louisplumpyass · 3 months
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freakingmeout28 · 2 months
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Spinning out, waiting for ya
by freakingmeout
[explicit | 81 k | completed]
Louis is reeling from a sudden breakup when he decides to use his already-booked vacation in Mexico with his friend Niall.
The trip takes them to a sports resort, and despite his initial scepticism, a bet leads Louis to try aqua cycling - an activity he thinks is meant for old people. That’s when he meets Harry, the charismatic aqua cycling and spinning instructor.
What starts as a simple plan for a carefree fling turns into something much more complicated and profound.
A journey of self-discovery, unexpected romance, and the realisation that sometimes the best-laid plans go awry - in the best possible way.
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daisyblog · 1 year
Niall Horan and YN Tomlinson Take a Friendship Test
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Niall Horan and YN Tomlinson take the ultimate friendship test. From sharing their first impressions and stanning over each other to bonding over a minute-long hug and mirroring each other's sweet dance moves, these two prove that all some friendships need is lots of love and laughter. Warning: swearing
“I’m gonna ask you about your friendship with YN” A woman’s voice speaks to Niall from behind the camera. “Oh how long have ya got?” Niall sarcastically says with a small chuckle. “Who?” YN questions with a serious expression and Niall’s famous laugh is heard from behind the camera. “We met when I auditioned for The X Factor..and I was put into a band…One Direction with her brother Louis..and she came on tour with us and now we’re the best of friends” “Niall was in a band with my brother…not sure if you’ve heard of ‘em One Direction…yeah and..Niall begged me to go on tour wiv ‘em to style his hair..such a diva” YN joked whilst trying to not laugh at Niall shaking his head at her, from where he was standing behind set. “It’s because of me…she’s so famous..nothing to do with her brother or boyfriend” Niall joins in on the teasing. “Seriously now…Niall’s like a brother to me…he’s my best friend, he’s just so funny and he’s there for you no matter what and…he’s been there for me through some of my darkest times..and I’ll always be grateful to him” “YN…she’s one of the strongest people I know..even when she’s been goin’ through some tough times..she always wants to know how everyone else is and if they’re okay…she’s one in a million that girl”
Niall and YN were instructed to give each other compliments in the next part. As they're both standing opposite each other with their little notebooks and pens in their hands, Niall tries to peek at what YN is writing. “Don’t look at it” YN protests and hides her notebook away from Niall’s prying eyes. “I just wanna know how funny you’re being” Niall defends himself. “I’m not bein’ funny at all” “Yeah you fuckin’ are” Niall teases “She’s writing a massive list” Niall continues to laugh as YN flips the page over to write on another page. “I’m writin’ in big letters” “She paid me to be her friend” Niall continues with his jokes. “Yeah..yeah oh fookin’...if anyone’s payin’ anybody for anythin’..you’re givin’ me some fookin’ money” YN’s Doncaster accent is heard making Niall chuckle and continue to write on the paper in front of him. “I love your sense of humour..’cause you just laugh at everythin’ even if it’s not funny..and it makes me feel funny” YN compliments Niall.
“I like how creative you are..you’ve gone from touring with the band..to running your own business..and I’m proud of you and you should be proud of yourself” “Okay..movin’ on before I cry” YN talks “You always smell amazin’ every time I see you” “Thanks..I’ll take that one considering who you sleep next to every night smells like heaven”  Niall responds making YN laugh “I love how strong and determined you are…like most people would give up..but you just keep going and I admire you for that..so yeah” Niall compliments YN again. “Aww Niall…stoooop..you’re gonna make me cry” YN playfully scolds but inside feels her heart melt at the words spoken by her best friend “I think you’re an amazin’ songwriter…and a fookin’ boss on the guitar..and I love your music” “She’s a massive Niall fan…I’ve always been her favourite” “He’s not lyin’” YN said with a flick of her hair, causing them both to laugh. Niall and YN were instructed to hug each other for one minute in the next part.
Niall wrapped his arms around YN’s shoulder whilst her arms went around his back like they had done many of times over the years. “Oh he smells greeeat” YN’s voice is heard.
