingers fluttering at her very core before settling into a stronger rhythm. Claire closed her eyes and let the waves of pleasure wash over her as the fireworks reached their own crescendo, lighting up the sky.
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Why fighting the Megaman 11 Robot Masters are so sad
Reblog if you want and this'll have some spoilers for the game ok great let's go.
After days of examining each of the robot masters, I realised how painful it is for Rock/Mega Man to fight this particular generation of robot masters and it was surprise as to how hidden it was to go unnoticed by the Megaman fandom. We all know that Rock is already having a hard time destroying the Robot Masters because he considers them as his family and he's betraying why his programs are telling him not to do but what if we took it one step further. What if Rock realised how much more was at stake and when you replay Megaman 11 stocked with the new information I gave you, you'll see the boss fights in a new light. So here are the reasons why it's very sad to fight the Megaman 11 Robot Masters from least saddest to mercilessly heartbreaking.
8: Fuse Man
Yeah, sorry Fuse's at the bottom of the list. The only thing you should keep aware of is that if you kill Fuse, YOU WOULD MAKE HIS PET RABBIT/EEL WATT OWNERLESS. Yes, Fuse is confirmed to have a live pet rabbit (or in the Japanese a pet electric eel) named Watt and if he's with Watt, it's the only way for him to be able to relax from his stressful job. Fuse's creator would most likely be taking care of Watt while Elec Man or Spark Man takes Fuse's place until Fuse Man is back. So keep in mind, don't destroy Fuse Man to the point beyond repair, think of Watt here.
7: Blast Man
Blast Man not only works as a pyrotechnician/Bomb artist but also as someone who writes his own column in his favourite magazine Boom Monthly. So you not only you have to consider his colleagues who works alongside him for Special Effects but also the editor and maybe even some fans of Blast Man's column. We know that Impact Man reads it so why not anyone else? He's barely above Fuse Man since I don't really see him that high.
6: Torch Man
Torch Man is a camp advisor for fire safety in the woods. Which means he's teaching kids how to camp and how to stay safe with fire in the woods. KIDS. Actual kids, who would form a bond with Torch and wonder cluelessly what happened to their camp instructor. So yeah, if you destroy Torch Man, many kids would have their hearts' broken if they ever find the truth of it.
5: Bounce Man
Well yes, Bounce has the same reason with Torch Man but the reason he ranks higher is because of the women he taught his original exercise called Boxercise to. They're adults and they know what's happening to Bounce, and it becomes worse when you realise that some of the women think of Bounce Man as their own child. I mean, Bounce is like a kid, so it makes sense. Which is why it's sad, Bounce Man's the kid bot in terms of personality. The kids that like him are like his friends, and the women knows what's wrong with Bounce Man but couldn't tell the kids about what happened to Bounce Man.
4: Acid Man
Acid Man was created at a University, by a student at best. Yes, he has his chemist co-workers that obviously harmlessly tease him behind his back but have you considered the students at the University he was created? He would probably be a chemistry teacher to him and with how much of a perfectionist he is, he'll be quite a favourite to the students. Now let's toss the students into studying and worrying for their favourite teacher at the same time! Yeah, they'd have a lot on their plates, and it's because they don't know if Acid Man would make it out alive or how damaged he would be. It's their teacher who not only gave them good grades but also good memories. Remember that the main reason why the Double Gear system project wasn't being funded was because of the massive strain it puts to the robot's internal systems, that also could include their Cognitive Circuit which makes up who they are. That's why it's stressful for the students to worry over Acid Man, they don't know how much they'll lose him.
3-2: Impact Man and Block Man
Ok, I had to put them together because they're kinda the same, not in Torch and Bounce's case. Yeah Impact Man is basically a three-in-one bot but the reason why they both rank together is because of what they do: They motivate. Block Man does the motivating more than Impact Man which is why he ranks slightly higher than Impact Man but they both do the same thing. They inspire smaller robots to work hard, looking up to the robot masters. So when the remaining bots who didn't fell into their control are sad to see their idols acting like how they are in game. They do contain some personality after all, just not very intelligent. Or worse, the construction robot masters taking care of those said bots and hoping that their fellow construction bots would be safe.
1: Tundra Man
This is by far the saddest boss fight in all of Megaman 11. Why? Because of who his creator is, none other than Dr Cossack from Megaman 4. To explain, Dr Cossack was a scientist in Megaman 4 who made all the robot masters in the game. He was forced to weaponise his creations and fight Megaman because of Wily who kidnaped his daughter Kalinka in order to make him comply with him. You can already see the problem. Out of everyone mentioned in the list, they were probably hit the hardest from the news that their family member Tundra Man was kidnaped by Wily and weaponised to do his bidding. It opens all of the old scars for all of them. To Dr Cossack who felt the same guilt from the kidnaping and what he had to do in Megaman 4, to Kalinka who had been kidnaped when she was 9 feeling what it's like to be on the receiving end and to the 8 robot masters who see Tundra Man as their little brother now at the clutches of the man who they know what he'll do to Tundra Man. A wave of emotions from guilt to absolute wrath must've been what the Cossack family were feeling during that time, and I can see Dr Light telling them last after everyone because he knew how badly they would affected by the news. Even Rock knows as well and it becomes worse when he faces off against Tundra Man because he KNOWS that he has a FAMILY and he knows WHO that family is and a bit of what they might be going through. This was a repeat in history to them but only with the script changed. Rock must've been really scared in fear of hurting Tundra Man to the point of losing him forever because one, he's like his  brethren and two, he knows his family and how worried they might be.
So there you have it, at least they're all saved by the end. If you could, please tell me what you think of it.
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