“You smell good too” “Thank you” “I like your shoes too” YN begin’s to sing ‘I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear, I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear” whilst her and Niall swayed back and forth. Niall began singing the lyrics “Watermelon sugar, high, Watermelon sugar, high, Watermelon sugar high, Watermelon sugar”. YN’s giggling is heard as the pair continue to sing together “Why that song?..Of all the songs you could have chosen” Niall and YN were instructed to mirror each other’s dance moves in the next part.
Some upbeat music was heard playing, Niall starts by pointing his hand up to the ceiling and shaking his hips slightly, and YN begins to copy his movement. Niall then abruptly points to the floor and leans down, and points back up again into his starting position. Then move his fingers in a circle around his body “This is us goin’ ‘round the world”. And after a few more arm movements, jumps to the side and begins to imitate Beyonce’s Single Ladies dance. “Your turn”. YN begins to jump around laughing and shows everyone her impression of how back up dancers dance, which Niall copies her every move whilst they laugh infectiously together “Do you know wa I mean?” she asks Niall as she continues to hop around. Next, YN decides to swing her around her head and tell Niall to “Giddy up, giddy up” as they gallop around the space. “What the fuck just ‘appened?” Niall asks as YN nudges his shoulder playfully.
“Welcome to the life of being a Tomlinson” YN defends her behaviour. Niall and YN were instructed to harmonise with each other in the next part. “Do you know what’s so annoyin’…she can actually sing so this isn’t even gonna be funny” “Ahhhhhhh” Niall and YN are heard harmonising together, before harmonising happy birthday and YN made Niall laugh. “You fucked it for me” Niall laughed.
“Nobody, nobody” YN began singing and dancing at the same time.
“Nobody can drag me down” Niall joins in, before singing his own song “Nice to meet ya” “what’s ya name, let me treat ya..to a drink” Niall and YN continue to sing together whilst clapping and waving their hands.  Niall and YN were instructed to perform trust falls in the next part “It’s called a trust fall” a woman’s voice behind the camera spoke. “Oh fook” and “Okay fuck” Niall and YN spoke at the same time. “What if I don’t catch you?” YN panicked. “Well..ya better help me up when I fall” Niall teased and laughed. Niall turned around so his back faced YN whilst she held her arms out ready to catch the brunette lad “Come one...come on I’ve got you” she reassure s him. Niall falls back gracefully and YN just about manages to hold him up for a couple of seconds “Okay..get up now before I drop ya”. YN prepares herself to fall into Niall’s arms as she turns her back to him “Don’t fookin’ drop me now Horan” “Just trust me will ya Mini Tommo” Niall uses her nickname from when she toured with the boys. YN delicately falls back into Niall’s arms as he catches her small frame easily in his arms. “Do you trust me?” Niall turns to ask YN as she stands back up. “I trust you with my whole fookin’ heart” “Aww come ‘ere ya softy” Niall teases as he pulls YN into his arms and squeezes her tight “She’s like the sister I never had”
“Horan and Tommo are in town” Niall and YN say together as they sway from side to side.
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn
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yearinlou · 1 year
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Larry Stylinson + Louis Tomlinson Lyrics (17/?)
All Along by Louis Tomlinson
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Wouldn’t miss it for the world
Just a cute lil something! Daddy! Harry again. Enjoy my loves!!
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
“Is daddy not coming?” Your eyes moved down to look at Alex your son, Timmy stood beside Alex both looking at you expectantly “he’s on your sweethearts… he would be here if he could… you know that.” You spoke softly squeezing Alex’s cheek lovingly. Both boys 8 and 7 had a football match and this was the first match Harry couldn’t attend… he was of course massively disappointed but it was hitting the boys hard. They wanted to see Harry being proud of them and whistling and just supporting them. “I’ll record it so he can watch it okay?” The boys nodded and you smiled “there’s my boys.. now go out there and smash it!” You smiled giving their cheeks a kiss watching as they ran towards where their coach was stood, their T-shirts grubby with grass and mud ‘STYLES’ written on the backs of their shirts which honestly just melted your heart.
The football match started, and immediately it was successful, your boys doing you proud- scoring two goals instantly. What they didn’t know was that you and Harry had planned a surprise for them. Harry had lied by saying he had a tour date that evening, when he didn’t… it was one of the days he was actually free and he wouldn’t miss his boys football match for the world. You smiled watching Timmy score again making you jump up and down as you clapped your hands, Timmy instead of running with his teammates instead ran straight towards you, jumping into your arms a soft laugh coming from you as you gripped onto him tightly “well done buddy. You’re doing amazing,” you kissed the top of his head “thanks mum! I love you!!” He then ran straight back onto the field immediately beginning to play again, both boys doing you proud as usual and as the boys continued playing you soon felt two hands cup around your hips, arms wrapping around your stomach “boo” Harry spoke into your ear making you smile and you looked at him “hi honey” you turned around in his arms kissing his lips gently before wrapping your arms around him fingers gently rubbing against the nape of his neck,
“The boys missed you dearly… they’re gonna be so happy when they see you.” You spoke with a soft laugh, Harry stroking his thumbs against your hips gently “well I missed them. And missed you.” He then slowly pulled away, keeping his arm around you his eyes remaining on the boys who were the main team players. They were both amazing. You both stood wrapped in each others arms, watching as your boys did you proud.
An hour and a half passed, lots of goals and lots of emotions and as the boys scored again the coach blew his whistle pointing in the direction of your sons’ goal- they had won the match. You grinned clapping your hands, Harry joining you before he placed two fingers either side of his lips as he whistled loudly that whistle travelling far both boys hearing it Timmy and Alex snapping their heads in the direction of the whistle before their eyes lit up, tears glossing over their eyes “daddy!!” Alex was first to move sprinting over to Harry before colliding into the man’s embrace, Timmy walking over hand covering his mouth as tears streamed down his cheeks. He was a daddy’s boy, certainly, he missed Harry so much that it was often incredibly difficult for him to sleep at night without being tucked in by harry. Alex gripped onto Harry, arms locked around his neck before Harry focused on Timmy holding one arm out for the boy but the poor boy was starstruck
“I thought you weren’t coming” he cried out softly Harry’s heart breaking, Harry slowly letting go of Alex pressing a kiss to his head before standing up and walking to Timmy “heyy..” he soothed crouching down before he pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him tightly “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, mate..” Harry muttered softly Timmy gripping onto the man nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck “I missed you…” “I missed you too,” Alex soon stood in front of Harry, Harry smiling softly extending one arm out towards him, him happily rushing into his arms as Harry held his boys…. His beautiful little family. You snapped a quick picture a happy smile on your face. Your boys had done you proud… but also done you proud for always being their honest self. Not afraid to show their emotion. Harry then slowly stood up with both boys in his arms, squishing them together as they burst into fits of laughter their cheeks wet with tears which you were quick to wipe away pressing a kiss to each of their cheeks before kissing Harry’s his eyes falling onto you as he smiled lovingly
“You really think I would let my beautiful family down hm? No way.” He spoke before placing them down onto the floor again the boys practically remaining latched to harry as if making sure he wouldn’t disappear again. “How about we go have a movie day at home yeah? Have a takeaway tonight?” He asked the boys immediately cheering as they ran off towards the car, Harry chuckling before wrapping an arm around you his lips locking around yours gently before he pulled away looking into your eyes “I’m so glad I’m back home… for good now..” he spoke making you furrow your brows “for good? What about tour?” “It finished last night.” He spoke your eyes lighting up a happy laugh leaving your lips… you now had indefinite quality time with your husband and your boys… your beautiful little family.
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hazloufics · 14 days
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Welcome to HazLouFics!
This blog is all about Larry Stylinson fan fiction! It will be a positive space for sharing Larry Stylinson Fanfics. I will be sharing projects, fests and exchanges happening in the fandom. As well as general writing encouragement and inspiration.
The ask box is open! Feel free to share your fave fics, or prompts for writers to use. You may use #hazloufics if there's something you’d like me to reblog. Happy writing and/or reading!
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yourimagines · 4 months
What he likes about you fluff
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Fluff
A = Admiration, what he absolutely adore about you: That you love his family, you love his mom and his mom loves you. Your also very gentle and quiet just like him
B = Body, what is his favorite part of your body: He loves your legs, they way you wrapped them around him when you cuddle him, he loves to lay his hands on them, just touching your warm skin.
C = Cuddling, how he likes to cuddle: He likes to be the big spoon but he loves it when you just cuddle him when he's sitting on the sofa or on his chair behind his computer.
D = Dates, what his ideal date with you would look like: Staying at home, playing video games together.
E = Emotions, how he express his emotions around you: He doesn't, he mostly keep them to himself, sometimes they slip up and you just hold him, telling him it okay.
F = Family, does he want one? If he does, when: Yes, he loves to start a family with you, he loves to have children with you and getting a dog or cat.
G = Gifts, how he feels about gift giving? What is his habit when it comes to this: He gives spoils you silently, you come home and there are flowers in a vase or some new shoes you love.
H = Holding Hands, when/how he likes to hold hands: He hold your hands when he's anxious, squeezing your hands a little bit, checking that your still here with him.
I = Injury, how he would act if you got hurt: He will get anxious, pacing around and calling his mom for support. He hates it tho.
J = Jokes, does he likes to joke around with or prank you and how: He likes to joke around, he likes to play around when you guys are playing some video games, distracting you.
K = Kisses, how he likes to kiss you: Soft but deeply on your lips. He also places a lot of kisses on the top of your head an hands.
L = Love, how he shows you he loves you: He remembers the small things you like or do, he sees everything and makes sure your always okay. He also makes sure his mom will cook some food for you because he knows you love her food.
M = Memory, favorite memory together: Having a game night for the first time together. The laughs and the fun that night was the best you guys ever had. Playing around and just being yourself with him.
N = Nightmare, what is his worst fear: Leaving him, losing you, you being hurt, hating him. just everything, he hates his anxiety.
O = Oddity, what is one quirk he haves: He's secretly a nerd in video games, he has a steam deck and he always carries it with him.
P = Pet Names, what he likes to call you: Darling and babe.
Q = Quality Time, how he likes to spend time with you: At home, playing video games or just go our for a walk close by.
R = Rhythm, what song reminds you of him: Tortoise by Frankie Stew and Harvey Gunn. When you hear this song, your mind wanders off to him. You need him and he needs you, you miss him when your not with him and life is not the same without him.
S = Secrets, how open is he with you: He tries to be open with you but sometimes his anxiety is in his way, he wants a good communication but needs some help sometimes as he cover up his emotions a lot.
T = Time, how long did it take you to get together: It took awhile, he thought you didn't liked him till a friend of him told him otherwise, he asked you out by text message and asked you later if you wanted to be his.
U = Upset, how does he acts when you’re upset: He thinks it's because of him, he freaks out and gets upset as well, when he knows it not him he stays quiet, thinking how he can fix it.
V = Vaunt, what is he proud of, Does he likes to show you off: He's proud that you like his family, that you like to game with him and that you support him
W = Warrior, how would he feel about you fighting? Would he fight for you: He wouldn't like it but would support you, he would defend you
X = X-Ray, how well can he read you: He knows when sometime up, he knows everything as he sees everything.
Y = Yes, how would he propose to you: Some where private but anywhere what you like and say yes to him
Z = Zen, what makes him feel calm: Knowing you there, holding your hands, listing to music and playing video games. he also calms down when he's alone.
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that-1d-blogger · 5 months
Who remembers this?
Main blog
I'm sorry i have been in hiatus for so long due to my exams but I'll be more regular from tomorrow !!!!
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louisplumpyass · 7 months
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thirty-two and thirty never looked so good
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why can't billionaires do something useful like bringing one direction back together
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freakingmeout28 · 4 months
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Our Souls Intertwined
by Darling28 and freakingmeout
Explicit I 154k | completed
Louis is an established singer-songwriter, leading a full but lonely life in the music scene and finding solace in writing fanfiction about himself.
Harry, on the other hand, is a loyal fan and aspiring musician who comes across Louis' fanfiction without realising that Louis himself is the author.
Their connection deepens through online exchanges and quickly develops into something they both need.
When they finally meet in real life and discover who they really are, they soon realise that despite their feelings for each other, they will have to fight hard for the relationship they both want.
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daisyblog · 1 year
I'm Late
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN realises her period is late. Warning: swearing, missed period, possible pregnancy
We were in New York for a couple of days as the boys were playing at the MetLife Stadium. As it was our sister Lottie’s birthday, Louis and I decided to fly her out for a few days to join us. She had arrived yesterday afternoon with Eleanor, so we had been catching up in between the busy tour schedule. Us girls, including Sophia Liam’s girlfriend, had planned to go and do a bit of shopping whilst the boys were in rehearsals ahead of the show this evening. I was in mine and Harry’s hotel room, sitting on the floor in front of the large silver mirror finishing putting mascara on and Harry was still in the shower when there was a desperate knock, and the door flew open and Lottie appeared. “Lotts..you can’t just walk in here babe..Harry could have been getting dressed or somethin’” “Well..it’s an emergency..I’ve forgotten to bring pads with me and..and..I don’t know where to get any from” she ranted in panic. “Alright..calm down..I’ve got some in me bag” I calmed her and got up from my position and went over to my suitcase where I kept my toiletries. I picked up the product and passed them to her “There you go babe”. “Thaaaanks…you’re a life saver..I’ll see ya later” “See ya later Lotts..oh and remember to wait after you knock next time” I reminded her as she walked out of the hotel room and muttered a ‘yeah whatever’. As I sat back down to continue getting ready, a thought came to me. How did I have a full packet of pads still? When did I last have a period? I brought my Clue app on my phone to check…’late for 4 days’…”Shit…shit..fook..shit” I kept repeating to myself. For a moment, I didn’t move, I sat and thought. How could I be late? I’ve never been late, ever! I’m on the pill…I couldn’t be..could I? I was lost in my own thoughts and didn’t hear the bathroom door open and Harry steps out until his voice startled me. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” he spoke as he proceeded to pull a pair of black shorts up over his legs and up to his hips, hiding some of his tattoos.
“Umm..I-I..I’m late” “Late?” he looked confused as he grabbed a white T-shirt from the suitcase and placed it over his head, covering his body “Late for what? Shopping?”
“Nooo..late as in..you know late” “Am I suppose to read your mind…’cause I don’t have a clue what you're talking about” A sarcastic chuckle escaped his lips.
“My period’s late” I didn’t know how he was going to react. Was he going to leave, tell me to leave..was he going to be angry at me?
“Wha’ do you mean..and?...I could be pregnant”
“Yeah I know” he said calmly and continued to tie a black bandana around his head. If I wasn’t so stressed I probably would have made a comment about how much I loved this look on him and how hot he looked.
“You know..so..so..w-why are you so calm?” “’cause believe it or not…I’ve thought about having a family with you” Any other time this would have made my heart melt, but right now all I could think about was being on a world tour and possibly carrying a baby inside of me.
“Well yeah…It’s obviously crossed my mind..but not during a world tour and at nineteen”
He walked over to me and grasped my hands in his and lifted them so they were around his neck and placed his hands on my hips “Okay..what’s going to happen is…I’m going to go to rehearsals and you’re going to go shopping..” “But” I interrupted. “Uh..let me finish…you’re going to go shopping and have a lovely time…if you can do it without being seen then buy some tests and we’ll take them together later” “I-if they..you know..say I’m pregnant…will you be angry?” “Of course fucking not…can I tell you something?” “Yeah” “I’m hoping that you are” he admitted. “Really?” “Yeah…I love you so much…and…and imagine a mini you and me”. He leaned down and captured my lips with his own. I began to worry about how he would react if the tests were in fact negative. “I love you too…wh-what if it’s negative?” He chuckled “Does that head of yours ever stop worrying?” I shook my head no “If it’s negative then…It’s just not the right time and we carry on just us two..until we think the time is right..yeah?” “I don’t know what I did to ever deserve you” I placed a big peck on his lips making his lips turn up into a smile. “Right..I’ve got to go before I’m late” he patted my bum lightly “I’ll see you later at the stadium…go and enjoy your day baby” Leaving the hotel room, but not before leaving a peck on my forehead.
We spent the whole afternoon exploring New York, eating lunch outside and chatting about all thing’s girls, we looked in every shop we passed, and Lottie took full advantage of me saying she could have anything she wanted in the MAC shop and I would buy it for her birthday. What are big sisters for, ey? What took me by surprise was that I didn’t even think about my missed period or the conversation Harry and I had all afternoon until we passed a small pharmacy. I looked around to make sure no fans were following us and explained to the girls that I needed to pick up some more toiletries as you had run out, and they said they would wait for you by the coffee shop next door, so we could travel to the stadium together. I picked up the box with ‘ClearBlue’ written boldly on the front and took it to the counter to pay for it, swiping my card and then leaving before anyone noticed me.
Once we got to the stadium, I made it my mission to find Harry. After looking in the obvious places, the kitchen, backstage, bathroom, and even the little cleaning room at the end of the corridor, still my eyes couldn’t find him. I made my way back to the boys' dressing room and as I turn the corner, my eyes find him. “I’ve been lookin’ for you” we both say together, making each other laugh.
“You okay?...Did you get them?” Harry asked as he looked around making sure nobody was listening. “Yeah…shall we go and take them now…you know..to get it over with” Harry took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers as we walked down the long hallway towards the bathroom. As Harry opened the door for us, we both turned when we heard an Irish accent “Wheeey! Don’t let Louis catch you both going in there” he teased us with a chuckle.
“Piss off Niall” Harry jokingly shouted back at him, whilst I rolled my eyes at their childishness. Once Harry locked the door behind us, I got the box out of the bag and began to open the box as I went to pull the test out, I felt a pair of arms sneak around my waist and a voice in my ear “You okay?” “Yeah..just a bit nervous”. Harry placed his lips behind my ear and let his linger there for a moment before he spoke.
“Heey..it’s all going to be okay..remember what we said this morning”
I left his embrace and removed the lid from the test as I walked towards the toilet. I followed the instructions and pee’d on the part at the end of the stick and then placed the lid back on before laying it down on the counter in front of us. Those 5 minutes of waiting felt like years, we were silent for the whole time just waiting to see if our life was about to change. Harry’s timer he set on his phone startled us. “Do you want us to..look together?” I heard Harry’s voice for the first time in minutes. “C-can you look…I’m too scared” “Okay” Harry tried to hide the shakiness of his hand as he reached for the plastic sitting on the counter that held our answers but I could see the slight shake of his fingers as they held the test. I saw some sadness in his eyes and I already knew. “It’s negative”. I didn’t know what to say but Harry broke the silence as he pulled me into his arms and held me to his chest “But that’s okay isn’t it…means we can try again when we feel ready”. “Yeah..I guess..” “No..c’mon..we’re not going to be sad..let’s make this into a positive..means we can do lots of baby-making practice before the time is right” Harry joked, making you laugh against his chest. “I suppose some practice wouldn’t hurt” “C’mon let's get back, before Niall stirs some shit with Louis about us sneaking off to the toilet for a quickie”
As we walked back to the dressing room with our hands intertwined,  where everyone was spread out sitting and chatting. Again, the Irish accent was heard “That was quick”, confusing everyone else with his words to which Harry playfully pushed him off the arm of the chair he was sitting on and muttered ‘Don’t be jealous Horan’. And as I watched on, I was reminded that a baby was not ready for this type of chaos.
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats
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“You can’t hear pictures”
The picture:
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stylinsoninnit28 · 2 months
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14 Years of One Direction !!!!
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ificouldfly369 · 7 months
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Coincidentally 🤭
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